Alex Ch. 06 free porn video

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This is the 6th Chapter in a long series. A relationship of control and power is developing. Please enjoy and take the time to vote and comment. I would like to once again thank TRCIII for his help editing.


‘I placed some clothing on the bed for you to wear tonight,’ Alex shouted, from the bedroom.

‘Hey, would you mind bringing me my robe, please? I forgot to grab it earlier,’ I said, loudly. ‘Can you help me over to the shower so I can wash my hair?’

‘You don’t have to scream, I am right here,’ he replied, as he peeked around the curtain. ‘I thought you would never ask.’ Although the bathtub—actually it was closer in size to a small Jacuzzi—was right next to the walk-in shower, I still needed help.

‘Have you ever been shaved?’ He was holding the razor up and had a devilish grin on his face.

‘I shave all the time. I would have hairy ape legs if I didn’t.’ I was confused.

‘Will you let me?’

‘I guess it will be okay, but I already shaved today.’ I had the most perplexed look on my face.

Alex reached for the can of shaving cream. The shower hand wand was set to gentle pulsate. He soaked my pussy. ‘Now, I am going to tidy this area up. I see you already trim, but I don’t like any hair on your labia. And you have too much around your clit.’

By the time he was done, I had this one little strip of black hair left on my mound and everything else was as smooth as glass. ‘If you don’t mind, I would like for it to be kept this way.’

‘I guess it is okay, if it makes it easier for you to eat me, then all the better, besides it is only hair.’ I was hoping he would try out his new shave job, but he did not. All he did was hand me the shampoo and conditioner.

‘Dinner is going to be served in an hour and we both need to hurry up. Normally I would have fun playing with your body, but we do not have the time. I will make it up to you after the festivities tonight, I promise.’ He kissed my forehead and quickly washed himself.

To say I was disappointed would have been an understatement. I wanted to lick his cock. I wanted to feel his powerful hands all over me. As I sat on the step, daydreaming of what my body wanted from him, a stream of water shot at my tits. Post-haste, I was back to reality.

‘What is going through your mind? Are you having second thoughts about staying here?’ I could hear the concern and compassion in his voice.

‘No, actually, at the present moment in time I have no intentions of leaving. I am just wishing we had a little more time before dinner. I am a little confused. Why are you having a formal dinner?’

‘To celebrate the hiring of my new live-in accountant. By the way, you start tomorrow. I don’t know what you want to do about your old job. I don’t think you will have enough time to do both, but maybe.’ Such enthusiasm, an eighteen-year-old boy losing his virginity could not be happier.

‘Speaking of working two jobs, my old one paid me around fifty-thousand a year. I assume I will be receiving a paycheck?’ I really needed to make my own money. I have never relied on someone else to pay my bills and I was not about to start now.

‘You know I paid the last gentleman around eighty thousand a year plus full benefits, but he did not live here. I will offer you seventy a year, plus benefits, plus you must share my bed with me. Fair?’

‘I must share your bed with you! That sounds an awful lot like an order, and do you really want to go there again?’ A smile and laughter was in my voice. I was not mad or even upset, I knew he was half-joking.

‘Okay, one hundred thousand and you are a full-time submissive?’ He was laughing, also.

‘Geez, that sounds an awful lot like prostitution…I don’t think so. Eighty and I get to choose how much time I spend in your bed, plus full benefits. Plus, I keep my other job. I only submit when we are naked.’

‘Well, we are naked right now. So, I think you have to submit.’

‘Come here, please.’ He did walk over to me. I reached my arms around his ass. I sucked his cock into my mouth. The harder I sucked the harder he got. I tasted the leftover Irish Spring as I licked his balls. My hands were kneading his length, gently. ‘Now, I see you came to me willingly…’ I went back to licking his cock up and down. Occasionally I sucked it deep into my waiting mouth. ‘Now, about my salary…’ I sucked him back in. I felt the first few pulses and stopped. ‘I think I am entitled to a salary without any sexual…’ I sucked him back in.

He latched his hands around my hair, pushing his cock deeper into my mouth. I loved the taste of him. Slowly he pulled my hair back as he nearly came all the way out. He pushed my head back down on himself. I mustered all the sucking force I could. I pushed his hips back, releasing him from my mouth.

‘Now I want a salary without any sexual requirements. I am not a whore.’ I sucked him deeply back in. I heard him moan as he shot his load deep into my mouth. I continued to suck, even after he released my hair. I released my suction as he started to soften.

‘Not a whore? I’ll tell you what. I will amuse you. I will give you the eighty thousand plus benefits, but you must quit your other job. I promise you will not have time. And if you ever try to blackmail me sexually again, you will be punished.’ That was very matter-of-fact. A little too serious for my personal liking, but I was going to let it go. Although I was beginning to wonder who truly had more power.

I really enjoyed what he did to me physically, but this mental power play was becoming very fun. We both were too old to be engaged in silly high school mind games, but this seemed to be on an adult level. I was going to see how far I could push him. I have a feeling I would like the punishment. Maybe a little bit of pain, but the end result might make it worth it.

‘Deal, give me a few weeks to tie up any loose ends I have with my old boss. And then I will become your permanent live-in accountant, not your puppet on a string. Deal?’ I held out my hand, waiting for a handshake.

‘Deal.’ Then he leaned down and pulled my lips tight to his. It was a leave-you-breathless type of kiss. His tongue probed deeply into my mouth. I did not want to let go, but he pulled back. ‘I don’t believe in handshakes. We will seal the deal tonight, but right now we need to get ready.’

Standing at the vanity wearing a kimono robe, I looked into the mirror. In my own eyes, I saw that I had sold out on my own morals and principles. Was I really in love with him, or the chase that gave me such a thrill? It was a hard question to try to answer, after such a short time. I was hoping it really was love, but I had to let time tell me the real answer. It was not something I was not going to decide on in only a few short days or even weeks.

Alex came back in, carrying a white thigh-high stocking, a white garter-belt and a white lacy push-up bra. I looked at him with a quizzical look. ‘What the heck is that?’ I demanded pointing at the bra, he was holding up by the strap. The last thing I wanted was to draw more attention to my breasts.

‘This is one of my surprises for tonight. I want you to put all of this on and come back into the bedroom, please.’ I did not question him. What was the point? I usually caved anyways. I put on the bra, it felt weird, like my breasts were hitting my chin. I fastened the garter, but I had to sit down to put the stocking on, so I waited until I was back in the bedroom. Placing the kimono back on, I hobbled to the bedroom.

Alex was dressed in a black tuxedo with an emerald-green vest. ‘Mmm, you look good enough to eat.’ Something about a tuxedo made me excited. He did not say anything, just pointed to my emerald dress on the bed. This was not the same dress, it was shorter and had no slit up the side.

He took the stocking from my hand. Delicately he rolled it up. He pointed to the bed and I quickly sat d
own. Placing his hands on my left upper-thigh, he tenderly pulled my leg out straight, running his hand down to my toes. His touch was so soft, delicate shivers went down my spine. Softly, he placed the stocking on my toes, taking great pains to ensure it was straight. With a cat-like grace, he unrolled the stocking up my leg. Alex ensured that the emerald green seam on the back was straight. Helping me to my feet, he fastened the stocking in place.

He leaned down and sucked my tit into his mouth. I nearly fell back onto the bed. I was so aroused that any touching almost made me scream with desire. I wanted him to touch me more, but all he did was pull away from me.

‘We need to hurry, our guests already have arrived.’ I begrudgingly slipped into my dress. The satin material hung loosely around my thighs. The hemline was just above my knee, but still far shorter than I was accustomed to wearing. The straps were wide at the shoulder and then tapered down to the bodice. I felt sexy and ready for anything.

‘I have a little bit of a problem. I cannot wear heels, and I have no other shoes.’

‘Not a problem, I did think about that.’ He handed me a matching green flat. ‘Now, go do your hair and make-up.’ I hobbled back to the vanity and looked at myself. I needed jewelry, but I did not have any in close reach. I decided to leave my hair down, let the natural curls conceal my bare earlobes and take attention off my bare neck.

‘You look too beautiful to hide behind your hair.’ He stepped behind me and pulled my hair back loosely. He placed a gold barrette at the nape of my neck. From his pocket, he produced an emerald and diamond choker. It was exquisite. He handed me a matching pair of dangling earrings.

‘These are absolutely breathtaking, thank you so much.’ I turned around and kissed him gently on the lips, rubbing my perky nipples against his chest. The feeling was bordering on euphoric. ‘I think I am ready, if you are.’

We walked to the dining room slowly, side by side. We could hear the laughter and conversations, long before we got there. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. As we walked into the door, everyone went quiet. Each person stood-up, as if at attention, when Alex sat, so did everyone else. Then the conversation started again.

Everyone was dressed in formal eveningwear. I was taken aback by why there would be such hoopla over my presence. I had only accepted to stay, not get married. I knew there was going to many more arguments yet to come, tomorrow. Tonight I was going to enjoy myself. I looked around and there were a few new faces. I knew Alex would introduce me, in time.

The waiters came around and poured Champaign. Alex stood up and said, ‘Please everyone keep your seats. Tonight we are here to celebrate. Sarah…’ He pointed to me. ‘…has graciously accepted my proposal to stay. Not only will she be living here, she has also accepted to run the books for the farm.’ Everyone cheered.

I was confused even more. Why was it such a big deal? ‘Furthermore, I would like to thank Uncle Boris and Aunt Kiska for coming and my older brother Ivan and his wife Vania…’ He pointed to an older very heavyset man and a robust woman seated next to him that must have been his Aunt and Uncle. His brother looked almost identical to Alex, his wife was also a robust woman who looked like she had had a hard life. ‘…for also making the long trip from Russia. I appreciate the sacrifices you all have made for me. Without all of your help and kindness, I would not be where I am today. I offer the most sincere heartfelt thank you. To all of my guests I want to thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to help me celebrate this milestone in my life. Cheers.’ The normal rigmarole of everyone clanging glass proceeded.

I was so awestruck that I did not realize Ariela was congratulating me. ‘Ariela, you and I need to talk,’ I said in her ear. If anyone around here knew what was going on, she would. She just smiled at me and shook her head ‘yes’.

The waiters brought out a delectable shrimp cocktail and more wine. Alex leaned over to me and whispered in my ear, ‘Tomorrow, you are going to be introduced more formally to Ivan and Uncle Boris. However, tonight I want you to drink and enjoy yourself. Just to let you know, no bondage when we drink a lot, it can become very dangerous.’ A devious laugh came out of his mouth. ‘I love you, Sarah, and I hope you stay here for a long, happy lifetime.’ He kissed me passionately. I did not return his passion.

Dinner proceeded with little problems, all of the food was splendid. I was sitting back watching everything. I noticed Juan, the head groundskeeper, was spending a lot of time talking to both Boris and Ivan. I thought that was a little different, although Juan was seated in-between the two men. Their faces showed moments of laughter, but a lot of serious in-depth conversation.

Leaning over to Alex, ‘What is up with Boris, Juan and Ivan? I would think they would not talk to one another…’

‘Oh, Uncle Boris sent both of Juan’s daughters to college. I think it was Harvard or Yale, one of them. There was no way Juan could afford to send them. I, at the time, was still struggling to make this place a success. So, stepped in Uncle Boris and ever since then Juan has become like family. I told you everyone here is happy and I go to great lengths to ensure that.’ Alex gave me the answer I really wanted to hear. My brain was thinking buried bodies on the vast acreage. I was relieved to hear such a benign answer.

The waiters cleared the last of the dessert plates from the table. Alex stood up again and said, ‘I want to thank everyone for coming. Out on the back deck a string ensemble has been set up. Please feel free to drink and dance the night away.’ Almost everyone made their way to the back patio. Alex held me back, Boris and Ivan stayed, as well. Their wives went on ahead.

‘Nice to meet you, Sarah. Alex has said you are quite a firecracker. I do love a lady with spunk. Alex also explained…’ Boris sat in the chair next to me and continued talking. ‘…that you are very astute with numbers. I look forward to discussing a few matters with you tomorrow. I hope Alex has made you happy, and if ever he becomes, oh how do you say…’Pigheaded’ just let me know and I will whip him back into shape, so to speak.’

‘Well, I am pleased to meet you…’

‘Uncle Boris, please, we are family.’

‘Well, Uncle Boris, I think Alex may have exaggerated my accounting skills. We have only been together a very short time and we are still trying to figure one another out. I don’t know how I can be of assistance to you…’

‘Oh, my sweet child, tomorrow we discuss business. Tonight we drink.’ With that, Boris and Ivan went to the back patio.

‘Alex, FREEZE.’ He was making his way to the door. ‘We need to talk… NOW.’ He turned around with anger in his eyes.

‘How dare you!’

‘How dare I? No, how dare you! I don’t know what you think I am going to do, but I will tell you, I pride myself on my ethics. I will not engage in anything that borders on the illegal or even morally questionable.’ I was furious.

‘I don’t know what your wild imagination has come up with. Nevertheless, I can promise it is legal and ethical. Uncle Boris and Ivan run an import/export business. They just need you to look over a few things. They have a feeling someone is embezzling money, and I trust you…’

‘Let me guess you trust me, so therefore they will trust me, right? So help you, if it turns out to be different…’ With that, I got up and left. I had steam coming out of my ears. The timing of everything was making me seriously wonder. It had to have been at least a twelve-hour flight from Moscow, and I only agreed to stay this morning. I kept running the timeframe over and over as I made my way to the patio.

Ariela greeted me and directed me towards the far side of the patio. I sat down and listened to what she had t
o say. ‘Sarah, I think you have an overactive imagination. I have been here too many years to count. I have never seen anything even remotely questionable, except Alex’s sexual behavior.’ No Senõr Alex, just Alex, maybe it was a slip-up on her part. ‘Senõr Alex is squeaky clean. I think you have read too many suspense novels. Maybe you should read romance?’ With that, she got up laughing.

Someone handed me a very stiff White Russian and I just had to laugh at the irony. Ariela was right, I did read too many suspense novels. I stayed in my chair watching everyone dance and have fun. In a few short days, my world had taken a one-hundred-and-eighty-degree turn.

Vania, Ivan’s wife, came over and sat next to me. Up close, her pale face was full of lines and creases. I wanted to know what had caused such a once beautiful woman to have so many scars. ‘Mind if I join you?’ She spoke very broken English.

‘No, please by all means. I am getting bored watching everyone else having fun.’ Which I was. It was at this moment I really hated being injured.

‘Please, tell me Alex and his interesting hobbies did not do that to you?’ She was very sincere in her tone. What was up with everyone being concerned that Alex did this in the heat of passion?

‘Goodness, no.’ I explained to her how I did it. We made small talk, for a long while, but still said much of nothing. Vania saw someone else she wanted to talk to and left me alone, again.

Next, to come by and say ‘hi’ was Boris’ wife, Kiska, a very large woman who had an almost angelic face. Her eyes were a brilliant ocean blue. The sight of this woman up close took me. She was breathtaking, except for the extra hundred-or-so pounds. Five minutes with her and I felt like she was my own Aunt. She was telling me a few stories of the hardships she and her family endured after WWII in a Communist Soviet Union. Boris and she were not always wealthy, not until the fall of the Berlin Wall, did they start to make a fortune in imports and exports. Kiska left me to go talk to Boris. They appeared to be a very devoted couple.

I saw Alex slowly working his way through the crowd, as the host, everyone wanted a little piece of his time. When he finally made it over to me, he handed me another White Russian. ‘Are you still mad at me?’

‘I don’t know. I feel like I have been set-up and I do NOT like it. I can’t understand why, no matter what you do that pisses me off, I still want to be with you. Is it still infatuation?’ I said, taking the glass from his hand.

‘Maybe, if that is the case, I hope it grows into love and not hate. I really didn’t mean for it seem like I set you up. Boris and Ivan had already planned the trip a few weeks ago. The timing was perfect. I hope Kiska and Vania had nice things to say about me?’ As his gaze fell upon Boris and Kiska slow dancing together. ‘Those two have struggled through so much. That is a true love story.’ Admiration was in his voice. Pulling a chair close to me, he leaned forward, pushing his lips deeply to mine. I returned the passion. I let my tongue probe deeply into his mouth. Our tongues pressed against one another.

I let out a low whimper. The intensity of the kiss was turning me on. I pulled away from him. ‘We have a lot of guests, and we just cannot get up and leave.’

Alex reached around my head and pulled my lips back to his. I felt his hand rubbing my back. I wanted to feel him, closer.

Breaking away long enough, ‘Yes, we can just disappear. No one will care.’ He led me off the terrace and around the porch, to the French doors of our room. I do not think anyone saw us leave.

‘So what does my sweet filly want?’ Kissing me with deep, quick, open-mouthed kisses.

‘I want you, in me. No toys, no ropes, no cuffs, no ‘Sir Stallion’, just passionately, deeply in me,’ I said, laboring for breath.

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Not so long ago, I was between boyfriends and it had been a few months since I had been fucked, so off I went to the local hotspot one town over, one night alone. I was dressed for success and after a few rebuttals I finally settled on the man I wanted to go home with. He was very engaging and funny and before long we were whooping it up pretty good. His name was Dan and he was about 12 years my senior but handsome and well groomed, maybe 20 pounds overweight was all. This was a Saturday night...

1 year ago
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How Easily Cryptozoology Turns Into Cryptosexology Zendayas First Meeting With Bigfoot

Well. She had almost everything. Zendaya was horribly bored. The whole state has been locked up for months, and there were only so many times you could stream Tiger King, or watch Avatar the Last Airbender on Netflix. She found herself being driven mad, pacing around her estate. She had more room there than most people could imagine, but it still felt like a prison to her, the walls of the gated yard closing in on her. So that’s how the young world-famous celebrity found herself jumping...

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A Cruise Ship Story

We are lying out on the deck of our cruise ship by the pool. It’s a beautiful day and we are enjoying ourselves. You are in a bikini lying on your back. You decide you need to turn over and ask me to apply some suntan oil to your back. You get up from your chaise lounge and stand up. I sit up in my chair and look up at you. I spread my legs and put my feet on the ground. I motion for you to sit down on the chair between my legs. You sit down at the end of the chair with your back to me...

3 years ago
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Matrimony A Making Dreams Come True Companion Volume

Do not try this at home! And don't read it if you are under eighteen years old as it is a story written for adults and not kiddies and contains words of a sexual nature that you will misunderstand. Although this story is set in the same Universe as my 'Making Dreams Come True' stories and features some of the same characters and locations, you do not need to read them first as this one is "free-standing". Matrimony. A 'Making Dreams Come True' Companion Volume. by...

2 years ago
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The Destruction of Superheroes

Thanks to the work of far too many superheroes and heroines, crime in Omen City had all but been stopped -- petty crime was long extinct, and all that remained were the superpowered criminals that considered themselves be matches for all of the city's goldbrick do-gooders. They rarely succeeded, and in the cases which they did, another hero would step in before anything permanent could be changed. One of these many supervillains was a woman in her mid-20's, June Spinster, who ran her criminal...

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Fun in the sunshine state

Fun in the Sunshine StateMy wife(Mary) and me always hear and want to go to Flordia, go to Dayton Beach Bike week beacuse we had heard great time and would be our chance to go to Flordia. So off we went to Dayton Beach to final be in Florida and get to see this bike week. We arrive at our hotel for the week, check in and get luggage to room when Mary say" Let go check this Bad Ass bike week out, see some of the sights." I say "ok"! We start look going through the tent t- shirts for the event,...

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I joined a rock band my senior year of high school. It was the first band for most of us, and we weren't that great for a bunch of eighteen-year-olds. But we all had the usual dreams of fame, fortune, and chicks. The first couple of practices were at my house, but after that it was nearly always at Steve's house. One reason for that was because Steve's mom seemed to actually enjoy having us there making noise in her basement. Another reason was that I encouraged it, because I actually enjoyed...

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Andee Heats Up Houston Day 3

Andee folded down the top of her suitcase and zipped it shut. In a few hours she would be back in Canada, back with her husband – and after the past couple days – back on her back as she shared her experiences in Houston with the man waiting at home. She looked at Don propped up against the edge of the desk, hands stuffed into his jeans as her thoughts turned to the fun she had enjoyed on this trip. She could see the disappointment in his face as he knew their time together had come to an end....

Wife Lovers
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LostChapter 3

Audrey was right: they did indeed learn prayers and stuff. But the prayers were like no prayers taught in any church they were familiar with. The Sisters called their god Zebul. It was his physical manifestation Audrey and Susan had encountered that fateful night. The Sisters called themselves the Brides of Zebul. Brides they might call themselves but, Audrey and Susan quickly realised with horror, Sex Slaves would be a more apt description. The sole function of the nuns was to sexually...

2 years ago
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In this universe, the animatronics are just sentient AI and not possessed, and they are all anatomically correct. This can lead to embarrassing situations after hours. There are also non-animatronic animal characters like Charlie (novel version) and Vanny. Which FNaF girl will be become an ENF? (ENM is okay too)

1 year ago
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Steamy Mirror

He told me to take my clothes off, lay on my back and start pleasuring myself. I was willing because he had had me pinned down with words and small commands for hours now. He knew how to get me into the space where I was almost mindlessly willing, where all resistance is gone. And he never minded that I first resisted, laughed and played. The bliss that overcame us both when he finally got me to that certain space, was worthy all the work. He was taking it slow. He told me exactly what to do to...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Counselling

It had all been going so well. Linda had me cuckolded and I had agreed that she needed those bigger black cocks to satisfy her increasing libido. There was a little pushback from me when Linda had invited three of her hung black friends over for the weekend, she had acted like a real slut for the entire time taking them whenever and where ever they had wanted. Linda had anounced the following week that she thought that we could do with some input from a counsellor and had arranged for us to...

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Andella A Dungeon Damsel Tale 1

Andella A Dungeon Damsel Story Written by Princess Kay Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page, immediately. Content Warning: This story involves a TG without consent. The carriage was gone. Stolen, in the night, the horse along with it. All the goods Jordan had prepped to sell, all the clothes he had to...

1 year ago
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Being Cruel To Be Kind

100% fiction! Note: The following contribution(s) were inspired by "Nasti4unow's" 9-part serial titled, 'Cassie Hole.' But this story explores Michael's sexual life primer beginning with the transformation of his mother from dour to power. Cru-el To Be Kind : Chapter 1 It's hard to answer even for yourself how a person is drawn to certain activities above and beyond reason. Of course there are the physical timeline of events and moments of indiscretion but answering how one becomes soiled and...

4 years ago
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Encounter In The Deep WoodsChapter 2 A Hot Body

I first met him by accident earlier that day. It was just after lunch and at the peak of the noonday sun. The campsite boiled in unbearably heat and humidity; hot enough to drive me towards to the cool water of the lake. The lake was Lake Michigan, where the water's vast depth kept it cool and isolated from influence of the blazing sun above. Three miles of continuous beach hugged the state park, all of it covered with a gradual drop-off of sand that made it perfect for swimming. People to...

1 year ago
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Wishes Do Come True

Wishes Do Come True By Stephanie Ann Bryant My name is Jeff and I am your average teenager but I have one wish. Ever since I could remember I always wanted to be a girl and every night before I went to bed I always wished on the stars that I would wake up and be a girl. Of course it never happens. I guess wishes don't come true. "Jeff go to bed it is getting late." My Mom said. "I'm going." I said. I looked up at the stars and made my wish. I wish that I was a girl I said. I...

2 years ago
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A Date

Dad sat across from me at the table and shoveled oatmeal into his mouth more out of habit than for nourishment. Dark circles under his blue eyes confessed a lack of sleep. His constant sad expression made him look older than his forty-seven years. It didn't help that his hair had rescinded back to his ears. Worry had thinned his once bulky frame. He had been in a declining emotional state since my mother had left us last spring.The day after I graduated high school my mother packed her...

4 years ago
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Diane and the CopperChapter 3

The next day was also a rest day, so I decided to wander down the High Street and check out 'Jacqui R's'. I found it tucked away in one of the side streets, if my memory was correct it used to be the 'Black Lion'. I pushed the door and entered. Immediately a young man wielding a broom called to me. "We're not open." Being a Copper has certain benefits. I pulled out my Warrant Card and asked him if Jacky was on the premises. I shouldn't have used the Warrant Card, not on personal...

1 year ago
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Affair With Son8217s Teacher

Let me tell you one thing first, this story of mine is 100% or rather 500% true. Thats all i can say. Rest is up to you to believe in its genuineness. The names of people in this story may or may not be true, owing to confidentiality. So, here i begin. My name is Nikhil Oberoi. I am 37 years of age. I am an investment banker with HSBC India, living and working in Mumbai. I am married and have a son(Rohan) and  daughter(Rhea).My wife is Aleena Oberoi and is also an investment banker, but with...

4 years ago
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Coupled by Vickie Tern "I'm leaving now, honey." "Are you? Oh, of course, look at the time. OK, Enjoy yourself, baby. Oh, first let me look at you?" Slightly impatient but smiling modestly, he came further into the room and then did a slow turn. Beautiful! I could see at a glance that he'd gone all out. He'd given himself a flawless complexion, and bright red, delicately shaped lips, and eyes that were deep pools of mysterious black. His...

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Lets Jack Off Together

We are sitting in a little bar. The bartender has just closed and locked the door since it is past midnight which is his closing time.We are the last ones in the bar. There is you and your wife or sig other and your friend and his wife or sig other and the bartender and one bar girl with huge tits. You males have been kissing each other and rubbing your hands on each other all evening and the two females have been rubbing all over the bar girl as well. The bartender asked me earlier if I wanted...

Group Sex
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Liz takes charge

It had been just under a month since that night on the roundabout. Liz and I had been fucking our brains out every day since. Until this past week at least. I was not concerned at all; it was nice to be able to take a shower, wash my cock and not have that sensitive feeling you get from severe overworking. Still, I had contemplated on several occasions what the cause could be. My instinct suggested ‘girl stuff’ but I was better informed. What I had not considered, was that Liz was plotting and...

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Kaama Veri Thangai Rekha

En peyar saravanan naan coimbatoreil vasikiren vayathu 23 aagugirathu, enaku oru thangai irukiraal avalin peyar rekha vayathu 20 aagugirathu. Ivalai entha nerathil petraargal endru enaku theriya villai, ivaluku kaama ennam manathil athigamaaga suranthathu. En thangai enidam kaamathai ethir paarthaal intha kathaiyai yaar idam soluvathu endru theriya villai. Athanaal thaan intha inaiya thalathil pathivu seigiren aanal peyar anaithum maatra patu irukirathu. Naan eppozhuthum kalluriku sendru...

4 years ago
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Freshman Year Chapter 2

Freshman Year Chapter 2 Dazed and unable to grasp reality, I opened the door and looked out into the hallway trying to decided which way led to my room. Either direction would be fine I believed if only to get away from Maggie. I had no sense of where my room was but I did realize that I should start to move and fast. But somehow fear had trapped me into not wanting to move in case I made a bad decision. What had just happened to me could not have happened, but it did and it was just...

1 year ago
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My Neighbourhood Fantasies

Hi, I am 22 years old living in delhi lajpat nagar. This is a story about how I fucked a mature woman around me with amazing boobs. So mein apne colony mein naya aaya apne dost ke saath rehne. Area kaafi acha tha or colony ke andar he ek raashan ki dukan thi jahan se puri colony apna raashan kharidti hai. Yahin par ek din mein dudh lene gya ki meri nazar ek mast 28-30 saal ki lady par padhi jo t shirt or tight lower pehni raashan kharidne aayi. Mein. Unko dekhta he rhe gya.Bade tight boobs...

2 years ago
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The Man Of Sin Chapter 61

MASTURBATE UNTIL COMPLETION SIX TIMES TODAY. YOUR COLLAR WILL TELL YOU WHEN. DISOBEY AND THE DEAL WILL BE BROKEN. OH, AND DON’T EVEN THINK OF CALLING IN SICK AND STAYING LOCKED IN YOUR DORM ROOM. Helena stared at the card in horror, feeling like she was going to scream. That bastard! Bad enough he put her in those awful ropes the other day, now he wanted her to violate herself in sinful vanity! And even worse, he had forbidden her from just skipping school and hiding away from...

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I guess I was always a pervert, but I did realize that I really had a problem until she caught me jerking off to pictures of her on the internet. Now just let me ask you, if you came across pictures of the same girl that you have been fantasizing about on a regular basis on the internet bent over with little pink panties around her knees and that perfect tan round butt sticking up in the air, you can't tell me that you couldn't help but whip it out and beat it like Micheal. So there I was about...

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Sally Dates a Black Man

Sally Dates a Black Man[Author’s note: This is a true story. Sally and Eddie really do exist and live in Pennsylvania. Sally’s story was related to me through voice messages and e-mails and I agreed to write it down and publish it so that large, mature white women can realize that there are men in this world who appreciate and worship large women. Sometimes the worshipers are white men and other times the worshipers are black men. But, no matter what a man’s skin color, these obese women...

2 years ago
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On the Other HandChapter 3 Making a Connection

"Hi, is this HighlandLass84?" I asked the woman who appeared on my Skype screen. "Yup, that's me. I go by Nicky if you like." "I do like. Short for Nicole?" "Very good and quite correct." "You a Scot?" "Nope, my parents. Hey listen, before we get too far, there's a couple of things about me you need to know." "Okay, go ahead." "Well, I live at home and I have a son." "Really? How old?" "Six. He's just starting grade one." "Wow, I bet that's a big thing for...

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This is one of my earliest stories - and I think you can see how I started, BUT? Jezzi? I see that you read most of my stories. Have tried to get with you - but failed. Will you PLEASE write me at [email protected]? HARDBODY By Bea Everything was just fine until Bobbi took up body building. We'd been married a couple of years, and I was pretty sure I'd found the ideal mate. Pretty and shy and very easy to get along with - in other words seemed only to happy to do what I...

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Ted Takes Charge

Note : This story is completely fictional! Ted was an officer at the New Orleans police department. He had served for 2 years, and so he was considered a veteran instead of a rookie. After graduating high school, he had entered the academy ASAP. He already knew what he wanted to do with his life, because he had seen the cops rescue his mom from his abusive dad, who was trying to kill her and her unborn baby with his bare hands. Ted had called the cops at just 4 years old, and this act had saved...

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Hannahs on Vacation

"Yes, Ms. Schanz, the connection to the airport is great! You just take the airport train and in less than an hour you are at the airport, so you probably have plenty of time to go shopping in the duty free" came from Walter, but not completely unselfishly as he stood in front of Hannah Schanz, his 21 year-old tenant. In his left hand the 48 year old inventor held his newest invention, the Transmogrifier. A slight vibration of the device showed him that a scan of the hot chick had just found...

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CherryPimps Jillian Janson Cadence Lux Craving The Touch Of One Another

Gorgeously sweet babes Jillian Janson and Cadence Lux are hot and ready to fuck! They love showing off their long legs in their black stockings and thinking of each others hands as they run up and down every curve on their bodies. The touch of their lips as they meet; the intoxicating smell of roses; enough to drive anyone wild with lust. Spread the rose petals out and lets fuck encased by their aroma. Cadence can not get enough of Jillian’s tits. She needs to get that babe naked so she...

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Returning Home

Jeffrey Powell could not believe he caught the football. His teammates urged him to move. “Run,” they shouted. “The other way, dummy,” they corrected his misguided footsteps. He did as he was told he ran as fast as he could towards the trash can that marked the goal line. He was only a few inches away, at least in his mind, when Corbin Stewart lunged at him from behind. Jeffrey went down hard as the guy who was three-and-a-half years older fell on top of him.“Mane, come on! This ‘posed to be...

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The Challenge

As she walked through the entrance, she was relieved to see the pool was almost empty, except for the old lady slowly paddling back and forth across the water. She smiled to herself, she preferred when no-one was in so she could have more space. That's why she always went when most people were at work. She quickly walked to the edge of the pool, her juicy butt reverberating hypnotizingly as she moved. She got into the diving position and glided into the water with ease and skill. As soon as...

Straight Sex

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