Cum before the Cane
- 3 years ago
- 31
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I had worked with Britney for nearly 3 years. We would exchanged the usual pleasantries but we never really talked all that much. We would ask each other about one another's schedule but that was about it. There was no intent to ever hang out together or do anything outside of work. We always had the possibilities to go do something but neither of us acted on it because we did not want the other one to get the wrong idea. We both had our own lives. I really did not want to date someone I worked with. I had done that before and it never worked out well.
Britney always dressed quite conservatively. She would wear the usual work stuff along with what I assume included a bra, an under shirt, a t shirt and lastly her work shirt. Often times she would also wear a sweat shirt over that. I have no idea how she did that. If I wore that much I would die because I was ALWAYS hot as hell in the store. As for pants she would almost always wear a not to tight pair of black pants. Like I said they weren't obscenely tight but they were tight enough to see the panty line which always seemed to be full cut panties. On a body like that there should be much smaller types of underwear like a thong or g –string or she might even go without underwear as she had an awesome body.
One day she came to work and it seemed she was wearing noticeably less. She was wearing her work clothes but I didn't see an under shirt, t-shirt or a sweat shirt on her. I assume she was still wearing a bra but couldn't know for sure. As usual she was in her black pants but this time it was a new pair. It was a tighter pair and I didn't see the oh so typical full cut type of panty line that was usually evident. I knew she had boyfriend but I decided to try to get her to come out with me not so much on a date but just as friends to hang out. I asked her if she wanted to come to dinner. We went to this local restaurant and while eating we had some good conversation.
After dinner we decided to see a movie. We went to the theater and sat in these seats in which if you chose you could move the arm rest out of the way. We sat down and talked until the movie started. It was only about 10 or 15 minutes into the movie when Britney grabbed my arm and put it around her shoulder. I have to say I enjoyed it. I lifted the armrest and she snuggled in to me and just sort of held on to me. After about an hour she fell asleep in the chair right next to me. At the end of the movie I tried to wake her but she just wouldn't get up so I picked her up and carried her to my car. I drove her to my house. I brought her in and laid her in my bed. I was about to go to sleep on the couch when it occurred to me that I should lay there in my bed. That way when she woke up she wouldn't freak out. I knew that she'd need her clothes for work the next day so I figured the only things I could do was undress her and toss her stuff in with mine. When I took off her shirt I was surprised to see—because of her usually conservative manner of dress—that she wasn't wearing a bra. I took off her pants and she was wearing—my guess is for the first time--a sexy pink g-string. I had to take that off too so that I could clean it and when I did I saw her cute little bush. I have nothing against really but of the several girls I have slept with in the past all of them were shaved or waxed. One way or another there pussies were hairless. I was entranced by her beauty but decided to be a gentlemen and not fuck her although I guess with her asleep it might be rape. I really didn't want to take that risk. After I got that thought of my mind I looked at Britney all covered up and realized something she and my sister are close in size except my sister is a little taller and slightly heavier but pretty much the same size. I figured if Britney's stuff was still wet tomorrow or she woke up and didn't want to remain naked then she could borrow some of my sister's clothes. I could take her up to my sister's room and let her pick out and dress in whatever she wanted that my sister had. I kissed her on the forehead and set to reading my book.
I had read a couple chapters in my book when I got sick of it. I decided I'd try to wake Britney again. I had more luck this time then last time at the theater. She woke up and looked around frantically not knowing where she was. She looked at me and pleaded with me to tell her where she was. I calmed her and told her she was at my house and then asked why and I proceeded to explain why she was at my house as opposed to her own.
She calmed down when she asked if she could use the bathroom. I told her where it was and she lifted the blanket and on instinct looked down and that's when she realized she was nude. She began to throw a fit which I kind of expected so I told her how her clothes were I the washing machine and that I put them there so they'd be clean for the next day. She understood and was about to get up and walk to the bathroom when she started thinking about something. I could see the wheels turning but didn't know what exactly she was thinking so I asked what she had on her mind.
She said, "Well I was going to ask you to close your eyes but I think you have already seen my naked so there is no real point is there?" I had to agree and she didn't seem to shy or modest about her nudity. She got out of the bed and walked naked to the bathroom. As she walked away I watched and she had the sexiest little ass I have ever seen. When she had entered the bathroom I got out of the bed myself and took our clothes out of the drier and put everything with the exception of her g-string in the drier. I aid her panties on top of the drier thinking that might have to air dry.
Britney came back and hoped into bed and still with out any modesty sat on top of the covers leaving her nude body open to any ones view. She asked me why I had a towel hanging from the ceiling and I explained to provide a little privacy and to block out the setting sun as my bedroom window faced west. I was so turned on sitting there with a willingly naked girl in my bed. It's not like I've never had a naked women in my bed but this wasn't leading to sex so I could just look at her soft flawless skin. She had small but very firm and perky breast. She also had her pussy looking like that of a seven year old as there was not hair to be found and it was so tight and tiny. I just had to tell her what I thought when she went to the bathroom. I told her how I had looked at the tight ass and just thought it was the most beautiful thing ever. She thanked me.
After a while she made this purring sound and turned over on to her stomach. There it was again the best ass on the planet. She asked me quietly if I would rub her back and I readily did. I figured while I was rubbing her back I could work her back and eventually that gorgeous ass. I started rubbing and worked my way down slowly. I was pretty much giving her a free massage.
On my bed side table I have this skin lotion stuff. It's not for what you think. My hands get so dry when it is cold outside. I decided to squirt some on Britney's back and work that in to her supple soft skin. After a short while longer I worked my way down to her fantastic ass. The only difference between most of her body and her butt was that her butt was so strong. I worked on that but for what must've been an hour at least. Then I began working on her legs. That was unplanned but I decided why not she hadn't objected to me massaging her ass I might as well work the legs. When finished up I told her but got no response and that's when I realized that she had fallen asleep again. I was beginning to think she had narcolepsy or something. I reached in her purse to see if she was on any medication or anything and didn't find any meds but I did a couple things one was her schedule for work She was working t he maximum amount for a part timer allowed by our union. I also found a "toy" with the name Thomas written on the side in permanent marker. I had heard Britney talk with another co-worker that she was date a guy name Thomas. Maybe that is what she meant. I put that and the schedule back in the purse and changed into my sleep clothes. Normally I wouldn't strip naked and change into my sleep clothes but with Britney asleep I figured it was no big deal.
I got in bed with her and put us both under the covers. Due to the fact that I hadn't had girl in my bed in far too long I put my arms around her and held her close to me. I could feel her soft warm flesh against me. Normally I wear a shirt of some sort to bed but that night I decided not to. As I lay down I could feel her bare skin press against me and it felt fabulous.
We woke up at about he same time the next morning. I looked over at her smiling at me and I smiled at her then I dropped my gaze slightly to take a look at her sexy little breast but hen realized that at some point during the night my hands had moved and were now covering her breast. I'm not quite sure if her hands had moved to but they were in my pants and she had her hand wrapped around my very hard cock. I never wore underwear to bed so it was possible for her hand to have moved during the night in to my pants and grab my dick, because of the fact that she was sleeping nude it is plausible that my hands shifted and enough to grope her breast.
I removed my hand from her breast and expected her to move her hand from my cock. That however was not the case. Instead of removing her hand she pulled my dick out of pants and began to stroke it up and down or back and forth however you want to interpret that.
It was very clear to me that Britney was very comfortable with me. She had no problem sleeping at the theater with me there. She also slept in my bed with me and she was 100% naked. I liked that she felt that comfortable around me. It made me happy. I knew I liked her as a co-worker and now as A friend and perhaps more than that soon. That was not just a hope that was a wish of mine.
We jus t laid in bed for the next couple of hours until we knew we had to get ready for work I got out of bed and stripped so I could take a shower. After Britney's hands had jacked me often so many Times I had dried cum all over me and I needed to get that off me and the only way to do that was by taking a shower. The only difference between this shower and the one I took the day before was this time I'd have a "friend" with me. Not only was she a friend she was female and quite possibly one of the hottest girls ever. I turned on the shower and let it run for a bit and I grabbed Britney and kissed her with reckless abandon. I though one of two things would happen. she would slap me or she'd kiss me back. Lucky for me she did the later. She was into it and jumped off the ground and wrapped her legs around my waist. Had she given e a bit more notice I could have had more time to stabilize myself. We didn't quite fall to the ground in a heap but I did stumble a little. I was able to regain my balance and some how climb in to the shower with Britney still attached to my upper body. I have to say that was an experience that I won't soon forget. This whole time that Britney was holding on to me my dick began getting harder and harder. I was ready to go again but Britney refused to jack me off. That mad me sad that is until Britney dropped to her knees and with out the least bit of trouble took all 7 inches right down her throat like it was nothing. Maybe to her it was nothing but on some level I began thinking she was a virgin except for "Thomas." Although with how much she drank before she was 21 mind you and the friends she typically hung out with I found that hard to believe.
After we did get out of the shower and dried off. I dried myself like any normal adult would. I did a fatherly thing with Britney and wrapped her in big fluffy towel and regretted it almost immediately. With her all wrapped up in that towel it made her look so young and that was just something I didn't want from her. She did take it off and wrapped it around her waist still her small perky tits exposed. I was thankful for that. I brought her into my bedroom upstairs and asked her if she wanted to wear the clothes she had the day before to which she sort of laughed informing me that she had no choice. I reiterated to make her aware I meant underwear. She looked at me weird and I informed that she and my sister were about the same size. She wondered if it was clean which it was but I was not sure it was dry so I brought her up to my sister's room. She asked me if I would turn away while she got dressed. I stood there in disbelief she had been walking around naked and slept naked in bed with me not t o mention she jacked me off and even gave me head in the shower. Anyway I respected her enough and tuned away while she got dressed until she said I could turn back around. She looked great in my sister's clothes. She was wearing a pink bra and a c-string. (I know I said c-string. It's like a g-string without the strings at the hips.) She said I like this I gotta get some for myself. Where did your sister get these? I told her I'd e-mail her hyperlink to the website.
She was happy with that and she showed it when she smiled. I told her that if she were gonna wear c-strings she'd need to get rid of some of that pubic hair. She said she's thought about it but was always nervous because she thought she'd cut herself. I told her if she wanted I could trim her shorter. She asked have you ever shaved anyone. I told her just myself. She said yeah but that's a face that's supposed to be shaved. I said well yeah I did my face but I shaved my dick too. Didn't you realize that it was hairless earlier when you were jacking me off? She said I guess I didn't notice. Let me have another look. Normally I wouldn't show my dick to just anyone but I had seen her naked and she had already jacked me off so it wasn't like she hadn't seen it before. I pulled it out and let her see it. She instantly grabbed it and began examining it all over. She lifted it looking for hair all around it. Once she was satisfied with my shave job she let go and agreed to let me shave her. I led her to the bathroom and had her hop in the shower to soften her pubic hair. I turned on the water but before she got in I took a pair of scissors and cut her pubic hair short. I had cut quite a small amount from her pussy cause despite the fact that Britney was an adult she was small and didn't have much pubic hair. I asked if she wanted to shave in the shower or wait until she got out. She asked ho I had done it and I told her I did it I the shower but with me doing another person it would probably be easier outside the shower. She agreed and asked if I minded if she shaved her legs and stuff. She said she wanted to look uniform throughout so I told her sure. She got in but left the shower curtain open. I didn't really know what to do so I put the seat down on the toilet and enjoyed the impromptu show. After a while she asked me to join her in the shower and I decided that would be okay. I stripped and again before I even stepped in the shower she grabbed my dick. I was hard again with in seconds. I was worried she was gonna jack me off again but I was surprised and thrilled when she dropped to her knees and engulfed my whole dick in her mouth. She was really good a this so I wasn't even going to attempt to hold back. She had her mouth filled with more cum then I ever unloaded before. She held it in a mouth before swallowing it all down and the she opened her mouth to show me that she had swallowed it all. I could take very little more and because I had sex in the shower on more than one occasion I decided to get out. I dragged Britney with mean sat her up on the counter that was covered with water from cooled steam. I pulled her legs apart to beginning the enjoyable job of shaving her. I filled my hand with a large amount of shaving cream and applied in generously to Britney's young pussy. I began shaving with the direction of her hair growth. A lot was coming off as I expected. After I finished it the first time I reapplied more shaving cream and this time shaved against the hair growth. This time less hair came off but that's just because most of it came off with the first shave job. She was cleanly shaven now but to test my work I didn't just run my hand over her newly bald pussy no no no. I decided that I would return to her the oral sex that she had given to me earlier. I began pacing kisses all over her bald little beaver and enjoying my handy work as I realized when I didn't come in contact with anymore hair that I had done quite well. I worked my way in ward towards the prize in all of this and before even reaching her clit she was thrust in to multiple orgasms. One on top of another and another made it seem to me like they'd never stop. I was so soaked in her juices that I was sure I was going to drown. Luckily I didn't drown in her copious juices. Even through they tasted incredibly sweet I could only swallow so much before I would fall in to a coma so I had to stand up and let the rest of my lower body get more soaked which wasn't at all possible. I was soaked to the bone. (No pun intended.) Not only was I so wet I felt I'd never get dry I was sporting a major erection. It was in desperate need of some attention either from me or some one else namely Britney. She walked weakly to my bedroom the whole time running her hand over her newly bald snatch. I don't know for sure whether she liked it or was just getting use to the feeling that she hadn't experienced since before puberty. She was hairless and she had pubic hair since some point in puberty although even with her formally full bush it was not that thick of a coating. I wanted to fuck Britney as soon a she got back in bed with me but that wasn't going to happen cause she got into the bed and was pretty much in a trance. The whole time she laid there rubbing her pussy and soaking my bed sheets She had a far off glazed look in her eyes that truthfully scared the hell out of me. She continued fingering her bald cunt until she passed out. While she was asleep yet again she cried out my name several times. That also freaked me out.
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“You ready to go, Nancy?” Ann asked, smiling at her friend. “Glad you decided to do this after all?” Nancy smiled back like the Cheshire cat. How much fun could a guy have, I thought and then I looked down the bar at Bev. She blew me a kiss and smiled. She was last this round and I had no doubt she would make the most of it. We started moving back toward the great room and Colleen cornered me. “I pushed you hard this last go around and you managed to control it. Not too bad at all. I’ll dial...
My name is John doe and I'm dead. But it's ok because I'm in heaven now, and if you didn't know, when you go to heaven god gives you you're very own universe to be the god of. God said i can do whatever i like in this new universe except inherently evil things(rape, murder, pedophilia, etc.). God also told me that the devil would put someone who went to hell in this same universe with me, and as punishment for their sins on earth, I would be able to do whatever I want to them, even including...
It was the late seventy and I was eighteen years old. I was confused curious about my sexuality like most k**s back then. I found this phone number where you could call and talk to someone about those things. The guy was older and he knew how to make me feel at ease talking to him. I would call late at night while I was in bed and would get so hard just talking about what guys do together. I would try to get him to talk about his own experiences while I slowly stroked my dick. His name was Jim...
So this my first attempt at a story. It is somewhat semi auto-biographical of my life so far, some of these events did happen, some are slightly exaggerated and other are what I fantasise about. I am really intrigued to see what other people would write and the decision they want to see the story go as well so welcome and encourage your own contributions. I'm a bit of a nerd enjoying tabletop wargaming, but I was also one that was fairly good at sport. During my life, I had never been part of...
TeenThis week, I was out of town on travel when I got bored. My meetings ended early and I checked into getting an earlier flight, but everything was booked. So here I was, stuck in a small midwest town for the night. I ate a light meal by my lonesome and decided to drive around to see if I could find a lively bar. As I was zig-zagging through the edge of town, I noticed an adult book store and thought, oh-well, there is a dvd player in the hotel room...maybe I will buy a cheap porn flick and relax...
BisexualJacqui and Heidi (aka Jekyll and Hyde)a tale of two females as told to Curt Bruch and Julie Van*******Chapter Five - Agreeable Submission*******His name was Sarkis and had been introduced to us at one of Carol's parties Like a lot of Carol's friends, I can only describe him as being slightly deranged but whilst Jacqui shared my assessment she also admitted to have been flattered when he had told her that she had 'something about her' that made her a natural to be a photographer's model. She was...
Has Lyn and I lay our bodies entwined could hear Mom and Sunny in the next room. Laughter and moans of sexual pleasure, Sunny had drifted into our lives two days ago Mom had selected herself to look after Sunny and the two had quickly become inseparable. The previous night Sunny had been seduced by Mom whilst Lyn and I made love by the side of them. Lyn nuzzled my breast. I stroked Lyn’s breast she moaned with pleasure she reached down I felt her warm hand rub my clitoris I soon reached my...
My sister and I were up and about good and early on Saturday 31st August 1974; our week's holiday from the vegetable factory was over, and Mr Johnston was expecting us back at work for the next four weeks, almost until we went back to University. As we lived by far the closest, Jen and I had agreed to take the early shift that morning to give the others time for their trains to get them back. After a final proper cooked breakfast from Mum, Dad dropped us and our bags of freshly washed...
He was maybe 5'7, he was more of a botterscotch in complexion and somewhat between athletic and muscular. His beard thick and a light low cut faded hair, or whatever you guys call it. It was obviously he had a recent hair cut, maybe 6 hours fresh because the lines were sharp. It wasn't my intention to have sex with him, it honestly wasnt. We were just meeting up to see each other because hey, pictures dont always tell the truth.Now, lets start from scratch, i initially met him on a dating app,...
Damn? I have. Problem was: I was on a date. If I had known girls like this just walked around in bars in this town, I'd never have even gone on Tinder. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for awkward dates that lead to desperate, meaningless sex. I mean: who isn't, right? But seeing that girl walking around on the terrace, handing out drinks, it made me regret taking the easy way out. I could easily have waited a day or two before going with the less interesting option. But to be honest: I got...
The Judicators:Counterspell "Come on honey you said you were going to be ready a half hour ago, we need to get going." Glenn said to Debbie. Glenn's wife cringed hearing those words. She hated that he was always in a hurry; why couldn't her husband take life nice and slow like she did. It would be fine, they will meet up with their friends at the restaurant when they get there. She also hated to be rushed, she had all the time in the world. Each time he is in a hurry Debbie would...
“You like that my dear?” Kari looked into Scott’s eyes but did not say a word, her eyes said it all though. “Do you want me to stop?” Scott pulled his hands away from her, and Kari grabbed them and placed them back on her body holding them against her tightly hoping he would not stop. Scott continued to rub Kari, drag his fingers across her cunt, licked, kissed, and sucked her neck and ears. Then he slid his hands to the top of the corset, and slid it down just enough to reveal her...
I'm not a big fan of air travel, but last week I experienced something a bit different and thought I would share it with you.Flying Easyjet is sort of OK. You get what you pay for. Delays are the norm, and the scramble to get on the plane brings out the worst in everyone. I arrived at my departure gate with a little time to spare and noticed the Easyjet staff arrive to begin boarding. A queue formed which I found myself near to the front of just by chance. They held us up while they invited...
MILFNothing happened to me this time. No questions, no whipping. Mr. Szywicki told us kids to get dressed, again. We waited in the hall while he talked to Father and Sister with the door closed. Then he drove me and Lisa home and went off with Eddie. He didn’t say anything the whole time we were in the car. Nothing happened to Sister, either. Next day, we were all back in class as though nothing had happened, though she barely looked at us the whole last couple weeks of school. But Father...
My step sis and I were wrestling when her tit accidentally popped out.. I felt like I had to look away, but Michele wanted me see her big natural titties! I always wanted to see my stepsister’s big breasts, but I never thought it would actually happen.. She goes down on me, slobbering all over my cock. Watch as my stepsister bends over my bed begging for me to stuff her. I pound Michele’s sweet pussy, making her cum harder and harder with every orgasm. I finally shoot my load into a...
xmoviesforyouJenna drew her pistol, slipping off the safety as well and holding it with her elbow cocked, the barrel pointing toward the ceiling. Her heart was racing as she followed Ethan and Justin down the long hall of curtained rooms towards the end. God, she knew there was a reason she hated hospitals. Behind the curtain, they could make out the shape of an individual standing close to where the curtain parted. Ethan pointed and then stepped back, wanting badly to grab Jenna's arm, make her stay...
Kirsten and Jackie and Tiffany were with Mark in the tub room when they heard a pounding at the door. "What the heck?" Kirsten said, getting up and going to the door. "If that's the guys, they'd have just come on in." It proved to be Josh. Kirsten looked over his shoulder, to see the ten dogs rigged together, the two sleds rigged in tandem, and Mike bundled up in the basket of the front sled. "He's got the flu too," Josh said. "He fainted out on the trail." Kirsten didn't bother...
*the following is a work of fiction*Alright, it’s time I got this one off my chest… …I work as a video editor in L.A. I cut all kinds of stuff — commercials, movie trailers, music videos. Whatever’s available really. It’s a competitive industry and I’m just happy to have the work. It’s not always glamorous but it pays well. Lots of long hours alone in a dark room, just trying to make something work. It’s a sometimes grueling but ultimately rewarding job. For the last few years I’ve worked...
Alexis Fawx is the editor in chief of Sex & Style magazine–a high-end porn magazine geared towards horny lesbians with impeccable taste. Alexis is panicking, their cover model and the main story turned out horrible, and now they need a sexy new cover model ASAP. To make it worse, a documentary film crew has been following her and will capture the disaster. Alexis needs sudden inspiration… that may just be her goofy new assistant Bree! Alexis takes notice of Bree’s perfect...
xmoviesforyouStar Pt 5: Comeback Star Part 5 of 5 Interviewer: I’m once more at the home of Dave and Karen Gerrard to discuss Karen’s comeback film, a spy spoof called ‘Jane: Blonde?’. To start with, I must say it’s been a while since all three of us were together. Dave Gerrard: Well, you and I have met four times in the past two years. Interviewer: Yes, for each of the films you have directed since ‘Emily’. Each one better than the one before, I thought. DG: Thanks. It’s been a steep learning curve...
NOTE TO READERS: This is a fantasy about the lovely, luscious Miss Hayden Winters. You may or may not know of her — she only just started doing porn a year ago, at the tender young age of eighteen. A caveat: Although I have bedded girls more than a decade younger than myself, I usually prefer women with some experience under their belt. The truth behind this tale is Hayden’s remarkable resemblance to Tracy, my high school girlfriend — I exploit this angle with a twist at the end of Part 3. ...
(Buckhead, Georgia, United States) Kaldur was Waiting for Patience On His Motorbike. Patience Was His Girlfriend, She Was A Psychic. She didn't exactly know about it, but he did, He was The Last of The Pagan Gods After All, What With His Father Being Baldur, and his Mother Kali, He'd Inherited Their Powers, and Gotten a Few of his Own. He and Patience had Been Dating For A Couple of Months Now, Enough to Share The Same Bed, at Least In Secret. Patience Finally Came Out and Found Him Waiting For...
Jake heard the front door open, followed by two voices raised in loud, drunken laughter. He shook his head and rolled his eyes. At least somebody is having fun on a Friday night. Despite having broken up with his girlfriend almost a month earlier, he was in no hurry to get back into the game. Work and classes cut into his time, and he remembered all too well how hectic it had been the last time he was trying to find someone. With a few promising conversations going on the dating site he’d...
MILFOne time I got her to fuck me in my ass with a strap-on and I LOVED it! I moaned like a bitch in heat. She finally left me and told me that she thought I was gay and she couldn’t stay with a “man” like that. This caused something to snap in my mind. That has been 11 years ago now. I have never gotten into another relationship with a woman since. I have done a lot of jacking off, (almost every night), over the last 11 years and I have fucked my ass with a dildo a few times since then, after...
Jane and I were having lunch when she told me that her husband, John, planned to have a gang bang party for her. “What did you do to deserve that?” “I lost a bet,” was the reply. I smiled “well, have fun!” “Yeah right! I also have to find a friend to come over to suck the guys, to make sure they stay hard.” Do you know anyone who might be interested?”I am thinking to myself that this might be fun, so I ask, “when is this party going to happen?” “Saturday afternoon,” was the reply. “I’m free...
I allways went to see my dad at work as a k**, I loved when he used to take me around the offices he worked as a bank manger he'd been working there for 16 years.When I was born my parents didnt have alot of meny so my dad had to get a job and fast he had tried everwhere and finally got his job at the bank.I didnt know what my dad actually did and I still don't quite understand it now but it didn't stop me loving the visit's to the office now and then.My Dads boss Nicholas was also a family...
For as long as I can remember I’ve felt sexually attracted to my wife’s two sisters. This story is about my first experience with the oldest of the two, Cecilia. Cecilia is tall, has long dark hair, long legs and smooth olive skin. She is model beautiful and has a very sensual, mouth, with full lips. Ever since my wife and I began dating Cecilia’s always enjoyed teasing me…most often when her sister was out of sight and hearing, but safely nearby. The most brazen thing she’d...