Ed & Sue free porn video

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I had just sat down in my recliner in the living room and turned on CNN to catch the news when Sue came into the room wearing a bathrobe carrying a cup of coffee.

"I thought I heard you come in." She said smiling at me. "I think I left some hot water in the tank this time too." She smiled embarrassed. "I really am sorry about the other day." She chuckled lightly.

"Well you could have warned me that the water was cold couldn't you now?" I said, still somewhat irked over the incident. But I couldn't really be mad at her.

"How was work?" She asked pulling up the ottoman and sitting next to me.

"Aside from a skunk that couldn't seem to find the door in the stud barn, and a couple of teenagers that were going at it hot and heavy in the backseat of their car at the west gate..." I said chuckling. "It was a pretty boring night."

"You didn't!" She said beaming that mischievous grin I remember from her childhood.

I grinned. "Yeah, I did." I laughed. "I remember when old Sheriff Wilson did that to me and Jenny that time, I thought I was going to die right there on the spot from embarrassment."

"I hope you at least let them get their clothes on before you gave them the third degree!" She giggled.

"Yeah... I did. But I kept the spotlight on the car the whole time. They were very red in the face by the time they got out of the car too." I said smiling I remember when Jenny Rogers and Myself had been caught "parking" on the outskirts of town in what I thought was a secluded spot where we wouldn't be found. However, it seemed that the local Sheriff knew about the spot too. I later found out that he liked to sneak up on unsuspecting "couples" and scare them. And he did scare us. Damned near wet my pants if I remember right… 'cept I wasn't wearing any at the time. I remember the spotlight he blazed on my old car and then the public address speaker crackling with. "YOU IN THE CAR! COME OUT WITH YOU HANDS IN PLAIN VIEW! NOW!"

I'd thought that I was going to die, or at least go to jail. But after giving us the third degree asking us what we were doing and all, He told us to put our clothes on and get home NOW! And, if he ever caught us out there doing something like that again, He'd take us to our parent's just the way we were, naked. To my knowledge though, he never did report the incident or tell our parents...much to our relief!

"Ed! You're awful!" Sue giggled plaintively. “Just because you got 'busted' doesn't mean you have to do the same to those kids."

"Actually they need it more than I did." I said. "There wasn't anything like AIDS around when I was foolin around. Kids today have a lot more to worry about than we ever did."

"Yeah, I guess you're right about that." she said solemnly. “But we still have to worry about it now too."

“I guess you're right about that.” I said. I could smell the scent of strawberries in her hair from her shampoo or rinse or whatever it is that women put on their hair, and the smell of baby powder too. "You smell nice this morning." I said to change the subject.

"Thank you." she said brightly. “Better than your feet do that's for sure!" She added with a smirk.

"Hey! Leave my poor feet out of it. They worked hard all night! And they can stink if they want to." I chuckled, nudging her shoulder with my right forearm. "Besides they're sore enough as it is."

"So's my neck." She said rubbing her neck at the right shoulder."I fell asleep on the couch watching a movie last night. Tell you what, I'll rub your smelly old feet if you do my neck for me." She said with a raised eyebrow.

"Deal!" I said putting the recliner in the upright position and tucking in the foot rest. She got up and pulled the ottoman around in front of my chair and sat down with her back to me and picked up my feet one at a time and set them in her lap.

"Was the movie any good?" I asked as I started gently squeezing her deltoid muscles pushing my thumbs up her spine from the base of the neck to the bottom of her head.

"Not bad." She said as she sighed and rolled her head around in circles stretching her neck muscles. "I didn't get to see the end though, I fell asleep. But I did tape it on your VCR for later." I could feel her strong hands on my feet working magic. The thumbs of both hands were pressed on the bottom of my right foot at the bottom of the heel and were manipulated up one at a time towards the arch and then to the ball of the foot then along the bottoms of the toes.

"That feels nice." I said again noticing her smell. It'd been a while since I smelled a woman this close. I was just soaking it up.

I guess I should back up and tell you about myself and Sue. We practically grew up together. We were as close as any sister and brother could be. Except that we aren't family. Sue lived on the adjoining farm to my family's. We were both the youngest of large families, and being the "babies"

in our families gave us a lot in common. We played as only children can. We rode to school on the same bus had most of the same classes. We competed against one another in things like raising animals in the FFA. Being the same age we also discovered the other sex about the same time…but not each other. Sue was my best friend and really kind of like a sister. I never thought of Sue as a "girl" we talked about the people we dated and the things we did.

Eventually Sue married the Star Quarter back from our High School Football team, after graduation. Tom and Sue moved to Florida after they were married, I was the best man. Time passed and slowly we heard less and less from each other. I went on to college and later when I decided that school wasn't for me, I joined the army.

After spending my tour in Germany, on guard duty mostly, I got out and came home to Kentucky. I was hired onto a horse farm as a security guard, and was later promoted to head of security for several of the farms in the area. The only problem with being Head of Security was that it involved a lot of "night" hours.

I was coming in from work one morning when I ran face to face with Sue. It was both a Shock, and a Joy. We were both startled and both began to speak at the same time…just like a silly scene from a bad movie. We both laughed and hugged each other. I learned later over coffee and pancakes, that Tom had died in a car accident three years ago and that Sue had been working as a groom on a farm in northern Florida. The farm had gone bottom up and went out of business, so Sue decided it was time to come home to Kentucky. As it turned out, she had been recommended by her former boss to a farm right next to the one I was working out of. It was a complete coincidence that she had leased an apartment in the same complex, in the same building, and right next door to my own. We both had to wonder about that.

As a groom, Sue had to work "days" so we usually passed each other coming and going to work. After living here a few months, the owners of the apartment complex sold out to another company who decided to renovate all the units. The new owners did however offer to put their tenants up in a different complex and to store their furniture while they did each apartment. However, as the other complex was on the other side of town, and because we worked opposite hours, Sue asked me if I would let her bunk out here until her apartment was finished. How could I turn her down? That was nearly a week ago, and now here we are giving each other massages and talking like we did when we were kids.

"Ummm that feels nice." Sue said as she picked up my left foot to start on it. “I may not let you stop now." She chuckled.

"Well if you won't let me stop, you'd better not stop on my feet either." I said grabbing hold of her neck teasingly. I could feel her muscles relaxing under her terry cloth robe. I was beginning to rotate my hands on her shoulder blades my thumbs on her spine and pushing outwards towards her arms. I could feel that she was not wearing anything under the robe too…at least no bra. Not that Sue really needed a bra, she would barely be a handful each. I remember when we were kids, she used to be very self-conscious about being "flat" I even teased her about it occasionally. But Sue had long since grown up and even if she wasn't very big now, she didn't seem to mind.

By now the news stories on CNN had begun to repeat themselves and I'd lost interest in it so I asked Sue to change the Channel. She put down my feet long enough to stand up and lean over to the coffee table and grab the remote. As she did I could tell by the stretched fabric of her robe that she didn't have anything on under her robe at all. I was getting a little self-conscious myself now as she sat back down, Sue half turned and asked me if I wanted to see the movie she had been watching.

"Sure." I said. "But don't you need to be getting ready for work?" All the while I was trying my best not to notice her left breast peeking out from under her robe.

"Not today." She said. "Maybe not for the rest of the week."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"My mares were moved to another farm to be bred, all six of them. They might be gone all weekend. I guess I will have to sleep on the couch when you are home." she said.

"Well as long as you massage my feet, I will massage you sore neck." I said playfully.

"Deal!" she said smiling, and turned back to face the TV and resumed massaging my feet.

Sue turned on the VCR, and rewound the tape to where she fell asleep. It turned out to be one of those 'mushy’ foreign, soft core movies that the guys on the farm refer to as "Titty movies." Between the boring dialogue of the movie and Sue's working on my feet, I was getting very relaxed. I was almost ready to drop off to sleep, when I noticed that my hands had dropped to the small of Sue's back in the massaging action. The movie had taken a turn for the "risqué" and I saw that the leading man was wiling the lead female into a tryst. I also noticed that Sue had stopped using both hands on my feet. It appeared that the other hand was inside her robe massaging her breast. But I couldn't be sure of that from where I was sitting. About that time I felt Sue's muscles tense up under my hands, as if she had noticed that I was noticing her. She turned to face me, and I could see her face was a little red.

"Ummm…I guess maybe I shouldn't have recorded this after all. It's pretty risqué don't you think?" She said with a slight blush.

"I don't know…it's not all that bad…" I said indifferently. "I do know that I have to get up and take a shower though…I can smell myself, so I know you can smell me too, I know my feet aren't the only things that stink when I get home from work." I said a little abashed.

"I think you smell good." She said coyly. "But go take your shower anyway."

"Uh…ok…I will." I said hesitantly. I didn't quite know how to take a comment like that...from Sue anyway. I mean for god's sake she's almost like a sister to me. I have never thought of her as a…well I had to get up and go before I did think of anything. She scooted the ottoman up enough for me to stand up and head to the bathroom. I could hear the chair cushions swoosh as Sue occupied the seat after I left it.

The water had reheated enough for me to have a fairly hot shower by now. So, I went to the bedroom and shucked my clothes and put on a robe and went back to the bathroom. I had just lathered up my head and shampoo had run into my eyes when I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Do you want anything for breakfast before you go to bed?" Sue tried to shout through the door. But I couldn't understand her over the water.

"WHAT?" I shouted. The door opened a crack and she repeated the question. I couldn't tell if she was looking at me for the soap in my eyes.

"I said." She said as I heard the shower door slide open. "Do you want anything for breakfast before you go to bed?" And I heard the door slide open some more. I didn't know what to do…I mean I did, but this was Sue!

"SUE! ... I ... WE... I mean we…” I was stammering trying to rinse the soap out of my eyes.

"Ed." She said in a voice I'd never heard her use before. "I…We are not kids anymore. I'm a woman now, and you are a man. We can. And I want to. Now just shut up and relax." she said as she took the wash cloth and wiped my eyes. Then she reached up and tilted my head under the stream and rinsed my head free of the shampoo. I opened my eyes and looked into hers. I'd only seen her so serious when she told me she was going to marry Tom all those years ago. My eyes seemed to take a mind of their own after that. They roamed from Sue's gaze and drifted down along her graceful neck. I could see how her neck flared out onto her slightly broad shoulders, Sue had always been a good swimmer and had developed a strong set of shoulders by doing so. From there my eyes drifted down to her smallish breasts.

I had never seen her naked since we were nine or ten years old and skinny dipping in the pond on the farm. Her breasts were barely more than a handful each but her nipples were like the erasers from a number two pencil, only a little larger. Her aureoles were barely bigger than the size of a quarter and flushed a dark pink. My eyes drifted lower, across her small tummy to her narrow-ish waist then to her nicely flaring hips. Down they traveled to her nether region. Her Mons was sparsely covered with downy black hair that was glistening with the water of the shower, and finally down to her strong slender legs. I felt her hand under my chin lifting my attention back up to her face. I could feel the blood flushing my face…and elsewhere.

"See." Sue said coquettishly. "I'm not a little girl anymore. And from the looks of it, you are not a little boy anymore either." She took hold of my hands, which were hanging by my side, and put them on her breasts. I could feel her hard little nipples rubbing against the palm of my hands. I saw her inhale and shudder, her eyes seemed to be smoldering, and her lips parted just a little. She raised her hands to my chest and began doing the same to my nipples. I have never quite felt that sensation before, I too inhaled a bit and shuddered.

"You like that too?" She asked in a husky voice. "I thought you might."

I raised my hands and took her face gently and pulled her to me and looked into her eyes. All I could see in her eyes was a smoking passion. I kissed her for the first time since we were teenagers on the farm. This kiss was nothing like those however, before it was like kissing your sister. Sue was not my sister. And I have only been kissed like that a very few times. I thought I was about to pass out when we finally broke away gasping for breath. Her hands had by then found their way around my back and were grasping my backside, pulling us together pushing her breasts into my chest. I could feel her nipples brushing the hair on my chest. I could also feel that my own hands had somehow found their way to her back and were holding each half of her behind drawing us closer still. Looking into my eyes, Sue breathed.

"Wash my back…please?"

I couldn't refuse anything now, I was in a trance. My hands seemed to be moving by their own volition as Sue turned to face the other way. She pulled her long brown hair up behind her and pulled it over her right shoulder. I took the bar of soap and lathered up her back, starting with her shoulders and ending at the dimples on the top of her rear end where the spine turns into the tailbone. Sue reached around then and taking one hand in each of hers pulled them to her chest and pressed back against me and began to rub her back against my front, cooing as she did so. She motioned for me to lather her front while we were rubbing her back. I didn't need much prompting. After a few minutes of this lathering, Sue turned her head to face me and said.

"I think you have a few stiff muscles to that need attention too."

"Uh...yeah…I think so too." I said in a daze. "How do you think we should go about doing that?"

She just smiled and gave a throaty little laugh and turned back to face the other way. She bent forward and raised up on her toes like a ballet dancer. She put one hand on the tiled wall and the other between her legs and grasped me. I shuddered with anticipation as she drew me into her. My hands instinctively went to her hips as her other hand went to the wall also. Slowly I entered her. I felt a chill running up and down my entire body with our first intimate contact. The chill turned into an electric charge as we came together completely. I was entirely inside her and I didn't want to do anything but stay there for the rest of my life. I could feel the heat of her inner being radiating from her to me through our intimate connection. I heard her gasp, and then a low mewling sound came from her throat.

It was Sue who started the moving, slowly, very slowly at first. She gyrated from side to side and inched out away from me a little, only to gyrate back onto me. Then she rocked forward a little more, and then back, alternating rocking and gyrating. Her breathing was getting shorter and sounded raspier with every move. I could hear her moaning softly now, growing in volume as our tempo increased. Sue's legs began to tremble and shake. Fearing that she would slip on the shower floor and fall, I reached around her waist with both of my arms to steady her. With a gasp, and a little chirping squeal, she pushed off the wall and raised up. Her arms went over my head and grabbed the back of my neck. She pulled her legs off the floor and slipped them around the outside of mine. The tops of her feet locked onto the backs of my calves just below the back of my knees. I almost fell forward on top of her, but somehow I managed to keep our balance. All the while Sue was still gyrating and pumping for all she was worth. Then, with a sound somewhere between a laugh and a shriek, her body stiffened and began convulsing from our joining outward. She began bucking so hard that this time I nearly did topple over, but my arm shot out behind me and braced against the wall. I could feel her inner muscles contracting and releasing and contracting.

After a little while Sue let her feet drop back down to dangle between my own and she laid her head back into the crook of my neck. Sighing contentedly, she stroked my cheek with her left hand and I kissed it as it passed my lips. With her right hand she loosened my grip on her waist and eased herself back down to her feet all the while I was still inside her. She raised my right hand, drawing it slowly across her belly and across her breasts, up her neck and over her chin to her lips then she kissed the palm of my hand and tickled it with her tongue. Sue turned her head to face me and said,

"I think we should get out of the shower now, don't you?"

I couldn't believe that she was going to do this to me! And with me still inside her even!

"But…but…why?" I stammered.

"Because the hot water has run out silly! You want to catch a cold?" She said with a husky giggle as she pulled off of me and reached around me to turned off the water. I hadn't even noticed that the water had in fact gone cold…ICE cold in fact. I was shivering now, but not entirely from the cold water.

"Come on Ed." Sue said as she took my hand in hers and opened the shower door. She took a towel and began drying me off from the top of my head down. She bypassed my still engorged erection and finished off at my feet. She took the towel and draped it over the shower door to dry. She picked up another towel and handed it to me and smiled askingly. I didn't need to be told, I began as she with her head, though I didn't get all the water out of her long hair, so she twisted it into a rope and let it hang down over her breasts as I dried her back, then tossed it over her shoulder as I dried her front. Her little nipples were still very erect and she cooed as the towel brushed over them. So I took care to linger a little there. The smoke was coming back into her eyes as I lowered the towel to dry her pubic area, and then between her legs. She let out another little gasp and giggled a bit. I finished off drying her legs and feet, which she held up one at a time so I could get the souls too. When I finished, I looked up at her to see her looking down at me with half lidded eyes. I could smell her scent very strongly from the position I was in and it made me drunk with want, and a throbbing in my loins told me that I still needed attention too. Seeing me standing still at attention, Sue said in that husky voice.

"And now we have to take care of you." She took the now wet towel from my hand and dropped it on the floor and took my hands in hers she led me back into the living room and had me sit in the recliner. Sue then turned around to face away from me and backed into the chair until her heels were touching the front of the chair. She put her hands on the armrest and lifted one foot at time and put them on the outside of my legs, with the bottoms of her feet against the backrest. With her knees beside mine, she reached between her legs to find and guide me into her again. As she lowered herself onto me, I once again heard her gasp. She put her hands on my knees and began slowly rocking back and forth. My hands again guided themselves to her hips and then on up to her breasts. Sue kept increasing the tempo as her and my breath began to get ragged and short. I lowered my right hand to her crotch and began to manipulate her sensitive swollen clitoris with my fingers. Her back arched so far back I thought she was going to hurt herself but the sounds she was making told me that was not happening. Once again, she stiffened and began to shake convulsively. I could see the muscles in her neck turn to knots and her face flushed a purplish red. Her fingers were digging into my knees so hard she drew blood, and the muscles in the backs of her legs were quivering like nothing I have ever seen before.

After a few moments Sue went limp and again leaned back into me. Her face was nestled in the crook of my neck, and I could feel hot tears streaming from her cheeks, and she was panting. I was confused and afraid to say anything. That's when she started giggling and then laughing. After a couple of moments of all this mood swinging, I was very very confused.

Sue turned her face to look at me and she said "I have NEVER had this happen before Ed…It is SO GOOD! GOD! I never knew it would be like this between us...Thank you." And with that she kissed me as her tears still flowed and now were falling on my face. We sat there like that for a few minutes, with me still inside of her, not moving. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced before, and I didn't want it to end. But she began twitching again before too long, and she got a dreamy look in her eyes.

"We still have to take care of you." She purred, stoking my cheek with her right hand and brushing the tips of the fingers of her left against my balls. She wiggled just a little and I could feel an electrical jolt run up my spine and burst somewhere behind my eyes. I couldn't stand it anymore, as much as I'd like to just stay there as we were, my body was telling me otherwise. I put my hands under Sue's armpits and lifted her as she stood up. I stood up and turned her around so that she had her back to the chair. I eased her down to where she was sitting and I was standing, and told her to lean back. As she did her small breasts became not much more than bumps but for those hard little nipples sticking up. I eased my hands under her legs just behind her knees. Sue wrapped her arms around her legs and I let my hands drift down the inside of her thighs slowly, till I came to her moist and aromatic center. She was engorged with the blood of our passion and still wet from before. With my fingers I traced the lips and the folds of her sensitive skin there. I brushed across her sensitive clit and eased my finger into her. Her eyes were nearly closed, but they still seemed to glow with a fire. Sue's breathing was getting short again, and she was nearly whimpering. Finally she said,

"Please…Stop teasing and put it in."

I didn't need to be coaxed anymore, I edged forward and she took me in one hand and placed me where she wanted me. I slowly entered her again, sliding in up to the very limit. Once I was in her completely, Sue raised her legs so that her heels were on either side of my head. I wrapped my arms around her knees and began to move in and out slowly building up tempo. Faster and faster I moved in and out. I too was now breathing in shallow gasps, the sweat rolling off of me onto Sue. She was rolling her nipples between the thumb and forefinger of each of her hands, she was smiling at me and her eyes were wide. I could feel the fire building up in the bottoms of my feet, coursing up the backs of my legs. It raced up my spine and down along my arms and into my fingers, back up to my neck and down my chest along Sue's legs, that were again quivering and bucking. The charge raced up my spine and into my head blinding me with a white light in the backs of my eyes. Then the jolt raced down my spine and into my groin and into Sue. In that instant the world stopped. There was a searing white light that seemed to emanate from the back of my brain and then I began to spasm and buck. I climaxed so hard that I nearly passed out towards the end, in fact I did black out for a second. Sue must have seen this happening, and even though she was herself climaxing yet again, she wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me on top of her where she wrapped her arms around my neck.

When the light subsided and time speeded back up to normal, I was leaning over Sue with her legs and arms wrapped securely around me. I was still inside of her too, and this time I knew I wasn't going to let her pull away. I looked into Sue's eyes, and they were glassy and half-lidded again. She smiled up at me and kissed me so hard that I thought I was going to pass out again.

"You never did answer me…" She said in a sultry voice. "Well?"

Puzzled I just stared at her wondering what she was talking about.

"Huh?" I said with as much intelligence as the word could convey. "What question?"

She giggled lightly for a second or two and then said.

"Breakfast silly! Do you want anything to eat before you go to bed or not?"

Now it was my turn to smile. "I don't think I'll eat anything ‘before’ I go to bed, but..." I grinned my best 'shit eatin' grin.

Sue looked at me out of the corner of her eyes and asked."Why Ed… whatever do you mean?" and laughed. I just smiled in answer and slipped my arms behind her back so that my right arm was cradling her round bottom and my left was holding her across her shoulders. I picked her up, with me still inside and walked us to the bedroom, and Sue wiggled and giggled the whole way there.

The End


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I’m seriously fucked-up. I was standing in my kitchen today popping popcorn while I poured myself a rum and coke. I put that Captain Morgan Spiced Rum bottle right under my nose and sniffed, and I could have swooned. It smelt like smooth, full heaven. I hardly ever drink. It occurred to me right then, and I even said it out loud… ‘The only thing keeping me from being addicted to cocaine is that I’ve never had any.’ I thought about that while I walked back into the living room with my popcorn...

3 years ago
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The Life GuardChapter 3

Matt went home after dropping off Erin. There was a phone message from Patty's mom. Matt could not imagine what that was all about, but it couldn't be good. Reluctantly, he returned the call. Mrs. Allen, Patty's mom, said that her neighbor needed someone to cut her lawn, that it wasn't a very large lawn, and that she was willing to pay to have it mown. Mrs. Allen thought that Matt might have time to do this, and be interested in the extra money. Matt took the information and told her that...

1 year ago
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Ill Take You to Miss Coles

I’ll Take you to Miss Cole’sAuthor’s Note:I’ll Take you to Mrs. Cole on which this story is VERY loosely based is a children’s book. There are no children in my story. It was one of my picture books as a child. It’s the story of a boy whose mother gives him lots of chores and threatens to take him to Mrs. Cole’s every time he misbehaves. Mrs. Cole’s house is the rather scruffy one down the street, and he assumes that should he end up going there he will be put in a dungeon (yup... it is all...

3 years ago
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The More Deceived

The More Deceived by Vickie Tern i. "Oh, Jackie, stop fussing with your hair, it's quite nice and you're quite pretty just as you are. Quite presentable, no one would ever think otherwise. A short stroll to the parking garage and into your car and you're back home. So who'll see? A neighbor? People passing by on the sidewalk? They'll think you're lovely! You don't need to look perfect. Just go -- it's...

2 years ago
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Multiverse Lucy

Disclaimer: this story should never be thought of as Bikini-Beach canon in any shape or form. It's less of a story and more of a thought exercise, telling the first day's transformations of Luke and Peter in "A Bikini Beach Summer" using a suggested Multiverse view of Bikini-Beach reality shifts, and imagining how things would have to work. As usual, the characters who say things about Bikini Beach, or whose thoughts about BB we are privy to, may get things wrong. The Bikini Beach...

3 years ago
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Below and Above A Fable of LustIncubus

I stepped out of the shower and stood in front of the mirror staring at my body. Well... I stared at my dick mostly. The rest of me was worth more than a cursory glance as evidenced by the way women looked at me now, but the jutting edifice between my legs commanded attention. I changed since L's entrance into my life months before. The changes happened so slowly that I barely noticed them at first; L's sexual appetite made for a distraction that did not let me pay attention to details....

4 years ago
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Married To A Muslim And A New Life

I am 20years old studying in engg college near delhi my name is priya. I was not the best looking girl in my batch but i managed to come in top 10. Many boys gave me good attention and i had few hook-ups in first 2 years of college but nothing lasted more then couple of months. At home , i had my mother only dad had expired when i was 4 year old .. Mom took real care of me by working in a it firm . We never had any money problems in our life mom earned well and had enough of family wealth too....

1 year ago
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Jason’s brother was always the jock of the family, the guy everyone thought was a total hunk. His friends were hot too, and this fact never went unnoticed by Jason. He used to fantasize all the time about one teammate of his brother’s in particular. Todd, the high school quarterback who now starred at the local State University. Jason jerked off many a night to the idea of Todd fucking him like his bitch. Thanksgiving break rolled around, and Todd, as was custom since Junior High, joined...

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Bernies House Of Bangers

Bernie's House of BangersBernie's House of Bangers was a little, all-night diner on the corner of Riverside and Grove. It might as well have been on the corner of 'Nowhere' and 'Get Lost' for all the traffic it got. I'd driven by there a hundred times and never given it a second thought. It was only after a long evening of playing the nigh-shift Santa Claus at the local ‘Wally-Mart’ that I decided to give the place a shot. Even then, I'd probably have skipped it all together if I hadn't been...

2 years ago
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My aunt next door

I am 20 years professional student, smart, attractive and residing in posh colony of Bangalore. I had read the fantasies of readers on desibaba site and now I wish to share my first experience of sex with the fellow readers. My father was Senior Executive in one of the reputed public sector undertaking, and the company allotted flat to us. Our neighbor family has a couple with husband aged around 33 and wife aged around 27. Couple has one married son and daughter both living separately. Aunt is...

2 years ago
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Invitation to dinner with friends Part 1

John and Ann received a card from their best friends. Inside the letter was an invitation to dinner in a town approximately two hours away:To our best friends,Saturday night is your 20th anniversary and we want to spend it with you. Be ready at 5:00PM for a Limo ride to a four-star restaurant with our best friends. All of this is on us.Love. Tim and Kathy."I told you I thought Kathy was up to something." Ann said putting down the letter. "She told me to keep this Saturday open.""Sounds like a...

1 year ago
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Kya kar rahe ho papa

It was almost midnight and I was in my bedroom lying naked on my bed watching a hot gay porno of Papa-Beta duos. I was feeling hot and extremely horny. I was slowly stroking my dick with my hand gripping it firmly upside down. I closed my eyes after watching a Papa inserting his prick into a Beta’s ass. The youth was pushing his ass back wanting his Papa’s hot cock up his ass and the Beta was sporting a hardon rapidly fisting it. The Beta whined insisting his Papa fuck him hard. The Beta...

2 years ago
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Sex With Neighbor Women

This incident happened to me in my life last year. I am 28 years of age based Avadi, Chennai. Mrs. Sumitha is my neighbor she is aged about 34 years. She is having a school going kid and her husband working as a Human Resources Manager for a private company and he is aged about 45 years. She came to the rented premises last year since her husband got transferred. Both our houses are located in the same compound. She is one of the beautiful creations of the god. No words to explain her beauty. I...

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shopping for her

Part 1, A Sean and Vicky Story. Sean sat on a bench in the mall, mid afternoon on a lazy Tuesday in Cardiff, in June, and idled the time away watching the young clerk in Les Bon Temps, a lingerie store embodying something of both Palmers and Victoria's Secret. The woman, early to mid twenties perhaps and a little mousy with her clunky glasses, didn't appear to be a good choice for her role as clerk in a mall lingerie store. She had gorgeous deep auburn hair and moved with a quiet grace, but...

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Fap Roulette

FapRoulette! I know you are a sick fuck that likes to jerk off to the point of making your cock sore, so there is no point of asking whether you masturbate. The amount of smut on the internet makes it easy for you to find as much fap material as you’d like, but what if I told you there is another spicier way of going about your twisted fap business?That’s right fucker; a site that gives you fap instructions that result in a million possibilities. Stick around and find out why your jerk off...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Shooting Stars Chapter 2 Midnight Snacking

 Chapter 2: Midnight SnackingThe clock in the dining room reads 9:45 p.m. 'Chase should have been home by now.' Star thinks. She sits there and sighs, motioning for Aldalia, the Chief Maid, to clear the table. Star helps by washing some dishes and starts to chat with Aldalia. "He's a good guy honey. Maybe he got caught up at the office." Aldalia shakes the towel out and grabs for a broom. Star shrugs."Yeah maybe. I just feel bad ya know?" Star twirls her hair in her hands. Adalia laughs, her...

Love Stories
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Kitty Teddy LLC Ch 01

Author’s note: This story recently received 1st place in the Clitoride Awards for BDSM. If you voted, thanks for your support. If you have not read it, this is a romance in the sense of 50 Shades of Grey. One of the nicest comments I get is that it shows BDSM participants with real lives. My thanks on the editing to clairegerm, who likes it vanilla. * Prologue: 25th Anniversary 20_6 Cindy: ‘I would like to make a toast, to my parents.’ [giggles] ‘This is almost like my valedictorian...

4 years ago
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The Rendezvous P2

We head to the shower laughing and teasing each other. As you bend over to turn on the water my I get behind you and rub my still hard cock up over your wet pussy. I slip just the tip in and grab my shaft and stir it into your pussy you brace on the edge of the tub and ask me for more now. I shove deep into your pussy and you spread your legs wider as I start hammering you. You push back in rhythm to my pounding. I reach down and grab your hair and pull back forcing you to arch your back. I...

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My First Soulfucking

by Randi ParkwoodI met him at work. His deep blackness overwhelmed me. We flirted for days. I finally knew he would have me. One night after work he took me to a hotel across the street. I was actually going to let this black God fuck me. I was soaking wet and trembling as he slid his tongue into my mouth.Naked, on the bed he opened my legs and his huge incredibly muscled body loomed above me. His unbelievable cock was rubbing against my dripping shaved pussy. It was massive. I'd never seen a...

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Girlfriend tricks and catches me

My girlfriend of 8 years found out that I had another email address that clearly referenced "bi" in the address, so she made up her own and emailed it pretending to be another bi guy. Needless to say I started talking to her thinking I was talking to another bi guy looking for some fun and some of it was very graphic and explained my experiance as a bi guy and even went into detail of what I liked and so on. This wasn't enough for her though, she wanted to catch me red handed in the act.She...

1 year ago
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Young Cum Queen part 2

Young cum queen, part 2 As she returned home that evening after work, Jennifer remembered that she and her boyfriend Brett had made plans for that night to go to a bar. She stepped into the shower and was amazed at the amount of cum that leaked into her panties that day from her pussy and asshole. She threw her clothes into the laundry basket and took a long hot shower, reminiscing about the day’s gangfuck at the store and the deliveryman who’d fingerfucked her ass. At eight o’clock Brett...

Group Sex
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CD Mistress Cheyenne cant fight the craving for Candy

Almost two long weeks had passed since my first meeting with my new slave Candy. Our first encounter was special and my sexy new sub had not left my mind since he walked out of my door. His juicy ass and hard thick cock have filled my thoughts each day since. I had found myself wildly attracted to Candy and lusting for him constantly. After deciding that ten days was long enough to make him wait I called Candy to set up another meeting. His phone barely got a full ring out before he...

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Billy Beckwiths RebellionChapter 3

Beckwith was putting together a bunch to go down to the bridge and waved to me, "Caleb, he said, "Gus Yore hain't quite thawed yet. Why don't you go with these men and take charge of that bridge." I hated to do it, but I pulled on my coat and wool hat and picked up my rifle. We went out and found our beasts, folded their blankets back over their rumps and clattered down to the creek without seeing a soul along the streets except for our own people. Seemed like the town was empty or...

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Dost ki wife

Hello friends. Kaise ho me rohit. Phirse apni adhuri baat aaj puri. Karne ja raha hu. Me aapko phir se mera parichay dedu. Mera naam rohit he. Aur meri pehla experience jo likha tha asha he ki apko pasand aaya hoga. Vaha mene sirf aadhi baat batayi thi. To aaj puri bata deta hu. Mere dost ki biwiki bahut der tak chudai ki thi. Phir hum dono uske bathroom me gaye the. Tab bhi mera lund bahut tight tha… pehli bar divya ki chudai ke bad bhi voh bhukha tha.. Tabhi divya ne bathroom me phir se kaha...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 264

Security When Lieutenant Mayfield told Sergeant Higgins he was to teach a pulse rifle class and his students would be the Alphas, he was at first annoyed, then amused when the Lieutenant further informed him that it would be a "normal" class – per the Colonel. Normal meant the Alphas would be treated just like any of the troopers. Higgins was loyal to the General, the Colonel and to Security. The whole Security force was sworn to protect the Colonel and his family – at all costs. The...

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She was very good at giving blow job. she had pulled her skirt up and was rubbing her pussy as she was sucking me, faster this time. "she must have been waiting to get laid for a while" I thought. She had nice black panties on and I could see she was wet. "Give it to me bitch" I thought to myself as she was sucking harder and harder. A knock on the door broke my concentration as I had to pause the porn movie and quickly put my dick away and go and answer the door. I hated being interrupted. "Is...

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Neighbors and NekojinsChapter 11

Nari starts to keep an eye out for Lars and when he is working out of his house, she always shows up. Even today, when it is raining, she comes over, so using the pool is not an excuse. Lars lets her in and makes a pot of coffee. Then they sit in the sun room, sipping from their cups, chatting and listening to the patter of the rain. “Did you hear about Piper,” Nari asks. “No, what about her?” he replies curiously. “Her father found her fucking two of the contractor in their house. He went...

2 years ago
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My Morning With Beth

It was a Saturday morning, and my wife was away, so I was doing what I do whenever she is not home – searching for porn. It was early – only 7 AM – but it is never too early to jerk off. I was wearing what I sleep in – jogging shorts made of a quick drying fabric and a tee shirt of the same material. My penis was already tingling. It was time to retrieve the newspaper, so I headed to the door, looked around to see if anyone was watching, they weren’t, or at least I didn’t see them, so I went...

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The Dangerous Desires of Simone Cutler

The Dangerous Desires of Simone Cutler by DKB 2012 I'm lying on my front, my head on the pillow, eyes closed. I can almost sense Dave hovering behind me even though he hasn't touched me yet. "You ready, honey?" he says. "Fuck yes," I say. "I want it now." I feel his big hands against my shoulder blades, then moving down my spine. He could be giving me a beautiful back-rub if only he didn't move so quickly to my buttocks. He kneads them firmly, rolling and pressing my...

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How My Cousin8217s Wife Became My Wife Part 8211 1

Hello, guys, this is me again with another new story. Thanks for your support and encouragement. I reply to each and every fan mail. I even text to some readers on hangouts. I prefer feedback from female readers as I believe that women don’t get turned on easily. If my story is hot enough to turn on a girl, then it is enough to open a man’s dam. Now, let’s move on to the story. This story is about the sexual adventure between me and my cousin’s wife. My cousin and I were like cat and dog. We...

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Family Kendra Spade Please Don8217t Tell Mom I8217m A Pornstar

Kendra Spade has a little dark secret and her stepbrother accidentally stumbled upon some naughty pictures of her online. He shows a photo of her completely nude and she will do anything; and she means ANYTHING, to keep it a secret from Mom and Dad. James makes her say what she is thinking and it is some hot sex for him to keep his mouth shut. He wastes no time kissing his stepsister after she suggests they fuck! He loves how her big tits feel in his embrace and soon he is pummeling her with...

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My Woman From Kyoto

Author’s note : apologies to Deep Purple: And yes I know the song is ‘My Woman from Tokyo’ ——————————- I work for an extremely large company that is based in Kyoto, Japan. The office I work out of, however, is in Seattle. On Friday, January 6th, 2006, I succeeded in bringing in a contract that would net the company $100 million. When I arrived at work on Monday morning I was immediately called into my supervisors office. When I went into his office all of the bosses of this branch of the...

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General Mark McReynolds was nominated by President Matheson to be his new Vice President upon the resignation of the sitting Vice President. Mark was a young man of only 40, and his wife was only 30. He was selected, because the President felt that he was loyal and trustworthy. The Senators agreed and ratified his selection as the new Vice President. Mark was decidedly happy upon hearing of his conformation, and he turned to his wife and said, "Can you believe this? That man is so...

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The Painted Lover

If you could paint yourself a lover, what quirks would you give them? You wouldn’t paint them perfect or would you?Did you ever dream about your soul mate and did you make a mental note of what it was that you loved about them in the depths of your dream?Did you capture the image of their face in your minds eye so that you might recognise them across a crowded street.Your eyes are dark and they understand quickly. I assume they’re brown but I couldn’t be sure. It wasn’t their colour that made...

Love Stories
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Cynthia MartinChapter 5

When Cynthia Martin regained consciousness the next morning, it was like rising through a red fog of pain. She finally worked up enough energy to open her eyes. When her eyes opened, the first thing she saw were Jan's brilliant blue eyes looking at her. She tried to smile and almost did. Realizing she was in a bed, she tried to get up, but Janice's hand gently held her down. Cindy was amazed at how weak she was; she couldn't overcome even the slightest pressure. Jan said softly, "Where...

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KimberlyChapter 29

The Army band marched proudly down the parade ground at Fort Benning. On the reviewing stand were the Carlsons, but also the Kramers and the Christians. Ken, Brad and Bill were all in uniform, Ken as a major, while Brad and Bill were both captains. All were wearing the Rangers’ black berets. Kim was also in uniform, but wearing her Special Forces green beret. The band doubled back on itself, then took position facing the reviewing stand. A moment later, the presidential limousine drew up...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Violet Monroe Tiffany Watson Tickle Fetish

When athlete Tiffany Watson comes in for a massage after some hardcore ab training, masseuse Violet Monroe offers her tickle treatment, because it really works the core. Tiffany follows the fiery haired masseuse into the massage room and takes off her clothes. She lies on the table face down and Violet begins with a soothing massage, loosening the knots in her shoulders, her back and her glutes before starting the tickle treatment. After relaxing her with a full body massage, Violet begins the...

2 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 16

Shelby Carson wasn’t much of a drinker. Growing up as a teenager at the American embassy in Riyadh, alcohol had been a furtive business for adults and teens alike, available but not plentiful enough to trickle down to the merely curious. In Brownfield Mills, booze had been ridiculously plentiful, but by the time Shelby fully internalized that the BMPD were not the Mutawa, she hadn’t been tempted to do more than sip. She’d seen too many girls let alcohol lower their guard for them until they...

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A Christmas WishChapter 2

May 2014 – Chicago "Fitz, I hope you're finally calling to tell me you've slipped the clutches of your girls and you can finally get away to play a little golf this weekend, especially since spring has finally arrived!" David Ryan heard his friend chuckle as he replied, "No such luck David. I think you can book me in about five years when they go off to college!" "Don't they ever take a break from swimming, volleyball, softball or whatever they're playing now?" "Hell, I don't...

3 years ago
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Wife Conversion Part 2

Since the next day, Friday, was a work day and spent from the night’s activities, Kathy and I decided to go to bed early and try to get some rejuvenating sl**p. Even so, we woke up late and I had to rush off to work. My wife and I agreed that we would talk about Thursday night’s events when I got home from work. All day my mind would drift off to Thursday night’s events and I found myself with a ‘hard-on’ most of the day. I couldn’t wait to get home and fuck my wife, but then it dawned...

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The Move pt2

The Move pt.2 I worked the four days that heather wasn’t there it seem to be going so long and boring. On the day she was suppose to come back I woke up early got ready to go to work when my phone rang the boss told me that the schedule was put up and I have the next two days off. I was pretty bummed but happy to got some free time to hang out and relax. Later that day I headed to the lake to go fishing was a nice and sunny day as I set up I felt very relaxed just listening to mother nature so...

4 years ago
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Bully Revenge Pt95 CONCLUSION

Sandy was moaning loudly, her face alternately frowning and furrowing, REALLY enjoying what was happening. She was panting and when she saw me step forward she knew. “Ahh-ooh – Jordynn baby, you are – oooh – doing fine. Now it’s time for something else.” Sandy said. As she did so, she looked at me and nodded. It’s not like this was unexpected, and as I stepped close to Jordynn I touched her ass, making her grunt and move. She tried to look back, but Sandy was having none of...

2 years ago
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Sani reached behind her back for her outfit’s zipper and pulled it down, exposing her flesh to everyone in the room. Daniela bent forward, sticking her butt upright so Sani and his colleague could wiggle her spandex outfit down her hips. She had on nothing else. Daniela locked lips with Aminu while the others assisted with stripping her naked. Her hands went back to stroking two cocks. She bent forward to suck Aminu’s cock after they were done discarding her clothes. Joyce was the lone...

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The Princess Incest Diary

Dear Princess, Oh, you are so lovely and so young and sexy. I can't believe that I fucked you last night! I am such a sinful, wicked father. I have committed incest with my own virgin daughter! And I know I will do it again and again! I can’t stop now! Though I haven't a clue how I'm going to continue this perverted affair after your mother comes home. I woke you up at dawn this morning, with the sun just coming in through the window. When I pulled the sheets back, the smell of sex was so...

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Into It repostChapter 2

I was looking up at the worried face of Karen who was kneeling on the ground next to my prone form holding one of my hands between hers. "Brad, are you okay? I've never seen that effect before." I grimaced. "I've never been kissed by a beautiful girl before. I would like to try it again from down here where I'm safe." She kissed my lips this time and I felt faint again. I wasn't totally out because I kept hold of her hand. I smiled at her. "You have a powerful effect on me. I like...

4 years ago
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Under His Thumb

The only thing louder than the sound of slurping was the heavy breathing. ?Bent in an awkward position over Leslie's crotch was the elegant form of a woman with a heart shaped bottom. ?Her hair cascaded over her face. Two suits were vigorously pumping themselves into a lather. ?The young woman on the screen rode Leslie's boot like an equestrienne. ?The sight was just too much for the Viagra challenged executives. ?Accompanied by strangled grunts, anemic jets of fluid streamed across the...

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