Darkroom - Tuesday free porn video

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The email didn't come in until one o'clock, but the guys had been taking turns monitoring their inboxes, so they all went running for their computers when Justin yelled.

This one was like the last one, addressed to all five of them by name.

Hi Anthony, Steve, Gabe, Dieter, and Justin,

Well boys, we think last night was a smashing success, even though it went quite a bit beyond the original plan. I trust nobody is complaining on your end. Monday 's face has been glowing all morning and Tuesday has been revising her plans a little. The rest of us are a pretty jealous because it's her turn tonight. We've had a lot to talk about. None of us slept very well, mostly because last night's appreciation left us, frankly, horny as hell. Even Monday.

Tuesday is going to appreciate Gabe. She has been watching him for quite some time and noticed that he will switch shifts with that very unpleasant old man at work whenever he needs to go to dialysis. He donates blood every two months, and when he leaves a table at a restaurant, he makes sure there's a decent tip, even if he's with a group and he ends up out a few dollars. Tuesday feels safe enough to let you know that she benefitted from that very good habit on one occasion. We mentioned that we've basically been stalking you. We have also noticed that you have all done something nice already today- Dieter donated shoes to the homeless shelter (he was waiting when the doors opened), Gabe was at the blood bank, Justin read stories to kids at the library, Anthony gave two dollars to a homeless woman (Confession time- it was Thursday in disguise! She passed it on to a real homeless woman) and even Steve, who already received his appreciation, signed up to teach English to immigrants. We think he'll discover that was a very good move.

Tuesday wants Gabe to be thinking of anything he wants in particular. He can tell her tonight if anything at all comes to mind.

So we're changing the world one nice guy at a time. We wondered what would happen if all the nice girls appreciated all the nice guys? Just so you know, we each volunteer at different places, but we've decided not to go into details right now. We're not worried about you guys, you were perfect gentlemen last night, but we're honestly enjoying the little game and we want it to go on.

So, set up the room the same way as last night (we apologize for not helping to clean up, I'm afraid some of us made a mess). This time though, Tuesday tells me, it would make things easier if there were a large rug or a piece of carpet on the floor.

We'll meet you in the dark tonight at 9:00. You have no idea how much we're looking forward to it.


Thursday, for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday

Gabe's face was white and his brown eyes kept reading the text over and over.

"Lucky bastard," Justin complained.

"We're all lucky bastards," Steve said fervently, "this kind of shit just doesn't happen."

"My mother told me I should do good," Justin mused. "I don't think she had this in mind when she said what goes around comes around."

"I'll get the basement ready," Steve volunteered. The guys had stumbled numbly to bed the night before without doing any cleaning at all. "Do any of you guys have a rug we can use?"

Nobody answered right away, but Anthony had an idea. "Look, no matter how tacky you think this is, the right rug would be a deep pile shag rug. Where can we get one of those?"

"Thrift store?" Justin said, "I'll check the one by the school and Dieter, why don't you go over to the one across from the park. It won't hurt if we both find one."

Just before dinner, Gabe came in the door dragging a large rolled rug wrapped in plastic behind him.

Dieter said, "Hey, I already got a rug, but Anthony came up empty."

"I know," Gabe said, "but I figured a thrift store rug would send the wrong message."

"What did you get?" asked Steve.

Gabe unrolled a black fur rug.

"It's alpaca. Actually, it's a bedspread, but we can put Dieter's rug under it for padding." Gabe looked at it thoughtfully.

Anthony ran his hand across the fur. "How much did this cost you? it feels  expensive."

Gabe mumbled, "About $800. It's not the skin- it's just made from the fur. I don't know how the girls feel about fuzzy animals."

"Damn." Justin said.

"Look, Steve said they can't take anything from us," Gabe said, "and I thought that if there was anything I'm willing to go into debt for, it's this."

"There's just one thing I want to know," said Justin, "Can this be dry cleaned?"

Gabe punched Justin's shoulder, outraged. Then he said, "Yep. I checked."


9:00 that evening found Gabe sitting on a chair in the dark on the most outrageously expensive rug he'd ever touched. He was barefoot and wearing shorts and a short sleeved button down cotton shirt.

Steve made sure he was sitting where Monday had told him to, furthest from the door. He thought she would probably do the same.

The girls showed up. Gabe could hear them chatting as they came down the stairs. When they reached the bottom, one of them said, "Hi guys. Hi Gabe. We know where we're going, but Tuesday needs to find you."

Gabe swallowed, "I'm over here. Sitting on my chair. Being good."

"Being very good," one of the girls said. "This rug is going to pay for itself I think."

Gabe sensed a woman standing in front of him.

"I'm Tuesday," she said quietly, and it sounded like she was smiling. "And you have outdone yourself. I expected perhaps something from the thrift store for the floor. A nice shag carpet, maybe, but what kind of fur is this? It makes my feet horny." But she didn't wait for an answer. Tuesday grabbed Gabe's hand and had him stand up. Tuesday hugged him tenderly and he hugged her back, noticing that her blouse was cut all the way down to the bottom of her back. Gabe traced his fingers along the edges of the fabric, enjoying the smooth, soft feel of her skin.

"Okay, that's a whole lot of silence and no report," one of the guys said impatiently. "Give us something."

"Something juicy," one of the girls added.

"I'm holding her and touching her back. She's wearing some sort of slippery blouse that's open in the back. She's hugging me, nothing juicy."

"I'm going to fix that," she said into his neck and she rose up on her toes and kissed him. She slid her tongue in and tickled the roof of his mouth, then she sucked in his lower lip and let it pop out noisily.

"That sounded juicy," one of the girls said.

Then Tuesday ran her hand along the front of his shorts to feel his erection. She whispered, "Tell them this makes me juicy."

Gabe tingled, and impulsively slid his hands down to feel Tuesday's ass. He pulled her so close she ground into his hard cock.

"Tuesday kissed me and she wants me to tell you that my cock, which she keeps on rubbing through my shorts, is making her, uh, juicy."

Tuesday whispered, "So. What is it you particularly want?"

Gabe had been debating whether to ask the question, he didn't want to seem like he was inexperienced, but he decided to swallow his pride and go for it. "Last night, when Steve and Monday were here, she was teaching him things she liked and I thought that was pretty fucking hot."

"I thought it was pretty fucking hot too," said Tuesday. "I hope you learned something too. What is it that you want me to teach you?"

"Um. Can you come closer?" Gabe waited until he felt her face near his. He whispered, "Cunnilingus. I don't know how to do it. I mean, I've never had the opportunity..."

"That," Tuesday cut him off, "is a very wise thing to learn. And to pretend you don't know after you've learned so you can learn again." She hissed at the girls, "We really like to teach boys pussy licking, don't we girls?"

There was enthusiastic affirmation from their side of the room.

"And after I teach pussy licking," she whispered in his ear, "I like to pretend I've forgotten something that you can teach me. Now the first thing about pussy licking is I want to be naked and you want to be naked, so can you help me out with this? You might touch things that make me feel nice."

Gabe didn't argue. He slipped the blouse off her shoulders and ran his hands over Tuesday's breasts. He bent down and licked her nipples gently, and then a little harder as she responded. "Am I doing it right?" he said, grinning. "Am I making your pussy feel good?"

"You're doing it completely wrong. Don't you dare stop."

"I'm so confused man," one of the guys whined, "talk to us."

Gabe paused for a moment and whispered, "So, do you want me to tell them what's going on or do you want me to keep licking your nipples?"

Tuesday shook with pleasure. "I'm... I'm going to tell you so he can keep... SHIT that feels good. He took my top off and he's licking my tits. He's a complete artist. He's the Van Gogh of tit licking. Oooooh. Damn. Do that again. He was just biting... Ohhhhh. His hand is moving up the inside of my thigh. He's about to discover I'm... not... wearing..."


Monday was waiting in the dark for this moment, she knew everyone would be involved in trying to decipher the action, and she had separated her chair a little from the others so she wouldn't be missed. She dropped to the floor and crawled to the back wall and followed it across the room to where she had told Steve to sit tonight. Her hand touched a foot, and she fervently hoped it was Steve's.

Steve felt the touch on his foot, and leaned forward to catch the aroma of Monday's hair. He had been anticipating this moment ever since she had walked out of the basement last night.

Monday found Steve's hand and tugged at it gently and he followed her on his hands and knees to the middle of the back wall where they both sat with their backs against it. She needed to be as far away from everyone as possible. Everyone was straining their ears in the darkness to know what was going on, and a stray conversation would be picked up right away.

Monday leaned into Steve and gave him a silent, intense kiss. "I can't stop thinking of you," she breathed. She put her finger on his lips to keep him from speaking, "I'm going to meet you tomorrow. It's against the rules."

Steve reached over and pressed Monday's breast through her dress. "Yessss," she whispered, "but not now. Tomorrow go to the mall. Get a fifteen minute massage at the kiosk in the mall concourse. Trust me."

In spite of what Monday had said, Steve kept teasing her breasts. She touched the back of his hand lightly as he caressed her. Then she leaned into him again. "Kiss me where you bit me last night." Steve turned to face her and kissed her right shoulder just at the base of her neck. She sighed, kissed the top of his head and was gone.


Tuesday unbuttoned Gabe's shirt and fumbled with his shorts just as he found that her skirt was fastened only with a couple of snaps and removed it. He helped her get the rest of his clothes off and they fell on the rug, kissing passionately.

"I want you to do it like they did." Gabe gasped into Tuesday's ear.

"What?" she managed.

"Like Steve and Monday. Silently, without talking. Teach me to lick your pussy without talking."

"Okay then. You pay close attention. I'm about to lick your pussy." Before Gabe could ask what she meant, Tuesday knelt to the side of Gabe's head and ran a finger gently along his lips. She kissed him sideways and started licking his lips that way, her tongue soft against him. She made long, deliberate strokes that awakened every nerve in his mouth.

Gabe was just processing what she had said through a fog of nibbles and licks. She was licking his pussy? Just as it clicked with him, she stopped and threw a knee over his head so she was straddling his face. "Guys, you should probably know that I just showed Gabe how I like my pussy licked by licking his lips. He's about to start and I just want you to know we're not going to be talking to you for a while. Don't interrupt us or I will personally... Ahhhhh... Damn Gabe, you're a fast learner!"

Gabe smacked her ass to remind her that she was supposed to be silent, and she got the message. He threw himself into his task wholeheartedly. She was shaven smooth and she had a clean taste, distinctive and pleasant. He tried his best to do exactly as she had, keeping his tongue soft and making long strokes that ended with light touches on her clitoris.

Tuesday hummed with pleasure for a few minutes, then to Gabe's frustration, she moved to the side of his head again and kissed him sideways. "Am I yummy?" she whispered into his mouth. Gabe nodded silently as she licked his mouth a couple of times like she had before, then she slipped a finger into his mouth as she continued licking his lips. He felt Tuesday's finger bend and the tip touched a spot a little way back on the inside of his cheek. "I've been really turned on for twenty four hours and I'm really close. If you do that right," she whispered in his ear, "You'll make me come."

Tuesday lay down on her back so Gabe could practice what he had just learned. He rolled over her, giving her a couple of deliberate licks before inserting his index finger into her pussy. He enjoyed the texture of her pussy with his finger for a little while, then he carefully bent it so he was touching what he hoped was the spot Tuesday had tried to show him.

He got it exactly right. Immediately, Tuesday started to writhe and moan. Gabe sped up to match the pitch of her excitement. He'd never had so much fun. He decided to improvise a little and put another finger in Tuesday's pussy. He pressed hard with both fingers.

"I didn't tell you to... SHIIT! AHHHH!" The orgasm surprised Tuesday almost as much as it surprised Gabe. He found himself struggling to keep his tongue in contact with her flesh as she bucked and wiggled. He could feel powerful contractions around his fingers, each punctuated by a delighted squeal.

Gabe vaguely heard cheering and applause as he finally turned over and rested his head against Tuesday's sweaty thigh. Her smell was intoxicating.

It took Tuesday a few minutes to come down from the orgasm and just as her breathing was approaching normal she was surprised to hear Gabe say, "I want to do that again."

"Smart boys make me so hot," one of the other girls murmured from the darkness.

Tuesday laughed between gasps for air. "If you did that to me again right now, I'd shatter into a thousand deliriously happy pieces."

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Gabe moved up and buried his tongue in Tuesday's navel and made her start squirming again. "Can you come just from me licking your belly button?"

"Mmmm. I don't even know what you can't make me do right now. And don't think I don't want you to try, but I was all looking forward to getting my mouth full of your cock, you know, to show you my appreciation."

Gabe said, "If you touch me anywhere near my cock I'm going to have an ejaculation so premature I'll have come last month."

"I can handle that. Just trust me," Tuesday said.

Gabe felt her move down his body and she grasped his cock just under the head and squeezed hard. "This is called the Tuesday Squeeze. I didn't invent it, but I'm the one doing it right now, so I call it what I want."

Gabe gurgled a little. Tuesday was right. She did know how to handle that. When she let go, he had a well controlled half-erection.

Tuesday positioned herself between his legs and gave his penis a long lick. "What's your blowjob of choice then? How do you like it?"

Gabe honestly didn't know. "I've, um, never actually had a girl..."

There were murmurs from around them in the darkness. One of the girls was outraged, "Gabe, that's a crime and Tuesday is precisely the girl you want kneeling in front of you right now."

Gabe laughed, "You know that restaurant where the cook knows what you want better than you know yourself?" he said. "That's the restaurant I'm in."

"Okay." Tuesday murmured, "This is about to become your favorite kind of blowjob."

Tuesday started with just her lips nibbling the tip of his cock. Then she swirled her tongue around the head, softly, the tip of her tongue flicking him. She sucked slightly and slid her lips further down Gabe's shaft. He felt like he was going to explode. She squeezed him again, but she knew it wouldn't be long. She had only bobbed up and down a few times when she felt him about to come. She could tell he was trying to warn her but his words were coming out garbled, always the gentleman. She sped up and scratched his balls with her fingernails. He came in her mouth explosively, grunting and thrusting, all reason completely forgotten. Tuesday kept up with him, swallowing almost all of his come.

Gabe gasped for air. He didn't feel like he was in the dark. He felt like he was in a bright room on a sunny day with a beautiful girl. "Tuesday, you made my lights go on," he gasped.

He could hear the pride in Tuesday's voice, "You should see what I can do when I can work on you for a couple of hours."

"I think I would shatter into a thousand deliriously happy pieces."

Tuesday stroked Gabe's thigh. "Take me to the film closet so we can talk privately a little." Tuesday said when it sounded like Gabe might be able to stand again.

In the closet, Tuesday sounded suddenly earnest. "Gabe, I hope I didn't embarrass you in front of your friends, some guys get mean..."

"Are you kidding?" Gabe laughed, "I'm completely absolved. Besides, if I hadn't confessed my ignorance, I would have had to bumble around, pretending. You would have known I was winging it and that's more humiliating than just admitting it."

"I've never been so thoroughly eaten out. You win," Tuesday purred. "So, did I completely wear you out out there?" Tuesday had moved in close. She hugged Gabe tenderly and ran her fingers up the erection she knew she would find. "Because it would make me feel better if I could remove all doubt about your prowess from your friends' minds."

"Are you suggesting..."

"You can tell them I jumped you because I couldn't control myself. Because that's what's about to happen." Tuesday smoothly snaked one of her legs around Gabe's waist and slipped his cock into her pussy. He felt almost like she was sucking him into herself.

"I'm going to tell them," Gabe smiled and thrust into Tuesday hard, "that you were faking. That you banged the walls and screamed but nothing happened."

"You won't be able to tell such a.. Nnnnnn... despicable lie," she said. Grinding into Gabe and squeezing his cock with her pussy, "if they hear you screaming when you come. And to make that happen I need you underneath me."

Tuesday did something that felt like a martial arts maneuver and Gabe found himself suddenly on his back with the wind knocked out of him in the dark of the tiny room. Tuesday had already impaled herself on him again.

"Fuck me," she said, starting to ride him. Then, more loudly, "Fuck me!"

Gabe started to thrust in earnest. The desire of the woman he was pounding was driving his own desire.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!" Tuesday got louder every time she said it, every time the base of Gabe's cock mashed her clitoris. Then she said something quietly, "Damn, I wish there were some furniture to knock over in here. I want glass to break! I Want Noise!"

Gabe grunted in spite of himself.

"Fuck Me! Fuck Me! FUCK ME!" Tuesday chanted with every pound.

Gabe growled, his words broken by the effort of thrusting "Take it... you proud... delicious... confection!"

Tuesday sweetened. "Oh listen to your pretty fucking vocabulary. You eloquent... Sweet cocked... Pussy pounder! Ohh, Fuck Me!"

"I'm going to give you shivers. I'm going to make you scream! Come on! Pinch my cock with your velvet pussy!"

A long squeal tore itself from Tuesday's throat as Gabe pinched her nipples and pulled. Her pussy was liquid fire and Gabe felt something wild struggling out of somewhere deep in his chest. She started to come and her squeal turned into a full blown scream. Gabe roared from his core along with Tuesday's scream as he climaxed.

They laughed, exhausted as they came down. They could hear more cheering from the other room, muffled through the door. Tuesday giggled. "That should do something for your reputation."

Gabe ran his fingers through Tuesday's hair as she laid on his chest, recovering. "I have no idea what you look like, but you could never be anything but beautiful to me."

"Really? What if I actually look like Eleanor Roosevelt or Queen Victoria?"

"Doesn't matter. I'd just start thinking wrinkled pug faced women were hot," Gabe said.

"Maybe I shouldn't say this..." Tuesday paused, thinking. "I might not look like you expect me to."

"I've liked every single one of your surprises so far. Give me a chance."

Tuesday kissed him on the lips. "Okay. Next week." And she left the room.

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Mistress on Tuesdays

mrs_rchl1::kissychickzdigmeyup:hi!mrs_rchl1:hey there!mrs_rchl1:im so glad i caught you againchickzdigmeyup:me toomrs_rchl1:ive been so busy with work its hard for me to find time to get on heremrs_rchl1:spread those legschickzdigmeyup:can you see me?mrs_rchl1:anyone in the room with you or are you alone?mrs_rchl1:yeschickzdigmeyup:i'm alonemrs_rchl1:cant hear you thoughmrs_rchl1:rub yourself through those jeansmrs_rchl1:get into itmrs_rchl1:moanmrs_rchl1:fuckmrs_rchl1:are you all alone in the...

4 years ago
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Little Piggy 5 Double Detention Tuesday

Tuesday Little Piggy found it hard to concentrate in class as every time she moved the fingers of the training belt would send new sensations through her. Finally the school day was over and she hurried to Mr. Newnen's office for her detention. The brisk walk jarring her pucker and folds with each long stride. She knocked on the office door and heard Mr. Newnen invite her in. She stood inside the door of his office waiting for instructions. Mr. Newnen was correcting papers as usual....

3 years ago
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Tim And Abbie 05 Tuesday

Climbing on the bus Tuesday morning, Tim is delighted to see Abbie sitting there.  He hurries to the seat next to her, being the one to kiss her good morning first today.  “Thank you for last night,” he tells her in a low voice.  Abbie smiles in return.The ride to work is too short.  It seems to Tim to be too soon when he must leave Abbie. With a quick kiss goodbye and promises to text during the day, he makes his departure.  Knowing now how close Abbie is to him during the day, only a few...

3 years ago
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The Camp Part One Tuesday

Part one: Tuesday I love being the youth leader at my church... I'm 23 years old and I have a thing for the younger ladies. Nothing creepy mind you. I am just very skilled at appreciating the beauty God has given teen and preteen girls. There's a certain innocence about them that lends itself to certain fantasies. Ok, so maybe it's a bit creepy. But, I would never do anything to hurt those girls. They mean too much to me. Especially Katey.. I worry about her a lot. Katey is a...

2 years ago
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Bored Tuesday

Sat at home alone again. Bored, bored, bored thats all it ever is with me all work and no play. Well not today, not if i have anything to do with it.... Mid afternoon and i can't take this twitching any longer, upstairs i go and pull out my special box, revealing all my toys. Lying on my bed speading my legs wide i start to tease my clit rubbing her gently before i start to feel myself get moist. Sliding two fingers into my now wet pussy i start to get myself off. Closing my eyes imagening a...

4 years ago
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Yankee Swap Chapter 14 Tuesday

Yankee Swap, Chapter 14: Tuesday Kim's second day at work started more smoothly than the first. She went in early and got to work on some projects she had put off for a while. They were little things that weren't on anyone's project plans, but she knew they would be needed soon, even if the project leaders didn't know it yet. She had resolved to find things to keep her busy and keep her mind off of the interactions, or lack thereof, which this week had brought. She had also...

3 years ago
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Jason and Jennifer Naked In SchoolPart 2 Tuesday

Talk about waking up and preparing for a battlefield! I was sick to my stomach when I finally dared venture out of my room. I knew my mom was going to have a huge blowup and we'd all get into a big fight over breakfast, and Jason and I would be in horrible moods by the time we went to school, and it would not be a good way to start the day! So I was stunned when I finally got to the kitchen table for breakfast. I'd stalled all morning, hoping to minimize the time I'd have to spend arguing...

2 years ago
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Mike and MeganTuesday

Well, we made it back to my place and got cleaned up. I remember putting our clothes in the drier and saying it would be a half hour or so, then putting on a movie, and watching a bit of the movie... then I must have fallen asleep. The next thing I remember is Lisa screaming "What the hell!" "Don't you ever knock?" I said, half asleep "No... you two had a good night, I see" Lisa said I remember thinking what? Then I realized there was an arm, across my chest... a female arm. I...

4 years ago
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Naked in School TyshalaTuesday

I woke up Tuesday feeling wrecked. I dragged my ass out of bed and took a shower hoping that I'd feel better when I got out. I didn't. Everyone at school knew about the little bastard and I made a complete ass of myself to the only people who tried to help. "Tish-shy-la?" Mrs. Redmond called from downstairs. She always said it wrong which was funny because Mr. Redmond always said it right. "Tish, honey? Are you dressed yet?" Like it matters — what ever I put on is just going to come...

2 years ago
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Something BetterChapter 5 Thursday to Tuesday

Thursday morning dawned wet and windy. The christening went ahead as planned but the weather was so bad Gladys was unable to see what was happening in the Manse and took no pictures of birds, feathered or fleshy. That morning Mary endured another couple of Pip's "doubles". The first was when the rapists forced both of their cocks into her vagina at the same time. The youths made a game of it. There was no foreplay. Mary was stretched on the kitchen floor on her back with Pip on her left...

2 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked in SchoolPart 2 Tuesday

The next morning I ate a light breakfast, then went to the Y for an hour of laps. There were only a few other swimmers and like myself, most of them were on swim teams. Everyone wore suits and used separate locker rooms. I enjoyed the sheer normalcy of it. After heading back to the locker room, I found that my PDA had a message waiting. So, after showering and getting dressed, I strapped it onto my wrist and told it to read the message. Hi Adam, this is Ben. I'm at registration here with...

4 years ago
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Jacob And Tiffany Naked in SchoolPart 2A Tuesday

Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, captain of the Flying Dutchman, 1204 EST October 27th 2006. It was 12:04am. That is what my alarm clock said in those bright neon numbers the nearly blind could read at twenty paces. With my vision, I could not see them from further away than three feet. These thoughts I should not have running in my head. I should be having my post midnight fantasy about now. The noise that interrupted my sleep sounded again. I turned over and looked. There was a new...

3 years ago
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Alandra Naked in SchoolPart 2 Tuesday

Tuesday morning came and I realized I hadn't done any homework. Not that I had much, just some pages to read for Civics class. With my luck and my current condition I'd get called up to recite the major points of it all... I had some time, so I decided to give that pamphlet on the Program a good look. I'm not much for reading, but this looked to be something I'd better get a grip on. I found it down in the living room, next to the fish tank. Pa'd done a bunch of diagrams - trying to...

3 years ago
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Card PartyChapter 17 Tuesday

Kyle found Henry LeBeau on Tuesday as he passed the bike racks on the way into school. “Henry,” he called and waited for the other teen to recognize him. “I’m Kyle Davidson. I study with the Fratellis and I heard you’re going to double with them.” “Yeah, news gets around, I guess,” Henry acknowledged. “Why do you ask?” “Oh, did they tell you we all study together? Me, Sally Pryzck, my sister Eileen and Sally’s brother Rob. Patti told us yesterday after school. You’re in AP math aren’t...

2 years ago
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Alex Is 18 Naked in School Alex and BethChapter 3 Tuesday

Alex — Before School I was in the shower. A guy's supposed to have some damn privacy. Instead, my mother walked into the bathroom, "Alex, Honey? I'm not looking." She said, shielding her eyes. "Lizzie said that Beth told her you two were in the — OH MY GOD! What the hell did they do to you?" I looked up to see Mom looking at my reflection in the mirror. The shower curtain was see-thru but I couldn't tell what she was looking at. "Mom? What?" She pulled the curtain aside and turned...

3 years ago
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Zach and Christa Naked In SchoolTuesday

T .1 Mom was cooking breakfast when I came downstairs. That's not exactly normal. Since she and my dad divorced, she's usually off to work pretty early, sometimes before I wake up. Of course, I don't wake up that early—an hour before school starts, tops. Sajel shook her head for a week when she heard that. Well, maybe what she doesn't realize is that if you shower at night, instead of in the morning, you don't have to wake up that early. And if you're a guy and you have short hair,...

2 years ago
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Missy and David Naked in SchoolPart 2 Tuesday

I drove to school Tuesday morning, after a lovely lecture from my Dad about "responsibility" and "keeping a good image for the family" and "representing the family well". So, Dad, how was the fuck with your secretary last night? Hypocrite. So, I drove to school. After, believe me, contemplating keeping on driving and not stopping until I got to New York or something. Of course, I couldn't go to New York. I have no education and no skills and would probably have to resort to selling...

3 years ago
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Jared and Amanda Naked in SchoolPart 2 Tuesday

Jared I went home Monday night. Had a nice talk with my parents. They're all for The Program, as I explained, but they're worried about me more than they let on. They let me talk out some of the things that happened. It was good. And then I went upstairs and jerked off, and I think it took all of seven seconds. All, and I mean all I could think about was a naked Amanda kissing me. It was strange. Look at all that had happened to me today. I walked around school naked. Girls were grabbing...

3 years ago
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NIS Pieces of SamChapter 10 Monday Tuesday

"Hey!" Jody smiled as I slid into the passenger seat of her little red sports car. "Hi!" I smiled back, unzipping my army coat because she had the heater turned up and it was warm in there. "Where's my skirt?" she frowned at the jeans I wore and I giggled and shrugged, and then she was leaning into me for a kiss and I mostly melted in her mouth. "I forgot it," I told her a breathless half-minute later. "But I got your thong." "I should make you go back and get it!" "No!...

1 year ago
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Beth 1Chapter 6 Tuesday

Beth was waiting outside as I pulled up Tuesday morning and she hopped in the car before I could get out to open her door. "Let's get out of here," were her first words to me. "What's up? "My mom knows." "Your mom knows what?" was my less than intelligent comment. "About us! She knows everything!" "Everything?" Oh, shit! I'm gonna be dead before I graduate from high school, I just know I am. If Beth's dad doesn't shoot me, mine will. "Umm, how'd she find out?" "She...

3 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 3 Tuesday

I awoke on Tuesday morning and I ached. I rubbed my eyes and the sting of the belting I got the night before sent pain through the whole of that side of my face, not to mention a fresh bout of stars before the eyes. It all came flooding back and I started to feel the shakes coming on again. I went into the bathroom and sat on the loo while I peed. I very gently touched the area around my eye and could feel it smart from the bridge of my nose almost round to my ear. Wiping and flushing, I...

2 years ago
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Tales of Culverin HillChapter 12 Tuesday

Becca spent the next couple of days stuck in the house, in the library, grounded. On the other hand, she hadn’t been feeling all that good to begin with, since she still suffered from the lingering effects of the hangover. She had been in the library almost all of Sunday and Monday going through the journals and diaries and didn’t think she had even looked at a tenth of them. It was utterly fascinating to the teen. She had found the story about Lizzie’s Sign, though she hadn’t run across the...

4 years ago
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Chuck and Maggie Naked in SchoolPart 2 Tuesday

I woke up Tuesday in a pretty good mood. I had told my parents about The Program the night before. They were mildly interested. Then again, that's their usual. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents, we get along-but we don't interfere in each others' lives much. I have mine, they have theirs, and we swap stories over the dinner table. Hey, they're supportive-if I had a real problem, they'd be the first to lend a hand. But I try to handle most of my life by myself and leave them out of...

3 years ago
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Frankie and Cassie Naked In SchoolPart 2 Tuesday

I woke up Tuesday morning, and ate breakfast. I walk to school-it's close enough-and, since the middle school is right next door, Rosa walks with me. Cassie usually gets dropped off by her Mom. Since Tanya's there, too, Rosa has a standing invitation to go with them-I probably could, too, if I asked, but we only live a half mile from school, and I like the walk. In bad weather, Mom'll drive us-but, on a nice day, walking's cool. "Hey, Frankie, explain this program thing to me," Rosa...

3 years ago
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The Joshua Diaries Underestimating Tuesdays

I had been playing with my cock for about an hour. You know, edging. I kept watching the precum ooze out of the tip of my cock and thought, “I need to get laid, bad.” I was hanging out on Manhunt, but it didn’t look like a promising night. It was a Tuesday; not much of a fuck night. I was about to give up and jack-off to a hot blog story, when my mail icon started flashing.  “Like your look, man.” I opened his profile; Brazilian, 180, 6’2, 26, good shape, “love it wild”. But the guy didn’t have...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Joshua Diaries Underestimating Tuesdays

I had been playing with my cock for about an hour. You know, edging. I kept watching the precum ooze out of the tip of my cock and thought, “I need to get laid, bad.” I was hanging out on Manhunt, but it didn’t look like a promising night. It was a Tuesday; not much of a fuck night. I was about to give up and jack-off to a hot blog story, when my mail icon started flashing.  “Like your look, man.” I opened his profile; Brazilian, 180, 6’2, 26, good shape, “love it wild”. But the guy didn’t have...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Fun With Kavitha Aunty On Tuesdays

Hi, my name is vijay 25yrs from bangalore and this is my 1st story on ISS and also the first encounter of my life where I lost my virginity to my house tenant kavitha aunty. To tell about kavitha aunty she is was 33yrs when she came to our house and she was divorcee and had a daughter of 8yrs, kavitha aunty was working in beauty parlour and my mom was taking care of her daughter after she come from school and sometimes kavitha aunty doesn’t com to house as she will go to marriage to do the...

1 year ago
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Our sexual tuesdays

I was home alone one Tuesday afternoon and completely bored nothing on tv nothing to do around the house and nothing on the computer interested me either. I then decided to text an old fling josh I had went for a wax the day before and thought someone should come over and enjoy it :) i sent hey josh I'm home alone and bored would you wanna come see me ? I got a reply 3 minutes later sure I'm in your area might as well pop in ! So I quickly ran to freshen up Do my hair make up and get dressed I...

3 years ago
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Doing groceries on Tuesday

My sweet wife had asked me to do the groceries, since she was going that morning to play tennis with her bitchy girlfriends.So I was there, moving around some isles in the store, looking for best sales…I was examining some red wines, when I saw a mature slim lady trying to reach a tall shelf above her with certain difficulty. She looked hot, wearing tight jeans, a tank top and sexy sandals.She looked at me: “Could you pass me a box from those, please" , "Certainly, Ma’am" I answered; and...

2 years ago
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A Week of Denial Tuesday

Over the bridge, right onto Sophia St., left onto Amelia St., right again onto Prince Edward St., and finally right into the driveway. Thank god I knew this drive so well. I was so busy at work I barely noticed my aching balls, but once I was on my way home with nothing to think about but all the possible ways Amanda might tease me, it was difficult to focus on anything else. I almost missed a few turns on my way home.As my car came to a stop in the driveway, I could feel my pulse accelerating....

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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The Mortal and the Magic Wand Chapter 02 Tuesday

Josh’s alarm blared, and he was woken instantly by the spell. Josh leaned over to turn the alarm off, and then realised his groin felt incredibly damp and sticky. He pulled the duvet, and realised that he’d not cleaned up all the cum the ghost blowjob had made him shoot, meaning there was quite a mess on both him and his sheets. Josh leaned over to pick up the wand off his bedside table, and waved it. “All this jizz will disappear,” he commanded, and it did, immediately. “That’s still...

4 years ago
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E107 Donalds Punishment Tuesday

Donald wakes around nine o’clock feeling a cool, wet cloth wiping his tear-stained face and brow. He is afraid to open his eyes to see who is doing it, but he catches the scent of Emma’s perfume and sighs.He looks up at her. He sees some anger in her eyes, but she is so calm. Seeing her looking down on him is the happiest sight he ever took in. Donald reaches up to pull her into his arms to hold and kiss her, but Emma steps back and tells him they need to talk.Donald sees she is showered and...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Paulas HolidayTuesday

In readiness for Peter and wanting maximum penetration from the beginning she had arranged the hard pillows ready for her hips to rest on, now Ernie was putting them straight again she waited for him to comment but he didn’t. “Right then” he said “If you are ok I will go for the bus and leave you too your perfumed sleep and hope that someone turns up in your dreams that warrants your time spent with the old slap”, he kissed her lightly on the forehead although she had proffered her lips, and...

4 years ago
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Learning the LifestyleTuesday

Michael had noticed her in the chair with her foot up. He had seen her panties but was ignoring her till he was done. When she came up and sat next to him he looked up at her. He could tell she wanted something and he had a pretty good idea what it was. Her flirty nature gave her away. “Since you insist in not letting me finish this I guess you want punished,” He told her. Silk pouted at this, “No Master.” Michael liked the pout. Some times he let it get to him, some times not. He...

2 years ago
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The Beginning of My Addiction to Sex 3 Tuesday

Introduction: Seduced by an older woman For those who judged the story line BEFORE it was really developed, I hope youll look at this series in a different light. Wait and see where its going, dont guess . . . Fantasy turned into reality. . . 1 is titilating, 2 is intro and this is the next step. I awoke often that night and kept looking at the clock as the night dragged on. I kept thinking about Celeste, her beautiful long dark hair, her fantastic tits, her slender figure and most of all her...

1 year ago
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First Tuesday

Agh,’ he gasped. ‘oh, ugh, ugh.’ He was naked and she fully dressed, her hand a blur as she knelt in front of him and pumped his hard cock. ‘Oh, God,’ he reached out to hold on to something. But he just too far away from the dining table to steady himself against the explosion that was building within him. He looked down, but dared not grab her head. So he just lifted his eyes to heaven and let out a long low moan. She kept on pumping his cock, her eyes fixed on the task at hand, regardless of...

2 years ago
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E025 Tuesday

Somehow knowing that Donald is there watching her, and perhaps the pale glow of the phone with his wonderful face looking down on her Emma does drowse off to sleep rather quickly.  Well, the almost full bottle of wine she had drunk while reading her mother’s story didn’t hurt either. Since spending the night with Donald holding her in his arms, Emma is now able to again sleep on her side, with a pillow at her back to imagine it is Donald there against her.  For Donald, seeing her face in front...

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