- 2 years ago
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Kinlee was a curious minx that courted mischief. Her father, having caught her at a tender age curiously fondling the unspeakable parts of a handsome if dull guard, had sought to protect the value of his property. Thus, Kinlee had found herself swiftly burdened with a gold chastity belt and her budding sensuality curtailed. To a point. For the golden belt clasped possessively around her tiny waist had two thin bands that crisscrossed between her legs and framed the dimples on her behind in the shape of an X, effectively preventing anything from invading the tight little channel that begged to be plundered. However, the eager little tongues and fingers of her lady’s maids could and did part the thatch of golden curls to discover the hidden jewel nestled betwixt.
It was one such moment that Kinlee found herself awakened. She was sprawled on her feather mattress, her silk shift rumpled and disarrayed to expose a pert breast with its hard little rosy crown. Her new maid was kneeling between her pearly thighs, her fingers holding the sweet thighs apart as her tongue darted and lashed at the glistening bud between. Kinlee’s cries and gasps floated around the circular chamber, bringing the guards stationed outside her door to hardened urgency. Kinlee arched and wiggled beneath that agile tongue, lightening heat searing her girded loins. With one last devastating lick Kinlee exploded, her fingers curling in the bedsheets as she screamed. And tried not to think what it would feel like to have a finger or tongue, nay a fierce man-sword piercing her virginal flesh.
When the last quivers had fled her aching emptiness, Kinlee pushed herself up into a sitting position. Her golden hair tumbled around her flushed heart-shaped face with pretty golden eyes, thick dark lashes and rosy bee-stung pout. She had the appearance of an innocent angel, ethereal, delicate. Yet, her golden eyes evinced a sensual appeal. Addicted to her easy lady’s pleasure that was unknowingly permitted by her father (King Garbin kept a tight leash on what his daughter was up to and with whom), she was ignorant of the dark, animalistic desires her fragile beauty inspired in the heart of the hardened warriors surrounding her.
Thinking of the day ahead, her mind wandered as her maid dabbed at the musky slipperiness between her parted thighs with a damp cloth. Soon Kinlee was dressed in a foamy pale green gown with a wispy overlay sprinkled with crystals. The simple gown hugged the high mounds of her breasts and hips and floated to the tips of her matching slippers. Matching ribbons were twirled through her golden hair caught up in tiny plaits circling her head.
She raced down the narrow stone steps of her tower to the bottom floor. Custom dictated that the sisters share the upper tower chamber, but Elly was afraid of heights. Elly was Elly, and afraid of a lot of things, including the bear of a warrior that arrived last night. Prince Draven de Kerr had the good fortune of being handsome, golden and big – everywhere. Elly and Kinlee had snuck into the secret passages that riddled the castle to spy on the man their father had selected to be Elly’s husband. Elly was two years older than Kinlee, and of an age their father decreed she was to be married.
Prince Draven was the second son of the King of Landes, which bordered their Kingdom on the left side. On the right side was the Queendom of Harkness. Originally the three countries formed one Kingdom, but the not so large country had split over four hundred years ago between three ambitious princes. Their father the King, nearing his time and seeing how the wind was blowing, sought a way to keep his sons from warring and breaking the Queen’s heart. He had divided the country into three principalities to prevent civil war. Ever since, petty rivalries had riddled the three countries, but full scale war had never seemed a viable option when their ‘would be’ enemies were cousins.
Despite only one candle in the chamber being lit, luck had given them quite a show of what Elly could expect, and made Kinlee envious. They had watched as Prince Draven had bent a young widowed servant over the edge of the bed, flipped her skirts over her back and vigorously eased himself between her eager buttocks. Long, tanned fingers gripped and molded a dangling breast through cloth while his other hand had disappeared beneath the front of her skirts as his hips slapped against her bottom, hard. The pretty widow had gasped and squealed her pleasure as the Prince grunted to a fascinating climax.
Elly had quivered at the sight of all that bronze masculinity, her mouth moving soundlessly. Kinlee had watched in awe, twinges of heat thrumming between her thighs, her nipples near to bursting.
Unexpectedly, Draven had scooped up the young widow and carried her to a chair by the fire. Directly facing them. The widow wiggled on his lap, her head tipped back to enjoy his kisses, and before long, he began to lift her up and down on his slippery sword. ‘Dear Lord,’ Elly finally gasped. ‘He will split me in two!’ Kinlee slapped her hand across her mouth to catch her giggles.
By not so much as a flicker of an eyelash did Draven let on he heard as he worked the lucscious wench on his fierce cock.
Elly’s eyes widened with relief upon spying her sister and quickly shoed the maid from her chamber. As soon as the door closed, Elly stood before Kinlee, tugging on the neckline of her gown. ‘What do you think?’ The blue gown was the exact shade of Elly’s eyes, and flattered the red-gold hair that hung straight to her bottom.
‘Perfect,’ Kinlee replied honestly, taking in her sister’s serene beauty and voluptuous curves. ‘He will not be able to resist you.’ Kinlee wiggled her brows, which drew a gasp of laughter from her sister.
‘Do you think of nothing else?’ her sister admonished lightly.
‘I am twenty-three and soon to wither away like a dried up old witch. Let father take away your chocolates and see if you don’t crave them,’ Kinlee pouted.
Kinlee was on the way to the main hall, having escaped her lady’s maid, when a hand lashed out and caught her wrist, dragging her into a tiny alcove. Curious, she let herself be drawn forward. She giggled when she discovered it was Jerim, a cute palace guard. He was a year or two older than her that had a fascination with her breasts. Not bountiful like her sister’s, whose swayed as she walked, Kinlee’s were tiny and firm like young apples. Nevertheless Jerim worshipped them, sprouting terrible poetry that was unfailingly sweet.
He fell to his knees before her, clasping her hand in his and pressing moist kisses against the soft flesh of her inner wrist. ‘Your breasts are sweet and firm, like fresh churned cream.’
‘Jerim, please,’ she whispered, biting her lip to keep from smiling at his earnestness. Her Lady’s maid would discover her gone any moment now, and her quick break of freedom would be extinguished.
She glanced quickly over her shoulder, but was easily distracted by his warm mouth nuzzling the bend in her arm. She had let Jerim touch her breasts rarely, and only once suckle a pebbled crown with his mouth through the thin cloth of her gown. As Kinlee enjoyed the pleasing caresses, the memory of those golden fingers squeezing the widow’s fullness flew back to her mind. Oh, to have a lover to command her and fill her to brimming…
‘Vargos!’ she gasped, tugging her arm from her swain’s and spinning around. She blushed at the irritation clear to see on the steward’s face.
‘A moment with you is worth facing the displeasure of a thousand gods, my lady!’ Jerim whispered as he rose, following in the wake of the stern right hand of the king. Kinlee chewed on her bottom lip after they disappeared. Would she ever know what it was like to have a lover do wicked things to her body? And would even one god be displeased, let alone care?
As she left the alcove, her sister caught up with h
er. Elly towed her towards the gardens.
‘Well?’ Kinlee asked after her sister’s silence seemed never to end. Kinlee could see she was clear to bursting with news.
‘He objects.’
‘Objects? What? How could that lustful creature look at you and not fall to his knees?’ Kinlee asked incredously.
‘Your utter belief in that statement is sweet. But it is not I that he objects to. It is marriage.’
‘Does he have rocks for brains? Surely he intends begetting an heir? And if he does so with you, he stands to inherit a kingdom.’
‘I believe father canvassed that issue with him to no avail.’
‘Hmm. I bet father did not expect that.’
‘No. Hence Prince Draven has been detained indefinitely in his chamber to reconsider father’s ‘generous offer’.’
‘Ah. Still, it is probably good for father’s constitution not to get everything his way.’ She met her sister’s serene gaze for a long pause, before both princesses burst out laughing.
‘Father suggested I seduce him. If his seed takes, Prince Draven must marry me.’
Kinlee looked at Elly’s serene face, her own avid with curiosity. ‘Will you do it?’ she whispered back. They were taking turns looking through the peep hole over the fireplace, as they had done every evening for the past seven nights. Prince Draven was striding back and forward, his face thunderous, hands on hips. Not even the serving lass he had tumbled earlier had lightened up his disposition.
‘He is very…virile.’
‘Mmm,’ Kinlee murmured encouragingly. She would love to see his fierce sword again. Perhaps she should send him another willing servant to see if he had everything he needed?
‘And the maids certainly enjoy what he does to them.’
‘Oh, yes, he does seem concerned with their pleasure.’ Remembering their cries, her nether regions tingled.
‘So I suggested to father that you seduce him.’
‘What!’ Kinlee cried, turning to her sister as if she had grown two heads. Belatedly she clapped her hand over her mouth and quickly turned back to squint through the tiny hole. Prince Draven stood still with his back to them.
‘Prince Draven would never suspect. You could pretend to be a maid.’
‘What… did father say?’ Kinlee swallowed hard, her mind racing. The thought of losing her virginity was enticing. And there was a certain added spice in knowing it would be out of the marriage bed. And then there was the actual man in question…Kinlee shivered as she imagined his impressive sword spearing between her spread thighs.
‘He was agreeable.’
Just like that. Kinlee felt faint. ‘But…but…’
Kinlee wanted desperately to scratch. The stiff fabric of the chemise beneath her dowdy brown gown itched at her pampered flesh no end. Yet carrying the tray filled with steaming food and wine took both hands and all her concentration. Her only consolation was the fine silk stockings held up by frilly garters that whispered beneath her skirt. Those she had slipped on while her maid had been distracted organising the tray for her father’s prisoner. Her hair was scraped back in a tight bun that hurt, but unknowingly served to highlight the fragility of her features and large golden eyes.
Her knees quaked with the knowledge that she would finally have her wish. Would it be quick? He did seem to delight in taking his time. Would it hurt? He was extremely large. Her channel clenched in a mixture of excitement and protest at the forthcoming abuse.
The guard held open the door, not so much as glancing at her. She strode into the chamber, head lowered. The door was shut firmly behind her. Her hands trembled as she moved toward the side table, making the dishes rattle. Large warm hands covered hers from behind, guiding the heavy tray to safety. She felt his warmth at her back, his breath stirring the tendrils at her nape. She stood there breathing in the manly scent of him, unable to move as his lips brushed the side of her neck. His fingers slid up her slender arms, lightly brushing the sides of her breasts. She arched, her bottom pressingly lightly against that hardening part of him. He groaned, pushing her hips up firm against the table with the press of his hard body.
His fingers firmly closed around the small mounds of her breasts as his mouth nuzzled her neck. Kinlee struggled to breathe as he moulded them to his hands, his thumbs discovering the hard pebbled tips.
One hand slid down over her hip and thigh to tug up the hem of her skirts. ‘Oh, yes,’ she breathed, her head turning to his. Her golden eyes focused on the sensual lips before they crushed hers. Her lips parted easily beneath the force of his kiss, his tongue sliding deep.
He groaned against her lips as he found the wetness between her thighs, his finger circling her needy bud before ducking down and finding the snug little entrance. She gasped as his eased a finger inside of her, her knees trembling at the hereto unknown glorious sensation. But she wanted more. She wanted all of him. Her father would skin her alive to discover the brew she consumed to prevent a babe, but she intended enjoying every inch of their captive for as long as possible.
His finger eased inside of her in time with the flicking of his tongue. He treated her like she wasn’t a favoured treat to be savoured, but instead a forbidden delight that must be satiated. His other fingers tugged at the ties of her bodice, and his hand slid between the gaping material to discover the soft warmth of her breast.
‘You are eager, Your Highness,’ she gasped as her hand pressed against the front of his breeches. The heat of him was seductive, his length and girth impressive. She had dreamed of him inside of her, only to waken to her young maid’s tongue.
‘And you are wet enough to enchant the devil himself.’
‘I am needy,’ she breathed as he eased another finger inside of her, stretching her. Her palm rubbed up and down the length of his shaft as fire burned between her thighs.
‘Aye, I heed your sorrowful state and endeavour to rectify it urgently.’
Her moistened lips twitched at playful banter. ‘Your amorous state lends truth to your words, and this pleases me.’
‘I will please you with more than words if that is your wish.’
‘I wish…’ She whimpered as his thumb tormented her needy bud.
She was unprepared for when the door banged against the far wall. She jerked in Prince Draven’s arms, and could have keened out in frustration as his warmth withdrew from her.
‘I trust you have everything you need, Your Highness.’ The steward’s voice made her eyes widen in alarm as a tiny moan escaped her. Vargos! Why him, why now? Didn’t he know of the King’s ruse? She could not be certain he was doing this out of spite, and therefore feared he would give the game away before she even had a chance to lose her virginity. Kinlee hastily tied her bodice and shook her skirt. Smoothing back her hair, she ducked beneath Prince Draven’s arm and escaped the chamber, careful to keep her face lowered.
Truly, she wished the pox on Vargos.
Kinlee paced her chamber, fuming at finding herself again bearing the weight of the chastity belt. She had had a golden opportunity and failed to rid herself of her cursed virgnity. That pricked at her.
To her further frustration, her father banned her from Prince Draven’s chamber for two days while he sent an old chrone in her place. Her father planned to save Prince Draven’s juices for their consummation. Kinlee had rolled her eyes at this, for her father need not have bothered. Prince Draven had plenty of stamina and juices to share about.
Kinlee had barely stepped in the room before she had the tray removed from her hands and found herself lifted off the ground. She was tumbled onto her back onto the bed, bouncing softly on the feathers. Prince Draven stood looking down at her, a tiny smile curling his lips. Kinlee b
lushed at the intent in those devilish green eyes.
‘I was hoping it was you. I am curious to discover if your neediness has abated.’
‘Oh,’ she murmured in wondrous surprise, not uttering so much as a protest as he pushed up her skirts. She squirmed slightly on the bed, knowing the answer he would find.
‘I dreamed of you, an insatiable minx that rode me until I expired from lust.’
‘Oh, if only that were true.’ Her head fell back on the feathered mattress as warm hands slid up her inner thighs. She was unable to hide the quivers that raced through her.
‘Are there none here that could see to your needs?’ he asked curiously. His fingers found the fleece of golden curls at their apex.
‘My father is known for his wicked temper and cunning ways.’
‘Ah, that would pose a problem to any maid.’ His gentle strokes made her purr. She tugged at the ties of her gown, baring her breasts to his interested gaze.
‘You do not know the half of it.’ She squirmed on his seeking fingers as she pulled the pins from her hair. He swept the pins onto the floor as he leaned over and kissed her. His thighs were firmly planted between her spread ones, and Kinlee could have sighed with the pleasure of that knowledge alone. It would finally happen. The thought of Vargas entered her mind. ‘We must hasten,’ she urged against his warm lips, her fingers finding the ties of his straining breeches.
He rained kisses down her throat and lower until he caught a rosy nipple in his seeking mouth. She arched, lightening sizzling down to where his fingers played with her dewy flesh. Kinlee yanked at his leather breeches, cursing as they refused to give. Plunging her hand down the front of his breeches, her squirming fingers discovered his velvety heat. He groaned, and Kinlee stilled. ‘Am I hurting you?’ she whispered, gently patting the swollen flesh in apology for any harm done.
‘No…no,’ he muttered against her breast. Kinlee frowned at his unconvincing denial, then shrugged. No doubt she would suffer pain from this fierce weapon before long, so fair was fair. Then the thought was lost as a finger plunged inside of her. ‘Oh!’
Kinlee focused on the sensations of that small appendage stroking inside of her, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip. Heat seeped up over her chest and face as a familiar tightness wound in her belly, making her writhe and ache. She practically tore at his breeches, dragging him out to play. Her exploring caresses of his shaft and twin globes became bolder, silently urging him on.
Just as things were becoming desperate down there, Kinlee was relieved when he pulled her up to sit on the bed then tugged her dress over her head and threw it aside. Her hair tumbled down around her shoulders in golden disarray, and he cupped her face and kissed her, hard. His breathing was decidedly uneven as she pumped her hand up and down the long, lovely length of his shaft as her other hand tickled and teased his balls. Moisture beaded at the top of the glorious column, and her nail curiously explored him. He jerked out of her hold with a guttural swear.
She coaxed him back with consolatory kisses over his chest. She found his nipple with its small nubbin and sucked experimentally. He groaned, all the while thrumming the needy bud between her legs as a finger massaged a glorious spot inside of her. As her nail again returned to that intriguing slit, she found herself flat on her back on the bed, legs jerked wide and her bottom dragged to the edge of the bed before she could blink. Then her whole world stopped as she finally felt the full threat of him poised against her tiny gate.
Her old nurse’s warnings about the pain and blood finally took root. She squeezed her eyes shut and waited. And waited. Finally she opened her eyes and frowned up at him. He smiled wickedly, then thrust hard. She gasped, squirming around the fullness of him stretching her unbearably. He groaned, drawing back slightly before forging even deeper. Kinlee bit the back of her hand to stop her scream, not liking this — him – at all. Tears clouded her eyes as he surged unmercifully deeper. She wiggled slightly to try and create some room, but it didn’t help. If anything, he felt bigger. He was like a blacksmith’s hammer, all brute force, prodding deeper with unmerciful haste.
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Later that night, all the drinking began to take its toll. 'Dave, let's get these two hot honeys up and do some dancing.' Ken laughed, pulling Mandy and Leona up next to him. 'We'll stand in front of you guys so nobody bumps into you, ' he smiled and leaned to give Leona a little kiss. Of all the girls' that Dave had been with, Ken knew that he loved this one and if Dave fucked up, Ken would be forced to hurt him. 'Hey buster! You making out with a pretty blonde right in front of...
We share the ice cream at the start, snuggling against each other, our silk clothing sliding sensually against each other. It's almost vanilla, the behaviour not the ice cream, at the beginning. After a while though.. it starts, she gets some soft white rope and binds my wrists behind me, then my elbows, before settling back down beside me. "Open wide," she says spooning the melting ice-cream into my mouth before leaning in to kiss me, tasting me and the ice-cream together. When...
*Author's Disclaimer: I am an amateur that is providing content for free. While I desire to maintain a certain level of quality, this story is constantly a WIP. Current chapters may be edited for grammar or content, and will be noted at the end of each chapter in the chapter update notes. While constructive criticism is welcome, please keep it that: constructive. * You step out of the taxi as it drops you off at a house you've never seen before. You shoulder one bag and pull your other behind...
Toni, Dana and Melanie met early at Toni's office on the day of the meeting with Dana's corporate management. They were joined by two models who had driven up from Denver to show the clothes. Toni took them into the workroom and gave them instructions. The three friends were dressed conservatively — as each of them defined it. Dana wore a blazer, blouse and skirt; Toni a charcoal gray ankle-length dress that fit her well, but its double row of brass buttons down the front was at once both...
This is my first story. If you don't like the story please don't tell me how badly it sucked! If you like the story you’re free to comment as much as you want. I love feedback, but only if it will make me happy and/or better at writing my stories. Thanks! Also very important!!!!!! This story is just something I’m trying out. When I post the second part it might not have sex, and this part doesn’t have very much in it either. It’s just a fun story I wanted to write. So if you’re...
Chapter 1 - We had been lead to this place. A domed room that could hold a least a thousand of us poor wenches although currently I would guess there was a hundred of us. We all stood, half understanding out fate and dreading it. Cursing and praying to the very Gods who brought us here. More than a few cried and sobbed. Those monsters paid no attention. They were used to this spectacle I was sure. One hundred women of various ages, sizes, colors, creeds all bound together by a common destiny....
BDSMWe started to visit and have a few drinks at or kichen table. When Kim had stated that she was bi and had been with our friends sister. My wife Dana at one point told me she was bi curious and very interested in the woman but had never been open about it with anyone. Dana was curious about this so we got into a very detailed discussion. Before we knew it was 11:00 and we all had to work the next day. Kim had asked if she could use our shower before bed and of course we said yes. Let me...
Hello everyone. Main pichle 6 years se ISS ki stories padh raha hun and main incest and desi ka fan hun. Ye meri pehli story hai isliye thodi galtiya ho to maaf kijiyega. Ummeed karta hu ki sabhi ko ye story pasand aayegi. Ye story parts mein hai. Jaise jaise aap sabhi story padhte jayenge naye naye characters introduce hote jayenge, Ye pehla part hai agar mujhe achhe response mile to main aage ke parts upload kar dunga. To chaliye start karte hai, ye story hai do dosto, Vivek and Karan ki. Ab...
Hi, mera naam Shanky h. M phle bhi apni desi sex story aap logo ko bta chuka hu. Ye story meri bhan ritu ki. Meri bhan 22 saal ki h or wo kafi sunder h uski height 5″7 h or figure 36-30-36 h. Waise to hamare aas pass gali me bhut se girls h pr ritu didi sb se alag thi . Ek to unki height kafi mast thi or upar se unke figure ke to kya khne. Pura mohhala hi unka deewana tha. Wo 22 years ki thi pr unka ab tk kissi ke sath bhi koi affair nahi tha. Ritu didi jb bhar jati thi to mohhale ki sabhi...
Never had the sun shone so bright and warming north of The Teeth before spring had even come. The breeze was chilling and sharp as it rolled off the mountains and swirled along the rise and fall of the open hilly country, but next to a lifetime of winters in the North, the breeze here was but a refreshingly cool caress. The wind touched everything. It combed through the flat plains to the south, teasing patterns from the high, dense grasses. Ripples and waves, and the constant, minute...
So, there I was, only sixteen and having sex with my brother. It wasn't long before I was sneaking into Tommy's room every night. We would cuddle in the dark under the sheets, then he would tongue kiss me, and work his fingers into my pussy until I was hot. After I came, I would go down on him and get my mouthful of salty thick cum. On one particular night, I heard his shower running. I made sure no one saw me, and slipped into his room, locking the door behind me. Yup, he was in the shower,...
IncestAt the Burger Joint, we served breakfast also, it was on a Saturday morning that I was to report for work at the ten o'clock hour. Once I arrived I noticed the regular elderly men finishing up there breakfast, most of them had been entertained by me one time or another, either privately or in groups. As I approached the counter, Joy the manager, told me '...sorry David, I scheduled to many people for today, I'll have to ask you to leave and report next Saturday. Crest felled I turned to leave...
Today is that day Hailie has been watitng for. She tied her hair into messed up bun which made this blonde gurl look irresistable. She wore her favortie perfum and left the house. " Hailie where are you going. asked one of her roomate" "i'm, going to pick up a friend at the airport" "oh is he the guy you mat on the internet?" " Amy! he is a guy and he's my guy. so don't do anything stupid. He'll me staying at our house!" "Chill down girl. i was just asking.. i bet that you will loose your...
First TimeI was hired to do a hypnosis stage show at a strip club, unusual for sure but I'm good to go and have done shows in bars night clubs etc. it really depends on the venue and what kind of show they want G rated or R rated show.I was told they wanted as close to X rated as possible without anything physical taking place.I told the strip club manager that wouldn't be a problem as there has never been any physical contact involved in any of my shows just suggestions of things happening made to...
everytime i begin this story i am just happens maybe its a story that must remain untold ----i dont know .i have (had ) a passion for my aunt.ever since i was young and she was there all the time.not a great age difference maybe 20 years .but thats not too much now ??.i first noticed my attraction when she would call to see my mother and she was out.i made her coffee and tried to chat .but what can a young boy say to a beautiful woman.nevertheless as i gre up i still had desires...
I pull my car into the visitor parking slot like I was told and kill the engine. The house is some massive post colonial affair with colonnades of stone and marble. It stretches on for a distance, a long distance, and wells up all around like a physical force. Bizarre. Totally bizarre. I check my watch. Three minutes to spare; I do like being on time. It’s not like a house in the suburbs. I can’t hear the bell when I ring but it must have successfully gone off...
Chapter 14: Epilog - The Enchantress Several days later, the Enchantress learned of her fate. The all-father had summoned her to his great hall to pronounce sentence upon her. She arrived at the appointed time, and stood outside before two of the guardsmen, before entering. They said nothing, but seemed to have a smirk upon their faces, as they held the great oaken door open for her. The Enchantress glared at them but did nothing else. She could not afford any type of incident, today of...
STANDARD LEGAL STUFF: *This is completely fictional, except as already noted persons, places, and events referred to in this story are completely fictional. *If it is illegal for you to be reading this, either because of age or some other factor, STOP READING NOW! *Lastly, if stories involving Transgender issues, young teens, sexuality, nudity, etc. are a turn off for you, STOP READING NOW! If none of this applies, sit back and enjoy. Feedback appreciated; send to...
There are a million reasons to hate Donald Trump. He’s a racist, a bigot, and idiot, a piece of shit liar, and a treasonous pig (just to name a few). But for a pornoholic like myself, maybe the number one reason to hate him is the fact that he’s trying to kick Mexicans out of the US. And, sure, there are plenty of human rights, ethical, and political issues to take up with his bullshit border wall, deportation, and putting kids in cages policies. But what I’m most worried about is the fact that...
Premium Latina Porn SitesThe key struggled with the lock and finally opened the door. Jim shut the door behind himself and sighed. There, on the mirror by the door, was a white envelope hanging crooked. He quickly glanced around the apartment and back at the mirror. “Just great.” Jim’s hand reached out as he walked past the mirror, and plucked the envelope. “What a perfect end to a terrific day.” He recalled the “discussion” his boss had with him earlier in the day about an unrealistic deadline and headed into the...
Introduction: A young teen follows thru with her plans of seducing her mothers boyfriend. This is my first story to post. Ive written erotica before, but not of this nature. This is a fictional story but one that a lot of guys have probably thought about. You could tell how cold it was outside when she came in. She dropped her jacket on the couch and started pulling her sweatshirt over her head as she walked toward the fireplace. She didnt appear to really care that her shirt was also coming...
Once in a while there are moments that occur in one’s life that seem to stand out more so than any of the rest. Sometimes those moments are bad, and sometimes they are good, but one thing about them that no one can ever dispute is – once you have them, things will never be the same. ‘Thank you, Ma’am. God bless you and good evening.’ ‘You are welcome. Enjoy. God bless you.’ The serving line continued on eternally. Sarah Rose Appleton lifted her glove-covered hand and wiped the sweat off her...
Hi, I am Andy here. I m long hair lover. I like womens with long hair and passion for sex. I had previously posted 2 stories about my long haired maid Karuna. Karuna is my best partner in bed. It was one of the memorable day for me. It brought most sexiest pleasure in my life. Her long haired well plated and neat braid I like very much. On one holiday I was alone at home. Heavy rain was going on. Around 5 pm my door bell got rang. When I opened the door, Karuna came with all her cloths got wet....
Melinda slowly reached over, leaving one hand on her pussy, and kissed me on the mouth. Try and imagine my emotion, I had never been kissed and now there was a woman kissing me softly just as I had dreamed of …only with a boy. When she gently slid her tongue in my mouth, I groaned. Not like a child, not like the actors on the tape, but as a woman yearning for her lose of virginity. Melinda slid her finger out of her warm wet pussy and touched it to my mouth. Out of pure primal instinct...
It was a night I will remember till the day I die, it was time in my life I will always remember. Until you get a chance to drive an 18 wheeler you will never know the feeling you get in something that big in your hands rolling down the highway. And with today's advancements in the tech world if I had to do it again I might just jump at. As the saying goes anybody can drive a Big Rig, The challenge is backing it up to a loading dock with other high priced trucks around you. Trick is...
Today is the day I will seduce you ... my boss. As I stand here in the bathroom plucking up the courage to make this happen, I remind myself that other than the long conference call you are currently engaged in your schedule is otherwise clear of appointments. Meaning we shouldn’t be interrupted in your penthouse office. An obvious advantage of having the entire upper floor as your office suite. I’ve been working at your company as your assistant for 3 months now. Three long months of...
The next morning Maria pulled herself from bed. Kyle had raped her twice more during the night and she had hardly slept a wink. Rape was probably the best descriptor for although she offered no resistance she was now convinced that Kyle was simply doing what his father had done, taking what he wanted with no regard for her feelings at all. There was not a shred of what had passed between her and her son those seven years ago. No love, not even affection, Kyle was here to avenge what he felt...
“She would be half a planet away, floating in a turquoise sea, dancing by moonlight to flamenco guitar.” —Janet Fitch, White Oleander WITH ALL THE PRACTICE, you’d think they could have warned me. I should have known something was up when Mom handed me a peach colored shirt to wear with my grey suit. And then she tied a matching bowtie on me. Dad came in as I was straightening my vest. “Ah, just in time, I see,” he said. He held out a pocket watch and chain then tucked the watch in one...
My first trip to see Julie had to wait a whole month after I’d arrived in Middlesbrough, until Friday 3rd October; we had arranged to meet at Reading rather than at Stamford as I definitely didn’t want to have to share my limited time with my girlfriend with my parents, or be restricted as to how much time we could spend together in bed. We hadn’t been apart for such a long period since our first summer, two years ago, when Jen and I had been working at the vegetable factory and Julie had...
Welcome to the Transformation Super Story. A collaborative effort between Transformation Writers. If you want to get onto the story please continue onto the chapter selection below. What is the Transformation Super Story? Every author given write access to this story is someone who has added chapters to Zekar's transformation themed stories in the past. The goal is to create an anthology of erotic transformation stories. What is the Transformation Super Story not? It is not a singular vision...
FantasyI wanted to share this with you and see what you thought!And I will add to it!I`ve always had a thing for older men.I mean really old men.I like to get a reaction from them.I live next door to a lovely Italian couple who are in their late 70`s. as his wife is in a home for the elderly.I felt quite sad for him so visiting him, originally had nothing to do with sex.One day it was hot and I had gone next door and he was abit drunk.Do you like grapa?I didnt know what it was but I let him give me a...
“Me? I thought you went in and cleaned up – you know, when Marci did.” “No, I just tried to soak up some of Michael’s cum from my clothes – and none too effectively I might add, which is why I have this other wet spot on my leg and no top on. Since you so generously gave me all of this, I didn’t feel like I should just wipe it off and throw it away!” She giggled. “Besides, I know how much you like me all…creamy.” I swallowed a lump in my throat as my cock twitched weakly, still exhausted from...
Wife LoversHere I was tied, gagged and blindfolded and I wondered how I had let myself end up like this. Jim and I had worked for the same company for several years and then he left to take a position with another company. I had not seen him for almost a year when we ran into each other at a local club. I had always thought he was an attractive man but he really never seemed to take an interest in me other than on a professional basis. However, that night we had a few drinks together that night and ended...