Darkroom - Friday free porn video

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Dieter was at the gym at 7:00 a.m. on Friday working out hard. The week had been a hard one. He wasn't a spectator type and it had been frustrating to sit on the sidelines. The weights he was lifting hurt, but he enjoyed the feeling of the strength in his muscles, the competence of his body when faced with the simple physical challenge.

Friday watched him from a stationary bike across the gym. He was truly well built- he had a sense of how to build his body to pleasing proportions. He'd been spending a lot more time in the gym the last few days, and as a result, she had too. The girls were keeping close tabs on the guys, partially to make the game more exciting. It was a huge turn on to pull a random fact out of the hat to surprise them with, but increasingly, Friday just liked to look at him and imagine running her hands all over his perfect body. She wouldn't have to wait much longer. It was time to go.

As she went into the locker room a sprightly barbie of a woman was bouncing out, ready for her workout and dressed for a show.

"See if you can get a rise out of the Adonis," Friday said to her offhandedly as she walked past, "I've been in the same room with him all week and he hasn't seen me."

The blonde's eyes sparkled as she looked at the man across the gym pouring his soul into the iron. She made a beeline for a point twenty feet in front of him, searching for an apparatus that would involve a lot of bending over.

By the time Friday came back out of the locker room, Dieter was gone and the blonde was hitting a punching bag in a far corner. She smiled to herself. It was time for him to go home anyway. She pulled out a cell phone and keyed in a short text message, "Send it" and left the gym.


The email was already there when Dieter got home. None of the other guys were up yet, so he had the leisure of a first read in private.

Hello boys,

It's Friday, and we wanted you guys to wake up to something nice, so- a big virtual hug from all of us. We all kissed Anthony's Volvo for good luck last night as we left. We hope he doesn't mind. 

Tonight Friday is going to appreciate the long-suffering Dieter. She's told us quite a bit about him, but we'll just stick to a few things. He helps teach a course in self-defense at the gym, and he usually ends up impersonating the bad guy. He tolerates a lot of slapping, kicking, and eye poking, not to mention kicks to the groin. We appreciate that. It's a skill that two of us have had to use for our own safety- fortunately we were successful. That's important work and we appreciate that he's helping women stay safe. Dieter also recycles (Germany gets points for this one) and this morning he shut down a blonde tart that was trying to get into his very appealingly clingy workout shorts. Friday is still smiling about it. We find the ability to delay gratification attractive in a man.

Tonight we need to adjust the seating because of a fun little game Friday wants to play. Set up the seats like always, except don't put a chair in the center. We'll explain more when we get there. Friday would be glad to have the use of Gabe's magical rug if he can part with it for another night.

This is the last night of the game as we had originally imagined it (and it has gone better than we imagined!) but we thought we would just add one more round. Something completely different. I have a truly devilish idea, and if it goes according to plan, on Saturday you can look me in the eyes and tell me how much you hate it. Watch your email.

Love, Monday, for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.


Dieter made himself a cup of coffee and went outside to the driveway. Anthony's Volvo was sparkling clean, like always, but there were five neat lipstick kiss marks evenly spaced along the top of the driver side window. The last one was the largest and he studied it, hoping to get a sense of who Friday was or what she was like. He shrugged eventually, touched it lightly and went inside.


Dieter waited in the middle of the rug in the dark, standing barefoot, wearing a light pair of pants and a cotton button down shirt. 

The girls came down right on time, chatting and laughing. When they entered the room though they stood near the door instead of fumbling over to their seats.

Monday said, "Okay, guys, we need to sit on the ends in the four corners, so you need to sit in the seats in the middle on both sides. Go ahead and find seats."

"Girls, find your guys and sit next to them." There was some small confusion and a few instances of accidental lap-sitting, but eventually each girl was sitting next to the guy she had appreciated.

Dieter stood in the middle of the room, waiting while the others fumbled around when he felt a soft hand touch the center of his chest and linger there. He took a deep breath and whispered, "Friday."

Monday's voice came from the corner of the room, "Okay, I don't think I need to remind you that this is Dieter's appreciation and the rest of us need to keep things more or less... restrained."

"Keep your hands at your sides," Friday whispered to him, her hand still on his chest, feeling him breathe. "I want to touch you, but I don't want you to touch me yet."

She placed both her hands at the sides of his neck and ran them lightly along the tops of his shoulders to his arms. He was relaxed, but she could feel the power in him. She felt his arms. She touched his chest, ran her palms down his stomach.

Dieter felt her walk around behind him, keeping a hand in contact with him as she walked around behind him and explored the contours of his back, her hands mirroring each other.

She slipped her hands down to his buttocks and was pleased to feel the slightest involuntary twitch as she continued down to the backs of his thighs, admiring the sculpture of his legs, his calves, his feet.

Friday faced him and placed the palms of her hands on the fronts of Dieter's thighs. "Flex these," she said, and concentrated on the sensation in her fingers as his muscles slowly acquired sharp definition and relaxed again slowly.

"I chose you to appreciate you because you are one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen," she said softly and confidently, "and because you know the value of patience, and because you will be disappointed graciously."

"Thank you, I think," Dieter loved the sound of her voice. She had a slight accent he couldn't place, and the liquid confidence with which she spoke was promising, mysterious, maybe even dangerous. "I love your voice - say something new. Tell me why I'm going to be disappointed."

"I'm not going to let you fuck me tonight. I'm a virgin and I have decided," her voice smoldered, "that the man who first pushes into me will be looking directly into my eyes when he does it."

There was absolute silence in the room.

"Our arrangement tonight clearly is unsatisfactory for me," she continued coolly, "but I have some skill which I hope will make you feel very, very appreciated. I am also going to allow you to know much more about me than my friends have allowed about themselves."

"You have my complete attention." Dieter said.

"Yes I do. I want you to appreciate me the way I just appreciated you, only don't touch my hair. That's for later."

Dieter remembered her fingers on his shoulders and matched their movements. Friday was wearing what felt like a simple cotton dress that hardly concealed her from his touch at all. It was unbuttoned very low between her breasts. She wore nothing underneath it. Her posture, like her voice was relaxed and confident, and as his hands discovered her breasts and he felt the weight of them, the image that started to form in his mind of her body was startling.

"Tell me what you are thinking," she said as his hands crossed and cupped her breasts and traveled downwards.

"I was thinking I like larger women, or rather, that I don't find skinny women very attractive. There is no movement to a skinny woman." Dieter was behind her, devouring her back with his hands. "I had hoped that you would please me this way."

"And do I please you this way?"

"You are not what I feared, but you are not what I hoped either. You are something else entirely. You are better than I hoped."

"Tell me why I am better than you hoped." Friday flexed her bottom slightly as his hands moved across her, as he had done, a private joke between them.

"You are a fully formed woman on the outside, soft, wonderful to touch, smooth, very warm." His hands trailed down her legs, past the bottom of the dress at her knees and to her feet. He stood in front of her, his hands on her thighs and without his asking she flexed them as he had, slowly, showing them off. He had a brief vision of these thighs flexing powerfully around his waist. He closed the vision off and stored it for later. "But there is steel at your core. You bring your femininity and your strength together perfectly."

"I'm glad you can see that," she said simply, "It is how I see myself also. I have made guesses about you, Dieter, and I think I am right that you value your control as much as you value your power. Perhaps more."

"I'm glad you can see that," Dieter said. This woman's self-assurance was so complete as to be almost innocent. He found it refreshing.

"It is easy for people to ask for a demonstration of power. They ask you to lift this thing or that thing, show how strong you are." Friday was unbuttoning Dieter's shirt. "I want to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your control." She pulled his pants and his boxers off at the same time, hardly touching him at all.

"Unbutton my dress. I am finished with it. You do not need to be as careful as I have been with you."

Dieter found Friday's breasts and lifted them. They completely filled his hands. He brushed her nipples lightly with his knuckles and her breathing changed subtly. She pressed herself into his hands. He grasped the neckline of her dress between her breasts and pulled until one button popped off, then another. The buttons popped off with a measured precision, one per second until the dress hung open. She shrugged and it fell to the floor.

"Lie down on the floor, then ask me a question."

Dieter complied. The alpaca felt fantastic on his skin. "My first language isn't English. I can't place your accent. Is it Italian?"

"No, not Italian. English is my third language, but I have been in the United States for three years and I have visited many times." She spread his left leg out and put what felt like a rubber band around his ankle.

"What is that?"

"A test of control. Don't move your leg. Ask another question."

"Tell me about where you grew up."

Friday pulled out his right leg out and again, he felt another rubber band slip around his ankle. "My father is the richest man in our city. He runs businesses. Some of them are dangerous. Some of them are illegal. I grew up in a big house on many hectares in the city. There were always guards at our house. He is a very influential man." She pulled Dieter's right arm up and slipped a rubber band around his wrist.

"Are you Russian?"

"I'm not Russian."

"What are you doing to me?"

Friday pulled his left arm up so he was completely spread eagled and slipped the last rubber band into place. "I'm tying you down."

"With what?"

"Single threads. The other end of each thread is attached to rubber bands on the ankles of my friends. Your left wrist is connected to Monday's ankle. If you cannot control yourself and you move your left arm, you will break the thread and snap her ankle with her rubber band. Your beautiful limbs are all connected to my friends. Ask me another question."

Dieter could feel slight tension on the rubber bands. He lay very still, but he could feel a fire kindling. The game would be a true test of his control. "Why are you in the United States now?"

Friday threw her leg over Dieter's chest and straddled him. She caressed his face. "I came for University, officially, but it's not that simple. I love my father, but I am ashamed of his business. I want to become independent from him financially. I needed to learn how to do that. I am here to become independent from my father. There are other reasons too."

"Is your accent French?"

"Very good."

"But I think you don't come from France." Dieter managed, just as Friday put a hand behind her on his stomach and started sliding it toward his cock.

"You're right. You don't like French girls, do you? You like me though. What was her name?"

Dieter was always astounded at how much these girls seemed to know. "Beatrice."

"Beatrice. You won't think of her after tonight." She found the tip of his cock with her fingers and pinched it gently and rhythmically between two knuckles. "You are free, of course, to experience a climax, but I think that would interrupt our questions, no?"

Dieter could feel Friday's pussy, moist against his chest. She seemed to press herself against him harder when she wanted to emphasize a point. Her fingers on his cock felt wonderful.

"Are you from Canada?"

She pinched him hard enough to get a grunt, but not hard enough to break threads. "I'm not Canadian." She reversed herself so she was straddling his waist, facing away from him. "I can feel your mind working. You have a very expressive cock. By holding it in my hand I can almost read your thoughts." She had his cock in her left hand, holding lightly, just feeling him, and her right hand cupped his balls. "You wonder am I Belgian or Swiss or French. You're trying to solve the problem. I will know when you have solved it. You are wondering where in the world a virgin can learn to play a man's body. Not Belgium or Switzerland or France."

Dieter's mind was racing. The pieces of the puzzle were nearly in place when he felt Friday shift. She straddled his left thigh, her pussy pressing his skin and squeezed with her thighs. 

"Flex," she said. Dieter concentrated on his thigh, on bunching the muscles slowly, one by one without bending his knee and breaking the thread. The puzzle of Friday had dissolved into an effort to please her.

"That feeling," Friday said, "is delicious. I am going to tell you a story. You may think it's a strange story. You keep pleasuring me like this."

"In my city powerful men's daughters who are virgins are valuable because they can become wives to other powerful men. Business and political alliances are formed through marriage, but the strength of the alliance is dependent on the quality of the wife. So I was trained to be a good wife- in cooking, hospitality, courtesy, and lovemaking. My father owns some brothels- sad, dangerous places, but excellent for learning to please a man."

"You worked in a brothel?"

Friday's fist hit Dieter directly over his heart. "I learned skill from the women there. I will not be paid for pleasures."

Friday's thighs squeezed along with Dieter for a few moments, her breath coming faster. "Your right leg is a little stronger, yes?" And without waiting for an answer, she straddled his right thigh. "Flex." And she sighed for a few moments as she felt the power coming alive between her legs.

"They brought young men for me to practice- massage and hand pleasure and mouth pleasure. One of them lost control of himself and he tried to attack me. I broke his nose and my father heard about it and the man is lost now."

"What do you mean he's lost?"

"They can't find him. They never will." Her hand was resting lightly on his penis, registering his reactions.

"I'm not sure what to think about your father. I must confess that his approach appeals."

"Yes, well, I can't go back now. I will not make a good wife for those men."

"I don't see a downside, unless you are just phenomenally ugly."

Friday laughed. "I am not ugly. I am intelligent. That is the problem. Those men like simple wives who take orders and never think. And even if I return I will not be a virgin."

She felt a twitch in Dieter's cock and smiled to herself. "So have you solved your problem? You are close."

"You're from a recent French colony- not Southeast Asia. What is your independence day?"

"August 15, 1960."

Friday felt a jump and a steady swell in Dieter's already hard cock. "You have solved it. You can tell me what I look like now. I like this effect on you."

"Let me feel your hair."

"Mmm. That's an excellent idea." Friday's hand left his cock. Hundreds of beads fell on his chest as she slid her body down his torso and dragged her pussy down across his burning erection without allowing any penetration at all.

Dieter realized that the beads were all on the ends of long thin braids of hair and that the motion of the beads was converging on his cock. He felt Friday's teeth on the head of his penis. His mind was going fuzzy. Friday's tongue touched the tip of his cock and slipped around it in a quick circle.

Dieter struggled to resist the urge to embrace her, to hell with the threads. "You have black eyes."

"Yesss. Tell me more." Friday swirled her tongue softly around the head of Dieter's cock.

"You have black hair, braided with beads. Your skin is dark, maybe very dark. Your lips are nearly black, like your nipples. Your pussy is..."

"Black." Friday said, sliding back up Dieter's body. "And moist." She rubbed the lips of her pussy against his erection.

"I want to hold you. I want to feel your skin on my fingers."

"One more answer. What country?"

"Republic of Congo. Let me hold you."

"Hold me then."

Dieter brought his arms down around Friday, ignoring the protests of the girls whose ankles he snapped with the infernal rubber bands. He curled around her, his chest touching her back, arms around her, his face against the back of her head.

"You don't need protection from anything, but I feel like protecting you. Why do I feel so much like protecting you?"

"You are a man who values women. You want them to be safe. I have been in danger and that distresses you. It's a strength and a sweetness. Some men make their bodies strong because of something they lack. You have made your body strong as an expression of your deeper strength. You are beautiful."

"I don't need anything else from you," Dieter said, stroking Friday's thigh with his fingers.

Friday turned her head and gave him a lingering kiss on his lips. "I think you are not lying. I need something from you though." She pushed him gently on his back. "I am wrapped in a great desire. Please help me." She disentangled herself from his arms and, to his surprise and delight, straddled his head and pressed her pussy gently to his lips.

Dieter nuzzled her quietly for a while, then licked, his tongue parting her outer lips, and sliding along the complicated folds of her pussy. Friday jumped a little and whimpered. Dieter ran his hands up her back, feeling the heat of her body and the tension of her arousal mounting. He licked again and she jumped. He licked again. His hands found her breasts and held them, caressing, pressing her flesh, listening to her whimper and moan her desire.

"Ohhhh. You are much better than my teacher..." Friday said, panting.

"You learned how to enjoy this?" Dieter ran his tongue gently around her clitoris and went back to long licks that covered the length of her pussy.

"Learned to give pleasure," Friday's breathing was becoming ragged, "Learned to take pleasure. Ohh yes- do that again. Yess."

Dieter picked up speed and intensity as Friday's pussy rocked against him, her moisture sliding into his mouth, and across his cheek. He vaguely registered whimpering and sighs coming from the darkness around them. He pushed his tongue into her pussy until it stopped, pulled it out, and did it again and she climaxed, sealing his mouth with her flesh and squealing, her teeth clenched, her thighs clamped around his head. She rocked gently as she came down and he flicked his tongue into her to please her.

She backed off of his face and sat on his chest to recover, leaving droplets of her moisture in the hair on his chest.

"What teacher taught you how to enjoy that?"

"That is of no importance," she said, still breathing heavily. She moved down Dieter's body and kneeled between his legs, "She was very selfish."

Before he could comment on this revelation, Friday's beads touched all in a circle around his cock and Dieter felt her lick him from base to crown, just as he had been doing to her moments before. "Are you sensitive here?" She asked innocently as one of her fingers touched his anus.

Dieter jerked. "I've never had any... luck... with that."

Friday sucked his cock into her mouth completely and bobbed her head a few times, then licked the head again. She continued, varied the pressure, the speed, the moisture. The beads clicked and danced on his skin. She sang him songs to his cock. He held her head in his hands. She made Dieter see colors and hear music and feel lightning. She made him gasp and grunt. Then, as she felt him rushing towards his orgasm, she slipped her finger into his anus and pressed.

"Shit! Ahhh!" He came explosively. Friday couldn't keep up with him and his semen got on her face, on her hair. She kept her finger just inside him and pressed one more time. Dieter grunted and jerked, her teeth grazing the head of his cock, her finger on some unknown bright button inside him.

She kissed his stomach, cleaned up gently with what was left of her dress. Kissed his lips to keep him from speaking.

"Beatrice," she said, as she curled up next to him on the rug, "was doing it wrong."

"Who?" he said.


He asked her for her name when they were away from the others in the closet and she was standing with her head against his chest.

"Marie Marthe," she said. "The others will be upset that I have told, but they are owing me a little now. At least they think they are owing me. I have not done anything I was not hoping to do."

"Marie Marthe," Dieter said thoughtfully, "You have the names of two sisters. It seems right. You seem to be more than just one woman." 

"Tomorrow's game will be difficult for some, but it won't be for you."

"Well, if it's a lineup, I know I just need to find the Congolese woman with the perfect body."

"How did you know our Independence Day?" Friday asked. "I was very impressed."

"It is my uncle's birthday. He is always joking that he's exactly the same age as Congo. It was a long shot."

"Now I'm less impressed." Marie cupped his buttocks with her hands. He flexed. "Okay," she said, "now I'm impressed again."

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No Panties Friday

No Panties FridayThe Journey to Workby Kinky TashaEarly one Friday morning, somewhere on the outskirts of the fair city of Perth, Dr Mia Rose was rudely awoken by a noisy council refuge vehicle which had stopped momentarily, down on the street right beneath her bedroom window, to empty half a dozen rubbish packed wheelie bins. Dr Rose glanced over towards her brightly lite red LED clock which sat upon her dressing table to see that it was only 0630 hours, so she rolled over on to her side,...

4 years ago
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Girl Friday

Girl Friday by Paula Hanson comments about this story to [email protected] "Beauty-scene, Chris speaking, can I help you" the girl answered the telephone. "Er hopefully", I replied, "I'm going to a fancy dress party this Friday with my girlfriend and she has suggested that I get my hair done in a salon since there won't be any time for her to do it that evening. Do you think you can fit me in to do something with it?". "I should think so. Hang on for a...

3 years ago
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Girl Friday

I love my Fridays. They're still a working day but over a year ago now, I'd arranged with my boss that I could work from home on Fridays. In fact half the people in our head office worked from home on Fridays but I still felt that I was getting a good deal out of my working life. I work in accounts for a fashion business. It's a pretty steady 9-5 and the days are busy but there are rarely too many surprises and I don't have to stretch myself too hard to keep on top of the...

2 years ago
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Thank God Its Friday

Thank God It's FridayAs I drag my bag out of the car and stride to the house I'm thinking, thank God it's Friday, I really need a change.        ?Good evening, Milady,? Brian is standing just inside the door, and my heart lifts at the sight.  He is, of course, naked except for the light chain collar hanging loosely around his neck, and he takes the bag and deftly slides my jacket from my shoulders.  ?Dinner is ready, or if you would prefer, it can wait till after your bath.?        ?Hm......

2 years ago
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Goods Friday

First off let me tell you this is a true story nothing has been changed how ever there are a few things not revealed just to keep you wondering. I was written by the man who it happened to and it's in all his own writing so please no comments about his grammar, or punctuation. It all started on Good Friday 2009. I walk every morning to the bus stop to get to work, there is no way I can get there any cheaper. A monthly buss pass is $65.00. it takes me just under an hour to get there using the...

3 years ago
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The OutsiderChapter 16 Black Friday

During the four days she spent in Salinas over Thanksgiving break, Ruthie got very little rest. She spent a good portion of Thanksgiving Day looking after Rosa and trying to make sure she didn't get a hold of any more Tequila. Ruthie plied her with water and Coke, trying to get her to sober up before she went to sleep. She became very angry at her cousin, not only for being drunk at a family gathering, but also for her decision to join the military. Still, Ruthie realized that dealing with...

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Something Special on Friday

Copyright© 2006, 2007 It was almost five in the morning. Albert stirred. A shaft of sunlight pierced the curtain and consciousness crept into his brain once again. He dismissed it, searching for the nothingness of sleep. There was a hissing monotone sound in the background that made the search easier. He found what he was looking for, at least for a few minutes. "Good Morning! This is the Early Morning Show and I'm your host..." The sound assaulted his eardrums. It was loud—so much so that...

4 years ago
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Black Friday

This was supposed to come out, you guessed it, Black Friday. But, apparently my recent illness not only affected my dexterity, it also affected my acuity. I wrote the whole thing with little punctuation, and it got rejected for poor grammar. I hope I got enough fixed that you can actually read it. Enjoy. ………………………………………… The alarm went off at three in the morning. Why otherwise sane, intelligent women get up at such an ungodly hour, fight massive crowds, all just to get a ‘bargain’ is beyond...

3 years ago
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Mandi Does LA Chapter III Part One Friday

Dave begins this true-life story.Mandi was at the point that she needed to spread her carnal wings as quickly as possible, and use this newfound freedom to enjoy as many possible sexual experiences she could. I was encouraging her to do just that, as it totally turned me on when she had sex with someone else. Of course, I had the same freedoms but not near as many opportunities as she had.I had an office in Silicon Valley in California. It was a Tuesday afternoon about a month after the...

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A Week At The CC Chef DuvallFriday

Friday--Chef Duvall "Weekly salary: $1,123. Weekly housing benefit: $980. Weekly fuxeries: Priceless." The alarm flashes... 7:55 ... 7:55 ... 7:55. I groan, curse and--like every morning--think about jacking the nail business, and myself. I mic some leftover coffee. Splash some Crown Royal in it. Fire-up a Camel. Then I remember it's Friday. In sixteen hours I'll be Disco King of the C.C. Again. I could use a shave. Just politics on the news--something...

4 years ago
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Black Friday

The alarm went off at three in the morning. Why otherwise sane, intelligent women get up at such an ungodly hour, fight massive crowds, all just to get a 'bargain' is beyond my ability to comprehend. But my wife loved it, and of course I loved my wife. So much so, that I got up with her, and cooked a massive breakfast while she got ready. "Hey" called out my stepdaughter Amy, stepping into the kitchen and grabbing a cup of coffee. "Hi, baby," I said, as she kissed my cheek. "Ready to...

2 years ago
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Frosh Fun Fridays

It was on a Wednesday in the first week of September 2003, at the start of term at Fairweather Private School in Montreal that the year’s crop of freshmen made their way into the auditorium of the 100 year old Academy. The school prided itself in being exclusive, traditional and somewhat above the law. But, as many alumni were lawyers, the school managed to adhere to the letter, if not spirit, of the law in carrying out old-school traditions. Frosh Fun Friday (aka FFF) was one such near by not...

3 years ago
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Footrub Friday

I was sitting around my house watching TV and just waiting for my girlfriend, Karen, to come over after she went out with some of her friends for drinks. Karen is a gorgeous, buxom brunette, about 5’10” with long hair and captivating brown eyes, and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her after a long few days apart. I rose when the doorbell rang and opened the door to find Karen dressed sexier than I had ever seen her. She obviously had gotten changed after work and looked jaw-droppingly hot in...

1 year ago
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Footrub Friday

Foot massages for my girlfriends friends led to a night tied in nylon. I was sitting around my house watching tv and just waiting for my girlfriend, Karen, to come over after she went out with some of her friends for drinks. Karen is a gorgeous, buxom brunette, about 5’10” with long hair and captivating brown eyes, and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her after a long few days apart. I rose when the doorbell rang and opened the door to find Karen dressed sexier than I had...

3 years ago
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Blacked on Black Friday

On my exchange program from college to the U.S. A., I was there during the Thanksgiving season. A truly enjoyable day, especially for someone on their first trip to The States enjoying and breathing in the American holiday season. Though I grew up seeing more of the New York-based movies, I pleasantly knew my Richard Gere from Pretty Woman was definitely in Phoenix, Arizona. In the first few months of my trip, my college buddy was an Afro-American girl named Ashley. She was truly a Godsend for...

College Sex
4 years ago
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Casual Friday

Friday morning. The alarm of the cheap bedside clock rudely awakens me from my slumber. I fumble around and silence it through sleep encrusted eyes, rolling back over and sighing as my sight tries to focus around the room. I depart the warmth of the bed, making my way to the bathroom to perform my morning ablutions, making myself presentable for the working day ahead. As I feel invigorated by the pressure of the shower, I am reminded that it is 'Casual Friday' in the office. For the guys in the...

1 year ago
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A very good Friday

Good Friday, or as I like to call it "hot cross bun and well spanked bum day" I slipped out of bed quietly, careful not to wake her, smiling as she gently stirred, pulling the duvet around her.Padding down the stairs hitting the kitchen I went to work, 5am still dark outside, the silence strangely comforting as I kneed dough, the smell of spices and yeast filling the early morning air. My mind ticking over, planning the day ahead, planning to make it a Good Friday she'd not forget.By 8am I was...

3 years ago
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Amber Chapter 6 Friday

I saw Amber every day at the bus stop that week, but frustratingly, we were never alone. A serious-looking woman spoiled our fun by wandering around the shelter, talking endlessly into her mobile phone while waiting for a car to pick her up. She seemed indifferent to the obvious hatred and frustration rolling off me. Didn’t she know this was my special time with Amber? She could wait for a car anywhere. This bus stop was ours.Despite the company, Amber conspired to show me her knickers every...

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Boring Friday

It was a very slow and boring Friday at work. I was trying to fill the boredom by attempting to chat with some of the Lushies, but nobody was in heat. You would think that with all those horny people on Lush, I could get a hot chat going with someone who was fantasizing about what or who they were going to do tonight. Oh, well, I had to go to the bathroom and as I was walking down the hall, my boss came out of the woman’s bathroom. She greeted me with a friendly hello and said that she had...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Devious Majik Black Friday

Devious Majik: Black Friday by SifoDyasJr As Jeremy walked out of the food court, sucking the last thick remnants of chocolate shake through the narrow straw, he shook his head as he maneuvered his way around the snaking line that was partially blocking the front of the Chick-fil-a. He whistled in disbelief as he investigated where the line was heading to. The starting point for the queue was to the side of the new Devious Majik store that had opened up recently--although currently...

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Black Friday

Black Friday By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "You guys have fun today," Lisa said as she kissed her husband. "And don't get hurt." "It'll be fine," said Marc. "I've played before." "Yeah, but it's been years," said Lisa. "Just be careful, and take good care of him Derek. See you Sunday night." "Shall do. Enjoy your shopping, and good luck seeing your mother," said Derek. Marc peeked out the window, watching his wife drive away as Derek sat sipping some...

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Lucky Friday

Hi ISS friends, this is jai….. With another story that happened longtime back….. It was a Friday, the end of the working day & as I was single at that time , the best thing I could find to entertain myself on Friday was go to a bar and have some beer. As I ordered the beer I saw a sexy gal, sitting opposite me. The beer hit my head after a hard work day and I got more relaxed and free-minded, so I just took my beer mug and approached her table. Without asking for a permission to take a seat, I...

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Anne and MaryChapter 24 Friday

The first thing they did Friday afternoon was review their exams. Mary set up a spreadsheet and entered how each of them had answered on each of the three exams. With a few keystrokes, she compiled the results. "I won't bore you with details: printout on the way. Our average grade on the three exams is 98%. High is 100%, low 96%. Based on what we know of the correct answers, we're on course." English was the only common subject for the coming week; the other exams coming up were...

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Alex Is 18 Naked in School Alex and BethChapter 6 Friday

Alex — Before Class Friday morning, we were all pulled into Ms. Pat's office before we could strip. All of us except Tiffany. Ms. Pat closed the door as Gail pointed out that she was missing. "Tiffany won't be here today, I'm afraid. That's what I want to discuss with you. We're canceling the program, effective immediately." "What?" Steph was appalled "Why?" Zach asked. Ms. Pat sighed deeply. "Tiffany was attacked last night." Everyone gasped; there were only two questions,...

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Kelli Mike and FriendsChapter 11 Third Friday

When Kelli arrived the next week, the father said, 'I'm sorry I have to ask for the second week running but can you stay late again. We have to attend a company dinner dance and my boss has asked if we can remain after to meet some of the out of town reps.' 'It means it will be gone 2:00am again before we return.' Kelli had to restrain herself from jumping up and down, and said in an artificially calm voice, 'sure, it's no trouble, I'll just watch something or maybe do some of my...

4 years ago
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Kelli Mike and FriendsChapter 12 Forth Friday

Kelli arrived the following week and was greeted by the father with, 'Did you not get the message, we were about to leave to visit my mother and are taking our daughter with us, so we don't need you to baby sit tonight. We are going to stay overnight there and return sometime late tomorrow afternoon.' Kelli said 'No I must have missed it, are you all going.' 'No our son is staying as he said he needed to study for some school work for Monday.' Kelli said 'ok, no problem, I'll...

2 years ago
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Tim And Abbie 01 Friday

In the bedroom, Abbie, just turning thirty and starting to be unsure if still desired, finishes applying the last of the makeup.  The lips, always the last.  Starting with the brows, then mascara, the eyeshadow, eyeliner.  Down to the powder and blush.  Abbie really wishes didn’t need as much as that, but it is necessary to create the allusion. And now that the lipstick is added as the finishing touch, steps into the rather short dress, well mid-thigh, low neck to show off the new firm breasts...

3 years ago
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Karen Naked In SchoolChapter 5 Friday

Preceding story: In Karen naked in school -- Monday and Tuesday, I'm surprised to find I'm required to attend high school in the nude for a whole week, and I do so very reluctantly. Wednesday I pose for Harold, a geeky photographer, and experiment with out of school exhibitionism. Thursday, I loosen up a lot and get close and personal with some of the guys in school. I get a spanking from the principal, wash my Dad's car after school in the nude in front of a crowd, then go for a naked...

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NIS Pieces of SamChapter 1 Friday

" ... hope they don't get some ugly girl to do it," Todd was saying and the other guys were grinning and nodded their heads. "Do what?" I asked. I didn't like Todd very much, or his friend Mike, but I wanted to sit with Josh like I always did during lunch and my best friend had saved me a seat. I noticed Penny right away too. She was sitting with her friends on the girls' side of the cafeteria and watching us, but Josh had his back to her, so that was cool. There wasn't any real...

2 years ago
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A normal friday

I am wrong or are mistakes as such. I also like opinions and tell me what I should add and do in my story. It is also quite short too but it is just an introduction and need ideas. Eliza and Me. It started off being a normal friday day at school. I was 15 and at that age everyone knew what they had on their minds which was ofcourse sex. I was a muscular young teenager standing at 6"3, I played in our team for football I would go to the gym at least 3 times a week and I would jack off...

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Brandi and Her Step Dad Freaky Friday

Introduction: The story of how this dirty little girl started a nasty affair with her step dad Brandi and Her Step-Dad: Freaky Friday It hadnt taken very long. Just three months after her new stepfather had moved in, and Brandi was having an illicit affair with him, and all right under her pretentious mothers nose. She would have never imagined such a thing possibe, For one, she had despised the intrusion Jason and his young daughter Stephanie had brought to her home. Her mother was a ...

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Just Gimme Friday

Just Gimme FridayThe next Friday comes at last, Joe's invitation in the clover field that day still fresh in our minds. We'd decided by email the other day that we'd make a night of it, heading home Saturday morning. So our overnight bag includes a change of cloths and toiletries, besides our usual bag of tricks. Showering and dressing to look good, We give the boys some cash for supper tonight, heading out to the car.I'm glad I waxed my lil Rio Red tuner and cleaned it up inside and out. As a...

1 year ago
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Joyous Friday

Joyous FridayBy: Londebaaz Chohan What the fuck is going on over here. There is a dick sticking through a hole in the wall. I am in an adult video booth, my own dick in my hand, watching a young and pretty blonde give a guy a very loving blowjob, and now this. I just could not help but stare at the dick for a minute. I had to admit it was a beautiful and very healthy looking dick, not large but the shape was the best ever.I tried to ignore it and returned my attention to the movie. After a...

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Fooling Around On Friday

It seems that all the most fun stuff happens on Friday. Maybe it is because about a third of the people take the day off and the rest of them are thinking about the weekend. Never mind thinking about fun things to do not related to work!Anyway, it was Friday afternoon, and my coworker Becky and I were looking out the window watching the few afternoon fitness freaks taking their afternoon walks, jogs, and runs. She was commenting on various gals that went by, revealing various items of gossip...

Office Sex
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Casual Sex Friday

This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story.Using a conference room on Friday when no one is around.After a quick look around to verify that no one was nearby, we ducked into the small conference room and closed the door. With the toe of my shoe, I jammed the rubber wedge meant to hold the door open under the back of the closed door to thwart any potential interruptions. There was never anyone in this corner of the office on a Friday...

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Good Friday Turns Into Great Friday

I was to be off on Good Friday but made the discussion to go into the office to finish up a few thing on my desk. I knew it would be quiet there as everyone was off. I got in around 5:30 AM and got right on work. Around 7:30 AM my wife called to check on me and all was fine. About 8:00 AM the weekend cleaning crew came in to clean so they did not have to work over the weekend. The head cleaning lady came into my office to make sure it was ok to clean while I was there. I assured her it was and...

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The Lawyer Chapter 1 Friday

The Lawyer Chapter 1 FridayIt was Friday in London and the offices were very quite, the staff had been sent home late in the morning because of the weather. The day was grey and overcast and the temperature had not got above freezing all day. Snow had been falling heavily since early morning, there was already over 2 feet of snow on the ground.Richard Johnson was 49, a well built man around 6’2”, with dark hair going grey on the sides. He lived in a penthouse just a couple of minutes walk...

2 years ago
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Amazing friday

I'm a 24 year old student that really doesn't know what to do with his life at his point. What I do know is that I love jerking off to my mom, and I want so bad to fuck her like the whore she is. I have a girlfriend who is a cute little 21 year old latina. She is one of those white latinas and has red hair and nice little pink nipples on her A cup chest.Anyways, back to my mom. She is divorced and has been pretty much a fuck buddy for all of her guy friends who pretty much use her for one...

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A Quiet Friday

Thursday Night – And So It Begins Until the door bell rang around 8 o’clock on Thursday night, I had completely forgotten that Barb had told me her sister was coming to spend a long weekend with us. Barb got up saying, “Oh, that’s Sue. Remember, I told you she was staying with us for the weekend.” Barb and I had been sitting together in the parlor, finishing a bottle of wine that we had started at dinner. Until that interruption, I would have guessed that Barb was...

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