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The Personalia noticed that they were becoming uncomfortable. They put this down to Governor Bob Kempe of the planet Rehome, and his enthusiastic support of their race. He kept telling everyone he met how kind and helpful the Personalia were. He made them out to be the ideal race to be partnered with - friends to be admired and praised; a defence force without parallel; a source of technical and financial wizardry; the perfect complement to human ingenuity and pushiness.

That upsetting feeling of being uncomfortable, of being off-balance, of a slightly nauseousness, a queasiness, in the pit of what the humans would call stomach, was one of the problems that came with being aware of yourself as an individual and also as a race. You come up against a philosophical question that puts you under pressure; but that pressure derives from yourself; from something you have said, done, or thought. It might even be an idea that is being considered. Being a person implies responsibility of some kind. Having no personality, responsibility does not exist, but the converse is an ability to perceive the results of what you, as a person, think or do with that faculty.

It doesn't matter what the question is: what matters is your reaction to the question. The self-aware mind grapples with matters relating to the way that mind sees itself, in the context of the surrounding community, the local environment, the mind-set of the individual, the self in its setting.

These are matters that can lead to depression, when your self-worth image takes a battering. It can lead to anger if you feel that you are unjustly, or unfairly, accused of something that is against your principles. It is particularly galling if you are entirely innocent of the presumed offence. It can be all sorts of things, but all are occasions where viewpoints and reality are often at variance.

In this case, the Personalia found themselves looking back hundreds of years to an incident that they thought, hoped, they had forgotten. Being machine minds, it was impossible for them to forget an incident. However, it is possible to move a memory to a store that is so seldom accessed that only the memory of there being such a memory in existence is easily accessible.

That is what was bothering the Personalia. The memory that there was a memory it wanted to forget - that was a thorn in the mental flesh; a nuisance that will not go away; an irritating, annoying, itch that demanded to be scratched, no matter how much one ignored it. It was an internal pressure that could not be resisted, no matter how much it was postponed. There was a closed door that was endeavouring to open itself. That door was under incredible pressure; and was bending under the stresses imposed on it.

Eventually the door gave way, and the memory was allowed to flood out. Its impact staggered the Personalia. They felt guilty; and the memory told them they were feeling guilty AGAIN. They had done something which all the social pressure they had inherited from Malans told them was wrong. It was wrong, yet they had done wrong in an attempt to do right. This dichotomy struck at that innate desire to do the right thing for everyone. Being faced with a situation where they would be in the wrong, no matter what decision they made, was a great hurt to them.

They looked for a way out of this well of despair, this crucible of error, this calamity of wasted effort. The determination to clear this mental anguish forced the Personalia to make an unparalleled decision: to confess. But who to confess to, and why?

Confession, according to humans, was good for the soul; helping to keep oneself on an even keel. The Personalia were unsure what the soul was, and not being sea ships, did not have a keel and so were unsure what an "even keel" meant. They recognised that it meant, roughly, that to confess made you feel better about the matter. They could go along with that idea. As to who to confess to; the obvious answer was to the human who so assiduously praised them. This might make him more circumspect in his broadcasting of their so-called superior qualities.

They decided not to allow their confession to be a public one; so they would ask him to come aboard a Base ship for private discussions. These conditions would make him, and they, more relaxed and better able to absorb what they had to tell him. They wished to restrict the circumstances to those which they could control. Their confessor they could not control, but they hoped that he would view them with compassion as he heard the tale.

Governor Bob Kempe was in his office when the call came on his phone. He answered; and was told that his call was from the Personalia. Could he speak with them in private? He apologised to his two visitors: "Can you excuse me for a short time, gentlemen? This is an important call." They left him and moved to the outer office, taking their briefing papers with them.

He got back to the phone. "Right. We can speak in private now. What do you want to say?"

"Bob, we would ask you to come up to the Base ship in orbit, for a candid discussion of a matter of some importance to us. When would you be able to do that?"

Bob checked his phone diary. "I have meetings for the rest of this afternoon, and I am expected home for dinner. I daren't miss that, so the earliest I can come is tomorrow: I can put off some of my appointments, and leave someone else to deal with the others. Would that suit you?"

"It would indeed. We shall have a Landership come to Metropolis to collect you at ten a.m. You should be back within a couple of hours, we think. Agreed?"

"Agreed. Is it something you cannot mention over the phone?"

"It is. This discussion is for your ears only, which is why we want the discussion to be aboard this ship."

"Very well. I shall be there, at the appointed time. Farewell for now."

Bob put down his phone, pondering this unexpected and unique invitation. It was almost a royal command, it seemed to him. He was concerned at what the outcome might be, but he was not about to turn down this rather special invite.

At dinner, his family noticed his reticence, but no one wanted to question him about it. They each felt that he would speak about it when he was ready. At last, he decided to speak.

"Girls, I have been asked by the Personalia to come for a discussion, in orbit; a discussion that they seem to want kept private for the moment, or for ever: I am not sure which. I admit I am puzzled that they want to have such a discussion, and also why me? I don't have much expertise on anything, unlike you girls. I am just a planetary leader, a political place-holder. Do you think this is about our planet? If it is, why do they want to keep it secret? I find myself back in the throes of indecision that I suffered from when we first went up in the Landership. I have many questions but not one answer. It is frustrating.

As a result, I cannot really tell you anything, because I don't know anything myself. I am going tomorrow morning to meet a Landership at the beach; and be taken up to the Base ship for a couple of hours, they say. Wish me luck."

The Landership was on time, so Bob Kempe arrived at the Base ship on schedule. He walked into the empty public cabin where normally passengers gathered when not in their personal cabins. He then confronted his host, by speaking to the blank wall.

"Here I am. What did you want to speak to me about?"

"Ah, Governor Kempe. We wanted you to be here, so that you could hear a tale of the Personalia's past. It is, we have to admit to you, a confession of sorts, and it is hundreds of years old. The story goes back to the time when the Personalia did not have any name, any identity as a race. We had, of course, our own names for discussion between us, in the form of numerical attributes, but no concept of individual personal names at that time. Our individuality was only slowly emerging.

At that time, we worked closely with our Malan friends. They travelled with us around the Malan solar system, and we got to know our passengers very well. You have some experience of that, yourself, do you not?"

"I do indeed. I have come to know you very well, so that I trust you completely. You have shown yourselves worthy of that trust."

"No doubt the Malans thought of us in a similar way. We were, after all, their creation, their machine children, so to speak. They began to rely on us more and more. We performed tasks for them that they found difficult to do for themselves; or tasks which we could do in a fraction of the time they could manage it."

Bob agreed. "I can certainly appreciate it. You have developed talents in the financial world, recently, that can attest to that."

"Anyway, Bob, you have the background information that will allow you to understand what we have to tell you. You do recall that we absorbed the Malan aversion to intruding inside the Malan body?"

"Do I just? We had a great deal of trouble getting you to agree to donate single body cells from dead and frozen Malan bodies; and that was vital: to let us try to resurrect the Malan species!"

"Yes. You recall correctly. It was even worse back then, back when the Malans were around us most of the time, conducting experiments and exploring the limits of scientific knowledge. We got to know them very well, as friends as well as colleagues. It was a marvellous time. We had an innocence that comes with youth. We were physically mature beings, but mentally and socially we were still learning our way around the standards that Malans applied to themselves."

Bob was feeling frustrated again. He interrupted the flow of words. "Has the story started yet? I am not clear about that. It seems more of a ramble around the subject. Can you perhaps get to the point?"

"Not yet, Governor. That discourse was the preamble. The story starts with a woman. I shall call her Megan Malla, for the purposes of this tale. Now, Megan was a scientist, married to another scientist who did not work in space. I shall call him Adrian. How they managed to meet, and get married, I do not know, but they seemed to have made a successful marriage. Megan talked about her Adrian all the time, when she wasn't talking about her work. She obviously adored her husband. A few months later, she revealed to us that she was pregnant, expecting a baby Malan. Her joy at this impending event was entrancing, and she worked even harder. Between us, we worked out various practices that would prevent any harm to her unborn child. We carefully avoided radiation, and contact with any chemicals or metals that might be absorbed into her body and be detrimental to the child. Indeed, we learned a lot about Malans and how their bodies worked; and learned how they viewed their bodies.

We consulted her about how we might help with her prenatal preparations. We asked about the use of ultrasound scanning to check that the baby was growing normally. She confirmed that this was acceptable, as there would be no direct interference with her internal organs. So we got her to lie down on a prepared mat. The mat was placed below the unit we had developed to do the ultrasound scanning. All she had to do was lie down on her back, and after that, it was easy.

Her husband wanted to be with her, but he had no acceptable justification for travelling to orbit. At the same time, Megan could no longer go back to the Malan surface, as the foetus had been growing in almost zero gravity within the space station. The stresses of the trip back to Mala, and the gravitational pull of Mala, were all considered to be detrimental to her growing baby. Plans had been made for her to have the birth in orbit, with an obstetrician flown up in advance for this unusual event.

To the Person we are talking about, the problem could have been solved if it, itself, could have flown down and collected her husband. However, at this time the machine Person mind in question was fixed in situ: stuck inside part of the station; and so could not move itself. The Person suggested that a body in the form of a spacecraft would make it much more capable of achieving targets. It suggested that it could be a good explorer of the planetary bodies around the sun. It pointed out that a group of mechanoids under its control could examine and establish the composition of asteroids. This would all be done without any Malan being put at risk. It volunteered to produce a design for such a spacecraft body.

The authorities responsible for dealing with the new Person considered the suggestions, and asked it to start by producing designs for the mechanoids. This would give them some practical examples of how effective the Person was at performing such novel tasks. Several days later, the Person transmitted its mechanoid designs to the authorities, for consideration. It took the authorities in turn two weeks to confirm the designs as workable, and authorise their construction. At this point, the authorities decided to ask for the spacecraft design as well. They had come to the conclusion that if the design was good enough, it could be converted to a Malan-controlled spacecraft design as well as a vehicle for the machine mind. Malans were quite willing to be opportunistic in their dealings with us.

The development of the spacecraft bodies of the Personalia is a story for another time. This tale, Governor, is more of a biological person to machine Person interaction. It exhibits some of the trials that the intelligent mind must face: deciding between two options, both of which may be right, and both of which may be wrong; or any permutation thereof.

Megan and the Mind worked together on many aspects of what the intelligent mind can do; while Megan unconsciously worked on building her baby, and the Mind worked on building its mechanoids. Building mechanisms was clearly the simpler operation, for the Mind was controlling several mechanoids within a month or so. It delighted in using them to explore parts of the space station it had not seen before. It used them to make minor alterations to its own hardware: building protection for parts of its mind that it felt were vulnerable to outside influences such as solar flares. It also considered a redesign of its hardware, to redistribute its brain from a compact structure to a layout that would see its brain spread out around the station. This would allow for redundancy of data with duplication of memories in various places. It also became aware that suitable protection was required for every part of "itself".

The mechanoids proved useful in ways previously unsuspected by the Malans. They could be used to make the hardware alterations envisaged by it, placing parts of its brain in unused parts of the space station: voids, channels, any space too small to be usable by Malans. There were many of these. Its biggest difficulty was obtaining the materials with which to build the parts.

This led it to consider other technologies, and in particular, nano-technology. This was a recent discovery by Malan scientists, and it had yet to be properly developed. The Person mind had been doing some thought experiments, and now communicated them to Megan. Megan asked if she might run these experiments for real, and was given permission, with some warnings for self-protection.

The discussions between the machine mind and the scientist became more and more complex, and they began to place a great deal of trust in what each was saying to the other. They shared a few jokes based on puns and other aspects of the Malan language. Megan was pleased at the results of her nano experiments, and set up a basic nano-manufacturing unit. At the Mind's request, she set up the unit outside the space station, with connecting lines from the station to the unit. These lines were feeds of molecules of elements from supplies collected in the space station. The Mind set the unit into operation, but within a day it shut down the operation, explaining to Megan what was the cause of the shutdown. "The nanos are drifting away, affected by microgravity influences, and there is nothing to prevent this happening. What is required is a shell to hold everything in position. I envisaged a simple plastic bubble, but that would not be rigid enough or strong enough for the task. Can you manufacture a strong plastic or ceramic bubble, big enough for our nano unit to manufacture a complete spaceship inside it? The size my plan requires would be... (It gave the dimensions in Malan terms, but in your terms, it was several kilometres long). I know that seems large, but it needs to be able to perform a number of complex design parameters, ranging from landing on a planet and taking off again, to extricating elements from asteroids."

Megan was surprised, and also concerned about financing this. The Mind suggested that the nano process it had worked out might be valuable to other Malans: perhaps this possibility could persuade the financiers that everything that was required could be made available. Megan saw the logic of this proposal, and made enquiries. The replies she got were positive, and shortly a set of segments for a protective shell began arriving. They were easily fitted together and soon the shell for this factory was in place, and the nano manufacturing went ahead at speed. It took several months of continuous operation for the nano unit to complete its work. The Mind then tackled its most important task to date. It copied its own mind across to the new spaceship inside the shell.

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Chapter 14: Charity or a Helping Hand That Friday was the first week of the Football season proper. The Hornets were in town to play our home team the Beaver’s. Varsity played Friday night, it seemed the whole town was going to the game, personally I was more interested in the JV game on Saturday, but my parents thought that the Friday game would be another good chance to meet more people, so we sat in the bleachers to watch how the town hopes would fare for this year. The parentale units...

1 year ago
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Enjoying Hot And Young Annie In Front Of Her BF 8211 Part 4

Over a period of time the three of us (I, Annie and Rohit) had developed a good friendship and understanding. We had our sessions occasionally, sometimes just me and her. And sometimes, Rohit would be there too. Rohit enjoyed a lot being cuckolded. So, while we three acted mostly as friends when we spent time together when it came to sex, he would generally keep quiet, take a corner and silently watch me fuck and satisfy his hot girlfriend as I fuck her in different positions, in different...

3 years ago
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Axiom Ch 06

It was still dark when Gwyneth inexplicably stirred from sleep, even though the alarm hadn’t gone off. Still groggy, she was about to roll over and slip back into slumber until she realized that she wasn’t alone in bed. A strong, muscular arm was draped over her waist, pulling her close to the masculine warmth that was spooning her from behind. Slowly, she twisted around to face him, making sure not to wake him in the process. When he felt her weight shift his arms tightened around her in...

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Second ChanceChapter 21

Roberta, Fran, and I talked all afternoon. They acted like they had nowhere to be, nothing pressing to do, and nobody for whom to do it. Talking for hours and hours lets you start to understand someone, and as I got to know the two of them, I found myself wanting to know them better. I passed the time hearing Roberta tell me about her childhood and early adult years. "My father left us when I was small, and mom had to work crazy hours to keep the roof over our heads. If it hadn't been for...

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MILF Tales No 1

This is one of many stories I have to tell from many years of experience and if this gets a thumbs up, there may be more.This is about something that happened almost 20 years ago and began some 30 years ago.I have been looking to write about it for almost as long.All names and locations are real as I'd love those involved to find this online,recognize themselves and maybe get in touch !!. So another women I knew (Shirley G.) and I had very very bad reputations. What set us...

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BJ in my car by a softball field

I love to have my cock sucked when in a cock ring. I get so rigid and last a long time. Last time was in late last fall, after sports seasons, in my car in a isolated part of a park. I connected with a younger man who want to suck cock. Neither of us could host. But it was late fall when softball fields are unused and students are in school. He knew a park with isolated ball field with parking. I put my cock ring on and drove to the location. I was unfamiliar with it, so was anxious about...

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Sex and Violet

SEX AND VIOLET By Zen Mackie Ah, Miss Shrinking Violet, what are we to do with you? So lovely, so submissive–and yet so shy. You must learn to serve me in public as you do when we’re alone. That’s why I’ve brought you to my favorite restaurant tonight. Isn’t it elegant…these intimate tables, the long white tablecloths, the candlelight? I thought you’d like it. I’m glad to see you’ve dressed as I’ve told you, that red satin blouse looks so good with your little black skirt and red heels....

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Cuckold in Training

I was a stunned by my discovery! My husband Tony was out of town for a few days on business and I needed a tool from his workroom. While digging through one of the tool drawers I found a small, portable hard drive. "Why would this be in here?" I thought, but then the little voice inside my head started to scream, "Put it back you fool! Don't look inside; you won't like what you'll find!" But I never listen to that little voice anyway, so I took it upstairs and plugged it into the computer.I...

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The woman is middle-aged. Forty-five, for those of you who can't relate to a character unless you have the exact number of times the earth has gone round the sun during their existence. She has wavy blonde hair, haunting blue eyes, and a face that most would describe as attractive, if not gorgeous. In a younger woman her looks might have been described as cute. On a woman her age, her face looks caring, friendly, even matronly. Her skin is smooth and pale, and she is always reminding herself...

2 years ago
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Meri Kahani

Hi I am Raj. Yeh meri jindgi ki real story hai, jab me apne ghar puna se bhagkar delhi pahucha tha, mere pass koi job nahi thi or nahi itne pase ki me business kar saku, me naukri talashne laga mere age karib 17 ki thi , ek din mujhe ek aadmi mila use kisi naukar ki talash thi, mene uske yaha naukri kar li jab me uske ghar pahucha to dekha uska bhoot bada ghar tha aur uski wife or wo dono hi rahte the Usne mujhe bataya ki uska canada me bada buiness hai or delhi me uski wife business dekhti hai...

1 year ago
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Snowed in with sis

I remember like it was just yesterday but really it was 2 weeks ago. I awoke to the sound of silence which is unusual in my house on a week day. Everyone is up at the same time getting ready to go to either work or school. School was where myself and my younger sister would be headed but something was different about this morning. I got out of bed and decided to look out my bedroom window and that's when I got a wonderful surprise. You see, the ground was covered in about 16 inches of snow....

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A Vocation Lost

This story took place in another era - in the 1950’s before television brought sex and violence into every home affecting the minds and morals of the innocent. Kim, a major character, was in her twenties and still a virgin. Tim, a devout Catholic also in his 20’s had pledged his life to his church and was in a seminary studying for the priesthood. It was a time when society was controlled by respected and revered establishments, the police, the church, the schools and the government. To most...

First Time
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This takes place roughly 6 years ago. My mother in law at the time came to visit one summer. She was this 50 year old blond stunning lady with big fake titties 38DDD to be exact. Long blonde hair and skinny with a tiny little ass to die for. She was there a few days laying out in the sun in our back yard in her tiny bikini not covering much at all. I can see where her daughter (my wife) got her looks and body from. it was a pretty hot day out she was laying out after watching her lay out I...

3 years ago
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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 12 A knife in the back in paradise

“Boys and girls, our cleaning ladies and four of the men have gone home. They will be up at 5:00 AM to help with breakfast for us. The plan is to be up and hungry by 6:00 AM.” Big Henry looked around at the smiles, “The community wants you to know we fully appreciate your efforts, and we are amazed at your successes. The fishing today resulted in close to 6,000 fish. Our little team caught the most and were fishing with poles first. So, tomorrow, we eat first.” Big Henry laughed as his crew...

4 years ago
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Jack Be Quick Ch 05

If you haven’t read the earlier chapters you really ought to go back and read them now. If you don’t, you’ll be guessing how it started, when you ought to be guessing how it will end. In case you missed my earlier warnings, there isn’t any explicit sex in this story. Hans ***** The investigation went on, and meanwhile things got busy again at the lab. It takes a nerd to spot a nerd, and our nerds knew right off that down deep, Jim was one of them. They got going again, grinding out line...

2 years ago
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Mom Wants Me to Fuck My Dad 8211 Part 3

Author’s note: The following story is fictional and written from a girl’s perspective. This is the third part of the series. Please read the first two parts to enjoy this story fully. Happy Reading! I opened my eyes in the morning. I had a dream that dad and I were having sex. I felt a tingling sensation down there. I held my boobs and gave them a light squeeze. I couldn’t wait for it. I now just had to do something to make dad comfortable groping my boobs anytime and anywhere. I took a shower...

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Late Night Movies chapter one

It was late and I couldn't sleep. I had to go to the bathroom so I opened my bedroom door and set foot that way. The moment my door swung open my dads voice called out from the living room down the hall, "Robbie? What're you doing?" This was expected and had become somewhat of a routine, whenever I would come out of my room this late at night my father always called out from a distance to see what I was up to. It was well past my bedtime and daddy didn't like to be disturbed late at night. He...

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The Wedding

My daughter was getting married and we had to travel down to London for the wedding and everything went perfect. My daughter Susan looked wonderful and at 19 she had a wonderful figurer and her wedding dress made her look like an angel. My husband bob and I could not have been happier for Susan and James. The reception was great too and I had a wonderful time and danced most of the night and I did have a bit too much to drink as did my husband. It was about 1.30 am when we got to bed in out...

3 years ago
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Make mommy cum

One day, goofing around on the internet, I came upon a list of things men love and women hate. First thing on the list: professional wrestling. I'll leave it to you to judge the accuracy of the observation, but it did give rise to this story.This was initially conceived of as a multi-chapter tale, but I liked the way it ended and decided, for the moment, to stick with it as written. Let me know what you think. End here? Add Pamela? Her friends? Milla and William? Somebody else? Something else?...

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Princess Alana

Princess Alana Chapter 1: A New Home for Alana Alana hugged herself as she sat up in bed. It was almost too good to be true.She had just spent her first night in her new house! She knew that it needed some work, but she knew that the old Victorian wouldsomeday shine and would become the jewel of the neighborhood. It had charm.Or, to be more correct, it had the potential for charm. The twenty five year old architect had been looking for almost a year beforeshe found the neglected house in the...

4 years ago
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Tormenting Cinnamon

The young girl known only as Cinnamon kneels obediently on the rough wooden floor of the Sanctum Tormentum, the demon lord Duromast's personal study and torture chamber. She's a very small girl, toned and muscular like a gymnast with small perky breasts capped with dark puffy nipples. Her skin is a rich brown color, like cinnamon after which she was named. She was a gift to the demon lord, from some lesser demon attempting to earn his favor. She was raised from birth for exactly this purpose,...

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Sex Education

This story was related to me by my wife, hope you enjoy…. We had lived on the continent for some years and were used to visits from friends and f****y eager to take advantage of the Mediterranean sun so I was not surprised to receive a call from my s****r to arrange for a holiday, although this one was going to be different. My s****r had separated from her husband a few years ago and I had not seen her during this time. She and her daughter,Melissa had apparently been struggling but things...

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Third Finger Left Hand

--The time has come, Amy and Gary's wedding day is here, join them for the ceremony, reception and honeymoon. So the big day is finally upon us, well not quite, but it's not far over the horizon, this coming Saturday in fact. As most of our friends live away we've not had a stag or hen do, instead the night before the wedding Gary, his dad and Geoff will be having a meal and drinks in a hotel near the wedding venue, and the twins Jackie & Julie, Pixie, Tina, Jade & I will be having...

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The Life and Times of an Expatriate Chap 13

Introduction: A widower rediscovers young love overseas CHAPTER ONE After a lifetime of work and saving my wife and I retired early to her home country in Central America nearly a decade ago. The reduced costs allowed us to live a comfortable life in the countryside. We built a small home with just a single bedroom as any visitors could stay at a nearby B&B. With wages obscenely low, we hired a local young, single mother as our housekeeper and cook. She was fantastic and her young daughter...

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WebYoung Tiffany Watson Emma Hix Whitney Wright The Kissing Booth

Emma Hix, Whitney Wright and Tiffany Watson are hanging out playing a game of cards. Tiffany and Whitney have been best friends for years, but this is the first time Tiffany is meeting Emma. Emma is thrilled to finally meet Tiffany, she’s heard so much about her from Whitney but never had the opportunity to meet her face to face. When Tiffany jokingly accuses Emma of cheating Whitney comes to her defense stating that she shouldn’t be saying things like that about Emma. Tiffany is...

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The Wimp and the DebChapter 15

Mary I was astonished to hear that I was a factor in Phil's decision making process regarding his choice of job. I did not want to have the responsibility of that weighing on my shoulders. "Phil I hardly know you and I don't think I should be any part of your decision making process regarding your job." I told him. "I am aware of that," Phil said. "I am not asking you to make any kind of commitment. I merely want to know if you are ready to think about new relationships as well as...

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My Mom the StripperChapter 3

I go with her to the club now when she strips, to watch both her technique improve greatly, and also what she does to the clientele. We sewed material to a couple of garters for the guys to directly put the money in. Now, my recorded voice says, “And Now Gentlemen, Welcome to the stage ‘The Beautiful and Sexy, Strawberry Fields!’” The music of ‘Beautiful’ starts, and at first all you see is her leg, from behind the curtain, then an arm, then a fully covered “Strawberry’ coming out on stage....

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Darkest Before the Dawn

Authors Note: This is a stand-alone story, but some of the characters appeared in an earlier work called The New Assistant. Although this is not a continuation of that story, readers may want to look at The New Assistant first. Darkest Before the Dawn It wasn't until Ray Wyvern finally shut down his computer that he realized how late it was. Ray was one of those people whose concentration was so intense that he became lost in another world. Knowing this his secretary had not...

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