Aunt Jean's Illicit Romance (12 Chapters) free porn video

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Chapter 1

Mortified. If Ron had thought of the word he might have used it to describe how he felt at the moment -- so embarrassed and so angry at himself that he wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. He had been so freakin' stupid!

She said she was going to the grocery store!

He usually locked his door when he did it, but he had been in such a freakin' rush to get to his room to gawk at Mrs. Gregerson sunning at her pool, her freakin' bikini top undone, her half way decent ass barely covered. He ran up the stairs, praying, hoping that he'd get to his bedroom window and not miss it, if and when she propped herself up with her elbows to reach for her ice tea or whatever the hell she drank. Last week when she did that she had twisted her torso and he had seen her naked tits for at least five seconds.

Even without the bare tit or tits, he'd still have a good time beating off, watching her, thinking about how good it would be to fuck her, then shoot his jiz all over her face, her tits, her ass. He'd look at her nearly naked body and think about ramming his cock into her, just like in the porn vids his friend Josh would let him rent when the manager wasn't in the store. Ron had made copies of ten of them with his two VCRs.

Watching Mrs. Gregerson sunning was almost better than beating off to the porn vids, actually each made the other better. Without the porn vids he would never have thought of ramming his cock into her hot asshole, or rough fucking her mouth, or having his cock between her big tits, her hands holding those big fleshy orbs together making a tit-cunt for his sliding prick then shooting his wad all over them. And when he watched the porn vids on the days Mrs. G sunned, he'd imagine the chicks in them to be Mrs. Gregerson, begging for it in her ass, or it would be her screaming, "Harder! Harder! Ron! Fuck me harder!"

He would watch her from his bedroom window, usually naked himself, his palm all slicked up with hand lotion, yanking his crank seeing her nearly naked on that cushioned redwood chaise, but also seeing her in his mind, fucking her, fucking her so good, so hard, her mouth, her cunt, her asshole, and the combo of that would make him cum so freakin' hard he'd shoot jiz onto the window sometimes, and it felt so damn good while his prick pumped, but then fifteen minutes later he'd feel so damn ashamed, not only for being a perv, but for his nearly complete failure with girls.

He wasn't a virgin, he had hooked up twice, fucked both chicks, not total dogs, but he wouldn't have been interested in either of them if he had been sober. He had a few "Clinton" hookups too when he had been drunk but he now no longer counted those as anything. When he liked some hot, pretty chick, he was so freakin' nervous, that whenever he had a chance to talk to the girl his brain would go blank, switch off. Most girls thought he was an asshole, thought he was stuck up, or a hard-ass loner, or god knew what.

There had been two girls during the past couple years he had really liked, wanted to go out with, not only wanted to thoroughly fuck them, but actually wanted to get to know them, and he had blown it with both girls. Each had approached him at parties or at school, smiled at him, tried to get him to talk, and he'd mumble something about how he needed to get another beer, or if it was at school he'd say he had to see the coach or something. Excuses to walk away so they wouldn't see how much he liked them and how damn stupid and nervous he was. His brain just shut down around girls he liked!

She was supposed to be at the grocery store!

He wasn't thirteen anymore! He wasn't sad about his mother dying unless he really thought about her, and he hated to admit it, but he really didn't think about her very often anymore. He was eighteen now! When his father went around the country for three months every summer to supervise road or freakin' bridge construction or whatever that damn company built around the country, he didn't need Aunt Jean to freakin' baby-sit him anymore! He would be in college in a few months! He would have been okay being alone for the summer since he was freakin' fifteen!

And she was so freakin' weird! She had never gone swimming in the freakin' pool, not once, not one freakin' time during any of the fucking summers she had been here. And she always wore those dumb-shit, dorkwad clothes! Who the fuck wore long, blue jean shorts that were hemmed?! And she must have five fucking pairs, and those damn stupid tee shirts that are always too freakin' big on her! The only freakin' parts of her he had seen were her oddball fat calves and piano ankles, her arms basically from her elbows down, and her head!

All that first summer she had stayed, he thought she was real fat under those clothes just like her fat-ass ankles, but then at the end of summer, on a windy day, her stupid baggy tee shirt had been plastered against her side and she wasn't fat at all, which just proved what a freakin' dork she was! She couldn't even buy clothes that fit right! And that fuckin' freak eye of hers she was always hiding with her hand, and those stupid large plastic frame glasses! It was like she was a freakin' cyclops, or... or always taking a freakin' eye test looking at a fuckin' chart on the wall!

His self-loathing skyrocketed with that last thought. He was an asshole. She wasn't a cyclops, she could see out of the always squinting eye. That odd shape to her eyesocket and cheekbone, and that drooping scar around the socket forming a backwards "J" on her face was from a car crash when she was about his age. It hadn't even been her fault. According to Dad, she had almost died, and that freaky eye and freaky part of her face had gone through six operations, plastic surgery and other shit, and it was the best it was ever going to look. He said she had other operations too but he hadn't gone into much detail about those.

Ron knew he definitely was an asshole. He was trying to put her down in his mind and all she had ever been was nice to him. She had never been some dictator during the summers she stayed with him, although she wouldn't let him walk all over her either, but he had never really tried that. She had never attempted to be a replacement mom either. If he thought about it, she had been nice, had even tried to be his friend, and he had never responded in kind. He did what she said he had to do, and when he tried to pull something she pointed out that Dad had told her the rules. He had done some shit a few times, coming home drunk, or drunk and stoned, actually more than a few times, but she had only realized he was high three or four times. She had told Dad, but had spoken with him first, saying she wasn't a tattletale, spy, or informant on him, she was just following his dad's instructions, and his dad trusted her to tell him when Ron broke the rules.

Those times had made him mad as hell because he never told on her. He hadn't really noticed when he was thirteen that first summer, actually it wasn't until near the end of the next summer that he figured out Aunt Jean got drunk at least once a week. He could sort of tell from the way she walked, and sometimes she would forget to angle her face away when she spoke to him, and she'd forget to used her hand to hide the scars and disfigurement especially when she watched TV. Once she wasn't even wearing her thick framed glasses when he first walked into the family area, but she had quickly put them on. Mostly it was her slurring of words that let him catch on to it.

Those nights would always end the same way. She'd go to the guest room early, saying she was sleepy. She'd take a bath, or shower in the guest bathroom, and then on and off for the next couple hours she'd be in the bedroom, he guessed on the bed, crying on and off, fits of sobbing really. He had noticed other signs too. She always used one of the dark blue glasses they had when she drank alcohol, not the clear glasses. He never mentioned it to Dad. He didn't want to get her in trouble, and she hadn't told on him a few, well, more than a few times, when he had broken some rule -- I won't tell your Dad this time, but you have to promise me you won't do that again. He'd always promise.

She was supposed to be at the freakin' grocery store!

He got off the bed and started pacing. He'd have to leave his room sooner or later. When he realized Aunt Jean was getting drunk and crying, he had felt sorry for her, but even with the pity, he never was very nice to her. He should have been. Maybe it was that she was such a dork, or the way she acted so weird about her eye that first summer she stayed, even though he had seen her at least a couple times every year all his life.

Her eye had creeped him out as a boy when Mom had told him to give Aunt Jean a hello or good-bye hug. That was when he was a little older, but when he was he was really young her weird eye didn't bother him much. She'd always play with him quite a bit when she'd visit for a week or so during summers and a week during Christmastime. Maybe she knew how to relate to k**s better. She taught first grade. That was why she had the summers free to be here. He could recall snippets of those early times, and he couldn't remember her covering her eye up or turning her face away to the side when she talked with him. Ron couldn't even remember noticing the eye when they played and laughed together. Maybe she had been baby-sitting him then too, just for an evening or day when Mom and Dad went out.

He recalled telling her when he must have been about nine that she'd be really pretty if she didn't have the ugly eye. In his boy's way, he had thought it was a compliment. The comment had made her cry. He wasn't sure, but he sort of recalled that after that, she had started angling her face slightly away from him whenever she was around him. Just like she did now. It was after that the hugs started creeping him out.

Yeah, he had been an asshole to her.

But she said she was going grocery shopping!

Yeah, and he told her he was going to get his running shorts and go for a run. He shut his eyes tight. He had been so close to shooting his wad, holding his breath, ready to feel the surge, slowing down the strokes, squeezing his hand tighter around his aching hard, thick prick, his sliding hand was Mrs. Gregerson's torrid asshole, she was begging him to fill her ass with his hot cum. He was a few seconds away from shooting it, his body stiffening, his torso curving forward a little. Then his bedroom door abruptly swung opened.

He wasn't sure if he jumped but he instantly turned towards the sound, his hand still gripping his deep red, throbbing rod. He wasn't certain he had jumped, but he was positive Aunt Jean had. She had let out a brief high pitched yelp too. Her good eye went really wide and her freaky eye strained to open wider too, so much so there had been a sort of stretch crease by her odd, disfigured cheekbone. She had frozen after her little "EEEK!" Her eyes fixed on the hard rod in his hand. It had to look like he was pointing it right at her, which in essence, he had been. Her jaw couldn't have dropped lower.

He had frozen in pose too, still hunched over a little, gripping his throbbing prick at the base, he had stopped breathing. Time seemed to become suspended, or at least super slow motion. Her eyes on his cock, his eyes on the extra distortion behind her thick framed glasses around her freak eye. It seemed they had stared at each other for ten seconds, although it couldn't have been more than a couple, yet he recalled that he had thought at the time, Why aren't either of us moving? A few moments, maybe microseconds, after that thought, Aunt Jean moved first. Her face raised slightly, followed by her good and freaky eye, which met his eyes. He remembered her mouth still open wide like an elongated "0," then the next moment, she dropped the folded tee shirts, underwear, and socks she had in her arms, turned and ran out of the room. He became unfrozen, virtually jumped the ten feet or so to his door and slammed it closed then pushed the button on the knob to lock it.

That was forty minutes ago. Jeezuz. It's only June tenth! I have to face her for two and a half months more! I'm eighteen! She doesn't have to be here!

He and Dad had talked about that. Dad agreed he was old enough to take care of himself, but he also said he thought Ron would end up partying a hell of a lot and that worried him, things getting out of control, someone getting hurt, the liability. He added that since he had suggested Ron take this summer off, not work for the contractor this summer and just enjoy himself before college started, that the old adage about boredom being he devil's playground had some validity to it.

Ron had said he could trust him a dozen times, but Dad said he knew how peer pressure worked, he knew that even if Ron didn't plan a party, maybe some friends would just show up some afternoon, and in a friendly way they'd share a six pack and after Ron drank a beer or two suddenly having just one party wouldn't be that bad because everyone would be careful and adult about it.

Dad then admitted that half of the reason, maybe the larger part of he reason he wanted Aunt Jean to stay the summer again, was for Jean. He said it was good for her to get out of her little house, swim in their pool, relax in a change of scenery. When Ron had told him Aunt Jean never used the pool, Dad hadn't believed him at first then had sort of believed him. Dad said that Jean had some unresolved "issues" since the auto accident. It wasn't just her face that was injured but she had other scars too. That maybe she was shy because of that. He had told Ron that she had really been a very pretty girl, very nice and sweet, popular, and all that in high school, then in her senior year the accident had happened. Ron had been about six at the time.

Ron now blinked with an epiphany. That's why I don't remember her face being fucked up when I was real little. A second realization hit him. When he was really young, she had only been a girl, like twelve or thirteen. That would make her like thirty or thirty-one now. A third realization hit him-- He had never wondered how old she was. She was Dad's little sister, so maybe he assumed she was in her thirties, because Dad was forty-one, but hadn't Dad been in high school when she was born? No, maybe he was in middle school? How old is she? The way she dressed and the freaky eye, mostly it was the way she dressed, he just thought "dork" when he'd look at her, not any age. Ron's gut instantly tightened at the sound of the three soft taps on his door.

Jean cleared her throat. "Ron? Ron, I... I think we... um... I think we need to have a brief talk. I... I'll be in the kitchen. Come down, okay?"

FUCK-FUCK-FUCK! Ron took a slow breath. "Uh... yeah. I'll meet you in the kitchen, in... in a minute."

"All right."

FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! His gut was in a knot. He had been hoping she'd just pretend it hadn't happened. He tried to think of some excuse or explanation but what explanation could there be but the real one? SHIT! He figured he better go down and just get it over with.

He left his room and went to the kitchen. When he entered Aunt Jean was sitting at the table not the island counter, her right elbow on the table top, her forearm vertical, her hand at her face as if resting her head slightly against her palm, or holding the dorkwad thick plastic frames of her glasses, but he knew it was there to cover her freak eye. She was staring down at a glass of water. Her head moved slightly, her good eye looked at his waist then back down at her glass of water. He sat down at the end of the table, she was at the side of the table, her good profile towards him. It was their usual positions on the rare occasions they both sat at the table. He usually ate his meals in his room or in front of the big TV. She usually ate in the kitchen area.

Ron took a quick breath. "I'm... I'm really sorry, Aunt Jean. I..." He didn't know what else to say.

"I... I'm sorry too. I... I should have knocked. I..." She stopped talking and sipped her water. "I thought you were out running and so when I brought the laundry up I didn't think you were home." She took a breath.

Ron needed to ask and spoke fast, "Are you going to mention this to Dad?"

Jean kept staring at her water glass. "No." She took another breath. "I don't think that's... it's not necessary. You... you were just doing what... what a normal boy would do. And... and I know when there are... are attractive women around that..."

OH SHIT! She knows I was checking out Mrs. Gregerson! Ron's gut knotted tighter.

"... that guys... boys, I mean... young men..." She took a sip of water. "That guys will... will have thoughts and.... and will fantasize." Another sip of water. "Girls... girls... I mean, everyone... I mean both sexes... masturbate. It's... it's a psychological and biological function. So... so... I don't... I don't think you should feel embarrassed about... about it. And... I... I can understand why... why you were watching Eileen, but... but..." She took another sip of water. "I'm not sure... that... that you should be looking at her... without.... her... I mean... without her knowledge, it's like you're... I... I mean... I don't think that's a good... habit to..."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her eyes opened. "You're eighteen, Ron, I... I know you think I shouldn't be saying anything to you about this, so... I... I mean, I guess that's right. You're a young man now, and I'm... I'm...."

Jean turned her face away from him. Her hand rose and quickly wiped both her eyes. Her head swiveled forward again and she drank more water. "And... I'm just some... some ug... some... aunt who's a... a grade school teacher, so... so I know I shouldn't be telling you how to live you life or... or what to do."

She cleared her throat and then took yet another sip from her glass. "And... and... I... I really didn't mean to... to just stand there, but... but... I was... so... so shocked... I mean surprised, that I... I froze. I'm sorry about that too. That and not knocking. I'll never again go into your room without knocking first, even... even if I'm sure you're with your friends or out on a date with some girl or something." Jean took one more sip of water. "Is there anything... do you want to say anything?"

"I... I just want to say I'm sorry. I'm... I'm very, very sorry."

Jean pushed her chair back and stood without looking at Ron. "I... I... I'm going to do the grocery shopping now."

"I'm... I think I'm gonna drive over to Josh's and... and I may uh... grab a burger later... with... uh... the guys. So... I'll be home... like late."

"All right." At the doorway to the laundry room she lowered her hand from her face.


Ron turned onto his street. It was near midnight. Josh's mom had essentially thrown him out at 10:30 because Josh was working tomorrow morning. Ron had gone to a cafe in town and nursed an iced cappuccino as long as he could, then just walked around the dead shopping area for a while. He finally ran out of options and slowly drove home. As he approached the driveway he noticed a lamp on in the family room. That didn't mean Jean was up. She usually left an undercabinet light on in the kitchen and a lamp in the family area when he was out and she went up to bed. He saw a subtle flicker, changes of light at the closed d****s. Shit! She was up. She had the big TV on.

At the cafe he had decided to just act as normal as possible around her. He didn't want any more tension or weirdness between them than there had been prior to her barging in on him beating off. He just wanted everything to go back to normal.

He stopped the car in the usual spot he parked on the driveway. The normal thing for him to do, was to go into the family room and watch the big TV. There was a music show on cable he watched every Friday night when he didn't have a date or wasn't at some party, which was usually every freakin' Friday night. His last date was three months ago, with a girl he had no interest in at all. He had asked her out, in essence as practice. It had bored the hell out of him, and the girl had known it. She had a awful time too.

When he entered the family room he was surprised Aunt Jean was sitting oddly in her usual spot in the upholstered arm chair. Her posture was usually lousy, but he had never seen her slouched so much. His eyes went to the dark blue glass in her hand. "Hi, Aunt Jean." He didn't watch but out the corner of his eye he didn't see her move or her hand rise to hold her dorkwad glasses and profile in the usual attempt to cover most of her freak eye.

"Hi." She took a drink, tilting the glass high. She lowered it. "I s'pose you're gonna... wash that music show."

Ron sat on the couch. She was half wasted. No, probably fully wasted. He had never seen her truly drunk, then again he had never tried to rate her drunkeness either. "Don't have to. Watch what you're watching.

"I'm not washin' it... anything."

"Mind if I switch it?"

"No... swish it."

He took the remote from the occasional table by her chair. He sat on the couch and changed the channel. He heard her finish her drink, not the swallowing but the clinking ice in the afterwards shake of the glass.

"You... you wash her a lot, don' chew?"

Ron's gut tightened. He looked at her. Another new oddity. Her right leg was folded up, her little foot in the thick white sock flat on the cushion, her knee was slightly wagging back and forth. "Pardon me?"

Jean stopped her leg not even sure why it had started moving. "Nothin'." She took a deep breath, then stood up. "I'm goin' ta bed." The glass slipped out of her hand, it didn't break just bounced on the carpet, and tossed its five ice cubes out. "Fuck." She knelt down and then went into a crawling position to move around to gather the ice cubes.

Ron moved quickly. He crouched down and reached for one of the cubes. He smelled whiskey. Jean slapped his hand away.

"I'll pick 'em up." She put the last two cubes back in her glass, stood up and went to the kitchen.

Ron was shocked that she had slapped his hand when he had been trying to help. That was another first, as was her very obvious weaving as she walked, it had never been that bad, and he had definitely never her heard her say "damn" let alone "fuck." He knew it had to be related to what happened earlier in the day. She wasn't supposed to be home! He sat on the couch and watched the music show until it ended at 1:00AM, wondering the whole time if things would ever be normal again with Aunt Jean.

He turned off the TV and then switched off the family area lamp. He flicked the switch for the little tread lights as he headed upstairs he heard it. Aunt Jean was crying again - intermittent sobbing, taking quick breaths in between. He figured she always tried to stifle the sobbing by taking breaths so it would mostly be silent except for the breaths. Now there was some momentary sobbing, then she moaned like some little girl crying. He frowned. She was supposed to be at the fuckin' grocery store! It was all his fault. He took the last few stairs to the second floor. He saw her door was open a crack. A small lamp must be on. Maybe from the dresser. He listened to her odd sobbing-moaning.


He started towards his room down the hall away from hers. More sobbing. He stopped in front of his closed bedroom door. He knew it was his fault this time. She was supposed to be shopping! He opened the door and took one step inside his room and halted again. He muttered, "Fucking shit." He exhaled, then turned around. He should apologize again, maybe ask if she wanted anything, maybe even ask if she needed to talk. He exhaled a whisper, "Fucking shit."

He walked towards her door. It had to be a little lamp on in there. The light wasn't very bright. When he cleaned the room before she arrived this summer, there were those two little lamps on the dresser. He exhaled another whisper, "Fucking damn." At her door he tapped on it with his fingertips. There was that weird sob again. He tapped louder. The last thing he wanted to do was scare or surprise her with a loud knock. He whispered, "Aunt Jean?" He tapped a little harder again with his fingertips, while whispering her name once more. The tapping still wasn't very loud but doing it harder made the door swing open.

He froze. It wasn't Aunt Jean on the bed! Wait. It was Aunt Jean on the bed! He didn't know it but his face was a carbon copy of Jean's this morning in his room. In fact everything was reversed. Aunt Jean was naked on the bed and she was beating off!

From his vantage point he had an angled view of the bed in the large bedroom. She was in a sort of half doggy position, her ass up but her head and shoulders down on the mattress. Her head was turned to the side facing towards him. Her eyes were closed. Her large black framed glasses were off, and her hair had fallen over her freak eye hiding it. It was one reason he had thought it was someone else. Her face looked totally different and every other part of her except for her forearms and ankles didn't look like anything he had imagined if he had ever even tried to imagine her body.

She had a very hot apple ass, in her position her shoulders weren't hunched over so her back had a nice, sleek sloping curve down to her shoulders. He could see the underside of one breast, pressed against the mattress. It wasn't showing much at all, just a small bulging curve, not big by any means, but it was obvious she wasn't totally flat chested which was the impression most of the time, or maybe he had never really looked at her chest, or maybe it was because of her usual hunched posture. Her thighs were larger than her calves but not like the thunder thighs that would sort of go with her calves and fat ankles. Even her calves somehow looked different without her sneakers and socks, not fat, but much slimmer, smooth, toned, maybe it was the socks and fat ankles that just made them look odd before this.

She was panting and moaning, not weird sobbing. His visual angle didn't give him any decent view of her pussy, but her arm was under her and it was obvious her fingers were playing with it, rubbing her clit nearly frantically. She started to tremble more. Her good eye opened and saw him a moment later. The biggest shock to him, even greater than seeing her like this was that she didn't scream. She kept looking at him, staring, almost glaring anger in her good eye. Her hand worked faster, almost viciously. Her eye closed as her breathing got more ragged. He saw her jaw clench and her lips pulled back, not in a smile, more of a grimace. He could hear hissing in-out, in-out, as she drew air in and exhaled it. Her eye opened again and gazed at him with definite anger.

"You... watch... Eileen.... a... a... a.... lot... but... but not... not... not girls... like... like... me... me. No... no one does... would." Jean shut her eyes tight as her body started twitching hard. Uh... uh... uh... UH!" She began shaking harder, then the twitching became jerking. Her face turned into her pillow. She worked her fingers harder. Her other arm was shaking as it reached back. Her fingers slid between her buns into her deep crack, it looked like two fingertips were circling her anus pressing firmly. "Ohhhhh... oh... uh... UH!" Her body started convulsing. "AHH!"

Ron finally came to his senses. He grabbed the doorknob and had enough mind not to slam it shut as he backed quickly into the hall. He hadn't even realized he had stepped inside. He turned and headed to his room at a quick pace. He got to his room and didn't slam that door closed either but quickly pressed the lock button. He sat on edge of the bed in the dark.

What the fuck just happened?! He tried to get his brain working. His hand absentmindedly cupped his balls. It took him a few seconds to realize he had a throbbing hard-on. He yanked his hand away. How could she have a body like that?! And her face! That didn't even look like her! He realized he was breathing fast too, not as fast as her and probably not for the same reasons, maybe similar reasons, at least a little, but the rest of it, was... shock. Jeezuz! I just stood there! She's going to tell Dad this shit! How the fuck could I know she was freakin' playin' with herself?! FUCK! He tried to remember everything. She hadn't told him to leave, to get out, she hadn't screamed when she saw him. She had said something about Eileen, watching Mrs. Gregerson, but not her. Something like that.


Ron's eyes almost popped out of his head and he jumped up from the bed.

Jean pressed both her palms against the door, not pushing, just pressing. "I don' care! I jus' don' care anymore!" She panted few more breaths. Raised her hand and slapped the door again. THAP! THAP! THAP! "Do ya hear me?! I JUS' DON' CARE ANYMORE!" She turned around and weaved back to her room. She backhanded her bedroom door shoving it. Wham! It slammed shut. She had switched on the bedside table lamp, so now when she turned off the tea lamp on the dresser, she had light to her bed. She got in, pulled the covers up, switched off the lamp, turned onto her side, her hand slid between her thighs, her finger slowly stroked up and down her slippery labia a dozen times before she dozed off.

Ron finally undressed and got into bed at 2AM. He tossed and turned not able to sleep. At 3AM, he turned onto his stomach, shoved a pillow under his aching hard cock. For five minutes he fucked the pillow. It was Aunt Jean's perfect ass and he pumped a full load into her hot, tight asshole.


What Ron had feared would happen the next morning, didn't. He figured there would be another "sit down" in the kitchen, or worse, a long distance call to his dad. Neither happened.

At 9AM he had been awakened from a deep sleep by Aunt Jean knocking on his door. When he said, "What?" She had just asked him, as she usually did, if he wanted breakfast. He said, "No thanks," and heard her pad down the hall. When he had finally gotten downstairs she had been cleaning the refrigerator, her hair in the usual half-assed pony tail which didn't include the hair that hung down in front of her ears and over her cheeks, her large plastic frame glasses on, wearing her uniform of hemmed, baggy blue jean shorts and bulky tee shirt. It again seemed impossible that the hot babe he saw finger fucking herself last night could possible have been the same girl, well, woman. Actually, she had looked like a girl his age.

He asked if there were any jobs she wanted him to do and she said no, since he had mowed the lawn a few days ago. He said he was going over to Tom's to play some vid games. She said, "Okay. Will you be home for lunch or dinner?" He said he wasn't sure. He said she should just eat without him if he wasn't home when she wanted to eat. It was all normal, in fact, repetitive. It could have been any Saturday last summer.

He left and had to admit he was terribly relieved, then wondered why she didn't seem worried that he'd tell Tom or someone else about what he had seen the night before. Maybe she somehow knew he wouldn't tell anyone. Maybe she thought he wouldn't say anything because she had seen him beating off too, so if he told anyone, she'd tell on him? He also remembered her screaming that she didn't care anymore. He hadn't been and still wasn't sure what that had meant exactly. What didn't she care about?

The rest of the weekend and the next week was normal. Aunt Jean never really looking at him straight on, her hand pretending to hold her profile but really just adding her fingers to the thick frames of her glasses to hide more of her freak eye.

The only thing different was that on the two late mornings when Mrs. Gregerson sunned at her pool and he had started gawking at her, all he could think of was Aunt Jean's body. Plus standing at the window just made him feel guilty. Each time he had only watched for a few minutes and left his prick, which was definitely hard, untouched. Although the week had been "normal" he was glad that there was a party on Friday night. Tom's parents were out of town, there'd be beer, maybe someone would bring Bushmills, maybe some weed. Tom had told him Cindy was coming too.

* * *

Chapter 2

Ron killed the beer and crushed the empty can. His fifth. He was angry and frustrated with himself. Staying at the party would just make it worse. "I think I'm gonna split."

Josh looked at his friend. "Hey, stick around. Jack said he was goin' to get some Bushy, from that guy he knows. It's only midnight or so, Ron."

Tom chuckled. "I tole you, man, you shouldda made your move on Cindy earlier."

He had been drinking his second beer, and thinking his third beer would relax him enough to go and talk to her. He had wanted to for a couple months. She had broken up with her boyfriend in the spring. Then Tom had asked him to make a snack run, to take Debbie and pick some shit up. So he left the party. Debbie took forever at the freakin' grocery store, trying to get the best bang for the buck. By the time they had returned, the party had gotten very crowded. When he went to get his third beer, he saw Cindy holding Jim LaLonde's hand heading upstairs to the guest room, all smiles and giggles.

He looked at his friend Tom. "Fuck her."

Tom laughed. "No need to, man. Jim's gonna or did." He laughed again.

"Fuck off, Tom."

Ron left the party and drove straight home. He'd watch some porn in his room, anal porn and try to imagine shoving it up Cindy's hot ass. When he pulled into the driveway he noticed the family room light wasn't on. When he entered through the garage door he saw the kitchen undercabinet light on. He went and got a soda and noticed the blue glass on the counter by the sink. He picked it up and smelled it. Whiskey. He opened the soda and sat the table. He had a few sips from the can, then decided he wasn't thirsty. He put the open can in the refrigerator, then headed to his room, as usual just switching on the tiny tread lights on the stairs. He noticed there was a dim light in the upstairs hallway. Aunt Jean's door had to be open at least a little. His cock started getting hard.

He walked half way up and listened for her breathing and moaning that he had once thought was crying. He heard something but it wasn't panting. Holy fuck! It was voices. Two. Not loud. The girl's voice didn't really sound like Aunt Jean. Holy fuck! She had a guy in there! He heard crappy elevator music too. It sounded just like... Ron blinked. It sounded like the crappy soundtrack music on one of his pirated porn vids. He took a few more stairs. It wasn't just lamp light in the hallway, there was additional light, a flickering light. She had the TV on, she was watching one of his porn vids. He recognized the girl's line:

"I want it so bad! Give it to me hard! Come on, baby, fuck me... fuck me dirty."

It was an anal vid. It was the one where the girl got assfucked laying on her back on a kitchen table. The guy folded her legs back, and shoved his cock up her ass. He liked that one. He liked seeing the closeups of the girl's face. He walked up to the second floor. Aunt Jean's door was nearly fully open. He had to look. He just had to look. Having five beers helped him give in to his curiosity.

He quietly approached the doorway, stopped short of it, and gazed into her room. Aunt Jean was on the bed, pillows against the headboard, she was sitting slouched, both her legs folded up and back, held in position with her elbows resting on the back of her thighs. Her knees were nearly even with her shoulders. Just like the chick in the porn vid. He saw her cunt. Three of her fingers were rubbing an elliptical circle on and around her slit. Her other hand was lower. A couple fingers circling her asshole. Her hair was a mess, like it had been windblown, wild and sexy, like the night last week. Ron's cock was already throbbing. It had grown to a full erection on the stairs. Without thinking or possibly not able to stop himself, he moved and stood in the doorway.

Jean noticed movement at the door. She looked and saw Ron there. She stared at him for a few seconds then turned her face to the TV. Her voice was half hiss, half growl as she murmured through her clenched teeth. "I don' care. I don' care anymore."

Her hand worked her pussy faster for a dozen circuits, then her middle finger wiggled into her cunt for ten seconds fucking herself, then it slid out and rubbed speedily back and forth over her hardened clit. "Mmh... mmh." Her abdomen clenched and her body jerked. "Oh... mmmh."

Her hand at her ass quickly pulled away. She turned to look at the night table. She grabbed a tube of lubricant, then her other hand left her pussy. She squeezed a big dollop on the fingertips of her left hand. She dropped the open tube to the side. Her right hand went back to her cunt, finger rubbing her clit, her elbow pushed her folded leg farther back. Her left hand returned to her ass. Her left leg folded back even more from pressure of her elbow. Her lubed fingertips rubbed the gel around her hot anus. She stared at the TV for a half minute before her middle finger began pushing into her asshole, not really wiggling, more like undulating. She pushed it half way in. Her eyes closed and her neck arched, the back of her head pressing into a pillow against the headboard. "Mmmm.... mmmm..... mmmm."

Ron's palm was on his crotch stroking the throbbing erection inside his jeans. His body on autopilot, he took a few more steps closer to the bed. Aunt Jean's head came forward. She glanced at him for a couple seconds, then looked at the TV, then her eyes closed. It seemed she was holding her breath.

Jean pushed her middle finger as deep as she could into her ass. "Arrrhh... mmmmh." She waited a moment, then twisted it back and forth for a few seconds then slowly pulled it almost all the way out. She added a second digit and worked both in slowly. "Ooh!" Her body flinched. Then she relaxed and slowly twisted and pushed the two fingers deeper into her rectum.

Ron moved closer. He was massaging his cock through his jeans. What he was watching was a thousand times hotter than any porn vid. It was probably hotter than when he fucked either of those two girls. She wasn't his aunt, except for the freak eye. This couldn't be his dorkball aunt. He saw her give a final push to her two fingers and they disappeared into her ass. He heard a thump and looked up. The back of her head had butted the headboard. He wanted to give long sucking kisses to her ached neck. His hand unbuttoned the front of his jeans, then pulled down the zipper.

"Urrrrrhhh... mmm... mmmh." She started twisting her fingers in her ass. "Oh... mmmh... mmmmmm." The finger at her clit started rubbing faster, firm strokes side to side. "Oh... umm... mmh." Her head flopped forward. She noticed movement out the corner of her eye. She looked left. Ron had his hand in his underwear. She could see the dark red mushroom head above the elastic. She kept her eyes on it as her two fingers in her ass began moving in and back, in and back... her mouth opened, she was taking ragged breaths.

He saw her staring at his crotch. He didn't care anymore either. He stepped over to the foot of the bed blocking the TV. Her eyes followed him. He stared at her asshole and cunt. One hand pushing fingers up her butt, the other hand had a speedy finger on her surprising large clit, unless he really wasn't seeing it right. Her fast finger might be causing some sort of illusion.

He looked a little higher. Her tits weren't bad, nothing to write home about, but her nipples were fantastic, big, pink raspberries, or like those movie theater gumdrops. He thought about sucking them as hard as he could then giving each a few good nipping bites. There were two scars, nearly parallel running diagonally from the side of her breast up across part of the top of her left breast to the center of her chest near her collar bone. They were noticeable but not deep ugly scars, just 1/4" wide, slightly raised, streaks of whiter shiny skin. There were more noticeable ones on her right side ribs, four or five, a couple deep and short, the others longer, four inches long or so. There was another three incher at the spot where her right arm joined her shoulder, and three low on her abdomen to the side, two pretty long and one that was a good 8 inches long and wide. That looked more like a surgical scar though, the same with one on her abdomen.

He looked at her face. Except for the freaky eye, it wasn't Aunt Jean, it was some... some extremely hot mom... no, she looked hell of a lot younger than any of his friends' moms... more like that young couple with the baby down the street, that chick was very hot too, no... no... Jean looked like some hot college chick, yeah... a very hot, slutty college chick. Oh fuck! Oh jeezuz! He felt the urge to shoot his wad. He shut his eyes and just squeezed the head of his dick. He waited a few moments then opened his eyes. Aunt Jean was trembling now. He looked at her ass again, her cunt, her tits, then her face. Probably from a jerk of her head, her hair was covering her freak eye again, and the good one was locked on his cock.

Ron shoved his jeans and underwear down to his thighs then began giving himself slow squeezing strokes. He didn't want to shoot yet. Jean's panting grew faster, louder. He looked at her face again. She licked her lips, then her eyes shut tightly for a moment as she shook then twitched three times. He gazed at her cunt and asshole. Her fingers shoved deep, then slowly twisted side to side. At her cunt three fingers were now swirling on her clit and slit. Her pink labs were glistening wet, as was her relatively small patch of very thick pubic hair. It looked like fur.

Jean's eyes shut tight again. "Mm... mm... mm... uh... OH!" Her head flew back, arching her neck. She felt her body go out of control. "OHHHHH! UH! MMMH!" Her fingers kept twisting in her ass, the ones at her clit were rubbing frantically. It was a blur of motion.

Ron's body went rigid. "ARRH.... FUCK!" His cock surged, the tip began spewing a half dozen streams, arcing up then landing on her bed sheet. The second shot sent the most jiz out, it landed less than a few inches from Aunt Jean's ass. He still gripped his cock and it stayed hard while he watched Aunt Jean peek.

"ARRH... ARRH... AHH!"

Ron gazed at Jean's body convulsed for ten seconds, then her hands slowed, the fingers in her ass pulled out and the ones at her pussy slowed, then only one finger slowly stroked her clit and labia. Her arms shifted and her legs unfolded, she moved on the bed, then rolled onto her tummy. Her body was still trembling as she gasped deep breaths. Her arm move under her. Her head turned to the right, her hair still hiding the disfigured eye. Ron stood there stroking his softening cock just staring at her pouting, perfect, apple ass, and glancing now and then at her finger barely showing between her legs, still playing little slow circles around her pink gem. It did look large. He stayed there for a few more minutes until her hand pulled out from under her. Her body shifted. She pulled up the top sheet and covered herself. She inhaled a deep breath and sighed. It looked like she was going to go to sleep.

Ron took his hand off his cock pulled up his underwear and jeans. In a near daze, he turned off the TV but forgot the VCR, then went to the dresser and switched off the tea lamp. He closed her bedroom door and walked down to his room. When he turned the light on he saw the bottom drawer of his chest pulled open. Two sweaters half hanging out and three of his copied porn vids were laying on the floor. He didn't give it any thought, undressed, got into bed and was asleep almost before his head hit the pillow.

* * *

Chapter 3

When he got out of bed the next morning he saw the bottom drawer of his chest was closed. He opened it and the sweaters were back inside and all ten of his pirated porn vids.

As with the previous week there was no change in Aunt Jean. They spoke as much or as little as they always had. And as with the previous week the only changes that he noticed were in him. He hung around the house a little more. Whenever he could without her noticing, he'd steal glances or longer looks, or just plain stare at Jean. He was trying to see the hot chick under the dork clothes and behind the big dumb glass frames. He couldn't even imagine how her usually pony tailed hair could be the wild, disheveled, windblown, totally sexy hair of the girl who finger fucked herself in the guest bedroom.

There was another change in him though. His usual getting hard-ons for 50% of his waking hours, increased to 90%. The thing was, he really didn't want to beat off unless he was watching Jean do it too. By Tuesday though, he didn't think he'd make it though the day. After lunch, Aunt Jean drove off to run some errands. Ron had started up to his room to whack the blueness out of his balls, then stopped. He thought about trying something. It was a shot in the dark. He went the kitchen and pulled out one of the tall blue glasses. He set in the center of the kitchen table. He then got his trail bike from the garage and went for a long ride.

He stopped at the vid store to talk to Josh who was working, and rent a couple new porn vids, but the manager was there, so Ron just browsed the racks, even the older DVDs, trying to use up time before going home for dinner. He pretended to read the blurbs on every box he picked up. In his mind he was seeing Aunt Jean, playing with her big pink clit, or fucking her ass with her fingers, or the vision of him doing those things and more with his cock. When he mounted his bike to ride home and his blue balls pressed against the seat, he thought they were going to explode. When he finally reached home and walked into the kitchen, Aunt Jean was pulling a pan of chicken breasts out of the oven. He looked at the table and frowned. The blue glass was gone.

"You came home just in time, unless you're just stopping in to change clothes or something."

As usual she didn't face him to talk. He looked at her ill fitting bluejean shorts. "No, I'd like to have dinner here, if that's all right."

"Sure. I'll make up a tray for you. Cranberry juice, water, or soda?"

"I'll get it." He looked at her hair. "And uh..." His eyes went back to her ass. "I... uh..."


"You... uh... eating in the kitchen?"

"Yes, I am."

"I... I'll eat at the table too tonight. If... if that's okay."

"All right. I won't get a tray out." Jean moved to check the potatoes. They were done. "It'll be a few more minutes."


He forked a piece of chicken into his mouth. Her good side was towards him as usual. She looked across the table to the empty chair for the most part. "This chicken is really good." It was. She made great meals. He realized he should have told her that a lot more often.

"Thank you." Jean took a quick breath. "This fall you'll been eating in the dorm, won't you?"

"Yeah, Dad thought it was worth it. Room and board."

"When I was in college, it wasn't split up, one price for both."

He kept looking at her good profile and he started to see a hint of the girl on the bed. "How did you like college?" He saw her look down at her salad. It only had a few cut strips of chicken on it. Most of her meals were salads. His brow pinched. She wasn't answering, just lightly poking her leafy greens with her fork.

"It... it was all right I guess."

"Dad said he had a lot of fun, made some good friends, even now stays in touch with a couple guys. I met one of the guys when he was passing through the city on business. Was it fun for you?"

Jean moved two chicken strips to the side of her bowl. "I really enjoyed my classes. I had a good professor in the Ed Department. She really got me interested in teaching at the elementary level."

Ron knew he wasn't the most perceptive guy around, but he realized that answer was a lot of words meaning: No. He wondered if he could just get her to look at him. "Aunt Jean?"

"Uh-huh?" She pushed the tines into a piece of chicken, tomato and spinach. She raised it to her mouth.

"You like salads a lot, don't you?" He watched her chew and there was just the tiniest of smiles on her lips, which was a very rare event. She swallowed and the smile wasn't there.

"Yes, I do. I like to eat light. I eat other things too. Meat, vegetables, the variety. I like fruit a lot. During summer, salads just seem right to me. I guess it's the heat of summer. You eat salad too."

He realize that this was turning into the longest conversation with Aunt Jean since he was a little k**. "Yeah, salads are good." He wanted an answer to a question that popped into his head on the bike ride but didn't know how to do it without her thinking he was talking about her freak eye. "Today riding, I realized that stuff I looked at in the distance was a little fuzzy. I may need glasses. From seeing my friends wearing contacts, that just looks like such a hassle. I hope I'm wrong and don't need glasses. I imagine glasses would be a real hassle too, losing them, that sort of thing."

"You... you just have to be careful."

"I'd hate to have to wear them all time. Do you have to wear yours all the time?" He watched her look at her wide, shallow, salad bowl. She lightly poked at it again.

"No... not all the time."

"Could I try them on?" Ron saw her freeze.

"Um... I... I don't... don't like doing that. I... Someone... someone accidentally broke them once. You should... you should get an eye test, then look at frames the optometrist has on display. Mine wouldn't fit you correctly anyway. I... I don't want the... the temple hinges bent." She stabbed more spinach and tomato. She put it in her mouth and turned her face to the right a little, away from Ron.

So much for that idea. He bet they were just plain glass or plastic lenses, joke glasses. "What grade do you teach? Second grade?"

"First grade."

"I guess you like doing that, huh?" He saw another one of her very rare smiles, just a slight curve on her mouth. He stared at her profile.

"I love teaching. The k**s are always amazing at that age. So... so accepting of... of differences in other k**s, and... and older people. They're open, frank, in your face with a million questions, and when you hear some of them, you can't do anything but grin from ear to ear before answering. To see the expression on their faces when they finally understand something, they just light up, especially reading is... is... um... well, it's just wonderful to see. I love all my k**s, every year, and.... almost cry at the end of the school year, but I don't because I know there'll be a new group in the fall who I'll end up loving just as much."

Jean picked up more salad, chewed it slowly then swallowed. Her eyes swiveled towards Ron for a moment, then looked at her salad plate. She poked the leafy parts. "You're... you're really talkative tonight."

He didn't want her asking him questions, he wanted her to answer his. "Really? I don't know. Yeah, I guess I don't talk much."

Jean held her breath for a few moments, exhaled, took a slow deeper breath, poked her salad a little more, then started getting some onto the tines. She took another deeper breath. "Do... Do you have a girlfriend?" She raised the fork to her mouth, got the greens off the fork and started chewing faster than before.

His gut tensed. "No. No girlfriend." He shoveled a glop of mashed potatoes on his fork and ate it.

"Maybe... you'll meet the right girl in the fall, at college."

He didn't see how he'd figure out how to get his head together enough to talk to any girls he liked and wanted to date and get to know. He didn't know if he'd ever get it together. Even if a miracle happened and he could talk to them without sounding like an idiot, and asked some girl out, that didn't mean she'd say yes. He glanced at Jean and suddenly wondered if she was making fun of him. He quickly ate the last of the chicken. She was the weird one, not him!

He pushed his chair back and went to the sink, sc****d his plate into the garbage disposal, turned it on as he rinsed his plate off. He shut off the water and disposal and laid the plate on the countertop. "See ya later. I'm going over to Tom's." He didn't wait for her to respond, but heard her, "All right," as his hand grabbed the knob on the door to the garage.

He was bored as hell at Tom's but they shared a few beers leftover from the party. They drank out in the backyard out of sight while Tom's parents were inside watching TV. They didn't talk much. At 9PM, he said he was splitting.

He drove home, figured he'd beat off after watching some TV. As he slowed at the house, he saw the family room light on. He entered from the garage, going through the laundry room and into the kitchen where the ceiling light was on. He didn't hear the TV or music playing. He looked at the counter and checked the sink. No blue glass. He went into the family area. Aunt Jean wasn't there. Her car had been in the garage and he couldn't remember the last time she had gone anywhere at night. She read books all the time. She did that in her room sometimes at night when he was watching the big TV. He thought about turning that on. He knew before he did anything he'd have to walk upstairs, and check to see if her door was open, which, he realized might mean she was reading.

He left the lights on in the family room and went upstairs. Her door was open, light was spilling into the hallway, not much. He couldn't remember how much light came into the hall when she read. He stepped down to her door. He stopped a foot from the threshold.

Aunt Jean was on the bed, pillows propped up against the headboard, she was sitting, more like slouching, but not as much as she was the other night. She had the blue glass in her hand and she was taking a drink. Her other hand was between her legs. Her legs were folded, knees towards the ceiling, the soles of her feet flat on the bed sheet. She was naked. From the angle he couldn't see her hand but he assumed her finger was again playing with her cunt. He looked at her face. She was still sipping. She wasn't wearing her glasses. Her hair was mussed up, but he saw both her eyes, the half closed one within the disfigured eye socket, and the other good one.

Jean was looking at him over the end of the blue tumbler. Her legs wagged side to side slightly for a few seconds until she lowered the glass and set it down on the bedside table. It dropped to the surface with a - bonk. He could tell she hadn't done that on purpose. Her hand moved to her breast. Her hips squirmed. Her eyes gazed at his crotch. He glanced at the foot of her bed. In the space between the parson's table against the wall with the little TV and VCR on it, and the foot of the bed, there was the wooden chair with the upholstered seat that was usually at the desk. The only light on in the room was the tea lamp on the dresser.

He pushed his shoes off then pulled his tee-shirt over his head. He looked at her face, her eyes were still on his waist or his crotch. He walked over to the chair and looked at her cunt Her middle finger was slowly circling her fantastic large clit. Her other hand was massaging her B minus cup size right breast. Thumb and index finger sometimes tugged her erect gumdrop shaped nipple. Her freak eye was still exposed. Both eyes were on his crotch for sure. He opened his jeans and pushed them down to his knees. His rigid cock sprang out of his briefs. He sat on the chair, and finished getting his underwear, jeans and socks off. He sat up and gripped the base of his cock, then started slowly stroking it as he gazed at her cunt. He noticed an open tube of gel on the sheet at the foot of the bed He reached for it and squeezed some on the head of his dick, then coated his thick member with his slowly stroking hand. Aunt Jean watched.

Her cunt was thickly haired. It really did look like fur surrounding her slit. Her labia were pink and thin, delicate looking. Her thick ankles looked somewhat incongruent with the rest of her slender body but didn't detract that much. He had noticed long ago that her calves were toned and also looked smooth and hairless, not really shaved, but hairless. You couldn't even see pores. He knew she shaved them though, he had seen her take out a lady's razor from a grocery bag last year. The fur was intriguing but he wished it was shaved bald like chicks in porn vids.

He stroked his cock a little faster and she did the same with the two fingers circling her clit. He thought about how her legs were the last time, and he remembered another of his porn vids. A guy at the side of the bed, the girl's ass at the edge of the mattress, the guy folding her legs back, kneeling then tongue fucking her cunt. The girl loved it, after a few minutes she had an orgasm, then the guy stood up, kept his hands holding her legs back, the girl greedily grabbing his cock and pulling it to her cunt, the guy nudging it in, then fucking her so hard her body jerked with each thrust.

Ron slowed his hand and finally just squeezed his rigid prick for a few moments, then let it go as he stood. He picked up the chair by the back and moved to the side of the bed a couple feet from the edge of the mattress. He sat down. His voice was a raspy whisper, "Show me your cunt." He didn't look at Aunt Jean's face. He stared at the spot where he wanted her cunt to be, at the edge of the mattress.

Surprisingly, Aunt Jean started moving, wriggling and sliding on the sheet, her hand dragging a pillow along. She turned so her crotch was in front of him but not at the edge of the mattress. She assumed the same pose she had been in, legs folded, knees up, feet flat on the sheet, her thighs open. Her wet slit and fur patch were closer but not as close as he wanted.

They both kept working their organs. Ron kept staring at her clit. It was as large as the end segment of his little finger. He didn't think a clitoris could be that big until he saw one like it in a porn vid. It was magnificent. He wanted to feel it with his tongue, wanting to kiss and suck it, wanted to drive her as nuts as she had by herself a few days ago. It took him another minute to reach the point where he needed to lick and taste her pussy no matter what. His mouth was actually salivating.

He let go of his throbbing prick and stood again. He moved to the edge of the bed and leaned towards her pushing his arms between the backs of her angled thighs and calves. His hands palmed and gripped the tops of her thighs near her torso. He looked at her face and there was a mix of fear and anger at least in her good eye. Her hands moved and her palms pressed into the mattress to stop herself from moving. In one swift movement he yanked her towards him so her hips were at the edge of the bed, then his hands moved behind her knees. He quickly folded her legs back so her knees were very close to her shoulders as he shoved the chair back with one foot. The chair bounced back and fell over. He knelt down, and a moment later his mouth covered her wet cunt and his tongue was laving over her pink, slippery labia and her firm, incredibly large clit.

"Uh! Urrrh!" Jean's hips twisted, but she didn't say stop or even no. For a few more seconds Jean tried to push and squirm away and then her spine arched pressing the back of her head into the pillow. "Ahhhhh...... urrrmmm," she moaned, then started panting.

He had tasted cunt one time, right before his second fuck experience. He hadn't loved it, nor did it disgust him. At the time he was pretty drunk and just wanted to get his rocks off and thought licking the girl's cunt would get her to reciprocate and do his cock. It was just a thing to do at the time. But now, he felt possessed, not only did he want to stick his tongue in Jean's cunt, lick it, diddle it, suck and rub his tongue on her incredible clit, but also wanted to make her squirm and pant and scream in orgasmic delight. He wanted to taste her and remember her flavor forever. In a non sequitur, contradictory way, he subliminally wanted to punish the daytime Aunt Jean by giving as much pleasure as he possibly could to hot Jean of the night. He also wanted to plunge his cock into her every way possible, fill every orifice she had with his hot, sticky jiz.

Jean had never felt anything like it. It was her finger but a thousand times better. It felt so good. She never wanted it to stop. She started trembling and knew it was starting. Without thinking her hands reached for his head, one hand cupping the back, the other raking her spread, curled fingers through his hair. She raised her own head. And saw his face down there on her womanhood, his eyes closed as if she tasted sweet as candy, she never thought she would feel this, she never thought she would see any guy's face down there, any man's tongue pushing into her, wriggling, squirming, lapping her. Each lick, each wet, warm, slippery movement sent shivers through her, and then she saw something greater than that, his eyes opened and looked into hers and he stayed right were he was. It was all a dream, she was high again, drunk, her mind making fantasies come true for a few minutes. His eyes look so real though, so real and he was looking at her, he was really looking at her and not turning away, not laughing, not pointing.

Her head became too heavy and she had to let it flop back on the pillow. More shivers, more twitching, tingles so intense it traveled to her core, and then over ever square inch of her skin and all through her body, and it made her shake... squirm... jerk... Oh... more... more... more...

He felt her hand gripping his hair as her hips squirmed straining to push her drooling cunt into his mouth.

Jean's back arched. "Ah-h-h-h-h-h.... AH... AHHHH!" Her orgasm overwhelmed her, a slice of relief, a slice of freedom, and pleasure so strong she didn't have to think, didn't have to do anything, even move her body, the pleasure did that for her as wave after wave of orgasmic delight coursed through her. It may have only been a minute or two, but the intensity of it, time was irrelevent.

When her twitching and jerking slowed, her hands disappeared from his head, and he retracted his aching, tired tongue back into his mouth. He smeared his face over her slippery slit and wet muff. He was panting, his cock was aching, his balls screaming. Just as in the porn vid, he rose to his feet kept his hands behind her knees, leaned over her and ordered, "Stick my cock in, now... stick it in." Jean twisted to get her arm between her folded legs. He watched her delicate hand guide his rod to her channel and after he nudged the head in, he immediately rammed his thick, stiff cock into her as hard as he could. Her petite body recoiled just as in the vid.

"OH!" It was something else she had wanted to feel again for so many years. She felt it retreat then plunge in, again, again, again...

Thap... Thap... Thap... Their groins rammed together with each of Ron's thrusts

Her body lurched each time. She wasn't aware she responded with a brief moan after each plunge of Ron's thick, hard cock, "Uh... Uh... Uh..."

She tried to keep in place, but his passionate thrusts kept pushing her towards the center of the bed. His hands moved, sliding from around from the backs of her knees to where her thighs met her torso. He pulled her to the edge of the mattress again, this time he raised her legs by her ankles, forming a "V," then wrapped his arms around so his palms held the front of her thighs. He started thrusting into her again, her body recoiling from the force each time his thigh

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That night, in a repeat of the last two nights, my bed dipped and a cold hand touched my back. “Daddy?” When I rolled toward Cara, she came into my arms, smiled slightly, her blue eyes excited, and she kissed me. The kiss started with lips touching. A brush of her tongue changed the kiss into sensual. I caressed down her back and fondled her ass, such a sensuous shape, and slowly became horny. The kiss deepened, tongues exploring, exciting, arousing. My world narrowed to me and my...

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God of LoveChapter 2 Romance

Businessman. Entrepreneur. A rich, multi billion-dollar man. When he was eleven, he had this dream of one day, when he got out of his mother’s shackles, of working to become super rich. Then he could enjoy the rest of his life squandering money while making even more money, even while sitting on the couch watching TV. Thinking of that idea, Lucas’s eyes sparkled. The number of rich men he killed could be counted by having only ten people, each using their hands and feet. He has...

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Love Romance Sex Cute Rajkot Male 8211 Part II

Hi my lovely friends mene first part me jo kaha vo apne padliya hoga or khub enjoy kiya hoga or ab 2part vese to ap log muje jante hi honge ab im raj 27m from rajkot looking cute handsome i want one good gf good sathi good partner acha to ab or kuch nai kehna he jo kahena tha vo first part me kehdiya he ab story start karta hu jo kehna hoga vo last me kahedunga coz I know now ur hot time or pani nikal jaye akhir me jo kaha ho vo padlena sirf girls kyu ke boys ko koi faida nai he or nahi muje...

4 years ago
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Illicit Desires Ch 05

As soon as I reached the shelter of my car I sat back, closed my eyes and let out a long slow sigh. The meeting with Dana had been emotionally draining. After taking a moment to pull myself together I put my key in the ignition and started the engine. As I was pulling out of the parking lot I realized that I didn't know where I was going to go. It was Sunday. I didn't actually have any reason to go back to work. The problem with the bridge in Kansas City was a ruse to fool Katie. The three...

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Illicit Desires Ch 02

My office had to be my first stop. There were several tasks that required my immediate attention. It took me a couple of hours to get everything done. By the time I was finished it was after noon, but that still left me plenty of time to complete the rest of my errands. My second stop was a discount electronics store where I purchased a compact digital voice recorder and a miniature camera. As soon as I returned to my car I opened the packages and read the directions. The digital voice recorder...

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Illicit Affair Chapter 2New Boundaries

Rachel’s stomach was in knots as she walked into her law firm on Monday morning. She hadn’t seen or heard from Gabriel during the weekend (not that she was expecting to), but the incident that had happened in his office felt so surreal. A part of her had wanted it to be just a dream, but at the same time, she felt odd satisfaction, as if her disloyalty evened the score between her and Casey. Gabriel had verified her suspicions. She’d gone home last Friday evening, having full knowledge that the...

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Illicit Affair with a Married Mother Part 1

When I was 19yo I had an illicit affair going on with a 50yo married woman. I actually met her from taking my little sister to school, her youngest k** was a few years older than my sister. She gave me lifts back to my house a few times and we did get quite friendly.First time anything happened she pulled over to the side of the road said she had a surprise for me and told me to close my eyes. Then said hold out your hand and put something in it. I open my eyes and it was her red thong, she was...

3 years ago
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Yearning for Hot Illicit Sex Try Email You Will Love ItChapter 9

My last (12-2) email to Brenda acknowledging the termination of our email correspondence From: Harvey Landers ([email protected]) Sent: Mon 11/11/13 7:55 To: Brenda McKay ([email protected]) Well Brenda, It looks like our torrid long distance erotic romance is over since it has been at least six months now since I sent you my last email with the solution that Lydia helped me to develop to find a way for me to finally experience the reality of your hot, tight sexy cunt and...

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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 6

Rachael arrived in the kitchen wearing a small white undershirt, white cotton printed boy-short panties, and her leather jacket, her dark curly hair sleep-mussed. She approached me at the counter and hugged me, still sleepy and smelling warm and cuddly. For a wonderful minute I hugged her, then bent and smelled her hair. She eased back, smiled, and said, “Make me breakfast.” “Please,” I corrected. She smiled. “Please.” “You haven’t thanked me enough for the jacket.” A sparkle entered...

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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 11

Rachael strolled into the kitchen as I finished the last of the French toast I’d made for breakfast. She’d changed yet again. My granddaughter was quiet. She sat at the kitchen table and every time I looked at her she smiled gently, not shy but demure. She studied my face as if looking for some reaction or an answer to an unasked question. Last night, after we’d finally eaten dinner, her bubbly excitement had been replaced by softness, and when she came to bed in panties and a small...

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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 15

Life with Rachael settled down, albeit into a strange world. In this world, I was having frequent and often inventive sex with a teenager who exhibited an unrestrained enjoyment and enthusiasm. In fact, I was having more sex than I’d ever had in my life, and I absolutely loved it. It was illegal, illicit, and utterly intoxicating. July was passing too fast. I received a phone call from Detective Johnson letting me know charges were dropped after the two young men were threatened with...

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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 17

RACHAEL WALKED THROUGH THE living room on her way to the laundry room. Grandpa was out tending his vegetable and herb garden. She found Mom putting sheets into the washer. “Mom? Can we talk?” she asked. “Hold on.” Mom closed the door, added detergent, and started the machine. Turning, she smiled. “What’s up?” Mom put her hand on her shoulder. “Let’s go to the kitchen. I’d like some coffee.” Sitting at the kitchen table, Rachael said, “I wanted to say sorry.” Mom smiled. “That’s nice....

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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 19

Waiting patiently in the pickup with the windows open to fight the late May heat, I puffed on a cigar, blowing the smoke out the window. Fridays weren’t as important to me as they used to be before I retired. I mentally reviewed the list of supplies I’d bought. Paint - done. Spackle - done. Closet organizers - done. What else had Cara instructed me to get? I had a nagging suspicion I’d forgotten something. Rachael walked out of school with a couple of girlfriends, chatting away, all three of...

1 year ago
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This is the continuation of my narration about the illicit affair of my mom with her paramour. Now in this episode, I am explaining about our trip to Ooty. It was another unforgettable experience in my life. CHEATER MOM. [email protected] WAITING FOR YOUR RESPONSES.

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Fucking My Sexy Aunt And Her Sister 8211 Pt 7 Romance In The Car

Author’s note- this part is a continuation of the previous part. For a better understanding of the whole story and to enjoy it to the fullest, kindly read the previous parts. Story:- For those who don’t know me, my name is Jay (changed) currently 30 years old. Now well settled in my own business from Mumbai. More about myself. I was 150 kgs. Then somebody from my business friends motivated me to get fit and be healthy as he had faced the consequences of being overweight. So I started my...

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Bob Sue and Anitas holiday romance 3

Although this could be read as a standalone story, it may be easier if you read the previous chapters. I am happy to receive comments and PMs. I welcome constructive criticism. Thanks to Mfan and others for helping proof read ------------------------- Two nights running Bob had returned to his wife Sue late, she being bedridden with a migraine in their holiday apartment. So far Bob had successfully managed to convince her that he befriended some lads on a stag weekend that got him into a...

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Aunt Michellersquos Secret Formula 6th Chapter

DISCLAIMER: All characters in this story are fictional and over the age of 18. SUBJECT: A young masturbation addict is sent to a dominating older female who has a special interest in his secretion. (tags: milf, masturbation, soft femdom, handjob, big tits, older female vs younger male, dirty talk, cum denial, prostate stimulation, milking, bbc, tease)Aunt Michelle’s Secret Formula – 6th ChapterMy dick now hung like a dry sausage, and my bum hole still pulsed from the invasion it endured. But...

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Aunt Sadies Secret

Another from me I hope you’ll enjoy. Again, as usual with this site, I wrote this in what was almost one continuous effort and, once more as per usual, because of time constraints, it’s largely unchecked and has received no edits. To that end, please forgive any typos and/or other errors in the text. I hope any fuck-ups which remain don’t detract from your enjoyment of the scene.Thanks for reading.Ricky – Cambridgeshire, UK – 12th of July 2020***“What is at about me?”I felt awkward, embarrassed...

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Aunt Amy and My Mother

Before…“We’re lovers now,” mumbled my aunt. “This is so very special for me. How about you? How do you feel?”“Like I want to do it again,” I said as my cock twitched with desire.“Oh-ho-ho,” chuckled Aunt Amy as she went up onto an elbow. “The vigour of youth.” Her fingers encircled my girth. “I think you’re going to be fun, my gorgeous nephew.”For the following four days it was like a honeymoon with my aunt. We kissed and made love; we rutted, with me fucking into her body as we snarled and...

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Aunt Fran

When Dauntless Doug, single-handed, brought the Japs to their knees and waded ashore in Tokyo Bay, the war was over. Now it was spring 1946. I was discharged from the Army Air Corps and a member in good standing of the 52-20 club, a program that paid vets twenty dollars a week for a year if they couldn't find employment. There were jobs around in our small town of four thousand people but I had the brilliant ideas about writing a novel before I settled down to the old grind.I got into the habit...

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Aunt Brandy Initiates Virgin Nephew

I am a 18 years old swimmer with a very thick and horny virgin 9 inches dick. I fantasize about my Mom’s younger s****r, Aunt Brandy, every night. She is a astounding 36 years old, 5 foot 10 inches tall, blue-eyed blonde, with the firmest 36 D breasts and nicest, long legs and a hard round ass. My Dad always comments about how delicious my Mom’s s****r is, and how he would love to fuck her. She knows how we lust for her, because she seems to get extra exuberant when she is around us. Aunt...

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Aunt Brandy Initiates Virgin Nephew

I am a 18 years old swimmer with a very thick and horny virgin 9 inches dick. I fantasize about my Mom's younger sister, Aunt Brandy, every night. She is a astounding 36 years old, 5 foot 10 inches tall, blue-eyed blonde, with the firmest 36 D breasts and nicest, long legs and a hard round ass. My Dad always comments about how delicious my Mom's sister is, and how he would love to fuck her. She knows how we lust for her, because she seems to get extra exuberant when she is around us. Aunt...

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Aunt Brandy Initiates Virgin Nephew

I am a 18 years old swimmer with a very thick and horny virgin 9 inches dick. I fantasize about my Mom's younger sister, Aunt Brandy, every night. She is a astounding 36 years old, 5 foot 10 inches tall, blue-eyed blonde, with the firmest 36 D breasts and nicest, long legs and a hard round ass. My Dad always comments about how delicious my Mom's sister is, and how he would love to fuck her. She knows how we lust for her, because she seems to get extra exuberant when she is around us. Aunt...

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Aunt Pearls hotel room

“What’s the matter? Didn’t expect this?”I gawked, speechless. She was looking at me, a hint of a knowing smirk on her lips, eyes flashing mischief.“Weren’t so shy last night, were you?” She said it in accusation but there was no sting in her tone, just wry amusement. “So,” added my aunt, “tell me, what do you think? Am I what you’ve imagined?”As I boggled, not believing she was there, naked except for the deep girdle of the suspender belt, the stockings, and shoes.My father’s sister’s head...

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Aunt Fionas Girls

Hi. My name is Britney Burris, and I'm from the tiny suburban community of Apple Valley, Washington. My best friend growing up was Jessi Nolan, and during our teenage years we both had huge girl-crushes on her Aunt Fiona, whom we both thought to be the coolest woman on the planet.Perhaps I should tell you a bit more about Jessi & myself before continuing. While we're the same age, we had our differences. I'm tall, blonde, and slender, while she's a bit shorter than me, but also very...

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Aunt Fionas Girls

Hi. My name is Britney Burris, and I'm from the tiny suburban community of Apple Valley, Washington. My best friend growing up was Jessi Nolan, and during our teenage years we both had huge girl-crushes on her Aunt Fiona, whom we both thought to be the coolest woman on the planet.Perhaps I should tell you a bit more about Jessi & myself before continuing. While we're the same age, we had our differences. I'm tall, blonde, and slender, while she's a bit shorter than me, but also very...

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Aunt Cathys Special Boy

She just walked in and told me straight.Shocked, all I could do was stare, the weight of my hanging jaw a vague impression.“Dirty b**st,” she said, glaring.Her fists were on her hips. Fire flashed from her eyes.I thought she was magnificent.I knew what she was talking about, but it played dumb.This was trouble. I’d over-stepped the mark by several long strides.I blurted out, “What? What are you talking about?”My face gave me away. I couldn’t control the heat rising in my cheeks and I knew I was...

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Elderly Romance

Elderly Romance I was just sitting there minding my own business when this woman said, “Don’t I know you?” I took my eyes off the very attractive woman that I had been watching as she played Beach Volleyball. She was in her late twenties or early thirties and I liked the way that she moved. Not moved in the sense of walking or running but in the sense that her breasts, her ass, and her pussy moved in the most sensual way imaginable. She was truly a work of art. Her legs stretched on...

2 years ago
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Summer Romance

I always called the old lady next door ‘grandma’ even though we were not actually related. My parents started it as a sign of respect. Then her granddaughter Brandi came to visit her for the entire summer. Brandi was fourteen years old, just like me. She was just as cute as a button but she had a mouthful of braces and she wore glasses, just like me. She was a brain and a nerd too, just like me. The only problem was that I really liked Brandi and that my dad always said that opposites...

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Romance Inc

Ladies are you in a relationship just for the company? Are you putting up with a Neanderthal only because you don’t want to be alone? We at Romance Inc. feel that you are too good to settle for some guy who is not worth your time. It is up to you just ask yourself what are you looking for, is it a relationship, or is it really just romance you’re seeking. Forget dating sites, you know everything the applicants say is a lie, what you need is Romance Inc. to solve your dating problems. It’s so...

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Living a Romance Novel Ch 01

Chapter 01 The voyage to the new world Author’s note — This is a work of pure fiction. There is no connection to any real people or places. Any resemblance to real life people, events, or someone else’s writings is coincidental. It is for entertainment only and is not to be reproduced without written consent. This, and the chapters that follow, were inspired by a reader. **************************** Ileeana Johnson was somewhat of a romantic. Ever since childhood, she had been an avid...

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Do Real Men Believe In Romance

‘He looked at her alabaster thighs glittering in the moonlight and felt his hardened cock lurch in his tight pants. He wanted to be buried between those thighs and sunk into her wetness as deep as he could go, but for now he would settle for a simple taste of the dew on the lips hidden beneath her lower soft, auburn colored hair. Bending his head…’ A clang and a deep booming voice broke into his thoughts and his own voice. ‘Ten o’clock gentleman, get your sorry asses in your bunks if you ain’t...

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School Romance bg bgg rom nosex exhib

Sherry, Maureen and I walked home to Sherry's house nearly every dayafter school. They lived almost next door to each other but in theopposite direction to my house from school. However, it wasn't sofar that I couldn't catch up to my other friends if I ran, and wecontinued this habit from the year before. I didn't try to kissSherry or Maureen, we just held hands and talked like friends. Despite my desire to get involved in nudity and sex, I was afraid toask them to do that with me. If they said...

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Hyderabadii Adibatla Romance

Hi andarki I am Kalyan living in gachibowli. Ipdu nen chepe kadha Na friend and my crush tho office lo jargindi. if any working or non-working female, married unsatisfied or unmarried hot females can contact me at hangouts my id first, we can meet and then miku namakam vachaka ne we can enjoy Ika kathalokelte. It will be bit lengthy to complete 1000 words. Naku epatnundo office lo romance chealane fantasy undedi. adi ee rakanga adi anukokunda Na bday roju teerindi. manam ankunte we can do...

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Romance With Friend8217s Sister

This sex story is about how I got lucky with my friend’s sister, how I proposed her in the party at the first sight, how things turned out between us and finally made me cum for the first time in my life and that too without masturbating. Hi Friends, I am bay area boy currently living in SF, USA. I had few romantic stories in my life but the story that I am about to write is special which happened almost 10 years ago when I was studying my bachelors and every bit of it is real. My native place...

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Life Of Romance In Train

Hey friends, this is Yeshwanth and I am here to tell you the story of my life which started when I am 18 years old I just completed my 12th class and planning to go to my friend’s place where we thought of having some fun like drinks and drives but it turned out to be the most exiting journey of my life This is the first time I am writing story in Indian sex stories. so if there are any mistakes please forgive me. Any girl or aunty from hyderabad, vizag or vijayawada want to have fun secretly...

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My Romance With Unknown Maid

Hi everyone i am Kumar (real name) . Coming to the story this happened to me just recently two weeks ago, basically i leave in apartments with my parents and actually i am bit romantic fellow and still a virgin till the date. The place where i live was filled with all high? Standard people who have maids. Interested females or girls or any lady can text me for my mail for any help physically. My mail is () This happened two weeks ago in Bangalore Whitefield when my friends bet with me all of a...

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Caught in A Good Romance 8 of 10

© Copyright 2013, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved. [email protected] Caught in A Good Romance, 8 of 10 By Leslie Lowe Chapter 8 Lance's receptionist answered. I gave her my name. When she heard it, she said her boss was expecting my call and asked me to please hold. "Hi, Kim. Good to hear from you so soon." "I didn't think it was fair to keep you hanging." "About the gift and the date?" "Yes," I said,...

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Love Romance Sex Cute Rajkot Male 8211 Part III

Hi how are you my all good and cute friends …ab me apka time west nai karunga par ak bat kahu meri sabhi story padne ke liye last me likha hoga (Read more stories submitted by: your_raj ) your_raj par click karna meri sabhi pahele se lekar akhir tak ki storys ayegi or meri dosto dhyan se padna isme love or romance bharpur he bor hoye bina pls or apna 3 akhri part likhta hu or pls koi sidhe ye story pad rahe he to use requst he pahele iska 1st 2nd part zarur padle kyu ke to apko really baut maza...

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A secret romance between a Chinese sex slave and her Japanese master during World War II

A secret romance between a Chinese sex slave and her Japanese master during World War IINote by Jennifer Suzuki:  She was a petite, elegantly dressed Japanese woman in her later twenties.  We had met over lunch.  Me and my white boyfriend; she and her white boyfriend.  She looked elegant, but her dress was conservative and plain, without any urban panache and yet radiant with modesty and intelligence.  Her boyfriend was much taller than she was, overbearing, muscular, with crew cut dark brown...

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Bob Sue and Anitas holiday romance 2

Please read this chapter after reading the previous chapter, as I have updated the first before posting this one. I am happy to receive comments and PMs. I welcome constructive criticism. Thanks to Mfan and others for proof reading and support --------------------------- In the morning Bob convinced his wife he was getting out early to meet up with the “lads”, for a surf lesson (a lesson that oddly none would make except for this one lovely young lady...). Thankfully, as normal for the...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 73 Shobha Bhabhi Ke Romance Ki Classes

Narrated by Shobha Hello, main Shobha bhabhi aur aaj meri kahani. aap logo ne dekha ki mere pati ke dost Tushaar unke kahne par bank ka manager bann kar aaya. Isse pahle Naveen aaya tha aur ab Tushaar. Mere pati mujh par apni pariksha chala rahe the aur main apni game. Par Tushaar ke sath main ek doosri hi khel khel rahi thi. Woh khel jisme main ek kafi seedhi sadhi pati vrata patni thi. Aur jise sex ke bare mein kafi jaankari nahi thi. Mere is naatak ka shikaar Tushaar ho gaya. Aur mujhe...

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Aunt Beth from www

The summer of "69" how well I remember it, just like it was yesterday. I was out on the patio, listening to the radio, Jefferson Airplane was on, the song "Someone to Love". I went in to grab a coke, my mother was on the phone. School was out for the summer as of today and life was good. Coming into the kitchen, Mom looked at me smiling. I went over to the fridge, opened the door and took out my bottle of coke. Grabbing the opener off the fridge I popped the cap off and turned looking ...

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Aunt Sis

I sat in my room and listened to the two of them arguing back and forth. Lately it was always something. He would start with her! She would start with him! It made me sick! Husband and wife should get along better than that. At 18, I thought to myself that the last two years were a living hell. I hated to be home. It never stopped. I knew that couples argued but these two were making a full time job about it. Finally I heard a dish break. Then a few more crashed against the wall. I was about to...

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Aunt Julias Nephew

Aunt Julia's Nephew By Christeen Chapter 1 I'm a young boy and my parents died last year in an accident. So I lived in a county funded facility while officials tried to locate my only relative, a divorced aunt. She was finally found and was persuaded to visit me in the hope that she would adopt me. Aunt Julia is rich, in her early thirties and is a stunningly beautiful blonde. She seems self-assured, yet she's quiet and soft-spoken. Her lovely face has perfect features and...

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Aunt in Bikini

My Aunt Jean looked good in the denim skirt; her fantastic legs made even better because of the cork-soled wedge shoes giving her calves that extra tension. She was wearing a light, button-fronted cotton blouse with ruffed gypsy sleeves; her thick blonde hair -- a dyed job -- neatly brushed fell close to her shoulders. A petite lady, a good head shorter than my six-one, Aunt Jean had a damn good figure on her. Her boobs swelled against the baggy blouse, their weighty sway discernable when she...

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Aunt Karen and Her Niece Andy

Aunt Karen and Her Niece Andy By Kresha Matay When I was ten, I became fascinated by women and their clothes. I still don't know what caused my fascination. I do know that my interest increased with each passing day. Maybe it was puberty, or an imbalance of hormones or as I've recently come to believe, I was a person born genetically different. All I'm really sure of is...I'm glad it happened. The initial stages of my quest for feminine knowledge took the form of comparing...

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Aunt Karen and Her Niece Andy

Aunt Karen and Her Niece AndyMy name was Andy now it's Amy. This is my story.When I was twelve, I became fascinated by women and their clothes. I still don't know what caused my fascination. I do know that my interest increased with each passing day. Maybe it was puberty, or an imbalance of hormones or as I've recently come to believe, I was a person born genetically different. All I'm really sure of is ... I'm glad it happened.The initial stages of my quest for feminine knowledge took...

4 years ago
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Aunt Carmens scented panties

My Aunt Carmen was the stuff young boys' wet dreams are made of. She'd been widowed for several years by then. While she'd been married she'd been rather dumpy and unattractive, but when she became single again she ditched her frumpy wardrobe in favor of tight jeans and miniskirts, which made her look irresistible even though she was well past forty. Gone were the "sensible" flats in favor of tall stiletto heels. No more erotic woman ever lived!To Mom and my other Aunts, Aunt Carmen was the...

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Aunt Helga

Aunt Helga I am standing in front of the mirror and observe my naked body. Well, it is not completely naked, because Aunt Helga forces me into a chastity device. This metal thingy tightly encloses my penis. Usually I do not even recognize that device but in the morning, it sometimes hurts a lot. One reason for that is my morning stiffness and the other is that Aunt Helga milks her three maids every morning. The excitement lets my cock grow and presses it into the chastity device....

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Aunt Abby and The Artist Part 1

This story is dedicated to my friend Abby... I hope it makes her dreams come true.'Aunt Abby and the Artist' (Part 1)David Connelly walked briskly through the airport terminal towards baggage claim. This was the first time the teenager had ever flown by himself, but he wasn’t nervous. In fact he was a little upset that his mom and dad had forced him to take this trip to stay with a relative while they took a vacation cruise. David, or ‘Davey’ as his mom still called him, had protested that...

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Aunt Helens Helpful Hand

I grew up with two sisters. The older sister was beautiful with a body that looked like the famous actress of yesteryear, Elizabeth Taylor. I remember when she was preparing for her senior class prom I looked through a keyhole while she was in the bath tub. I saw large, beautifully formed breasts. She heard me outside the door and yelled so I had to sneak back to my room. I did appreciate that she never called out to our folks. She was a prude then but later in her young adult life she found...

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Aunt found my pocket pussy

Aunt found my pocket pussy.My mother invited her sister to stay with us for a while during her divorce.She's a nice looking lady, black hair, dark eyes, I'd guess about 5' 8” tall.From what I could tell she had nice size tits on her, bigger hips and nice ass.She's a little bit thicker, I wouldn't call her out of shape although she could lose a few pounds. I wouldn't kick her out of bed but then again I'm a virgin and would fuck any girl that would let me. I beatoff a few times thinking about...

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