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My name is Richard Rogers and this is the story of the love of my life. I am single, 46 years old and an architect for a small but nice firm based in Santa Cruz, California. I was married early in my career, but it didn't work out so I have never taken the plunge again. Maybe someday I'll find the right woman and we'll live happily ever after, but I doubt it.

Approximately Three Years Ago:

Last Sunday my mother, Anne, had a fall at home and was admitted to the hospital. She had surgery on Monday and had a pin inserted in her left hip. She had turned 68 on her last birthday and lived alone in our family home. My father died a little over two years ago after a prolonged battle with multiple myeloma, a cancer that strikes the hosts bones. There is no cure. The doctors fixed my mom's hip and recommended a nursing home nearby where she could get physical and occupational therapy treatments for her hip. It was short-term stay they said; she would live to be a hundred they said. I had her admitted to the nursing home on Friday and spent the rest of the weekend getting her personal stuff together so she would at least feel somewhat at home while she was recuperating.

On Monday when I went in to visit mother I saw that they had admitted another woman into mom's semi-private room. She was a widowed 62-year-old woman who had fallen and fractured her arm. She was placed into the bed by the door as mother had the window view. Her name was Helen and your first impression of her was that she was striking. She must have been at least 5' 10" with the most beautiful brunette hair cascading down and around her shoulders. She had long legs and the most beautiful set of breasts I had ever seen on an older woman.

Because I lived in the same city as my mother I was able to visit her every evening. I am mother's only blood relative and we were always a close family. Every evening as I greeted mom all she could talk about was Helen. Helen said this. Helen did that. She really liked her new roommate and so did I. Because Helen could only use one arm I tried to assist her whenever she needed and 'extra' arm. On a couple of occasions while I was helping her sit up in her bed I had a perfect view of her creamy breasts. They seemed to be about the size of grapefruits and just as solid. I couldn't believe my eyes. How could a woman her age have the breasts of a thirty something woman?

On Tuesday of the second week mom was in the nursing home I came in around six to visit her. We kissed and hugged and were just talking about my job when I heard a piece of silverware hit the tile floor. I looked over and saw that Helen had dropped her fork and that she was having difficulty eating with just one hand. I asked for and receive a replacement fork from the floor nurse and fed Helen the rest of her dinner. I stood at the head of her bed and each time she bent over towards her plate I could see those creamy breasts and I would have sworn that her nipples were hard. Must have been my over active imagination.

"You know Richard," Helen said, "your really are a nice man. I appreciate all the things you have done for me, but more importantly, the things you have done for your mother."

"Why thank you Helen, that's very nice of you to say."

"No Richard, I'm serious. I was married but we were never blessed with any children but I had plenty of friends that were. The most important thing in this world of ours is loyalty. Family needs to take care of family. You're a good son and your mother appreciates everything you do for her."

I blushed at her compliment, patted her hand and went back and sat with mom.

Each day I visited I spent as much time with Helen as I did my mother. Helen told me stories of her childhood, talked about her marriage to Zack and the suddenness of his death. She was a wonderful storyteller and she continually kept my mother and I entertained.

The next time I visited was on a Wednesday afternoon and my mother's bed was empty. I was confused. "Helen where is my mom?"

"Oh Richard, didn't anyone call you? They took her back to the hospital this afternoon. I think she had a stroke."

I had tears in my eyes and I drove to the hospital, but I was too late; mom had passed in the emergency room just a half hour previously. I spoke to the attending physician and he told me that she had a massive coronary attack and there was nothing they could do for her. He was sorry.

For the next three days I was busy with the funeral arrangements for mom. When I left the cemetery after the funeral I was sitting in the back of the limousine thinking about my mother and her life when Helen's words came to my mind. I thought of what a great companion she had been to my mother albeit for a very short three weeks. I decided then and there that I would visit her the next chance I got - that chance actually occurred three days later. I walked into her room and saw her smiling face struggling with dinner.

"Helen, could you use a hand?"

"Oh Richard. I'm so glad to see you, but I am so saddened with your mother's passing. Please accept my sincere condolences."

"Thank you Helen, that's kind of you to say that."

Over the next month I stopped in at least three times a week to see how Helen was doing. I enjoyed visiting her and she seemed to feel the same way. During my last visit I was approached by the physical therapist.

"You know Mr. Rogers, Helen has been getting better and the staff feels it is because of your visits."

"What?" I didn't have any idea that I was helping and I said so. "I'm not sure why that might be; she was my mother's roommate and was such a comfort to her that I have continued to visit."

"Well she perks up when she knows you're going to visit. We, the therapy staff, hope you'll continue your visits. It's good for her mental and physical health."

"Actually I plan to. She is a nice lady and I enjoy her company too."

During the second month of visiting Helen she ask me if I would take her out to brunch on the coming Sunday. Her arm was out of the cast and she was almost able to eat by herself. "Oh Helen, I would love to, but don't you have to stay here?"

"I talked to my doctor and he said it would be good for me to get out once in a while. He wrote an order that I could be gone for up to six hours at a time. So, are we on for Sunday?"

"Absoutely! I'll pick you up at ten Sunday morning. Where would you like to eat?"

"Anywhere you pick will be fine with me, I'm not a picky eater I just want to be out of the home for a while and enjoy other people."

I arrived at the home a promptly ten in the morning and Helen was ready to go. She had dressed in a beautiful wispy sundress, a large white hat on her brunette hair and a pair of low heel black shoes. I signed her out and we drove to a Marie Callenders for brunch. I had the waitress get us a nice booth that overlooked an outside pond. It was nice and quiet and very serene. We ate, talked and laughed. Helen enjoyed people watching and we found ourselves trying to guess what people were with whom, what they did for a living and who might be having an affair. I had her back to the nursing home by two that afternoon, escorted her to her room and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Sunday brunch became our routine and I'm not sure who enjoyed it more, Helen or me. Two months had gone by and on one particular Sunday when we left the restaurant Helen ask if I would drive her down to the beach, she said that she missed the ocean and would just enjoy sitting in the car and watching the waves.

I drove to a point south of Santa Cruz where I knew there wouldn't be a lot of traffic on a Sunday and found a parking space near the water.

"Richard, can we walk by the water, please?'

"If you want to, that's fine with me."

I helped Helen from the car and we walked down to the beach. As we neared the sand Helen removed her shoes and we walked down to beach and let the water lap on our feet. She got tired fairly quickly so we walked back to the car. I opened the door for her and she sat down and was trying to brush the sand off her feet.

"Here Helen, let me help you."

"Oh, thank you Richard. It's so hard for me to bend down that far anymore."

I bent down and took her ankle in my hand and began brushing off the sand. I looked up and Helen had raised the hem of her dress way above her knees, far enough that I could clearly see her white panties and how they snuggly fit around her legs and mound. I could feel myself turning red with embarrassment and I quickly averted my eyes from her upper thighs and back to her feet. I could feel her eyes staring at me and felt the need to say something.

"Uh... I'm... sorry Helen. I... didn't..."

"Oh don't be silly Richard. There is no apology necessary, now get in the car."

I walked around to my side, opened the door and after brushing off my feet slid behind the wheel. I was still red from the neck up. As I reached for the ignition Helen placed her hand on mine.

"Richard, are you alright?"

"Yes, it's just... that, well..."

"Look Richard there is nothing wrong with you looking at me, nothing. You don't think that I knew when you were admiring my breasts?

"Uh... I..."

"For Christ sake Richard, it's a compliment to me to have a virile young man looking at an old woman. I pulled up my dress as much for my pleasure as yours."

"Oh Helen, you aren't old. You're a beautiful woman." Helen placed her hand on my leg and began to stroke my thigh.

"Richard that's so nice of you to say and I know you mean it too. Would you do this old woman a favor?"

"Anything Helen, just ask."

"Well I so miss my husband that... I... I would like to give you a blow job. Now don't say a word, just listen to me. My husband used to really enjoy my blow jobs and I enjoyed his cum. I have really missed that and unless you allow me to do this for you I may not have another chance in my life, so please let me do this. Make an old woman happy."

I was stunned. I would have never have guessed that Helen still had sexual urges. "Helen, I guess that I am stunned by your request, but I honestly meant it when I said you are a beautiful woman. I will be more than happy to be intimate with you; it will be my pleasure.

We drove to a secluded spot farther down the coast and I parked the car in a large grove of tall eucalyptus trees. We both got into the back seat and I took her in my arms and we kissed. We kissed like two teenagers on their first date. Our lips met and her tongue gently felt out my lips, force its way into my mouth and danced with my tongue. We kissed and kissed. We kissed lips, noses, eyes and ears. Helen's ears, like many women's ears were very sensitive. When my mouth moved down to the nape of her neck I felt her hand on the lump in my pants. She gently caressed it through my slacks and it felt as good as anything I had ever felt.

I wanted her to set the pace so I just continued to kiss her neck and let her do what she wanted to do. Because Helen's head was bent down I had a perfect view down the front of her dress and could see the bra she was wearing. I moved my one hand under her and ran my fingers over her breasts, separated from my hand only by her bra and dress.

"Oh Richard, that feels wonderful. It's been so long since a man has touched me."

She reached for my belt and tried to unbuckle it but was having some difficulty. "Helen, let me help you." I unbuckled my belt, unzipped my pants and raised my butt and slid my pant and underwear down to my knees. My cock proudly stood straight up to its full seven inches. There was some pre-cum leaking out of the tip.

"Richard, you have a beautiful cock. The doctor did a great job on your circumcision; he gave you a great ridge. I'll bet it's very sensitive."

She leaned down even further and ran her tongue over the top of my cock and captured the pre-cum. Her tongue trailed down to the ridge and then continued down my shaft. When she finished she reached out and held me by my base and her mouth engulfed my cock. Helen knew how to give head! As she bobbed up and down on my shaft her other hand was fondling my balls. I reached over her back and began to rub on her ass, it was taut and felt wonderful, but my concentration wasn't all it should have been because I could feel my cum welling up from deep within me. "I'm almost there Helen, close, very close." She lifted her mouth off me for just a second.

"Cum in my mouth Richard, I want to taste you."

I reached out and rubbed her hair as she bobbed on my cock. Then I came. Oh boy did I cum! "Oh God Helen. OhMyGod! Ohhhhhhhh Shit." My butt had been bouncing on the back seat and I finally settled back and tried to breathe normally again. My cock was still in Helen's mouth. She continued to suck and lick it even as it began to deflate. Finally when there was no more cum to harvest she let me go.

"Well my sweet Richard, you tasted wonderful, certainly better than my husband did. Kink of salty with an unknown tang. I hope we can do this more often, at least if you would like to?"

More often? You betcha Red Ryder! "Helen, when ever you want to we can do that."

The relationship between Helen and I continued on like this for the next three months. I would visit her two or three times a week and on Sunday's we would go out, have a brunch and the go to some secluded place and she would give me a blow job. She would let me play with her ass, breasts and pussy, but always refused my advances on eating her out. Finally I had to know why. One Sunday after we had finished and rearranged out clothes I turned to her, "Helen, why won't you let me do that for you?"

"Do? Do what for me Richard?"

"You know perfectly well what I'm talking about. Why won't you let me eat you so you can feel the same pleasures as I do?"

She starred at me for a long time, thinking. "Well Richard my husband, Zack, tried it once and didn't like it. He said it smelled. I don't want someone I care for thinking I smell, so I haven't ever let anyone try it again."

"That has to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Of course you smell, we all smell. It's our sexual aroma and is nothing to be ashamed of for Gods sake."

Helen patted my hand and whispered, "Well someday maybe, someday."

December 14th was rapidly approaching and I wanted to do something special for Helen. It was her 63rd birthday and I remembered her telling me that on her 40th birthday her husband had booked a weekend at the Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francisco. The "Mark" is one of the better known upscale hotels in the United States and I was determined to take Helen there for a remembrance of her times with her husband. I called and made arrangements for a two-bedroom suite with windows and a glassed-in patio facing the San Francisco bay. I ordered champagne to be delivered immediately upon our arrival on Friday evening followed by a bottle of Monterey County Chardonnay and two plates of their best hot and cold appetizers. This was going to cost me an arm and a leg and, if truth be known, I couldn't really afford it but it was for Helen, so the hell with it! I charged it on my AMEX.

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What a night

Introduction: please dont tell my husband hehe I am not sure if I would call the events of the night consenting rape or simply poor decisions, but it resulted in the most bizarre sexual experience of my life. I had just turned 21 and was finishing my senior year of college. I had been a slut so far in college and had no intentions of changing that now. I was out to the bars one Friday night and honestly, on the prowl to get laid. I was attractive, 56 brown hair, blue eyes athletic build with...

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Blackmailed into slavery

Blackmailed into slaveryAndy and Carl were lucky to find a place on their own in a university city with over twenty thousand students from all over Europe. They rented an old farmhouse that was standing empty for a few years. Luckily there was not much to renovate, except for a new lock on the entry door and a few minor repairs to the windows. Each had their own comfortable room to study. The old timber beds were still there. The new mattresses were the only substantial investment they had to...

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The big cock on the telly

I was recently working away and one night put a porn channel on in my hotel room. A very horny vid showed a middle aged ,stocky guy dommimg a couple in their forties, lots of spanking etc and finishing with the very attractive milf taking his big dick hard. Something was in the back of my mind watching this obviously amateur film, but I couldn't think whatI was wanking hard thinking of that big cock in my mouth while he spanked my wife, taking control of her, dominating her, she becoming...

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The Ex Wants a Favor

The door bell rang and I opened the door to find Willy standing there. "What the fuck do you want?" "To talk. To clear the air so to speak." "I don't need to hear anything that you have to say." "Maybe not, but I need to say it. It won't take long. May I come in?" I stared at her for several minutes (looking mostly at her throat and wanting to put my hands around it and squeeze as hard as I could) before stepping aside and letting her come in. She went straight for the kitchen...

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Jackpot By Jennifer Allison "Dean, I have a special deal for you," Stella my travel agent said. "In Reno there is a casino offering a very good deal. A super jackpot, they guarantee a winner once a day. And it doesn't cost a thing to play. There are two catches to the deal." "What are the catches?" I asked. "You are allowed to play the slot machine once. And you have to be selected to play." "So if I am selected to play and the person ahead in line wins the jackpot I am...

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No FutureChapter 26 The Pursuit of Happiness

Eden 2049 "She's your daughter, too," Eden said into the phone pressed against his ear. "You got custody of her and you should bloody well come and take care of her." "I'm miles away," Zara replied. "I can't be expected to drop everything I'm doing just to pick up my wayward daughter." "I don't see why not," said Eden. "I can't look after her. I'm due back in the Med tomorrow. I've got meetings to go to. I've got things to organise. It seems that every time I return to...

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exhibitionism to perversion

exhibitionism to perversion .....There we discovered exhibitionists one night by chance. and from that day the fantasy and reality, could not do without ..We were as usual in the evening, in the industrial area, sitting in the backseat of the car his dad, a great sw easy, and I was doing one of his insurmountable blow jobs, I noticed that someone was watching us, did not say anything not to it scared the stool to kneel on the seat with one hand and lifted her skirt and slipped two fingers in...

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The Routine Chapter III

There had really been something surreal about his wife sitting on her knees in front of him, her face streaked with cum and her hands massaging the sticky goo into her tits while she addressed their daughter Christine. The girl had obviously been woken by the noise they'd been making and come downstairs to check out what was happening. She'd apparently been shocked by what she saw when her mother greeted her and had run back upstairs like a bolt of lightning. Damn, Robert thought. This...

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Tammys first big cock

This story is shortly after we got married. Tammy ran a Day-Old bread store and I drove a truck. I would leave on Sunday mornings to head up to the Florida panhandle and spend the night at a hotel in Pensacola. On Mondays I delivered to 10 stores in Mobile Al and the FL coast down to Panama City for the night. On Tuesdays I had several stores around Panama City and then the trip back home. I was off on Wednesdays and Fridays; Thursdays I ran a local run. Tammy had Fridays off and worked a half...

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Still in Vegas

Once back at the hotel, Mary and Joe talked about the possibility of heading out to the bar again. They recalled the great time they had the other night there, and also how Mary had teased the hell out of the three big black men. It had really gotten pretty raunchy the last time. Joe remembered how Mary had let the huge men explore her body tattoos, showing them intimate parts of her tiny sexy body. She danced with Marvin, allowing him to feel her tight body up. Also how she had allowed two of...

2 years ago
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Life Renewed

This is the first part of a new storyline taking place within my Goddess Realm Series. It is not necessary to read Saved by a Goddess or Saved By a Goddess: Gifts to enjoy this story but admittedly it does help and is recommended. Life Renewed By StefB Thank You LorasPa6 for your wonderful help editing and being there to bounce ideas off of. Chapter One "This is why you moved home," I reassured myself as I paused just outside the large ornate wooden and glass...

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Making Me Bi

I have been interested in boys and girls since I was around twelve, when a neighbouring male friend f the family took me for a ride in his car and at that time - in the late fifties - having a car journey was quite a thing. My mum saw nothing wrong with it, which I was pleased about, I was excited to go and looking back all these years, I am still glad she allowed me to go. It was just going to be a short drive, to let me see the car at close quarters and look at the countryside, in the area...

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Armis IoChapter 4

Boston, Massachusetts – September 2061 Chris wasn’t sure what she expected on Saturday, when ‘her ride’ was supposed to pick her up, but it wasn’t a young guy in an electric VW. Dan, was his name, and he asked her if she was looking for a ride to 10. Her blank look led to the explanation that 10 was the total of the digits in 7120, so mostly people just shortened it from ‘SR7120’ to ‘10.’ Why not call it ‘two’ then? Chris mused to herself. That’s what I’d have done. One-Zero in binary was...

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Sex With My Friends Bitchy Sister

Hi to all. This is my second sex story submitting here. All my stories are not fictional. Though I am a die-hard reader of Indian Sex Stories, I hate reading fictional stories. About me to those who don’t know, I am from Pollachi, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Am interested in exploring the sexual fun to the core in any forms. Thanks for all the responses I got for the previous sex story. Please do comment rather than simply liking. So that I might get motivated to express more. Let’s go to the sex...

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Vacation Home With Archana

7 AM. It had been one hell of a couple of months; work, travel, and then some more. Although physically, there wasn’t much, mentally, I was exhausted. I desperately needed an out. To my oasis, marooned somewhere in the middle of the Pacific, on an island all by myself with just enough wine and water to spend the rest of my life. Hah! Wishes! A dream, a fucking good dream at that! This apartment will have to do for now, and although it is light years away from my idyllic island, it’s real. I...

4 years ago
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Punishment Becomes Reward

Tanner had always been a pervert. He loved to check out the asses of every attractive woman he encountered, and when he could get away with it, their breast, he also enjoyed undressing them with his eyes, got a thrill out of watching them bend over, especially in dresses or skirts, and even took creepshots of them with his phone. He had managed to get with all of this for years, until one day, when he took a creepshot of a woman who saw what he was doing and decided to make him. The...

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Watching Tne Detectives

Watching The DetectivesNikkie Silk1 PhilippaFor the umpteenth time I needed to move to get my circulation goingagain. I tried to stretch my legs but it's not easy in the front seat ofmy small car. Fuck, I thought as I snagged my tights against somethingbeneath the steering wheel. If that was another pair ruined I wouldscream. I was parked facing a nondescript semi-detached house in a drabsuburb of South London. It felt like I had been here for days when ithad been just four hours as I checked...

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With the Mirror came Chapter 7

Rationally she knew that with the test tomorrow she still had a number of hours to understand the material but the fact she had not done so already made her feel dumb and inferior. Since she expected the studies to take lots of time she was clothed in the bathrobe she had borrowed from her father and it felt cozy and warm. Almost a bit too warm, but with her limited wardrobe there was not many replacements that would not make end chilled if she sat a long time at her desk. She pulled her...

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International relations

 I thrust hard into Jutta as her body tensed for her final climax. Her impeccable hair and makeup contrasting with the lust in her half-closed blue eyes pushed me onward, upward, and inward as I caressed her erect nipples and small breasts through her silk blouse and lacy brassiere. I thrust harder, knowing the stage she was at, and without fail it pushed her to the edge. Her eyes closed, blue irises replaced by light green and blue shaded lids, and then her head fell back as wave after wave of...

College Sex
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Widder Lucys Lament

Her body was sturdy and healthy even of not as sexy as it was when she got married. Until a month ago her pussy was well exercised by a strong and horny husband. At least they thought he was healthy until the aneurism ripped open a big blood vessel in his chest and he died holding her. The only one who could stay with her after the funeral was a male cousin slightly younger than her half-century. Orval had lost his wife to a stroke in the last year so could empathize. He hated living alone so...

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Monica MechanicChapter 4 Conundrum

As they traveled, the company continued to rotate positions, both as a way to stay fresh and alert, and to continue to acquaint themselves with the company’s newest members. Plus, whoever rode drag, led the horses bearing the canvass wrapped corpses. As Monty and Charles learned more of Ayesha’s story, they recognized a kindred spirit. She was funny, sunny, and had a wide variety of interests and skills. She was well educated, unusual for a woman in this time and place. Neither Monty nor...

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She wanted to be banged on the bed

Em finished up early and went back to her hotel. It was that sort of town, that kind of trip, and it had been that kind of day. She sat in the chair in the corner of her room and tried to forget the furniture. Its style attempted Four Seasons but ended up being Hotel Pack. In fact, she thought sourly, very nearly Motel Pack. She didn’t like small cities. She was a Big Town girl. She needed to be where there was plenty to do and a lot of places to do it in. This was not that place. She pulled...

Quickie Sex
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Special Day 8211 Pongal Made My Day With My Goddess

Hello! This is Mahindra from Rajahmundry,Andhra Pradesh.I am an ardent fan & regular reader of ISS.I am fair in complexion with height 5.9″ and my gun 6″ long.&2.5″ dia.I do not want to delay. Now coming to the story,this all happened during my bachelors.At that time I am the class representative.Coming to my sexy damn angel,she is our science professor.She had good a hello! This is Mahindra from Rajahmundry,Andhra Pradesh.I am an ardent fan & regular reader of ISS.I am fair in complexion with...

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The Chauffeur1the Interview

BY: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2018 CHAPTER 1 I never thought that at 40 I would be divorced. I have a great son, that I don’t get much time to see. I have the usual bills like mortgage, car payment, and now, child support. Somehow, it just doesn’t seem fair that the innocent party in a divorce gets raked over the coals by family court. I have no objection paying child support. However, in my state men almost always lose. To keep up my bills, I was forced to look for a part time job. I work...

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taken advantage of

Introduction: i could not say no and just let it keep going Hi my name is Jo Ann, I am 42 years old and have been married to my high school sweetheart for twenty four years. He is the only man I had ever been with. We have two children and a great life. My husband is 64, 250, a mans man and has that great Mexican skin tone that I love so much. I am 57, 120, brown hair with bright green eyes. I have had big boobs since high school. I am a natural 40ee, with a 24 waist and a 32 hip. A true Texan...

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