The Panty Accord Of 2010Chapter 7: Extra Credit free porn video

That Friday the parents had gone away again. They were on one of their weekend date nights. The moment Tommy had learned of their plans, he had been wondering if anything was going to happen between Emily and himself. When his friend, Richard, had called up and asked him if he wanted to go see a movie, Tommy had made some lame excuse that he was busy tonight. He convinced him to change the plans for Saturday night instead. Now all he had to do was wait. He was down in the family room watching TV, constantly flipping through the channels, trying to keep his dick under control, waiting to see if Emily would come down from out of her room.
Spying outside her window, she could see the parent’s car make its right turn onto the street. Finally! They’re gone. Emily rejoiced and the grin grew on her face. What had happened that Wednesday night was still fresh on her mind. In fact, it was all she could think about these last few days. Realizing she now had the means to attain a new goal in life, or at least to start on it. She now had her test subject of the opposite sex, albeit being her stepbrother, who was going to treat her the way she wanted to be treated, and not him. And if he didn’t act the way she wanted, as Tommy learned last Wednesday, he’d learn, for she had plans for that too.
In fact she had all types of new ideas that kept popping in her head, and like the good student she always had been, she started to jot them down for future reference. She even started to construct a rough timeline in which she wanted to accomplish them in.
She wondered if Tommy had a clue what was in store for him. Maybe not, but she was sure, at least for now, he was a willing participant. All she had to do was look at the facts. One, His out card had not been played, and her panties were still in his possession. Two, was the way at their family dinner last night on how he announced that he was going to go upstairs to do his homework. The whole family heard it, but she was sure the message was specifically meant for her. And lastly was the way he had been acting around her. Tommy had always been polite, but now he was being especially polite, almost like he was afraid of the consequences if he pissed her off. She shook her head amusingly as she remembered the thrill she felt spanking his naked ass, and she thought, Sorry Tommy, but I’m going to find plenty of things that’s going to piss me off. She just had to be careful not to scare him off. But she was confident, after all, he was a male, and being a horny male she just had to provide him the right kind of incentive. And today her plan was to establish that incentive.
She launched herself out of bed and stood at her door. Ok this is it, Emily. Wish me luck. She thought and in a dignified pace came down the stairway. She saw him on the couch, immediately started in on her rehearsed spiel. ““Hey Bro, You’ll be happy to know, I decided on what your extra credit work is going to be.”
Hearing her voice, Tommy felt his heartbeat quicken and cock start to stiffen up. He quickly turned off the TV and spun his head to the side to look at the source. He was a little disappointed in what he saw. She wasn’t wearing that same mini-skirt she had on the week before. Instead she had on a brown skirt that came all the way down past her mid-thigh. Unfortunately hiding everything but her knees and lower legs.
“You know how the parents always give you that story about what you learn in school today may not be useful now, but it will be later on in your life.” She said with a grin.
Tommy not liking how this was sounding just replied with a half hearted, “Yeah.”
“Well you can say the same thing about this, but this time I’m guessing it will only be a few more years, if not sooner, when you start to find them useful, maybe extremely useful.”
“Ok, what is it?” Now resigning himself for some drudge work, and really not in the mood to play these word games.
“You, my brother, are going to learn what it takes to please a woman. Orally.”
Tommy felt his mouth drop open, and just sat there in a daze. Did she say what I thought she said? ... Will this go a far as I hope it goes?
Grinning at the stunned boy, and knowing in her incentivized plan was falling right into place, she felt her confidence level rise, enough to add the bluff, “Why Bro, you look a little stunned. If you don’t think you’re up to it, little brother, I can think of something else.”
She heard Tommy immediately cry out. “No! I’m up to it.” And Emily couldn’t suppress a snicker. “I bet you are Bro.” She said back to him. “In fact I bet you’re up for it in more ways than one.” Pointing at the growing bulge inside his pants. She then taunts him, “Aren’t you?”
Tommy, knowing she wasn’t going to be satisfied with a non-answer and feeling (literally) the state of the object in question, smiles embarrassingly but says back to her. “Yeah.”
“Now Bro, as I said, we will be covering how a boy can give pleasure to a girl, mainly using his mouth and tongue. We will be covering all areas of the woman’s body, excluding the face. And the reason I’m excluding the face is because I find it a little gross thinking about you kissing me. Although you’re only my stepbrother, you’re still considered my brother. The other parts, I can deal with.” Looking back at him and teasingly she inquires, Can you deal with them too?”
Tommy was ecstatic, for it now sounded like it will go as far as he had hoped. “Yeah, I can deal with them.” He found a big smile forming on his face.
“Good.” Returning his smile. “Now today, we’re going to start with the feet.”
“The feet?” He questioned her, with a somewhat disgusted look on his face. “Can’t we start someplace else?”
“No we can’t. One must learn how to crawl before one can walk. And anyway, did you know that many men have foot fetishes. But that’s beside the point. Remember Tommy, we’re here for you to learn how best to please a woman, not here to get your own rocks off. And you’ll learn that there are many women who enjoy having a man worship them, and there’s no better way to show that then to have you make love to their feet.”
“But before we can start, I want you to bring me all this week’s graded homework, so I can review them.”
“Ehh, I already threw them out ... I didn’t know you’d want to look at them.”
This was a lie. Oh he had in fact threw the graded papers in the trash already, but he had an idea that Emily might want to review them. So, was this an act of rebellion on his part? No. Actually it was out of impulse, and curiosity. He wanted to know what her reaction would be. Would she give him another spanking? Would she now force him to take down his pants again like she did before? The pervert in him wanted to know so badly, that a sore ass seemed like a small price to pay. He could even feel his dick stiffen further in anticipation.
Emily in turn was having a tough time surpassing an euphoric grin. She had experienced such a rush and sexual thrill during her stepbrother’s first spanking session, that her plan had been to review his homework and find some mistakes, which would serve as her excuse for another one. Now she’ll be able to use that excuse for some future date.
Putting her hands on her hips, and giving him an irate expression she could muster, she exclaimed, “What do you mean you threw them out?” And then putting on her best angry Mom voice, she pointed back up the stairs, and declared, “I’m going upstairs to go and get something, but when I come back down I expect you to be stripped bare! --- Understand!”
Tommy a bit taken aback by the ardor in her scolding, and found himself nodding his head obediently, saying, “Yeah. I understand.”
When Emily came back down, she was pleased to see Tommy standing by the couch bare ass naked, just as she had requested. He had even folded all his clothes away neatly, which were now sitting on the adjoining loveseat. For her part she was carrying her hair brush. Tommy, once hearing her come back, stood back up and turned around to look at her. Tommy immediately noticed she was carrying something in her hand, and once he noticed what it was, his thought was, Oh crap, why does she have that. But he continued to stand there stoically.
“I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to punish you this week.” (A lie.) “But as I feared your old disrespectful habits seem to be stubborn ones.” She then looked down on his cock which, to her amusement, was in a half-mast state, not completely flaccid, but it wasn’t a full blown erection either. She thought to herself, That seems appropriate. Still looking at his cock, she places the hairbrush on the couch, “Let’s not take a risk by having you dirty up my skirt with any of your nasty slime, shall we.” She unzips her skirt and shimmies out of it, placing it at the far end of the couch. “After all we’ve learnt we can always use your tongue again to clean it up off my thighs. Didn’t we?” Now placing her panty clad ass on the couch, picking up her hairbrush, and swatting her left palm with it for some practice swipes, she looks up to him and says, “Well come on. You know the position.”
Again seeing those soft thighs they again became his downfall. He found himself taking the required position across her knees, wondering what this brush will feel like on his naked ass.
Before she starts, she asks, “Now Tommy, did I, or did I not make myself clear, that I will be inspecting your homework from now on?”
“Ahh, I guess.”
“You guess!” Then Emily taking the brush bristles down, starts applying it to his ass, whack, whack, whack, “What do you mean you guess?” whack, whack, whack
“Oww, Oww. Owww.” Tommy cries out at each stroke. So far, Tommy was finding the brush much worse than the hand spanking. They felt like sharp bristles being slammed against his skin; much worse than the one blast of pain he felt last week when her bare hand came down on the same spot. Each time the brush hits his backside he found his legs stretched out and lift up in unison. Normally you wouldn’t think this would be a problem but this in turn caused a ternary reaction. The bristles would strike, his leg muscles would tense up and lift, and this would cause his penis to rub back and forth against Emily’s smooth, warm thighs, which in turn caused ... well you know.
“Did I, or did I not make myself clear?” whack, whack “Now you either weren’t paying attention.” whack, whack “Or you disobeyed me.” whack, whack “On purpose.” whack, whack “Now what was it?”

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