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"It will blow over," I said, in as confident and reassuring a tone as I could manage. "It's just going to be another one of those 'Christ in a cracker' or 'I saw Bigfoot at WalMart' stories that the media runs when there isn't any real news to report. That's all."

The photo had turned-up the day after I got back from my stay in Mexico, and was a sidebar or bottom-of-the page item on most of the mainstream news sites. We hadn't dared peek at the fringe sites or the ones that featured what they said was cryptozoology - what Neeka called booger-science. This was just the sort of thing they'd use to justify any number of aliens-among-us conspiracy theories.

Leonora gave me a look that I didn't want explained. Her comment might not be something any of us would be comfortable hearing.

"Not that I'm comparing myself to ... you know. It's just that people think they see things all the time. Next week it will be Elvis in a mini-mart in Mississippi."

"Let's hope you're right," Neeka said. "But this wasn't Elvis, or Mississippi, and it wasn't some none-too-credible eyewitness talking about seeing Sasquatch or little green men. It was two Paleontology grad-students and their Professor on their way to do some fieldwork."

"What is a kwetz-all-coat-ell?" Jeff asked, his nose in the computer screen.

"That's Quetzalcoatl," I corrected, although my pronunciation couldn't have been much better than his. "A two thousand year-old Aztec deity."

"Aren't the Aztecs all dead now?" Jeff asked.

"Civilizations may die, but Gods do not," Leonora said. "The live as long as there are people who believe in them. Many more will believe in this one, now that you have awakened it."

"Hey!" I said, indignantly. "I didn't awaken it, I just tried to copy something that wouldn't remind anyone who happened to see it of anything to do with The Dragon. I thought picking something the locals would recognize might work."

"I do not think denial will deter your worshipers. They will simply say that you have God within you. And they will be right."

"What? Now wait..."

"It's a good picture," Neeka said, interrupting the theological argument before it could get going. "Much better than the usual out-of-focus mess the monster-hunters claim as 'proof' that their favorite booger exists. Is that your fanny-pack on your back between your wings? You can see the strap there. You're lucky it doesn't show terribly well from this angle. At least they didn't get a video or it would be all over YouTube."

"I tried to match a painting in a book of Alejandro's," I said. "But it had wings that were too small and too close to the head. They have to be at the center of mass for it ... me to be able to fly. Bigger too."

"I don't think those differences will matter to anyone," Neeka said. "All anyone has seen of this thing in two millennia is some stone carvings and I can't find two of those that looked alike."

"It wasn't easy to keep my balance, either. I had to keep moving or I'd flip over and fall. You can't tell from this photo, but I'm actually slithering through the air with my body flattened-out to get more lift."

"Like a real flying snake?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah, if there were such a thing."

"But there is!"

"You're kidding."

"NatGeo, remember? Burt let us watch anything educational. Flying snakes live in Borneo, Sumatra and places like that. Only they don't have wings, so they just glide."

"Do they have feathers?"


"Well, there's that. See, I have a feathered crest behind my head and another bunch on my tail. The tail-feathers help me keep my head up and the ones behind my head help me stay pointed in the right direction. The spines down my back don't do anything. They're just decorative."

"Why have you got your mouth open?" Jeff asked. "Showing off your pointy teeth?"

"I don't know. Maybe because I was scared I was going to crash through somebody's window. Heck, I'm still amazed that I was able to pull all that together and make it work. Something like that couldn't possibly have really existed."

"The carvings are all more like symbols than pictures," Neeka said. "Obviously none of the artists had ever seen one. That makes it more likely that the beast never existed.

"It existed then," Leonora insisted. "Just as it exists now."

"Are you trying to argue the improbability of the existence of some mythical creature you managed to turn into?" Neeka asked me. "Do you not see the irony here? Everything you turn into is by definition a mythical creature because they are all products of your own imagination."

"And I'm more improbable than any of them? Yeah, I get it. Believe me, the absurdity of my situation has not escaped my notice."

"You know, it does sorta look like you posed for the photo," Jeff said, not actually accusing me of anything.

"The picture must have been taken when I was flying over the road going through the town. I wasn't terribly high-up at that point. And all my concentration was on finding a spot to land in ... or not to crash in, anyway. I took off by basically jumping off a cliff. I had no clue how I was going to land again, so I was trying to hit the balance between going fast enough to stay in the air and slow enough to keep from getting hurt when I hit. I did pretty good ... considering."

"It's impossible to get the right scale from this picture," Neeka said. "The mountain in the background makes stuff in the foreground look huge. Anyone who didn't know you've only got just over a hundred pounds to work with would think you were much larger."

"I appreciate your imprecision. But that just means it's very unlikely that anyone would connect me with that thing and that's all I care about. We don't need people knowing that I was hanging out with a big-time drug kingpin like Alejandro Cordoba. If his mountain gets overrun with Quetzalcoatl hunters like Loch Ness gets overrun with people looking for Nessie, I won't be terribly unhappy. It serves him right for trapping me with that harness."

"Why did you bring that back?" Neeka wanted to know.

I shrugged. "Why do you still have that tail? I think the harness is cool. It makes me feel like one of those kick-ass comic book heroines."

Jeff kept his face to the computer screen, but I saw him smile. I'd brought the harness back partly to see if he liked it on me, since he was into the kind of comics that featured busty heroines wearing skin-tight outfits that are more skin than substance. It worked better than I could have imagined. My first night back, I'd almost done to him what I almost did to Alejandro. Although Jeff had recovered quicker. The advantage of being twenty years younger. Not to mention having the sexual stamina of his superhero alias – Tomcat.

Neeka flicked her two-foot-long tail. That was a skill she'd mastered so she could call attention to her chestnut appendage. She did it amazingly well, too. She could control it completely without moving her hips. That made the tail seem like a completely convincing and natural extension of her tail-bone, instead of just an anal-suppository that had been used as a prop in some rather extreme BDSM videos.

It also proved to be a strong attractor for males. More-so for those who were into female buttocks. And particularly for those who preferred posterior penetration. In short, ass-men who would see her anal dexterity as a promise of unbounded pleasure if they could only convince her to use her retrograde skill on their male members.

Fortunately, wearing it full-time was impractical. Otherwise she would have had a herd of backdoor-buddies following her around all day. She still wore the thing whenever she could, which was most of the time at the beach house, and on a few memorable occasions when we'd gone out partying.

I blamed myself, actually. A while back, I'd managed to get both of us into an audition for jobs performing in some porn films that featured some really hard anal action. We had a good reason for going there, one having to do with investigating a series of gruesome murders, but the lead proved to be a dead-end. After an intense break-in and training session, we managed to escape with our abused assholes considerably loosened - and with a new-found appreciation for analism. While I could take it or leave it, Neeka had developed a partiality to rear-entry that had ultimately led to her adopting the posterior-pacifier and teaching her ass to use it. And use it with devastating effect, to judge by the number of guys whose eyes were drawn to every twitch and flick of her tail.

Jeff was definitely attracted by the tail, but I guessed that was less because he wanted her to let him replace it with something of his than simply because he had one too. Having something in common with someone, however fake, had to be a nice thing for Jeff. Whichever it was, Neeka waving it around was impossible for him to ignore, even if he was temporarily unable to respond because I'd wrung him dry.

When one flick failed to get the expected rise out of our aptly-named Tomcat, Neeka upped the ante. She thrashed it back and forth and then around in a circle while we all watched in frank admiration of her anal adeptness.

"If there were any flies in here," I told her when her display subsided, "I think you got them."

Instead of a snappy reply, she snapped her tail at me like a whip.

"You're getting dangerous with that thing," I told her. "Maybe we should register your butt as a deadly weapon."

"Maybe we should," she said, swishing menacingly.

I reached out to grab the tail, but she shied away.

"Why don't you have a tail?" Jeff asked me, probably to forestall the horseplay he saw coming. "I mean, dragons usually do. Even werewolves sometimes."

"Technically," I said, "Quetzalcoatl is all tail. But you're right. I hadn't thought about being tailless. I suppose with The Dragon it was because it started as just an image on my skin and grew from there. The werewolf doesn't because I don't. It's that simple. Up to now, I've been limited to things that I could Change into that would still fit into my suit. That's getting harder to find a reason to wear since the last few upgrades I seem to have gone through. And because I have a greater variety of things I can be. Before, I was just making minor changes."

"The Dragon is minor?" Jeff sounded incredulous, and I appreciated that.

"Well, let's say it's basic. It comes from way back in the part of our DNA we don't use anymore. I didn't need any, ah ... additional material to make it."

"That 'additional material'. Is that what I think it is?"

"Yeah. It is."

"So you can turn into whoever ... whatever you ... you know?"

"I've never thought of it that way. What I use, and how, that's hard to explain. It isn't like putting on a dress and a pair of shoes. It's more complicated. And scary too. At least the werewolf scared the pee out of me the first time I saw it."

"Wait a minute! You mean because we ... because I ... you can turn into me?"

"Um, I guess. Theoretically, anyway. I've never tried to imitate a ... donor."

"Why not?"

"Well, it would be totally freaky, for one thing!"

"Do it."

"What? You mean... ?"

"Yeah! See if you can turn into me."

"Are you sure?"

"Come on, it will be cool! And don't you like ... need to know?"

Jeff was right. I did need to know. Just like I needed to know how a taser would affect me. Just like I needed to know how my new scales would stand up to small-weapons fire. But mostly I'd been finding excuses not to experiment with my abilities. I'd only tried the Quetzalcoatl because it was nothing like anything I'd done before, and because I really liked the picture I'd found.

I pulled off my t-shirt and shorts and got down on the floor on my knees. Being naked probably wouldn't make a difference, but wearing clothes while making an unfamiliar Change had almost got me killed before. That wasn't likely to happen here, but a precedent is a precedent.

My 'file' with Jeff's DNA wasn't as easy to find as I'd thought. It was shoved in among others I assumed were part of the cat family and some other stuff that didn't have the right vibe when I touched it. Eventually it all fell into place, and I started the Change.

It wasn't anywhere close to being as extreme as becoming Quetzalcoatl. That was my new outer limit. It wasn't even as extreme as my werewolf. The only thing that felt unusual about it was the tail growing out of my rear.

I opened my eyes and looked around to gauge the reactions. I'd hoped for 'amazed', or 'impressed'. What I got skewed more toward 'puzzled'.

"What?" I asked. "Did I screw it up?"

"No, you did it." Neeka said. "But you need to look in the mirror."

Since her beach house was used for guests, Leonora had thoughtfully provided a mirror near the front door. I went over and looked in it.

"Damn! So close! How did I do that?"

The image in the glass wasn't Jeff. It was the inverse of Jeff. Where his fur was black with white splotches, mine was white with black. The pattern was the same, just the other way around.

Paws, ears, eyes, tail – all were correct. There was just one other difference.

"You're female," Jeff said, coming up behind me to compare our reflections.

"Well, I've never tried to switch sides," I explained. "It's strange enough turning into something..."

I trailed off. Something in the sound of his voice told me it was no idle observation.


The vibrations of his growl went through me like an electric current. Without thinking, I arched my back and presented my hindquarters to him.

Jeff needed no further invitation. He shucked off his shorts and assumed the position.

"Hey! Get a room!" Neeka called, stamping her foot.

It was too late for that. Jeff thrust into me. He snarled. I yowled. We went at it like ... well, like cats in heat.

I heard Neeka threaten to get a pan of water, then I lost myself in the moment.

Sometime later, I woke up in Jeff's bed. I didn't remember how I got there, but I was glad we'd decided at some point to continue in private.

The clock said 4am. Normally, I would have rolled over and dived back into dreamland as quickly as possible, but something told me that wasn't going to happen right away. Rather than fight my intuition, I eased out of bed and tiptoed out of the dark room on bare feet. Human feet, since I'd reverted to normal after falling asleep.

Going down the hall, I peeked in on Neeka. She was asleep in her bed, with Leonora beside her. The pillows and bedspread on the floor told me someone's heat must have been contagious.

I went downstairs, through the dark house and out onto the veranda. The moon was bright, but on the wrong side of the sky from where I was used to seeing it. There was a slight breeze blowing from the water and I walked down the steps, past the rustling palmetto fronds, across the yard and out the wooden walk to the small dock at the end. I stood there in the moonlight with water and sky all around me and pondered.

I was up at that hour because I'd done two new things, and I knew both would bother me until I'd worked through in my head what they meant and how I felt about them. The first was that I'd Changed into Jeff. Or at least, a female version of Jeff. I'd never tried to become someone specific before and it seemed somehow to be unethical to mimic someone that closely. It felt like I was stealing his identity. Using bits and pieces of someone's DNA to make something new seemed fair, like quoting a published source in a school paper. Using that analogy, copying the whole thing was pure plagiarism. That was probably why I'd unconsciously flipped my coloration, because I'd shied away from becoming an exact copy.

The other small difference in my imitation of Jeff was the other reason I was awake. I hadn't become Jeff, but the female version of Jeff. His odd DNA configuration didn't matter at all to me. I could rearrange my genes into things way stranger than him. And I had. Becoming Quetzalcoatl was hands-down the most extreme thing I'd ever done. There, I wasn't making a version of something, or a combination of a couple of things, or a skin-job makeover. That was a totally new creature – assuming the original was actually a myth, something no one could really say - Leonora's positivity and Neeka's skepticism notwithstanding. If anything, and if I bought into Leonora's argument that I had awakened a God, then I should be experiencing some sort of massive spiritual or philosophical crisis associated with the ultimate act of hubris. Yet breathing life into a dusty old deity didn't give me anything like the misgivings I did from turning myself into Jeff's better half.

And that was facing the true problem. Even if I'd tried to foresee the problems that becoming Jeff might bring up, I would never have thought of that one. That I'd be making myself into his ideal mate. The only person on Earth who was totally compatible with him. I'd become his female twin, and the very next thing we'd done was screw ourselves silly. But had I become Jeff, or his sister? Was having sex with him masturbation ... or incest?

The first was OK, if a touch unsettling. I mean, assuming it's OK to have sex with yourself, which, discounting masturbation, was sort of an open question and not one that anyone else who wasn't a contortionist would ever have to try to answer. But when I was doing it, I was still me, not him. When Neeka and I had been experimenting with mind-mingling, we'd indulged in some deeply intimate lovemaking where neither of us could really say whose body it was doing what to whom. It was just 'us' and getting lost in each other was part of the fun, even if it was a little scary. We'd backed away from that because we were afraid of the possibility that we could actually end up in the wrong body or worse, not be able to separate our minds at all. Yeah, it was that weird.

This wasn't anything like that scary or complicated. This was two discrete personalities, one of whom had rearranged herself into a close approximation of the other. I'd achieved a near-total genetic match that technically meant I was temporarily Jeff's fraternal twin. The essential bit of that was the word 'temporarily'. Since I could, and inevitably would, Change back, did I really have to worry about hauling a load of emotional and moral baggage along with me? Or, was the ephemeral nature of the experience a sort of blanket absolution?

If I started with the assumption – Neeka's position as well – that everything I turned into was a manifestation of my imagination, then the things I became had no more separate moral culpability than a child's imaginary playmate. I couldn't pass that buck along with a shrug and a "she did it, not me".

Catholics believe that the thought is as good as the deed when it comes to being guilty of stuff. If so, then perhaps that logic also worked the other way around – even if you did something technically bad, but had no evil intent, then it wasn't something you should be agonizing over.

As for spotting evil, I considered myself an expert in the field. I mean, I could see Leonora as a victim of circumstance, the Torturer as misguided, the Horseman as salvageable, and Cordoba as having made a questionable career choice. I could even see that Mr. Supreme Ruler For Life had a goal other than simply ruining his victims' lives. But I was unshakable in my belief that Biggerstaff - the pornstar killer, and Hill - the cannibal and necrophiliac were the real deal. Those two were evil with a capital E.

So, if there was no legitimate third-party who could be blamed – Jeff's "sister" didn't really exist – then it was only my imagination running wild. And if I didn't intend to do anything wrong or enjoy any wrongdoing for it's own sake, then I had nothing to feel guilty about. Right?

Working through it didn't completely put my mind at ease. I know I have too great a capacity for rationalization and denial to feel good about letting it go that easily. But I did manage to satisfy myself that there was nothing inherently wrong with what I'd done. Any unforeseen and unintended consequences that arose from it could be dealt with as separate issues.

To prove to myself that I'd made the right decision and I had no reason to lie awake, I went back to Jeff's room instead of my own. I was trying to slip back into bed when he turned over.

"I'm awake," he said. "Where have you been?"

"Outside. Thinking."

"Oh? Me too."

The pause went on painfully long. The conversational ball was in my court, so I decided to serve it.

"How do you feel about, um, it?"

"It was awesome. It felt so ... right! So ... perfect!"

I could tell there was something else, so I waited.



"Please don't be mad at me, but let's not do that again."

"You mean me Changing into you?"

"Yeah, that. Not ... you know."

"So 'you know' is still OK?"

"Damn skippy! It's just that doing it with you ... like that ... it's too perfect. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the hell out of it, but I'm afraid if we keep doing it like that, I'll get ... used to doing it like that and I won't want to do it any other way. Did I say that right?"

"It's OK. I understand."

"It just wasn't real. Anything that ... right ... should be real."

"It's like falling in love with someone else's imaginary friend."

"OK, that's weird. You totally nailed it though. That's just what it's like."

"Then we're good?"

"Yeah, we're good."

That could have been less awkward, but it was enough to quiet my naggy conscience. Sleep came quickly after that.

The place being what it was, and the trainees who they were, no roll was usually taken in class, only a head-count. That wasn't the case for presentations involving material classified Confidential or higher. There they did check to make sure we were who we were supposed to be and we were supposed to be there. But, if you missed a session, no notice was taken, officially or otherwise. It was assumed by everyone that you'd been called-up to rejoin whatever group you belonged to for reasons that were never questioned or discussed.

So I was able to rejoin my classes after a few days of being gone and no one said boo to me about it. This was very different from High School, where any unexplained absence was cause for investigation and interrogation by the administration as well as the usual bunch of busybodies who just had to know everything about everybody.

While the whole culture of secrecy was necessary, I missed people like Becca Schneiderman, Becca was a transfer from a school in New Jersey. Her parents had been killed in a tragic railroad-crossing incident in Pennsylvania while celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary and Becca had been taken in by her grandparents, who brought her along when they retired and moved South.

I understand it's some kind of tradition for Northerners to relocate to Florida when they retire. This creates a local surplus of Yankees and the inevitable cultural clash that implies. Usually this manifests as a tendency on the part of newcomer couples to appear in public with the man wearing black dress-socks with sandals and a Hawaiian shirt over plaid Bermuda shorts with his wife in a floral-patterned muumuu two sizes too large for her. To us locals, the novelty and hilarity of this tacky spectacle wore off a long time ago.

Becca was, to put it mildly, the inquisitive type. She always had to know where you were going, where you'd been, who with, and doing what. At first I thought it was an obsession with me, but she treated everyone that way. Eventually I decided that it was because losing her parents and having to move had given her an intense need to feel connected to people, even at the risk of turning them against her by getting her nose too far up into their business.

Between the understandable level of secrecy surrounding the facilities at Hurlburt, the large number of people I was around all day, and the limited number I could talk to without worrying about every word that came out of my mouth, I almost wished Becca would turn up. She would have been a natural interrogator, after all. An hour alone with her and she'd know every secret in your head.

Most schools insist you turn your cell phone off in class. That wouldn't work in a place where a large number of the students were on detached duty and subject to recall on a moment's notice – usually by text message. While this wasn't by any means routine, it did happen, and when it did everything came to a sudden stop while those affected ran for transport or to their assembly points, sometimes only to be told that the alert-status for their group had been elevated and half an hour later told things were fine and they could resume their normal activities.

Our assembly point was the small building next to the taxiway. It was convenient to the field, but sometimes not so much from wherever our classes were being held. Not that the area was a large one. The walk home was a longer distance than from any place we'd been to our briefing room. But when your phone beeps the adrenalin can get to flowing pretty freely and a few blocks can be an annoyingly long distance.

It was only a week after my Mexican vacation that I was in an Advanced Urban Warfare Scenarios symposium, which is just what it sounds like, a bunch of 'experts' talking about the differences between shooting someone across a field under a sunny sky and shooting someone across a room full of smoke and dust. I suppose it's good to know that when entering a room, you're supposed to position your body and your weapon so that you cover incremental portions of the room, rather than jumping through the door and making a nice big target of yourself, but since my personal technique would have involved doing exactly that to draw fire and locate the source of the danger, I felt the same as I did watching commercials for hair replacement for men – "they ain't talking to me".

When my phone beeped I was out of the room before the instructor could look up from his notes. I was down the hall and out the front door of the building before I even thought to read the message to make sure it wasn't a wrong number or someone trying to sell me vinyl siding.

I stopped just long enough to verify that it wasn't a false alarm, then I took off again, happy to be out of the lecture and even happier to be moving. Some lectures numb your brain, and some numb your butt. This one did both and I rejoiced in being out of there and into the fresh air and sunlight.

Actually, I rejoiced a little too much. I made a dumb mistake. I turned a corner and started across the street at the intersection before looking to see if there was any traffic coming. I was moving at a good clip with my toes barely making contact with the pavement when I realized I was heading right into the path of a Humvee.

The driver saw me run out in front of him. I could see his 'oh, shit' expression when he realized he was probably going to hit me. He stomped the brake immediately, but those things do not stop on a dime and he had to know it was useless.

I had a snap decision to make. I could keep going and get hit. I could try to jump out of the way as soon as my foot touched the ground. Or I could drop and hope that I could get flat enough quick enough for the high ground-clearance of the thing to miss me.

Scaling-up wasn't part of the decision process. That had started as soon as I realized the fix I was in, and without me even thinking about it. As reflexes go, it was a damn good one.

I decided to jump. As soon as my toe touched, I pushed hard, and felt my leg slip out from under me on a spot of oil on the asphalt. Instead of soaring into the air, I flopped face-first onto the ground and slid under the front of the vehicle just as it rolled over on top of me and came to a stop.

"Oh freaking great!" I muttered, and de-scaled to minimize the humiliation factor as much as possible. Superheroines who get run over crossing the street don't inspire a load of confidence and I didn't need a story like that going around.

I heard a door open and the driver got down on his hands and knees to look under the Humvee, no doubt expecting to see a mangled mess.

"Are you OK?" He asked, obviously terrified of whatever answer he might get.

He was talking to my feet, since I'd gone under head-first.

"I've been better," I said, for lack of anything snappier.

"You hang on. I'll call an ambulance."

"Nevermind that. Just drag me out of here."

"You need to lie still. Try not to move at all. You could be hurt worse than you think."

He knew the book on how to treat an accident victim and he was going by it.

"Please! Don't call anyone. This is my fault. Oh, hell. If you won't pull me out I'll do it myself."

I could have crawled out, but I'd already discovered that the road had oil spots on it and I didn't want to get any filthier than I probably already was. I pushed the ground with my hands and backed up into a frog-squat, then I reached up and pushed against the bottom of the Humvee.

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Janie’s breath caught in her throat. Will slowly sat down at the table and held his hands up. “There’s no need for that. Let go of the lady and we’ll talk.” “We ain’t here to talk,” the brute with the pistol said. Another man walked through the door and closed it. He was short and unfortunate looking with no chin and an overly large hawkish nose. His choice to keep bushy sideburns but shave the rest only served to draw more attention to his worst features. “Timmons?” Will said, confused at...

4 years ago
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My beautiful sleeping sister Chapter 2

I didn’t sleep well at all, partly the hard floor and heat, but mostly because I couldn’t stop thinking about my sister, just feet from me. I woke at 6am and immediately sat up to look at Chloe. She was lying on her back, the quilt was back over her stomach. Her fingers, fingers which were teasing her pussy just hours ago, lay by her side. I quietly leant forward and inhaled them... that now familiar musk filled my nostrils, instantly making me hard. I watched her breasts rise and fall for...

1 year ago
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Clare Part 3

Clare - The love trianglePart 3, the after partyHow my loving relationship turned into a love triangleIt hit me straight in the face and I felt like I was punched in my stomach. Everything fell into place and started to made sense, she was flushed and out of breath, her over wet and swollen pussy, the smell of sex on her and the obvious creampie I just fingered. I hastily pushed past blondie, washed my hands twice and stormed out the toilets. I couldn’t believe it, I got already cuckold by...

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Sabrina True Story

This happened at my office a couple of years back. I had just started working at this Law firm. I was contracted in so my office was right next to the recruiting department. When I arrived she was already at her desk when she looked up, her eyes were a hazel brown, her skin an soft tan, she had cute freckles on her nose. Her hair was a sandy bron long at the shoulders, her white blouse was crisp with just the right amount of cleavage highlighted by a pearl cut diamond resting gently between her...

1 year ago
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Love Never ChangesChapter 6

“I’m guessing that from the lovely shade of red you turned after you kissed Gwen that a public display of affection was frowned upon before the war,” Piper said. We were walking by Diamond City, and she hadn’t let up about how things were pre-war. “It’s not that they were frowned upon, it’s more complicated than that. It’s that, well, we’re not related by marriage or blood, and we’re the same gender.” Nick chimed in. “I have memories of Nick’s ... the original Nick ... about some of that....

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The Secret Stories of the Tomb Raider

Disclaimer: First of all, it is just a fantasy non-consensual erotica with a focus on seduction, uniforms, lesbians, rough sex, and slut training. I have downloaded most of the pictures from the internet with no real world relevance. I do not encourage any non-consensual actions against women. Sexual acts without consent are bad. It is just a kinky erotica story. Also, I hope people who add chapters to his story could keep physical violence to a reasonable minimum, it is more about corruption,...

3 years ago
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They Are AOK Ch 32

*Authors note: This chapter doesn’t fit into any neat category, it is more story than sex and helps transition to John’s new adventures. Adam and I awoke so early the next morning that the sun was not yet above the horizon. When I suggested a shower and more sex he told me that the sex would have to wait. He wanted me to come to his house in town. I didn’t really see any reason for the change of venue and protested mildly, even though I knew I would give in. While we showered he told me that...

1 year ago
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Mommy Teaching Me To Fuck Her

Hi I am Chris please excuse my spellings I am a huge fan of iss its awesome here is an experience I had with my friends mom and mine too. I was 18. Rahul a friend of mine he used to say about his mom to me about how fucking hot she is and he even taped her masturbating in her room. I get horny seeing his mother ever since. Let me tell u about her; she is a hot pan with 36 c boobs juggling as she steps, a nice navel and the ass oh my god, it’s just big and round. I love it so much I really...

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Lost Empire 36

  Trianas Macley adjusted her settings as she quickly approached the Duke's planet. As much as she hated to help that bastard O'Toma, she was pretty miffed at the Duke for screwing up all her carefully laid plans. Suddenly her ears perked up at a transmission.  [You got a reading on him?] Came a male voice.   [Reading? The man has decimated well over half the elite guard and part of the soldiers the Duke sent. We are in serious need of reinforcements!] Came another almost desperate...

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 41 Points Of The Compass North And South

The next few weeks were the most hectic of my life. We were on the home stretch toward graduation, and the pace was picking up. Two weeks after Prom, there was a banquet scheduled for the athletes who competed on all the school teams. It was held in a large banquet hall, and there were about a thousand people in attendance, students and families, coaches and administrators. The Athletic Banquet was one of the highlights of the school year, because it was the only time all the teams were...

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Deboras Sexlife Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - The man with the moneyIt's a great feeling to know that so many men think I'm hot. Which is also why I'm often in chat, because it's fun to meet strangers and having hot fun with them.One day in chat, a guy wrote me and made me a deal. He said, he'll give me 1000 swiss francs if he can fuck my ass. I was accepting the deal immediately and we also met pretty quickly. We talked about a location and time to meet, and I told him I'll wear a blue skirt. I also showed him a picture of me...

2 years ago
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What goes through a womans mind before fuck

'Where's Jack'? I looked back at Tommy as I made my way to the stairway, 'Bed, I think, he cant handle the drink and the late nights', Tommy smiled, at my answer, it had just gone past midnight and we were alone, and the realization my husband, his friend, had left us to our own devices, brought an excitement we both felt, suddenly the thought of sex with Tommy, was high on my list of things to do before going to bed myself, I sensed Tommy felt that way too.I continued downstairs, a little...

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Jack peeked out from underneath the covers at the digital clock on the night stand and moaned, "Six thirty already, what a day I have ahead of me!!!" He lay still for a couple of minutes before whipping back the covers and so he could hop out of bed! He was just making a move to leave when a soft warm hand grabbed his arm and the silky smooth southern accent came lilting from the other side of the bed, "Jack, honey, you're not gonna run off with giving me some morning sugah are ya!?!" He looked...

3 years ago
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The Card Game

I was playing poker with three of my friends and had lost almost all my money. My wife was really pissed off at me for losing so much cash. Two of my buddies called it a night, so that left Calvin and me. Calvin had been the big winner that night, and my wife asked him to give me back the money I'd lost.He looked at her for a few moments, then looked at me and said, "I'll make you a deal." He said that he'd give me a chance to win it back if my wife would ante up one piece of clothing in each...

Wife Lovers
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Fonda and Clark

CHAPTER 1 The taxi pulled up outside the all-white Fulton Mansion resplendent with light blue doors and shutters and harmonious architecture. The sole passenger Clark Fulton jumped out when seeing his departing sister-in-law about to enter her parents’ Mercedes and called, ‘Hey, Fonda, wait up.’ She turned and Clark was dismayed at how lined the face of the 30-year old blonde was and she’d also had lost weight. He’d last seen her two years ago when she’d married his elder brother Jack. ‘Oh...

1 year ago
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Swinging in the pool

During a Holiday Weekend we invited our friends down for a weekend in our vacation home. As a back story we have been friends for years, we are all in our early thirties now, have swapped many times before, but haven't swapped in a few years although remaining friends. The day started out by spending the day in the pool and during a day of tequila shots, piña coladas, margaritas, and beers both couples we began to talk and joke about the fun we had in the past and light flirting. As the end of...

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Thanksgiving BBC

The Thanksgiving Holiday brings back so many memories for me. Eight years ago I left my small town on the east coast to attend college in the Midwest. I was pretty good in basketball and my parents made damn sure I was pretty good with the books as well. When I received a basketball scholarship to attend college it came as no surprise to anyone. To my disappointment my first year I was red shirted. I spent my freshman year hitting the books and chasing skirts. My second (red shirt freshman for...

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HandsOnHardcore Cindy Shine Maid Likes It Rough And Dirty

Cindy Shine reports for her maid job duties in today’s Hands on Hardcore premium porn scene, but this college cutie doesn’t like it clean, she likes it rough and dirty. So when the brunette babe finds Erik Everhard, Lutro, and Larry Steel passed out after a night of partying, it wasn’t going to take long before she has one, two, or all of their cocks in any of her horny holes. And stuffed airtight with all three schlongs is exactly what the Czech hottie gets, DP’d with...

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Melissas Secret Life

His dick is large. Very large, much larger than she is used to but, Melissa doesn’t care she isn’t doing this for him or even for herself. So she opens wide and engulfs his hard shaft with her mouth. Feeling his cock bathed in warmth the man; who is more or less a stranger to Melissa; lets out a low moan. Hearing his moan Melissa knows what to do. She sucks him deeper running her tongue along the underside of his warm cock as she pumps her mouth up and down its length. As she works diligently...

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Homecoming Princess

Homecoming Princess By Arecee It was the third week of the new school year and the students were becoming more at ease with each other. Mr. Copeland's English class was becoming somewhat rowdy as the students laughed and joked with each other before class started. Lynn Collins was somewhat of a joker and loved to tease other students. He never did it in a mean fashion but always in fun and the other students loved the way he did it. Lynn was a freshman at a new school and even...

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I gave my Daughter up

The wife and I were on holiday and we love to share with the BBC but this holiday we took the daughter so we decided to keep ourselves to ourselves!. we went to a resort in Jamaica where you stay on site and all you need is on your door step. the wife Sue was on the beach with the daughter Jane and Sue is a big girl all parts of her are big, Jane is a chunk as well she is a size 16 and has a great body with big tits, Sue came back to the hotel where I was chilling round the pool with a lad I...

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The Pool GirlChapter 3

The next day was Saturday. Again, at four-thirty Melissa appeared. She was wearing cream-colored shorts and a matching t-shirt with a single pink stripe. Unusually, it hugged her chest instead of being loose. As a result, I could see the shape of the hefty breasts I had gained intimate knowledge of yesterday as she walked around the pool. The shirt brought those memories back and I had no doubt it was intentional. I didn’t know how to act at first but she was totally normal. I was different...

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A Delightful Arrangement Part 4

A Delightful Arrangement, Part Four Since I had agreed to another assignment as a maid for an apparently rather demanding mistress, I felt it necessary to add to my wardrobe. I searched the internet and found a relatively inexpensive set of breast forms and what appeared to be an uncomfortable but convincing gaff. I purchased both, requesting overnight delivery. I thought about these accoutrements carefully before spending the money. I had found breast forms that attached with...

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Janie and Brandon

Let me tell you about my new girlfriend, Janie. We've been going together for a couple of months now, and I think I'm falling in love with her, but at the same time she scares the hell out of me. She has the sweet, innocent face of an angel and a hot, athletic body. Her breasts are nice sized, not huge, but firm and perky. She has a smooth, flat stomach and a nice round butt. Her long, straight hair is a beautiful, natural strawberry blond. Her personality is warm and charming, and...

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One Lucky GuyChapter 29

Naomi spoke up - and we knew then, she was here to stay. “What if we catch them, just before he puts his cock in her pussy? We could tease and torture her, as we make Guy rub his cock through her pussy, but not let him penetrate her?” Mom turned in her seat, reaching out to her. “Hug me, Naomi. Kiss me too, if you’re brave enough. I want to be the first to invite you to star in our videos - and be a part of us for as long as you can stand us.” Rachel said, “Mom – Wait until I get the masks,...

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Caught by my roommate

This story happened to me almost 20 years ago. At the time I had a d**g / drinking problem. (Meth, pot, booze) I was about 28y.o., 6ft and 180 lbs with red hair. Since my addiction led me to have times of almost incurable horniness. It all happened when I was at home sleeping in living room of buddies apt. I thought he was asleep or jerkin off or whatever since he was high also. I had been high for 2 or 3 days and my horniness was off the charys. I'm sitting on the couch reading some gay...

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A workout to remember

I was hurting. Badly. I'd just had a huge workout session at uni, and I was totally rinsed with sweat.I went to the shower and cleaned myself off, and when I finished I got changed into my underwear.I don't know why, but I'm always really horny whenever I'm tired. So I just lay there for a few minutes with my eyes shut, trying to let my erection pass. It wouldn't. As I opened my eyes, I saw him.His name was James. He had been the subject of many of my masturbation fantasies, I even masturbated...

Gay Male
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Felicity Ch 27

‘I need a pussy right here,’ Larry said as he pointed directly at his face. He was naked on his back on the floor at his girlfriend Rita’s apartment in a mini orgy with his friend Andy and his girlfriend Doris. He was mildly surprised when it was Doris’ pussy that was being lowered to his mouth but he did not hesitate eating it. He accepted all of her instructions and urgings until she had an orgasm. It had been his first time to eat pussy and decided it was OK. It was then that he noticed...

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Niki Comes of Age Part 2 of 4

Nothing much happened the rest of the day but during that evening’s TV session our nightly foot massage varied from its normal pattern. As usual, Niki joined me for TV time already dressed for bed. Tonight’s attire was a feminine little negligee I hadn’t seen before. It was white with little pink bows and very short. As she walked, I could see the bottom of her ass cheeks and flashes of her panty-covered pussy. “Is that a new nightie? Don’t think you’ve worn that before?” “Nah, it’s a few...

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Unfinished White married couple gets BBC surprise

Jonathan & Nikki and their surprise BBC gangbangJonathan & Nikki had each always had a fascination with big black cocks. ... After it came up in their marriage and they discussed it, they agreed Nikki could try sucking one to completion. They searched for a big black dick on the internet, and after finding a massive one Nikki was very excited to try, they booked a hotel room & arranged a meeting.The night was finally upon them. It was going to happen! Nikki's first taste of big...

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Skin Deep The Dance Chapter 0

Chapter 0 Introduction - The Roadies Set Up William was not one for remembering his dreams. They came and went with the passage of sleep, ghosts of some half-remembered somewhere that no longer existed shortly after the cobwebs were cleared from the corners of his mind. The last few weeks had been a nasty exception. An observer watching him sleep would clearly have been able to delineate the span of time when the dreams began and ended. They would start, and William would begin...

2 years ago
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A Close Encounter Of The

Two guys hook up with shemale. Bisexual male - anal – threesome male – transsexual – shemale – shemale oral – shemale anal – blowjob – titsAnother great tape and another great yank of the crank. Yea, she-males were pretty hot, Tom thought as he hit the eject bottom on the tape deck, but where on earth would he really find one? He had little doubt that if he did find a place where they hung out that there would be more than a few with a serious case of ugly. The chances of finding one like the...

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Thursdays ChildChapter 11

Nell buttonholed Becca as they assembled for work two days later. "I'm afraid you're going to have trouble with Garry," she said. "Oh dear," Becca sighed. "What happened?" "He came over to me and I said, 'Hello, you must be Garry. Becca told me about you.' He just said abruptly, 'Where is she?'" "He is very shy," interjected Becca trying to make excuses for him. Nell shrugged. "I told him that you were unable to come today and had asked me to come instead. His eyes...

4 years ago
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Life in a summer cabin part 1

I regularly had friends and colleagues over, that wanted to get out if the city and take their mind of things. I only had one rule, you could drink, but not get super wasted. I did not like to play babysitter to grown people that cannot hold their liquor. One night I had a friend over. She was a bit younger than me. She had must turned 20 and I was in my late twenties. She is a tall, but skinny girl and her breasts were on the smaller side and seemed to be a bit of a wallflower. I had a bit...

4 years ago
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On my way home

On my way home – a fantasyIt was a long and hard day in the office, lot´s of paperwork and phone-calls. I was glad that I opted for the bike this morning and so I was looking forward to an hour of biking on my common paths and the 30 minutes overtime were forgotten after the first minutes of cycling.It´s a calm evening and the air is fantastic. I am completely lost in my thoughts and inhale the fresh air, enjoying every minute. After a few kilometers I have to pass a place, where the path is...

1 year ago
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The Dramatic Saga of Peter Q KleeshayChapter 15

"Gosh Pete, when you say it, well, it just makes total sense," explained Eric, a large football player and Chad's right hand man. "You are such a great guy and doing such noble work that we'd all be more than happy to help keep you safe. But when Chad suggested it, I don't know, it just sounded ... stupid ... I can't remember why." His face was clouded by a puzzled look. "I suppose Chad just doesn't have a way with words ... you know ... like I ... have way ... I guess." "Yeah,...

3 years ago
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Make It Up To Me

My heart was pounding, I was sweaty all over and my ears felt like they were going to explode. I glanced sideways towards Matt. I guess he knew I was staring at him because he couldn’t help but keep a smile off his face. He looked over at me with those beautiful blue eyes of his and put his hand on my waist and pulled me against his side, as if he was trying to protect me from all the drunken people around us. I returned my focus back to the stage and starting singing along with the next song....

2 years ago
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 99

Mum and Dad had asked Jen and I to both come home for Remembrance Sunday, 9th November, because our grandparents wanted to go to the parade and church service in town, and hoped that we would join them. Naturally we were very willing to do something that meant so much to them; Grandpa Shaw had never missed Armistice Sunday since it was first started in 1919; he had been at the War Memorial Dedication Service on 7th June 1922, and Grandma still had the programme from that day. There are 237...

3 years ago
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Twenty Seven Minutes in Heaven

Introduction: Julia sneaks off for a filthy fuck in a public bathroom. Twenty Seven Minutes In Heaven By: DamonX ([email protected]) Julia picked up another glass of champagne as she glanced around the room. Pompous assholes, she thought to herself, taking a sip of the drink, watching the endless parade of rich old men arm in arm with their trophy wives. Julia hated these functions and cringed at the mere mention of attending one. It was her duty, however, as her husband expected her to...

1 year ago
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Dressed for Sucksess

It was a crisp october evening when I began the drive back to the city from the commune style farmhouse where I'd spent the weekend with a sensous divorcee and a half dozen other open lifestyle couples. I'd brought along a slutty girl outfit complete with brown curly wig, spike heel pumps, lacy garter belt, breast forms, several baby dolls and blouses as well as short revealing skirts. And..I'd chickened out. Despite a sex filled weekend with Dianne, I was going home unfullfilled. I'd...

3 years ago
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Glab Rmid AmabChapter 8

The rest of Carlotta’s shift passed in a blur. She spent most of it hopping around the kitchen as Jason barked commands at her, so aroused by his masculine presence that she literally found her juices literally onto the floor. When Jason noticed, he made her lick it up. That only served to create a fresh wave of juices, which further caused issue when he unloaded inside her once more. “Wait here,” he said thoughtfully, and came back a few minutes later with a pair of warm panties. Carlotta...

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Park ThisChapter 7

"I have no such limitation" did not mean clothing still fluttering in the air as two naked bodies hit the bed. Lee's not dumb. Quirky, yes. Dumb? No. She read my face. "Oh, don't go there, Lane, my newly acquired love. Nothing changes. We just LOVE each other." First time I went to bed with Lee. Went. Bed. Two bodies. Two paperback books. The nicest Saturday afternoon nap that I can remember as she put her book down on the nightstand beside the bed and rotated against me. I took that...

3 years ago
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SargeChapter 4

We managed to make it two more weeks with nothing more serious than a couple drunk camera men ending up in jail. It was much worse than it sounds though. They were involved with a teenager’s drunken sex party. The two were caught with an ounce of pot. The undercover officer saw them giving pot to a fourteen year old girl and then having oral sex with her. They had a defense, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to move the circus on to the next town. The local cops insisted that we stay. The...

2 years ago
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The Reset ManifestoChapter 6

“Why in the world would the Vice-President be coming to Dad’s funeral?” Holding tightly onto her purse, Rebecca was beginning to get more aggrieved than grieved. She didn’t deal too well with turmoil, and this was bothering her. She answered, “I don’t know. I didn’t think he was that close to the Vice President.” George stood up and said, “There’s one way to find out.” “How?” Patricia asked. “I’m going out there to ask around.” “This is a funeral, it isn’t a courtroom. You just stay...

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I went home, got married and started a family, one every year until we reached six. This was enough for me. My wife originally wanted a dozen but she settled for half a dozen. I had a good job and got promoted quickly, mainly because my personality made me learn everything I could about the company. In eight years, I made it into management in charge of the company's production planning responsibilities. Throughout my working career, I liked to flirt, talk dirty, touch provocatively, and...

1 year ago
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Dark Secrets 2

Chapter Eight – Naomi (this is not a standalone story. You should read the previous episode before going any further.)I helped Naomi prepare for her first meeting with Marcus. Even though she had recently shaved her pussy, I suggested she remove any stubble from her nether region. Once her skin was completely smooth and free from hair, I rubbed her skin with lightly scented coconut oils. While she was loving the attention she was getting from it, I was secretly teasing her and working her into...

1 year ago
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Just One Kiss

“In the six years we’ve known each other we’ve never once tried to get it on.” Luke absently stroked Jade’s long dark hair, his fingers combing through the strands. She lay with her head on his lap and her legs extended along the length of the couch. “Why’s that, do you think?” The sound of cheering drifted from the game show playing on the television and empty dishes from their takeout dinner littered the coffee table. The drapes were closed, a lamp on the side table throwing a wide arc of...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Jonathan Dominates MelissaChapter 4 Little Words

Melissa Brandon was sure that Jonathan would be livid when he got back. She had tried to do what he told her, but she hadn’t tried hard enough. He’d told her to pay up her Visa Gold. She’d almost paid it up by the time the December statement had arrived. And then, knowing that the next check would be the last one, she’d neglected to mail in the payment until nearly the deadline. Caught in the Christmas mail rush, that payment hadn’t got there. She still owed $7.32 on the card as of the...

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Blue Collar Town

by Philip Johnson Chapter One Portsmouth, Ohio. It’s a blue collar town where the south flowing Scioto River joins the mighty Ohio River. Take away the rivers and there never would have been a reason for a town being built there to start with. Like so many times over the last few years I came in from Slab Run Road onto highway fifty two and passed the sign welcoming me to town adding the not so impressive statistic, population twenty one thousand. Of course that sign has been up so long now...

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