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Introduction: Chapter one, Alexs awakening. Please read the title, then the first sentence of the story. Put two and two together before you further progress. Otherwise, please hold your comments on how you were completely unprepared for the content you read on a sex story site. Thank you.

—– 1 —

Eleven year old Alexs body sat curled in sideways, fidgeting a top her fathers lap. Following two hours of resting and absorbing his musk, the movie script reeling through her imagination finally ended.

Another fantastical adventure of how she and her daddy got lost while hiking. Of course though, he had safely guided her past the most dangerous obstacles and complications to return them back home. It was just the two of them, in the woods, and her daddy caught, held on, and touched her so many times in his so welcome protection. He gave her all the attention in the world to show his unequaled love and she candidly accepted every little subtle glance she wrote into the fantasy. As much as she wanted to go back however, and dwell hours longer on infinitely keener details, the ending to this particular script left her a bit too fidgety.

Most frequently, she ended her great sagas with the two of them falling asleep together, her in his arms on his big soft bed. But increasingly, beyond the hidden gestures that somehow snuck into all the affection he gave, her dad had been extending the endings into a more prominent role in the plotline. Alexs mind wasnt as content as it used to be in having its hero just simply carry her into bed and fall asleep, he of late engaged in further recreation with her in that bed prior to the sleeping part. Massaged her a bit, sometimes gave her a bath, even though she was eleven, he washed her. And this particular story ended on an all time most curious note.

Alexs small fingers curled over her fathers hard belly. She squinted to herself half in embarrassment, half in annoyance. Her body was full of energy but so desperately, she wanted to lie still and not disturb her daddy.

In this individual ending, Alexs mind quickly made point that in all her fathers heroic deeds, he turned out a little scratched up and even more dirty than she. The coy solution she managed had been something she witnessed her mom do with daddy. They took a shower together. Her father and herself in the rain of hot steamy water, and they were both totally naked, he was naked. She lent her aid in scrubbing the dirt from his back and even giggled when she not too accidently ran her curious fingers over his bare butt cheeks.

Alexs small hand lightly glided down over her fathers shirt, making welcome contact onto his jeans. Leisurely, she took full advantage of his sleeping stature and timidly pressed her fingertips down between the planes of his butt and inside of the armchair. A smile crossed her childish lips as she constricted her hand, unraveling flashbacks of the minutes prior.

Hastily with more instinct than conscious preparation, the muscles in her torso acted heaving her upper body back from her fathers chest. She had lifted half the shirt from her braless figure before her brain even registered what was happening or why. In that moment, she accepted such an impulse as fate and continued with interest. With a drop of that fabric from her little grip, she returned to daddys torso hugging her bare skin into his shirt. The movement left the squeezed mass swaying a bit in waking tension.

Hearing him moan and flex his muscles in rousing liberation, Alex hummed into one of his pecks. Jonas wrapped his arms around his little girl and took the naked flesh of her back into his gripping fingers. The little girl squinted at the overwhelming feeling of protection it gave her. Seconds later, another vibration ran through her bones as she felt the man she squeezed so hard inhale the scent of her hair.

I love you daddy, Alex cringed in suppressed excitement.

I love you too honey, his soft sleepy voice hummed back. You a little warm or something?

No, she said, wiping her face from his chest and replaced it with her cheek.

Whys your shirt off then?

Its a game, kind of. I feel safer when its off and Im with you. I dont know why though. Her father drew in one more breath through her scalp and pulled his neck up straight.

Well, if your shirts not protecting you, then I guess I have to. And I guess you trust me more than your shirt. Does that sound about right?

Yeah, Alex remarked with a bit of enthusiasm. Can I take off my pants and underwear and socks so I feel really safe than?

Mommys going to home soon enough and I dont quite know how she would react to that scene, so lets not.

Tomorrow maybe? Alex persisted.

How about tonight you talk with her about it, he replied catching possibly what might be really going on. Im sure shell be more than happy to answer any questions and help you out with this stuff.

What stuff?

Mmmm, well, these new ideas of yours.

Alex quickly pushed up and stared into her fathers eyes. She struggled as hard as she could to determine whether or not he could read her mind. Did he know what she just fantasized about? Daddy just looked back warmly with an added mix of confusion and alarm. Alex smiled. It was a lucky guess, he was bluffing. But she was starting to like the new idea of asking mom questions about all of this stuff.

And not a moment later did her mom walk through the front door.

The armchairs backside notably faced that front door leaving the two females looking face to face. The mother squinted a bit noticing her daughters naked shoulders popping above her husbands head. It gave the simplest guessed appearance that the whole rest of the eleven year olds body followed suit in bare exposure. Questioningly, she walked quickly to and above her spouse to catch a better view of the shocking sight.

Warm in here, is it? she asked just seeing the shirt only gone.

Yeah, Alex retorted swiftly. Her body was secreting sweat fast under the new circumstances. She saw that look on her moms face and how she near immediately raced through the room to find her pants still on. The sensations of what could have happened if her pants werent on exhilarated her. Im gonna take a shower now, I feel dirty, she said smearing with her fingers some of her perspiration over one of her lower ribs.

She climbed off her daddy and could barely even wait until she closed the bathroom door before her thumbs were down her bottoms and them down to the floor. Never in her life had she felt the way she just had.

After her progressively heating shower, the family of three ate dinner, watched television, and got ready for bed.

Alex knew something was up. Rarely did they all together watch television, especially her daddy. More often than the TV did he sit down and play something with her, whether it have been blocks, a board or card game, wrestling, or even finger painting. If it wasnt that, then he was in his office doing freelance projects on his computer.

It was after she got ready for bed that she was presented with that something. Before she could go to her mother in private, just as she tugged the nightgown over her panty-laden body, she walked in.

Nooo, Alex cried, Im not thinking about sex at all. Both she and Riley sat on her bed. After an awkward introduction, Alex finally understood what her mom was trying to talk to her about.

Daddy already gave me those talks and he said I could ask him anything anytime about it. This isnt sex. I thought thats why he wanted you to talk to me, because its different or something.

Well honey, its not sex, but it relates to it. And your father thinks that he talking to you about this particular situation would be less effective than me.

I dont want to talk about this anymore, Alex pouted, anger rising in her voice.

Okay, her mother comforted, lets just do questions and answers than. Thats all, you dont have to ask me anything you dont want to, but you can ask me anything your mind can possibly think up.

Fine, the little girl said harshly knowing this was the only way out of the talk before she broke into a tantrum. Can I walk around the house naked tomorrow?

Her mom sighed heavily.

If you absolutely need to, she said as her daughter nodded her head, when I get home, you can.

Why not with just me and daddy?

Well, daddy has told you why not to do certain things around other people beside us, hasnt he?

Yeah, but that means I can still do it around you two.

Well, each of us do have our own breaking points where we cant be trusted with too much of a good thing.

You mean me being naked is super good for daddy?

No, well. Its not you being naked. Daddys has seen you naked lots of times. Its just that now because youre older and you sometimes say or do certain things to play into a situation to get what you want, with you being naked, you could potentially get your father to do something that will hurt you without you knowing it until its too late.

Like what?

Well, lets see. If you were naked with daddy for a whole day, what would be some stuff you would want to do with him?

Alex blushed.

I dont know, just normal stuff like every other day.

Aah, this is a lot harder than I thought. I wish I could start over.

Wait, you said this was about sex. Are you talking about me and daddy having sex? Alexs face went wide with shock and confusion not knowing what to make with her revelation.

Riley went speechless. It took more than a few seconds to think past her victoriously beaming daughter to get her vocal tract working again.

N-NO! Thats not what I was saying. I said it was related to sex.

How do me and daddy relate to sex? Like if we were to play house and we were husband and wife. Alexs mind was sparking with ideas she had never thought of before. Or play zoo, and be like that one time when we saw the one lion on top of the other.

Alex, Alex, stop, just stop thinking. Here, lets go to mommy and daddys room. You can sleep with us tonight. No sense in leaving you alone to your thoughts. Very quickly, Riley pulled her daughter up and walked her from her own bedroom to the masters where her husband awaited in bed already.

Whats going on? he asked seeing Alex dragging behind her mom.

Shes sleeping with us tonight and this has been that last time I talk with her about anything relating to the subject.

Mom thinks were going to have sex, Alex said as a joke. Neither of the adults found it as funny as the eleven year old did. The mother looked with pleading eyes to her husband.

Alright, everybody calm down and come to bed.

The two girls obeyed, Alex running and jumping into the middle right next to her father. As Riley settled down, her daughter was pushed over her whining.

Why cant I sleep next to you daddy?

Just not tonight, thats all honey.


As awake as Alex was, pushing farther and farther past her regulation bedtime, she soon fell asleep. Whispers soon broke the silence.

It all happened so fast, I dont even remember how I got on the subject.

Its okay honey. Ill try to straighten things up tomorrow while youre at work.

Shes only eleven and now her head is swarming with those thoughts. Its too early.

Its all okay. She started it. It was bound to happen soon enough. At most, you pushed it up a few months. Probably just a few weeks. Her imagination would have quickly enough began running wild given her current curiosities. And its better now just a few weeks into the summer than at the start of next school year.

Yeah, I guess youre right.

Well have her on track to safe sexuality before she starts the sixth grade in the new middle school. By then she wont be able to be fooled by her peers into childish games of sex play for meaningless acceptance from boys that only want one thing.

Speaking of sex play… His wife responded while slipping her hand down his boxers. You know our daughter brought up the lion exhibit during our talk in reference between you too. She pulled herself closer and took his neck into her teeth.

Alex rolled over and took her mothers back into her sleeping arms.

How about we leave it at this and live in the anticipation for tomorrow night, Jonas suggested, feeling the daughter not quite in her deepest sleep.

Anticipation aye, well I do have to pick up some more pills from the pharmacy tomorrow.

And reluctantly, the two removed their hands from each others privates and fell asleep.

The next morning, Alex was as energetic as ever. Thoughts of the night before still blanketed her mind but she thought it best not to voice them, rather, shed take a different approach on learning more. A few hours into roaming the house trying to look busy while thinking, she finally decided on something.

She opened the back patio door and walked out to the pool. Painstakingly, she pulled the heavy tarp off the skin of the water, checked the pH and added a bit of chlorine. She walked back to the patio door and inhaled the smell of a swimming pool slowly drifting into the house. Then she charged into the living room and jumped onto her daddy.

Uh oh, he said lightheartedly, somebody is in the mood to lose a wrestling match.

Alex giggled as she slipped her tiny body off his and ran around the chair. Her daddy followed and chased her into the dining room under the table. As he was getting up from underneath, he was pounced on and shaken wildly by a giggling girl. Before he could get a hold of her though, she was off him and out the patio door. Jonas met her grin from the other side of the pool.

The little girl bent forward flexing her arms as a challenge. Her father accepted and was off running around the pool. The tall dark wooden fence around them reverberated muffled echoes as the two clashed, aggressively exchanging roars. Alexs frame rose high above the ground and over her father. She twisted and pushed her weight toward the pool and in quick reflex felt her father pull her down into his chest as he lost footing and fell backwards into the water. Both of them sent a massive splash into the air where the wrestling match continued half submerged.

Feeling the increased mass of his waterlogged clothing and watching his daughter so ignorantly attack him unsupervised, Jonas squeezed away toward the house and began climbing out.

Oh no you dont, Alex laughed boldly grabbing the bottom of a leg on his pants. She gripped with all her force as her father hauled himself free with even more, the resulting action of his pants being pulled with his boxers down his waist. Finally Alexs fingers ripped free from exhaustion where she too climbed out of the pool to follow her crawling daddy.

Jonas made it into the dining room before he collapsed himself onto the floor and rolled onto his back. Alex giggled as she could see his pubic hair and the base half of his penis pulled down into his half drawn boxers.

Get my medicine honey.

Alexs smile faded promptly as her body went firm. She jerked up and ran over to the kitchen, pulling open a cabinet door. Filling a cup halfway at the sink, she returned with a pill and the water. Instantly as she fell to her knees, she dropped the pill down his mouth and began drizzling the liquid into his open jaw. He swallowed. All she could do than was wait, so she climbed her wet body onto his and laid down.

Approximately two minutes later, she twitched and jolted out of a newly forming fantasy into a tickle fight she was rapidly losing. The two rolled over with Alex relocating to the ground below her father. Jonas stopped soon enough though noticing that his daughters hands werent fighting back, but had instead pushed her pants and panties a foot down her legs completely exposing her prepubescent, water soaked slit.

Now were the same, she panted trying to regain her breath. Her father looked down his own body than to notice that the flaccid shaft of his penis was dangling down just above his eleven year olds exposed sex organ. Not a single second passed by before the little hanging manhood twitched and began growing.

Alex had never seen anything like it. She had remembered seeing his penis before long ago, but never had it moved on its own, or start to grow.


Her daddy immediately rolled off from her and pulled his pants up.

Whats happening? she asked.


You said you would always tell me the truth.

Alright, alright. Lets change into dry clothes and then Ill explain.

Can we change together?


Why not? Why dont you like me anymore?

What-? I still like you.

Why do push me onto mom now then?

Honey, lets talk about this after we change.


Alex sat up and finished removing her pants and underwear. She pulled the shirt from her body and removed each sock as her father stood up.

You shouldnt track all that water through the house, she yelled angrily as he walked away from her. Her eyes began to dampen in frustration and then she snapped several moments after she lost sight of him.

Alex jumped up and began screaming as she ran upstairs into her room. She slammed the door shut and climbed beneath her covers where she shoved her head under the pillow and continued screaming tears from her eyes.

After a half hour, with her cries becoming silent, Jonas walked into the room and sat on the bed with her. His comforting hand ran up her back between her shoulder blades, back down, and then repeated countless times over her covering blanket.

Can I see you honey? he asked to the pillow covering her face.

No, she half yelled through the muffling of that pillow. Im naked and every time Im naked, you and mom act different to me and I dont like it. I got your stupid point. Ill always wear clothes and never be curious again.

I just want to see your face, he said as he slowly removed the pillow. Theres nothing wrong with being naked and definitely nothing wrong with being curious.

Its just that Im ugly and you cant stand the sight of me.

Its the exact opposite.

That doesnt make sense.

How about this, one thing. Any one thing in the world, you pick one thing that you want to do with me, and well do it. Whats the most curious thing in your mind that you can think of that you want to do with me? And I promise I wont push it onto your mom. Just me and you, and mom wont even know. Just like old times.

Alex smiled and rolled over under her blankets. She thought hard. Very hard. The most curious thing she could think of that had nothing to do with her mom. Her mom. Curious.

Okay, I want to take a shower with you. It was beyond the most extreme idea she ever thought could possibly come to fruition in real life. It was the absolute most daring thing she had ever thought of doing. Just saying it sent shivers through her body.

Alright then. Tomorrow. Weve got lunch and then my nap before mom comes home today. But tomorrow when shes gone. And I wont tell her so its just between me and you.

Alex was shaking in fear. It was actually going to happen. Quickly enough, excitement began breaking through. Then more emotions started scratching their way into her mind.

Ill go start on lunch and let you get dressed now, he said as he patted her chest and turned to get up. He caught himself before standing and rested his hand firmly on her. Oh, and you know about the rules of the pool.

I know, Im sorry, Alex said paying only enough attention to finish their little talk. I only wanted you to watch me swim. I never meant for you to go in.

Well, be more careful next time. Especially when youre trying to tug me back into the water.

Alex blushed at her defeat as he looked down to her. Soon enough though, his departing complaints left her quickly to be replaced with everything before it.

Then, just when she thought life couldnt contain more emotions, something new, a feeling she never in her existence felt before unraveled itself underneath the fixed touch her daddys strong hand gave over the blanket covering her bare-naked girl chest. A sensation like nothing else had spiked through her nude body from his subtly squeezing grip just around her nipple.

The rest of the day seemed to fly by from anticipation and fear. She and her daddy had sandwiches and chips for lunch and watched game shows together until he fell into his nap. Alex was too fidgety to turn the TV off and lose herself in a fantasy like she so often did while not at school.

Her mom came home before daddy was awake. She walked up to the two cuddled together in the chair before the television and took his lips into hers with an unusual passion. She pulled free feeling him just barely coming out of sleep.

Can I try that? Alex asked with interest.

Thats not the type of kiss I think you would like.

Never know until you try, she responded while leaning in to mimic the lip lock.

Coming more fully into wake, her father returned the lover like kiss with his tongue. Feeling that break her lips to enter her mouth, Alex pulled back in surprise gasping. Her dad opened his eyes with quite a shock while his wife laughed watching their daughter wipe her teeth against her shirt sleeve.

Daddy licked inside my mouth.

I told you I didnt think you would like it.

After dinner, Alex and Jonas went into the playroom (really a second living room without the furniture) and using wooden blocks with an unfinished hot wheels racing track and a few cars, played some bowling, seeing who could strategically knock down more blocks or who could build a structure able to withstand more hits. The builder earned extra points for the taller the building was.

Riley shuffled through the newspaper unable to concentrate much. More than a few times, she found herself in the doorway of the room watching her husband and daughter laughing and playing together. She was waiting for that time where that so deliciously salty chicken she had set out for Jonas to cook kicked in.

Ill be right back, Im going to get something to drink. No moving any blocks, I got it memorized, Alex bluffed.

Riley jumped a bit at her chance.

You two finish up, its almost bedtime. Ill get you a drink sweetie so you dont have to worry about your father cheating.

Neither Alex nor Jonas ever kept score in their games, they only ever guessed at who probably won, which more often than not and surprisingly to any honest observer, turned out to be Alex.

As the two finished up by together constructing the biggest, most wobbly building they could, Riley dissolved a child safe sleeping pill into Alexs juice. By the time she got back to the living room, the first vehicle off the track, a heavy dump truck, just slammed into a single crucial support block, knocking the entire structure down in a most spectacular mess.

While Jonas piled the blocks into a large container, Alex gulped down her glass of juice. Pulling the car tracks apart, Alex spoke.

Can I sleep with you guys tonight again? My bed is all wet.

Of course you can, Riley consoled so motherly.

Finishing the cleaning, the three headed off to their respective bedrooms to change. As Jonas pulled the covers down to get in bed, Alex walked in with a little toothpaste smeared on her cheek looking about to pass out on the spot. She climbed down the middle of the bed by her daddy and fell deep asleep almost instantly.

Riley smiled as she flipped her daughter onto her back, stood up and removed her nightgown to expose her naked body. She crawled back on over top her lover and slowly tugged down his boxers while his arms crossed and flexed before her in removing his shirt. The thirty-five year old woman dropped her pouting pussy lips onto her two year junior husbands hard cock.

Jonas reached up and took a hold of her breast, pushing her to the side over their sleeping eleven year old daughter. They rolled above her body and switched positions. Looking down to his wife with his unconscious little girl laying right next to them, he pulled back his pelvis, realigned himself, and slid through the wet crack between his wifes legs. Her mouth exhausted a most yearning sigh of relief.

In and out, he began gliding through the woman staring up at him. Her moans grew in speed and volume. Jonas slumped down and pushed his face into hers, sucking her voice into his mouth as his man organ moved so snuggly through her lubricant soaked tunnel.

Near endlessly his manhood squeezed through the womans body. His sounds of slurping and sinking through the coveted opening linking her legs filled the silence. An unconscious child six inches away, saturated both their minds. Those so tender lips that waited in locked tight seal through anticipation for a whole night and day now circled around a large throbbing, pistoning cock.

Riley pushed up on her husbands chest unlatching their jaws. Just one strand of saliva strung and snapped between their gulping breaths.

Im cumming. Just a second away, she nearly squeaked.

Her head dropped to her right and looked to the sleeping little girl beside. Their faces were staring to each other. One unconscious, one squeezing back an orgasm. And then her hips bucked up in quakes.

Up and up they pushed as her husband began short powerful jabs into her body.

Touch her, touch her honey, his wife quivered. Squeeze her chest.

Jonas had to ball his hands into tight, tight fists not to obey the unconscious girls mother. He already found it impossible to take his eyes from her peacefully sleeping body.

Her dripping butt settling back onto the mattress, Riley reached down and lifted the hem of their daughters nightgown, revealing her eleven year old panties. She hiked it up enough to show even her belly button. Jonas eyes could not be pried away for anything his wife could possibly offer.

Her long, thin, awkward legs leading up to her tightly fitted, white, tweenaged panties. With her body laying flat down on her back, there was almost no sign of any organ on her. Her lips were reaching the flattened stasis between child fat and womanly pronunciation, however not quite there yet. Although, nothing stopped her supporting butt cheeks from giving a curve to that fabric which could sell out entire inventories for the company maker. And then after the thinnest elastic waistband was that littlest depression in her expanding and contracting belly where she fed through for the first nine months of her life.

He was already slowing his thrusts into nothing. Any more of a view and even not moving at all wouldnt prevent him from losing himself in an all out spasming cum shower inside the woman he occupied. Feeling his wife beginning to take control of movements herself, he hurriedly slurped free of her.

Taking the opportunity, she simply pushed up and rolled onto her hands and knees above their daughters body.

Lets reenact the lion exhibit for Alex. She seemed so intrigued the first time.

Finally able to trust himself enough to stimulate his organ again without going off seconds thereafter, he mounted the woman in front of him and pushed his sex inside.

Forcefully he recuperated, beating himself in and out of her pussy, his eleven year old child a foot below them sound asleep. Both he and the girls mother let their grunts spark ramped through the room. Jonas used his strength to pull at his wifes shoulders, down and back into him even harder. Her cervix pressed deeper up into her body to accommodate the force. Loud smack of their meetings defied the furniture in the room and left ricocheting echoes bouncing back to their desensitized ears.

He let go of her shoulders and ran his hands all over her back and sides, leaving her body jolting back and forth wildly.

It took all of Rileys strength, but she managed to balance herself on one arm and took a hold of one of her husbands wrists. He let her guide it around her body as he gentled his thrusts for both their sakes. He was so close to inseminating her. Riley dropped her hand down with his, pointing one of his fingers out. With the most delicate precision, she pressingly inserted his fingertip into their daughters belly button.

Jonas flinched, knowing exactly what softest depression he just had forced into. With an involuntary grunt, he immediately released himself. His muscles collapsed his chest down to his wifes back where she struggled to regain leverage with her returning arm. Not even half a line of cum escaped his cock head before Riley had slurped her body way out of reach, sliding her sweat soaked back under the near lifeless man draped onto her. Her husbands manhood hung above his eleven year old pumping streams of semen onto her.

Globs of it shot from his body arching onto the little girls face, in her hair, and running down a streak over her nightgown. The sight shuddered his wifes muscles into dripping liquid onto the lumpless chest below. Man cum coated their daughter and finished off oozing down into her open navel.

Both parents were locked in place regaining the strength to move. Alex inhaled deeply followed by an equally sharp exhale. Her motionless eyes began shaking right after, delving her deep into a dream.

Jonas tremblingly backed off of Riley and scooted from the bed to clean himself with a tissue. Riley slid back, dropped down, and began licking the sperm from her daughters face and neck. Sucking that clean, she moved further down and kissed dry Alexs sleeping belly. She took the tissues handed to her from her husband and wiped the remaining cum up on the nightgown and hair. The two parents returned their night clothes, climbed back into bed, one on either side of their child, and hugged her between themselves falling asleep.

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As a fan of Cam Smut, I really fucking love cam sluts. Live webcam porn has been a thing since the early ‘00s, but I’d argue that we’re living in the golden age of the format. For one thing, consumer-level cameras are better than they’ve ever been, so the shows look crisp and crystal clear, letting us see every last drop of vag juice and every single butthole wrinkle. Hot chicks are also coming to the platform in bigger numbers than ever, bringing with them exhibitionist attitudes forged by the...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
2 years ago
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Teen Biwiyan Part 8211 2

Pitchli kahani mein bataya ki poonam ke saath kaise suruat ki, poonam ko mein chodna toh 7-8baar chahta tha 24hrs mein lekin wo 2-3 baar se jyada nahi le paati, mein bhi jabardasti nahi karta Lekin mere waste wo muh mein le Kar aur haath se mooth maar ke mujhe pura karti. Mein bhi bahut pyar karta tha isliye jabardast nahi karta. Wo Mera pura khyal bhi rakhti. Ek din mera ek dost Ravi mere ghar pe aaya toh meine poonam se bhabhi Kah ke hi milwaya, Ravi ke pitaji education board ke senior member...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Vivian Taylor Good Girl

Curvy coed ? Vivian Taylor makes her Hussie?Pass debut today, which also means we just had to pair her up with the one and only Brickzilla ?➕☝? for this week’s update, because that’s how we are ? After the “Patent Pending” Johnny ?? Robins interview portion of the program ??‍? Brickzilla makes his way into the scene and proceeds to get Vivian all lubed up ? especially that 42-inch backside ? which she of course twerks for all of us ? Brickzilla then assists in getting Vivian’s pussy...

3 years ago
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Purgatorys ChildrenChapter 9

Benni awoke to a warm body with breasts spooning him from behind and an arm draped over his belly. While his brain was a bit fuzzy, his cock was at full staff, enjoying the sensation of being embraced by something deliciously female. "Good morning," a familiar voice said behind his head. "Morning," Benni replied as he turned towards her and lay on his back. "Did you say you wanted to be my fuck bunny last night?" "Yeah. Do you have a problem with that?" Benni blinked his eyes...

2 years ago
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Samantha and Kevin pt 1

But he was different, she could tell right away. All because of his lips. They were beautiful. She wanted to feel those lips against hers. It was late at night, or early in the morning depending on your mindset, and a pipe had burst. Water, water, water. He came to help, the royal blue sweatshirt that he wore had his name emblazed on the back, Kevin. He was finally finished; the clock shined a bright 4:06. Samantha yawned, usually in bed hours earlier. She hopped up from her...

1 year ago
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my mom is a doctor part1

Hi, this is Rakesh writing my experience. I am studying engineering 3rd year. My family consists of 3 members. Father, mother and me. My parents are doctors and are working in a private hospital. My parents loved each other and married when they are in the 2nd year of medicine against the wish of their parents. I was born in the 3rd year of their medicine. At that time mom was 23 years old when she gave birth to me. My dad died in an accident when I was in 8th class. At that time mom was 35...

2 years ago
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The sunlight reflecting off the warm water coupled with periodic splashes as the boat's bow crashed through the waves painted an absolutely beautiful picture. It was about 85 degrees and sunny. The boat's throbbing motor pushed us farther and farther away from land until we could no longer see the shoreline. I leaned over the side to see if I could see any fish through the crystal clear blue waters. A tugging on my arm pulled me back inside the boat and back into the arms of the beautiful...

3 years ago
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Brenda The Reluctant Cocksucker

Brenda was soon to become a reluctant cocksucker. Before she and Bob were married, she was not a virgin but had never sucked cock. After the ceremony and reception, Brenda was hot for Bob to fuck her. She had never wanted cock more than that night. But Bob had other ideas.Brenda was a very ordinary-looking teen who had blossomed into a real beauty after she had graduated high school. She had attended two years of Junior College gaining a degree in Dental Hygiene. It was during those two years,...

1 year ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 80

I arrived for dinner as close to seven as humanly possible, and I managed to do it without circling the block or anything else. As I approached the gate, it began rolling open for me before I could press the talk button on the intercom. Someone was watching. Kelli was waiting for me in front of the door where I'd picked her up only days earlier. She was alone and ran around to my side of the car as soon as I pulled to a stop. "Park over here," she said, pointing to a pullout at about the...

3 years ago
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The First Moms Club SP

Based on the series of stories by patricia51 and linda_s © To Linda and Patricia: I can’t thank you enough for letting me write for your series. And I also can’t thank you enough for the encouragement you gave me. To the rest of the readers: This is my first erotic story for publication in any medium. Feedback is greatly welcomed. But I’d like to recommend that you visit my homepage and see a list of my favorite authors and stories, and visit those sites as well. I’ll update the list every...

4 years ago
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TangentChapter 8 A Battle

It was late afternoon when Judy finally woke up all the way. She hadn't dreamed again, which, considering the dream she'd had before, was a good thing. But she was also aware she'd woken up every few minutes. Several times she'd moved slightly, twice she'd gotten up and moved her sleeping bag as the shade moved with the sun. She knew she wasn't going back to sleep, even if it was the heat of the afternoon. Tuck was off talking to Gamelin again, her friends were awake, sitting under the...

1 year ago
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The metro experience Part 2

This is the second part, hope you enjoy. For those. who like to cum along with the character, Andrew cums twice. ---------------------------------------------------------- Every move sent jolts through his body whenever Andrew walked his way towards school. All the sex left his cock so damn sensitive that every touch was like touching high voltage. All he needed was a sign hanging from his neck to tell people to beware of it. He acted his walk normal. He just entered the school only when...

3 years ago
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The Olympic Spirit

Kate was bothered and starting to question her life choices. She was 21, going to college part time and on-line, had no boyfriend or romantic involvement with anyone, and knew that it would be at least another five years – if everything worked out – before she could possibly graduate from law school, her academic goal. And she didn’t even know any guys she wanted to bong, let alone have any real prospects. Given that Kate had a near genius I. Q., was 5’7”, 115 pounds with long flaxen hair,...

2 years ago
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Selffulfilling Prophecy

Jeyalaxshmi (aka Jeya), a widow of 40 years, lives in a beautiful town in Southern Tamil Nadu along with her son Jegan who is now 25 years old. She lost her husband when her son was 15 years old. Since then her son has worked as hard as he can to keep the family afloat. They have no relatives and only had each other’s back for emotional support. Speaking of Jeya, she is an average looking South-Indian woman, who wears only saree even at home. She was skinny when she married her husband but now...

2 years ago
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I Knocked On Her Back Door

I suppose it even happened to cavemen. You come home from a hard day of hunting dinosaurs with a club and find your woman in the back of the cave getting boinked by another caveman. Of course, being a sensitive, considerate caveman with a tiny dick, what else can you do except sit out in front of the cave and let them finish. It wasn’t the first time a girlfriend had cheated on me. But I didn’t think Mary would. And not in my own bed. I was twenty-nine, she was twenty-two. She’d had only one...

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MyPervyFamily Goldie Glock Trailer Park Secrets

“Hey sis do you know where you’re mom is?” “No I think she left a few minutes ago..” “Well I’m hungry, do you know when she’ll be back?” “I don’t know, why can’t you go cook yourself something to eat bro??” “C’mon you know I don’t cook.. I’m so bored there’s nothing to do” “Let’s do something fun!.. When was the last time you had sex?” “Why would you ask me...

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An American War HeroChapter 14

The trouble started the other side of Sheffield. Travel through the valley had been uneventful, and the train made good speed. Even though Sheffield was a prime industrial target, it had received relatively little bombing. Julia was scornful. "The Russians have infiltrated cadres into the area and don't want to kill their own! Very caring of Stalin don't you think?" Their passage through the city took on a surreal feel as they looked out on a city that seemed untouched by the ravages of...

1 year ago
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Lessons Part Two

Michael – Compound Owner, 46. Edward –Potential Slave, 12. Jessie – Edwards Brother, 7. James – Slave to Jessie, 9. Lessons Chapter Two – Stay within the Confines. Edward and Jessie sat at the kitchen table, having survived, relatively unscathed from their first ordeal with Michael, Edward was still running over the events of the day, aghast at the fact that he had kicked that boy, even if he hadn’t put his entire effort into it, he had still caused harm, something he was glad his...

3 years ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 15

Waking up, I dreaded Mondays like any other person. Going through my routine, I had a thought. With as small as school was, I was eventually going to run into Jenn and her new boyfriend. I ultimately had no animosity against her or them. Would I have liked to open that sexual amusement park, yeah I would have liked it. That wasn’t to be, so I’d be as cordial with them as the situation demanded. I’d always heard, be the bigger man, so that’s what I’d be in this situation. The morning at...

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Predators The Stalking

The water flowed and candles flickered, the sweet scent of lavender filled the air. I walked in with a towel wrapped around my naked body, more than ready to enjoy a nice, relaxing bath. As my toe touched the water, my cell phone rang.   “Hello,” I answered, obviously annoyed.   “Hey Mia! I’m not feeling too good. I need a lay — and of course my favorite wingman. Can you be ready in an hour?” Max sounded serious.   “Give me two, I was about to take a bath.”     “Ok, meet you down at Combos...

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Masters Rubber Maid

"So what's this?" quizzed Penny my wife as I stepped in the door from work. I could have said it's a leather paddle with the word slut picked out in pointy spikes but the look she was giving me suggested I should not be flippant. "It's a new toy.......I was hoping we....." I trailed off because of the look she gave me. It was actually intended for solo play since Penny never joined in on my kinky games. But since she had accidentally opened my mail I thought I would take the...

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The True MasterChapter 9 Analysis

February 19 2016: The True Slave I rushed down the hall of the clinic and burst through the doorway into the waiting room. The Master glanced up at the sound of the doors, and seeing the distress on my face, he quickly stood and walked towards me. I felt tears pricking at my eyes and trepidation over what I had to tell him. "The Doctor saw," The Master's eyes hardened and he opened his arms. Running forward I let myself fall into him; I was safe here, nothing could hurt me in his arms...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 2Chapter 16

A little before six, I went down to the bar in the restaurant downstairs to wait for Laura. I talked with Fred Miller the bartender, and I told him where I intended to go after dinner. He told me that it was a good country bar. I was wearing some nice clothes, but I didn't have on my boots or western threads. I saw the door open, and in walked Laura, a most breathtaking sight. She had on the tightest jeans that she possibly could squeeze that body into without hurting herself. Her body was...

3 years ago
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Alyx in Wonderland Chapter 2

Thanks for the comments everyone, keep them coming. Chapter 2 Ever tried running in a skirt? Don't criticize until you have. I was late. We were supposed to be at the studio by 6 am. I'd said I'd meet Chloe at the station at five. It was quarter past already. At least I'd gone with my trainers. Imagine if I'd gone with the heeled boots. As I rounded the corner I saw Chloe. She smiled and waved, her coat pulled tightly around her. "When will Spring be sprung?" She hugged...

1 year ago
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The Deal

Robert had money but he spent it all on his lawyers and in the end the jury found him guilty of first degree murder, serving a life sentence he can't help Anna or Brent. Anna ended the relationship and moved on with her life, Brent does know about Robert but wants nothing to do with him, Anna doesn't have any Family, both her parents are dead and the money she got from them was just enough to get the apartment she and Brent are living in now and she put the rest in her savings but that's...

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Girls That Play Together

Kendra was glad that she wasn’t at home because if her mother would have found out about what she and her school friend had just viewed on the computer, life as she knew it would definitely no longer be the same. In addition, both girls were so obviously worked up they could barely contain themselves or speak in complete sentences. That would have been a dead give-away.Angela had slipped off the maroon tie of her school’s uniform earlier, unbuttoning her white pressed shirt well past what the...

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The Thief of the RoseChapter 12

Aaron met Reg in the dining hall early the next morning. After breakfast and settling up with Miss Sara, they gathered their things, saddled their horses and, after squaring accounts with the Sorcerer's Guild and retrieving the gold pieces, were off for Realto. Aaron intended to spend one day in Realto to say goodbye and make sure that Master Weaver was dealt with and then leave for Aithen. He was thinking of asking Reg to just stay at the duchy while he returned to the Capital when his...

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A Day in the Life of a Male Slave

I was kneeling at my Mistress's feet when the door entry buzzed discreetly. Well, I say my Mistress, but I did not know if she was or not. In as much as she was female and clearly in charge of me she was but I didn't even know her name other than I caught that it was Sadie. It was a Monday morning and I 'd been taken to her house early that morning by Janice who I'd been serving now for a few months off and on. Janice was fairly formal with Sadie, they didn't seem to be close friends or...

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T Is for Training

The overnight train from Paris to Milan left the French capital at 4 p.m. and was due to arrive at its destination the next day at 8 a.m. Those sixteen hours would change Billy Jackson's life for ever. The lad was only 17 and had graduated from high school just two weeks before. This European adventure was a graduation present from his doting aunt Beatrice. But the journey Billy was about to take was nothing like the tourism, museum and art gallery-filled adventure his aunt had in...

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Fortress 69

I walked into the station meeting room and frowned at the two girls standing to one side. I looked at the force commander, "I have a lot of work to do." She smiled, "Oliver you are the best fortress hunter we have. Gypsy is an old world, the fortresses show that. The colony has a problem that central has said we must solve on our own." I looked at the girls, "available men." She nodded, "I know you have had a few bad experiences but I personally selected these two. They should be...

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A True History Book OneChapter 13

When I got back into the house, the girls were ready for our movie tonight. “I’m not normally old enough to rent this, but that’s the advantage of knowing both the kids at the counter and using Dad’s account,” Beth said. She hit play. The opening line on the screen said, ‘That which does not kill us, makes us stronger,’ and attributed it to Friedrich Nietzsche. A man started speaking to a black screen. “Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis...” The actor that played the main role...

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New Reality Part 1

This Story is a work of fiction. All Charecters in it are totally fictional, with the exception of a few. It is roughly based on true to life events that have occurred in my life, with a heavy twist on things to make a story and to make it with an eventaul happy ending. This story was created to conform with the NEW HuggleBugs Universe. I would also like to take this chance to thank KimEM for editing this story and helping it flow, For understanding, and knowing what life is like...

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SamChapter 4B

We all waved as Mrs. Henderson drove off. When the car was a block away, Lori turned to me and said, "Do I know you?" I laughed. "I'm getting that a lot, lately. You really don't remember me? Sam Kramer? I'm on the cheerleading squad, but that would have been after you graduated. Do you remember Kim Blevins introduced us last year at the Drama Club's play?" "Well, I thought it was you, but..." She looked down pointedly. "Oh, I get it. Like I told your mother — growth...

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Abby Abby Lifted Her Skirt Up for Daddy for the F

Synopsis: This event took place when Abby was alone with her dad since her mom was away for work. And this was the first time ever Abby’s dad masturbated in front of her while looking at her sweet sexy panties in a really short mini skirt. She showed him her panties to get out of trouble. [Note: This part connects with the story: Abby, the 1st Grade Panty Tease and Her Perverted Teacher] When Abby turned seven, she’s ready for elementary school. Abby’s mom had previously turned down her chance...

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A Special Kind of a Gig

Athletic competitions take their toll on athletes at the highest level, often wearing them down both mentally and physically. In preparation for a major sporting event, prominent female athletes were housed by a billion dollar athletic training corporation in a massive house in the mountain for a winter. Talent consisted of volleyball players, fighters, soccer players, tennis players, and gymnasts who were high profile and successful at the highest level. The house consisted of five stories...

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Georgia Elizabeth Kulhane The Cats Away And The Mice Play

Georgia Elizabeth sat in the dining room over the remains of her breakfast; two poached eggs and a slice of dry toast was what she allowed herself this morning. Boring, she thought. However, that is what Georgia had to do to maintain some semblance of control over her figure. She was a tall statuesque brunette with large breasts and a magnificent ass. Anyone referring to her would say she was full-figured.She called out to Sarah, the cook for more coffee while thumbing through her agenda....

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My brother and me are having a family celebration at a local restaurant, celebrating the birth of my sisters daughter. Lots of wine,including champagne,has been drunk and we are all feeling very happy.Dining at the next table was a very sexy group of young men. I heard something fall beneath our table and when I looked down I saw a coin beneath my chair. I didn't realise at the time that this was deliberate - I thought it had dropped out of someones pocket accidentally. Shortly afterwards I...

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Mami Ki Chudai Ki Apne Ghar Par

My name is zubair (name changed) mai 19 saal ka hun aur virgin tha if any girl aunty aur bhabhi agar intrested hy toh mujeh contact kare my mail is pehle toh mujeh mami par aise galat sonch nahi thi lekin baad me pata nhai kyu mujeh unhe chodne ke bare me kaise agay pata nahi mere man me bas yahi tha ki kaise mami ko chodu aur unke sath maze karu Mai abhi b tech kar raha hun aur mujeh big ass wali ladkiya bohoth pasand hy my dikhne me smart hun handsome hun aur athletics championkyun ki my...

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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 35 Lock and Load

Director Robin Tyson had intended to keep her star contractor out of trouble. Robin was going to keep a close eye on Hank Dalton even if she had to bend a few rules. Government regulations prohibited public officials from accepting more than a cup of coffee from contractors. Sexual relationships were strictly prohibited. These Draconian restrictions were out of step with Capitallia because they were inherited from the old United States of America days. Back in those days before Capitallian...

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MyFamilyPies Chloe Cherry Dava Foxx Fucking With Brother

Chloe Cherry decides to play a prank on her adopted brother Bambino. While her stepmom Dava Foxx is serving breakfast and her dad Raven is distracted at the table, Chloe slips a V pill into her brother’s drink. It’s not long before Bambino has an incredible boner! He pretends to drop his fork, and while he’s under the table he enjoys a good long look up both Chloe and Dava’s skirts. Chloe knows exactly what’s happening and she plays to it, spreading her legs and...

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Senior Year Part IIChapter 13 Best Christmas Ever

Sunday December 25 I woke to find Brook watching me. “Merry Christmas,” she announced. “When I was little, we would be up at the butt-crack of dawn to see what Santa had left us. Greg always made a big show of complaining about my getting up early, but he was right there with me,” I said with a lazy smile. “You must have been on Santa’s naughty list because he didn’t bring you anything,” she teased. I waggled my eyebrows and tossed back the sheets. I took in Brook’s hot little body and...

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SisSwap Gia OhMy Eva Nyx A Double Resolution Solution

More than anything, Alexander and Parker want to finally fuck some chicks and lose their virginity. Meanwhile, their stepsisters, Eva and Gia, are trying to go on a New Year’s road trip. However, Eva and Gia are in a bit of a pickle because they have no car. The four come to an agreement with which everyone can be happy. In exchange for letting the girls use Alexander’s car, Alexander will fuck Gia, and Parker will fuck Eva. The girls are starting to get immensely turned on by how taboo it is...

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If You Were a Girl SMS Edition

Authors note: This story was inspired by "If You Were A Girl... (A TG Questionnaire)" by 1sm3ghzn. You can find it over at The Changing Mirror, There are several other stories on that site based on the questions in the original story. Here is my take on it. If You Were a Girl: SMS Edition By Varian Milagro It was raining again and I hate the rain. That's not entirely accurate, I didn't hate the rain itself; I...

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Futa Naked in School 02 Winning the Futa VoteChapter 2 Denicersquos Naughty Favors

Denice Jenning’s Week, Tuesday “Yes, yes, yes!” I moaned as Tanisha rammed her futa-dick in and out of my pussy. The African-American futa had me pinned against the lockers. She was fucking her big, Black girl-cock in and out of my cunt. My naked body pressed against her clothed flesh. She’d only hiked her skirt and shoved down her panties to fuck me. I felt her round breasts through her top, her nipples hard. “Damn, you got a hot, tight cunt!” she moaned, thrusting into me harder,...

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July 27th

I knew it was going to be the longest day of the summer. Work started at 9AM on July 24th, and it dragged on for eight unbearable hours. But as soon as that clock struck 5:00, I was gone. I fought the urge to run and instead walked calmly to the parking lot, where my car was waiting with a full tank of gas and my weekend bag already packed. I made the drive at 90 miles an hour, and admittedly my mind wasn’t very focused on the close calls in traffic, but more concerned with the girl waiting at...

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Christine lets Craig Cum Inside

I’d just finished playing tennis and had headed into the small changing room at the courts. The club was small and owned by an old lady called Mrs Queen, there was only the two courts. Danny said goodbye. I could hear him talking to someone outside. Christine had decided to come and meet me. I heard Danny tell her I was in the changing room, I then heard Christine talking to Mrs Queen. “I’ll get him to lock up.” Christine told Mrs Queen. “Just get him to post the keys through my door.” Mrs...

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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 29 Aftermath

Donna came to Dave’s office door, “Your wife is on Line One.” Dave laughed, “Which one?” “Oh, yeah. Alice.” Dave picked up the phone and hit the right button to connect. “Hi darling. What’s up?” Alice was laughing, “You ruined our temporary nanny.” “Whoa! How’d I do that? I made love to her.” “Ah, that’s the problem. You not only made love to her, you sent her to heaven. She really thinks you are a god, and that you took her on a fabulous journey all through the stars and the universe,...

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