BecChapter 29: Saturday Breakfast free porn video

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Rebecca Louise Freeman, age 12 years and 364 days, wearing long flannel pyjamas and a dressing gown, sat on the floor of her living room. Her long brown hair was unbound and hung freely down her back.

I live inside her head. Sometimes it seems to me that all I can do is watch helplessly while she lives her life. It’s a bit like I’m a passenger on the runaway train that is Rebecca. Then there are the times when I remember that she is me.

I looked out at the room through Rebecca’s eyes. I listened through her ears as she heard a distant drumming sound. It was the sound of two little feet, attached to the ends of two little legs, pounding down the hallway. Rebecca – I mean I – sat up straighter and a warm smile spread across her face – I mean my face.

A little bundle of energy called Angie burst into the living room and headed towards the TV – obviously hoping to turn it on and watch some cartoons before anyone told her not to. She saw us and skidded to a halt.

Angie’s hair hovered around her head in a halo of static and tangled curls. She wore a long t-shirt nightie with a picture of dancing elephants in frilly pink tutus on the front. She was also wearing a pair of bright purple shoes with fluorescent pink trim and Velcro fasteners.

“Pearl, this is our little Angel,” I said in a voice little more than a whisper.

“Angie, this is Pearl. She’s a friend of Dan’s who came to visit and have breakfast with us.”

“Oh!” said Angie and looked at Pearl doubtfully.

“Hi, Angie! I love your shoes. They’re very pretty.”

“I put them on all by myself,” said Angie with obvious pride.

I held out my arms and invited Angie to sit on my lap. She did so, sitting sideways so she could watch Pearl. Angie noticed my picture which Pearl had rescued from my lap and was now holding. I wrapped my arms loosely around my little sister and hugged her.

“That’s me!” A little finger pointed at her part of my picture. “But I don’t have wings.”

“Yes you do,” I said. “But they’re hidden inside of you where nobody can see them. Only a few special people know they’re there.”

“Where inside me?”

“Right here,” and I ran my fingernails lightly up and down her back, which produced a few giggles and a bit of wriggling. I was going to say some more, but Angie had already lost interest in the picture.

I decided to do something a little bit of my brain had been thinking about all night. I hadn’t been sure I was going to do it until this instant.

“There’s someone else I want you to meet. Her name is Lucy.” I held Lucy in front of Angie with one hand. “She’s been a very special friend to me for a very long time.”

Angie had already met Lucy once before when I’d given her Lucy to play with, but I didn’t expect her to remember.

“Lucy is feeling sad because her old dress is all faded and she doesn’t have any other clothes to wear. Do you think you could find her a new dress to wear? Then maybe you would like to look after her for a little while. I think she would like that.”

Angie carefully took Lucy from me. Her fingers brushed lightly over Lucy’s face.

“She’s pretty.”

“Yes she is. Very pretty. And look, she’s already much happier because she’s got a new little girl to look after her.”

Angie smiled and hugged Lucy to her. I hugged Angie and gave her a little kiss on the cheek.

“Do you think Pearl and I could come with you to your bedroom? We’d both love to help you find a new dress for Lucy.”

“Ooh, yes. I’d love to help,” said Pearl with a big smile.

We all stood up and walked towards Angie’s room.

Mum was in the hallway heading towards her bedroom, carrying two big plastic garbage bags full of stuff. Dan was behind her with another two full bags. We did all the greetings. I was surprised to see Dan there as I thought he was still fast asleep.

When I asked Dan about it, he shrugged.

“I wish I were. After that phone call I made to Dad last night, Mum came and woke me up this morning so I could give them the full story.”

“You didn’t say good morning to me.”

“I looked in on you before, but you were drawing and Pearl let me know she was happy to stay with you, so I didn’t disturb you.”

Mum invited Pearl to stay for breakfast so Pearl explained that I’d already invited her and she was happy to accept. We explained to Mum about Lucy and finding her a new dress. Mum asked me to get Angie dressed while I was at it. Dan apologized to Pearl and explained that he had to finish helping Mum with something. He held up the bags as if to demonstrate but he didn’t say what they were doing. Pearl said that was okay and she was having fun helping Angie and me.

Mum looked at me with that little half-smile on her face and told me that she wanted to talk to me later. That half-smile was bad news. I was in trouble for something, but I wasn’t sure what. Then she walked off with her two big bags full of stuff followed by Dan with his two bags. That was a lot of stuff in bags, but I had no idea what it was.

We had to detour to the bathroom so that Angie could use the potty. Pearl sat on the edge of the tub and sat Lucy on her knee while I helped Angie. She was wearing pull-ups for the night and when I checked, they were only a tiny bit damp. I dropped them into the bucket that sat there for the used ones and helped Angie onto the toilet. Pearl’s panties that I had rinsed out and hung up in the bathroom were dry so she stayed in the bathroom to change when Angie and I were finished. I told Pearl to drop the ones of mine that she was wearing into the laundry hamper.

In Angie’s room, I asked her what she wanted to wear for the day.


“Well, shoes are a good start, but I think you should wear something else as well.”

“Uh, ah! Shoes!” Angie then wriggled out of her nightie, scrunched it up under her pillow and plopped herself down on the bed – naked but for her bright purple shoes.

“All done!”

I hunted in her sock drawer and found some nice pink socks.

“How about some pretty pink socks to go with your shoes?”

Angie eyed me suspiciously as if suspecting a trick.

“We have to take your shoes off anyway, because this shoe is supposed to be on that foot.” I was tapping her feet with my hand as I spoke to emphasize the idea that she needed to swap her shoes over. No wonder she’d sounded so noisy running up the hallway before. Her shoes were on the wrong feet.

Angie looked like she wanted to argue but eventually let me slip her shoes off and slide the socks onto her feet. She immediately jumped off the bed and put her shoes back on – checking with me that she had them the right way around.

Pearl joined us in Angie’s room just as I was laying out a selection of four different pairs of panties. Angie was refusing to choose.

“Come on Angie, which ones do you want to wear? If you don’t choose, I’ll put all four of them onto you, that would be weird wouldn’t it?”

Okay! That was a stupid thing to say. Angie decided she wanted to do that. So with a little help from me, she pulled all four pairs of panties on, one after the other. I managed it a bit so that the top ones were a purple pair that more-or-less matched the shoes. Angie giggled and went to admire herself in the mirror. It looked a bit like she was wearing panties over a diaper. I looked at Pearl and shrugged. She answered with a wry grin. Oh, well! At least Angie was a bit more dressed than she had been, even if it was unusual.

I found a pale pink undershirt and sneaking up behind her, slid it down over her head while she was still busy admiring herself in the mirror. She fussed a bit about that but not too much. I was making good progress.

I went to the closet to see what else I could get her to wear. I doubted I was going to get her shoes off again, no matter how briefly, so pants were out. I found two dresses that matched the shoes. One was a full length cream-colored dress covered with little pink and purple flowers. The other was a lilac-colored jumper dress with a bib front that would need a shirt underneath it.

I held up both for Angie to see and asked her which one she wanted to wear. She looked back and forth between the two with a serious expression on her face. Finally, she announced “Both!” with that definite tone of voice that meant no argument would be allowed.

I shrugged. It might look a bit odd, but Mum had asked me to dress her and this was getting her dressed so I wasn’t about to complain. I helped Angie into the full length flowery dress first and did up the buttons for her. Then she wriggled into the jumper dress and I did up the straps that held the bib in place. It actually worked. The jumper dress looked like an apron over the top of the other one. All the colors matched nicely too.

Pearl clapped her hands. “This little girl has style. The layered look is definitely in.”

I fetched the box full of doll’s clothes from Angie’s closet and put it on the bed.

“Now! How about you and Pearl look for a dress for Lucy, while I brush your hair?”

The next little while was a very pleasant time. Angie and Pearl had a lot of fun picking out possible dresses for Lucy. Pearl had to help with the little fasteners and seemed to be having as much fun as Angie. I stood behind Angie and listened to the chatter with a smile on my face, while I brushed her hair.

Brushing hair is such a calming thing to do. Once you’ve gotten started and got rid of all the tangles, then it’s a matter of setting up a rhythm and keep going. You’re supposed to do a hundred brush strokes, but I don’t count anymore. I keep going until it’s time to stop. One time I brushed Liz’s hair for her like that and when I stopped, she said “Exactly one hundred strokes. I was counting to see if you did it right!” That was a surprise, I hadn’t been counting. I brushed until it was time to stop.

Pearl and Angie had picked out a nice pale-green dress for Lucy, with little bits of lace around the neck and arms. She looked so pretty like that, with her new dress on. I watched Angie play with her and hug her and felt a twinge of sadness. Lucy wasn’t mine anymore. I was going to be a teenager, and teenagers are too old for dolls. I felt a bit good though, because Angie was clearly already in love with her and she would look after Lucy much better than I had been. It was nice to do something that made Angie happy. Maybe Angie would ask me to play with her and her dolls sometimes. That would be okay. Teenagers are allowed to play with their little sisters sometimes, aren’t they?

The three of us headed back to the living room. Dan was sitting on the couch reading the sports pages of the newspaper. He looked up and smiled broadly when we came into the room. Angie ran across the room and jumped – landing on his lap for a hug. After a friendly little hug, she swivelled on his lap and used the remote to turn the TV on. Then she started telling Pearl all about the cartoon that was playing. Pearl sat on the couch next to Dan and cuddled up to him while she listened carefully to Angie’s description.

I’d trailed after them into the living room, lost in my own little world. I sat down on the floor beside the coffee table. We had left my picture on it when we went to look after Angie. I picked it up and looked at it carefully. I wondered if there was anything more I needed to do to it. I wondered what had happened to that little girl in the picture with the pigtails flying in the wind and the little doll tucked under her arm. That little girl wasn’t me any more.

Mum poked her head into the living room and saw me sitting on my own, while Dan and Pearl entertained Angie.

“Rebecca Louise, come into the kitchen and sit with me.”

I gulped and followed Mum into the kitchen, my picture trailing from one hand.

Mum sat herself down in her usual chair and I took the Chair of Doom – which was my normal chair around the corner of the table from her – but right then, it felt like the Chair of Doom.

“What’s that honey?”

“It’s a picture I drew this morning. I woke up early and felt like drawing.”

“I’ll take a look at it later and we’ll talk about it then. Okay?”

She gestured to me to pass the picture to her. I did so and she hardly glanced at it before positioning it on the table in front of her. She stared straight at me and I felt like I was trapped in her unforgiving gaze.

“Your father and I were very disappointed to hear that...” Her voice trailed off because she’d looked down at the picture in front of her.

“You drew this, honey?” I nodded.

“It looks lovely! I’ll look at it properly later. Now where was I? Oh, yes!” The gaze came back. “Your father and I are sure you didn’t mean to...” She looked down again.

“Oh!” she breathed. Now she was looking at the picture carefully, taking in all the details.

“Oh, honey,” she whispered. “This is so beautiful!”

She sat looking down at the picture. I didn’t know what to do, didn’t know what to say, so I sat and watched her. After a moment, she seemed to remember what she was doing and took a deep breath. She looked up at me, the iron lady once more in control.

“We’re sure you didn’t mean to...”

I sat there and watched in amazement as tears trickled silently down her cheeks and dissolved her iron face. She looked down at the picture, then up at me. Her face had an expression on it that I don’t think I’d seen before. It was soft and raw and ... I don’t know how to describe it. Maybe one day I’ll draw it and get someone to tell me what they see.

“Is this really what you see?” Her voice was quiet, almost pleading.

I nodded again, blinking back my own tears. I don’t know why I felt like crying. It was, as if seeing Mum cry meant that I had to cry with her.

There was the sudden scrape of a pushed-back chair. A quick rush around the table, and I was wrapped up and squeezed tightly in a motherly hug. Or maybe it wasn’t so motherly – usually motherly hugs involve her trying to soothe me because I’m upset, or her telling me that she loved me, or ... so, maybe it was a motherly hug.

Breathing was starting to become a real concern for me. I was released as suddenly as I’d been grabbed. Mum stepped back and picked the picture up from the table. She held it before her like it was some long-lost masterpiece by one of those famous European painters.

“Peter would like to see this. Can I show it to him, honey?”

I nodded, not really trusting myself to speak. Seeing Mum so moved had touched off some strange, unknown emotions deep inside me.

Mum headed for the door, then stopped and turned back to face me, her cheeks still glistening with tears.

“Just don’t do it again, okay honey?” and she was gone.

I sat in my place and blinked in confusion as I tried to work out what had just happened. I knew I was in trouble but I wasn’t sure what for. It left me feeling guilty without actually knowing what I’d done wrong.

Okay, I knew I’d done things wrong. My mind immediately started making a list. Top of my list was punching that quarterback on the nose – I shouldn’t have done that. I shouldn’t have made out with Lance on the bus. I shouldn’t have gone back into that house at the party. I shouldn’t have kept quiet about Tara going to that party in the first place. I shouldn’t have stayed in the dressing room and peeked at the boys getting changed. I shouldn’t have run around all evening without any underwear. I shouldn’t have hit Dan the way I did. I shouldn’t have snuck into Dan’s bedroom in the middle of the night. I definitely shouldn’t have hid in my parents’ room last night and watched them ... The list of things I shouldn’t have done was way too long.

I wondered which of them had disappointed Mum and Dad when they found out about it. I wondered which of them I had promised not to do again. I sighed quietly to myself. Sometimes being Bec Freeman is too confusing for words.

I dropped into an armchair with a big sigh. Dan looked over at me and nodded. Pearl looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

“Sometimes Mum is weird,” I said.

Pearl didn’t know Mum well enough to understand what that could mean. Dan thought he understood, but I think he was assuming I’d just sat through one of Mum’s lectures. I wouldn’t mind betting he knew it was going to happen too. Maybe I should ask him what it was I’d done wrong. I looked at him sitting there with Pearl cuddled up next to him and Angie curled up on his lap and decided I would wait until later.

“Did she like your picture?” Pearl wanted to know.

“Yes! I think so. But that only made her weirder.”

“Do you mean the picture you were drawing this morning?” asked Dan. “I’d love to see it.”

I shrugged. “Mum has it. She’s showing it to Dad.”

I sighed quietly to myself. “I’m going to get dressed. Breakfast will probably be about half an hour or so.”

I picked out some clothes to wear – some loose jeans, a t-shirt and a loose jersey – and I locked myself in the bathroom for a quick shower.

I was sitting at my dresser, brushing my hair, when there was a knock on my door. It was Dad. He stood in the doorway and looked at me.

“I love your picture, Bec. It’s really sweet.”

“Thanks Dad.” I smiled at him and looked down at my brush.

“It really touched your mother too. It’s a very special drawing.”

I looked up to thank him again, but he was gone.

“Thanks Dad,” I whispered to the empty doorway.

Angie was on her own in the living room, glued to the TV where animated shapes leapt around and sang silly songs. Dan and Pearl had disappeared. I guess they must have gone back to Dan’s room.

In the kitchen, I saw that Mum had taken out some ready-to-cook sausages and we had a stock of eggs. I felt inspired to bake some bran muffins. Checking the time, it would only delay breakfast by a few minutes if I started straight away.

Tara and I often make bran muffins on Saturday morning – especially in the colder months. They’re quick and fun to make and they taste really good, especially if you throw in some cinnamon and a dash of vanilla essence. (I just looked at the bottle and remembered that it’s called vanilla extract over here – Mum taught me to cook and she always calls it vanilla essence). It didn’t take too long to get the mixture together and grease up the muffin tray. Mum arrived in the kitchen as I was sliding the raw muffins into the oven. I set the timer for 20 minutes and started cleaning up my mess and setting the table.

In the meantime, Mum was getting the sausages under the griller and getting the eggs all broken open and beaten ready to scramble. Mom wasn’t very talkative. I figured that wasn’t a good sign for a nice relaxed breakfast. She was winding herself up to rip into Tara for going to that party. I only hoped she didn’t go over the top and embarrass us in front of Pearl.

When it was time, I started toasting slices of bread and Mum got the scrambled eggs going. Then she left me in charge of the cooking while she went in to wake up Tara. By now the smell of grilled sausages and baking muffins had summoned Dad into the kitchen. It’s like a magic spell. You cook something like muffins and the family magically appears. Some of them show up faster than others. It wasn’t until I took the tray of muffins out of the oven and set them to cool that Dan and Pearl appeared. Mum came back into the kitchen and stirred the eggs a couple of times.

Tara came into the kitchen, looking half-asleep, with a blanket wrapped around her.

“Where’s my clothes?”

“All the clothes you need are in your closet,” said Mum, with a no-nonsense no-arguments sort of voice. “Go and get dressed for breakfast. We’re all sitting here waiting for you.”

Tara blinked a couple of times, then turned and trailed back out of the kitchen.

“Go with her, Bec, and help her get sorted. She’s obviously still half asleep.” Mum was talking to me with that light, casual tone that suggested that if I didn’t do exactly what she said, I’d be eating nothing but bread and water for a week.

Naturally, I went after Tara. No arguments from me.

In Tara’s room, I helpfully went to her closet and opened it only to discover that it was completely empty. Well, almost completely empty. There was a single hanger, from which dangled the very brief skirt and top Tara had been wearing last night. I opened up all of the drawers, one after another to find them all totally empty except for a single pair of skimpy panties. They weren’t like a g-string or anything – but they were fairly brief.

I held up the panties, skirt and top for Tara. “I think Mum is trying to suggest that you wear these.”

At least now I knew what had been in those big garbage bags Mum and Dan had been carrying around the house earlier.

She looked at the outfit with a mixture of horror and worry. “I can’t go to breakfast wearing that stuff!”

I shrugged. “I don’t think you have much choice. Mum won’t let you have breakfast wearing a blanket, and Dad won’t let you have breakfast in your nightie.”

I pulled the blanket off her and discovered she was naked underneath the blanket. “What happened to your nightie?”

“I don’t know! I figured I must have gone to sleep naked.” Tara still wasn’t properly awake.

“You didn’t! I helped you into a nightie last night. Mom must have stripped it off you at the same time she emptied out your closet. It amazes me what you will sleep through. Well, I guess you really have no choice now. Come on, step into these.”

I helped her step into the panties and let her pull them up while I lined up the skirt.

“Can’t I borrow something from you? A long skirt? Sweatpants? Anything?” she pleaded.

“Like that’s going to happen. Mum’s obviously decided you’re wearing this. If I lend you anything, I’ll probably end up with no clothes too. Now step into the skirt.”

We quickly had the skirt positioned and stretched out to be as long as it could – which wasn’t very long – it’s a VERY short skirt. Tara was just tugging the top into place when Mum appeared at the door.

“What’s taking you two so long? Everyone is waiting and the food is getting cold. Bec, get back into the kitchen. Come on, Tara! MOVE IT!!”

I scampered out of the room. As I did, I heard Tara complaining to Mum.

“Do I have to wear this?”

“What’s wrong with it? Apparently it was okay to wear to a party – why wouldn’t it be suitable to wear to breakfast?”

I don’t think Tara made any reply to that. I mean, what could you say?

For once Mum hadn’t been exaggerating. Everyone else was sitting around the table, waiting for us. I slid into my seat and took a moment to notice that Angie had brought in her little doll’s highchair and sat Lucy in it. The other side of the table was quite crowded with Angie, Lucy, Pearl and Dan.

My side of the table would be Tara and me. That was unfortunate because I would be right in the firing line between Mum and Tara. My chances of getting through breakfast without getting slammed were virtually zero. I was going to be ... what’s that word they use on TV when they talk about people getting hurt during a war? Is it cholera damage or something? (I looked it up – it’s collateral damage. I was going to be collateral damage!) I wondered if maybe I could squeeze myself over onto the other side of the table next to Angie and Lucy. Perhaps not!

Mum pushed Tara into the room and sat down in her usual chair. Tara stood for a moment – uncertain and embarrassed. She had one arm across her chest and the other across her stomach in a futile attempt to cover up at least some of her bare skin. Dad scowled at Tara as she slunk her way around the table and into her seat next to me.

“Can someone tell me why my eldest daughter is coming to breakfast dressed like a ... a ... dressed like that?”

“It’s quite simple, dear,” put in Mum with her deadly half-smile pasted onto her face. “Tara has decided that the clothes we allow her to have are far too boring. Apparently, she would much rather wear something like this!”

One time in English class, Mrs Stone was explaining sarcasm. I understood the idea immediately. After all, if there was an event in the Olympics for sarcasm, then Mum would win the gold medal.

Mum passed the plates of sausages and egg around. She’d poached an egg for Pearl because Pearl is lactose intolerant and Mom figured she couldn’t have scrambled eggs with the milk in it. I had to ask if she could have a bran muffin because it was made with milk but Pearl assured me that she was usually fine with baked things like cakes.

When the plate of muffins came around I took one for myself and popped one onto Tara’s plate as well. I was used to dishing up breakfast for Tara because normally she was still mostly asleep at this time of the day. Today she was fully awake, but she had her head down as if she was trying to disappear into a hole in the floor.

I was hoping the little exchange between Mum and Dad when Tara came in was over and we could relax and enjoy our breakfast but apparently Dad wasn’t finished.

“Did anyone explain to Tara that her outfit was downright inappropriate?” said Dad.

“Don’t be silly, dear,” said Mum in a light and breezy tone. “I’m sure that if we were to ask her, Tara would tell us to stop living in the last century and that everyone is wearing things like that these days.”

My stomach was getting all tight and knotted up. To anyone else, it would’ve sounded like Mum and Dad were simply chatting. All the tension was hidden under the surface. It was like the conversation was a calm lake but under the water was this huge monster with waving tentacles – waiting to drag you down and bite you with its razor-sharp teeth. I hated it!

I sat there trying to do my own version of stony face.

“Really? Everyone? I’m surprised. I was at a football game last night amongst a whole lot of people. I’m sure I would’ve noticed if everyone were dressed like that. Even the cheerleaders were wearing more than she is.”

“Peter Henry Freeman,” said Mum with a stern look on her face. “What were you doing looking at the cheerleaders? Am I not pretty enough for you anymore?”

Dad spluttered for a moment, then realized that Mum was teasing him. He sat up a bit straighter and spoke with quiet dignity. “It was a game of American Football. You’re expected to look at the cheerleaders at such an event. That’s why they’re there. They lead the cheers. How else would anybody know when they were supposed to cheer?”

“And I suppose it didn’t hurt that they are all healthy young women and were wearing very short skirts?” asked Mum with a grin – this time a genuine grin.

“It didn’t hurt at all!” They shared a look – one of those looks that people share where they tell each other important stuff with their eyes.

Fortunately, that was the end of the Mum-and-Dad show for a while. The rest of us had been silent spectators during all of that – which of course is what we were supposed to be. The main target of the conversation had spent the entire time staring down at the table with her hair falling down like a curtain to hide her face.

Mum diverted the conversation to the football game and asked Dan about his touchdown. She then involved Pearl and Dad and me as well as Dan in a discussion of the game. Slowly the tight feeling in my stomach went away. Well it went away enough for me to eat a bit anyway.

Mum asked me questions about the football game and somehow I found my voice so that I could answer her. I had to tell the story of helping the Wide Receiver who’d broken his arm and then the fake touchdown I was involved with during half time. I was a bit relieved that nobody mentioned me giving lucky kisses. I had no doubt that Mum would hear about it – if she hadn’t done so already – but I didn’t want to talk about it over breakfast.

Nobody spoke to Tara and the only time she was mentioned was one time when Mum said, “I’m sure if we were to ask her, that Tara would say she’s sorry she missed such an exciting night. I know I’m sorry I missed it.”

Dad asked what everyone was planning on doing for the rest of the day. Dan had to work and he was going to take Pearl back to her apartment first. Mum said she had some shopping to do. I explained that I was going over to Liz’s place after lunch and then we were going to the mall to watch the new Pixar animation movie at the multiplex. After that we would get a lift back home with Dan when he finished work.

Mum told us that Tara had volunteered to strip all the beds and wash the sheets. I suspect that was the first time Tara knew anything about that. Mum then told us that once that was done Tara would be doing the vacuuming and then helping Mum tidy up the house ready for the family party tomorrow. Dad had to mow the lawns and wash the living room windows – outside and in. I think he was hoping to finish in time to sit down and watch some sports on TV but I didn’t like his chances of getting to do that without interruptions.

I’d noticed that Mum was doing a lot of talking for Tara. I wondered if Mum had told her she wasn’t allowed to speak, or if Mum was just being ... well, Mum!

Same as Bec
Chapter 29: Saturday Breakfast Videos

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Saturday Night Escapades 1

Finally, before getting into the story, a brief description of myself: I’m barely 5’8”; roughly 125 pounds; not overly skinny, but probably thinner than average; 36C-28-34; areola just short of two inches wide with nipples that stick out almost 3/4 of an inch when hard; pussy hair neatly trimmed to a thin light brown strip about two inches long above my slit, everything else shaved clean on a regular basis; light brown hair that goes a couple inches below my shoulders when I let it down,...

4 years ago
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You Are a Meany Chapter 28 The Saturday Morning Bike Club Rides Again

There were no real changes in Luke or Lori's life until the spring of their junior year. Luke was thriving in California. Good grades, good friends, and good weather helped Luke to live the good life. Luke's grades were as high as the waves he loved to ride. His being in the top 20 of his class was going to get him into Stanford. The Harvard of the West Coast was his dream school. The university had one of the best, if not the best, computer engineering programs in the world. Luke's...

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Saturday Night

It was here. Saturday night, and all Sandra could do was think about going dancing. She'd go dancing almost every single Friday and Saturday night with here two best friends Lisa and Stacey. Saturday nights at the club were the best. That's when the best looking guys showed up with lots of money. Sandra admitted she was a bit money hungry. She was only 19 going to college and living with her uptight parents. She'd mostly only go out with older guys who drove fast cars and had a fat wallet....

1 year ago
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Saturday Night

It was here. Saturday night, and all Sandra could do was think about going dancing. She'd go dancing almost every single Friday and Saturday night with here two best friends Lisa and Stacey. Saturday nights at the club were the best. That's when the best looking guys showed up with a lot of money. Sandra admitted she was a bit money hungry. She was only 19 going to college and living with her uptight parents. She'd mostly only go out with older guys who drove fast cars and had a fat wallet. You...

2 years ago
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Football Saturdaywith Anna Missy

I met Missy when we were paired up to study my nursing class and we immediately became friends. On Fridays some of the class would meet up for happy hour and she brought along her room mate Anna. They are both beautiful, dark haired girls with perfect athletic bodies that I envied, as I am more on the thin side. We would always have fun as we got to know each but when my boyfriend and his friends would arrive they would leave soon after. I was telling Missy one afternoon that a couple of BF's...

4 years ago
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What a Saturdaynight 07Sept2010

wow, what a night began with a chat on older turkish(56yo) man had seen my pics on xhamster and was interested in me.after a while he told me to dress extreme slutty, include collar and leach, take the train to bonn, go to the mens restrooms and leach me in an open stall.i did as told, waited nervously about an hour, then he appeared, to me by the leach, led me to his car and told to get in the trunk.after a ride about twenty minutes, tha car stopped and he lead me to...

3 years ago
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the saturday slave

I started coming to the restaurant because of the lighting, more than the food. I was living alone, after the divorce, and it was less trouble to go out to a neighborhood place most evenings than to shop and cook and clean up for one. Over a month or two I tried everything close to the apartment, some known for their food and others for their bar scene or their unique features, but after a while I realized that what made them comfortable for me was toned down lighting, not too dark for reading...

3 years ago
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A Saturday Morning Fantasy

The internet and Google makes it easier for there to be ‘unexpected connections’.“Hey T,” the email read, “Are you going to the APA convention in Denver?  Love to see you there.” The American Psychological Association annual meeting was held there in 2016, the time frame of this story.The email  was signed ‘Russ’, and my Russ memories came flooding back. Russ was an associate professor when I was in grad school. We had a short, intense, erotic fling.  That was a dozen years ago, and his email...

Wife Lovers
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Sams Saturday Night

“No, you go without me, Kim! Have a great time.” “Yeah I know, but I can’t go tonight; not in this state.” “I’ll be fine by tomorrow, really; Monday latest. I’m really sorry.” “Nah, don’t worry. I’ll be ok. See you soon. Bye!” I touched the screen of my phone to end the call and slumped sulkily down on the sofa. It was ten o’clock on Saturday night and I was home alone; not something I was used to and definitely not something I liked. As a twenty-year-old single girl and a student at the local...

First Time
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Wednesday to Saturday

Wednesday In the garden of the house we share there is a small bower of trees which encloses a seat. When she needs to think it is to that seat that she goes; for the quiet and the lack of diversion. I am not allowed there unless she takes me with her. It is her space. I sat in the room overlooking the garden and watched as she walked to her seat in the late evening sun. She is tall, lithe and graceful. Her dark hair is thick and shines in the sunlight. I watched as she turned and smoothed...

1 year ago
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Working Saturday

I don’t relish the idea of working on a Saturday, though I often find myself doing so. I shouldn’t be so quick to complain though. This particular Saturday was an exception. I had gotten to my office about 10:30 a.m., thinking I would work about three or four hours, get a few letters written and maybe catch up on some reading. I was dressed in shorts and a polo shirt, my weekend summer uniform. I hadn’t bothered shaving, though I took a long shower to wake myself up and to try and motivate...

4 years ago
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 03

It was Saturday. My favorite day of the week. I was thankful that I didn't have to go to class or work on Saturdays. That meant a lot more free time and a lot more time for fun. And no other day of the week allowed me to spend more time with my amazing girlfriend, Becca. Becca used to be a cheerleader for Rasington University, but her horniness and refusal to abide by school policies got her kicked off the squad. She refused to return her cheerleader uniform and was subsequently expelled....

Group Sex
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 03

It was Saturday. My favorite day of the week. I was thankful that I didn't have to go to class or work on Saturdays. That meant a lot more free time and a lot more time for fun. And no other day of the week allowed me to spend more time with my amazing girlfriend, Becca.Becca used to be a cheerleader for Rasington University, but her horniness and refusal to abide by school policies got her kicked off the squad. She refused to return her cheerleader uniform and was subsequently expelled....

2 years ago
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BecChapter 3 Sunday Breakfast

My mother is evil! I mean, really evil. Don’t get me wrong. I love her and all that, and a lot of the time she’s really nice. But when she gets it into her head to give someone a hard time, you do not want to be that someone. This time it was my brother Dan who was in her sights and she was locked, loaded and ready to fire. I guess until I’m older and have had a few hangovers myself, I won’t really understand how evil Mum was that Sunday morning, but I had a pretty good idea when it was...

3 years ago
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Guests for Breakfast

Guests for Breakfast Guests for BreakfastBy roiboi The early morning sun cast a warm glow through the blinds on the patio. The air was still sweet and cool in the corner where I knelt at the patio table. Per Mistress?s instructions, I rested my head on the table and concealed my body underneath the table. It was an awkward position to maintain with my hands handcuffed behind me, but I did my best to spread my knees and support my weight with my chin. I heard Mistress and her two guests...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 40 The Breakfast

"And what sort of persons do you expect to breakfast?" said Beauchamp. "A gentleman, and a diplomatist." "Then we shall have to wait two hours for the gentleman, and three for the diplomatist. I shall come back to dessert; keep me some strawberries, coffee, and cigars. I shall take a cutlet on my way to the Chamber." "Do not do anything of the sort; for were the gentleman a Montmorency, and the diplomatist a Metternich, we will breakfast at eleven; in the meantime, follow Debray's...

2 years ago
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 02

Weekdays were the definition of dull, boring, and uneventful. There were classes, there was homework, there was having to stay sober, and there was very little free time. However, as dull and tedious as those weekdays were, they also made my Saturdays even better. Especially since I got to spend all of my Saturdays with my amazing girlfriend, Becca. Becca was a cheerleader at Rasington University, and she was very good at what she did. She always looked sexy in her skimpy blue and gold...

College Sex
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 02

Weekdays were the definition of dull, boring, and uneventful. There were classes, there was homework, there was having to stay sober, and there was very little free time. However, as dull and tedious as those weekdays were, they also made my Saturdays even better. Especially since I got to spend all of my Saturdays with my amazing girlfriend, Becca.Becca was a cheerleader at Rasington University, and she was very good at what she did. She always looked sexy in her skimpy blue and gold...

2 years ago
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A Saturday Morning Surprise Part 2

About two days later, my stepdaughter handed me something. When I looked, I saw that it was a pair of panties and a smile spread across my face. I looked at her and she said, “Laura sent them to you.” I put them in a pocket and told Jessica, “Tell her thanks and ask her when we can get together again.” Jessica smiled and replied, “Oh, I know when you guys can get back together. Laura is going to be here again Saturday morning. She is going to be here right after mom goes to work.” My smile...

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Saturday Morning Solution

SATURDAY MORNING SOLUTIONThe Keyhole Adventures continue… A couple weeks had passed since Mom and I almost did the deed. It was hard to concentrate on school work wondering if and when we would explore one another next. I thought and thought and realized Mom was thinking she may have “missed out” on some things marrying young at the height of the Great Depression and me coming along after the big war. Dad was also 10 years older than Mom and might have been losing interest in sex and the...

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Squirted on her Friday Squirted on my on Saturday

I want share a story about the horniest weekend of my life involving 2 different women. I had started seeing this girl recently and it wasn't too serious as we had only been out once or twice on a date. I had early in the week to meet her on Saturday night and I was hoping I could finally get her into bed to have sex with her. She was very sexy, black bobbed hair, slim and nice tits or so they looked. I couldn't wait but was very nervous on how our date would go. There was a work night out...

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Mave My date last Saturday

I put up part 1 of this story before but instead of posting part 2, I took down part 1 and I am posting the whole thing together. That is how I meant for it to be. I drank a little too much that night. This is all true except for the names...If you only want to read the sexy part, skip ahead to the end of part 2.Part 1It had been awhile since I have had a companion or a lover. Ever since I broke up with my last boyfriend and my last lady lover met someone else I have been pretty lonely. As a...

4 years ago
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The Saturday Surprise

The Saturday Surprise Belladonna "You think you know me better than I know you?" Amber Eason asked, as she stared down at Tate Carpenter. Tate looked at the girl he had worked with for three years and said, "I know that I know you better." "Would you care to make a wager on that?" "I think I would," Tate replied, smiling at the girl he had found attractive from the moment she had been hired. Although Tate was not her boss, Amber did perform secretarial tasks for him...

2 years ago
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Sex on a Saturday

Aaaahhhh! Alas another Saturday. A day of leisure. I don’t have to worry about traffic jams that make me late for work or what my boss, ‘fat ass’ Katie will have to say about it. No customers asking me for absurd requests like a red wedding cake with purple icing or mango chutney when mangos aren’t in season. Just the normality and me. Following my afternoon nap I slip on my soft pink silk robe over my nakedness, walking over to the window I see that now, contrary to this morning that it’s...

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Saturday Night at the Wallflowers Ball

July was coming to a close in the summer of 1956, and I had been hard at work from sunrise to sundown. I was now an experienced caddy over at Shennecossett Golf Club and on the A list of escorts for the Saturday dances at the Griswold Hotel. A list escorts had an open invitation to work at every Saturday dance. It paid $10.00 for the evening, and involved dancing and talking with the female guests at the Hotel. The escorts referred to the Saturday dances as the Wallflowers Ball. Popular wisdom...

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Louise the following Saturday

We left the hotel around 9PM and drove her home. I dropped her off about a block from her house. She was a little cock hound too! After all the time we spent in that hotel room fucking and sucking, she played with my cock all the way home. When she got out of the car she gave it a squeeze and told me she'll see my next Saturday, if not sooner. She kissed me and walked up the street. All that week I couldn't get the picture of her tight young body bouncing up and down on my cock crying out as...

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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Part 2

Weekdays were the definition of dull, boring, and uneventful. There were classes, there was homework, there was having to stay sober, and there was very little free time. However, as dull and tedious as those weekdays were, they also made my Saturdays even better. Especially since I got to spend all of my Saturdays with my amazing girlfriend, Becca. Becca was a cheerleader at Rasington University, and she was very good at what she did. She always looked sexy in her skimpy blue and gold...

2 years ago
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 04

It was Saturday. However, this wasn't just an ordinary Saturday. It was my twenty-second birthday. As it turned out, my girlfriend, Becca, had something big planned for me early that morning. I was sleeping in my bed when she woke me up at just past midnight. As I opened my eyes, I immediately noticed that something was different. Everything was black. I reached for my face and felt it. Becca had wrapped a blindfold around my eyes, blocking my vision entirely. I heard her giggle as I...

Group Sex
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 04

It was Saturday. However, this wasn't just an ordinary Saturday. It was my 22nd birthday. As it turned out, my girlfriend, Becca, had something big planned for me early that morning. I was sleeping in my bed when she woke me up at just past Midnight. As I opened my eyes, I immediately noticed that something was different. Everything was black. I reached for my face and felt it. Becca had wrapped a blindfold around my eyes, blocking my vision entirely. I heard her giggle as I struggled...

1 year ago
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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Part 3

It was Saturday. My favorite day of the week. I was thankful that I didn't have to go to class or work on Saturdays. That meant a lot more free time and a lot more time for fun. And no other day of the week allowed me to spend more time with my amazing girlfriend, Becca. Becca used to be a cheerleader for Rasington University, but her horniness and refusal to abide by school policies got her kicked off the squad. She refused to return her cheerleader uniform and was subsequently expelled....

2 years ago
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A Night in the Gynarch HotelChapter 13 Breakfast

It was morning. It had been a close decision, whether to take breakfast in their room or whether to enjoy the Gynarch's Breakfast Room. In the end the chance to see and be seen had won out over the idea of being waited on in their suite. They put on their New Opportunity uniforms, short black kilts and tight, white, roll-neck sweaters. Somehow it only seemed right – the Breakfast Room of the Gynarch was where New Order had been founded, so as well as offering what they were sure would be an...

1 year ago
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Saturday in the Park

Meghan O’Roarke led two very different lives. Every Sunday, she attended mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral with her parents and two brothers. Afterward, they would all go to Toasties on E. 51st Street for breakfast. She enjoyed this weekly ritual and her role as a loving daughter and sister.During the week, Meg worked as an executive administrative assistant to an accounting firm's head and was looked upon as a valuable asset to the firm. Her conservative manner of dress and how she conducted...

3 years ago
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Saturday Night Special

It was a Thursday night and I was at the old Boothill Speedway just west of Shreveport, Louisiana. Thursday night is when the owner starts preparing the track. He also lets racers get in a few laps of practice if they needed them. Well, I needed them badly. I had been wrecked the Saturday night before and had to rebuild the whole ass end of my car during the week. I thought I had it right but there is only one-way to tell for sure. I race dirt late models on one of the strangest and sometimes...

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Meeting A Long Lost Friend and a Couple New Ones Saturday Turns Dark

This is a continuation of Chapter 1 – Meeting A Long Lost Friend and a Couple New Ones (The Bright Side), which if read first will give the background and set up for this chapter. Although not entirely necessary it will help one understand why some of the things happen as they do. Main Characters Ha Na (JC’s wife) – 5’4” 130 lbs, olive colored skin, below shoulder length straight black hair, brown eyes, 34C breasts with small areolas, brown nipples and nearly hairless pussy. (Mid 60s) JC...

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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 10

“Hi, sweetie,” Becca said, as I opened the front door and stepped into the house. “How did your day go?” “Pretty good,” I replied, as I set two large brown bags down on the floor. “Work was uneventful for the most part, and, for my line of work, uneventful is always a good thing.” “Good to hear,” she replied. “That means I can make your day even better.” At that moment, Becca walked over to me. She wrapped her hands around my neck, pushed her tongue into my mouth, and began...

3 years ago
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Saturday Night Escapades 4

It ended up being two weeks before Jess and I hooked up again. A family emergency came up that I had to deal with for a weekend, which totally killed our traditional Saturday night. I broke the news to Jess as soon as I had found out about it, which was late Thursday. Obviously, both of us were disappointed, but there was really nothing to do about it. On the plus side, the following week was a three-day weekend, so we’d have plenty of time to make up for it! None-the-less, I had a lot of...

2 years ago
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Sexxx on a Saturday

Following my afternoon nap I slip on my soft pink silk robe over my nakedness, walking over to the window I see that now, contrary to this morning that it’s raining lightly. Mmmmm, rain can be so sexy. I felt like a little music so I turn on my Sade Love Deluxe cd and dance with myself until I dance right over to my fully stocked bar making myself a Cosmo. I don’t know why I opted for alcohol knowing that the shit goes straight to my pussy but I did…and I poured myself another. Leaving...

2 years ago
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Sex on a Saturday

Following my afternoon nap I slip on my soft pink silk robe over my nakedness, walking over to the window I see that now, contrary to this morning that it’s raining lightly. Mmmmm, rain can be so sexy. I felt like a little music so I turn on my Sade Love Deluxe cd and dance with myself until I dance right over to my fully stocked bar making myself a Cosmo. I don’t know why I opted for alcohol knowing that the shit goes straight to my pussy but I did…and I poured myself another. Leaving...

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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 10

It was 10 P.M. on a warm Friday evening when I returned to the house that Becca and I shared.“Hi, sweetie,” Becca said, as I opened the front door and stepped into the house. “How did your day go?”“Pretty good,” I replied, as I set two large brown bags down on the floor. “Work was uneventful for the most part, and, for my line of work, uneventful is always a good thing.”“Good to hear,” she replied. “That means I can make your day even better.”At that moment, Becca walked over to me. She wrapped...

College Sex
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Saturday Morning Surprise Part 3

It was a couple of weeks before Laura was able to come over. When she called last Friday and asked what I was doing Saturday morning, I was so ready to see her again. Laura called and asked, “What are you doing tomorrow morning?” I laughed and said, “I hope I’m going to be fucking you.” “That’s good, because that is what you are going to be doing,” Laura said with a wicked laugh. Then Laura said, “I’m coming over as soon as I can. I have to work tomorrow afternoon.” I told her, “I can’t...

4 years ago
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Saturday Night Fever

PART 1I was sitting on the edge of the bed watching Lisa dressing for our date night. We planned on going out to eat at a nice restaurant then going to the club for some dancing and drinks. I watched as Lisa went into our walk in closet and came out with a black leather mini skirt. Ooooh, I was beginning to enjoy this. She wrapped it around her waist and fastened it at the top. Nothing else kept it. She had not put on any underwear, which whenever we went out dancing she never wore any panties...

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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 10

It was 10 P.M. on a warm Friday evening when I returned to the house that Becca and I shared. “Hi, sweetie,” Becca said, as I opened the front door and stepped into the house. “How did your day go?” “Pretty good,” I replied, as I set two large brown bags down on the floor. “Work was uneventful for the most part, and, for my line of work, uneventful is always a good thing.” “Good to hear,” she replied. “That means I can make your day even better.” At that moment, Becca walked over to me. She...

2 years ago
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Freaky Saturday

I am not an environmentalist nut, but I needed a semi-plausible means of magically switching Harry and Tammy. A Shaman from the Amazon Rain Forrest seemed as good of an excuse as any. Plus, it does make my story at least a little socially conscious. I hope you enjoy it. ******************************** Freaky Saturday By Carol Collins Harry opened another beer and sat down to watch a Saturday morning ball game on television. The thirty-five year old, six foot two,...

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Saturday Night At Magees

For those who've been kind enough to ask, anther story of Simon's bar. This story may be posted to any free site. Saturday Night at Magees by Ellie Dauber copyright 1999 It was a busy night at Magees. Saturday is always a busy night for a bar. People want to be with other people. They can relax because they don't have to go to work the next day. For some, it's the chance to be with friends. Others are doing the preliminaries of meeing and mating. A few just like to...

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Saturday Night

SATURDAY NIGHT by Throne Usually the weekend is the hardest for me. Just the fact that I'm home more creates added opportunities for my wife Gina to entertain herself at my expense. She loves making me wear girly items. Sometimes her stallion of a lover, Tony, gets into the action. Worst of all, they've begun including others in my torment. Last Saturday evening was the most upsetting experience so far. I got home after doing overtime every day from Monday to Friday. ...

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Business Matters Saturday

Business Matters... Saturday“Typical fucking kid”, snorted Bobby. The snort was more of a grunt as a result of his nearness to spurting his cum into a newly stolen pair of customers' panties.In back of his shop he had found the undies caught up in a bath towel and when he sniffed them, besides the heady aroma of pussy juice his nose was assailed by the stench of days-old male cum. Desperately he singled out an area of the fabric that smelled more strongly of pussy, then pulled out his cock and...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Saturday Morning Teen Capture

The moment I saw her, I knew I had to have her. At least I had to try, because can you never count on opportunity. You can only hope the stars and circumstances alignIt was early Saturday when I trudged into the post office after series of last minute errands. All I needed was to drop off a few pre-stamped envelopes and pick a few books of stamps. The second I got in line I spotted her. When you're a pervert like me, you can almost sense blindfolded when a potential victim is in the vicinity.At...

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Saturday stay

Saturday StayW8BNMSWD? Saturday StayI needed to go for my annual insurance check-up and needed a new GP, because of the retirement of my old one. My secretary suggested a doctor who was her next-door neighbor. I had little time to look around for one and told her to make an appointment. When I showed up the following Thursday, I was escorted into the examine room after the usual wait. I was surprised when a beautiful woman in a lab coat entered the room and introduced herself as Doctor...

1 year ago
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Carlys Story Chpt 5 Saturday Is A Work Night Too

CARLY'S STORY Chpt. 5 SATURDAY IS A WORK NIGHT TOO Saturday I awoke to the instant awareness that something much too big was lodged in my rectum. I had stomach cramps and pain and realized that I was trying my hardest to relieve myself, right in my bed, but that my asshole was firmly blocked. I began writhing and moaning loudly, and after a few minutes Raven appeared. "Got to go poop Carly?" she inquired, and I nodded vigorously with tears in my eyes. "Well, sorry lil cunny face,...

2 years ago
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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 21 Saturday Mischa

Editor’s Note: The next page is another extract from the journal of Mischa Doeple, dated Saturday, December 4th. It’s Saturday. I can tell because I turned back the pages and what I wrote yesterday was dated Friday so it must be Saturday. So this morning I got woken up by a nurse rubbing my shoulder. When she saw I was awake she stopped rubbing and smiled at me. She was sitting on the side of my bed. She said, “You’ve slept in a bit and missed breakfast time but we saved breakfast for...

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Unforgettable Erotic Week With Massuer Part 3 Cumseal Breakfast

Hi guys this continuation of d story to enjoy full experience please  read the previous parts Introduction Hi, guys and girls. My name is Shahid. I basically from Bangalore recently completed my graduation in health and wellness with specialized in massages which is a science and art. I have learned the art to relax any girl/women and to give her ultimate pleasure. Any girl/women who want to get satisfaction along with massage can contact me. I also have special massages for brides and...

4 years ago
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After the WarChapter 14 Breakfast

Next morning Lady Johnson awoke feeling disoriented, then it all came flooding back to her, the dinner, the orgasms, the cries of pain from the next bedroom. 'It sounded as though the Countess was having a very hard time with General von Buelow last night, ' she thought, remembering that the Countess's dress had been torn off her even before the pair reached the top of the stairs. She slipped out of bed and stood naked looking round the room. 'No shortage of fuel here, ' she thought...

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