Precision Fit Apparel free porn video

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Chapter One "Please", she said, "I want you to come with me to pick out a new dress." Kathy knew that I didn't like to go clothes shopping with her. She always took so long to make a decision, always having to sort through all of the racks of clothing, always asking my opinion on one or another, and always ignoring my advice. I quickly scanned through a laundry list of excuses in my mind, but before I could utter a protest she said, "Look, I need something new to wear to work, and besides, you could use a new suit yourself." Somehow she knew that I was thinking of buying a new suit and so I thought what the hell, the truth was that I could not come up with a good excuse not to go anyway. "Great," she said, "there's a new custom clothing shop I've been wanting to go to for some time, I'll drive" "Great," I thought to myself, "this is going to cost me big time." So, off we went, but not to the mall, or downtown, as I had suspected but to an industrial park just outside of our town. It didn't look like any clothing shop I had ever seen, the front was very unmarked, sign, no nothing, just a door with the suite number and nothing else. I said, "Hey are you sure this is right? This sure doesn't look like any high end clothing boutique." She gave me the look, the one that was meant for me to be quiet and follow orders, and so I followed her inside. The lobby was actually quite nice, the floors were marble, the furnishings were leather and the receptionist was stunning. "Good afternoon, welcome to Superior Fit Apparel. You must be Kathleen and David" I was surprised she knew our names, had Kathy called ahead and set this up? I was too taken with the receptionist to think much further than my, well anyway, I didn't give it any more thought. "Please have a seat, your apparel associate will be out shortly" We sat down, and now I began to ask Kathy what was going on, but we were interrupted by another attractive woman who introduced herself, and sat down with us. "First of all we want to thank you for choosing Superior Fit Apparel, we hope you will enjoy the experience here, if ever you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to ask for me to intervene. My name is Sheila, remember Sheila is the name you should ask for if you ever need me to intervene." "'Intervene?' I thought, "what an odd choice of words" Before I could give it any more thought she continued. "I understand you are here to consider some changes to your wardrobe" "That's correct," Kathy interrupted, "I would like to find a new suit for my husband David." "Kathy, I thought we were here to look for a new dress for you. I don't really need a new suit anyway, besides I don't..." Before I could finish she interrupted, "David, I planned this as a surprise for you, I knew you needed a new suit, and so I set up this appointment." "So, let me understand," Sheila continued, "your husband did not know that he was coming here before now?" Yes, that correct." Kathy replied. I noticed a certain knowing look passing between the two women. "Very, well then, lets proceed." said Sheila. We were escorted though the double doors from the lobby to a smaller room, which was more tastefully decorated with a computer console, one chair, a door, and large flat panel television. I surmised this was some sort of sales office, perhaps where the clothing was displayed on the monitor. "Please, Kathleen, Have a seat, David if you would follow me through this door we'll get started." I followed her dutifully, and we were now in an even smaller room. Tiled like an expensive bathroom, except there were round metal plates, metal slots inset into the tile, and another monitor mount into the wall, not a s large as the one Kathy was sitting in front of. "David, the first step is to take precise measurements so that you new suit will fit to perfection." "OK, so what do I do?" "You just follow the instructions on the monitor, and enjoy. I do caution you to pay close attention to the monitor, you don't want to suffer any adverse consequences." "Adverse what?" Before I could get an answer she was gone, through the door we entered, but I noticed there was no knob on the door. I pushed, but it did not budge. I looked around trying to figure out what in the hell was going on, when the monitor came alive. "Welcome to Superior Fit Apparel" it read, "Phase one for your custom apparel is fitting. Please remove all of you clothing and place them in the slot to you left." I noticed a slot opened in the wall to my right. I thought , "Well what the hell, and so I removed my pants, shirt and shoes and placed them in the slot. I stood there in my socks and underwear waiting for the next command. Nothing happened, the silence was akward. After an eternity the monitor began to flash the command. "Remove all of you clothing and place it in the slot to your left" "Jeez," I muttered "at least you could say please!" I removed my socks, briefs and t-shirt and pushed them through the slot. I stood there naked, wondering what was next when the monitor now displayed, "Please put on the field array sensor garment, this will allow the computer to take accurate measurements." No sooner had the message appeared then a slot to my left opened and some sort of garment emerged. I picked it up, it appeared to be some for of a leotard, no really more like a unitard, it was designed to cover my entire body. It felt soft in my hands, much like the tights and leotards that Kathy wore so often, but I could see that there was a network of wires somehow woven into the fabric. It all started to make sense to me now, the fabric was embedded with some sort of sensors that could accurately map the contours of a human body. Feeling less intimidated by the whole ordeal I slipped the unitard on one leg at a time, my feet fit snugly into them, and as drew my arms into it I was surprised to find fingers, it literally fit like a glove. With some difficulty I pulled the zipper in the back up until I was completely encased, neck to toe in lycra. Feeling a little vulnerable, dressed as I was, I noticed I was starting to get an erection. I dropped my hands in front of my crotch, knowing that somewhere this scene was probably showing on some computer monitor. The truth was that I had enjoyed wearing Kathy's tights and leotards from time to time. It was all very innocent, just something I did when I was alone, especially when she was out of town for work. All of this internal guilt was being focused on my now rock hard penis. I figured if I could control myself for a few minutes, the machine could perform its scan, I could get dressed and this would all be over, no one the wiser. I waited in silence. The monitor flashed a new message, "Prepare for scan, please hold both arms out to your sides with palms up." My hard on would not cease and I remained with my hands covering myself hoping for it to ease down. The monitor flashed again, "Prepare for scan, hold both arms out to your sides with palms up." I just couldn't uncover myself, the embarrassment was too great. "Subject uncooperative, commencing scan" Then, it all started to change. The lights in the room began to flash and suddenly I felt myself being lifted from the floor, as if I was weightless, the room turned hot and my arms were forced out away from my sides, The unitards' matrix of wires were somehow being manipulated by the computer. A powerful magnetic force had lifted me (or rather the unitard with me in it) off the ground. Try as I might to move my arms or legs, the bodysuit held them fast. I screamed at the top of my lungs, my hard on quickly faded as I tried to figure how to get myself out of this predicament. The lights stopped flashing, the monitor went blank, and Kathy's voice now come over the intercom, "David, calm down, this is not going to hurt. I've know for some time about you trying on my clothes and I thought it was about time to teach you a lesson" "Teach me a lesson! You said this wasn't going to hurt! What's going on? Why can't I move?" "All your worries will be put to rest in due time, David. I told you were going to get a new wardrobe didn't I? I've just set up a little session for you to get ready for your new life," Suddenly the room sprang to life. From of the slots and openings in the walls emerged a robotic arm equipped with what looked like a pen It began to trace the contours of my unitard. The feeling was somewhat uncomfortable, somewhere between tickling and torture. I didn't like the idea of this computerized sensor invading every inch of my body. Lasers then began to scan my body, the wire grid in the bodysuit lit up in reaction to the laser scan. Then it all stopped as quickly as it started, the sensor and scanners all disappeared in their hiding places. I was grateful that the machine seemed to be done with me, and I might be able to leave this place in one piece. The room went dark, the monitor lit up and briefly stated , "Body scan complete. Phase Two: Wardrobe assignment now activated. Layer one." The monitor shut off again. Wardrobe assignment? Layer one? What is this all about. In the darkness, I could hear the machines begin again. I could hear the slots slide open, I could hear the mechanical whine of servo motors and other robotic devices, but the lack of any light kept me from seeing what they were up to. I started to feel something being pulled up my legs, "Good " I thought, "these must be the suit trousers. But then I realized the machine was actually pulling some kind of briefs firmly above my waist. "So, its putting on my underwear, and then the suit pants next." I thought. But then I felt something being tied around my chest, it felt like the machine was putting a bra on me! A few more seconds and it was done. This time I yelled out "What was that! Kathy please tell me what's going on?" My plea was met with silence. I noticed the pressure from whatever was around my waist and chest. "Come on Kathy, this isn't funny." I yelled again, this time at the top of my lungs. That seemed to have gotten a reaction fom the machine (or Kathy?) as the lights slowly began to come up, giving me time let my eyes adjust to the dim l lighting. I noticed all of the mechanical arms were nowhere to be seen, the room was once again empty. The monitor came on once again, this time it was Kathy's face, she spoke to me in that familiar tone, "You just don't get it, do you David?" "What's going on?" I tried to remain calm. "Take a look at yourself, David" A spotlight came on above my head and the screen suddenly switched to a live video picture of me, suspended, unable to move, and wearing a red bra and panties over the skin colored leotard. Stunned and embarrassed, I realized the bra and panties were the same as the ones I had purchased for her as a birthday gift, (the same ones I tried on a week later.) "I know exactly what you've been up to David, and now I'm just going to indulge you in your little game." "Kathy, really, I'm sorry, I didn't think it would ..." Once again she cut me off before I could finish my sentence. But it wasn't with words this time, instead the machine sprang to life, this time clamping two arms around my head, two other arms began pinching my nipples through the bra (something I always enjoyed doing to her during our love making sessions). I screamed out in shock at the sensation, but then another robotic arm shaved a dildo in my mouth. I could see all of this happening to me via the monitor, the sensation was frightening and thrilling all at the same time. Now I was both immobile and unable to speak! This machine was having its way with me and all I could do was watch. My mind raced with what had led upp to this, I remembered the woman in the lobby saying something about intervening. I was really in need of some intervention, that was for sure, but what had she said? I tried to recall the conversation, but it was as though it had occurred years ago, not merely minutes. The dildo fucking my mouth and the pinchers working on my nipples were making my mind reel. Tears of frustration started forming in my eyes as I tried to come to grips with my predicament. Without notice the machine paused, and suddenly I was aware of growing erection. The phallus withdrew from my mouth and I began to plead for mercy. "Hush, hush", her calming voice came over the speakers, "David, that was just a little taste of what will happen if you don't cooperate. Am I making myself clear?" I could only manage to nod my head in response. "Good, now we can begin!" "Begin!" I spurted out, "What the hell..." "David, remember what just happened to you..." I immediately stopped protesting. "OK just relax and enjoy the rest of the afternoon. "The rest of the afternoon!" I managed to keep my thoughts silent now. "Oh shit" And then the machines went to work again, this time continuing to complete my wardrobe. First there were a pair of tights drawn up over my legs, then a body suit, just like the Wolfords that I bought for Kathy to wear. The infernal machine then began to go to work on my face applying lip stick, mascara, and a wig, and all I could do was watch on the monitor as it completed my make up and hair do. "David, you are really starting to look good. All the girls here are very impressed with how beautiful you are" It struck me now that Kathy was not the only one viewing my transformation. My face was burning with shame, thinking of the other women seeing my misery. The machine was not finished, next came the skirt, a blouse and high heel shoes. After what seem like hours of this treatment, the machine finally released from the magnetic field. I slumped to the floor. I was frankly too exhausted to absorb all that had just happened to me. Kathy's voice came on again, "Come on David, its time to go!" "OK Kathy, you've had you fun, now give me back my clothes. Do they have a shower here so I can wash off all of this makeup?" "David, you are already dressed. Let's go home" "You can't expect me to leave dressed like this can you? Kathy, come on!" "David, you seem to have forgotten our little discipline session a few minutes ago. So, you want a shower? I think we can take care of that." For the second time the lights in the room began to flash. I was suspended again, unable to move. "Kathy' please what did I do? Why are you doing this to me?" There was a long pause. "You've been keeping secrets from me. I insist that you promise to never hide anything form me again." "Listen, what harm did I do to you? What do you want?" "This is what I want" With that, a another of the diabolic arms emerged, this time with a water nozzle! The water started spraying out at first slowly on to the floor, but then the pressure rose and the stream of water struck me directly in the face. I turned my head to avoid the stinging spray, but the computer kept aiming it right for my mouth. Unable to speak I howled in anger. The water pressure eased for a moment. "Do you promise to never keep a secret form me?" "Fuck you Kathy, this has gone on long enough, let me go!" I should have known better. The water started up again hitting me in the face, but then it started to move, slowly down my body. When it got past my neck and started to hit my chest I noticed a gradual increase in the pressure. I realized where it was heading, and my erection quickly faded. Now hitting my abs, I realized I need to respond and tell her what she wanted to hear" "Kathy, please I promise" I said, knowing that it was a lie. "Good boy, or should I say good girl!" The water pressure dropped off just as it was about to hit my crotch. "David, you're a mess!" Her voice had taken on a tone of sarcasm, mixed with amusement. "Lets get you cleaned up" "Yes, please, let me go." "In due time." I could see her smile on the monitor now as her face appeared. "Lets finish up what we started here." "Oh, no." I said it out load, involuntarily. "Oh yes, dear. I won't take any more back talk now!" The screen went blank again, and my mind was racing with thought of how to escape this predicament. I promised her what she wanted, and that wasn't enough. She was bent on some kind of revenge, and I couldn't think of any way to placate her. There must be some way out of this. I tried once more, with all of my strength, to free myself from the magnetic bond, but it was just too strong. What had that damn girl said in lobby again about intervening? Too late, I groaned as the screen came alive again with a new message. I heard the machine come to life. "Thank you for choosing Precision Apparel. Your new wardrobe is now complete. All of our clothing comes with a lifetime warranty" "Great", I thought, "A lifetime warranty. Like I will ever wear any of this clothing after this experience." "All of our clothing is designed to be machine washable at 30 degrees celsius. Please use mild detergent and fabric softener if desired. Please hang to dry. We will launder your new wardrobe so that it will be ready to wear. At this time we ask you to remove your clothing and place it on the conveyor belt on the floor" I looked down and there was a rubber belt slowly moving on the floor towards an opening in the wall straight ahead. Thinking that I was going to get out of here now, I waited for the machine to release me so that I could remove everything and place it on the belt. Nothing happened. "Remove your clothing now and place it on the belt." The computer didn't say please this time. I remembered what happened the last time I disobeyed it. "Hey, let me go, I can't take off these clothes unless you let me go." I yelled at the machine. "Subject uncooperative, commencing laundry cycle" I felt my self released from the grip of the magnets and I fell directly on the conveyor belt. Before I could stand up four arms came out of the floor and clamped around my ankles and wrists. With no trouble at all it wrestled me down onto the belt lying face up with my legs and arm spread eagled. The clamps let go, but as soon as I tried to stand I realized the bodysuit was magnetized again and I was once more immobile. The conveyor belt was drawing me toward the door. My skirt and blouse were removed from me as I was drawn into the next room. Next, the high heels, the body suit and the tights came off, leaving me only wearing my bra and panties. I noticed a camera was following my progress through this, I must have been quite a sight. Stretched out, unable to move dressed in lingerie. At last the machine finished by removing the last two items, and I was left there, not naked, but still stuck in the damn unitard. The belt stopped, I had been so concerned about the machine removing my clothing that for the first time I noticed the room. This room was also lined in white tile but was populated with an number of large stainless steel vats. I guessed this was some kind of commercial type laundry equipment. The noise from the motors provided a constant rhythmic hum. High intensity lights made the glare from the machines and the tile so bright that it hurt my eyes. Squinting, I looked around to see what had happened to my clothes, I guessed that I would have to be redressed at some point, so perhaps I would just have to wait for the laundry to be done. I was grateful now that at least it had left the unitard on me, I probably would have gotten a sunburn from the lights! Out of the corner of my eye I caught some movement overhead. There was a crane that ran along a track, like something out of a warehouse. The crane was busy shuffling laundry through the facility. It would pick up a load of clothes in a claw like contraption and transfer them from one machine to another. I thought I noticed my bra and panties in the load it was dumping. Then it moved over my head for its next task and out of my sight. A few seconds later I heard it coming up from behind, and then it was lowering towards me! Just at that moment the magnetic field released and I saw my chance to escape. I was a little woozy and sore from all the confinement, as I stood up I stumbled a bit, and then suddenly the claw was down upon me. Without any hesitation, it picked me up like a wet rag and I suddenly realized I was headed for the laundry vat! Struggle as I did, the claw wouldn't let go, as it steadily transported me, I tried to slip through the arms, and just as I was about to escape, the machine stopped and the claws opened up. Head first I descended into the vat. The water was warm but not hot, the soap was in my eyes,my mouth, and up my nose immediately. I gained my composure and tried to swim to the top. I realized that my feet could just barely touch the bottom of the tank, if I stood on tip toes I could keep my nose and mouth above the suds. The tank was agitating to such an extent that it made it nearly impossible to stand. I tried to tread water, but I was immediately drawn in to the swirling torrent and pulled down to the bottom of the tank. For a moment I thought that I was drowning, somehow survival mode kick in and I righted my self. I noticed that that all of the clothing in the tank consisted of panties, bras tights and bodysuits, I realized that my survival was probably due to the fact that I was in with the delicates on gentle cycle. It seemed like an eternity while I continually fought to keep my head above the torrent. The tights and bodysuits kept wrapping themselves around me and seemingly trying to pull me under. It took all of energy to just stay upright. Then the agitator stopped and the sudsy water started to drain. "OH SHIT" I thought, I hope this thing doesn't have a spin cycle. As if on cue entire vat began to slowly rotate, I was thrown to the outside as it picked up speed. A pair of panties flew into my face, but I was pinned against the side of the vat getting dizzier and dizzier. Soon enough the cycle ended and the tub began to fill again with water. I head was still reeling, I felt sick to my stomach, on my hands and knees, and now the water was rising up again, but this time it was cold! The rinse cycle began, but this time I was freezing cold, and there must have been fabric softener in the water, everything was slippery, making it much harder stay upright. Once again the water drained and I knew I was going through another spin cycle. The tub finally came to a stop and somehow I managed not to puke. I was once again, on my knees disoriented and now shivering. It occurred to me that I could now escape, but I was unable to even stand at the moment. The claw now descended into the tub and began scooping up the lingerie. I managed to avoid it the first time, but on the second pass it took me along the rest of the clothes. The claw deposited us, (me and the lingerie) into what was like an oversized laundry basket, then proceed to pick the basket up. The basket was quickly lifted from the floor, and then it began to move. I looked out over the top of the basket, but the height of fifteen feet was too high to jump. Then I realized what the next step would be, the dryer, and I began to panic. I yelled out but there was no response over the steady hum of the machines below. The basket was drawn along the on an overhead conveyor into the next room. This room was almost completely dark, I couldn't even see the floor. The warm humid air from the laundry room was now replaced by a hot dry type of heat rising up from below. I heard the familiar sound of machinery now, it seemed to be getting closer. I saw a smaller claw device come above my basket and lower down. It removed only one item, a pair of tights, and disappeared into the darkness. The claw returned for several more time, picking up one at a time again. I managed to avoid it's grasp by hiding under the pile of underwear, but this time it came and it seemed bound to get me. It manged to reach down and grab the back of my unitard just at the neck. It plucked me out of the basket, with bras and panties falling off of me, I hung like a kitten being carried by it mother. I knew I was headed for the dryer and I tried to strategize some sort of survival plan. The claw stopped suddenly along the track, I swayed back and forth, afraid that I would fall to some unknown depth. Then I felt a pinching at my wrists and shoulders, and realized that I was being picked up by the unitard at my shoulder and wrists. I was lifted up and in the dim light I could now see that there was row after row of clothes lines with laundry hanging to dry. I knew than that I had dodged the bullet as far as tumbling to death in the dryer, but now I was being pinned to a clothes line! I then remembered the clothes care instructions, hang to dry. "Kathy", I yelled out loud into the darkness. "If you can hear me please let me go!" There was no response. I hung there in resignation to my fate. It was hours before the heated air below had its effect and I began to feel dry. I could move my left hand enough to feel the tights hanging next to me. They were dry too, so I thought that maybe I would soon be released from my hanging prison. I yelled out again, "Kathy, come on, I'll do anything you want, just please let me down!" "I'll take you up on your offer" Her voice came over a speaker. I wasn't sure what she meant by that, but at least I was relieved to know that I would soon be let free. But then I felt something grabbing at my nipples, and I realized that the machine was beginning to torture me again. I yelled out in pain, but the dildo was there, in my mouth, just as before. Not wanting to struggle too much, lest the clips holding my unitard to the clothes line should let loose, It was just then that I realized what the woman in the lobby meant when I needed someone intervene. What was her name? I frantically tried to recall her name, when it came to me! Shiela! I started yelling her name but the dildo muffled my cries. I gave up. I realized that I could not overcome this machine. I endured the humiliation in silence. My will was broken. My erection began to involuntarily pushing out against the soft fabric of the unitard. I then felt something strange happening below me. Unable to see down in the darkness, I notice a pressure building up around my penis, and then suddenly it was being drawn up into something like a tube, right through the unitard. I began to feel a gently pulsing and sucking sensation on my penis. Through the fabic of the unitard it felt incredible. "Oh my god" I thought, "this feels too good to be true.." Even the dildo pumping in and out of my mouth began to feel good. My nipples were now being gently massaged. It didn't take long before I began to explode, the relentless device was pumping me for everything I had. I came and came it seemed like an eternity. When I was finally done, all the machines withdrew all at once, leaving me shuddering in the aftermath. The front of my unitard was soaked in my own cum, and I was crying from the experience. I am not sure if the tears were from joy, relief or regret, but they flowed down my face and dripped down into the unitard mixing with my semen. "David, it seems as though you have made a mess of yourself! We can't have that!" "Kathy, no please....." But it was no use begging, the claws came again to snatch me up, this time I offered no resistance, as the machine returned me to the laundry room to repeat the whole wash cycle. I had learned my lession. I kept my mouth shut and endured another washing, rinsing and drying. This time I was left to dry in silence. The machine returned me to the original chamber were I was dressed in all of my newly cleaned clothes, my wig was replaced and my makeup done over. When I was finished, the doors opened, and Kathy strode in. I burst out in tears, and apologized, asking for her forgiveness. She gently took my hand, and said, "Its time to go home now. There's more in store for you when we get home" Resigned to my fate, I followed her out the door, into the car and home at last, knowing that my life would never be the same again. Chapter Two I rode home in the passenger seat of the car in silence. I kept my head down in hopes that no one would recognize me sitting next to my wife, dressed in women's clothing. The experience of the last few hours was being replayed in my mind like a video in fast forward and I couldn't stop it. I began to softly cry, trying not to let Kathy notice. She looked over at me, and instead of sympathy, she gave me a scornful glance. "If you are going to act like a little girl, then I guess I will have to treat you like one." This new attitude she had adopted towards me kept me off my guard. I apologized and wiped my tears with my hands. I noticed my mascara was smearing. My first thought was that I would have to fix my makeup! What was happening to me? Was the shock treatment that she had put me through working? I then noticed that we were not heading home. I asked, "Where are we headed, dear?", just as we turned into a parking lot that I recognized as the one for Superior Fit Apparel. "Aren't we going home?" "No, I think we need to revisit your wardrobe, David. If you are going to act like a little girl, then I think you should dress like one." "No, please not that again. The tears really started flowing now." I already knew my protest would do no good before I even finished the sentence. In fact there were some aspects of the experience which were extremely pleasurable, the orgasm I experienced at the hands of the machine was incredible. My penis immediately started to react at the thought of reliving that. "David, don't worry, I know you have learned your lesson, I just thought it would be fun for you to have another set of clothes to wear." I didn't know what to think now. One moment she was vengeful, and the next moment she was sweet and loving. My penis sent the signal to my brain to cooperate, and my brain obeyed. We pulled into the same parking space, but before we got out she reached into her purse and handed me her compact case and mirror. "Your makeup needs a little touchup, you should touch it up. I took the case, fumbled with the clasp and it fell in my lap, getting powder all over my skirt and blouse. I managed to grab the applicator and cover the tear mark on my face with fresh power. I had watched her do it a thousand times, it was almost like second nature to me. I handed the case back to her, she made a comment about me getting my own, and we got out of the car and walked into the lobby. "Back so soon?" The receptionist asked. "Yes, David enjoyed the experience so much that he begged to come back, and I just had to indulge him." She made it sound like my idea! I felt the blood rush to my face, but my blushing was hidden by the face powder. The receptionist picked up the phone and dialed. "Sheila, your last customers have returned! She'll be right out" "Sheila! I will remember the her name this time" I thought to myself, "I won't allow this to go too far, just in case this gets out of hand again, I'll be sure to remember the safe word" "David, would like to get a second outfit, maybe something a little more youthful. Be sides, he spilled his makeup all over his beautiful new skirt and blouse, so we need to make him presentable again." "Great, let get started. David, follow me into the prep room. I'm sure you remember the procedure." Sheila gave me a little wink as the said the word procedure. I took it as a warning to obey the instructions on the monitor this time. I stepped into the now familiar room. The monitor flashed, "Welcome back David, the specifications from your recent body scan will remain on file. Please state whether you wish for a re-scan at this time." "No" "Thank you, please prepare for Wardrobe Re-assignment. Pease remove all of your clothing." I began to take off my skirt and blouse. A slot opened in the wall to the left. I folded the clothes and placed them in. Next the bodysuit, there were snaps at the crotch, which came undone. The heels and tights came off next. "Do you want me to remove my bra and panties?" "Yes, please remove all clothing and place in the slot." This was going much more smoothly than the first time. I stepped out of the panties and put them in the slot, but having never removed the bra by myself, I struggle to get it off. "Remove all clothing and place it in the slot." I knew when the computer didn't day please it meant business! I yanked at the bra, with all my might, I managed to tear one of the straps, the other I slipped my arm through and tore the whole contraption off over my head. I threw it into the slot. This left me wearing only the bodysuit, I was still in compliance with the computer! "Subject uncooperative" The monitor flashed. "No!", I shouted, "I got the bra off and put it in the slot like you asked." Was I really trying to reason with a machine? I braced my self for the magnetic field to grab my unitard and lift me up, but instead the screen went blank for a few moments, and then it read "Subject in compliance. Your new wardrobe is now available in the slot to your right. " I let out a sigh of relief, the computer had given me a reprieve. The clothing came out of the slot as promised. I didn't like what I saw emerge. First there was a pair of pink panties, the kind that everyone called 'granny panties'. Then came a matching pink bra, not like the one I had just removed, but one that teenage girls wear, like a training bra. "Please put the bra and panties on" I complied, they fit perfectly, like all the other clothing this system produced. Next came a pair of leggings, pink and white stripes, and a short sleeve t-shirt top in matching pink stripes. This was some type of outfit suited to a pre-teen. "Hey, Kathy, come on, I can't wear this!" I didn't know if she was listening, but I needed to let her know that I thought this was going too far. "Subject uncooperative" flashed on the screen. "OK" I'm putting them on. The leggings pulled on smoothly over my unitard, the T-shirt and leggins were made of some remarkably soft and stretchy fabric. I felt the fabric on on my torso and legs, and I had to admit it felt good. A very short skirt white ankle socks, and tennis shoes now came out of the slot, I put the skirt on, it barely covered my thighs. "This isn't good", I thought, "I must look ridiculous!" I sat on the floor to put the shoes and socks on. The right shoe went on fine, but the left was at least three sizes too small. I stood up, one shoe on one shoe off. "Subject uncooperative" the computer was relentless. I must have tripped some sort of three strike rule with the system, because the magnetic field came on instantly. Suspended above the floor in this ridiculous outfit, through no fault of my own, I was about to be punished. My sense of justice boiled over into outrage. "Damn it, I was cooperating you fucking machine! The shoe didn't fit! It didn't fucking fit!" I remembered the password, "Sheila" I shouted "Sheila Shela Sheila!" Nothing happened. The machine seemed confused. The monitor began to flash line after line of code, as thought the system had some glitch or bug that caused it reboot. The monitor went blank again. It seemed to be regaining it's composure. "Password verification" "Sheila" I said the word slowly and clearly. "Password accepted" This was my ticket out of here. I was going to get my life back, no more obeying this stupid computer. Maybe I could even get my own clothes back, they were mine after all. I got ready to be released from the magnetic lock hold, but still nothing happened. "Preparing intervention sequence" Why was it taking so long! "Intervention" the word began flashing, then "Confirm request for intervention" "Yes, I want the intervention." I said using the same slow speech so the voice recognition software would understand. "Intervention confirmed" the screen then went blank. The room came alive. The robotic arms began by removing all of the childish clothing that I had just put on. I was left, still hanging in midair, wearing nothing but the unitard. I waited impatiently for the computer to release me. "Intervention Phase One" the screen declared. What happened next took me total surprise. The pinchers came on my nipples again and began their torturous work. A pair of arms emerged and clamped my head. "No, this can't be happening", I moaned. An even larger dildo than before was inserted in my mouth, effectively silencing me again. Then I felt something starting to push at my rear end. I couldn't believe, now there was a dildo, or something worse trying to fuck my ass. "At least the unitard will protect me." But the unitard was no match for the anal intruder, and I felt the stretchy fabric yield as the dildo and unitard slid easily in my ass. Now the dual dildos were beginning to pump in and out in unison. The feeling was overwhelming. I knew what the next step would be, sure enough my penis began to respond and the suction tube was right there to take charge. If I had every experienced anything that felt better on my penis, I couldn't remember. All three devices were now timing the thrusting in perfect unison. It didn't' take long before I was ready to spill another load, but then the machine stopped. "You have chosen the Level One intervention", the monitor said. "Your intervention sequence is designed to train your neural response systems for maximal endurance." The screen went blank again. My heart was racing from all the stimulation I had just received. I was ready to come and then all of a sudden it stopped? I began to calm down and try to figure this out. What did the monitor just say? I started to notice a little movement in the butt probe, and then gradually the other two devices slowly started. The delicious feeling on my cock was starting up again. I was still pretty close to cumming from when it had stopped and I could feel the familiar sensation of ecstasy when the machine stopped again. "Fuck" I groaned in the dildo. This time the wait was longer but once again the computer triggered the sequence and it stared all over again. It somehow knew when I was about to cum and would stop, let me calm down just enough and then start all over again. After several repetitions the cycles became longer. It was taking me longer to get worked up, but it was also taking me longer to calm down. Now I knew what maximal endurance meant. After about five of these cycles I was pleading to the dildo in my mouth "Please let me cum, please..." The screen was displaying my statistics: heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, I felt like some kind of lab rat for a sadistic sex experiment. At the rest intervals I was able to focus on the narrative that the computer was displaying. "You are being trained to provide a longer lasting experience for your lover" Was one I remember, and "You performance has improved 22% over the last cycle" I realized that I might be able to end this if I could just cum. I focused all of thoughts upon the next cycle, thinking of how wonderful it would feel to finally get some relief. It worked! At the end of the cycle I willed myself to an orgasm, it seemed as though I spilled a gallon of semen into the tube. I cried out with each spurt, but then the dildo in my mouth began to squirt something into my mouth, It tasted milky and sweet, it was probably some form of liquid nutrition. I gulped it down, I was both hungry and thirsty. The dildo in my rear also came alive and began to squirt something hot and slippery inside of me. What it was I couldn't guess, but at this point I didn't really care. The fluids kept coming at both ends even after I was done ejaculating. I took it all in. At last the machine was done. The clamps let go of my head, the dildos withdrew and the tube eased off of my aching cock. My unitard was soaked with sweat, cum, tears and whatever was leaking out my ass. Never again would I agree to an intervention! I feared what was going to happen next, the washing machines. Chapter Three "Are you all right?", Kathy's voice startled me out my stupor. Her voice sounded like it was coming from a speaker phone, but the tone of her voice indicated that she was genuinely concerned. "Yea, I guess, I 'm a little sore. Can you let me out of this?" "David, that just it, I can't seem to get control of the computer. It was all going according to plan and then you started it on that intervention program. When that kicked in I lost all control. I lost the audio and video feed. The door is locked. My console doesn't work. I just figured how to work this intercom. I have no idea how to stop it. I could hear your screaming. How did you know how to start it? What were you thinking?" "Get that woman in here to fix it." "Don't you think I tried, she just told me there was nothing she could do. She said you weren't being hurt. The computer protocol for the Level One Intervention actually blocks any one from overriding the system. They wrote the subroutine for it as an experiment. I think its some sort of joke in this company about not being able to intervene on an intervention. " "Yea, funny... Whats going to happen next?" "I don't know, she wouldn't tell me. How did you know how to start the subroutine?" "I didn't. I just guessed that using her name was some sort of safe word that would end the program and get me out of here. I think she set me up for this." "You were trying to get out?" I couldn't believe Kathy was asking me this. "Well, yes, the computer made a mistake and I didn't think it was fair that I should get punished for it." "You mean the shoe that wouldn't fit?" "Yea, how did you know?" "I set that up, I just wanted to see you get nervous about getting another punishment. I had no intention of carrying through with it. I was just teasing with you. You were being so good. What just happened in there?" "What the fuck do you think just happened! You and that bitch Sheila just put me through a mechanical raping!" In a flash I realized that I had used the password again and the intervention protocol kicked in. The monitor lit up. "Level One intervention Phase Two" "NO!" I cried but it was no use. The routine started to kick in again. The clamps grabbed my head, but this time instead of the dildos, the water nozzles came out and gave me a full body hosing at high pressure. I shut my eyes against the onslaught, the pressure was enormous. The spraying stopped briefly, but then I felt a single one beginning to shoot water at my crotch from underneath. The pressure increased until it was shooting up my rectum, giving me an involuntary enema. As soon as I was all cleaned up a new set of tormentors emerged. First there were two suction devices. They attached themselves to my nipples and began to suck so hard I thought I was going to pass out. Then the dildos came back for an encore. An even larger one went into my mouth this time, making my jaws ache. The one headed for my ass was smaller than the first one, I was grateful for that until it started to twist slightly, first one way and than another, causing considerable discomfort. The pain from these devices was barely tolerable, but it definitely did not put me in the mood for another erection. The machine apparently did not care. The dildo in my ass started to vibrate, which in turn, began the blood flowing to my cock. The tube sucked my penis in and began to massage it to a full hard on. My statistics appeared on the screen again, I noticed that all the values: heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate were much higher than before. There was a new readout that I did not notice before, 'Sexual Stress Tolerance Ratio'. The number seemed to reflect my growing pain and frustration. Pretty soon the sheath on my penis was working me up pretty good. The hotter I got the higher the stress value became, as the number neared 95, I exploded again. This time I had less cum to give, and the pleasure was mixed with pain. Once more the two dildos finished me off by coming inside me. And then they left once more leaving me devastated physically and mentally. Chapter Four "David, David wake up, are you all right?" A new voice came on the speaker system this time. I must have been in a daze. "I figured out how to override the computer. The intervention is over." On the monitor, Sheila's face appeared. "Kathy stepped out of the room, I may only have a minute to explain. First of all, I am so sorry you had to go through this. I had no idea that this was not a consensual session." "What do you mean?" I asked. "When Kathy set this appointment up she said that this was your desire, your fantasy to be raped. We simply wrote the routine and I planted the cue for you to begin when you first came in. Since you did not call for it on your first visit, we simply assumed that you had changed your mind. We were quite surprised when you showed up again so soon. Please understand that your wife supplied us with all of the consent forms, signed by both of you to go ahead with this procedure. It's a requirement for any of our extreme treatments. It was only after monitoring the situation that I began to realize that something was wrong." "I didn't sign any consent papers!" "I can see that now, we compared the signature on the consent form with the one on your drivers license, it's obviously a forgery." "My drivers license? How did you get that" "It was in your pants pocket. When you came in the first time, remember, we kept your personal effects. Your wife said you wouldn't be needing it any time soon, so we kept in a safe." "So your saying that Kathy actually set that intervention thing up?" "Please understand, please, we thought you had signed the release. Our company policy is never let anyone into the system with out a signed release. We would like to make this up to you some how. What can we do to correct this wrong?" The first thought I had was to hire a lawyer, and sue them for all they were worth, but then I realized that it was Kathy who had set this up, they were just the unfortunate victim of her deceit. After giving it a few moments of thought I said, "I have an idea!" Chapter Five "I want you to give her everything I just got and more!" I'm afraid that we can't do....." "Sure you can, if you did this to me you can do it to her too." "Please what is that we can do to make this situation acceptable to you." "Let me go, and put her in this thing! Your alternative is that I call the police and my lawyer and have you all arrested" "OK. She doesn't know that I know what she did. She just stepped out of the room, we have to think of something quickly before she comes back. What if I tell her that you were begging for mercy, I could probably get her to go into the chamber with you, I'll take it from there, I'll have the equipment capture her, let you go, and then we can plan the next step." Before I could reply, she whispered, "She's coming back, just start begging for mercy and I'll take it form here..." The monitor went blank. I started crying out "Please, please let me go." I repeated this over and over, thinking that I could draw on her sympathy. I wasn't much of an actor, but after what I had been through, the begging came easily to me. After a few minutes, the doors opened and Kathy walked in, alone. "I am so sorry that this happened to you! They are going to let you go and we'll both get out of here, I promise." As she was speaking I noticed the two of the slots in the wall opened up behind her and the arms of the machine emerged. Before she could continue, the machine grabbed her around the waist and lifted her off the floor. "What the hell! No goddamit let me go!" At the some time I felt the magnetic grip on my unitard release and I was gently lowered to the floor. I stood and watched as the machine carefully removed her clothing one piece at a time. All the while she was swearing and screaming at me to stop it. "I don't know what going on Kathy!" Faking my concern. When the machine had finally removed her bra and panties, a new unitard, like the one I was wearing, emerged from the slot to the left. She was kicking and flailing her arms but the machine easily over came her and put the unitard on her in a matter of seconds. The arm released its grip on her but before she could hit the floor the magnetic force took hold of her unitard and held her in place about three feet above the ground. I felt exultant in the power that I now had over my former tormentor. "What's wrong Kathy, don't you like your new suit." I said cynically. "I'm gonna make sure that you get everything that I got only ten times worse. You'll see how much fun it is to get raped by this machine!" I turned to walk out of the room when suddenly the magnetic force activated on my unitard and I was thrown to the ground, and onto the conveyor belt. The force of the fall knocked the breath out of me. Gasping for breath, I noticed the monitor turned on, it was Sheila's face again. "I'm sorry David, but we can't let do that. We have strict rules in this company and both of you have broken them." I was lying on my back looking up in disbelief at what was happening. "From this day forward you will both be confined to this facility. Our technicians need live subjects, you see, to test the various new programs and devices on. Quite frankly, we can't afford the bad publicity that result from you trying to sue us David. I was willing to go along with your little revenge scheme until you mentioned calling you lawyer and the police. Kathy, you should have been happy with the wardrobe change routine, you went too far with the intervention. You husband obviously loved you. This will be a lesson to you. David, we need to get you cleaned up, and ready. We have a whole new collection of lingerie that needs to be tested." The monitor turned off and the conveyor began to slowly move towards the laundry room. As I was leaving the room I saw the robotic arms bring three dildos into view. The laundry routine began again for me, but when I was able to keep my head above the suds in the laundry tub, I could hear her familiar orgasmic screams.

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Andy Griffith Porn Parody Part One

Andy Griffith Parody: Barney Makes His Rounds (Part One)It was all that dern Gomer's fault.As Barney pulled away from the courthouse he noticed that a rear tire was low. Wally's filling station did not open until 10:00 on Mondays because that was the day that he took his sister to the foot doctor. Barney looked at his watch. 8:25. Maybe he could rouse Gomer from his cot in station's backroom and get him to turn on the air compressor (No charge for air....).The front of the station was dark, so...

3 years ago
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Misfit Hours

Misfit Hours I slow to a stop to allow Rita to gain some distance. It's a pleasure just watching her walk plus I want to see her reaction to the kind of attention she draws now. She's still learning how to handle it and needs the practice. The tight pencil skirt, the tailored cotton blouse and even the 4" pumps suggest a smart business woman who's taken off her suit jacket for a nightcap. The seamed stockings, perfectly aligned with the thin heels, and the long red nails flashing...

3 years ago
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New Neighbours Part 2 The Fitness Assessment

I knew Rachel was coming round early but wasn’t expecting her as early as this as I had only just got out of bed and was still in my boxers drinking coffee in the kitchen when she ambled down the garden path, I wasn’t sure if boxers was the most appropriate attire seeing that she had only a white sports bra which highlighted her perky 34b’s to perfection and a pair of matching white yoga shorts which were so tight that you could have driven a train through her thigh gap, I certainly wasn’t...

2 years ago
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Fitness Freak Ordeal

Chapter 1 Chapter 01 ?Waking To Rape ???? ??I had a very normal reaction when the drug wore off and I woke up with a stranger on top of me pounding away.? I started screaming my head off.? His reaction was normal, too.???? ?Shut the fuck up, bitch,? said Oscar delivering an open palm slap to my face stunning me.? ???? The whole side of my head went numb and I tasted blood in my mouth.? I inhaled to resume screaming, causing Oscar to draw his fist back threatening me.? ?You don?t...

3 years ago
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The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald A Tale of the Verse

(Important note: this story is largely non-erotic, any sex that occurs will happen only when logically demanded by the plot and is incidental to the main thrust of the tale. If it does happen it will be suitably steamy however...) It is the Year 2532. In the wake of the 'Miranda Wave' public outcry on the core worlds has completely revised the government of the Alliance and ousted its former leadership. Gone are the days of secret eugenics projects on backwater worlds and training facilities...

3 years ago
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Fitness is a Cruell Mistress PT I

There had to be a way for me to get in shape without any effort. I had stormed away from Megan after she had blatantly called me fat and so I decided to walk around the town. I came upon a store that I had never seen before; Nottingham Spells. Hmm... maybe this shop had what I needed. I entered and was overcome with the scent of incense and sage burning. It almost felt as If I was transported to another world. Thousands of objects were lined on the shelf. Gems that held the key to power...

1 year ago
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One Fit Sizes All

ONE FIT SIZES ALL By Persephome © 2017 Synopsis: Vic brought home a beautiful dress as a present for his wife. She loves it but says it's too small. He insists it's not. She says prove it. His life will never be the same. Chapter One Vic needed some new jeans. Usually his wife bought them for him but when he asked her to pick some up for him she told him. "Vic, this is a three day weekend. I made plans and I have way too much to do today to take time to buy you jeans....

1 year ago
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Stranger In Gym Turns Out To Be A Real Fitness Freak

Hi all, This is my first story on ISS and I hope this story make you guys shag of like hell and girls wet like a rainy day This is Nishad. I am currently staying in Pune and working in a renowned MNC. Pune is indeed a city with lot of possibilities and you never know when your luck shines for you :D You are sitting in a cafe and you suddenly start talking with a girl and you hit it off pretty well, then if you are good at it, there you go you are laid ! As simple as that.. I love this place...

3 years ago
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Fitness Training To Girls 8211 Part 1

Hi all this is another experience of mine while fitness training for those who are reading me for the first time. I am based at Ahmedabad working in an MNC at a senior post and travel across Gujarat for my work. You can send me your feed back on This is another experience of mine while providing fitness training. I hit my gym on regular basis but not daily and I have been following same gym for last 5 odd years and now I am almost like a senior member there. It is during winters when I was...

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Fitness Training To A Couple 8211 Part II

This story is the continuation of my previous post ‘Fitness Training To A Couple. I am 28 years old working at a senior post in Finance company. I travel across Gujarat for my work. I am a fitness freak. You can write your feedback on I got something in my mind and told them that this also helps in your digestive system. It’s superb for those having constipation. I placed my hand on their lower stomach from back moving my hands from the space between their legs. I told that this is the area...

1 year ago
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If the bra fits wear it Part 2

"If the bra fits, wear it..." Part 2 I am looking in the mirror at my bra and how it holds my man boobs. I am prouder of how I seem to fill my bra. It's just dawned on me that I actually have bigger breasts than my wife or daughters. Oh my god! I, the man of the house am the one with the biggest tits! My dad was always telling me that I did not measure up. My life had always seemed to be about failing to meet his expectations of me and so I have never struggled to understand...

1 year ago
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Fit Girls

Reddit Fit Girls, aka r/FitGirls! Do you have a certain type you are mostly into? I mean, it is obvious that you do, if you decided to browse through a subreddit called r/fitgirls/. I think the name here speaks for itself, but if you are unsure of what this place has to offer, I am here to make everything a lot clearer. You are welcome to explore what this place has to offer, or you can take your time and read the review if you have never visited Reddit.On the other hand, who has never seen...

Reddit NSFW List
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Fitness Model Moms 4

Amy, now pregnant with her son’s child, deals with regret and shame, wondering what her late husband would think if he knew of this ultimate sin she committed. Since I wanted to write a story that explores the afterlife, I figured this would be a chance to do so. -1- Martin was 640 light-years from Earth. Moments ago he witnessed the star, Betelgeuse, go supernova. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” the being known only as The Guide, asked him in a calm androgynous voice. The red...

2 years ago
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Fitness Fun With My Client

Hi, I’m deep from Mumbai and I’ve been reading Indian sex story for the past few months, and I’m a dance and Fitness instructor. This sex story took place about 3 months back during our Zumba Session. Now to the sex story- I take personal Dance and Fitness classes around Mumbai and I’ve got a hot and chubby client who has a really big fat ass and tits her name is Ruchi, she’s short but her figure is smoking hot, she can turn anyone on in an instant. One day when I went to take her class as...

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Essentially LisaChapter 4 Fitness Babes

Lisa and Jenn were walking back to their apartment after a very long and strenuous workout in the complex's exercise room. Both ladies were wearing exercise gear; spandex outfits, with towels draped over their shoulders. Usually, the pair of college students went to the local fitness club to get in their workouts. This afternoon, however, they decided to stay closer to home and exercise in the apartment complex's spacious fitness room. Jenn opened the door to their apartment, then followed...

4 years ago
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Show and tell in Ms Fitchs class

Moving up between her legs he sniffed at her crotch and discovered what smelled like a bitch in heat. Ms. Fitch tried to move him away and yelled to Mike to get him away but to no avail as Mike's classmates held him back as they watched the dog move it's head under her skirt. Many of the male student pulled out their stiffening cocks and began masturbating as the dog worked under Ms. Fitch's skirt. Ms. Fitch was a young twenty three year old newly graduated teacher and was very attractive....

1 year ago
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Friends With Benefits2

Around the beginning of year 11, a girl named Jess transferred to our school. She was incredibly pretty, easy to get along with, quite the tomboy, and had no problems getting physical with guys. She wasn’t a virgin, but certainly didn’t sleep around. She didn’t really like the popular groups, so started hanging around with me and a few of my friends. Soon everyone was after her, and who could blame her, she was about 5’4” had long brown hair, a firm ass, and about a 32D size bra. She was...

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The Fitting0

Ali is a petite middle aged woman in her late fifties. She suffered from depression when our only child died in a car accident. This actually brought on an early menopause and the loss of her sex drive. She comfort ate and put on the pounds. At one point she was over 170 pounds mostly around the middle. She woke up to the health risk when she hurt her back. After several attempts to diet she decided to create her own sensible diet – mainly eat less and exercise. She came back down to a healthy...

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Friends With Benefits0

Friends With Benefits Tammy is not your typical girl next door. She is fourteen years old, just a little bit heavy, and she wears glasses and braces. Her face is okay but nothing to write home about. Even her hair sucks since her mother messed with it. I am also fourteen but unlike Tammy I am fairly good looking from what I’ve been told. Tammy and I have been friends since the day we were born. Our mothers were in the hospital at the same time but I am two days older than Tammy...

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The Benifit of a Storm Pt 2

  After 12 months of putting this off, I have decided to do a sequel to this story. So many readers have requested one – so here goes. Jean woke up the morning after the storm. She remembered that the washing machine had broken and that someone had fixed it for her. She had been so tired after the bout of housework she had previously done that day, that she had dinner and taken a sleeping pill so that the storm wouldn’t disturb her sleep. She had gone to bed and slept very soundly. Little...

2 years ago
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Verficktes Fitnessstudio

An alle potenziellen Mitschreiber: Bitte zuerst die Storyrichtlinien lesen! Das "Olympia" ist das größte und angesagteste Fitnessstudio der gesamten Stadt. Es verfügt über einen riesigen Raum fürs Kraft- & Muskeltraining, 4 Kursräume und freie Trainingsflächen, einen Zirkel, unzählige Cardiogeräte mit integrierten Monitoren, einem großen Swimming Pool, ein Becken für Wassergynmanstik, 8 Themensaunen, einem Massagebereich, einer ebenso großzügigen Lounge wie auch einen Relaxbereich und helle...

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Die Nacht im Fitnessstudio

Sonntag 16.08.2017, 22:55 Uhr. Das Fitnessstudio „Fit and Fun“ in einem Vorort von Frankfurt ist fast menschenleer. Kein Wunder, es ist ein lauer Sommerabend und um 23 Uhr macht das Studio wie üblich dicht. Hinter der Theke ist die 23-jährige Bianca dabei die Tageseinnahmen zu zählen. Viel ist es nicht, aber 322,50 € sind für einen Sonntag gar nicht mal so übel. Sie kann es gar nicht erwarten endlich nach Hause zu kommen. Die lange Steherei hinter der Theke hat sie müde gemacht. Ihr...

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The Fitment Centre

If you ever met a shit magnet where tyres were concerned, well that would be me! I spent my life at my local tyre shop, replacing or fixing tyres. Truthfully, I mostly had myself to blame because I was rather careless when it came to driving. I constantly hit potholes or strangely placed curbs. I practically had shares in my local tyre fitment centre and everyone began laughing when I entered the premises. The guy that invariably took care of me was Russ. He always dumped whoever he is busy...

Gay Male
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Formfit Fantasy 2

This fetish story was developed with two pictures from my collection of 1950’s & 60’s era magazine and catalog scans. Hope you like it.Dressing in my sister’s panties and old bra had become a daily habit and now almost a year later I knew every bra, girdle, and panty that she owned. I had made almost daily raids of her bedroom when she was not around to snoop in her dresser. I never dared swipe anything because I was afraid I’d be caught. Today promised to be a big day because Mom and Wendy...

2 years ago
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Formfit Fantisy 1

This fetish story was developed with two pictures from my collection of 1950’s & 60’s era magazine and catalog scans. Hope you like it.The antique store was like so many others I had visited in the last few years. Aside from the collectable objects there was always a section of magazines, books, and other paper items stacked in some far away corner of the store. As a 70 year old retired accountant I had money to spare and adding to my collection was always on my mind. I pulled out a Ladies...

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THIS HAPPENED IN 2003We were renovating our kitchen but needed a professional to cut out the worktops so Donna rang someone from the phone book, when he came to survey the job I could tell she fancied him. He was Ronnie, 45, married, and had been doing the job for twenty years. We asked him “When can you start” and we agreed, two weeks.Two weeks Tuesday and I was getting ready to go to work when Donna came downstairs, she was dressed to kill, in a shortish black skirt, red top and stockings....

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Summer work with Benifits

Summer WorkIt was the summer of my junior year (1968) and as usual I was working at my yard business. Since I was 14 I had been doing yard work around the neighborhood but after turning 16 I was able to buy an old pickup and spread out. Now I was doing work in some of the “better” neighborhoods.Most of the time I only got to see the women (wives) of the house and was paid now at the end of the month. I had worked for Hansen’s last year and so just out of habit I showed up to do the spring...

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The Carpet Fitters

THIS HAPPENED IN 2004Donna and I decided we needed a new bedroom carpet, after shopping around we found the one we were looking for at a local family run business. Ordering it they said they would come and fit it three weeks later. Friday morning came and Donna and I were up early sorting out which furniture we could move before the carpet fitters came.11am there was a knock on the door and there stood two older men, one was Tony, 54 and had been doing the job for 30 years, and his mate, Jack,...

2 years ago
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Friends with benifits

FWBWe had know each other for a long time, but he was married and so was i, and being faithful to our spouses was an unspoken rule to both of us. But then everything changed, his life had some major changes and he moved far away after his wife suddenly died. My life also had major changes, after 15 years my husband, whom i devoted my entire life to, found someone else he wanted to be with and left. We lost touch for awhile, and during a visit to see his parents we ran into each other. The...

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