Mondayitis free porn video

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Ryan Matthews walked into his office and was immediately struck with a severe case of Mondayitis. He placed his suitcase on the green couch which was placed against the left wall of his office, pulled a file out of it which he put back in its place in the filling cabinet on the right hand wall, before trudging over to his desk. With a sigh he sat down and pulled the monthly report in front of him and started up his computer.

As the local manager for Essam Reality, a nation wide real estate agency, Ryan's life had become one monotonous blur. It seemed he was always at the office, and when he wasn't he was at home, going over files and accounts, doing chase up work with clients and liaising head office which was in a different time zone. Marking the first of the month, today he would spend the entire day analysing the report he had been given, calling people into his office to check figures, before pushing it off to head office for review. He resigned himself to the inevitable and focussed himself on the task at hand.

Ryan had not been at it very long when there was a sharp knock at the door

'Ryan?' a female voice came from the doorway.

'Mmm?' Ryan replied, looking up from his report.

His most senior sales manager marched into his office like a woman on a mission. She was in her mid-forties, her short blonde hair cut in a neat bob and frozen in place by what he could only assume was the entire contents of a hairspray can. She wore the green company jacket over a crisp white blouse, a matching green knee-length skirt and black stockings covering her legs.

'This is the second Monday in a row she's been late,' Julie said, cutting straight to the point. 'You're going to have to say something to her.'

Ryan sighed. Julie considered herself to be in charge of the other staff, having been with the company the longest, even long then he had been. Being considerably older then him also, she considered her input to be of the utmost benefit of the successful running of the company. While Ryan valued her opinion, he wished she wouldn't give it out so frequently.

'I assume your talking about Katie?'

'She can't just turn up when she feels like it. She was ten minutes late on Monday last week, and she was twenty minutes late this morning. It's becoming a habit.'

Katherine Nielsen was the newest member of the team, having joined the company only a month ago. Her application had been exemplary and so was offered the job as a clerk, filling in for the receptionist during lunch hours, assisting with rental applications and general office work. It wasn't a hard job, but it was a nine to five one. He frowned, concerned.

'Have you said anything to her?'

'I told her to straighten up and make sure she gets here on time last Monday, but obviously it went in one ear and out the other.'

'Alright, tell her to hang back after work and I'll have a word with her. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.'

He looked back down at his report, but was interrupted by Julie clearing her throat.

'Something else?' he queried.

'While you have her in with you, you might want to also discuss appropriate attire. The length of some of the skirts she wears is completely inappropriate for the office.'

'Thank you Julie,' he responded and returned to his report, his tone making it clear that she was to leave him alone now. For once it seemed to work, because when he looked up again she had gone.

It seemed the day had only just begun when he looked at the clock and saw it was five to five. Ryan removed his glasses and pinched the ridge of his nose, searching for the right words to say to Katie. She was a bright girl, friendly with clients and office staff, well mannered, and had enormous potential. He had interviewed her for the position, but hadn't seen very much of her since then. He tended to get inundated with phone calls, reports and complaints from the moment he entered the office until the moment he left. He settled on the usual "I'm paying you from nine to five" speech and checked his work schedule for the following day.

He was interrupted a short time later by a tentative knock at the door.

'Mr. Matthews? You wanted to see me?'

Katie was standing in the doorway, looking meekly in at him. He was amazed by how much more grown-up she looked then she had at the interview, only six weeks prior. His memory of her had been a young woman, dark hair tied back in a conservative ponytail, eyes hidden behind thin-rimmed glasses. Her white blouse had been freshly ironed, and her black skirt modestly ended below her knees. She conducted herself well throughout the interview and Ryan had welcomed her aboard enthusiastically.

The Katie who stood before him now was dazzling. Her hair hung freely down past her shoulders, shining even in the dim office lightning. Her eyes were no longer hidden by glasses, the brown orbs radiating warmth and eagerness to please. She wore the company green polo shirt, but it seemed to be a size too small for her ample breasts, as they seemed to strain at the material. Her black skirt fell several inches short of her knees, which were unclad by stockings, unlike most of the other female staff members. Her legs looked incredible, leading down to a pair of black high heels. She stood waiting for him to speak, her denim bag slung over her shoulder, ready to go home.

Yes, Ryan thought, a good dressing-down is exactly what I'd like to give her. He then berated himself and pushed the idea firmly away. He dragged his eyes away from her body and looked her in the eyes.

'Yes I did. Come in Katie, take a seat.'

She nervously made her way into his office and sat on the chair opposite him, putting her bag on the floor next her and crossing her legs, which caused the skirt to rise up another inch. Ryan readjusted himself and told himself to behave. At nineteen the girl was over ten years his junior, but his stiffening cock didn't seem to care. He cleared his throat and tried to remember the speech he had planned out.

'Mr. Matthews,' Katie intervened. 'I'm sorry I've been late the last couple of Mondays. I'm studying externally at SAU, part-time of course, and the weekend is when I get most of my course work done. It's coming up to the end of term, so I've got assignments due, and I've been staying up later then I should to try and get them finished. Come Monday morning I'm racing around because I've overslept. I'm really sorry Mr. Matthews, I know it's inexcusable, and you should definitely dock my pay for the times I have been late. I do work during my lunch breaks to try to make up for my lateness, but I understand that it's not the same. I promise I won't be late again.'

It had all flowed like a well-rehearsed speech, one that she had been agonising over for some time. She had taken responsibility for her actions, was looking at him with such sincerity that he felt bad that he had been planning to tell her off. He sighed.

'Just don't make a habit of it, okay Katie? You're a brilliant young woman. I'd hate to lose you.'

Katie smiled sweetly at him.

'Thank you, Mr. Matthews. I won't let you down.'

They both stood up and he escorted her to the car park, locking up behind him. He looked around as they walked, trying to keep his eyes off her firm arse and smooth legs, but they always ended up back there.

'So,' he said, searching for some small talk. 'Are you going out tonight, or straight home?'

'Straight home I'm afraid. I've got a five thousand word essay due on Thursday that I've got to get finished.'

'Working all day and studying all night? You must have a very understanding boyfriend.'

'No, no boyfriend. Guys my age don't interest me much. I prefer men with a bit more maturity.'

He stopped just as they reached her car and tried not to think too much about what she had just said, but he couldn't help noticing the way she blushed as she fumbled for her keys.

'Thanks for walking me to my car, Mr. Matthews,' she said as she got in her car. 'See you tomorrow.'

Ryan watched as Katie pulled out of the company car park and gave him a little wave as she drove off.

Oh dear, Ryan thought as he walked to his own car, not good.

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Ryan paid much closer attention to Katie over the next few days. She arrived early each morning, and greeted him with a special smile which had him ducking behind objects to hide his arousal. He was glad he had forgotten to speak to her about her skirt, as watching it slide up and down her legs throughout the day was a pleasant distraction from the mind numbing repetitiveness of his job.

Julie seemed in high spirits after he had taken her advice and spoken to Katie, as if his taking her advice further assured herself of her own importance. She made a point however looking inauspiciously at Katie's skirt whenever he was around, in a kind of stage whisper to him. Ryan tactfully chose to ignore her. He found that not only was Katie a beauty, but a brain as well. She was articulate, well read, imaginative and inventive. She single-handedly reorganised the filing archive filing into a coherent system, while assisting the other staff members in any way she could. The customers seemed to love her too, and she would happily chat with them and see to their needs while she was on reception, keeping them engaged and satisfied while they waited for their appointments.

It was with great surprise therefore that on Friday of that week he walked out of his office to find Katie crying her heart out, being consoled by the female staff members while Ryan's lead property manager had a rather loud diplomatic conversation with someone on the phone. He was heartbroken to see her so vulnerable and made his way over to the group as she started to calm down and wipe away the tears.

'Katie, can I see you for a minute?' he asked.

He walked back to his office and stood by the door as Katie gave the group a watery smile of gratitude and walked inside. He closed the door behind her and got her to sit on the couch. He sat on the opposite end, keeping a much distance between them as he could.

'What happened?'

'I'm sorry Mr. Matthews. I was on reception and I took a call from a client. He was ... well he was unhappy about the offer he got on his house. Very unhappy. He seemed to think it was our fault, that we were pushing for a quick sale just so we would get our commission. He got a bit abusive...'

She started to tear up again and Ryan sat watching for a moment, trying to fight down his natural urges to comfort her. He slide over a bit and put his hand on her shoulder.

'It's okay,' he said, patting her on the shoulder in what he hoped would be construed as nothing more than a friend comforting another friend.

Katie gave a sudden sob and turned into him, pressing her head against his chest. He resisted touching her further until she started to cry in earnest. He cradled her in his arms and gently rocked her.

'Shhh,' he soothed. 'It's okay. Just let it all out.'

He waited patiently as Katie got herself under control, enjoying the sensation of her being pressed up against him. Her hands had slipped onto his leg and the gentle rocking was causing her hands to slide up and down his thigh. The perfume of her hair was intoxicating and he found himself closing his eyes and allowing himself to be in the moment.

'Your heart is beating really fast,' Katie said with a slight giggle.

She looked up at him from beneath his arms, straight into his eyes. The tears were gone, but her face was still flushed. She shyly looked away from him and he hastily let her go. She remained nuzzled up against his chest and looked back up at him.

'Mr. Matthews,' she whispered, and Ryan felt his cock swell in response.

'Thank you,' she murmured, as she stretched up and kissed him.

Her lips were soft and gentle, as if unsure of herself. Ryan groaned and took hold of her once more, tangling his hands in her hair as he urged the kiss into something more passionate. Katie readily responded, as if she had been waiting just as long for this moment as he had. He removed one hand from her hair and brushed it along her side, tracing the contours of her body. Katie in turn slipped her hand further up his leg until she reached his cock.

Ryan broke away from the kiss and gasped as Katie unzipped his trousers and felt her way around to under his briefs. She pulled his cock out through the opening and lent over. Grasping it firmly in her hand, she gently tentatively licked the head. Ryan groaned his approval, and Katie continued to lavish his cock with her tongue, flicking it over the tip before continuing with long sweeping stokes over his shaft.

'Oh Katie,' he groaned, placing his hand on the back of her head and gently pushing it down, trying to get her to take it into her mouth.

Katie complied and he felt his cock slide into her waiting mouth. He bit his lower lip in an attempt to keep from moaning too loudly. Katie was relentless. Her head bobbed up and down enthusiastically, her tongue continuing to caress his cock as it slid in and out of her mouth. He bucked his hips up wildly to meet her, and felt her gag as he ploughed too deeply for her to handle. He held back, but felt her urging herself to take him deeper and deeper into her throat in response to his bucking. He knew he wouldn't last much longer at this rate and was about to tell her so when there was a knock at the door.

Katie and Ryan separated like a shot, Ryan dashing to his chair and Katie to the one opposite him. He straightened his tie and smoothed over his hair, and saw Katie doing the same. She looked extremely red in the face and her eyes were red and teary once more, Ryan immediately regretting being so rough with her. From an outside perspective though it would simply look like she had started crying again from recanting what had happened. He took a deep breath to compose himself and hoped he didn't look too red in the face.

'Yes,' he said, trying to keep his voice even. He looked down in time to realise he had forgotten to zip up his fly, his still raging cock sticking out of it. He pushed his chair further under the desk to hide it is as Paul opened the door.

'Sorry to bother you, Ryan. I've got Mr. Dennings on the line, the client who Katie was talking to earlier,' he added giving Katie a sympathetic smile. 'He's insisting to speak to you.'

'Okay Paul, put him through.'

Paul hastened back to his desk and Katie got up and followed him. Once she had made it to the door, Ryan called out to her.

'I hope you learned something from the experience, Katie,' he said carefully. 'And just remember that you don't have to take that kind of thing unless you're okay with it.'

Katie gave him her special smile and walked away, leaving him to deal with a very angry client, and Mr. Dennings too.

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After a very long weekend, during which Ryan had thought of nothing but returning to work to see Katie, it was finally Monday. She had left dead-on five Friday afternoon, so he hadn't had an opportunity to talk to her about what happened. He arrived at the office at half past eight to open up, and awaited Katie's arrival.

At half past nine he was interrupted by Julie tapping on his door and letting herself in.

'Ten minutes late and she's wearing the shortest skirt yet,' Julie snapped indignantly. 'Obviously your little chat with her last week didn't do any good. She should be sent home to change into something decent.'

Ryan's cock stirred to life, safely hidden by the confines of his desk.

'You're right Julie,' he said, nodding in a serious manner. 'Obviously I wasn't hard enough on her the last time.'

He suppressed a smile as he thought about how much harder he'd be the second time around.

'Tell her to hang back again at five. If she's going to take some of my time, I'll take some of hers.

Julie nodded approvingly and Ryan followed her out of his office to steal a peak of the offending skirt. He found her at one of the filling cabinets, sorting through some paperwork. Today she was wearing a silky green blouse which hugged her bountiful breasts, and her black skirt only came halfway down her incredible thighs. She gave him a dazzling smile when she spotted him and quickly checked around to make sure no one was watching. She then turned her back to him and slowly bent over to open the bottom draw of the cabinet.

Ryan groaned softly as more of her legs became visible as she lent over. Finally she stopped and he caught a glimpse of lacy black material hiding beneath her skirt. Ryan stood frozen, not trust him to make a single movement for fear it would lead him straight to her. Almost as soon as she had bent over however, she was upright again. A file clutched firmly in hand, she walked back to her desk without a second look in his direction. Ryan quickly returned to his office and hoped the day would fly by.

At five to five Ryan received an expected visit from John Michaels, and old friend from school. He asked Julie to get Katie to wait for him in his office while he talked to Michael in the reception area, trying desperately to get rid of him. Unfortunately John wasn't making it easy. He was looking to buy, and since he had been friends with Ryan at school, he expected the VIP treatment. Ryan watched as one by one the staff members left, Julie giving him a nod on the way out as an indication that she had done as he asked, and that Katie was now waiting for him in his office. Finally at ten past five he was able to get rid of John, after promising him a meeting on Wednesday and he locked the office door behind him as he left. He did his best to calm himself and not get his hopes up as he walked back to his office. Once in the doorway however, it seemed he was in luck.

Katie was sitting on his desk waiting for him, her skirt hiked up high on her thighs to allow her to have her legs slightly parted. The top two buttons of her silken blouse were undone, revealing the black lace of her bra. She smiled at him coyly.

'You wanted to see me, Mr. Matthews,' she said, blushing slightly as she spoke.

Ryan groaned, her demeanour turning him on as much as her body was. He stood his ground, determined to have his say first.

'Katie, something has to be done about you,' he said, trying to put as much authority into his words as possible. It seemed hollow as he cock was making his trousers into a tepee, but he continued regardless.

'Your skirts are not an appropriate length for work,' he continued, gazing at her unclad legs. 'Someone else might see something they shouldn't.'

Katie smiled and blushed.

'I see your point,' she conceded.

'So from now on, can you please wear skirts of an appropriate length, or trousers, while in the office?'

'Of course, Mr. Matthews.'

Ryan let out a sigh of relief as he prepared to move onto the next issue. He was, however, interrupted by Katie

'So, since this length is inappropriate,' she continued, standing up as she spoke. 'I shouldn't wear it in the office?'

She reached behind herself, unzipped the skirt and shimmied it down her long legs, stepping out of it when it reached the floor.

She was wearing the tiniest pair of panties Ryan had ever seen. Black lace and sheer black material barely covered her shaved pussy. Her legs, uninterrupted by clothes, looked longer that he had ever seen them, her three inch black heels adding to the effect. Ryan stared brazenly at her legs, finding it incredibly sexy that she was now blushing uncontrollably in response to his unwavering gaze.

'You know that blouse is rather inappropriate too,' he said with a grin.

Breaking to a grin of her own, Katie undid the remaining buttons and slid the blouse from her shoulders, allowing it to fall to the floor. The black lacy bra was as small as her panties had been, barely containing her heaving breasts which rose and fell deliciously with each breath she took.

'Much better,' he murmured as he closed the distance between them and took her into his arms. His mouth devoured hers as he lifted her back onto the desk, her legs wrapping around his back and ass, clinging him to her. She groaned with rapture as his lips moved down to caress her neck, where he proceeded to lick, suck and nibble her soft skin.

While continuing to lavish her skin with his mouth, he carefully reached around and unhooked her bra, pulling away from her so that he could take it off her. He ground his cock against her as he took in the sight of her creamy white breasts, each adorned with a pale pink nipple which stood erect, begging to be sucked. He licked his lips and lowered his mouth to the closest one.

Katie exploded in a loud moan which caused Ryan to shiver. He lightly nibbled and sucked, caressing the other one with one of his hands while the other reached between them to rub her pussy. She squealed with excitement as his fingers made their way under the panties to stroke her pussy lips. His fingers easily slid around her opening, well lubricated by her juices which were soaking her panties. He removed his hand and began tugging at his belt, tossing it to the floor once he had successfully unbuckled it. He stepped way from her, smiling at her moans of protest, and quickly took off his clothes and threw them out of the way before taking hold of her panties on either side of her legs and pulling them off in one swift downward motion. He raised them to his nose and deeply inhaled her heavenly scent, before tossing them to the side and lowering his lips to her pussy.

She gasped and moaned as his tongue snaked its way into her opening, and he relished the feel of her beneath him. She tasted so sweet and smelt so good, he eagerly lapped up all she had to offer. Katie, breathing heavily, began humping his face, and he flicked his tongue over her exposed clit. She cried out in delight and started grinding harder against him.

'Oh yes,' she cried between breaths. 'Just like that. Uhhh don't stop. Oh yes, oh ... oh ... oh ... I'm gonna come, uh ...'

Her voice got higher and higher as she approached her climax and Ryan hastened her journey there. With one last flick of his tongue she shuttered beneath him, her hips slowing to a more controlled rhythm, riding out the aftermath, moaning incoherently. Ryan busied himself by lapping up the fresh juices until she had calm down. He leaned over her body and passionately kissed her, letting her taste herself on his lips.

'Thank you,' she whispered. 'That was amazing.'

'I'm not done yet,' he said with a devious smile.

He reached down between them and took hold of his cock, his hands becoming sticky with the pre-cum which had dripped from the head. Keeping a controlled grip on it, he gently brushed the head against her pussy lips and her opening, but not yet entering her.

Katie made a unhappy murmuring sound and pushed herself down towards his cock, but Ryan pulled it back so that it just kept lightly teasing her, brushing it against her still extremely sensitive clit.

'Please ...' she whispered to him. 'Please.'

'Mmm? Please what Katie?' he asked her, struggling with himself not to simply plough straight into her and pound her like a jackhammer.

'Please fuck me... I want you... I want it right now.'

Hearing his sweet Katie use such language caused him to suppress a moan.

'Is that so? Well if you want me to do that for you, there something I want you to do for me...'

'Yes ... anything ... I'll do it ... just please ...'

Ryan felt a fresh surge of pre-cum drip from his cock at the promise of anything.

'Well now, there are a number of things I want from you right now Katie,' he said, continuing to tease her pussy with his cock. 'But firstly you broke a promise to me.'

Katie looked up at him, a look of confusing emerging from behind the mask of lust.

'You promised me you wouldn't be late again,' he chided her.

'But ... it was the only way I could see you after work ...' she protested.

'I know, but you have to promise me you won't do it again. We don't want people talking now, do we?'

He punctuated his point by pushing just his head into her pussy, and quickly pulling it out again. Katie gasped and tried to push it back in again, but Ryan refused to give it to her. He lent over and touched his lips to her ear.

'Promise me Katie,' he whispered to her, adding a groan at the end and taking her earlobe into his mouth and slowly sucking on it.

'I promise,' she groaned and pressed down on his cock one more.

Unable to keep from fucking her anymore, he took his hand away and drove his cock straight into her pussy.

He groaned at the feel of her tight pussy as he slid out almost fully before ramming back into her. Katie started panting as she reached up and pulled him towards her chest. He leant over and started eagerly sucking her other breast while slowly increasing his tempo. Katie let out a squeal of delight and immediately started to thrash around in the throws of her second orgasm, her pussy clenching and unclenching around his cock. Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to remain still. It was long however before she took his head in her hands and guided his mouth to hers.

He slipped his tongue into her mouth and kissed her passionately as he began to pound into her once more. Breaking away from the kiss, he firmly took hold of Katie by the hips and slammed into her, over and over again. He closed his eyes and lost himself in her, her heavy breathing and sultry moans music to his ears. He felt the familiar tingling in his balls and his breath became rapid.

'I'm gonna come... Katie?'

But Katie was lost in her own world of pleasure. Not wanting to make that call for her, he swiftly pulled out and grasped his rigid cock. He pumped it twice in quick succession and shot his load on Katie with a gasp. The first spurt landed on her chin and neck, the second between her breast, and the last over her stomach as he leaned forward over her. He reached down and rubbed Katie's clit frantically and before long heard her cum again.

Katie looked up at him with smile and trailed her fingers in his now cooling cum. Looking him deep in the eyes, she raised her fingers to her lips and slowly sucked them clean.

Ryan felt his spend cock twitch at the sight and smiled to himself. Mondays had suddenly become so much more enjoyable.

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A pleasant shower at the gym

Friday evening finally came and I got free from my office.I called my sweet wife and told her I needed some relax at the gym. I would go there right now to work out a bit, or do some swimming.My real routine on Fridays was swimming; I needed it…Ana said she would wait me at home, with dinner ready. For dessert, she had got her pussy full of her Black Master’s semen, so that I could lick her clean with my tongue. I warned Anita that, if I could not get enough relax at the swimming pool, I would...

2 years ago
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Axis of Evil 2a The Bank Job Part 1

The Bank Job Part I - The Setup Chapter 1: Alone on a Hill "Dude, getting a job round here is just getting impossible," Kevin said as the two teenagers lay in the grass above the Old Mill. "Yeah and I thought that I may get something at the School Board after my work experience there, but so far zip," Adam replied, lazily looking up at the clouds as they whizzed past. "Well, I just wish we could get loads of money without having to do much," Kevin replied. "Like be on Reality...

2 years ago
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10 October 2008Chapter 10

Dan continued to record the sexy fun they were having. Susan smiled at the camera lying between Tim and Jason. She took a cock in each hand slowly stroking them, alternating kisses with them and their hands on her tits. They returned the pleasure both fingering her pussy. Dan placed the camera on the stand, crawled up between Susan’s legs and took his turn eating her pussy. She breathed heavily through her nose kissing her lovers and trying to bring their cocks to life for more...

4 years ago
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Her boss and her husband

Toby and Hanna met each other at a industry convention some 3 years back and simultaneously felt a desire for each other. Looking back you might find it strange that they didn`t hook up at the very moment they met. Civility had the better of them; "smile and talk, dirty thoughts to yourself". One hint lead to the other, another invitation led to the bed. During these last three years sex has been far from boring. Being in the sub 30`s Toby and Hannah had no complications whatsoever when it came...

Group Sex
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Sex With Reader Her Sister

My name is joe, I am 22 years old, living in Noida . Any unsatisfied aunty or bhabhi who need some love or any kind of services then please email me at So from here I start my story , I had already had sex with my indian sex stories dot net story reader which I already had share in my earlier story . So after doing sex with her , we got dressed I left her home & reach my home. Later that night I was talking to her . She: joe I m totally satisfied with you, thank you for helping me I: it’s my...

3 years ago
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A Mans Place is as a Woman Parts 2428

A Man's Place is as a Woman! Part 24 I'm really glad that Ben's gift was 14 karat gold, otherwise my neck would be green because I Never Take Off that beautiful necklace my Ben had given me. As the spring quarter was coming to a close, everything "down there" was becoming common place to me. But now and then, especially when I'd first wake up and go pee I'd be shocked that I had nothing to "aim" with. It did in fact seem strange not to have a penis, something I'd held in my hands...

3 years ago
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Into the Grey

David Jones stood atop Cefn Bryn, one of the higher points on the Gower Peninsula. It was early spring, or late winter, depending on how you wanted to look at it, and the air was unusually clear for the season. The twenty-or-so houses and pastures that made up Nicholaston spread out at the bottom of the hill, about a hundred feet down, and pressed up against the small cliffs overlooking the bay. Out beyond the bay, ghosting over the dark green Atlantic waters, he could make out a bit of...

2 years ago
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Brutal Dog Sitting

Day 1 A few years ago, I was living with my parents who lived in a fairly nice urban home. The city we lived in was in the prairies, and there were a lot of farm lands not too far away from the city outskirts. So on a nice summer day, when the wind is going east, you can smell the wheat from the farm lands. Of course the city it's self was not very large, so everyone in neighborhoods knew each other. As for me, I lived in a generally quiet neighborhood that was closer to the outskirts. So we...

2 years ago
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Our Mother and the Strapon Threesome

For a while, I just stared at my mom, my pussy still dripping down on my sister’s face and her fingers still stuck inside my anus. As hot as it had made me to have my younger sister Judit beg for my pussy, I felt now doubly embarrassed to be caught in this situation by our mother. Surprisingly, though, she just smiled at us, then put her hand on her hip and looked at Judit with a slight grin. “So I guess I’m not enough for you anymore,” she said, with a fake reprimand in her voice. Turning my...

3 years ago
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Coming for My Girls

In high school I had a couple of girlfriends, but nothing that lasted very long. In college I had a couple brief hook-ups, and then I met Mindy. We really seemed to hit it off. We had some long talks over a couple days, then we slept together. And we both felt this wasn't going to be just a hook-up. We did it almost every day at first, then less often until a month passed. We had experimented with a few different positions, but we had settled down to a common pattern. After foreplay she...

4 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 27 Keeping Promises

By the end of September, we had settled into what had become our academic routine. As much as we tried to avoid it, there were already occasions when we started calling ourselves 'an old married couple' since we meshed so well. We were actually a little surprised by this, since we had never spent a lot of time under the same roof, and occupying the same space. Our closeness as best friends and sexual partners was still not a preparation for actually living together, sharing chores together,...

3 years ago
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My aunt seduced me

I am a 19 yr old Indian boy, currently in college. This story is based on my hot sexy aunt Shilpa. She is one of the most gorgeous women I've seen in my life. She was 5'6" tall, 34D breasts, bubble butt, shapely hips and a wide waist. Whenever she was around me, i couldn't help noticing her body, and to be honest, i always felt like she was intentionally teasing me. The way she talked with me, the way she used to sit beside me always made me horny. Now my uncle is in the Navy and he was always...

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The Club

She invited him to Seattle to attend the private club. It was a private owned sex club. Only initations. She picked him up at the airport and took him back to her apartment. He was a young college boy with an nine inch cock and thick and made a pepsi can look small. They were going to get cleaned up and go to the club tonight. She got in the shower and was lathering up when she heard the door open. Joe entered and slid the shower door open. He was naked and looked sexy and yummy.His cock was...

2 years ago
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Goldy Locks and the three Behrs Part 2

Unbeknownst to the sleeping thief, the owners of the cabin were on their way home. Two burly men and one sultry brunette occupied the humble abode. All of them beautiful and tall. Each of them different in their own rites. Max, the self proclaimed leader of the pack, led the group back from the emergency call in town. You see, all three lovelies had an equal partnership in the local construction company, but it was Max's strong leadership skills that made the company successful. Rugged, but...

Group Sex
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I read her dairy

I know I shouldn't have read her dairy but she wouldn't tell me what she wanted in bed and I just wanted a clue. Well as I read her thoughts and fantasies from the last few years I was a little bit shocked at some of what I read. Like one thing I read was she wondered what it would be like to go down on a woman and to have a woman go down on her. That shocked me cause she was raised catholic and she has always said it should be a man and a woman, not a man and a man. But as I thought about it...

1 year ago
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AssParade Rose Monroe Crossing Guard Fucks a Big Butt

Lil D. was a crossing guard. Usually he was helping little old ladies to cross the street. But today Rose Monroe was walking by with her sexy butt and she asked him to follow her and help her cross the street somewhere further down. He was obedient and he followed her. Her butt was swinging super sexy with every step. She stopped and said: I want to cross here. Lil D stepped courageously in the middle of the street and put up his stop sign. Rose crossed the street safely. Unfortunately she...

4 years ago
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The Gift of Abstinence

I probably don't have all the details exactly correct, but this conveys the essence of a relationship I had in my freshman year of college. I have changed her name because if any of her family should stumble across this, they would have been very likely to recognize her. Like the overwhelming majority of guys, I was a virgin when I got to college many years ago. In that I admitted it, I was in the distinct minority. Most of us set about assiduously to correct that deficiency. It was...

2 years ago
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Jay The Gym and Sexercise Ch 8 Bear Gets Blown Away

As I sat cuddling with Stretch on their broken-down sofa, I couldn't help reflect that my life was great. My body felt great. University was great. Sex with Stretch was great. And all that other kinky sex shit was over the top, fucking fantastic!I was almost lost in my thoughts when Bear walked into the room carrying an invitation card."Jay," Bear said, "Where do you get your hair cut?""I usually go to a small place downtown, but it is often difficult to get an appointment. Why do you ask?""One...

1 year ago
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Reginalds ChildrenChapter 5

That dismayed her. How the hell were they supposed to find out the combination for the safe? Presumably that information died with the owner in his car crash. It was time to bring in Reg to see this, so she trekked back upstairs to hearing range. “Reg!” she called loudly. “Are you available for a quick discussion?” There was a silence, then Prudence called, “He is in the garden again. I’ll fetch him.” Frances waited until Reg came to her, still puffing a little from jogging back to the...

3 years ago
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JenniferChapter 4

“Champagne, ladies? Or later?” Alexandra smiled. “Later.” She undid the remaining snaps and shrugged off the dress. Seconds later, Margaret followed suit. Hugh feasted his eyes on the sight as he placed the bottle in the bucket of ice. The twins, now clad only in thigh-length, black fishnet stockings and four inch black spike-heeled shoes, wrapped themselves around Hugh. Together they began kissing and licking his face, all the while removing his clothes. Shortly his jacket, tie, and shirt...

2 years ago
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Step sister Nicole

My english is not very good thats why i used google transate soo if someone want can help for better translate.Photos are changed quickly one after the other week I was scouring and now wanted a nice straomodna Fucking: porn on the TV and nude pictures. Again I took some strings of my stepsisters and polish them. Sam throughout apartamen can enjoy completely smeared lubricant all over his cock and balls ohcheh and moan out loud. At one time relaxed head back and closed his eyes OO yeah I heard...

3 years ago
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I learned pretty early in life how I could use my body to obtain things. Before he went off to join the Marines my big brother Gene and I went for a long walk deep into the forest. Our destination was a little swimming hole that only a few people knew about. It was a nice summer's day and we quickly stripped off our clothes and waded into the pond. It was reather shallow and not particularly good for swimming but on a hot day it provided a nice place to cool off. After a while we got out and...

2 years ago
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Joy of Their YouthChapter 5

Tim had just finished making love to his horny mother Sue while his father, Chuck, had been off in the master bedroom of the house fucking his young wife, Cindy. Tim had been completely caught unaware that his own mother had the hots for him as her lover but when she'd convinced him that she just wanted to suck his cock and then let him decide if he wanted to pursue their newfound relationship further, he relented and let Sue take his large aroused cock from his pants and suck him to...

2 years ago
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Incubus Soul Drain

Incubus: Soul Drain By Bud Warning: There are depictions of bloody and painful yet sexual acts in this. As well as snuff. (Technically not, idk. That's a spoiler. Fuck off. That's what you're here for anyways.) -***- "You're going to sit there and watch. Even though you want to get off I won't let you. The pain of not being able to cum will be the worst punishment I could think of." Gomorrah snapped his fingers and the cock ring around Cum Slut's penis tightened. He chuckled as...

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Family Bonding0

Candy was tall with long blonde hair that went all the way down to her firm ass. Her tits were a full C cup and she had perky nipples that were often peeking through her tight tops. Staci was medium height with dark black hair shoulder-length hair. She had rather large D cup boobs as well as a tight little ass- probably from being a cheerleader. He often wondered if they shaved their pussies and would imagine their wet hairless cunts when he masturbated at night. Staci and Candy were...

4 years ago
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My Love My Younger Sis

hi friends .. this is yogesh. mai ye apne jeevan ki asli kahani aaplogo ko batane ja raha hoon jo aaj se kuchh din pehale mere sath ghati thee.. mere pariwar me mai meri mom dad aur meri sexy behen hai. meri behen bahot hi sexy hai aur mai usse bachapan se hi bahot pyaar karta tha. she is very good looking her figure is 36 26 38. n she is now 22 years and a complete woman for a man like me of 28. mai hamesa use hasrat bbhari nigahoon se dekhata tha par kabhi himmat nahi padi k kuchh keh sakoon....

3 years ago
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It was late afternoon when the bus brought me back to town, and I carried my small daysack out to the parking lot. A car horn sounded and I looked around to see my Mom and sister standing beside it waving. I waved back and trotted over to them.We had come together for Mom's thirty-seventh birthday. Katie and I had not seen each other for more than half a year now, since we had both gone away to college. We were now almost exactly the same age as Mom had been when she had done the same thing,...

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Roseanne barr meets rosie of Donnel

It was a wild Hollywood party,,1989 everyone that was anyone was thier. A luxurious penthouse in the sky. The party thrown by roseanne was to be the most decedant,,orgy of sex and v******e ! Every sexy kink was to be explored, Roseanne sits atop a magnificent throne! Dressed like a 50s sex kitten,,her big boobs in a glorious red bra,,matching panties cover her ample hips and ass,,,black garters and nylons,,,full heavy make up,,and a 50s bouffant hair do.reigning over her subjects,,,,large...

4 years ago
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Talon IGPT 4 return to the mission

Talon IGPT, 4 Talon, Draconian Load Star Tracker Scout Training Transport Training Cadre: Serene Derrell, Commander, Draconian Mordina, Sub-Commander, Primary Driver, Draconian Lorissa, Sub-Commander, Navigator/Communications, Demonian Dante, Captain, Traffic Control and investigations, Terrellian Portellini, Lieutenant, Crowd Control, Lyconian Valdemere, Lieutenant, Reports and Forms, Terrellian Dove, Captain, Medical Officer, Orion Marsh, Chief Tracker,...

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KOn College Adventure

This story takes place two years after the film, as such everyone is over the age of 18. Azusa has made it into the same university as the other four girls and has joined the light music club. Womens’ University: Junior dorm rooms. It was hot tonight, Azusa had stripped down to her underwear and laid on her bed in the dark. She still felt too warm, but even in private she didn’t have the courage to get completely naked. She scrolled mindlessly through her phone, as always her attention had...

2 years ago
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Playing With Derrick Part 1

He came whenever I told him to. Derrick was always a good boy like that. At 19 he was tall and thin with a cock too long and thick for his frame. His face was square with short blonde hair and serious dark blue eyes. He had a soft, quiet voice. The type of voice that was perfect for whispering, Yes, mistress. It was Derricks birthday and I had special games in store for us. He showed up at my house at noon, hard and ready for fun, wearing only a thin pair of white running shorts. Sweat ran down...

3 years ago
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Lost ToysChapter 4 Finders Keepers

Matthew Reid - Thursday, June 19th, 2015 "This is a magic bracelet. Whoever wears this is mine to do with as I please." I recited the words and held the thin silver chain up like it was sacrament. "Oh, I got the tingles!" Sara bubbled. "It definitely worked," Carmen laughed, "So who's going to be our new sister?" "I'll call you later when I have her," I was dumbfounded. All I did was tell them that the thing was magic, in their words. Now, they believed it was: seriously...

1 year ago
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A Game of FootsieChapter 3

A COLD HARSH WINTER light greeted me on Sunday morning. For a moment, I relaxed in bed and stared out through frosted windows to an ultra pure white landscape, so white it hurt the eyes. A light wind stirred snow into mini flurries. We’d accumulated almost four feet of snow; enough to completely hide the bushes in the back yard. Clattering noise from the kitchen filtered through the bedroom door. Rolling out from under the thick quilt, I shivered as I strode into the bathroom, turned the...

4 years ago
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Charlie Zeros Lastditch AttemptChapter 6

Within a few minutes of his arrest, he noticed that the handcuffs were way too tight on him. The female officer had locked the steel rings tightly against the bones of his wrists, and he couldn’t move them without it paining. It was hard to walk down the stairs, and he tried to keep himself balanced as she led him by the arm. On the street below, three squad cars waited for him, their lights flashing in the dead of night as though a rocket ship had landed amidst the quiet cool of the evening....

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Lilys last summer pt 3 The pool party

The pool was packed with all sorts of kids from their school. Everywhere they looked there were boys and girls in swimsuits playing in the water, messing around and flirting with each other. Jenny scanned the crowd "There are a few more boys then girls here I'd say a 3:1 ratio." Lily rolled her eyes and smiled Jenny sucked in school but add boys to the picture and she is suddenly a genuis. Lily turned to Jenny "Do you see Ben anywhere?" Jenny nodded "Over at the deep end of the pool...

3 years ago
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Who Is Fucking Her Today

He now knew that she’d married him mostly because of his society connections. Lots of lavish party invitations where she could flirt and more. She was a beauty with the best body of the few he’d ever gotten to touch. And she played the role of the demure potential life partner right up to the honeymoon. She’d been damned clever, he learned too late, hiding her wicked ways carefully. When it was done and legal, right after the consummation fuck, only the fourth one she’d given him, her true...

1 year ago
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Me and John try outdoors

Summer was turning to autumn, it was hard to believe the year was passing so quick but what a year it had been, John and I had found new pleasures between us and Dee was getting more sex than any woman could hope for. If other women could be told Dee would have had many jealous girls to contend with, more than one had shown an interest in John and remarked on his similarity to pop star Robbie Williams,infact he could have been his body double judging by the photos in the press and a video when...

4 years ago
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A note left on my car Part 2

It was easy to give into my feelings and urges with Eric. I found I loved sucking his cock, LOVED IT! Exploring his body and him exploring mine, feeling his body next to mine, it was as so new and wonderful. And to think, it probably never would have happened if he didn’t leave that note on my car.I found it so wonderfully easy to give my self to him and become lost in our first encounter. It was almost as if Eric had some sort of control over me. Maybe I was just in love with him, I was for...

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Prison Time part 1

“OK bitch you need to suck me up. Get it?? Make me hard and suck me off.”“I don't know how to do that,” I whimpered, “You guys just fuck my face.” Since that 1st night, a week ago, they'd beat me up and said if I let them use my face the wouldn't that take the ass. So They would head fuck me at will“Yeah well your gonna be our bitch you need to do this.” He slapped me lightly on the head.I lifted his meat, he was big, about 8” soft, big around as a large banna, uncut. I skinned him back....

4 years ago
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Buddys Mom Chapter 3 4

CHAPTER 3 (mF, solomast,mf,blowjob)   As Laura Moran drove home and arrived at the empty house, she was puzzled. "What has come over me? That kid is about Buddy’s age." She had never, ever, had thoughts about young boys, but she couldn’t keep Tim out of her mind. She walked upstairs slowly, and with strange feelings. She slipped off her tennis outfit and stepped into the shower, and felt the warm water caress her body. Rubbing her soapy hands over her body, she knew she was still aroused by...

First Time
1 year ago
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My First Time With My Girlfriend

Hi, my name is Sameer (name change) I have to share my first sex encounter with my girlfriend. Hey guys I am not a regular reader or story writer so you might find this story lengthy but it is true what happened in my life, so please be patient if you find any grammatical error and fake names been used because of privacy concerns. Well where to begin with, I am 28 years and I am an engineer, but I was 24 when I had my first sex, I will cut to the chase. When I was an engineering student in ABCD...

3 years ago
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Why I Hated The Guy From The FBI Ch 06

Note: This story has no basis in fact. It is a fiction. A fantasy totally from the recesses of a mind that is sometimes called into question, whether it is rational, or not. Please read it from a slightly askew point of view, because that is the way it is written. Enjoy. The writer retains all rights to the work. * Chapter 16. Our ship comes in. (FBI listening post, South Brooklyn) Good evening Don Alberto, how are you. Wonderful Anthony, wonderful, how are you tonight. ‘We have had a...

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