A GEM OF AN OFFER Chapters 2 - 3 free porn video

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Genevieve's Island...

The next morning Genevieve was still sleeping when I awoke. Deciding on a shower, Genevieve was awake when I came out of the bathroom drying my hair. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she was slathering on an ointment over her stomach. "DAMN! Genevieve what the hell is that stuff? It smells rancid!"

"It's a cream Mama Es has been putting on me every day since my baby bump started showing. She insists it will stop stretch marks. I have to leave it on every morning for at least an hour," she informed me while applying more to her breasts. "I lost so much weight while I was pregnant that I think the only areas I need to worry about are my boobs and my waist."

Genevieve stood up and did a slow turn letting me get a good look at her body. "At first I thought it was just a bunch of hoowie but look, not a single stretch mark."

"She'd make a fortune marketing that stuff if she could disguise the smell."

Genevieve laughed, "Oh, Mama Es doesn't need more money. Especially since you made me give her all my jewelry. Sit and put some lotion on my back."

I sat on the edge of the bed as she turned her back to me and gathered her long, blond hair out of the way. "You want me to put my hands in this foul stuff? By the way, I didn't make you give away your jewelry.

"Oh, stop being such a baby and do my back," Genevieve commanded as, trying not to breath deeply, I began rubbing the lotion across her back. She was so thin I could count every rib.

"So what else was I to do with jewelry I could no longer wear because of my heartless husband," Genevieve pouted and then laughed with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Not to worry though. It was only four or five million dollars."

"What!? You gave away five million dollars?"

Genevieve stood up and straddled my thighs as I sat frozen in shock. Between light kisses she whispered, "We really need to have a money talk, Jim."

"Let's talk about your money... OOF!" Genevieve may have lost much of her muscle tone but the hard punch to my stomach when I wasn't expecting it felt like a piledriver had hit me.

"It's not MY money! Did you see a pre-nup? What's mine is yours and yours is mine, remember our deal? It's OUR money now."

"Okay... Okay, just don't hit me again. I should have added that to our vows."

"Too late. I can't shoot you again. Nothing was said about hitting." Between more kisses, Genevieve joked, "God, you're such a complainer. You complain when I blow up your boat... You complain when I shoot you... You complain about the smell... You complain when I hit you..."

It wasn't until she pulled back with an evil grin that I knew the hands that had cradled my cheeks had also rubbed a thick coat of that gawd-awfull, stinking goo over my face.

"Oh, you perfidious woman."

"If I have to stink so do you, Jim," Genevieve told me before sliding off my lap before I could think of a way to retaliate. "Jim, do you know what I want to do?"

"I'm afraid to ask."

"I want to walk down to the beach. You can carry Stormie and we can wash this stuff off in the cove."

That sounded fine to me. We found Stormie in the kitchen with Kakuma. Esmeralda was using a machete to cut slices of meat from a large haunch when Genevieve said I should grab a couple of beers for the beach.

Slamming the machete down Esmeralda decreed, "One beer! One man, one beer." Pointing the tip of the machete at Genevieve, Esmeralda ended with a final order, "You don't drink beer while making milk."

Again Genevieve meekly acquiesced. Walking across the wide lawn, she got a large beach towel from a gazebo next to a flight of stairs that led to the beach. A large palm tree offered shade for us to lie under. The white, sandy beach was fifty yards wide from high water to storm wall and at least a hundred yards long. Rocks were piled to form a breakwater thirty or forty yards out in the ocean.

"There's small pipes in the breakwater to let the tide go out and come in. But nothing bigger than a minnow can get to our cove. I want to teach Stormie how to swim here." Genevieve laid on her back and closed her eyes with a sigh, "A week ago I couldn't have walked here."

"So you aren't lying? You are getting better," I asked while playing tickle-belly with Stormie. There was no answer. Glancing at Genevieve I could only shake my head at her gift of falling asleep so quickly.

I let Genevieve sleep until the shade moved with the sun. Not wanting Genevieve to sunburn I woke her up to reposition the blanket further under the tree.

"Let's go wading and clean this ointment off us and our clothes," Genevieve suggested. I was very quick to agree. Leaving Stormie to play with her feet, we played in the water until the last trace of ointment was gone. Wading onto the beach, Genevieve began stripping off her clothes and invited me to do the same.

"Ah, Genevieve, I don't have a bathing suit."

"Does it look as if I do," she laughed. "Jim, I... We, own everything within a mile in every direction. I think we'll have plenty of privacy while our clothes dry in the sun."

Stormie was fussy when we rejoined her on the blanket. Asking me to lean against the trunk of the tree, Genevieve sat between my legs to lean back against me.

"Would you like to do the honors," she asked playfully.

"What honors?"

"Last night my tits were full. But, like now, to get the milk really flowing I usually have to play with them. Jiggle 'em, squeeze 'em, pull on them like you would if milking a cow's udder... And if the words 'cow' or 'udder' ever leave your lips you'll wish they hadn't," Genevieve warned.

"Genevieve, you can teach me many things but I already know how to play with a woman's breasts," I said, reaching around her to prove my boast.

Genevieve let me play for several minutes before swatting my hands away. "They're not water pistols, asshole! Now you're just trying to see how far you can make the milk squirt."

Looking over Genevieve's shoulder I watched as Stormie got her mid-day meal. Switching Stormie from one nipple to the other, it wasn't long till she was full and falling asleep with only a last, few reflex sucks before Genevieve laid her down onto the blanket.

Moving to lay Genevieve onto her back, I leaned over her to take my mid-day meal from her still mostly full breasts. Genevieve let me feast on her, offering my mouth one nipple and then the other until she pushed me away.

"I have to save some for Stormie, Jim. Don't be greedy," she told me. "Besides, you drank from me so it's only fair I get to drink from you."

I was hard already from sucking on Genevieve's tits. Moving to lie between my legs, she began licking my shaft. Grinning, Genevieve finally took me into her mouth. With mouth and hands she took her time playing with my cock before getting serious in coaxing another large load of cum into her mouth.

I had the beer bottle open and ready to hand to her when she'd finished swallowing. After swishing the beer around her mouth and swallowing, Genevieve moved up to lie on me with her head on my chest. "Cum and beer. I think it helps me more than Mama Es' tonics. Sure as shit it tastes better."

Our clothes were dry and we dressed. Walking back to the house, Genevieve tried to put on a brave front but from the way she leaned on my arm I could tell she was tired. I put Stormie in her crib under Kakuma's watchful eyes then joined Genevieve in the bedroom. After taking her clothes off, I tucked Genevieve into bed. Before I'd undressed and moved to gather her to me under the blankets, she was already asleep.

I stayed with my girls for two more days. On the morning of the third I was ready to leave while Genevieve was pouting for me to stay one more day. "I can't, Genevieve," I said for the hundredth time while pulling her arms from around my neck. "Tomorrow is our family reunion and it's time my mom knows she has a granddaughter. I'm still a detective and I have a court appearance on the fifth I have to make."

"C'mon, Jim. There's this new invention. Maybe you've heard about it? It's called a telephone. You can call your mom and tell her about Stormie. You can stay another day and I promise to have you back to the States in time to make your court date."

"Genevieve, my mom will forgive many things. But, if she learns she has the granddaughter she's been waiting years for over the phone? That she will never forget nor forgive. Besides, it's costing you a fortune to have that jet still sitting at the airport.

"It's only because I'm feeling good that I'm not hurting you, Jim. It's our money. Also, it's not costing us anything. I decided to buy the transport company the day you flew down here since our family will be doing so much travel between here and South Carolina. Paperwork will be signed next week"

I stood there with my mouth open until Genevieve reached over and with a finger pushed my jaw closed. "Jim, we really need to have a money talk."

"I guess we do but not today," I told her, still in shock that I was married to a woman who off-handedly could mention buying what had to be a multi-million dollar company. After all, jet planes aren't cheap. Damn, how much had Genevieve stolen during her time as a thief? A question for another day I decided as I pried her arms from my neck again and repeated, "I really have to go now if I want to get home in time to tell Mom this evening. Besides, I have to leave to buy you your engagement ring."

"Oh, well! Why didn't you say so. Time's a'wastin' and yer burnin' daylight, Pilgrim," Genevieve said while pushing me towards the door. With her ring at stake, her mood had shifted in an instant to my leaving ASAP.

"Worst John Wayne impression ever, Genevieve."

Chapter Three

Wassamassaw Island, South Carolina... July, 3rd

Chasing the sun from West to East got me home before the sun set in South Carolina. There were plenty of family members already assembled and shouting questions at me but I didn't answer any. After taking a few moments to admire my new sailboat tied up to Dad's dock, I was finally able to get Mom, Dad and Aunt Al alone in my room with the door locked.

Asking them to sit on the edge of my bed I didn't bother wasting time before announcing, "Genevieve and I are getting married."

They didn't seem pleased. They remained motionless for several moments before Dad asked, "Son, did Ginny shoot you in the head this time?"

"No, Dad. Genevieve has promised not to shoot me again as long as I don't try to arrest her again. Look," I tried to explain. "I know it's crazy. I know it's the craziest thing but even after everything that's happened, I love her."

Ouch. Mom folded her arms across her chest with a firm look on her face that all us sons recognized as her, 'It will be a cold day in Hell before I approve,' look. I started digging into my backpack for the one thing that could change her mind.

"And, Mom... You have a granddaughter," I told her holding up a 8x10 color, glossy reprint of the first ever photograph of Stormie. Mom snatched it from my hand and the three of them sat staring at it until Mom asked if I was sure...

"Mom, there is absolutely no doubt she's your granddaughter," I told her before she could finish her question.

"She's beautiful," was all Mom said after that.

"Her name is Katherine," I informed Katherine Kershaw before leaning down to kiss Stormie's namesake on her forehead.

"Alicia," I kissed my Aunt Alicia on her forehead.

"Kershaw." I only gave Dad a handshake.

Reaching into my pocket I handed each of them a card from the transport company Genevieve... I mean, that we would soon own. "They have instructions to fly you anytime, to anywhere you want to go."

Mom was ready to rush out immediately to pack but I convinced her to wait until the family reunion was over. I knew that if Mom left now every female would want to go, too. Telling the three of them the story of Genevieve's difficult pregnancy and delivery and how weak she still was, Mom agreed that the last thing 'that poor dear' needed was to have a houseful of guests.

It boded well for the future that Genevieve had graduated from 'that Italian woman' to 'that poor dear.' After I handed the photo album I'd brought to Mom, she and Aunt Al were off to spread glad tidings of joy to the assembled masses.

Dad remained behind, remarking, "After this shindig is over we'll be lucky to see your mom again for a month."

"Don't you want to go see your new granddaughter, Dad?"

"Of course, I do. But if living with your mom all these years has taught me one thing, it's taught me that if I get between her and her granddaughter... Why, your mom will run me over and leave me as roadkill without a second thought. What say the two of us go and check out your new boat."

Of course everyone wanted to be on the first plane but Mom decreed that since Genevieve was so weak only she, Aunt Al and K'deesha would go. It was far too late Africa time to call Genevieve so I waited until the morning. Telling her that she would soon have guests, she told me that she'd decided against a diamond for her engagement ring. "I've had enough diamonds, Jim. I want a green emerald instead to match my eye color."

I wondered if emeralds were more expensive than diamonds. For the first time I began wondering if I had enough money to marry a multi-millionaire.

While the family gathered for our Fourth of July reunion I was kept busy telling and re-telling my story. The next day Mom, Aunt Al and K'deesha were halfway across the Atlantic by the time I was testifying in court. While I was in court it turned out that Genevieve had been busy. When I went back to the precinct a tech crew was finishing installing a wide screen TV. A few adjustments later and a larger than life Genevieve appeared, grinning and waving, "Hey, everyone."

Sam was the only one thrilled at seeing her. After he thanked her profusely for the Ferrari Genevieve came to the point. "Jim, they're installing these in your bedroom and on the boat. One button and we'll be connected."

Next, Genevieve addressed the group, "So, I guess I'm not your favorite person in the world..."

"You made us look like idiots," someone interrupted.

"Yea, I guess I did and I'd like to make it up to you. Jim can tell you that I've got a pretty nice estate here. Soo, how about free trips to Africa for each of you and three others. We can work out schedules after the marriage. I can offer you the best deep sea fishing in the world. Safaris into the interior if you're interested... Anything you might want to do for a week or more. All free, of course except for what you might spend shopping."

I've never seen any group do a complete 180 in attitude so fast. By the end of the call Genevieve could have shot me in my other leg for all my fellow police officers were concerned.

When I went home I found out that Genevieve was true to her word. A large screen had been installed in my boat and my bedroom in the house. I began waking up an hour earlier than usual. With a press of a button I could eat breakfast while watching Genevieve and Stormie have lunch. Two days later during one call Genevieve said K'deesha was returning with some jewelry.

"Don't worry, I'm not keeping the jewelry, Jim. The ring and bracelet fit me when I'm back to my normal weight so the jeweler you go to can have my size."


"You can't expect me to get married without a bracelet, can you? That would be barbaric! I want green emeralds this color..." Suddenly Genevieve leaned forward and a huge, green eye filled the screen. "Did you see? The same color for the earrings, too. This color..." Another huge eyeball. I just knew I was going to have nightmares for a week of giant, green eyeballs watching me.

"Earrings..." I could see my 401K shrinking to zero.

"Yes, earrings. Nothing too gaudy but dangly. I like dangly earrings. I don't like heavy earrings so nothing that will pull my earlobes down. And green, like this..." Another huge eyeball... "Jim, why aren't you taking notes? Now, for the ankle bracelet and necklace..."

Three days later Genevieve was looking furtively around at things out of my sight while whispering, "Jim! You gotta make your mom come home! I can't hold Stormie for more than a minute before she shows up, tells me I look tired and to go nap while she takes Stormie to play with. Make something up... Anything... Just get her back home."

I tried hard to hide my grin and coughed until my urge to laugh passed. "Genevieve, if you can make our Mom do anything you'll be the first. Welcome to mi familia, Genevieve."

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Irina Tertychnaya mostly thought in English now. She wasn't sure when the change had happened. She found it amusing that in the twenty years or so that she had been at the Wexford Conservatory, she had changed her internal language, and yet her accent was as thick as the day she first stepped foot through the glass doors of the school. Marrying an American artist probably helped the change; she no longer spoke Russian other than the occasional chat with Yuri, the principle bassoonist of the...

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Liz had to tell Ben about her adventure with Julia, although she left out some of the details, particularly about the delightful sensation of the rope across her crotch and the unexpected way in which she had found it exciting as well as very frightening. Naturally he was horrified, probably even more horrified than Liz was herself. After all, she had had the opportunity to get used to the sensations of being bound and gagged, even if it was in more friendly circumstances. Ben was so...

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Gemstone Guardians Book 1 Beautiful Justice Part 1 The High Master

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Gemmas spa experience final part

I still need more ravishing she groaned. Gemma needs more ravishing she stated in the third person from an almost drunken like stuporI manoeuvred her to the bench again, my cock dropping from her, dripping from our recent explosion and feeling battered from her hard riding of my prickWith both cocks needing some respite and needing to recover I beckoned toward Josh to take the lead in meeting her demands and giving me anotheropportunity to fulfil my voyeuristic desiresNeeding little...

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Julia held the letter I'd sent her in her hands. Well, it was more like an explanatory note, as I had just given it to her. It was a couple of pages, as I wanted to fully explain what I was thinking and give details about the offer. She'd had it a couple of days, long enough to think about it before we met. I was nervous, as I often got in tense situations. That's one reason I'd written out the note, so I could word it correctly to provide all the right information and express...

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LAURA AND ERICA Her girlfriend's cunt tasted as good as ever. Laura lay in the top position of a nude 69, her short fringe of pink hair hanging over her eyes as she lapped at her lover Erica's pussy. She loved this position. She loved the feel of her large tits being splayed out to either side of her lover's trim stomach; she loved the feel of Erica's boobs against her own midriff. She loved Erica's head between her thighs, loved knowing she could clench her knees together and trap it...

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The Offer

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The Offer Part 13 A Womens Reality

I have included part 1 with this for those that had not read it. Part 1 The Offer, Regrets? She lay on her side, in their queen size bed. She gazed at the clock, 5.30 A.M. She would have 30 minutes to relax before she got up and made Ron's breakfast. She just started to doze off when she felt his arm reach round. His hand rested on her right breast and his fingers gently rubbed her nipple through the short filmy black baby-doll. He slid across the bed to spoon her. She felt...

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Ravageme Part two

“Hey Melinda can I borrow my son for a minute?” hearing that Mark gets up and goes home. While alone all I can think is ‘Fuck what am I going to do, I said if he and his friends found me I considered doing a gangbang with them’. Shit what was I going to do now! Mark returns “You think he of all people would understand that not everyone stays online all day!” laughing as he sits back down on the lounger “Someone just freaked out and left a chat room dad was in after he posted some...

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Ravageme Part Three

“Damn Mark try not to strip all her flesh off her pussy, I want my chance to go down on her before pumping her full of my cock!” Lifting my mouth up and off “Relax Bill, remember she told us she got an incredible mouth that could suck our filling out through our cocks without trying!” Bill nods “So what are you waiting for, get her mouth in use!” Moving so he pinned her arm under his knee Bill open his fly bringing out his 7 inch cock “Well Melinda put up or shut up time!” as he bring...

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Gemmas First Time

I tremble with nerves as I wrap my arms around his neck and lean into him. Jack leans down and kisses me, a soft, tender kiss which calms me a little, before entwining his fingers through my hair and pulling me in for a deeper kiss. He bites my lip and arousal sparks through me, dispelling the last of my nerves. I pull him down onto the bed and sit as he straddles me, hands roving over my back, my collarbone, my breasts, my stomach. He guides me into a vertical position and lies beside me,...

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John escorts me to the bathroom, where I shower the cum off my body, carefully keeping my hair and makeup dry. It cost to much to spoil so soon! As thw water runs down my body I wonder how did I get here? and why has it taken so long! such conflicting thoughts and yet I am determined to go further, my body is tingling all over with emotion, expection and trepidation. Time to move on with my life, explore who I can really be. Stepping from the shower I see myself in a full length mirror, do a...

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I’d taken a few days off work to do some jobs around the house, but I needed to go to B&Q to get some bits. While I was getting some light fittings a smart lady, slightly grey hair asked if I knew about outside lights. I didn’t want to be rude so asked what she was looking for, I then picked up some lights and said that I thought these were good value for money and suggested a particular light. She smiled and thanked me, putting the light into her basket. I went back to getting some cables...

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I had just returned to the bar from having a slash ....Greg had just got another round in and wewere continuing our chat and sneaking a view of the match onscreen. "Fuck's sake!. 'whispered Peter..." get a look of that !" Being the only one to hear the comment I turned to watch you settling yourself onto a stool at the bar. My eyes widened in appreciation at the sight of your short tight red dress and your criss-crossed tanned legs...." No bra , either....foxy, eh ! ?", I motioned to the...

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