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Introduction: Chapter 2, Alexs induction. If there is little to no support for this one, I wont bother releasing the last parts.

—– 2 —

Jonas and Alex stood back to back in the bathroom slowly disrobing while the shower water warmed up. Alex finished first of course and pivoted around to watch her father. When he turned around, his private part was the absolute biggest she had ever seen. It was shooting straight up and it looked so incredibly hard. It was massive. She knew that penises went into vaginas but right there was proof that only certain penises went into certain vaginas. Her and daddy just didnt mix. But she was still curious.

Can we wash each other, daddy?

I dont think thats a good idea.

Pleeeeeeaaaaaase&hellip, Alex reached her hand up and wrapped her fingers around his penis.

Jonas about lost the strength in his legs as he took in a huge gulp of air. Without repercussion, Alex slid her hand up and ran her fingers around the big purple head on top. The entirety of her daddys body quivered as he reached for her and pushed away. She let go promptly.

Did it hurt, Im sorry.

No, it felt amazing. I mean, dont do that again.


Just, dont. We shouldnt be doing this in the first place.

Please, I wont do it again. Please, we still have to take a shower.

Okay, but lets make this quick.

They both quickly transferred into the shower and took turns completely soaking themselves under the spray of water. Jonas picked up the shampoo, squirted a splotch into his hand and handed it to Alex. Alex put it down and picked up the conditioner. While she squeezed a good amount into her hand, she looked up to her father.

I got your conditioner.

I dont use that, he responded peering up, scrubbing his finger through his hair. Anything to take his mind off his little girl.

What about down here then? she asked as she pressed her hand into his pubic hair.

Unwillingly almost, her conditioner covered fingers made their way back over his shaft.

If it feels good, why cant I do it? she asked pulling her hand up to the tip.

Her father was speechless as she swirled her palm around at the top before tugging back down. All he could do was moan. He had just lost his last tidbit of willpower.

Does it go like this? Alex questioned running the length of him up and down through her fingers.

Yes baby, he said through heavy breaths.

She had never seen her daddy like this before. But he looked like he felt really good so she continued. His breathing was very hard.

Jonas couldnt last very much longer in such a situation. His little daughter was so innocently, jacking him off. He was seconds from cumming. He had to stop.

Baby stop, stop now, he groaned. Alex knew something big was about to happen. Her daddy flung his arms around her naked body and pulled her hard into his. Immediately she let loose to not smash her hands between.

She felt the super warm, solid shaft press in between her near absent breasts.

No, dont. I cant. Stop, her daddy muttered to himself. Alex shifted her chest around feeling the object out more.

And then something very warm and thick splashed up onto her chin. She pulled her neck back, scraping her hair down her fathers chest and looked to feel that warm goo coat her lips. She watched as white milky cream squirted up from the pee hole on her fathers penis that was squeezed tightly between his hips and her chest. The next shot plastered her nose, some jumping into a nostril.

Then her face was pressed into her daddys ribs by his hand tugging her head in. The rest of the warm liquid oozed onto her chest.

Im so sorry honey. Please forgive me.

Is that the stuff that makes babies?

Jonas slowly dropped to his knees to look his daughter in the face. Cum coated her lower half. Lifting his hand, he wiped and smeared as much off as he could. The steamy water sprayed his shoulder blades, occasionally sending droplets into Alexs flinching eyes.

Yes honey. And I shouldnt have done that.

Why? That means you love me doesnt it?

No, well yes I do love you. But that doesnt mean I love you. Any guy can do that.

But I love you and you love me and weve known each other for years and trust each other with everything. Its all like you said. I dont see why its wrong.

You didnt do anything wrong sweetie. I just shouldnt have let you do that. Its my fault. You would do anything just because Im your dad, not because you know what youre doing.

Mommy would do anything because youre her husband. Same thing. Its not your fault. I touched you. Desperation began breaking through as she saw tears forming in her daddys eyes.

I need to tell your mom.

No! Alex spat. You said this was just between us.

Things changed. I failed.

NO! she screamed. The only thing that changed is you! Youre a liar now! And youre starting to hide things from me! You dont trust me anYMORE! Alex pushed off her father in a screaming fit.

She punched him the face as hard as she could. He grabbed her back into his grip.

Honey, remember your exercises.


Alex lunged her mouth into her fathers neck and bit down as hard as she could while jamming her thumb into his side. He let go his strength for just a few seconds and she slipped out of his grip and made a run for it.

Jonas turned the shower off and stumbled naked from the bathroom after her. The sound of ceramic plates flying onto the kitchen floor signaled where his daughter ran to. Scrambling into the room at the wrong time, a glass cup thudded hard into the bone just above his shin.

He gave himself a loss of breath and suddenly instigated a spell.

Calm down honey, please.


Jonas found himself on his hands and knees after a particularly dizzy, long blink. A sharp pain stung into his arm as he rested his body onto the floor of broken plates to fall asleep.

Alex was enraged. She saw her dad falling asleep on top of the broken dishes. She knew she had to stop. She had to do her exercises. It had been so long since she was like this that she didnt like it anymore. She didnt feel like herself and it was scaring her. The fact that her daddy was sleeping so dangerously and she didnt care.

Forcing herself to, she marched carefully out of the room and reluctantly speed dialed her moms cell phone. At hearing her voice she lost control again and slammed the phone to the ground before she began crying. She sprinted up to her room and crawled under her covers, threw the pillow over her head and continued screaming and crying.

It had been an hour before she was shaken out of a near trance by her mother.

Honey, what happened? Alex rolled over facing her and waited several seconds before blurting out.

Daddy doesnt like me anymore.

Why do you think that?

Because. He lies to me now and doesnt trust me.

What happened that made you so mad?

I was touching him and he said not to, but I did it again and he said it was okay, but then he changed his mind again and then made the stuff you make babies with. And he got mad at himself even though I did it. And was acting like he was going to punish himself and tell you even though it was me and he knew it. But really, nothing was wrong because all the stuff he told me before.

But he said it was so he had to be lying, just because he doesnt like me anymore. He doesnt want to be around me and he lies saying that hes bad so I should stay away. I know daddy more than anybody and hes not bad. He taught me all good stuff so I must have turned bad and now he wants me to stay away from him so I dont infect him.

New tears rolled from Alexs eyes.

Its okay sweetie. Daddys just having a hard time lately. Youre growing up a lot quicker than he thought so hes a bit behind. We just need to catch him up. I can see it now that youre a lot smarter than we give you credit for.

I am, Alex agreed confidently. A single laughed escaped her mothers mouth at that. Is daddy okay?

Hes fine. I moved him into the living room on the carpet and put a blanket on him. Had to put a bandage on his arm and sweep and mop the kitchen.

Im sorry.

Its okay. Go wash up your face and put some clothes on. You still got some of dried up daddy on you, she pointed out. Then come downstairs and well see if we can wake him up for lunch.

Alex raced into the upstairs bathroom and cleaned herself up, pulled on some clothes and sprinted downstairs. She crawled around on her daddy for a bit while her mom made sandwiches for them.

Riley walked in setting three plates down on the ground around her husbands head, left and came back with three glasses of juice.

So young lady, she started as she maneuvered herself down into sitting Indian style, youve got a little explaining to do. Im assuming this all happened in the shower from the tracked water and shampoo and conditioner on your father. Why were you two in there together?

Alex chewed the first bite of her sandwich extraordinarily slow not quite making eye contact with her mother.

Because, I got mad at him yesterday so he said we could do one thing I wanted for just the two of us. Anything that I was curious about.

And you were curious about really touching his private part?

No, not until I saw it. I really just wanted a shower with him yesterday because&hellip, She faded off as she put her head between her knees, dropping the sandwich to her plate.

You can tell me anything honey.

I was just curious, Alex said to the floor. I wanted to know what it was like to be treated like you. Like if daddy was my husband. Not always just protecting me because Im little. Her lowering voice made it impossible to hear the last part of her finishing sentence.

And where did you get the idea to touch daddy there?

Nowhere. I just never did it before and it looked interesting. I know its a no-no place but he said before that those rules only apply to everyone but you two or when Im with a doctor and youre right there. It was just daddy so it was okay. And then he spurted and got mad and I dont know why. I wanted to ask him a bunch of questions because I never seen that before but he was being like hes wrong even though I did everything.

Okay honey. Calm down. Weve already been over that part. Take a deep breath.

Why was he mad?

Well, its just that&hellip, Well, daddy taught you this already, didnt he? That part of him is a private part, so only the person he trusts and loves most should touch or see it. Like husband and wife. Mmm. Okay, let me try this, she picked back up seeing prompt retaliation in her daughters face.

You wrapped you hand around his private part. What if he just suddenly did the equivalent to you? she tried again.

Whats that?

What if he just came up to you and poked his finger in between your legs and went inside of your vagina? How would you feel?

Alex squinted her eyes in confusion and a little disgust.

I go pee from there.

But you know what its also used for. What if he pretended to use it for that purpose with his finger? Thats what you were doing to him with your hand, pretending. Something that should only be between two lovers, husband and wife. And your daddy instead did that to you?

You can pretend with your fingers? Alex sparked in amazement.

Please honey. Forget I said that. One problem at a time. Okay. Her mother was off and on between calming herself down and cooling off her daughter. Alright, I cant screw this up any more.

Wait, Alex resolved amazingly somehow back on track. Daddy said he had to tell you that it happened. What I did to daddy was something only youre allowed to do but since I did it, he was scared and mad because its like he was cheating on you. I swear mommy, I didnt know. Please forgive him. He tried to stop me but I didnt.

Calm down honey.

Im right, arent I?

Youre close enough for now. Just calm down. Im not mad at either of you. I wish your father would wake up very soon.

How do you pretend with your fingers?

Honey, before daddy wakes up, you have to understand something. Please listen and forget about that.

Okay, Alex said in defeat.

You father has always held a very open relationship with you. More so than most other families, and he has a way with words I cant compete with that compensates.

What com-pun-sate mean?

It means make up for. He can always tell you the truth, but his words make it appropriate for you.


Your relationship with him looks like its going to start changing.

Noooo&hellip, Alex whined in fear.

Just listen. If you want to keep your open relationship with daddy when youre doing stuff like you just did, you need to take everything that hes taught you and throw it in his face when he starts acting different. Not literally. Use your words. We both know that mind of yours is quick on its feet. Daddy trained you to lead your own life, separate from him. If you want to keep your relationship, you have to start leading. Your eleven years old now, if you dont challenge daddy, hes going to get bored.


Youve been one challenging little girl growing up, but now your too old to be acting like you use to. Doing that stuff will make him feel like hes failed. I was a young girl like you before and Im telling you here and now, all you need to do to keep your father happy and interested is be yourself. More and more questions are going to pop in your head, more and more curiosities. Just like you did this morning with your words, you took what he taught you before and challenged him. Youre smarter than you used to be because of him and youre bringing more complicated situations to the table. I think youll find acting more grownup will make things a lot more fun. But grownups use words.

I know already. Im not going to have another tantrum. I didnt even like the way I felt when I was having it. I dont want to feel like that again. Oh, and does all that mean we can take another shower together?

Youre very good with reading words, arent you?

Learned from the best.

Yeah, well, unfortunately I havent picked that trait up from him so well. But you can shower with him if you can convince him, and get my permission at the time of.

Alex was suddenly happier and back to eating her sandwich. She was winning her favorite game, compare what daddy said to what mom says. Daddy with his so carefully chosen words and definitions and mom with her accidental splurges. She was learning a whole bunch and just got permission from her mom to test those learnings.

Jonas slowly moved about under the blanket and bumped his head into the plate in front of him as he began to wake. More fully opening his eyes he looked back and forth between the two females.

Were just finishing up a little conversation, his wife comforted.

The last half of the day finished off relatively quickly. Alex kept mostly to herself pondering over hundreds of new questions. When bedtime came turn, she was the first ready. Both her parents kissed her goodnight and left her in her room alone, leaving the door ajar just a bit.

Then after hearing her parents settling down and the house go quite under the air conditioner, for the first time she could ever remember, Alex pushed her fingers up her nightgown, onto her panties, and rubbed.

Spreading her legs underneath her blanket, she moved her hand up and down over her private part. A shuddering feeling overwhelmed her entire body. Pretend sex.

Up and down, up and down, up and down. She started squirming all over her mattress and soon disrobed her blanket. If it was pretend sex, she wanted to be completely naked. Off went her nighty, then her panties. New amazing sensations reverberated through her being as her fingers made contact with her very own bare, eleven year old vaginal lips. There was liquid coming out making it smoother to rub. She could care less if she was leaking pee.

Jonas awoke to his wife softly shaking him.

Follow me, she tugged.

Silently the two moved through the hall where Riley pushed her husbands head to the crack in their daughters bedroom. He could only see the bottom of her legs flailing about, but could hear the unmistakable sounds of masturbation. His little girl was rubbing herself and he was spying. No sooner had that thought moved into his mind than his wife had her fingers down his boxers and wrapped around his rapidly expanding sex.

Alex tried with all her failing strength to keep silent but the feeling was beyond enormous. She rubbed and rubbed and rubbed. Fifteen minutes passed, twenty, twenty-five, thirty. So so so so so so so so good. Her arm finally gave way. She was exhausted. All she had left in her was to pant her way back to normal breathing as the feeling faded. Was that what it felt like when she touched daddy? She made daddy feel That good.

As the heartbeat thumping through her skull faded, she thought she could her strange noises. Silently, she sat up in her bed and listened hard. It sounded like the bed in her parents room shaking around like the times she and daddy played wrestling on it.

Standing up and walking to her door, she backed up a bit, but then decided if she was just going to spy, she didnt need clothes on. Alex crept down the hallway naked and stopped at her parents closed bedroom door. She could hear moaning from both of them. Just like hers. Were they having pretend sex like her? Where they having Real Sex? That had to be it!

She bolted back to her room and jumped onto her bed. Her parents were having real sex. Daddy was having sex with mom. For the first time in her life, she found herself jealous of her mom. She didnt quite know why, but daddy was having real sex with her the same day that she herself made him so happy feeling. All she got was to sleep alone in her dark room, by herself.

Alex fell asleep that night with her head under her pillow. She woke up with her daddy sitting cross legged by her bed staring at her. Confusion, then panic struck her. She knew this game.

Before she had any say in it though, her fathers arms were around her and he pounced, pulling her blanket and all onto the floor with him where he tickled her awake. Her feeble words of Stop were drowned out by laughter until her blanket came open and she rolled over onto her back just under him completely nude. She was too embarrassed to move anymore as he stared down examining her body.

Put your bathing suit on, were going swimming, he said as he stood up. Walking toward the exit, Alex spoke to him.

Daddy, do you like when Im naked? You have to tell me the truth and just yes or no only.

He stood still for several seconds not facing her.


The answer from his own lips came somewhat as a shock to her, but part of her expected it. She tried crunching everything she knew to ask him another question or make some sort of statement. She wanted to challenge him, keep him interested.

I love you, she said dumbly in defeat.

I love you too. Jonas walked out from the room.

By the time Alex was into the kitchen wearing her black two piece bathing suit, her father was already outside by the pool. Her mother was inside by the patio door on her laptop getting ready to relaxingly waste away her weekend.

Give me something, give me something, Alex bugged her mom.

Hmmmm, well, this time, how about something more extreme.

Like convince him to do a belly flop, or drink Three gulps of pool water!?

No, Ive got one. Get him to lick inside your mouth again, she said smiling just as her husband did a canon ball into the pool.


Are you going to lose already?

No way. Just once though.

If thats all you want.

Alex scurried from the room looking back at her mom funny. Then immediately turned at the poolside and jumped in. The soft sound of an airplane not too far above slowly grew through echoes between the wooden fencing. She swam over to her father and strongly latched onto him. Pulling up, she gave him a peck on the lips.

Jonas returned the peck to his daughter.

Alex pecked back. Soon a pecking war started until Jonas twisted back and dropped himself backwards, tugging them both underneath the water, where he triumphantly finished with one last long peck.

Alexs senses flared as she kissed her daddy underwater. The kiss had to have been Four seconds long, and it was under the water. As they reemerged, she took a deep breath.

Ill never let you win, she giggled and pressed her lips into his for a real kiss. After two seconds, she decided his mimicking battle would win her the game right then. She pushed out her tongue and slipped it between his lips, licking his teeth. She pulled back only for a second to get one last good lick in and was beyond shocked when his jaw opened and both their tongues pressed together. Even more, his tongue went into her mouth as his head tilted with his hand on her back rising.

She couldnt help but taste Trix cereal from his mouth inside hers. She had his tongue inside her. Then he abruptly pulled back and off of her.

Sorry honey.

Underwater, was all Alex could say in response as she pushed at him to bring them down.

In a twist and a flip, Alex was pushed down under, before her daddy. As soon as possible, her lips found his and she moved her tongue throughout him. She felt him inside her likewise. When they came back up for air almost half a minute later, she was gasping.

How come you never kissed me like that before? she demanded at a loss for breath.

Its not really appropriate for someone your age. Its usually reserved for people like me and your mom.

Alex looked over to her mother who was watching the two of them with interest. She was confused about what all was happening but it felt too good to question and possibly ruin. Then he let go of her. Just like that, he let go of her and swam backwards playfully leaving her alone.

Daddy seemed to make nothing of it so Alex tried her hardest to play the whole kiss off. She knew if it looked like no big deal to her, there would be a much better chance of reproducing it. But her mind was like the grand finally of a firework show for an entire hour while the two played together in the water.

And then he leapt at her taking a hold of her in a weird way. His hand slid down her sides and she felt his thumbs slip down the hips of her bikini bottom. He stopped cold. Alex did as well. The natural, calming sounds of the quiet suburban street they lived on faded away from the two with a pop of silence. Seconds passed under the inaudible settling water.

You can take them off if you want to, she near whispered coyly. Her voice was deafening. Whether it started by a mistake or not, she still wanted him to take them off. Even more, she wanted him to take them off not because she asked him to, but because he wanted to.

Jonas was frozen. His subconscious just took control of his arms. Worse more, after hearing his little girl tell him to take them off if he wanted to, it still held control.

Alexs body temperature dropped thirty degrees in shock as she felt her father pushing her bikini bottoms down her legs. Almost instantaneously, her muscles obeyed the motions and she actually helped kick the thinnest of fabric from her feet. Her eyes moved from the floating triangle to her fathers face.

Daddy, do you feel okay?

Jonas was sick with anxiety. He just pulled the underwear off his eleven year old daughter. He knew too well how easy it would be to get her to do anything he asked of her, but things were happening too fast as they were already. His eleven year old floated without any bottoms inches from his throbbing cock. Every cell in his body cried to touch the little girl in the most sexual ways, but he knew he couldnt.


Riley came sprinting over to them with a pill and a glass of water in her hands.

Im okay, its not that, Jonas spit up.

His wife looked over to their daughters swimsuit floating in the water beside them.

Honey, lets get you out of the water. Daddy needs a little alone time, she said reaching down to pull Alex out.

Alex climbed out onto the concrete deck with only minimal help after being pulled up. Crawling forward to stand up, she couldnt help but see in the reflection on the patio door window of her father reaching out to her bare naked bottom and falling just short. He had the most painful look on his face.

She stood up and looked around to find her mom picking his arm up and comfort his sickly body. Immediately she stormed off into the house pulling a towel with her. She made sure to make her anger known and then ran upstairs and into her parents room.

I just need to lie down, Jonas quivered as he got out of the pool.

Okay, go lie down for a bit and then get that stuff out of your system. I dont need you getting a stroke or a heart attack on me. Ill go talk to Alex.

No, let her do her exercises. Ill talk to her afterwards. I have a feeling your talks are accelerating all of this.

Honey, shes an eleven year old girl. Shes a lot stronger than you think. Do something about this now before you destroy your relationship with her.

A few days of daddy acting up wont destroy anything.

I know you better than that. A few days will lead to weeks of resentment and youll both be fighting back and forth the rest of the summer. Once she gets mad at you because you cant get your act together, shell push away. She pushes away, youll let her, blaming it rightfully on yourself and everything falls apart. Youve already changed her beyond all odds. Dont let that fade away. Try something bold and even if you mess up, I know you have a better chance of fixing things than if you dont do anything at all.

Alright, Jonas gave up. Ill do something. Standing up with a towel over his back, he headed into the house. He traveled upstairs and turned into his room.

Closing the door, he was a bit taken back when he saw Alex sitting on his neatly made bed, bare ass on his pillow with her knees in the air and legs angled into her body by her folded arms. Moving his eyes up from her tiniest, bare vagina open to his view, he found her head plopped onto of her kneecaps staring at him angrily. Slowly he stepped toward the bed.

What do you want from me? she pouted. Dont lie or Ill never forgive you again. Im tired of you treating me like you dont love me anymore or whatever youre doing. What do you want from me!?

Jonas stood at the foot of the king sized bed wobbling in restraint.

To touch you, he cried, a single tear running down his nose. Alex was completely lost. She gasped when he fell to his knees and his body leaned limp onto the mattress. Instantly she jumped to him.

Whats wrong? Here, touch me, she consoled as she pulled her hand into his fingers. Daddy?

I want to touch you, he almost sobbed into the comforter.

Touch me, touch me. Daddy, you can touch me.

Jonas hand lifted up her side and rested onto her back just below the shoulder. Alex pulled on him and he took the queue to climb onto the bed. As he scooted his stomach up the mattress, she dropped down and laid next to him.

You can touch me daddy anytime.

I want to touch you, he cried as his grip shifted over her little body and made its way onto her chest. His force pressed her from her side onto her back where he began gently massaging her absent breast with his fingers and palm over the black bikini top.

I want to touch you, he said one last time staring straight down into the mattress, and then stopped pulsing his grip onto her nipple.

If what her mind was going through in the pool was on par with an hour long grand finale firework show, than the revelation that just sparked inside her than was just flat out a nuclear mushroom cloud, glowing in lavalike flames of super heated particles.

For just these past three days? she quivered from her mouth. She didnt know what to think. Everything about anything that she knew told her that this was much, much more than innocent fun. Innocent fun was all she ever knew with her daddy.

No, his voice muffled to her.

For how long?

Since you were eight. When you started making progress with your exercises.

Alex found all the new information incredibly hard to swallow. Her father rolled his head over and took her face into his vision.

Im sorry. He tugged his hand a little to move away but Alex slammed her hold into him, preventing his further advance.

Why just three days then? Why were you only different three days?

Why were you different for three days? he asked back. Why all of a sudden do you want to be naked around me?

Alex blushed uncomfortably.

I was doing middle exercises when you were napping. And. I was curious.

About what?

About what it would be like if you werent just daddy. Not like a boyfriend, but just more than daddy. They laid in motionless silences for several moments. You can keep touching me. It feels good.

Honey, I have to go to the bathroom and fix myself, otherwise Ill go too far with you.

He tried sliding his hand free but his daughter only held on tighter. Jonas rolled up and over to regather his strength. Alex responded with pushing him onto his back and climbing over top him.

You wanted to touch me since I was eight and you waited this long. Im not letting you escape. Dont go to mom if you really want me.

Jonas was taken back in some shock at her last sentence but had no time to think as her lips swooped down and twisted onto his. Her little tongue began licking up and down against his teeth until he opened up for her.

He lost any will he had left when his daughters young arms grabbed a hold of his and pulled them up to her back. Immediately, his hands slid down to her butt cheeks, his fingers down her crack. He felt her puckering butthole barely protruding outwards under his index finger.

Further down they moved until her slit was the prominent feature of his touch. Alex moaned into his mouth. Jonas pulled his face to the side a bit and took his daughters lower lip into a nibbling bite as he turned her body over and underneath him.

His right hand brushed around her butt cheek and took a new stance between the front of her legs, a foot north of his knee. He ran his finger down through her butt crack resting his index knuckle on her tiniest sphincter and lifted his face from hers.

Keep going daddy, Alex pleaded. Then her face burst into pure shock and awe as she felt for the first time in her entire life, something going inside her. The thumb of her daddy was penetrating her little girl hole. Daddy! she squeaked unable to choose an emotion to show.

He pushed all the way inside her. As deep as he could go, past the joint connecting to his hand.

Uuuuh, he shook and groaned involuntary as he felt his little girls cervix topping his thumb. He was poking his eleven year olds cervix.

Alex had tears in her eyes. They were from a feeling so far away from pain or sadness, so very extraordinarily far. Daddy was poking as something amazing inside her. Daddy was inside her baby hole. His finger.

Jonas had never felt a warmer, squishier, springier substance beyond the insides of his eleven year old daughters vagina. It was quickly soaking itself and clearly had to be made up of primarily child fat accumulated for a very nearing growth spurt. He pulsed his thumb into the very deepest he could a few times, pressing on the button that was her cervix. Alexs face was soaked as she struggled for an ample supply of air.

Then slowly, her fathers intrusion began pulling out of her body. The movement was incredible even if she never wanted him to leave. His head dropped down to her neck and she groaned loud feeling him sucking her skin into his mouth. He began licking too. She was chlorine engorged but it didnt stop daddy. And then just before he popped out of her pelvis, he changed directions and like the hydraulic beams that slowly released the back door of their SUV, pressed his way back inside pushing her squishiest tunnel back apart.

Daddy, daddy, dad, daddy, dadd, daddy, Alex mumbled unable to form any other word.

Her liquid ran down over her fathers fingers and between her butt cheeks onto her parents mattress. Jonas nibbled up her neck and chin as he maneuvered his other hand below his daughters belly button. Taking her wide open mouth into his, he pressed down into the fatty tissue between his left palm and right thumb.

Alex squealed as loud as she could manage into her fathers mouth before inhaling one last time into silence. Never in her entire existence had such an insane spike of ecstasy jolted through her body as fast and with the power of a web of lightning. All her muscles flexed at full capacity. She went completely stiff as vibrations rolled through her being from the shifting tectonic plate inside her.

It rumbled through her body, tensing every tendon she had. Swirls of colorless smoke whistled through her brain blocking or dampening each of her five senses in combination. Her pupils dilated wide but still near all light faded from her perception. Sweat expanded from all the tiniest pores of her body, running lines of it around the mere simplest curves her figure shaped, yet the enraging fire she felt burning her from the inside out was never hot enough.

Minutes passed by in seconds. Inaudible squeaks spurted into soft coughing screeches. Those soon turned into vibrating grunts. And all of which ended with a solid tone releasing the last of the her latest breath, the one she took and trapped in nearly fifteen seconds prior.

Her hazy eyes finally slowly refocused onto her father above stroking his penis with pink watery lubricant.

Can I do that daddy? she asked dreamily, not even strong enough to raise her arm.

No time, Im seconds away.

What do you want me to do? Ill do anything!? Watching him above her began pumping the blood through her limbs faster.

Uuuuh&hellip, Ope-open your mouth baby. Dont worry, its safe, its healthy for you. Drink it down&hellip,

Alex saw his eyes fade out with his words as he shifted and pressed the head of his penis toward her face. The sensations of excitement started coming back from its cozy bed. Quickly, she obeyed him without question. She even pulled her head up a little to better align the shot. And then it came.

Her daddy pulsated jets of cum in and around her open mouth. The hot milky goo sprayed her lips and throat splashing all about. With a jerk every now and again, she received a line up over her eyeball or across her cheek. Soon enough, fed up with the mess, she poked forward a bit more nearly inhaling the tip of his head. It was incredible feeling her daddys goop splash into the back of her closed esophagus with such force. Two slamming streams were left in him.

Once it started oozing, she found no other option to comply with her father than to actually take the purple tip of his penis into the suction of her shutting lips and lick the cream up as it came out. She started swallowing soon after, rapidly implanting the salty taste into her memory bank lumped together with her first orgasm and making daddy super duper happy feeling.

Jonas patted his daughter on the scalp and guided her down back onto the bed. She lifted her hand up and had to scoop his cum from her eye before she could see him lying down with her.

What do we do now? Alex asked, blinking a glaze of millions of little daddies from her eyeball.

Well, we can either go back down to the pool, or you can finish up whats on your face and we kiss some more.

Alex hastily began spooning her fathers sperm into her mouth and funneling it down her throat.

Same as Smut: C02 Videos

2 years ago
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SMUT PROLOUGE: Dropouts score big but, they discover the problems of having wealth as minors. Tracy Jones and Dusty Madden were sitting in a downtown alley sharing large can of baked beans..... cold. It was a warm late September afternoon and the two seventeen year old dropouts were contemplating their next move in a life that so far was comprised of closed doors. They had spent the summer working for a landscape contractor and business had come to the seasonal halt. There was...

4 years ago
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Smut C01

Introduction: Chapter one, Alexs awakening. Please read the title, then the first sentence of the story. Put two and two together before you further progress. Otherwise, please hold your comments on how you were completely unprepared for the content you read on a sex story site. Thank you. —– 1 — Eleven year old Alexs body sat curled in sideways, fidgeting a top her fathers lap. Following two hours of resting and absorbing his musk, the movie script reeling through her imagination finally...

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Smut C03E

Introduction: Chapter 3 and Epilogue, The finale. —– 3 — It all seems to be happening way too fast. I dont know how it all exploded like it did. Darling, calm down, his wife comforted. Both were changing into their night outfits in their bedroom. I cant remember a day where you simply couldnt stop smiling like you were today, and Alex looks like the happiest little girl in the world. How does this not worry you? Three days ago you were scared at how young she was. Now youre giving me a pat...

2 years ago
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Smut Anthology

This "story" is meant to be a replacement for my tumblr, since they decided to fuck themselves right after I started a blog, and since all my content was erotica anyways, this seemed like a serviceable choice. As such, within you'll find a variety of short stories and flash fiction, rather than an overarching plot. Fair warning, I lean heavily towards male-dom and dub-con themes but I'd like to think I'm just as likely to go lighter as I am to go darker. This collection is meant to be just as...

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Smut Game Online

I can't believe it. I really managed to buy the RealityRift, the best there is on virtual reality headsets! The only sad part is that my friend, who helped me buy it, let me borrow his edition of MPC+18 Anime, but this game was very hard to get. Seriously, I love the whole concept of it as it is a game with all anime girls you can possibly want and you can have sex with them and all that, change of personality, control of emotions, modification of understanding on what can and can't be allowed...

4 years ago
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HALEY DUNPHY (Modern Family) Haley looked at you before grabbing your shirt and retreating into your room. (Firstname)you know I can get really horny if I don't have a good fucking every so often. And when I get horny anyone who has sex with me is a very very lucky person She turned around in her little black dress and pointed to her back Can you help me? She said cutely You slowly pull down the zipper and to reveal her black bra strip. She slips out of the dress and presents herself wearing...

2 years ago
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Goddamnit. I just got banned from Facebook again. I was under the impression they changed their stance on breastfeeding photographs. After all, it’s only natural. I guess the two dudes getting their fill of milk were a couple of decades older than your typical titty-sucker, but who am I to question a mother’s instinct? Anyway, I think I’m going to try posting it to Smutty, where they let you post all kinds of sexy shit. According to the introductory blurb at the top of the front page,...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Pokesmut Pokepeople Edition

This story is sure to contain femdom, specifically tease and denial and non-consent/sexual slavery, so I hope that's to your liking. Waking up in the middle of a summer meadow wasn’t so bad. At least the sun was warm and the ground was dry when I peeled my face up off it. I stood up and had a look around. Surrounding the grassy field were trees, and beyond that more trees. There was a rustling behind me, and I turned to see two beautiful girls in tank tops and jean shorts, as befitting the...

4 years ago
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Transmuted By Mister Double-U "Okay, Einstein. I'm here. What's the big news?" Sam said as he entered the chemistry lab. The place was dusty and dirty and he had a lot better things to do on a Friday night than deal with the local Mad Scientist. "Great! Glad you made it!" Chris replied. Chris was Sam's best friend, but both would admit that he was a little off his rocker. Sam was a rocker; spending every waking hour listening to or playing music on his guitar. Chris spent...

1 year ago
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Smut Stone? Hey, why the fuck even bother with online games that aren’t sexy enough to bust a nut to? That’s simply not an efficient use of your time. Kill two birds with one stone and play a quality game that’s hot enough to jerk off to every time you sit down to play. I know, I know, porn games can be pretty bad. We’ve all tried those shitty flash style games with models that look straight out of a nightmare.But, thankfully, most games worth talking about aren’t like that anymore. This one's...

Best Porn Games
1 year ago
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Smut Base! What a glorious time to be alive. The 21st century blessed us with technology our ancestors would see as fucking magic. Airplanes, computers, and HD cartoon whores ready to perform every conceivable heinous act. In the days of old, porn was limited by what was physically possible. That time is no more. With the strength of powerful animation software, anything is possible.Smutbase is the adult content sister site of the open3D lab network. Here artists upload fully functioning 3D...

Cartoon Porn Sites
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As a fan of Cam Smut, I really fucking love cam sluts. Live webcam porn has been a thing since the early ‘00s, but I’d argue that we’re living in the golden age of the format. For one thing, consumer-level cameras are better than they’ve ever been, so the shows look crisp and crystal clear, letting us see every last drop of vag juice and every single butthole wrinkle. Hot chicks are also coming to the platform in bigger numbers than ever, bringing with them exhibitionist attitudes forged by the...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
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World of Whorecraft

As Gwain opened his eyes, he saw the tree canopy above him. The birds chirping helped him feel safe, but he still had no clue where he was or why he was laying on the fresh grass. All he remembered was that stranger in the tavern last night who asked him if he wanted to leave Smallbrook behind and begin his new life as a hero. Naturally, being a hero sounded like a good idea, but Gwain had also consumed several pints of the strongest ale in the Prancing Pinto, Smallbrook’s legendary (and only)...

3 years ago
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Daddys Recovery

Growing up, I caught dad jerking off a few times, but never thought much about it other than acknowledging he had a beautiful large cock. Last winter, dad had knee surgery and needed me to stay the weekend to help him out a bit while he gained strength. I packed a bag, grabbed some old movies and groceries, and hurried to his place that Friday afternoon. We spent that night watching movies and cuddling on the couch before dad was ready to lie down. I got him his medicine and went to...

1 year ago
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Black Bull Challenge

…and welcome one and all one of the best website reviews you will ever read!As I recall, it was around the middle of the aughts when I noticed that a few categories and presentations of porn became super popular. The most obvious was gonzo porn, but as time wore on, a lot of other people and I noticed that interracial erotica blew up in popularity.In hindsight, I cannot say that I am super surprised – especially the way this trending type of erotica was presented. Plenty of scenes would and do...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
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BrattyMILF Kayla Paige Caught Watching Stepmom Porn

Jason is surprised when he walks into his room and sees his bigtit stepmother Kayla Paige using his computer. He tries to get her to close the laptop, but it’s too late: She has already seen all the step mom porn Jason has on there. Defensive, Jason tries to say that they’re popups but Kayla isn’t buying that. She has an idea. Her husband doesn’t fuck her, so why not have her husband’s son? She pops out her big boobies while proposing her idea to Jason, and...

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Erotic Essay 6 Valentine 3 Soon Spring

EROTIC ESSAY #6 EMERGING: CONSISTS COMPLETELY OF OUR COMMENTS @ EROTIC ESSAY #5Erotic Essay hopefully comes back to this Valentine sequels of our series soon. After less as a week?Erotic Essay hopefully be read soon by both nice neighbours of Professor Peter Poet at Tasmanstreet.Erotic Essay hopefully be getting all attention all those involved. But both lovely ladies should know!Erotic Essay hopefully he gets chance soon: To hand them the link to their lovely little story for three! EROTIC...

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My Niece and Her FriendsChapter 9

As Emma started to slide further down my body, I reached forward and grabbed her shoulders. “Whoa there girl,” I said as I stopped her tickling lips as they made their way down over my stomach. “Wha ... what, Uncle Jeff?” she asked as she looked at me with a perplexed look on her face. “We have to be careful, honey. Even though it seems you got cleaned out really well with the enemas, we should make sure my cock is absolutely clean before you suck on it again. The last thing I want is for...

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The Chronicles of the Chastity Cage From Fantasy to LongTerm Wear

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there lived a curious soul named Alex. Alex was always intrigued by the unconventional and the extraordinary. One day, while scrolling through an obscure corner of the internet, Alex stumbled upon something that piqued his interest—a chastity cage. This tiny, enigmatic device promised a mix of mystery, restraint, and an entirely new adventure. The Chronicles of the Chastity Cage: From Fantasy to Long-Term Wear Once upon a time, in a land not so far...

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Sex With My Mom Pinni And An Escort

This is my real sex story. For the next three days as my babai was in the home, we didn’t have any chance to fuck. After three days, he again went to Maharashtra. I went to drop my babai at the railway station. When I came back, I was surprised to see a busty woman of my aunt’s age is sitting next to her on the sofa. Her name is Shweta. She is good looking, very busty, same height as of my aunt, but her sizes are 38d 32 40. She asked me about my studies and then asked “how was your session with...

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Bangalore Ad For Slavery Turns Out To Be One Night Stand

In the end of December beginning of January, it was very cold weather in Bangalore. As I am doing mbbs final year my exams were going on and it was very difficult for us to wake up for studying and it was very difficult to concentrate for me as I was horny most of the time. I jerk and cum maybe around 5 times a day. . One fine evening I and my friend went for a smoke and I mentioned my problem to my friend. He was a pretty close friend of mine. So he mentioned to me about a site where we can...

2 years ago
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Anyway, after her father died she had to stay with her stepmother and depend on her for money and a place to live and although they were very wealthy Vera refused to give Cindy money because she wanted to keep her as her sex slave but Cindy will be 19 in 4 months and plans on going to college, she has been doing sexual deeds for her stepmother and sisters for far too long in her opinion. "CINDY!!!" “Coming mistress" Cindy slowly walks into her stepmother’s bedroom where her stepmother is...

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It happens with elder sister

Hi, Guys I am nick(name changed) 19 yrs male, average built. I am presently in Bangalore, working in a software firm. This story is about me with my cousin sister. This started when I was in 10th standard. I lived with my parents, my younger sister and my grandparents. My cousin sister came to our house for further studies. She is 4 years older than me. First I had no attraction towards her, she looked good but never occurred to me to have sex with her. As time passed, we became good friends...

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The Spanking Stories 2 Memento Morey

By Zen Mackie Too many ironies, thought Susan, drunkenly. Too damn many ironies for one day. She reached for the bottle on her desk, but her hand went where the bottle wasn’t and only succeeded in knocking it into the wastebasket. Hell with it. She folded her arms on the desk and let her head fall heavily onto them as she began to weep again. Too damn many ironies for one life… First of all, the name: Susan B. Anthony. Major Susan B. Anthony, United States Army:...

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Tracey desire for Big Black Cock

This was not how Bill had envisioned his weekend. As he approached the house, he thought of how he had just recently blacked out Ashley and had been looking forward to a weekend full of fucking her in his currently empty house. Ashley has developed the biggest tits in school over the last few months, and it has taken Bill just an afternoon to seduce her once he set his mind on it. Bill had to stop thinking of the titty fucking he had enjoyed that afternoon so that he did not have a hard on...

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Six Things Before Breakfast

Stage Daddy "Oh, that's nice!" Marco smiled at me from behind his camera as Gary, the wardrobe guy, slipped the bathrobe off my shoulders. Gary was a serious fag too, like a stereotype, and older the others. He was the only one there who wasn't interested in me, because I was mostly a girl and he only liked boys. He seemed to like my dad a lot, even though I told him Daddy wasn't queer. All the guys ignored him since they were pretty much only into girls, so Gary pouted a lot and sat in...

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Fucking Seema Aunty During IPL

Hi, ISS readers. This is Mandy from Navi Mumbai, 22 years old with a 6.5-inch cock and more than an average body. It’s my first story so sorry for the mistakes in advance. Let’s begin the story. I had recently shifted to the new neighborhood and it was bungalow colony. It was a quite wealthy and good area. I had set up my bedroom on the first floor. After a few days, I went to play cricket at the ground nearby. I found out there were very few people in the area of my age. There were mostly...

3 years ago
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Wererock Chapter 1 The Wererock Like most things in this story, I discovered the rock by accident. I had set out to spend the day fishing Marshal's pond thanks to a rented rowboat. The pond wasn't accurately named; it was a large lake with a small island in the center, but it had been called a pond since long before I moved to the area. The island held a small dock and three lonely, isolated trees. I had rowed to the island, content to fish from the pier while drinking frosty...

3 years ago
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Love Family SingersChapter 23

We decided to wait until another time, so I got one final bodacious kiss with my mother, who put my hand on her covered breast, and had a small moan, before scurrying into the kitchen. Now, with a non-relenting erection, I went back to what I had been doing, looking at the list of music I had downloaded from the flash drive Mr. Thomas had given me. He had so much Broadway music to look through. What he gave me was two copies of most of the songs, with vocals and without. I had heard that he...

2 years ago
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Vicious Days Insane NightsChapter 4

I'd put a lot of thought – a lot more than could be considered strictly healthy – into the design of Natalie's prison. Her crimes against Johnny were a gift for the darker side of my personality – I felt free to indulge myself in ways I'd never seriously considered before, and I'd done so to an extent that sometimes worried even me. The thermite charges in the ceiling were the most severe example of that. I had put in an off switch so that if I chose to be out of contact for more than...

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Kimberly Woods Stars in a Dirty Task Needs DoingChapter 5

Author’s note: Kimberly is in the hands of a perverted supervillainess (whose also her Dad slash Aunt) and things seem grim. So, be ready for some wickedness – but also be ready for Kimmy’s daring escape! Also, some incest. I was like a kitten being petted by a dog. I squirmed and shifted and tried to be annoyed, but it was fucking hard to be upset while those silky fingers were caressing through my hair. So, as a catch up, I was still naked, still in the grasp of Dr. Chaos – aka my own aunt...

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My Pink Secret

Have you ever loved someone so much you would do anything for them, no matter how ridiculous it seems?I love someone like that-my boyfriend, Allen. But sometimes I think Allen takes advantage of my unconditional love for him. Take last night for example. We were getting ready to go to the bar to have a few drinks. I slipped on a clingy red dress Allen likes and I thought I was looking hot. My long brown hair tumbled over my cleavage and my lips glistened with a fresh layer of scarlet lip...

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Never Work Late

Copyright 2003 by ElectricGeisha and Powerone. It was late in Singapore, the darkness overtaking the city. You have me bound to the huge desk in the main room, my knees bent far back. I still cannot believe I am in this situation. Ropes tie my arms up high over my head, my breasts thrust out, unprotected. My legs are securely circled with the heavy, rough rope and you drew my knees up until my legs are spread obscenely. Another rope slipped under the desk and tied to my knees kept them...

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Snow White and The Seven Chapter Two The Queens Wrath

Snow ran crying through the corridors of the castle, the wall sconces lighting the way. She had never felt so low, so helpless. For the first time, Snow had no self esteem. How could she fake orgasms, she had tried before and been caught immediately. It was so unfair!! Snow took a left, then a right, her eyes blinded by tears of rage and absolute grief, her beautiful face streaked with tears and mascara. Before Snow knew it, she was utterly lost, even having been raised in this castle her...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 38

8PHE0038 word count 1972 ******** Day 38, Thursday Chastity woke up with acne. She had white-heads and inflamed bumps that would turn into white-heads in a few days. And not just on her face. She also had pimples in the razor burn. Down there. Her back hurt. She felt sick. Bruised. Like the aftermath of a fight. Had Jorry bruised her cervix? On top of it all, she was emotional. She didn't know why. She sat on the chair in the shower and tried not to cry. Joi came into...

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Dolly aur Didi

Soni 22 saalon ki thia aur uska chota bhai sonu us se 5 saal chota yaane 17 saalon ka tha. Soni ek bahut hi khoobsurat aur milansaar ladki thi. Woh sabse prem ka vyavhaar karti. Logon ki peeda usko ek aankh nahi bhaati thi. Uski ek kutti thi jo ab jawaan ho chuki thi aur jawaani ke naaye naaye andaaz seekh rahi thi uska naam tha dolly. Dolly ko soni ne apni aunty ke yahaan se jab woh paida hoyi thi tab laaya tha.soni dolly ko bahut pyaar karti thi aur usko apne hi saath sulaati thi. Pichle dino...

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Sasha The Sexy Nurse

Sasha Green was a nurse at Loving Heart nursing home. She had worked there for a few years. Most days were very depressing, but other days were happy and bright. Some of the patients there had no family visiting them. Sasha tried to be nice to everybody but some of the patients were hard to deal with.Their health problems made them difficult. A lot of the patients had dementia and really were not in their right mind. Some of the women would sit in their wheelchairs rocking plastic dolls who...

1 year ago
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Changing Rooms

As you go to enter the swimming pool entrance with your mates, You drop your change as you come up they are gone,Your new to the swimming pool and decide to pick a door,As you enter the door you walk round and find a load of men all in towels and chatting until they spot you and the room goes silent,With your small voice you say, "I take it this isn`t the girls changing room, can you point me into the direction of the door out of here",As your saying this you spot a couples guys without towels...

Group Sex
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At the movies

At the moviesIt was late January & as usual for summer in Oz it was hot. It was over 40 degrees on this particular Saturday. My wife Sandy suggested we go to the cinema and cool off in the AC there. I said that sounded like a plan and went into the bedroom to put some cloths on. Sandy followed me in and pulled out a pair of running shorts and a T/shirt for me and a very tiny skirt and an almost invisibly sheer blouse for herself. As I reached or my underwear draw Sandy put her hand on mine...

4 years ago
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I heard a faint voice behind me say " My name is Jackie. I'm sorry I was rude before but I'm just having one of those bad days. Oh God, I'm really having a bad month". We both laughed, and I introduced myself. " My name is Mitch, and I really didn' t mean to bother you. I just can't bear to see a beautiful woman cry". She laughed again and said, " I look a mess. I have been so depressed lately and it all just caught up to me this afternoon. I have been job hunting and I'm not...

4 years ago
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A Surprise Encounter Ch 02

She pushes me hard against the door frame and I let out a soft grunt. I grab the wood behind my back and dig in, my only defense against her attack. I am enjoying every second and she knows it, revels in her new found power over me. I watch as she brings her thumb to her mouth and bites down provocatively. She studies my expression and laughs softy. ‘Are you enjoying yourself?’ I muse. ‘Not as much as you,’ she gestures with her eyes and bites down on her thumb again. ‘I don’t know. You...

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3 Clan Amir Falcon FledglingChapter 05

In late August, 2004, Senior Sergeant Gordon ‘Gerry’ Mannheim is in command of 1st Platoon, D Company, 5th Claymore on Military Police Patrol in the city of Dareena. The patrol is split into two units of two squads with his senior corporal leading one unit while Gerry leads the other. They’re patrolling the ‘entertainment’ area of the city because it’s well known for its cheap drinking establishments, strip clubs, prostitutes, gambling, and the related criminal types. Many of the off duty...

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I just got home when I heard the shower running. I opened the door and undressed and got in with mom. I told her "I bet you need me to get that pussy all clean. Spread your legs and let me clean you." As mom spread her legs I soaped my finger with a lot of suds. I then began to rub all over her pussy spreading the lips and getting every crease of her sexy pus. She began to moan when I gave her clit a very good cleaning. Then I soaped up again and shoved fingers in her love hole. She moaned and...

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Manmoirs She Was My First Asian

Growing up in Canada we had people coming from various backgrounds. I came from a predominately white neighborhood but we'd have a mix of different races come and go. In College it was more of the same. Only this one sexy Asian girl showed up in some of my third year classes. She sat beside me early on and flirted with me a little. Yet she'd always seem to pull back, which was weird. Her name was Priscilla. About 4"11 with DD breasts, ass for days and a flat stomach she used to show off. She...

Straight Sex
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BangBus Sasha Yamagucci Sasha catches a ride and some cock

Self-important hot chicks tend to lack a central skill that allows most of us to escape certain death on a daily basis – common sense. Sasha here doesn’t have rare, uncommon, or just regular common sense it seems. She came down to Miami because of some guy and low and behold – he lied to her, about everything. Now she’s broke, walking down the street, and wanting nothing more than to get home. Want a ride Sasha? Lacking common sense and with the promise of money, Sasha says why not....

3 years ago
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Imagining You Having Me

It is late, I’m so very hot and I’m thinking of you. I so wish that you were here, I would give anything to have you with me, to feel your strong hands touching me, touching my body, to feel your breath on my skin, to feel your lips against mine. I have imagined what it would be like, and I just know that it would be incredibly erotic, so sensual. The room is completely dark and silent. I lay back on the bed and close my eyes, I am imagining that you are here, right next to me. I caress my...

4 years ago
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Halloween party II

Laying on Steve, I looked around and noticed no one was paying any attention to us. Listening to music and talking to each other. Steve said, why don't you take off the sheet, I said I only had underwear on. Really, he whispered. He ran his hand down he slipped it under the sheet. He rubbed across my crotch and up to the waistband of my underwear. Putting my hand on his to stop him he said relax, no body is watching. Taking a deep breath and a big drink of the beer, I said ok and moved my...

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Jack and DeniseChapter 25

Getting Jack to go to see Jill at work turned out to be a whole lot easier than Denise expected. When she'd gotten home after lunch with Jill, Denise had unconsciously tossed the coupons on her desk, next to her computer monitor before she called Staci. Over the next couple of days she looked at them often, but failed to move them. By Friday, she had managed to bury them under her Computer Organization homework and forgot where they were. She was quietly studying when she heard a knock at...

1 year ago
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TheRealWorkout Iris Rose Drill Time

When it comes to football drills, Iris is an all star. She can juke, catch, and even run faster than most wide receivers in the NFL. After her warm up, her trainer comes over to give her a good stretching before she gets into the more intense part of todays practice. Even though she always has her head in the game, she couldnt help but to admit to him that she was pretty horny. She was done doing drills and was ready to start getting drilled. Iris sucks that fat dick down faster than an energy...

4 years ago
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1 year ago
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Hotel room fun

Her name was Mel. She was from Croatia and we met in an online chat room about Shakespeare. This was a totally strange attraction as we lived in oppositte countries and we were both happily married. Yet there was something electric in our chats online. There was no moment which was left without sexual innuendos and no Shakespeare pun that did not have to do with sex. And us. She sent me her picture, and it was one of a 30year old stunning woman, tall slim, with longish blond hair and the most...

Cheating Wifes
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Tales of the Monkey Gods

Several years ago I wrote my Monkey Gods trilogy of stories, each of which dealt with a different monkey figurine which granted wishes with a different catch. This is a series of vignettes about those same monkey idols which I wrote as a serial on my Yahoo group. Tales of the Monkey Gods By Morpheus The chirping of a bird filled the air, abruptly breaking the silence which had ruled the room. The little parakeet frantically bounced around its cage as though sensing that...

3 years ago
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story you read once in lifetime

All of you again I'll tell about yourself, I'm thirty years old young man, my cock any girl / woman to please his pride understands. Now I will tell you your Apebti! My story computer problem reading the many emails I came. A woman named Sonia (name changed to I), which was 28 years old, came to his mail that he was impressed by my story and wants to meet me, he told her, she is doctor by profession. But we both live in different cities and we are both in the profession if the problem...

4 years ago
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Spring CarnivalChapter 13

I slipped into the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. Shedding the rest of my clothes, I reached into the shower and turned on the water. Steam immediately began to rise from the tub. 'Quite a difference from the dorm showers, ' I thought. George opened the door. I felt him embrace me from behind, pressing his dick into the crack of my ass and immediately moving his hands up to feel my tits. "Brought you a towel," he said, nibbling on my shoulder. I closed my eyes and pressed back...

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Her first blowjob

Ex wife and I are sitting on the couch watching some boring show. Her oldest niece (19 years old), we'll call her P, was over and came in the room upstairs. She wanted to speak to her aunt in private.'What's up? Everything ok?" wife asks"Aunt C, how do I make a boy happy?" P asked"Oh, well, there are lots of ways" C said"How do you make uncle J happy?" P asked"Well I take care of him if he is sick, we spend time together, we try and do things we both like, I try to get into things he likes and...

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After the WarChapter 17 Out Of The Freezing Hole

As the time passed the naked Countess thought more and more that she might freeze to death, and after some time, she knew not how long had passed, she was fervently hoping that she would. Eventually she heard boots tramping along the corridor above her and the grating was pulled up. A rope ladder was lowered and she was ordered to hang on to it. She tried, she tried desperately to comply, but as she was lifted off her feet her grip failed and she fell to the floor in a heap. A soldier...

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Culture Shock Ch 17

Elaine was trying to concentrate on finishing her breakfast but it wasn’t easy. It was Monday, she was ready for work with a half hour to spare, and was busy eating her toasted muesli while Kendra and Chelsea chatted about the guys they met the night before. Elaine wasn’t really listening. Thoughts were running through her mind. Thoughts of seeing Gary and of what he might do to her, or make her do. They were the same thoughts that had occurred to her when she’d woken up before her alarm that...

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