Monique free porn video

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The surprise came via email on Friday afternoon as I was sitting in my officetrying to wrap things up prior to our childless weekend. Monique and I beingdivorced parents always looked forward to our private weekends. No kids meantit was our time to do as we pleased and we had made no plans except to spendtime alone and in bed. The sounds of a new email arriving rang out and I thoughtabout not even looking given the time of day, but curiosity got the betterof me and so I took a peek. It was a message from Monique. "Sweetie", she wrote, "Imade some plans for us. I'll come to your place after I stop off and pick upa few items I need. I plan on my being at your place about 6pm. I want youto make us some dinner. I'll bring the food. Make sure you pull the properthings from the bag before I arrive. Love, M."

It had been a month and a half since we last played. I started to grin andthought what an unexpected surprise. Monique and I met online about a yearago and after our first date, we both knew that we were meant for one another.The chemistry was all there. Besides that she was a gorgeous brunette withdark brown hair about 5'5" tall, blue eyes, very slender with sexy legs andthe most beautiful breasts one could image; she also loved to play. It wasa great combination. My thoughts turned to envisioning her body and being inher service. I quickly cleaned things up at the office. I wanted to get a headstart on what was sure to be a wonderful evening. In no time had I organizedeverything for the next week and was in my car on the way home. The drive couldnot go fast enough. I arrived in about 20 minutes. Once inside I put away mythings and raced to the bedroom where I fetched the bag filled with our toys.

I unzipped the top and there lay a piece of paper with the words "Open Me!" atopthe play items. I was surprised to see it and opened it right away. The noteread as follows: "Slave, attached to this note is a contract that you willsign to enter into my services. I would strongly suggest that you read it carefullyand follow all instructions to the letter. I knew that you would race homeupon reading my email, so I have prepared for this event. Once your signatureis on the contract, place it on the kitchen table and make sure you leave thekey that I will need on top. Return to the bedroom, remove all your clothesand clean up before you place all play items neatly on the dresser or as appropriate.Once you have completed these chores lie on the floor. Then put on your choker,your mouthgag; tie your balls and then your feet to the spreader bar. Blindfoldyourself before you cuff your hands behind your back and await my arrival."

I flipped to the next page and there was a contract that read:

I, ________________ hereinafter referred to as "slave, bitch, whore, pet,etc", does of his own free will, and being of sound mind and body, offer himselfin consensual slavery to ________________ hereinafter referred to as Goddess,for the period beginning on ___________ and ending on _______________.

Purpose The purpose of this slave contract is to instill all that such servitudeimplies. This contract is written to make clear the expectations of Goddessand the consequences for failure to live up to this agreement. This agreementshall serve as the basis for an extension of the relationship between Goddessand slave. With a signature, both Goddess and slave agree and accept that theseterms and conditions cannot be altered in any way except by mutual consent.


�It is the duty of slave to please Goddess at all times and at herwhim. �Personal duties provided by slave include tending to all physicaland emotional

needs of Goddess. �Slave shall address Goddess as "Goddess" atall times without fail. �Slave will serve Goddess as her sexual toy,servant, dog, pony, toilet, ashtray,

furniture, or in any other capacity Goddess deems. �Slave is requiredto obey all commands given by Goddess within the constraints of this document. �Themethod and type of discipline, with the exception of physical and mental abuse,is the sole responsibility of Goddess.

� When physical discipline is applied (includes hands, flogger, crop,etc.) slave will count out loud the number of strokes he is to receive andexpress his thanks to Goddess for her attention. If slave loses track of thecount, the count will begin from the start.

�Once the discipline has been completed, slave will be forgiven andthe cause forgotten. �Slave shall be naked, collared with leash in mouthupon Goddess' arrival unless

instructed otherwise. �Slave will greet Goddess on all fours kissingher feet unless instructed otherwise. �Slave will shave groin and facedaily or as instructed. �Slave will always eat at Goddess' feet unlessinstructed otherwise. �Slave will never stand above Goddess unless givenpermission. �Slave will never orgasm without explicit permission ofthe Goddess. �Slave will always remove ejaculate by mouth. �Slavewill clean Goddess using his mouth at the conclusion of all sexual activity. �Slavewill sit, stand, walk, kneel and lay where, when and how Goddess desires. �Slaveshall reveal his thoughts, feelings and desires without hesitation or

embarrassment. �Slave shall inform Goddess of wants and perceivedneeds, recognizing that Goddess is the sole judge of whether or how these shallbe satisfied.


At NO time will the physical relationship (cyber, phone or real life) involvethe following:

1. children

2. animals

3. abuse (mental or physical)

4. scat

5. life-threatening

6. body mutilation (including piercing, tattoos and branding).

7. blood play


1. Protect and defend the honor and name of slave.

2. Insure that slave never feels ignored or neglected.

3. Maintain an honest and faithful relationship with slave.

4. To assume absolute and total control of slaves mind, soul and body.

I, slave ______________, offer my submission to Goddess _____________ underthe terms stated above on this the _____ day of _____ in the year _____.

Signature of submissive ________________________________

I, Goddess ____________, offer my acceptance of slaves submission under theterms stated above on this the _____ day of _____ in the year _____.

Signature of Dominant ________________________________

I raced to the study, signed the agreement and quickly placed it on the kitchentable. I returned to the bedroom, removed all the items placing them neatlyon the dresser: the 2 whips, cane and riding crop went to the right side. Goingfrom right to left I placed the nipple clamps on the dresser, then the clothespins, followed by the various dildos, the leather and nylon cuffs and finallythe ropes: one very long one, one of intermediary length and the short on inthe front. The items I needed were placed on the floor. As I checked to makesure I had all items as requested I noted our 'seat' that was still in it'soriginal place. I pulled it out and placed it near the radiator. The seat wasMonique's idea that she had from the last time we went toy shopping. It staredout as a plain looking plastic milk crate. Monique had me modify it by cuttingout most of the middle of the front side and the middle part in front atopthe crate. After filing all edges until they were smooth and adding more supportand protection with Duct tape, she had me secure several kitchen towels tothe top covering the sides as well as the middle and back of the create. Onceturned around the contraption could thus be placed over my head and Moniquecould comfortably sit down with her pussy right over my face and mouth; a perfectseat or toilet.

I undressed, put all clothing items away so that the room was unblemishedand placed the items I need on the floor. I looked at the clock on the dressernext to the bed and noted that I had been in such a hurry that hardly any timehad passed. The clock read 4:45pm. As I was about to proceed the phone rang.I hurried to answer and on the other end was Monique. "Did you follow all theinstructions?" she asked. "Yes I did love", I replied. I heard her giggle. "Areyou undressed and in the bedroom?" she inquired. "I am and have already placedeverything as instructed". "So that means you are fit to be tied, yes? I letout a little sigh before responding: "yes I am love". "Why the sigh?" Moniqueasked. I glanced at the clock once more. 4:50pm the time read. "I, I, I don'tknow......I wish you were here already", I stammered. "I know. I know you justcan't wait. I figured that you would rush home in the hope to get started rightaway. So that is why I have given you the instructions I did. Now stop talkingon the phone and do as you were told", she said. Before I could respond I heardthe click of Monique terminating the call.

I hung up the receiver and moved to the middle of the bedroom floor in frontof our queen-sized bed. First I placed the leather cuffs around my ankles.We had gone to a hardware store many months ago and Monique found these bolt-snapmetal hocks that had two retractable spring-loaded latches at both ends. Perfectshe said for quickly locking your leather cuffs. I clipped each around themetal ring on the cuff. Next I retrieved another one of Monique's inventions,a shoelace that she had pre-tied to so that a loop was exactly in the middleof the lace. I tied it around my balls so that the loop was centered and inthe middle. I grabbed hold of the short rope and pulled it though the loopthen tying it to the middle of the spreaderbar. I then latched the two metalhocks from the cuffs to the eyehocks already in place on the spreaderbar. Witha click I was securely fastened. Next I retrieved the gag and placed it inmy mouth tying it the back of my head. I placed the metal cuffs next to meand with a little difficulty I shifted from a sitting position on to my stomach.I took hold of the blindfold and placed it over my eyes. There really was nothingI could see anymore. I felt around for the cuffs. Once in my hand I cuffedthe first clamp around my right wrist behind my back, followed by the one tomy left wrist. I pushed down on each arm of the metal cuffs listening to theratcheting noise, as it grew tighter.

I was wondering if I had really been so thorough as to ensure that I wascompletely locked in place. I began to test my bonds. As I moved my feet downwardI realized I had made the rope that ran from my balls to the spreaderbar toshort. My balls were pulled away from my body. I winced. Not smart I thought.Then I shifted my hands a little and realized there was no way I was goinganywhere. Suddenly the thought occurred to me that I had forgotten to placethe key to the cuffs with the contract. In fact, I was unsure what I did withthe key. I began to get concerned thinking about it and not remembering wherethe key was. There is nothing I can do at this stage, I thought. I began torelax. My imagination began to explode with thoughts about what will Moniquedo with me? I was excited. My cock was hard as a rock and throbbing below me.How I wished I could stroke it for just a second. Time passed. The phone rang.I shifted my head looking in the directing of the ringing noise. I wonderedif it was Monique? Checking to make sure that I did not answer. Knowing forsure that I was unable to move. In fact, I started to wonder how much timedid in fact pass? I thought for sure that Monique should be arriving any momentjudging by the level of discomfort my wrists and balls were experiencing. Nothing,time kept on moving forward and no Monique.

Carefully I listened for any noise: a door being shut, footsteps coming towardthe bedroom, anything. Every so often I thought I did hear something, but afterwaiting a few more minutes and no one coming I had to assume that it was thewind given that it was early fall and a minor front had been predicted. Thelistening and waiting continued and continued and continued. Each passing minutecaused my writs to ache more. Damn, I thought, I should have taken my time.I should not have closed the cuffs to tightly. I began to struggle a little.I was trying to add a little comfort to my situation. As I shifted back andforth I once more let my legs go down too far pulling my balls. It broughtforth a muffled moan and I let my head come to rest on the carpet. Whap! Asting seared through my left buttock causing me to jerk my body. My concentrationwaned and my legs moved fast toward the floor. "Arrggghhhh", I muttered asmy balls were pulled hard away from my body. "Now that is a sight to behold",Monique said. "This is worth a picture. Where is that digital camera when Ineed it? I know!" were the last words I heard before Monique left the room. "Mmmphhh",I groaned not wanting Monique to leave. I wanted her to unlock me. Secondslater she returned. 'Click, click, click' was the distinguished sound of thecamera absorbing one image after the next of me tied to the floor. "Perfect",Monique said after taking what I would guess to be some 20 pictures. I laythere grunting trying to get Monique to uncuff me, but all I could hear wasthe rustle of a bag and the sound of Monique doing something.

"I see that you managed to follow most of my instructions, but unfortunatelyyou fell short. Actually, you fell very short. Did I not tell you to read theinstructions carefully? What did I say? I would strongly suggest that you readthe whole thing carefully! Did I not?" I groaned a response. It was meant tobe an affirmative, but for all intents and purposes it could have been thePledge of Allegiance. It would not have been audible. Monique continued: "howwere you supposed to address me? Did I not hear you say 'yes love' insteadof Goddess when we last talked? Did it not spell out in the contract that youare to address me as Goddess? Why do you not take the time to read carefullyand then behave appropriately? Then I looked for the key to your cuffs andthat is missing as well. It is obvious that you will require training. I wouldguess a lot of training. And, as I am sure you can guess, that will have toinvolve discipline. Apparently your memory needs a lot of guidance to ensureyou recall your role, your position, your tasks and to offer you a clear understandingthat you are here for my pleasure and only my pleasure."

"Mmmphhh", I moaned once again in acknowledgement. Goddess moved toward meas I could sense her body and smell her sweet perfume. With a quick pull sheuntied the ballgag and removed it from my mouth. "Yes my Goddess", I managedto speak as I was attempting to relax my jaw muscles from the gag that hadkept my mouth open and in a rigid position. "You may begin by kissing my feetslave. Show me that you are worthy of my time, my efforts to teach and trainyou. Kiss my feet, slave." In my blinded state I moved my head slowly forwardand to the side of my now burning ass cheek to find the Goddess' shoe. I foundit and kissed starting from the tip of her shoe moving back over the side towardher heel. After moving back and forth covering the shoe in kisses I paused.Lifting my head to ascertain if my actions had met with her approval I wasgreeted with a 'whap' of the crop that came crashing on my ass. " Did I tellyou to stop? Did you hear me say: enough slave? You continue to disappoint," Goddesssaid. "Better get your act together. Or, what you had hoped would be a rivetingsexual experience may just turn out to be a painful lesson for you!" "Yes myGoddess. I am sorry for my lack of attention to your commands. Please forgiveyour slave. Please train your slave appropriately so that you are pleased",I said. "Lift your ass in the air. Let's start by making sure you understandthe consequences of your actions and help you in making sure that your failureswill be minimal." I lifted my ass and held it in place as instructed. Whap!Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! The crop found it mark with precision straight acrossboth cheeks. I winced, but managed to eke out a 'Goddess' after the fifth stroke.Goddess laughed.

"It is amazing, just amazing. Let me read to you." I heard her mumble a fewwords and then speak loudly: "the method and type of discipline, with the exceptionof physical and mental abuse, is the sole responsibility of Goddess. When physicaldiscipline is applied (includes hands, flogger, crop, etc.) slave will countout loud the number of strokes he is to receive and express his thanks to Goddessfor her attention. If slave loses track of the count, the count will beginfrom the start. Once the discipline has been completed, slave will be forgivenand the cause forgotten. Now, let's try this again and this time, let's seeif you can manage to do this properly. Whap! The crop crashed over my buttocksagain. "One, Goddess; thank you Goddess", I said. Whap! "Two, Goddess; thankyou Goddess", I said. Whap! "Three, Goddess; thank you Goddess", I continued.Whap! "Four, Goddess; thank you Goddess". Whap! "Five, Goddess; thank you Goddess".She paused. I was sure that my punishment was over, but to my surprise anotherstroke followed. Whap! "Six, Goddess; thank you Goddess". Whap! Whap! Whap!Whap! The crop came down at a highly rapid rate. I tried to keep up: "seven,thank you…eight, nine, ten, thank you Goddess. My butt burned and Ilet my head drop back to the floor.

"I have many more surprises in store for you. And the first will come yourway next. Goddess reached down and removed the blindfold. I did not dare raisemy head until allowed. At last my inaction was a first success. "You waitedfor instruction to look", Goddess said. "I am so proud of you. For that youwill receive your first reward. You may look at me now, slave." I turned myhead toward my Goddess who stood over me. I was in heaven. Goddess had purchaseda new outfit that accentuated her beauty and power over me. She wore blackleather 6" stiletto heels and matching thigh highs. Her outfit consisted ofa leather and chain top and bottom. The bottom was a thong that unsnapped inthe middle with chains running across the front. Her top was latched to thebottom by a strap that hocked into the bottom in the front. The strap ran upthe middle of her front ending in a collar that snapped in the back with twoleather straps coming down her sides that crisscrossed in the back. Severalthin chains ran across her chest exposing her beautiful breasts. Her hardenednipples stood out between the chains. I was enthralled by her beauty. My mouthagape I just kept staring. "I see that my new outfit meets with your approval",Goddess said with a little giggle in her voice. "Y....y....yes Goddess", Istammered and smiled.

"I also have another outfit that is very pleasing", Goddess said as she reachedover to the bed. Goddess lifted a bright pink apron with laces running downfrom the loop at the top to the bottom. The apron was very short. "This, slave,is for you. You will now wear this at any time you are preparing food for mein the kitchen. There are a few other items I have purchased for your pleasure,but we will get to them in time. Right now I am hungry and you are to preparedinner." Goddess, unlocked the handcuffs, untied the rope from my ball loop.She unlocked me from the spreaderbar and she removed the metal hocks attachedto the ankle cuffs. "Kneel, my bitch", she commanded. I did as instructed andGoddess placed the apron around my neck and tied it in the back. My cock wasraging hard. "I think it is best that now, with your hands free, we lock upthat cock of yours so that you won't be tempted to play with it as I know youare dying to do." Goddess pulled out a metal cock cage. "Problem", she said, "weneed it a little less hard." Goddess grabbed the leash to my collar that wasstill lying on the dresser and snapped it on the loop that emanated betweenthe back of my balls. She pulled the leash making my balls come up and said: "slaveyou either loose that erection or my crop will do it for you." There was nothingI could do. Goddess' looks and everything going on had me horny as hell andmy cock went nowhere but straight out. "Oh well. I told you", Goddess saidand the tip of the crop hit my exposed balls hard.

"Arrggghhhh!", I yelled. Whap! A second stroke slammed into my balls. "Arrgghhh!.....Ahhhhhh..." I winced. The pain shot from my scrotum through my entire body.It felt like I had just taken a hard kick in the balls. I collapsed. Goddessquickly pulled the cage over my now fast shrinking member and locked it inplace before I could move from the pain still flowing through my body. Sheunhooked the leash from the ball collar and hocked it to my neck collar. "Nowbitch, as I was saying", Goddess continued "you are to go into the kitchenand prepare me my dinner. Cook all the food that is on the table. Don't makemore or less then what is there. Set a place setting for me only. You no longerhave the privilege to be sitting with me at the table. In fact, once the mealis prepared you will assume your next, and I believe your favorite position,as my pet dog. But, before you summon me to dinner, you had better review thatcontract once more so that you won't get into any further trouble. I left iton the table. Now you may crawl to you next duty my bitch." I crawled out ofthe bedroom to the kitchen.

The food on the table was to be a feast fit for a Queen. Two live Lobstersand a bunch of small stem, fresh asparagus stalks. I knew my task at hand.Cook the lobsters and prepare them for dining by taking the tail from the shell.Make hollandaise sauce for the asparagus and have a glass of chilled whitewine waiting for Goddess. I filled the pot with hot water from the faucet andput it on the stove. Quartered the lemons and prepped the asparagus as wellas the sauce. It was an easy meal to prepare but twice the reason to manageperfection. Once the lobsters and asparagus were going I reached for the agreement.I re-read it once more. Slave shall be naked, collared with leash in mouthupon Goddess' arrival unless instructed otherwise. That was an item that wouldsure come into play tomorrow. Slave will greet Goddess on all fours kissingher feet unless instructed otherwise. Is that whenever I come into her presenceor when she comes home? I thought it better to assume every time I come intoher presence. If I'm wrong at least it will minimize any discipline. Slavewill shave groin and face daily or as instructed. That was no problem and alreadydone. I had done that for some time anyway since Monique always wanted to haveme feel clean and smooth. Slave will always eat at Goddess' feet unless instructedotherwise. That was the part.

Henceforth my dining would be in a dog position. I knew what to expect.

Dinner was ready. I prepared a hot bowl of melted butter and placed it onthe table. The asparagus were on a dish with the hollandaise sauce poured atopand extra sauce sitting in an appropriate dish next to Goddess' plate. I pulledthe lobsters from the pot, broke off the tail and pulled the tail meat fromits shell using a fork. I placed both tails on the plate along with a littleof the vegetable. Wanting to serve the meal as hot as possible I scurried onmy fours into the living room where Goddess was sitting and watching TV. Withleash in mouth I moved to her feet, kissed them and said: "Goddess, your dinneris served." Goddess looked down upon me and smiled. "Good. I have quite anappetite so your timing is perfect.' Goddess removed the apron, mounted myback sidesaddle style and said: "you may ride me to my place slave." I moveddiligently yet slowly as to not rock Goddess off of my back. We arrived ather place in the kitchen and Goddess dismounted while taking hold of my leashin the same motion. With a quick pull on the leash she forced me to attention.I looked up at her. A glance of her eyes instructed me to take my place ather feet below the table.

"Mhhhhh. Now that is one delicious meal," she exclaimed after a few minutes. "Youhave done well. No, you have done very well and as such you may receive a reward." Sheglanced at my face as I lay beneath her heels and smiled." Maybe the salivawas dripping from my mouth, or my eyes told of how hungry I was, or maybe itwas the desire in me to crawl between her legs this very moment and make hercum. She somehow knew exactly what was going through my mind. She sensed mytotal desperation for her. "What, my doggie you need something?" she asked.My cock was attempting to rage and pre-cum was dripping out of me like a faucetthat had not had the rubber sealant replaced in 15 years. But, the damn cagekept me from getting fully hard thus offering discomfort without end. I wasfrustrated. Goddess knew and loved it. It was just where she needed me to be.I realized that what she wanted was an almost permanent hard-on that she coulduse whenever, wherever she needed.

"Are you hungry for something?" she asked. "Do you need something to satisfyyou, dog?" She placed a great deal of emphasis on the word 'something ' implyingthat it was her sweet pussy that was being referenced. I looked at her in utterdesperation and as I was about to say something as she raised her finger placingit over her lips in a motion that meant silence. "Sssshhhhhh! Dogs can't talk,can they? Dogs bark. Dogs whimper. Dogs can even yelp. But, dogs can't speak.

And, looking at you, hmmmm… I bet my dog wants to eat," she openedher legs ever so slightly, "but I am not sure what this dog wants more? Wantsome of this?" Goddess held out a piece of lobster just above my face. "Orthis" as she opened her legs even more. Driven by both desires for her pussyand my hunger for food, I started to move towards one, then the other thenback again. It was a very quick motion that took just a split second, but itwas exactly what Goddess sought. "Confused doggie?" Before I could make anothermotion she grabbed the leash directly below my collar and pulled my head tothe floor. Placing her shoe and holding my face to the floor she said: "Let'smake sure doggie knows the rules. Doggie may bark to communicate. Knowing thatmy dog is a bright one, you can bark once for 'Yes" and twice for 'No'. Ifyou bark three times I will assume that doggie has a question for me. If Igrant doggie his wish to speak he may then ask a question. If doggie screwsup, doggie will be put in his kennel for the duration. Is that understood,doggie?" I looked and pondered for just a split second before I braked my 'yes'answer.

She stopped her dialog. Relaxing back in her seat, she took a deep breathand took another bite. After digesting the food she said: "doggie is such alame name for a bitch like you. Don't you think? We need to come up with amore appropriate name. How about we call you......" Silence emanated for afew seconds as she pondered. "How about we call you: BITCH? BITCH is a perfectname for a mutt like you! It describes all your attributes in such a perfectmanner. And, I bet my bitch is just desperate for something to eat. Goddessreached down and unsnapped her bottom. With a quick motion of her fingers shecommanded me to crawl into position beneath the table and between her legs.Goddess' pussy was literally dripping. Her juices must have been flowing forsome time since the edge of the wooden chair was inundated with her wetness.

"Start here", Goddess said as she pointed toward the edge of the chair. Goddessspread her legs wide as she moved toward the back of the chair. I began bylapping up what, from a male perspective, could only be described as pre-cumfrom the edge. My licking the edge of the chair, scooping up her every preciousdropped must have sent Goddess into another state. With a swift motion of herhand she grabbed my hair by the back of my head. Her strong grip forced myface from the edge of the chair to her pussy, which she had now moved rightto the edge of the chair. "Enough of your cleaning crap", she said. "Focuson what really needs attention BITCH. Now get to work and do NOT stop untilI say!!!"

The tip of my tongue darted to the bottom of her vulva and ever so slowlymoved up on each side of her pussy lips. First the left side, I gently brushedpast her outer lips making sure to reach below the fold that was matted downby the outpouring of her juices. Once I reached the top I quickly moved backto my starting position and repeated the same on the right side. Her lips thickenedand expanded; and her pussy as a whole opened like a flower on a beautifulspring day. I repeated my movement though with each ride up I moved in closerand closer. I could sense that it was driving her insane, but the tell-allwas when she reached down once more and shoved my face deep inside her. Mytongue penetrated her pussy no different then if it had been my cock. Slowlyand deeply I pushed inside her before quickly moving upward to her clit. Swollenand throbbing, I circled her clit with my tongue adding more and more pressurewith each passing stroke of my tongue. Interspersed with my circling I frequentlyjumped back to pump her pussy. Each time I returned to her clit I added morepressure, finally combining it with a gentle sucking of her clit. It droveher to the point of ecstasy. "Mhhhhhhhh... that's good... faster... a littleharder....come me good.... harder.... c'mon... harder", she moanedas her body began to shake and quiver. My tongue roamed in the same deliberatemotion over her clit as before. I knew that my pacing was exactly what Goddessneeded to explode. The moment of her explosion came none too soon. Goddessgrabbed my head in both hands and rammed it into her sweetness. "Ahhhh!!!!!That's it my me... stick your tongue deep inside me….fuckme with that tongue.... Ahhhhh!!!!!..... that's it, that's it, I'm coming...Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!! Goddess came. Her pussy contracted in a thousand spasms andI knew she was exploding like fireworks on the 4 th ofJuly. I circled her clit twice more and then a stream of her juices flowed.I opened my mouth with delight and lapped every drop she offered.

Moments later her hand moved atop my head. It was her signal for me to freeze.She needed time to allow her nerve endings to recover. Any touch or movementon my part would have sent her through the ceiling. I waited, not making amotion until her voice came back. "Good bitch", she said. "That was exactlywhat I needed. Because you have performed well, I will offer you a reward.Goddess shifted her body to the side of the chair and picked up a piece ofasparagus. She held the asparagus in front of her pussy. "Come bitch, get yourtreat!" I moved toward the food and was about to take it in my mouth when Goddesslifted it in the air. "Beg bitch. Up. Up." I lifted my hands in a begging positionas I rose toward the dangling food while on my knees. "Bark, bitch! "Woof." "Woof." "Woof." Goddesssmiled and released the food. I snapped it as it was falling. As soon as Ichewed and digested it, Goddess held the next piece of asparagus in her hand.Once again I came up on my knees with hands in a begging position. "Woof." "Woof." "Woof." Goddessreleased the food. As I tried to catch it the asparagus bounced off my lipand fell to the floor. "Bad bitch." Don't you know how to fetch yet?" She pointedat the food now between my legs. "Get it", she said. As I crawled backwardto gain access to the fallen food Goddess quickly stepped on the asparaguscrushing it. "Go on," she said. I bent down and licked the mashed food of thefloor. As soon as the floor was clean Goddess lifted her shoe. "Don't forget,here too", she said. I obediently cleaned the bottom of her shoe.

I was expecting the next piece of food when Goddess said: "I know you arestill hungry, unfortunately I have other needs at this time. I am in need ofsome relief. I have had such a busy day. Working and shopping and preparingfor this weekend that I never managed to get to the bathroom all day. Goddessstood up and walked out of the kitchen to return a few minutes later with thecrate. Goddess placed the crate in the middle of the kitchen floor and pointedat it indicating I was to get in position. "Woof", I barked in acknowledgement. "Getin position, dog", Goddess said. I quickly moved onto my back and pulled thecrate over my face. A towel was covered the opening atop of the crate causingme to be unable to see. As Goddess expected, I placed my hands on both sidesof the crate and waited. I could hear Goddess move toward me. She placed leathercuffs on each of my wrists and attached the cuffs to each side of the createusing a snapping bolt. With a quick motion she pulled back the towel coveringthe opening and sat down.

"Open wide dog, your drink is about to be served." "Woof" I barked beforeI opened my mouth and a small trickle of piss came from Goddess' pussy landingperfectly in my waiting orifice. "Swallow and do it quickly," I head her say.As soon as I gulped down her precious fluid the next small stream came forth.I swallowed quickly. Goddess continued until finished. "Clean me dog", shesaid and my head moved slightly upward so I could run my tongue over her pussy.I quickly licked both sides and the opening of her pussy making sure that nodrop was left to soil Goddess. I retreated back down resting my head on thefloor when Goddess said: "not so fast. I think we can make more use of thatdog tongue of yours. You keep licking."

I reached up again and the tip of my tongue darted to the bottom of her pussyas before. My tongue then penetrated her pussy before shifting back towardher clit. I circled her clit with my tongue again adding more and more pressurewith each passing stroke. "Mhhhhhhhh... that's a good fucking dog. Now go faster...a little harder....come dog use that tongue! Fuck me with that tongue.... Ahhhhh!!!!!.....that's it…. that's it... Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!! Goddess came again. Her pussycontracted and her juices flowed once more. I knew that she would not wantme to touch her now oversensitive pussy, thus I moved back down opened my mouthso that every drop that emanated was gently caught.

I remained in that position until I realized that Goddess had moved forwardso that her ass was now directly above my face. "Now continue", she said. "Kissmy asshole, circle it with your tongue. Put it in, bitch. Stick your fuckingtongue in my ass. Fuck me with your mouth bitch! Fuck my asshole you worthlessdog." I moved up again circling her asshole before pushing my tongue insideher ass. Goddess was clearly on a new sexual plane. She verbalized every aspectof what was happening, what she wanted and added humiliation to boot. No taskdemanded was refused nor performed below satisfaction. "Now bitch, stick itin -deeper. Deeper I said! I want you to fuck my ass with your tongue likeyou have been dreaming about fucking my pussy with your cock." I increasedthe pace to the point my tongue was about to fall off. "Now circle my assholeyou fucking dog. Now lick it! Lick my asshole! Circle it! Now go in. Harder,bitch! Faster! You worthless fucking bitch! Faster, damn it I said. Deeperyou fucking whore. Yes! Yes, bitch. Make me cum….ohhh….yessss…..that's it bitch. Make me come." I sensed that Goddess was rubbing her pussyat the same time. Goddess just kept going. "Harder, bitch! Faster! Deeper!Ahhh….!!!" Goddess was now trembling. I had anticipated another massiveorgasm, but it began to dawn on me that instead she was coming in an endlesswave. I kept licking and fucking her asshole as demanded. After 20 minutesshe commanded me to stop. My head came back down resting on the floor. I lookedup at her asshole and the only thought I had was to go back and please heronce again.

After a few minutes Goddess rose, pulled the towel back over the openingof the crate and parted from the room. I was so horny and my constantly ragingcock that was being prevented from becoming fully erect by the cage was beggingto hurt badly. I was hoping Goddess would show me some pity and remove thecage. When she returned she unlocked the bolts from the crate and the cuffs.Goddess lifted the crate and placed it away from my head. "Up dog", she saidand I rose to my fours. "Come", she said, "it's time for bed". She grabbedthe leash, pulling me behind her. I followed her out of the kitchen, down thecorridor and up the stairs toward the bedroom. "I have a special place foryou", she said as she opened a door to my study. I followed her inside.

Once inside she sat on my back and reached down to unlock the cock cage onlyto tie a medium sized rope around my balls and the bottom of my shaft. Goddesspulling me by the collar toward the closet door in the study. With one handshe opened the door while with the other she pulled me into the closet. "Lookdog", she said inviting me to raise my head. My eyes nearly pooped out of thesockets. Goddess has placed a dog cage into the closet. The cage had thin steelbars and the door to the cage faced the wall to the right of the closet. "Inyou go doggie," Goddess said, "this is your new home. This is where dogs sleep.This is where you will spend all your time when you are not needed or wanted.Get used to it." I moved into the cage backwards so that my head faced thedoor. The cage was high enough for me to crawl into and long enough to sleepin a curling position. I looked at Goddess with a plea in my eyes to not makeme stay here. I barked three times to ask if I could sleep in her bedroom.Goddess shook her head no. "This is your home now dog", Goddess said. "Thereis no need for you to ask me anything. Goddess closed the door to the cagewith a clang. She took hold of a lock that she threaded trough a metal ringon the door and with a click the lock was now secured.

Goddess continued: "and, because tonight is a special night for you -yourfirst in your own doggie cage-, I have decided to make it really memorablefor you. Now give me your paws." I reached forward placing my hands throughthe steel bars. Goddess took my hands and quickly she snapped the bolt to eachD-ring on the leather cuffs that remained around my wrists. Goddess then movedtoward the back of the cage. Reaching through the bars she took hold of therope tied around my cock and balls. She then must have threaded the rope throughthe bars at the back of the cage because when she pulled on the rope my ballsbecame taught. "You better lie on your side dog," she suggested, "or you won'tsleep a wink all night". I did as instructed. Goddess secured the rope andlooked at me with a smile on her face. "Until tomorrow bitch", she said andthe closet door closed. "Woof!" "Woof!" I barked hoping she would open thedoor once more, but all I could hear was her walking away.

So I laid there, uncomfortable, in a cage, my hands locked on the oppositeside of the steel bars and my balls tied and stretched. Unable to move I suddenlybecame keenly aware that the denial of an orgasm had me going crazy. I realizedthat Goddess had planned and executed the evening with absolute skill. I neededto cum so bad. The thought of her, being used by her for her pleasure was drivingme crazy. The thought just would not vanish. It passed through my mind in anendless cycle Unable to budge I lay awake for some time before I drifted offto sleep. It had been a tortures and yet glorious evening.

Slowly I began to regain consciousness. It was some noise that roused mefrom my sleep. I opened my eyes slowly and it was pitch black dark. I listenedand behind the closed closet door was rustling. Goddess was in the room. Ilay there a moment and pondered if and how I should let Goddess know that Iwas awake. I decided I should bark: "Woof." I paused a few moments. "Woof!" Afew moments passed and the door to the closet swung open. Goddess stood beforeme in her black silk morning robe.

"Did my dog have a good nights sleep?", she asked. "Woof" "Woof" "No? Whatwas the matter doggie? Was it the rope? Or, was it the fact that you couldnot touch that still raging cock of yours?" "Woof", I responded. Goddess simplysmiled. She reached into the closet, then there was a slight pull on the ropeattached to my balls. I locked back and the rope was now slack. Goddess thenunbolted the cuffs and I pulled my hands inside the cage. Goddess then produceda key and unlocked the door. "On your fours dog", Goddess said. I jumped ontomy fours facing toward the cage door. "You may greet me now by kissing my ass." Goddessturned around, lifted the robe and presented her ass by pressing it againstthe steel bars on the side. I shifted my body as best I could and gently pressedmy lips to her ass. I kissed her slowly, deliberately and passionately. I startedon her right cheek and pecked my way across to her left cheek.

"Again", I heard her say and obediently I repeated my gentle kisses acrossher backside. "Good dog", she said. There are things you will need to do thismorning. However, you do not have permission to look at me above the knees.You will remain on all fours in my presence at all times. If you need to raiseyour head you will close your eyes. You have not earned the right to wallowin my beauty. You also have definitely not earned the right to touch that cockof yours. No fondling, no rubbing, no stroking, squeezing or jerking it. Youtouch your cock you will loose the ability to get hard for months. Now, I amgoing back to bed. You are going to make me coffee, bring it to me by my bed.You will also bring me my cigarettes and my lighter. While the coffee is brewingyou have permission to shower, shave your groin and relieve yourself. You willwait to exit your cage until I have left the room." I closed my eyes and lookeddown. I then heard Goddess opening the door. I awaited a few seconds untilGoddess left the room and I slowly crawled from my cage.

I got to my feet. My knees ached from all that crawling. My body ached justthe same from the position I was in all night. I moved toward the door andpeek outside making sure that Goddess was not in sight. I quickly walked downstairsto the kitchen, pulled out the coffee and coffeepot. I filled the pot withwater poured enough coffee for four cups and headed to the bathroom. As I enteredthe bathroom I saw that Goddess had placed a towel on the floor. There wasalso a shaver on the sink. I removed the cuffs, the collar & leash, untiedmy balls and jumped in the shower. The hot water felt good as it ran down mybody. I decided not to linger. I quickly washed my hair and body and toweleddry. I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, added the cuffs, collar and leashand retied my balls. I placed the towel on the rack and went to the kitchenwhere the coffee was done percolating. I prepared a cup for Goddess (with justthe right amount of milk) and looked about for her cigarettes and lighter.They were left on the kitchen table along with the remains of last night dinner.I quickly grabbed all items and headed back upstairs to Goddess' bedroom.

As I neared the door, I went back on all fours and placed the cigarettesand lighter in my mouth. Reaching her bedroom door I scratched lightly andbarked. "Enter dog", she said. "Crawl over here and hand me the coffee." Imoved toward the bed on three limbs making sure to keep my eyes on the cup.Not just to prevent spillage, but to make certain that I would not look atGoddess. With head bowed I handed the cup upward.

Goddess removed the coffee from my hand. "Lay down dog" she said, "rightwere you are". I did as instructed and curled up next to the bed. I could hearGoddess sipping her coffee and I hoped that I had all proportions just right. "Hmmm…",I heard Goddess comment as she continued to sip. "Cigarette, dog", came thenext command and once more I reached up averting my eyes to the floor. Goddesstook the smokes and lighter from my hand and I could hear the distinct soundof the lighter generating it's flame. Goddess took several drags from the cigaretteand said: "you have done well. You managed to follow all of my instructionscorrectly, including not bringing me an ashtray. Very good, dog. Of courseyou realize why I don't need an ashtray, don't you dog?" "Woof", I replied. "Thenclose your eyes and open your mouth." I turned my head upward with eyes closed. "Openwide and stick out your tongue, dog", she commanded. As I opened wide Goddessflicked the ash in my mouth. "Swallow, dog", there will be more. Goddess repeatedthe process until she was done. Goddess laughed, "you won't have to eat thebutt, dog. I have an ashtray right here. She laughed. "Lay down."

Goddess continued to sip her coffee. I could sense she was on her last sipwhen she said: "crawl over to the other side of the bed." I slowly rose tomy fours and crawled around the bed. As I reached the other side of the bed,I saw that Goddess had placed the crate atop a towel. "Woof", I barked indicatingI had reached my destination. "Get in position, dog", Goddess responded inkind. I quickly moved on my back and pulled the crate over my face. A towelcovered the opening of the crate. I placed my hands on both sides of the crateand waited. I could hear Goddess get up from the bed and move toward me. Witha quick motion she pulled back the towel covering the opening and sat down. "Openwide dog, your morning drink is about to be served." "Woof" I barked. I openedmy mouth and a small trickle of piss came from Goddess' pussy landing perfectlyin my waiting orifice. "Swallow and do it quickly," I head her say. And assoon as I gulped down her precious fluid the next trickle came forth. I swallowedquickly until she was finished. Goddess said, "clean me dog" and my head movedslightly upward so I could run my tongue over her pussy. I quickly licked bothsides and the opening of her pussy making sure that no drop was left to soilGoddess.

"Woof" I barked indicating I was finished. However, Goddess remained seated. "Hmm…",Goddess murmured, as I saw her fingers reach between her thighs and diddlewith the opening of her pussy. "Make me cum, dog. I want to start the day justright. Use that dog tongue of yours and do it well or its back to the cagewith you." I once again made Goddess cum with my gentle yet firm strokes. Goddess'moans increased in volume as she drew closer to orgasm. It took no time atall before she was ready. That's it dog, make me cum. Ohh…. Ahh…… Goddess'body shock and I backed off. After a few minutes Goddess rose and quickly coveredthe opening of the seat. I lay there quietly awaiting her next order.

I could hear Goddess in the distance taking a shower. After a while she returnedand I could hear that she was doing something in her bedroom. After some timeshe turned her attention back to me. Goddess removed the seat. I quickly closedmy eyes as my face was still turned upward. "You waited for instruction tolook", Goddess said. "I am so proud of you. For that you will receive yourfirst reward. You may now look at me, dog." I opened my eyes and looked atGoddess who stood over me. I was in heaven. Although Goddess still had on hermorning robe, she was perfectly ready to go out on the town. Her hair was fixedproperly, her makeup in place. "Woof!" I barked, paused and repeated: "Woof!" Goddesssmiled at me. "Come dog, follow me", she said. I got on all fours and grabbedthe leash in my mouth. Quickly I scurried after her down the stairs and intothe kitchen.

Goddess sat on a chair next to the kitchen table and motioned for me to cometo her feet. I looked at her beautiful face and barked once more with delight.My cock was still as erect as it had been since its release prior to goinginto my cage. "As I said, you will now receive your first reward. First youmay kiss my feet." I rushed to each foot and placed gentle kisses from heelto toe. Goddess reached down and pat my head. "Does dog want to come? "Woof!" Iresponded. "Show me how bad dog wants to come. Beg for permission to cum." Irose on my knees and placed my paws in a begging position and started to pant. "That'sit dog, show Goddess how badly you want to cum. I interspersed my panting withan occasional "Woof!" Goddess slowly lifted her foot and placed it on my erectcock pushing it into my stomach. My panting and begging increased as Goddessrubbed her foot back and forth over my cock. The sensation of my cock receivingany attention was driving me quickly to a point of no return. "Dog want permissionto come now?", Goddess asked. "Woof!" "Woof!" "Woof!" "Woof!" I responded. "Youmay take your right paw and jerk it a few times, dog. Cum on my foot, dog.My hand flew to my cock. After a just a few strokes, reams of cum streamedforth and over Goddess' right foot. Goddess smiled. "Did you enjoy that dog?",she inquired. "Woof!" I responded. "Good. Now lick it all up. I don't wantmy foot or my kitchen floor all messy with your bodily fluids." I moved asfast as I could to Goddess' foot and carefully licked very drop of cum offof her. Then I proceeded to clean up cum on the floor below her foot. Onceall was licked up I looked at Goddess who motioned for me to follow her.

We moved in front of her cleaning closet and Goddess opened the door. Sheremoved a bucket, a cleaning product and a small scouring pad. "I am goingto take care of a few errands and you will clean the kitchen floor more thoroughly.You will use only this", she said as she dropped the scouring pad before me. "Youwill wait here until I leave. I expect the floor to be shining without a singlescruff or any other smudge mark. You will have all day to manage this duty,but I expect that you will struggle to finish by the time I return." Goddessturned and walked upstairs. I remained on all fours in front of the closet. "Oh,before I forget…", Goddess said as though she was thinking out loudand went upstairs. She returned a few minutes later and sat down a few stepsfrom the bottom. "Here, dog", she pointed before her. I crawled over. "Standup dog. I am going to make sure you don't accidentally toy with that cock ofyours." As I stood up, Goddess placed a locking leather strap around my cockand balls. She quickly secured the chastity device from last night around mycock. As my cock grew it pressed against the steel cage that had a small openingat the tip and confined my shaft back to its base. It only took a few secondsbefore the enclosure caused my cock to hurt. There was no escaping the painsince my would-be erection would not diminish.

"Kneel dog", Goddess said. I did as ordered. "Now clean my shoes with youtongue. I want my shoes to shine." I bent down to her shoes and licked fromtoe to heel making sure not a spot was missed. My restrained cock hurt evenmore as I was flush with excitement with every lick over her heels. Goddessknew exactly that her command would have this effect. "Don't forget the heel,dog. Clean it good. Make sure it's shiny and glistening. Don't think aboutthat restraint cock of yours. If you do it'll only hurt more. Of course mymind could not focus on much else as my cock demanding to push forth and grow.I groaned. "That'll do dog", Goddess said and rose. "Now of to work you go,dog. Make sure to not miss any scuff marks." Goddess grabbed her purse, keysand headed out the door locking it behind her. I took hold of the scouringpad, fetched a pale filled it with soapy, luke-warm water and went to work.I started at the far corner. As I was scrubbing the floor I focused all myattention on the floor and eventually my erection faded as did the accommodatingpain.

The day raced by. I did not realize how quickly the time past until I heardthe door open and Goddess reemerged from her trip. As I had not completed thetask I kept my head down and scrubbed as fast as I could. I would have guessedthat I needed only 10 more minutes to finish, but it was to late. Goddess walkeddirectly toward me. "What", she yelled, "no proper greeting?" I turned towardGoddess and was about to kiss her shoes when she grabbed my hair and liftedmy head upward. I looked up at Goddess, but before I could do anything sheslapped me across the face. Whap! And again: Whap! "You stupid fucking dog!Not too bright are you? Whap! A third slap rained down on my right cheek. "Youare done", Goddess said. You are done here in the kitchen and you are doneall together. Goddess grabbed my collar and pulled me behind her up the stairs.I tried to keep up with her pace but stumbled. Goddess let go of my collarand came in behind me. "Move you fucking dog" she screamed at me while kickingme in the ass all the way into my dog cage. "In you go! Right now! I don'twant to see you. I do not want to hear you. For all I care you can rot there",she yelled as she locked the door to the cage, turned, slammed the closet doorclosed and headed out of the room slamming the door to the study behind heras well.

I lay in the cage trying to figure out how I could make up for my misdeed,but it finally dawned on me that all I could do is behave better and pat attentionto the established rules. Time continued to pass. I dared not make a soundand thus I did not move an inch. I kept an audio and visual vigil. My attentionwas drawn to any sound or noise and as soon as I heard it my eyes were drawnto the door. Nothing. No Goddess, no sound. I closed my eyes and became horriblymelancholy. Suddenly and without warning the door swung open. Goddess enteredthe room. "Out you go", Goddess said in a stern fashion as she unlocked thecage. I crawled out of the cage and to her feet. I began to kiss her shoes,but Goddess stepped over and behind me. She took hold of my collar and forcedme on my feet. "Follow me", she said as she led me by the collar down the stairsand into the kitchen.

As we entered the kitchen I glanced about and noted at least 6 candles burningon the table and counter. "Down", she said as she pulled the collar towardthe floor and get on your back. As I moved onto my back Goddess let go of thecollar and reached behind me. She bent down and placed her knee on my chest. "Hands" shesaid as she motioned for me to offer her my hands. I reached up and Goddessquickly removed the cuffs throwing them into the corner. She then snapped onthe metal cuffs. Goddess stood up and turned around. Standing above my headshe slowly moved downward until her ass was centered directly over my face.She lowered herself smothering me to the point were it was a little difficultto breathe. I was wondering what was coming. I knew that Goddess was awarethat I loved this position. To my surprise Goddess then removed the chastitydevice from cock and began to stroke me. I was hard in no time. And the pleasureover hand caused me to moan and move my hips to the rhythm of her stroking.It did not take long before I started to come close to exploding. "Woof" "Woof" "Woof" Ibarked requesting permission to ask a question.

"Speak", Goddess said. "M…m…. may I have your permission tocum, Goddess", I moaned. "No!" came the reply. And as these words parted herlips her hand released my throbbing member. "Mhhhh", I moaned with the failureof coming so close to orgasm but not achieving it. "Arggghhhhh!" was my nextverbalization as the first drop of hot wax hit halfway up the shaft of my hardcock causing it to pulsate and bop up and down. No sooner than the heat dissipatedmore wax met my cock. This time it was a small stream that started at the tipand moved back to the end of my shaft. As I was about to scream Goddess pushedall of her weight onto my face muffling any sound. This time Goddess did notwait for the heat to dissipate, she poured more wax over my groin. I couldfeel her take the tip of my cock and pulling back before a stream of wax pouredforth over the shaft and then my balls. As soon as the sensation registeredGoddess once again pushed down on my face muffling all sound that came forthwith the associated pain. Wax had to cover my entire groin.

Goddess rose and for the first time I managed to see that in fact my cockand balls were covered in red wax. Before I could refocus to look at Goddessshe had turned and was squatting over my chest. "Not a sound, bitch", she snarledas she tipped the candle forward. More hot wax poured forth and directly overmy nipples. I tried as hard as I could to maintain silence, but a small groaningsound came forth any way. My chest was covered in red wax. "I told you no sound",Goddess said as she grabbed my collar and pulled me to a sitting position. "Stickout your tongue, bitch", she commanded. I did as ordered and as soon as mytongue left its orifice hot wax was poured on it. "Ahh..Ahh.." I squealed,but Goddess just kept pouring. As the last available drops came forth Goddessstood up. "Get up and come with me, bitch" she said. I rose and we proceededto the bathroom. "Into the tub" she ordered. Once inside Goddess removed thecuffs only re-lock them so that I was no locked to the handlebar for the tub.

"See this", Goddess said as she held forth the riding crop. "This will nowremove all the wax". My eyes grew wide and my heart sank into my gut. I havenever been what some refer to as a pain slut, but this punishment would testmy limits to the fullest. "Your tongue bitch", Goddess stated and I openedmy mouth and stuck out my tongue. The wax was already loose and Goddess simplybrushed the crop over my tongue and the wax feel into the tub. "Your chest." Ipushed my chest forward and with incredible skill Goddess brought the cropdown over my chest catching a big chunk of wax making to loose. With the secondstroke she caused the chunk to crash into the tub and splinter apart. The painwas intense. Although my chest is not excessively hairy there was enough hairembedded into the wax to make the removal painful. Time and again, stroke afterstroke Goddess removed the wax from my chest. "That will" do she said aftera while. "Now onto your fucking dick, bitch. Open those legs!" I looked atmy cock that was surprisingly still hard. I knew this was going to be bad,however luckily some of the wax had loosened just from the constant waningand waxing of my erection.

I closed my eyes and parted my legs. A split second later the crop met ittarget. The level of pain from the crop hitting my balls superseded the painfrom the strokes on my cock. I cried out a little despite Goddess' orders.Surprisingly it took just a few strokes before Goddess was satisfied with thewax removal. I opened my eyes and as my gaze met Goddess she said "you havepaid for your misdeeds. Clean yourself up, then I want you to come to my bedwhere you will service me. Make sure your balls are tied with this rope here",she pointed at the rope placed into the bathroom sink. You will need your collartoo. Now hurry." Goddess reached forward and unlocked the steel cuffs, beforeclosing the curtain to the shower.

I took a deep breath and turned on the water. This time I showered at length.As the water covered my body and washed away the wax I felt rejuvenated. Thedrain on my mind and body from the intensity that the day had brought beganto depart as quickly as the pieces of wax that disappeared into the drain.Goddess' last words reemerged in my mind: you will service me. I smiled andI hurried now. After washing my hair and body I toweled off and placed thecollar around my neck. Quickly I attached the rope around my balls as instructedand scurried upstairs to Goddess bedroom. I got on all fours before entering.I scratched on the door and Goddess responded with a command to enter. I pushedthe door open and looked up. Goddess was on the bed. Her beautiful naked bodywas placed smack in the middle with her head propped up by two pillows. Herhand was gently brushing over her erect nipples. "Come to the bottom of thebed", she said as she emphasized her command by motioning with her eyes.

I crawled to the desired spot. "Hand me the rope below the bar," she stated, " andcrawl over to me above it." The bed was a mahogany piece with four posts anda wooden bar that spanned the bottom of the bed. I crawled up the back of thebed and handed the rope to Goddess below the bar. Once she took hold of therope I crawled over the bar and toward her. As soon as I reached her feet Ibegan to kiss her. I gently started with her right foot followed by her leftwith a thousand butterfly-like kisses. My cock was hard, by balls filled andaching. "Come to me, slave," Goddess said smiling, "and kiss my breasts andlick my nipples." Moved up over her torso continuing to kiss her interspersedwith small licks of her flesh. Upon reaching her breasts she guided me to each.I kissed and suckled on each of her beautiful breasts like a baby. "That'sgood. That feels so good, slave."

After a little while Goddess gently pushed me back down the bed so that mycock was pressed to her stomach. "Come inside me slave, make me happy", shesaid as she parted her legs. I gently inserted the tip of my cock and everso slowly began to move in and out. For a while I did not penetrate more thanan inch. But, it did not take long before Goddess' pussy was truly ready. Herlips parted, her juices flowed and her hips began to move toward me as I penetratedher. I looked up and Goddess had her eyes closed. As I moved deeper Goddessbegan to pull on the rope. She was now controlling the exact depth she desired.I continued to make love to her at the same slow rhythm I started with. Goddesswas clearly in the throws of pleasure. She moaned softly and endlessly. I knewshe was coming or close to coming. I could feel this was not one of those explosions,but what she called her endless wave. I think she preferred the wave. I knowI love her.

After what must have been an hour and a half Goddess commanded me to eather. She simply pulled the rope back to the point that my face was where itwas desired. I licked and sucked and used my two fingers as she wished. Beforelong she had me come back inside. This time was different. Goddess was nearher end point. Hours of pleasure had now passed. "You may now make me cum forthe last time tonight, slave", she said. "Yes, my Goddess", I said, "it wouldbe my pleasure". I penetrated her again. As I did, Goddess pulled the ropeso that no more than the tip of my cock could make it's way inside. "Come nowslave, deeper." I tried to penetrate more with each rhythmic pulse of my body,but Goddess held the rope tight. "Deeper slave. Don't you want to bury yourselfin my delicious pussy? Don't you want to make me cum?" I pushed as deep asI could given the restrained. "Oh, Goddess", I said, "please!" "Come now slavemake me happy." Goddess gave a little slack but as soon as I penetrated moreshe pulled me back. Her action, her teasing coupled with her words drove meinsane. "Please Goddess", I said, "please……" I was at that point,Goddess knew it. She had coaxed me to where I was about to loose all self control. "PleaseGoddess," I said as she pulled the rope taught, "please my I cum for you?" Shelooked at me and grinned. "Cum now! Cum inside me." With taught rope I buckeda few more times and came in an almost endless stream.

Goddess let go of the rope. I collapsed on top of her body before rollingoff to her side. She turned facing me and brought me into her breasts. I kissedher breast once, gently, and then simply lay there. Time simply passed. ThenGoddess lifted my face toward hers and said "one more item before you are released." Inodded. "Kiss me good night", she said. I rose from my position and moved uptoward her face. Goddess reached down and untied the rope from around my balls.She removed the collar from around my neck. Then she pulled me into her. Mylips met hers. We kissed, passionately. We kissed for a long time before fallingasleep.

Post Script: It has now been almost two years since most of what I have writtenoccurred. I miss her. Some day I will find another partner to share my loveand passions.

Author contact: [email protected]

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A Woman Who Loves Men

[Note: Mother Debbie, the famous advisor of cuckold husbands, is the creation of CDE. He has generously let me borrow her in order to help a young woman in need. Thanks CDE!] Hello, out there in Internet Land. This is Mother Debbie, again. In my little corner of the World Wide Web, I'm your sounding board, advisor and provider of motherly advice to those mothers' sons who are in the less endowed crowd. You know who you are. You're not jocks. You have only a weenie. You are not very sexually...

2 years ago
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New job new start Not for Fiona 4

Introduction: the blackmail continues…..and worsens Monday morning soon came around and Fiona was again off to work and too face her tormenter Steve, or should that now be her tormenters as Neal was now involved. Anyway off she went to work with her files and handbag containing her secret sex journal off all the incidents that is forced upon her by Steve and now Neal. She returned home at seven pm and handed me the journal as she stripped. I smiled as again shed been sent home minus the sexy...

2 years ago
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My Friend Becky Part 4

We were standing there with only our panties on holding each other and being the same height our nipples pressed against each others when without notice the bedroom door opened. It was Alex. We didn’t move, we didn’t act startled, we just looked at him smiling as he looked at us. I walked over to him purposely allowing my breasts to sway and bounce for him and I said, ‘It’s 3 o’clock and you remembered.’ ‘Alex!’ I said with excitement in my voice, ‘Becky got a new dress for Saturday night....

2 years ago
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This is a fictitious story which I have based on true accounts from friends, along with personal experience. This is not a hard sex story, and although it does contain graphic sexual descriptions; it is the continuation of a romantic tale of first experiences and the feelings experienced by many, many people, when confronted by sexual situations and sensations for the first time. I hope you enjoy. It was Saturday evening. The previous evening, James and Ruth had spent a pleasant time...

2 years ago
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Losing Myself To My Maid Bhagira

Hey ISS readers. I am Ravi Teja from Erode town in Tamil Nadu. I am an engineering student studying in a college within my locality. I was a virgin before my encounter with Bhagira. I have a 7 inch cock, very tall and a boy who prefer aunties to young girls. That’s just me. Now let’s cut to the chase. Bhagira was a maid my mom hired for household chores. She was from north Karnataka with a husband and a daughter. She was busty, voluptuous lady of the age 38. Her husband works as a labor in...

2 years ago
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My Bitch 3

Well its been awhile, but I think there is going to be a great Summer this year. You see, Brandi and I had a seperation of ways this last winter, She thought she wanted some time for her personal life with her Boything... but thats what a Bitch gets for doing her own Thinking. Brandi, as you have read in my other 2 stories is my Bitch. Not a Slave, there is a differance. She wanted this, lusted for this and now she knows she has to have this life to be truely HAPPY. Brandihas lost a little...

2 years ago
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Felicity Ch 17

Chapter 17. A Concert Pick-up I was at a Friday night rock concert at the House of Blues and as usual it got very crowded very quickly. I decided to head towards the back wall thinking that if I was not going to get a good view I would at least have something to lean on. I had just gotten to my spot when I was jostled from behind by a small redheaded woman in her late twenties. She apologized and I saw that she had been ducking away from an altercation of some kind behind her. I immediately...

2 years ago
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Wife Loves Big Strange Cock

My wife and I sat at a small table in a hotel bar with a man she had picked from an ad on Craigslist. The ad said he was looking for a couple to have sex with. Eve picked his ad because of the picture of his nine-inch cock, it was also six inches around. She was leaning towards him with her hand on his thigh inching towards his crotch. His hand was already under her dress, probably stroking her cunt. Eve was 45 and loved fucking guys in their 20s, “I just love men with huge cocks,” she said....

3 years ago
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My New Brother Zane 2

We had no secrets. Not between us at least. Sure, there were lots of secrets we shared with one another that no one else knew about. I knew more about his past and him than our parents. Shoot, we were so close crying in front of the other was ok. I remember him breaking down several times, mostly over stress of adjusting and all the baggage of foster lifestyle, and yeah, honestly, I cried in front of him sometimes too. I guess I’m just saying this to prove my point. We really loved each...

3 years ago
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Wife used

It all began, strangely enough, with an argument with a couple whose party we planned on going to. We left and returned home, had several drinks there. Decided to go out anyway. My wife loves to dance and while I appease her at times, I would rather play pool. When we go out, she tells guys she is married and I am with her. She still gets a lot of asks to dance. At 37 she looks younger, at least early 30's. On this night she had on a very attractive skirt, white blouse, and matching jacket. She...

4 years ago
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The Chinese ObligationChapter 2

Tom rubbed his face. "Back to the salt mines. AI, Tania needs a skinsuit. Warm up EVA Pod Two as well as One." He eyed Tania. "Don't kill me with the thing." "I'll try not to." Tania headed for the replicator. Tom headed for his cabin. The place was a shambles; he was embarrassed about it, but NOBODY EVER entered it but him, so... "I guess she can clean it..." Tom suspected that the AI made things disappear periodically, one way or another, but he didn't know how, exactly. Maybe...

2 years ago
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Joan Gets a Surprise Ch 03

October 17th – Sunday: We don’t get up until 11:30am. We all cuddle with each other in bed and John’s got a boner. I say, ‘Joan, do you want to take care of that?’ I’m not big on morning sex but Joan loves it. She smiles and says, ‘Yes, if I can fuck it.’ I laugh and say, ‘Sit on it, Joan.’ Joan smiles and crawls on top of John and slips his cock into her pussy. Surprise, surprise. She’s wet already. She stays wet. Not only does she have the body of a 40 something, her vagina juices up...

3 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 77

It was raining Tuesday morning when Kim woke up. She could hear the rain hitting to roof of the cabin and went to the window to look out. "This sucks!" Kim said out loud. "What does, Kim," Sally said as she rolled onto her back and looked up at her cousin. "It's raining, we'll have to stay in the cabin." "Why? It's not like we're going to get our clothes wet or anything," Sally giggled. "That's true, I guess it won't hurt us if it isn't too cold out." "We could just...

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A Very Nasty Tale

So, there we were in a harshly lit hotel suite. My sister Barb,our sons, Scotty and Phillip, the three family pooches, and Ioccupied a rather tacky room in a cheap hotel.Barb and I had promised our boys a show that they'd remember forthe rest of their lives. We were not only going to havei****tuous sister sex with each other and allow our own sons towatch and video tape the action, we were going to fulfill ourboys' every dirty request, we were going to do anything they askfor, regardless of how...

4 years ago
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The storm had been the most terrifying experience in your life, and you had been convinced it would be the last. Your boat had been capsized in the complete darkness of the early morning hours. You wake up completely disoriented. The last thing you remember is being thrown around in the waves, the storm roaring around you. It takes a few moments for you to register your surroundings. You are lying face down. Your entire body aches and feels as heavy as lead. Your back is burning, but your legs...

2 years ago
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Caught dressed like a sissy slut

My girlfriend was away for the weekend so I had the place to myself. I was feeling incredibly horny so I went through her knicker drawer and decided to dress up (which I’ve enjoyed many times before). I put on a really tight, pink thong, black fishnet stockings and suspenders, and her black mini skirt. I looked at myself in our full-length mirrored wardrobes. God, I looked so sexy and couldn’t control myself. I got on my hands and knees and pushed my ass into the air, letting the skirt ride up...

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main aur maami82308230akaily tanha

Hi frndz main hoon prince. main iss ka boht bara aur purana fan hoon,aur aj main chahta hoon k ap tak apni aik story bhe pohncha doon jo k meri aur meri mami k drmyan hoay sex ki hai..meri koshish to yehi hai k main ap sb ko aik hoottt story paish karon per ye mera frst time hai is liye agar koi galti ya kami rh jae to advance sorry…. Ap ko ye story kesi lgi?? mjhe princehot4you pe mail kr k zaroor batiye ga… main aik average guy hoon.lahore pakistan ka rhne wala hoon..lund size normal hai...

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Bound to bed

James had a decent life. Well muscled, tall, black hair, blue eyes, he was the type of man most girls wanted. He had a good job and was making lots of money. About two months ago he met a girl named Tiffany. Tiffany stood at 5'6" and was well filled out. She had light brown hair and deep green eyes. Her breasts were well proportioned to her body. Tiffany was also a rich girl who had inherited a lot of money from her parents. She had one major problem, Tiffany tried to control James life in...

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Maris gets even

When the young man came to the door selling magazine subscriptions Maris had something else in mind. Her husband had been cheating on her and she wanted to get even. She listened to his sales pitch and said."I'll buy your damn magazines if you fuck me"The boy looked like he had been struck by lightning."What did you say?"Maris pulled her dress up so he could see her panties."I said I want you to fuck me"The kid turned three shades of red and sat on the couch beside her. She kissed him and...

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MindControlled Blowjob Bliss Chapter 5 Blown by a Sexy Mom and Her Daughter

Chapter Five: Blown by a Sexy Mom and Her Daughter A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Mrs. Daniels looked so grateful when she pulled my cock out of my jeans. The brunette MILF from across the street licked her lips as she stroked my cock. She had just thrown away her birth control, willing to let me breed her just for the opportunity to blow my dick. That was how powerful my belt buckle was. That one word on it, SUCK, had changed my life. “Oh, god, I've...

3 years ago
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Hartstein A Hartstein StoryChapter 9 Friends in the City

It only happened because of what was said at the party a month before. Paul had joined a group of four women and the subject of bondage came up. “Have you tried it?” Marti had asked. After some less than adroit verbal fencing he had replied, “I think it depends on the woman. Some would never do it, some put up with it for their partner, and some are really into it.” “But what about you?” the one called Callie asked with arched eyebrows. “Okay,” Paul said raising his voice for the first...

1 year ago
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The SmallholderChapter 20

Saturday18th April 2009 1 am Siren. Dog barking in the kitchen. Bob missing. Joseph was on his feet almost before he was awake, struggling into his clothes as Angela began to wake. That fox again! He ran to the cupboard in the study and scanned the screens. It was not a fox. All the outside lights were activated. There were two men at the cages protecting the turbines. In the floodlights he could see them using heavy industrial cutters on the gates. He unlocked the gun cupboard and took...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Chloe Lamour Sofia Lee DP Revenge Fuck Session with BFFs Chloe and Sofia Lee

Chloe, after figuring out her boyfriend is a porn star who’s been fucking loads of other women on camera, is completely distraught. For a bit of support, she invites her friend Sofia Lee over, who immediately suggests that Chloe take revenge on her boyfriend by fucking three of her male friends. She makes a phone call and within minutes the three lads are at the place. After short introductions and an explanation of the situation, the three get down to business, filming the 3 on 2 DP revenge...

3 years ago
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The Wedding Part Two

  On the table there was an assortment of their favorite finger foods chocolate covered strawberries.   bread and dips, oysters things that they had eaten in the past with their fingers that they had found very erotic, plus there was the regular supper.   She slowly took a Strawberry in her fingers and sucked the chocolate off it before biting into the strawberry.   She then feed an oyster to Randy making sure he was able to suck it from between her fingers; it felt a lot like...

Straight Sex
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The fact

*English is not my mother tongue.*Please understand if the grammar is wrong or the transmission power is weak.Anatomically unlike men, a woman's body is an open structure.In other words, women have a body that is inherently vulnerable to bacterial diseases.In addition, pregnancy is a blessing and a curse for women.It is said that labor pains when a woman gives birth to a baby cannot be known unless she has experienced it as a woman.It's not just it.Once in Europe, doctors had no concept of...

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Psychic Sister

This is the first story I ever finished. I'd really like to know what you think about it. It's mostly a transsexual transition story with a little twist. No magic or sci-fi. Not much sex. Permission granted to include it into non-commercial archives, but please notify me. Psychic Sister by MonicaS, [email protected] Chapter 1 - The Vision I was woken by the doorbell at 6:30 a.m. on that Sunday in November 1997 which changed my life completely. I was in my senior year...

3 years ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 28

The first event was Sir Laurence's exclamation of horror as he digested the paragraph which the DNI had just personally brought to his attention. She sat watching his reaction as she enjoyed Sir Laurence's hospitality, the renowned taste of his coffee blend. There had been a noticeable rise in the already high standard of the brew and the word had quickly passed around the Admiralty drawing an increase of high ranking visitors – all on official business but it didn't really require face to...

1 year ago
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Modern Relations part 06 Valentines Day

 “I planned to pop the question at dinner tonight,” Kevin told Alex as they got in the back of the limo. Alex extended her hand so she could examine her sparkling engagement ring and smiled. Kevin sighed at the sight of his bride to be. In addition to the ring, she wore a dress he’d selected specifically for the evening. A red form fitting sleeveless dress with a bandage effect which created lines to accent curves and draw the eyes up and down her form. Two inch straps held up the dress...

4 years ago
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Opposites Attract

No sex in this story! I want to give a big thank you to my editors, LadyCibelle and Techsan, for making my stories a much better read. Here I was at the Corner Café having my dinner. I’ve been coming here to eat for the last six months. My wife of seven years and I have filed for divorce and it should be final today. For six of the seven years our marriage was great, or at least it was for me. I sat there eating the ham loaf special while thinking about my past and how we met and ended up...

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she rubs her clit and my hard cock is in her tight

I am walking down the street when I come up to a corner and she is standing there in her long coat since it is a wet night. She looks lost and I ask her if she is okay and knows where she is. She tells me that is doesn't know where she is and I offer to take her into my place for the night. She accepts the invite for staying inside out of the rain for the night. We walk back over to my place and I open up the door and let her pass under my arm and as she walks by I can smell the scent of her...

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Hot Spring Surprise

The inn was just ahead. It was just off the path and was said to be home of some of the most spectacular hot springs this side of the Rockies. He was looking forward to paying them a visit. Maybe even spending a couple of days there if he could afford to. Pleasant accommodations were hard to come by since the Fall...His room was pleasant. Top floor in the three-story building with his balcony overlooking the famed spring. The pool was nestled between surrounding rocks and a small waterfall fell...

Quickie Sex
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Sweet CarolineChapter 33

We showed up and Alexandra was talking to a nice-looking young man – We introduced ourselves, his name was James Rutten, and went over the paperwork, all of the while I saw Jenn stealing glances at James, and he at her as well. “So, James, where’s the wife and kids?” I asked. “Yeah, this is a big house, but I’m single and looking, James Rutten is always looking,” he said looking directly at Jennifer, who smiled. “What do you do for a living, James?” I asked, feeding this apparent...

1 year ago
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Brother Of The Bride Ch 02

Note : This story is completely fictional! Eric went on to finish getting his tuxedo fitted just the perfect size. I just sat on the leather couch still shocked and silent. My legs felt so weak and my pussy ached now but yet I still felt so sexually aroused. My hands were shaking like crazy now. I was so nervous to face Eric alone on the way home. I waited for Eric to finish paying for the tux as my eyes gazed through the room. It was odd how there was so many people there and yet no one had...

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SyntheticChapter 10

"What. The. Fuck." He repeated. The blindfold was torn off. The light, blinding. "-with you all," said the blurry shape. "Simon," breathed Renee. Yes, that was his name, and voice, and- He glanced at her angrily and she wilted in his arms. "I'd have thought you at least knew better, Troy," he continued. "Or was it 'Puppy'? For fuck's sake, you're no better than they are." Renee glanced at the only other male in the room. Troy was a slender, feminine man. His full lips...

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My First Encounter In Bangalore

Hello hornies, let me introduce me first. I am 30, 5.10, 78 kg with man boobs decent looking guy from Bangalore. This is my real story which happened a month ago in Bangalore. Through planet Romeo app (my ID: hemacd1990,) I met a traveler who was from Mumbai and he was visiting Bangalore for a business trip. He was around 45, 6 feet, 85kg+ and plumpy. We got connected in PR and it was an instant connection. We both are versatile and that clicked. We chatted for a day and then we decided to meet...

Gay Male
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Incredible ChangesChapter 48 Chrissy and Friend

****WARNING: This chapter and the next have some forced sexual situations between cousins that some may find disturbing. If this sort of action is offensive to you, please skip ahead to Chapter 50.-- Chrissy was a bundle of eleven year old energy at dinner and bouncing off the walls afterwards. Dad was assigned to take her over to check on her house, water plants, and then let her burn off some energy mom said was built up because we stayed cooped up in the house all day long. "You know I...

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Trials of LoveChapter 2

Almost four months later: I tossed the mooring line to the waiting woman and watched as she efficiently tied off to bow line to the nearby mooring post. I walked back to the stern, jumped onto the bank and tied off the stern line. Jumping back on board, I switched off the main engine. The diesel thudded a last couple of times, then silence fell over the boat. The port Capitainerie, a very lovely young woman, who I noted with regret was wearing a wedding ring, greeted me. She asked how long...

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The Wrestler

I have been coaching at a local wrestling club for about three months now and it is getting harder and harder to do. The reason…Angela. She is the owner’s daughter and she is fifteen. She is absolutely beautiful. She stands 5’6” and is a light skinned Puerto Rican. Her upper body is strong but pales in comparison to her legs. They are toned and muscular yet still maintain a sexy feel. Her lips are full and when she smiles, I can’t help but shudder. Her perfect teeth combined with those lips...

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Intertwined Stories Ch 03

Mark’s story: We made our way to my hotel from the park walking slowly, I put my arm around Isabel’s shoulder and she put hers around my waist, I could feel the skin of her shoulders on my bare arm and the pressure of her arm in the small of my back. I wanted to run to the hotel, but I was also enjoying the moment, so we kept walking slowly. We didn’t talk much on the way, lost in our own thoughts. I was trying to picture Isabel naked in front of me and I could feel my cock beginning to get...

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The Suite Life of Zack Cody Suite Weekend Part one

Zack and Cody had just got back from school. As they walked in the door to their room they noticed a not on the table. Cody grabbed the note from the table and began to read it out loud. "Hey boys hope you had a great day at school today. I'm sorry I wasn't able to be there but Mr. Moseby said he needed a last minute singer for on the S.S. Tipton this weekend. So you guys will be home alone all weekend. Feel free to finish the leftovers in the fridge or order room service. Also feel free...

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Dragon Prince One Shots

This will be less of a story and more a collection of short tales, a few chapters long of dirty deeds going down in The Dragon Prince universe. All characters are assumed to be aged up to 18+ if they're involved in anything sexual.

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My Sex Life Started By Maami

My Name is Prithivi Raj AKA Raja. I am 23 years old now. I’m from Chennai, India. women who r lonely, expecting someone to share your feeling, words can contact me at , their identities will b kept in secret. This happened to me when I was 22,last year. I was staying in my Father’s sister’s (Aunty) house in the city attending interviews. My Uncle, Raguram is a Sales executive . He will be out of town for at least 20 days a month. My aunty name is Chitra, 41 years old. She have a voluptuous body...

4 years ago
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Kidnapped Slave

Cynthia was at the supermarket, shopping for the week. She had just left taken her manditory 2 week vacation and planned to be a bit of a hermit over that time. She went up and down the aisles. She walks down the vegetable aisle and picked up a long cucumber. She looked at it and dirty thoughts go through her mind. While looking at it, a smirk forms on her face. As she goes to put it down, she notices that a man is watching her. She turned bright red when she realizes that he may have seen her...

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Industrial Accident

Amanda was sitting at her lab balance when all of a sudden, the whole lab shook. She heard her supervisor Mary ask ‘What was that?’ Amanda told Mary ‘Sounded like an explosion.’ Mary asked ‘So what do we do?’ Amanda thought for a moment. ‘Well, if anyone is hurt, they might appreciate having wet towels to clean their faces. Let’s prepare some wet white towels and put them in bags so they stay clean until used. We’ll put them into a bucket.’ As she was talking, Amanda was starting to do what...

2 years ago
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The nighttime is the right yime

Sacramento California , was a beautiful place to visit.. And right now heading home in my dust bucket of a Volvo I sat back enjoying the rest of the view..The skyline was in front of me..And a lovely sunset was slipping down behind the horizon behind me with me leaning back with my gospel music blasting!..Oh yeah baby I was set!..I did have to check my map only once before the moon replaced that beautiful sunset in the sky.. I dont care what you say Megan girl I couldnt do it!..Traveling all...

3 years ago
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Young cuckold

(Hey guys this is my 1st story please give me feedback and feel free to add your own chapters and hints and tips and if you like each page you read more people will see it thanks :) also i want this to be everyones story so put what choices you would like to see in future and i will do my best to write them where i think it will fit in the story enjoy!) You and your girlfriend Hannah have only been together for a short while, as you left your last girlfriend for her she seemed more fun and...

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Wife setup her Husband Gay

It's not every day that I get a call from a woman, asking me to fuck her heterosexual husband. So as you can imagine, this call was a surprise. My co-worker's husband Dave, desperately wanted to see her have sex with another woman. Suzie wasn't going to go along with it that easily, so she made him a bet. It ended up being decided with a simple coin toss. If he won, she was his slave for 3 months. But if she won, he was her slave and he had to do whatever she wanted for 3 months. She'd won the...

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celebrity fuckfest

our main character (john) moves from a some small town to L.A to make something of himself.he had no family or any relatives basically he was a nobody but little did he know it was all about to change.he rented a tiny apartment with just a bedroom,kitchen and a it was time to put some furniture and a little bit of other necessary things.he went out for some shopping. he just had this sudden urge to into the pawn shop.he went in and was looking around when he came by what look liked an...

1 year ago
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My younger cousin and I

100% fiction! My younger cousin and I began hanging out when he was 18. He was kind of a douche but our lifestyle was similar. We would hang out often at his house. He was (and still is) an alpha male. I don't care for that type. If they aren't stroking their giant cocks, they're stroking their ego. He was always such a dick. I didn't care though. I wasn't fucking him. One night, we were hanging out and drinking together. I rarely drank. He often drank. I had a terrible headache. It surprised...

2 years ago
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A Relaxing Massage For Rosie

It was unfortunate that Maisie wasn’t wanting to come in but not knowing me I totally understood however the relationship that I had formed with her sister meant that more opportunities would arise in the future and having exchanged numbers with Shaz I felt she was sensible enough to use my number wisely.I sent a message to Mrs Lane to say that the situation with the pictures was now concluded so hopefully that would be the end of the matter and all concerned could now move on.I learned a lot...

4 years ago
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EleanorChapter 5

It took a while for Eleanor and Roger to work out an acceptable relationship. Eleanor had warned Roger that she valued her independence and wasn't ready for a permanent address. Roger had sworn his love for her and told her that whatever happened, he would be faithful to her always. In the end, they lived in their own apartments and would sleep in one or the other's bed fairly consistently three or four times a week. For a pair of fifty-somethings, they were pretty active and it was...

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The Adventures of a Lonely Khagiit Merchant a Skyrim Fanfiction

Introduction: This is not supported by Bethesda or anyone else involved with The Elder Scrolls series. Brought to you by Penetration Publications. Thank You. Claw was a Khagiit who lived in Elsweyr. He was a merchant, and was planning to travel all over Tamriel to sell his goods. Before he left his homeland, he met a female Khagiit named Pussy. Claw was very lonely. They fucked. She lay back on the bed spreading her kegs, while Claw pounded his hard furry cock into Pussys tight pussy. He then...

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 36 Do We Have a Deal

Belinda Williams looked up at Tom Barry sitting just by the podium and she felt just so incredibly proud. Unfortunately, that marvelous sense of pride she had right now for her boyfriend was tempered by the fact that he looked just so uncomfortable. The reason for that discomfort was not because Tom was now sitting on stage before an audience of hundreds of Blanke Schande College students, plus staff and faculty but because he was wearing clothes. In fact both of them were and both of then...

2 years ago
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Good Room Mate Fuck

It was late Thursday night when Daryl, my dorm room mate, came back. Daryl said that he had shacked up with some chick at her place and didn't want to break the spell. He asked 'what have you been up to?' 'Nothing out of the ordinary,' was my reply. Daryl looked at me and smirked 'I bet you've been fucked by every horny cock on campus. Any way since been gone I missed your tight ass, get out of those clothes.' Daryl turned and double locked the door to our room. Daryl was on me as soon as he...

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