Darkroom Tuesday
- 4 years ago
- 33
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‘Dear God, if only it was like that for me!’
Lorna lay back on the divan, her fingers in her vagina, desperately trying to give her self relief. She had been reading a story on an erotic web site and had masturbated three times already, and still she was in a sexual frenzy.
The computer still glowered malevolently in the corner of the room as if it knew the emotional storm it created in her – a storm that no amount of masturbation seemed to relieve.
Lorna gave a howl of anguish as yet another orgasm shook her and passing over its peak she began to calm a little. She was crying and the cause of her weeping was the absence of the one thing she wanted so dearly, a man.
This might seem strange since she had a husband. It may sound even stranger when I tell you that the husband, Clifford, copulated three times a week with Lorna. In most long established marriages, and Lorna’s and Clifford’s was now in its twentieth year, three times a week might be deemed sufficient. In Lorna’s case, however, it was not the number of times but the manner in which the union was engaged in.
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday were the established nights for copulating. Week after week, year after year, the routine was the same. Then again, it was not only the sheer boredom of the regularity, but the way in which it was done.
Lorna had married Clifford when she was nineteen. Clifford was twenty two and the darling of the local chapel. Her parents perceived him to be a moral, upright boy and as a young accountant, a secure catch for their daughter. ‘Who knows,’ they said, ‘one day he might be an elder of the chapel and perhaps even a lay preacher.’
Being made so much of by the chapel members Lorna had been flattered when Clifford cast his eyes upon her.
She had been a chapel girl from birth and under the persuasion of its hell fire and damnation preaching, had, unlike many of her contemporaries, retained her virginity in tact. Not that she realised she was ‘intact’ since, having been carefully sheltered from what were referred to as ‘The sins of the flesh,’ she had no idea how babies were born. Perhaps that is hardly fair because she did have a suspicion it had something to do with kissing a man.
Thus, when she got married, and Clifford started to ‘muck around’ with her, she was horrified.
Clifford had the advantage of some knowledge because the minister had given him a booklet entitled, ‘The First Night.’ It was full of a great deal of misinformation about human sexuality and where it did get down to the nub of the matter it resorted to obscure words. Clifford, however, was not to be beaten, and by dint of much dictionary searching, finally got the general idea. The problem was he did not share his hard won insights with Lorna – at least, not on the first night.
Thus the first night became a nightmare for both of them. Lorna ended up torn and bleeding, and Clifford kneeling beside the bed praying for further enlightenment.
After this distressing and painful night Lorna, no fool for all her innocence, sought advice, but not from her parents or the minister. She worked in an office, and it was to the office manager, a likeable and worldly wise lady that Lorna took her problem.
Half an hour with this lady and Lorna had more knowledge about male-female relations than she had gained in all her other nineteen years.
Knowledge is all very well, but it serves little purpose if it is not put into practice. Lorna, being a generous girl, shared her new insights with Clifford. It was his turn to be horrified.
‘We shall do no such things,’ he said haughtily. Of course, his little book had not mentioned these aspects of, as he thought of it, ‘intimate relations,’ and if it wasn’t in the book then it must be sinful, after all, wasn’t it published by their own religious denomination?
To cut to the heart of the matter, a sexual regime was established, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. It amounted to Lorna parting her legs three times a week and Clifford ejaculating into her. Lorna’s preparedness for Clifford’s penetration was apparently of no consequence since her soft lips were not kissed, her delectable breasts were not fondled and her neat pink nipples remained unsuckled. Above all, no finger or tongue was ever inserted into her vagina and her clitoris remained unexplored.
To put the matter crudely, Lorna might just as well have been a hole in a beetroot.
The union, no doubt with a great deal of difficulty, did produce one child, a boy. It came as no surprise to Lorna in the sense that by the time she was announced to be pregnant she had advanced beyond the point of thinking that babies came by kissing. Clifford was also not surprised because his little book had implied that a woman was made pregnant through carnal contact.
Years plodded by and Lorna accepted that what she and Clifford did in bed was all there was to it. Then came that great curse and blessing to humanity, the computer.
Clifford had purchased one in order to enhance his accountancy work and in due course was ill-advised enough to go on to the net. Lorna was not supposed to touch this devilish machine, but since Clifford had forbidden her to continue working not long after they got married, Lorna had the place to herself during the day.
Now this crafty woman began to teach herself to use the machine and finally penetrated the mysteries of the Net. Searching around one day she chanced upon an erotic site. Reading the material she was at first horrified, then fascinated and finally captivated.
‘Do people really do those things,’ she asked herself. She searched out more serious sites and discovered that indeed they did do such things. Finally the computer had Lorna in its power. Following its dictates she began to explore herself and almost for the first time experienced powerful sexual arousal. This gave her a problem and one that loomed ever larger, what was she to do with all this sexual energy that was overtaking her?
She tried tentatively to suggest a few things to Clifford, but he recoiled with horror, ‘A lay preacher could and never would do such things, they are of the Devil and I don’t know where you got such ideas from, but I shall pray for you.’
In her new found knowledge of sexual relationships Lorna had grown a trifle bolder and more independent. She knew that what she needed was not prayer but, if once more I may put it crudely, ‘A damned good fucking with lots of trimmings.’
Clifford had always insisted on Lorna dressing with extreme modesty. Nothing above mid-calf was ever seen, her dress necklines were what they were said to be, ‘Neckline.’ Even bare arms were out of the question, for after all, ‘What would they think at the chapel?’
Lorna, however, partially exercising her newly acquired feeling of independence, and unbeknown to Clifford, began to purchase sexy and revealing clothing. This was well hidden away from Cliffordian eyes, to be worn during the day and in his absence.
Now what Lorna’s modest clothing had hidden was a figure of considerable allure. In addition her very pretty face was denied its full splendour by a very severe hair style and the absence of all makeup.
Perhaps Clifford had been unknowingly wise in respect to her remaining well concealed. Had the full effulgence of her beauty been made manifest in the chapel, then hell fire or not, male erections there would have been aplenty.
With her day time garb Lorna now flittered round the house. One thing leading to another and with the urging of the Devil’s Machine, the computer, Lorna came to understand that she might have something going for her. The trouble was what to do with it? It seemed a pity to her that it should always be hidden away in the confines of the house and hastily hidden prior to Clifford’s arrival home.
The turning point came when Lorna got her first appreciative viewer. Her son Joshua chanced to arrive home unexp
ectedly early one day. Lorna was still in her sexy attire.
Joshua, aged nineteen, still attended chapel, but only for the sake of keeping the peace in the household. Outside chapel and household he joined his fellow students in much sexual congress, an activity the knowledge of which he withheld from his parents.
On sighting his mother in her flimsy apparel he momentarily stood astounded. Lorna was equally astounded, or should I say shocked. She awaited some rebuke from Joshua along the lines, ‘To think that a mother of mine…’ etc.
Having recovered slightly from the sexy vision before him Joshua gasped, ‘My God, mother, you look se…fantastic, you’d better not let dad see you like that, he’ll have a fit.’
Lorna, in female fashion, feeling thrilled at her son’s praise of her appearance asked, ‘Do you really think I look nice?’
‘Nice…nice,’ exploded Joshua looking at his mother’s swelling breasts and long nipples pressing against the transparent material, not to mention the wedge of pubic hair that could be clearly seen, ‘You look blo…absolutely marvellous. I’ve never noticed you had such a se…great figure.’
‘How lovely of you to say so, darling, cooed Lorna.’ She had a lovely voice and so cooed very sweetly.
Joshua laughed and said, ‘I’d better not introduce you to any of my friends, they’ll all be after you.’
‘Don’t be silly, darling, of course they wouldn’t,’ said Lorna, but hoping that what Joshua had said was true.
Joshua laughed again and said, ‘I might take you up on that some time.’
‘Stop it Joshua,’ simpered Lorna, ‘whatever would your father say hearing you talk like that?’
‘Much the same as he’d say if he caught you dressed like that,’ chuckled Joshua.
‘You won’t tell him will you,’ Lorna pleaded.
His father was not Joshua’s favourite person, especially because of the oppressive way in which he treated Lorna. He therefore assured Lorna that her secret was safe with him.
That seemed the end of the matter, at least for the time being.
The weeks passed and nothing further was said, but neither Joshua nor Lorna forgot Joshua’s statement about how his fellow students would go after Lorna if they saw her.
During the day time Lorna continued to look at erotic web sites and masturbate, but now, instead of abstract fantasies when she orgasmed, visions of lusty young students hungering for her began to emerge.
The edge of chapel ‘virtue’ still held sway over her to the extent that she told herself that there was no danger that she would ever actually meet the objects of her fantasies.
Despite the chapel warnings about lascivious thoughts and the consequent hell fires, she hoped that her God might be forgiving of her thoughts. This, I point out, was not easy, since chapel preaching tended to focus on divine retribution rather than a forgiving deity.
The retribution was, of course, to be handed out to those who, firstly, did not attend their chapel and, secondly, to those who, having attended the chapel, were seen to fall into the ways of Satan. The ‘Ways of Satan’ included drinking alcohol, smoking, swearing, gambling, dancing, laughing, watching television, listening to the radio, looking too physically attractive and, above all, engaging in ‘illicit’ sexual activities. Also included in the list were ‘Impure thoughts.’ Fortunately for most of the chapel members their thoughts were not so easily revealed, otherwise most if not all of them would have been outcast from the Divine presence that was supposed to dwell in their midst.
Chance often plays a big part in what happens to us, and chance took a hand with Lorna, two chance events, actually.
First, Clifford announced that he was going off for a week to a study conference being run by their chapel together with other chapels whose membership contained the ‘Righteous.’ That of course meant that the Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday couplings would not take place.
Lorna felt a sense of relief at not being subjected to these tedious events, and rejoiced in the knowledge she would be able to drift round the house all day and evening in her revealing clothing.
Second, Joshua, learning of his father’s absence for a week found himself in a position to challenge Lorna. ‘There’s a student dance on the Friday night when dad’s away,’ he said to Lorna, ‘I dare you to come with me dressed up in some of those sex…special clothes you’ve got.’
‘Don’t be silly, darling, I couldn’t possibly. You know dancing is forbidden by the chapel, and anyway, I can’t dance. What’s more, they’ll all be young people and they wouldn’t want someone my age mingling with them.’
‘Want to bet, mum?’
‘You know very well, Joshua, the chapel forbids betting.’
‘I challenge you, mum, forget the chapel for once. We’ve got a couple of weeks before the dance, and I’ll teach you how to dance. Just come along and have a good time.
‘You mean you can dance? You’ve been dancing…? If the chapel finds out…’
‘They’ll kick me out. Fine, I don’t accept their garbage anyway and only attend to keep the peace with dad. I was going to chuck it in soon anyway.’
Lorna didn’t know whether to be shocked or to applaud Joshua. Only during her brief period of working in an office had she really seen anything of the outside world. Ever since she was a child she had lived on a sort of island that was the chapel. Around the island was an ungodly world and in that world the snares of Satan were everywhere. To venture out into that world was dangerous and only to be carried out through sheer necessity, such as shopping or work. Apart from that all human communication, all socialising, was within the chapel island, and bloody dull it was.
The computer had opened Lorna’s eyes to the world beyond the island. At times she had longed to sample that world beyond, but hadn’t known how to apart from purchasing the sexy clothes. Now she was being offered the chance to move out, however briefly, into that satanic world.
‘Do you really think I could…you know, go to the dance with you?’ she asked Joshua.
‘Of course you can.’
‘But I don’t have a proper dress…I mean…the things I wear in the house wouldn’t…’
‘Have you got enough money to buy a dress, mum?’
‘Well yes, darling. I save a bit each week from the housekeeping money, but I wouldn’t know what to buy for a dance.’
‘I’ll come with you and help you choose.’
‘Would you really?’
‘Of course. We’ll go and shop as soon after dad leaves as possible.’
And so it came about that Lorna and Joshua ventured out into the wide world to buy a dress for the dance.
‘We’ve got to be careful what we choose,’ said Joshua. ‘I think that some of those older women who try to dress as if they’re teenagers look ridiculous. We’ll find something sexy that suits your age.’
There was much taking off and trying on, with an assistant making encouraging remarks in the hope of getting a swift sale. Lorna would have been easily duped, but Joshua would have none of it. He kept her going until finally a flaming red dress was brought out. It was in the style adopted by women about a decade in the past, but it suited Lorna’s blonde hair and pale complexion.
It was calf length and split to the top of one thigh. Its neckline plunged to where the nipples were barely covered.
‘I couldn’t possibly wear this,’ gasped Lorna.
‘Mum, you look fantastic,’ yelped Joshua.
The assistant, being sincere for once said, ‘Madam really does look beautiful in that dress, but if I might venture a suggestion, madam’s underwear does rather clash with it.’
It was true. Lorna’s underwear consisted of bloomers and an arrangement that suppressed her bosom. This was a great pity because hidden away from view all those years were a delightful pair of breasts that most women would envy and most men ogle.
Under the flattery of Joshua and
the assistant Lorna finally agreed to purchase the dress, and this led on to the buying of new underwear.
The assistant looked Lorna over and said, ‘Thirty eight D I think, and really, madam needs only the minimum of support. She brought out what for Lorna was a new horror, bras that like the dress would expose her almost to the nipples, consisting of little more than under lift.
‘I couldn’t,’ she wailed. ‘Everybody would see what I’ve got.’
‘That, madam,’ responded the assistant, ‘is precisely the idea, and if I had madam’s figure I’d be showing it off all the time. It’s no use having it if you don’t display it.’
‘There you are,’ crowed Joshua, ‘What have I been telling you?’
‘Well, if you think it’ll be all right.’
The choice of panties came next. Lorna had never seen such minimalist underwear before, however, having gone so far she made no fuss when Joshua selected panties that seemed to consist of a sliver of cloth under the crotch and a similar sliver, not exactly round the waist, but sitting somewhere just above her mons.
On the way home Lorna hugged her new garments close, not because she had any particular affection for them, but because they might meet a chapel member with x-ray eyes who would be able to see what she had bought. Fortunately they met no chapel member, and the rest of the populace seemed unmoved by her parcels.
Clifford departed and the week seemed to drag towards Friday. Lorna looked forward to it with feelings that combined excitement with trepidation. Several times she asked Joshua, ‘I’ll be all right, won’t I? They won’t think I’m wanton will they?’
‘You’ll be wonderful,’ said Joshua comfortingly as he tried to teach her to dance.
The dances seemed to consist of standing a little distance from one’s partner, waving the arms and occasionally shuffling the feet, all to the sound of a throbbing drum beat. Lorna didn’t seem to find it hard unless Joshua made a sudden move behind her, which seemed to be a necessary part of the otherwise minimal gyrations.
On the day of the dance Lorna had a little trouble with her bowels and bladder, but recovered by the afternoon when Joshua came home early.
‘I’ll help you get ready,’ he announced. ‘Shower first.’
‘Joshua,’ shrieked Lorna, ‘you can’t help me to shower.’
‘Of course not,’ chuckled Joshua. ‘You do that on your own, but when you’ve finished, put on those new bras and panties and I’ll do something with your hair.’
The shower over and underwear in place, Lorna sat in front of her dressing table mirror while Joshua brushed her hair. He was truly amazed because he had only ever seen his mother’s hair in an unsightly bun. Now it hung to her shoulders and her face seemed to nestle inside the tresses.
Joshua brushed the hair until it shone, and then opened a little box he had brought home. ‘A bit of makeup,’ he said, ‘I borrowed it from my girlfriend, she’s a blonde too.’
‘Makeup,’ squawked Lorna, ‘you know the chapel…’
‘Bugger the chapel,’ said Joshua, ‘tonight you will look beautiful.’
‘Don’t swear like that Joshua,’ Lorna admonished, ‘and I didn’t know you’d got a girlfriend. I hope you haven’t taken advantage of her.’
‘Mother,’ Joshua said, hand on heart, ‘I promise you I haven’t done anything to her she hasn’t asked me to do.’
‘I’m relieved to hear it,’ responded Lorna primly.
‘What she didn’t know was that the young lady in question was rather keen on sex with Joshua, and very imaginative in its performance.
Placated and under the persuasive blandishments of Joshua, she finally submitted to a modest touch of the devil’s paint.
When all was done even Lorna, barely recognising herself, had to admit that she looked ‘very nice.’ Never in her life, even given her ‘special clothes,’ had she imagined what had been lying in wait beneath the drab clothing and generally dismal personal appearance that had been her.
The dress was put on carefully so as not to disturb the other preparations. It was at that moment that poor Lorna had misgivings. She saw the long slit up one side that revealed her thigh with every movement. The misnamed neck line plunged down into the valley between her breasts. Above the cups her bosom swelled so her nipples were only just hidden. She felt as if one false move would bring the whole upper assembly of the dress crashing down to reveal all.
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It was Tuesday night and just started another week long trip, and as usual I was bored and it was 8pm. It had been kind of a casual day in the field, so I had lots of energy, but no place to put it and I just didn’t feel like going to my hotel room for more work. I was dressed pretty well today and my pants were slightly tight showing off my round ass, which women have always complimented me on. I stopped and asked one of the bell boys where could I go, (and I made him understand I didn’t want...
Introduction: Everything written is fiction, created by my dirty mind. This series will have 5 chapters, each for the day of the week about how Ambers life is spend in office with her Master (Lucas). Tuesday! God, Master left me so raw and exhausted on Monday, I slept so well I didnt wake up on time&hellip, and now Im running so late to work. Today, a message came with my dress code of the day. A schoolgirls uniform. I already had all the clothes, my cupboard filled with all the clothes any...
I am told that Tuesday is the most productive day of the week. That might be true for most people and normally it would be true for me as well. Not so far this Tuesday , I couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened the day before with Richard. I had never had sex at work before and I must say it was wonderful. I wouldn’t mind making it a part of my daily routine. I am sitting at my desk trying to focus on work but I keep flashing back to Richard fucking me right here on this desk. I am...
It was Tuesday night and just started another week long trip, and as usual I was bored and it was 8pm. It had been kind of a casual day in the field, so I had lots of energy, but no place to put it and I just didn’t feel like going to my hotel room for more work. I was dressed pretty well today and my pants were slightly tight showing off my round ass, which women have always complimented me on. I stopped and asked one of the bell boys where could I go, (and I made him understand I didn’t...
Hi I'm Loren. 23 year old open minded sexually active girl. I'm not easily shocked but what happen last Tuesday night..well I can't stop thinking about it and it turns me on every time I do.I dated a guy named Ted for nearly a year. It was pretty much exclusive for me, anyway. Ted satisfied me even though he was not as adventurous as I like. (or as me). Ted has a nice cock 8 1/2 to 9" that is circumcised. It has a shaft (when stiff) that I can barely get hand around to touch my thumb and middle...
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Agh," he gasped. "oh, ugh, ugh."He was naked and she fully dressed, her hand a blur as she knelt in front of him and pumped his hard cock. "Oh, God," he reached out to hold on to something. But he just too far away from the dining table to steady himself against the explosion that was building within him. He looked down, but dared not grab her head. So he just lifted his eyes to heaven and let out a long low moan.She kept on pumping his cock, her eyes fixed on the task at hand, regardless of...
BDSMSoapy leaned against the counter at the Little Shop, pondering his next Vicodin purchase. He'd spent a month at Ivy Hill, getting spin-dried by the counselors...but let's face it, ? Soapy wasn't a drug addict, he was a junkie. Addicts went to meetings. The raucous laughter from the Dominas Anonymous meeting upstairs was really making him irritable. What was wrong with those women? ? As he heard more annoying peals of mirth, Soapy looked behind the counter at H.Singleton Soreson Bailey,...
“Would you like to join both of us on Tuesday afternoon Sarah? We could do wonderful things together.” They are both very attractive lipstick lesbians in their late thirties, five years younger than me. On the Tuesday I am looking forward to ‘the wonderful things we could do together,’ the two women had alluded to a week earlier. I took a long time to ready myself for them. No pubic hair for them I smiled to myself as I slipped on a tiny black g-string to accentuate by ass. Then an above the...
“Would you like to join both of us on Tuesday afternoon Sarah? We could do wonderful things together.” They are both very attractive lipstick lesbians in their late thirties, five years younger than me. On the Tuesday I am looking forward to ‘the wonderful things we could do together,’ the two women had alluded to a week earlier. I took a long time to ready myself for them. No pubic hair for them I smiled to myself as I slipped on a tiny black g-string to accentuate my ass. Then an above the...
Tuesday - Chastity gets with The Program I was so mad about what happened on Monday afternoon that I wasn't even thinking about it might mean on Tuesday morning. It was bad enough that the school district lawyer forced me to leave the True Love Waits rally on Monday afternoon and I still ended up naked on the local news. I was shocked when Principal Johnson was waiting for me outside the front entrance the next morning. I knew that I would be expected to strip in front of everybody who was...
Editor’s Note: The next pages are further notes taken by Dr Koehler Snr. Notes of meeting, Nurse Cassandra, Tuesday, 12/7, 8:53am ((notes re other patients deleted)) NC: There have been no major concerns about Mischa but there have been some interesting developments. She became upset this morning because she wanted to use the bathroom but Bec was not aware enough to be her escort. Nereida accompanied them and reported that Mischa showed a high level of care for Bec. I can’t imagine the...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai reders here is another super incest read and cum with your nasty thoughts. Call it luck, fate or destiny, but I never thought that the huge headache that forced me to come home from college unexpectedly one lucky Tuesday afternoon last fall, would be the cause of such thankfulness for me. But it was this throbbing behind my eyes that caused me to be in just the right place at just the right time. Yes it my lucky day if Iam not returned that Tuesday...
Incestmrs_rchl1::kissychickzdigmeyup:hi!mrs_rchl1:hey there!mrs_rchl1:im so glad i caught you againchickzdigmeyup:me toomrs_rchl1:ive been so busy with work its hard for me to find time to get on heremrs_rchl1:spread those legschickzdigmeyup:can you see me?mrs_rchl1:anyone in the room with you or are you alone?mrs_rchl1:yeschickzdigmeyup:i'm alonemrs_rchl1:cant hear you thoughmrs_rchl1:rub yourself through those jeansmrs_rchl1:get into itmrs_rchl1:moanmrs_rchl1:fuckmrs_rchl1:are you all alone in the...
This story is 100% true. The names of the guilty have not been changed because no one is guilty. Well, maybe we’re guilty of “ guilty pleasure “ and that’s not against the law just yet. My wife, Barbara, and I had been to a Cleveland Browns Monday night game and had stopped for a bite to eat after the game. We left the restaurant and were walking to where we had parked the car. As we walked between two buildings there was an alleyway that was probably 8 feet wide. Apparently, Barb had...
Traffic inched along the Don Valley Parkway, all three lanes choked. The southbound lanes were almost empty. Sun made autumn leaves radiant, a breathtaking display of yellows, deep reds, and shades of orange. I saw none of it. My daily trades had been at margin, no profit, no loss. The usual enjoyment I had for trading was pushed aside by thoughts of Cassie. I hadn't seen her since Sunday morning, her day busy with her mother. Monday I'd had an engagement with old friends. Sitting in...
Mary Ann and I started to share secret texts so we could have private conversations. She started sending me naked pics but that quickly evolved into cam sessions where we both got naked and masturbated for each other. This also allowed us to plan our next date. Since my wife was going to Florida for a week in October I confirmed that she’d have her room to herself on a Tuesday and put in a request at work to take the day off. Everything was set but we still had two weeks to wait. After...
Tuesday Little Piggy found it hard to concentrate in class as every time she moved the fingers of the training belt would send new sensations through her. Finally the school day was over and she hurried to Mr. Newnen's office for her detention. The brisk walk jarring her pucker and folds with each long stride. She knocked on the office door and heard Mr. Newnen invite her in. She stood inside the door of his office waiting for instructions. Mr. Newnen was correcting papers as usual....
Climbing on the bus Tuesday morning, Tim is delighted to see Abbie sitting there. He hurries to the seat next to her, being the one to kiss her good morning first today. “Thank you for last night,” he tells her in a low voice. Abbie smiles in return.The ride to work is too short. It seems to Tim to be too soon when he must leave Abbie. With a quick kiss goodbye and promises to text during the day, he makes his departure. Knowing now how close Abbie is to him during the day, only a few...
TransPart one: Tuesday I love being the youth leader at my church... I'm 23 years old and I have a thing for the younger ladies. Nothing creepy mind you. I am just very skilled at appreciating the beauty God has given teen and preteen girls. There's a certain innocence about them that lends itself to certain fantasies. Ok, so maybe it's a bit creepy. But, I would never do anything to hurt those girls. They mean too much to me. Especially Katey.. I worry about her a lot. Katey is a...
Tuesday morning all are up by nine o’clock. Over breakfast, they chat about what Donald plans for their return trip south. He tells Dorothy that tonight he would like to stay in their Boston home for Emma to see it. Dorothy agrees readily with this plan. “It’s not the most opulent house, but it is old and sturdy. It has been in our family for generations, almost since the first Ryan’s came to this country in the 1600s,” Dorothy explains.Emma is in awe. Her family has been leaders of their...
Love StoriesIt was Tuesday evening at the hostel and she was working a late shift with a sl**pover. At 9pm she had supervision with David. She had been working at the hostel for a while so her and David knew each other. In the supervision David asked her about how things were at home. She wasn’t enjoying being at home, that’s why she had taken the job. Because her and David were friends the conversation came around to sex and basically although she loved her husband she wasn’t getting enough sex. Later...
This happened a few years into my career just after my g f left to work as a chef on a cruise ship. It was a rainy Tuesday raining hard off and on all day, being that I didn’t have clients scheduled for that day I was busy working on suggestion scripts for clients I had scheduled sessions with later that week and a couple the following week, it must have been about 3 pm when my receptionist rang into my office to see if I would take a call. I told her put it through, it was a woman with a...
The email didn’t come in until one o’clock, but the guys had been taking turns monitoring their inboxes, so they all went running for their computers when Justin yelled. This one was like the last one, addressed to all five of them by name. Hi Anthony, Steve, Gabe, Dieter, and Justin, Well boys, we think last night was a smashing success, even though it went quite a bit beyond the original plan. I trust nobody is complaining on your end. Monday ‘s face has been glowing all morning and...
Tuesday has been a wonderful day and I am hoping to continue into a wonderful evening. As I follow Michelle to her house I cant help but think about how beautiful she is. She has long thick brown hair with pale blue eyes. She has kept in very good shape. You would never guess she is in her mid 30’s. Her ass is still nice and firm. And her breasts are amazing as I saw today. I could lick and massage them for days. We have always known that we both were bi-sexual but had never considered being...
Tuesday morning I was up early, with the sunrise. I made a large pot coffee, left most for Nicole, and took some in my bottle, fortified with heavy cream and coffee liqueur.I pedaled my bicycle across the city to meet my trans lover Amber; I had met her in San Francisco, and introduced her to Burningman a couple years prior. Amber was now fully into the Burningman Scene.Amber’s camp was already beautifully decorated with rainbow shade structure ad a welcoming center space with a Bedouin style...
It was early last Tuesday. I am not sure what roused me out of my slumber that time of the night. It was seemingly becoming a habit. What concerned me was the time. A quick peek at the iphone on the bedside table revealed it being just short of three am. Fuck, only an hour before I had to drag my sorry ass out of bed anyway. I took a long drink of the water next to my bed and slumped back against the pillows. Had it been earlier, as I was becoming accustomed to wake up, one am or an hour later...
Straight SexSat at home alone again. Bored, bored, bored thats all it ever is with me all work and no play. Well not today, not if i have anything to do with it.... Mid afternoon and i can't take this twitching any longer, upstairs i go and pull out my special box, revealing all my toys. Lying on my bed speading my legs wide i start to tease my clit rubbing her gently before i start to feel myself get moist. Sliding two fingers into my now wet pussy i start to get myself off. Closing my eyes imagening a...
Tuesday Afternoonbybigbrother054©Josh and Ted stopped in front of Jessie's high school. Jessie, Josh's sister, was talking to a couple of friends, waiting for her brother to pick her up. Ted nudged Josh and jerked a thumb toward the group."Your sister's friends are hot," he said, making a different jerking motion in his lap.Josh shook his head. "Jesus, Ted; is that all you ever think about?" Josh had listened to Ted's lurid description of every female under the age of thirty, as they drove down...
Yankee Swap, Chapter 14: Tuesday Kim's second day at work started more smoothly than the first. She went in early and got to work on some projects she had put off for a while. They were little things that weren't on anyone's project plans, but she knew they would be needed soon, even if the project leaders didn't know it yet. She had resolved to find things to keep her busy and keep her mind off of the interactions, or lack thereof, which this week had brought. She had also...
Yankee Swap, Chapter 15: Tuesday Night Memories "Kim that is really amazing! I expected it to be days or weeks before you remembered anything, but to have this detailed memory come back so soon is incredible." Kim had told Narya of her dream of becoming Kendra, how the whole thing seemed to be a movie where she knew what everyone was thinking. "I will say again you need to be wary of what you attribute to other people. What you 'know' your mother was thinking may just be...
The Visitor Monica's Diary Tuesday, July 4 "Consternation to the enemies of the Republic! God save the United States of America!" This is how Nathan usually greets the holiday, after he has awakened us by firing a blank black-powder charge from a miniature cannon he took in payment for some carpentry work many years ago. He always takes this day off and always uses it to catechize the children on the Declaration of Independence. Hannah has memorized the preamble paragraph, the...
Tuesday has been a wonderful day and I am hoping to continue into a wonderful evening. As I follow Michelle to her house I cant help but think about how beautiful she is. She has long thick brown hair with pale blue eyes. She has kept in very good shape. You would never guess she is in her mid 30’s. Her ass is still nice and firm. And her breasts are amazing as I saw today. I could lick and massage them for days. We have always known that we both were bi-sexual but had never considered being...
LesbianA Tuesday To Remember Pt.2I continued to suck Jeffery’s cock concentrating on my back and forth movements as I tried to improve my swallowing skills. I could get more of his cock in my mouth, and I wasn’t gagging as much, but he was so damn hard it was difficult getting it to make even a small turn, and then there was the problem he filled up my throat and I couldn’t breath.I felt him push my head back and he told me that he wanted me to take Deena to the bedroom and remove all her clothes....
A Tuesday To Remember Pt.3Deena turned to me and declared, “That was Jeffery, and he’ll be here in about 10 min.” I followed her to the kitchen and she gave me a bottle of wine to open. I was pouring and he just came in and was talking to Deena and I brought three glasses and the bottle to the table. As I was setting it down I heard Jeffery say, “Hey girl, you’re hot.” He looked to Deena and commented on her transformation of me. I had to move away from the table so that he could take a good...
It was Tuesday evening at the hostel and she was working a late shift with a sleepover. At 9pm she had supervision with David. She had been working at the hostel for a while so her and David knew each other. In the supervision David asked her about how things were at home. She wasn’t enjoying being at home, that’s why she had taken the job. Because her and David were friends the conversation came around to sex and basically although she loved her husband she wasn’t getting enough sex.Later that...
It was Tuesday evening at the hostel and she was working a late shift with a sleepover. At 9pm she had supervision with David. She had been working at the hostel for a while so her and David knew each other. In the supervision David asked her about how things were at home. She wasn’t enjoying being at home, that’s why she had taken the job. Because her and David were friends the conversation came around to sex and basically although she loved her husband she wasn’t getting enough sex.Later that...
As Dale Ebber looked out his bedroom window he could see his mother walking to her Buick. It was her bingo night. Every Tuesday she went to the church to play bingo and never returned before 10:00 P. M. when bingo ended. Man, she had big tits. Dale mused. Just the previous Sunday, when Dale thought his mother, father and sister Jill were at church services, he had laid naked upon his bed slowly massaging his hard prick with his hand, thoroughly enjoying himself while he thought about how Jill...
It was a warm Tuesday morning in September 1881 when Jared Brewster pulled in the reins to stop the buckboard. He was neither young nor old, neither tall nor short; but he was a man to be reckoned with. Lean and solid, iron hard body, calloused hands, face creased and burnt from long days on the range, a good shot with a rifle or pistol. Beside him was his woman; Lori, another man’s cast-off wife, once a Comanche then a Kiowa captive, that sort of told it he figured. Behind her sat his three...
Strange dreams. I'm in school, when suddenly I notice that I'm naked. This isn't the Program; I just forgot to get dressed that morning. With the realization comes intense embarrassment, shame, a desire to hide. But the strangest part is: nobody else seems to notice. I'm walking around, dying of embarrassment, hands clasped over everything as best I can, and nobody notices at all. Suddenly the warning bell goes off, and music starts to play. Abruptly, everybody notices me, and they all...
Talk about waking up and preparing for a battlefield! I was sick to my stomach when I finally dared venture out of my room. I knew my mom was going to have a huge blowup and we'd all get into a big fight over breakfast, and Jason and I would be in horrible moods by the time we went to school, and it would not be a good way to start the day! So I was stunned when I finally got to the kitchen table for breakfast. I'd stalled all morning, hoping to minimize the time I'd have to spend arguing...
Tuesday seemed to be a little bit more back to normal for me. At least it started out that way. I got up, showered, shaved, etc. -- the normal routine. I was still in a bit of pain from the ribs and the stab wound still hurt as well. Overall, I was much better than a week before, but no where near 100 percent. Let's just say that I wasn't ready to go back to the gym with Larry to workout quite yet. Everything was pretty normal for the first few classes except for the fact that more people...
I felt better when I woke, but then remembered what challenges the day will hold. First, Tuesday was to be the first touching-allowed day, but limited to contact above the waist. Actually this was a sexist limitation because a girl’s breasts are far more a sexual organ than is the male chest. But the idea was to be able to ease the naked students into experiencing contact slowly, so some sort of starting point needed to be established. When I hopped out of bed, a sharp tug at my cock...