New job new start not for Fiona
- 4 years ago
- 63
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As always I must thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for proof reading and editing this story.
"Damn this bloody rush hour traffic," I thought, as I sat in the queue of cars and buses. All I wanted to do was get home and go to bed. I'd been called away with my two assistants to deal with a major breakdown at one of my company's production plants up north three days ago. After working around the clock, we had finally gotten the line up and running again on Thursday afternoon. The three of us who had gone up to sort out the problem had gotten our heads down in an office for a few hours whilst the workers on the line got back to earning some real money. At about four in the morning, we figured that this time we'd finally cured the problem so we decided to drive home.
I'd dropped one of my assistants off at his house and was now trying to force my way through the morning traffic to drop Ronnie off. But something had brought the traffic almost to a standstill in the High Street. As I got closer to the hold-up I realised that some Pratt had parked on the double yellow lines.
The High Street in our town is quite old and very narrow; just one thoughtlessly parked car can cause all kinds of problems. Especially at that time of day! As I got closer, I noted that the car was one of those bloody great "Shogun's." Mary, my wife Fiona's best friend, drives one of those and I wondered if that was who it was. It was just the kind of ignorant thing Mary would do; I never had been too keen on her. She thought her shit didn't stink.
Then suddenly I became aware of Fiona walking back towards the Shogun from the Pharmacy; carrying one of those little paper bags that they put medicine's in. Fiona went over to the Shogun and after giving some guy, who honked his horn at them, the finger, she got into the front passenger seat and the Shogun drove off.
I was still some distance away and Fiona hadn't apparently seen me but I was bloody curious as to what Fiona and Mary were doing out this early in the morning. I didn't say anything to Ronnie as I was sure he'd have made some stupid comment. After I dropped him at his house, I made my way home.
As I walked in the front door, I got the shock of my life; Fiona walked up to meet me wearing her dressing gown and looking, to the world, like she had just got out of bed. Even her hair was a mess.
"Hi, darling," she said as she put her arms around my neck and kissed me, "I'm assuming you'll want something to eat before you get your head down!"
Now I'm not the smartest guy in the world. But I didn't get off the fucking boat yesterday; somehow I got the feeling that something was just not kosher about my welcome home. Twenty fucking minutes previously, Fiona had been standing in the High Street dressed in a short black skirt and that purple blouse that I always thought she looked so nice in.
Now she was standing in front of me looking for all the world like she'd just crawled out of bed, there were even traces of that bloody skin cream she puts on her face at night. And she had been brushing her tangled hair as I came through the door. Oh, and her mouth tasted of toothpaste. Not unusual I'll grant you; but Fiona is a creature of habit, she brushes her teeth after she has had her morning shower and her hair was still dry, so she couldn't have showered yet.
What to do? That was the question I was asking myself. Do I say something or do I wait and see what develops. Now I spend my life sorting out problems for my employer. I'm the cat's whiskers as far as my bosses were concerned when it comes to solving problems. My method is simple: when a problem comes up, you say and do as little as possible until you really understand what the problem is. Going off half-cocked rarely solves anything. As a matter of fact, it can often make things worse, if you do the wrong thing.
No, you sit back and gather all the information you can before you commit yourself.
"No, don't worry yourself, Fiona. I'll just have a shower and get my head down for a few hours. Then I'll grab something later, on my way into the office. There's a couple of things that I had to drop on Tuesday that I need to get finished before the weekend."
"OK, babe, if you use our on-suite, I'll grab a shower in the guest room."
"Oh, aren't you going to join me? I've missed you the last couple of days. We could have a little fun." I'm not exactly sure why I said that; it could have been that I just wanted to see what Fiona would say.
"You'll be lucky, cowboy. I over-slept a bit this morning and I'm running late as it is. Once you get started, we'll in bed until lunchtime and I've got to get to the office! Don't forget we're going to Mary and Jim's engagement party tonight. I don't want to get there late."
"Don't worry, babe. I haven't got much to finish at the office. I'll probably be home before you are."
I've got to admit I was pleased with myself for my self-control. Inside I was bloody fuming but Fiona hadn't the slightest idea about that. I was pretty damn sure she had been out somewhere with Mary all bloody night and that when I had seen them, they had been on their way home.
Fiona's high-speed change into her robe convinced me that she had most likely not been playing the contented and faithful wife while I had been out of town. Well, at the very least she must have been out all bloody night clubbing it. Not something a wife of eight years should do without her husband's knowledge.
We went to our respective showers, then I crawled into bed. Fiona came in and kissed me before she went off to her office. I lay there trying to get some sleep. But sleep wouldn't come. You know, when you get the idea that the person you trust most in the world is — well, l have to give her the benefit of the doubt, so I'll just say - not behaving as you would like, all sorts of scenarios go through your head. Most of them are very upsetting.
After an hour or so of not getting to sleep, I got up again, made some coffee and cooked myself some breakfast. Which promptly went down the waste disposal unit, as it appeared that for some reason I'd lost my appetite; as well as the ability to sleep.
The pictures of Fiona crossing that pavement and of her standing in the hall in her robe as I'd walked in the door kept going around in my mind. And then there was something else that was very odd; the chemist shop doesn't normally open until nine. How the hell had Fiona managed to buy something at 7:45 AM when I had seen her there. Then I remembered her friend Gemma. Gemma's parents owned that chemist's shop and Gemma had taken over as Pharmacist when she came back from UNI.
It was as I finished washing up my breakfast things that my mind turned in the direction it should really have gone a lot earlier. There on the crockery draining rack was a glass. What was so strange about that? Well, nothing really, but it was there. I'd managed to give myself a bit of a headache thinking about what the hell was going on with Fiona. So I took a couple of aspirins and that glass was just the right size for taking a drink to wash down some pills.
Suddenly I found I was thinking what the bloody hell did Fiona have in that paper bag I'd seen her carrying that morning. What was it that she'd been able to persuade Gemma to open up shop early to give her? What the hell could have been so urgent?
A search of the house was called for. The chemist's bag turned up quite quickly in the paper-for-recycling sack down in the cellar. Fiona really is one for saving the planet, a mistake, I think, on this occasion. But my search of the rest of the house proved fruitless at first.
Then I thought about opening those unpleasant little bags that Fiona, — like most ladies — have reason to deposit in the trash bin for a few days every month. Luckily I didn't have to open and search any of them. The one I was after was conspicuous because it was the only one there. Mind you it would have stood out like sore-thumb anyway, as it appeared to have very little in it. Fiona, you should at least have had the sense to wrap the contents in a towel.
When I opened the bag I found a little cardboard box and the push-out packaging that had contained two Levonelle pills, along with the usual side-effect warning sheet that came with them. For those of you who have not had reason to come across Levonelle pills before, they are more commonly known as "The Morning After Pill."
Well, there it was: Game, Set and Match. The end of my marriage all nicely wrapped up in a little paper pharmacy bag. After all, there is only one reason for taking the morning after pill and if you don't know what that is, boy, are you in trouble! All I had to do now was find out who the hell the other player in Fiona's little game was?
Ah, but the more sceptical of you might ask, "How do you know it wasn't Mary who had taken those bloody Levonelle pills?" Well, one-word covers that question. "Hysterectomy", and Mary's one of those women who loves to tell everyone and anyone about hers. She had some problem (no, I never did listen) when her second child was born. At the drop of a hat she will spend most of the evening going through the gory details.
I've heard the start of that tale so many times I sometimes wonder if she isn't using it as a come-on for the guys. You know the idea - I can fuck until doomsday and never get pregnant again. Thinking about it, I wonder if that's what really happened to her marriage. Maybe her husband caught her playing the field and not the other way around as she tells the tale. It would explain why her ex has the kids.
Convinced that my marriage was soon to become history, I called into the bank on my way to the office and made a couple of subtle changes to our bank accounts. Nothing too drastic but enough for me to know my assets were safe. Luckily the mortgage on our house was in Fiona's name. The mortgage on our cottage in the New Forest was in mine. To be honest I think I was going to finish up with the better end of the deal on that one.
As soon as I got to my office I called the big cheese. For some time he had been trying to talk me into taking over as the manager at the company's plant in Southampton. Really handy for the New Forest is Southampton. That day, I told him I was ready to make the move whenever he liked.
"Good man, Nick. That job is made for you," he said, "But I thought Fiona didn't want to move since she would have to give up her job. Have you persuaded her to change her mind?"
"Not really, Roger. I think Fiona's decided she would like a change of husband. Either that or she's of the opinion I'm the sort of bloke who will put up with her shagging someone else when I'm not around."
I could see that Roger was shaken for a moment and he didn't quite know what to say.
"Oh, Christ, Nick, are you sure? I wouldn't have thought Fiona would do anything like that."
"Neither did I, boss, that's why I married her. But I'm pretty sure some cunt has been shagging the arse off of her whilst I was in Preston this week."
"Bugger, I'm sorry."
"What the fuck are you sorry about? Unless you fucked her that is."
"Don't be bloody stupid, Nick. You know I wouldn't do anything like that. I mean I'm sorry, that I had to send you up there. If I hadn't you would have been home and she probably wouldn't have... You know."
"Now that's not the way I look at things, Roger. If she cared so little about me that she went off and shagged some Pratt when I wasn't around for a couple of nights, she could do it anytime it took her fancy. Think how many times I have been away in the last couple of years. A dozen, two dozen nights maybe? Every time I've been away she could have been out partying for all I know. All I've got to discover is just who she was partying with last night."
"You appear to be taking this very well, Nick. I think I'd be climbing up the bloody wall if I found out that my wife was cheating."
"Ah now, you see, boss. That's what you pay me for. When the shit hits the fan, I'm cool, calm and collected. I find what's got to be done and do it. But I'll be honest with you on the outside I'm cool and calm, on the inside I'm fucking-well pissed off."
"Well, you keep that cool, Nick, and don't go doing anything stupid. But can I do anything to help you?"
"Just clear a couple of weeks leave for me, and arrange my transfer to Southampton ASAP."
"You're on, Nick, the guy running things down there is on loan from the Salford plant. He can't wait to get back home. Say the word and you're in the chair."
"Shall we say two weeks on Monday? I'll go down now and clear up anything on my desk. What I leave, the boys can handle. Roger, I don't know whom you've got in mind to take over running my department. But I think Ronnie is your best bet. He hasn't been with us as long as some of the others but they all respect his judgement and listen to him."
"Reading from your appraisals of his work, he's in the frame. If you think he's the man for the job, I'll offer it to him. And Nick, you know this position in Southampton gets you a seat on the board, don't you?"
"I sure do boss." I said as I left his office.
The rest of the day I spent clearing up some of the outstanding work on my desk and putting Ronnie in the picture over what remained. I couldn't tell him he was going to be offered my job. But I could make sure he didn't get any unpleasant surprises.
Things took a little longer than I expected and Fiona had gotten home before me.
"I thought you said you'd be home early tonight. I got off at four as I thought you might want to play a little before we went out tonight."
"Sorry, babe I've had some things come up that I didn't expect. Look, babe, there's no time to play now if you want to get to the party on time. I'd better go wash and change."
"We could shower together." Fiona had that naughty look in her eye.
"Not now, babe, there will be plenty of time after the party." I still had no idea about who she had been shagging the night before and I had no intention of catching anything she might have picked up. So sex with Fiona was the last thing on my mind.
On the way to the party I thought I'd see if she had any intention of coming clean and telling me what had happened. I figured that what ever had gone on the previous evening might have been a mistake on her part. Maybe it was something that she regretted now and she might want to clear her conscience.
"How'd it go while I was away?" I asked.
"How did what go?"
"Well, what did you do in the evenings while I was crawling around that bloody factory?"
Whether Fiona had worked out what she was going to say in advance or not, I don't know. But she wasn't caught off guard. I suppose she had taken into account that, although she'd called me during the afternoon on the Thursday and asked how things were going, I could well have called her at home in the evening and gotten no reply.
"Oh, nothing much. When I told Mary you were still stuck up north, she suggested we go for a meal straight from work. Then we went for a drink before she drove me home. I think I over-did the gin and It's a bit. I was dead to the world this morning."
Very well done, Fiona, even if I did say so myself. She covered it all quite nicely. If I had called she could have been out with Mary and when Fiona's had a few, she sleeps like a log; the telephone has no chance of waking her. Now if I hadn't seen her outside the chemists I might have believed her.
"What pub did you go to?"
"The Plough. We had a meal in that little Indian place and then walked back to the Plough. We didn't plan on staying very long but they had the karaoke on last night so we sat and watched it. Poor old Mary couldn't drink much as she was driving. But I'm afraid, I over-did the hard stuff a bit."
All very plausible except that the Plough was the pub they all go to from Fiona and Mary's office. I doubted that they were in the Plough alone. Jim would have definitely been there anyway. Christ, the bugger almost lived in there. But Fiona hadn't mentioned Jim. I figured that Fiona went to that meal with both Jim and Mary and as Fiona hates playing gooseberry, I figured that someone else went along as well. I just had to work out whom?
Mary and Jim's engagement party was a big affair, held in a function room at a hotel on the edge of town. Well, it had to be - that was Jim all over; everything was over the top with Jim. He planned on being the head honcho at the office and he lived like he already was.
Personally I thought that his company would be mad to put Jim in charge. Jim likes his drink a little too much. That's why Mary always did the driving. Jim had lost his driving licence to the dreaded breathalyser.
The party went off very well. The whole place was packed with people from Fiona's company. They are a crowd who likes a lot of socials and parties. This party was more like a company social. Fiona and I had been to so many gatherings with this crowd that I had gotten to know them all pretty well. I thought if I watched closely, somewhere along the way, I was going to spot who Fiona had been with the night before.
Actually it didn't take me very long to pick out the guy that I figured was the most likely candidate. Bruce Campbell had taken over as Fiona's supervisor a few months back and Fiona was always harping on about how she wasn't very keen on him.
But in the past, that had never stopped her from dancing with him. That evening Campbell never came anywhere near Fiona; an unexplained change in behaviour. That was my first clue. My second clue came when I was standing at the bar waiting to be served. Campbell was standing behind me and in the mirror behind the bar, I watched him nudge the guy standing next to him and then smirk in my direction.
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Once again I must thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. Without those two wonderful people I don't think I would still be posting. As always I must also add that I can't leave a story alone. I could well have added some cock-ups after they have seen it and before it gets posted. Well we must keep the GPs happy. The alarm function on my phone went off at 8 AM and that galvanised me into action. I jumped out of bed,...
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Once again I must thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. Without those two wonderful people I don't think I would still be posting. As always I must also add that I can't leave a story alone. I could well have added some cock-ups after they have seen it and before it gets posted. That should keep the GPs happy at least. How do you know your loving wife is cheating on you and shagging her private stud on the side? Well,...
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Marisol had always been transparent with Phil. Only one thing in her life had she concealed besides her whereabouts, and it was the most important. In Chicago she let her pregnancy progress as she worked as a maid at a large mansion overlooking Lake Michigan. Her employers, a gentleman in his early fifties, handsome and blond with a developing belly on his medium sized frame, of British heritage, and his second wife, a green eyed, mocha skinned beauty in her mid thirties with black and white...
Hi dosto kaise ho. Aap sabhi ko mera namaste. Woh bhi jhuk ke aur gaand aap ki taraf karke. Taaki aapka lund meri sexy gaand dekh kar khush ho. Mera naam Sheela Yadav hai. Main Gorakhpur (U.P) ki rahne wali hun. Bohut dino baad main haajir hun nayi experience ke saath. Meri pahli ki kahan padhne ke baad bohut logo ne mujhe mail kiya. Kai ladko ne mujhse chat ki. Par jadatar se bohut dino tak baat nahi ho paayi. Pahle to chat hui to sab photo mangne lage. Bohut kahne pe maine photo bheji to...
Hello sabhi readers ko girls and ladies ko mmmuuuuuaaaaahhh, ye meri pehli story hai. aur mera naam saurabh hai umar 36 saal aur delhi se hoon aur ye kahani ek bahot hi khoobsurat sexy and hot bhabhi ki hai jo islam religion se hai, us apsara ka naam salma hai jo bahut hi pyaara hai aur uski tarah salma ki abhi 2 saal pehle hi marriage hui hai, main time na waste karte hue sidha story pe aata hoon, ye kahani ek bahot hi sexy si bhabhi ki hai baat do mahine pehle ki hai mujhe ek unknown number...
The crowd is bustling at Gino’s steak shop here in Philadelphia. Everyone in Philly knows this is the place to go if you want a cheese steak. I mean sure, yeah, you could go across the street to the so called ‘original Pat’s’ but who really wants to deal with that kind of ego? I grab a bench outside as I sit down to enjoy a true legend. I’m just getting ready to take my first bite when my phone rings. I scowl as I check to see who is calling. “This better be good, Luke, you are interrupting my...
Warning: This story contains depictions of intersexuality and menstrual periods that may not be completely faithful to reality. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charlie's flowering. Charlie Merton was a typical 11 year old boy. He was in sixth grade in elementary school, and he was about to finish it. He was nervous, like most boys on his last year on elementary. He was about to stop watching the friends he had made. His school was small, so...
Lalitha chechi was very tasty. This happened when I was 18 year old. I am born to a good aristocratic family. I know about sex from 18 year of age. I used to read lot of sex storybooks and masturbate at least two times in a day. My teacher, Lalitha was aged 32 was from Kollam. She was staying in our big house as a paying guest since she was a friend of my aunty since no body was there except my mother and me. All others were in various places with their jobs. She was from a middle class family....
100% fiction! Jack laid back on his bed, cock in hand as he watched the adult video on his TV. The 18 yr olds mother would have a fit if she knew about the x rated tapes he hid in his room. It was almost six o'clock, mom's usual time home from work and He knew he was taking a chance watching them. But he'd been so horny when he got home. He'd had an afternoon date with Becky and she'd played little miss cockteaser again. If he didn't jerk off he'd burst. With a tight grip he stroked his hard...
Incest“You know, Henry, I do believe that you have a cock that won’t quit, that it can go all night if my husband don’t mind if you and I have sex all night long till morning. I bet you that your dick can go all night. Darling do you mind if we have sex all night long?” “I…I don’t mind if you two wants to fuck the hell out of each other all night long,” Douglas said surprise at hearing what he just heard. “Well then...
I've always been straight. I have always been attracted to females, and never to guys. I have had many girlfriends over the years. however, I'm realizing that I'm slowly turning gay.I think my path to being gay started on the internet. I posted pics of my cock on newbienudes many years ago. I was only on there to see amateur women. the only responses I got on my pics were from gay guys who wanted to suck my cock. that's when I realized that I could also look at amateur guys there. I've always...
Curvaceous Polish brunette Misha Cross longs for something to fill her pussy. In this scene, she starts masturbating in the shower, culminating in her bringing out a dildo to do the job that some man is failing to perform on this fine piece of ass. It’s amazing that she’s still alone given that she has a nearly perfect body. But her moans of self-pleasure attract the attention of her ebony neighbor, Darrell Deeps. He comes to the door on the pretext that her shower is flooding his...
xmoviesforyouIntroducing Georgina(the sequel) I left University at the age of twenty-one with a good degree in Media and Business Studies, and set about the task of finding myself gainful employment. By this time I was sharing a flat with two other girls, Katie and Jade, both of whom I had been introduced to by Jessica, and whilst we had a lot of fun and some pretty wild times together, after three years of communal student living I was beginning to feel the need for my own space. Jess herself had kind of...
I woke up to the sound of my roommate fucking. She liked to fuck while I was in the room. A slender boy with long hair and brown skin was slamming his cock into her so hard you would think he would break something. My roommate's huge breasts rolled around in circles. They hadn't seen I was awake yet. In Cat People, Nastassja Kinski wakes in the middle of the night to wander out into the swamps of Louisiana completely naked. Her seductive, and yet innocent, walk captivated a younger me. My...
LesbianI was living in Bristol for a few months at the start of the year and going to a local gym pretty much daily. Now, without sounding like an egotistical twat, I'm used to people staring at my junk, especially in sweatpants when I'm at the gym:Some guys get all aggro and start trying to lift more weight, some girls try and sneak looks so their boyfriends don't see...some people just don't give a fuck and will openly stare. It's all good.Anyway, this session I'd become aware of a little twink...
With heartfelt thanks to my editor, who put up with me all this time, Kanga40. A real help to this struggling writer. * Her voice still cuts through to my soul to this very day. Now that she’s a singer with a string of top ten hits following her I can only wish her the very best. Remembering her kisses and the way she to moves her body when she’s working her magic are a part of me. It all started way back when of course, that’s how most stories go and this one is no different. I had been...
Hello, everyone. Amith here again. Thank you all for your feedback. Keep your support for my future stories too.Love you all After taking rest we left the flat and found an amazing pub in a Koramangala. It was very dark. Not like other pubs with green or blue lights or laser lights.It was dark as hell which makes couple even hornier. As we moved in we ordered some cocktail and vodka shots there.Ohh sorry, I forgot to tell you about our outfits. I was wearing a purple party wear shirt and...
My name is Katherine Jenkins, an eighteen-year old at boarding school. But I wasn't like any other girl my age. I was born with a rare disorder where I had both male and female parts called a hermaphrodite. I had breasts of a woman but had male parts. My parents sent me off to boarding school so I wouldn't get bullied because of what I was born with. At first it bothered me a bit, but now, I have gotten used to it. One day, I was sitting in the girls' changing room, and the prettiest girl I had...
TransIn Part 1 we met 'Adam and Eve' and engaged in our first foray into the wonderful world of group sex. In Part 2 I had my first experience at making love to another woman. the adventure continues...We arrived at the bar and found a table in a corner with no other people really close. The waiter came over and took our drink order and Greg and I sat back to people watch, one of our favorite past times when we go out. We had been there about 20 minutes when we saw a younger couple come in and sit...
Group SexNote : This story is completely fictional! Mary watched me walk in and sit down, a wicked grin on her face. “I knew you were watching, you know,” she said, getting up and slinking over to me, “I always know when you’re peaking. Everything gets quiet in your room.” She had me, of course. I had watched just twenty minutes ago when Mary had fucked the boarder who lived downstairs. He is a very muscular man of twenty five or so and had easily seduced my 18 year old sister in her own bed. Mary...
IncestWe start this week’s show with an establishing shot of a borderline-grim old, grey/brown stone building. Four stories tall and square in every way. Square walls, square windows. This was one a mill, manufacturing textiles, but is now home to multiple businesses ... A large sign stretches over two of the windows identifying that this part of the building is home to “KIDZ THINGZ”. We pause on the front of the store, then turn our camera to face the approaching figure of our host ... All...
Her eyes are what drew my attention. I first saw them on my way out of the hotel, in the lobby. A slight pause as her gaze caught mine. We both kept walking. I wondered if her thoughts were as interrupted as mine. I stepped out into the streets of Los Angeles. The city of angels. Beautiful views, exciting architecture, classic feel, all of this was ignored after a one second connection with her eyes. The next encounter was just as unpredictable as the first. My workday was complete. I had...
Todd and I sat at opposite ends of my couch, watching a football game. My girlfriend, Jessica, sat between us. The three of us had just finished having a hot threesome. Jessica was still topless and wearing a pair of tight skimpy blue shorts. We all stared straight ahead at the television while Jessica gently massaged us through our shorts, waiting for us to become aroused again. I replayed the earlier events in my mind. At the climax of our threesome, Todd's cock was in my mouth, shooting...
BisexualGood Neighbors, Part 5 *** This story continues Stacey's recollections of how she came into her current situation. Please see Parts 1 - 4 for the back story. *** I humped his cock hard, sliding forward as far as I dared and still keeping his cock inside of me; and then slamming myself back onto his cock, sinking down on the full length of it in one swift stroke. "Fuuuuuuck me," Martin said. "Get that dick, girl!" Just as he did while fucking my throat, I held on to his...
About mid morning the next day, a hint of an impending sand storm grew from the North. The red, gritty dust swirled up from the desert and blew East with the prevailing wind. Rowl of the Garcians stared for only a few minutes before declaring riders were coming. Shortly, three figures emerged together with their pack horses. Rowl, Rasida and Schecter went down to greet them. The horsemen all wore the full beards typical of the Bakhunins. As usual, they were clad in black allsuits with grey...
Cold water splashes over your face. You take a few deep breaths and then another hand full of cold water from the water tap. But it doesn’t help. You don’t wake up. It is not a nightmare. It just feels surreal. You are currently at a police station in downtown. In the restroom to be precise. You look up and see your face in the mirror. Your name is Ashley. You were born 18 years and two months ago in a large mansion in the richest district of the town. The mansion of the Pike-family. The most...
BDSMCINDERFELLA BY JANICE My name is Mark and I am an only child. I am a black belt in Karate. I stand five feet and one inch and weigh eighty nine pounds, which is the reason I have a Black belt. I stopped growing when I was ten years and in the intervening years I had to learn to defend myself from the bullies at school. I also, at about the same time I stopped growing, started admiring the dresses the girls wore...
I’d been in the job about two months. Starting any new job is hard but trust me, starting life as a doctor is even harder. I’d only finished medical school in July but there’s no settling in period, especially not when you work on a busy surgical firm. Those first few weeks were hell, you’re dropped in at the deep end and you’re on your own, you either sink or swim, I was barely treading water. What didn’t help was the fact that my registrar was such a hard-ass.The day I met Miss Joanna...
Straight SexPete and his 14-year old sister, Samantha, had quickly become very hot lusty lovers once they'd passed the first night of seduction and loss of Sam's virginity. That had been a milestone in their relationship as brother and sister that would last for 3 long wonderful lusty years. They had fucked several times now and Pete found his sexual desire and hunger for Samantha growing every time they spent an evening in bed. There was one new experience that Pete really wanted to share with...