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I arrived at my friend’s apartment unannounced, late and half dronk. I’d been drinking and after starting to drive home decided I’d better not. Bob’s apartment was in a direct line from where I was to my own place so I stopped to crash on his sofa. I knew where he kept a spare key so I let myself in quietly then settled down to get some sleeep in his front room.

I didn’t even know if he was home but it didn’t matter, wouldn’t be the first time he came in and found me in his living-room. After I kicked my shoes off and stretched out I began to listen to the night around me. I heard street noises, the hum of a noisy electric clock and the not so faint sounds of a woman getting well fucked. I focused on the female voicing passion, it was coming from Bob’s bedroom. Well, I knew then that Bob was home, and he had some feminine entertainment with him. I was too woozy to care so I drifted to sleeep with the sounds of bodies slapping and murmurs of passion drifting on the night air.

I was jolted awake when the overhead light went on, shocking my eyes even through the closed lids. I heard a sharp gasp and a girl uttered “Oh, no. No fucking way!” I opened my eyes to see who was there and got a severe shock to my nerve central. My younger s!ster was standing in the archway wearing only brief panties and bra, staring at me. “Oh my God Travis, what the hell are you doing here?” she wailed.

I was quickly coming fully awake, my mind kicked into analysis mode and promptly analysed the situation so I responded “Trying to get some sleeep, I certainly wasn’t expecting to find my married s!ster sneaking around an apartment that isn’t hers dressed in only underwear. What the fuck are you doing here Penny!? You’re fucking Bob? I don’t remember him slipping the ring on your finger!”

Penny’s face fell apart, she looked like she wanted to cry while looking for an escape. Just then Bob stepped up behind her “Hey Trav, I wasn’t expecting you tonight.” Even though he was nude he seemed a lot calmer than Penny who was panicking in place.

“I’d say not, but I see you’re staying in touch with my fam!ly anyway.” My s!ster picked up her blouse and skirt which were laying crumpled on the floor and fled the room. I hadn’t noticed the discarded clothing in the dark.

Bob stood his ground “Is this going to be trouble Trav?”

I looked at my lifelong friend, he had known me and Penny for our entire lives but I never expected to find the three of us in this situation. “What the hell is going on here? She’s married Bob, remember, you were at the wedding three years ago.”

From the back room my s!ster called out, “We have to talk Travis, don’t blame Bob, you can’t be mad at him. I’ll be right out.”

I looked at my friend, “Go put some fucking clothes on, and your dick doesn’t excite me like that.” He grinned, flopped his hand in acknowledgment and went to put something on.

Penny came back into the room dressed and timid. She glanced around as if looking for the quickest escape route before sitting on the arm of the easy chair. I looked frankly at my s!ster, still shocked to find her fucking my best friend, cheating on her spouse.

“I’m trying to get pregnant,” she started. “I haven’t used birth control since I got married but Ross hasn’t done the job. I think there is something wrong with one of us and we can’t conceive. I don’t want to cheat on him but I have to know if I can’t get pregnant because of him or me. We don’t talk about it, mostly because he won’t admit he might not be a ‘man’, she hooked her fingers in pantomime quotes. “He’s too fucking macho to think he might not have the balls to make a woman pregnant. It irks the shit out of me because he’s so selfish about it. I went for a check-up and was told everything seems to be normal so it might be Ross who isn’t fertile.”

I was flabbergasted “You’re letting Bob dick you so you can get knocked up? How long has this been going on Penny? And why him, he’s like a br0ther to us, how could you two expect to keep this secret?”

My s!ster shaded red again, looked around to see if her lover was near then said quietly, “Bob thinks I’m here for fun, he doesn’t know what I hope he can do for me.”

I sat back and stared at my s!ster and played back what she told me. Bob thought he was on a joy ride while she was actually on a mission, he was a tool to get the job done. I started to laugh, “You’ve got to be k!dding, you mean…” just then he came back into the room wearing a morning robe as if everything was normal, he didn’t have a worry in world.

He approached me, “So Travis, are we right?”

“I’m still a little unnerved about finding my s!ster in your bed again, I thought you two got over that when she was fifteen.”

Penny jumped up, “You know about that!? Did he tell you?” She looked pissed, Bob grinned.

“You tried hard to keep it secret but you acted like a cat in heat every time he came over for a long time. It didn’t take me long to figure out you and him were fucking every time my back was turned, I think that lasted a little over a year. And just before you got married you screwed him again for about a week. Bob must have been your extended bachelorette party. I thought you were done with him after you married Ross but I guess not, huh. And no he didn’t tell me either time, didn’t have too, you were so obvious.”

Penny was over being embarrassed, “Well if you know our history then you can’t be judgmental now. I’m having a fling and once I get it out of my system I’ll stay home again.” I noticed she was careful to avoid the word pregnant in front of our friend.

“Why him, you seem to be attracted to him but I don’t think you love him like that, what keeps you coming back?” I was curious but Bob just settled down on the sofa and listened to my s!ster and me talk about him.

“I don’t know, maybe because he’s easy; I don’t have to go out and play the courting game with him.”

“I’m easy?” he asked her.

“Hell yes, all I have to do is twitch my ass you and you get hard, that’s part of the fun, how fucking turned on you get even before we touch.”

His mouth turned up in a salacious smile “You mean I’m the best fucker you know? Come on, you can say it girl, you like what I do with you.”

Her eyes crinkled with fun, “I get off on what you do but don’t think you are some kind of awesome stud that I am addicted too, you aren’t the only one that can make me happy.” I was forgotten as the two parried words.

“Ha-hem –, if you two are working up to another bounce I can leave.”

Penny swivelled her head back to me “No, I have to go, I told Ross I’d be home by midnight, he thinks I went to see the Hunger Games in 3D with Rachel.” She got up, gave Bob a light kiss then said to me, “Walk me to the car.”

We were standing on the darkened street beside her car, she had clicked the door locks open but stopped and faced me “Please don’t tell Ross about me, I know it’s not right but I need this. I’ve been screwing Bob hoping to get pregnant but I don’t think he’s any more useful than my husband. We’ve been at it for two months now and I haven’t had any luck. I need to find someone else, I need to get away from Bob or he’s going to start thinking we are exclusive or something. He doesn’t know I want a baby and he’s getting into the habit of us, I don’t want that, it was good when I was fifteen, but not now.”

“Then what the hell are you going to do, start flopping for anybody with a set of nuts?”

“Can you come by tomorrow about three? I have another guy in mind but I need to talk it out first, I just can’t walk up to him and say, “Hey you, knock me up, I’ll need your help.”

“Yeah, okay I’ll come by, and remember, you’re my s!ster, our bonds are stronger than Ross and mine.” I teased her, “Your depraved lifestyle will by our secret, fuck Ross.”

Penny laughed lightly “I have been but it doesn’t do me any good, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I left her and returned to the apartment.

I got to Penny’s place at the appointed time, 3 pm. Ross was gone somewhere so my s!ster and I were alone and I knew she arranged it that way so she could tell me what was on her mind. When I opened her door she smiled prettily and gave me a nice s!sterly hug and kiss on the cheek, “Want to get high?”

Penny and I had been recreational tokers since we were teens so her offer was not unusual, “Sure, yours or mine?”

As I followed her to the back yard she told me, “Ross got some awesome Canadian Wild the other day, you’ll like it, it’s nice and mellow.” We sat side by side on patio lounges where she pulled up a freshly tamped mini hookah and fired it up. Penny took a deep hit then passed it to me, I settled back to get stoned with my s!ster.

She and I sat in silence for a few minutes, the only interaction was to pass the weed back and forth. When it burned out she set the hooka aside then started, “I have something I need you to do.”

I was feeling pretty damn good just then, the stuff she lit up was good. “You said need, not want, what do you need me to do for you Penny?”

She started “I want to meet —-” but paused, her eyes went out of focus for a moment as if something unbidden invaded her thoughts. Penny looked back at me sharply then asked “Do you remember those times when we had sex?”

Of all the things she could have said, that was pretty much the last thing I imagined she would bring up. Instantly I became wary while I flashed back to a fam!ly vacation we were on and got a little carried away. Penny and I were bored, restless teens and ended up screwing each other a few times. We never went back to each other after the vacation was over and we never talked about it.

“Well, yeah, sort of.”

“What the hell do you mean ‘sort of’? You fucked me eleven times in four days, how in hell could that be a ‘sort of’?”

“You kept count?”

“Of course!” she looked me puzzled for a moment then conceded, “I guess you wouldn’t keep count, guys only remember getting the noodle wet, not how many times it got wet.” She snuffled a quick laugh and reminisced. “Four times we did it in the room right next to mom and dad, remember how hard it was to be quiet?”

I did remember. I never told Penny that I thought she was the hottest fuck I ever had up to then. What the hell, we were stoned and living memories so I at last told her, “You were the best piece of ass I had all through school, it was awesome.”

She smiled delightedly, “Yeah, you sling cock pretty well. I liked fucking you.” As I watched her lips moving, forming words, the memory of our sibling affair rose from the hidden secrets buried deep in my mind to become vivid images of my s!ster and me. We got caught in a fast strong dust devil and clung to each other as the wind buffeted us. Afterward I started pulling bits of grass out of her long hair. That progressed to tickling, wrestling, laughing, playing, stripping each other then screwing. We had found a mutually satisfying way of dispelling the boredom of the vacation. The visions reflected into my hormone pool and my cock began to alter its state.

My s!ster and I stopped talking, I looked into her face and saw my feelings mirrored in her eyes. As our minds linked I stood beside her and offered her my hand. Her gaze drifted down my body until she was looking at the results of my memory and the nearness of her. Penny stood, kissed me softly on the lips and said, “Ross won’t be home until after six.”

As she led me from the patio I had a thought, “Did you invite me over for this?”

She turned to face me, took my hands in hers and continued to walk backwards, pulling me along, “I asked you here to do me a favour, not this, but, what the hell, let’s have sex again, it will be fun, come on!” She spun around and dashed toward her bedroom, laughing happily, just as she did when we were teens.

It took only a few seconds to get to her room but when she stopped by the bed she was flushed and breathing deeply. I tackled her with a shout of triumph and threw her to her back. She was looking up at me with a mixture of lust and expectancy as I straddled her thighs. I reached down and began to unbutton her blouse while she started on my belt and zipper. Once her breasts were free of the blouse I pushed her bra up and off her tits, exposing them to me for the first time in years. I was pleased to see that they still stood firm from her chest, they hadn’t deflated or slipped lower on her body yet. She had my pants open so I rolled off her to my back and pulled them down to my knees then flipped to my side facing her, I grabbed her panties under the skirt and not too tenderly jerked them down her legs. She kicked one foot free of them then held my arms and tugged me into place between her thighs.

We didn’t need to engage in any gradual build up to sex, there was no foreplay, no lengthy necking and petting, I just put the end of my erection on my s!ster’s pussy then pushed into her until my groin was crushed against hers. Penny smiled up at me then grabbed my head and pulled me down for our first fucking kiss. It briefly flashed through my head that she wasn’t on birth control and I didn’t have a condom. I doubted she had any since she was trying to have a k!d but concern for her forced me to ask, “Do you have something I can wear?”

Penny squirmed around trying to pull her blouse off while our stomachs chafed and hips bumped. When she finally got it off she pulled the bra off her arms, reached around my neck and pulled me flat, her breasts were mashed by my chest. Her lips brushed my ear as she said, “No, Ross and I don’t need any, let’s not think about things like that right now.”

I was so turned on by the feeling of her hot eager cunt sucking on my hard cock it took only seconds to decide that if she wasn’t worried about me adding my sperm to her husband’s or lover’s, I wasn’t going to worry about it either. As my s!ster and I partied on her bed I forgot she asked me over to do her a favour, I just settled in between her thighs and fucked her heatedly.

I paused long enough to pull out of her and pull my pants off my legs. I grabbed her ankles and twisted them until she rolled to her stomach. I lifted her skirt off her tight round butt, got over her then slipped my erection into her again. She bent at the waist, raising her ass to me as we continued to take pleasure from each other. She started murmuring softly but I didn’t understand what she was saying so I leaned down and put my head next to hers. She turned her face to me and our lips met briefly then she said through gasps and soft shivers “You are the third guy that’s fucked me since -ssss- yesterday, first Ross, then Bob and now you. I like —mmmmm— the attention.”

She started to huff deeper breaths as I lifted off her slightly then slapped her ass, “And you aren’t even getting paid to do it, you just like being a free and easy fuck.”

The first smack on her butt caused her to jerk and moan so I did it again. Penny pulled a pillow over her head and began to beg for the end, “Oh god Trav! I didn’t remember fucking you could feel this good, do it right you son-of-a-bitch!!”

My s!ster’s ass started quivering, her legs splayed even further apart and she began to wail her as her body shook, her pussy started flowing orgasmic fluids. My nuts got the message directly from her cunt and started doing their life’s work as my cock spewed legions of nieces and nephews into my married sibling.

We were lying side by side, her head resting on a pillow cradled in her arms, me on my back. Her eyes drifted from my face down my body then back as she smiled. “I’d forgotten that we did it so well back then; why didn’t we keep fucking after we got back?”

“I don’t know, it seemed like a good idea at the time but then Patricia took over, she and I screwed like rabbits for a long time, I didn’t have enough energy for another girl, not even one that would fuck me without the hassle of dating.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s what happened, remember Greg? We stayed busy for a few months too, the novelty of banging my br0ther wore off quickly and I wasn’t really interested when I had other guys around. I mean it was a lot of fun, but I had other stiff cocks to try.”

“Who is going out to get the smoke, I’m ready to toke up again?”

Penny bounced off the bed, “I have to clean up, go fix it.”

I slipped my pants on and went back to the patio, Penny joined me a few minutes later wearing a short, leg revealing robe. After we stoked our heads I asked her again “What favour do you need me to do?”

She rolled her eyes to me, “I want you to introduce me to Carson, that guy that I see at your work once in a while. He looks like he could do a good job of knocking up a girl.”

“Carson, the one that shaves his head like Vin Diesel?”

“Yeah, he’s hot!”

“Well s*s, if you can get him to fuck you then you’d be doing better than every woman in our company. He gets hit on all the time, some of those bitches are pretty damn blatant but he hasn’t gone out with any of them. Now if your name was Bubba and you had a humongous set of balls and a dick like a sausage, you might have a chance.”

Penny looked at me, her eyes wide with understanding, “He’s gay?”

“Very, he’s hit on me. I’m not interested but I’ll introduce him so you can learn about rejection if you want.”

My s!ster began to giggle as she reached for the glass of water. She sipped away her dry lips, set the water down then got up and faced me. She went to her knees in front of me, pushed my knees wide then reached for my zipper again. I reacted immediately when I realized I was about to get a blow job. By the time Penny had my pants open my erection was everything she hoped it would be.

With fingers holding the shaft tenderly she looked up, “I guess Carson will be missing out on two things here, your dick and my lip work.” She bent over my lap, licked the end of my cock then pulled me in over her tongue.

My s!ster put a job on me that I hadn’t experienced in a long while. Her mouth felt like wet hot silk moving on my boner. She teased the end of me with the tip of her tongue, she pulled me into and down her throat. I’d had some good jobs before but I learned quickly that my s!ster had perfected the art. She built the pressure in my balls expertly and swiftly then stood, opened her robe and straddled my lap. I held my erection while she slid her wet velvet cunt down on it. When she was sitting with seven inches of me in her, she started rolling her hips, fucking me. As she flexed and bounced on my balls our mouths mated and I got to taste my own prick.

Penny and I ground our bodies together, I was lost in the hot fleshy depths of her body while she moaned softly in my ear. She was getting more animated, hotter the longer we screwed. She pushed up and sat erect on my lap, looked me in the eyes and gushed, “If I get pregnant this week I wouldn’t even know who did it!” Her words tripped the last switch in a sequence of turn-ons that started my orgasm. My cock convulsed and began firing round after round of hot semen into her. Penny cramped over so hard her forehead banged on my shoulder as she cried and quivered when she climaxed.

An hour later my s!ster and I were fully dressed and visiting politely when my br0ther-in-law came home. He greeted me warmly, offered me a toke and a beer, the three of us enjoyed the evening together. When I left Penny walked me to the car, she gave me a hug and said, “I guess I don’t need to meet Carson. He can’t do me any good but I’m going back in and give Ross another chance.” She looked around to make sure we were alone, “I had fun today, let’s not wait another nine years to do it again.” Her eyes were sparkling when she kissed me softly with a hint of non-s!sterly ardour.

Seven weeks later Penny announced that she was with c***d, our parents were overjoyed, Ross was strutting, and Bob retreated furtively to his apartment.

I was curious. Which of the three connected with her?

But that didn’t stop us fucking. We continued even after her baby was born.

The End

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The LotteryChapter 5

The buzzing of the alarm clock ended the sound sleep and erotic dreams that Sally had been enjoying. As she reached over her still sleeping cousin to stop the annoying sound, Kim woke up. "Good morning," Sally said, "its time to go fishing." Kim rolled over and stood on the floor. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she went to the door, that lead to the balcony, and pulled it open. She saw Jack and Tom standing by the rail looking out towards the lake. Kim felt chilled as the cold morning...

2 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 33 Crisis what midlife crisis

April 20th, 2009: Mortimer Crippen's Clinic, Devonshire Mews. "Good to see you, Des." Mort shook my hand with enthusiasm, "I've constructed what I believe is a feasible theory explaining the reason for your unusual type of ED." It was over two weeks since my last visit to the clinic, and as I had a free day from driving the shagging waggon, and indeed from shagging any of the passengers, I had decided to make the appointment and discover what, if anything, Mort had learned from my two...

1 year ago
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Weekend to remember

Introduction: Hello. I posted half of this story on a different account, but something went wrong so I could not post the second part or it could not be up/down voted. So Ill try again and Im posting the entire story right away. This is my first ever story, and I apologize in advance for spelling/grammar mistakes. Enjoy Chapter 1 My name is Cora. 24 years old, slim, but got good curves, and big boobs, I got a double D cup. I got hair like Ariel, and it reaches down to midwaist. Im 1.57m tall....

2 years ago
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When she rang him as usual on Wednesday, he sounded quite excited. His new neighbours had asked him to join them for a drink, and he said they were very nice. He also said he'd been out shopping, but wouldn't say what for.She called to see him on Saturday, and she had hardly sat down when he excitedly gave her a small parcel, gift wrapped. Inside was a pair of panties, almost identical to the ones she'd left with him.“What...?” she started to ask. “I accidently scorched your other ones while I...

1 year ago
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Sex in the VIP Room

My night was going way too slow until you came in. Just a handful of regulars that say the same creepy shit to me every dance, and a few scrubs that pay ten dollars at the door just to watch us undress on stage or get a sneak peak at some other guy's lapdance. You came up to give me a few dollars during my dance, even asked me how I was doing when I leaned into give you the close up. I like your type, there aren't enough of you- business guys that dress the part, how to groom, but don't get all...

Straight Sex
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A Night Journey Worth Remembring

Hello friends, I am a regular reader of ISS and very much impressed with the type of real life stories you people share here. I am also sharing one of my real life experience which happened last month when I was returning from Delhi to Dehradun in a deluxe bus. So dosto pehle main aapko apne bare mein bata du…mera naam Aman hai, 22 saal, height 5’6″ fair colour, and a good looking guy, tool size 6 inch hai. So dosto ye story tab ki hai jb main Delhi se Dehradun wapas aa raha tha. Main ISBT...

2 years ago
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CastawayChapter 23

I shooed Camilla out of the kitchen while I put away the fruits of our shopping trip; she didn't know where anything went and she'd only get in the way. She went back to the piano and found my Tosca score and amused herself by idly picking away at bits of her own music and singing them softly to herself. Even softly her voice was a glory. When I got finished I closed up all the cabinet doors and crumpled the grocery bags for the recycle bin. Apparently she picked up on the sounds, because...

1 year ago
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Analized Lisey Sweets Asshole Is Totally Destroyed

Sexy blonde Lisey Sweets likes to show off. Her sexy eyes beg for cock as she spreads her tight ass, welcoming everyone inside. She isn’t satisfied with just showing off her holes, Lisey Sweets reaches inside her tight asshole and spreads it. She is ready and horny. ANALIZED.COM is happy to provide this all natural whore with exactly what she wants. Lisey is soon to get a huge cock pounded into her tight ass while she is choked and tossed around the room. With her face wrapped up, Lisey...

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NubileFilms Lena Paul Morning View

Kyle Mason is enjoying a read through the newspaper while his fiancée Lena Paul makes coffee in the kitchen. This couple has been together for quite some time, but the spark of desire never wears off. The moment Kyle lays eyes on Lena’s trim and busty figure, his interest is obvious. When Lena leans over to show off her firm ass in its tight skirt, Kyle is spurred into action. Getting to his feet, Kyle gently turns Lena around so he can give her a sweet kiss. His hand drops to her full...

4 years ago
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Nanbanin Chithiyai Matter Adithen

Vanakam makale, en nanbanin veetirku naan adikadi seluven. Angu avan chithi irupaargal, en udan nerukamaaga pazhaguvaargal, en naban oru murai naan chithiyai kaai adithen endru solinaan. Aanal chithi matter adikalam othukola villai endru solinaan, athanaale naan eppozhuthu nanban veetirku sendraalum chithi idam vazhinthu kondu thaan pesuven. Chithiyum en udan sirithu vilaiyaduvaal, avaluku thirumanam aagi iru kuzhanthaigal irukiraargal. Chithi meethu enaku oru kama paarvai irunthathu. Avalum en...

2 years ago
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The Three of Us1

Part 1 I would have to say that Norman is probably my very best friend. We started grade school together, then, graduated from high school together. We attended the same University and both graduated with honors. Neither of us had any brothers or sisters, so one might say that we were as close as brothers. We did everything together, hunting, fishing, partying, and yes, dating. Norm and I are a lot alike in many ways. I’m 6’1” tall, weigh 200 pounds with light brown hair and...

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The Gavin McClain Stories 3 Ericas Big Day Prologue

Kindred SpiritsShe joined him at the latter end of a Friday night in the Cock and Bull. Any of her work colleagues still present were deep in chat-up scenarios or in lengthy debates about football or films. He was seated at a far corner table, nursing a tumbler of whiskey. His eyes flicked her way as she slumped into the chair beside him, her own newly-filled glass in hand.“Not got some pretty little thing hanging on your every word tonight? You’re losing your touch,” she said, her words...

1 year ago
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DominoesChapter 6 Winter 1988891

By the middle of December we were well into the second quarter at school. Everyone was looking forward to the Christmas break. We were to have two full weeks at home and Cindy had promised to be home for six days and five nights. I was really looking forward to the break from classes and my duties as commander of Company C. Rooms three and four were under Contro, l but the room leaders of rooms one and two had not been promoted to second lieutenant and they were letting the discipline...

2 years ago
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These are some words about my life and my educatio

I was raised and educated by my mother alone and I had no registered father as my mother never got married and she educated me by herself.My first years were really happy and I went to school as a good student and was very interested in learning. I also had very good contacts with my aunt, my mother sister, who was described to me as a foolish and naughty women living with a lot of boy friends. Later I also understood that she was considered as to be on the social limits as she was actively...

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Pregmana Pt VIII

Chrissy could not stop thinking about that day at the theater. He kept replaying it every night his dreams. Why did Mr. Sloane go and do that? In the end Mr. Sloane was arrested and placed in jail for fifteen years as Chrissy and Ashley were able to testify to the charges. He was also sued and Chrissy and Jess had won $80,000 for damages caused. Though he could never erase what had happened from his mind at least now he and Jess had some money for when the baby came and it was going to be...

3 years ago
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Mazi jJaya Vahini

Hi Krish here mi tumacha stori vachaly ani mala sudha mazi khari stori add karavasi vatali. Mi bhadane rahato tethe maza room sejari ek jaya navachi bai rahate tila mi vahini manato. Ani majak maskari sudha karto amachya roomsadthi comman bathroom ahe. Ek divas ti angol karat asatana mi tila hak marali ‘kon ahe aat’ ti manali mi tuzi vahini ahe ani me tambalo pan manat vichar karu lagalo ki ti kay karat asavi titkyat ti baher ali ani bagato tar kay wooo god mi tila pahilynda tiche adha nagn...

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A Paladins JourneyChapter 15 Ripples of the Vala

Smythe sighed luxuriously as he stepped into steamy water of the Chapel’s main bath. The fires were roaring at each end of the chamber, keeping out the evening chill. He waded to the middle of the bath – where it was deepest – and just stood for a moment, letting the heat soak into his muscles. As tall as he was, the water failed to cover his chest even in the deepest part, so he bent his knees and submerged himself up to his chin. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to relax for a time. It...

4 years ago
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Pops and the Schoolgirl

A refreshing breeze entered the hospital room. A girl dressed in a school uniform dashed straight to her grandfather's side. The girl plopped her young ass into the sitting man's lap. She kissed his cheek and softly asked, "Hi Pops. How's Grammy? How long has she been asleep?" Pops smiled and hugged his precocious granddaughter. Katie always brought a joyous thrill to this man's heart whenever she was near. At 16, the girl was a petite, pretty, and perky handful of infectious fun. The...

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The First Time With My Little Sister

The First Time With My Little SisterThe winter weather had sunk in early this year leaving the farm idle. Many of the boarders had done their annual migration to the warmer southern climates, taking their horses as well. I invited several friends over for the weekend, hoping to enjoy a few days girl talk, sharing our love stories or lack thereof. The farm is quite boring with most time spent working, even if everyone else thought my adventures were much better than theirs were. I readily admit...

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White girl worships black cock

White girl worships black.Story is credited to whitegirlworshopsblack on tumblr."How I got into IR sex"A few years back i was just becoming interested in sex, using the internet to learn more about my new found interest. One day i retreated to my bedroom to “indulge” myself. i watched a few videos, well more like i scanned through them to see if they were worth watching when i clicked on one (on xvideos i think) that i thought was interesting cause it had a pretty girl in it. So i clicked on...

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Fucked Over Ch 02

They celebrated their first con together with an expensive dinner. Rebecca couldn’t get over the fact that the old man had simply handed her a stack of cash, $10,000 total, to ‘help out an orphanage’. She and Dave had done their research well, finding Jerome Hill and his history. Which included having grown up in a boys’ home from the age of six when both of his parents had died in a car accident, leaving him without any immediate family to go to. Soft spots were the best way to hit a mark...

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Second Cousins Second ChancesChapter 4

We finished our lunches, and we each hit the restroom another time. As I was washing my hands at the sink, I had a thought — my turn to drive, maybe I should prepare a surprise for Jen? The restroom was empty, and I darted into one of the stalls. Pulling my shorts down, I removed my boxers, then pulled my shorts back up, zipping them ever-so-carefully. I looked down at the boxer shorts in my hand and wondered what to do with them. My pockets weren't really big enough, and I didn't want to...

3 years ago
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Indian Son Mom Sex Incest Relation

I am Ravi Kumar, a regular reader of Incest Stories. I wish to share my experience with all of the readers. Now I am living in Coorg (Madikeri, a hilly village in Karnataka State, India) & running a small hotel with my wife, 3 kids and my grandma. I had been paved in my mother’s womb as a result of cheating of a guy to my mother. I studied up to 12th Std. I am 6 feet height and a strong & perfect guy and my mother was just 4 feet 8 inches height and a very cute, white skinny lady. My mother had...

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Never Knock Anything Till Youve Tried It

This story took place a few years back when the city of Detroit didn't have to woory about what its going through now,this was one of the rare times that I got to work on a Sunday.I was working with the Detroit Housing Department at one of the project sites named Brewster-Douglas,doing what they call fire watch since none of the fire systems were working.Our job was to walk the building checking for anything out of place or if you smelled smoke in the building,I had the 4 to mid watch when I...

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The bridge party

"I still can't believe that Joe still gets it up three times a week," exclaimed Kimberly Farlow to her bridge partner Marion Hart, "my god, you two still do it like newly weds!!!" "No way," shot back Marion, "when we were first married we did it twice a day every day!" All four women at the table roared with laughter at that one, and Barb Knox added, "I would give anything if my Tom did it once a week," which caused another round of guffaws. Billie Harris, the hostess for today's party, snuffed...

Group Sex
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Be My Bitch

I'm so glad you agreed to be my slut - I've been searching for a crossdressing hussy I can train to be my personal tart for some time now, and I'm certain I can teach you to fit the bill. I understand your fantasy is to be dressed as a sexy sissy and have your manhood and your cherry fucked right out of you. This pleases me, as I enjoy nothing better than using and abusing tramps like you. I shall bend you to my will before I ease my dildo inside you and rhythmically pump every inch of...

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Helpful WifeChapter 7

Carlyle came over to where Tim Cartwright was sitting at a desk. Carlyle was a fat, balding man in his mid fifties, and was chewing on the stub of an unlit cigar as usual. He was Tim's immediate superior as long as Tim was at the New York head office, so Tim immediately put his pen down and looked up with an eager expression on his face. "Yes, sir?" "How's it going, boy?" "Fine. I'll have these figures out by tonight." "Good, good." Carlyle spread his suit jacket open and...

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Former Mother In Law Went Shopping Part 2

Continued from part 1...So there was Gail, on all fours with her hands bound to the headboard, tits hanging out the top of her bra, a butt plug in her ass, vibrator in her pussy (both held in place by her panties), and my cum plastered all over her face. She was ready to get fucked, but I wanted to have some more fun before we got to that. I moved behind her and slid her panties off, exposing the plug & vibrator. I took the handle of the vibrator and moved it in and how slowly, pushing it...

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nice suprise

a couple of weeks ago i was out shopping in my local town when i found myself bursting 4 the toilet. So i ran inside the nearest public toilet i could find. I got myself sat down and started doing my business when all of a sudden there was a groan from the next cubicle and then another it was a happy groaning 2 say the least. Next thing i knew i could hear 2 male voices and then the door shut. I sat there in silence 4 a few seconds and then a voice from next door said '' do u wanna suck my...

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My Innocence

Hi I am shailendra .This experience happened while on a business trip with a client. She looks like 20years old even though I am older than that . she is 5′ 6″ and have a figure of 36C-24-34 and weight 50kgs. I am an Indian and I live in Chennai.Her name is Sujatha . she is work as sales manager for a large marketing company which does advertising, promotion, exhibitions and conferences. she earn lot of bonuses based on the sales opportunities I generate. Once on a Tuesday, when I called her...

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Old and young guy spitroast part two

As we sat chatting and sharing experiences, Darren, who was sat beside me put down his beer and moved a bit closer to my side. As I turned to look at him I placed my hand on his thigh, and he reciprocated by doing the same to mine, slowly we both leaned towards each other and began to kiss, our tongues probed each others mouths as I felt Darren's hand slide further up my thigh towards my crotch. His hand gently wrapped around the bulge in my jeans and began to rub my soft cock, within moments...

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nmdwji writes about Femdom Prison part 1

Femdom Prison Part1:The men in the Femdom Prison were all r****ts who had been freed by corrupt judges. They had been hunted down and imprisoned by WAR-Women Against ****-a group of huge amazons. All the amazons were at least 6 feet 6 inches tall and 300 pounds. Their leader was 8 feet tall and 550 pounds of bulging muscle and gigantic tits. The men were sentenced to one year of daily punishment and then execution by the leader who was called Mistress Gigantica. Each day the men were subjected...

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Johns Eyes Are Opened

I don’t know when it started. Maybe it was something I was born with. Maybe, the race is evolving. In my case, by the time I was thirteen I knew two things about it for sure: First, I liked taking those steamy group showers when PE class was over because I got to be naked somewhere with other people – even if it was all other guys. Second, I realized I had to keep that fact a secret, because ‘everybody knew’ queers were less than human. At the same time, I enjoyed as much as any of my friends...

1 year ago
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To love and to lose is better than to never have loved at all

This is what happened: I was watching as closely as I could. Without being too obvious, of course. It’s not easy trying to be inconspicuous while staring out the window through a pair of binoculars at another apartment just across the courtyard, but I did my best. It was worth the effort. Or, rather, the woman who had just moved into the apartment across the courtyard was worth the effort. Well worth it. Tall, with short blonde hair and a dancer’s lithe, athletic body – my...

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Dreams of the Chinese Room

Dreams of the Chinese Room The oversized room was decorated in a tasteless mishmash of New Mexico pueblo and Chinese restaurant.  Paper globe lights cast a comfortable glow over the room, filling in any shadows left by the muted sunshine coming through gauzy curtains which skirled in a lazy, sensous dance from an inflow of cool breezes through the open windows.  The walls hung with tapestries in a Chinese fire drill of colors — the floor of dark, polished wood showed through the gaps between...

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Alumni Summer Scenes Winter Treat

A week or so after Dee’s second visit, she came to his house late one night after he’d already retired and had fallen asleep. She’d been over at a friend’s party, and it was well past midnight when she decided she wanted to pay him a visit. Knowing that he kept a side door to his house open she managed to sneak in quietly, removing her clothes in the living room, before heading down the hall to his bedroom. He was a fairly sound sleeper, so she easily made it all the way to his bed before...

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Sex Education Single Parents Part 3

This is part 3 of a story of taboo sex being discovered by some and encouraged by others. Stop here if that is a problem if not enjoy. Here are links to the earlier parts next day Ron picked Elly up from school. Neither of them had talked much since their mutual masturbation episode. Ron felt like he could no longer trust himself around her. In his...

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