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Authors note:

This was an interesting, and challenging piece for me to do. Most of my works are usually pure fiction with perhaps a sprinkling of fact based on similar experiences, or people I’ve known thrown in. As many of us here at Lit sometimes find, we get emails or feedback from people who have read and appreciated our stories. Sometimes a friendship can come from this, or at the very least dialogue begins borne from someone’s desire to see a particular story written, or an idea or fantasy shared.

This is a story about a very interesting lady, a woman who candidly told me how she went from having no sexual desires whatsoever, to blossoming into a sensual, open-minded, even sometimes kinky woman who explored her desires with the help of another individual who helped her discover who she truly was, and not what she’d become because of a horrible accident.

For obvious reasons I have changed the actual names of the people and places in this story to protect their identities. Most of what follows is what was described to me very often in candid, though explicit detail. I am not sure I have done justice to the emotion, fears, concerns, and eventual discovery and freedom for the woman who I now have come to know and believe to be a very special individual, all the while trying to tell her story within a story. But I tried.

This is her story.



Penny was just sixteen years old when a horrible car accident caused her to lose both legs just above the knee. She had been a gymnast in school, had tried out and been accepted as a cheer-leader for the following year, with dreams and aspirations to perhaps further her gymnastics abilities in the very near future while attending college. All that came to a horrible and tragic end with the accident, along with Penny’s self esteem and hopes for the future. Though she had always been considered attractive, good natured and outgoing, after the accident she withdrew into herself, no longer caring how she looked, felt or even behaved around friends and family who shared her pain, her loss, but who also unfortunately and sadly, distanced themselves from her over time, though she did much of that herself in pushing them away, preferring to look upon herself as a horribly disfigured woman who no man would ever want or love.

Seeing and believing herself in this way, sex was of course the last thing on her mind and something she found she had no desire to experience or share with anyone.

By the time she was thirty, Penny had learned of course to be self-sufficient, though she remained for the most part glued to her wheel chair. She’d made some effort at trying to walk again with the help of artificial limbs, but had eventually given up any hope or desire of accomplishing that, self-pity, frustration and anger winning out over any desire other than to spend the rest of her life in her chair. Her only real accomplishment was in buying one-half of a duplex that she soon after moved into that had room enough for her to move around in as well as easy access for exiting and entering. She learned to use a moveable step-stool ladder in her home in order to cook, store groceries, and try to live as normal a life as she could on her own, content to do so having long ago accepted the fact emotionally that she would in all likelihood never marry, never have kids, and since she’d also chosen to remain a virgin having never had any sort of intimate sexual relationship with anyone, short of the very rare instances when she would sometimes masturbate, though even those moments were far and few in-between.

Her one and only real friend was William, though he preferred being called ‘Will’ over ‘Bill’ as he’d informed her after they’d first met. Will owned the duplex that Penny was purchasing her half from. As such, he’d helped her move and get settled in to some extent, offering her help only when he knew she needed and wanted it, astute enough to not offer unless she actually asked. It was because of this perhaps that over time, she had actually begun to look forward to his visits with her, though he was twenty years older, divorced, with two teenage daughters she couldn’t really stand whenever they came to visit their father, and not because they were bratty or obnoxious, but because they reminded her too much of herself back when she was their age, just before the accident.

And just like Will’s daughters, she had once worn her naturally blond hair long, well past her shoulders. Now, she kept it short, cutting it herself as it too had become too much of a nuisance, too much of a burden, and too much of a reminder of her past. Penny had even seriously considered having a breast reduction, and though her boobs weren’t overly large by any means, they were enough so that she thought herself even more top-heavy and grossly miss-proportioned whenever she looked at herself in the mirror, which she hardly ever did anyway, not liking what she saw there whenever she had.

It was on a particular very hot summer evening, Penny sat outside on the back shared Patio that Will had built. He was in the process of barbequing some chicken for them for dinner, Penny volunteering to make a nice green salad to go along with, watching Will as he cooked, enjoying the glass of wine he’d given her, though this was already her third, and she was already feeling it. Still, all in all she hadn’t felt quite this much at peace with herself in quite some time, and Will had truly proven himself to be a good friend and neighbor, so she was very relaxed and comfortable around him. Perhaps it was because of that, along with the several glasses of wine that she’d consumed already, Penny found herself in one of her very rare, very infrequent moods when normal, natural desires and curiosities caused her to question Will intimately about his own personal life as they sat down to eat.

‘Why is it that I never see you bring anyone home, or ever go out on the weekends?’ she asked suddenly. ‘Except for when you’re working, you’re always here just like I am.’

Will gave Penny a knowing look. ‘First of all, because I hate dating, especially at my age, and secondly, because every woman I’ve ever met has tried to make me into something I’m not.’

Penny grinned in spite of herself, she knew exactly what that felt like. But it was the wine that had loosened her tongue as well as her curiosity. Had it not been for that, her next question might never have been asked. Will certainly was an attractive looking man, even she had to admit that to herself, but he was the first one she’d ever met and gotten to know whose world didn’t seem to revolve around sex.

‘Do you miss not being with a woman?’ she began, continuing before Will had time to respond to that. ‘What I mean is, do you prefer being celibate?’

He laughed openly, almost a boyish kind of laughter as he nearly spilled wine on himself, barely setting his glass back down on the table before doing so. ‘Do I miss not being with a woman? Hell yes I do! I miss it every day, though I’ll freely admit this to you, it’s not my ex-wife that I miss. It was because of her that I met and actually fell in love with someone else who showed me what intimacy, love and adventure could really feel like. And it’s not even her that I miss either, but that! And as far as being celibate goes, it’s not by my choice that I am Penny, I’ve just not met, nor really tried to meet anyone else that could share with me the kind of passion and excitement that I’m talking about!’

Penny was surprised by his answer, as well as intrigued by it too. And though she was certainly naive when it came to just about everything of a sexual nature, she wasn’t without feeling that every once in a while came on her like a plague until wrestling with her emotions, guilt and anxiety, she’d finally give into it and then masturbate like crazy for two or three days in a row before finally putting the beast back where it belonged for a while.

‘How do you manag
e it then?’ she heard herself asking, without realizing the response that might come from having done so.

‘Probably the same as you, I jerk off a lot,’ he said truthfully, not seemingly embarrassed by that admission at all.

Penny felt her face reddening, and not from her own embarrassment either, but from his simple honest admission that immediately painted an image for her inside her head that she couldn’t seem to shake off as she sat imagining it.

‘I don’t,’ she said softly, lying to Will as well as herself.

‘Why not?’ he shot back, catching her off guard. ‘You may have lost your legs, but you’re certainly not paralyzed, hell Penny, as strange as this may sound, you could probably do more interesting things in bed than most men would ever dream of having a woman be able to do!’

For the briefest of moments, she didn’t quite know what to think, or even how to respond to that, so she told him the Gods honest truth about herself in three simple words. ‘I’m a virgin.’

Maybe his eyes registered some surprise by this revelation, though he didn’t exactly pounce on it the way every other man she’d ever met had, which is one of the reasons she’d quit sharing that personal tid-bit about herself with anyone, until now.

‘When you meet the right man,’ he said very seriously, ‘then you’ll know when it’s right for you. Just because you’ve chosen to remain a virgin up until now, doesn’t mean you’ll always be one either. Most important advice I could give you is, don’t worry or keep thinking about it. When the time comes, it will. Until then, just keep being yourself.’

Penny truly was amazed at what he’d just told her. Once again, every other man she’d ever known that she’d confided that personal little secret with had suddenly taken it upon themselves to voluntarily offer her their services, as though they’d be doing her a big favor in having done so. Will hadn’t, if anything, he’d all but told her to stay one until she felt doing otherwise. Which in a sense, she had been, though she’d also resigned herself to remaining a virgin the rest of her life too.

She didn’t know why, even later afterwards as she thought about it, why she would share even more intimate personal thoughts with him, but she did. It was as though she was offering Will the key to her most private place, daring him to take it, open it, and discover what was inside, though she really didn’t know herself what could be found there, only that there was a nagging, burning desire that had been a part of her for as long as she could remember. ‘The beast’ as she called it and thought about it, the ‘monster’ that she was constantly having to find a way to appease before she could make it go away again, and this…was becoming harder and harder for her to do every time she’d fought with it.

‘It’s not that simple,’ she began actually feeling comfortable in telling him all this. ‘It’s not like I want to remain a virgin, just never met or found anyone who could accept me for me in that way. I keep feeling like I’d be some sort of conquest, or looked upon like a freak-show exhibit that promises to know the secret sexual abilities of the universe or something. And I don’t, sure…I understand the basics, I’m not stupid either, but beyond that, I don’t know a damn thing, and to be honest with you about it Will, that scares the hell out of me!’

Will sat back in his chair looking at her, neither smiling, nor frowning, and certainly not judging. ‘What do you want to know? To learn?’ he asked simply, just as seriously.

She laughed at that, feeling her defenses rising up once again, even though her fifth glass of wine kept liquefying the foundation so that it kept tumbling down around her rather than continuing to stand as it had in the past.

‘What? You’re offering to teach me all about sex?’ she asked laughing, trying to use humor to mask her real feelings which she knew to be the beast inside her having perked it’s ears up at hearing this.

‘Only as much as you’re in the mood to want to know, nothing more…nothing less, everything at your pace and speed. But yes, if you want to put it that way, I’ll teach you as much, or as little as you really want to know, it would be entirely up to you.’

She tried laughing his answer off again, but his expression remained, as well as his silence as he sat waiting on her, waiting for her to actually think about it, to decide for herself what it was she truly wanted to know about herself, had always wanted to discover, but been too afraid to find out.

‘So, sort of like sex for dummies?’ she’d thrown out, again hiding her sudden fear and anxiety in humor as she goaded him into turning this into some sort of joke as well.

‘You’re not dumb,’ he told her, an edge to his tone of voice she’d not heard before, though he didn’t press it any further with her, just letting that simple statement settle in. ‘And like I said, as little as you want to know, or even care to,’ he added. ‘But it’s entirely up to you.’

Will stood at that moment and turned heading back into the house. Penny thought for a moment that she might have actually offended him, made him angry with her, and she was surprised to feel that this was the last thing she’d ever wanted to do, probably for the first time in her life for that matter.

‘Where’re you going?’ she asked worriedly, not wanting this evening, nor this conversation to end quite yet.

‘We’re out of wine,’ he told her finally smiling. ‘But I think you’ve had more than enough of it already,’ he added. ‘So I’m going to put on a pot of coffee, after that, you can tell me what you’d like to talk about first, and we’ll take it from there.’


Penny sat while Will went inside to make them some coffee, thinking about what’d he’d told her, trying to find some hidden reasoning behind his intentions, the struggle one she’d often had with herself before, though finding this one entirely different. She’d certainly been aroused before too, but as with that, she fought against it, convincing herself that it was a disgusting abnormal urge and desire to have until succumbing to it, giving in to it, then hating herself for many days afterwards. As she sat there, she couldn’t help but think that this is how that would end too, hating herself the next day, but accepting that it was already too late to do anything about it now. She was aroused, curiously aroused, and the beast had been set free.

‘So? Thought about what I said?’ Will asked when he came back outside carrying two cups of freshly brewed coffee with him, setting one down in front of her, then taking his seat.

Penny was tempted to use humor on him once again, but found the beast wasn’t feeling too funny at the moment, and now very much in charge of her thoughts and emotions. ‘You really were serious then?’ she asked not at all smiling when she said it. ‘As slow as I want, I can ask you whatever I want to, and you won’t try and push anything any further than that.’

Will just looked at her without speaking, giving her a subtle nod of the head instead.

‘Hmm, where to begin?’ she asked smiling, not really joking now, but wanting desperately to see the smile return to his face, making this less serious than she herself was now making it. And then he did smile.

‘Why not begin with what you know? Or don’t know about whatever it is you’d first like to know,’ he told her.

‘Like what?’ she said allowing him to turn the key she’d actually given him in the lock, the door slowly opening.

‘Why don’t we start with masturbation?’ he asked.

Hearing that, she did laugh, but it was a nervous laugh too. ‘I already know how to do that!’ she told him.

‘Do you?’

His simple question paralyzed her momentarily, she found herself tongue-tied and unable to speak as words failed to say what she was honestly feeling in trying to just as honestly answer that.

‘Let me ask you something,’ he said giving her a reprieve which she found herself great
ly appreciating for the moment.

‘Ok, shoot!’

‘First off, the rules.’


‘Yeah, rules. Number one, honesty. No bull-shit. Tell me how you feel, or don’t feel about something if I ask. And likewise, if you ask me about something, then expect an honest and totally candid answer in response, don’t shy away from what I say, or in what words I use to say it. If you do, then this isn’t going to work, and it ends right then and there. Understood?’

‘Ok, what other rules?’

‘Actually, just that one, let’s keep it simple for now. Let’s just agree to be totally and completely honest with one another from the very beginning. After that, if we think we need more rules, we’ll discuss them. How’s that sound?’

‘Fine with me,’ Penny said meaning it, though she wondered if she would actually be as truthful with him as he was expecting her to. She’d never been so with anyone else before, so she wondered if she even could be now though she’d promised that she would be.

‘I mean it Penny,’ Will said as though he’d seen the hesitation in her eyes. ‘If you can’t be, or don’t want to be, then this discussion ends, or any other future discussions for that matter too!’ he said once again letting her hear the edge in his tone of voice as he spoke to her.

‘Ok, so what was it you wanted to ask me about masturbation?’ she asked letting him know that she was a least willing to try by reinitiating the subject.

‘Do you enjoy it?’

‘Enjoy it?’ She said aloud, though inside she was already trying to find some way to evade, or dance around the honest answer. Looking into his eyes before she spoke however, she realized she couldn’t, not if this really was to continue the way she now realized she wanted it to, she couldn’t. ‘If you mean do I feel pleasure? Then yes, in a way I do I guess, while I’m doing it. But most of the times afterwards, I’m disgusted by it, disgusted that I did, or that I even had an orgasm, if an orgasm is even what it is that I feel afterwards or during,’ she added as honestly as she felt she could try and explain to him under the circumstances. By the look in his eyes however, he seemed to know and completely understand what she’d meant.

‘You said you were a virgin, but have you ever had any intimate personal experiences with another person? Man or woman?’ he asked.

She again laughed, a nervous laugh perhaps that told him she would answer him rather than hide or attempt to hide the truth. ‘Sure, I went through the normal curious phase of wondering, exploring, once with a boy my age, and even once with a woman I met a few years after the accident when I thought perhaps I really did hate men and was now secretly a lesbian or something. But the truth of the matter is, I’ve never even seen a man’s penis before, a boy’s dick yes, but not a man’s!’

‘Hard or soft?’ he asked her.


‘Hard or soft? How would you like to see it?’ he pressed.

She thought about it, ‘Both I guess…yes, both!’ Will made no movement however, though she was sort of expecting it. She waited until she couldn’t wait any more. ‘Well? You going to show me or not?’

‘Was waiting for you to ask me,’ he said turning it back on her. ‘I’m not going to assume anything, and neither should you. If you truly want to see or do something, then you have to tell me.’

‘Rule number two?’

‘Rule number two,’ he grinned as he stood and began removing his pants.

Once he had done so, he stood in front of her, fully exposed, though she couldn’t honestly say if he was fully soft, certainly not hard, but more importantly she looked, and found fascination with it in looking, seeing really for the very first time. ‘OK, now make it hard…please?’ she added looking up into his eyes.

Will stroked it briefly, coaxing himself into firmness, and then released it allowing it to stand of its own accord.



‘It looks totally different!’ she exclaimed, actually surprised by it.

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My name is Samir from Mumbai, the story that I am going to share with you is a true story with my wives Pooja and Nurit. I was 24 when I met my first wife Pooja. Then I had just completed my MBBS degree and I had been to Chennai to do my internship. Pooja was 26 then and she was doing her MD in neurology. Pooja’s figure measured 36-24-36, she was perfect in every sense. In our introductory class, I just kept staring at Pooja. I loved the way she moved her lips while talking, eating and also the...

4 years ago
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After The Poker Game

She was very aware of the girl’s stares. Her eyes seemed to be attached to her boobs. And it was distracting her in her play. But it hadn’t really mattered to Kate Beckett that she had lost that poker round. On the contrary, she’d wanted it to be over quickly, so she could do something about those staring eyes which had eyed her up and eaten her alive all evening. She wants it! Yeah, she definitely wants my tits as much as her daddy does! Maybe I let her suckle on me, like her daddy likes...

3 years ago
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Wife asks me to give her mother oral Part 6

read first 5 installments to understand. As my wife and I drove to her mother's house the following week, I had butterflies in my stomach. I honestly started to wonder if I would be able to perform in front of her. The entire things was still so surreal to me. We hadn't spoken much about it this week. I think neither of us wanted to jinx anything, or seem like we went there with a plan. So as we pulled into the driveway, I still had no idea if my wife planned to just watch, or actually...

2 years ago
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PornWorld Aubrey Black Horny MILF Doctor Aubrey Black Enjoys BBC DP at the Clinic

It’s the beginning of the week, and a normal day at the medical clinic when MILF Doctor Aubrey has to perform a full-body check-up on a new patient who happens to have a massive black cock. When she sees it, being the horny slut that she is, she cannot resist her compulsion to start sucking it. A bit later, as the patient is fucking her with his BBC, Dr. Aubrey’s colleague who also has a BBC walks in the room to discover what’s going on. He quickly joins the fun and together the two BBCs DP the...

5 years ago
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The PresenceChapter 4

The next morning, everyone was up early and had breakfast and was very excited about going out to the island. They all agreed to wear their bathing suits just in case they wanted a swim afterwards. So putting shirts and shorts over their swimwear and bringing towels, they all went down to the boathouse. Beth told John to check the gas. The boat was good size with a steering wheel and a large outboard motor. “Mom, we could ski with this boat.” Beth was no stranger with this type of boat. Her...

2 years ago
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Still Crazy After All These Years

Finally, after nineteen years, HE dumped ME. What a nerve! So now, the world’s longest series of unfulfilled mutual crushes is finally over…or is it? Let me tell you the story. I’ve known ‘Buddy’ since college, almost twenty years now. He sat directly across from me in the college band, a freshman smugly dropping himself into the first trumpet section. I was a sophomore, comfortably seated in the first flute section of the concert band. My first thoughts were along the lines of ‘arrogant...

2 years ago
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My Sister My Lover

My Sister and I loved watching my cock sliding into her pussy, I liked the way her lips caressed my cock and she loved the way it disappeared and reappeared. We would sit for hours playing with each other before putting it in, then, if she was sitting on me, would ride slowly up and down so we could both watch the movement. If I was on top she would sit with her back against the headboard, propped up to see. We were twins and we had enjoyed the sensations for a couple of years now, not that...

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European Adventure

Here it was different. All men traveled in packs more exclusive than the last. To be considered to talk to a guy or spend an evening with him you first had to meet the approval of his friends whose gazes grew more and more icy as you followed their perfectly combed heads around their table. If you were desperate enough, you could find a greasy guy holed up at a lone bar table eyeing every person around; he would be more than happy to take you home and use you as the body you are, not...

4 years ago
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PYEWACKETEvery Witch has a Familiar, A black cat. Pyewacket is her name.Part 1 of 5 Pyewacket jumped up onto Regina's bed & lay down facing Regina's bureau. She was all alone as everyone had left for The Country Club.Pye watched them come home the night before all excited about something & when she jumped up on the back of the couch & into Regina's lap she saw the plastic containers sitting on the couch between Rebecca & Regina & the shadows of movement...

3 years ago
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Super Secretary

Super Secretary By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "This game is going to be awesome!" Larry told his co-workers as they were grabbing some morning coffee in the office beak room. "Damn, I know," said Kenny. "I wish it was starting now. I'm feeling good about the Giants!" "You guys have no chance," Alan piped up. "Did you forget the Patriots were undefeated this year?" "Dude, the Giants played them well in the last game," said Larry. "They've definitely got a...

4 years ago
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Family Fun

When I was 13 my dad died I don’t know why, my mum never told me. As a boy growing up without a dad pretty much sucked. When I was 15 my mum re-married to Barry, Barry & Ann what a joke, he was fat and bald. Personally I think my mum could have done a hell of a lot better, she was 37 skinny (well so someone that had a kid) and she had a nice pair of 32C’s, small but nice. Before my 18 birthday came around my mum and Barry decided it would be best for me to move out. In other words Barry didn’t...

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works party fantasy

Julie and me had been to her works xmas party, I had got to work the following afternoon, so I had drove and didn't drink.Julie was wearing a long silver dress and had quite a lot to drink, we had about a 1 hour drive home and it was about 2am.As soon as we got in the car Julie took off her shoes and pushed the passenger seat back and adjusted the back of the seat to nearly horizontal.I began to drive and she lifted her feet up resting them on the dashboard.I waited a few minutes, then put my...

4 years ago
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Diary of a Personal Assistant 3 Outdoor Games

Thought I’d jump ahead a little and share something that occurred a couple of months after being hired by David and Anya as a live in personal assistant/bunny slut.  I’d been living in the in-law suite behind Sir’s house. It was nice to have my own space and it had been agreed that it was to be one of my benefit’s as his personal assistant. It wasn’t very big, but it was cozy. A single divided room with a small kitchenette  and living area in one half and a bedroom in the other. There was also...

1 year ago
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Red GIFs! In the caveman days, dudes had to crank it to cave drawings of boobs. Things got a lot better with the advent of photography, which is why your grandpa still has a collection of old Playboys and Hustlers under his bed. Porno has continued to evolve, and still pictures have given way to crisp 4k Ultra-HD smut. There’s also a middle ground occupied by the kind of fap fodder you’ll find at RedGIFs.If you’re under 80 years old, you’ve probably already guessed from the name what...

Porn GIFs Sites
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My Sisters best friend fiction

My sister's friends have always been able to stay with me when things aren't going well with their boyfriends and/or husbands. They've always seen me as a big brother. My sister and her friends were in their twenties and I'm in my mid-thirties. Anyway one night Kristina came to my house with tears in her eyes. I suspected that she and her boyfriend had gotten into a major fight so I invited her in. "Kristina what happened?" "Carlos and I got into a fight because I wasn't home when he got...

3 years ago
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After Leahs Wedding A Summer Camp Story

This addendum to Nick Scipio’s “Summer Camp” is fan fiction and not canon. Since the Summer Camp series is Paul’s story, many side stories never get told and always left open questions for me. This story is one I needed to hear told. Big Ed Magnusson’s series is following Chris Coulter. This is my version of what happened after Leah’s wedding and is published with the permission of Big Ed and Nick. The wedding rehearsal had gone off without a hitch and the wedding itself even more so. At...

1 year ago
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Castaway Cuckold

My wife and I are stranded on an island with five other men. When they started go become wrestles my wife did what she felt she had to do. I supported her of course, yet became very frustrated. Castaway cuckold. Staring Roy, Suzie, Arthur, Ernest, Robert, Samuel, Joseph We where flying out of the Caribbean heading for Columbia. I was on a business trip with my wife on our way to Columbia south America. The farming of soy and corn there is growing, and I was to see what future I might find...

4 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 48

Cindy woke up and tried to stretch. That didn't work so well since her Mistress had locked her wrist cuffs together behind her back and then used a strap to attach them to cuffs that locked her ankles together. She wasn't in a hog tie -- not even close -- but she couldn't stretch all the way out. She could, and did, wiggle under the covers until she managed to get her mouth close to Tina's pussy. As always the sexy, musky scent made her own pussy swell. Tina liked to sleep on her back,...

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Please cum in

Clarisse was learning how to manage her stress lately. She had read somewhere that listening to audio books could be useful at redirecting stress. The odd thing about audio books and Clarisse was, she only listened to erotic mysteries, and they seemed to keep her even more horny than usual, which was a bit much.  When she arrived at Amanda’s house after the hellishly horrendous traffic this hot Friday afternoon, she was really steamed and needed a cool beverage. Since she had taken delivery of...

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Cousin Ritu Didi

Hi, I am Amol. I like ISS. Its good to share x experiences. I was bought up in rural area. To be honest children in our area were bit doggy. I never had any experience about sex. I was 19 that time(2004). Being a student of science my studies were quiet serious. I used to study hard. My college was not far from home. I used to go to college by cycle. It was fun. We had a subject called biology. After 1st quarter we had chapter on Male & Female reproductive system. Those lectures were very...

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Lara Gets More Cock

Following two requests for further bestial adventures after my previous story Better Than Boyfriends, which you should read and enjoy first. Here is what I dreamed up: - Lara is now a year older and living in a converted barn on the zoo. The elephant thing, while still of interest, but difficult for Erik and Lara to enable, she is getting all the cock she craves from Erik the German boss and his Appenzell dog Kurt. Eighteen months have passed since Lara’s initiation into bestiality, having...

3 years ago
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Now I have a very feminine side and have always been interested in men,however, being married and from a small mid western town where they calledguys interested in men queer, fags, well you know all the derogatory termsthe straight laced populace use. We had moved to Florida for the purposeof a job that I had applied for and after two interviews actually landed.I found that even though the city we had moved to was more of a large town,the community didn't come down so hard on guys like me. I...

2 years ago
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Dream Weaver Book 3 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 15 Pursuit of Fear

A rule of life is, 'Nothing is ever as easy as you first think it will be'. That truism certainly applied to pursuing Megan, as Sean was soon to discover. The Council was eager to put their considerable resources at Sean's disposal to rescue Megan. Of course, a couple of things had to be explained to them before their eagerness manifested itself. Cory had to explain how the other Councils would respond to the results of the Americas Council's ineptness, if Megan wasn't rescued. BB...

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Lisa das AnnoncenLuder

So ein Mist -- Lisa sah verständnislos in ihr Portemonnaie. Aber darin klimperten nur noch ein paar wenige Münzen Kleingeld. Und übermorgen würde Meier, ihr Vermieter, wieder vor ihrer Tür stehen. Eben hatte er nur gedroht. "Lisa," hatte er gesagt, "ich kann ja verstehen, dass euch Studenten manchmal das Geld ausgeht. Vor allem Mädels wie dir, du gibst bestimmt viel für deine Kleidung aus. Aber auch ich muss leben. Du bist mit deiner Miete jetzt seit zwei Wochen überfällig. Ich komme am Freitag...

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Privy of the GodsChapter 4

Naomi was a good student. She listened to my critique and promised to do better next time. Well, I doubted that she would unless she had a chance to practice more, but that had to wait. We reached Albany before dark and had time to find a comfortable place to spend the night. That translates to “spend the night with sex.” We had not missed a night so far, and neither one of us was getting the least bit bored with the repetition. Neither of us was familiar with Albany, so it took some time...

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"Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz? My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends." Dear God, she was at it again. I never could understand what Jason saw in that girl. For some reason, Cynthia (never Cindy, as she was quick to point out to the unsuspecting) felt that everyone else was put on this Earth to pamper her every request. And my dear, beloved, lunkheaded GUY of a best friend continued to perpetrate the myth. I knew more about Jason than he probably knew about himself....

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9 July 2008Chapter 3

The third night and results show always featured the contestants singing in groups to different songs. Brad and Abby were happy to be practising an extra song to help the time pass by quicker and take their minds off the impending voter results. The theatre was again filled to capacity, the Hayward and Kendall families so excited for and proud of their son and daughter. “Welcome to Canadian Idol! I’m your host Ben Mulroney and tonight these sixteen performers will learn their fate. Only ten...

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How I was left unsatisfied with my hookup Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

This is my first and only story where I was left unsatisfied with my hookup. I had never been on blind dates and I was never that girl who went for hookups. After being single for a while and on the advice of a few friends I tried adating app. It said it was specially for women. Some people had found serious partners through it so I tried it. But what I didn’t know, that in this country, a modern girl looking for a partner through a dating app means they want sex. Is this true? Hell no! I was...

Real Hookup
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my naughtiest gf ever

I was 39 and had applied for a job after not working for almost 7 years. Well I was hired, it was in the computer field and not to toot my own horn but I was good at running and maintaining mainframes and the attendant peripheral equipment. We will call her Cindy and she was the manager and my boss. The second Friday after starting she invited me out for dinner to talk about the job. She was 31 and as I worked the swing shift, the only employee on that shift, and had already solved some...

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Joan Alone

Joan and Brian were both the same age as myself and we became good friends living in same road. We used to go for a drink at local pub and invited each other to parties in the area. We often went to sports events and like. Joan was a good looker with a great figure always wore short skirts and taught in local town. I had started giving her a lift when going her way to save the bus and many times she would get into my car finding it very difficult to avoid flashing her knickers, each time saying...

Cheating Wifes
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Wife Discovers BBC Cuckold

"DO you want my cunt wrapped around your black cock?" These were the words that I heard when I arrived home the other night.The voice was clearly that of my wife, Barbara. It has been a few months since we decided to "spice" things up for ourselves, by adding other people to our sexual repertoire. So, far it has only been boy toys for her, but I have enjoyed hearing about her sexual escapades and the last time she even invited one of them to our home. He fucked her while she gave me head. You...

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Wagons HoChapter 12

After supper, I told Millie and Tess about my conversation with John. As I predicted, both of them thought he had done the right thing. April 17, 1845 We started out following the Big Nemaha River today and we'd follow it almost to its headwaters. Ab said we'd cross over to the West Fork of the Big Blue river at that point. Ab and I talked it over and decided to only shoot for ten or twelve miles for the day. I also met my first plains Indian today. I was probably seven or eight miles...

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karrena kapoor 1

I’m a guy from India. This trust me is a true story. No no not a storie it is an incidence which truly happened. So i’m not going to reveal my name & any identities. Here is how it goes.I’m a guy working in a hotel at a hill station in Maharashtra.(I cant tell my post or name of hotel or name of hill station as I can lose my job. Actually I’m taking a great risk here as if anyone knows abt this i’ll be dismissed immediately but anyways!). Its a very royal hotel not meant for any ordinary...

3 years ago
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Unlimited Sex With My Neighbor Girl

Hi am Raaj, I am basically from Tamilnadu. I am currently working in Hospet karnataka. This story is about how i had sex relationship with my friend. Let me not waste time any more lets began the story. I am single and i have taken a separate room. Since its a new place i have arrange my food with a near by home, Where they will provide me lunch and dinner. They are three in their family mother and two daughter. The story of the heroin is their second daughter. She is doing her Arts degree , I...

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Best Friends for Life

From the moment they met in Kindergarten, Alex Adams and Michelle Yin became fast friends. Michelle was Alex’s protector that day. He was being menaced by a particularly large Second-Grader. Michelle, whose family were quite proficient in the Martial Arts, kicked the crap out of the other boy. The little thug ran away in sheer terror. They were inseparable after that. No one could say a bad word about his friend to Alex. The two-month older Michelle became his constant companion and...

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First Steps

April and I had dated for a few weeks and things were going smoothly. We were getting proficient at not mixing work with our interest in each other, April was still wearing stylish outfits to work which were having the now desired effect. In our private encounters, April soon realized that French kissing was indeed not a cause of pregnancy and learned quickly that I enjoyed it. One evening I picked her up and rather than spend an evening at some preordained activity, I asked her if she would...

Straight Sex

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