- 2 years ago
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Still half asleep, I started turning over. Whoa! Not a good idea! By the time I'd returned to my original position, I was wide-awake. Complaining quietly in the almost pitch-blackness, my eyes where drawn to the thin arc of yellow moon illuminating the room. It was almost at the end of its nightly trek, low in the sky and on an angle. Rolling a little onto my right shoulder, I took deep breaths and concentrated on its shimmering halo. It was quite beautiful, framed by wafting tulle drapes around the window above the bed. Rising to my elbows didn't feel too bad. Andrew was sleeping peacefully beside me with his mouth open. The glowing green digits on the bedside clock said it was 4.53 A.M. Despite the dull ache, I smiled as I laid my head back down.
I was okay.
And I was proud of myself. I think that's mostly why I smiled. If I could say there was one thing I gained from last night, it was that for the first time in my submissive life, I felt worthy. And I felt different. Thoughts swirled, crystallising as I lay awake, staring at the sliver of moon.
I never wanted to be lashed like that ever again, that's for sure. Wrinkling my nose and squirming, trying to get comfortable, I decided I would have to think very carefully before putting myself in that position again.
A strange feeling came over me. I felt older, or more mature or something. Experienced. Even my poor behaviour felt far away. Like it was last week. Like it had been someone else, some other person I vaguely knew. With some trepidation, I realised there were holes in my life. Lines yet to be written, different ways of doing things and seeing things. Things that I had yet to learn. But I knew some things.
I knew I needed to be more considered in the things I said. Internal conflict was a reason for discussion at a suitable time, not just a reason to open my mouth. 'Asking if it's okay to ask about something', was a good way to gauge things. It also gave me a chance to hear what something sounded like when I said it aloud, which on occasions was different to how it sounded in my head. For me at least, I would try to continue doing it.
Also, I would gladly bend to Andrew's will. Why I ever wanted to deny myself the pleasure I received when I was good, I didn't know. As my Master's submissive, certain things were expected of me, and I would remind myself that I did them for his pleasure, not necessarily mine, whether I liked them or not.
And I would try to curb my imagination. Like with Paul. I don't know what possessed me to think that he was, in some way mine. My God. One dominant was enough for any red-blooded woman. Two was just downright unrealistic. Or greedy, I thought, shaking my head slightly and smiling. The pleasure I received through Paul, came not from Paul, but from Andrew. And in any case, the pleasure I received was secondary to the lessons Andrew had taught me.
Lifting and turning my head, I tucked my hands under my chin and watched Andrew sleep.
I loved the rules and the clear-cut boundaries. I loved that when I pleased him, I knew it. He never failed to praise my efforts. That he cared enough to correct me when I displeased him suited me down to the ground. Nothing festered. Nothing went on and on. No snide commenting. No grudges kept.
Mmmmm, Andrew. My beloved Master. God, I loved him. I loved who he was, and how he was. I loved what he had done for me, and what he would do in the future. I loved that I could trust him, and I felt so blessed that I was the one he chose. Brushing a tear from my cheek, I wished I could do more for him. To be more for him. I knew there was something on his mind, and while I didn't know what it was, I took comfort in the knowledge that he would tell me when he was ready.
Yawning quietly, I closed my eyes.
"Dominique," I whispered, her face just inches from mine. She was fretting in her sleep.
"I don't give a fuck," she muttered, her eyes still closed.
"Dominique," I said a little louder, gently shaking her shoulder. "Dominique, wake up."
"Huh? Oh... Oohhh, Sir. I hurt."
"Shhh, it's all right. Relax. I'll take a look." I climbed out of bed and walked around it, sitting down beside her. Gently drawing down the sheet, I folded it at the top of her ass. The olive skin of her back was striped with thin red lines that would soon turn dark, but she'd be fine. "Well, it'll take a few days for the marks to go," I said softly, planning to bathe her again later.
"I just feel a bit stiff, Master. A bit tight."
For some reason I remembered what a coach of mine once said, 'It's only pain.' I didn't think he'd ever been lashed though. Smiling wryly at the thought, I decided against sharing it. Touching my fingertips to the places where her perfect skin was left untouched by my hand, I sighed.
What had I done?
Dominique stirred like a cat and stretched. "Mmmm... Your fingers feel nice, Master."
Drawing her perfect hair behind her perfect ear, I leaned down and kissed her temple, whispering, "Dominique?"
"Mmmmm," she purred. "Yes, Master?"
"You were dreaming..."
"I... I don't remember."
"You said something," I began, before changing my mind. "And we will talk about it later."
"Um, okay."
"How about I make us some breakfast?"
With a glint in her eye, she announced, "I would take on an army of heathens for some bacon and eggs."
I couldn't help smiling. She would definitely be all right. "Then bacon and eggs it is. Do you want me to cover you?"
"Actually, the cool air feels pretty good."
"Okay, pet. Stay there. I'll bring it up when it's ready."
"Thank you, Master," she said softly. I knew she was putting on a brave face. By the doorway, I stopped and looked back at her. She was lying quietly, arms tucked under her, black hair aglow under the shaft of morning sun. In some ways, she was so much like Rebecca. And in others, so very different.
Sighing softly again, I made my way down to the kitchen.
I had a tattoo of a scorpion on my ankle. Considering I was a Scorpio, it wasn't very imaginative. It was a present I gave myself when I turned eighteen, and was something I always wanted. I thought about that tattoo because it reminded me of how my back felt. Like I'd been tattooed. Forever marked. Forever changed. I was sore, and yet I was pleased with what I'd accomplished. In the strangest way, I was happy. I deserved my punishment, I received it, and I survived. Now I could move forward with a clean slate. It was a new beginning.
And I loved my life.
Mmmmm. I could smell the aroma of bacon and onions, and my tummy rumbled. To eat I would have to sit up, so I tentatively climbed onto hands and knees, slowly sitting back on my heels until I was kneeling. It was a beautiful day and the sun streamed through the window, warming my face and chest. I had to stretch. I just had to. Lacing my fingers together behind my neck, I slowly arched my back right to its extremity. Mmmmmm, I thought. It felt really good. I mean the pain was there, but I had accepted that, and it wasn't that bad. It was like I was exercising it. Controlling it. It was strangely invigorating. Images from last night flashed before my eyes and I realised something had changed.
Usually I would be thinking about how incredible it all was, the things I had done, or the things that had been done to me. But not today. Today was different. Today, I was closer to my skin. I was in the moment, and I was happy.
Closing my eyes and remembering the moon, I bent my neck back until the ends of my hair brushed the top of my ass. Combing my fingers through it and tossing it back, I shook my head. As I knelt up straight again, my hair was drawn gently up my back and it tickled.
With my eyes still closed, I reached up and grasped my nipples between fingers and thumbs. Pinching them firmly, I pulled them out from my body before releasing them. "Mmmmm," I groaned. My eyes sprang open. Am I insane? I wondered, giggling.
"Dominique?" came from behind me.
"Ahh!" I cried, surprised and embarrassed. "You scared me!" He stood in the doorway, a silver tray loaded with food balanced in his hands. "Um," I said, blushing and trying not to giggle. "Yes, Master?"
"Are you all right?"
"Master," I gushed, sitting back on my heels and stretching again. "I am better than ever!"
When I retired to the kitchen, I thought Dominique would fall back to sleep. But that was okay. I had some thinking to do anyway.
I enjoyed cooking. It was methodical and satisfying. If I planned, provided myself with everything necessary and executed, I could make something great. It was simple and clear cut. If only 'life' had a recipe. While filling the house with the aroma of fried bacon, eggs, tomato and onions, I reminisced.
Rebecca loved to cook. If I closed my eyes I could almost see and hear her. She would prance about the kitchen, singing to herself. Something about her has never left me. The ifs. What if the tumour had been discovered, or treated earlier. What if I had noticed something... anything... sooner. Something that might have given her a chance... I shook my head as I loaded up the toaster.
Rebecca would have loved Dominique. They had a similar temperament and even a similar look about them. Flipping the bacon again, I made a decision to introduce Dominique to the Rebecca I knew and loved. I wanted her to understand. Maybe it would help explain a few things.
I wiped my hands on a kitchen towel and walked into the den, retrieving a photo album from the shelf and returning to the kitchen. It had been a long time since I'd visited with Rebecca. At my own insistence I stopped poring over the pictures. Looking through the albums nightly was bordering on the morose. Even a few times a week seemed obsessive. So I stopped myself. In fact, I hadn't looked at them since I'd met Dominique. By the time she moved in, I was debating whether to put them into storage. Memories and memorabilia were neatly boxed in the attic. I'd conceded the framed photographs. Her last two were packed away the morning Dominique had asked me out for a drink. But not the albums. They stayed in the hallway bookshelf. Watching me.
Opening the one I'd selected, I finished the cooking and tidied up. The picture staring back at me was of Rebecca on her knees waggling her finger at the camera. Looking stunning in a summer dress, she was trying to express her independence by thwarting some plan I had.
She wore the same dress the day I told her she would be mine forever. The same day she said she would never leave. Sighing softly, I closed the album. It's time, I thought, loading up a plate and grabbing a serving tray.
The experiences Dominique and I shared brought us so close together. She amused and excited me, and she pleased me greatly. She tested me in many ways and she made me want to smile. She was not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. She was a challenge. A wonderful challenge. And she strived. Her desire to please me was unquestionable.
And what did I do in return? I tried to turn her into Rebecca.
She was probably feeling very sore and sorry for herself. After breakfast I would tend to her back again. I owed her that. Grabbing a fork and a couple of napkins, I made my way to the bedroom, with one small detour.
When I'd grabbed the album, I spied Dominique's collar hanging from the playroom doorknob. Thoughtfully, Paul must have left it there. With the abrupt end to the previous evenings festivities, no opportunity to replace it around her neck appeared, so I was glad I had seen it. Placing it on the tray next to our breakfast, I tiptoed up the stairs and walked silently across the landing. At the door to the bedroom I stood open-mouthed, staring at the amazing sight of a giggling Dominique less than eight hours after she had been thrashed to her limit.
"Are you alright?" I asked, smiling.
"Master, I am better than ever!" she exclaimed, sitting back on her heels and grinning at me over her shoulder.
"Well, that is certainly a surprise. And a nice one at that. Perhaps after some food, you will um, get your energy back." Seeing her bouncing on her knees on the bed made me immediately question the necessity for energy.
"Mmmmm," she murmured. "Yes, Master. I'm starving!"
"Okay, but there's one formality we need to take care of, before we eat."
"There is?"
"Close your eyes."
"Yes, Master."
Entering the room, I placed the tray on the bedside table and picked up Dominique's collar. Sitting on the bed beside her, I placed it around her neck, watching the blush creep up her cheeks. Closing the clasp with a quiet click, I said, "Open."
With a tear in her eye, she ran her fingertips over her collar, whispering, "Thank you, Master."
"Wear it with pride, Dominique."
"I will. I promise."
I leaned into her and kissed her nose. "Good girl. C'mon. Let's eat." Before long, we had cleaned the plate and tossed screwed up napkins onto it. No time like the present, I thought as I rolled contentedly onto my back. "There's something I want to share with you, Dominique," I said, staring at the ceiling and swallowing. Why was I so nervous?
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NOTE : This Story is purely fictional! It all started when I was at my house and I was bored, and I was on the phone to one of my female mates, Sally. We were chatting on the phone when she started to get horny and play with herself. She is a very attractive blonde girl, 19 years of age, 34dd tits and a gorgeous ass. She then started to tell me what she was doing to herself and asked me to go to her house and watch her and maybe help, so I agreed and left straight away. When I got there her...
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Incest100% fiction! hi, guys and gals this is my first stories, i hope you incest lovers like it. my name is ris, 20yrs old, living with my mom. my mom is a widow 39yrs old. my family is quiet a luxury. we have 2 maids, one 30yrs old ru her name and the other yu her name 42 yrs old, both of them are staying together with us in other rooms the maid's rooms. when i and my mom goes out people might be thinking we are couples. mom is really loving and open minded. myself matured lover. i love to watch...
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THE CORRAL THEATER 1949 I woke up the next morning, more sober than for ... I couldn't remember. But I felt like hell. My hands were shaking and my head felt funny. Gene came in, opened up, and gave me a pint, not the best stuff but better that I usually drank. I had this image of me standing there, ripping off the top and guzzling the bottle down, feeling the hot relief, burning at first, then peace. Instead I put the bottle in a pocket of the overalls, nodded thanks to Gene and mumbled...
WARNING: This story is an act of fiction that contains graphic sexual descriptions and language. If you are a minor (under 21) or if you are offended by this kind of material then you should stop reading now. Any resemblance between this story and a real event is coincidental. The participants are imaginary; their actions have no negative consequences other than those portrayed in the story. The story is intended for entertainment and should not be emulated in the real world. Melinda Puff,...
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It had been a while since our last beach holiday and we had chosen somewhere nice on the coast of Spain. Our first day on the beach was very relaxing and we had an early night after the previous days travel. The second day Linda went topless on the beach, not wanting tan lines and telling me that tanned tits were so hot. That day the beach sellers were around a lot more, ogling Linda’s ripe breasts. That night Linda was the one who initiated sex, she was so wet when I went down on her pussy....
While working at home one afternoon, I notice my slave’s phone, sitting on my desk. He must have left it when he ran out to buy my tampons. I saw the message alert flashing. Strange. He shouldn’t be getting any .jpeg messages. I touch the screen and the phone switched from the power save mode. I quickly access the new pics sent. My eyes open wide and my jaw drops. ‘That little bastard.’ I hear the door begin opened and closed. The security code being re engaged. I look up just as my...
Hi to ISS readers. I must appreciate this site as a great platform to share our inner feelings experiences and many other things that we cannot tell anybody, but here we share everything. Therefore, friends you must have read my earlier story how my mom and me got together. Today I want to share after that night when I had sex with my mom what exactly happened the next day and how we live and enjoy our life. So let me tell you about my mom again who haven’t read my earlier story but I request...
IncestMice It was easy to understand why no one recommended this place to John without first grimacing and looking away. The neighborhood was abandoned with the exception of the few squatters lighting fires to keep warm in the derelict lots in between the urban ruins. It was hard to believe the city was just a mile to the north, full of businesses and people. This was in a slum, one of the few remaining shantytowns in the United States. The walls were damaged from water, as were the area...
I waded around the shallow end of the pool for a while as Sally clung to me and every so often, wiggling herself against my side. I knew she was pleasing herself against me. I felt, how would you say it, content, with her clinging to me and liked the intimate feeling of her naked body next to mine. I just slowly made small circles, holding her to my side and she holding herself to me. "Mmmm, this is comfy," i heard her say into my ear softly. I nodded in reply and offered, "Yes, it is...
Tom is away on business. Judy couldn't decide whether it was a good thing or not. On one hand she felt lonely when she got home to an empty house. She had no one to confide and share her frustration of the day. But on the other hand she was free to explore her slut personality. She could lie naked in bed with her laptop and surfed for porn all evening while her bullet vibrator gave her many orgasms. She even had a few orgasms during IM sessions with Tom as if nothing was happening. But...
The New Neighbors August 11-18,1999 Written by Erica Wright The date above is correct. I thought this file was long lost but came across it when going through some old zip disks. Enjoy! *** This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! If you're not an adult please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content, if you proceed I will not be held responsible. *** Chapter 1 My wife and I wondered who bought the small house...
Oh fuck, the brush. I hate the brush! Tommy thought, staring down at the object that was now lying on the coffee table. I guess I should just be grateful it’s not the paddle again. He had come down to the family room when Emily had called. Knowing that after the parents had gone (for their date night) and that he would soon be tested. He had been up in his room trying to get as much last minute practice in as he could. He believed he was ready, but you never knew when it came to his...
Until I saw shemale porn on the web back around 1998, crossdressing had never occurred to me. But when I saw those doubly-sexy bodies, with both breasts and a cock, my sexual life really changed. I searched out every shemale porn site I could find, and found myself especially excited by hot shemales sucking a man's hard penis. It just turned me on so much! Over time, I started to see pictures of the men sucking the shemales - oh my god! Once I saw that - those beautiful bodies, the stiff cocks,...
"You're pregnant?" "We went to see the doctor today after I missed my cycle this week. He confirmed what we thought. I hope that you're ready to be a daddy." "Wow. I'm shocked right now." I held out my arms to her and she eased herself in. "I guess we're going to be parents soon. I'm sorry Liz, I'm sure you're disappointed. I know I didn't mean for this to happen." "I know you didn't. I'm not so sure of my daughter though..." "MOM!" "Well, you were the one that...
I would like to know, if you do Jack/Jill off that the stories help. If, as you are enjoying yourself, you peal another layer of the dark onion and think to yourself "wow, if only they....". Leave a comment. You're likely not alone. It may not be in every segment, but you will certainly see your fetish. I write because I haven't seen non-consent, rape, impregnation, with large/ muscular women in enough stories. So please enjoy and comment freely. Marcos was the only man...
After a wild night like we had Thursday night, I wasn’t sure we’d ever have another one as wild as it was ... Until Friday night - when the place was packed again. The four smoke-eaters were buzzing constantly all night and I’ll say one thing for them, they were doing their job. Bob and Evelyn both told us Saturday night would be even more wild and rowdy. Happy Hour starts at 7:00 Saturday evening, and they called - Last Call - for Happy Hour at 8:30. By the tine we started playing at 9:00,...
My name is Richard Rogers and this is the story of the love of my life. I am single, 46 years old and an architect for a small but nice firm based in Santa Cruz, California. I was married early in my career, but it didn't work out so I have never taken the plunge again. Maybe someday I'll find the right woman and we'll live happily ever after, but I doubt it. Approximately Three Years Ago: Last Sunday my mother, Anne, had a fall at home and was admitted to the hospital. She had surgery on...
Darren's Dilemma Chapter Five Dad Comes Home By Suzie Q Haff Jana's alarm clock went off at seven thirty. She got up and cut it off getting back under the covers and snuggled up with me. A few minutes later she bit my ear waking me up. Then the phone rang and she picked it up off the dresser while I took those vinyl surgical gloves off. Jana: "Perkins.... Oh morning Dad! Uh, huh. Morning Mother. No she is getting her beauty rest." With that I sat up on the edge of the...
The heat is scorching hot, almost unbearable. I can feel tiny beads of sweat rolling down my back, sliding down my spine. My naked body is dripping with perspiration. It tickles in some areas, making me writhe a little. My wrists are bound above me. So, I can’t even wipe the sweat from my brow. It’s growing closer to dripping right into my eyes. How did I get myself in this situation? Am I really ready for this kind of thing? It doesn’t matter now, it’s too late to back out. I had my chance....
We enjoyed our lunch and spent a lot longer than usual just visiting. Mr. Bell was thrilled about Rebecca's pending baby, and we talked about what ifs. What if she's a girl? What if it's a boy? What if they're twins? What if this ... what if that? Fatherhood didn't worry me. Being a lousy father was a huge concern. Mr. Bell had some sage advice. "David, you have a gentle, kind spirit. If you let your kindness and tendency to react logically rule your behavior, you'll do fine as a...
Series 9, Episode 17: Zoe Hopper (38), from Barnsbury, London We cut to an inner-city street. We’re looking up at a seemingly endless plain, high, brick wall. No windows. No billboards. Just bricks ... And then a large black gate – two stories high, a simple sign is screwed to the wall next to the gate. It reads, “H.M. PRISON PENTONVILLE” We look at this for a moment, then swing the camera the other way to look out at the other side of the street – and the plainest, dullest apartment block...
After getting a beatdown in a bar fight, the twenty-eight-year-old Ravan had signed up for a Mixed Martial Arts gym along with his friend Quinn. Ravan stood at around six-feet tall and looked almost exactly like singer Zayn, not too threatening at all which led to him occasionally being pushed around. Quinn was Ravan’s friend who looked a lot like Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter. The two met each other when out at a bar talking to random women.Being the age he was, Ravan did not want marriage...
HardcoreIntroduction: Short story about a death in the family. Let me know what you think:) Its my first attempt so be nice. Jack and Kelly had always been normal siblings. They grew up five years apart so they didnt have much in common but they still found a way to get along despite that. Their parents were middle class but always made sure they gave their kids everything they ever needed. Kelly was now 19 and off at her first year of college and Jack was married with a baby on the way. The two...
I could tell by her mood swings that she hadn't been getting any for quite a while ... and then ... out of the blue ... he came: A Friday night guy, just before closing. For her it was perfect timing. 'A Mother Nature thing', she would call it. Mother Nature had a habit of looking after horny women like Lucy ... she would drop them onto the doorstep for her ... bang on time ... just when she was about to burst. I looked at the way his blue hospital gown stood to attention at the crotch....
That night while talking to Paddy in the pub, the picture of Tracy in his arms being fucked by him kept intruding, and making him feel very guilty. While talking to Paddy Tony remembered clearly his last passionate session with Tracy just the day before, when once again they had spent most of the afternoon together. He was feeling terribly guilty because Paddy was his best mate. But just then to his relief, the landlord came out of the private area, and recognizing Tony and Paddy, came over...
Staring down the barrel of the assault rifle leveled at them, Inari answered the questions posed to her. “We are the crew of the freighter vessel, Darkstrider. We came aboard when we found this ship adrift,” the captain responded. “Your names, now,” Kasumi demanded brusquely. “Remove your helmets, so I can tell you apart.” Surrounded by heavily armed Sentry-Bots, the crew had no choice but to comply. One by one, they reached up and unlocked their helmets. As their faces came into view, the...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Thirteen: Portland Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Monday, July 4th, 2072 – Sarah Glassner – Outskirts of Portland, OR I couldn't sleep. We would be entering Portland in the morning. The city looked ruined, the half-destroyed buildings stretching for miles and miles towards the blue line of the Columbia River. For such a major city, it was terrifying that it wasn't as well maintained or even inhabited. No travel seemed to come...
Hi hello all friend kem cho majama pahechana kon ritesh(ritu) abb to aap pahachan hi gaye hoge or koi new readar nahi pahchanta ho to my self ritu ladakiyo ne diya huwa name he or my age 23 meri hight 5.8′ he or lund(loda)isaki to batt hi na pucho jisane bhi mera lund liya he usako hi pucho mene abhi tak bahot ladaki ko puri tarah stetistfiad kiya he usame ISS readar ka bhi samavesh hota he aap ne meri 2 kahani aage padhi hogi pyarse choda , or bhai ki shali ki chudai bahot hi sare mail mile...
I didn’t really even like her all that much. We only knew each other through a few mutual friends, and it’s not that I disliked her, but something about Hayley bugged me. She was always nice enough to me whenever we talked. But she carried herself with a certain demeanor that was just a little too haughty for me. She always seemed to act as though she had a better pot to piss in, which was kind of ironic considering the crappy part of town she grew up and lived in. So when a few of my friends...
Quickie SexMarch 3, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, do you have a minute?” Jodie asked on Sunday afternoon. “Sure. What’s up?” “I’m working on a project for my advanced software engineering class and I’m having a problem with refactoring some code.” I chuckled, “You’ve come to the right place. Dave’s mostly had me working on refactoring old code off and on for the past two years because I can’t usually commit enough hours to work on new modules. Let’s take a look!” We spent about an hour going over...
The evening i changedThis is pure fiction My usual saturday routine was underway. Drinking alone at my local sports bar. 6 beers in, a stunning women with dark brown hair walks in. Shes wearing a black dress high heels, and a choker. Obviously im checking her out and c cup chest, but in my head i know shed never go for a guy like me, im tall bearded, chubby and have a pony tail... think louise ck but with pony tail. Compared to her looking like seline from underworld... i stood no chance, for...