Nemesis - Penny free porn video

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I can remember the night as if it was yesterday. There I was just sitting watching the local evening news program on the old telly, my wife Penny was sitting over the other side of the room looking at me with a very curious expression on her face. The trouble she had was she just couldn't bring herself to tell me what was on her mind. Why? Well, for two reasons really. One, because I don't think she could believe it herself, and two, because if she did bring the subject up, she knew she was going to open a whole can of worms that she would rather had been kept very tightly closed.

I have to go back a year or so to before that night to when this all started. We'd bought this big old farmhouse out in the country about five or six years earlier. It had had a couple of nice big old stone barns in the yard just right for conversion. We'd lived in the old farmhouse whilst we converted the larger barn into our dream home. Or rather our builders did. Penny and I were just around all the time to make sure we got exactly what we wanted. Then after we'd moved into the barn we had the guys give the farmhouse the once over and, at the same time, they converted the smaller of the barns into a holiday cottage come guest-house.

The idea had been to sell the farmhouse and rent out the holiday cottage during the summer. As it turned out things didn't quite go that way. There's some USAF people stationed at a nearby RAF base and the farmhouse finished up getting rented out to an USAF officer and his family for about a year. He didn't want to buy a house, as he wasn't expecting to stay in England very long. The cash if we had sold, would have been handy. But the Yank offered us a bloody good rent so we let him have it. One of his colleagues rented the holiday cottage also at a good rate. So my Penny and I were happy.

Eighteen months later both of our tenants' tours of duty in England came to an end and they and their nice families - whom Penny and I had gotten along very well with - went home to the States. For some reason we didn't put the house back on the market. We'd been so happy with the income from renting, we thought we would try to rent it out again.

I came home from work one evening, to be met at the door by Penny who had the biggest smile on her face. "I've rented the house!" she grinned at me. "The contracts are all signed and everything!"

Penny had taken me completely by surprise. "What do you mean, you've rented the house?" I demanded. I suppose I must have sounded quite shocked and maybe a little annoyed. "To whom and without me even meeting them? Did you even bother to get a reference?"

The smile faded a little on Penny's face. "Oh, we don't need a reference for these people, Pete, you're never going to believe who they are!"

"Well, who they are doesn't bother me as much as if they can and will pay the bleeding rent on time."

"How about a year up front, in cash? Well, a cheque actually, will that suit you?"

"It sounds a little too good to be true actually. Who the hell are they, millionaires or something?"

"No. Oh, I don't know though. I suppose they might well be, but the TV company's paying the rent for them anyway."

"You're losing me, girl. Who've you rented the bloody house to?"

"Brooke Marsh, the TV newsreader woman and her husband. You know the actor bloke Stephone Walters."

"Christ, Stephone Walters. I thought he got killed a couple of years ago! Don't I remember hearing he had a bad accident on the news, some time back?"

"No, he wasn't killed but he had a really serious accident. He says he's almost completely recovered from it now and he's just as dreamy as he's ever been."

I could see by the silly look that came over Penny's face that she liked the idea of having a film star living in the farmhouse. Why is it that people swoon over these famous people? They are just human beings like the rest of us. Although even I must admit that Stephone Walters is a handsome bastard.

"They were looking for somewhere nice and quiet around here, where Stephone could convalesce as Brooke is going to be presenting a daytime chat show on the telly. They thought this was just the place they looking for. Quiet, private, off the beaten track and far enough from the road that Stephone's fans or the paparazzi, if they hang around outside the gate hoping to see him, won't be too much of a nuisance"

I had to admit, Brooke was one of the sexiest announcers on the telly. I did enjoy watching her read the news. But she hadn't been on the BBC since she had married Stephone. "Oh, bugger, if Brooke's going to be on daytime TV, that means I wont get to see that much of her." Brooke is really something to look at. Hey, what do you expect? I'm a man, aren't I?

"Why would you want to see her on the telly when she'll be living next door? You'll probably see her all the time."

Oh, yeah. I can just see Brooke Marsh and Stephone Walters, mixing with a couple of old fogies like us!"

"I'm sure we'll see a lot of them. They seemed very nice. I told Stephone that you wouldn't mind him using your gym."

"You did what?" When we'd converted the barn, I'd put one room aside that overlooks the swimming pool (I told you it was our dream home) as a gym and fitted the place out with all the latest training gear. No, I'm not a fitness freak. I don't really work out that much but I like to play about with the stuff a bit. You know, it's the macho man bit. I'm one of those people who just didn't put on the weight over the years. Eighteen years after my wedding I could still get into the suit that I'd walked down the aisle in. I'm afraid I can't say the same for Penny though, although she still looks damn good to me. It was for her that I really put the gym in although up until then she hadn't been too enthusiastic about using it.

"Surely you don't object to Stephone using the gym. You hardly ever use it!"

"I don't know," I thought to myself, if Penny's heartthrob uses the bloody gym. Perhaps she'll spend some time in there herself. "No, of course not. It's all right by me. Providing he doesn't hog the bloody place."

"I should imagine he'll only use it during the day when Brooke is at the TV station and you're at work. Although I suppose he'll probably want to use it on the weekends sometimes as well."

Now the more astute of you might be wondering why I was not worried that "Stephone Walters" this so-called Adonis who Penny was so keen on. Was going to be in my house with my wife - who to all intent and purpose, thought the sun shone out of his arse - during the day whilst I was out at the office.

Well, the point is, I'm fifty-two and Penny is fifty-one. Stephone Walters, is nearly half our age or there about. Penny is old enough to be his mother. And from what I'd heard, before he married Brooke, he had hundreds of young women chasing him. What possible interest could he find in a slightly tubby mother of two?

"And remember," Penny was still trying to persuade me that Stephone using the gym was a good idea. "If Brooke comes over with him on the weekends, you'll get to see her in her training gear and swim suit. Hey, maybe she uses a bikini. I'd bet you'd like that, you old perv. I told them they could use the pool whenever they wished."

It looked to me that Penny had presented me with a fait accompli. And she was making plans to enjoy having a couple of famous people as our tenants. I could do nothing but accept the arrangements she had made.

Brooke and Stephone (Christ, where do they get these stupid stage names from? I'll bet he was John Smith or Fred Bloggs on his birth certificate) moved in a few days later. Surprisingly I found they were very nice people. I had somehow gotten the idea that they would be vain or something but - for the most part - they were very normal. Well, that is until Stephone's fans found out where he was living. Then the shit really did hit the fan. (Pun not intended)

I was surprised at the front of some of his fans. They just walked up the drive and stationed themselves outside the front door of the farmhouse. Or in the garden, or the trees, or the bushes by the house. Or even in my bloody garage when it was raining. Anywhere they fancied actually! The bloody newspaper photographers were even worse. Paparazzi, they call them. Jesus, those arseholes were hiding everywhere you could think of and some places you wouldn't.

We had to call the police a few times to have them removed. The problem was solved by having the boundary fence upgraded to a six foot chain link affair and having automatic gates installed, plus a privacy fence around the swimming pool area. Quite an expensive business with all the CCTV and such. Look, you don't look a gift horse in the mouth, as luckily the TV company paid the major proportion of the cost.

I'm not 100% sure Stephone was all that happy with the new security installations though. I had noticed that he appeared to enjoy having the young fans around. He could often be seen outside signing autographs and giving them a little hug. For hug read grope, for I'd noticed he was pretty free with his hands on some of those young girls when he thought no one was looking. I was surprised that Brooke put up with it. But she had either gotten used to it or she had known what to expect when she had married him.

With the new security installations came a surprise that I wasn't expecting. All kinds of so-called celebrities started to turn up on the weekends. You know the sort of people I'm talking about. People who are famous for no other reason than they are famous and have a good publicity agent. Some of them were complete arseholes to be honest. But some were quite pleasant.

I was extremely happy to rent out the holiday cottage to them. At an exorbitant price, once again. Hey, I told you, you don't look a gift horse in the mouth. They did - weather permitting - tend to take over the swimming pool a bit though and the more insensitive (that's the nicest description I can think of) would just stroll into my gym and changing room without a by your bloody leave. I suppose there has to be a downside to everything.

Mind, the children soon started filling up their autograph books and for some reason became very popular with their classmates. Weekend sleepovers became the in-thing. And all kind of local organisations suddenly asked Penny and I to become members of their committees. I think they thought we would be a back door to our famous tenants. You know, we'd get Brooke or Stephone to put in appearances and open fête's and things. Penny and I politely turned them down. I had my work cut out with the Scouts and Penny was helping out the local Brownies.

Anyway most of the time there was just the four of us and the kids on the little estate. If you can call 14 acres of woods and paddocks an estate? The four of us seemed to get on very well and we would be in each other's houses quite few evenings during the week. Brooke and Stephone, as I said, had plenty of parties where the booze flowed plentifully and we made friends with the rich and famous.

Being in Brooke's company was one of my favourite things to do about that time. She is a beautiful looking young woman, in relation to Penny and myself that is. I'm a male of the species and I appreciate looking, and I'll repeat that "looking," at a shapely figure that goes in and out in all the right places. In a swimsuit or bikini, Brooke is most men's dream. But I must add that I love my beautiful wife and would never intentionally do anything to upset her. Not that I'd get the chance anyway. As I've said before, I'm almost twice Brooke's age.

Brooke and Stephone had been living in the farmhouse for just over a month when I first began to notice a few unexpected changes in Penny. Some I was quite happy with but others I wasn't too sure about.

The first thing I noticed was that Penny began to get a little more amorous. Once we'd had the children, Penny had slowed down on the old sexual front. For years now she had never been the one to instigate sex, other than the few times when she'd gotten carried away at a party or something and finished up a little bit tipsy. Don't get me wrong. I'm damn sure Penny had always enjoyed our lovemaking; once she got started there was no stopping her. But she hadn't been in the habit of starting the ball rolling for a few years.

Suddenly her night attire began to change; it got sexier and skimpier, until it got to the point where it was non-existent. And at the slightest hint of sex Penny was straight into top gear, if you get the idea.

Then I began to notice that she was rapidly loosing weight. It was plain to see that she was using the gym a lot more than she used to. I soon found out that she was joining Stephone in the gym everyday for a work out. And there we had a problem because you see I found that I was getting jealous.

Yes, I was very pleased that Penny was doing something about her figure. But the better she looked the more I began to think just how beautiful she was. And with Stephone's fans being kept at arms length so to speak, I just wondered whether Stephone would start to see the beauty in Penny that I had always seen in her as well. Stephone did tend to strike me as an "Any port in a storm" type of guy who had obviously always been used to getting lots of totty.

For a month or so I held my tongue, but then I asked Penny how she was getting along with Stephone. She blushed, which I didn't like, but then she assured me he was the perfect gentleman. Alarm bells really started going off in my head when she said that. If there was one thing I was pretty sure about, it was that Stephone Walters wasn't under any form of classification a gentleman. Gentlemen do not grope young girls!

"You're not getting sweet on Stephone, are you?" I asked, struggling to keep a smile on my face.

"And just what are you suggesting?" Penny demanded.

"Nothing. I wouldn't like you to get too close to him, though. You are my wife."

"What do you think, we're going to have it off in the gym or something whilst you're at work?" Penny said with a slightly sharp tone to her voice.

Whoops, this little conversation definitely wasn't going the way that I had intended. Unfortunately Penny thought I was accusing her of something! Not clever! I thought I'd better poor some soothing oil a bit quickly.

"Don't be silly, Penny. I would never think that! Christ, you're old enough to be Stephone's mother!"

Now that was one hell of a big mistake and I know it now. But I was shooting from the hip at the time. That statement turned out to be just as bad as waving a red rag in front of a bull. But I had said it and I couldn't take it back.

"Humph, so you think I'm an old frump, do you? I'll tell you I can turn more young men's heads than you can the ladies."

At this point in the conversation I should really have kept my big fat mouth firmly shut. But I only realised that afterwards and with hindsight. Penny had taken my inane statement as me telling her she was past it and had turned it back on me. Foolishly I, like any average husband, had to at least come out even in this one.

"For a man of my age, I don't think I look that bad looking. I've kept my figure and if I wanted, I'm sure I would have no trouble in attracting the ladies."

"Well, I'll tell you. If I wanted, I could attract any man I chose!"

Now, to be honest I can't remember exactly how the argument went after that. The whole bloody conversation hadn't gone the way I had intended. I had hoped to gently warn Penny about getting too "friendly" with Stephone and somehow I finished up virtually challenging her to seduce him.

That night and for a few nights after our sex life faltered but not for long. Penny was soon back to the sex bomb she had become since just after Brooke and Stephone moved in. But I was still very worried.

So much so that I made a few little changes to the CCTV system. The camera that overlooked the swimming pool, I adjusted so that I could just about see into the gym with it. And one of the inside intruder cameras I sneakily moved into our bedroom. I had to connect it to the now redundant computer network wiring. I'd had every room in the house wired when it was being converted but things had moved on and I was using a wireless system now. All the camera's were routed to a bloody great PC in my office come study, where once any movement was detected in any of the cameras' field of vision, it was recorded on one of several hard drives.

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penny by steve goldenThe morning was beautiful, bright and clear. She was the first up, and had the coffee on by the time anyone else emerged from the small group of tents. It was Gary, and together they sat and chatted and drank their black coffee in the sunshine.She wasn’t sure when the conversation turned to sex. Maybe it was when Gary gazed at her tits in her tight T-shirt and complimented her on her figure. She didn’t know him very well, having met him only once or twice before. And she...

3 years ago
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The Crush In for a Penny

The Crush: In for a Penny They say twins can read each other's minds, and maybe that's true. My sister Paige can sure read mine, even if we're only fraternal twins, not identical. Like the fact that long before I could say the words, she knew I felt more like a girl and not like a guy at all. She even was the one who decided my real name should be Penny, and not the Peter I was named at birth. Eventually, we told Mom and Dad, but I hadn't gone any further than that. But that...

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Lucky Penny

Walking out into the hallway, the view out the second floor window greeted me with a rainy evening sky. Great, I thought, guess I won’t even be going out in tonight. I didn’t feel like bar hopping by myself in the rain, but resolving not to just give up and head back to my room, I hit the down button thinking I’d at least give the hotel bar a shot. I could certainly use a drink or three after the mind-numbing afternoon I’d just endured. When the bell chimed and the doors parted, I walked...

4 years ago
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See a penny

Mark is running late to get home and decides to take a shortcut, he knows he shouldnt but does. Mark was one of those schoolboys which people thought was a geek or a nerd, always keeping himself to himself and it didn't help him being a little stocky yet tall. Running through the park he sees something glistening and can tell it is a shiny copper penny, looking around to see if he can find someone who dropped it, the penny looks old but in perfect condition. Mark reaches down to touch the penny...

1 year ago
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Uncle Bobs Lucky Penny

(As Told By: Uncle Bob's Niece) "Have I told you lately that you're my favorite Lucky Penny?" "Uncle Bob, I'm you're only Lucky Penny." "So, you are." Robert Alexander Taylor was Daddy's baby brother. He had delivered me at one of the family reunions sixteen years-ago and had called me his Lucky Penny ever since. In spite of becoming a doctor, he was still the black sheep in the family. He had refused to become a preacher as was the tradition for the youngest sons in the family....

2 years ago
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Nemesis Constance

Many thanks go to PapaGus and Deryk for their assistance in preparing this story for posting. Everything was at the hurry up! Really!. My employers had just taken over a much smaller concern that had recently gone to the wall. I think the company probably got everything on the cheap from the administrators. In spite of my own having been very successful in recent months, and completely swamped with work, our management was somewhat in a panic to bring its new acquisition into the fold, and get...

1 year ago
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Nemesis Jill

The security guard hit the button, that lifted the bar to allow me to enter the car park of the complex, after he'd spotted the parking pass I waved at him. It wasn't my pass, it was Jill's, but today her car was in for its annual MOT test and a service. By chance Gwen - the woman Jill normally car shared with — also had her car off the road, so I'd played chauffeur to the two of them that morning. We'd swing by the garage on the way home and collect Jill's car; then she'd drop Gwen...

3 years ago
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Nemesis Allison

Some years ago, I was lying on the back seat of my coach one night waiting for my passengers to return from their night out on the town. The lights were off but I had left the door unlocked so that I wouldn't be disturbed should anyone want to come back to the coach early. Around twelve o'clock two ladies came back on board but they didn't notice me laying there in the dark. They proceeded to have what I thought was a humorous conversation about the size of their husbands' and apparently...

4 years ago
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Nemesis Amy

When I married Amy, I didn't really know what I was letting myself in for. I didn't realise I was virtually marrying her sister Jill as well. Well, that's what it felt like. You see, when I first met Amy, Jill's husband Ron was on a company posting in Singapore. Ron works for some bank in the city and they had sent him out there for a few years. Apparently he was in for a big promotion when he returned. Jillian had gone with him, of course, so when I met Amy and fell in love with her, I...

2 years ago
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Nemesis Joanne

Once again I must thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. Without those two wonderful people I don't think I would still be posting. As always I must also add that I can't leave a story alone. I could well have added some cock-ups after they have seen it and before it gets posted. Well we must keep the GPs happy. The alarm function on my phone went off at 8 AM and that galvanised me into action. I jumped out of bed,...

4 years ago
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Nemesis Kelly

You'd think that, after twenty-three years of marriage, I'd know my wife, wouldn't you? Come to that, after knowing me for neigh on twenty-five years, you'd expect that she'd know me pretty well, as well. But it seems that I have never known her at all and Kelly has totality underestimated me. Look, I'd loved Kelly almost from the second I first clapped eyes on her, and from just a few weeks after that meeting, she'd had me completely convinced that she loved me. Unlike some folks we...

3 years ago
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Nemesis Dave

I'd finally pulled up at my house at three o'clock on the Saturday morning. The traffic had been atrocious on my drive back from Aberdeen to London. It always is on Fridays and there had been a multi-vehicle pile up on the motorway that had delayed me for several hours. I figured Vicky (Victoria), my wife, would have been in bed hours ago, but I was surprised she hadn't left a light on for me. Extracting my bags and briefcase from my car's boot I just about managed to carry them all at...

2 years ago
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Nemesis Fiona

As always I must thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for proof reading and editing this story. "Damn this bloody rush hour traffic," I thought, as I sat in the queue of cars and buses. All I wanted to do was get home and go to bed. I'd been called away with my two assistants to deal with a major breakdown at one of my company's production plants up north three days ago. After working around the clock, we had finally gotten the line up and running again on Thursday afternoon. The three of us...

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Nemesis Stella

Once again I must thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. Without those two wonderful people I don't think I would still be posting. As always I must also add that I can't leave a story alone. I could well have added some cock-ups after they have seen it and before it gets posted. That should keep the GPs happy at least. How do you know your loving wife is cheating on you and shagging her private stud on the side? Well,...

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Bitimes with Frank and Penny

Frank and I share a flat in a high tenement block, the only drawback is that we have to share the bathroom with the adjoining flat which is occupied by two young secretaries working at the same firm as we do. But it turned out not to be such a drawback because it gave me the opportunity, along with Frank, to discover some very joyful intimacies with one of the girls called Penny and later, well will mention that soon… Always being the nosy one and looking for a cheap thrill (according to Frank...

4 years ago
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Change For A Penny

Introduction: This is my first attempt at a story. It's just kind of like a practice try. The story is pretty simple, but I hope you enjoy it. Change For A Penny By Slurm Todd was just another shy, lonely teenage boy. The kind of boy who went totally unnoticed by girls his age. He only wanted a beautiful girl of his own, but it seemed like he wasn't good enough for any of them. Two of his friends, Mark and John, had called him and they decided to meet outside a nearby...

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I had done this a thousand times before. It was perfectly safe, and I knew I was quite alone. It was my favourite walk along the undercliff at night- time, and the sound of the sea, caressing the shore, made all the more pleasant. I was wearing one of my favourite outfits, made entirely of leather, and it consisted of a short leather miniskirt, leather corset, which reduced my waist to 20 inches a white blouse, long leather gloves, leather jacket, fishnet stockings and knee-high...

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Worth EVERY penny

Some friends and I were chilling playing spades and the topic of escorts came up. "How do you guys feel about paying for sex?" my boy Danny asked.Having never thought about it, I kept out of the conversation and just listened. My buddy Wayne stated, "shit I'd do it...actually I have done it truth be told," we all listened in. "Yea im like hell if I can afford it why not put some money down for a dude that I may never have a chance with. So that's what I did I paid for this porn star to come...

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Chapter 1 Living with Penny

Chapter one: Living with Penny 1 Brenda's room I was over at my neighbour Brenda's house for the afternoon as I do once a month because I was only nine and Mother preferred I wasn't alone by myself. I didn't mind because Brenda was sort of polite to me even though she was a year older. However she usually preferred us to go our separate ways so she usually played by herself all alone in her room while I ended in a world by myself with a toy train set in the basement. It was just a...

4 years ago
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OverboardChapter 5 In for a Penny

The Lady motored into Nanaimo harbour just before five that Sunday afternoon. In the three-plus hours since Tom's mental surrender to her, they had talked about inconsequential things. Tom wanted to talk to her about the things he wasn't sure of. What were her likes and dislikes? He thought he knew, but he wasn't positive. There was so much more to know about someone who was dedicated to capturing him for a lifetime. Connie had backed off after her final declaration. She had pushed him to...

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YakimaChapter 13 In for a Penny

My grandmother on my father's side used to say "in for a penny, in for a pound" when she was playing cards. It meant she knew she was taking a risk, but you either played to win, or you folded. That's where I was when I stepped off the plane in Yakima on my return. It was a Saturday afternoon and it was no surprise that Ali was accompanied by Jack, Jess and Matt. They were all anxious to greet me and it was nice to have a warm reception. I felt pretty damn good about my family and my...

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The Exhilarating Tale of Sir Walter and Miss Pennyworth

"Ah Miss Pennyworth, a good morning to you," said Sir Walter Wyles-Smithe. "And too you, Sir Walter," said Miss Pennyworth. She closed the door to the long but narrow law office and hung her outer jacket on the coat rack. "I thought you were in the Fifth Circle for another two days." "The trial was adjourned, I'm afraid. Missing witness don't you know. That's the demonic courts for you; frightfully disorganised." Miss Pennyworth nodded and settled into her seat behind her desk....

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Mistress Dyvias Purse of Pennies

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...

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Tounges Fingers Vs Pennis

Hi & welcome to all readers, sometime back I had written a story in which we had some questions unanswered. Should a female turn to the dark side of her desires in order to get satisfied? Well below is an answer that I have tried to justify, taking into the account the society that we live in “polygamy” for a women is looked like dirt. But then women need to get satisfaction in their sex lives. And exploration of lesbian sex is a healthy alternative that a woman has at least in India without...

4 years ago
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Part 4 of Ema becomes her families slut

"Goddammit, Sweet Muffin, you've got the tightest pussy I ever fucked!” Those were the first words out of my daddy's mouth when his hard cock penetrated my pussy for the very first time.At this point in my story I was just a couple of months past my sixteenth birthday. I was five feet tall, skinny, had hardly any tits to speak of, but I had a small waist, a cute butt and a flaring set of hips that I was just learning how to use. I had curly red hair, freckles, and braces on my teeth. I was...

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My Box Pt41

"You" he said leading me out to the limo. Me, the hell. This man has a lot of mystery to me that shit turns me completely on. Listen to me, I swear Friday I was happily engaged and a virgin.  We were off to our destination. I started rubbing on his inner thighs.  "You want this" he whispered in my ear. I got on top of him kissing on his neck. He placed his hand on my mid-back. He pushed me back to kiss my exposed chest. He pushed my dress to the side to free my breasts. He started...

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Slave Ship

Of course it didn't hurt the fact that her father owned the biggest slave dealership in the area and she had been bought up in the ways of slave trading from an early age. Her fathers name also commanded respect around here, some of that respect rubbing off onto her. She was sure she wouldn't of got to where she was today with her fathers name behind her. Slave trading was a mans job she often heard and some of the dealers and sea captains barely kept their contempt in rein when they found...

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Me And My Father In Law 8211 Part XLVI

This was so weird! Maya was now moving her ass faster and even sucked baba’s cock with lust. We all used her hand to masturbate ourselves and Divya had Maya’s toe in her pucchi and was humping it greedily. Maya’s body stiffened and she fell on my husband’s body and lay still. She had big orgasm! All the men got up and I woke Maya and told her to take the precious cum of the men on her body. Baba stood near her face and rubbed his cock. I went to his assistance and masturbated him so that he...

1 year ago
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Pokemon Ashs humiliating defeat

Ash and Ritchie are faceing eatch other as Misty watches from the side lines ok Ash Iam going to beat you and prove Iam the best Ritchie grins. Not a chance Ash smiles ok well if your so confident that you will why don’t we make it more interesting Ritchie smirks. Ok what do have I mind Ash asked. Ok the loser is stripped to there underwear and gets spanked by the winner then the loser has to give all there underwear to the winner and wear what ever underwear the loser says. Ash starts to blush...

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