roomies pt2
- 2 years ago
- 32
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Amy gazed into Nick’s face, watching as the emotions swept over her beautiful features. Since day one, she thought her roommate was one of the most attractive women she’d ever seen. That was the reason she wondered at first why Nick never dated, or got out. In time, she learned of her utmost dedication and came to know her on many deeper levels. Why have we never thought about it? Maybe we have and it just didn’t register in our consciousness. We are perfect for each other, but what does that mean? What does it say about us?
‘Julia said some things to me this afternoon that made me think.’ Amy said eventually.
‘More like made you cry. What happened?’
‘She kind of took me by surprise. We talked about the upcoming holidays and one thing led to another and she said they all thought we were spending the holidays together because they thought we were together…as…more than friends.’ She finished quietly, still a bit shy about discussing the subject.
Nick took a deep breath and released it slowly, u*********sly brushing the blonde hair out of Amy’s eyes. ‘They did, huh? Well, I can’t say I blame them really.’
Amy looked startled for a moment, ‘You knew? You thought about it too? Why didn’t you say something?’
Nick raised her hands in defense, ‘No, no…I didn’t mean that. I’ve never even considered it, to tell you the truth, but now, hearing it from you, it makes a lot of sense. I guess I would have thought the same thing if I weren’t in the middle of this.’
Amy lowered her gaze, ‘Yeah, I guess you’re right. So, what do we do now?’ She practically begged in a tiny whisper.
Nick shrugged, ‘Anything you want. If I’m not mistaken, this is kind of new to both of us and it obviously hit you hard. I think we just need a little time to think things over and see where we go from there.’
Amy nodded, ‘Yeah, sounds like a plan. We’ll talk though, right?’
Nick smiled lovingly, ‘Of course we will. This changes nothing for me. It only adds to what I’ve already been feeling.’
Amy answered with a brilliant smile of her own, ‘For me too.’
Amy pulled herself up and sat on the edge of the bed. Nick stood in front of her and took her in a tight hug. Amy laid her head on Nick’s flat stomach, squeezing for all her worth. Nick bent down and placed a gentle kiss on the top of Amy’s head before stepping out of the embrace and heading back to her own part of the room. ‘Will you be okay?’ She asked after a moment.
‘Yeah, don’t worry.’ Said Amy and resumed her prone position.
A week passed with both quite busy with papers and class material. Both kept thinking about the change of events and mulling over their possibilities. The holidays seemed closer than ever and decisions had to be made. Their relationship hadn’t suffered but their usual intimacy seemed to be missing. Their touches seemed to be briefer and scarcer than ever, and school work was pushing them further away from each other, making them feel very lonely even when they were both in the room. Their friends immediately noticed the change but no one said a word. Julia was still beating herself up for messing with her friends’ relationship by opening her big mouth. Consequently, she tried to steer clear of the two as much as possible. Generally, the situation was slowly becoming unbearable and they knew it was time to talk.
‘I think we need to talk.’ Amy told Nick, who was in her usual position in front of her desk.
‘I think so too.’ Nick got up and went to Amy’s side of the room. Instead of taking a seat in her usual spot on Amy’s bed, she grabbed a chair and pulled it closer.
Amy took a shaky breath and bit her bottom lip. ‘What’s happened to us? We said nothing was going to happen, that if anything, it will be better. And look at us now. We can’t even sit together like we used to. For the past week, we barely spoke two words to each other and I barely even saw you. This is what I was afraid would happen. We’re drifting apart and I hate this!’ Cried Amy, pearly tears flowing down her cheeks.
Nick could never stand seeing someone cry, especially her best friend. Getting off the chair, she walked over to the bed and sat on the edge, pulling Amy toward her. ‘I’m so sorry. I’m such a jerk. I never meant for this to happen either but things seemed to get out of hand. We’ve both been busy this week and on top of it all, I’ve had some hard time in a couple of my classes and having all these thoughts running through my head sure hasn’t helped anything.’ Nick ran her fingers soothingly through Amy’s hair, brushing her cheek on the crown of her head.
‘I’m sorry, this has been hard and trying on the both of us. You’re not a jerk, I’m just over sensitive.’
Nick snorted, ‘Nah, you?’
Amy slapped her stomach playfully. ‘So, what are we going to do?’
Nick cleared her throat in thought. ‘Well, I think it would be best if we give this a try and if it doesn’t work, I would like for us to remain friends.’
Amy looked up at her, ‘Similarly to what happened this week?’
Nick grimaced slightly, ‘Look Amy, I love you, you know that. You’re my vest friend and I would do anything for you, and that is something that would never change, no matter what. I want to give this a try between us because I believe that something so beautiful doesn’t come around too often, and I wouldn’t want to regret it for the rest of my life. If this doesn’t work out, I swear to you that this week was not a model for the ‘what if’ scenario. It will hurt, I’m positive about that, but it will never change the way I feel for you.’
‘I think you’re right. I don’t want to regret anything about this, about us. I want to try and see what happens. For once, I’d like to leave things up to fate and step back to enjoy whatever it throws my way.’
Nick smiled and after a brief pause, lowered her head to kiss Amy’s sweet lips. The kiss started out gently, softly exploring the lips of the other. Soon, that wasn’t enough and the kiss grew deeper, a movement of tongues sensually seeking the warmth of the other. They caressed each other for a few minutes, delighting in the sweet torture that was their kiss. And then, they broke apart. Trying to catch their breaths, they looked at each other silently.
‘Would you like to go out with me?’ Asked Nick sweetly.
Amy bit her bottom lip, still tasting Nick’s unique flavor, ‘As on a date?’
Nick smiled, ‘Yes, smarty pants, as on a date.’
‘Hmm…let me think about it.’ She pretended to think for a moment but then started giggling uncontrollably when Nick jumped her and started tickling. ‘Okay, okay, I’ll go out with you…please…stop…Oh God…I’m gonna pee…stop…’
It was Friday night and the girls were getting ready for their first date. Neither wanted to be seen by the other, so they hid all day, each on her side of the room, separated by a curtain that was put up as a divide. At 8pm sharp, they were both ready and anxious. Nick stepped out of her room, dressed in tight blue jeans and a blue sweater that hugged her curves in all the right places. She was stunned mute for a second when her eyes captured Amy. Amy was wearing a white button-down blouse with a pair of beige chinos and golden pumps. Her hair was pulled up allowing a few strands to curl around her face. ‘You’re stunning.’ Nick finally said, finding her voice.
Amy blushed, ‘Thank you, so are you.’
‘Shall we, Milady?’ Nick bowed at the waist and opened the door for her.
They had a nice long dinner at a quiet restaurant on the beach, then went to catch the late show at the cinema. It was past midnight by the time they got back. Nick unlocked the door to their room and allowed Amy to enter first. Standing with her back to the closed door, Nick smiled. ‘Thank you for a lovely evening. I had a great time.’
Amy smiled in return, ‘Me too. Would you like to come in?’ She asked jokingly.
Nick chuckled. ‘Sure, don’t mind if I do.’
Taking off their jackets, Amy went to sit on the bed and Nick grabbed her chair. They gazed at each other for a few moments, both were silent. There was a kind of tension in the air that was inexplicable to them. They had done this a million times over and yet, it had never even come close.
Nick finally broke the silence. ‘You really are breathtaking tonight, even more so than usually. I’m glad we decided to do this.’
‘Thank you. I’m glad we decided to do this too. By far, it was the best date I’ve ever had.’
They smiled at each other and Nick couldn’t help herself, leaning forward and capturing Amy’s soft lips with her own. The kiss steadily grew more heated, as their tongues requested entrance into not so long ago forbidden territories. Someone moaned but neither was curious enough to stop and investigate. Before they knew what was happening, Nick had Amy on her back, caressing every inch of exposed skin while trying to uncover more. Nick trailed her hot kisses to Amy’s straining throat, licking at a forming bead of sweat. Her hands were busily trying to undo the buttons on her blouse, her lips soon reaching her more than enticing cleavage. When her tongue touched the edge of Amy’s breast, Amy gasped and pulled back. ‘Wait, wait, please…’
Nick immediately backed away, stopping her ministrations, but keeping her position on top. They were both breathing hard and words were coming out with difficulty. ‘I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you?’
Amy shook her head, ‘No, I’m just…I just got a little nervous.’
Nick brushed the hair off Amy’s forehead, ‘I’m sorry for scaring you. Do you want to stop?’ Nick didn’t want to stop but she would have done anything Amy asked of her, even if it included physical pain on her part.
Swallowing, Amy said, ‘No, I don’t want to stop. Let’s just go slow, okay?’
Nick smiled and kissed her glistening forehead, ‘Of course, baby.’
Everything seemed to come so naturally to them, it was almost as though they had done it a thousand times over. The caresses continued at a more leisurely pace and this time Nick waited for Amy’s signals, allowing her to get accustomed to the new experiences. She didn’t venture forward until she was positive that it was exactly as Amy wanted it. Their clothes were soon s**ttered on the floor around the bed as they lay together, skin on skin, touching and tasting every part of the other’s body. Amy spread her legs to accommodate Nick’s body and groaned when her core encountered her silky thigh. Slowly, sensually, they started moving in sync, rocking against each other in the age-old dance. Sweat made their bodies glide with ease, the friction causing great heat to rise and engulf them. The only sounds in the room were of heavy breathing and the occasional sensual moan. Nick pushed herself up on her forearm, sneaking her hand in between their undulating bodies. Amy grabbed hold of her biceps when Nick’s hand made contact. When she delved inside the heat, Amy couldn’t hold onto a deep groan that sought to escape. Her nails dug into Nick’s muscles when her thrusts became too intense. Raising her knee to make contact with Nick’s center, they rocked against each other in a continued momentum. The pleasure was almost too great for them to hold. Amy’s moans grew louder in pitch as Nick strained harder against her body. The bed shook with the strength of their thrusts. Finally, they fell over the precipice together, Amy arching her neck and biting into the skin of Nick’s shoulder, and Nick groaning with pleasure and pain.
The room was silent again as they tried to catch their breaths, reveling in the sweet afterglow. Nick covered Amy’s smaller body almost completely, and fearing she might be suffocating the girl, she rolled to the side. Leaning over, she placed a gentle kiss on her brow, then on her temple, and finally on her lips, until Amy opened her eyes. Amy licked her lips with the tip of her tongue, causing a shiver to run through Nick’s frame. ‘That was…incredible.’
‘Yes, yes it was. You’re incredible.’ Nick added. ‘You don’t regret this, do you? Or think that it was a mistake?’
Amy shook her head slowly, still trying to snap out of her dreamy state, ‘Not one bit. If there is something I regret, it’s not doing this beforehand.’
Nick chuckled and pulled Amy’s naked body closer. Nick’s eyes fell shut and she was half asl**p by the time Amy spoke her next words.
‘You know, I don’t usually do this…have sex on the first date. I hope you don’t think I’m easy.’ Amy admonished jokingly, half asl**p herself.
Nick’s lips turned up into a lopsided smirk, ‘Don’t worry, baby, I’ll still respect you in the morning.’ She chuckled when her side was pinched. Kissing the still damp forehead once more, she pulled Amy’s pliant body on top of her and they fell into a deep, contended sl**p.
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Kim McCall bounded up the steps to the small brick house set back from the street. She rapped briskly on the door while checking her watch. Good, she was five minutes early. The black haired 20 year old Canadian girl bounced several times up and down on her toes, less from impatience than from her pent-up energy. The door opened and Kim nearly laughed as the dignified older man standing in the doorway blinked at her several times rather blankly before asking "Can I help you?" "Hi, Doctor...
Kim McCall shifted her body slightly, scarcely aware of what she was doing. Her attention was focused on the sight in front of her. She watched the bounce, now slow, now quick. She watched the dangle and the recovering. It was as though she was hypnotized, or perhaps had become some little animal mesmerized by the predator before her. The soft, soothing voice that reached her ears seemed to be in a foreign language she couldn't understand but yearned to know. All in all, she was completely...
Isobel Ford closed her eyes for a moment. The swaying of the old bus on its worn-out springs as it rumbled down the road was almost soporific. Only almost, because it wheezed and creaked and the engine knocked. Her eyes popped open seconds after they closed. In front of her, Mr. Stanton from the college's athletic trainers' office wrestled with the wheel, his eyes fixed on the dark road ahead. Good. He was awake and driving carefully. But then he generally slept in the bus, probably had the...
Pam Maguire banged on the flimsy front door of the trailer, pulled it open a crack and called "Are you decent?" "Well," came a male voice, "We're dressed anyway." Chuckling, the brunette coed entered. "Hi, Pam. You're just in time for lunch," said Scott White, a slender blonde guy in his early twenties. "Providing you cook it, of course." added Jerry Carter, the darker, heavy set male sitting on the couch. Pam rolled her eyes and looked with fondness at the two. Both were good...
(I had thought that I was done with Kim and Pam, except for possibly filling in a missed adventure or two. But recent news changed my mind and I wrote this bit of fantasy.) "Oh gosh that feels good," Pam Maguire Norton settled onto the sofa that rested against one wall of the living room of the retirement suite. Bracing her cane between her legs, she folded her hands on the top and rested her chin. "Pooped?" inquired Kim McCall Keagan of her once and now again roommate from her easy...
Pam McGuire covered her mouth as she yawned. Golly, she was tired. Although few who casually knew the brunette coed and her roommate Kim McCall would have believed it, she wasn't tired from partying the night before. Instead, she and Kim had stayed up late studying, something they actually did far more often than they were credited. Kim had a particularly hard advanced Calculus exam today and Pam had faced a major Political Science test. So they had hit the textbooks instead of the fraternity...
"Uh. Uh. Uh. Uhhh." Pam Maguire panted. Closing her mouth, she strove to breathe through her nose. That lasted only a few moments before she began to gasp for breathe again. She redoubled her efforts. Sand flew from under her feet. Her eyes were fixed on a striped pole ahead of her that indicated tide levels. She had broken into her sprint when she had judged she was about a hundred yards away from that marker. She held her arms at chest level, swinging them in time with the pumping of her...
Kim McCall wrapped her arms around her legs and hugged them, her knees pulled up under her chin. "I can't believe it," she said. "I can't believe that we only have two days left." The porch swing creaked as Kim's roommate, best friend and lover Pam Maguire sat down beside her. The taller girl stretched out her legs. Kim enjoyed the sight as Pam flexed those legs. Always shapely from all the running her athlete friend did, the coastal sun had tanned them to a golden brown. "Its been...
"Hey, are you as busy as I am?" Kim McCall looked up and grinned at the tousled brown head poked in her door. "If you're asking if I have a date this evening, then the answer is 'No'. Its just me and my math books. How about you?" Pam Maguire shook her head ruefully as she came into the room and flopped on the bed belonging to Kim's roommate. Taller than Kim's five feet four by nearly four inches, Pam was slender and long-legged, the perfect shape for a runner. Her light brown hair...
It was the following morning, the day of the wedding. I woke up early around 07:30, Jim was still fast asleep. I couldn't resist watching the video of Jennifer again. Watching her masturbate for her future brothers in law was something special. I was going to watch the 2nd video of the mind-blowing sex from the night before but Jim started to wake. "What the fuck did we do last night?" Jim said groggily, "Did that really happen?" "Yes Bro," I answered as he looked at me in...
After the bar, Kira and I crashed in the barn at my aunt’s house. Years ago, my Uncle Tim fixed the barn up for me, he said a girl always needed a place to hide. I loved spending nights in the barn as a child. From the outside, you would think there were horses inside. When you step inside, the light colored pink walls with black trim kind of pop out at you, black and pink were always my favorite colors. The room was large, set up like a bedroom. I had a T.V., couch and a small bathroom. The...
A couple days had passed and it was time for work at my mother in laws place again. I was anxious and excited in hopes of what I would find this time in Becky's dirty laundry. Wondering if she had seen the mess I had made in her panties from the other day. As we arrived, I noticed Becky was still home. I got kind of nervous at first, but when we walked into the house, he came up and gave me a big hug, asked how I was and chatted some more about some random things. All I could honestly...
This is a direct continuation of Part 1 which I recommend you read first. -phenylalanine After a small break to take a breather and as the groups finished up their punishments of their sacrifices, Tegan was taken down from her rack and half carried on wobbly legs back to the table she had been lain upon for the marathon session that had taken place earlier. Her mind leaped to the conclusion that they were finally going to finish the job they had started as she associated the table with...
Sir unlocked my cuffs, and my ankle restraints and said"Down the hall, second door on the right is the bathroom, go there, remove the corset, catsuit, boots and hood, remove the plug and clean it and yourself up.When your done I want you to put the corset on, and hood as well as the boots and then go to the room across from the bathroom.Don't worry about cinching up the corset, I'll do that when you get in the room.If you have to pee, your to sit or squat to do so, a girlyboi like you...
CONTINUED Vigorously it was a while before feeling comfortable then she hit a spot and l became very aroused my erection was spontaneous, and what an erection it was l gulped in air pushing myself on to Silvia and shouted ‘mummy l’m going’, she stopped fucking me and warned l was not to shoot my sticky load then gripped my balls tight causing me to lose my erection quickly, Silvia began fucking me again just as fast, she hit my g-spot ‘Bam!’ my cock was rock hard the sensation was electric it...
The morning came and over breakfast l asked where was the nearest sex shop, Molly said there was one in town but she didn’t want to go there as someone could see her going in but found another in Kingslyn and would prefer we go there, so Kingslyn it was, l suggested we make a day of it and have lunch, Molly liked the idea. She finished her breakfast and went for a shower when l joined her she had her back to me, l reached around to her front to play with her tits then slid one of my hands...
My brother and l got halfway through the pizza when he told me to take my knickers off and lay on the table, Dave tore off a slice of pizza and rolled up the slice then forced it into my pussy and began eating the pizza from my hole although it was exciting the pizza was very greasy, l was loving the things my brother was teaching me about sex. When he had finished eating the pizza and my pussy l was half slid off the table and had my knickers peeled off then got my arse fucked hard by my...
During the following week Dave and I talked about what had happened and what Kate actually men't when she said “I’m yours to do what ever you want with and whenever”. So Dave suggested I talk to her and find out how far she would go I guess pretty far as we have a film of her fucking our dog and me eating dog cum from her pussy. So when Friday come around Dave went to the pub with Tyson as normally and Kate and I stayed in and chatted over a couple of bottle of wine. I built up the courage...