- 4 years ago
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Special thanks to my Proof Reader
The roar of the jet's engines is the only thing intruding on my grief. I still can't believe it. Nicci is gone. She and her husband Frank drowned off the Florida coast in a severe tropical storm; they and seventeen other passengers. She and Frank were to enjoy a relaxing two week sailing trip. It was intended to be sort of a second honeymoon, the first time they were away from home alone in years. Nicci was my sister and we were close ... very close. She married Frank over twelve years ago. He was a good husband to her and father to my eleven year old niece, Krista.
The news came to me via satellite telephone. My first thought was, 'Who in the hell is calling me?' I'd just talked to division office, so it cannot be them. The news is devastating. My sister and her husband had drowned and there is a request for me to come home. That will be a task. When you are tromping around the Canadian Arctic looking for diamonds, it takes some planning to divert one of our bush planes to land near the camp to pick anyone up and fly them to the division complex. I'm in the middle of nowhere, fighting off the ravenous flies while trooping through the brush searching for the elusive treasure of all women. The latest intelligence suggested there could be a find in this area. As a geologist ; it's my job to confirm it so I'm looking for the proper rock formations.
Eight months ago when I got the call from Jay Conky, I was just ending my current contract and with the money and perks he offered, it was something that I couldn't turn down. The remuneration for the twelve month contract dwarfs my earnings for the last three years and the good thing is, it's plus, plus, plus. Free room and board and the food is top rate, a free trip south for a week every month and all benefits known to man, all paid for. When you're single and an opportunity of a lifetime arises, you jump at it.
Leaving Abbotsville, Nicci cries, and so do I. Hell, at six feet four, two hundred and ten pounds, men are not suppose to cry, but leaving my sister and her family that morning has me feeling the pain of separation. The final hug comes from Krista, a spitting image of her mother.
Krista is in the care of a long-time neighbor. Nicci had taken care of their daughter last fall when they went on a second honeymoon and looking after Krista while they went on this cruise was the payback. Krista and Nicci were the closest people in my life. Now, there's only Krista. Thinking of how Nicci and I become the best of friends goes back a long time.
"Damn it Nicci, if you don't get the hell out of my room I'm going to rearrange your face."
"Yeah? You and whose army? You touch me and I'll tell mom."
She's right. In mom's eyes Nicci can do no wrong. I, of course can do no right. Usually in deep shit and usually because of Nicci antagonizing me, I can't remember any time in my younger life that Nicci's sole purpose wasn't to get me into trouble with mom, usually while in hot pursuit of her. Mom would nail me as we tore through the kitchen with me at her heels. After mom finished with me, Nicci would taunt the living hell out of me, knowing full well she was safe. It was at that young age I had to learn the art of self-control in a hurry.
At seventeen, mom made the point, every time I attempted to retaliate against my little sister, that a boy my age shouldn't beat up on his ten year old sibling. Each time it took a number of clouts on the ear to make that fact sink in. I was a slow learner.
At my age the last thing I wanted was an annoying sister bugging me. There were so many girls at school that needed my attention; the unfortunate part of that statement is that the majority of the girls didn't know about it yet. I spent plenty of time in the privacy of the bathroom relieving my stress. With all the practice, I could hit the toilet bowl with a wad of cum from nearly four feet. Too bad there isn't an Olympic event for ejaculating cum over a distance and hitting a basket. I would've won hands down, or on as the case may have been.
As my unsuccessful pursuit of young girls becomes an embarrassment to me, my only solace is the fact that my buddies are not faring much better. Oh, I get in a quick feel and do a lot of kissing and fingering, but the ultimate goal seems so far away. Being persistent, I figure it'd be only a matter of time before I strike gold.
What I didn't recognize was that Nicci was developing into a very attractive young girl. When I only saw her wiggling ass as she runs away, the big picture doesn't make an impact. Her boobs are small yet but her curves are in all the right places. Her green eyes always have a mischievous gleam to them and her long reddish hair always shines. For her age she's very conscious of her appearance, something totally unnoticed by me. She's long since learned the art of make-up with the aid of her many girl friends. As I said, mom dotes on her so she gets her way in most things and access to all kinds of makeup is one of them.
Night after night after very frustrating dates, Nicci is usually home and she always makes a point of taunting me. The little bitch can read the signs of my frustrations, like my bulge in a pair of slacks. She won't let up on the teasing. This goes on for months and she really enjoys pissing me off knowing she has absolute immunity from retaliation because of mom.
This Friday's no different. Nicci and her friends had gone to a movie, me to a dance with the cock tease Arlene Rogers. She let me kiss and pet her, but when I go for the kill, the lowering her panties, the ice queen cometh back and ends my adventure. Now I'm sporting a pair of blue balls for my efforts and Nicci is just gloating.
"I see you didn't get any tonight as usual. Don't the girls like you?"
Nicci had just returned home a few minutes before me, still dressed in her short black skirt, white blouse and white lacy stay-up nylons and her shining red hair pulled back into a ponytail. Her lips are glistening with her wet-looking lip-gloss, with her eyes flawlessly made up to make her look older. For some unknown reason this is the first time I look at her as a girl/woman instead of the usual pain in the ass. Standing before me and just daring me to retaliate, I hold my cool and just look, sizing her up. Her long legs are well toned, her platform shoes accenting her calves. Her skirt is so short, the tops of her white stay-ups are exposed. Hell, Nicci isn't a bad looking girl, even if she is my bratty sister.
She has a knowing grin on her face, still daring me to do something knowing it'll get me in trouble. She turns quickly and her skirt flairs upward exposing bare skin and the cheeks of her sexy looking ass, her white thong exposed. What the hell am I thinking? She's my sister, the pest, the anvil around my neck, mom's pride and joy. She can't be a woman; she's a devil in disguise.
"All my friends think your cool, but I know better. They haven't seen you come home and go to the bathroom. Hey, I know what you do when you go in there. Does it make you feel good?"
Boy she likes pushing my buttons and the more she taunts the more my self-control is beginning to wane. Looking at her, I see Arlene Rogers, the bitch who is responsible for my current condition. Instinct takes over from common sense. I'm a glutton for punishment. Lunging at Nicci, she spots me coming and tears toward the rec'-room door with me in hot pursuit. A smile crosses my face. Nicci hasn't realized it yet but she just cornered herself as there's only one way in and out, and I'm blocking it. As she attempts to jump over the sofa, my arms encircle her waist, and we both fall on the sofa, her on the bottom. We're face to face and her scent encompasses me. She does smell good.
"If you touch me, I'll scream for mom and you'll be in deep shit. Get the hell off me you big ox."
With that comment something happens, it could be her scent, her hair, her looks, her eyes, her luscious lips. Staring her eye to eye, something in me snaps. My lips hungrily cover her mouth in a passionate kiss. When my mind catches up to my actions realizing what's happened, my expectation is her screaming at the top of her lungs for mom. The notion strikes fear in me, but it didn't happen!
Nicci actually slides her arms around my neck pulling me closer and returning my kiss with tender passion, her soft tongue pushing against my lips requesting entry. In moments our tongues become the best of friends. She tastes of strawberry. The kiss has an electrifying fervor and lasts for several minutes. Finally lifting my head, our eyes meet, with me dumbfounded and totally confused.
"The girls in High School are all crazy."
Nicci pulls my head down to her luscious moist lips and we kiss once more, her hands now on the back of my head, her fingers rolling in my hair. She surprises me once more by pushing me so off balance I crash to the floor in an awkward pile. I watch her posterior disappear upstairs, leaving me wondering what the hell just happened.
For a pregnant second, I remain on the floor as sanity returns, my mind calculates the possible consequences. I'm expecting mom to come tearing down stairs with fire in her eyes and the rolling pin in her hand for molesting her innocent daughter, my preteen sister. Hell, it was her who molested me after the initial kiss, but you'll never hear me admit it. Nicci's ability in the kissing department over-shadows all the other girls at this point in my life. The strawberry taste is still strong and her scent is all over me. Even my chest recalls the small mounds of her breasts, my cock at her crotch. Then it hits me; she actually spread her legs to accommodate my lump. My own sister let me dry hump her!
All's still quiet on the western front as I stop to say goodnight to mom and dad in the living room. They're watching some comedy on television. After saying good night, I head to my bedroom, passing Nicci's room on the way. There's light seeping under the door. In the bathroom, the vision of the imaginary girl I usually have while jerking off is not of current girlfriends from school, but of my young sister. My mind vividly recalling the way she looked in her short skirt, exposing beautiful soft pink skin at the top of her legs so close to heaven. Hell, the size of the wad of cum that hit the bowl must have been a world's record.
Sleep came eventually, with me wondering what the hell had happened. What would the outcome be in the morning as we sit at the kitchen table for breakfast? Will Nicci even let on about anything we did or will it revert back to the battle of the sexes? Would it be the same as every other morning with her taunting me? Was it just a weak moment on her part? What the hell am I thinking? She's my ten year old sister.
Sheepishly entering the kitchen, Nicci looks up at me and smiles, bringing back vivid memories of her kiss last night. No barbs, no insults, she just smiles and continues to eat her cereal. Dad is reading the paper, mom is doing her usual, putting a bowl of cereal in front of me. Nicci, now finished, looks at me, smiles once more and leaves. She's still wearing her rose-colored nightie and a transparent robe of sorts. I can see the outline of her body, something I would have never noticed before, the darker color of her panties, but no bra. That vision is reason for me feeling a surge of growth in lower part of my body. Nicci has never had a sexual effect on me before.
Saturday mornings usually mean meeting the guys at the mall, grabbing a coffee and then lying to each other about our conquests of the night before. We all know we're lying, but it sounds good. Not having a date for tonight, a group of my friends and I plan to go to a movie.
Nicci spends the majority of the day at her friend's house. Tiffany is a beautiful girl from a mixed family. Her mom is black, her dad white and the result is Tiffany, an exotic looking preteen. She moves with the grace of a lioness, her complexion coffee colored, her hair is stark black and shiny. Her lips, oh her lips are made for kissing, full and always looking moist. Even at her age, I've looked at her often. Tiffany's been the subject of many bathroom sessions but I've never looked at Nicci with that same interest until last night.
Getting home at nine-thirty, there's a note on the table. Mom and dad retired early because they're going to visit my uncle tomorrow and they are expecting Nicci and me to be on our best behavior while we're there too. In the past, that request had been a joke, but after what happened last night and the fact that Nicci didn't taunt me this morning, it may change. From the silence in the house, either Nicci is in bed or she hasn't come home from Tiffany's. She has a lot more leeway than I had at her age.
Grabbing a glass of milk, I head for the rec'-room to watch the sports. Ten minutes into the program the sound of the door closing tells me Nicci has come home. A strange feeling runs through my body in anticipation, I am actually shaking. This is a new experience. Nervously, I watch the stair case and then see her looking down at me.
"Hi, how was your movie?"
That question tells me something's changed. No barb, no taunt, just a civilized question. She's wearing low rider jeans that have been molded to her body and a designer T-shirt accenting her small breasts. Her make-up flawless, she does look hot.
"It wasn't bad, and how did your day go?"
"Good. Had fun with Tiffany. She's very pretty don't you think?"
Out of the blue she hits me with a personal question. How am I to answer? Is she fishing for something? She continues down the stairs and plops herself beside me, something that would not have happened two days ago. She'd never sit within arm's length of me for fear of me nailing her for pissing me off. Her scent engulfs me, a stark reminder of her kisses last night. She looks at me, her lips moist and glistening like magnets. Then I say the unthinkable.
"She is good looking, but not as hot as my little sister."
There I said it. Watching the surprised look on her face is interesting. A soft smile follows and her tongue moistens her lips. Oh so sexy. She moves closer. Shit, I want to reach out and hug her, but I still have reservations about this new alliance with the devil's spawn. We've been fighting for years and now everything that's happening is so new, so unthinkable.
"Thank you. You're not so bad yourself. By the way, I really liked what happened last night."
Now looking at her with a sexual connotation is much different than as an antagonist. She does look very sexy. Hell, I've never noticed her long smooth neck, her soft, warm and appealing skin, the way her earrings dangle provocatively as she moves her head. My prior desire was to wring her neck, not to kiss it!
"Well, It's much better than fighting, that's for sure. I've had enough of mom's cuffs."
"I guess I should be sorry about that, but I'm not. You deserved it."
Both of us are eye to eye, waiting for the other to make the first move. Her lips are really beckoning me. Leaning over she follows my lead and our lips touch. The same miracle happens as last night, explosions of feeling flow between our bodies. She breaks the kiss and rearranges her small body across mine, her arms around my neck and we kiss again. Running my hands slowly up and down her body, my fingers find her bra strap and waist band of her thong. Hell! I didn't know she even wore a thong.
"This is much better than fighting. I told Tiffany what happened last night."
All the feelings of expectations I have go out the window and my shaft wilts. She told Tiffany what happened! The hollow feeling in my gut returns. What does Tiffany think of brother and sister kissing?
"Why did you do that? We could get in trouble?"
"Kissing doesn't get you in trouble. The other things do. Besides, she's my best friend. She wouldn't tell anyone."
That comment about other things perks my interest so perhaps there is a glimmer of hope for better things to come but what's she referring to? My lower extremity is starting to grow, pushing into Nicci's rib cage. She moves her body to accommodate my bulge, like it's something she's done daily for years. Just how much does she know about sex?
"What do you mean other things?"
"If I have to tell you, you must have been leading a more sheltered life than I thought."
"Maybe, so tell me."
"Well, if I was to take this out and suck it, that would cause trouble."
Her hand is now on my fully blown hard-on. Is this really my sister? Hell, it feels good; none of my girlfriends have been so bold. She massages my shorts over my cock and my eyes close.
"You like me doing that?"
Now that brings me back to the present; my ten year old sister is giving me a hand job! She takes my nod of confirmation as my acceptance for her to continue. Shit. I'm close to cumming and that can't happen. Mom isn't stupid and I don't want a film of semen in my pants.
"Nicci, you have to stop."
"Are you going to cum?"
"I'm close."
She knows a lot more about this sex thing than I give her credit for. She stops and looks at me.
"This is one of the things that could get us in trouble. If you take off my panties and play with my pussy it could get us in trouble and if I suck you it'd get us in trouble as well."
I was aching before, but after that revelation I'm hurting. My cock is throbbing for release. She still hasn't told me about what Tiffany's reaction was from us just kissing. When she starts lowering my zipper a shiver goes through my body.
"Nicci, are you sure you know what you're doing? Mom and dad are expecting us to go visit with them tomorrow. What we're doing could last all night."
"Well, let me get you off first. Then we can go to bed."
What the hell am I suppose to say to that comment? She wants to get me off; none of my so called girl friends have ever been so bold. My cock is standing straight, released from the confines of my slacks. Nicci seems to be admiring my tool. It's not anything out of the ordinary, about average with the guys that I see in the shower, but I am a bit thicker than most with a large bulbous head. Length-wise, I'm the same as most at about six inches.
"That's a nice cock. The first one I've seen up close. It's so cute. What do you want me to do, rub it or suck it?"
What a way to describe a guy's tool, cute, but at this point, and what she's offering, I let the comment slide.
"Have you done that with boys?"
"No! What kind of girl do you think I am? We talk about it all the time but I don't think any of my friends have done it."
"You realize that when I cum blobs of cream shoots out of me."
"I know that."
"Well, I heard it tastes funny."
"I know that too."
"You'd suck me? What do you want me to do for you?"
Nicci looks at me and seems to have some reservation before speaking.
"I've heard of guys kissing girls ... you know where."
"You want me to kiss your pussy?"
She doesn't say anything. A crimson burst of color floods her face. She turns her head and looks away as she nods, yes. That would be a first for me as well. Guys have mentioned that they've eaten their dates but most of the time it's bullshit. There isn't one of my friends that I know for sure has eaten a girl. At this point, with Nicci's hand wrapped around my cock, I'm game for anything.
"When you're ready?"
With Nicci manipulating my cock as she is, I'm putty in her hands, and hard putty at that. She's fondling my balls as she carefully caresses me. Oh what a feeling!
"Let's go upstairs first. I want to shower."
"Me too."
The last thing I want is to turn Nicci's passions off, so being as clean as possible can't hurt. Hell, this may develop into a regular thing. No more pumping myself in a locked bathroom. She carefully tucks my cock back into my slacks and has a hellva job getting the zipper up.
"Boy, is it big."
What an ego builder. Being a gentleman, I allow her first dibs on the bathroom. Sprawled out on the bed, all I can do is think of what's about to happen. From experience of when I jack off, eating Nicci should come first, because I'm totally blown away after cumming. Again, I don't want to be the cause of ruining a good thing. Nicci's whisper brings me back to the present. She's standing in the doorway, her robe tied at the waist.
"I'm done. Your turn."
It feels good to release my cock from its confines. It's been hard before, but not like it is tonight. Lathering quickly, my shower is completed in record time. While drying I can't help but notice Nicci's clothes neatly piled on the hamper. On top of the pile is her thong, a narrow wisp of silky soft material, with a larger area that would cover her pussy. Before, my thoughts would've been of revulsion. Seeing anything belonging to Nicci blinded me to the fact that she is a girl/woman. Now though, if time permitted, I would've certainly had fun examining them but time is of essence.
The way the house is laid out, our bedrooms are on the second floor. Mom and dad's master is on the main floor and, while theirs is in the front of the house, ours is the upper rear. When we were younger, the sounds of their bedroom antics didn't affect us. Tonight, the reverse is the case. Neither have come upstairs during the night for a long time as they have a bathroom ensuite.
Nicci is in my bedroom, her reddish hair flared out on the pillows and she's still wearing her robe, now untied. When she sees me, she smiles then slowly opens the robe exposing her young naked body. Truthfully, there can't be a more beautiful sight in the world than a woman's body. Of course my target area is between her legs and her luv lips are well defined. What surprises me is the flower of skin protruding between them which actually looks like a tongue sticking out. My later education tells me it was her clitoral hood, and it's beautiful. There is a dusting of red hair framing her moist opening.
Moving closer to the wonders I realize my body is shaking like a leaf in a breeze, devouring the sight of my naked preteen sister. Her scent wafts to me, an intoxicating aroma. There is so much moisture between her legs, it glistens in the soft light. Now on the bed, my fingers explore her soft legs and thighs, edging closer to heaven. This is the second time in our life time that touching Nicci isn't loathsome, the first being last night during our memorable kiss.
She's so soft, her skin so smooth and warm to touch. Nicci's eyes are closed. Small ripples run through her body with each touch, stronger the closer I get to my goal. My first touch to her outer lips nearly sears my brain. Getting a little more adventurous, spreading the lips exposes the renowned clitoris, much maligned in our boy to boy discussions. In Nicci's case, it's a small, light pink protrusion shimmering with moisture. A musky scent combines with the perfume and her pussy beckons me.
Closing my eyes, I go for gold. My lips make contact and my tongue is lapping the moisture and in a few moments, I realize that it continuously flows. Instinct takes over; licking her clitoris gets the best reaction. If this is her first climax, she really gets into it. With her heels digging into the sheets she lifts her bum in the air and I follow her with my mouth still glued to her clit until she explodes. Her hands are on my ears pulling my face into her wet pussy.
After the third time, I lift my head to look at her. Her knees are up and her legs spread wide. Looking just below my snack spot, her asshole is exposed. This is the first female asshole I've ever seen and hers looks so sexy. The small slit is just noticeable in the crack of her ass. Everything between my sister's legs, front and back, is beautiful and exciting, yet I've been fighting with her for years. How dumb have I been?
"Wow. I can't believe what happened. Wait until I tell Tiffany."
That did not bring music to my ears. The shock of that statement goes right to my cock, going limp. A feeling of impending doom takes over from what was a start of something beautiful.
The sudden roar from the bush plane's engine brings me back to the flight. The magnificent scenery explodes below us as we fly out of a cloud bank. Animals are moving, but from this height it's difficult to make out what they are. I'm tucked in the small aircraft along with core samples and everything else that could be fitted in; every space is used to the maximum weight allowed.
With the clamor the engine is making and the air noises it makes talking impossible. The pilot maneuvers the craft between mountain peaks. Even though I've seen these views a few times now, they're still breathtaking. There's a look of concentration on his face. The last thing we need is to go down in this wilderness.
The reason for the trip fills my mind and with the question, "Why did it have to happen?"
"You're going to tell Tiffany what happened? Why?"
"Because we talked about it and she made me promise to tell her everything. We don't have any secrets."
The fear of what could happen is overshadowed by what did happen. Nicci's pussy is sopping wet once more, her luv lips are swollen as a result of my indulgence. Even my cock is perking up at the view. Nicci watches it grow to its prior self.
"Does it do that all the time?"
"No, only when I haven't cum."
"My turn, right?"
As this is all new to both of us, a nod of my head has her looking at me. She smiles then pats the pillow indicating for me to lie down. Once in position, she's all over me like a moist blanket. Her hands are so warm, so soft, her fingers exploring. She grasps my shaft and pushes downwards, sliding the foreskin down revealing its swollen mushroom head. It's a very interesting shade of purple and it's aching.
"That's neat. What's that clear stuff?"
"It is called precum. I think it has something to do with having sex with a girl."
"You've had sex with a girl?"
The moment of truth. After all the macho things I claimed in the past while among my peers, it all comes down to a moment of honesty.
"Not yet."
"Has any girl sucked you?"
Again embarrassed, I answer.
"No. You'll be the first."
There is nothing I can do to stop my body from trembling. My nerves are in control and my eyes are on Nicci as she examines everything. She slides the loose skin up and down, amazed at the feeling and then her attention turns to my testicles that she's hefting in one hand.
"These are so cool. What do they do?"
"I think they make sperm, or at least that's what our health books say."
She leans over me with her mouth open wide and lowers her face to the head of my cock. When her moist mouth closes I nearly ejaculate, but fortunately some self control is left as this is something that needs to be savored for as long as possible. It is fantastic. Just watching Nicci's cheeks as she sucks is so erotic. My cock is being sucked by my sister and it feels so good.
As much as I want to hold off, with the excitement of what's happening, my body's reproductive instinct takes over. Squeezing my legs together doesn't help; the urge to blow is so strong. Will she swallow? That's something all the guys talk about in our bullshit sessions. Not that the conversations are based on experience, just generalities, guesswork and hearsay. Nicci's eyes are closed as she sucks in a soothing rhythm.
"Nicci! I'm going to cum. Do you want it in your mouth."
My mind is hoping for a positive yes, she looks up without removing her mouth and nods, yes! With my heels digging into the sheets, I push upwards trying to get more of my shaft in her mouth. Everything explodes and surge after surge of hot thick creamy cum flows into Nicci's willing mouth. She doesn't miss a beat but continues to suck swallowing every last drop of my cream. There is no other feeling like this in the world. Slowly the feeling dissipates, yet Nicci continues to suck on my shrinking stub.
"You have no idea how good that felt. We should have been doing this for years."
"We have been pretty dumb haven't we?"
With both of us totally satisfied, we snuggle up and actually fall asleep. A number of times, I wake, my face in Nicci's hair. She smells so good, her perfume, shampoo and a wonderful scent of sex. My final sleep comes with thoughts of Nicci's pussy. Is it big enough for sex.
"Dale. We're about to land. Brace yourself. With this load it'll be bumpy."
The plane glides toward the runway at the base camp and the figures scurrying about get larger. There is a group of men waiting as we taxi up to the refueling dock and I spy the project manager and his assistant. As the propeller stops turning, Roger Franks opens the side door.
"We heard, Dale. You got no idea how sad we feel about your loss. Soon as the plane's fueled and loaded it'll take you to Calgary. I've arranged for a flight to Abbotsville and you'll have a stop-over in Chicago."
In no time at all we are back in the air, the plane loaded with boxes of files and reports. Sadness over takes me once more.
Memories By Robin Y. I often think back to how I came to be the feminine male I am. There remains a lot of wishful thinking, but wishful thinking never changed anything and I try to use what I remember to gain some understanding of why I am who I am. I don't know if that is possible....I'm sure those memories are tainted with time, but I do believe that they offer some clues to why I chose the paths I have. Why we have the inclination for these choices may never be clear....but...
The Personalia noticed that they were becoming uncomfortable. They put this down to Governor Bob Kempe of the planet Rehome, and his enthusiastic support of their race. He kept telling everyone he met how kind and helpful the Personalia were. He made them out to be the ideal race to be partnered with - friends to be admired and praised; a defence force without parallel; a source of technical and financial wizardry; the perfect complement to human ingenuity and pushiness. That upsetting...
Kevin Reilly unlocked his front door, kicked off his shoes and walked down the hallway to the kitchen. He had just taken his wife Keri to the airport where she was going to be catching the 8 a.m. commuter flight to the state capital. It was her biweekly three day trip to perform secretarial duties for her boss, Bradley Knox III, or as Kevin always referred to him, Trey. Every time he used that nickname for her boss's pretentious official name Keri would remind him that her boss hated it....
I do not pretend to be a writer, but I just thought I`d scribble down some memories. This is`nt fiction, just a small part of my personal history.Some things happened in the dark ages, othersnot so long ago, but everyone of them is etched in my memory and I can still remember it like it happened yesterday. [/First Timesb]My first real open mouth kiss was when I was about f******n and not being real sex, I don`t suppose it is against the law to state that age here.We were...
Funny thing about "MEMORIES". In my senior years, I can not remember the name of the movie I watched last weekend or the name of its lead actor but I recall perfectly the events of May 11, 2009. The washrooms at the mall were bereft of cock so I walked a couple of blocks to the library to see if there was any action there. When I entered the washroom, there were 2 guys in there. One was standing in front of the right urinal and the other guy was at the left one. The middle urinal was where I...
Funny how things looked bigger when I was eight than they do now at fifty. I was home for the first time in almost thirty-two years. I left home at eighteen to join the Air Force. Now I'm back for my mom and dad's funeral. They died in a fiery car crash on their way home from seeing my younger sister in Olean, New York. They lived in Jamestown almost all their lives and in the same house since I turned seven. It was a hundred year old house with two floors, an attic, and a basement. The...
You aren’t here anymore. For more than a year already. Maybe I should have started earlier with this, now my notes about you start today. I don’t know what this is going to be. Or what it is good for. Maybe for everything, maybe nothing. Maybe it should be therapy for me. I had thought that I was cured. I imagined it. To be healed of you. How ridiculous.Obviously, nobody can close the gap that you left behind. It is completely hopeless.Through you I have experienced what love is. Love is when...
Love StoriesLike many men my age I’m a proud grandfather of six and I indeed love them all and my ex wife was a loving, beautiful woman and still is. We raised four great kids together, but there is a part of me none of them knows about and it goes back many years. I go back to high school when I was extremely shy around girls. I wasn’t, however shy around guys. I was a good athlete, tall and in great shape. I played ball, wrestled and ran track. I wasn’t attracted to other guys in the least and I was very...
Just for fun, I though it might be nice to share some of the experiences I went through on my way to becoming the sexy slut I am. Before I had the confidence to fully dress and go out, and to go on the few dates I’ve been on, I was completely closeted. The only way I could express my girly side was through playing on the phone and all alone. I loved dressing up a few times a week. I collected sexy underwear from ex-girlfriends who left stuff behind, and from a few rare shopping trips where I...
Just for fun, I though it might be nice to share some of the experiences I went through on my way to becoming the sexy slut I am. Before I had the confidence to fully dress and go out, and to go on the few dates I've been on, I was completely closeted. The only way I could express my girly side was through playing on the phone and all alone. I loved dressing up a few times a week. I collected sexy underwear from ex-girlfriends who left stuff behind, and from a few rare shopping trips where I...
CrossdressingFunny I guess, the closer to graduation I got the random escapades I used to allow my self diminished. Yeah from time to time I would sit in my room and think back to the Apartments we lived in after dad's death. Think about sneaking up to Stephen/Stephanie's apartment and when he would have friends over. When I think about how straight laced "Stephen was I have to smile, when Stephanie was around, sex was always in the air. At first I was just the "errand boy,", I'd go to the store get...
Like many men my age I'm a proud grandfather of six and I indeed love them all and my ex wife was a loving, beautiful woman and still is. We raised four great kids together, but there is a part of me none of them knows about and it goes back many years. I go back to high school when I was extremely shy around girls. I wasn't, however shy around guys. I was a good athlete, tall and in great shape. I played ball, wrestled and ran track. I wasn't attracted to other guys in the least and I was very...
BisexualI was reading the paper the other day and saw this article about a Canadian Air force pilot who had murdered a couple of girls, but the best bit for me was the fact that this guy had an undie fetish and there he was in all his glory and a pair of stolen bras and pants!! The bulge in the pants looked interesting too, I would certainly have enjoyed investigating that!! He's going away for a minimum of twenty five years for the murders so I bet he'll be popular inside, plenty of opportunity to...
Elena was a goddess among mortals. She was from Bermuda, six foot tall, 125 lbs, hazel eyes, and the skin tone of a caramel macchiato! She had not cut her hair since she was a small girl in St. George. To say the least, she was stunning!We met while I was working a second job at a local fast food place. I, a regular guy, she was one of the managers. At first, I was interested in her best friend, that is until I "saw" Elena.She was the utmost professional while at work, but loved to let her hair...
InterracialMy name is Richard Rogers and this is the story of the love of my life. I am single, 46 years old and an architect for a small but nice firm based in Santa Cruz, California. I was married early in my career, but it didn't work out so I have never taken the plunge again. Maybe someday I'll find the right woman and we'll live happily ever after, but I doubt it. Approximately Three Years Ago: Last Sunday my mother, Anne, had a fall at home and was admitted to the hospital. She had surgery on...
Lanie was my next door neighbor. I was enamored of her since she moved in as a brand-new bride. I was 13, and she was 20 years old. Tall, blonde, with B cup breasts, and a beautiful set of blue eyes. I thought that she was the sexiest woman I had ever seen. Many nights were spent masturbating, and dreaming of her. Now she was 25 and I was 18 not much had changed. Then her husband left her. She came in to see my mother, and you could see that she had been crying. She told mom that she was...
Sex, it seems it’s all I ever think about. From the time I wake up in the morning to the time I go to bed, sex is never far from my thoughts. From pub-erty, I found myself always fascinated by the male sex organ, and how sex could be an integral part of my life. My thoughts never wandered far from thinking about sex, even after I had my first sexual experience with a partner. Looking back at how my teenage years unfolded, I can see now how my parents were worried about me and my early...
EroticLast February, an external accounting team came to perform reviews within my company. A selected group of persons were chosen for the interview, I was one of the chosen ones to be interviewed. I began to suspect that the audits were just a cover-up. Working in the company's logistics I had nothing to do with corporate finances. I turned up for the audit, where I was welcomed by a team of four people. The interview went smoothly. They asked me innocent questions about life and work at the...
Mind ControlWith tears streaming down her face, Adriana watched through the fog of loneliness and despair as her true love turned to leave. Pride and fear had kept her from telling him how much she desperately needed to feel his arms around her and and for him to nuzzle her hair and whisper "I love you, baby. It'll all work out." She wanted to call out his name and beg him to stay, but the little voice inside her head told her that she wasn't that weak and to let him walk away, forever if need be. With...
Memory By Angel Hailee "Wake up." "Huh? Who said that? Its so bright... can't see." "Don't worry, just wake up." "Um... okay..." "You can leave your eyes closed for now... just wake up." "Okay... I'm up... I think." "Yes, you are. Can you open your eyes?" "I think so... yeah... its okay... can't see too well... everything's blurry." "Maybe you need glasses." "But I've never had them before." "People's eyes change." "True." "Do you remember your...
**I want to take a moment to thank all the people who have taken the time to read my stories thus far and who have given me so much encouragement. Your PM's and comments really have made me smile when I didn't think I was doing that well. Special thanks to JetiJah, workingman, Stillagood1, and BadinAGoodWay for their time and suggestions to a new writer. To all the Unknown people who took the time to rate my stories, thank you for taking the time to read them and to register your...
As I sit at my computer in the wee hours of the early morning, no moon is reflecting the sun's rays. The darkness is complete and all is black. I am blinded by this darkness; my only light and sight is from my tiny computer world, surrounding my keyboard with electric illumination. The Big Closet, my favorite site and the site that gave me my first opportunity at posting a story, is always my first stop. First, I scan the 'latest comments' and look for Jezzi and Perv. Giggle....
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the movies in the Cabin Fever franchise, nor any of the characters in it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. Author's Note: Fair warning to those of you who only like the spicy stuff - this chapter is pretty much just a conversation between the main characters. There's no sex, per se, but there is a fair amount of breast play. “It was a mistake,” Marcy stated. “I should’ve known better.” She took a deep swig of her...
A few minutes before seven the next morning as Jeff turned into the hall toward the kitchen, he saw Captain Madison almost at the living room coming toward him from the other direction. Madison smiled and nodded his head toward the living room. Bill turned in before Jeff got there and was waiting for his host while standing by the big window. "It looks cool out there this morning. The wind is blowing leaves and it's overcast," Bill said as Jeff walked up. "Haven't been out, yet....
Introduction: Ashley becomes late for math class, and is punished by her teacher! (Essentially what I would wish to happen if I was late for class) ​As she opened her locker that Friday morning, Ashley had no idea that her life was about to change. She picked up her books, and quickly closed her locker. There was plenty of time before class, and she decided that she may as well go to the washroom for a quick examination of her outfit. As she was washing her hands, she looked in the mirror...
Tonight's the night. My boyfriend has been insistent that I try to fuck another man. I've been hesitant because it seems so bizarre, but, ultimately if we do it safely, I guess once can't hurt, right? We've had a few group dates with an African American man named Markus, and decided he'll be the one. I'm fairly anxious, I've never been with anyone other than my boyfriend. I've been trying to keep my head on my shoulders. We arrive to the hotel. Underneath my clothes I'm wearing some dangerous...
InterracialSo Angela and I wired the alley and wired the bathrooms. And it was kinky. Going through the many shit and piss scenes to find the gems was worth it. Along with the business transactions Don had with remarkable regularity, which was the first time I actually knew he was dealing, though I strongly suspected, he would have occasional personal transactions. Angela copied all the good parts, making up a couple tapes for future copulation. We would watch Don enter with a gorgeous blonde or black...
At home, Adam was a model father who made sure that his children knew he was eager to share things with them, to listen to their problems and help work them out, rather than giving them pat solutions. When their mother had been alive, the house had often rung with laughter, and Adam knew it was up to him to restore that as quickly as possible after her death. It wasn't easy, but he worked at it; seeing what he was doing, the kids tried, too, so that it was not long before the family, the...
31st night in a row, that she would have to sleep in her bedroom alone ( she’d been counting). She carved for someone she could make love to, get wild, feel something inside, feel wanted. Divya was a 32-year-old mom. She’d been married for 4 years to Harsh, a very rich and successful businessman. The nature of his job required him to visit foreign countries and different places in India most of the time. Even in the days when he would come back home, he was too exhausted to make love. Divya had...
Welcome Mr & Mrs Vijayakumar to our resort for your Suhaag Raat the receptionist handed the book welcomed us. I got real angry how dare she to call me Mrs Vijayakumar. Tried open my mouth but my son signaled me not to talk she called the bell boy ask him to take luggage lead us to honey moon suit. the suit is in the corner of the top floor of the building a fine rise wood carved big door right in front of us she opened it ohhh its a huge hall had everything what big posh flat have big sofa sets...
IncestWatching K’s young teenage body moving up and down as she fucked B was an unbelievable sight. B was laying his back with his hands under his head, just watching her tight body and enjoying how he was being fucked. His hard-thick cock up inside K’s body was as hard as he had ever felt it. It was also as deep in her as she could get it. K was still fully nude like she had been since her parents left yesterday. She was enjoying the learning her uncle B was giving her as he taught her about sex...
The Womanizer by X_Zero_23 Ye know my Lords and Ladies, of the tales of certain adventures in this and neighboring kingdoms. Warriors, students of magical lore, and even cunning thieves who have made a name for themselves in life and more often afterward with treasures won, villains vanquished, and beasts and demons beyond the ken of man overcome. All know the well-worn players of a thousand different names. Fighter. Paladin. Magic-User. Thief. Ranger, and Monk are some that...
This is a continuation of “Flash!” by Giantnut. You can find it here: I highly recommend you read it first (a few things will make more sense) and check out the other works from that author. Mom I watch in disappointment as a familiar car pulls into my driveway. The same grey honda that we gifted to them all those years ago. I really thought we could trust those two… Dylan and Phoebe I mean. They just seemed so ready. Dylan’s mind, though...
Mind ControlCousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 6 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 23 - Un matin enchant? Sam eut toutes les peines du monde ? ouvrir les yeux et de plus, il avait une affreuse migraine. Il regarda autour de lui mais pas moyen de se rappeler comment il ?tait venu jusqu'? sa chambre. Quel jour d?j?? Ah oui, samedi... il a...
Monday is my least favorite day of the week. It is not because I don't like work. On the contrary, I usually worked during the weekend because I enjoy what I do. But Mondays mean meetings. All day I hop from one meeting to another with this school or that school and it was always topped off by an early afternoon meeting with the technology committee of the school board. It would not be so bad if the committee members had one clue regarding what they were supposed to be making decisions...
I open the door and there you are. You look amazing as always. Luckily for me it's warm outside. You are wearing a low top to show off your neckline and shoulders, a short skirt with short boots, and nice heels you bought the day before. You are so proud to show them off. Your legs shine, catching the sunlight. You look into my eyes with the loveliest smile. It has been a long time since we have seen each other. A shiver goes through my body and my mouth begins to water. I become instantly...
Straight SexMiss Priss 3 By Cheryl Lynn This work of fiction is copy written by author. Permission granted for personal download use only. Pay site or other use strictly forbidden. Please read Miss Priss 1 and 2 before this part. PLEASE NOTE: THIS STORY IS NOW RATED "X" as the situations become very adult in nature. If you do not like forced feminization and mean forceful women do not read. Miss Priss 3 It was very late by the time everything was unloaded from the car and neatly put...
There is little sex in this story, and the little there is implied rather than described graphically. The reader will have to use imagination. * Chapter One I first met Eve Chatsworth at the behest of her husband, Aubrey. We worked for the same company, Sunrooms. We supplied and fitted double glazing units, conservatories, Fascias and conservatory furniture. I was one of the working cogs in the business, and he was the best performing salesman. That he was an egotistical, condescending,...
“Wha…why here?” Jordynn asked. “I help the couple that own this place” I reply. “My place is in the gated community over on St. Georgina Island, right on the beach. You really didn’t think I’d take you there, do you?” I let that insult burn in, then continued, “These people keep a little bungalow held just for me. Ever wonder why circuit judges & power-people stay here?” Pulling down to the end, there was one small bungalow separate from the main building, connected only by a sidewalk. As we...
Disclaimer: I have not gone through and edited any of this story, I am looking for the readers to point out the mistakes, any and all tips are appreciated, thank so much. The story ends whenever you guys want it to be, now up to now all of this is true, with certain events turned up to create a more sexual theme. This story does not have a happy ending though; I am looking to extend the events of the story so please give me ideas that you would like to be inserted to spice up the reading. I...
Flagstaff was a little less than half way, but I was getting a late start this morning. It would be my destination for the first day. Two gas stops later, I pulled into decent looking motel on the outskirts of the Arizona city. It was almost seven in the evening, and I was bone weary and stiff. I had set the cruise on something a little less than eighty, hoping that would keep me clear of the highway patrol. Either I was lucky or I had guessed right. I had a shower to wash off the stink of...
Then he came into the room. She wasn't sure if he could tell that she was aware of him, but he stood facing her as he unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants. She wanted to scream as the realization hit her, but all she could do was lay there watching him pull out his cock and stroke it. He was now completely naked as well, and she was a little embarrassed to find she was very much attracted to him. On the other hand, if he was going to fuck her, he might as well be sexy. He...
After I put the Canary away I took off on the trike. I flipped the motor over so that it rested on the front wheel. I used a combination of the motor, and a pedal every now and then to get into town. The bike was slowing even farther by the time I reached town. That told me the battery was almost exhausted. I pulled the motor back to lessen the drag. Then I pedaled to the boat yard. I found my way along a familiar route to the office. "Hey Ev you old pirate. I need you to build me...
Spanked by my babysitter 2 We had just got done watching a thriller outside In the living room that night. Lori decided to fall asleep on the couch. I laid in bed for an hour restless. I kept going to the bathroom.Then I decided toplay with myself and thinking about getting spankedand punished by Lori like I did the Friday before. I pulled my pajamas all the way down. The covers were also all the way down at the bottom of the bed.My mind drifted into the episode of last Friday night. I let my...
SpankingHis wife was out for the weekendIt was maybe just me but he seemed bigger than usual walking in the shower talking about the match we just lost 2-3''wanna come home for a beer , the wife is out i have the place''i knew him since the start of the league , he was older maybe 46 , i just turned 26 I was back at his place drinking beer watching the habs game eating some pizza left overI new something was in his head, he had been looking at me suspicious all night , sit on the couch finishing...
I want to share my first sex experience. This could be classified under maid/ Virgin first time. I'm Rocky, 5ft 6" tall handsome and smart guy. I live in bangalore. We were 5 frns staying in a room. After completion of my Btech i got a job and my frns were searching for a job. So we all stayed in a small 2bhk flat in bangalore. We hired a maid name Netra(let's call neetu). Neetu is 5ft good looking lady with good boobs size(34). She was charging 1300 for just cleaning floor and clothes. I...
It was a hot summer morning. My wife was at work and I was at home with the k**s. My step daughter who was 15 at the time asked me if she and her friend Stacy could hang out around the pool if they minded her little brother. I thought hell yeah! I can hide in the man cave, drink a few beers and catch up on some porn. It was the first day of a week long vacation, and couldn't think of a better way to start it off. After a few beers under my belt, i needed to piss. I went to the restroom upstairs...
Dukes Summer Island Castle and Village of Swanford Emerald River and River Guard Tower Crystal Falls and Brittle Mountains Beran Island & Village (Meaning Bear) Hanna Island & Archaic Ruins (Forbidden) Osweleg Island & Village (Meaning Oswyn's Island) Docks & Walled Town of Haldyne Walled Town of Lacestone Walled City of Applewood (or Apeleia "Apple Tree Clearing") Bekingham River (Flows South to Coastal City of Gemehold) Roger's Ford (Highest River Crossing...
I drove to Sandy's in her Buick and honked. She appeared five minutes later and drove us downtown. It wasn't a long drive, so I told her in brief what had occurred at the beach house. I didn't get into detail about the sex, so she didn't perfume the car with her love juices. Grabbing the vial of deprivation tank liquid and the condom of cum, she told me to wait at the 24 hour coffee shop while she saw Nakamoto, asking me to order them a club sandwich to split. Waiting 20 minutes, the...
The tall, young man sat upon his horse and gazed down the trail that he’d been travelling on. The trail was steep and rough and it wasn’t the best road for anyone to journey on, especially someone in a wagon. A man with a good team of mules and years of experience could navigate it but he’d have to do it slowly and carefully. For a homesteader it was suicidal. Still it was the only route up out of the valley and down into the foothills of western California and out of necessity people used...
Simon sat at a table in a back room of the tavern nursing his glass of red wine. It was normally a raucous place after a performance at the theatre but tonight the atmosphere was strangely subdued. He stared into the candle stub, its flame flickering smokily as he recalled the afternoon’s entertainment.A new play at The Rose, particularly for an avid playgoer, was something to look forward to in itself. Moreover, a work by such a talent as the brilliantly wayward Christopher Marlowe would be...
HistoricalSonal was spent, but I was still rock hard and even ready for some hot bathtub sex. She pulled my cock out again with one hand. Holding it at the base while she poured lots of oil on top of my cock with the other hand. The oil dripped down the length of my cock, drenching my balls. She then squeezed my cock real tight at the top and slid her hand all the way going to the base. She then slid her hand up the shaft again and continued to pump me fast and hard again and again. She was picking up...
After Mom had her laugh she explained."In the storybooks, a hero was rewarded with sex. I couldn't resist jerking your chain. I'm sorry. Give me a hug then go to bed, we'll discuss the dinner tomorrow." Once my heart started beating, I gave her a hug."Meanie." She laughed and kissed my cheek. I went to my room. I was getting undressed and telling TreFual about tonight, as he lounged on my desk, when someone knocked at the door. "Come in" "John, I forgo ... WHAT THE...
I had worked with Britney for nearly 3 years. We would exchanged the usual pleasantries but we never really talked all that much. We would ask each other about one another's schedule but that was about it. There was no intent to ever hang out together or do anything outside of work. We always had the possibilities to go do something but neither of us acted on it because we did not want the other one to get the wrong idea. We both had our own lives. I really did not want to date someone I...
My wife bent over the black PVC horse, after the height was adjusted, and allowed her legs to be spread and ankles strapped , a wide 20cm strap wrapped over her waist pinning her down. Then an elderly man inserted his penis into her glistening, excited pussy. I watched as he began to pump away at her. But now, my redhead was ready. Her partner had pulled out of her, leaving a spermy trail, now it was my turn. When you first join the 'Pleasure Dome' you have to be tested for STD's, as you are on...
FantasyDaddy did something that totally surprised me. He brought home a potential girlfriend. Miku taught upper level Civil Engineering classes at the university. Her age was between daddy’s and mine. She was pretty and fluent in English. When they started sweet talking each other in Japanese, I wanted to be sick. After dinner, I took daddy in the bedroom and asked him what we were going to do, since I slept in his bed, and there wasn’t a guest room in our new apartment. Daddy said he didn’t know....
April Fool's Joke Gone Bad II 1999 It Gets Worse! by Steve Zink This story uses characters owned by Warner Bros./DC Comics, and in no way uses those characters to make any money. This story is a parody using the characters in a fan fiction for strictly fan enjoyment. Batman had left the Batcave early in the morning of April 1 to join the rest of the members of the Justice League of America. They were meeting for a monthly get together and situational awareness briefing...
Mom came home and dropped the supper on the kitchen table. Bill followed her into her bedroom and they talked. I grabbed a piece of chicken and headed for my room and was there for about two minutes before it hit me like a lightning bolt. Bill was probably telling my Mom about what had happened this morning. Once I went in and got cleaned up, I had headed out to the mall and then met up with some friends and to be honest, I just had not wanted to think about what was going to happen when...