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Pamela parked her car in the school parking lot and went into the campus building, it was the first part of school in a new district for her, she was teaching in a new area and a new state. Brody Preparatory School was a private high school in Overland Misouri.

She was blond and pretty, so pretty that men stopped what they were doing to check her out. She was dressed more like a businesswoman than a teacher, and looked great in her clothes. Pam had on just a hint of high heels, they were appropriate for the circumstances, but hinted at the sultry high heel strut she was capable of under different settings.

Then Pamela sauntered in from the parking lot. She was hot and she knew it, and like a lot of hot women, she liked to use her looks as a weapon. And she appreciated the stares, the wolf whistles, the come ons and the propositions, particularly from younger males. I'm sexy and I know it, that was her motto!

She walked into the building and went where she was instructed to go.

There was a group of teacher offices on the second floor, which she looked for and found.

Pam opened the door and looked in, there was a dark haired woman sitting at a desk looking at a writing tablet of some kind.

Pam was somewhat taken aback, the raven haired beauty sitting at the desk was just as pretty and just as sexy as she was. And, Pam resented it a little. The dark headed women pouted a little with two gorgeous lips. She looked a little bit younger than Pam, who was around thirty five.

Pamela said, “Hey, I'm Pam Range, I guess we're going to share an office.”

The woman got up, walked over and stuck her hand out, “Sara Belandic,” she said, “welcome to Brody.”

Pam looked her over, she looked about twenty six or seven, very pretty with dark shiny shoulder length hair.

Sara also noticed how nice looking the new teacher was, and wondered if she'd be competition.

“Is this your first year teaching?” Sara asked.

“No, I've been in Illinois, for the most part, at Edwardsville and Belleville, although I filled in at Roxana and Unionville, Edwardsville had some cutbacks and I got let go,” Pamela said.

“Sorry about that,” Sara replied.

“I got certified in Missouri and was lucky enough to get a job,” Pam said somewhat ruefully.

“This is good bunch of students here,” Sara said, “being a private school and everything, you don't have the gang bang idiots.”

“Have long have you been here?” Pamela asked.

“This is my fourth year,” Sara said.

“What do you teach?” Pam asked.

“Mostly American history, although I could teach English if I had to,” Sara replied.

“What about you?”

“English Literature,” Pamela said.

Sara went back to her desk, she said, “I got to plan my lesson, let me know if you need anything.”



Pam opened the door and saw Sara sitting in about the same spot she had seen two weeks earlier.

She sat down at her desk and opened a briefcase. In a little bit the door opened and and a tall kid came in. Pam looked up at him, he looked like Justin Bieber! He was baby faced and light complected, just like Bieber.

Sara got up and said, “Oh fuck, it's Justin Bieber!”

“Hi hi,” he said.

She went over to where he was and said, “What do you want Justin?”

“Can my sister come late for cheer leading practice?” he asked.

“No,” Sara said shaking her head.

Sara said, “Pam, I want you to meet my friend Justin Bieber.”

“My name is actually Derek Lewensa,” he said.

Pam stood up and came over, “I'm glad to meet you Justin, I'm Pamela Range.”

The kid smiled, he obvious enjoyed the attention he was getting, he was strong looking and lanky.

“Could you have lunch with me Sara?” the kid asked.

“Not today Justin, but I could go tomorrow, hows that?”

Then Sara leaned over and kissed him!

Pam stood there shocked, her pretty mouth formed an O.

“Where's my kiss Justin?” she asked recovering.

Presently he said, “I better go.”

“Yeah you better go Justin,” Sara replied.

After he was gone, Pam shook her head then said, “Wow, way to go!”

Pam said, “I'm impressed!”

“Yeah,” Sara said.

“You are sleeping with him aren't you?” Pam asked.

“No,” Sara replied hesitantly.

“Well you sure looked like it,” Pam said.

“I'm married,” Sara said, “I'm trying to find a Godamn opening to do the affair.”

“Well he is obviously interested,” Pam said brightly.

Pam said, “I can help you if you want.”


“Use my house, I'll let you use my place if you'll let me in on it,” Pam said wickedly.

“Wow,” Sara exclaimed.

Sara said, “Yeah, that'd be great?”

She said, “You mean like a threesome?”

Pamela laughed, “That's exactly what I mean, I thought he was adorable.”

“Yeah,” Sara said.

“Confession time,” Pam said, “I've done this before.”

“Alright,” Sara replied, “Now I'm impressed.”

“I love dicking these young kids,” Pam said, “I've had lovers at least two different schools.”

“They've all been seventeen or eighteen,” Pam said.

Sara said, “I was going to keep after him until I got him, I was going to take no for an answer.”

“Well, it looked like you succeeded,” Pam said.


Derek walked back into the office that the two women shared three days later, he had taken to hanging around Ms Bilandic, he had a terrible crush, and her bitchy sexuality had attracted him right from the beginning. He wanted her and seemed to have a pretty good chance. For her part, Sara wanted very badly to seduce the baby faced teenager, but being married, had not known quite how to get him alone.

“Hey,” he said walking in.

“Wow, it's Justin Bieber,” Sara said teasing him.

“Hi Sara,” he said in a singsong type voice.

She went over to the cute kid and put her arms around him.

“Hey you know how you talked about wanting to hook up?” Sara asked.

“Yeah,” he replied.

“Well Pam has offered us an opportunity,” Sara said.

Derek felt himself getting excited, wow he was getting close now to his fuck dream on Ms Bilandic.

Pamela sat there looking at them, getting jealous, she was usually the one men were paying attention to.

Pam found herself getting annoyed, finally she said, “You know Justin, if want to get along with me, you need to pay attention once in awhile.”

She liked the young kid and wanted to him herself.

“Like I said before, where's my kiss?” Pam said disdainfully.

He looked at Sara.

“It's alright,” she said, “kiss her.”

He could see the sexy Pam glaring at him and he immediately went over where she was and began kissing her.

“What the fuck is the matter with you Justin?” Pamela asked disdainfully.

“Nothing,” he replied and gave her another hot kiss.

“What we had in mind,” Pamela said, “was a threesome, do you know what that is?”

“Yeah, sure,” he said.

“We're going to share you Justin,” Pamela said.

Pam was pissed off but the kisses were changing her mind for her and fast.

She smiled up at the kid in spite of herself.

Sara's reaction was odd, she had thought she would resent Pam pushing in on her boyfriend, she was only doing it because it seemed like the best way to get to fuck him, but she was enjoying watching him with the hot newcomer.

He gave Pam yet another kiss.

“Alright Justin, don't be so sure of yourself,” Pam said and laughed at him, “ya little bastard.”

“I'm not that sure,” he said, “but I do like you.”

“Okay, okay,” she said brushing his hair.

Pam said, “The plan is, a little getogether at my place on Friday evening.”

“Cool!” he said.

“That's cool with you Sara?” he asked.

“It's fine Justin,” Sara replied. And it was, was it ever!

“I better take off now, I've got class,” Justin said, he was so excited he didn't know what else to say.

“Maybe you better wait a minute Justin,” Sara said and giggled.

She had been eying the nice big bulge in the front of his pants.

“Wait until you calm down honey,” Sara said.

Then he knew what she was referring to, and sheepishly sat down in a chair.

After a little bit, his erection went down enough so that he could leave, which he did without saying anything else.

Pam said, “He is soooo cute, he looks like he's thirteen!”

“He's seventeen,” Sara replied.

“Good,” Pam said.

Pam sat down at her desk and began looking at her school work.

“Wow, you've got a good eye honey,” she said.

Derek went down to his hall locker, he was so excited he could hardly think. He was getting very close to a fuck fantasy materializing, and he was just beside himself.

“What's up dude?”

Derek looked up and his friend Ben was there.

“You look kind of funny, what's going on?” Ben asked.

“I've been talking to Sara,” Derek said excitedly.

Ben said, “Cool.”

“I think I'm actually gonna make it,” Derek said, his face was flushed with excitement.

“You little sonavabitch!” Ben replied loudly.

“Why what's the matter?” Derek asked.

“Nothing, I'm proud of you,” Ben replied.

Ben said, “You been talking about her for months, now you're gonna fuck her, how awesome is that!”

“I'm so nervous I can't stand it,” Derek said.

“She's a piece of ass and a half, every guy in school has checked her out, except for the stupid assing gays,” Ben said.

Ben said, “You wanted her, now you're going to have her, that really rocks man.”

“There's this other chick involved too,” Derek said, “Pamela Range.”

“Never heard of her,” Ben said.

“She just started here.”

“You mean she's a teacher?”


“What does she look like?” Ben asked.

“She's hot, I mean really hot,” Derek said nervously.

“Goddamn!” Ben said.

“What's the deal with this?” Ben said.

“Sara wanted me to meet her at this other chick's house,” Derek said.

“Alright bud, wow!” Ben said.


Derek was supposed to meet Sara at a Quick Trip convenience store parking lot in Florissant Missouri and they were going to get on the Interstate and drive over to Pam's house in Edwardsville Illinois in Justin's car. He got there first and sat there nervously drumming his fingers on the dashboard. He was wearing a white shirt and dark tie, and dark dress trousers.

After about seven minutes he looked up and noticed her pulling up beside him. Here we go he thought.

Sara always made his tongue go out and his nostrils spread, but tonight she was particularly hot. Hip hugger jeans, high heels, bare midriff, and lots of eye make up.

“Wow, you look great!” Derek exclaimed.

“Thanks sweetie,” Sara said smiling at him.

“I got you something,” Derek said.

He got in his car and pulled out a small box of candy and gave it to her.

“Wow baby that's nice,” Sara said, impressed by her young boyfriends act.

“Did you get something for Pamela, she's nice and I like her, but she's so conceited that she'll be mad if you don't bring her something, especially after you brought me something,” Sara said.

“I got her the same thing,” Derek replied.

“Great!” Sara exclaimed.

Derek stood next to the beautiful girl and then grabbed her for a kiss.

She put her arms around him fast and snuggled in his arms for a minute, then she said, “Hey honey, it's our first date, cool huh,” Sara said.

“Yeah totally!”

Sara said, “Hey lets go.”


She got in the car and Derek got behind the wheel.

“I like your car,” Sara said.

He pulled out into traffic, then said, “You think she got food or something?”

“I don't know,” Sara replied, “we talked about getting some dope, that's what I did.”

Derek said, “Cool.”

“I got some hash and a pipe that I've been breaking in,” Sara said.

“Good, that's cool,” Justin said.

He was nervous but not as nervous as he had been.

Sara had been having fantasies of having sex with a younger boyfriend for four or five years. When she had met Derek, she was immediately attracted to the fresh faced kid. She began flirting with him,and scheming about how to have an affair, she started calling him Justin Bieber, who he resembled quite a bit.

He looked over at her and she gave him a nice sexy smile that made his heart jump when their eyes met.

“You know Justin, I'm really glad we're getting together,” Sara said.

“Me too,” he replied.

“You want me to sit next to you?” Sara asked.

“Of course,”

She came over on the seat until her hips were right next his, then she put her arm around his shoulder.

“Hows that baby?” Sara said.


Sara kissed him on then neck, “This is gonna be a good night.”

They drove over to Pamela's place in Edwardsville, it was a medium to small house, painted white with green shutters. He nervously walked with Sara to the front door and rang it.

Pam opened the door and said, “Welcome you guys, come on in.”

Derek noticed that Pam was smoking a cigar, but he could tell from smelling it, that it was mostly marijuana.

Derek looked at her again, she had on a white revealing top, which showed a lots of tan skin, a cute belly button and two beautiful tits. Her bottom half was just as good, a red skirt, very short, very muscular shapely legs.

The sexy Sara didn't allow his mind to wander very long. She was hanging on to him and kept putting her hand on his ass.

Pamela looked at them and she could see that they had been necking in the car, she could just smell that they were ready to have sex.

Pam said, “After you get done with Sara, then you'd better be ready for me Justin.”

Derek looked over a Pam, and saw her staring at him.

And Justin was starting to feel the full impact of the sultry Pamela.


“This is my place Justin, and you'd better be prepared for me, do you understand?” Pam said, “you're not just here for her.”

Justin stared at her, the woman's bitchy sexuality was having a high voltage impact on a nervous system already shooting for the heavens.

“Yes Ma'am I understand,” Justin replied.

“Good answer,” she said.

Pam put her arms around Derek and gave him three burning kisses.

“Go ahead,” Pam said.

Sara looked over her shoulder at Justin, and she went down a hallway.

Pam had seen this kind of look before, sex was in the air, she could see it by the looks on their faces.

Pam laughed, “It's the first door there on the right, it's a guest bedroom.”

She was getting turned on herself, by the way Sara had seduced the young kid.

“Kick his ass Sara,” Pam said and laughed again.

“Come on Justin,” Sara ordered, “now.”

Derek stood there as though he'd been hypnotized, which in way he had.

He finally pulled himself together long enough to go to the door, it was a small bedroom, and Sara had already sat down on the bed and was pulling her skin tight jeans off.

He had never been this turned on, and was determined to fuck Sara into the middle of next week and not cum too fast.

She laid and the bed and ground her ass.

“Come on pull my panties off,” Sara said.

He stood there again as though he were hypnotized.

Sara laughed at him, “Now, Justin!”

He came over and pulled her panties down.

There it was, just like he had imagined it, a beautiful glistening wet cunt!

Sara spread her legs and then put them together again.

Sara laughed at him again.

“Come on Justin, is this your first pussy, get it in gear,” she scolded him.

He pulled his pants and his shorts down and took them off.

Derek had a nice big hard on from all of the turning on that Sara had been heaping on him.

He quickly got in bed and got on top of Sara, she was very wet and he got himself in without any trouble.

“Ohhhh,” he heard her say.

She giggled a little and kissed him, “Come on baby, you can do it.”

He ground into her and the hot cock sent a wave of pleasure through her ass, and he heard her sigh gratefully.

Sara was very turned on, she was living out a fantasy that she had had for quite awhile. Her arms went around his neck and she kissed him hard and deep, her tongue dancing and exploring.

Another deep thrust sent another jolt of sexual energy through her whole body. And she sighed a deep sigh again.

“I know we liked each other,” she breathed kissing him again.

“Oh God,” Derek said.

Sara giggled at him.

“Come on honey, harder,” Sara said, “I'm not going to break.”

Derek had a nice cock, not only was it long, it was thick, but he was in high school and was afraid he wouldn't last long enough, because he was so excited at getting this older hot female.

Pam was very excited and it didn't take very many minutes of screwing until she reached a point of orgasm.

Derek looked down at her, her face was flushed and she had a sort of ecstatic expression.

He had banged away at her, her incredible pussy feeling like it was built just for him.

How long had it been, nine or ten minutes, he wasn't sure, Derek couldn't calculate that kind of time.

“You're beautiful Sara,” he said.

“Come on baby,” she said pulling him in tighter.

Sara sighed another ecstatic sigh, she needed several shots of nice hot cum to send her over the edge.

She laughed at him, “Come on baby, shoot it!”

“Come on,” she yelled again and laughed.

Derek speeded up the pace, he'd been dying to cum inside Sara's nice hot snatch. His breath came faster and faster as he got closer and closer.

She moaned again gratefully, he was close now, great!

Then it came, and Sara felt her orgasm start and spread throughout her whole system as the sugar walls of her cunt get hit with shot after shot of cum!

Sara began kissing him all over his face and neck, the orgasmic high she was on lingered.

Derek had been so turned on that he could hardly move when they had gotten to Pam's house, now his fuck had been extremely satisfying, talk about a piece of ass! and he suddenly was spent.

After a bit, Sara said, “Lets go back and talk to Pam.


They walked back to the living room, they were both naked which Derek found a little odd.

“How did he do?” Pam asked excitedly.

“Pretty good!” Sara replied and laughed.

“Alright Justin!” Pam exclaimed.

Derek was embarrassed at the matter of fact way the women were discussing his performance, both of them were standing there naked, he and Sara.

Sara said, “Yeah that was a good fuck!”

Pam was smoking a blunt, Derek couldn't tell if it was the same one.

“Here sit down next to me Justin, you want a smoke?” Pam asked.

“Okay yeah,” he said.

He sat down next to her on the couch and she handed him the blunt she had been smoking.

Justin sat there smoking for awhile and he watched Sara when she took out her hashish and began smoking it through a glass pipe.

Justin was on the light side as far as weight went, as many high school boys are, but he had strong legs an muscular calf muscles, and wide shoulders.

He caught Pam looking down at this groin area, maybe to see if he'd come back yet.

Pam said, “You know Justin, your work is not done here.”

“Yeah,” he said.

Pam asked if he wanted to hear some music and he said yes.

He watched her a little fuzzy, plop something into the hard drive of a computer that was in the living room.

'I'm your biggest fan I'll follow you until you love me.'

'Papa Paparazzi.'

'Baby you'll be famous, chase you down until you love me.'

It was Lady Gaga of course, he heard it many times, but not ever stoned, it sounded different some how.

They sat there for a few minutes smoking.

He felt Pam put her hand on his leg, “Do you think you can flame on again dude?”

“Yes, I think so,” Derek replied.

“Lets give a try,” Pamela said energetically.

“You want to check in on us?” Pam said to Sara.

“I certainly would,” Sara replied.

Pam laughed and then so did Sara.

“Pin his ears back,” Sara said intensely.

Pam said, “I intend to.”

“Lets go Justin,” Pam said taking his hand.

Sara watched them go down the hall, she was confused, it turned her on almost as much to see another woman seduce Derek into having sex with her, as it did when she had him herself.

The went down the same path that he had gone before.

“Nice ass by the way,” she said pinching it.

Pam led the way into the room, “you know Justin,” she said, “this would be happening whether you knew Sara or not, you know that don't you.”

“I think,” he replied.

“I meant that I would have run into you some time on campus, and then things would have gone from there, and you would have been right where you are right now, in my bedroom in my house,” Pam said.

She put hands on her waist, then said, “I've been getting virtually any guy I wanted since I was 13, and you would have been no exception Justin.”

Sara was right, she is conceited! Justin thought to himself.

“It wouldn't have been very long when I said jump, you would have how high Pam?” She said obviously pleased with herself.

Pam sat down on the bed and took her shoes off, “help me with my clothes baby,” she said.

Pam was arrogant, Derek thought, there was no doubt about it, but she also had plenty of attitude, and the attitude was getting to him. Then he wondered if that was the point in the first place. In any event, the stirring he felt in his balls grew and grew, until he was well on his way to a full blown hard on again.

Derek stood over her and unbuttoned her blouse, then he squeezed one of those well shaped jugs.

“Hey!” she said laughing at him.

She looked at his erection and said, “Pretty cock, no wonder Sara gave you nice grades.”

Derek laughed and she laughed back.

Her mouth was close, so she bent over and flicked a drop of pre cum off his cock with her tongue.

Then he helped her take her bra off.

Pamela got up off of the bed, she said, “Lay down Justin.”


“Lay down I wanna do girl on top,” Pam said.

“Okay cool,” Derek replied.

She giggled at him.

He got on the bed, Derek looked up at her, she was extremely pretty, naturally blond hair, good complexion, as cute a mouth as anyone could want, all of her clothes were off except her panties.

“You're really great looking Pam,” Derek said, almost gushing at her.

“I like you too Justin,” Pamela said, “you're a little hottie, like I said before, it wouldn't have taken very long for me to get you in the sack, if I'd met you, a day, two days probably at most.”

His cock stuck up at her like it was a hammer, looking at it gave Pamela a jolt of desire. She pulled off her panties, then laid down on top of him and guided the cock towards her already wet snatch.

Pamela laughed suddenly.

“What's up?” he asked.

“We better get going, Sara said she wanted to watch us fuck,” Pamela said.

“Oh yeah,” he said.

“Yeah we don't want to disappoint her,” Pam said, “you know, we have ménage à trois going here!”

Pam got in the right position and began riding the handsome kid, she found out what Sara had found out, that he filled them up!

She blew air out of her lips, “Wow!” she exclaimed.

Justin smiled at this, here he was able to please sexy older women, it was a sex dream come true.

She through her head back and ground away on this excellent young cock.

Suddenly Sara stuck her head through the door, “Alright you two, drop your cocks and grab your socks,” she said loudly.

Everybody laughed at this.

Sara said, “Is he doing alright, because we can punish him if he isn't.”

“Yeah he's doin alright,” Pam said panting a little, “we haven't been at it that long.”

“Fuck him!” Sara said intensely.

Pam started pumping faster, her ass pistoning up and down on him.

Sara began clapping to her rhythm.

“Ohhhhh,” Pam said, a big wall of heat came out of her ass and went through her body, she was getting more and more turned on.

Sara had put her jeans back on, now she put her hand down her crotch and started masturbating. She felt a rush of sexual adrenaline every time she saw what a woman like Pamela could do to her Justin.

Justin could see Sara squeezing her clit out of the corner of his eye.

His thick cock had penetrated Pam's pussy very nicely, not only that it was really hot, and, another blast of orgasmic heat hit Pam.

“Ohhhh shit!” she said in response.

Derek was trying not to cum too fast as he had with Sara, desperately wanting to please the older hot women he was with. But it was hard, Pam was beautiful, bitchy, and her cunt felt like a magic glove. He wanted to shoot as much hot cum as possible into that nice hot ass.

Pam saw Sara start to leave, “Where are you going?” she managed to ask.

“I'm going to get a picture,” Sara said.

In an incredible short period of time, Sara had come back with an iPhone and began filming the sex she was seeing.

Pam bounced up and down on him, harder and harder, faster and faster and she got penetrated even more.

Another charge of sexual heat hit Pam, and was it was bigger and more intense, she was getting close to the big O, she could tell.

Sara stopped taking photos, determined to finger fuck herself to another hot satisfying orgasm.

Then yet another blast of sexual heat came over Pam, she was so close that that one shot of precious male cum from that wonderful cock would send her to the promised land.

She ground on him, determined to make him cum.

Finally Derek could hold back no longer and the eagerly anticipated shots of hot white jizz went into Pam awaiting pussy.

Pam threw her head back and let the heat of the orgasm take over her whole body.

“Shiiitttt!” she said loudly as the orgasm took over.


They all had their clothes back on now and were standing in Pam's living room. She said, “We've decided Justin, that seeing as we gave your first booty call, at least with us, that we've decided to give you our undies as a souvenir.”

“Wow cool, that's totally awesome,” he replied.

Pam said, “We used to do that in my college dorm room, a guy would get our panties after the first time that we fucked him, it was a tradition.”

Derek said, “That rocks.”

The girls started taking some of their clothes off again, Derek watched take her jeans down, then she stuck a finger up her vagina.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

Sara said, “I got our cum on 'em, you want jizz stained panties for a souvenir, baby, it'll remind you of our fuck.”

Then she smiled at Derek, handed him the panties and kissed him.

Pam did the same thing.

Pamela said, “You know we've almost got a ménage à trois going here.”

Sara said, “Yeah I know, I like it.”

Derek said, “You both are really hot, it's hard to even describe.”

“Thanks Justin,” both of them said at virtually the same time.

Pam said, “You're both welcome to come back.”



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Korean Girl gets extra credit

I'm a professor at a California university in the Economics department. It was finals week lastsemester and I had just finished grading the tests for my class. I had maybe an hour and a half to turnthe grades in to the Dean's office for input into the school's records the next day.A knocking at my door caught my attention. "Come in." I said. In walked a meek-looking young Asiangirl, about 5'1", black hair cut neatly at the shoulders. She was slim, maybe 100-105 lbs., wearing aloose-fitting...

2 years ago
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Extra Credit

I stood frozen outside of my professors office, my hand raised to knock at the door. I knew I didn't have a choice at this point, it was time for me to face the music. In the last quarter I'd really let my focus go, especially in English (usually my favorite subject). I just couldn't seem to think about work. I kept getting distracted by my professor. Watching his mouth while he lectures and the way he smooths his tie when he's sitting at his desk. I was supposed to be finishing the final draft...

2 years ago
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Extra Credit

"So, Mr. Killigan, I assume you know why you are here?" I looked up at the headmaster, Professor Dawes, unsure of what to say.  Maybe I could get off easy.  I really didn't want to leave the university; I'd worked hard to get in for a long time. "Don't play dumb with me, Mr. Killigan.  You know exactly why you are here."  He pushed a piece of paper across his desk.  I looked down at it and gulped.  CARTER KILLIGAN was written across the top, and below it, my grades were listed, clear...

1 year ago
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Footjob Extra Credit

I'm a professor at a California university in the Economics department. It was finals week last semester and I had just finished grading the tests for my class. I had maybe an hour and a half to turn the grades in to the Dean's office for input into the school's records the next day.A knocking at my door caught my attention. "Come in." I said. In walked a meek-looking young Asian girl, about 5'1", black hair cut neatly at the shoulders. She was slim, maybe 100-105 lbs., wearing a loose-fitting...

3 years ago
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Extra credit

When a class teacher decided to target a below average girl by reducing her already down marks. The girl asks the teacher for extra credit but the teacher has some demands from the student. Will the student reject and fail the class or will she accept it to pass the class. Characters: EMILY: STUDENT 18 year old girl. Not good in studies. Doesn't have many friends. Wears Almost non revealing clothes. Virgin. Petite but has d cup breast. Also has a sexy figure. In desperate need to increase her...

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Jakes Saga Ch 04 Extra Credit

He knocked on the Ms Dyers door at 6:59. She opened the door, wearing a hot pink robe and heels, her hair done in a ponytail, and lightly applied makeup. She walked him through to the spare bedroom. Instructed him to take his clothes off, leaving only his underwear on, and come out when he was ready. He walked out in his boxers. She eyed him up and down, clapping her hands "marvelous" she announced to herself. She then led him to the kitchen, where he noticed a rope, and a blindfold. She...

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Naughty Little Students Extra Credit

Trinity: Sexy young teenager, firey brown eyes, light brown long hair, small A cups, curvy, nice ass. Her outfit is a black, revealing button up, a black pleated skirt, fishnet leggings, and purple garters. Black bikini panties, with purple lace and a matching black push-up bra. Mr. Maddix: Younger adult, electric blue eyes, dark brown hair. Long cock, about 7 in. Teacher's clothes. (Do you really care what Neo's wearing ;)) * * * Trinity: You know I was fantasizing about...

4 years ago
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Extra Credit

‘Well there is one thing you can do.’ My ears perked up immediately. ‘Yes, yes! I’ll do anything,’ I begged. I had just finished giving Mr. West a long story of why I really needed some form of extra credit, I was prepared to do anything, even if that meant throwing away my morals and begging. ‘Come over here,’ he said in a rush. I nodded and went over to his side of his desk. He turned his chair towards me and wiggled his pointer finger, signaling for me to come forward. I took steps...

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Extra Credit

I had a reputation amongst teachers in school of being a slut that flirts for grades. It worked, and there was a lot of truth in what they were saying. In particular, I was very flirty with my French teacher. he was young and very cute. He loved flirting with me, but my grades in his class were awful. I turned 18 while still in high school, and made sure he knew it. As he flirted more and more, i wore less and less to class. sometimes leaving my panties in my locker and letting his see my...

3 years ago
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Extra Credit

*My first attempt at a story. Somewhat based on real-life.*After working in a major technological field for over 4 years, I unexpectedly was laid off. After hammering the pavement for weeks without any leads, things were getting a bit tight financially; I was getting worried. As luck would have it, I ran into an old co-worker of mine, Bill, at a birthday party one night. He talked up his position at the local community college as a Professor. He detailed to me that they always needed...

4 years ago
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Extra Credit

Freshman year was tough. Everyone had warned Chrissy that it would be, buttruthfully she had no idea how hard it would actually turn out to be. Throughout high school she had been able to cruise through her class workvirtually stress-free, graduating with a solid, slightly above the majorityof her class grade point average. She would never admit it aloud, but deepinside she knew that her reputation as an All-American girl probably had givenher the benefit of the doubt with her teachers more...

3 years ago
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The Panty Accord of 2010Chapter 7 Extra Credit

That Friday the parents had gone away again. They were on one of their weekend date nights. The moment Tommy had learned of their plans, he had been wondering if anything was going to happen between Emily and himself. When his friend, Richard, had called up and asked him if he wanted to go see a movie, Tommy had made some lame excuse that he was busy tonight. He convinced him to change the plans for Saturday night instead. Now all he had to do was wait. He was down in the family room watching...

1 year ago
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Famous First Times College Credit

In college I needed extra credit to pass a class. Luckily, my sociology professor offered a after class project for points. I signed up and showed up to his house as shown in the flyer. Basically he explained that I was to masturbate while he video taped me as part of his research for young males sex habits. As we began to get started. He asks if I was comfortable and I said yes. I began to take off my clothes to begin the self pleasure. He noticed my cock was not up to the task. He offered to...

1 year ago
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Extra Credit

This is a story about a friend of mine which is my source to this kind of enjoyment. I would've loved to be her... “Natalia, I need you to stay behind after class for some extra credit work.” Mr. Harper said to me. I stay in my seat and watch my class mates walk out of the classroom and into the steady stream of pupils headed to the school entrance. I look at my friends giving them a pleading look before they disappear. They just wink at me, giving me a clear picture in my head at...

2 years ago
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Extra Credit

This story takes place about six years ago when I was in high school. I was a senior and very much ready to get the hell out of school. But one thing I did regret was that I would not be able to see Mrs. Shannon again. She was my physical science teacher and one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. I’ll describe her to you the way she looked the very first time I saw her. On the first day of my senior year word was going around campus that there was a new teacher and that she was fine...

2 years ago
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Extra Credit

‘So, Mr. Killigan, I assume you know why you are here?’ I looked up at the headmaster, Professor Dawes, unsure of what to say.  Maybe I could get off easy.  I really didn’t want to leave the university, I’d worked hard to get in for a long time. ‘Don’t play dumb with me, Mr. Killigan.  You know exactly why you are here.’  He pushed a piece of paper across his desk.  I looked down at it and gulped.  CARTER KILLIGAN was written across the top, and below it, my grades were listed, clear as...

3 years ago
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Extra credit

Introduction: Young college professor fucks colleagues pregnant wife I finished my doctoral degree when I was 26 and took a job at medium sized university in the midwest. In my first semester, I was given three sections of an introductory level course to teach, each with about 100 students. About one third of the way through the semester, one of the students came to my office and introduced herself. Her name was Karen, and she was a faculty wife, and was also very pregnant. She explained...

2 years ago
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Extra Credit

This story takes place about six years ago when I was in high school. I was a senior and very much ready to get the hell out of school. But one thing I did regret was that I would not be able to see Mrs. Shannon again. She was my physical science teacher and one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. I'll describe her to you the way she looked the very first time I saw her. On the first day of my senior year word was going around campus that there was a new teacher and that she was fine as...

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Extra Credit

***This story refers to an experience that happened to a friend of mine. I just prefer to write in the first person. It was 3:00 on a Friday afternoon and I was ready to go home. I had the house all to myself this weekend since my parents had decided to go on a fishing trip. After saying goodbye to my friends for the day and promising to call them I finally made my way to my car. Getting in, I put the key in the ignition and started to crank it up. But nothing happened! All of my guy friends...

First Time
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College Credits

Sean and I have always gotten along well and it has turned out great. Neither one of us is a slob, so the kitchen and living area stays pretty neat, and we both take turns doing some cooking and the cleaning. Pretty nice, actually. Also, Sean doesn't keep too close an eye on his little sister, me, Lois, though I'm eighteen and he just turned twenty. So, at least I'm not hovered over twenty-four, seven. I've even dated and had a guy back to my room overnight (Strictly platonic. Well,...

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College Credits

It's my brother's second year at the university this year, my first. It's a large school, over twenty thousand students, and our parents decided that it would be best for several reasons (cost, my safety, better housing) that we would share a two-bedroom apartment off-campus. Sean and I have always gotten along well and it has turned out great. Neither one of us is a slob, so the kitchen and living area stays pretty neat, and we both take turns doing some cooking and the cleaning. Pretty nice,...

1 year ago
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College Credits

It's my brother's second year at the university this year, my first. It's a large school, over twenty thousand students, and our parents decided that it would be best for several reasons (cost, my safety, better housing) that we would share a two-bedroom apartment off-campus. Sean and I have always gotten along well and it has turned out great. Neither one of us is a slob, so the kitchen and living area stays pretty neat, and we both take turns doing some cooking and the cleaning. Pretty...

1 year ago
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Flashes of Lightning

On the surface everything seemed perfect. The four men were wearing black robes and chanting. There was a virgin tied down to the center of the circle. Her ankles were tied down to a hook in the cement floor, and her wrists were tied each to another hook in the floor. It was a nice effect. Her belly shirt, naval tattoos and skirt framed the clear glass saucer nicely. In the candle light her largish breasts and thin face were quite pleasing to the eye. Even the symbols on the floor and the...

3 years ago
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Her Game Was Passion Ch 01

Note: This story is a football related story… This was one of those rare writing moments in which I watched a lot of football films like ‘North Dallas Forty’ & ‘Necessary Roughness’… There is a lot of football related jargon in between the sex scenes… some readers may be put off by that… never-the-less, enjoy! ***** -one- God, I wanted a drink. In the worst way. My throat felt dry and my fingers felt tight and nervous. I had been one year on the wagon. I was scared to death of having a...

4 years ago
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Teacher and Student

Now, why do my students love me? It’s not merely that I am a young teacher in a school full of staff from the eighties, it is that I am actually somewhat cute. I would say that I am average looking, but put me in a tight gray shirt and skinny jeans and my curves stand out for all to see. My C cup tits stand at attention in the shirt, and my ass shakes against the fabric of my jeans. Perhaps my long blonde hair also plays a role. The point is, some of my students can’t get enough of me. I...

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You make it MuaFuckin Sweat

I would lick the Sweat from up under her Titties, witty emotional thriggy thrashin' pulses pouncin'while ousting your wet warm. Nani probably taste like VeNOM inner in a off vaginal wall.Rip thru when I fully feel fulfilling you, too, two maybe three times.Batch dont act like you dont wont it, like you dont miss it , Ya Silly - Simple Minded Shallow bitch , which brings me to follow your call all ya'll , smell it sweat , , , ,BITCH wet an damp damn ,I cant drink your Lady Lust Must fast enough....

2 years ago
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Daddy dearest

I had just finished some work on the computer that I’d brought home from the office when the phone rang. I glanced at the clock on my computer and grimaced “1:30? It can’t be good news.” Imagine my surprise when I heard my inebriated 18-year-old daughter’s voice on the other line. “Daddy? It’s Dacia” she giggled “I’m at a party, and I can’t drive home, and I don’t want to go back to mom’s house like this. Do you think you could pick me up? Pleeeease? I’ll make it up to you.” Damn. I was...

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Vegas Bk 02 Ch 09

CHAPTER NINE: THE FUTURE LOOKS ROSIE Carly was frustrated. Despite three calls to Joshua, she had yet to get through. She didn’t understand. Unless he was in a business meeting, he always took her calls. Instinct told her something was wrong. Parker hadn’t helped. When he’d told her he’d arranged for her to have a day off to talk about a couple of things going on at the club, it had set her mind racing. Something was up. But the upside was that this was her big opportunity to find out exactly...

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Fog in the HeadChapter 2

The possibility of Kenneth not being a horndog surprised me. When Linda, looking kind of punk with spiky short dark brunette hair and a wicked looking scar on her left cheek that still left her pretty damned attractive, dashed to the toilet, he barely watched her tusch swish. He explained his remarkable character change. "She's trouble Joe." I nodded. "What have you found?" I asked him. He led me to his office. Under a 'Favorites' file on the internet labeled 'Dagmar', Kenneth...

3 years ago
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A husband and fat wife are dominated by a big handsome black man

I banged on the door one more time hard and it was opened by Rob himself, he looked pained when he saw it was me standing there and even worse when he saw Joc my mate standing next to me. “What do you want? We where about to go out to d- diner,” he stammered but I just pushed past him and told him to follow me. Rob ran after us after closing the door saying, “Hey wait a minute, you can’t just walk in here.” But we where in his sitting room now and I was looking...

1 year ago
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Dog LoversChapter 8

Sultan watched with keen interest as his golden-haired mistress flitted about the shabby apartment, continuously humming a pleasant little tune as she busied herself. Her pretty face seemed bright, more so than he had seen it in a long time. It pleased him when she was this way, and he lay down in his favorite corner where he could observe her every move. Carol could never remember being happier in her life! She felt as if she were floating about in a dream world too beautiful and impossible...

2 years ago
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Ek Missed Call Ne Meri Jindagi Badal Di

Hi dosto , bedardi raja ka sabhi chut aur land walo ko salaam mene iss ka niyamit pathak hu kai dino se soch raha tha ki apni kahani apse share karu to wese to meri life ke kai sex experience he par me jo aaj kahani likh raha hu wo kabhi nahi bhool sakta ..Dosto apko kahani pasand aaye ya na aaye par mere email id par apne keemti comment jaroor de aur agar koi ladki ya aunty sex ya sex chat karna chahe to mujhe mail kare ,100 percent secrecy ki guaranty Mera naam raja he, age 26 , height 5.7...

3 years ago
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FWB Dresses Cheri Bomb

When I as in my last year of grad school, a FWB called and needed a date to a Halloween dress up party. A few days before the party we got together to get “ re-aquinted” and discuss costume ideas. Jan suggested we go as sisters, meaning I would dress up as her sister. I’ve had a fantasy about dressing up albeit not exactly just to be seen as a Halloween custume. Jan who is a sexy 5-8, athletic brunette with one hell of a sex drive, even offered to help me dress up. I agreed to the idea. Jan...

2 years ago
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A Dedication

Author: Amit Sharma A Friday evening…that laid foundation for the Indian Porn Empire…! A cool evening, few drinks and good talk, which usually made Mr. Deshmukh’s weekends eventful…if only he knew what was in store for that eventful night. Mr. Deshmukh, Mr. Amit and Mr. Tom were sitting in the balcony of Mr. Deshmukh’s home in London. It was their usual weekend pastime: spending the evening in the house of anyone of them and to have a drink. Mr. Deshmukh had already had too much to drink and...

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My New Next Door Neighbour by SBarak1

My New Next Door Neighbour – a story by SBarak1I had been at the beach house for a few days at the start of the season. In the week before Christmas people has been arriving and the little coastal village was filling up fast.I was catching up on a bit of gardening, trying to make the place look presentable when I heard some noise next door. I looked into the next door neighbour’s back yard to see a tall blond women at the back yard patio arranging furniture and putting up an umbrella. It was...

4 years ago
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My Roommates Ch1

My name is Leigh, I am 24 about 5'4, long dark hair that lead you to a plump ass. My favorite assets are my boobs, a firm C cup with tight little pink buds. I am an off campus college student and share a small apartment with two great guys named Will and Mark. They are two of the biggest flirts you'll ever meet. We hang out a lot, studying, going to bars and on Friday nights we have friends over to watch UFC fights. After 2 years of living together we have done a lot and I have had the...

Group Sex
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Hentai Heroes

Hentai Heroes aka Harem Heroes is a sweet RPG adventure where the goal is to build your ultimate harem. Best of all, these are mostly characters you know and love, from all kinds of games and manga. In the first hour alone, I met four bitches that I’ve regularly jerked off to.You play the luckiest nerd alive whose goal is to get all 50+ babes in the universe to submit to your dick’s will. The first few will fall quickly, but as you keep meeting new bitches, you’ll find it gets harder and...

Best Porn Games
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Aunty Ki Mast Chudai

Hi i am Sahil & mein ISS ka reguler rider hu age 24 meai ek chote se gaon me rehta hu mein gujarat ka rehne wala hu mujhe aunty & bhabhiya bahut pasand ha98i. Dosto mei jabh meri baju wali shital aunty ko dekhta hu mera lund lohe ki tarha khda ho jata hai or jee karta hai abhi chod du dekho uska naam lete hi mera khada ho gya hai wow dosto kya lagti hai wo ekdam mast maal lagti hai uske bade bade boobs ubhari hui gaand uski gaan dekhle to kisi ka bhi khada ho jayega dosto ab aapko bor na karte...

4 years ago
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Admired From Afar

Divorced Sophie Jones closed her eyes while rotating her head as she tried to work the kinks out of her tired neck and shoulders. It had been a long day, and it was almost ten thirty at night in early September and she still had a pile of stuff to go over before tomorrow’s big meeting. Deciding to take a few minutes break, she stood up and stretched, cupping her full chest through her blouse and tweaked her rapidly hardening nipples, how she liked these brassieres which supported and shaped...

4 years ago
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Touching DreamChapter 5

Janelle looked frightened. "I... I had a nightmare about you; I wanted to make sure you were okay." He let her in. She wasn't even dressed -- short-hem long-sleeve white satin robe and slip-on running shoes. "I'm okay," he lied. For the last fifteen minutes he'd been thinking about not telling her about the marble -- about any of it -- but if he didn't, it wouldn't be over, and he wanted it to be over. He was tired of trying to figure her out, and things were only getting weirder,...

4 years ago
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Paying Guest Gets Room Service

Hi readers, I am Sid working in Bengaluru. I am a native of a distant place in Karnataka. This Story is about my experience as a Paying guest and how the Landlord’s Daughter-in-law provided more than just accommodation. I had joined my office in Global Village and was hunting for paying guest accommodation with good surroundings since I was missing my home town a lot. It was the 4th of September and it was raining heavily. All of you know about water logging in Bengaluru especially at the...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 29 Turning TwentyOne Part II

April 22, 1984, Chicago, Illinois Penny melted into my arms and moaned softly as we kissed. She tasted like cherry, and our tongues tangled, sharing the flavor of the lip gloss. I knew she was in a hurry, but I wanted to take our time and build the pleasure to the explosion that I knew would come. I wanted to savor it, and I knew it would be better for her if she did as well. If Penny had her way, I’d already be inside her! She broke the kiss, panting. “Slowly, Penny,” I said gently. “It’ll...

3 years ago
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Doggy Mommy in TexasChapter 7

The next morning Wendell, the chauffeur, met the Leer as it landed at the small private airport it was kept at. He saw the Hawaiian kid, Garry exit the plane leading a dog on a leash. An Asian girl followed with an Asian boy and woman following her. Willie, the pilot, brought up the rear. Wendell walked by all the rest and drew Willie aside. "What's with the gooks?" the Vietnam vet asked the pilot. "The kid showed up with them and the dog when I called and said we had to return to...

1 year ago
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My Vacation

Hello. My name is Gabriella. I am eighteen years old. I live in Mexico City, Mexico. Let me take a minute to tell you about my first encounter with a white guy, as well as the loss of my virgintiy. It all started when I went to visit my aunt Allyn in the U.S. I met Sydney when I was at the mall with my aunt's neighbor Elena who is seventeen. Sydney is Elena's sister Destiny would be there. We arrived at Sydney's apartment around seven. I had put on the most revealing outfit I had, which was a...

3 years ago
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The Sexy Thief 3

I waited until Thursday to Email her telling her to sneak over that night, I waited for two reasons. 1. I didn’t know how things were ran in her house and if sneaking out all night would risk her getting caught. 2. Thursday would be my 17th birthday and I wanted a birthday dance. I was would have been having my party in Texas and was really pissed off that I would be home alone on my birthday. 2 weeks to yourself is pretty awesome, but not if you have to spend your birthday without your...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 294

A little old lady was walking down the street dragging two large plastic garbage bags behind her. One of the bags was ripped and every once in a while, a $20 bill fell out onto the sidewalk. Noticing this, a policeman stopped her, and said, “Ma’am, there are $20 bills falling out of that bag.” “Oh, really? Darn it!” said the little old lady. “I’d better go back and see if I can find them. Thanks for telling me, Officer.” “Well, now, not so fast,” said the cop. “Where did you get all that...

4 years ago
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Apocaliptic Lovers

It was a beautiful spring day in Atlanta, Georgia. The sun was out, a few puffy clouds were drifting by in the heavens, the temperature was warm, and a light breeze was blowing. It was too perfect a day to think of the disaster looming in the near future. That impending disaster was the reason Amy had the job she was supposed to be doing. The teen was supposed to be stacking boxes of emergency supplies in an bomb-proof underground bunker. The supplies would soon be needed. The...

2 years ago
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Sexy Virgin Girl First Sex

Hello to all… I am shiv living in Mumbai and have immense attraction towards women. Having read many stories here I wanted to share my experience even….Now this is like a year ago when I shifted to Mumbai and started staying in a company provided guest house. Luckily I had Telugu language speaking people around my apartment so it was a bit fine and I was starting to adjust. For the cooking thing I took ref of neighbors and started interviewing couple of females and males for the cook work at...

1 year ago
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The Game First Time Sex Part 3 Thanksgiving

In Part 1 “The Game ... first time sex”, while my parents visited friends, I reluctantly tagged along. I met Donna. She is a couple of year older and lives next door where we were visiting. In a secluded thicket of bushes and brush behind her house, she let me insert my dick into her pussy. That is how I lost my virginity. Somehow the word “lost” is not the correct term. I would say I gained freedom to have sex with the most wonderful girl a guy could meet. I wasn’t old enough to get my...

First Time
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My Little VentrueInterlude 3

~~Author’s Note~ This chapter is 100% sex, just for funsies. Also contains some very minor swinging elements. ~~Samantha~~ Othello was so handsome. Ugh, the thought made her feel so guilty. Jacob was super handsome too! But Othello was the sort of handsome you found on a book cover, standing on a porch of a mansion by a tropical beach, hair blowing in the wind, wine glass in hand, half naked beauty beside him. Even Jacob admitted the man was pretty, too damn pretty. The big muscles, the...

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