Wednesday To Saturday free porn video

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In the garden of the house we share there is a small bower of trees which encloses a seat. When she needs to think it is to that seat that she goes; for the quiet and the lack of diversion. I am not allowed there unless she takes me with her. It is her space.

I sat in the room overlooking the garden and watched as she walked to her seat in the late evening sun. She is tall, lithe and graceful. Her dark hair is thick and shines in the sunlight. I watched as she turned and smoothed her long, diaphanous skirt under her as she sat. She crossed her legs slowly and the dress parted so I could see her dancer’s thigh. Her face spoke of sadness and disappointment and it tore at my heart because I was the source of that.

I had come home from work that Wednesday evening to find the house empty. She was often home later than I so I was not concerned but put my things away, showered and changed into a dress she liked me to wear in the evenings. I was naked beneath it. I went to the kitchen and prepared the supper, pouring a glass of red wine for myself but leaving her white in the ‘fridge.

I heard her key in the front door and got that little surge of excitement I always felt when she came home. Perhaps it was always a slight surprise to my deep consciousness that she cared for me enough always to come back to me. Her heels clicked on the wooden floor as she proceeded down the hallway, I could follow her movements by the sounds. First to the coat hook to shed the long, black coat she wore over her suit, then the clatter of her large handbag and briefcase as they were placed none too carefully on the ottoman in the corner of the hall, a brief hesitation as she checks her hair in the mirror before coming into the kitchen. All of this was so familiar.

‘Hi, Linda.’ She moved with her natural grace across the room to kiss me warmly but not passionately on the mouth. I tried to sustain the kiss but she was not having that. She sat and I poured her wine and placed it in front of her and she thanked me. We exchanged small details of our day – hers in the tall building that housed her PR firm and mine in the dull library beside the canal. I sensed something was not as it should be but could not put my finger on it.

After a while Sylvia said she was going to shower and change and she left me to finish preparing the meal of pasta with rosemary and tomato sauce, some bacon and chicken pieces and garlic bread. The room was warm with the scent of it and I felt hungry despite the light lunch I’d had.

When she returned the meal was ready and she wore the beautiful, long dress that I adored. It was loose around her gorgeous breasts, tight at the waist and full to the floor, slit up the side to mid-thigh. Her nipples were naked beneath the fabric, dark and large – her trimmed triangle of hair was a shadow between her legs; like me she was naked under the silk. Sylvia had been a professional dancer and that grace and suppleness had never left her. I served, poured more wine and sat facing her.

‘Did you go out to lunch today?’

I said that I had and that I had gone out with one of the girls at work for a panini. ‘Did you see Maria?’

Maria was our friend and neighbor who worked in an office close to my own. I had not seen her.

‘Did you see Hilary?’

I looked up at her and saw for the first time a certain steel in her eyes. Hilary was a friend I had known since school days. She loathed Sylvia and, more importantly, the life that Sylvia and I shared, not because she was opposed to lesbian relationships but because she knew I was Sylvia’s submissive and that I obeyed her and what Hilary considered to be oppressive control. I don’t normally tell people about my nature because few understand but I’d hoped Hilary would. She didn’t.

One of the rules I follow is that I ask Sylvia if I may meet people, not people at work but others. If I meet people by chance she expects me to tell her when she gets home. Hilary was persona non grata, mainly because at a party a year before she had publicly scolded Sylvia for treating me like shit. I had strongly denied that that was so but Hilary kept at it like a dog with a bone until the hostess had intervened and taken her aside.

The problem was that I had seen Hilary that day. Her mother was ill and I was very fond of her. She’d called and said she wanted to bring me up to date because her mother didn’t have long to go and Hilary wanted me to see her. I knew Sylvia would not allow it but I felt I owed it to Hilary’s mother. It was not the first time. It was the sixth.

This is the only regard in which I have ever hidden anything from Sylvia and I had wrestled with the thought often. I had rationalized it by thinking I was not being disloyal to Sylvia but loyal to Hilary’s mother. Had I asked her permission she’d have had to either allow it and hate it or disallow it and hate that too. I had protected her from that. I know, it sounds like bollocks but I was torn.

‘Did you see Hilary?’

My eyes must have admitted it before I did.

‘You had lunch with her, not a girl from work, didn’t you?’

I nodded.

‘Was this the first time?’

Now I had to make a decision. I could lie and hope she didn’t know or would not recognise the lie or tell the truth and face the consequences. Of all the things I had ever done wrong in pour relationship this was the worst, despite any self-justification I might have had. Sylvia is not a cruel woman. She hates punishing me but we both know that there are times when it is necessary. Rarely are her punishments severe. She knows that to have failed her is as bad for me as it is for her but this was different. This was defiance and lying.

I shook my head.


So I did. As I spoke I talked faster and faster, gabbling the explanation and hearing its hollowness as I did so. I couldn’t look at her; I didn’t want to see the hurt in her eyes. The trouble was that one lie always led to another and the deceit deepened. Silently she placed her cutlery down beside her plate of pasta, half-finished and I heard her leave the kitchen, her bare feet silent on the tiled floor. Any hunger I had felt was gone; replaced by a painful ache in the depth of me. Her silence was like a blow to me. I went and curled into the chair overlooking the garden and watched her.

Sylvia sat motionless in that seat. Eventually I went out into the garden myself and sat on the path that led to the bower. I hugged my knees to my chest and felt tears running down my cheeks.

‘Come with me.’

She walked past me without waiting and I stood and followed her, dreading the next few minutes, perhaps hours or days. She went straight to our sitting room and sat in her chair; a deep armchair covered in a dark brocade. I went to sit but she said I was to stand and I felt like a naughty schoolgirl.

‘Don’t speak, just listen. I hate punishing you, it always feel like I have failed but I only have three of alternatives. I can either forgive you, throw you out or I can punish you and keep you. I have decided already that I cannot simply forgive you. You have hurt me too much for that. I ought to throw you out but I am reluctant to do that simply because I love you. If I decide to punish you it will be on the understanding that if you ever disappoint me like this again I will definitely throw you out, no matter how much it hurts me. Now, go and sleep in the spare room – I will decide and I’ll let you know what I have decided in the morning.’

I knew better than to speak. Tears ran again as I walked to the spare room. I barely slept that night. I curled myself into a foetal position, naked under the sheets and felt cold and alone.


In the morning I showered and dressed for work, went down to the kitchen not knowing if I should take her tea as normal or wait. The decision was taken from me when she appeared in the doorway, she was wearing a long, black silk nightdress and looked utterly gorgeous although I thought her eyes looked a little puffy as I knew mine were.

‘Get the diary.’

I went to the hall and got our diary from its drawer and carried it back to the kitchen where she was now sitting at the table.

‘Now, write this in Saturday’s page. “For disappointing and hurting my Mistress I will be punished today if by the end of Thursday I have written her a letter in which I make a solemn promise never, ever to repeat this cruel deception. My letter will say that I accept whatever punishment or punishments she may choose. If, and only if I mean this with all my heart I can stay, if not I will pack my things and leave.” Until I have received your letter I will not speak to you again. Write it, then go to work.’

She stood, looked at me long and hard and left the room. I wrote it.

I wrote the letter in my lunch break. I re-wrote it in the afternoon and again when I got home early and before she got home. It was a heartfelt and genuine apology, declaration of love, expression of remorse and a plea not to expel me. I didn’t try to explain or excuse myself because I knew that would make her wild. I left it in an envelope addressed to her on the ottoman in the hall where I knew she would see it.

I sat on the floor in the corner of the sitting room and waited. It seemed like an age before the sounds of her homecoming reached my ears. I stayed where I was and hoped against hope that I had done the right thing. I heard the heels and the clatter of the bags then the heels clicked into her study and I waited in silence.

‘Stand up, Linda.’

I stood, eyes lowered, heart pounding.

‘You will be punished. Now, make dinner.’

She came to me then and held me close, my face buried in her hair. I whispered a thank you and she patted my back and kissed my ear. I felt the warmth of her, smelled the scent of her. When we finally separated there were tears in her eyes that made them spring form mine too.

‘I am so sorry.’

‘I know. Your letter saved us. Feed us now.’

I had some meals frozen and got one out, tossed a salad and boiled some small potatoes and laid it all out and called to her that it was ready.

She came back from her study and joined me at the table, her wine glass waiting for her. She ate slowly and we said little.

‘You haven’t changed,’ she said. She had shed her customary business suit at some point and was wearing a dress in pale yellow silk – she always wore silk at home.

‘Why Saturday?’

She lifted an eyebrow and hesitated. ‘Because I need my anger to dissipate.’

‘May I sleep with you tonight?’

‘Yes. Now, don’t talk of this again until Saturday. I need to decide how I shall punish you. I would normally discuss that with you but not this time. Now, clear away then go into the sitting room and stand in the corner facing the wall. Pull your knickers down to your knees.’

When I got to the siting room she was watching the television news. She did not speak to. I stood obediently and feeling utterly humiliated and knew that this was a punishment she had used before. In fact she quite liked me like this and sometimes did it simply for her own pleasure. I knew Saturday would be much, much worse.

The television shut down and her feet padded across the thick carpet. Her hand came up between my legs and she stroked me. I felt her close to my ear and she whispered.

‘Do you need to pee?’ I nodded. ‘Stay here for 30 minutes then come to bed.’

I stood there. The need to pee had not been crucial but now she had drawn attention to it I could think of nothing else. 30 minutes later I almost ran to the toilet, knickers still round my knees and sank onto the seat with relief.

She was asleep when I got into bed, showered and in my nightdress. She loved nightdresses and insisted on them.


In the morning she woke me before the normal time and pushed me down between her legs where I licked and sucked and fingered her until she came with a soft groan of pleasure.

Over tea and toast she told me to be naked when she got home, then got herself dressed for work. She kissed me goodbye before I had had time to dress and she licked my mouth lasciviously.

‘You taste of me. I like that.’

I cannot say I felt happy but I felt less unhappy. I knew I was going to suffer but I also knew I still had her and she wanted me. I went to work.

I was, of course, naked when she got home. I waited until the door had shut behind her then went to the hall to meet her. She smiled that wonderful smile and kissed my mouth, hard.

‘Go into the sitting room and bend over the back of the sofa.’

I did as she said and waited then looked in the wall mirror over the fireplace as she came in. Her strapon was poking out from under the raised hem of her suit’s skirt. She came to stand behind me and slithered her finger between my lips. She loves her strappy. She loves that it rubs her to orgasm more often than it brings me to one. Satisfied I was wet enough, she slipped it into me, her hands and nails raking my back gently and moving around to the sides of my breasts. She began to move slowly in and out, rocking behind me. Her movements became faster, more urgent and I knew she was getting close. I pushed back against her and then she pushed deep into me and stayed there as a growl of pleasure came from her. The dildo slipped out of me and I thought she was leaving but then I felt her mouth on me and her tongue lashed at me until I came for the first time since the morning of that awful Wednesday and my heart soared as I slumped, exhausted.

She curled herself over my back and her mouth was at my ear again.

‘I love you.’


As usual on a Saturday I took her breakfast in bed although I knew this was no normal Saturday. I sat at the end of the bed and watched her eating her toast and sipping her coffee and orange juice. There was sadness in her eyes and I knew why. She finished and I took the tray away then came back to her and sat again at the foot of the bed. I was in my long, red, silk nightdress with a robe on over it.

Sylvia curled a finger at me and I moved to sit beside her. Her arms went around me and we kissed, long and warm. I held her tight, not wanting the moment to end but I knew she was steeling herself.

‘If you were me, how would you punish yourself?’

‘Please don’t do this, Miss. Please just do what you feel necessary.’

‘Answer me.’

‘I just don’t know, I really don’t.’ I was pleading with her eyes for her to get it over with.

‘OK. I have decided on three elements. You deceived me six times, one element for every two deceits.’ Her eyes and voice had grown hard. ‘I am going to hurt you, physically and emotionally and humiliate you, just as you have me. It will last most of today but when it is over it is over. You understand?’

‘Yes, Miss, thank you.’

‘You will go now and sit in the bath until I tell you get out. You will take your robe off but not your nightdress, you will not put water in the bath and you will just sit there no matter what you need, you will NOT move. You will speak only when spoken to. If you speak I will put something in your mouth to shut you up. Understood?’ I nodded.

I got off the bed and took off my robe, hanging it on the back of the door.

Sitting in the bath was boring to begin with. Sylvia came into the bathroom and showered but took no notice of me. I looked into her eyes but saw nothing. That hurt.

I did not expect her to leave me there long but I was mistaken. I had no watch or clock and time dragged. I could hear the radio on downstairs but it was just noise. Then the worst thing that could happen happened. I needed to pee. This was, I know, predictable, but I had not even thought of it. Sylvia knew how much this would humiliate me and I realised this was her plan. I was almost sobbing after a while, then I really was sobbing, hand pressed to me, thighs clamped together but it was as inevitable as it was horrible. There is a point at which it becomes impossible to prevent it and she had said I might not move. I squirmed but there was no point. In the end I simply had to let go and cry with humiliation. The initial warmth turned to cold. I felt wretched.

She came into the bathroom and looked at me, studied me, a look of pain in her eyes. She was wearing a plain, grey dress; knee length and high necked. Her shoes were flat and black as was the scarf tied loosely round her neck.

‘Follow me.’

I started to say something but her look stilled me. I followed her downstairs where she led me to the kitchen. She pointed to a chair which she had placed in the middle of the tiled floor.

‘Bend over that and stay there. Do not look anywhere but at that wall.’

‘Yes, Miss.’ As the words left my mouth I regretted them but she seemed not to notice. She left the room and I waited, and waited, and waited again. I could not see the wall clock or the clock on the oven. My nightdress was dry by now but I felt dirty and tears ran over my cheeks.

It was after what seemed a very long time that I heard the doorbell and then two sets of footsteps. One stopped in the hall the other came into the kitchen. Sylvia walked to stand in front of me and took my face gently in her hands, then took the scarf from her neck and tied it around my eyes.

‘You can come in now.’ Heels clicked on the tiled floor. To my astonishment Sylvia held my face close to her, my chin on her shoulder.

‘It is nearly over, my love.’

I felt a hand on my bottom, then felt the whisper of the nightdress being lifted up and over my buttocks. The hand caressed me for a few minutes and Sylvia whispered quiet words into my ear.

‘We will share this. We will do this together. It is our moment.’

A searing sting slashed across my arse and I bucked but was held by Sylvia. A swish as the cane moved through the air then the sting and my cry of pain was buried in Sylvia’s hair. The third, fourth and fifth followed in quick succession and I cried huge tears and yet, somehow, felt that the pain and the intimacy of her holding me was good, was, as she had said, ours. I could not help wondering who was wielding the cane.

There was a brief hiatus.

Sylvia’s hands caressed my face. She kissed my mouth and, as she did so the sixth stroke burned the flesh of my arse. As my mouth opened to scream her tongue entered me and swallowed the moan that tried to escape. I was held like that for what seemed like hours but could only have been moments.

A voice I vaguely recognised spoke. ‘You said six.’

‘Yes, thank you. You have seen us like this together. It is between us?’

‘Of course, Sylvia. Don’t regret it – it was necessary. Sometimes it is.’

‘Yes, I know. Thank you.’

The heels clicked away, across the kitchen floor, down the hall and I heard the door open, then shut. The silence was complete. Sylvia helped me to stand and held me close. I could feel wet on her cheek and when she undid the scarf around my eyes I was surprised to see the tears came from her eyes not mine.

I whispered, ‘Who was it?’

‘It was my sister, Julia. Who else could I trust?’

She held me tightly to her and kissed my eyes and licked my tears as I licked hers. We kissed and hugged.

‘Go and shower and get dressed. It is over.’

I stepped back from her and looked into her deep, sad eyes.

‘Thank you, Sylvia.’

The cane was on the table and I watched her pick it up and look at it.

‘Wait. Show me your arse.’

I turned and lifted my nightdress and felt her hand trace the stripes her sister had made.

‘They are beautiful.’

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WednesdaysChapter 19 Wednesday Sheldon

When Rudy talked to me on the Mall, I was a little surprised. He'd actually paid attention when I told him I was thinking of quitting and had taken action on it. I had always taken Rudy pretty much the way he appeared - one of those guys who talks about how hard he works, and sort of plugs through the days not really accomplishing much. I guess I was mistaken, because he not only paid attention to me and my problem, but gave me a real alternative to quitting. When we had finished our lunch...

4 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 25 Wednesday Jenny

It's really been wonderful since I started sleeping with Dana and Ed. Wonderful. The sex is great, of course. I get lots of it from both of them, and I can give back all I want. It's not a continual orgy. But I can be sexy whenever I want; I can grope someone anytime, and I never know when I'm going to get rubbed or hugged or felt up. It's sort of like being on the edge of something loving and sexy all the time. And if I don't feel like it, I can just refuse. The most unusual part is,...

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Sexxx on a Saturday

Following my afternoon nap I slip on my soft pink silk robe over my nakedness, walking over to the window I see that now, contrary to this morning that it’s raining lightly. Mmmmm, rain can be so sexy. I felt like a little music so I turn on my Sade Love Deluxe cd and dance with myself until I dance right over to my fully stocked bar making myself a Cosmo. I don’t know why I opted for alcohol knowing that the shit goes straight to my pussy but I did…and I poured myself another. Leaving...

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Sex on a Saturday

Following my afternoon nap I slip on my soft pink silk robe over my nakedness, walking over to the window I see that now, contrary to this morning that it’s raining lightly. Mmmmm, rain can be so sexy. I felt like a little music so I turn on my Sade Love Deluxe cd and dance with myself until I dance right over to my fully stocked bar making myself a Cosmo. I don’t know why I opted for alcohol knowing that the shit goes straight to my pussy but I did…and I poured myself another. Leaving...

3 years ago
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Freaky Saturday

I am not an environmentalist nut, but I needed a semi-plausible means of magically switching Harry and Tammy. A Shaman from the Amazon Rain Forrest seemed as good of an excuse as any. Plus, it does make my story at least a little socially conscious. I hope you enjoy it. ******************************** Freaky Saturday By Carol Collins Harry opened another beer and sat down to watch a Saturday morning ball game on television. The thirty-five year old, six foot two,...

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Business Matters Saturday

Business Matters... Saturday“Typical fucking kid”, snorted Bobby. The snort was more of a grunt as a result of his nearness to spurting his cum into a newly stolen pair of customers' panties.In back of his shop he had found the undies caught up in a bath towel and when he sniffed them, besides the heady aroma of pussy juice his nose was assailed by the stench of days-old male cum. Desperately he singled out an area of the fabric that smelled more strongly of pussy, then pulled out his cock and...

Straight Sex
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WednesdaysChapter 27 Lunch

Walking down the Mall at noon, Toni saw Sylvia sitting on a bench, studying her hands in her lap. Toni sat down beside her. "Hi. Had lunch?" Sylvia started. "Oh, Hi. No — but, where's Ned? You usually eat together." "Well, this is his day to eat school food and schmooze with the teachers, keep up with the gossip. Why don't we get a sandwich?" When they returned with bags from Falafel King, they settled on the shady bench. Toni opened the conversation along with her...

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WednesdaysChapter 38 Wednesday

Rudy sat in the booth, feeling the warmth of Sylvia's thigh and shoulder next to him. He looked down. She wore a dress that laced up the front, but now gaped enough to show the firm slopes of her breasts. When he tore his eyes away, they noticed Dana's t-shirt, her nipples punching forth. Jennie sat nearby, her man's shirt frankly unbuttoned most of the way down, showing nothing. Rudy felt Melanie's hand on his thigh and looked into her eyes. She smiled. "Isn't it great?' she said....

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Monday Tuesday Saturday

‘Dear God, if only it was like that for me!’ Lorna lay back on the divan, her fingers in her vagina, desperately trying to give her self relief. She had been reading a story on an erotic web site and had masturbated three times already, and still she was in a sexual frenzy. The computer still glowered malevolently in the corner of the room as if it knew the emotional storm it created in her – a storm that no amount of masturbation seemed to relieve. Lorna gave a howl of anguish as yet...

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Boring saturday

What started out as a very boring Saturday turned out to be a Saturday to remember and I would have much to remember it too. We were awaken by 1 of our 2 kids at 7 am that he was hungry so Kris , my wife, rolled over my morning wood gave me a smile & a grind and proceeded to the kitchen. After the kids were fed Kris said "How about a shower and I can take care of that" pointing at my boner. I let her get in first then after a few minutes I stepped in only to find out she had already started....

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Football Saturday

Football Saturday. Oh joy. I love college football but I don’t enjoy Football Saturday when it is my hubby’s turn to host his gang. He generally contains the mayhem to his man-cave but when the action gets heated, the only thing that seems to cool off him and his buddies is more beer. They are actually a really good group of guys, my hubby was a jock in college and despite the years, most of his friends now were his teammates and fraternity brothers then; they are all loyal fans, in good years...

3 years ago
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Darkroom Saturday

Steve's alarm went off at 7:00 on Saturday. It was unusual for him to get up earlier than 9:00 on the weekend, but he had signed up to teach English to immigrants at the library once a month and today was his first day. He rolled out of bed, checked his email. Nothing yet. A shower and breakfast and he was on the road. Thirty minutes later and he was helping a group of three elderly Indian ladies learn the days of the week in English. "Sunday," they repeated after him, "Monday, Tuesday,...

3 years ago
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Baby Sitting Saturday

I heard the phone ring while I was hanging laundry on the line outside. Normally I'd have answered it quickly as to not wake Mother. Today was Saturday and she likes to sleep in. "I've got it," she yelled to me out her bedroom window. I was hanging intimates, between the sheets as to not display them for the entire world to see. Mother and I wear quite a bit and it takes about two rows across the clothes line just for panties, bras, slips, and camis that we'd worn for the week. Mother...

3 years ago
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AlmostChapter 4 Saturday

She woke the next morning refreshed and ready to face her two Saturday Advanced Placement classes. The wonderful thing about the Saturday AP's was that they were elective--the students in them had chosen to be there. The 9am algebra class was her personal favorite largely because it covered many of the concepts that had drawn her to mathematics in the first place. Saturday classes were much less formal. No uniforms, and when the weather was nice enough, they often held class on the lawn....

2 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 32 Operation Saturday

Saturday was to be a big day. All week, I had been organising it like a military campaign. And the objectives of Operation Saturday were twofold: (a) to clear up Albert's house, and (b) to get me laid as much as possible. The former task had been outstanding for over a fortnight now. At first I had procrastinated because it looked like such hard, dirty work; then the increasingly dramatic effects of FUCK had given me other things to worry about. But now, I was looking forward to the job I...

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En France A Tale of Two Saturdays

“What are you doing dressed?”  My tone conveyed a sense of surprise. Painted with eyeliner, eye shadow, and scarlet lips, Anne-Pierre flounced through the lounge.  That hair, more wild than usual, it bounced with her stride.  The hem of her short dress swayed to reveal too much thigh – again.“Come, we are going to the cinema.”“The cinema?” She gave me that look, covetous and full of want, ”Oui.” “That cinema?  Now?” I huffed, “Anne-Pierre, come on…” It explained her appearance. “Oui!” ...

2 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 3 Another Wednesday

Toni went on vacation for a couple of weeks and came back with pictures that passed around the table. "Where is this, Toni?' Dana asked, looking up from the photograph. "That's Cabo San Lucas. Down at the end of Baja California. I go there often. There's not too many people and you get to see a lot of gray whales - they seem to hang out in the Gulf there.' "You speak Spanish?' Dana asked. "Yeah, some. Enough to get by when it comes to food and that stuff. Not to talk to the...

2 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 21 Wednesday Melanie

I looked down at Sylvia, next to me. She was wearing one of those peasant blouses that lets you show a lot of shoulder and chest. "Do they always card you?" I asked. "Only the ones who don't know me. I've gotten in the habit of just handing them my license before they ask. They can't help that I look like a kid." Ned sat next to her, peered discreetly into her cleavage. He said, "Sylvia, nobody in his right mind would confuse you with a teenager. You just don't look the...

4 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 23 Client Relations

"Listen, Sheldon," Sylvia said, "I've got a problem." They were at Sylvia's office, going over plans for the new building. She went to the door and closed it. "What's up?" Sheldon asked. "You remember what I said the day we met? I don't date clients?" "Yes. And I was kind of surprised — pleasantly — that you changed your mind. You're pretty decisive." "Yeah. Well, I've made another decision. It's over and I shouldn't have broken my rule." Sheldon was surprised. "What...

4 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 33 Wednesday Ed

Dana and I got there first that night. She'd come home a little early, put on a t-shirt and shorts, and we walked down Maple to Tom's. I love the way t-shirts cling to her breasts, and I love to watch them move as she walks. Anyway, we sat in the booth with our first beers and played footsie, my toes running up her thigh to where her shorts covered her bush. Her foot was busy, too. Then Ned and Toni showed up. "Hi, you two," Toni called, starting to slide into the bench next to...

2 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 34 Barbecue

"I'm glad they're coming, Ned, ' Toni said. "I don't know why we haven't gotten together before." "She said it Wednesday — we never asked. Here they are." Ed's car pulled into the driveway. Ed got out, wearing a pareo tied low on his hips. Dana's was tied above her breasts. Toni looked at Ned. "I think we figured it right." When Dana came into the house, she said, "Where did you get that skirt?" Toni posed and replied, "McGuckin's Hardware. It's two chamois window...

4 years ago
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Another Billy Saturday

And so it is another Saturday. A day of rest, of relaxation and my friends are pursuing their interests in many places. Tom went golfing. Pete is on the boat for another weekend and Jim, my neighbor across the street is tending to his lawn. That's him down there now endlessly grooming that broad green tract that spells…Well I don't know what it spells to Jim. To me it is just a lot of hot sweaty work and I have other interests today, special ones. To be sure though my interests produce...

3 years ago
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Just Another Saturday

Just another Saturday So there it was – just another Saturday. Life had settled into just a lot of typicals and this weekend was shaping up to be another one of those. I had worked all week and I just wanted to relax for the most part on the weekend and get ready for the next week. I had gotten up early for a weekend. Got the dog fed, kind of picked up a few things around the house and straightened things up, did a couple of small things that needed to be done that I had put off for a...

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A Wasted Saturday

“A wasted Saturday”, Melissa thought to herself as she turned into her driveway. Not like she really expected anyone to show up to her open house. How was she expected to sell an overpriced, rundown house, in a nigger-infested area no less, during the biggest snowstorm of the year? A complete waste of time. Thank god she was finally home. Unfortunately, her misfortune was not over. Halfway up the driveway, the van caught on the thick, newly fallen snow. The wheels spun violently, spraying dirty...

4 years ago
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Darkroom Saturday

Steve’s alarm went off at 7:00 on Saturday. It was unusual for him to get up earlier than 9:00 on the weekend, but he had signed up to teach English to immigrants at the library once a month and today was his first day. He rolled out of bed, checked his email. Nothing yet. A shower and breakfast and he was on the road. Thirty minutes later and he was helping a group of three elderly Indian ladies learn the days of the week in English. ‘Sunday,’ they repeated after him, ‘Monday, Tuesday,...

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The long weekend continuesSaturday

It was Saturday, and with the previous days events still fresh in my mind, I approached the villa of Mistress Bea and Mistress Sara. I had been instructed to return today, because the very first Saturday of the month the ladies held parties at their villa, and I was to help them out with the festivities planned for the forth coming night , and what with Fridays events being captured on film, I wasn´t in a position to argue. I was met by Mistress Bea, who I must admit was looking amazingly sexy...

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My Fantasy part 2 Saturday

My Fantasy part 2 Saturday Waking up Saturday morning after a fun Friday night, my boyfriend next to me, I still really want his handsome friend to myself. Once all up and in the kitchen while making breakfast and chatting, my pussy was soon wet as I kept thinking about Kegans thick cock and handsome body. Breakfast soon finished and in the heat of mid morning, the boys grabbed themselves a few cold beers, I grabbed myself a water and the 3 of us made our way to the pool. Steven and Kegan after...

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James return on Saturday

James' return on Saturday. Saturday morning waking up, I was rather anxious to see James again after a good previous nights visit. My pussy was wet from the moment I woke up and I decided the only way to relax was gonna be to jump into a hot bath. It was just after 8 as I was running the bath for myself when James called. He was already at work and planning his day as he also asked me if we still on for this afternoon. " I cant wait to have you on my bed again, as I woke up extremely wet and...

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It Started on a Saturday

I woke to the sound of my alarm clock, blaring all the way on the other side of the room, signaling it was time for me to start my day. If it were closer, I would have took the batteries out of that hellish device and slept through the morning but, as I put it in the corner ever since I moved into the apartment to get me out of bed and ready for work, I didn't have the luxury of a few more peaceful hours of sleep.I sat up in my king sized bed with a stretch and a yawn, blinking away the last...

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At Jims house on Saturday

Ana had been making her Wednesday routine at Jim’s house during three long months. She did not talk too much with me about this; but I knew she was enjoying being well fucked by his huge black cock.One Wednesday when she came home I asked her how she had spent a good time and she just responded me by sticking my hand between her legs so I could feel how wet and cum filled she was. The best part was eating her before she would take a shower.She finally admitted she was having a very good time...

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Some Iraqi guys this saturday

I was at a birthday party this saturday and ended up pretty drunk after a great evening and later on in the night I took the late train back home. The train was rather empty with people, strangely because normally on a saturday night it´s stuffed so a few stations from where I live I was alone. The train stopped and in came 3 guys in their 30´s from the middle east. Rather stocky, big and rough looking guys that sat down close to me and noticed that they had been drinking as well because they...

2 years ago
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A Strange Saturday

At the Burger Joint, we served breakfast also, it was on a Saturday morning that I was to report for work at the ten o'clock hour. Once I arrived I noticed the regular elderly men finishing up there breakfast, most of them had been entertained by me one time or another, either privately or in groups. As I approached the counter, Joy the manager, told me '...sorry David, I scheduled to many people for today, I'll have to ask you to leave and report next Saturday. Crest felled I turned to leave...

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Learning about jacking off Part Eleven Saturday

Saturday morning. I was ready for a bit of a rest from my adventures, but now I was worried about being home all day when my parents would be home too. I couldn't be absolutely, 100% sure the slut in the red dress had been the woman who was making my breakfast right now. The voice and the hair seemed so close that it HAD to be her. I had been surprised t just how much I enjoyed fucking the masked woman thinking it WAS her.I moved down the steps inspired by the smell of bacon and eggs. I...

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Surprising Saturday

Surprising Saturday:Like almost every Saturday, I sit and relax in front of the TV, watching Battlebots. After a vigorous two-hour work out, I'm usually pretty wiped out. Mara, my girlfriend and soul mate, usually comes home about halfway through the show. Today, the show is almost over when I hear her key enter the lock. She enters our two-bedroom apartment removing her shoes and heading towards the living room. She seems very chipper and has a huge smile on her face."How was your day?" I...

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Annes Saturday

It was a bright sunny Saturday morning. Arthur had let his wife Anne sleep in, as he usually does on the weekend. He made breakfast and took it to her.Another weekend tradition began, "I keep telling you, Arthur. It's too much. I can't eat all of this."Arthur had prepared cereal topped with fruit. Two eggs with four rashes of bacon. Three toast, fruit juice, and coffee.Arthur sat next to Anne and helped Anne with her breakfast, as usual. Something else that always happened. Anne ate very...


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