- 2 years ago
- 31
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King Garbin held his arm out straight through the bars, his fist clenched. Then his fingers straightened, and Kinlee’s eyes widened. Dangling from a long, golden chain that glinted in the flickering torchlight, was a delicately formed, intricate key.
It swayed, and her wide blue eyes followed the tantalizing movement as her mind calculated all the possibilities.
‘Why?’ she asked breathlessly.
‘I don’t see how you will beget heirs locked in the dungeon.’
‘Ooohh, you have a one purpose mind,’ Kinlee informed her father, her own hand reaching through the bars of her own cell, her finger tips wiggling as she stretched out to reach the chain.
Her father drew his arm back, considering the key. Kinlee bit back a groan of immense irritation. He knew he had her, she knew he had her, but it wasn’t seemly for a princess to make it obvious.
‘Once my line is secured, I will happily hand over the kingdom to your husband through legal channels. It’s time I retired.’
‘Father, if you have failed to notice, you are in the dungeon. There is no handing over, happily or otherwise. You may recall you imprisoned Prince Draven and tried to force him to marry my sister, before he managed to escape and –‘
‘Ah, yes. After deflowering my youngest daughter and using her hair pins to escape.’
‘- and later returning to seize your kingdom in vengeance. But clearly your memory has no fault in other matters,’ Kinlee muttered churlishly. Would she ever live down the hair pin incident?
‘Daughter, you may recall you too are also a guest of this here dungeon.’
‘Only because I won’t wear the blasted chastity belt,’ she grumbled. ‘How can you be so cavalier with what Draven has done?’
‘Because I have achieved what I wanted. He knows it, I know it. I wanted him as a husband for my daughter and the future ruler of my kingdom. That he has chosen to marry my youngest daughter over my oldest daughter is of little consequence.’
‘So you truly don’t mind spending time in a dungeon?’ Kinlee asked, wondering if Draven similarly viewed recent events so calculatingly. Did Draven in principle agree to assuming the Kingship, but only on his own terms and not those forced on him by her father? Kinlee had expected something a little more bloodthirsty.
‘My stay in the dungeon is merely to appease Draven’s pride. No doubt -‘
The sound of footsteps reached them, and Kinlee gasped when she was hit in the chest by the heavy gold chain. Her fingers instinctively rose to close about the key before it could fall to the ground. Biting her lip, she glanced down at herself urgently. Her pockets and bodice offered little sanctuary. Draven would feel it about her person. Her boots seemed the best option.
Kinlee was just straightening when Draven strode into view.
‘Garbin,’ he acknowledged, while Kinlee drank in the sight of his tall muscular body in navy breeches and white shirt. Her fingers curled around the bars, her heart racing. He truly was a magnificent beast. Why, though, did he have to be so tempting, aggravating, stubborn and her husband all at once?
‘Draven,’ he father returned, equally pleasant.
Kinlee wanted to roll her eyes as they attended to the niceties of prisoner and prisonee.
‘Wife,’ Draven murmured, his voice deepening, his green eyes locking on her face. The quiver in her belly erupted into an earth quake of unfulfilled need.
‘Prince Draven,’ she murmured, relinquishing the bars and taking a step back. Her curtsey was graceful beneath his intense gaze. ‘Thank you for taking the time and opportunity to visit our humble abode.’
Draven crossed his arms of his chest, his back to her father.
‘Kinlee, any time you wish to give up this game and inform me of the whereabouts of your chastity belt, you shall immediately be removed from this …humble abode.’
‘You ask me to exchange the freedom of my person for the freedom to…’ Kinlee’s voice petered out and she glanced over at her father. Her father had returned to his book, conspicuous in his apparent disinterest.
She crooked her finger at her husband, and he obediently moved closer, his hands gripping the cell bars high above her head. ‘Frolick,’ she whispered, blushing. His eyes dropped to her mouth, then rose to lock with her own.
Draven’s lips quirked. ‘It astounds me that one so wicked in thought as you can still blush,’ he whispered back.
‘Pray tell me you wouldn’t blush if the occasion somehow arose of discussing frolicking in front of your dear mother, Queen Elsbeth.’
‘It would be remiss of me to lie and deny it,’ he murmured, his green eyes twinkling.
‘And how is your mother?’ Kinlee asked in a much louder voice.
‘She is happy of the news of our nuptials, and plans to travel here with my father in the early spring.’
‘Be sure to have them visit my father and myself in the dungeon during their stay.’
‘Kinlee,’ Draven rolled his eyes. ‘You will not be in the dungeon when my parents arrive.’
‘You mean you give up on the notion of my wearing a chastity belt and agree to release me from my cell?’ she asked hopefully.
‘Stubborn, just like her mother was,’ came the unhelpful comment from across the passageway.
‘No. I mean I have posted a reward of a hundred gold pieces to whomever finds your chastity belt.’
‘That is cheating,’ she gasped. ‘No doubt every man and his dog will scour the kingdom, and won’t sleep until they find it. That could feed and clothe an army for a season.’
‘It will be only a matter of time, yes.’ His husky voice sent a shiver down her spine. His hand reached out, ostensibly to stroke a blonde lock. Only the stray lock curled over her breast, and his thumb teased her nipple through the bodice of her gown. Kinlee bit back a moan as her nipple tightened in approval. He tweaked it, before his hand fell away.
If he thought to seduce her out of her cell, he had another thing coming. Kinlee acknowledged she would be really cross at Draven right then if she didn’t have a spare key to her chastity belt tucked in her boot.
‘Fine.’ Kinlee drew herself up to her full height and crossed her arms, her blue eyes narrowing. The movement bolstered her small breasts, and his gaze dropped for several disconcerting moments. ‘I can see when the skirmish is lost, but not the battle. I threw the damn contraption onto the roof of the tower from the window of my sister’s chamber.’
‘I’m impressed,’ Draven acknowledged with a bow of his head. ‘You’re a worthy adversary, Kinlee.’
‘Flattery will afford you nothing, Sir.’
‘Then I shall look forward to a time when I am afforded everything, princess.’
His eyes dropped to her breasts and lower, before lifting back to her face. There was little doubt of his meaning.
Her eyes narrowed dangerously when he winked and strode away.
‘Where are you going? I’ve told you where the blasted contraption is!’
He merely lifted a hand and gave a brief wave as he disappeared from sight.
Her father chuckled in the drawn out silence. ‘Did you really think he would let you out before he had his hands on the chastity belt? Your husband is not a stupid man by half. It’s one of the things I like about him.’
Kinlee scuffed the stone floor with one of her boots, emitting a loud ‘hrumph’.
Would Draven be overly mad when he found out she lied? It wouldn’t do to make it too easy for her toad of a husband, key or no key.
When four guards arrived early that evening, Kinlee thought nothing of it. They unlocked her cell and escorted her out, flanking her. It was only as they moved through the bowels of the palace, rather than the parts she was familiar with, that she became uneasy.
‘Has Draven devised some new punishment for me that involves me being covered in cobwebs?’ she enquired, quickly b
rushing them off as soon as they landed on her hair and gown. She knew they were in the tunnels of the older section of the castle for she had explored them when she was seven and had quickly become lost. Her father’s fury when she had been found had been an awesome sight. Vargas’s smacks on her tender behind, however, had kept her from sitting for days.
The guards didn’t respond. They had picked up speed, and she almost had to run in her slippers to match their long strides.
‘Doesn’t he yet know I can eat a horse and it doesn’t settle on my thighs? I’m not in need of exercise.’
Still no response.
‘Perhaps he has found a new wife and wants to be rid of the old?’ she mused.
The guard in front of her turned, his hand holding something. He caught her up, pressing something soft over mouth and nose. She didn’t have much time to mentally complain at the overpowering smell before everything went black.
When Kinlee came too, it was to a throbbing headache that seemed to stretch all the way past her temples to her jaw.
She rose on one elbow on the rickety cot, glancing around her. She was in some kind of hovel, judging by the earth floor and rough timber walls with light peaking in. A step down from the dungeon, she noted.
Rubbing her aching head, she tried to remember how she came to be here. The movement of her arm rustled something, and she gazed down. Pinned to her grimy bodice was a small scroll.
Sitting up, she un-pinned the scroll and stretched it out flat over her lap. In childish script were the words ‘This is only a warning.’
Kinlee’s blue eyes widened. A warning of what? That there are clearly worse places than a dungeon if she didn’t reveal the whereabouts of the damned chastity belt?
The more she thought about it, being stolen from the dungeon, drugged, and left with a note didn’t strike her something Draven would do. He was more likely to tease her to the point she wanted to die from frustration and caved into his every demand. Like marriage.
She didn’t even know why it was so important to Draven that she wear the chasity belt. It wasn’t like he chose her to be his wife. She had tricked him into taking her virginity, only to find she had misjudged his honour and his sneakiness. The end result was she was married to the sexy tyrant. It didn’t matter to Draven that she had lied about who she was, or that she had had no intentions of marriage when she had welcomed him into her bed. Unfortunately, Draven had some strange logic that because he deflowered her, her being a princess and him a prince, he had to marry her. Any attempt to convince him otherwise had fallen on deaf, stubborn ears.
No, it seemed she had been kidnapped. How bizarre and insulting if they weren’t going to ransom her, and only did it as a ‘warning’. She was a princess, and worth her weight in gold to her father.
‘Hmmm,’ Kinlee mused aloud as she crumpled up the paper and tucked it in her bodice for later. Perhaps her abductors realized that her father didn’t have access to gold in his current living quarters. And maybe they also realized abducting her wasn’t such a bad thing for her husband, who might not be keen to pay to get her back, and were instead actually doing him a favour by ridding him of an unwanted wife?
She collapsed back down on the bed, the room swaying. Strange, she mused. She didn’t much like the thought of Draven getting rid of her so easily.
Kinlee woke to the sound of the walls of the hut trembling. It was darker now, the sunlight no longer seeping through the cracks. Her mouth felt dry as dust, and her throat ached for water. Rising up, she pushed her hair back from her hot face.
It was several moments before she realized it was the pounding of hooves that caused the hovel to shake. Galvanized into action, she toppled from the bed onto her hands and knees — more bruises for the collection, no doubt — and crawled over to a small table and chair.
Kinlee was standing by the entrance, the chair raised over her head, when the rickety door was flung open with a force that made it swoon, causing her to jump back and almost topple over.
A tall, muscular man filled the entrance, the shadows cast over his features adding a scariness to the proceedings she frankly could have done without.
The chair was tugged from her hands, preventing her fall. She was caught up in strong arms and lifted off her feet, the chair thrown carelessly aside. She struggled against the intimidating strength of her captor, her heart racing.
‘Princess,’ a wondrously familiar voice murmured against her ear. She went limp in his arms in a storm of emotions, the utmost being relief. Tears brimmed on her lashes as she pressed her face against his neck, her arms tightening about his shoulders. He carried her outside, for she had no intention of letting go of him just then.
The ride back to the castle with Draven’s arms tight about her, three score of guards as silent escort, was both the longest and shortest ride of her life.
All she needed now was a key to the dungeon, Kinlee mused, as she rose from the cooling water. Other princesses might have wished for jewels and bolts of the most expensive cloth and every colour, but clearly their needs differed to Kinlee’s.
Kinlee stepped over the edge of the tub and reached down to collect a softly scented towel from the stool nestled beside it. Blotting her face, she walked over to her vanity, uncaring that she trailed water across Draven’s floor.
She had dismissed her maidservants on the pretext of wanting privacy. It was unheard of that a prince and princess shared a palace chamber. Draven taking the liberty of having her things moved to his chamber didn’t quite top the hair pin incident, but it wasn’t far from it. The less witnesses to her depraved circumstances, the better. No doubt there were salacious rumours (double standards being alive and well) of her bedroom behavior circulating. If only some of them were true.
Wrapping a thin sea-green wrap about her body, she sat down on the circular cushion and glanced at her familiar combs, perfumes and jewels scattered before her. Annoying tears welled up, and she blinked them away. Picking up a narrow glass vessel, she lifted the tiny lid and drew the glass stopper along the inside of her wrist, the valley of her breasts, her throat. The fresh scent of orange blossoms was heady after the grime of her former prisons.
Her eyes lifted as the chamber door quietly closed. Draven. He leaned against the closed chamber door, arms crossed, one ankle crossed over the other. The intensity of his gaze made her thighs clench.
Picking up an ivory comb, she caught a clump of golden strands and started from the bottom. She gave every appearance of concentrating on the task of teasing the tangles from her hair. If only she didn’t have to pretend to ignore her husband.
‘It’s in the lake,’ she said casually, running the comb the length of her hair.
‘The chastity belt. That’s what you want to know, isn’t it?’ she asked innocently. Placing the comb down, she turned on the stool and crossed her arms beneath her breasts. ‘And I’m not telling you this because my father gave me a second key because I inherited his stubbornness and he thinks stubbornness won’t beget heirs.’
She finished a little breathlessly, noting Draven’s eyebrows had almost reached his hairline.
‘Pardon?’ Draven asked,
‘It’s what princesses do, isn’t it? Marry and have lots of bonny little princes and princesses.’
‘No?’ she asked hopefully. ‘I’ve never been married before, so I don’t know what to expect.’
‘Not if they don’t want. Is that what you want?’
‘I don’t know. Nobody has ever asked me what it is I wanted.’
A pause.
‘I didn’t force you to wear the chastity belt so I could assure myself that if we were blessed wi
th bonny babies they would be mine, Kinlee.’
‘Oh,’ she mused, perhaps more confused than ever.
‘Let’s just be clear, to avoid any miscommunication. The only man giving you babies is me, Kinlee. If you want babies, that is.’
Kinlee tipped her head on the side. Something was up with her husband, but she wasn’t too sure what. Thinking back over what he said, she asked ‘So why do I have to wear the chastity belt again?’
‘Because your husband is a fool.’
‘If I listen to my old nanny, and the cook, all men are fools. It would help if you were a little more specific.’
‘When I returned with my men to seize the palace and couldn’t find you after turning the place upside down, I thought I would go insane with the knowledge that I had lost such a treasure.’
‘You took this palace because of me, not because you wanted to stick it to my father?’
‘After declining your father’s offer of his daughter in marriage, I didn’t expect him to willingly hand over a bewitching serving lass.’
Kinlee gazed at him in the mirror, her lips parting. When he didn’t go on, she tried to encourage him. ‘I hid from you because I thought you had found out who I was and planned on reuniting me with my father in the dungeon.’
‘Not because I had hurt you?’
‘Perhaps a little bit,’ she blushed. ‘But the fault was mine. I was eager to rid myself of my maidenhead and didn’t give much thought as to the how.’
‘Or to the whom.’
Something in his voice, perhaps it was a hint of hesitation or unasked question, gave her pause. She twisted around on the stool.
‘You think I just wanted to lose my virginity, and didn’t care about the whom?’
‘Yes,’ he said baldly.
Kinlee squirmed a little on the chair.
‘There may be a little truth in that. In the beginning.’ She quickly rushed on, ‘In my defense, by my father forcing me to wear a chastity belt, it made me all the more curious and determined.’
‘But I was — am – very pleased with the whom. I had watched you for days with the maidservants, fervently wishing it was me you enjoyed with such abandon.’
‘They meant little to me beyond a moment’s bliss.’
‘I know, but it puzzles me why it is only with them that you seem so – so eager?’
‘Is that what you believe?’
Kinlee nodded earnestly.
‘Kinlee, you are an innocent, and deserve a tender and gentle lover to introduce you to the ways of pleasure. Not a fool who hurt you in his rush to have you. Or a husband who can barely control himself around his tempting wife.’
Seeing Kinlee’s doubt, Draven continued. ‘You are exquisite, princess. I find my every thought is of you, of what it feels like to have you in my arms, of loving you until you plead for mercy. In turn, knowing that you merely wanted me for the pleasure I could give you in bed has been slowly driving me insane.’
‘Oh,’ Kinlee mused on a long, drawn out breath. ‘So because you thought all I wanted was’ she fluttered her hand, ‘and didn’t care who it was with, you wanted me to wear the chasity belt so I would only do it with you.’ She paused, a frown gathering. ‘My old nurse was right. Men are fools,’ she said to herself. He had made her wear the uncomfortable contraption because he thought her a trollop?
Rising from the chair, the thin silk clinging to her slightly damp breasts with their hard little nipples, she faced her husband. Hands on hips, she glared at him down the length of her princess nose. ‘Get. Out.’
Draven stared at her for a moment, weighing up her words. ‘I nearly lost you today because of my stupidity. First things first, princess.’
He strode to her, his arms about her waist lifting her off the ground. His mouth found hers, forceful and demanding, cutting off her squeal of protest.
She found herself tumbled on the bed linens, his body quickly covering hers. His mouth forced hers to yield, his tongue seeking entry. Kinlee whimpered with delight, wrapping her arms around his neck and wiggling her wet body against him in pleasure.
‘God, Kinlee, what you do to me,’ he breathed against her mouth as he tugged at the belt of her wrap. He pulled the edges apart, revealing her creamy loveliness to his hot gaze. ‘I want to ravage you. The thought of someone else having you drives me insane.’
Chastity by TheVariableXChapter 1: My lifeChapter Codes: M+/f, f-self, enema, exhibition, incest, spanking, teen, chastity belt, HighSchool, consensual, Bondage, BDSM, humiliation, Rated R, My name is Alexandra and today is my first day in the 11th grade. I am naked and wet. My small wrists are tied to the metal bed frame above my head and a homemade spreader bar above my knees forces me to keep my hairless legs spread wide open. As usual I am also wearing a simple black blindfold and my...
ChastityRina was disturbed. Her son Ritwik, or Rik, could it spot it a mile away as soon he came back from college and sat down on the sofa that covered half of the living room of their tiny flat in Bowbazar, a part of Calcutta that had seen better days. Normally she would have had a million questions -- what was taught today? who did what? and said what? and so on while serving him his evening tiffin. But today, after a rather hurried hello, she had quickly retired to the tiny kitchen and Rik...
Kinlee was a curious minx that courted mischief. Her father, having caught her at a tender age curiously fondling the unspeakable parts of a handsome if dull guard, had sought to protect the value of his property. Thus, Kinlee had found herself swiftly burdened with a gold chastity belt and her budding sensuality curtailed. To a point. For the golden belt clasped possessively around her tiny waist had two thin bands that crisscrossed between her legs and framed the dimples on her behind in the...
Hi. My name is Chastity. Yeah, it made it a little harder to get dates in high school, but fortunately most of the guys didn't know what it means lol.I'm 32 years old, 5'1" tall, and weigh about 110. I have brown eyes, plain brown hair, and average features. I never attracted much attention in high school. I've been married for 13 years. My husband is only the second guy I ever let in, and I've been faithful to him ever since. We have 2 k**s -- a daughter 12 and a son 9. I work as a...
Different stories of being locked up, controlled, and more.
Chastity Belt Roulette------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 1 In a small town in New Jersey a small group of husbands and wives meets each weekend for a very special evening. The purpose of the evening is for the husbands to provide total, complete and absolute service to the wives in any manner they see fit, while the husbands compete for a chance at Chastity Belt Roulette. You see, each husband is locked into a very secure and nonremovable chastity...
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It had been six weeks since Sienna’s near death experience at the top of the club’s stairs and the subsequent encounter with the enigmatic bouncer who had since haunted her thoughts, both waking and unconscious. In that time she’d ditched the wannabe player who’d nearly caused her demise, aced her end of year Anthropology exams and reconnected with her friends. What surprised her, though, was the effort it was proving to reconnect with her pre-Adam self. She’d avoided THAT Sydney nightclub in...
On the day that Ramzy El-Najjar attended his first hunt he was totally enraptured with the whole affair. He had seen pictures of English hunts, of course, and his contemporaries at Cornell University had regarded them as one of the "real quaint old English traditions", a "must see" on a trip to Europe which few of them had ever seen outside of a cinema. The real thing was even more romantic to his eighteen year old eyes than any imaginings could have been; the hunters were resplendent in...
Brad fixed sandwiches and potato chips for dinner. After dinner, the girls went to the loft and got into their nightgowns and robes. They all sat around the fire and talked until about ten o'clock. The girls kept asking if they would be able to see the New Years Eve celebrations on television way up here in the mountains. They had not turned on the television since they arrived and they apparently had not noticed the dish on the roof. When he turned on the television Carol said that she was...
All characters in this story is at least 18 years and older and made up!Mom Goes Camping With Son & Son's Friend.Chapter 1 It was a nice summer's day Mike and his friend Bill was talking about going on a camping trip. Up north because Bill's family had land up there with a cabin on 30 acres of land. Bill told Mike no one was going to be up there for the 4th of July how would you like to go camping for the weekend and you can bring your sexy mom Liz with you. I know you want to fuck her...
Insidiously & insisting, inserting insinuously my member, I seduced mother and made her my incestuous mistress! by Oediplex 8==3~ Would mother kick me out of bed? It is an early June morning, 1973, in Connecticut. I am home from graduate school, for several weeks now. My sister is living in Boston. My father is on a business trip this week. A lazy Tuesday morning, my mother is still in bed, it's only seven thirty. She and I are the only ones in the house. I have decided it...
Author’s Note: Thank You so much to everyone who has taken the time to send feedback and/or leave comments. It means so much. Thank you also for your patience in waiting for this chapter. I hope it is to your liking. As always, the disclaimer is listed below. This is a romantic story with erotic themes, story being the key word here. If you aren’t looking for something with a deeper theme, you would be better off reading elsewhere. If you like a good tale then read on. Please send feedback...
As the movie went on, I decided I would make my move, and with my arm already wrapped around her shoulder, I lowered my hand to attempt and grab hold of her right tit. “Not now, Miles”, she said, brushing my hand away. I silently sighed and rolled my eyes, not wanting to agitate her. Carefully, I began to lower my hand again, this time, making sure she would only think of my sudden action as an accident, by yawning, and stretching my arm. Then, after doing so, I let my hand fall freely...
It was a Monday and my Mom left a note on the dining room table. I was to stop by her work and pick up some grocery for a friend of hers who lived across town. It was noon when I picked up the grocery and got directions to Mrs. Gloria Beam house. She lived in the rich part of town. Her husband had violated his parole and was sent back to jail for a few more months to serve out his sentence. After putting away the grocery I was to ask if she need any help around the house.It took about 30...
My mother got sick on her Asian Simmered Halibut with Rice Wine in May, 2002. Because of that, Bradley and I didn’t have sex that Friday night. We didn’t get it on until a Saturday night in June, 2012, ten years after college and five years into my marriage. When that Saturday night finally came I think I was certain I was going to do it, but if there was any smidgen of doubt left in me then it had to be the wedding that pushed me those last few inches. You know about women and weddings? They...
This is a true story, no bullshit, and happened yesterday, 04/12/2013 at 17. 45. Hopefully the first of many similar events with my neighbour.I had been living in my new flat for about 4 months, and until this particular evening, I had not even seen any of my neighbours. There were 3 other flats in my block, and because of my work patterns, it just didn’t happen.I had decided to take a few days off, if only to finish unpacking the boxes that lay around the rooms, and had just sorted out the...
Ken joined Divorced Self Help about a year ago in the midst of his breakup. He had only recently started to join in the social activities that the group puts on the social calendar each month. Bowling, Miniature Golf, and game-nights at members' homes were common, but the two holiday picnics each year drew just about everyone. Last year, he had been to DiSH's Labor Day picnic and had a pretty good time, but he was still too withdrawn to participate in the slightly amorous party games that...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MATT & LIAM - Part 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “Hey, Liam! I’m home!” Matt shut the door behind him and went to the living room. He dropped his heavy backpack on the floor and collapsed on the sofa. High school had treated him badly as...
Saturday nights can be very interesting around here. You see, we take turns deciding how we fuck each other. We’re both very open minded and we don’t mind if things get a bit rough as long as no one is physically hurt. Tonight, it was Dawn’s turn to choose and as I am sitting on the bed listening to what she had in mind, I realized that I was in for a long night.“Please, let me do this, please.”“Yes, Mistress Dawn, I agree.”“Strip you worthless piece of shit!”She turns and walks into the other...
Sarah agreed to help at a 1950s Charity auction you know walking about with the item or the show card To get into the mood she went onto e bay and bought a real sexy 1950s bra and pantie set in pink a rock n roll skirt and tight white blouse. Any way on the night the auction went well all the normal charity stuff dinners, men doing gardens in jock shorts, women washing cars in t shirts etc etc any way coming to the end was few £100 short of target the auctioneer Ken asked for any last minute...
Group SexJeff and Dave released the tie-downs from the big tractor that was equipped with a backhoe. As Dave started to extend the ramp so he could back the tractor off the trailer, Jeff touched his shoulder. “Ship just asked us to stand clear. She can retrieve the equipment from the trailer just as easily as she could if it were sitting on the ground. Let’s see,” he said as he pulled out a list, “she loaded the eight by eight prefab spring house that will sit over the spring. She also loaded all the...
Work went well and it was time for my date. She was a thick woman of Latin decent. Her hair flowed down her back in waves and her body was to die for. I was impressed by her nice set of perky tits, beautiful green eyes, and she had enough ass to blot out the sun. Antonia truly was amazing. She approached me while I was shopping a few days ago. Her search for a birthday gift was becoming tedious and she could not make a decision between a nice pair of watches for her brother. After leading her...
Straight SexCase #8911699 – February 26th, 10:23 AM. Suspect is a dirty blonde adolescent female. She uses the alias Cindy Cumdumpster before identifying herself as Alice Merchesi. She physically resists being detained and refuses to identify her male accomplice in the suspected theft. Using a metal detector, the Officer scans her for stolen items. Ultimately, the suspect agrees to a compromise with the Officer to avoid law enforcement involvement. The rest of this case is classified. Evidence logged on...
xmoviesforyouYou were relaxing in your room, when all of a sudden you saw a shooting star. You wished that you could body swap with you aunt, because you never thought in your wildest dreams that it would happen. The next morning when you woke up, you looked down at your hand and you saw you were wearing fake nails. “What the fuck you said, I need to find a mirror.” You found a mirror, and were shocked with what you saw. You had actually sealed bodies with your aunt, this was insane you thought. I can’t...
BDSMAri was gone when Ken woke up, but the real surprise was that Jane was also awake. He could feel her in the kitchen puttering around. As was his wont, he jumped into the shower, where she joined him minutes later. He washed her hair, which had gotten noticeably longer in the last two weeks. His hands ran over the rough stubble on her mons. "Hmmm, what have we here?" he said teasing the large clit under his fingers. His thumb rubbed the roughness on her mons, "A bit of stubble,...
Dean and Brooke have been dating for quite some time now, they are the perfect match. They have the looks, the personalities and the drive that makes them both successful, a power couple. Dean is a business man which has him travel to exotic places from time to time. Before his current lifestyle he was an athlete, six feet tall and pretty muscular. Brooke is a fashionista, she has her own fashion line and can work from home or wherever she wants. Too short being only 5’4” and too busty to be a...
Susie, Tom and Larry went back to her home (and Larry's) after they'd finished their sexual interlude in the hotel room. They were all excited about their newfound sexual relationship and Tom contemplated when he and Susie would really let Larry in on all that had gone on in his absence. Once they got home, Larry put all his stuff away from his extended trip and Susie got busy washing up all the dirty laundry he'd brought home with him. Larry was really tired from the long trip back on...
As Bryan became aware of his senses and dim light began to filter between his eyelids, he also became aware of the tiny arms wrapped around his bicep and the wet feeling on his shoulder. Opening his eyes, the tiny red pigtails poking into his line of vision were plain and easily identified. Amy had crawled into bed sometime in the night, wrapped her arms around his right arm and laid her head on his shoulder. From there she had proceeded to drool and snore lightly. Finding the situation...
By: Khanlovesaunty Hi mera naam Khan Hai (name changed) I am from B’lore aur mein ek MNC company mein kamm kartha hun my age is 27 and height 5.7 and 8 inches dick mein recently B’lore ayaa hun aur mujhe indiansexstories itna pasand hai mein aaj appko meri ek real story submit karna chatha hun plz read it and let me know ur feedbacks at The story begains 1 year back I was in Hyd and working in a MNC company and mere parent were use to saty in Mumbai mein hyd mein naya tha aur mujhe ghar ki...
Harry sat awake in his chair, a sturdy old thing he’d found in one of the many rooms of Grimmauld Place, it was now well into another night of Harry’s chosen seclusion from the rest of his society, he had taken this nearly immediately after his victory over Voldemort, he had left a brief statement where he stated that he was pleased to have finally defeated the dark lord who had been terrorising the world since his fourth year of school and that now he wished to be left alone for a while so...
From where I'm sitting, the view is indeed beautiful, but I know that what you're refering to is the deep, crisp and very very white snow that's surrounding us in our forest cabin. A cabin that's situated only three miles south of the arctic circle in deepest darkest Finland, and I mean deepest darkest, because at this particular time we're only experiencing four hours of daylight every twenty four hours. As I walk up behind you I can't help but be entranced by your loveliness. So...
Not knowing what I was doing I rested my hands on Bruce thighs, my left hand on Bruce right thigh just above the knee and my right hand on Bruce left thigh in similar position. I felt Bruce thighs began to tremble and suddenly I was gripped with fear. My mind flashed back to the times Bruce had slapped me when I did not comply quickly enough or cause displeasure to Him, Charlie or Daniel. Fearfully I looked up at Bruce and saw he was neither smiling or frowning. I knew not what I was doing just...
Bradford House "Edward, Ellen, come into the kitchen for a minute. I just got a call from a Phillip Meyer. He asked to come over and see us. Is this the same one that's the father of one of your college classmates, Edward?" "Yes, that's him. His daughter, Cindy, is the one that had to stay over with Nicole and me during the storm. He's also the one that I called Ted about. But, if you're asking what the visit is about, I have no idea." "Well, they'll be here in about 20 minutes,...
Kitchen Girl took me in the night when her humid warmth engulfed me and she pulled me to her and we moved together smoothly and still mostly asleep. Our bodies knew what they wanted and we let our tongues and lips and hands speak for themselves in our leisurely joining. In the morning outside under the shower she leaned against the wall and spread her legs and pressed her butt back against me. The water turned cold and I felt the goose bumps on my skin but I didn’t care. Kitchen Girl...
We had our answers, but the FBI had different questions for sure. It had been too easy to get Grey’s attention. Which meant only one thing, he had already done his homework. It had all been too easy, I kept thinking. “Joan, what if it hadn’t been a blackmail threat that caused the fight. What if it have been about something else. I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that the Commissioner is about to have an accident or the worst case of suicide you ever saw. Just as soon as our information goes...
Lesbian lovers Whitney Wright and Skye Blue have decided they need a roommate. They’re a little bit nervous because Nathan Bronson is, well, a boy. They’ve never had sex with a man or even lived with one, so bringing Nathan on is going to be new. The girls can’t help but wonder what they’re going to do if Nathan is hot. When Nathan shows up, the girls realize that he is indeed hot. Nathan mentions that his girlfriend will be coming by in a bit to help him move in, but...
xmoviesforyouNarrated by Shobha Hello, main Shobha. mein aap logone dekha Tushaar aur Naveen ne milar bas apne baato aur apni ungliyo ke jaadu se mujhe sofe par jhadwa diye. Main thak chuki thi. Yahi soch rahi thi ki agar do mardo ki ungliya aur baate hi mujhe iss kagaar par pahuncha sakti hai to inki chudayi se meri kya haalat hone wali hai. Ab waqt kareeb 3:30 baj rahe the. Inke beech waqt ka pata hi nahi chal raha tha. Main ye janna chahti thi ki ab aage kya iraada hai mere husband ke in do chudakkad...
Saturday arrived with a morning that only the country could produce. It was perfect. I looked across at my still sleeping lovers. For a moment, naughty thoughts flashed through my mind as I thought about stirring them into life, then thought better of it. Instead, after I'd attended to my ablutions, prepared breakfast. Standing in the kitchen, the importance of the next two days dawned on me. So much depended on dad seeing things as I did. Slowly anxiety began to cloud my perfect...