Felicity Ch. 29 free porn video

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Chapter 29: The Ugly Woman

I was on the walking trail around my condo complex when a turn suddenly put me across the path of a seriously ugly woman. She was a tall, pale, with longish blonde hair that had not seen a brush in a while.

She looked as disheveled as anyone I had ever seen. Her gym shorts and her sleeveless t-shirt were of clashing colors and too big for her. She was not wearing make up so her lips and eyebrows blended with her skin in a strangely blank Carnival mask kind of way.

We each stepped trying to avoid the other but ended up going in the same direction twice.

She looked like a puppy that knew it did something wrong and was going to get swatted by a newspaper. She was furiously blushing.

She started to apologize but I stopped her, took her hand and danced her unto a twirl that put us each on the side we were originally headed.

She gave a delighted little laugh and slowly resumed her march down the walking path. Her whole body was blushing.

Before she was out of hearing range I shouted after her, ‘We have to stop meeting like this, the neighbors are beginning to talk.’

She did not turn but her shoulders told me she laughed at the line. I patted myself on the back for being sensitive and friendly to a woman of unfortunate looks and continued on my route.

I did not see her the next day, as my routine was one day on, one day off. On the following day it was raining about the time I intended to go for my walk so I spent the time power napping. I admit I liked the theory of exercise a lot more than the actual act.

I had just about forgotten about her on my next walk when I again ran into her under the same circumstances.

This time I immediately took her hand and gave her several twirls as we danced in the middle of the path. I took time to look at her a bit more closely and was duly impressed with her large blue eyes, She was in fact not actually ugly, just plain, very plain.

Those beautiful eyes, however, were looking at me with embarrassment.

I did not want to make her uncomfortable so I released her hand and semi walked/danced my way down the path.

On my next walking day I decided to reverse my route and prevent another direct run-in with her. Her reaction to a simple encounter was so strong I did not want to see her that disturbed again.

I did my two circuits and was checking my mail when she walked past me. I nodded in her direction and she smiled in return.

As she walked by I heard her say, ‘Missed our dance.’

I turned to look at her while searching for a line to throw in her direction but she had not stopped walking.

Her skin was crimson. It had apparently taken a lot from her to say anything. She was shaking her head as if she could not believe she had.

Nice long legs, I thought, as I watched her walk away. Her thighs and butt were a tad too big but she was tall enough to nonetheless produce an overall pleasing effect. She was maybe just three inches shorter than me.

As walked into my home I chuckled to myself.

I thought, ‘Old man, you must be really horny to be looking at something like that.’

But I had looked.

The next walking day we became acquaintances. She just happened to be going by as I started my walk. I started the conversation with nonsensical comparisons between the tango and the cha-cha. I was happy to see that I had her giggling in short order. I saw her visibly relax.

She started her end of the conversation by praising my patio garden, admitting that on days there was no car in the carport she would make a quick detour into the garden and enjoy the flowers.

She again was blushing.

I told her, ‘You are welcome to stop even if there was a car in the drive.’

Our conversation stayed light and breezy until she detoured towards her home, I learned that this was her third and last lap on the circuit.

I was surprised to learn that I was somewhat disappointed by that turn of events and resolved to leave my home earlier the next time. It never crossed my mind to ask myself why I would want to do such a thing.

Two days later I was opening my door just as she walked by. I started to slowly catch up to her, no small feat for me. Her long legs covered a lot of ground with each stride.

I stayed behind her for a bit studying her a little more closely. She still looked disheveled, but her body started to look to me more like that of an ex-athlete working itself back into shape. She moved with a fluid gracefulness that made me think that once she must have been serious stuff.

When I caught up with her I wondered if it was because of my increased speed or if she had slowed her pace to allow me to catch up to her.

Our conversation resumed as if two days had not gone by. We finally exchanged names.

Hers was Sharon. She had just moved to Felicity. I learned her daughters were grown and married and she learned from me my son was too. Neither of us asked about our present relationship status. I have always though it was impolite to ask and apparently so did she. Yet, somehow, we both knew the other was unattached.

In time we became friends, we learned a lot about each other. Her first residence in Felicity had been the Women’s Shelter. She had moved out after a year of counseling year then she got a job. She was a teacher as I was but at different schools so I had not seen before. We had several common acquaintances. It is a small world.

She was exactly six months younger than me. Her ill-fitting clothes were result of the thirty pounds that had disappeared from her body in the last eight months. Her goal was to lose another thirty pounds.

Without thinking I said, ‘that’s too much, anything more than ten pounds would be excessive.’

She looked at me to see if I was giving her a line or if I really thought that way. Apparently she decided I meant it and blushed.

She confirmed my guess that she had been an athlete, a college swimmer at a school that was a rival to my own. Had I gone to a swim meet or had she gone to a baseball game we would have seen the other.

It is a very, very small world.

Over the course of several weeks and without her actually telling me I guessed her marriage had been a horror of mental cruelty that ended when he crossed the line into physical abuse. Neither of her daughters invited their father to their wedding, much less give him the opportunity to walk them down the aisle.

It explained the large inferiority complex she was carrying and her habit of apologizing for everything

In a roundabout way I admitted that my marriage ended four years before when I realized my wife would never meet a cock she did not want. Sharon was surprised to hear that my ex and I remained friends and acted as a couple for our son’s wedding. I did not mention that of all the times I had gotten laid since our divorce fully half of them had been with my ex.

I decided I liked Sharon. She accepted the possibility that I liked her and her habit of apologizing for non-existing blunders subsided.

I eventually noticed that somewhere along the line she started brushing her hair and tying it into a ponytail.

I liked ponytails.

She also began to wear a hint of makeup, just enough to frame her facial features.

In my eyes Sharon had gone from ugly, to plain, to OK, to nice in little over two months but I was only vaguely aware of that.

We started to wait for each other before starting our walks. We never agreed to do so, it just happened.

I now walked everyday and extended the walk to three laps to match her. I told myself that the change was to speed up the rate of my conditioning. I probably knew it was just so I could spend more time with her.

She probably knew that too.

One day about ten weeks after our first encounter I invited her to joi
n me in my garden for a bottle of mineral water after we finished our walk. We usually ended our walks outside her home.

Nothing much had happened between us. I had not asked her for a date. Probably out of cowardice.

She had not invited me into her patio or her home. Probably out of cowardice.

Helen accepted my offer for a drink and said, ‘I am anxious to see the hummingbirds you talk about. They are so neat.’

‘They may be gone by now. In our area they are just passing through,’ I said.

She was disappointed by that possibility but as we walked into my patio she became enthralled by the profusion of flowers. This was one of those days in which my garden decided to show off.

While she looked at the flowers I retrieved two bottles of water for us. When I rejoined her she was admiring a large yellow hibiscus.

‘This place is magical,’ she said. ‘You created a miniature Eden.’

I will admit that I was proud of my efforts and very, very pleased at her reaction to them.

She then said, ‘Your shoe is untied,’ and my life changed.

As I knelt to tie it she was about three feet in front of me, turned slightly to the side.

I glanced up and saw just how much too big her shorts were. I could see well up the legs of the shorts right to the mound of Venus. I saw blonde pubic hair. I saw pussy lips.

It took a while for my fumbling hands to tie my shoe. When I finally managed and stood I had a raging erection. I did not have underwear under my gym shorts and my boner was as obvious as could be.

I decided to try to stay behind her so she would not see it but she soon created another problem for me. She raised her arm to ask about a tall flowering vine. With her arm raised I could see 80% of a glorious tit past her sleeveless shirt armhole.

She started to turn towards me wondering why I had not answered when her hand accidentally brushed my hard dick. Luckily, before either of us could react, a hummingbird zoomed past us to the feeder followed closely by two more, precipitating a round of hummingbird wars.

She was enthralled.

She made cooing noises.

She giggled.

She backed up into my hard-on.

She did not press against it but instead lightly brushed it with her ass as if to make sure it was still there. My cock stayed in soft contact with her ass for the duration of the hummingbird wars.

Eventually the birds disappeared and we were left in an awkward silence.

Finally I asked if she needed more water.

She said, ‘No thanks, I should get home. Thanks for inviting me to your garden.’

Her eyes flicked down to my crotch. My dick was clearly delineated by the fabric of my shorts. She could see it twitch.

She forced her eyes to look at my face and stammered, ‘See you tomorrow,’ and with that started to walk out of my patio.

I said ‘My garden is your garden, anytime.’

Just before she stepped out to the walkway she suddenly stopped and pointing at my tented shorts asked, ‘Did I do that, is that because of me?’

I was surprised at the boldness of the question, completely out of character for her. She was blushing as brilliantly as I had ever seen her do.

I was also caught by surprise when I realized what my answer had to be. I said ‘Yes.’

A large smile crossed her lips as she started to walk away. Again she stopped and turned, ran to me, threw her arms around me and kissed me hard.

When she stepped back she said, ‘You don’t know how long it’s been since I gave anyone a hard-on,’ then kissed me again before she flew down the path.

I became suddenly acquainted with the term dumbstruck. I was frozen in place. My body still could feel hers as she had pressed against it. I knew I was blushing as furiously as she was.

Then, a sudden moment of lucidity,

‘Dinner is at 8’ I shouted at her retreating form.

Although I was not sure she heard me, that evening I prepared my best dish, shrimp linguini with garlic butter sauce, for two. My friend Julian had walked me through it once at a friends house party and although I had missed on some things mine was good enough for company.

I had dinner ready just before 8, I wore a polo shirt and dress slacks. I smelled good.

But at 8:12 I was still alone. I gave up hope and walked to the door to lock it. A small movement outside caught my eye. I looked through the patio window.

There she was, on the swing, apparently talking to herself.

I opened the door and walked towards her.

She looked like someone that had been caught where they were not supposed to be.

I was not going to take the chance on her leaving so I grabbed her hand and led her inside.

Once inside she started to apologize for something but I could not make out exactly what, so to make her stop I kissed her.

I walked her to the dining area and led her to the table. Before she sat I took the opportunity to really look at her.

She was wearing a dark blue sun dress that looked good on her even though it appeared to be a couple of sizes too big. The ten-pound goal I had suggested had been achieved and she probably did not have anything in her closet that still fit her body.

Her hair shone as if it had its own light as it cascaded to her shoulders.

She wore make up, just enough to see that she did, not enough to hide anything.

Her eye make up drew me into her eyes.

Her lipstick drew me to her lips.

I kissed her again before she sat. That kiss led to another, then another. I did not plan to keep kissing her over and over and worried that she would be upset with me but at the time I could not help it.

I HAD to kiss her.

I was aware enough to note that each time I kissed her she kissed me back.

I again had a hard-on for her. She noticed.

I tried to open a bottle of wine but could not keep my hands from shaking. I could not understand how this moment had become so important in my life.

I put the bottle down and gave her what must have been a helpless look. I felt I was blushing.

She spoke softly, saying,’ Maybe we should leave dinner for later?’

She was blushing intensely.

She stood and came to me. We melted into each other’s arms and fell into an ageless kiss. She stepped away and started down the hallway towards the bedroom.

As she walked she undid two buttons on her dress and it fell away. She had not worn any undergarments. I was looking at a nude goddess.

I found us kissing again,

I was nude but did not know how I got that way.

We were in bed.

I was on top of her, my dick parting her pussy lips.

I forced myself to go as slowly as possible. I wanted to enjoy every millimeter of my cock’s entry into her pussy. I wanted her to enjoy my penetration into her nest.

Her pussy was very wet but my entry was slowed by the tightness of her passage. My dick was almost a third of the way in when I pulled back out until the head of my dick barely had her pussy lips parted. Then I slowly pushed my way back in.

I repeated the sequence when half way down and again two thirds of the way in. Each sequence was punctuated by the best kisses I could give. She was answering with the best kisses I had ever received.

I delayed my last plunge into her pussy a little longer, until her body betrayed anxiousness. I plunged in to the hilt with a swift stroke. As soon as our pelvic bones met she soared into orgasm.

I held on as the bucked, moaned and thrashed beneath me.

When I felt her catch her breath I kissed her and whispered, ‘Again?’

‘Yes, please,’ she said.

I started to slowly sink and withdraw my dick out of her pussy. As I increased speed she started to moan once again.

I needed release, I was gasping for breath, hoping, and praying I would cum before I died. A loud dee
p groan escaped her lips sending me over. I climaxed like never before.

Finally, gasping for air. I tumbled off her body and lay on my back staring at the ceiling. We held hands as our lungs wrung out all the oxygen in the room.

She turned to her side, facing me and caressed my chests. As her hand approached my groin she started to giggle. I turned to look at her, a bit worried at her reaction.

She was looking at my dick.

My dick was still twitching, drops of cum still making their escape. A pool of cum and pussy juice was matting my pubic hair. My dick was wilting rapidly and was very red.

‘God I hope I didn’t kill it. I am going to need it again,’ she said.

‘It may need mouth to mouth,’ I ventured with a smile.

‘No problem, but you did promise me dinner’ she countered.

Dinner was ruined of course. We made BLT sandwiches and had a much easier time opening beer bottles than wine bottles. We were laughing over anything and everything, the definition of happy campers.

We stayed nude. We took every opportunity to touch and rub against each other while in the kitchen We kissed each other a couple of million times. Any part of the others body within range of lips was kissed.

Sometimes when I kissed a nipple or ran a finger over her pussy she would blush. Now however, her blushes were a light shade of pink and were accompanied by soft moans.

I was standing by the sink rinsing the utensils when she walked up behind me and started to caress my ass.

I loved that.

My dick started to rise.

She rained kisses to the back of my neck.

I loved that.

My cock became fully hard and started searching for Brenda.

She saw it and grabbed it.

I really loved that.

She led me to the bed by it. As soon as I was on my back she dove for it and engulfed it in her mouth.

She made love to my dick. My dick loved her for it, reaching as far as it could for her.

My dick and I knew she was not trying to suck us off. We also knew that would eventually happen so we did not have a difficult time holding on.

Her lips kissed my cock one last time then held it in her hand as she threw her long legs over my hips and slowly lowered herself to me.

She was now kissing my dick with the lips of her pussy.

She leaned over and kissed me gently, slowly parting my lips with her tongue at the same rate that my dick was parting her pussy lips.

She settled on me, completely impaling herself on my loving member. With a deep sigh she raised her body and just sat across my hips, my dick buried in her as deeply as it could.

Slowly, knowing she had all the time in the world, she started to make love to me.

I looked up at her magnificent breasts as they slowly danced for me.

I looked at her moist lips, her wet tongue peeking between them.

I looked at her large blue eyes, half closed, like a cat when it is purring.

I looked at her golden hair, framing a face radiating a love I could physically feel.

Right then and there I realized, I had never seen a more beautiful woman in my life.

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Warrior WoesChapter 23

“No, you heard me right. He does not want her to come for the week-long thing anymore; well, at least for the near future. He says he’s afraid she will learn to resent him if he continues to insist on it. I mean her staying there as usual,” said Penelope. “Jesus!” said Grant. “Was it something that Zoe said, did?” “No, just the opposite. She’s been so nice these last couple of months that he figured we’d done something, coached her, to be nice and I guess it was so obvious that he just...

3 years ago
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Dont Judge a Book Part 3 Chapter 9

Monday 24th December 2018, late eveningIt was about ten P.M. and Jill and I had just finished a FaceTime call with John, Becky, and our still not sleepy little granddaughter Julia. I’d just poured us each a drink and we were snuggled on the sofa discussing what we’d seen and heard on the call when suddenly there was a very loud and angry banging sound on our front door.Making a small crack in the curtain I was surprised to see our good friend Callan, Jill’s college ex and now recently divorced,...

Wife Lovers
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OceaniaChapter 12

Simmonds sat in his office with Henderson and Hodges. Henderson had just informed him that the observation team on Karl Savage had missed two contacts in a row. "Maybe their Sat Phone is busted?" Hodges suggested hopefully. "I've dispatched another unit to investigate," Henderson added. Henderson's other news was alarming. "Let me get this straight," Simmonds reiterated. "The cops have analyzed the supplement and linked it to the girl. She's been caught on camera compromising an...

1 year ago
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MotherInLaw Sex Pt 7 Ex Daughter Grown Up

Several months passed; Mae and I were together generally a few times a week. I didn’t know if my wife knew anything or nothing about her mother and I coupling, but our home life was comfortable and she seemed not to find it a problem that I now never tried to force sex upon her. She either had her own supply or just didn’t want it anymore (unlike our courtship year when we managed a record five in one day one time, but often daily or twice daily for weeks and months: not anymore). Mae’s...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Kristy Black She Loves Anal Sex

Kristy Black had those amazing tattoos on her body. On top of her pussy it said Fuck Me! Above her ass it said I Love Anal Sex. She soaped and showered her hot body and let us see every detail of it. Then you played with her ass and stuck you fingers into her ass and pussy. She gave your huge dick a deep blowjob. Then you fucked her pussy in doggy. When she turned around for missionary you decided to fuck her ass instead. She was riding your dick with her ass in cowgirl and reverse. You fucked...

2 years ago
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Mage of the Tower

You awaken on the day of your 18th birthday. A special day as your training as a mage of the tower is complete. All that remains to take your place amoung that great order is to complete a quest set by your tutor. You rouse in your spartan bed chamber and wash your body, ready to present yourself to Alaria, your tutor and the ruler of your life for the past ten years, ever since you were gifted to the tower by your family. You never faulted them for it, coming from a poor peasant farming...

2 years ago
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Unusual Companions

"Why do you have to do this to me? I'm not exactly going to fit in with that crowd," Josie complained."Because you love me enough to come with me, plus you're hot and I get to have a crack at all your cast-offs," Mica laughed self-deprecatingly."I don't want to go," Josie complained, knowing that Mica wasn't listening to her properly. "I think you should go alone. I haven't been single that long and what if...""Exactly, it's time you stopped moping around here and got out there and met some new...

2 years ago
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My friends sexy mother

Tamil Sex StoryNote: ——I am NOT the author!Hai friends, I am Seshu, a lucky guy to get the chance of fucking SexyGoddess Rajeswari for the past two years.While I am studying my Degree Ist year, I met a guy and we soon becamefriends. Later he took me to his house and introduced his widow motherRajeswari and sister to me. By seeing Rajeswari, I could not believemy eyes. She is a Sex Bomb and having good measurements 36-27-36. Sheis aged nearly 38 and her breasts are shaped round and firm, and...

1 year ago
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The Crystal RainbowChapter 32 Perceptions

Erik stood in the doorway listening to Christine and Khalid talk. With fresh eyes, he gazed at the woman to whom he had given his heart and found himself amazed at the changes he saw in her. The graceful poise of her body and the confident manner in which she spoke proclaimed to those around her that she neither wanted nor needed their approval. She knew her own mind and was not afraid to speak it. She exuded self-assurance in her movements and inner peace in her smile. She had come far from...

3 years ago
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After the first time we began to turn up she would help me fuck her friends I mean literally for example she would have her friend come sleep over we would be in the room smoking and she would start sucking my dick in front her friend her friend would be in shock but watching at the same time she then would put her friend and in my dick and make her suck it then I ate the friend out I can’t say the friend name so we gone stick to calling her friend but yea so am in there treating them both...

2 years ago
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Younger bros wife

I have had the opportunity to have sex with a close relative that is with my younger brother's wife. And whenever I read the i****t stories it reminded me of my flings with my beautiful bhabhi.We stay in a joint family. We live in a big palatial house, the ground floor of which is occupied by my parents and the first floor by me and the second floor by my younger brother. We took turns in making food for the entire family. A week it was my wife's turn and the next week would be my brother's...

4 years ago
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Sissy Velina

I walk into the living room of my master. I am completely sissified and wear a very frilly sissy maid outfit. My 6" white leather peep too high heels have thick leather straps around my ankles and are closed with medium sized padlocks. I wish I knew where my master holds the keys. On my lightly sun tanned and smoothly shaved legs I wear white sheer seamed stockings and with a nice lace band at the top. At the back the pink seams end with large pink girly satin bows. Just above my...

2 years ago
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Reduced To An Orgasmic Wreck

My name is Susan Jones, I am forty years old and I am a high-flying businesswoman. I work for a large corporate company that you would know, which is why I am not telling you the name. I am very successful at work; not so much in my private life. I have one failed marriage and three failed relationships. Don’t ask? I don’t exactly know what went wrong with them, but they all failed miserably and it all came down to the sex. It may have been me, but I like to think it was the men.I was beginning...

4 years ago
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I want paige

Joe wants paige. She is so beautiful. They both turned 18 last month. Paige is somewhat popular. She has peky D cup breasts, curly blonde hair, and a fat ass. She is athletic and smart and funny. She has blue eyes and is 5'1". Lead Joe to her pussy. Author note: I'm letting you guys take control of how this story goes. I just gave the description. I will accept all chapters.

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My wife wanted anal so she had it in style

My name is Roxanne, I am a 30 year old brunette with 38DD and a good figure if I do say so myself. I am married to Alun, we have been together for 10 years and had one swinging session once on holiday with a Turkish waiter.I wanted more, Alun has a big dick but he does not have the sexual appetite that I have. We have sex 3 times a week and always on a Sunday morning. I have always fancied anal sex but Alun does not. He is not convinced he would like it, so it looks like I am going to remain an...

2 years ago
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I was 16 years old the first time I fucked my step dad, and yes, in case you were wondering, I fucked him, he didn't fuck me. I had wanted him for awhile, and when the opportunity came up, I jumped on it, or should I say I jumped on him! I was at the mall one day with my friends and had been doing a lot of flirting. It had gotten me very turned on. I guess I am a bit of a tease! Any way, when I got home my step dad was home alone. My mom was out of town at for the weekend and I knew my brother...

2 years ago
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Charity at Work 5 May I take Your Coat and Cock

Good news! You got it. Charity Jones here. PTA mom by day, cockslut by night. Regaling you again with tales of my long journey from horny nympho teen to horny nympho cougar. When I last left you I had just finished learning painful lessons about myself and the journey with my cock-master George. I was gainfully employed as Assistant Manger at the Love Hut Lingerie Store, dating a wonderful guy, surrounded my great friends and family and putting out for any monster cock that came...

1 year ago
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Special Evening

As I approach the bed you are lying on your back naked, waiting for me, your slender, sexy body stretched out before me. Looking down at you, I see you shudder slightly with excitement in anticipation of what we plan to do. Dear, sweet Erin. We’ve been intimate with each other for several months now, and have been learning more about each other all the time about what turns us on. Tonight will be something of a breakthrough for us. We gaze at one another for a few long moments. You shiver...

4 years ago
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Naziya ki chudai

Hi friends I am Sahid from karanchi dosto meri age 22 years hai. Main B.sc. Ka student hoon . Meri ek choti bahan hai naziya aur meri ammi aur abbu mere abbu business man hai is vajah se vo aksar ghar se bahar rahate hai. Naziya ki age 18 years hai aur 12th kar chuki hai aur sirf ghar me ammi ka hath batati hai. Naziya ki figar jabardarst hai . Bilkul model ki tarah koi bhi use dekhe to chodne ka man kar de. Paint fad kar land bahar aa jaye. Ye bat kuch ek sal pahale ki hai jab main apne exam...

4 years ago
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Being watched and watching

I enjoy men looking at my body and there are several occasions in my life when I have seen men aroused when looking at me. This has often caused me excitement.I have since my teens had some fantasies about men masturbating whilst watching me or thinking of me. I also think about certain situations like doctors, physiother****ts, nurses looking at me undress or my body and women watching me is just as arousing mentally!Inevitably this posed the question of my own looking at crotches for hints of...

1 year ago
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Younger married man fucking 45 year old neighbour

I am now a 31 year old male, who had an experience with a woman 18 years older than me. Soon after my 14th birthday, we had new neighbours moving in next to us. They were a young couple both in their late 20's. They had one son only, who was only 3 years old. They had a second child a year later. But, the husband was a wild guy. Enjoyed partying with his buddies and going out every weekend. She on the other hand was a more homely type. She was'nt the most polite of people, but greeted when...

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Lesson Number One

[I puzzled over where this story belongs. I’m pretty sure I got it right, even though some readers may disagree. It’s not about having sex. Not even a first kiss, most of us got our first kiss on the day we were born. Mark was forty-six when he got his first introduction to ‘loving.’ Enjoy.] * ‘We want to get married!’ She stood in front of me and it was pretty evident from her body language and her tone that she really wanted to scream it out. She didn’t. The man standing beside her was not...

3 years ago
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The Date Part One

The Date - Part One- Jane Smith I entered the chat room, looking for a date tonight, not sure what I would find, however he sent me a private message. Look at his profile and thought lets chat and see what happens. While chatting, he said he was free now, but I was not so sure, I was already dressed in a black basque enclosing my soft squeezable breasts, black stocking, black lacy thong, top and short skirt with a revelling front split.. My face made up and 4? shoes waiting to...

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Silkie Rachel Denis and Julian 5

........she was lying there beside him, quiet for now, masturbating gently, swooning, overcome with desire for him. She couldn't have him....not even a little bit.Rachel started up the game again."Julian, sweetheart, do you think you are ready for another go?"" I am going to put this thing back on and fuck you in the ass, Julian.....yes dear, right up your German ass....... Silkie is going to suck your sweet dick while we do that........I like variety........OOOooooooooohhhhhh...I want to fuck...

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That definitely wasn’t the case. By the time I got out of boarding school, I had just turned 16. Three fucking years! Mom elected for me to stay there for summers as well, so I never got to go home. Mom’s driver came to get me from the airport, and I had to get his attention because he didn’t know how different I looked. I was now proudly nine inches taller at 6’2’’, 180 pounds of pure muscle. 250 push-ups and sit-ups a day will do that to a person. Plus my blonde hair was jet black...

1 year ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 98 The Fortune Fucker

Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-97”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… I believe in aliens. I know...

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Jills JourneysChapter 8 A Beautiful Morning

Tony’s place took special effort to move, as everyone had expected given his weight training equipment was coming. What they did not expect, however, was the challenge of moving his piano, drums, and other musical equipment. The next day, at brunch the common room, there was already a stereo system. Tony, when we got together, inserted a musical CD, and, to our surprise, began to sing, in a powerful voice,

4 years ago
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The Cuckolds Princess Part 3 Lori Used By Marcus And Uri

A Friday morning, six months after our adventure with Marcus. As usual, Lori and I were at the kitchen table having our breakfast, she absently reading the news on her tablet while taking spoonfuls of muesli. "Oh. My God!""What is it?" The alarm in her voice caused me to look up."You won't believe this, Jonathan. You really won't.""Are we at war?""Nothing like that. It's Marcus!""Marcus from the hotel?""See for yourself. Oh my god!" She continued to stare. It was like she'd...

2 years ago
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My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 26

Typically, Sunday morning is the one day I get to sleep in as there is no ride with the cycling team. I anticipate not being able to sleep in since I promised to spend the entire day with Carol. You would think, if a girl is going to wake you up with sex, she would do it slow and sensual, not Carol. I wake up, and she is bouncing on me like there is no tomorrow. I expect half the house is awake with the screams of passion. At least she has learnt that when she is finished and collapses on...

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My first XHamster encounter

All stories and blog entries are based on true events. Names, dates and locations have been changed for privacy. This could potentially answer a couple of questions. How did I hear about and why have I taken so long to join XHamster?Until recently I was in a long term relationship, sadly my past caught up with me and it ended. I have been a fan of XHamster for a while. I have tried other sites but they tend to be a multitude of sites where men outnumber women 1,000 to one and profiles are links...

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Playing Games Part 1

Playing Games Part 1 They met up once a month, always in a different hotel. They've even been in each other's home a few times but usually it was in an anonymous corporate hotel. They'd meet up on a Friday afternoon and leave Sunday at noon, but the timing could vary. Once it was nearly a week and a few times only overnight. Both Scott (Zoey) and Keith (Stella) were successful if boring businessmen. They'd met online as simpering sissies looking for playmates. If they'd had a bit...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Victoria June Busty Bombshell Titty Fucked

Whenever busty bombshell Victoria June enjoys the sun in her sexy bikini, men can’t stop staring at her enormous titties. Her 32DDD/E / 70G boobs are simply fantastic and look inviting as fuck! Painter Lutro gets hot immediately and takes his shirt off, which this curvy American glamour model notices right away. She offers him a break and a refreshment in her living room which quickly leads to one of the hottest Hardcore fucks you’ll ever see! She proudly presents her big ass to the...

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Black Cat Got Your Tongue

"Damn, who could that be at this hour?" Abigail Stone thought as the phone by her bed rang mercilessly. Normally a phone call, even at this late hour, wouldn't have bothered her that much. The problem with answering this particular call was that Abigail was practically naked and spread face down on her bed, weighed down by one hundred and ninety-two pounds of manhood. Not counting, of course, the six inches of which was buried deep between her legs. As was her usual Friday night practice,...

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