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Esta historia, podría ser la realidad de unos hechos vividos por un amigo de la infancia, al que casualmente me encontré en la gran empresa donde ambos trabajamos, el me contó, en una ocasión, en la que ambos habíamos bebido algo mas de la cuenta, cómo llegó a realizar el amor con su madre y hermana, con las cuales estaba viviendo.
La historia que me relató es la siguiente:


Soy de una familia mas bien pobre, mis padres poseen una pequeña industria familiar en la que ambos trabajan y van sacando para el sustento diario. El resto de la familia la componemos, mi hermana Sandra de 7 años y yo Francisco (Fran para los amigos), que en el momento de iniciarse esta historia cuento con 9.

La casa en la que vivimos es mas bien pequeña y de construcción antigua, consta de piso y bajo. En el bajo, se encuentra la industria familiar y el piso en ese momento lo formaba una cocina, un pequeño baño y 2 habitaciones, las cuales eran ocupadas, una (la mayor) por nuestros padres y la otra mi hermana y yo.

Mis padres tenían en esa época, 32 años el y ella 29. Los dos muy fogosos, cualquier momento era bueno para hacer el amor, en cuanto nosotros salíamos de casa ellos venga, dale que te pego. Yo que a pesar de los 9 añitos era muy espabilado y no se me escapaba detalle alguno, observe como en una ocasión, papa le mostraba a mama en el taller una herramienta nueva que había comprado, esta tenía una forma extraña (Mas tarde pude enterarme que tenia la forma de un consolador) El mirándola muy pícaramente, introdujo dicha herramienta entre sus dedos pulgar e índice, unidos entre sí en forma de arco desplazándola arriba y abajo muy suavemente, ella se reía de una forma muy extraña, abría y cerraba sus muslos inquietamente, de pronto me ordenaron me fuese a jugar a casa de unos vecinos y amigos, yo dije que si y además muy a gusto pero... algo sospechaba, por lo cual salí de casa y al llegar a la calle di la vuelta y entre al piso superior por una puerta trasera que daba a la cocina, también se accedía al piso superior desde el taller, este contaba con una pequeña escalera en un rincón. Como suponía y sin saber porque realmente. Al poco rato de estar oculto en la cocina escuché como subían por la escalerita con muchas risas y suspiros por parte de ella. Se creían solos y no tomaron ningún tipo de precaución, en cuanto ella asomó al piso yo me quedé con la boca abierta por el asombro, solo tenia puesto sus braguitas y sujetador, papá apareció detrás de ella en calzoncillos y sobándole el culo, en cuanto los dos estuvieron arriba el la abrazo muy tiernamente, la besaba por todos lados y la recostó sobre la cama, desde mi escondrijo no perdía detalle alguno mi visión era total. Estaba embelesado viendo a mama desnuda, tenia un cuerpo fantástico, aunque no alta estaba muy bien proporcionada, sus tetas eran preciosas, redonditas ni grandes ni pequeñas, sus pezones estaban totalmente erectos, preciosos, de los que gusta dar de mordisquitos y chupar sin parar jamás, su cinturita de avispa y su culo impresionante, no obstante lo que mas me llamó la atención fue cuando papá le quitó las bragas y vi su coño, lo tenia muy peludo, pelo negro y ensortijado, muy bien distribuido, tanto que no impedía en absoluto ver su raja que en ese momento y por la excitación que ella tenía se la veía con los labios hinchados y semiabiertos. Papa metió la cabeza entre las piernas de mama y vi como metía la lengua en su chocho, yo no lo entendía y hasta me dio asco, pero mama suspiraba cada vez mas y le decía...

- Sigue mi amor, sigue que me estas matando de gusto.

Luego de un buen rato de estar él mamándole el coño, ella se giró en la cama, le quitó el
calzoncillo a papa, cogió su polla y comenzó a chupársela como si fuera un helado los dos gemían y se convulsionaban de gusto, entonces ella dio un grito y le dijo...

- Ven cariño, ven y métemela hasta el fondo, estoy ardiendo.

Papá se colocó sobre ella, con sus manos amasaba sus tetas, cogió uno de sus pezones con la boca y le daba pequeños mordiscos, su pene rozaba sobre la raja de mama, de improviso se la metió dentro de un solo golpe y yo por primera vez supe lo que era una gran follada. Sus movimientos eran firmes y suaves, ella cruzó sus piernas sobre la espalda de papa y los dos de pronto comenzaron a moverse tanto, que pensé romperían la cama, mama jadeaba como una gata y papá bufaba como un oso y al poco rato ambos dieron un grito, pensé que les había ocurrido algo malo, al contrario, habían tenido un orgasmo descomunal. Como parecía que la cosa había terminado, antes de que me pillaran salí pitando de casa.

Toda esa escena quedó grabada en mi memoria de una forma imborrable, ella fue el desencadenante de nuestra vida futura y la que propició en cierta medida los hechos de esta historia. A partir de esa ocasión yo no hacia otra cosa mas que espiar a mama, no perdía ocasión de poder verla desnuda, en braguitas o como fuese, cuando ella se sentaba yo me sentaba frente a ella para ver sus piernas, ella se daba cuenta y sonreía, nunca dijo nada. Con 9 - 10 años ya me mataba a pajas y desde luego siempre a la salud de ella.

Cuando cumplí los 10 años mi papá se puso muy enfermo y al siguiente año se murió. En ese tiempo yo era muy travieso e inquieto, digamos que era una especie de terror del barrio, todo el mundo se quejaba a mi mama, sobre todo las mamas de las vecinitas, yo no desperdiciaba ocasión de meterlas mano, en cuanto se me ponían a tiro, incluso como de broma a algunas de las mamas también pero estas no se chivaban, les hacía mucha gracia y decían, este niño es todo un machote.

Mama realmente estaba muy preocupada, realizó las gestiones pertinentes y a los 12 años me encerró en un colegio de curas en otra ciudad, ella me visitaba una o dos veces al mes y aquella euforia que tenia la fui perdiendo paulatinamente. El colegio era de formación profesional y los alumnos mas destacados tenían empleo asegurado al final del ciclo escolar, por lo cual yo me concentré en los estudios con objeto de conseguir un buen empleo, quería ayudar a mama, la veía siempre muy triste y nunca bromeaba, la muerte de papá la había destrozado, ellos eran pobres pero estaban terriblemente enamorados.

Pasó el tiempo y después de 5 años sin pisar la casa, por Navidad y con diecisiete
años recién cumplidos me permitieron gozar de unas mini vacaciones. Ir a casa por primera vez después de ese tiempo me produjo una alegría inmensa... en principio.

Llegué a casa a las 16 horas, mama me recibió con mucha alegría, pero la vi preocupada, su aspecto era desastroso, la casa estaba limpia y bien cuidada pero ella, aunque muy limpias, sus ropas estaban gastadísimas, se veía que las cosas no marchaban bien, después de abrazar a mama esta se puso a llorar y me contó que había una serie de personas que la acosaban constantemente y para conseguir un trabajo siempre era con la misma condición, a cambio de algo a lo que ella no estaba dispuesta.

Un usurero que le había prestado dinero de cuando mi padre estaba enfermo, era el que más la acosaba, pretendió siempre recuperar el dinero prestado a costa de mama (en especie), le hacía la vida imposible, este señor la había avisado que sobre las 20 horas se personaría en casa y de no acceder a sus deseos la denunciaría. Yo con 17 años tenia un cuerpo muy bien formado, alto y atlético y una fuerza bastante considerable, al mismo tiempo decían que era sumamente inteligente, la rabia que sentía era infinita, mas tarde me di cuenta que sufría unos celos atroces. Discutí con mama un plan para parar los pies a esta persona, el no me había visto e ignoraba que estuviese en casa, tampoco me conocía. Le dije a mama que se portara muy agradablemente con el usurero, aunque le desagradase que le permitiera ponerle las manos encima y que se dejara desnudar, en el momento oportuno yo me presentaría. Ella en principio se opuso, le daba asco solo el pensar que una mano de ese señor la tocase, pero al fin la convencí, y justo al poco rato llegó el individuo, mama muy risueña le recibió y le dio confianza, el hombre quedó sorprendido muy agradablemente, entonces le dio un beso y al ver que no le rechazaba le ofreció dinero, mama acepto pues era parte de lo que habíamos convenido, el individuo entonces comenzó a sobarla y a besarla y como ella no oponía resistencia el se dispuso a desnudarla.

Yo me consumía en el infierno, pero al mismo tiempo recordé cuando tenia 9 años y me entro un morbo total, deje que siguiera desnudándola, deseaba volver a ver las tetas de mama y... ¡qué maravilla! Seguían exactamente igual, tal cual las recordaba, mas cuando, el usurero puso su boca sobre una de ellas... Yo salí de improviso, (este señor era bajito y regordete) le cogí por los brazos y le elevé a la altura de mi cara, el miedo del pobre hombre era tremendo, no esperaba nada semejante, creía que mama estaba sola, sabia que mi hermana a esas horas aprendía a coser en casa de una vecina. Me le presenté y le dije que no pasa

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Still half asleep, I started turning over. Whoa! Not a good idea! By the time I'd returned to my original position, I was wide-awake. Complaining quietly in the almost pitch-blackness, my eyes where drawn to the thin arc of yellow moon illuminating the room. It was almost at the end of its nightly trek, low in the sky and on an angle. Rolling a little onto my right shoulder, I took deep breaths and concentrated on its shimmering halo. It was quite beautiful, framed by wafting tulle drapes...

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I decided a few moments alone with her thoughts would be helpful to Dominique. Stopping in the doorway and buckling my belt, I gazed back at her while she swung back and forth in her own world. Now, THAT is a beautiful sight. There was more for Dominique to learn, and much more she would discover, but for now she could relax. A smile played across my lips as I took one last look at her, then went to take a shower. It's strange how sometimes I have to remember to take a breath. As if not...

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DominiqueChapter 7

As I slept, Andrew crept into the bedroom and quietly climbed over me, virtually in a sixty-nine position. When I woke with a start, his black leather-clad butt was right in my face! Giggling, I said, "That's quite a view there, Master." I struggled to smack his smooth muscular ass, but I soon realised I could hardly move! My upper arms were pinned under his calves and all I could do was slap his thighs. Which I did! "Oohhh let me up! We have to have breakfast!" I was laughing and...

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Mystique Who would name their daughter Mystique? Obviously someone that likes unusual names…that’s who…like my parents. Yes, they named my sister Mystique. Fortunately I was named after my father. Otherwise I could be know as Moon, River, or Two Dogs Fucking. Hey, hippies did things like that in the old days. When she turned thirteen, my bratty sister sure tried to live up to her name. With her everything was a mystery. She had a conspiracy theory about everyone on our block....

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Quentin and Larry

Quentin and Larry Quentin and Larry were the best of friends, right up to the point everything fell apart, and nobody was ever quite the same. Both boys were very similar in body type. They were both slender, with soft, almost feminine faces. This lead them to be the targets of local bullies, and so they only really had each other for friends for a long time. If boys tended to treat Quentin and Larry like punching bags, the reaction of girls was a little more complicated. Some...

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Dominique Ch 01

In five years I've had four 'dates', and none lasted more than a few hours. They didn't feel right. Nothing 'clicked'. But I haven't been completely out of the picture. On occasions I was called upon for demos, and happily agreed, pleased my skills were appreciated. And I've been involved in a number of scenes with my friends. I wouldn't say I 'dropped out' of the lifestyle, but I certainly wasn't an active participant. Perhaps I was marking time, unready to return. Or perhaps it was fate. Or...

3 years ago
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Pequeas y Humillantes Historias

Primero que nada me presento. Soy Guillermo, y tengo 25 años de edad. Además, como descubrirán en las historias que les voy a contar a continuación, tengo el pene pequeño. 10 cm flácido, 12 cm erecto. Es así. Ya lo acepté. Que lo haya aceptado, no quiere decir que no me avergüenza el hecho de ser objeto de burlas por parte de otras personas. Pero creo que hasta cierto punto he avanzado desde mi adolescencia, cuando realmente me mortificaba. Esa fue una etapa en la que sufrí uno de mis primeras...

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DominiqueChapter 9

Memories of sultry summers scudded though my mind like hot afternoon clouds. Dim recollections of wafting mosquito netting fought with the smell of sun showers for my attention. Without opening my eyes, I knew the side of my face was stuck to the training table. The dull ache of my ass felt a million miles away. In fact, it felt good. "Mmmmm," I murmured, as it throbbed in time with my heart. The egg inside me was quiet now, in harmony with the rest of the room. Rousing myself, I blinked...

2 years ago
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Racquetball Dyke by loyalsock

From as early as my p*****n years, it was obvious that sports and I didnot get along. I was either too slow or not coordinated enough. Teamafter team would either cut me, or only allow me to play the minimumamount of time that was required. When teams were picked in gym class,I was almost always chosen last. My uncle observed my frustration, andtook it upon himself to help. He was concern about the long-term effect ofmy low self-esteem, so he introduced me to the world of racquetball.When...

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Dominique Ch 06

After the weekend, Andrew gave me some space to get my head together, which was good. To be honest, I was 'on autopilot' all week, and hardly able to concentrate. I was glad work hadn't noticed. The experience at Dean's tilted my world on its axis, and I started to wonder about all kinds of things. Going up there was a good idea, I decided, even if it was only to open my eyes to the possibilities. I learned some good lessons there. Probably the best one was that if my head was in the right...

3 years ago
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DominiqueChapter 5

Friday morning. I loved public holidays. It's funny, but I wasn't even thinking about the weekend. Lying in bed watching the sun come up, my thoughts were on the previous twenty-four hours. Closing my eyes and replaying it in my mind, I was getting horny all over again. Two cocks. Two! God. I'd seen the porn. I'd wondered what it would be like. I could see it so vividly in my mind. It was almost like it happened to someone else, and I just watched! Except, I was sore. Not stingy sore....

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Moniques House of Leather

Today was the day. Steve Cummings had delayed it for too long but finally resolved to call the number he had quickly scrawled on the back of one of his business cards some weeks back and had stashed away in the back of his wallet. This number was the realisation of a long held dream that he had kept secret in his heart for many years. The number was a key, a golden key which would unlock the deep, dark desires he had developed from his maturation from boyhood through to adolescence and now on...

4 years ago
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Jacquelineby Callipygia--------------------------------------------------------------------------------This sounds like the beginning of so many other stories, but as cliche as it may sound, I met the most amazing woman through the internet about six months ago. Her name is Jacqueline, and since then we've discovered many things together. As beautiful as I would eventually discover she is, what made Jacqueline really interesting to me is her mind. No, really! You see, I am sexually submissive...

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Mystique AForce Predators

Stepping through the front door of the shared lair of the Brotherhood of mutants, Mystique stepped through the door first, sulking with the rest of her teammates following her inside. She was depressed, incredibly so. Her head hung low that her red flowing hair obscured her face and shoulders as she sluggishly made her way inside. Her white silk dress dragging behind her, reflecting her mood. Smoke coming off their bodies as they made their way to the living room, Raven collapsed heavily on a...

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Monique at the sauna

A while back I had gotten a gift certificate for a wellness centre, 'Good for your health!' said the people who gave it to me, I don't think there's anything wrong with my health and I really don't care about sauna's or spa's but the gift certificate was about to expire and that would be a waste. I called them and reserved a weekend in the hotel with the program the gift certificate entitled me to, I could get two treatments, massages etc., free access to al the other facilities and meals from...

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NOTHING IS EVER AS EASY as it should be. We had five straight days of rain and wind so strong that we couldn’t lift the awning for fear of having it torn off the building. I met with Doc once and spent some time on the courts, but I was really worried about getting the wall done if the weather didn’t break soon. And when I worry, I paint. I went to the studio which had not been used that much for painting since I’d been spending most of my time outside with a four-inch brush. I’d...

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Angelique Vinnie on video

Recording our daily raunchy, nasty, extremely kinky and very perverted fuck session’s in mom's bedroom, that I later sell to several local porn shops to be resold to the general public and we make a fuckin killing from em……. One morning I saw the oddest sight. I guess mom thought I had already left. I was due to play over at my buddy's house that Saturday. In fact, I had left, but remembering I had promised to bring a dirty magazine, I returned, having not gotten far. The door to her...

4 years ago
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Monique Change of Directions

Monique - Change of DirectionsMonique and I had met online several years back. It was an alternative personal site. We developed a deep and loving relationship and ?played? when we could. It started out that I topped most of the time. However, as things progressed she took the dominant role and we both were very happy with that. Over time things got more complicated, especially due to the driving distance between us. We only managed to see another over weekends. It wasn?t enough. In the...

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Monique The surprise came via email on Friday afternoon as I was sitting in my officetrying to wrap things up prior to our childless weekend. Monique and I beingdivorced parents always looked forward to our private weekends. No kids meantit was our time to do as we pleased and we had made no plans except to spendtime alone and in bed. The sounds of a new email arriving rang out and I thoughtabout not even looking given the time of day, but curiosity got the betterof me and so I took a peek. It...

2 years ago
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DominiqueChapter 6

After the weekend, Andrew gave me some space to get my head together, which was good. To be honest, I was 'on autopilot' all week, and hardly able to concentrate. I was glad work hadn't noticed. The experience at Dean's tilted my world on its axis, and I started to wonder about all kinds of things. Going up there was a good idea, I decided, even if it was only to open my eyes to the possibilities. I learned some good lessons there. Probably the best one was that if my head was in the...

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Monique rides a bike

She was 5’8 in her cycling shoes but it was the legs that stretched to heaven that caught my attention, strong legs but not to heavy or bulky like typical cyclist’ s legs. Firm calves and well-defined thighs ran smoothly into tight buns that filled the Lycra shorts more than adequately. The shorts were tight, cutting into her pubic area. Most men would have killed for her washboard stomach, which was a perfect link to her perky breasts. Her nipples were standing up creating tight little nubs...

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Moniques New Friends Are Hard to Loose

Copyright,[email protected] Another story by Pagan . Monique's new friends are hard to loose. h, e, m, that's it, right now how does that scan? Page one. Four months ago I suddenly noticed things where different in oursex life, Monique seemed to me more demanding, wanting more, she was arousedfor much longer; she seemed,-------- just a minute let me explain fromthe start. I have known Monique from the age of sixteen, in fact I had beenthe one fortunate enough to be the first she...

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Monique under Mind Control

Chapter 1- Joanne Joanne was bent over doggy-style as Juan lubed her asshole . The 54 part-time realtor was Juan's full-time sex-slave, still married to her cuckold hubby Philip Juan would keep her for days on end for his sexual use . Today he had called her over , after Monique had blown him cuz he wanted to fuck the voluptous , blonde slut up the ass. He collared & leashed Joanne before he shoved his 11 inch prick up her asshole. Stuffed& in ecstasy Joanne enjoyed her master's dong . It...

4 years ago
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Meeting my Ex for a game of snooker

Vicky was my girlfriend briefly about 12 years ago and was a dirty little slut back then, she had been about a bit and had a reputation for fucking anything.Well she got in contact a couple of years ago and although everything started innocently her talk soon became very flirty, now I'm a red blooded male and found this hard to resist so started responding.Things started to heat up when Vicky one evening sent me a message saying she was bored, and did I want to play snooker? I said I couldn't...

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