173 Visiting Aunt Fiona Pt2 free porn video

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173 Visiting aunt Fiona. pt2
We left Fiona bound of tits, and cuffed of wrist, laid on the carpet of the living room, Amy beside her had just returned from a multi climax induced faint and the two men were sat naked waiting Amy`s full return Phil just having had a BJ from the cuckolded Rob. The three were glad of the respite, Fiona though found the tender tits a trial, purple like balloons tied and bound, as they had been for near 30 long minutes now, they were causing her some discomforts, the carpet was rough against her nipples and she had laid like this for some minutes, ignored as the men tried to get Amy back to this world from her huge climaxic blackout. More importantly for Fiona , she had not so far managed a full climax and she was frustrated beyond reason.
Amy now back and fully lucid, if tired, rolled herself to her knees and stared down at her husband`s Aunt,” are those tits hurting Fi?” She asked, “is it good, I dearly hope so,” Fiona lay quietly, contemplating her adversary, then whispered that “it had been stimulating but now it was getting more painful than pleasurable!”
Amy smiled, said “well let`s get on then” and had the men release the older woman`s wrists, then lift her and lay her on her back across the coffee table, her head hung back over the further end of the glass topped oval table her hands gripped the smooth edges.
Next, she had Rob kneel and place his tool as deep into his wife`s mouth as his small cock would go and finally, she led Phil to his Aunt, hauling him into place by his prick making him kneel between the woman`s lovely tanned legs, and locating him in the wet cleft, saying nobody move till they are told, silence descended, as she rummaged in the goody box, finding what she was looking for, she placed it under the table, then knelt at the left side of the prostrate woman.
Now she gave the command to begin, the men needed no telling and each began to thrust into their respective orifices. Fiona began to grunt as first rob then Phil pushed her body fore and aft with each deep push, It was soon regular, like parts of a machine, back and forth in a shuttling motion, her breathing restricted. Fiona began to grunt in time, a slightly higher note with each thrust. Amy knew she was getting close to the tipping point and judging her moment to a nicety she pulled from its hiding place a crop, with a flick the instrument clipped the blood-filled nipple of the bloated left breast, not hard, just a flick, but with the state of the bloated, bound breast, the pain was magnified by ten or more times. The flick triggered the climax Fiona so desperately wanted, deep rolling waves of sexual pulses roared through her body her blood roared through her veins, there was a roaring in her ears , a second flick to the other nipple sent her into a rhythm of pulsating climaxes, deep and sensuous, she was desperate to stay conscious, she knew it would be a near thing she gurgled round her husband`s cock the single word “please”, Amy instinctively knew what the gasped request meant, and the fingers gripping the edge of that table white of knuckle gave it away so like a medieval torturer, she began to strike the bound breasts harder, just as her husband filled the woman`s womb with his seed, blasting her belly full of his semen with a groan that said everything at once, his long wait was over, the bound woman went into spasm, her belly filling as she screamed her highest note around the tool in her mouth, the sound vibration triggering Robs climax too, making her gasp and choke as he filled her throat.
Each man fell back in awe, Rob helping her to sit up and gasp for air, a few seconds passed. Then they all began to laugh, it had been a fantastic evening, Pandora’s box was open and they had reached the stars.
Fiona stood, she thanked Amy for knowing what she had needed, then she said, “these tits are going to hurt like hell when they are released,” she turned to the two men and bade them to hold her wrists, then Amy slowly unwound the rope, the expected pain was slow to begin, but then the breasts both began to tingle, then hurt big time as the blood ran back into the long-deprived flesh. Fiona stamped her feet and bit her lip as the pain hit, the men holding her tightly.
After the moment had passed they released her and she sat for a while before she said “thanks guys” then to Amy she asked; “tonight can I please take Phil to my bed, in exchange Amy, that little thing of Rob`s is all I can offer, but he`s better than nothing he`s trained with tongue and finger and tomorrow night perhaps you and I can share a bed,” Amy readily agreed and they soon retired to their respective rooms. What went on overnight in the privacy of a bedroom, I still don’t know, suffice to say at breakfast next morning still dressed in overnight things, Amy was tired, Rob was elated, Fiona yawned a lot and Phil had a smile wider than a Cheshire cat!
The meal over, they sat in the living room coffee in hand, Fiona and Amy in night dresses and gowns, Phil in PJ`s and a dressing gown and Rob fully dressed, they sat, quietly, no doubt contemplating the last evening, and perhaps a little embarrassed about the overnight action but each pair seemed a little reticent to discuss their activities.
Phil, gently opened the subject of the last evenings tryst, he suggested “perhaps they all felt they had been swept away with the moment, however speaking for myself, I found it both revealing, sensual and dammed good fun!”
This was first met with a silence, then Fiona said; “I am sorry, but I have no regrets, in the last few hours I`ve enjoyed the sex no end, it gave me the best climaxes I have had in a long while and I vote we have some more!” Rob seemed keen and Amy shrugged, saying she had no regrets either, and went on to say that it had been her fantasy and it had been fantastic. they were all in fact keen now that the stopper was out of the sexual bottle but didn’t want to admit it! The rain still squalled against the windows, the sea was choppy, and going out was not an option, not that our intrepid four had the wish to do so anyway!
Fiona suggested “perhaps we ought to play some sort of parlour game like we used too as k**s, but with a twist, how about we should each in turn share a fantasy and if we can we should live it out, if it`s painful or whatever well tuf-titty, Mine and Amy`s fantasies, last night were played out and it was oh so liberating and though I`m sure we all have others, I suggest it’s the boys turn first.”
There were mutters of agreement, then the boys cut cards to decide who went first, Phil won, a seven over a three,
He thought for a while then began to say he had a “recurring fantasy, and it was…” then he hesitated and said, “look I`m finding this a bit weird, yes I`ve had fantasies, and some lurid ones too, but it`s a different thing telling you all. It’s a bit embarrassing in the cold light of day to lay my inner thoughts bare even to my wife, well actually especially in front of my wife!”
Amy reassured him saying that “it may be a good thing to share, and if we share, to do it with close friends and lovers might get rid of unwanted inhibitions!”
He haltingly began again “well I`ve always fancied binding Amy,” then he blurted out; “fingering her analy, then having Anal sex with her!” Amy smiled, then laughed and said “is that all! I had a feeling it was going to be something horrible, perhaps you should have said way back, I`ve not had anal since my first boyfriend, when I feared getting pregnant” they all laughed and Phil blushing looked relieved.
Fiona said that she and ‘her Rob’ liked anal perhaps Rob more than she, so perhaps it would be fun in parallel! Rob noted the ‘her Rob’ something she had not called him in a while, and smiling now, he went to the box of toys and threw rope and cuffs onto the coffee table, then went to fetch some lube from Fiona`s bedside cupboard, throwing off his clothes with a broad smile.
On his return, naked now and his small prick sporting a stiffee, he found Amy was now naked too, knelt with Phill enjoying binding her arms behind her back, he lost no time helping his beloved Fiona`s off with her flimsy clothes, and fitting her cuffs. Naked the two women were positioned kneeling at either end of the coffee table, fortunately a long oval black glass and chrome affair, that when they knelt and lay their breasts flat on the cold surface, the two heads where side by side. The menfolk, passed the lube between them, and fingerfuls of the slippery goo was soon finding its way to expectant rosebuds. Tandem groans filled the air, as exploring fingers opened the two tight bowel gateways.
The women unable to use their hands, kissed one another passionately, Phil by now a full fore-finger deep in his wife had a smile a mile wide as he worked the didget in and out to the sound of his wife enjoying the effect mightily. After a while he withdrew and lubricated his already pre-cum dripping prick, then slowly savouring the moment, into her arse he pushed the head, easing himself deeper a millimetre at a time, her groans were well worth hearing, pain at first but quickly melting to a sound that signified her total enjoyment of the sensation. Rob too had by now mounted his wife, his smaller tool embedded to the hilt, and doing its best to satisfy her anal needs, the women tongues entwined, lips mashed together groaning in time with the thrusts of the men. There was a moment of fantastic euphoria, and then one of those once in a lifetime moments, when first Phil and then within milli-seconds the other three climaxed together. They lay collapsed on the two women, silence reigned, each conscious of the momentous quadrupled climax they had each just been part of.
Slowly, the men first, they disengaged and knelt, facing one another, gathering their wits, a little shell shocked by the enormity of the moment, both women their arms still pinioned, looking flushed. After a few minutes, Phil went to begin removing his wife`s ties, but Ron stopped him, the older man saying that it was his fantasy next, and he wanted the two women still secured for it.
The three faces turned expectantly to Rob and waited for him to explain his personal fantasy wish, he, blushing, said “he would explain in a while, but if Phil sat the ladies down comfortably, he would get the drinks as he needed another drink, and was sure they too would appreciate one.” He said “he was enjoying the fact that the women were under their complete control the surge of power, of control and of domination was something special and he wanted it to enjoy it for as long as he could.” With that he got up and went to the kitchen, and the kettle began its song.
Phil helped the two ladies into armchairs, then went into the kitchen where cupboard doors could be heard opening and closing and muttered exchanges between the two men. The two women exchanged glances, Fiona shaking her head in reply to the unspoken question on Amy`s face.
Soon the two men appeared, on a tray borne by Rob, were two coffees, and two 1litre bottles of pop, a roll of heavy tape and two lengths of plastic pipe of the sort used to carry air to fish tanks. Smiling he set the tray on the table then Phil held the bottles alongside the standard lamp while Rob wrapped the tape round the bottles and the post of the lamp, strapping them upright to the post, they then took off the tops and inserted the thin hoses holding them in place with a bit of tape.
“Now ladies, which wants the cherry pop and which the orange?” he asked Amy chose the orange, he placed the respective hose into her mouth, and the other hose into Fiona`s, then switched on the television and the two men settled and began watching the program, to the women`s amazement they were going to watch the rugby! The women exchanged glances, Rob went on to explain “it was England against Wales, Fiona was to be with the Welsh team Amy with the English and later after the match they would be whipped, each woman`s breasts would be receiving the amount of strokes their respective team had scored, oh and they had better have finished the pop by the end of the match too!” casually he reached over and added a set of clamp to either woman`s nipples, then passed a mug of coffee to Phil and they calmly watched the match, each try was remarked upon, the women being kept informed of the score with relish, and both girls taking an interest as never before in the game that they had never either understood or cared about.
The women were reminded of the drinks, and it was now the two ladies realised how fiendish the high bottles of pop were, for after starting the flow each bottle syphoned itself down into the respective woman`s mouth, it was difficult to stop the flow and keep hold on to the thin pipe`s, so they had to drink the stuff down, by the end of the first half both had finished their respective bottles, and with some relief had let the now dry pipes fall from their lips. The game had already started when the men had put it on, but it was a still near an hour and a half till it was over and switched off, by which time both women were desperately trying to keep their bladders under control, and the triumphant men were telling them of England`s triumph 22 to15!
The men helped the two women up to the fully tiled bathroom, a sort of wet room, where Rob lay himself on the cold mock marble floor, explaining to the ladies that he was going to make their tits suffer, thus this was their chance to get even showering him in their tributes, before he used his little whip on each breast in turn, if necessary till the blood ran, but to be sure they were going to get the full number of hard, in fact full force strokes that their teams had unwittingly won them, regardless of damage.
Before he finished his short speech Fiona`s hot spray was hitting him initially on the chest but quickly. her aim corrected on his face and uncovered mouth. He revelled in the hot stream, spluttering and gulping what to him was nectar. Amy joined her lady friend, kneeling, her knees either side of his head hitting him in the now widely gaping mouth her sex close to his jaws and making her stream hit just where it mattered most, his nose touching her still cum damp arse.
Inevitably their streams dried up, they with difficulty stood and the target too got to his feet thanking them and saying he had wanted to do that for some time. Both girls grinned and Fiona said, “see I told you, folk don`t communicate id happily have done that him anytime!”
Phil had been sat on the throne watching the fun with a stiff cock that told of his interest. “Now,” Rob said; “that will be enough chat, where do you want to ‘enjoy’ the lash?”
After some discussion between themselves it was decided best to go down to the living room once more, and Phil lead the way in case of a trip on the stairs, the ladies still being bound, they re-entered the living room. Rob dug in the box and produced the smallest whip either of the ladies had ever seen, it had a wooden handle, with leather thongs of about 7 inches, each with a, small and very hard knot at the tip of each thong, it looked so innocuous both ladies laughed. Rob positioned Fiona behind a dining chair, her breast`s over the chair back, removing the clamp which caused some discomfort, leaving Phil to secure the helpless lady, he did the same with Amy, he offered them gags but they laughed at him saying “did they need it for that piddling k**die`s whip”. He shrugged then he explained that “Fiona would receive 17” strikes and Amy 22,” then with a grin he added, “each breast,” “which took away the smiles a little.
“Phil, would you like to have a go to start, just ten each?” he asked, Phil smiled, and asked first Fiona then Amy if they would mind! The ladies were speechless for a moment, here was a man about to whip their breasts, however softly, and asking their permission! Amy asked him if it was his wish to hurt his wife, and he thought about that for a moment then grinned and said; “yes I think I do!”
Laughing now he took a swipe at her right breast, the tiny knots stung as they struck, nothing hard or that painful and she smiled which gave Fiona some hope.
Again, the second and the third, still only a mild stinging effect that hardly disturbed Amy`s smile as all the consistent tiny stings built up a rhythm, by the tenth her skin was reddening, and things were becoming a tad sore, the aim moved to the other breast
Again the slow light rhythm, flick, flick, flick, flick again the tenth saw the target change, this time to Fiona, flick, flick, flick, neither woman really found the first round, 10 to each breast, more than an annoying sting. It was when the whip passed to Rob things became more of a torment, gone the light flicks, first, Amy, who found her masterful small cocked whip handler was making up for his lack of size with the power of his wrist. Ten harder shots stung her on the already stinging skin of the right breast, by the fifth she was tear-full the last two were direct to the stiff nipple and she began to groan. The aim changed again, once more the first few hard but just bearable, but she knew from his face that those last cuts would be even harder. She was not wrong, the last two being hardest of all, those little knots by now stinging like bee stings, and her tears fell as he finished with her and turned to his wife with a smile, Phil released his wife`s hands to rub and caress the bruised nipples and breasts.
Fiona knew that he would not spare her, and again she was not wrong, 15 more shots per breast were due, and she knew that he would be harder on her than his younger target. Slap, slap, slap, the sound resonated as each shot hit home, by the tenth her tears were running down her face, she was sniffling, he shifted to the other breast, another ten, by now she was crying out with each stroke, then came the last 5 on each side, not to her soft receptive breast meat, but to each tender recently clamped nipple, like hornet stings these last few shots, each making his wife jump and shriek, the lashes hit the tender nipple. It was soon over, the sobbing woman her arms still constricted behind her was released as quickly as those willing hands could do so.
The men cooked the rest of the day, as a penance, after tea the women said the men didn’t deserve them, but as the weather had improved they would walk on the sands to the local pub. Dressed in skirts and blouses with no underclothes, there men in track suits off they went. An hour slow walking , chatting and laughing got them to the pub, an interesting evening past, darts, dominoes, and billiards, the girls lack of underclothing causing a lot of interest in the locals as they stretched to “prod the little balls” added to the fun and they began the trip home in clear silvery moonlight, at the sandhills they slid to the ground, each couple soon entwined, as they pleasured their partners, making up for the games during the day, mending the fences, loving one another, as lovers and married couples, after a while they swapped partners, all enjoying one another, climaxing with each partner in turn till the chill night air reminded them of the time, and they wandered homeward arm in arm.
After coffee, the two women set off to bed, together, to the men`s disgust. Amy reminding the boys as she closed the bedroom door; “Tomorrow will be another day and there`s only 5 fun filled days left this holiday!”

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"I fancy going out," Fiona announced to her room-mate as she got up from her desk. Jenny hesitated as Fiona held out the designer coat and looked at her with wide eyes. "What?" "With me?" "Yeah," Fiona snorted and rolled her eyes. "It's not even term-time, that starts tomorrow. Come on, let's get out." "We aren't allowed out." "Well we sort of are," Fiona responded sanctimoniously. "Of sorts. Come on, please! Just a breath of fresh air." She watched Jenny who hesitated...

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Blame it on the BlackoutChapter 5 An Evening with Fiona

"Good evening, Mister Parker. My name is Liz. I'm a friend of Fiona's. Is she in?" A man - Fiona's uncle, I assumed - had answered the door. He didn't seem very pleased about my unexpected arrival. "Fiona! There's somebody here to see you." He called into the house. I could hear Fiona shout, "Just a moment. I'll be down in a second," from somewhere inside. "Just a moment. She'll be down in a second," Mister Parker echoed. As he stood there, without having anything else to...

2 years ago
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Fiona the office whoreHer first month

On the first day of the week Fiona arrived as normal around about 7.45am, as the manager she was always the first into the department, with the blokes all drifting in from 8am till 8:30 start time. Fiona had told me that morning whilst sucking my cock that she felt nervous and apprehensive about what might happen, especially after last week’s events. I picked her out some lacy French knickers and matching bra set, god she looked sexy for a mature woman, curves in all the right places. A...

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FionaChapter 11

"Well I am guessing you didn't screw him," Greg told her as they walked down the tree-lined drive. "I saw cum on his Y-Fronts so I reckon you gave him a blow job." "You know I am not fond of them. You getting them on a weekly basis puts you top of my league of partners," Fiona snapped. "No, I did not give him a blow job. I gave him a hand-job." "Why?" Greg asked aggressively. "He's the school nerd. Scared of girls." "I thought that was you," she teased. "Oh no, I changed...

3 years ago
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New job new start not for Fiona 7

Names changed to protect people’s privacy but locations are real. ................continued Once the door had slammed shut behind her she continued to follow behind Graham and Steve until they reached the foot of the stairs just in front of the director’s exit. The men stopped and Fiona did the same. “Right Steve thanks for your hard work but you won’t be needed for the rest of the day” “Ok uncle, I’ll see you at work tomorrow. Have fun!” Steve had said winking and nodding in...

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Fiona intoduced to the lane

I admit fucking Alice was out of this world, her tight cunt and sweet mouth, awesome, and the fact that she too was now being manipulated into fucking strangers for me had made me regrettably overlook my sexy whore mother in law. I had to change this and as my girlfriend was away for two weeks and Alice was helping out in the pub till late I had time to get my cock up Fiona. Alice cleared off to work and I sat in the front room on the sofa next to Fiona. The clock was ticking round to 7pm...

4 years ago
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Fiona and the Neighbours

Fiona was going shopping. She had just closed her front garden gate when she turned to see Kathy and Michelle walking towards her with large grins on their faces. Kathy and Michelle were neighbours of Fiona. They shared a flat three doors away on the same street. Fiona had met them for the first time two days ago at Mary's hen party. Both girls were twenty years old, much younger than forty one year old Fiona but they had enjoyed embarrassing and humiliating her, as did the other women at the...

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Fiona forced onto webcamat work

Introduction: The manager is a whore….part 1 Fucking Fiona was great, fucking Fiona with my mate daz was even better. Watching Fiona, my mother in law 39yrs of age bucking around on my mates cock whilst trying to cram as much of my thick shaft down her throat was a truly awesome sight. Id been fucking Fiona with daz for about 8 weeks now and wed had some great shags, but it was a fantasy of mine to see Fiona take on many more cocks. She meant nothing to me other than my sex toy of a mother in...

2 years ago
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When I ran the idea past my man Julian he was very eager. “Tell me all about Fiona, what does she look like?” “About our age, fortyish. She and I were lovers once, incredible pair of tits on a size 12 body.” Some of my girlfriends claim she has a ‘liberal attitude to sexuality’ while others claim she is ‘gender fluid’. “I want you naked on the bed on your back for Fiona,” I tell Julian just before Fiona is due. “I want both of us to spoil her and satiate her sexually, remember she hasn’t had...

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When I ran the idea past my man Julian he was very eager. “Tell me all about Fiona, what does she look like?” “About our age, fortyish. She and I were lovers once, incredible pair of tits on a size 12 body.” Some of my girlfriends claim she has a ‘liberal attitude to sexuality’ while others claim she is ‘gender fluid’. “I want you naked on the bed on your back for Fiona,” I tell Julian just before Fiona is due. “I want both of us to spoil her and satiate her sexually, remember she hasn’t had...

5 years ago
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Fiona and Her Daughter the Beginning

Fiona was daydreaming. She was, actually, loading laundry into her washing machine on a hot, September morning. However she shivered as she imagined being naked from the waist down and draping herself across a female lap. Fiona became aroused as she pictured a female hand descending on her unprotected buttocks with a sharp slap which left, briefly, a pink imprint on her ass. Fiona stopped loading the washing machine for a moment and slid her hand under her short, red skirt and down the front...

2 years ago
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Fiona takes on two

Introduction: fiona the slut get a double dose of dick and unleashes the inner whore FIONA TAKES ON 2 If youve read my previous stories youll know by now that my mother in law, Fiona is a cock hungry slut. The last story I wrote contained details of me fucking her tight asshole for the first time. What an amazing fuck that was. Now I want to jump forward nearly 5 months. Id been fucking Fiona regularly now for the last 5 months. Wed had many a session in the house but also in our cars in...

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Fionaits time for your arse

Id ben waiting at home thinking about fiona all day. Id raided her panty draw and wanked myself off 4 or 5 times reliving the amazing events of the morning. I was hoping that fiona arrived home at her normal time of 5 o clock, thisd give me nearly half an hour with her alone to see if this mornings events were a once in a lifetime fuck, or weather fiona really was as desperate for cock, as she had been this morning. As she was the clock ticked round toward 5 i thought about how id acted with...

3 years ago
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Fiona helps with neighbourly relations part 2

He absolutely stunk of booze and seemed unsteady on his feet but he was still able to speak properly and he came straight out with it and asked me if we could come back up to his flat as he’d like to have some more fun with Fiona. “Yeah sure” I said immediately knowing full well that I couldn’t wait to see him spreading her legs and ramming his cock in her pussy. “Lead the way” he said to Fiona pointing towards the stairs. He followed next and I came last. As Fiona stepped up each step...

2 years ago
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Fiona takes on two

If you’ve read my previous stories you’ll know by now that my mother in law, Fiona is a cock hungry slut. The last story I wrote contained details of me fucking her tight asshole for the first time. What an amazing fuck that was. Now I want to jump forward nearly 5 months. I’d been fucking Fiona regularly now for the last 5 months. We’d had many a session in the house but also in our cars in secluded parts of the countryside where we lived. Yes sometimes it was very risky, but...

3 years ago
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Nemesis Fiona

As always I must thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for proof reading and editing this story. "Damn this bloody rush hour traffic," I thought, as I sat in the queue of cars and buses. All I wanted to do was get home and go to bed. I'd been called away with my two assistants to deal with a major breakdown at one of my company's production plants up north three days ago. After working around the clock, we had finally gotten the line up and running again on Thursday afternoon. The three of us...

4 years ago
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FionaChapter 7

Fiona knocked stoutly on the door and waited; there was silence and she took out her key and slid it into the lock. "Boo!" A voice called from behind her and Fiona turned to see a tall brunette girl, soaking wet and dressed in a towel. "I've been expecting you. Been expecting you all day." "Yeah I've been at the Police Station," Fiona muttered and Kathryn just shrugged as Fiona opened the door. "Wasn't saying anything," she murmured and licked her lips. "I went down with the...

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FionaChapter 6

Fiona swirled the whisky in the glass and looked up at her boyfriend in the doorway of the lounge. "Go to the Police," Greg repeated and Fiona crossed her arms. "If you say that again I shall go h—," the awkward girl started and scowled. "I shall go somewhere else." "Dad thinks I should just call them and get them to take a statement." "I can't prove any of it," Fiona replied. "I know them. They will all get together and say that I put on a little show for them. I bet they have...

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Fiona helps with neighbourly relations part 3

Fiona was still naked but on the floor now squatting down with her feet flat on the floor and her legs about shoulder width apart allowing her battered pussy to be seen, her arms were up at either side of her and in each hand she was gripping on to a dick. Not Dickie’s dick as he was stood slightly to the side of Fiona; the dicks filling Fiona's small hands we’re the hard young cocks of the two lads that lived opposite Dickie. “Hope you don’t mind but I invited Chris and Mark, I wasn’t...

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Fiona forced onto webcamat work

Over the months of our secret wild affair I’d been making Fiona attend work on a daily basis wearing come soaked knickers and bras, that I filled full of fresh spunk minutes before she left. Fiona gradually got used to this and would often tell me when we were alone later at night that she’d have to use the ladies at work, and frig her wet pussy off. She explained that it made her cunt tingle as she sat in important meetings with her come filled knickers on. Fiona was adamant that the...

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F whores 8 Fiona hunt for more black cock


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fiona finally swallows my sperm


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Fiona Mike and Me

I'm really not sure why this happened. I am sure that I have never given anyone any reason to think that I am a wuss, but somehow at least two people came to the conclusion that I was on the wimpy side and that conclusion had some dire results for them. I am a pretty average guy and I have (or had) a pretty average life. A good job that paid all the bills with a little left over to pack into savings. A lovely wife and three great kids, a dog named "Dawg" and a cat named "Flowers." The...

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fiona finally swallows my sperm


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Fiona and Her Work Colleages

1 Fiona was excited. She had a knot in the pit of her stomach with anticipation. Rarely did she have the opportunity to indulge herself but this afternoon was one such occasion. She had read from the rota that she was not required in her overseeing role at the DIY store where she worked. It was a pleasant surprise. She had written on the calendar that she was working, a mistake which favoured her for a change. At home and alone, Fiona had switched on the computer. Before the welcome screens...

4 years ago
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Fiona and the Hen Party

It was four years on from the momentous night when Fiona had been stripped and spanked by her daughter, Jenny and three of her eighteen year old school friends. ( see Mother and the Girls).All that time ago Fiona had asked Jenny to arrange her greatest fantasy. The fantasy was to be dominated by younger women who would seek to embarrass her. Photographs of Fiona being divested of her maid's clothing and being spanked had been taken by Mary, one of the school friends. After that evening...

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Fiona Alice The race for cock

Introduction: Names & places changed for privacy purposes, On my way back from the shops one morning I happened to notice a sign on a lamppost advertising the race for life where women run a mile in aid of breast cancer. Now this gave me an idea as not a lot had been happening since our move since the tramp incident and I thought that Fiona and Alice were getting away a bit lightly. I pondered what I would do for the rest of the afternoon and evening and decided that in the morning Id begin my...

4 years ago
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Tony and Fiona help with my first 3way

It was quite interesting when I had just got divorced, the sexual world was at my feet. In the last days of my marriage I had had fantasies of getting me and my wife hooked up with another guy. When I had left, I kept in touch with those I had met on chat-sites, except of course now I was the single guy. There was a bloke who went by several names but who was really Tony. He was married to Fiona and he had the same fantasy about a threesome as I had, when I was still married. We hooked up a...

2 years ago
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Tony and Fiona help with my first 3way

It was quite interesting when I had just got divorced; the sexual world was at my feet. In the last days of my marriage I had had fantasies of getting me and my wife hooked up with another guy. When I had left, I kept in touch with those I had met on chat-sites, except of course now I was the single guy. There was a bloke who went by several names but who was really Tony. He was married to Fiona and he had the same fantasy about a threesome as I had, when I was still married. We hooked up a...

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New job new start not for Fiona 6

Introduction: The blackmail takes a twist & Fiona will not be pleased Names changed to protect peoples privacy: locations genuine. Now what I could do is rewrite every one of Fionas encounters that she constantly adds to her growing sex journal, but I think thatd get a little tedious. So Ill add a new story when I think it will be slightly more exciting for the readers or when Fionas situation or predicament alters which makes her story worth telling. Seven weeks after the garage incident...

3 years ago
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The Fiona Files

Fiona had allot to do so she moved at a busy pace; straighten up the shelves, change the phone message. She hustled now, sweep, count, pack, lock, grab her pack and out the door. Her dark ponytail swung about and brushed her bare shoulders, she felt free and sexy. She walked in a way that made her feel strong, she could feel the strength of her legs and ass. Fiona exchanged waves and smiles with the other people on the street. Everyone was closing up and heading home or wiping down tables...

2 years ago
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Shrek Fuck Princess Fiona

[Fair Warning: The following may have the potential to “ruin your ch*ldhood.” But since you have managed to find this story, your ch*ldhood is probably already ruined so you should be good.]Shrek Fucks Princess FionaShrek was on a quest to rescue Princess Fiona from the highest room in the tallest tower of the castle where she was held for years. After Shrek entered the castle he was chased by a dragon before being flung across the entire castle by the dragon's tail. He was flung so violently...

3 years ago
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FionaChapter 1

Three weeks later... Fiona snapped. "What is wrong with you? You've barely touched me." "I've got a gardening tool up my ... well it's not very comfortable!" "Well you should have got your parents out for the day. Send them to the cinema or something. We could have been at your house instead!" Greg snorted derisively. "It's so easy for you." His naked lover turned to face him, pushing the long blonde hair from her face and scowling angrily. There was little room in the...

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Tom and the Dazzling Fiona Ch 01

He wanted them to marry but she was doubtful. This story is entirely fictional. Tom Cassavettes was sprawled in a canvas chair reading the book list of the university course he was about to attend. The afternoon sun was hot and the air was humid enough to be stirred with a spoon when his thoughts were disturbed by a shrill voice. He followed the sound and saw a disembodied head visible over a hedge way above then with eyes squinting in the strong light finally identified the speaker. It was...

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