Nemesis - Fiona free porn video

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As always I must thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for proof reading and editing this story.

"Damn this bloody rush hour traffic," I thought, as I sat in the queue of cars and buses. All I wanted to do was get home and go to bed. I'd been called away with my two assistants to deal with a major breakdown at one of my company's production plants up north three days ago. After working around the clock, we had finally gotten the line up and running again on Thursday afternoon. The three of us who had gone up to sort out the problem had gotten our heads down in an office for a few hours whilst the workers on the line got back to earning some real money. At about four in the morning, we figured that this time we'd finally cured the problem so we decided to drive home.

I'd dropped one of my assistants off at his house and was now trying to force my way through the morning traffic to drop Ronnie off. But something had brought the traffic almost to a standstill in the High Street. As I got closer to the hold-up I realised that some Pratt had parked on the double yellow lines.

The High Street in our town is quite old and very narrow; just one thoughtlessly parked car can cause all kinds of problems. Especially at that time of day! As I got closer, I noted that the car was one of those bloody great "Shogun's." Mary, my wife Fiona's best friend, drives one of those and I wondered if that was who it was. It was just the kind of ignorant thing Mary would do; I never had been too keen on her. She thought her shit didn't stink.

Then suddenly I became aware of Fiona walking back towards the Shogun from the Pharmacy; carrying one of those little paper bags that they put medicine's in. Fiona went over to the Shogun and after giving some guy, who honked his horn at them, the finger, she got into the front passenger seat and the Shogun drove off.

I was still some distance away and Fiona hadn't apparently seen me but I was bloody curious as to what Fiona and Mary were doing out this early in the morning. I didn't say anything to Ronnie as I was sure he'd have made some stupid comment. After I dropped him at his house, I made my way home.

As I walked in the front door, I got the shock of my life; Fiona walked up to meet me wearing her dressing gown and looking, to the world, like she had just got out of bed. Even her hair was a mess.

"Hi, darling," she said as she put her arms around my neck and kissed me, "I'm assuming you'll want something to eat before you get your head down!"

Now I'm not the smartest guy in the world. But I didn't get off the fucking boat yesterday; somehow I got the feeling that something was just not kosher about my welcome home. Twenty fucking minutes previously, Fiona had been standing in the High Street dressed in a short black skirt and that purple blouse that I always thought she looked so nice in.

Now she was standing in front of me looking for all the world like she'd just crawled out of bed, there were even traces of that bloody skin cream she puts on her face at night. And she had been brushing her tangled hair as I came through the door. Oh, and her mouth tasted of toothpaste. Not unusual I'll grant you; but Fiona is a creature of habit, she brushes her teeth after she has had her morning shower and her hair was still dry, so she couldn't have showered yet.

What to do? That was the question I was asking myself. Do I say something or do I wait and see what develops. Now I spend my life sorting out problems for my employer. I'm the cat's whiskers as far as my bosses were concerned when it comes to solving problems. My method is simple: when a problem comes up, you say and do as little as possible until you really understand what the problem is. Going off half-cocked rarely solves anything. As a matter of fact, it can often make things worse, if you do the wrong thing.

No, you sit back and gather all the information you can before you commit yourself.

"No, don't worry yourself, Fiona. I'll just have a shower and get my head down for a few hours. Then I'll grab something later, on my way into the office. There's a couple of things that I had to drop on Tuesday that I need to get finished before the weekend."

"OK, babe, if you use our on-suite, I'll grab a shower in the guest room."

"Oh, aren't you going to join me? I've missed you the last couple of days. We could have a little fun." I'm not exactly sure why I said that; it could have been that I just wanted to see what Fiona would say.

"You'll be lucky, cowboy. I over-slept a bit this morning and I'm running late as it is. Once you get started, we'll in bed until lunchtime and I've got to get to the office! Don't forget we're going to Mary and Jim's engagement party tonight. I don't want to get there late."

"Don't worry, babe. I haven't got much to finish at the office. I'll probably be home before you are."

I've got to admit I was pleased with myself for my self-control. Inside I was bloody fuming but Fiona hadn't the slightest idea about that. I was pretty damn sure she had been out somewhere with Mary all bloody night and that when I had seen them, they had been on their way home.

Fiona's high-speed change into her robe convinced me that she had most likely not been playing the contented and faithful wife while I had been out of town. Well, at the very least she must have been out all bloody night clubbing it. Not something a wife of eight years should do without her husband's knowledge.

We went to our respective showers, then I crawled into bed. Fiona came in and kissed me before she went off to her office. I lay there trying to get some sleep. But sleep wouldn't come. You know, when you get the idea that the person you trust most in the world is — well, l have to give her the benefit of the doubt, so I'll just say - not behaving as you would like, all sorts of scenarios go through your head. Most of them are very upsetting.

After an hour or so of not getting to sleep, I got up again, made some coffee and cooked myself some breakfast. Which promptly went down the waste disposal unit, as it appeared that for some reason I'd lost my appetite; as well as the ability to sleep.

The pictures of Fiona crossing that pavement and of her standing in the hall in her robe as I'd walked in the door kept going around in my mind. And then there was something else that was very odd; the chemist shop doesn't normally open until nine. How the hell had Fiona managed to buy something at 7:45 AM when I had seen her there. Then I remembered her friend Gemma. Gemma's parents owned that chemist's shop and Gemma had taken over as Pharmacist when she came back from UNI.

It was as I finished washing up my breakfast things that my mind turned in the direction it should really have gone a lot earlier. There on the crockery draining rack was a glass. What was so strange about that? Well, nothing really, but it was there. I'd managed to give myself a bit of a headache thinking about what the hell was going on with Fiona. So I took a couple of aspirins and that glass was just the right size for taking a drink to wash down some pills.

Suddenly I found I was thinking what the bloody hell did Fiona have in that paper bag I'd seen her carrying that morning. What was it that she'd been able to persuade Gemma to open up shop early to give her? What the hell could have been so urgent?

A search of the house was called for. The chemist's bag turned up quite quickly in the paper-for-recycling sack down in the cellar. Fiona really is one for saving the planet, a mistake, I think, on this occasion. But my search of the rest of the house proved fruitless at first.

Then I thought about opening those unpleasant little bags that Fiona, — like most ladies — have reason to deposit in the trash bin for a few days every month. Luckily I didn't have to open and search any of them. The one I was after was conspicuous because it was the only one there. Mind you it would have stood out like sore-thumb anyway, as it appeared to have very little in it. Fiona, you should at least have had the sense to wrap the contents in a towel.

When I opened the bag I found a little cardboard box and the push-out packaging that had contained two Levonelle pills, along with the usual side-effect warning sheet that came with them. For those of you who have not had reason to come across Levonelle pills before, they are more commonly known as "The Morning After Pill."

Well, there it was: Game, Set and Match. The end of my marriage all nicely wrapped up in a little paper pharmacy bag. After all, there is only one reason for taking the morning after pill and if you don't know what that is, boy, are you in trouble! All I had to do now was find out who the hell the other player in Fiona's little game was?

Ah, but the more sceptical of you might ask, "How do you know it wasn't Mary who had taken those bloody Levonelle pills?" Well, one-word covers that question. "Hysterectomy", and Mary's one of those women who loves to tell everyone and anyone about hers. She had some problem (no, I never did listen) when her second child was born. At the drop of a hat she will spend most of the evening going through the gory details.

I've heard the start of that tale so many times I sometimes wonder if she isn't using it as a come-on for the guys. You know the idea - I can fuck until doomsday and never get pregnant again. Thinking about it, I wonder if that's what really happened to her marriage. Maybe her husband caught her playing the field and not the other way around as she tells the tale. It would explain why her ex has the kids.

Convinced that my marriage was soon to become history, I called into the bank on my way to the office and made a couple of subtle changes to our bank accounts. Nothing too drastic but enough for me to know my assets were safe. Luckily the mortgage on our house was in Fiona's name. The mortgage on our cottage in the New Forest was in mine. To be honest I think I was going to finish up with the better end of the deal on that one.

As soon as I got to my office I called the big cheese. For some time he had been trying to talk me into taking over as the manager at the company's plant in Southampton. Really handy for the New Forest is Southampton. That day, I told him I was ready to make the move whenever he liked.

"Good man, Nick. That job is made for you," he said, "But I thought Fiona didn't want to move since she would have to give up her job. Have you persuaded her to change her mind?"

"Not really, Roger. I think Fiona's decided she would like a change of husband. Either that or she's of the opinion I'm the sort of bloke who will put up with her shagging someone else when I'm not around."

I could see that Roger was shaken for a moment and he didn't quite know what to say.

"Oh, Christ, Nick, are you sure? I wouldn't have thought Fiona would do anything like that."

"Neither did I, boss, that's why I married her. But I'm pretty sure some cunt has been shagging the arse off of her whilst I was in Preston this week."

"Bugger, I'm sorry."

"What the fuck are you sorry about? Unless you fucked her that is."

"Don't be bloody stupid, Nick. You know I wouldn't do anything like that. I mean I'm sorry, that I had to send you up there. If I hadn't you would have been home and she probably wouldn't have... You know."

"Now that's not the way I look at things, Roger. If she cared so little about me that she went off and shagged some Pratt when I wasn't around for a couple of nights, she could do it anytime it took her fancy. Think how many times I have been away in the last couple of years. A dozen, two dozen nights maybe? Every time I've been away she could have been out partying for all I know. All I've got to discover is just who she was partying with last night."

"You appear to be taking this very well, Nick. I think I'd be climbing up the bloody wall if I found out that my wife was cheating."

"Ah now, you see, boss. That's what you pay me for. When the shit hits the fan, I'm cool, calm and collected. I find what's got to be done and do it. But I'll be honest with you on the outside I'm cool and calm, on the inside I'm fucking-well pissed off."

"Well, you keep that cool, Nick, and don't go doing anything stupid. But can I do anything to help you?"

"Just clear a couple of weeks leave for me, and arrange my transfer to Southampton ASAP."

"You're on, Nick, the guy running things down there is on loan from the Salford plant. He can't wait to get back home. Say the word and you're in the chair."

"Shall we say two weeks on Monday? I'll go down now and clear up anything on my desk. What I leave, the boys can handle. Roger, I don't know whom you've got in mind to take over running my department. But I think Ronnie is your best bet. He hasn't been with us as long as some of the others but they all respect his judgement and listen to him."

"Reading from your appraisals of his work, he's in the frame. If you think he's the man for the job, I'll offer it to him. And Nick, you know this position in Southampton gets you a seat on the board, don't you?"

"I sure do boss." I said as I left his office.

The rest of the day I spent clearing up some of the outstanding work on my desk and putting Ronnie in the picture over what remained. I couldn't tell him he was going to be offered my job. But I could make sure he didn't get any unpleasant surprises.

Things took a little longer than I expected and Fiona had gotten home before me.

"I thought you said you'd be home early tonight. I got off at four as I thought you might want to play a little before we went out tonight."

"Sorry, babe I've had some things come up that I didn't expect. Look, babe, there's no time to play now if you want to get to the party on time. I'd better go wash and change."

"We could shower together." Fiona had that naughty look in her eye.

"Not now, babe, there will be plenty of time after the party." I still had no idea about who she had been shagging the night before and I had no intention of catching anything she might have picked up. So sex with Fiona was the last thing on my mind.

On the way to the party I thought I'd see if she had any intention of coming clean and telling me what had happened. I figured that what ever had gone on the previous evening might have been a mistake on her part. Maybe it was something that she regretted now and she might want to clear her conscience.

"How'd it go while I was away?" I asked.

"How did what go?"

"Well, what did you do in the evenings while I was crawling around that bloody factory?"

Whether Fiona had worked out what she was going to say in advance or not, I don't know. But she wasn't caught off guard. I suppose she had taken into account that, although she'd called me during the afternoon on the Thursday and asked how things were going, I could well have called her at home in the evening and gotten no reply.

"Oh, nothing much. When I told Mary you were still stuck up north, she suggested we go for a meal straight from work. Then we went for a drink before she drove me home. I think I over-did the gin and It's a bit. I was dead to the world this morning."

Very well done, Fiona, even if I did say so myself. She covered it all quite nicely. If I had called she could have been out with Mary and when Fiona's had a few, she sleeps like a log; the telephone has no chance of waking her. Now if I hadn't seen her outside the chemists I might have believed her.

"What pub did you go to?"

"The Plough. We had a meal in that little Indian place and then walked back to the Plough. We didn't plan on staying very long but they had the karaoke on last night so we sat and watched it. Poor old Mary couldn't drink much as she was driving. But I'm afraid, I over-did the hard stuff a bit."

All very plausible except that the Plough was the pub they all go to from Fiona and Mary's office. I doubted that they were in the Plough alone. Jim would have definitely been there anyway. Christ, the bugger almost lived in there. But Fiona hadn't mentioned Jim. I figured that Fiona went to that meal with both Jim and Mary and as Fiona hates playing gooseberry, I figured that someone else went along as well. I just had to work out whom?

Mary and Jim's engagement party was a big affair, held in a function room at a hotel on the edge of town. Well, it had to be - that was Jim all over; everything was over the top with Jim. He planned on being the head honcho at the office and he lived like he already was.

Personally I thought that his company would be mad to put Jim in charge. Jim likes his drink a little too much. That's why Mary always did the driving. Jim had lost his driving licence to the dreaded breathalyser.

The party went off very well. The whole place was packed with people from Fiona's company. They are a crowd who likes a lot of socials and parties. This party was more like a company social. Fiona and I had been to so many gatherings with this crowd that I had gotten to know them all pretty well. I thought if I watched closely, somewhere along the way, I was going to spot who Fiona had been with the night before.

Actually it didn't take me very long to pick out the guy that I figured was the most likely candidate. Bruce Campbell had taken over as Fiona's supervisor a few months back and Fiona was always harping on about how she wasn't very keen on him.

But in the past, that had never stopped her from dancing with him. That evening Campbell never came anywhere near Fiona; an unexplained change in behaviour. That was my first clue. My second clue came when I was standing at the bar waiting to be served. Campbell was standing behind me and in the mirror behind the bar, I watched him nudge the guy standing next to him and then smirk in my direction.

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Daphne (Bree Daniels) makes a romantic breakfast, to celebrate her anniversary with her long-time lover Velma (Alexis Fawx). Unfortunately for her, Velma totally forgot about it. She’s supposed to be the smart one in the relationship and she should never forget her lover. Daphne understands the situation, after all the mysteries they had to solve in the last few months. It’s normal that her head was somewhere else. But today, Daphne wants her lover completely to herself. Crystal...

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School Days I didnt write this

Christopher Reilly woke up early that morning and quickly showered and dressed in his school uniform. He was a freshman at St. Mark's Academy for Boys, and although his studies were progressing nicely, he was still homesick. It was November and he had been away from home for over two months. He had always been an excellent student in grammer school and from his earliest years had been something of a teacher's pet to the nuns at St. Stephan's. Boarding school was a new...

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My Nightmare4

It was Will; my first pseudo-sex-boyfriend-thing who, after nearly three months of sex decided that he was not a queer like me and was far better off with his girlfriend. He threw our friendship and what I thought was a shared love away and hadn’t talked to me since. I was definitely surprised when he decided to show up alone, at my door, in the middle of the night, on a rainy day, smelling of alcohol, and being ballsy enough to force himself into the foyer. “What the hell are...

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EXWife Revenge

I got the shock of my life when I woke up one morning. I found out that my wife had walked out on me. A short note lay on the kitchen table telling me that she would not be coming back. And I had no idea that she had been unhappy with our marriage. I was devastated I thought we had the perfect marriage I started hanging out in bars and honky tonks. Then one night I ran in to my ex-wife she was dressed like a slut and acted like a whore, she came over to me and started talking about how she had...

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Mothers DayChapter 8

The next few days were absolute bliss for the two lovers. Gwen would prepare breakfast wearing nothing but an apron, as David requested. They would share a quick bite then she would prostrate herself across the table and he would take her in nest or anus, sometimes both. Then a passionate kiss goodbye as he was off to school and his after school job. She would meet him that evening wearing only a thong (again a request of David’s) and the two would enjoy a sensual delight before Gwen left for...

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TriptychChapter 8

I MIGHT BE TURNING INTO A GIRL. I’m missing some of my favorite girl-bits, and I’ve got this extra tackle between my legs, but maybe living with two girls is rubbing off on me. Is that possible? When Lissa and I got back from Pilates Saturday morning, we were downright giggling about going out with Kate in the afternoon. We got home to find Melody alternately dancing in place while she bounced up and down or running to the closet to grab yet one more possibility to wear and lay it on the...

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Not Very Nice People Chapter 111 Going South

NOT VERY NICE PEOPLE by Crazy Baron (Sequel to Life Out of Joint) DISCLAIMERS This work is not intended to make profit. It may be distributed to forums where it can be read free of charge, provided that the author gives his explicit permission and that the text is not altered. While it contains copyrighted intellectual property (namely, appearances of fictional characters), no copyright infringement is intended. As the story deals with topics and themes related to...

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Anju Ka Mast Saanwle Gadraye Badan Ne Pagal Kiya

Ye kahani hai meri aur meri office colleague anju ki hai, jiske saath maine department picnic ke duaran masti maari. Baad me hamara kuch din tak sex affair bhi chala jabarjast wala.Baat 2006 ki hai jab mai kareeb 25 saal ka tha, anju mujhse kareeb 2 saal badi thi yani kareeb 27 saal ki rahi hogi. Uski shaadi nahi hui thi abhi tak. Wo batsurat toh nahi thi but thodi saanwli si thi, shayad isi liye uski shaadi abhi tak nahi hui thi. Kuch log shayad use moti aur kaali bhi bol dete. Anju bhale hi...

3 years ago
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Vampire Mermaids of the Frozen North

VAMPIRE MERMAIDS OF THE FROZEN NORTH By C It had been a good morning for Emerald. She had tempted another seal hunterto the water's edge and pulled him in, where it was no trouble at all to drainhim of his blood. She needed the warmth of fresh blood to keep out the chill of the NorthernSea, and this foolish hunter had served her quite nicely. It was time now to rest. There was an ice floe nearby and she pulled herselfonto it. It was a kind of ice hill, with many jagged ridges, so she had...

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My Weekend With Dawn Time to Say Goodbye

I laugh and roll off of you, but in reality, all I heard was…"next time". Those two words are the two words that will keep my spirits floating for a long long time. "Hey…maybe we should get in the shower so we can get cleaned up!" I say with a smile as I wink at you. Our shower started a bit more slowly this time as we had just finished with a pretty good morning fuck and suck session so it isn't a frenzied, lustful shower. Instead, it is us holding each other, kissing and letting...

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She Stoops to Conquer part 4

She Stoops to Conquer by Priscilla Part 4 Story so far. Peter and Jennie are a happily married couple. Jennie is a high flier in the 'City' while Peter is more laid back, and has untidy habits, which go ill with Jennie. So one night she lured him to bed with sexy clothes, and using her female wiles, got his agreement to changes in his lifestyle. Peter begins to experience the punishments and rewards on offer as inducements. Now read on. How long had she been planning...

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Saving Lindy Ashley

CHAPTER 1 Bo Short (Bo being short for Bob which was short for Robert) went into the bar. He’d been told to meet Charlie and Eddie Hooker there because a well-paying job was on offer. The brother’s Sergeant at Arms, a beefy guy called Herb, frisked Bo and the guy said through broken teeth, ‘Go to them. They’re behind me.’ The bar was half-full of guys who looked like crims and all the women looked like sluts, as women tend to do when they slouch in bars or show their panties sitting on...

2 years ago
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Bonnie crushed out her cigarette and walked over to her dresser. Steve watched in amazement watched as she produced a noose and getting up on a chair she placed one end over a hook he had not previously noticed in the ceiling a few feet from the bottom of the bed. “I just wanted to make sure you knew I was for real before I continued.” Bonnie went to the dresser and removed a video camera on a tripod. She pointed it at Steve and then walked over and sat beside him facing the camera. ...

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Der verlorene Koffer Eine pikante Wette Episode 2

Der verlorene Koffer Eine pikante Wette - Episode 2 © 2002 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es war kein Geheimnis: Ich flog nicht gerne. Das hie? zwar nicht, dass ich mich beim Anblick eines Flugzeuges mit diversen Panikattacken l?cherlich machte, aber aus irgendeinem Grund hatte ich eine Abneigung gegen das Fliegen entwickelt - oder besser gesagt, gegen gro?e Passagiermaschinen. Kleine Sportflugzeuge hingegen machten mir nicht das Geringste aus. Wenn man sich dem kleinen Flieger auf die Sei...

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LoveHerFeet Brandi Love I Knew This Day Will Come

I invited my good friend and colleague, Bill, over today to chitchat and discuss work. After having a glass of wine together, I had to tell him that I notice him always looking down at my and other women’s feet at the office. At first he was speechless, but then I admitted only someone with the same foot fetish could notice and he lit up. I’d been waiting for this day to come so I could finally take advantage of my husband being on a business trip to have my goddess feet worshiped by a man with...

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EvilAngel Judy Jolie Fresh Anal Talent

Raven-haired honey Judy Jolie is new to porn-style buttfucking, but she likes it! Judy spreads her long legs and massages her wet cunt. She kneels to give top stud Mick Blue a delicious blowjob. He fucks her tight pussy, and she shoves her manicured fingers inside her pulsing asshole. Mick fills her sphincter with a clear toy as she masturbates. Replacing the toy with his throbbing, big cock, Mick delivers a profound anal plowing. Judy’s tight asshole gapes! She sucks his dick...

4 years ago
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Tomorrow Is Another DayChapter 6 Fears and dreams

At brunch with Lois, I shared “Military forces of the two sides are interacting, so far professionally but definitely not being friendly. Cuban aircraft intercepted U.S. Navy patrol planes over international waters.” With concern, she looked into my eyes. “Will that trigger open warfare?” “Not so far.” “I’m scared.” I kissed her, and our tongues banished the fear. My hands explored under her leotard. At first, her tension made her dry, but I was able to connect my fingers to my...

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Braining Ch 04

Carina and Megann (This is a continuous story in multiple parts. It will only make sense if you read it in order.) : : : : : P r a c t i c e The next frontier with their abilities was seeing if they could get someone to do something that they normally wouldn’t consider doing. They tried everything they could imagine, both with the more subtle, unspeaking voice +pushing, and with powerful, persuasive images demonstrating the target behavior with a positive outcome. They tried to get...

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Family Affair

“So, where the fuck is your sister, James?”“She won’t be back for several hours, she needed to go see our mom.”“Oh, so do you want to wait for her here? Have a beer, maybe? Do you drink beer?”“Yes, of course, why?”“Well, I thought… never mind. I’ll be back.”Was Tom asking that because I was gay, maybe? The guy was a bigger moron than I thought, surely thinking that I was some kind of fairy only drinking Cosmopolitan cocktails. It's beyond me how my sister can be with him, putting up with this...

Gay Male
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my highschool friends lil brother

When I was in high school. I bought a car when i turned 15 and worked on it to get it in good shape til i was able to drive.My friend Denny had a younger brother , Ray. Ray was a year younger and was adorably cute. Denny and I were friends, but In high school, I didn't have any buddies that knew me sexually at our school. Most of my encounters to that time were involving summer neighbors from my grandparents cottage or some of the grand k**s that visited their grandparents in my neighborhood. I...

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My New Friend by Docker5000

By Docker5000 Introductory. A young lad moves to the other end of the country with is family. He meets a very shy lad of his own age at college and the two become the best of friends. His new friend then lets him in on a little secret! Chapter 1 (READ) First day at my new school. New Friend and New Enemies! James Spencer now got off the bus opposite his new college. He just stopped and watched all the people going in and out of the college. James was not good in crowds and he...

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Lounging for FunChapter 7 Harvesting Dog Cumm

It surprised me when in only about 10 minutes all three males came in their partners. The boys ran to get the small sample tubes for us. The daily harvesting was started. Andy said he had to go out for some business this morning so he would not be able to accompany me until late this afternoon so I gave him a hug and left with the kids. One of the 15 year old boys was left over in the back yard so I asked him if he could be my partner while I was doing my share of the dogs. His attitude...

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Queer Halloween

A Halloween Present for my TG Co-Respondents! Not very TG this time, but it does have some merit I think. I hope. For those whose reality includes fantasy, not for those who fantasize reality, not for those who can't tell the difference, and not for those under legal age. I guess that about covers it. Queer Halloween by Vickie Tern i. Oh, there's the waiter. I'm so pleased we could get...

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Hugs to Old Friends Part 2

My old friend did not notice how pissed Frank was but he kept talking 'She used to live off my block before I moved. We had Ecology class together, and in that class our teacher let us do a lot of group work by the people we sat near. I was in a group with her, and I said she stuffed her bra, right? She said she didn't and I told her I didn't belive her; so she grabbed her tits and gave them a nice squeeze proving that it wsnt no tissue in that bra. then one summer I kinda tricked her into a...

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My Adventure As A Sex Research Subject

The other day I was surfing the web when I came across an ad that piqued my interest. Our local university was looking for participants in a sex research project:"We are looking for athletic males in their twenties to participate in a sex research project. The participant's sexual orientation must be strictly heterosexual with absolutely no interest in any homosexual activities including gay pornography. The study will answer the question of whether strictly heterosexual males will engage in...

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Night Visit to my Phantom

Hey baby, I want you so bad. I am dripping wet for you.I want to come into your room in the middle of the night, seeing you lying asleep on your back with your arms raised, your naked body vulnerable and open for me to consume.I quickly take off my clothes and naked, i snuggle up to your warm body. It's been so long that my skin is on fire just hugging your warm chest, feeling the rise and fall of your belly, rubbing my hands all over your muscular back. At 6'3" you are quite taller than my...

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Setting up wife 8211 3

After the incident where vinod got to see, lick, touch and smell my wife while she was dead asleep. We had met at the restaurant the next evening. We discussed the whole episode once again. Vinod went on narrating how much he enjoyed the whole thing and he said to me “we are one even though we are two”. I understood the intensity with which it was said. Because, its not often one shares ones precious things with others. Vinod then placed his hand on my thighs under the table and gave a squeeze...

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The Case of the Deadly Prescription a Michelle Hammer Mystery

Someone had nailed a sheet of plywood to the inside doorframe, so I pushed on it with my shoulder and it came loose with a screech of pulled nails and crashed to the floor. The smoke was thick and I could just make out eight figures slouched around a Turkish water pipe. "I'm lookin' for Danny Hewlitt, you guys seen him?" "Naw, man," said one, "He might be on the fourth floor though, that's where the hard stuff is." "Is Danny cokey?" "They don't call him 'Hoover' for nothing,...

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The Scriptwriter

Dramatis Personae: Sunshine: Large breasted woman. Lingerie model. Desmond: Geeky-looking guy. Scriptwriter. Herbert Chin: Overweight, balding, middle-aged man. Porn Movie Producer. Misty: Porn Starlet Tracy: Porn Starlet Buster Beaver: Male porn star. Johnny Rubber: Male porn star Act I Pan across a bedroom in which there is a large double bed and a mirror closet. Focus on the reflection of a naked woman, Sunshine, who is masturbating loudly and enthusiastically with a vibrator. Zoom...

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FuckingAwesome Aaliyah Hadid Housewife Aaliyah Gives her Driver a Special Tip

Sexy housewife Aaliyah is bored and angry with her ill-tempered sugar-daddy. He doesn’t trust her with his sports car and he gets her a driver instead. Lucky for Aaliyah the driver is Spanish stud Ramon Nomar. Ramon takes her shopping and shows her such a good time that Aaliyah uses her tight body in the kitchen to give him a tip he’ll never forget. She jerks and sucks Tony’s fat cock until he just has to stick it in her. Tony fucks her until he cums all over her sexy face. She’d better clean...

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A Magical Wardrobe

I guess I should start this tale by telling you a little bit about myself. My name is Brad, I just turned 30 years old, and I have LOTS of money. You see, as long as I can remember, I was always a computer nerd. After finishing college, I got a job with a big tech company. Two years later, I was sick of working for someone else so I started my own company. Four years later, I sold out to my original employer and cashed out for more money than I could ever have imagined. During all...

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Lean Mean Fucking Machine

The Lean Mean Fucking Machine By Debra The position he was finally put into was impossible. He knew it could never be achieved. His mind told him it could never happen. But he was there anyway. Bent into this horrible, painful, degrading and very vulnerable position. Totally helpless and totally exposed. Unable to avoid in any way whatever she had planned for him. He had arrived as ordered with a totally smooth, hairless body. An enema before he arrived insured he was clean...

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