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Well, don't all 8-year-old boys think all six-year old girls are brats? And don't 6-year-old girls think 8-year-old boys are toads? Well, most of them, anyway. That's my experience.
And those were our respective ages when Alexandra's family moved in next door to mine. I was 8, she was 6. However, I don't remember ever calling her a brat. And I don't remember her calling me a toad. That was her twin sister Cheryl, who still is a brat and probably still considers me a toad.
Alex was different. There were four girls in that family, and they all competed for attention. Alex and Cheryl were the oldest, followed by Andrea, who was 4 that first summer, and Jennifer, who was 3. I always felt bad for their Dad, Mr. Callaghan, the poor guy was outnumbered.
Alexandra and Cheryl were fraternal twins. If you didn't get that just by looking at them, you'd figure it out after spending seven seconds with them. Cheryl was the boisterous one. The younger ones seemed to take Cheryl as a role model. Like I said-competing for attention. Alex didn't do that. She went and sat in the corner. So, it was probably no surprise that I-the most introspective male 8-year-old you ever met-noticed Alex first.
I don't remember all that much about the first couple of years I knew them, but I have a vivid memory of a few years later. I was 11, Alex was 9. The neighborhood crew I ran with was in their backyard, and we were playing tag, or something. Something loud, with Cheryl organizing and yelling and pontificating, as usual. And I remember Alex, sitting by herself in the corner, reading. The rest of the crew badgered her, telling her that she should play with us, but she refused. I admired her for it. Me? Oh, I was playing tag. An eleven-year-old boy, who'd rather read in the corner than get dirty? Well, yeah, actually, I was. But that day, I played.
The next time I saw her in the corner of the yard, reading, I grabbed my latest and went to join her. The crew happened upon us shortly thereafter, organizing a game of something. I turned them down. And you can bet I got a boatload of shit for it. I also got a sweet little smile from Alex. That offset the razzing, and then some.
I also remember, about a year later, getting my first kiss from her. It was in a game of Truth or Dare, where Alex had the dare, and Cheryl-of course-dared her to kiss me. She blushed, but she did it. It was warm, and sweet, and soft, and made me all tingly. But that was it.
TwoAlex and I were always friends, of a certain sort. We weren't go-out-and-do-something friends. We were, if you're on your porch I'll come chat with you friends. We still occasionally read together. That sort of thing.
I suppose it started to change a little the summer before my junior year in high school, which was the summer before Alexandra's freshman year. I went to a private high school, but she was going to attend the local public one. I turned 16 that summer, just after Alex turned 14. We both had summer jobs. And, it seemed that our schedules somehow coincided a lot, as we used to arrive home at the same time quite a bit.
It just seemed natural to settle on one or the other's front porch for a chat. The chats got longer, and longer. We'd sit there for hours, just talking. We'd talk about our jobs. I'd talk about high school. She'd talk about being worried about high school, mainly because of Cheryl, who was blonde and was well on her way to being a candidate for a Playboy centerfold, and who flirted with anything in pants. Alex was described by most people as "cute". She was introverted. Under the glaring light of Cheryl, she could feel like a gnat. I think I was the first person she discussed this with. It worried her.
I know I was the first person she ever showed her short stories to. And she was the first person that I shared my poems and songs with. And, I made her laugh. Alex never laughed. Smile, sure. Chuckle, giggle, yeah. But not laugh. I was doing an impression of a customer that had been in the store I worked in, and she started howling. Great big belly laughs. I found, over the summer, that I made her laugh quite a bit. Nobody else could. It was nice to be able to do that.
When school started, our nighttime chats became less frequent. That was by necessity. My workload was brutal, hers only slightly less so. But, we still made sure to hook up a couple times a week for a talk. Her worst fears about Hurricane Cheryl were coming true-she was often left in her wake. I tried to reassure her.
It helped that she got asked out on a couple of dates. She had a few short-lived boyfriends that year. I had a girl that I dated most of the fall and into the winter. And we'd talk about that, too. That was actually rather humorous. These relationships were typical high-school stuff-rocky as a dinghy in an ocean storm. I'd complain about Marie, and Alex would say, "I'd never do that to you." She'd complain about one of hers, and I'd say, "What a jerk. Doesn't he know how to treat a girl like you?" I suppose, if we had been older, we could have read the signs better. But we didn't.
ThreeAnyhow, by the time winter turned to spring, both of us were, again, unattached. And complaining to one another about it. However, I had a bigger problem. There, looming in the not-distant-enough distance like a great big anxiety attack, was one of the prime milestones (or millstones) of a High School Junior's existence: The Prom. And I had to go. Tiger and Bill would never let me forget it if I didn't.
Tiger and Bill? They were my best friends, almost from the very start of freshman year. The three of us were tighter than an overtuned guitar string. The Three Musketeers. The Three Stooges. Huey, Duey, and Louie. Kirk, Spock, and McCoy. The Beatles, minus Ringo. That was us.
And they were going to the prom, and would take it as a personal affront if I were not there with them. After all, what are Moe and Larry without Curly? The Beatles could live without Ringo, but John? I tried to point out to them that if they included their dates they could be all four Beatles, but that didn't wash. It was The Event of The Year. The Third of Three was expected to be there.
Easy for them to say. They had dates. They had girlfriends, actually. I had nothing, and time was a-gettin' on. And no way was I going stag. Then Tiger made the suggestion: "Hey, you don't need to be in love to go to the prom. Why don't you ask one of the neighborhood girls you run with? You know, just as friends."
It was a capital idea. Now, I knew who Tiger had in mind-a couple of the girls from up the street that I ran with. He knew them. And, yes, one or two of them would be glad to go, as long as I did the whole "just as friends" preamble. One, in particular, I knew would go and that I would have a good time with.
But I didn't ask her, because Tiger's innocent suggestion had made me think of something completely different. I didn't ask any of the girls up the street. I asked Alexandra.
And there was no preamble. No qualifications. I just asked her, "Alex, would you go to my prom with me?" And she said, "Yes." And smiled.
It's funny-walking back to my house, I wasn't filled with relief that I had finally gotten a date for the prom and Bill and Tiger would get off my back. All I could think of was-how the hell did I not notice before this how pretty she is when she smiles?
FourThe prom was just fine, fine, fine. The six of us did the whole limo bit. I went over to get Alex before the limo showed up, and, when she walked out of the house, she took my breath away. The shoulder-length ringlets of dark brown curls she had had since she was six were piled up on her head. Her lightly applied makeup-which she never wore-accented the twinkle in her chocolate brown eyes. Her eyes. HER EYES! I had known her since she was SIX how on EARTH had I never noticed her eyes before? The lavender dress was fairly low-cut. Since when did Alex have cleavage? She was very petite-always had been-but she filled out her dress just fine, thank you very much. And then that smile again. Did the little girl next door, my pal, my chat buddy, change overnight? Or had I finally woken up?
All four parental units took copious amounts of pictures. I was glad, glad, glad. I wanted copies. I was going to carry a few around with me, and the next jerk that called Cheryl "the pretty twin" and Alex "the smart twin" was gonna get an eyeful of THIS. Not that I'd blame them for not noticing. It had only taken me nine years, right?
We piled in the limo. There with Tiger and Bill and their dates, Alex's innate shyness asserted itself. Luckily, not for long. I had warned the guys that she might go into a shell at first. Hey, they're good guys. They're my best friends. They and their dates helped me draw her out. I performed my special magic trick-I made her laugh-and she found a second person that could make her laugh-Tiger. Tiger can make a fencepost bark like a seal. Both of their dates were sweet, and much bonding commenced. By the time we arrived at the prom, Alex had discarded her shell for the duration and the Three Amigos (plus female accompaniment) were ready for a Time.
And a Time we did have. We ate. We danced. Tiger and I made Alex laugh until she cried. We badgered the DJ to play Born to Run so Bill and I could sing it Really Really Loud while making an effort to look like we were trying to dance. This made Alex laugh, too. Then we danced some more.
There was, of course, an after-prom party. We had the limo until the wee hours, so what did we care? I accepted a beer (a very rare event.) Alex accepted a wine cooler (an unheard of event-in fact, it was her first.) We didn't drink enough to get drunk, but we got happy. Somehow-I don't even remember how-we ended up on a couch with my arm around her and her head snuggling into my chest. It just seemed the natural thing to do when I put my hand under her chin, tilted it upward, and leaned down to kiss her. It seemed just as natural when I did it again, a few minutes later. And again. And it seemed just as natural, when I took her home, standing on her porch, to wrap my arms around her-as she wrapped hers around me-and really kiss her.
FiveSo, that's where It All Started, right? Well, not exactly. For a while, it seemed like we were both scared that what had happened that night was due to Prom Pixie Dust and couldn't be recreated in the real world, or something like that.
But something had definitely happened. Not only did our porchside chats increase in frequency-and length-now, it seemed like we were always doing something together. If I was going to the store, it seemed natural to go over and ask her if she wanted to go. If she was going to the ice cream stand, it was natural to ask me. If I wanted to go for a drive, I grabbed her. Movies? Shopping? We'd always see if the other wanted to go. And, it was natural that, when I scored two very coveted tickets to see Bruce Springsteen in concert, I asked her to go with me.
It was Springsteen that did it. First of all, there was absolutely no logical reason why I should have asked Alex to go with me. I had plenty of BossManiac friends that would have cut off an arm for that ticket-I don't think Bill has forgiven me yet-and I decide to ask Alex, who had only the slightest inkling who Bruce Springsteen even was. Her musical tastes ran to Irish folk music, and classical. I told myself that I was doing it to initiate the unaware. That, although it might be fun to attend with someone else who knew all the words to Darkness on the Edge of Town and wasn't shy about singing along, it would be more fun to suck an unwary nonbeliever into the Church of Bruce. While there was a kernel of truth in that, it wasn't the real reason. And it certainly wasn't the reason she eagerly agreed to go.
Somehow, it had happened that, if I was going somewhere, I wanted her along-and she wanted to go with me. And, if she were going somewhere, she wanted me along-and I wanted to go with her. The destination was almost unimportant. And this little fact of life had snuck up on us so gradually that neither of us had even realized it yet.
Anyhow, there we were, seeing "BROOOOOOOOOCE SPRINGSTEEEEN... AND THE E! STREET! BAAAAAAANNNND!!!!!!" on their tour in 1980, supporting The River album (still my favorite.) It was stupendous. It was mind-boggling. It was The Greatest Show On Earth. I knew all the words. I sang along. I shouted myself hoarse. Alex? She started the night with a "So what's this Bruce thing all about, anyway?" look on her face. By the time they did "Rosalita" she was standing on a chair. Yelling a lot. I knew the words, she didn't, so when they did "Thunder Road", I made sure I sang the "Show a little faith, there's magic in the night" line right at her. Because it was true. And I was rewarded with That Smile. Times ten.
She babbled the whole ride home about how great it was. Another convert for BossMania. I walked her to her porch, and, instead of running in the door, she grabbed me. And kissed me, long and deep. I was breathless-and I know she was, too.
Bruce Pixie Dust? I hoped not. This time I was going to test the theory. Well, first, I had to make sure the convert was taken care of, so I went out the next day, headed to the record store, and bought Alex a complete collection of Bruce. I presented them to her, she squealed delightedly, kissed me again-and slammed the door in my face. And sheepishly opened it a second later, inviting me in to listen with her. I laughed, let her go explore the Majesty of Bruce by herself, and told her I'd see her later.
It was that night, on my porch, one of our chat sessions. Except there wasn't much chatting. I pulled her close, and kissed her. And kept kissing her. We broke the kiss, and I could feel her breath on my cheek. She reached down and planted little kisses on my neck. I entwined my fingers in her curls. She rubbed my back. Then she looked in my eyes again, and I kissed her again.
I think that one lasted about three weeks.
When we finally broke the kiss, and caught our breath, Alex leaned over and whispered in my ear, "My God, I've never been kissed like that in my life."
I just laughed. Then, she grabbed my face in her hands, looked into my eyes, and said, "So, are you going to do it again, or do I have to beg?" I didn't waste any time.
We necked for a while. It was glorious. Then she had to go inside.
SixThe next afternoon, Alex came and knocked on the door. I opened it for her, and she walked right past me into the kitchen, grabbed my car keys off the table, handed them to me, and said, "Let's go for a ride."
We drove for a bit, and then she said, "Just exactly what happened last night?"
"Well, you were there. And it seemed to me that you were a willing participant."
She giggled. "Very willing. But, what I meant was, is something happening between us?"
"That's a question, isn't it? Well, from my end there is."
"FINALLY!" She yelled.
"Well, I was thinking about it, and I realized something. I think I've only admitted it to myself recently, but... I've been in love with you since that Truth or Dare game."
I think I just about drove off the road. I managed to control myself, and pulled into the first parking lot I could find. I found an out-of-the-way spot, turned to her, and said, "You are kidding."
"Oh, it just dawned on me recently. But, think about it. You're the only guy I know who's like me. You're sweet, you're kind. You make me laugh. When I'm with you, I'm happy. You make me feel whole. And I couldn't really define it until now, but I've known it since I was ten. And, I think I've been waiting for you to do what you did last night for a very long time."
"Oh, man."
"Don't worry, Chris, you're timing's perfect. I probably would have run screaming out of sheer terror if you had done that any earlier, no matter how much I wanted you to."
I laughed. "Well, I'm slow on the uptake. It took me until the first time I made you laugh."
"That long ago? Why didn't you say something?"
"Why didn't YOU say something?"
We looked at each other. And cracked up laughing. "We're quite a pair, aren't we?" I said.
"Yup. See-we even get terrified together, without even knowing it."
I took a deep breath. "I love you, Alexandra."
"I love you, too, Christopher."
That was all that needed to be said. From that moment on, we were A Couple. It was understood.
SevenActually, considering we had been close to inseparable for some time by then, not much changed. Except, when we walked to the store, we held hands. When we grabbed a couch and a couple of books to read, we did so with her head in my lap. And we still talked-we just kissed a lot more in between sentences.
I suppose the proof was late that summer, when she had a penpal that she had corresponded with for years come to visit for the first time. She was from Ireland, and she came over for a couple weeks. Alex introduced me to her as "Chris, my boyfriend." That made it official.
Of course, there were a few other changes in our relationship. Alex was a Good Girl, I had known that from the start. Virginity was saved for the wedding night. Of course, there's a huge gulf between kissing and intercourse, but I was unsure how much of that gulf she was willing to traverse. We never talked about it.
I was unsure when it came to that. I suspected that I was her first real kiss, and I knew for a fact that she had never been touched. To be honest, both of those statements were true of me, also. It was the blind leading the blind.
To this day, neither of us knows if she sent out a subtle sign that I caught, or if I just guessed right, but, one day, in October, we were kissing. She was sitting indian-style on the couch, facing me, and I was twisted, half facing her, and our lips were locked. I had my hand resting lightly on her stomach, and I just slid it up. I half-expected her to remove it. She didn't. She sighed, and pressed her torso forward, as if to increase the pressure my hand was putting on her breast. So I did it for her-pressing against her breast through her shirt and bra. She practically stuck her tongue down my throat, and then she broke the kiss, concentrating on what I was doing to her breasts. She leaned back, so I could get my other hand up there. She sighed contentedly and gave me a smile, different than her usual one-but just as good.
After I was done, she looked up at me with those shining eyes, and said, "Oh, goody. Another way to make me feel good. You just keep coming up with those, sweetie."
From there, things progressed rapidly. The next night, out parking, I had her shirt completely off. A couple nights after that, she shocked me by reaching for my belt buckle, while I had contemplated trying to get in her pants. There had been a limit she had set, but, beyond that, she was willing to try anything...
As I quickly found out, when she engulfed my member in her mouth. I was shocked. Stunned. And harder than I had ever been in my life. I had jerked off, of course. What teenaged boy doesn't? But, that was nothing like this. She was inexperienced, unpracticed, and I had to hiss 'Watch the teeth!' once. But it didn't matter. It was fantastic. She was fantastic. After a couple of false starts, she was bobbing her head up and down like someone who had actually done this before. I felt my climax building, warned her, she ignored me, and I came-in a torrent-right into her mouth. I was more shocked and more stunned.
She climbed up next to me in the back of my station wagon, a little satisfied smile on her face. "Well, that's a bit of a different taste. I think I like it, though."
I stared at her. "Alex, you amaze me."
"What, you think us shy, demure virgin types don't get horny?" she laughed.
"Oh, I get it. You just did that to me so I'd return the favor," I teased her.
She blushed. "Oh, no, Chris... I didn't mean... no, I've always wanted to do that for you... no, I didn't expect..."
"Relax," I interrupted. "Do you think I have even the slightest problem with returning the favor? Lie back."
I pulled off her pants and panties, and got my first ever look of a girl's pussy. I worshiped it. I worshiped her. And then, I worshiped her, and it, with my tongue. I'm a pussy addict. My favorite participatory sport is cunnilingus. And it all started that night.
I found her clit and massaged it. I ran my tongue up and down her pussy. Her heavy breathing got ragged, and then turned into little squeals. Then she came, bouncing up and down so hard she almost broke my nose. Not that I would have minded-or noticed, for that matter.
"Nnnnnnnngggggggggggg..." was the first thing that came out of her mouth after she recovered the ability to breathe. Her eyes fluttered open, and she saw me there, grinning at her.
"Y'know," she said. "I've had orgasms before. Playing with myself. But never, ever, ever like THAT."
"Funny, I was thinking the same thing a couple minutes ago."
That opened the floodgates. We became the First Couple of Oral Sex and Mutual Masturbation. The barrier was still down on the other thing, but who cared? And there were chips in that barrier. "I'm waiting until I'm married" gradually became "I'm waiting until I'm ready." So, ready could mean tomorrow, it could mean three years from now. As long as I got to worship that beautiful pussy of hers, I could wait until the earth spun off its axis, for all I cared. And she knew that. The sex was great because it was based on trust. You don't have sex with someone two to three times a week and not ever have actual intercourse unless you trust that person completely. She knew I respected that barrier, and would never attempt to tear it down.
It wasn't all sex, it's just that the sex was new. You don't start a relationship with someone you've been friends with for nine years and have it just based on sex-it's impossible. I knew Alex, inside and out, and she knew me. We studied together. We went for walks, or drives. We tried to go out to eat at least once a week. We still read together, her lying on the couch, head on my lap. It was, looking back now on it, idyllic. I spent a lot of my senior year in high school with Alex.
Of course, there was a looming problem.
EightI had started looking at colleges the previous year. I thought I might want to get away. We lived in the northeast, and there was a school in the Midwest that I took a liking to. This school was my first choice before Junior year ever ended. By the time it came time to actually apply to colleges, my life had changed.
Alex, of course, wasn't going anywhere. She still had two years of high school left to go.
She encouraged me. My reasons for getting away were valid, and she thought it would be a good thing. I applied to some local schools, and got into them, but also got into the one in the Midwest. Alex told me, "If it's meant to be, then it's meant to be. I fully plan on being here waiting for you when you get back." So, I decided to go.
But that was six months away, and now was all about Alex. We had a wonderful first Christmas. I flooded her room with flowers on Valentine's Day. She baked soda bread and made Irish stew and took me to a step dancing festival for St Patrick's day. We studied, listening to Springsteen. We fooled around in the back of my station wagon. We'd leave silly notes in each other's mailbox. She told me her dreams, and I told her mine, and we found out that we were each in the other's.
My sincere thanks to all the ISS readers who liked my last story posted. I am 27yr old single delhi guy and love to enjoy new adventures. This incident is not mine but i am sharing with you on concent of one of my story readers. Its a story of a Delhi couple Shiva and Anuradha who got married around year back and somehow they both enjoy sex in any forms and keep trying new things to keep their sex lives spicy. According to Shiva this small incident happened around last month in mumbai and they...
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Note: I love this story as if flows onto my computer. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it. As always constructive criticism gratefully accepted and ways to improve this story are also accepted. I just figured out that I used the name Brenda for two different people, my future sister-in-law and my helicopter pilot. I am going to leave it for now and correct it on rewrite. I apologize for this error. I am now working with Markf52 as my editor. Markf52 has been my main guide in the...
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Introduction: Chapter one, Alexs awakening. Please read the title, then the first sentence of the story. Put two and two together before you further progress. Otherwise, please hold your comments on how you were completely unprepared for the content you read on a sex story site. Thank you. —– 1 — Eleven year old Alexs body sat curled in sideways, fidgeting a top her fathers lap. Following two hours of resting and absorbing his musk, the movie script reeling through her imagination finally...
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SEVEN BRIDES FOR ONE COYOTE, or CATCH THE GIRLS AND MAKE THEM CRY By C Part I One day, Coyote was passing through the town of Tumbleweed, when he decidedto call on his old friend, Marshal Matt Basterson. Basterson's headquartersabutted on the town square. Its windows gave an excellent view of the courthouse,across the square, and the town gallows, right in the middle. While he satin Basterson's waiting room, Coyote looked out toward the gallows, but wasdisappointed to see that nothing was...
"It will blow over," I said, in as confident and reassuring a tone as I could manage. "It's just going to be another one of those 'Christ in a cracker' or 'I saw Bigfoot at WalMart' stories that the media runs when there isn't any real news to report. That's all." The photo had turned-up the day after I got back from my stay in Mexico, and was a sidebar or bottom-of-the page item on most of the mainstream news sites. We hadn't dared peek at the fringe sites or the ones that...
Mary Joe Tate was four feet tall and weighed seventy pounds. Her nickname was Smallstuff. She was proud of her my wet pussy and fuck me." she pleaded."Dr Brutus stood at the end of the table and the head of his throbbing pecker stretched her cunt hole open. He then pushed it in slowly until he felt it touch her cervix and stopped. There was about three inches left!"RAM IT ALL THE WAY IN.""I DON'T CARE IF IT HURTS." she screamed.The doctor was sweating, and in lust and he pushed it all the way...
EroticMagdaline was a brilliant star as a child, but unexpectedly her shine began to dim, and she grew into an unresponsive withdrawn girl. Rather than conversing with others in the room, she would focus on a crawling spider instead. Unable to uphold the social contract she soon fell into the hands of the Sisters of Penance, a harsh order of nuns who felt that every particle of attention should be focused upon venerating their Lord. Magdaline was constantly monitored by a team of Sisters during...
Jessica Sampson was twenty-two, and was 'fed up to here, ' as her father was wont to say. Her father's placer mine was kaput. She had stayed at his side for all those years, but finally decided enough was enough. She had saddled Sally early in the morning, and then cooked breakfast. As they ate, Horner could tell something was eating at Jessica. He paused to take a sip of the weak coffee and noticed that Sally was saddled. "You planning on going somewhere, today?" he asked, clearing his...
Mera naam Ansh hai aur meri age hai 19 saal. Main 2nd year mein hu aur ghar par hi rahakar padhai karta hu. Meri maa ka naam Radha hai aur woh 40 years ki hai. Maa ka rang ekdum gora hai aur unka figure 36-30-38 hai. Maa house wife hai aur ghar par hi rahati hai. Mere papa ki age 43 hai aur woh ek school teacher hai. Papa subah 9am se 5pm tak bahar hi rahate hai. Humare ghar mein hum teen hi members hai. Humare ghar mein do bedroom hai. Maa subah jaldi uth kar naha leti hai aur fir papa ka...
The billionaire was in the middle east. He was a greedy and bulky man who honestly wouldn't notice if a golden necklace went missing, one encrusted with jewels, rubys, diamonds, and her favorite, sapphires. Wearing a skin tight, black, latex suit. She had a master escape plan, however, if an alarm sounded she had another. A dirtier, more complex one, but another non the less. Her latex suit was snug but fit comfortably. It squeezed her tits quite a bit, but that just made them pop more, the...
She wasn't really my Auntie Mame. That's just what Mom called her older sister, Marie. They looked quite a bit alike but Marie was definitely a bit wilder and showier compared to my mother. She visited often and it was always a lot of fun. Marie showed up more often after Dad died, and I knew it was her way of helping Mom. I was still young enough to get by with pretended innocence when sex came up. Aunt Marie loved to tease me about things that were a little beyond the sexuality level...
"Did you want to grab something to eat this afternoon? My treat?" I said, eagerly awaiting Sar's response. "Sure thing, Bianca! I have a lunch break at one. Wanna meet up?" "There's a great Italian place not far from your office. Paradise Restaurant I think it's called. I've been thinking of trying it for a while." I lied. I had been there before, but I wanted her to feel like we were experiencing something new together. "I think I know the place. I'll see you there soon." ...
I had just arrived home from having a few drinks with some mates. I opened the front door and made my way to the kitchen passing the lounge as I did - the girls were all still here and drinking and laughing together. My housemate Jess had told me the day before that she was having a group of friends round in the evening so I might want to make myself scarce as they would be drinking and things may get loud; that's why I had gone out for drinks with a few of the guys. I hadn't had that much to...
Group SexColleen reveled in being a slut when the opportunity availed itself. I saw her as she rounded a corner of a building downtown, wearing high-heeled boots, a matching skirt and blouse, a big purse perched on a shoulder. It was late in the afternoon. She was 5'8" 5'9",with thick pale thighs, ample ass and matching bosom, easily 40dd, curly red hair to her shoulders, big sunglasses, voluptuous and appealing, even more so as she smiled at me and walked up to me as I waited for a trolley. "Hi."...
InterracialAngel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 17 Angel was in danger. During an afternoon class, Lena had gotten an urgent Cassandragram. She needed to use her powers to "listen in" on Officer John - the one who had been so hard on Angel when asking about Ms. Wilson. What she discovered was disturbing on many levels. The two men talking to him were expertly and heavily shielded. Lena could hardly sense them at all, except by way of their effect on the officer. They...
One Asshole Is Enough She said, “I’m not letting you get in my panties, I’ve got one asshole in there already.” I laughed my ass off. That was Brandi my beautiful sister turning down an off from one of her teachers for a better grade on a test. Then she said, “I don’t need a better grade as long you are fair when you grade my test. If I think for one moment that you’re trying to fuck me that way, then I’ll have some words with your wife.” As Brandi turned to exit in a huff I...
I have the best next door neighbors in the world. Marge is trying to fuck me to death and her husband Earl, bless him, stays away for long periods of time so she can. It started innocently enough. On the day they moved in I went over, introduced myself, and after welcoming them to the neighborhood I helped them move their things into the house. Since they still had to unpack all their pots and pans I invited them over to my place for dinner. We talked and got to know each other and it turned...
Dad was a construction worker.Mom was a waitress. They married when i was 1 year old and my Brother was 3 we never knew any other DAD and he was great. Hard on us for schooling but took us on super vacations and made it to most of our games or had them taped. Mom and a friend Valeri cropped the tapes to just us kids and the prettiest vacation shots, with a tape of BLOOPERS to laugh at. We were a tight family and had nice friends like val/bert, linsy/don maggie/phil . Couples that spent weekends...
IncestWhen Mike and Rick arrived Fred brought them to the back yard. Rick and I had not spoke much at work because in worked in the office and he was always out on the road doing service calls like Fred. Mike who I never met before came in with a big that got bigger as he saw her standing next to the table. As he spoke his eyes never left her body. When Fred introduced Mike to me and step up and blocked his vision of her and smiled and said hello. His facial expression changed when I interrupted his...
"Blasted rain." I heard Dad groan as he struggled to see past the torrents of rain that were making their home on the windshield. It was just me and him awake at 2 o'clock in the morning. Mom was KO in the front seat while Tessa followed suit next to me. Allyson silently dozed with her headphones in, a frown on her face. "Hey Josh, reach in to the cooler and pass me a Coke would you." "Sure Dad." I grabbed a Coke and a beer out the box and passed Dad the soda. We were out to visit some cousins...
IncestI approached the Chateaux with mixed feelings. I knew my father was inside. After so many years apart, I wanted to see him, but I was also scared. The chauffeur-driven car he had sent for me approached the front of the building and I felt dizzy, light-headed, maybe even a little excited. I gripped the leather hand-rest and thought back to my mother’s words of warning, words she had told me so many times as I changed from a little girl into the eager twenty year old woman I was now. ‘Your...
I had went to the hospital to visit my gramps, he had minor surgery and was kept over night. I was leaving when I stopped in the toilet, one of the hospital staff was there combing his hair as I finished and washed up we both turned for the door at the same time. Laughing at the comedy of errors we introduce our selves 'I am David,' I said 'I am Brad,' said the young man. He looked to be in his early twenties I think, he asked if I had seen the new wing yet I answered no and he asked if I...
From Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Part 1 By Jena Corso Arriving at college was probably going to be the most exciting time of my life. I had bounced around from foster home to foster home and landing a full scholarship was just what the doctor ordered to get my life on track. As I looked around the campus, I felt like I had finally found a home. Everyone was friendly and excited to be there and it was like a new beginning for everyone. With school scheduled to begin...
by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities of desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. Friday morning, Jane was pouring another cup of coffee as she just finished giving her husband a loving kiss and sent him off to work. She sat and began to organize her mind of the chores she needed to accomplish. Change the bedding, laundry, shopping...well, she thought, ‘we do need food, but I’m also going to splurge and get a new sexy nighty.’ She was hoping...
when i was 22 years old i finally decided to join the marine corp. about a month and a half i started to have hip problems. i was sent to balboa medical facility for a bone scan i was told if there was nothing wrong with me i would be brought up on charges. the only thing i wanted was to become a marine. when i got there i was treated by a very nice naval officer who after giving me a shot of the contrast told me to wait outside in the lobby. there i saw a very beautiful female lance crpl. i...
Hi dosto mera naam sunny hai main 22 sal ka hun aur is site pe ye meri pehli story hai. Main delhi ka rehne wala hun. Meri height 5 10 hai rang gora hai aur 6.3 inch ka hathiyaar hai. Meri maami ka naam rita hai umar 26 saal. Vo dekhne main ek dam maal hai doodh sa gora rang, 36 ke chuche, patli kamar aur bhari hui gaand. Overall koi chutiya hi unhe chodne se mana karega. Baat aaj se 2 saal pehle ki hai mere mama maami ki shaadi ko 4 saal ho gaye the but koi aulad nahi thi. Kai.doctors ko...
Recently, my partner and I went away for the weekend to take advantage of the good weather. We checked into an amazing hotel for a nice quite relaxing weekend. On the Saturday afternoon we decided to hire a couple of bikes to take in some of the local scenery. I hadn’t exactly packed for cycling but it didn’t matter. We arrived at the cycle hire place, me, dresses in a skimpy vest top to maximise the amount of sun I was getting, a short skirt and, unusually for me, I decided I had better put...
Everyone had Thursday off except for the critical people needed to run the airport and command center. Even those were working split shifts. Thursday morning we went out in the boats, Jake’s and Dad’s. We had not bought a boat yet. The cut that came up behind the house had not been dredged yet. It was on the schedule but was a month away. After it was dredged, sheeting would need to be driven in to stop the creek from filling in with topsoil over time. After all that, the dock would get...
Sarnia St. Pat’s Gymnasium 12:25pm, Saturday, February 24, 1979 Medway and Sarnia Northern split the first two games of their semi-final match. Medway won the first game, 15-13, and lost the second, 15-12. In the third and deciding game, Medway was leading 12-9, and the Cowboys (girls) were playing the best they had played all season. With them on the verge of upsetting the top-ranked team in the province, lady luck cruelly pulled the ‘awesomeness rug‘ out from under their feet. After...
The door closed, the date was over, and I was alone at last. The sense of bliss that surged through my body was overpowering! I danced about the apartment, hugging myself, and giggling like a school girl. "Oh! He's wonderful!" I exclaimed to the couch. "He's incredible!" I told the refrigerator. And a good kisser, too. The goodnight kiss ("This week's poll: 68% of women think you should absolutely kiss on the first date!"), ahhhhh ... it lasted nearly 10 minutes. I just melted...
Katie took her time getting dressed – she had to be dressed well for the day, for the day she and her family had been waiting for, for over 6 months. It was a special day for her family and friends. There had been a lot of decisions to make, and everyone had suggestions, but in the end, so she didn’t favour anyone, she decided she would arrive on her own. Hence she was waiting for the time to leave – everyone else had gone on to the venue. Katie had bought her outfit some time...
Janet Tompkiss loved quiet, and she liked to be quiet. She moved around the house and garden almost silently; not with any sinister mien, but with a soft and gentle grace. Peter, her husband, sometimes called her his ‘Lady Goldberry’. She liked that, and in the same terms of loving affection she referred to him as ‘Bombadil’. It matched his good humour, and the fact that he clumped around the place. She thrilled to the sound of his moving around and the myriad of practical things he was always...
VoyeurUbo was standing there thinking about what his Daddy had said to him. So, when Ubo up and decided in his mind that he wanted to be the next leader of this camp, to his way of thinking his parents would just move over, quietly, and just let him takeover, and run the show. With all the other men that were in leadership positions would just take orders from him, even though most of them had known him every day of his life and had obviously watched him grow up. Palto knew that Ubo didn’t have the...
Les woke to morning light filtering through Donna's window shade. His eyes focused on her large, brown ones. "Good morning," he said. "Morning." "Been awake long?" She shook her head. "Uhn-uhn. I was just watching you sleep." "I didn't realize it's a spectator sport." "Les," she said sweetly, "I need to get up and wee." "Oh, sure..." He swung his feet to the floor and then gave her a hand as she stood. Sitting on her bed he watched her walk toward her closet,...
I knocked at the door, apprehensive as I was on show, feeling vulnerable, and it seemed everyone who walked past looked in my direction. A young couple across the road glanced over and with a knowing giggle disappeared around the corner. I heard footsteps inside, and then a bolt being slid across, and the door opened. As previously instructed over the phone, I immediately looked down as I was ushered across the threshold. I could see her legs, daring not to look up, tight black boots and...
SpankingThe beach that stretched along the boundary between the central lands that bordered Mt. Mahameru and the Great Western Ocean was strewn with shipwrecks – vessels tossed up thanks to centuries of work by the Storm Sisters and similarly vengeful and furious water spirits. Considering the continental size of the Great Western Ocean and the sheer population of spirits, gods, and stranger creatures, it was easy for a hapless ship to blunder from one sea lane into another and to find themselves...
This is my first attempt at writing about an actual encounter. Enjoy!CHAPTER ONE: THE BEGINNING WITH MICHELEMichele is 30 married with two k**s. I'm 28 also married, no k**s. She is 5' 6", long straight black hair just past her shoulders. She weighs about 105lbs, with nice brown eyes. She's a very pretty woman with small breasts and a killer ass. She always dresses very conservatively at work. She wears mostly slacks with a blouse or sweater, but I've always been attracted to her anyway. She...
It feels very nice having your th!@#$$n year old,naked,virgin neighbour straddle your naked body.Her small young pert tits ,with their hard nipples, facing you.Her peach fuzz pubes glazed in her pussy juice gently tickling you belly,and her virgin pussy leaking more juice on you,leaving a little pool .Sally looked at me,smiled,winked and reached behind her back,her little fingers searching for my solid cock. She found it and wrapped her little hand around me and began stroking my incredibley...
© February 2002 As I sank the eight ball and won the third frame in a row, I felt a hot flush of pleasure course over me and not just because I'd simply won the match. Sitting at the bar was a rather pretty local lady - she'd been the object of the 'winner take all' bet - and I'd just won! It had started earlier in the evening. I don't shoot pool all that often - after all I'm a Brit; our game, on a table that is, is snooker. Bigger table, ball, cues and more balls, but I'd...
Chapter Two Dancers are More than DancingI settled myself in to a chair at a table where I was far enough from the stage to be unobtrusive but close enough not to offend. My days watching strippers were long gone, and while it had been a source of visual stimulation and pleasure, it wore thin as I drank beer less and less. Oddly it felt weird to order wine in a peeler bar, and my bladder could not handle copious amounts of beer anymore.I had timed my arrival so that I would be seated with a...
Chapter 5 Jacob sat on the edge of his parent’s bed trying to understand everything in his world. The pod was gone now, dissipated into dust just like Billy and the tentacles that once spread across the room. In fact, now the room looked no different than before she had shown up. And he did mean she now. Her sex was undeniable now. A difference cemented by the full female form with body. Her curves screamed “milf” and he had trouble understanding why she chose such a voluptuous form. Not...
Sarah left the chat room instantly after their cyber session. Siobhan was filled with conflicting emotions and thoughts, was Sarah embarrassed? Had she been disturbed? Was it just a one off thing for Sarah? Siobhan wanted more, she wanted to take it to the next level. She clicked onto Sarah's profile expecting to see that she had only recently joined the site but was surprised to find she had been a member for six months. That fact made Siobhan think that it wasn't a one off thing for Sarah,...
LesbianHime Marie and her stepbrother Kyle Mason are on shaky ground now that they’ve called off their sexual relationship. Still, Hime needs Kyle’s help with a home ec project since she’s supposed to be making some boxers. She calls Kyle in and asks for his assistance. All he needs to do is drop his pants and let her measure him. Ultimately and with great reluctance, Kyle agrees to help Hime out. He can’t help but get a boner as he’s looking down at her, though, since...
xmoviesforyou"He makes my pussy cream" Sarah said as we walked through the woods at the top of the hill, eating our ice cream as we walked. "Wow! can I lick it?" I said as I took a long, loud slurp of my ice cream. Sarah stopped dead in her tracks. Sarah was fourteen at the time, I was two months past my twelth birthday. Sarah was tall for her age, five, six, and about one hundred twenty pounds. She was pretty and had a set of big tits, skinny waist, and a nice inverted heart shaped ass....