The Chastity BallThursday Chastity s Lesson
- 2 years ago
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Tuesday - Chastity gets with The Program
I was so mad about what happened on Monday afternoon that I wasn't even thinking about it might mean on Tuesday morning. It was bad enough that the school district lawyer forced me to leave the True Love Waits rally on Monday afternoon and I still ended up naked on the local news.
I was shocked when Principal Johnson was waiting for me outside the front entrance the next morning. I knew that I would be expected to strip in front of everybody who was there, but I wasn't expecting what happened next.
He stood by while I removed the conservative blouse and skirt I had carefully chosen to try to minimize my humiliation. He was impassive when the boys in the audience hooted and clapped as I unfastened my bra and slipped out of my panties, leaving myself completely nude except for my mandated platform shoes with four inch heals. But when I turned to go into the building he stepped in front of me. Taking me by the arm, he turned me back toward the crowd.
"Miss Smith has completed her daily routine of undressing in the manner required by The Program. Unfortunately, her actions on school property yesterday afternoon were not so satisfactory. For those of you who are not aware of it, Miss Smith violated the strict requirement for Program participants to be nude on school property and at all school functions. She aggravated the violation by defying a legal order to from a school authority to remove her clothing. Worse, she incited a student organization chartered by the district to disobey school policy.
"As a result of her willful defiance of authority, Chastity Smith will be duly punished as prescribed by school rules."
Two custodians had been standing at the school entrance watching me strip. Now they pulled back the curtains surrounding a structure at one side of the door. When I caught sight of the contraption behind them it felt like my heart stopped. Right away I knew what they were going to do to me. I started to cry.
Closest to me was a pommel horse like the ones we used in gymnastics. Just on the other side of it was a set of stocks right out of The Scarlet Letter. The two custodians grabbed my arms and pulled me forward across the pommel horse so I bent over with my head and arms in the stocks. Then they slammed it shut, leaving me helpless with my butt exposed to the crowd.
"No, please!" I begged. "I'm sorry. I'll be good from now on and do whatever I'm told!"
"I'm sorry, young lady, but it's too late for that. You should have thought of that yesterday before you misbehaved and defied the authority of this school," said Principal Johnson.
Turning to the crowd he announced, "Chastity Smith has been found in violation of Program Rules requiring participants to be nude at all school functions. Accordingly she has been sentenced to corrective action, to wit, corporal punishment by her peers. Each student is invited to give her no more than one swat on her buttocks as you enter the school."
A gasp of astonishment went up from the crowd. This was going to be even worse than I thought! Why, there were more than 500 students! I began sobbing uncontrollably.
"Students are admonished not to be so forceful as to cause injury. The school nurse will observe the proceedings and will call a halt if blistering occurs. Please remember that this is an example both to Miss Smith and to any other student contemplating a violation of the rules.
"Please begin."
With that he stepped forward and smacked my left cheek. I let out a little yelp, but it didn't really hurt. Yet.
The first few boys who filed past just gave my bottom a light pat.
Smack! That one really hurt. It was followed by a firm, but not painful slap on the opposite cheek.
The next few minutes were a drawn out routine of painful moments punctuating short periods of merciful restraint. Most of the kids just walked by, grateful that it was me and not them having my fanny spanked. All of them looked closely at my red bottom, and the lesson took hold with everybody. Another large group gave my sore bottom a gentle caress and passed on. Some of these slipped their fingers between my cheeks as they did it. That was the worst torture of all. The soreness of my ass cheeks stirred up a response in my pussy that was simply uncontrollable.
It wasn't the pain from the spanking that hurt the most. It was the humiliation of knowing that everyone could see the moisture dripping down my thighs from my excited pussy when I came uncontrollably.
When it was over Nurse Burton rubbed some anesthetic lotion on my butt cheeks, unlocked the stocks, and helped me to my feet.
"I know that really hurts," she said, "but believe it or not you're going to fell better before the day is over. You might have to stand for your first few classes, but you'll probably be able to sit down again by lunchtime."
Chastity's Lunch
The Program kids stick together at lunch, so all of us were sitting at the same table. Including me. I could sit down, even though I was still sore. Everybody was over the first shock of embarrassment now, and we were all beginning to enjoy being naked, if we thought about it at all. The Senior class boy in The Program, Jack Perkins, was talking about his girlfriend, who was actually named Jill. None of us laughed at that; we'd all had too much experience with embarrassment lately.
Jack and Jill had been together since 7th grade. They were deeply in love and were going to get married right after graduation. I asked Jack if Jill was jealous of the girls who were giving him relief this week.
"A little, I guess. Jill doesn't like it, but she knows that she always comes first with me, and that's not going to change no matter how many other girls bring me off. We've been in love ever since we met. It was love at first sight, and I've never felt that way about any other girl."
Wow. How many of us are that lucky? "Jack," I said, "it sounds like you two would be perfect for True Love Waits. How come I've never seen you at a meeting?"
"Oh! Well. I guess you can probably figure that out pretty easy. It was love at first sight, and it was sex at first date. True Love Waits was never an option."
Gawd, I was mortified. Not so much because I found out another couple of kids was having sex, but because I was still so naive about it. I didn't know Jill, so I asked Jack if he had a picture. He borrowed a phone and pulled one down from the cloud.
"This one's my favorite." It was a full-face shot of a pretty young girl. She was bathed in what even I could see had to be sperm. She looked exceptionally pleased with herself.
"Ew, gross," I said. "How can you do that to someone you love? What makes boys want to do that to us at all?"

"It's a power thing," said Kitty. "They like to humiliate us. That and they're marking their territory, just like the other animals."
"Not really," said Phil. "At least I don't. Some guys do, maybe. Most guys are polite and respectful about cumming in a girl's face, or at least they give them fair warning. Some girls might do it just so they don't have to swallow, but a lot of them really like it, too. And all of them look great with cum on their face."
Ugh. Phil Peterson, my life-long crush, likes cumming on a girl's face. I'd found out a lot of things this week that I never suspected about myself, but I still couldn't see how any girl could lower herself to that. Sucking a cock was bad enough, but there was a limit to what a self-respecting girl would do, even for love. I told him so.
This got an argument going, Kitty and me against Phil, Jack, and Marissa. What really surprised me was that Daisy took their side.
"Look, Chastity, I know you think it's really gross," said Marissa, "but remember all the other things you thought were completely disgusting on Monday, and now you know how much fun they are! Don't knock it till you try it!"
"Yeah, Chastity," said Phil. "Aren't you supposed to be proving that you can stay pure, no matter what happens to you this week? How can you do that if you're not willing to face temptation? No pun intended."
"Oh, no. There's already way too much sexual perversion going on. Cock sucking and facials aren't part of The Program, at least they aren't mandatory. I would never do something so dirty."
"Cum isn't dirty, Chastity." Everybody was surprised to hear Daisy speak up. We all turned and looked at her.
"Well, it's not like we don't see enough of it. It's not my fault they make us use the boy's shower. I didn't ask them to cum on me." Daisy blushed pink right down to her nipples. She was so cute!
"See," said Marissa, "even Daisy likes cum. I think Phil's right, Chastity. You can't claim the moral high ground here unless you're willing to try it yourself."
I was feeling trapped. This was The Program again, in miniature. I had to surrender to it in order to fight it. It was my duty, just like for True Love Waits, no matter how awful it was for me.
"OK, then, but what does that mean? How can I prove it's as disgusting as I think, and what will you do if I'm right and you're wrong? How about this – If I let a boy cum on my face and still think it's gross, not only will you all admit you're wrong, but you'll all stop doing it and join True Love Waits!"
"No way! How would we know you didn't secretly like it? I'm not going to stop doing it just because you say so." None of them were convinced.
"Wait a minute," said Phil. "I know Chastity, and I know very well how honest she is. If she makes a promise, she keeps it, and she won't lie about it. I can't speak for the rest of you, but I'm willing to take her word for it."
Do you see why I've always loved this guy?
"So how is this supposed to work," I asked. "I've never sucked a cock before. I've never even had one in my mouth, let alone had sperm on my face. I'm not letting some random stranger do that to me just to prove a point."
"What if Phil did it to you?" Marissa asked. "Phil, you wantta help settle this?"
Gulp. Well, it wasn't like I hadn't sortta thought of that when the conversation turned this way. Phil was my dream guy, and in all the years I'd known him, he'd never even kissed me, or even held my hand.
This would be a lot more intimate than a kiss even if I didn't like it. And I wouldn't like it. For sure!
"I dunno. I don't want to do anything to her she might hate me for. I've known her for a long time and I want to stay friends with her."
I didn't say anything for a long time. Everybody was quiet. I thought about it. If I won, I got Phil into True Love Waits, and either way we were going to be a lot closer than we'd ever been before.
"So you're saying I can suck your cock and you can cum on my face, huh? And if I still think it's disgusting, I know you'll keep your end of the bargain because I know you're an honest person, too. OK, then, I guess I have to do it. Where and when?"
Marissa took over. "Right here, right now. That way nobody chickens out. The school keeps equipment available for Program kids. Jack, how about going to the nurse and checking out a pair of kneepads for Chastity?
"Just to be clear, if Chastity wins, Phil has agreed not only to join True Love Waits, but to stop cumming on girl's faces, even if they want him to. If she's wrong, she's going to admit it, but that doesn't seem like it's enough. Does anybody have a suggestion?"
I heard a very irritating giggle. Bubbles had been listening at the next table. "I have an idea! If Chastity loses she can't wipe the cum off! And she has to kiss a girl with it on her face!"
There was applause and cat calls from the kids in earshot. The rest of the cafeteria turned to check us out.
"To be sure this is fair, we need some rules. The bet is off if Phil doesn't cum on Chastity before the lunch bell rings. Nobody else can join in on either side, and nobody can touch either of them. In fact, let's make it a rule they can't even touch each other, except for Phil's cock and Chastity's mouth. Do both of you agree to that?"
Staring straight into my eyes, Phil nodded. I was trapped. "I agree," I said reluctantly. There was scattered applause from the surrounding tables and curious stares from kids throughout the cafeteria. Jack showed up with the kneepads and I strapped them on. Now that it was happening I was having serious second thoughts.
"Alright, Phil," Marissa said, "stand up here at the end of the table where people can see you. Chastity, you get down on your knees right in front of him."
"Goody, goody!" Bubbles was clapping her hands and hopping up and down, jiggling her tits as usual.
But I wasn't thinking about Bubbles. Yes, we've established that I have a weakness for cocks, and I also have a thing for Phil. And we've also established that I had a duty to overcome my base instincts and keep my dignity even in the worst conditions. I was determined to go through with this while keeping my horniness completely under control. Yes, I had to admit I was horny. You would be too if you were a sixteen year old girl on her knees in front of the guy she'd fantasized about as long as she could remember.
Phil felt the same way. I could tell because his penis, which had been soft a moment before, was now sticking out straight toward my face. He wasn't fully hard yet, but already there was a drop of clear fluid right at the tip. Now that it was an inch away from my face I realized just how enormous it was. How in the world was a girl supposed to get that in her pussy? How was I even going to get it in my mouth?
I already wanted to change the rules. I wanted to reach up and wrap my hand around his cock, but I wasn't allowed to use anything but my mouth to touch anything but his cock.
The cafeteria was dead silent as I studied his penis. I looked at the shaft and the purple veins showing though his skin. I watched the drop of clear fluid grow at the tip, stretch, and drip slowly to the floor. I looked at the way that skin loosened at the bottom to form a sack containing two walnut sized testicles. I inhaled the musky fragrance of his pubic hair. I looked up at the swelling pink helmet at the top of his shaft, and I looked beyond, into his deep blue eyes.
His cock swelled even more and stood straight up, at least seven inches from base to tip. I moved closer, and his kinky hair tickled my nose. Remembering the rules, I stuck out the tip of my tongue and touched his testicle sack, wiggling my tongue just slightly.
The cafeteria was dead quiet. The students, the teachers, and the servers were all watching, but I wasn't thinking about them. I stuck my tongue further out and nestled one of his balls on it. Then I drew it gently into my mouth and sucked, surprised to find I wasn't at all disgusted. I was horny.
Rules violation or not, I nuzzled the length of Phil's cock against my face as I slowly released his testicle and licked up, up, up, from the base of his cock, along the warm, soft skin bulging out of the front of the rock hard shaft, to the helmet shape at the top. A couple of inches down the shaft I got my first taste of boy cum. It was slippery and a little salty, but there wasn't enough to decide if I liked the flavor.
This was the moment of truth. I was still a virgin everywhere, but that was about to change for my mouth. There would be no going back.
Phil groaned. I opened my mouth and slipped his warm cock head inside. Already it filled my mouth, and I tried hard not to scrape it with my teeth. Out of curiosity I sucked out a little more of his pre-cum. I still wasn't sure, but so far I liked what I tasted.
Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Ch. 08bychastity_sissy©"So, that is what you fantasize about? Having my hot boyfriend and me making you our little sissy bitch? Pathetic," my Ex said flipping through the pages of the story I had submitted to her, while I worshipped her sweaty pantyhosed feet per our already established agreement.I still couldn't believe an Ex of mine was actually a hot Hooters girl. Being one with a small, tiny, thing for uniforms, I couldn't believe I had let this one slip...
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Chastity Belt Roulette ———————————————————————— Chapter 1 In a small town in New Jersey a small group of husbands and wives meets each weekend for a very special evening. The purpose of the evening is for the husbands to provide total, complete and absolute service to the wives in any manner they see fit, while the husbands compete for a chance at Chastity Belt Roulette. You see, each husband is locked into a very secure and nonremovable chastity belt, which can only be unlocked with the...
Chastity Belt Roulette------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 1 In a small town in New Jersey a small group of husbands and wives meets each weekend for a very special evening. The purpose of the evening is for the husbands to provide total, complete and absolute service to the wives in any manner they see fit, while the husbands compete for a chance at Chastity Belt Roulette. You see, each husband is locked into a very secure and nonremovable chastity...
Chastity Belt Rouletteby Anonymous ------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 1 In a small town in New Jersey a small group of husbands and wives meets each weekend for a very special evening. The purpose of the evening is for the husbands to provide total, complete and absolute service to the wives in any manner they see fit, while the husbands compete for a chance at Chastity Belt Roulette. You see, each husband is locked into a very secure and...
Chastity Belt Roulette Chapter One In a small town in New Jersey a small group of husbands andwives meets each weekend for a very special evening. The purpose ofthe evening is for the husbands to provide total, complete andabsolute service to the wives in any manner they see fit, while thehusbands compete for a chance at Chastity Belt Roulette. You see, eachhusband is locked into a very secure and non-removable chastity belt,which can only be unlocked with the proper...
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Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Ch. 07bychastity_sissy©The only light came from the crack at the bottom of the floor. I tested my handcuffs as quietly as possible, verifying there was no way to squeeze my wrists out of their cold, metal clutches. I was completely stuck.I could hear my Ex on the other side of the door. She was panting heavily. I could only imagine her Boyfriend's cock ramming her inside and out, over and over again.I guess I should back up just a little bit, although there is...
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On the day of Chastity’s birthday she snuck out of the house just before dawn to ride her horse Winchester. She put his bridle on and took off. She needed to clear her head and figure out what to do next. For she knew her parents were going to choose a man for her to marry. Riding Winchester always made her feel better, the wind through her hair always made her nipples hard; And the gentle rubbing of her clit on the bare back of a horse always made her forget for a bit, who she was and what was...
If you are not of a proper age, don't read this. Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity Belt Categories Bondage Femdom Synopsis Jay and Janet were happily married until Jay.... Chastity By Janet Baker I'm twenty five, so is my husband. We met in college, married after graduation. I started to work, my husband Jay went on for his Phd in software operating system design subsequently starting to work in a neighboring city. His credentials and his...
Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity BeltCategories Bondage FemdomSynopsis Jay and Janet were happily married until Jay?. Chastity By Janet BakerI?m twenty five, so is my husband. We met in college, married after graduation. I started to work, my husband Jay went on for his Phd in software operating system design subsequently starting to work in a neighboring city. His credentials and his drive moved him up in salary and gained the...
It was the day after my 24th birthday when I decided it was time to get my life on track. I knew if I wanted to be successful in the long run, I'd need a certificate from one of the top schools in the country.These days, very few women would ever consider dating a man who didn't have decent certification. In fact, most employers now, won't even look at your resume unless you have certification from at least a mid-level chastity school.I'd been putting it off until now, but not having one was...
BDSMThis contract serves as an agreement between Anna J (Date of Birth 14 April 1998) - herein referred to as “The Wearer” and xxxx herein referred to as the “Keyholder”. The Wearer submits of her own FREE WILL to this Chastity Contract and we jointly agree to the following terms and conditions as set out in this Contract which we have signed below.INTRODUCTIONThe Keyholder hereby agrees that he will procure at his cost a ‘made to measure’ chastity belt produced by a company such as My Steel,...
CUCK HUBBY IN CHASTITY Being locked in chastity can do plenty to a man. The longer he can't getfree, the bigger the changes. "What do you think of these?" Bella wanted to know. "They're called DatePanties. 'Cheeky' style. Because they leave my butt cheeks showing." The curvaceous woman turned around so her husband could see the rearview. He opened and shut his mouth, throat so dry he couldn't speak. Shewas extremely sexy, with her long red-brown hair, generous bust, fullhips, and gorgeously...
CUCK HUBBY IN CHASTITYBeing locked in chastity can do plenty to a man. The longer he can't getfree, the bigger the changes. "What do you think of these?" Bella wanted to know. "They're called DatePanties. 'Cheeky' style. Because they leave my butt cheeks showing." The curvaceous woman turned around so her husband could see the rearview. He opened and shut his mouth, throat so dry he couldn't speak. Shewas extremely sexy, with her long red-brown hair, generous bust, fullhips, and gorgeously...
CUCK HUBBY IN CHASTITY by Throne Being locked in chastity can do plenty to a man. The longer he can't get free, the bigger the changes. "What do you think of these?" Bella wanted to know. "They're called Date Panties. 'Cheeky' style. Because they leave my butt cheeks showing." The curvaceous woman turned around so her husband could see the rear view. He opened and shut his mouth, throat so dry he couldn't speak. She was extremely sexy, with her long red-brown hair, generous bust,...
Before I agreed to be locked up. Before I agreed to be an obedient chaste husband to my wife. She had sexual needs and desires that I as her husband was able and more than willing to fill. The sex was good, or so I thought. We enjoyed the intimate pleasures sometimes two times a week. Or when I had time to get into the mood.Now, since I have taken to wearing a chastity cage upon my manhood. Now that we both agreed to turn the key over to a private third party. Well, it seems her sexual wants,...
CHASTITY & FEMINIZATION PRODUCT TESTER "But I'm only going to be out of work for two weeks during thereorganization," I told my wife Annie. "And they're still paying me. SoI won't really be...""Dear," she cut me off. "I don't like the idea of you being idle.Remember what happened when I was away at my sister's? For only twodays?""Honey, nothing happened. You know Tess next door is kind of... anympho. She thinks every guy wants to jump into bed with her. All I didwas talk to her, and...
CHASTITY & FEMINIZATION PRODUCT TESTER by Throne "But I'm only going to be out of work for two weeks during the reorganization," I told my wife Annie. "And they're still paying me. So I won't really be..." "Dear," she cut me off. "I don't like the idea of you being idle. Remember what happened when I was away at my sister's? For only two days?" "Honey, nothing happened. You know Tess next door is kind of... a nympho. She thinks every guy wants to jump into bed with...
Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Ch. 06bychastity_sissy©My Ex knew me. She knew me better than I knew myself. She knew it had been a deep, disregarded fantasy of mine to be a helpless maid amongst a variety of men and women, all dressed up in pretty outfits demanding drinks and snacks from the maids passing by.She had, without a doubt, put "the guy" in his place. My cock was completely locked away in full metal, and it would require an ER visit to physically remove the device without a key. I...
bychastity_sissy©Kneeling before my Ex exactly one week after she had discovered my chastity device and taken the key, along with several compromising photos on her phone, I was ready to do anything she asked.I know she had said all those things about keeping me locked up for a month with no orgasms, but I told myself this was only a temporary deal and she'd soon get bored and move on to something else.If you end up in this scenario, be warned that the skin under your scrotum will likely be...
Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Ch. 02bychastity_sissy©From what I could remember the following morning, I had definitely done something stupid. My memory became fuzzy after she had left. Just as she had predicted, I surfed the web and looked at my saved cache of porn. Unable to get off on it, I drank more and stayed up later than usual until everything became a blur and I woke up on the couch, still dressed in the corset and nylons.Good thing I had the day off.Work! How could I deal with wearing...
Chastity was nineteen when I met her. I was nearly twice her age. Maybe I should have had more sense than to go all mushy over a girl so young. Maybe I should have given more thought to the risk, but truth is, she stole my heart. Then she stomped it and kicked it to the curb. She was a part-time writer at the suburban newspaper where I worked back then. I had noticed her but we hadn’t met. She was thin, with brown hair so long it brushed the delicious curve of her ass. Not beautiful, she was...
Love StoriesI saw her face light up as she took the handcuffs from the rack and turned them over in her hand.I said, "You look like you've used those before."She smiled. "They remind me of a boyfriend I had in college. I spent quite a few hours in them then. It was fun, but that was as kinky as it got."Wow. When I invited Sarah up to see my shop, I had no idea she was into this stuff. I wanted to find out more, but I didn't want to push my luck, so I proceeded with caution. "Well look around anything else....
Victoria and the Chastity-Guard MK IIII had been observing her, and many others, for quite a while. I first noticed her whilst having a drink at the city bar where she had worked for a time. Although short, she was grossly overweight but with a strangely pretty, even attractive, face. But for the fat she would have been extremely attractive. At twenty four years of age she had not had a date for years, and never had a steady relationship beyond that of a high school friendship with a boy who...
Janice and Mike are a married couple in their mid forties. Married about twenty years. About ten years ago they started playing with a male chastity device and discovered they were having a lot of fun with it. They have been using it ever since.The device is a stainless steel or plastic tube about three and a half inches long and about an inch and a half in diameter with a forty-five degree bend in the middle of it. A steel ring is attached to the tube. The flaccid penis fits into the tube and...
GINGER DUCK IN CHASTITY by Throne I sat on a kitchen chair, shifting my feet anxiously. My wife Desiree looked at me with barely restrained impatience, like she was dealing with a difficult child. Yet her green eyes held a hint of mischief. Those pale lips suggested the beginnings of a smile. I sat there trying to appear capable of reasoning with her, but that's not easy when you're dressed in a yellow top with a ruffled front and capped sleeves, and you're naked from the waist...
Captain's Journal: February 19, 2004 Things are exciting! I have been getting friendly with this girl at work, Pamela, and taking her out to lunch, and sometimes we've taken the afternoon off work to go to the movies. Today Pam and I just went to the park and held hands and talked about our lives, and at the end of the lunch hour, she kissed me lightly on the lips. But just as she was going to kiss me again, I heard the roar of a motorcycle, and I pulled away, looking around wildly, but it...
Male Chastity for the over 60’s.It’s interesting that all you read on Male Chastity seems to be for those in the years just after they have married and sex is getting a little dull for them so they want to spice it up a bit.My husband and I are not young he is 68 and I am 63, we have been married for some 21 years having met late in life compared to many. We have had a wonderful sex life until a couple of years ago when Ron developed Erectile Dysfunction. He had the tests, was psychoanalysed...
bychastity_sissy©Back at my apartment, I wanted nothing more than to just get the chastity device off of me, but I still couldn't help but be aroused at my humiliating situation. Here I was, chastised by my previous girlfriend who now controlled not only my orgasms, but whether I could have sex with another woman.Suddenly, my phone buzzed, notifying me of a new text message.Send me a pic of you dressed up in that corset and stockings. I want to see it before I fuck my boyfriend in a few...
The Bag – chastity BDSMIt all really started in March this year. I arrived home from work to find my wife extremely upset and angry, unusual, as she is normally even-tempered and easy going. It turns out that she had found my bag, just an old kit bag, but inside were all my dirty little secrets. I had thought our love life, when it was happening was really good but extremely vanilla, but with the fact that my wife worked away regularly combined with practicing natural birth control, sometimes...
King Garbin held his arm out straight through the bars, his fist clenched. Then his fingers straightened, and Kinlee’s eyes widened. Dangling from a long, golden chain that glinted in the flickering torchlight, was a delicately formed, intricate key. It swayed, and her wide blue eyes followed the tantalizing movement as her mind calculated all the possibilities. ‘Why?’ she asked breathlessly. ‘I don’t see how you will beget heirs locked in the dungeon.’ ‘Ooohh, you have a one purpose...
Kinlee woke with a glorious smile, her arms slowly stretching. Snuggling deeper beneath the blankets, her mind drifted. Suddenly, she sat up in the enormous bed, one hand holding the sheet to her bare breasts. Her mane tumbled in disarray around her shoulders in a golden halo. Rising panic flooded her. He couldn’t have. He wouldn’t have. Kinlee forced herself to breathe. She felt both clammy and flushed altogether. She didn’t know if she wanted to scream or cry. Or kill Draven. Perhaps all...
I’ve been standing in front of a full length mirror looking at myself. My naked flesh as it reflects in the mirror says male. Or man. All man. I have a hairy chest. Hairy legs. I have muscles where my wife does not. I have a cock and balls hanging from between my legs which symbolizes my manhood. My masculinity. I can bench press over 400 pounds. I wear the pants in the family. But then, I taped a copy of this picture to the mirror. As I look at the picture I see a set of male cock and balls...
(all characters are age 18+; work of fiction) I keep my son in almost permanent chastity. I am a staunch feminist and do not believe males should be freely able to orgasm. I live alone with my sissy son and milk him once a month or so -purely for health reasons. The following is how one such event took place. Me: I almost forgot. Today is your milking day, isn't it? Him: Yes mommy. It's been over a month. I was worried you forgot about- Me: Of course not. Now why don't you go get...
[All characters are age 18+] Sorry for not giving an update for so long. My gimp son and I are still here and having fun together since our last update. Sadly, the experiment to expand his chest with hormones didn't work out the way we thought. Needless to say, the milking machine has been sitting in storage collecting dust. I was so discouraged by this setback that I couldn't bring myself to give these updates anymore. And I promise, my girlfriend Christina and I tried everything on...
Chastity Belt Roulette------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 1 In a small town in New Jersey a small group of husbands and wives meets each weekend for a very special evening. The purpose of the evening is for the husbands to provide total, complete and absolute service to the wives in any manner they see fit, while the husbands compete for a chance at Chastity Belt Roulette. You see, each husband is locked into a very secure and nonremovable chastity...
Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there lived a curious soul named Alex. Alex was always intrigued by the unconventional and the extraordinary. One day, while scrolling through an obscure corner of the internet, Alex stumbled upon something that piqued his interest—a chastity cage. This tiny, enigmatic device promised a mix of mystery, restraint, and an entirely new adventure. The Chronicles of the Chastity Cage: From Fantasy to Long-Term Wear Once upon a time, in a land not so far...
BondageTeacher sat on the edge of her desk. Her heels accentuated the beauty of not only her feet and legs, but her whole body.I was incredibly nervous to start my second week in training, but knew that I had what it took, as long as things didn't get too much harder than the previous week.I liked my instructor. Besides being beautiful, she also seemed to be slightly caring and fair towards me. Not as much so as my nurse, but still. Only Vanessa seemed to be unnecessarily cruel.Even the seemingly...
BDSMFirst, some background information:We are a happily married couple (Wife & husband) who live a 24/7/365 chastity, cuckold, and FLR lifestyle. Sexually, we're both very submissive, though I (Wife) am my husband's Keyholder and Mistress. We also have a shared Mistress who we all consider my girlfriend as well. While I have collared Hubby, Mistress has collared us together as a couple. Except for time I spend alone with our Mistress, Hubby and I always play together when we are with any of our...
This is my own, original, fictitious work:Chapter ISubmission, DiscoveryA state of contentment washed over Loken, the morning was usually the most stressful part of the day. Not including, of course, what evening activities were to occur or were planned. Loken had successfully got his mistress up, made her breakfast of half a g****fruit followed by a poached egg on toast, cafetiere coffee and freshly squeezed orange juice whilst she was in the shower.Mistress Inara was immaculately dressed in...
[All characters are age 19+ ; work of fiction] Having grown bored with how things were progressing with my sissy son, I have recently ventured into a new and fun project -filming and distributing video clips of our adventures together. Milking sessions, peggings, spankings, foot worship...over two dozen clips so far. All of them uploaded online for viewing. Did I mention how lucrative this new project is? I am amazed at what people are willing to pay for the clips and especially for...
(all characters are age 18+ ; not sweet or sentimental) My girlfriend Christina has been staying with me for the past several months. I thought my gimp son's transformation was complete, but Christina has had other ideas... When she first moved in, she immediately took him on as a pet project. I haven't minded a bit -I've been busy at work and am glad someone is looking after him while I'm gone. It's been fun to watch her experiment on him these past months. I always enjoy coming...
Chastity by TheVariableXChapter 1: My lifeChapter Codes: M+/f, f-self, enema, exhibition, incest, spanking, teen, chastity belt, HighSchool, consensual, Bondage, BDSM, humiliation, Rated R, My name is Alexandra and today is my first day in the 11th grade. I am naked and wet. My small wrists are tied to the metal bed frame above my head and a homemade spreader bar above my knees forces me to keep my hairless legs spread wide open. As usual I am also wearing a simple black blindfold and my...
Chastity and Submission of a HornThe story of a married, cuckolded, chaste, submissive and controlled man, who lives a cuckold relationship with a dominating wife. I tell here my day to day, of the relationship of domination and submission. I live locked in a chastity belt and I only have ruined orgasms. We practice role reversal and see my wife having sex with other men. She practices tease and denial, without me In my last post I talked about the beginning of chastity. Now I’m going to talk...