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Kinlee was a curious minx that courted mischief. Her father, having caught her at a tender age curiously fondling the unspeakable parts of a handsome if dull guard, had sought to protect the value of his property. Thus, Kinlee had found herself swiftly burdened with a gold chastity belt and her budding sensuality curtailed. To a point. For the golden belt clasped possessively around her tiny waist had two thin bands that crisscrossed between her legs and framed the dimples on her behind in the shape of an X, effectively preventing anything from invading the tight little channel that begged to be plundered. However, the eager little tongues and fingers of her lady’s maids could and did part the thatch of golden curls to discover the hidden jewel nestled betwixt.

It was one such moment that Kinlee found herself awakened. She was sprawled on her feather mattress, her silk shift rumpled and disarrayed to expose a pert breast with its hard little rosy crown. Her new maid was kneeling between her pearly thighs, her fingers holding the sweet thighs apart as her tongue darted and lashed at the glistening bud between. Kinlee’s cries and gasps floated around the circular chamber, bringing the guards stationed outside her door to hardened urgency. Kinlee arched and wiggled beneath that agile tongue, lightening heat searing her girded loins. With one last devastating lick Kinlee exploded, her fingers curling in the bedsheets as she screamed. And tried not to think what it would feel like to have a finger or tongue, nay a fierce man-sword piercing her virginal flesh.

When the last quivers had fled her aching emptiness, Kinlee pushed herself up into a sitting position. Her golden hair tumbled around her flushed heart-shaped face with pretty golden eyes, thick dark lashes and rosy bee-stung pout. She had the appearance of an innocent angel, ethereal, delicate. Yet, her golden eyes evinced a sensual appeal. Addicted to her easy lady’s pleasure that was unknowingly permitted by her father (King Garbin kept a tight leash on what his daughter was up to and with whom), she was ignorant of the dark, animalistic desires her fragile beauty inspired in the heart of the hardened warriors surrounding her.

Thinking of the day ahead, her mind wandered as her maid dabbed at the musky slipperiness between her parted thighs with a damp cloth. Soon Kinlee was dressed in a foamy pale green gown with a wispy overlay sprinkled with crystals. The simple gown hugged the high mounds of her breasts and hips and floated to the tips of her matching slippers. Matching ribbons were twirled through her golden hair caught up in tiny plaits circling her head.

She raced down the narrow stone steps of her tower to the bottom floor. Custom dictated that the sisters share the upper tower chamber, but Elly was afraid of heights. Elly was Elly, and afraid of a lot of things, including the bear of a warrior that arrived last night. Prince Draven de Kerr had the good fortune of being handsome, golden and big – everywhere. Elly and Kinlee had snuck into the secret passages that riddled the castle to spy on the man their father had selected to be Elly’s husband. Elly was two years older than Kinlee, and of an age their father decreed she was to be married.

Prince Draven was the second son of the King of Landes, which bordered their Kingdom on the left side. On the right side was the Queendom of Harkness. Originally the three countries formed one Kingdom, but the not so large country had split over four hundred years ago between three ambitious princes. Their father the King, nearing his time and seeing how the wind was blowing, sought a way to keep his sons from warring and breaking the Queen’s heart. He had divided the country into three principalities to prevent civil war. Ever since, petty rivalries had riddled the three countries, but full scale war had never seemed a viable option when their ‘would be’ enemies were cousins.

Despite only one candle in the chamber being lit, luck had given them quite a show of what Elly could expect, and made Kinlee envious. They had watched as Prince Draven had bent a young widowed servant over the edge of the bed, flipped her skirts over her back and vigorously eased himself between her eager buttocks. Long, tanned fingers gripped and molded a dangling breast through cloth while his other hand had disappeared beneath the front of her skirts as his hips slapped against her bottom, hard. The pretty widow had gasped and squealed her pleasure as the Prince grunted to a fascinating climax.

Elly had quivered at the sight of all that bronze masculinity, her mouth moving soundlessly. Kinlee had watched in awe, twinges of heat thrumming between her thighs, her nipples near to bursting.

Unexpectedly, Draven had scooped up the young widow and carried her to a chair by the fire. Directly facing them. The widow wiggled on his lap, her head tipped back to enjoy his kisses, and before long, he began to lift her up and down on his slippery sword. ‘Dear Lord,’ Elly finally gasped. ‘He will split me in two!’ Kinlee slapped her hand across her mouth to catch her giggles.

By not so much as a flicker of an eyelash did Draven let on he heard as he worked the lucscious wench on his fierce cock.


Elly’s eyes widened with relief upon spying her sister and quickly shoed the maid from her chamber. As soon as the door closed, Elly stood before Kinlee, tugging on the neckline of her gown. ‘What do you think?’ The blue gown was the exact shade of Elly’s eyes, and flattered the red-gold hair that hung straight to her bottom.

‘Perfect,’ Kinlee replied honestly, taking in her sister’s serene beauty and voluptuous curves. ‘He will not be able to resist you.’ Kinlee wiggled her brows, which drew a gasp of laughter from her sister.

‘Do you think of nothing else?’ her sister admonished lightly.

‘I am twenty-three and soon to wither away like a dried up old witch. Let father take away your chocolates and see if you don’t crave them,’ Kinlee pouted.


Kinlee was on the way to the main hall, having escaped her lady’s maid, when a hand lashed out and caught her wrist, dragging her into a tiny alcove. Curious, she let herself be drawn forward. She giggled when she discovered it was Jerim, a cute palace guard. He was a year or two older than her that had a fascination with her breasts. Not bountiful like her sister’s, whose swayed as she walked, Kinlee’s were tiny and firm like young apples. Nevertheless Jerim worshipped them, sprouting terrible poetry that was unfailingly sweet.

He fell to his knees before her, clasping her hand in his and pressing moist kisses against the soft flesh of her inner wrist. ‘Your breasts are sweet and firm, like fresh churned cream.’

‘Jerim, please,’ she whispered, biting her lip to keep from smiling at his earnestness. Her Lady’s maid would discover her gone any moment now, and her quick break of freedom would be extinguished.

She glanced quickly over her shoulder, but was easily distracted by his warm mouth nuzzling the bend in her arm. She had let Jerim touch her breasts rarely, and only once suckle a pebbled crown with his mouth through the thin cloth of her gown. As Kinlee enjoyed the pleasing caresses, the memory of those golden fingers squeezing the widow’s fullness flew back to her mind. Oh, to have a lover to command her and fill her to brimming…


‘Vargos!’ she gasped, tugging her arm from her swain’s and spinning around. She blushed at the irritation clear to see on the steward’s face.

‘A moment with you is worth facing the displeasure of a thousand gods, my lady!’ Jerim whispered as he rose, following in the wake of the stern right hand of the king. Kinlee chewed on her bottom lip after they disappeared. Would she ever know what it was like to have a lover do wicked things to her body? And would even one god be displeased, let alone care?

As she left the alcove, her sister caught up with h
er. Elly towed her towards the gardens.

‘Well?’ Kinlee asked after her sister’s silence seemed never to end. Kinlee could see she was clear to bursting with news.

‘He objects.’

‘Objects? What? How could that lustful creature look at you and not fall to his knees?’ Kinlee asked incredously.

‘Your utter belief in that statement is sweet. But it is not I that he objects to. It is marriage.’

‘Does he have rocks for brains? Surely he intends begetting an heir? And if he does so with you, he stands to inherit a kingdom.’

‘I believe father canvassed that issue with him to no avail.’

‘Hmm. I bet father did not expect that.’

‘No. Hence Prince Draven has been detained indefinitely in his chamber to reconsider father’s ‘generous offer’.’

‘Ah. Still, it is probably good for father’s constitution not to get everything his way.’ She met her sister’s serene gaze for a long pause, before both princesses burst out laughing.


‘Father suggested I seduce him. If his seed takes, Prince Draven must marry me.’

Kinlee looked at Elly’s serene face, her own avid with curiosity. ‘Will you do it?’ she whispered back. They were taking turns looking through the peep hole over the fireplace, as they had done every evening for the past seven nights. Prince Draven was striding back and forward, his face thunderous, hands on hips. Not even the serving lass he had tumbled earlier had lightened up his disposition.

‘He is very…virile.’

‘Mmm,’ Kinlee murmured encouragingly. She would love to see his fierce sword again. Perhaps she should send him another willing servant to see if he had everything he needed?

‘And the maids certainly enjoy what he does to them.’

‘Oh, yes, he does seem concerned with their pleasure.’ Remembering their cries, her nether regions tingled.

‘So I suggested to father that you seduce him.’

‘What!’ Kinlee cried, turning to her sister as if she had grown two heads. Belatedly she clapped her hand over her mouth and quickly turned back to squint through the tiny hole. Prince Draven stood still with his back to them.

‘Prince Draven would never suspect. You could pretend to be a maid.’

‘What… did father say?’ Kinlee swallowed hard, her mind racing. The thought of losing her virginity was enticing. And there was a certain added spice in knowing it would be out of the marriage bed. And then there was the actual man in question…Kinlee shivered as she imagined his impressive sword spearing between her spread thighs.

‘He was agreeable.’

Just like that. Kinlee felt faint. ‘But…but…’


Kinlee wanted desperately to scratch. The stiff fabric of the chemise beneath her dowdy brown gown itched at her pampered flesh no end. Yet carrying the tray filled with steaming food and wine took both hands and all her concentration. Her only consolation was the fine silk stockings held up by frilly garters that whispered beneath her skirt. Those she had slipped on while her maid had been distracted organising the tray for her father’s prisoner. Her hair was scraped back in a tight bun that hurt, but unknowingly served to highlight the fragility of her features and large golden eyes.

Her knees quaked with the knowledge that she would finally have her wish. Would it be quick? He did seem to delight in taking his time. Would it hurt? He was extremely large. Her channel clenched in a mixture of excitement and protest at the forthcoming abuse.

The guard held open the door, not so much as glancing at her. She strode into the chamber, head lowered. The door was shut firmly behind her. Her hands trembled as she moved toward the side table, making the dishes rattle. Large warm hands covered hers from behind, guiding the heavy tray to safety. She felt his warmth at her back, his breath stirring the tendrils at her nape. She stood there breathing in the manly scent of him, unable to move as his lips brushed the side of her neck. His fingers slid up her slender arms, lightly brushing the sides of her breasts. She arched, her bottom pressingly lightly against that hardening part of him. He groaned, pushing her hips up firm against the table with the press of his hard body.

His fingers firmly closed around the small mounds of her breasts as his mouth nuzzled her neck. Kinlee struggled to breathe as he moulded them to his hands, his thumbs discovering the hard pebbled tips.

One hand slid down over her hip and thigh to tug up the hem of her skirts. ‘Oh, yes,’ she breathed, her head turning to his. Her golden eyes focused on the sensual lips before they crushed hers. Her lips parted easily beneath the force of his kiss, his tongue sliding deep.

He groaned against her lips as he found the wetness between her thighs, his finger circling her needy bud before ducking down and finding the snug little entrance. She gasped as his eased a finger inside of her, her knees trembling at the hereto unknown glorious sensation. But she wanted more. She wanted all of him. Her father would skin her alive to discover the brew she consumed to prevent a babe, but she intended enjoying every inch of their captive for as long as possible.

His finger eased inside of her in time with the flicking of his tongue. He treated her like she wasn’t a favoured treat to be savoured, but instead a forbidden delight that must be satiated. His other fingers tugged at the ties of her bodice, and his hand slid between the gaping material to discover the soft warmth of her breast.

‘You are eager, Your Highness,’ she gasped as her hand pressed against the front of his breeches. The heat of him was seductive, his length and girth impressive. She had dreamed of him inside of her, only to waken to her young maid’s tongue.

‘And you are wet enough to enchant the devil himself.’

‘I am needy,’ she breathed as he eased another finger inside of her, stretching her. Her palm rubbed up and down the length of his shaft as fire burned between her thighs.

‘Aye, I heed your sorrowful state and endeavour to rectify it urgently.’

Her moistened lips twitched at playful banter. ‘Your amorous state lends truth to your words, and this pleases me.’

‘I will please you with more than words if that is your wish.’

‘I wish…’ She whimpered as his thumb tormented her needy bud.

She was unprepared for when the door banged against the far wall. She jerked in Prince Draven’s arms, and could have keened out in frustration as his warmth withdrew from her.

‘I trust you have everything you need, Your Highness.’ The steward’s voice made her eyes widen in alarm as a tiny moan escaped her. Vargos! Why him, why now? Didn’t he know of the King’s ruse? She could not be certain he was doing this out of spite, and therefore feared he would give the game away before she even had a chance to lose her virginity. Kinlee hastily tied her bodice and shook her skirt. Smoothing back her hair, she ducked beneath Prince Draven’s arm and escaped the chamber, careful to keep her face lowered.

Truly, she wished the pox on Vargos.


Kinlee paced her chamber, fuming at finding herself again bearing the weight of the chastity belt. She had had a golden opportunity and failed to rid herself of her cursed virgnity. That pricked at her.

To her further frustration, her father banned her from Prince Draven’s chamber for two days while he sent an old chrone in her place. Her father planned to save Prince Draven’s juices for their consummation. Kinlee had rolled her eyes at this, for her father need not have bothered. Prince Draven had plenty of stamina and juices to share about.


Kinlee had barely stepped in the room before she had the tray removed from her hands and found herself lifted off the ground. She was tumbled onto her back onto the bed, bouncing softly on the feathers. Prince Draven stood looking down at her, a tiny smile curling his lips. Kinlee b
lushed at the intent in those devilish green eyes.

‘I was hoping it was you. I am curious to discover if your neediness has abated.’

‘Oh,’ she murmured in wondrous surprise, not uttering so much as a protest as he pushed up her skirts. She squirmed slightly on the bed, knowing the answer he would find.

‘I dreamed of you, an insatiable minx that rode me until I expired from lust.’

‘Oh, if only that were true.’ Her head fell back on the feathered mattress as warm hands slid up her inner thighs. She was unable to hide the quivers that raced through her.

‘Are there none here that could see to your needs?’ he asked curiously. His fingers found the fleece of golden curls at their apex.

‘My father is known for his wicked temper and cunning ways.’

‘Ah, that would pose a problem to any maid.’ His gentle strokes made her purr. She tugged at the ties of her gown, baring her breasts to his interested gaze.

‘You do not know the half of it.’ She squirmed on his seeking fingers as she pulled the pins from her hair. He swept the pins onto the floor as he leaned over and kissed her. His thighs were firmly planted between her spread ones, and Kinlee could have sighed with the pleasure of that knowledge alone. It would finally happen. The thought of Vargas entered her mind. ‘We must hasten,’ she urged against his warm lips, her fingers finding the ties of his straining breeches.

He rained kisses down her throat and lower until he caught a rosy nipple in his seeking mouth. She arched, lightening sizzling down to where his fingers played with her dewy flesh. Kinlee yanked at his leather breeches, cursing as they refused to give. Plunging her hand down the front of his breeches, her squirming fingers discovered his velvety heat. He groaned, and Kinlee stilled. ‘Am I hurting you?’ she whispered, gently patting the swollen flesh in apology for any harm done.

‘No…no,’ he muttered against her breast. Kinlee frowned at his unconvincing denial, then shrugged. No doubt she would suffer pain from this fierce weapon before long, so fair was fair. Then the thought was lost as a finger plunged inside of her. ‘Oh!’

Kinlee focused on the sensations of that small appendage stroking inside of her, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip. Heat seeped up over her chest and face as a familiar tightness wound in her belly, making her writhe and ache. She practically tore at his breeches, dragging him out to play. Her exploring caresses of his shaft and twin globes became bolder, silently urging him on.

Just as things were becoming desperate down there, Kinlee was relieved when he pulled her up to sit on the bed then tugged her dress over her head and threw it aside. Her hair tumbled down around her shoulders in golden disarray, and he cupped her face and kissed her, hard. His breathing was decidedly uneven as she pumped her hand up and down the long, lovely length of his shaft as her other hand tickled and teased his balls. Moisture beaded at the top of the glorious column, and her nail curiously explored him. He jerked out of her hold with a guttural swear.

She coaxed him back with consolatory kisses over his chest. She found his nipple with its small nubbin and sucked experimentally. He groaned, all the while thrumming the needy bud between her legs as a finger massaged a glorious spot inside of her. As her nail again returned to that intriguing slit, she found herself flat on her back on the bed, legs jerked wide and her bottom dragged to the edge of the bed before she could blink. Then her whole world stopped as she finally felt the full threat of him poised against her tiny gate.

Her old nurse’s warnings about the pain and blood finally took root. She squeezed her eyes shut and waited. And waited. Finally she opened her eyes and frowned up at him. He smiled wickedly, then thrust hard. She gasped, squirming around the fullness of him stretching her unbearably. He groaned, drawing back slightly before forging even deeper. Kinlee bit the back of her hand to stop her scream, not liking this — him – at all. Tears clouded her eyes as he surged unmercifully deeper. She wiggled slightly to try and create some room, but it didn’t help. If anything, he felt bigger. He was like a blacksmith’s hammer, all brute force, prodding deeper with unmerciful haste.

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As Pardin measured the arc for his arrow, he couldn't keep his mind from wandering to talking wolves and guardian trolls. Adray hated trolls. Wolves couldn't talk. Yet the mother sheep and her young were munching the cold-resistant plants anchored in the cracks of the rock face just as the wolf leader had said. Pardin shot the further lamb, loading his bow again instead of following its tumble. The sister ran upwards with great aerobatics while the mother turned left towards Pardin. His...

1 year ago
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Brandys Deep Throat Adventures Part 1 Pg 2

“Brandy was pretty much fucked!” Bill piped in, and Bonnie nodded and laughed.“You were, weren’t you, Sweetie!” Bonnie said, patting Brandy’s bum again.“Throat fucked,” I added, quietly.Brandy blinked twice and gurgled.“Anyway, once I got everything as tight as I could, I locked the buckle with the key. And then it was easy. I just slowly eased Bill and Brandy back onto the couch. The whole thing took about 10 minutes. It actually was LOTS of fun, wasn’t it, Brandy?’” she lovingly asked the...

3 years ago
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Awakening on Titwhistle Lane CH 05

CHAPTER 5 – Boobs, Bikes & Bees Damian couldn't believe his good fortune. He'd gone his whole life and never had a girl pay him much attention...but those days appeared to be over. Just recently he'd had his cock smothered between a pair of beautiful, black tits, received a handjob from a woman nearly three times his age, shot more cum than he thought possible, and only the gods of boners and boobs knew what would be next. It was like a spell had been cast over Titwhistle Lane and he was...

4 years ago
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Three is Not a Crowd Part 1

I spent the last few moments I had primping in the mirror. I lifted up my skirt to look again at my bare, smooth pussy. I pulled my thong aside and ran my fingers over my silky lips, my wetness already showing through. I smiled to myself knowing this would be a night to remember. Had it not been for the knock at the door I may have continued to masturbate at just the thought of the evening’s events. I quickly pulled my skirt back down and turned to the door. Here we go, no backing out now…

3 years ago
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Wife and Husband on boat with Friends

My wife Mayla was from Brazil. Her parents came to Florida when she was young and that’s when we became best best friends. Her parents didn’t really like me because I was white my mother told me when I was older. I think they saw us together playing all the time and eventually got over it. I was 5 and she was 4 . We lived on the same street. I asked her to play which she said yes but she was naturally just a shy person. She was always laughing at me though . I loved her with all my heart. All...

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N.B. * Sorry for the lapsed time with completing this; I consequently only have myself to blame for lack of responses.......... as I lightly ran the bristles of the brush vertically through her pussy, she began to quiver. I explained this action was not for her pleasure, and proceeded to press the brush more firmly against her. My objective was to redden her lips thereby causing a slight swelling. She was a true blonde in that her pubic hair was not like hair at all, but fine, white, sparse,...

1 year ago
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My Best Friend pt 2

Disclaimer: If you haven't read the first part "My Best Friend", I strongly recommend that you do so. It holds pretty much all the information you need to know about the two main characters, and who they got to where they are. Again, if you've come here looking for a quick wank, you'll be disappointed. This story is about the romance between two people. There is sex, and I'll try to make it as exciting as I can, but don't forget my main purpose here.All characters portrayed are over 18....

1 year ago
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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 16

Derwen handed me the ladle and I tasted the soup. The owner's bedroom was dark with just a low lamp, which swayed gently with the sea swell, hung above our dinner table, In the dim light, her eyes were truly dark as sea coal. Her soul was bright in my mind. Our link was warm and tender, a flowing friendship with mutual curiosities. The seafood soup was warm but not to my taste. "I will stick with the bread and beans tonight," I said. All Derwen wore was a fox wrap and boots to keep her...

3 years ago
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Grocery store

I was shopping for groceries when I noticed a man coming down the aisle.I looked at him and he looked me straight in my eyes,we smiled at each other saying Hi.He had these penetrating green eyes that got my attention.We passed and I wondered how to strike up a conversation.I wandered around the store keeping an eye on him and checking him out.He looked older than me but looked like he had a pretty good body. His arms were muscular like he lifts weights.Finally I saw him in an aisle looking...

3 years ago
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Sexy night out in Leeds

We are J & L, a couple with a few kinks and fetishes, and always looking to try new things. This is a story of our first time fucking while out and about in public.A few months ago we decided to have a night out in Town, just a few drinks and some food, a pretty standard evening. After a few drinks and some food, we moved on to another bar at the bottom end of town. The drinks were flowing and J was getting the cocktails in, 2 for 1 cherry woo woos! As we both sat on the sofa getting ever...

1 year ago
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Jenny's family are super-rich real estate investors, and as long as I've known her she's sped around town in a flashy sports car. On this saturday morning, Jenny came roaring into the shop. I was just about to leave for the day, when I noticed the sizable dent in Jenny's car. "Mr. Malone!" Jenny hopped out of the convertible without opening her door. Her cute pleated skirt flew up on her thigh as she vaulted the distance. Her breasts rose and fell beneath her sweater provocatively due...

2 years ago
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Hes With Her and Shes With Her Too Part 1

That morning, Lila had chosen a red silk scoop-neck sweater over a black skirt, and in her heels she wobbled just a bit now as she approached the front door. She also had on a long black twill coat and driving gloves. Black thigh-highs with seams down the back, a garter belt and a shelf bra completed her ensemble. She had thought about a sheer black thong she liked a lot, but in the end she’d decided to wear no undies at all. She could feel how hard her nipples were under the sweater, and she...

2 years ago
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A Virgin8217s Dream

Hi friends this is Praveen from Vizag n pursuing my MBA studies. Really excited to post my story…of course my title itself says u that it’s just a dream and not at all true incident. it’s just because I am still virgin and hoping that this virginity should belong only to my dear wife. But I’m not sure)..Coming to my details, I’m slim guy and very naughty, best at my studies, very smiley and even girls usually says I’m flirter too. Now I’m 20.i’m hot but never leave ethics for my desires. The...

3 years ago
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Wrong NumberChapter 2

Ring Ring Ring Hello? Hello... is this Mrs Bazel? Yes this is Mrs Bazel. Can I help you? Hmmmm, with this little tape, I just know you can. Who is thi... Oh my GOSH... its YOU! I'm so glad you remember. Did you miss me? No! I HATE YOU! How could you have lied about my daughter like that? Nobody ever said you had to get all horny because of it. You horrible girl. You humiliated me and worse you humiliated my Jessica. I hate you! How has she taken the news that her mother is an...

3 years ago
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Ladys Last DanceChapter 17

Amish Country, Ohio "OK, guys," said Jack. We are going to have to stay here until we get this mess straightened out. Thank God Mr. and Mrs. Johansen are understanding about our following them. We would be in real trouble if we didn't have his landline. God I hate cell phones." Jen placed a hand on Jack's. "It's not your fault, Jack. No one could have followed that BMW without being seen. You did the right thing. This way we have a chance of following them after they pick up the...

2 years ago
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Heaven Hell 2

Introduction: For what seems like forever, angels and demons have been at war with each other and have been said to be unable to stand the presence of one another… but it seems this angel and demon have come to an agreement between their heaven & hell Chapter 2: Hell She thinks it started somewhere the early morning after, like their routine stated, he had left her on her own until later that night when no one would stop either of them at the gates or on the way to her living space (it could...

3 years ago
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Nightriders BaneChapter 5

At dinner one night Shaylee said, "I have to thank you for bringing the Major's books along. At the time I thought that they would be just a bunch of dead weight but I was wrong! I'm sorry." "Thanks. I noticed that you've been reading them and I must say I'm surprised. What does a woman need to read books about warfare for anyway?" "Well they're making me think on a lot of things. First we're not safe yet, not by a long shot! As long as that last nightrider is out there we are in...

4 years ago
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Long Weekend Ch 01

‘This weekend cannot come soon enough.’ Sven pushed open the door that led from the garage to the stairwell and pushed the button for the elevator. ‘I know. If I have to look through another of Charles’ nonsensical reports I may just stab myself in the eye with a biro.’ ‘Please don’t.’ Sven stepped into the lift and looked over at Mimi, his arm around her shoulder, ‘I don’t want to spend the weekend in A&E, that’s for sure.’ Mimi laughed and lay against him. ‘I’m turning my phone off now.’ ...

1 year ago
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Speech Class Part II The Summer After

After 15 minutes of watching some weird talk show, I was finally alert enough. I went back upstairs and threw my clothes on. It was pretty casual; just a black T-shirt and some blue jeans; what I usually wore on the weekends. After all, it was only two weeks into summer vacation. I rushed back downstairs and felt a vibrating in pants pocket right as my foot met with the kitchen floor. It was my phone. Glancing at the caller ID, it said that my friend Courtney. I promptly answered with a...

2 years ago
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Annie Decides Part 1

I was driving home from our friends Elanna and Mark’s home with a smile on my face and Mark’s cum in my pussy. I was excited and had made my decision to start dancing at the gentlemen’s club where Elanna dances but first I had to get my husband Rob to agree that it would be ok. Rob and I had met Mark and Elanna when we joined our swingers group the year before and had become good friends with them.Elanna is an exotic dancer and at each of our group parties, Elanna would start the party off by...

1 year ago
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Portsea Fantasy

The clouds begin to disappear after the rain and let the sun dry the humidity to make it a splendid day typical of summer in Melbourne. The wet road is steaming as we drive towards Portsea along the Esplanade hugging the Peninsula coast. The yachts on the bay seem to be greeting us as they weave their way through the choppy sea. Left and right they sway and left again as they salute us with their sails of red white blue gold and some green. They compete with the surf boarders and the jet skis...

Straight Sex
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I Fucked My Auntie 8211 Part II

I was 18 and just graduated from the local high school. My dad insisted that pursue my college course in the big city. My mom was indignant with dad’s idea. “But who’s going to take care of him there?” She said and dad almost laughed. “Sweetheart, your son is not a baby anymore. He’s a big boy now and he can take care of himself. Besides, we’ll put him in a dorm so his basic needs will be taken cared of.” My dad said I really liked the idea of being in the city so I supported my father. “Dad’s...

4 years ago
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Gay Spa Encounter

On one of my business trips to northern Ohio several years ago, I decided to go to a downtown gay spa. I had never been to such a place, although I had read stories about what might take place at such establishments. It was late at night, and there were very few cars in the lot. I went in, paid the fee and got a towel and a locker. I undressed and locked up my things, put the towel around me, and headed off to explore the place. As my eyes were adjusting to the darkened conditions, I passed by...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 145 Bitch

Mom and Dad took Allen and Betts to dinner Tuesday night, which meant that I was home alone with Betts' three college girlfriends and the other groomsmen. They started harassing me the minute Mom and Dad left. "Hey, what's for dinner tonight, chef?" one of them asked. "I guess whatever you order. There's a pizza menu by the phone." "Are there any of those cinnamon rolls left?" "You ate them all this morning. I didn't even get one." "Aw. I'm sorry." She didn't sound...

2 years ago
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Back to the well

I hope everyone is staying safe. The Chicago area has seen a large rise in Covid cases and we have been staying isolated. However, I have been extremely horny lately and have really been aching to suck on a cock. I have interacted with some guys on Xhamster as well as some other sites but I have been hesitant to pull the trigger due to the current environment. I have been hoping that Jim would reach out to me but he hadn’t texted me since our last meet-up. Last week, I sent a note on Kik to Jim...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Veronica Rodriguez Jayden Cole Meditation Session 8211 Part One Relax

Jayden Cole is on the phone taking care of business when Veronica Rodriguez walks in for her 3 o’clock appointment. Jayden gets off the phone and, introducing herself, she motions for Veronica to follow her. The girls sit down as Jayden starts the session with some guided meditation and breathing exercises. Jayden makes sure to tell Veronica to keep her eyes closed as she checks her out in her tight yoga outfit. Her 3 o’clock is smoking hot. She starts caressing her breasts and...

1 year ago
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Church Mom and Her Horny Son

100% fiction! My name is Mike and I'm a 18yo sophomore in high school and live with my sixty year old widowed mom. Dad died two years ago of a heart attack and my mom became even more active in our church. My moms name is Pat and shes still very attractive with shoulder length hair a petite plump body with nice tits and a perfect round buble butt that jiggles when she walks. Mom wears very thick glasses that make her look oh so innocent. I had started puberty before my dad died and I was...

2 years ago
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How I Became a Cock WhoreChapter 2

After that night of sucking both my brothers, I swear there was not a single day when I would not suck at least one of them, usually both of them. It would start in the morning, while Mom and Dad were downstairs ahead of us (I think they got up around 630 each day), the boys would take turns with one brother watching from the top of the stairs while the other brother was in my room getting blown. If Mom or Dad was nearing the stairs, the look out brother would use the safe word “you guys...

1 year ago
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I was ready to leave when I heard somebody else

I'm in a dark back room with boxes and things, getting my coat after a dance with the music still ringing in my ears loudly. Somebody spoke from behind me, saying " its kind of dark back here, there's no light, something bad could happen in here". "Uh, like what", I asked nervously, not sure what he  meant as the music was still blaring loudly just beyond the confines of the wall. Then he responded saying, "You see right over there...let me show where you do not want to be" as he moved, still...

4 years ago
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April Growing Up 2

After the confession.Oh Amy I am so sorry I wasn't there for you. How can I make this up to you? Amy looked at me hugged me and then grinned. So how come you are sitting like a basketball team fucked you? Oh my gosh no more rules. I went to a club in Dallas that caters to open lifestyle adults. I found a man in there who looked like a promising date. We talked and he told me he was looking for a woman who wouldn't mind attending a party with a couple of his friends. I almost came when...

2 years ago
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Missing magazines 2

My cock was throbbing with excitement. I needed a quick release; but first, I had to retire to the solitude of my room. I crawled back to my room and once inside, I locked it carefully. I quickly began to undress in the darkness. Having stripped of my shorts and vest, I turned on the night lamp. Standing in front of the mirror provided in the door of my cupboard, I looked at my reflection. “Not bad.” I thought, admiring my rigid boner. I didn’t know about the size of the biggest and the...

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Teenage prison life

Fifteen year old, Billy Broome was starting his first day at ?Feltham institutional prison Fifteen year old, Billy Broome was starting his first day at ?Feltham institutional prison.?The Judge at the high court had been stern and harsh, condemning young Billy to five years of gruelling torment in the young offender?s prison. Billy was a timid child, nothing more than an innocent little boy, tormented by the lack of acceptance; and bullying which he was subjected too. His built up...

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BreederChapter 15 Place of Last Resort

"Oh fuck! Not again!" Laura screamed with laughter and pleasure as her body once again succumbed to orgasm. She pinched her hard nipples, pulling on them, as she writhed against the chair. Behind her Plug mindlessly ejaculated onto his stomach, sympathetic to her arousal. After several more orgasms Laura began to slip into an exhausted sleep, murmuring and giggling with pleasure as her conscious mind shut down. Rick looked down at his beautiful mother, her perfect body covered in his cum....

3 years ago
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Educating Harry Ch 10

Apologies for the three week hiatus, have now returned to Sydney and plan to post a chapter every five or six days ‘Don’t you think you’re still being a bit of a wimp?’ ‘No I do not,’ retorted Harry from the other side of the bed, ‘Anyway, what do you mean by that?’ ‘When you were sixteen,’ said Maria examining her manicure studiously, she was perfectly well aware that she was deliberately winding Harry up, ‘You went to Uni, you were very young, so I suppose your parents influenced you in...

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