- 4 years ago
- 29
- 0
Kevin Reilly unlocked his front door, kicked off his shoes and walked down the hallway to the kitchen. He had just taken his wife Keri to the airport where she was going to be catching the 8 a.m. commuter flight to the state capital. It was her biweekly three day trip to perform secretarial duties for her boss, Bradley Knox III, or as Kevin always referred to him, Trey. Every time he used that nickname for her boss's pretentious official name Keri would remind him that her boss hated it. Although he never admitted it to his wife, it was one of the reasons that he always found a way to bring the nickname into a conversation. She might think that Bradley Knox III was a great guy, but Kevin didn't really care for him; there was something about him he simply found phony.
He looked at the clock and saw that it was only 7:30 a.m., which left him a lot of time to drive to the shop by nine when it opened. There was time for another cup of coffee, and as he poured it he realized there was also time for him to check his email and maybe do a little surfing around the Internet. He was not big on computers or the Internet, but he did find that email was a good way to keep in touch with some of the guys that he'd been in trade school with. There had been four of them who had stuck through it as a group, learning the intricacies of diesel mechanics together. The other three had all taken jobs away from the city, while he had been fortunate to catch on with one of the major heavy equipment sales and service firms right here in his home town.
At the age of 30 Kevin was now one of three head mechanics and had a crew of five men working under his supervision. Being the head of the group didn't mean that he didn't have to pull wrenches with the rest of them; he still got just as dirty as they did, although he primarily worked on fuel systems. Kevin enjoyed his job even though it could mean unexpected overtime and the occasional need for out of town work. At least he didn't have to travel as much as Keri did with her job.
She had only been at the Crosby and Knox law firm for six months, getting the job the week after she completed the upgrading courses necessary to move from a job as a real estate secretary to a better paid one as a legal secretary. She and Kevin had met at the college while each was learning their craft. That had been over eight years ago, and the two of them had been married for the last six. When they married Kevin had just started at the shop and Keri had been hired as a secretary for a local real estate firm. With the two of them working they had been able to make a down payment on this home they now lived in. Being able to move into their own home had occurred less than two years after they started their respective careers, something they both took pride in.
With his coffee in hand Kevin headed down the hall to the spare bedroom where their computer was set up. He hoped it was still on because he had noticed Keri use it for a few minutes after getting dressed and packed. At least he wouldn't have to wait for it to boot up if she left it on. As he entered the room he could see the picture that they used as a screensaver slowly moving across the screen in its random journey around the face of the monitor.
"Damn, we're a fine looking couple," he said to the empty house as he watched the photo of them move in front of him. They were side-by-side on lounge chairs surrounded by nothing but white sand, with the blue of the Gulf behind them. Both of them were nicely tanned, smiling and wearing the briefest of swimwear. It was one of many pictures they had taken during their vacation to Cancun 18 months earlier.
They both had sunglasses on so you couldn't see his gray eyes or Keri's blue ones, but there was very little left beyond that that you couldn't see. Keri's shoulder length blond hair was lighter than his sun bleached light brown hair, and their tans were almost a matching shade. With the two of them lying back in their chairs you couldn't tell the she was 4 inches shorter than his 6 foot height.
This wasn't the picture that he wanted to use as their screensaver, but Kerry wouldn't let him use one of the photos that had been taken when they spent a day on the nude beach at the resort. She was afraid that her parents, or someone else that she wouldn't want to see the picture, would somehow walk in while it was on the screen. In deference to her fears he had left those pictures in a secure folder, hidden behind a password. Maybe if he had time he would take a quick stroll through that folder before heading out to work so he could pay homage to Keri's luscious 36Cs. Then again, with having to spend the next two nights alone in their bed, he decided that perhaps it wasn't such a good idea.
After watching their photo travel from the right margin diagonally to the top of the screen, he finally moved the mouse to clear the screensaver. The photo and the black background dissolved, and he could see that there was an email on the screen from Keri's email account at Crosby and Knox. He wondered why she left it on the screen, as she had told him their corporate system had to be kept secure for a multitude of legal reasons. She was always paranoid about him seeing her messages when she got onto her corporate account from home.
After a second of thought he glanced to the top of the screen where he could see the familiar hourglass figure hovering over the Logout command. He realized then what had happened: their flaky high-speed modem was acting up again. Every week or so it would quit communicating to the equipment at the cable company, and the only way to get it working again was to cycle power to the modem. This brute force reset would always get it going.
He was just reaching for the modem so that he could turn it off when a phrase jumped off of the screen from the email that Keri had left showing in her haste that morning. The phrase that caught his eye was 'bra and pantie', and as he stared at it he couldn't quite understand why it was there in an email on her work account. It was at that point that he pulled his hand back from the modem and sat transfixed reading the email that his wife had received that morning from her boss. It wasn't very long but the words went through him like a spear.
Hope I catch you before you leave. I really want you to bring that black bra and pantie set I got you on our last trip; the one with the teal accents. You never had a chance to wear them for me.
My first appointment isn't until 2 p.m. with the Governor, so maybe we'll have enough time for you to put them on and for me to take them off for you this morning.
He reread the message three times, hoping that it would somehow make some sense to him, beyond the obvious. He was left with only the obvious, however; Keri was having an affair with Trey, her boss. Kevin didn't realize it but had there been a witness to him sitting there at the computer, their description of him would have been that he was staring at the screen, intermittently opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish in a bowl.
Finally Kevin shook his head and staggered to his feet, pushing the chair hard enough that it bounced off the wall as he left the room. He knew which black bra and pantie set Trey was talking about; he had seen it in Keri's lingerie drawer when she packed, and it had still been there when she closed and zipped her suitcase. He prayed that it was still there now as it might mean that the email had been a joke, some kind of sick joke. His hand was shaking as he pulled the drawer open, and it was quickly obvious that the black bra and pantie set, the one with the light blue-green bows decorating the front clasp of the bra and the thin ribbons at each side of the pantie, was no longer there. He quickly checked all of her drawers, praying she had simply moved them, but they weren't to be found.
As the realization that his wife had returned to the room and taken the missing lingerie with her sank in, Kevin sat down on the edge of their bed and tried to think of what Keri had told him about them when she had brought them home. Kevin had seen them as she unpacked that day, and had taken them from her hand saying, "For me? I mean, for you to wear for me?" He remembered grinning at her like a fool.
Keri had smiled at him coyly as she took them from his hand and said, "Not for tonight. I wouldn't want you ripping them off me in your haste to get me naked. I got them on a half-price sale at Victoria's Secret, but they were still expensive." He remembered her putting them into the drawer and they hadn't come back to his mind until this very morning. They had made love that night, just as they always did when Keri returned from her biweekly trips. She didn't need sexy lingerie to turn him on; she could always accomplish that by simply being near him.
Kevin sat there for several minutes thinking about the email and the lingerie. He finally decided that it couldn't mean what it seemed to mean. There weren't any of the signs or signals he had always assumed would be present if a wife were cheating on her husband. She was as loving as ever, eager to be with him. He couldn't remember the last time they had a serious disagreement let alone a fight, and if anything their lovemaking was more frequent than when they enjoyed their Mexican vacation. There simply had to be something he was missing that would explain that message.
He returned to the computer and after manipulating the browser stop button, and moving forward and back from screen to screen, he was able to get back to a normal cursor. With any luck her logout command hadn't gotten through, and he would be able to look at her email account to see whether there was anything else there from that bastard. Mentally he crossed his fingers as he reset the modem and waited for the green lights to reappear on it. When they did he took a closer look at her email and the folders displayed on the web page behind it.
After minimizing the lingerie message he looked closely and could see that the only open folder was her Inbox, so he clicked on it and found four other messages. He opened them one by one and discovered that each was related to legal cases that meant nothing to him. He was beginning to fear that perhaps there wouldn't be anything else for him to use in his attempt to figure out what, if anything, was going on between Keri and her boss. It was when he began looking through the titles of her folders that he got lucky. Tucked between folders named for two local businesses was another labeled Personal. He didn't hesitate before clicking on it, hoping it might be the one that he was looking for.
There was a screen full of message headings in the folder, and he could see that about half of them were from her boss. The folder was sorted by date, and he opened the first one apprehensively, scared of what he might find. The first message was very long, and as he read through it the color and emotion drained from his face. He read it a second time, clenching his teeth as he did so. When he finished the second reading he reached over and turned on their printer and printed out the entire email.
While the message printed he happened to take a glance at the clock and saw that he would be late if he didn't leave immediately for work. There was no way that he was going to be able to concentrate on his job now, so he grabbed his cell phone and called in sick, a statement that was not so very far from the truth. The printer was finished now so he closed the message he had read and printed and went on to the next one. For the next hour he moved mechanically, selecting and reading messages, printing most of them and then forwarding copies of all of them to his own personal email account. By the time he was finished with the messages his eyes were filled with tears, and he knew that his marriage was over.
After taking one last look at Keri's email account at Crosby and Knox and not finding anything else that appeared relevant, he logged her off the corporate web site and went to his own email account. He set up a separate folder and moved all of the forwarded messages into it. The last thing he did was change his password since he couldn't remember if Keri knew what his old one had been. He wanted those emails to remain available in case he needed to print more copies.
After he shut down the computer he picked up the printed messages and his now cold cup of coffee and returned woodenly to the kitchen. He grabbed a beer from the fridge and then sat down at the kitchen table and reread the messages once again. He was surprised by how much they told him, especially when they were placed in context with what he remembered of the past six months and Keri's trips with Trey to the state capital.
Keri had only been at her new job for a week when they told her that she would be required to accompany her boss to the capital to take statements, find and print whatever he might require from their corporate files and generally provide whatever assistance he needed. Their firm was doing some lobbying with the governor's office on behalf of local businesses and business people, as well as making representations at the state court level for other clients. It all seemed so above board when she first told him about it. He could see now that Trey had probably targeted his wife and that some of the trips hadn't really required her presence for business purposes. He could also see that Keri had soon been a willing participant in her encounters with Trey.
Reconstructed from the emails and his memory Kevin knew that it was likely on their second trip that Trey had seduced his wife, although it was not impossible that it had happened on the first trip. The first email in her private folder was a reply from Trey to an email of hers in which she thanked him for the lovely Gucci handbag he had given her and for the lovely supper they had enjoyed together. She also mentioned how much she enjoyed 'everything else', although what that meant wasn't specified in her message. His reply, though, had mentioned their night together, so Kevin knew pretty much what she had been referring to.
That first message also explained the handbag she had suddenly appeared with months ago. When he asked her how she had managed to afford it, she had laughed and called it a $40 knock off she had purchased from a kiosk in the mall. Knowing that her cheating had started so long ago and how easily her lies had come to her sickened him. This didn't seem to be the Keri he remembered and loved.
The emails had continued regularly, usually just before or just after one of their trips. He assumed that between trips they would be speaking in person, with no need for email, or that the messages she had saved were more important to her. There was no way to tell, and in truth, it was irrelevant.
It was in the third or fourth email that he discovered how they hid their trysts from him and the corporate office. They always stayed at the same hotel, and reserved the same two rooms. Kevin hadn't realized it, but every night when he phoned her around 10 o'clock in room 612 of the Hyatt Inn she was only there waiting for his call. After he had called her she would join Trey in his room for the night. It seemed that he had become so predictable that the two of them were able to play him like a trout. Their jokes to the effect that they wished there was a way to get him to phone a little earlier so they could get together quicker had cut him like a razor. He had never seen that side of Keri before, although it fit with his impressions of her boss.
Another email explained the expensive looking diamond earrings that Keri had worn for the Crosby and Knox Christmas party. She had told him they were cubic zirconium, but the email showed him that they were real, a very expensive Christmas gift from her lover. Once again the message in her folder was a reply from Trey to her original message thanking him for the extravagant gift. It seemed to Kevin that she was overdoing the thank you, but it did make him wonder how she thanked him in person. He couldn't believe that the only time they were together was every two weeks for two nights in the Hyatt Inn. He was sure they must be meeting occasionally at other times and finally on his second reading of one of the more recent emails he got a clue when Trey mentioned working at the condo.
After some concentrated thinking Kevin remembered that Keri had told him once that her boss was on the 9th floor of the condo building overlooking the river park. It now seemed likely that the two of them met during the day at his condo, either on the pretext of doing work there, or perhaps meeting there at lunch time. As much as Kevin tried, he couldn't think of a single instance where Keri had seemed freshly fucked. If she was screwing Trey during the week while she was in town, as he was now certain had happened, she was very careful to remove any evidence of it before she came home. Of course it might just have been a case of him fitting into the mold of the blind and trusting cuckolded husband.
It was almost noon when he finished rereading all of the emails and put them aside. He knew he was going to have to decide what to do before Keri came back into town with Trey. She usually got in early in the afternoon on Friday and came directly home by taxi from the airport. Most days she would phone him at work to let him know that she was safely home. As he thought about that, the irony was not lost upon him that the biggest danger had already caught up with her while she was out of town.
Kevin got up slowly from the kitchen table and grabbed two more beers from the fridge before heading into the living room where he sprawled on the sofa with the first of the bottles in his hand. He had noticed that it was already noon and he wondered where the time had gone. It didn't seem possible that almost five hours had passed since he had walked in the door after dropping his wife off to join her lover at the airport. He realized that the two of the must have planned a lot of things carefully because he rarely saw Trey when he walked Keri into the airport. A couple of times he had been visible standing in the departure lounge, but he had always ignored the two of them completely.
By six o'clock that evening Kevin was barely conscious. During the afternoon he had made a number of trips to the bathroom and then back to the kitchen, bringing two more bottles of beer back to the living room each time. His last trip had come up short though, as the fridge was now empty of beer. He paused for a moment to look at the row of empties on the kitchen counter and realized that there were 12 of them, the full contents of the two six packs he had purchased only the day before. They were supposed to last him for at least a couple of weeks and under normal circumstances they would have. Now, having drunk the whole dozen and without having had any food, he was sorely in need of sleep. He managed to make it to the bed before passing out fully dressed on top of the covers.
It was 10:15 when the ringing of the phone stirred Kevin from the place where his mind had taken him when he passed out. It had been a place full of images of Keri and him doing the things they had enjoyed since meeting eight years ago. As he struggled to stand, a glance at the clock told him that it was probably Keri phoning to find out why he hadn't called her at the Hyatt Inn. Everything that he had found out came rushing back to him, and on the spur of the moment he decided to wait until she returned home before confronting her.
The answering machine was just starting to take the call when he picked up the phone and said, "Hello. Is that you Keri?"
"Yes, it is. Why haven't you called? You always call by this time. Is something wrong?" He could tell there was a bit of concern in her voice, and he wondered why.
In his anger he almost said he was sorry for keeping her from getting into Trey's bed on time, but he held back and replied instead, "I'm sorry, Keri. I fell asleep." The hope that the tone of his voice didn't give away his true feelings crossed his mind, but then he wondered why he should even worry about it.
"You've never done that before. What happened?" Her voice betrayed a bit of displeasure with him, and he almost decided to make a reply that would tell her that he knew, but again he decided against it.
Instead he answered as nicely as he could, "I had a couple of beers after work and I guess they knocked me out." He thought he would go on the offensive and asked, "So how was your day? Were you busy this morning? I hope Trey doesn't work you too hard." He almost said ' work your pussy too hard', but had been able to hold himself back.
Keri hesitated for just a moment before she answered with, "No. I wasn't very busy. Why do you ask that? You hardly ever ask me about my work here."
"No reason, just making conversation. Everything here is as good as can be expected. How about you? Are you being good?" He had decided to toss another loaded question her way, just to see what her reaction would be.
She answered very quickly, "What do you mean? Of course I'm being good. Why would you ask me that?" He could tell there was a little bit of concern back in her voice.
He took his time answering, "I'm just kidding you. I know you would never be anything but good. I've trusted you completely, and I know my trust is safe with you."
She was a bit flustered as she answered, "Well, of course it is. I just wonder why you would come out with that. You've never said anything like that before."
"Just forget it. I didn't mean anything by it." He waited a few seconds before continuing, "I should probably go and get to bed. The beer seems to be putting me to sleep."
"OK, Kevin, I will let you go. Be sure you get a good night's sleep. Love you."
There was no way that Kevin was going to repeat those last two words to her, so he said, "OK, I will. Goodbye Keri." He hung up the phone and headed for the bathroom where he rid himself of the last of the beer. He was feeling a little better now after having had a few hours sleep, although he certainly would have been in no condition to drive. He returned to the kitchen and sat beside the phone, waiting stoically for 15 minutes to pass.
When the time had elapsed he dialed the Hyatt Inn, the number burned into his memory from the many times he had called her there previously, and asked for room 612. It came as no surprise to him when the phone went unanswered for a dozen rings before he finally hung up. He wondered if they were joking about some new plan to get him to call her earlier in the future, and he also wondered if his failure to call Keri would have a detrimental effect on their screwing tonight. He finally decided that he really didn't give a damn, but then he realized that they would probably be screwing while he sat here thinking about it. That realization brought tears back to his eyes as he stumbled to bed, this time getting undressed before he crawled beneath the covers.
He was surprised the next morning when he didn't feel too badly for his overindulgence of the night before. After he had showered he felt good enough that he was actually able to go in and spend the day working, although his mind was taken up with thoughts of Keri instead of fuel filters, injectors and precision fuel pumps. He went through his tasks robotically, and more than one of the other employees looked at him questioningly when he seemed to misunderstand what they had told him. He was extremely happy when the day was over.
All of his thoughts about Keri and the fact that she was cheating on him with her boss solved nothing for him. On his way home he picked up a couple of burgers and some fries, not the kind of food that he normally would eat. He had no appetite, though, so it didn't really matter what he ate. He washed them down with two beers out of the six pack he had picked up on the way home. He knew he wasn't going to be able to drink a dozen beers every night, and had purposely put back the second six pack he had started taking to the checkout counter.
At eight o'clock he called room 612 at the Hyatt Inn but there was no answer after 10 rings. The emails had suggested to him that Keri was only in the room from about 9:30 to 10, the normal window for his nightly calls. As a test he called the room every half-hour, making the fourth call at 9:25. None of the calls brought an answer and after 10 rings he hung up each time. His last call was at 9:45, and Keri answered on the second ring.
"Hello, Kevin. I guess you didn't fall asleep tonight. You're calling right on time. I was just about to crawl under the covers to get a good night's sleep, but I thought I'd better wait until you phoned." She laughed.
"I'm wide awake tonight, Keri. I've just been watching TV and waiting until it was time to call you. What about you? How did you spend your evening?" He hoped that she wouldn't be suspicious with his question. He knew he had asked her the same type of thing before on more than one occasion, so he didn't think that she would be wondering why he asked.
"I've been doing the same as you, Kevin. Just lying here watching TV. I just turned it down in fact. Before that I had a nice long hot bath." She was being very chatty, and it seemed to Kevin that she wasn't suspicious of him at all.
"That's nice, Keri. You should be well rested for tomorrow night then. We'll have to see what we can do to keep you busy when you get back."
She giggled and said, "So you're making plans already, are you? I can hardly wait."
They talked for another five minutes without really saying anything of importance. Kevin realized she was telling him one lie after another, and he finally said, "I should go. I have a couple of things to do before I get to bed. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye for now."
"Bye, sweetie. I can hardly wait for tomorrow night. Love you."
Kevin hung up the phone without saying anything further to her. Once again he waited 15 minutes, patiently watching the clock before calling room 612 at the Hyatt Inn, and once again the phone went unanswered after 10 rings.
Kevin went in to work at the normal time the next day, but booked off early for the afternoon. He wanted to be at home when Keri arrived from the airport, ready to confront her. He had no idea how that was going to go, but he did know they weren't going to spend the night under the same roof. One of them would be finding a new place to live before nightfall, and it didn't matter to him which of them it was.
He was at home just after 1 p.m. and knew that he would probably have close to an hour's wait before she arrived. Considering how lousy he felt when he discovered what had been going on, he was quite surprised at the way he was patiently waiting for her now. He felt like there was an empty hole inside of his chest, and he knew that the tears weren't too far away, but he willed himself to get through the next couple of hours with his dignity intact. He had spent hours going over their entire life together, and all he could remember were the good things. The emails and what had happened after he found them seemed to belong in another universe. They didn't fit with any of the memories he had of Keri.
He was standing there by the kitchen sink when he heard her open the front door. A moment later he could hear the wheels of her luggage rolling along the hallway, coming closer to him and their final seconds as a couple. As she walked into the kitchen it almost seemed as though she didn't see him there at first.
"Kevin! What are you doing here? Why aren't you at work?" There had been surprise on her face when she had seen him, but now it was replaced with concern.
"I was waiting for you, Keri." He spoke very flatly, without any emotion, his face in the same state as well.
She looked at him with more concern and said, "You were waiting for me. Why?"
He didn't answer her and instead picked up the stapled sheaf of emails and tossed it onto the table in front of her. She took another glance at him and then reached for the papers. Her look of concern had shifted to one of curiosity, but soon it was replaced with shock. Her face lost its color as she looked from the first sheet through the remaining pages, glancing at each one only for fractions of a second. When she had finished the last of them she tossed them back onto the table and stood there for a few moments while the color slowly returned to her face.
She didn't look at him as she said, "So you know." She hesitated another few moments and continued, "How did you get these? These are from my email at work."
"The modem..." It was all he could get out as he had to stop to get his emotions under control.
Keri caught on quickly though, nodding her head as she said, "The modem crapped out again and my email got left on the screen, didn't it?"
Once he was able to speak with control Kevin said, "Yes. If it wasn't for that I would probably never have known. You've been very good at keeping this whole affair secret."
Keri didn't say anything more and seemed to be thinking before she slowly turned as she took her cell phone out of her purse. In a few seconds she was speaking into the phone, her back to Kevin. "Kevin knows ... It doesn't matter how he found out, does it? ... Yes ... I'll call a taxi ... I'll meet you there ... Bye." She closed her cell phone and turned partly towards Kevin before saying, "I'll leave. I'm so sorry you found out this way. Tomorrow I'll come back for the rest of my things." She turned again to walk away, pulling her travel bag with her.
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Just for fun, I though it might be nice to share some of the experiences I went through on my way to becoming the sexy slut I am. Before I had the confidence to fully dress and go out, and to go on the few dates I've been on, I was completely closeted. The only way I could express my girly side was through playing on the phone and all alone. I loved dressing up a few times a week. I collected sexy underwear from ex-girlfriends who left stuff behind, and from a few rare shopping trips where I...
CrossdressingFunny I guess, the closer to graduation I got the random escapades I used to allow my self diminished. Yeah from time to time I would sit in my room and think back to the Apartments we lived in after dad's death. Think about sneaking up to Stephen/Stephanie's apartment and when he would have friends over. When I think about how straight laced "Stephen was I have to smile, when Stephanie was around, sex was always in the air. At first I was just the "errand boy,", I'd go to the store get...
Like many men my age I'm a proud grandfather of six and I indeed love them all and my ex wife was a loving, beautiful woman and still is. We raised four great kids together, but there is a part of me none of them knows about and it goes back many years. I go back to high school when I was extremely shy around girls. I wasn't, however shy around guys. I was a good athlete, tall and in great shape. I played ball, wrestled and ran track. I wasn't attracted to other guys in the least and I was very...
BisexualI was reading the paper the other day and saw this article about a Canadian Air force pilot who had murdered a couple of girls, but the best bit for me was the fact that this guy had an undie fetish and there he was in all his glory and a pair of stolen bras and pants!! The bulge in the pants looked interesting too, I would certainly have enjoyed investigating that!! He's going away for a minimum of twenty five years for the murders so I bet he'll be popular inside, plenty of opportunity to...
Elena was a goddess among mortals. She was from Bermuda, six foot tall, 125 lbs, hazel eyes, and the skin tone of a caramel macchiato! She had not cut her hair since she was a small girl in St. George. To say the least, she was stunning!We met while I was working a second job at a local fast food place. I, a regular guy, she was one of the managers. At first, I was interested in her best friend, that is until I "saw" Elena.She was the utmost professional while at work, but loved to let her hair...
InterracialMy name is Richard Rogers and this is the story of the love of my life. I am single, 46 years old and an architect for a small but nice firm based in Santa Cruz, California. I was married early in my career, but it didn't work out so I have never taken the plunge again. Maybe someday I'll find the right woman and we'll live happily ever after, but I doubt it. Approximately Three Years Ago: Last Sunday my mother, Anne, had a fall at home and was admitted to the hospital. She had surgery on...
Lanie was my next door neighbor. I was enamored of her since she moved in as a brand-new bride. I was 13, and she was 20 years old. Tall, blonde, with B cup breasts, and a beautiful set of blue eyes. I thought that she was the sexiest woman I had ever seen. Many nights were spent masturbating, and dreaming of her. Now she was 25 and I was 18 not much had changed. Then her husband left her. She came in to see my mother, and you could see that she had been crying. She told mom that she was...
Sex, it seems it’s all I ever think about. From the time I wake up in the morning to the time I go to bed, sex is never far from my thoughts. From pub-erty, I found myself always fascinated by the male sex organ, and how sex could be an integral part of my life. My thoughts never wandered far from thinking about sex, even after I had my first sexual experience with a partner. Looking back at how my teenage years unfolded, I can see now how my parents were worried about me and my early...
EroticLast February, an external accounting team came to perform reviews within my company. A selected group of persons were chosen for the interview, I was one of the chosen ones to be interviewed. I began to suspect that the audits were just a cover-up. Working in the company's logistics I had nothing to do with corporate finances. I turned up for the audit, where I was welcomed by a team of four people. The interview went smoothly. They asked me innocent questions about life and work at the...
Mind ControlWith tears streaming down her face, Adriana watched through the fog of loneliness and despair as her true love turned to leave. Pride and fear had kept her from telling him how much she desperately needed to feel his arms around her and and for him to nuzzle her hair and whisper "I love you, baby. It'll all work out." She wanted to call out his name and beg him to stay, but the little voice inside her head told her that she wasn't that weak and to let him walk away, forever if need be. With...
Memory By Angel Hailee "Wake up." "Huh? Who said that? Its so bright... can't see." "Don't worry, just wake up." "Um... okay..." "You can leave your eyes closed for now... just wake up." "Okay... I'm up... I think." "Yes, you are. Can you open your eyes?" "I think so... yeah... its okay... can't see too well... everything's blurry." "Maybe you need glasses." "But I've never had them before." "People's eyes change." "True." "Do you remember your...
Jackie pulled the needle through, dragging a thin fiber away from the torn seam until it caught, crimping the loose edges of fabric. With a studious gaze, she lifted the dress slightly up and sank the steel talon another increment along the tear. Pulling, cinching and circling again, she added another stitch to close the gap in the bodice, methodically repairing the violent rent. A pounding struck the apartment door. Jackie smiled quizzically, skewered the fabric to hold the needle, and set...
QUICK BACKGROUND Gwen and I, my name is Tom, had grown up together since we were 3. We became best friends. Gwen was the most beautiful girl at school and had been elected to our high school homecoming royalty in our freshman, sophomore, and junior years. In the middle of our junior year Sarah Elizabeth moved to our city. Her father had just become CEO of the biggest company in our city. She and her family moved into one of the most expensive houses available in town. Sarah Elizabeth who we...
Author's Note Welcome to my third story about Charles (Charlene) Stewart. If you haven't read the first, you probably should since it has the basic details of how Charles got into his current fix. In a nutshell, however, young Charles is a witch from a long line of witches. Not evil witches, but generally good people who are attuned to the natural forces represented by Gaea. In the first story, The Ant and the Chrysalis, Charles bungled a shape-changing spell that left him stuck as a...
He lived in the village all his life, he excelled at the village school and yet when time to leave school came he approached me for a position. “But young man you can surely do better than enter service?” I enquired and when he replied with some unlikely tale I offered him a position of footman with a ridiculously low salary which he accepted with alacrity. I suspected from the start the attraction was my daughter Lavinia, all swirling hair, girlish laugh, sparkling eyes and full of life,...
As an active teenager back in the 70's, I was always on the lookout for sources of mental and visual stimulation of the female kind. I found the so called "Men's Entertainment" magazines (Playboy and Penthouse) photo and information-packed, which was certainly preferable to having to resort to the lingerie and swimsuit adds of the department store catalogs. For me, the former involved sneaking into my parents bedroom and rummaging through my Dad's nightstand, then trying to remember exactly how...
IncestHiryu tensed, ready to experience pain. To his surprise the demon did not immediately attack. Eigis stepped back, the black silts of his gold eyes opening wide and then narrowing with interest as he evaluated the stocky, muscular young man standing before him. After a minute or so he tilted his slender, fine boned head to one side, a talon tapping his sharp chin, a thoughtful look on his face. Hiryu waited, but the demon did not move, except his eyes, traveling up and down as if memorizing...
I was just 16 years old, still slim and quite flexible. I went through puberty early at 13 and as my hormones went into overdrive a lot of things started changing, My pubes grew in and my cock grew out, I would get a boner every time in the showers after GYM class surrounded by all the other guys in my class. My best friend at the time was also in a similar way. He live a block over from me and we would often camp out in my tent in the back yard. I kept a stash of girly magazines for us to look...
This is the 6th Chapter in a long series. A relationship of control and power is developing. Please enjoy and take the time to vote and comment. I would like to once again thank TRCIII for his help editing. * ‘I placed some clothing on the bed for you to wear tonight,’ Alex shouted, from the bedroom. ‘Hey, would you mind bringing me my robe, please? I forgot to grab it earlier,’ I said, loudly. ‘Can you help me over to the shower so I can wash my hair?’ ‘You don’t have to scream, I am...
Dusk. Time for dad and me to have some time alone. The day had begun perfectly, and now the evening promised to be even better. A perfect time to bring him to my way of thinking. "Come for a walk." I said to him as I smiled at mum. "Where to?" "You'll see." With that, I took him by the hand and had to almost drag him the first few paces. Then he relaxed and walked with me, showing no sign of wanting to let go of my hand, realising privacy was important. We walked without saying...
Cassie smiled when he stopped her at the door. There was a happy gleam in his eye as he turned and took her hands in his."This is your second to last chance to quit if you don't want to play," he suggested."You've made me some promises, Daddy," she reminded him. "Let's have some fun!"As an afterthought, she asked, "Second to last?""There's five hundred dollars in your envelope," he said. She already knew that. She also knew that he had an envelope with a lot more money than that for the game he...
Oral SexXXVIII ‘We’ll have to get a whip’ Like the good and attentive wife she was, Wendy instantly recognised the symptoms. (Maybe they were not so hard to detect. I was standing there stark naked, red in the face and panting for air, a hand against the wall for support, with my dangling cock coated white with spunk dribbling in little gobbets on the floor.) ‘Hello, darling,’ she said brightly, ‘lovely to see you home so early. And how is young Kylie?’ I corrected her misapprehension. ‘Wendy,...
The start of an academic year is always exciting but at Valhalla College in my first year as lecturer, “exciting” took on a new meaning. As explained before, I am a “nerdy” kind of person but have over the last couple of years whilst finishing my studies built up some bulk. I now stand over six foot in my shoes and most people tend to think I am an ex Football player. Valhalla in summer is a magic place to be with the lakes and mountains lending a permanent holiday feel...
AnalIntroduction: Bride-to-be submits to black boss in his office. Bride Submission: Bosss Bitch Summary: Bride-to-be submits to black boss in his office. NOTE 1: This is the 2nd part of a multi-chaptered story, although I believe it can be read without reading the first part if you wish. With that in mind, here is a summary of the story so far: Part 1: A SHOCKING SECRET Bride-to-be Brittany is finally going to meet the in-laws a few days before the wedding. To her surprise, her whole world...
Some mistakes cant be fixed MISTAKES… Some mistakes can’t be overcome…. I came home at my normal time on Friday and was surprised Susan, my wife wasn’t home yet. I got off at five o’clock and was always home by five thirty, every day. Susan got off at four and was home before me all the time. I assumed that she was going out with her coworkers after work. She did that a lot on Fridays. But she almost always told me she was going before she went. I started dinner...
CuckoldWhitney Wright is the innocent girl off the bus, but not. She is clearly the instigator of her destiny, going from pharmacy technician to stripper to porn star. Dana Vespoli commiserates with Whitney about how ‘vanilla’ scene performers often fumble, while sophisticated rough sex stars have to know how to do things. Whitney proceeds to take on three guys in an airtight orgy of gangbang DPs, gaping, choking and hard anal fucking. Her abandon infused with her dreamy sincerity obsess...
xmoviesforyouI could smell the beef cooking in the kitchen from where I was standing out by the barn. It took all of my willpower not to bolt for the kitchen door at a dead run. Instead of running, I put my arms around Tonya and Sonja and we strolled up to the front door. Tonya laughed and patted my belly when my stomach rumbled in anticipation. "Sonja, I think we are going to lose our man to my mother as soon as he sits down at the table," Tonya said. Sonja nodded glumly. "I know. How can we stay...
Breaking the Routine by Tgaby Saturday Prologue It was a cold and blustery November day when Maya finally found the nameless little store on 75th street. There was nothing on the front to indicate that it was a store at all, but she knew this was the place the moment she saw it. She'd heard rumors of its existence through the wives' grapevine, usually mentioned in hushed tones as having helped with couples therapy in a peculiar way. Nobody she had asked would give her any details...
Hi all, I am 20 years old and this is my second . Thank you for the overwhelming response to my first story. Coming to the story, my vacations were on and the best part about it was visiting my hometown. I would spend some time in my uncles’ houses which were nearby. This has been my routine since childhood. But this time was a huge turnaround. I was visiting my mother’s youngest brother’s house. I often stay there at night. My uncle works in Dubai and mostly visits home once a year. My aunt...
IncestSquare Peg, Round Hole The perky blonde newscaster remained somber as she stared at us from the giant screen dominating the wall of Thomas' living room. "At this time, the police have no explanation why Detective Jack Hamilton abducted Sasha Dellinger from Mercy Grace Hospital this earlier evening. However, at a press conference moments go, Chief Roland Dawson pledged to use the entire resources of the department in the hunt for the missing fifteen-year-old and her kidnapper. We here...
Dear diary, Let me set the mood.?I had the house to myself for the weekend. My parents were going out of town to visit family and had asked if I wanted to come. I came up with an excuse that I had too much homework from school, so I'd be doing that all weekend. I spent the months before, planning how I was going to spend that weekend. I had been day dreaming about taking a real luxurious bubble bath. The kind that you see all the cute women in movies and tv take, with candles,...
Sally and Otterly slipped into the room, trying not to make any noise. They were trying to settle a bet. It was a simple bet, really. They were betting to see if Otterly’s parents would notice that they were there within five minutes. The reason for the bet was a little more complicated than the assumption that they were not observant. Upon entering the house, Otterly had overheard her parents start one of their infamous discussions that resulted in them being unaware of anyone else. “What...
Janie and David had been together for many years, since a fling turned serious. They kept it exciting by, well, fucking a lot basically, with whatever twists they could think of and organise. A favourite type of 'Treat Sex' was when Janie's other lover Chris came to stay, and the three of them could get off in combination. Fantasising about other expansions on the basic couple was another regular turbo boost to a sex session: "What about if X were here, how would we set about seducing...
My sisters and I didn’t have much of a chance to know the man who was our Dad. I was seven when he passed away, and all I have are scattered memories. I remember the funeral more than anything else. Mom was an emotional wreck, and my sisters were devastated. Dad was an important member of the community, and everyone was at the funeral. I couldn’t understand how one man could be loved, and respected by so many. I don’t think I’ll ever be so lucky. Emma doesn’t want anything from me today....
I was driving down I-225 when my life changed. Actually when my life went to hell would be more accurate. I had just dropped my wife off at work. She had taken her car into the dealership the day previous for a recall item and she was going to pick it up that day during her lunch hour. I was just merging onto I-25 when the cell phone rang. I flipped it open and the cell kept ringing and I suddenly realized that it wasn't my phone going off. I looked over and saw Candy's cell phone lying on...
Note: This is going to be a multi-part story, assuming you readers want to read more of it… Connie brought it up first. Whats this? Jerry asked, as he closed the door to the steam-filled bathroom and stepped into the bedroom. Starting without me? She looked up from the magazine and slowly brought her large, hazel eyes into focus on him. The color was already high in her smooth cheeks, and the flush had spread down her neck to her upper chest. Her small mouth was open, her lips parted. Her...
"Rachel, we need to work on the details of our wedding." "Well, do you want a naturist wedding?" "That would exclude my family. That's not going to work out. What month do you want to get married?" "That will depend on where we want the reception. Some places are booked more than a year in advance." Sean sulks at the thought, "I don't want to wait that long. I feel married already." "Me too! How about Labor Day Weekend?" "Yeah, that's good for out of state...
Pride and Prejudice By Cassandra Morgan The lanky man in the tweed coat moved in front of the classroom with a purpose. He had a stick of chalk in his right hand, but he wasn't writing anything. Instead, he was using it as a pointer to emphasize his speech. He moved quickly from one side of the room to the other, his voice rising and falling, his hands gesturing widely. He was part preacher, part poet as he worked the room, his eyes locking on this student and that one in front of...
Darting between two men’s fluttering guppy tails assured my desirability. While empowering, shifting back and forth to reciprocate their attention was stressful. The anomaly of segregating my faithful wife persona from cheating adulteress caused exposure paranoia.Hiding the good wife from Edward was easy. He knew I was married, wasn’t interested in my family life and only demanded devotion the brief times when with him. I obediently wore attire, cosmetics, and jewelry he selected as proof of my...
CheatingThe Prison Planet Meal over and their bread and cookies out of the oven, Jasmine, Morales and the wolves made one last trip outside before bedtime. “Well, it looks as if it has finally quit snowing,” Morales said, as he cast his gaze toward the night sky. “There are a few stars beginning to break through. Maybe I’ll get to work on our outhouse come morning.” For whatever good that will do if I get kicked out of my cave, he went on mentally. After Morales hung the lantern on a limb, they...
Nettie my girl friend was a lovely girl with nice blonde hair, a slim figure and a lovely almost wicked sense of humour. Both Nettie and I were brought up very strictly in the Methodist Church by our parents. She was the Ministers daughter, and somehow fate always ensured that we always seemed to gravitate together, whether it be with chapel outings, sitting next together in Sunday School or on organised evenings out. Naturally we grew very close in many ways and somehow it always seemed to...
Emily had fallen asleep on the couch still on her date clothes. She might've been waiting for me. I felt pity towards her. But still it didn't change the fact that she had fucked with Steve today. I took her in my arms and carried her to her bedroom. She smelled wine, but not sex. I dropped her on the bed and went to my room without even looking at her. I would've made her comfortable on any other day, but not that day.Following morning was a bit awkward for both of us. Knowing that both of us...
John would come and see Megan the next Sunday. Megan and I were out walking in the driveway when he pulled up on a bike with a sidecar. I introduced him to Megan who hid shyly behind me with her walker. I told John to go on in as I am sure he remembered where the family room was as Keith was in there. John started toward the house then paused as he said he almost forgot. He reached into that sidecar and pulled out the cutest teddy bear. It had a Harley shirt with a big red heart on it,...
You just start to crack open your eyes before flinching from the bright light and closing them again. Putting your hands over your eyes you groan. You have a massive headache for some reason. Under you is a hard table, at least, that's what it feels like. Did you fall asleep on the counter or something? With a sigh you slowly remove your hands and start to sit up. After blinking a couple of times you can finally see more clearly. Around you is just... white. The walls, ceiling, floor,...
BDSMIt had been a long day at work and this board meeting was so boring. I, Jay Matthews, stared down into the shining, polished boardroom table. I saw myself rubbing my deep brown eyes and ruffling my short, dark hair. I was bursting for the toilet, but thank goodness that the meeting had nearly finished. It was something about performance related targets, but I didn't really care, I just phased out. But as soon as the meeting was over, I practically ran to the toilets. However, in my work, I'm...
The man who had come into our apartment that night was called Max. In the morning, I awoke to find him gone, Mel gone, and Allie asleep on the couch in the other room. She had been crying. Before she slept she had taken off her dress and let it fall on the floor beside her. I went into the kitchen to make her breakfast and, upon smelling bacon, she came to me wrapped in her robe. I was in nothing but my underwear, having just woken up. I had made for her a spread. There were pancakes sprinkled...
NovelsMy name is Andrea, I’m 43 and I’m a MILF. I love that fact, truth be told. I have a one daughter named Courtney, who is 19. We both have brown hair and eyes, and live in the house she grew up in. Her dad left us, when she was young, so it’s really just been us for the most part. Although, I have been with more than a few guys in past few years. Some guys just like being with a MILF, and I have found quite a few of them. Courtney never liked me hooking up with so many different guys, but I told...
After the first time my wife slept with another guy in February we had amazing sex for a few weeks and both agreed if the chance came up again she should take it.We were invited to a friend's wedding around the Easter holiday, as it was a couple of hours away so we needed to get a room at the hotel where the wedding was.The ceremony was nice enough and it was good to catch up with some old friends, but in reality we just wanted a nice meal and plenty of alcohol.Sitting down to the meal, we were...
The sandwich shop: Tina was on her hands and knees along with four other girls in the bathroom. They had an enema tube in their anus that was attached to a bottle of saline solution on the wall. Their asses were up and their heads were down as the solution filled their guts. This was free anal week at the sandwich shop, which meant that a sandwich and a cup of coffee for twenty dollars got the purchaser free anal. One of the employment Patriarchy laws said that women and girls were entitled...