Sixes and SevensChapter 16
- 3 years ago
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"Oh, that's nice!" Marco smiled at me from behind his camera as Gary, the wardrobe guy, slipped the bathrobe off my shoulders.
Gary was a serious fag too, like a stereotype, and older the others. He was the only one there who wasn't interested in me, because I was mostly a girl and he only liked boys. He seemed to like my dad a lot, even though I told him Daddy wasn't queer. All the guys ignored him since they were pretty much only into girls, so Gary pouted a lot and sat in a corner reading magazines mostly, or doing his nails ... It was kinda funny. I never really liked draq queens either, they sorta weirded me out, you know?
"Are you okay, Ashley?" Daddy asked and I nodded.
"She's sweet, look at that!" Jake, the lighting guy, was smiling too.
"No doubt, bro," Mickey agreed and he was the assistant cameraman and video guy.
He and Jake were brothers. They were both tall men and in their early twenties, big with hard bodies and real muscles. Jake was the handsome one with his strong face, well defined and smooth. Bright hazel eyes, dark hair and a playful smile, he had a sexy curve to his lips and I bet his girlfriend was hot, whoever she was. Mickey was the cute one, a little softer in the chin and cheeks, with brown eyes and unruly hair that was longer than Jake's. Mickey was one of those outgoing guys who looked like he was going to start laughing any second and he made me feel warm all over, like he'd make a great teddy bear. It would be really hard to pick between the two brothers, if a girl absolutely had to.
"Like a thirteen year old girl," Miles, the owner of all this and the guy who was paying me to do what I was doing, was sitting in a chair, chain smoking cigarettes and nodding. He thought I was hot as hell, at least that's what he kept saying, and Miles wanted me. They all did, but I was sorta used to that.
That I was really a fifteen year old boy didn't seem to bother any of them, not even my dad, but why should it? I was wearing a bikini in a studio with a large canvas backdrop that was supposed to look like Miami Beach behind me. The lights were seriously bright. Hot too and I kind of winced as Jake turned them all on. At least there were a couple big electric fans blowing on me, so that was nice.
"Okay, everybody ready to do this thing?" Miles wondered, although his only real job was to sit there and watch.
"Okay Ashley, I'm gonna take some light readings," Marco was saying, holding a meter and moving me around.
"Let me get some video, here ... Hmmm ... Fuck, you're sweet, Ash," Mickey grinned at me. "Give me a smile, baby. A little wave too, huh?"
"Hi!" I smiled at the camera he was holding, shrugging my shoulders and wiggling my fingers. "I love you!"
"Heh!" Mickey laughed. "Tell us your name, honey."
"I'm Ashley!" I sighed, rolling my eyes a little. "I'm fifteen and I love the beach!"
"Do you have a boyfriend?" Jake called out with a chuckle.
"No," I gave the man a pout, "I'm shy."
"Right," Marco grinned at me, holding a meter next to my face.
"Jesus, you're a natural," Mickey sighed. "How long you been a girl, sweetheart?"
"Ummm ... Since I was about nine?" I shrugged, "That's when I did my first photo shoot as a girl."
"Okay, I'm about ready to burn some film here," Marco was saying. "Get a beach ball, a couple of them, Jake. What else ... The hula-hoop too, yeah..."
It was a pretty basic shoot for the first hour or so, just me playing like I was on a beach. Showing off my slender body, looking like a tomboy more than anything else. My hips were narrow, my body slender. Nice long legs though and a firm round butt. Small puffy breasts because I'd been taking hormones for nearly two years already. I couldn't get implants until I was sixteen, but Daddy had found a clinic to give me pills anyway, so that was cool. I didn't need big tits anyway, little ones were better. My hair was long and blonde, wavy like a golden mane around my pretty, heart-shaped face. Bright blue eyes and a wicked smile, like pouting and full of sexy promise. Some people thought I'd gotten my lips done, but I hadn't. They were bee stung all by themselves and it was really cool.
I was tan all over, except for my bikini tan lines, because I'd just spent two weeks in Hawaii and it was great! I'd had so much fun it was unreal and Daddy had totally spoiled me. I was paying for it though, with my money, and we both knew it. It was kind of funny and I didn't really understand, although he'd tried to explain it to me. I'd figured there were a million girl models out there already, so why would I want to be one more? But the funny thing is that there aren't very many pretty boys pretending to be girls, like only a couple of us, and I was the prettiest one of all. That made me worth a lot of money to men like Miles and he was here to make sure I was worth it.
Someday, I thought, I'd go back to being a boy. I kind of hoped so anyway, sometimes. Or maybe I just wanted to hope so, I wasn't sure. I didn't even know if I knew how to be a boy anymore, since I was a girl all the time. But now that I was fifteen already, I'd started thinking about stuff like sex a lot more. Before I was just a little girl, but now I was a teenager and growing up fast, except I didn't know if I was supposed to like girls or boys. It was kind of confusing sometimes.
I have to admit that I really did find guys totally attractive, some guys I mean, but probably every kid feels like that. And girls, well, I kinda liked looking at girls a lot too, but having sex with one? I wasn't too sure about that. It might feel sorta weird, you know? It was confusing, as I said, and kind of a secret. Like who was I gonna talk to about that stuff? My dad? He was the one who got me started, because he'd been an agent his whole life for other people and when he saw how pretty I was growing up to be, well, he became my agent too. I was a girl because that's where the money was, according to my dad. My sex life? He wouldn't have a clue!
"You looked good out there," Miles said with a smile and I was having a coke, taking a break.
"Thank you!" I flirted with him, just a little because he was the money man. Daddy had told me to be extra nice to Miles. I sat like a girl with my legs crossed high and tight, my arms together in front of my breasts, giving me just a bit more boobs to work with and he liked it.
Modeling isn't very much fun, except everyone thinks it is. Everyone thinks it's easy too. It isn't, believe me. I was getting about fifteen hundred dollars for that one day, but it was a twelve hour day easy and Miles was probably going to make like fifty times that off me. Seriously. He'd put my photosets and videos on his web sites, and who knows how many websites he had? More than four, I knew that, like really softcore teen model sites for guys into that stuff. He probably had other ones though, hardcore sites, you know? Miles sorta looked like that sorta guy. Anyway, after a year maybe, when they were old, he'd license my photos out for fees to other sites, and later, when they were really old, he'd sell the copyrights to someone else.
Fifteen hundred was getting me cheap, but the price was about to go up.
"You ever think about doing some nude stuff?" Miles asked me. "Full frontal?"
"Ummm..." I held my smile and blinked at him, " ... Daddy!"
I don't pretend to know all the legal mumbo-jumbo, nor did I pay a lot of attention to the pay schedule, whatever that was. My dad was taking care of it, that's all I knew. I'd done nudity before, but not very often and mostly just topless, or maybe showing off my butt. It didn't bother me a whole lot because I knew a lot of people liked to see pretty girls like me giving away their secrets. I even got fan mail, which was super sweet. Some of it was bad, I'm sure, but Daddy didn't let me see those. Just the ones from nice men who really wanted to love me. Some of them sent me pictures of their cocks, which was funny, but sorta sexy too and Daddy would laugh when I printed out my favorite ones and put them up in my bedroom. He was cool about that stuff anyway, which was way cool for me. I don't know why I did that, but I did. I just liked it.
"Hey, Ashley ... How are you doing over there?" Mickey was filming me with his camcorder while Daddy and Miles talked.
"I'm kinda tired," I giggled. "This is hard work!"
"I bet!" Mickey agreed. "You're making me hard just watching you!"
"Oh!" I covered my small round mouth and gasped.
"Wait a minute..." Mickey pretended like he hadn't meant that.
"Don't listen to him, Ash," Jake said as he walked past us. "You need a hard time, you just find me. I'll give you one!"
"Thanks!" I stuck my tongue out at him and then smiled at the video camera. "See what I have to put up with?"
"Show us your tits, Ash," Mickey prompted. "Come on, just a peek."
"Ohhhh..." I pursed my lips.
"Please? Pretty please?" Mickey sang softly. "With sugar on top?"
" ... Okay, but don't tell my Daddy I did this!" I said with a giggle.
"I won't!" he promised as I pulled the small yellow cups of my bikini aside, flashing my nipples at the camera for about three seconds and then covering them back up with a big smile and a lot of tongue.
"How's that, huh?" I bit my bottom lip. "You should see my nipples when they're hard!"
"God, what a tease," Mickey sighed, working the camera down my body and zooming in on my bikini bottoms. "What else you got for us?"
"Oh ... You mean down here?" I asked innocently, cupping my crotch in my hand, my cock and balls tucked safely away inside that small bikini.
"Yeah, down there, Ashley," Mickey agreed. "Are you tan everywhere?"
"Uh-huh!" I giggled. "I'm all brown, all over! See?"
I turned around, showing the camera my perfectly pert round butt. I pulled the back of the bikini aside so he could film my dramatic tan line as I exposed half of my left butt cheek. I smiled over my shoulder at the camera and rocked my hips from side to side for a few seconds.
"You're not brown all over!" Mickey laughed, "You cheater!"
"I'm not?" I pouted. "I guess I'll have to work on that, huh?"
"Ashley? Come here, baby," Daddy was calling me, so I blew a kiss at the camera and fixed my bikini.
The next hour was just like the first, except I wore a one piece bathing suit and used other props, like a big beach umbrella, you know. For an hour after that I wore cutoff shorts and a t-shirt. A regular one until Jakes poured some bottled water all over the front of it, and then I was wearing a wet t-shirt! That was funny and that water was cold too. My hard little nipples pointed out like bullets and all the guys kinda grinned at me! And then finally Marco decided he had enough of the PG rated stuff and he was ready to start shooting for the adults in our viewing audience, as Miles liked to put it. I guessed he'd made the deal with my daddy and it didn't surprise me very much at all.
"Yeah, sit on the beach ball, Ash ... Look at me and play with your tits, baby," Marco was saying. "Just ... No, don't show us anything yet, just tease ... Look over there and turn your head slow, all the way ... Cup your tits ... Nice..."
I was doing that for awhile and it really is the most boring thing in the world. Sitting on a beach ball with five guys standing around and staring at me while I pulled my wet t-shirt up slowly, just enough to show the swell of my smallish breasts. A little higher and I covered my nipples with my fingers, smiling happily, sexily, lovingly, with a pout and a frown, and playful too. Whatever Marco could think of, I had to find the right face for it. After awhile I started making funny faces just because I was going a little crazy trying to give Marco what he wanted all the time.
"Come on ... Love the camera, Ash ... Fuck it, baby ... Fuck it hard, use your tongue ... More, uh-huh ... Beautiful ... Pinch your nipples, both of them ... Pull ... Straight out and up and ... Hold it! Hold your nipples, pinch them nice, Ash ... Harder ... And let go! Try it again ... Let go! One more time, let's get some jiggle ... Let them go! Perfect!"
"Arrggghhh!" I screamed and fell off the beach ball.
"Break time?" Marco laughed, "Okay, take five everybody."
"Ashley, I gotta ask, cause we're all curious ... Are you a virgin?" Mickey was there with the video camera and I was lying on the floor, with the hot lights off, thank God!
"I'm not gonna tell you!" I gasped and covered my face, peeking through my fingers. I was just wearing my bikini bottoms and he kept zooming in on my tits, but I didn't mind. I had my arms spread like angel wings and my nipples were sorta dark and swollen now, long too after all that pinching and stuff I'd been doing to them.
"So you are!" Mickey chuckled. "I knew it! You owe me five bucks, Jake!"
"What?" Jake looked over at us.
"I am not!" I said and then covered my mouth and widened my eyes.
"You liar!" Mickey laughed.
"How do you know?" I sighed theatrically. "Maybe Jake knows something about me that you don't!"
"What?" Mickey frowned.
"Maybe Jake's the one who..." I pursed my lips, " ... Well, you know."
"I don't believe you," Mickey said. "You never did it!"
"Give me the camera. Let me have it..." I took his video camera away. "Now, you go over there ... Go on. I'll tell the camera the truth and you can find out later without embarrassing me, okay?"
"Promise?" Mickey asked and he was walking away from me backwards.
"Look..." I whispered, smiling into the camera as I filmed myself. " ... I'm a total virgin! Don't tell anybody! Especially Mickey!"
Halfway through the next hour I was pulling my bikini bottoms aside, a red thong bikini now, and smiling seductively as Marco took photos of my pretty fifteen year old cock peeking out between my soft tanned thighs. I had my top off already and I was playing with my tits too, my nipples seriously hard and puffy now, and I was focused more on the camera than anything else, trying to ignore the men watching me because they weren't very bored at all.
"Make it hard for me, Ashley," Marco was saying. "Play with it a little, sweetheart. Let me see you angry."
"Angry?" I giggled and I was pulling my penis, which isn't a terribly large one anyway, being just fifteen years old, loaded with female hormones, and pretty much mostly a girl inside anyway. But it was pretty and I liked it.
"Angry! Grrrr..." Marco grinned. "Let's see that sweet little cock of yours all worked up, huh?"
It took a little while, but I finally did get hard, masturbating in front of those five men, one of them my own dad, and all the cameras. Teen transsexual Ashley jerking off would be a ten minute video clip on some website somewhere and Miles was smiling. I was smooth down there too, soft and pink, my skin pampered with scented lotions and the most wonderful creams. My balls were really pretty too, everyone thought so, and I was on my hands and knees for twenty minutes while Marco was behind me. He got some nice shots of how they hung down between my thighs, sweet and sexy with the smooth soft skin reaching right up to just beneath my little pink butthole.
"Look over your shoulder, Ash ... Yeah ... Smile, honey ... Sexy smile, baby, and wiggle that ass for me ... Reach between your legs, uh-huh, play with your balls ... Go on ... Perfect!"
He had me take my hairless balls in my fist, gently of course, and pull them down. I wasn't sure why that was sexy, but I guess it was as the skin was drawn tight and it felt kinda good too, actually. I didn't mind. I rolled my balls around carefully, giggling over my shoulder and then trying to look serious, you know, sexy and pouting. I had to look like I was dreaming of some big, strong man watching me, maybe taking my balls in his own hand and massaging them for me, squeezing my pretty pink sack while I rolled my hips and spread my ass cheeks for his tongue and later his swollen cock ... Hmmm ... That was pretty fun and I forgot all about being bored for a little bit.
I really did want to try sex, being at that age when my body was super ready for it. Making love, maybe, but just fucking would be pretty good, I thought. I had a lot of romantic daydreams, like any girl has, maybe boys too, but a lot of time I just wanted to know how it would feel to have someone holding me. A man pressing his cock inside me slowly, kissing me while he took my virginity. That always got me hot and so Mickey was getting some good video of me. He was staying out of the way and using his zoom, and it was a little strange because this was a little more than I'd ever done in front of a camera before. I'd catch myself, like waking up from a dream, with all those guys telling me how hot I was and I had to fight to keep from giggling then, feeling my face get a little red because I'd been really getting off on it.
"You're beautiful, Ash," my dad said, watching me intently with a smile on his face and an obvious bulge in his trousers. I pretended like I didn't notice, but I liked it. "Everybody wants to fuck you, Princess."
"No shit," Jake chuckled, holding a bouncer, a big round reflector for the lighting. "She's gorgeous. Got my dick hard as a rock, Ashley!"
"Put a finger in your ass, baby," Marco was telling me. "The middle one. Just a little ... Hold it ... A little more."
"Ummm..." I giggled nervously and my dad just nodded. "Like this?"
"Yeah! Fuck yeah, Ashley," Marco said. "Not too much! Just a little slutty smile now ... Hold that ... Now deeper, hold ... In and out, baby ... Get off on it, there you go. Fuck your finger for me ... Perfect!"
I fingered my ass slowly, just going in a little and stopping while Marco took some pictures, and then a little more and stopping. It was slow and it took ten minutes until I had my middle finger all the way inside my butt. It didn't hurt, cause my finger was really small anyway, but it felt sorta funny and I liked it. My thin finger was being squeezed, almost like my butt was sucking on it, and I was really hot in there too. I was really starting to like it a lot when Marco had me pull it back out slowly.
"Put it in your mouth. Suck that finger, Ashley ... Close your eyes and arch your back, honey. Mmmm ... Let me see some tongue. You love licking your finger clean, huh? Yeah you do! Pretend it's a cock, Ash ... Yeah, in and out. Tight lips, there you go ... Hold that, give me your eyes ... Fuck!"
"What would you think about posing with someone else?" Miles asked me and it was lunchtime, finally, and I was hungry.
"I never did it," I shrugged, taking a bit of my sandwich. Miles had ordered some delivery from a deli and it was good. "Did I, Daddy?"
"No, you've always done solo shots," Daddy agreed and he looked at Miles. "What do you have in mind?"
"I thought maybe we'd get Jake in there, get some action, you know?" Miles smiled at me. "She's gotta break her cherry sometime."
"Me?" Jake grinned, "Do I get paid extra for that?"
He was sitting very close to me, like his brother Mickey, the three of us on cheap lawn chairs with me in the middle. We were all sitting around a couple card tables with food and papers and stuff. My dad was to my left, eating thoughtfully while Miles sat across from me and he was all smiles as his two employees teased me. They had some Gorillaz playing on the stereo and I was kinda grooving with it, you know, grinning while I ate and teasing Jake and Mickey. Or they were teasing me, more like.
"Stop it!" I giggled at Mickey as he was sliding a hand up my thigh, under my bathrobe.
"I don't know," Dad frowned a little. "Ashley's only fifteen."
"You stop too!" I slapped Jake's hand as he was reaching for my other thigh.
"We don't need anything hard," Marco shrugged, looking back and forth between my dad and Miles. "Just a little dynamic, a big handsome man for Ash to play against. She's a beautiful boy; all she has to do is give us the looks."
"No touching?" Daddy asked him.
"See?" I giggled at Mickey and God! He was seriously cute. "No touching!"
"Hey," Jake whispered and he was seriously handsome, and between those two attentive brothers I was dying of happiness!
"What?" I turned my head and he stole a kiss! "Hey!" I giggled, licking my lips while the man grinned at me.
"Well, maybe Jake could put some lotion on her, just hands; maybe jerk her off a little?" Miles looked at Marco.
"Yeah, we put her on a recliner, on her stomach, let Jake undress her..." the photographer shrugged, " ... We see what happens, huh?"
"See what happens," my dad drew a breath. "I haven't looked at rates for this kind of thing, Miles."
"You're so hot, Ashley," Jake was whispering, his hazel eyes looking into mine. "I couldn't help it. Do you want to go out with me sometime?"
"Don't listen to him," Mickey was turning my head with his soft voice. "Let's go out tonight, just me and you. We'll have some fun. We can hit the boardwalk, I know the bouncer at Pink Cadillac. You like dancing? I can get you in."
"We can work something out," Miles was telling my dad, but I could only get little snippets of their conversation.
"I'll take you dancing, Ash," Jake was playing with my exposed left nipple, making me shiver as my robe fell open and I was naked underneath it. "I'll make you see stars, we'll dance so good."
"You could dance with both of us, Ashley," Mickey whispered.
"No, I don't think Ashley's ready for that," Daddy shook his head at Miles. "He's only fifteen."
Mickey had my other nipple out, my little A-cup tits burning beneath their fingers and I was giggling, looking between them and squeezing my thighs together. My tummy was doing cartwheels and my heart wouldn't stop pounding. I was ready for another kiss and I was looking at Mickey, wondering if he would read my mind and give it to me.
"Mmmm..." Mickey did kiss me, softly and the tip of his tongue touched my lips, but I kept them closed and giggled when he pulled away.
"My turn again," Jake turned my head, his fingers in my hair and I smiled as he kissed me again, his hand cupping my breast now, squeezing me nice. I opened for his tongue that time and ohhh!
It wasn't my first real kiss, but it was maybe the best one I'd gotten so far. Jake's long wet tongue slipped into my mouth and tickled mine, making me shiver as I tickled him back. He pinched my nipple, making me press my boob against his hand. Jake's tongue was so soft too, not stiff the way I might have expected, but relaxed and comfortable and he explored me for a long happy while until I really needed some air.
"I'll make it worth your while..." Miles was smiling, " ... Look at them. She wants it bad."
"Let me try again," Mickey grinned and then his tongue was sliding into my mouth while I arched my back to give him as much of my puffy right breast as I could. He was just as good a kisser as his brother and I moaned softly into Mickey's mouth as he licked the insides of my cheeks and then the roof of my mouth, and finally he just decided to see if he could get his tongue into my throat. He went deep, God! That guy had a long tongue and I almost gagged on it, except I didn't. I just tried to swallow it and that felt so weird, but sexy weird, you know?
"Hmph," Daddy was watching me make out with those two men and I gave him a guilty, breathless smile. "I guess we can try, but it's going to be expensive, Miles," my dad agreed slowly and the other man just smiled at that.
"Jake ... Gary, where you at?" Miles was yelling some ten minutes later. "Need you two! Get busy..."
"Hmmm..." I smiled nervously and I was back in my yellow bikini now and my face had been redone by Gary, who'd been going off on how hot Jake and Mickey were and how I was a little slut for keeping them all to myself. I just rolled my eyes. He was such a total fag and probably some people would think I was too, but there was a difference between me and Gary. He was a guy, inside and out, and he always would be. I was a girl inside and someday, maybe, probably, I'd be a girl on the outside too.
"Go ahead and lay down on the lounger, Ashley," Marco was saying. "On your stomach, that's it. Turn your head the other way for me and, yeah, spread your legs just a little. Mickey, fix her balls ... Cover them up..."
"You're showing off again!" Mickey chuckled and I rolled my eyes as he tugged my bikini bottoms into place, kind of pushing my balls gently beneath the yellow nylon until they were safely hidden away. Then he smoothed my crotch with his fingers, petting me a little more than the man needed to and I wriggled my butt playfully.
"If you don't like something, you let me know, Princess," Daddy told me and I nodded. "I know this is new for us."
"New for me!" I giggled and I was a little scared, but a lot excited.
"I'll be nice," Jake smiled at me and God! I wasn't sure I wanted nice just then.
He was so hot, just wearing a pair of tight red Speedos that didn't hide much at all. Jake wasn't a body builder or anything, but he had muscles and well-defined ones too, like he was a real athlete and not just a poseur, you know? His abs especially, talk about a washboard! And smooth? He was hairless all over except on his head and under his arms, and maybe around his dick, but I hadn't seen that yet. He had one though, that was for sure! The little swimsuit Jake wore was stretched tight and I could see the unmistakable outline of a real big dick!
"You better be," I sighed softly, just drinking the man in and my own cock was getting hard, or at least thinking stiff thoughts.
That was the problem with taking all those female hormones. I mean, yeah, they made me beautiful and gave me a pair of sexy little tits, but they confused my penis like you wouldn't believe. I was totally horny, like ready for some serious love stuff, you know? But my pretty girl cock was only barely hard! That would change though. She just needed some attention.
You'd think for like action stuff, even little things, like pretending a hunky guy finds hot little girly boy on the beach and decides to help her put on some baby oil ... You'd think it would just happen and the photographer would click away, right? But it doesn't. Everything is posed, like all the time, and it was kind of boring, except Jake was with me, so it wasn't boring at all. It was a serious tease and we were going in slow motion, with Marco telling us what to do and when to freeze and how to smile. All that stuff. You gotta be crazy to want to be a model.
"Okay, now just touch her shoulders ... Stop ... Squeeze, move down, slowly Jake ... Give him some face, Ashley. Give him those big blue eyes, baby ... Nice! Hold that ... Down a little more..."
It was like that, and all the while Jake was rubbing my body, sliding his hot slippery hands all over my oily back, across my shoulders and down my spine. He was doing my legs too and my feet, massaging my little pink toes with red polish on them, kissing them while Marco took pictures of us. He even sucked my toes, which was ticklish and sexy all at once. I tried to look serious, like having a big strong guy like Jake washing my toes with his tongue was the best thing in the world, and it sorta was, but mostly I couldn't stop giggling and Marco was giving me dirty looks.
"Take her foot in your mouth, Jake ... Can you do that?" Marco wondered, and the man could.
Jake had a big mouth and my feet were really small anyway, and it was nice when he had all five of my toes between his lips. Like half my foot was in Jake's wet, warm mouth and his tongue was all over it. I had to close my eyes because it wasn't ticklish anymore. I sighed and swallowed hard, licking my lips as I tried not to breathe too deep or too fast. My heart was rushing and I never thought having my foot sucked by a man would feel so ... Intense!
After Marco got a bunch of those pictures, he let Jake do my other foot and it was just as good. I was laying on my tummy and Jake was sucking my left foot then, so I was rubbing my right foot across his chest, down his tummy. I could feel his hard muscles under my toes and I groaned happily, exploring the man blindly, enjoying this whole new experience. I moved my foot down even more, finding the hardness in Jake's Speedos and he was strong everywhere! I was pressing my toes against his cock, like rubbing him, trying to jerk him off with my foot and Marco was getting pictures of everything. He hadn't asked for that, but he loved it. So did Jake.
"Jesus," Jake breathed, letting my foot go. "You're gonna make me cum, Ash. Oh ... You give great foot!"
"Heh!" I giggled and opened my eyes, blinking at the lights and Marco was wanting to do something else.
"Aw man! Why do you get to have all the fun?" Mickey was grinning at his brother, holding the camcorder and filming everything we did.
"Clean living, bro," Jake grinned back and I giggled.
"Okay, come on ... Go ahead and straddle her Jake, her thighs, yeah ... Get yourself right up there by her ass. Fix your cock; I want a real bulge in there..." Marco was saying and I was giggling. Jake already had a real bulge!
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It was morning. It had been a close decision, whether to take breakfast in their room or whether to enjoy the Gynarch's Breakfast Room. In the end the chance to see and be seen had won out over the idea of being waited on in their suite. They put on their New Opportunity uniforms, short black kilts and tight, white, roll-neck sweaters. Somehow it only seemed right – the Breakfast Room of the Gynarch was where New Order had been founded, so as well as offering what they were sure would be an...
I have existed for as long as I can remember. That is a very long time. As a being that lives outside the physical realm, time has very little meaning to me. I exist in what you would describe as an energy state, but it is necessary for me to be a part of a physical life most of the time, I could survive a few days without occupying a physical body at most. The beings I inhabit are unaware of me, I can control them 100%, or leave them in complete control. I can let them remember everything...
Things will be great when we're downtown... When it comes down to it, skid row is a state of mind rather than an actual place. It is where people go to be away from all society, and even there you can't escape it. Where the needle or the smoke or the bottle is your only friend, and everyone else is a blur. Weather is rain falling on you, snow gently covering and freezing you. The sun baking you and night having it's own terrors. During the winter they flock to mental institutions, and...
I had one spear left. Two of the Rock sharks floated belly up to the surface, the Slayer harpoon meant for Tyrannos was good enough to kill these triangle snouts. Even now fighting for my life I wondered why I called them that way. My last spear missed! Not that it mattered much, four sharks were now busy with the carcass of the ones I killed, fighting each other for the meat, there were three more now aiming for me, also that immense presence beneath me came closer. This was the largest...
We arrived in Halstaad Fjord and were greeted by a group of elders accompanied by twenty beefy looking men, all were dressed in the traditional Neo Viking way with leather vests and trousers and shirts. They all wore identical helmets and swords and all were dressed in the same dark brown color. Egill was also with them. As we stepped ashore he said to me, I know what happened, Eric and I will take it from here. You may have noticed the men; these are the first members of the Nilfeheim...
Hi guys this continuation of d story to enjoy full experience please read the previous parts Introduction Hi, guys and girls. My name is Shahid. I basically from Bangalore recently completed my graduation in health and wellness with specialized in massages which is a science and art. I have learned the art to relax any girl/women and to give her ultimate pleasure. Any girl/women who want to get satisfaction along with massage can contact me. I also have special massages for brides and...
Next morning Lady Johnson awoke feeling disoriented, then it all came flooding back to her, the dinner, the orgasms, the cries of pain from the next bedroom. 'It sounded as though the Countess was having a very hard time with General von Buelow last night, ' she thought, remembering that the Countess's dress had been torn off her even before the pair reached the top of the stairs. She slipped out of bed and stood naked looking round the room. 'No shortage of fuel here, ' she thought...
I wrote this as a new style of writing, it is not my normal genre. Please read it with an open and accepting mind. Thank you. The cool night of early summer had set in fast as I walked home from work. My feet aching and my thighs burning from standing stationary all day helped the short walk seem longer. With my book tucked under my arm, my M&Ms in my hand and the night thick around me, I studied my surroundings carefully as I came off the main sidewalk and entered the apartment complex. ...
By : Gupta.Prem760 Hi readers, this is Prem prakash Gupta from Punjab. This is my first story and is a true story. You people don’t believe that now I am 63 years old and this homosexual experience is my first one which happened about two months back. About me I am 63 years old retired teacher. I am a dark and still active baniya. My height is 5.7”, average built. I always remained sex maniac, but always thought about females and always had sex experience with females only. Though I didn’t...
Gay MaleHecate was so excited! She was finally going to meet Katie McN. H could hardly believe that Katie would be able to arrange for the Space Shuttle to land at Heathrow just to pick her up and take her to Texas. And yet, here she was landing at Midland International Airport at the start of her exciting adventure. H was the only passenger on the Shuttle this trip. So, she was able to sit up front in the copilot's chair for the entire flight. How wonderful! When the shuttle finally landed at...
Copyright© Russell Hoisington 2005 This here tale is an eeerotic fantasy of the humorous variety which I done writ in the vernackulary style of th' area where it all took place. So, if'n you don't speak Redneck, y'all are gonna be lost, 'n' y'all got my deepest sympathies fer bein' so poorly educated. The characters, cept'n for th' famous eeerotic writer cmsix 'n' the briefly mentioned eeerotic writer Naive, 'n' the situation are purely th' product of my overactive imagination....
Ready for Desi XNXX porn, aka Desi52, aka Desi49? As a lifelong fan of pornography, I’ve always thought India should put out more of the stuff. They’ve got one of the highest populations in the world, which means more people to fuck on camera. Still, it was downright impossible to find Desi smut in most parts of the world before the Internet. Sites like Desi XNXX aka Desi XNXX 2 make it a hell of a lot easier than a random shitty Indian sex (or is set up like...
Indian Porn SitesWhat the fuck is Mzansi XXX? I’ll be honest; as an American, I had no idea what to expect when I got the link in my inbox this morning. Pardon my ignorance, but even after seeing all the amateur ebony porn on the front page, I still had to google Mzansi. Language is a funny thing, so the first definition I got was “a low-cost national banking account.” The deposits and withdrawals I’m seeing are all semen and cock, with no money exchanging hands, so I don’t think that’s what they’re referencing...
Black Porn SitesWe will call my mother soma.. Soma is a dusky woman of 52 years..But she has maintained her looks like a 30 year old. Her figure is heavy at all the right places. Her breasts are 36 c cups and at this age, they are still magnificent. She has a bit of a waist..But that just leads to a very soft and large ass and chunky thighs. Yes, this is the body of a bengali milf in its prime. But her best feature is her face. Yes, its a beautiful face..But I don’t mean it like that. I mean .. You would enjoy...
IncestThe scent of coffee and bacon filled the house as Dara finished preparing breakfast. All four wearing their robes, Damian and Erin entered into the kitchen, where Angus sat drinking coffee. He gestured to the chair to his right, where Erin sat. Damian sat across from Angus. Dara brought pancakes and egg casserole, set them on the table, and they all dined. They had all worked up an appetite already before breakfast. All smiled at one another. There was a glow in the room. All could feel it. All...
IncestThe scent of the coffee is beckoning, so I climb off the bed and walk over to the breakfast tray to examine the setup. Opening the pot, I'm happy to report that the water is still steaming, and proceed to pour it slowly around into the grounds in the filter that's perched on top of the decanter.“The coffee will take a few minutes,” Yuki tells me, sitting up on the bed. She smiles and beckons, enticing me to step close to her, and runs her hands around my waist to pull me into her, my boner...
Oral SexWe were brought back to earth by the sound of Mum calling from downstairs. I think she was wondering why we hadn't come down for any breakfast yet! A gave Abi a final peck on the forehead and said "I think we'd better get moving - or someone is going to be wondering what we're up to!" "Mmm, OK then, if we must" she murmured, "Can we do this again soon though please?" "Of course we can" I chuckled. There was no way I could resist an entreaty like that. I was longing to try it...
The first thing I knew, my clock was saying 6:41. I lay there and watched it tick over to 6:42, then to 6:43. I was wide awake and not going back to sleep anytime soon. According to my parenting book, teenagers aren’t supposed to wake up this early. They’re supposed to sleep in for hours and hours. I can’t wait for that to start happening. Waking up too early sucks. I got out of bed and stepped over Tara. I wrapped myself in my robe and sat at my dresser. I let out my hair and brushed it...
Eve, who is a friend of mine, owns a nudist bed and breakfast in the town where I live. Nothing usually happens there, except it was different this time around.A couple of weeks ago on a Saturday, I drove to Eve's Bed and Breakfast to relax by her pool and work on getting rid of my tan lines. This is a very nice and secluded bed and breakfast. When I arrived there, Eve and I talked for a little while before I ventured out to the pool. Eve told me that she had another house guest, and her name...
Straight SexBeer Bums and Breakfast, I was chatting to a woman when Dave came sauntering up, Dressed in light silvery grey Trousers and a white short sleeved linen shirt.He took my hand, shivers ran through me, and led me to the Pub. It was 11 in the morning. We climbed straight up the stairs and into the gents Loo. I undid his zip, lifted my skirt and sat on him. It was a truly satisfying feeling, as I put my arms around his neck, and moved slowly up and down on him. I have missed him although he had only...
I was a little confused too. Six stars! I had only ever known of five star ratings on hotels and the proverbial bed and breakfast, but here I was about to click ‘pay’ on the web site. It seemed a small place, in a more than ordinary location, but it was close to where I needed to be for the Monday morning. I checked out the images one more time and there was nothing special that suggested it was posh. I double checked the form and then I altered the number of days to two. Why not stay in a six...
Straight SexIt was a bright summer morning as I walked to the kitchen for breakfast only to find my beautiful mother making the morning meal only wearing a very sexy nightie. My name is Rohit 23 yrs old with a nice body 5′ 11″ and a 7 inch cock with some girth to it and my mother alka 47 5′ 7″ BBW body but not fat, she has sexy curves type of body with 38dd tits and large dark nipples and a round full juicy ass also puffy plump lips on her soaking wet pussy and milky white skin and a little darker skin on...
IncestBlackness encased me. A sudden disturbance shattered my peace! I was pressed up against something warm and wonderful, and did not want to be disturbed! Something soft, pliable and desirable filled my hand. I just wanted to stay in my safe, quiet, dark world forever. But there was that disturbance again! A ringing sound. Oh, the phone! Groggy, eyes shut, I took my hand off that wonderful soft mound and began groping for the object of annoyance. I heard a protesting moan coming from in front...
Long title, realtively short story. Another quickie for me. I decided to experiment and try to stretch my meager writing talent by doing something new. I tried to write a story in flashback. I usually write, for the most part, in linear time. I need it for another story that I'm working on. Tell me if it works Raven Captain Webster's the Magic Kingdom: At the Character Breakfast By Raven I watched my Husband Geoff parade around the restaurant in the Polynesian Village with...
Hot Breakfast Eric was on his way to work. He liked his routine. He woke at the same time, showered at the same time in exactly the same way, and left for work all precisely on schedule. And he always made sure he left on time for the bright point of his day, breakfast with Katie. Today his routine would change forever. Eric worked in a small electronics store in a dying mall on the outskirts of town. He hated the job, his boss, and his customers, but it was all he could find after...
Straight SexBed and BreakfastBy Wonder_Dad Story #09I finally arranged to visit my client's private country club farm; I got a late start driving and was falling asleep at the wheel forcing me to make a stopover for the night. I happened to see a tiny almost invisible sign for a bed and breakfast just past a small town merely miles from the farm.It was a quaint two-story farmhouse, and as I drove up, I was met in the yard by a lovely woman in her early fifties. Her breasts rippled underneath the loose...
An almost chubby guy whom I met online invited me to his flat for a late weekend breakfast. It was a very friendly chat, not a nasty web cam involved sex chat at all and I thought then we could never end up having sex even if we met. I was so wrong. He had a nice flat and he had prepared a lot of things for breakfast when I got there. We immediately sat at the table and started eating and talking about almost anything that came to our minds for a while. I was gobbling up a delicious pie made by...
When Abbie and her husband Mel bought an old Victorian mansion on the outskirts of the city, they did so with two goals. The first was to convert the big, run-down house into a bed-and-breakfast. Their plan was to rent out rooms to businessmen tired of cookie-cutter motels, providing a more home-like atmosphere. They were reasonably close to the city’s financial center and since Mel was an executive with a major insurance company, he had the kind of contacts to make this feasible. Their...
Stuart Middleton, aged fifty-five, was eagerly returning to the bed and breakfast in the wilds of northern Scotland that he had first stayed at three months previously.On his previous visit, he had had his fantasies fulfilled by firstly having his bare backside tawsed by a woman and later by not only applying the tawse to the woman's backside but also by having sex with her. The woman, who ran the establishment, was Hannah Shackleton and she had now reached her sixty-sixth birthday. Hannah was...
Mature"Fuck I gotta pee." The old pee boner was present with me in the bathroom. It was well past dawn and from the open balcony doors you could start to hear guests enjoying the pool area. I drank a luke warm glass of water from the faucet and when I rounded the corner back towards the bed I saw that ass. Vanessa was curled up with a sheet over her shoulders but with her naked ass begging for my attention. In my luggage I packed condoms and lube. I never use condoms but you know some girls...
I had just finished drying my hair when the doorbell rang. Fully expecting another missionary of some type but hoping I was wrong, I pulled on my terrycloth robe and padded barefoot to the door. Placing my eye to the peephole, I was greeted by my friend Andrew looking back with one of his silly grins. Smiling myself, I pulled open the door. ‘Andrew, what are you doing here this morning?’ ‘I brought breakfast,’ he said, holding up a white paper bag and two paper cups. ‘Coffee, muffins, and...
I met Fien during Erasmus in Portugal and was immediately enthralled by her. She was shy in the cutest of ways and it didn't take much for her cheeks to turn red, as I noticed from her conversations with others. She had long dark blond hair, was about 1,65m and couldn't stop smiling. But as everyone gathered in the meeting room on the first day, it were Fien's flashy cyan pants that caught my attention. That and her unusually sexy body. She had gorgeous legs; toned and just long enough leading...
Breakfastbysnakeeyes148©"What are you doing?" I heard the voice say from across the room...I was frozen...what am I going to do?...what am I going to say?..."I said, what are you doing?" she asked again.How could I possibly try to get out of it when she just caught me jerking off into her morning health drink. goes nothing!For the past 3 months, I have been jerking off into my Mom's morning health drink. My Mom is definitely a hot woman. She's 38 years old but she has retained her...
Hi friend ad all ladies ho really want to get horny with me. Well this story is so real but I never found which section to b put in. This story is of masturbation with me. This was a time when my girlfriend and I took a trip to the beach with one of my best friends and his wife, Sita (name change). He invited us to go with them and stay at his parent’s condo in karjat, so, being his guest, I felt obligated to keep my mouth shut about Sita’s incessant complaining and whining. Though she was...
Duncan could hardly believe the morning. Not one day could he recall that had dawned so bright and cheerful, with so much promise. Looking at the beautiful woman walking beside him, her hand in his, he knew exactly why the day was so grand. Grinning wryly to himself he realized it could be the middle of a blizzard and he would feel the same. The fact the woman looking up to him with 'that look' in her eyes was as lovely a person as she was beautiful certainly didn't hurt. She was not only...
Thursday, August 5, 1971 “Oh god, my head,” Larry moaned as he collapsed into the chair and cradled his head in his arms on the table. “This younger generation just can’t handle their liquor,” Tab smirked as he sat down beside his nephew. “Present company excluded.” “Good morning, gentlemen,” I said as they joined Kip and me in the hotel’s dining room. “And I can’t handle it very well either. I just seem to know when to quit.” Tab looked at Larry and shook his head. “Sadly, it’s a lesson...
Jack was bending over into an empty display case as he refilled it with his signature chocolate cupcakes. They were the very ones that put him on the map and made it possible to open up his dream shop. Sweet Nothings was his pride and joy. The French inspired Bakery and Bistro has thus far been his greatest achievement. He could hear the distant ching of the cash register as he placed the last of the cupcakes from his baking tray into the case. The sound of money always put a smile on his face....
It took three weeks for Sam’s passport to arrive. For Aidan and come to that, for Sam as well, they were three weeks of heaven. For one thing, now that she had discovered how ecstatic sex could be, she was, he had to say, enthusiastic. They coupled daily at least. September was a busy month at work, but Vicky insisted on taking the extra work to leave him free to go home to Sam. He knew just how much he owed her for that, but as she said, when she was ill after the holiday he lost Julie to...
Aidan was puzzled when his news about Julie wiped the smile from Vicky’s face. “Come with me,” she said seriously. “There’s something I want you to see.” Vicky took Aidan to her office, sat him in front of her desk and called up her email server, found the correspondence and turned the screen towards him. “I got a surprise last night at home,” she said grimly. “Read these.” He read, his brow furrowing as the import of what was written became clear. “Sam? She’s in London? Working in...
The following week was depressing with regular rain and showers; it did nothing for Aidan’s mood. Vicky went back to her own flat on the Tuesday of that week. Aidan had fed her and got her strength back, and they were both back at work on the Thursday, advertising for more staff. Aidan was surprised he’d heard nothing from Kevin: it was so unlike him. Aidan surmised that perhaps Kevin was knee deep in marriage counselling or divorce, and began to feel regret and guilt at his impulsive action...
On Samantha’s urging, Aidan told her his story, starting with his childhood with Kevin, school, university and accountancy exams. He told her of his parents and their sacrifices for the brothers. “Like you, in High School I had girl friends. I learned a lot from those girls. I learned casual sex doesn’t suit me. It just wasn’t me. I wanted more from girls – I wanted a relationship. I had a thing with a girl at the end of High School, but we went separate ways to different...
Hot Breakfast Eric was on his way to work. He liked his routine. He woke at the same time, showered at the same time in exactly the same way, and left for work all precisely on schedule. And he always made sure he left on time for the bright point of his day, breakfast with Katie. Today his routine would change forever. Eric worked in a small electronics store in a dying mall on the outskirts of town. He hated the job, his boss, and his customers, but it was all he could find after leaving...
Six of the Best! The Headmaster forgets, Emily makes an error, Oswald hasan opportunity. By Alex Oswald Turnbull grew up in a small country town, where he acquired only avery limited social sophistication but did well enough in the local schoolto win a scholarship at London University. There he acquired an only slightlyexpanded social sense but did well enough to gain a good degree in mathematics.Despite the fact that he was a friendly and attractive-looking young man, hehad managed only a few...
Note: How many of you have stayed in a bed and breakfast? Tammi and Ted found one that they loved so much they stayed. Enjoy. * It took Ted and Tammi almost a hour to find the B&B in old Savanna. It was at the end of a dead end street hidden by a series of old weeping willows. ‘Is it open?’ Tammi asked her fiancée after stepping out of the SUV. ‘I’m not sure,’ Ted answered. ‘Grab your bag and lets go and check it out.’ Tammi walked behind him as they curled around a bunch of rose...
choose a different story from the long list on XNXX. However, if you do like gay porn stories, please be generous about my punctuation, grammar, funny expressions, and spelling errors. English is not my first language. This story is not even remotely based on true events. ---- It was a fair day for a family reunion in the garden of his sister's home. Mike could not help recalling that other memorable reunion many years ago, when he announced to his assembled relatives that he was...
I ran through the woods enjoying the rain filtering through the trees, keeping a steady pace. I rounded the edge of the woods, crossedover the bridle path and on to the final road down to the Bed& Breakfast (small hotel for the American readers). We were staying there for a few days as my wife and children visited the grandparents (their place was too small for us). I had the day off from all that and was making the most of it. I crossed the road and slowed to a stop and open the door to the...
Oral SexCANDY FOR BREAKFASTI have quite a few favorite hobbies or habits, depending on who you ask. Next to sex, traveling is my favorite hobby. I live for vacations, holidays, weekends, and any other opportunity to get away. There’s just so much to see and experience, that I can’t resist the temptation to pick up and go.Quite by accident, I ended up taking a trip to Virginia four years ago. My boss’ niece needed help moving, and since I was the most trusted employee Mike Kelly had, he elected me to...
“I’m just going out for some milk for our breakfast, back in ten minutes” my daughter Paula shouted. “OK” I replied, and carried on working. I was surprised by a knock on the door, and Leanne came in. She was a friend of my daughter, who, it seemed, had been staying over.“Hi Leanne. Didn’t know you were here. Did you sleep over? How are you today? Mick not here?” I asked the nineteen year old, a pretty, giggly girl with freckles, blond hair and blue eyes, still dressed in the guestroom...
Narrated by Amit Pichle baar episode 28 mein aap logo ne dekha ki main Shradha ke ghar pahuncha. Fir jaise hi hum ek achi chudhayi karne ja rahe the to koi Shobha naam ki mahila ne darwaze ki ghanti baja kar sare maze par paani pher di. Uske jaate hi Shradha TV stand par kuch rakh wapas mere paas aayi. Woh boli: Sorry, main bhool hi gayi, use kuch kaam tha, woh aayegi boli thi. Main: Koi baat nahi. Isme sorry ki kya zarurat. Shradha jhuk kar mere paas aayi aur mere pant ke upar se lund ko...
Bed And BreakfastIt was the late 70s and I had a nice little job with a small publishing company. However I had to go on a course in London and would be there for a month. Hotel was out of the question and although I had expenses, I can't say they were generous.I was only around 19 but I used to read a sex magazine called Experience and that had a contact section in it. I read an advertisement from a couple who were advertising B&B with extras. Both were in their 50s, both bi and he was a...
I woke up early one morning and went downstairs to my kitchen. I wanted to fix breakfast for me and Louis, who had spent the night and had hot, passionate sex in my spacious bedroom. I had a new box of Special K cereal, which I bought from the grocery store last week, on top of the refrigerator. Being the short girl that I was, I had to get a chair from the dining room table and reached up to get the cereal. Once I got the cereal from the top of the fridge, I then moved the chair to the...
(This is only a work of fiction. The story is complete in itself; however, to relate to characters please read, "I got a lover, my son") A cold morning breeze sent a wave of shivers through my body, forcing me to open my eyes. With half opened eyes I looked at the opened windows, which I had forgotten to close last night. It was a pleasant cold November morning. I glanced at the wall clock; it was showing ten past eight. I was late today, very unusual for a person like me, as I am an early...
Keri stood, pulled up her tights, turned gave me a kiss on the lips, pressing her marvelous breasts against me, and headed for her coat. I pulled on my jeans, tucked in my slightly hard cock, and grabbed my coat. Opening the door for her, I let her out and locked it behind us. “I parked down at the foot of the steps; I’ll drive to breakfast since you have been doing all the driving this morning.” She grinned that evil grin. “Ok.” Smiling. We walked down the stairs to Keri’s Lexus. As we...
We dressed hurriedly in the same clothes we had worn to have dinner with the Waites the night before. With the exception of Laura's dress everything was strewn around the room where we had removed them to play restraint. I had only heard Laura's part of the telephone conversation. She had told the caller, Rachel, to calm down and call 911. But apparently Mollie had said not to call the emergency service. Laura had to convince Rachel that she would not get into trouble. Laura had to demand...