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Rina was disturbed. Her son Ritwik, or Rik,

could it spot it a mile away as soon he came

back from college and sat down on the sofa

that covered half of the living room of

their tiny flat in Bowbazar, a part of

Calcutta that had seen better days. Normally

she would have had a million questions --

what was taught today? who did what? and

said what? and so on while serving him his

evening tiffin. But today, after a rather

hurried hello, she had quickly retired to

the tiny kitchen and Rik could see that she

was generally pottering around there, but

not doing anything much.

Rik was puzzled or rather curious. He walked

into the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of

cold water from the fridge. "Hi Ma, why are

you so silent today?"

"Oh well, nothing," Rina was a little vague,

"just this and that and nothing much."

"No, you are upset with something." Rik took

a gulp of water and put the bottle down on

the table. "Tell me what is wrong?"

"Don't worry k**do, I will get over it."

"So let me help you," Rik threw his arms

around her shoulders and hugged her tight

and suddenly felt something stiff under

around her waist. "Oh, hey, what is this?"

Rina was wearing a saree but unlike her

usual position when it would be tied below

her navel, today it seemed to be quite high

but as Rik discovered as he patted her

around her waist and along the crack of her

butt, she was wearing something under it.

"What are you wearing Ma?" Rina turned

around to face her son and in the dim light

of the kitchen, Rik saw a hunted look in her


"Please, k**do, please," she was obviously

very embarrassed. "How was college?" she

asked in a desperate attempt to change the


"No, you tell me what has happened and what

is that beneath your saree." He tapped on


"I can't." she suddenly sobbed. "Please son,

don't insist."

"Ok, Ma. Relax." Rik grabbed his mother's

face and kissed her on her lips.

With Rik's arms around her shoulders, his

body pressed into her, it was suddenly very

cozy for his mother. Her tension drained

away and she looked up, to see her son

smiling calmly at her. Very reassuring. They

clung to each other for a couple of silent

minutes and then Rina said, "k**do, you need

to know what has happened but to do that, I

need to take off my clothes."



Rina was from the southern districts of

Bengal, those bordering on the Bay, but very

early in life, circumstances had brought her

into the flesh trade in Calcutta from which

she was slowly trying to extricate herself.

Rik had been born when she was still shy of

adulthood but somehow his presence had made

her dream of being something different and

in this she had latched on to Shanta-bai,

Calcutta's last classical singer in the

kothi traditions of nawabi Lucknow. Through

her she had managed to craft a career in

music -- not the traditional kothi music, of

which there were hardly any patrons these

days, but she did earn a tidy sum by singing

popular and risque numbers in seedy bars and

at social events. Not that this meant that

she had regained her virginity! With her

tall, lissome figure, dusky complexion,

sharp features, large limpid eyes and a

headful of hair that when left uncoiled

would easily reach her hips, she had one

hell of head turner of a body that she

normally kept hidden under saree. But when

performing in a variety of revealing dresses

she had often been groped, fondled and been

proposed to on numerous occasions, some of

which had ended with Rina having to get into

bed with powerful people on pleasant

commercial terms.

None of this was unknown to Rik. Growing up

in a red-light area, he was no stranger to

the sex trade but for some reason, perhaps

because of the genes that he had inherited

from an unknown father, his life had been

moving along a slightly different track. His

was the world of books and then, when his

mother had arranged for a it, the vastness

of the world wide web. Thankfully, it was

only in the rarest of rare occasions that

his mother's friends would visit their flat,

but even then he could easily withdraw

himself into his own private cocoon while he

could hear moans, grunts, slaps and shrieks

as his mother would get fucked behind the

doors of their bedroom. It was not that he

was gay or impotent but when you live among

nudity and sex, its power to arouse easily

is lost and even though he had briefly seen

his mother in the nude, since privacy was at

a premium in the extremely small flat that

they lived in, it had never been a very big

deal for him, until that intriguing day

after his eighteenth birthday ...

This was mid June and Calcutta was

sweltering in a heat wave and waiting

desperately for the monsoon to arrive and

soothe the city. Humidity was intense and

life was miserable especially for those who

lived in cramped, squalid environments.

Everybody was suffering but Rina was in a

particularly bad shape. An itch that had

begun in her pubic area and possibly inside

her cunt was now spreading across her body

and thick red weals had appeared on her

buttocks, her back, her belly and now her

breasts. What was worse was that since

morning she had begun to feel dizzy.

Reluctantly, Rina had agreed to allow Rik to

take her to Dr Dutta, the only medical

doctor who practised in the area.

Dr Dutta was a rogue but a rather lovable

rogue. He was about fifty but some

unpleasant and accidental event in the early

part of his medical career had forced him to

hide in the seedier part of the city and

then he had got used to the people and

practices of the sex trade. He was competent

and completely non-judgmental in his work

but would never hesitate to flirt with, make

a pass at or even solicit personal favours

from his lady patients and yet when push

comes to shove he would be generous with his

money and his time. On many occasions when

the women or their k**s were in trouble with

the police or the pimps he would take the

lead to mediate and sort out matters. In his

own way he was a little pillar in the

difficult community that he had moved into.

There was a long crowd of patients in the

doctor's tiny waiting room and when Rina and

Rik finally entered Dr Dutta's chamber it

was well past 9 O'clock. The room was tiny

with a small narrow table along the wall and

two chairs in the front. Towards the back,

separated from the room with a short, dirty

curtain, was a narrow passage that led to

another larger room with a marble table and

a wash basin.

"Come in, come in Rina-bai," Dr Dutta used

the technically correct word "bai" that

distinguishes a singer from a sex worker.

"How can I help you?" He was sitting on the

chair and his smile was as warm and friendly

as ever. Rina sat down on the other chair

explained her problem.

"You will have to take off your clothes,

Rina-bai, for me to take a look." Dr Dutta

was notorious for having his lady patients

strip naked but since most of his patients

were accustomed to this it was something

that had never become an issue with anyone.

But Rik was not sure about his mother

stripping in his presence. "Should I leave

the room?"

"You could, but the law says that a doctor

should examine a lady patient only in the

presence of her relatives and then," he

winked, "a fine young stud like you would

certainly enjoy the sight of your mother's

naked body!"

"Oh Doctor-babu, he is my son dammit, please

do not corrupt him."

"Oooh, I know that Rik is different, he is

into computers and all that .."

"Shut up, Doctor, and get on with your


"Ok, Ok, Rina-bai, please stand up and drop

your clothes."

Rina was wearing a salwar-kameez, the pajama

suit that is universally worn by women

across India and it did not take her long to

drop her pajama and pull off her shirt.

"Since the itch has started in your pubis

and has spread across your breasts, you need

to take off your bra and panty as well."

Rina pushed down her panty and her thick

bush of luxuriant pubic hair came into view.

Next she stretched her arms to unhook her

bra to reveal a coarse stubble under her

armpits. Now that she was totally nude, Rina

coyly placed an arm across her breasts,

covered her cunt with a palm and stood

expectantly in the middle of the room.

Dr Dutta got up and gently removed her hand

from her breasts and for the first time Rik

was staring fully and openly at his mother's

perfect breasts.

"Rina-bai, your tits are perfect." He

fondled them lovingly, running his thumb

over the nipples and watching them harden.

"But this rash is rather ugly." He snapped

back into his professional mode and

continued with the examination of the belly

and then the back. Inwardly, Rik heaved a

sigh of relief as the sight of the doctor

rubbing his mother's hard nipples was making

him uncomfortable in his own crotch! But not

for long, because the doctor put his hand on

Rina's buttocks to pull her closer to the

powerful lamp on his desk and with his other

hand started feeling inside her pubic hair

with his fingers.

"The first thing we need to do is to shave

off all this hair Rina, and then I can see


"OK .."

"This will take time and there are other

patients waiting. So let me suggest that Rik

and you go to the back of the chamber,

behind the curtain, and Rik can quickly

shave you clean."

"Do we have the equipment?"

"Yes, I do, and in the meantime, I will

finish off seeing all the other patients and

get back to you when you are done."

It took about an hour but then they were

almost done. Initially, Rina had been rather

coy about the process but not having another

option, she had rapidly shed her inhibitions

about climbing onto the table stark naked,

lying on her back, spreading her legs and

having her own son spreading her pussy lips

apart! Actually the rash was such that it

would have been difficult, or dangerous, for

Rik to actually shave his mother pubis with

the razor that the doctor had given them. In

fact, after consulting with Dr Dutta he had

used a hair clipper to remove most of her

pubic hair leaving a fine carpet of stubble

that was a delight to run your fingers on.

Now with a pair of scissors he was snipping

off the odd strand that he could see after

spreading apart the fleshy lips of his

mother's vagina. The armpits of course,

being less affected, had been shaved clean.

In fact, had it not been for the irritating

burn all over, Rina would have actually

enjoyed the light touch of her son's fingers

in her cunt, but even otherwise she felt

that her body was responding in a manner

that was not really appropriate under the

circumstances. Rik had noticed that his

mother's nipples had hardened and there was

a slight moistness in her cunt and of course

it did not help matters to have his own

erection tenting inside his jeans!

It was almost 10 O'clock when Dr Dutta

finished his last patient and came into room

to find Rik wiping his mother's crotch with

a wet cloth. "We are done."

"Good, and I can see from these erect

nipples," he lightly teased her tits, "that

Rina-bai is quite excited about this

treatment and her son," and he tapped the

bulge in his jeans, "is also quite happy

about all this." He grinned.

"Will you please stop teasing us Doctor and

do something about this burn."

"Yes, yes, let me take a look." Suddenly he

was all professional again as he shone a

powerful torch on the red spots that covered

her body.

"But it first began, here, isn't it?" He

tapped her crotch.

"Yes," nodded Rina, "and then it slowly

spread all over."

"When did you last have unprotected sex?"

"Ages ago, I am not into that business, you


"I know, so what about protected sex? When

were you fucked last?"

"Must be two years ago. The owner of the

club where I sing was there for his


"So the chance of an STD is rather low, but

let me take a look anyway." He picked a

speculum, pushed it into her vagina and took

a closer look.

"Rina-bai, there is nothing to be worried

about." He was all smiles again.

"What is it?"

"This is a fungal infection, because of the

sweat and the heat, that has spread through

your insides and is now emerging out across

the rest of your body, but we can fix that

quite easily."

"That is good."

"There is a cream that you will have to

apply all over your body and there is a

tablet .."

"That I will have to swallow, right?"

"Yes, but not with your mouth but with your


"Are you joking doctor?"

"No, this tablet must be pushed through your

cunt so as to touch the infected parts

directly -- actually it is quite easy and I

will show you how."


"Yes, but first the lotion. Will you get off

the table please."

"Will you apply it now?"

"It is too late for you to go and buy the

medicines now and I do not want you to

suffer through the night. So let me start

you off today with what I have and then you

can buy the rest tomorrow."

Rina stood still in the middle of the room

and Rik smeared the lotion, that Dr Dutta

had poured out on his palms, all over his

mother's naked body. Starting from her face,

her necks, her back, her breasts, her

nipples -- where he spent a little longer

than what was perhaps necessary, drawing a

strong glare from Rina, as they hardened

again at her son's touch -- her belly, her

buttocks, her crotch, her pubes, her thighs

and all the way down to her ankles, there

was no part of the body that was not


"Ah, that was wonderful, the burn has


"But unfortunately, it will come back again,

unless we kill the original infection in

your vagina."

"With the tablet that you want to shove in


"Yes, and while you can do it yourself, it

would be easier and more effective if I

could teach Rik to push it in for you."

"Great, first I have my son fondling my

naked body and now you want him to shove a

stick into my cunt."

"I know that thats not what sons are for,

but then, believe me you may even like it.

Come, please kneel down on the floor."

Dr Dutta threw a pillow on the floor. Rina

knelt on the ground and then went down on

all fours. She placed her chin on the pillow

so that her buttocks were sticking up in the

air. Dr Dutta asked her to spread her knees

so that the fleshy lips of her vagina were

clearly visible from the back.

"If someone were to fuck you doggy style,

this would be ideal of course, but now we

will do something even better." He pulled

out a thick, blunt syringe like device with

an handle and a plunger. "You can keep and

use this one and buy me a new one tomorrow."

Next he placed a big capsule containing a

jelly like substance at the tip of the

device and handed it to Rik. "Now young man,

it is your job to stick this into your

mother's cunt."

Rik stared at this mother, kneeling naked at

his feet, face on the floor, butts up in the

air, legs spread and the pink of her cherry

clearly visible through the gap. He adjusted

his own trouser to loosen the tightness in

his own crotch, where his raging erection

was threatening to burst out of his undies,

grabbed the syringe and allowed the doctor

to guide it to the opening of his mother's


"Now push it in, my boy, push it in as if

you were really fucking her!"

It was tough. Rina was so tensed that her

vaginal walls were clenched tight and the

big blunt syringe that her son was trying to

push inside would not go in!

"Relax, Rina-bai, you need to relax, think

of this as your first fuck, when your

curtain was torn." and he patted her on the

head and gently massaged her back. The trick

worked. Rina relaxed and slowly the big

syringe, nearly 8 inches long, went in till

it was buried to the hilt.

"Ok, and now for the medication .. and do

this slowly." Dr Dutta started twisting the

syringe causing the capsule to break and the

jelly to spill out inside the vagina. "Now

Rik, now you do what I just did."

Rik took the syringe that was still stuck

like a dildo in his mother's cunt and

started to twist it right and left and then

at the doctor's advice in and out,

simulating in fact, the motion of real penis

or a dildo.

"How long do I do this doctor?" but his

question was interrupted as Rina started to

moan with pleasure. After all it had been

ages since she had had such a stiffie in her


"You need to bring your mother to orgasm,


"Orgasm, oh my god .. and all for an


"Actually for a sexual person like her, this

continuous abstinence from sex has disturbed

her biochemistry because of which this heat

and humidity has felled her. None of us are

that badly affected, you see."

That may have been logical but for Rina and

Rik, mother and son, this was the most

amazing treatment that they could have ever

thought of. For the next ten minutes, Rik

kept pumping the syringe into his mother's

cunt as she moaned and groaned and thrashed

around and then collapsed on the floor after

her first roaring orgasm in a long time.

Dr Dutta gently removed the syringe from her

body, washed it and gave it to her son along

with the other medicines.



Next morning, the monsoon finally broke with

all it fury and the city was paralysed with

waterlogging. It would be almost impossible

for anyone to step outside but Rik and Rina

could not care less. For lying in bed

together were mother and son and both were

stark naked!

After the tumultuous treatment at the

doctor's clinic, Rina and Rik had hurried

back to their tiny, top floor flat and once

behind the privacy of their front door had

sat down to analyse their feelings.

"It was so very naughty of the doctor to

have you make me come right in front of the

two of you." Rina grinned nervously.

"But his treatment worked, aren't you

definitely feeling better now."

"That is true, but after this how will I

look into your eyes ...."

"Especially when I get an erection ..."

"As you are getting now."

"Can I help it?"

"No you cannot, so let me help you out of

it." With a practiced hand she snapped open

the button of his jeans and pulled down both

his trouser and his shorts.

Rik's erection sprang free and before he

knew it, his mother had knelt in front of

him and had started licking it with her


"Oh Ma," Rik squirmed with pleasure and

moved back until he hit the bed and

collapsed on it. Rina crawled along the

floor and now the tables were turned. It was

Rik on his back, trousers on the ground,

legs spread, cock sticking out like a

flagpole and his mother's head was between

his spread out legs!

Rina opened her mouth and swallowed her

son's erection until she felt it thud

against the back of her mouth. Then her head

began to bob up and down, front and back as

she sucked her son's erection, while her

hands fingered Riks testicles. For the still

virginal Rik all this was too much and with

a yell of pleasure he started to ejaculate

thick streams of cum that splattered across

her face, her eyebrows and dripped down her


And at that very instant, a crack of thunder

rolled across the sky and it started to


Mother and son picked themselves up from

wherever they were, quickly shed their

clothes and ran to the only window that they

had to stare at the rain. Six floors below,

on the road, people were running here and

there but had anyone looked up they would

have seen a naked man and woman, actually

mother and son, kissing and pleasuring each

other as the rain, lashing at the window,

drenched them in ecstasy.

Later that night, after a hurried dinner,

they had crept back into bed and had lain

naked in each other arms.

"You know something Ma," whispered Rik,

"this has been my fantasy for a long time."


"To see you naked, to have you in my arms

and kiss you."

"But I am your mother."

"I know, but what can I do? You are such a

sexy woman."

"I know k**, I know that men are moved by

their hormones but we have to be very



"Society does not approve of mothers and

sons in such a relationship

"I know, but how can I suppress my feelings?

Can that rain stop falling because people do

not like getting wet?"

"I know my dear and I understand your

feelings but we need to be very discreet and

carry on as if we have the same relationship

that we have had for the past twenty years

-- the innocent son."

"But what if I fail? What if I cannot stop


"From what?"

"From fooling around with you, like this."

"I am all yours, k**, but please I have one



"Do whatever you want but please do not

actually fuck me, please do not push it into


"Why Ma? Why?"

"It is a taboo k** that perhaps we will

overcome one day, but until then, we will

make all the love that we want but do not

put your prick into my cunt."

"Ok Ma, your wish is my command."

"And for that, I have one more present for

you ....." and she started to stroke her

son's penis until it grew hard, stiff, long

and exploded once again into a fountain of

cream that she licked clean.

That was two years ago, when Rina had first

taken off her clothes in front of her son




With Rik's arms around her shoulders, his

body pressed into her, it was suddenly very

cozy for his mother. Her tension drained

away and she looked up, to see her son

smiling calmly at her. Very reassuring. They

clung to each other for a couple of silent

minutes and then Rina said, "k**do, you need

to know what has happened but to do that, I

need to take off my clothes."

Rik led his mother to the bedroom and

stripped her of her saree. Next as she stood

mutely, he untied the string of her

petticoat and as it dropped to her feet, he

gave a gasp! Girdling his mother at her

waist was a stainless steel band but what

was even more ominous was a strip of steel

that dropped down from the middle, passed in

front of her cunt, through her legs. Going

behind her, he saw that the strip had split

in two and formed a V the two ends of which

were again terminated on the belt, near her

back -- Rina was trapped inside the modern

version of the medieval chastity belt.

"Oh God Ma, who locked you in like this? and


It has all begun last night when Rina had

just finished a performance at one of those

seedy hotels on Diamond Harbour Road, just

outside the limits of the city. Some heavy

duty politician was throwing a party for his

henchmen and Rina had been called in to be

the mandatory eye candy! With her hip length

hair, the backless blouse that showed off

her proud, pert tits and a lacy saree that

was tied well beneath her navel, Rina was

the perfect picture of the flirty Bengali

housewife who had gone astray ... and her

performance had been a wild success!

Her performance had stretched well past

midnight and instead of trying to take a cab

back to the city so late in the night, Rina

had planned to spend the night at the hotel

itself. But no sooner had she reached her

room when there was a knock on the door.

Expecting the bell boy to be bringing in a

bottle of water, she opened the door and was

taken aback when a big beefy man pushed

himself into the room and sat down on the

bed. For a moment she did could not

recognise him and then she realised that

this no one other than Mohammad, the dreaded

don of Garden Reach -- one of the most

powerful gangsters in the city. Rina was

shocked at his behaviour but knew better

than to protest.

"What can I do for you, Sir?"

"Do you know who I am?"

"Of course, Sir, how can I not ..."

"Good. I have a simple proposal for you that

I am sure you will agree to."

Rina was silent, not knowing what to expect,

but Mohammad continued. "You must bear me a


Rina's head reeled! She could have

reluctantly agreed to spend a night or two

with this most powerful person but to bear

his c***d? at this age? when she already had

a twenty year old son? the thought was too

chaotic to comprehend.

"Why me Sir?" Rina pleaded with folded

hands, "I am sure that there are many other

younger and more beautiful girls who will be

happy to."

"Why would you not be happy?" Mohammad


"Sir, I have a son and it will turn our

world all topsy turvy."

"But you are the most perfect specimen of

Bengali motherhood that I have ever come

across and I have decided that you will be

the mother of c***d." Before she could

reply, Mohammad, in one swift movement had

grabbed her in one hand and with the other

had pressed a scented towel, that he had

pulled out from his pocket, against her


Rina woke up next morning and found herself

in large and comfortably furnished bedroom

with large windows through which the sun was

streaming in. Wondering where she was and

how did she get here, she suddenly realised

with a start that she was stark naked --

except for the contraption around her waist.

Rushing to the mirror on a dressing table,

she saw to her horror that she had been

trapped in a chastity belt. Her cunt was now

hidden behind a flat stainless steel mesh

through which she could pee and her asshole

was visible between the V shaped chains that

ran across her butt. This was held together

with a steel belt that sat, thankfully,

comfortably on her waist just above the

swell of her hips -- and all this was

secured with a small, but wicked looking

padlock that sat at her navel. She could

shit and she could pee but there was no way

anyone could shove a prick into her cunt,

unless he had the key to that little

padlock. She was trying to twist and pull at

the lock when Mohammad entered the room,

"There is no point in trying to break it my

dear, you will fail and hurt yourself ... it

is only in this key that lies your

deliverance." Mohammad held a tiny key in

his hand.

Rina tried to beg and plead but to no avail

and finally Mohammad spelt out his terms.

Rina will be allowed to go home and be with

this son but from now onward, she would

always be locked into the chastity belt. For

the one week around her ovulation period she

will have to come to this hideaway and be

available for impregnation by Mohammad. Once

her pregnancy was confirmed, she would be

freed from the belt and allowed to carry the

baby to term. After successful delivery, she

would have the option of either continuing

to stay with Mohammad, as his partner, or if

she so desired, could walk away with

significant amount of cash in her bank


"Then he dropped me back at Dalhousie at

dusk and gave me a stack of ten thousand

rupees for my troubles." Rina finished

telling her story to Rik.

"Didn't you ask him to drop you back home?"

"He deliberately would not. He does not want

anybody to either know me or about the baby

as there are others who do not want such a

baby to survive," and all of a sudden she

broke down. "How did I get into this mess

Rik? How shall we get out of this?"

"Relax, Ma," Rik pulled his mother into his

arms. "Don't panic, we have time to think

through this and work out a solution."

"Ok, k**." Rina cuddled up to her son.

"Fine, first things first, how uncomfortable

is this belt? Have you taken a pee yet?"

"No I have been so scared and tensed."

"So let us begin with that ... "

Rik led Rina to the tiny Indian Style Toilet

where she squatted and both were relieved to

note that her pee streamed out through the

mesh without any problem.

"This is a big relief," sighed Rina,

splashing a mug of water at her crotch and

sliding her fingers behind the mesh to wash

away the piss.

"And of course your potty would not be a

problem either as there is a big gap between

the two chains."

"But this is still so uncomfortable, how can

I live like this?"

"Until you become pregnant. Which brings me

to the next question, did you have sex with


"No, we did not. Either he was in a hurry or

he did not want to force me .. but he did

check about my periods and I told him that I

was in my safe period, which would have made

it pointless."

"So when will you ovulate? and how will he


"That will be a week from now, and he has

given me a mobile phone with which I am

supposed to get in touch with him."

"We have some time to think, and plan our

next move."

"Rik, I have an idea. Can't we break this


"But then he would get to know and then we

don't know how he will react! You cannot

antagonise Mohammad in this city."

"But even if we could, it would make my life

a little comfortable."

"Should I look for a locksmith?"

"Someone discreet, who will not spread the


Late that night, Rik led by hand an eighty

year old arthritic locksmith, Rahim Chacha,

or Uncle Rahim, to their flat and explained

the problem. Rina was in her bedtime

"nightie", a slipover gown used by Bengali

housewives that she pulled up over her belly

and spread her legs so that Rahim could see

the lock that they expected him to pick.

Rahim studied the lock for sometime.

Evidently he too had never been called upon

for such a task! "Madam, may I put my hand

inside the strap? To see how it is fixed?"

"Go ahead. I have no option but to have your

hands on my cunt." Rina sniggered, trying to

lighten the mood.

"It has been ages since I have touched a

woman's pubis. After my wife died, which

woman will touch this old bull."

"Chacha, you get me out of this and I will

personally make sure that you get erect


Rahim grinned and slid his hands under the

strap and felt his way through the tangle of

Rina's pubic hair. After feeling around for

a while, that actually made Rina squirm, he

withdrew and painted a rather bleak picture.

"This is a very complicated key and I need

some kind of a model to begin with."

"How can we get a model?"

"If you could somehow get an imprint of the

key in wax, then I would be able to make one

more key and set madam free from this evil



Ten days later, Rik was pacing up and down

in their little flat as he waited for his

mother to get back from her first "breeding"

session with Mohammad. So far it had gone

very smoothly. The day before her scheduled

ovulation, Rina had got a call on the mobile

that Mohammad had given her asking her to go

to specific location in the city and board a

particular car that would be parked there at

a specific time. She should carry a single

duffle bag with clothes, personal toiletries

but no cellphone other than the one that she

had been given. Rina had left as directed

and had subsequently called Rik just once,

to announce her safe arrival wherever she

was and now after three nights and four days

she was due back in the evening.

Just after nine, there was a soft knock on

the door and as Rik opened it, there was his

mother, not tired and bedraggled but smiling

and fresh as the bouquet of roses that she

held in her hand!

Quickly closing the door behind her, Rik

hugged her to his chest and then led her to

the bedroom.

"How was it Ma?"

"Honestly, k**, had it not been for the

circumstances, this could have been the best

date that I have been on."

"Did he fuck you?" Rik was quick to come to

the point.

"Of course, he did. That is why he had taken

me there."

"Did you treat you well?"

"Could not have been been better! k**. This

is his secret love nest that no one knows


"How was the sex?"

"Ah! That is the challenge and now I know

why we are going through all this ..."

"What do you mean?"

"Let me explain. This guy looks like a real

stud, big shoulders, six packs and what not

that your namesake Ritwik Roshan would be

proud of."

"So how many orgasms did you have in this

last three days?"

"Now that is the real problem."


"You see Mohammad has this larger than life

image of a powerful stud and runs a huge

criminal empire but I strongly suspect that

he is impotent?"

"What? he could not fuck you?" Rik was


"Actually he finds it very difficult to get

and sustain an erection and even when he

ejaculates it is hardly a teaspoon, if at

all -- I had a great difficulty to fake an

orgasm, as otherwise he was becoming very

upset and agitated and I did not want to

antagonise him."

"So that explains all this weird scheme."

"Right. He cannot reveal to the world that

he is sexually impotent and yet he wants an

heir for the huge wealth that he has


"That is a problem as we cannot get rid of

him until you get impregnated."

"You have hit the nail on the head and there

is no way I can use someone else as long as

I am trapped in this belt."

"Tell me about the place that you were."

"I would not know where I was since he was

driving me in car with tinted windows but I

think it was close to the docks, near the

river. I heard the siren of a ship."

"Who else was there in the building?"

"None, except for mentally challenged boy

who stays in the house and acts as a cook

cum caretaker."

"Hm .. and how is he? helpful? friendly?"

"s**tterbrained! Mohammad does not want

anyone who can spy on his impotence."

"Is he an eunuch? the kind sultans would

keep to guard the harem?"

"On the contrary, I think he is hyper-

sexual. In fact I saw him masturbating!"


"Actually, Mohammad treats him like a piece

of furniture, or a pet dog. In fact he had

once walked in with the cellphone that was

ringing, when Mohammad was fucking me, his

prick was actually buried in my cunt."

"So he takes phone calls during such tender


"He is always taking phone calls especially

if they are from peddlers of aphrodisiacs!

You see he is still searching for the magic

potion there."

"Ok, now what about the masturbation?"

"Well Mohammad went off with the call and

this servant, he calls him Buddhu, saw me

naked and put his hand inside his pajamas

and started to jerk himself!"

"Didn't his master mind that?"

"No, when he got back, he just laughed it

off. Apparently he has had his tubes tied, a

vasectomy, that makes him effectively

impotent! But his a****l sex drive is


"We need to factor all this into our plans."

"Have you already made a plan?"

"Not yet Ma, I am thinking. Ok when did he

unlock you? Only for the fuck or all this


"Thankfully, I was free till about three

hours ago."

"And did you see the key?"

"Yes, normally he keeps it in his purse but

after unlocking me he had kept it in the


"What does it look like?"

"Like any other key but it has lots of


"Great! Let us think of a plan and in the

meanwhile, let me welcome my mother home

with a big hug and cuddle in our bed."

After three nights of missing each other,

mother and son shed their clothes and got

into bed and even though the belt was an big

irritation, they kissed, fondled, petted

each other into sleep. But there was a plan

that was germinating in Rik's mind that he

would share and discuss with his mother




Mohammad was in a towering rage. For the

past one hour, ever since he had reached his

love nest in the evening, Rina had been

sucking his cock and squeezing his testicles

but still he could not get an erection!

"Relax, Boss," Rina trying to be as gentle

as possible, "It is all in the mind. You

must be very stressed out today."

"You bet I am," retorted Mohammad. "I have

just had two members of Ramlal's gang

murdered and the police are looking for my

shooters. That is why I could not come and

fuck you yesterday."

"I am sure your brother will be able to

handle the case."

"Given a chance, I am sure that that mother

fucker would have me murdered and take over

my business."

"Does he know that we are here?"

"No way! If he knew I was here alone with

you he would be here with this gang to shoot

me dead."

"Who else knows about this lovenest of


"None, except Buddhu .. I have killed the

scoundrel who built this and now this is


"Forget killing, let us make love and the

c***d that you are looking for." Rina was

switching the topic.

"That is why I am here sweetie, to plant my

seed in your womb when you are fertile!"

"Then leave that bottle of whisky and take

me in your arms"

Mohammad propped himself up against the

headstand of the giant bed and pulled Rina

into his chest, between his thighs. Both of

them were stark naked. He had a glass of

cheap whisky in one hand while with his

other hand was on Rina's crotch, stroking

her bush and fondling her cunt.

"Ooh ..." gurgled Rina with pleasure. She

thrust out her tits and threw her head back

against Mohammad's chest, sending the thick

cascade of her hip length hair all the way

down to brush against his flaccid penis. If

only he would get erect! Mohammad let go of

her pubis and grabbed her hair in his fist.

Then he pulled her head backward and poured

the whisky gently through her open lips.

Rina cooed with pleasure and flipped around

so that her tits were on his chest and his

crotch was against his cock. They hugged and

rubbed against each other but to no avail.

"This cannot go on like this," Rina thought

to herself, "it is time to take some


"Let me go get a cigarette." Rina pulled

herself off Mohammad's chest and walked to

the dressing table at the end of the room.

Lying on it was Rina's vanity case,

containing her toiletries and also more

importantly, Mohammad's purse containing the

all important key! But instead of touching

the purse, Rina put her hand inside her

case, quietly located the cell phone that

she had been given and pressed a one touch


Back in her flat, Rik jumped as his phone

rang and his mother's number showed up. He

picked up the phone but on not hearing

anything else he disconnected quickly. Now

the script started to roll. Rina took some

time to find and light a cigarette. Then he

took a big drag and blew a smoke ring.

"Boss, you want one?" she asked.

But before Mohammad could answer his own

cell rang. Someone was on the line with an

offer of a real tiger penis -- the ultimate

aphrodisiac in the eyes of many in Asia!

This was an offer that Mohammad could not

refuse. He started talking animatedly,

asking about details of prices and possible

delivery options.

While Mohammad was busy, Rina, who was of

course expecting the call, moved to shield

the table with her body. Then she opened

Mohammad's purse and pulled out the key.

Next she opened her own case and took out a

powder compact but instead of the usual

cosmetic, this one was filled to the brim

with wax in which she pressed the key and

made an impression. Quickly scrubbing off

the wax from the key by rubbing it on her

chest, she put it back in Mohammad's purse

just as he was finishing the call.

Mohammad was beaming with pleasure and

readily accepted the lighted cigarette that

Rina offered. "Let me tell you about this

tiger's penis that this fellow has promised

to sell me ..."

"Just a minute," Rina interrupted him, "let

me get my own cigarette."

Mohammad continued to puff on the cigarette

as Rina calmly walked back to the table and

without any sign outward sign of urgency --

even though her heart was thumping inside --

picked up the compact case, closed the lid

and placed it deep inside her bag!

"Tell me about the penis." She was still too

edgy to get back in bed because she had

broken out in cold sweat and did not want

Mohammad to guess that something was wrong.

She lit another cigarette, sat down on the

edge of the table and started smoking like a


"Ten grams for ten thousand rupees,"

exclaimed Mohammad, "that is cheap."

"It is i*****l, so how will he deliver it

and collect the money?"

"He said he will send it to wherever I want,

very privately." She had not thought that

this would move as fast as this, but the

nicotine in her blood gave her an instant

breakthrough idea.

"Why don't you ask him to send it to my

address? After all such things are not

uncommon in our area."

"That is a wonderful idea. I will fix it up

and give you the cash," and Rina smiled

secretly at the thought of Rik selling him

ten grams of tiger's penis!

But Mohammad was suddenly in an upbeat mood.

Things were happening and if only he could

get even a slight erection, then the evening

would not be wasted. An idea snapped through

his mind.

"Rina, the tiger's penis will come next

month but I need a stiffner now and I shall

use what I have with me."

"What do you have?"


"Buddhu? that idiot as an aphrodisiac? what

do you mean?"

"Next month you will see the tiger's penis

but now I will show you Buddhu's penis and I

will come by watching him fuck you in front

of me."

"Oh God, what else will I have to suffer,"

sighed Rina to herself, but she was in for a

very pleasant surprise.

Mohammad hollered to Buddhu and the fellow

trotted in like a pet dog. For a moment he

was nonplussed looking at his master and his

lover, both naked!

Mohammed got out of the bed and walked over

to Buddhu. Then he pulled off his vest and

released the cord of his pajamas making them

drop to the floor. Rina gasped as she saw

the large penis and the huge balls that hung

flaccid behind it. "Ah, what a treasure,"

Mohammad was speaking to himself and

stroking his servants penis. "Now I know,"

said Rina to herself, "this guy is a gay and

he needs a man to excite himself."

"Buddhu, I know that you have been

masturbating with this beautiful fairy ever

since she came here but today I am allowing

you fuck her, right here in front of me."

It did not take much more to get Buddhu

moving. Beaming with pleasure he grabbed

Rina and pushed her on the cot and started

to rub his nose in her pubic hair and lick

her cunt. Rina coo-ed with pleasure and

spread her legs and within seconds, Buddhu's

penis, now erect, enlarged and engorged with

blood was embedded deep inside her. Rina let

out a scream of pleasure as she felt his

giant penis slide through her vagina and

thud into the back of her womb. And then he

started hammering her and with each thrust,

she felt as if an electric shock was going

through her body -- what a change from his

masters feeble thrusts!

Mohammad by now was showing a small erection

and he kneeled over Rina's heads and dangled

his penis on her lips. Knowing that this was

the boss' tool, Rina had to take her mind

away from the thundering piston in her cunt

to the candle at her lips. By now Buddhu was

ravishing her, his hands squishing her

breasts, his lips sucking at her lips but

Rina had to push his face away and pull

Mohammad's penis into her mouth .... and as

she sucked on it harder and harder, it

slowly grew stiff and hard between her lips.

But the inexorable piston in her vagina was

taking its toll in terms of pure pleasure

and it was not long before Rina started to

shiver and squirm as wave after wave of

ecstasy flooded through her. She gave a

scream of pleasure and raised her legs up in

the sky and Buddhu grabbed and pushed them

backward and kept hammering until his penis

erupted with thick creams of semen that

flooded into Rina. Fortunately Mohammad too

had got caught up with all this excitement

and thin stream of fluid leaked out of his

penis which Rina, even in all this she had

kept her head, licked clean.

Buddhu collapsed on Rina's chest that was

still heaving with excitement when

Mohammad's phone rang again. He put it to

his ear, snarled and cursed at what he

heard, quickly extricated himself and went

to the next room to take the call.

Rina looked up and saw Buddhu grinning

stupidly at her. She smiled, grabbed his

hair and pushed his face down into her

crotch so that his face was now streaked

with his own cum that had leaked out of her.

Mohammad came back in a royal rage. Things

were getting out of control on the police

front and it was imperative for him to go

out and manage stuff.

"Look sweetie, you stay here tonight and I

will come back tomorrow evening, after


"Shall be eagerly waiting for you Boss."

"If we still have time, we will have another

fuck, but otherwise, I will lock you up and

send you home."

"Perhaps Buddhu could drop me back, if you

are too tied up .."

"No," Mohammad cut him off quickly, "no one

knows about you, no one moves you. Feel free

to move around the house but do not step out

in the compound. No one should see you."

Mohammad left, Rina locked the doors of the

bedroom behind him -- she did not want

Buddhu back yet. She thought of calling Rik

but decided against it -- perhaps her line

was tapped! But she did something else.

She opened the back of the cheap mobile

phone that Mohammad had given her and pulled

out the battery. Then she felt at the base

of her duffel bag and found two almost

invisible wires that she attached to the

battery! Would it work?

Back home Rik, who had been watching the

Google Latitude App on his Android phone

ever since the evening, gave a shout of joy

as his mother's location became visible on

Google Maps! So she was in Garden Reach,

just beside CESC's Southern Generating

Station at the edge of the river. The

Entertainment Weekly magazine that had come

with a primitive Android phone embedded

inside it was lying in the corner of the

room, but he had managed to tear it apart

and extract the motherboard. A simple

prepaid chip had activated it and he had

programmed it so that whenever the battery

was connected it would boot up, start the

GPS and broadcast its position! Rina had

stitched this tiny contraption into the

canvas wall of the bag but they had left the

battery out because of its bulk.

Rina waited with the phone until it received

an incoming call -- there was no ringtone of

course, but the phone vibrated, once, twice,

thrice and stopped. Immediately there was

another call but this rang twice. Three-two,

that was the code! Rik had located her

position!! Rina quickly remove the battery

and put it back in her own phone -- just in

case Mohammad called!

But Mohammad was too busy that night and

Rina fell asleep to wake up next morning to

find Buddhu knocking at the door with her


After breakfast, Rina spent an hour going

around the house, trying to figure out as

much as she could of the surroundings. It

was a one story building with a very high

compound wall and a single gate that was

locked from outside! Beyond the wall, all

that she could see looked like the chimney

of power station? Metiabruz? or Mulajore?

and then she remembered the ship sirens, so

it must near the k**derpore Docks. She tried

to ask Buddhu but he seemed to be living up

to his name. It was very difficult to get

anything out of him. Then it struck her!

She waited for lunch and after a short nap,

went looking for Buddhu. He was pottering

around in the kitchen when she tiptoed

behind him and without any warning lightly

squeezed his balls! He looked around, turned

around and smiled. Immediately she untied

the cords, dropped his pajamas, knelt down

in front of him and started to suck his

cock. Buddhu was delighted and his sexual

passions were unleashed. Within minutes he

had Rina on the floor and was fucking her

madly. Once he had ejaculated, Rina led him

to the living room, sat down on the sofa,

pushed him to the floor, grabbed hold of his

hair and gently pressed his face into her


Buddhu started licking his own cum from

Rina's crotch as she gently tickled his ear.

"Which part of the city is this Buddhu?"

"We are in Metiabruz, Garden Reach, madam."

"And what is that chimney out there?"

"That is the electricity generating


"So we are close to the Hooghly river."

"Yes Madam it is very close by."

"Can you take me to the river bank?"

"No, Master-saab will beat me if I let you

out of the door."

"Please Buddhu, you are such a horny stud.

You can fuck me again."

"I will not let you out of the door but I

can take you under the river."

"Under the river, dont talk rubbish Buddhu."

"I always go under the river."


"Tunnel!" He grinned, and then it suddenly

stuck Rina. Of course, the electric company

had a tunnel that ran from the generating

station, under the river to the Botanical

Garden on the other bank.

"How can you use that tunnel? It belongs to

the company."

"Come Madam, I will show you ..."

Buddhu led Rina to the kitchen and then

showed how with a smart turn on a single

knob, one of the cupboards opened inwards

and revealed steps going down.

"How far does this go?"

"This goes down about 30 feet and then there

is another very big tunnel with thick wires

running through it and that goes all the way

to the other bank." Obviously this must be a

tunnel that Mohammad had made that joins up

with the main company tunnel. This must be

his secret escape route, in case he needed


"Can I go down there please?"

"Not today, some other time. It will take an

hour to go and come back. Master will be

back and will be angry if does not find us."

He was right. Dusk was falling and Mohammad

would be here soon so there was no point in

taking any more risk today. She had just

about had a bath when Mohammad stormed into

the building, quickly locked her up again in

her chastity belt and quietly took her out

of the building in the car. This time she

noticed that they passed through a dim,

dark, narrow and completely deserted road

with hardly any lights that twisted and

turned before finally emerging in the main

road. Then it was quick drive through

Taratala before he dropped her off at

Tollygunge station of the Metro. Now it

would be simple ride to Bowbazar.

Rik had almost pulled Rahim chacha, the

locksmith, out of his creaky bed when he

visited his humble home next morning and

showed him the wax impression of the key

that Rina had brought back last night. Now

he watched impatiently as the old man took a

blank key and slowly and carefully filed it

to match the profile of the impression.

"How does this look?" Rahim finally handed

over the rough key to Rik who was fidgeting

around in front of him.

"Will this open the lock?"

"Not immediately. We need to to actually put

it in the lock, keep trying and making small

changes until the levers finally match up."

"So please let us go out to our flat and do

that right now."

Rina's back was aching! She was sprawled on

the bed, on her back, with her legs spread

out and dangling over the edge. She was

naked, of course, but for the belt at her

crotch and Rahim was sitting on the floor,

between her legs and trying to force the

lock with the makeshift key. She had tried

to retain her blouse and bra, and a modicum

of modesty, but after an hour of futile

struggle, the humid, stuffiness of the hot

afternoon had made her shed that residual

coyness by taking them off as well. A thin

patina of sweat gleamed on the chocolate

swell of her chocolate breasts and the

wrinkled disc of her aureola.

Rik and Rina had almost given up hope when

with quiet 'click' the lock opened and the

sheet covering her vagina fell out!

"Got it!" shouted Rahim and Rik jumped up in

joy! Rina scrambled out of the bed and

tossed away the belt and started rubbing her

crotch and thighs! Then she suddenly leaned

forward and kissed the bearded Muslim

locksmith on his mouth!

"But now I want my payment in kind." The old

man was grinning from ear to ear. "Never

have I unlocked such a treasure as this."

"It is all your's Chacha, go ahead." She

leaned forward, grabbed his head and placed

it between her thighs and immediately felt

the coarse, hot tongue of the hungry old man

licking her cunt. After the initial

excitement of freedom and cunt sucking, Rina

went off to make some tea while Rahim,

professional as ever, relocked, opened and

relocked the belt a number of times to make

sure that no one would ever know that now

Rina was again the mistress of her own


Rina had the ten thousand rupees that

Mohammad had given her for the tiger penis

that was supposed to be delivered to her and

she gave half of it to Rahim, something that

she would regret later, and the locksmith

went home as a very happy man. Now it was

time for mother and son to celebrate their

new found freedom!

"Yippee ...." screamed Rik as soon as the

door had closed behind Rahim and jumped on

his mother, pinning her to the bed. She had

not put on any clothes yet and she savored

her son's hand as they roamed over her naked

body, fondling her breasts, tweaking her

nipples and more importantly, squeezing her

pubic mound, twirling her bush and teasing

the folds of her vagina. Somewhere along the

line, his pants had dropped off and his

penis, now hard, erect and throbbing was

rubbing against her cunt. Danger! A warning

went off in her mind.

"k**do, listen. I have something important

to tell you."

"I know the Lakhsman Rekha Ma, the line that

I must not cross, Don't worry, my penis will

not penetrate your cunt."

"No listen, it is something more important

than that."


"Listen carefully and understand what I am


"I am all ears, even though my mind seems to

be on yo

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[note: I have taken great liberties with the publication dates of a quite famous television series that went into reruns--MASH and the release dates of two acclaimed movies--Zulu and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. What can I tell you? Fiction is a constrained set of lies by definition.] Early April, 1987. Tuesday. Why did I ignore all my other possible choices and go directly to the University of Illinois? During my selection process they came in second. After calling the...

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High School French Teacher

(This story is part fact, and part fiction. I won't tell you what is what, you'll have to figure it out on your own…Sorry, I guess it's a little long, but I hope you enjoy it.)I was a highly under-sexed, but extremely horny high school student. This was back in the big-hair days of the ‘80s. I still think some of the best porn came from those days. Beating the cum out of my cock watching a young Ginger Lynn, Nina Hartley, Taija Rae, Barbara Dare (a secret crush of mine back on the day) Christy...

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Photoshoot With Mom Turns Steamy

Coming to introuctons first, I am a nineteen year old boy studying in class 11. I work out and have a good body. I have a good stamina also and a nice 7 inches clean cock. I am not nymphomaniac but when I get horny, my desires dont die with a quick masturbation, it goes on for hours. My father seperated from her when I was a little kid and it was my Mom who took care of me since then. She is 40, working in a high end magazine as Editorial Manager. Unlike most Moms, she’s not fat or out of...

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Erect Super Cock

Background Erected Super Cock is about a stud named Freddy Santos, he is 25 years old a Brazilian living in Rio. Freddy is a self employed gym trainer. He has a muscled lean body with a six pack. He has black curly hair, smooth body with no hair on his chest and shaved pubic. He is single and lives alone in a flat. Living alone his passion is to keep a lean tone body is a constant focus. He lift weights for 2 hours every morning, totally naked in front of a mirror admiring his toned muscles....

2 years ago
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White Tigers Summer of FunChapter 6 Friday Change of Pace

When I had looked at some of the pamphlet’s the Hotel’s concierge had, I had seen an activity I was interest in trying. It took a while to persuade Mom to have a go, but she finally relented. I even managed to get them to call the orphanage group and allow Alex to join us for the day, since it was something he would enjoy, but the younger kids couldn’t do. So the four of us turned up in the car the hotel had provided, at the paintball venue the next morning. Dad paid for all of the rental...

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Sweeties Beginings Part 7

Danielle and I didn't have sex for almost two weeks after I moved in. I would try to interest her while we were in bed, but she couldn't be bothered. I asked her about one Thursday as we sat on the couch together. "What?" she asked, with total reprehension in her voice. "Well, Danni, we haven't had sex in almost two weeks. I want to know if everything is ok," I said hesitantly. "Are you kidding me? Are you really asking me that? Is that all this relationship is about: sex?" "No,...

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sex games part3

the two sisters anne and nicole, started to get scared, they wanted more privacy.on this particular island campground spot there were old abandoned cottages.why not check them out.,just as soon as my sister got some close back we went towards the cottages karen started to get personel with me.she wanted to know more about me.she acted like she wanted a steady boyfriend, i only wanted to have fun.i just told her what she wanted to hear. she was six years older then me, and was probably...

1 year ago
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A Brunch Munch

“Oh My God; you bitch”, I exclaimed loudly, then added, “You bastard.” I needed to say both at once. I saw two things I hadn’t ever visualised together, my mum’s mouth and my boyfriend’s erect cock. I went down the stairs in Darren’s shirt. There had been a sudden extraordinarily sexy raunchiness that filled me when I decided spur of the moment to put on Darren’s shirt. It was the first time I had ever done it. My lover boy was downstairs in my kitchen, only in his boxers, getting...

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My First BBC Experience

Hi guys, I’m back with yet another experience to share with you all. Firstly thank you, everyone, for the feedback on . Sorry if I haven’t replied to your feedback as I have been a little busy. Now coming to this one. This particular incident happened exactly a year ago, Feb 2020. For those of you who don’t know me yet, a quick intro- I’m Sarah, 24 years old from Mumbai and my stats are 36-26-36. I’m a little slutty and have a high sex drive. Coming back to the incident. Michael is an old...

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Friendly with his sister

I remember this story very well. I was around 16 at the time. Me and my best friend were having a sleepover, at his house and towards the middle of the night started talking about… I remember this story very well. I was around 16 at the time. Me and my best friend were having a sleepover, at his house and towards the middle of the night started talking about girls in our school and stuff as we were becoming slightly horny. We both admitted to each other than none of us had masterbated...

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Aliens GiftPart 4 The Confrontation

I. Having suspected danger, Colt had used his gift to scan his mother's house and that was when he discovered Tricia immobilized. He did a quick surface scan and was startled to find her empty. For the first time in his new life he felt real fear. He then dove deeper into Tricia's mind and only after sifting through complete darkness did he come across a small box held by a thin thread. Colt nudged the box and discovered Tricia inside. "Colt, please help me! Please get me out of here!"...

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CherryPimps Skylar Snow Accidentally Fucking My Husbands Twin

Skylar Snow loves jogging and after a nice run one morning she returns home to who she thinks is her Husband and she wants to exercise more all over that big black cock so bad that she doesn’t even realize it is her Husbands twin brother who has been staying at their house! She sucks and fucks that hard cock and he can not believe that she came on to him; this is his brothers wife! All he wanted to do was stay at the house but how can anyone say no to big all natural tits getting put in...

3 years ago
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Testing wives

Testing wives in their loyalty begins to be štandardom.Zaolá the guy dealing with it, and the amount agreed conditions and can go down to it. Immediately upon leaving the work her and her colleges Hank pause and an unidentified man if you do not want privirobiť.Hanka now but she refused my weight and it was the impetus to further her nalamoval.Sľúbil her e 200 if it proves breasts. Súhlasila.Zobral it in the basement of an apartment building where he had already prepared the space for such...

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HandsOnHardcore Angelica Heart Cheating Wife Angelica Heart Swallows a Load After Sexy Poolside Anal

It’s a hot summer day and Angelica Heart – a sexy Hungarian model – has her fingers deep inside of her pussy while catching some sun rays by the poolside. Knowing that her husband is out of town in France, her secret lover Vince Karter decides to join her for a bit of relaxation and fun. Vince comes up behind Angelica, places a blindfold over her eyes, and starts to softly caress her pink clit. After she’s wet, he puts his cock in her mouth and takes the blindfold off. Vince then passionately...

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Chapter 1 Ellalee was black. I don't mean that she was just African-American, Ellalee was one of those rare negroes that was so dark in complexion that she actually looked blue-black. Enough about Ellalee's skin color, Ellalee was beautiful. She was nineteen years old, 5'10" and 135 lbs. Her hair had been straightened and hung to the middle of her back and with her general good looks, she had no problems finding boy friends. Her face was not that of the typical negro, her nose was only...

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Threesome with a Friend true story

Phil and Rose hadn’t played with any couples or singles since they married five years ago, in the past they had met and played with a number of other couples who they met via sites on the internet, but they had never before risked inviting a friend to the bedroom. Simon was a long time friend of Phil’s they knew each other from school. Simon was a single guy having separated from his wife the previous year. He was tall, dark haired and what ladies would call fit. Simon worked long shifts and...

4 years ago
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Campground Gangbang

When my boyfriend Jason told me he was going away on a camping trip for a week with a bunch of his mates, I wasn't very impressed. I had taken a couple of weeks off work and was looking forward to spending it with him. Jason and I had been going out for about six years and it had been pretty good, as relationships are at the start. The last year though, we had been arguing more, usually about stupid little things. This wasn't the first time that Jason had gone away camping with his friends....

Group Sex
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Flight Fantasy Part 1

FLIGHT FANTASAY – PART 1 Every red blooded American male has had, at one time or another, a fantasy about stewardesses. I am no different. This is not my fantasy, however this actually happened.  By the time I was 30, I had served my obligation to the military for my education and been married and divorced. About that time I was recruited by a small plastics company in Temecula, California whose boss/owner Leonard was this genius at plastics. He said he was going to build a company around...

2 years ago
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Siblings Make The Best Sex Partners

This is a fictional creation and should be taken as is. Any resemblance of names, places and or acts should be considered incidental. The best sex is between any two consensual partners who love and enjoy sex and know when and how not to hurt each other. Enjoy and as usual, please do not hesitate to comment. Thank you. ************* I Christopher, am not sure but tend to believe that most siblings play with each other as they are growing up playing their share of “doctor” games and examining...

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TeamSkeetLabs Blake Blossom Concept Landlord Rent

What is Landlord/Rent? It’s when the landlord comes asking for rent but the women usually have no way to pay so they offer to pay with sexual favors. In today’s update, when landlord Johnny The Kid comes knocking on Blake Blossom’s door demanding rent money, she refuses to let him in and pretends she’s not home. Johnny finds a way to sneak in and confront Blake about the payments, but turns out that she doesn’t have the money so he proposes an alternative form of payment. If Blake agrees to...

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Computer Blues and Naughty Fun

Yesterday was the craziest day I ever had. My computer was on the fritz. My husband owns his own company and sent a technical guy over to look at it. I was feeling horny and wanting to have sex and figured, when he came to look at it, I'd approach him for sex. My husband doesn’t care if I have sex with people. But, later I had even a bigger surprise. I'll go over all the details of what happened yesterday. I was just waiting around for my husband’s technical guy to come over. I was hoping my...

Group Sex
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Goes Without SayingChapter 9

It was a Thursday evening in July, two and a half months after her death. David sat slumped in his chair in the living room. Beth was fast asleep in her cot, and he had just finished reading Evan his nightly story. The boy always took a long time to go to sleep, though he had given up asking when Mummy was going to come and tuck him in. Each time it had wrung David’s heart afresh. Each time he told the little one that Mummy was looking down on him and loving him, and had given the little lad...

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Telugu vari kosam oka manchi katta

Hi I am a great fan of ISS. I will share my experience with my maid. This story is happened on may. Now introducing me. Naa peeru cherry. Nennu degree poorte chesannu. Nennu baganne untannu. Neenu holidays lo maa native place ki vellannu. Eppudu story lo kee veldamammu.Oka roju maa family vallu andarru tirumala ki vellaru.Neenu matrra may house lo unnannu.a ratrianta nennu bf lu chussi allage nidra poyannu.a roju udayam maa paani manisi vachindi.amme accham sowdarya lage undi.naku mathi...

1 year ago
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Crisis at IshtarChapter 46 Visiting Captains

Bethany walked forward once Brad had left the room. I was puzzled by her action until she reached down to pick up something. It took just a moment for me to recognize that it was the uniform Captain Gates had been wearing when she first arrived. "We definitely should return that to her soon," I said. Bethany nodded, but made no move to exit the transporter room. Instead, she walked over to stand next to me at the control panel. I turned to ask her a question as the speakers started to...

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Curse of the Incubi Ch 01

Chapter 1 Spring break... I've never really done much during school break, or any other break for that matter, other than a few church camps here and there during high school. This year, my dorm mate, Jeremy, invited a bunch of people down to his dad's condo, or penthouse as he puts it, in Cancun. From what I hear, his place is ginormous, with plenty of room for over a dozen people. Honestly, the whole situation sounded a bit uncomfortable, but interesting at the same time. It's been...

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My life this year

I take the bus home from school most days. This year has been busy for me as I've been studying a lot trying to keep my grades up. It's around 3:30 and school finally ends for the day, I had gym last period so I had a casual walk out to my bus stop. Soon my friend Peter comes out of school and joins me at the bus stop with seconds to spare before the bus came. He's about 5ft10" and muscular also. Peters sister is following behind him, Cathy, she's about 1 year and a half older than Peter...

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Understanding the GSPOT and Female Sexuality

Understanding theG-SPOTand Female SexualityA 10-Step Guidefor Unleashing the Ultimate in Female Ecstasyby Donald L. HicksUnderstanding the G-Spot and Female Sexuality:A 10-Step Guide for Unleashing the Ultimate in Female EcstasyCopyright © 2001, Donald L. HicksAll rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without writtenpermission from the author.Cover Photo:...

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Annas Magic Ch 06

When I awoke the next morning the sun was glistening into the living room and Anna and Holly were nowhere to be found. Slowly I rose up from the couch and walked towards the kitchen. As I approached I could hear two faint voices laughing and giggling in the breakfast nook. I turned the corner and there sat the girls, sipping coffee and sifting through magazines. I sat myself down and shook the grogginess of sleep from my head. ‘Good morning sunshine!’ They both exclaimed brightly at the same...

1 year ago
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Sin BravelyChapter 39

"I was beginning to worry," Eva said as the train gave a soft jerk and then another before pulling away from Prague station. It was bound for Paris via Munich, among other places. "I couldn't decide," Wolfgang shrugged, sliding the compartment door closed behind him. He locked it and pulled the shade, smiling as he handed a package wrapped in silver foil to his sister. The gift had been bound with satin ribbon and a large red bow which made her smile. "Heavy," she observed with a...

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GhostChapter 6

Marek opened his eyes at Heather’s gasp. She was turning rapidly looking about her at the room that had materialised. Marek took a moment to look over Heather. She was tall, only about an inch shorter than he was in the heels she was wearing. Heather’s body was slender with the small firm breasts he had felt several times. He thought she looked better in the black cocktail dress he had imagined for her than he had expected she would. “Marek, how did, where did all this come from?” Heather...

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Cheryl and her brother satisfy each others needs

While I sit here expecting my own expose video to be posted soon, I am reminded of how many teen girls are fucking and are on the internet, the mixture of wild hormones, and the deepest need for good sex, are driving them into uncharted, sexual exploits.Cheryl, was not long into her teens, when her slightly older brother walked into the kitchen, where she sat having breakfast.Both parents worked so they were alone for that early part of the morning. One look at him and it was obvious he had an...

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Смазка из моей молодой пиздёнки и слюна уже пенились от продолжительной ебли моего рта, губками я крепко обхватывала член моего классного руководителя и он долбил мой ебальник не хуже чем задницу пол часа назад, на миг вытащив, он позволил мне вылизать его яйца.- Нравится тебе, Азель? Любишь быть давалкой?- Дааа, выебите пожалуйста мою попочку ещё раз, она соскучилась по вашему хую, заполните её спермой, мне нравится как вы долбите меня раздвигая булочки попки в стороны!Довольно улыбнувшись,...

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The Other Side of Me Part Twenty Four

The Other Side of Me - Part 24 by Lily Rasputin "Well?" The furious woman across the table from me said. "I'm waiting." I stared at my mother, pain aching in my chest as I was torn between the elated feeling of seeing her again, and the sheer terror that her sternest glare always provoked from deep inside me. Unlike my father, Mom was slow to anger, but when she got mad, she really got mad. I held up my hands, shaking my head back and forth. "I ..." Her finger came back up...

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My first mature lady

I was bored so I decided to start a course at the local college, in the evenings.So first class, and all my fellow students are coming in , mixed ages, and one lady of around 58 , nicely dressed, large breasts, nice, sturdy thighs, and a lovely smile.Hi I am Aileen , can I sit with you , yes sure , I am Haggis, oh I like that , we both laughed, I just knew, instantly that I wanted more from this lady .Over the weeks we went for coffee, and chatted, and became friendly .The holiday break was...

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Rocket Pop

It's only the first weekend of spring and today it is ungodly hot outside. I have all the windows open. A light breeze flows through the house and relief covers my body. That breeze is the only relief thats drifted through this house since about 9am this morning.It's so hot I don't hear kids playing around outside and it's only 11:30. I'm sprawled out on my bed with nothing on. Peter, my boyfriend, will be coming over in a little bit to fix my A.C. I thought I could go without one for a while,...

Quickie Sex
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Husband8217s Favourite Slut

I knew I’d fucked up. That was really the core of everything that happened after. Knowing, right down to the bone, that everything was totally my fault. Me and Todd had had a good thing going; good marriage, nice house, decent money… everything we could really look for. There were people our age who’d have killed for what we had. But I went ahead and ruined it anyway. But if I’m going to tell you all this, then I should explain a little better. My name’s Alice McMahon. Some of you may already...

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The Slave and the Sissy Part Two

Ella smiled with wicked anticipation as she ordered me to sniff her pussy but not lick, not yet. She teased her moist and shiny labia with a long slender finger, bringing the scent of her arousal to its aromatic maximum, then touched my nose and had me lick her finger. I ached to service her, and for release from my cage. My cock hurt, it was so tight in its trap, and dribbled sticky pre-cum much to my new Mistress’s delight. She giggled wickedly.“I’m so pleased to be able to have you at my...

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Trainer meets His Goal PT12 Blacken

Matt was sitting up in bed totally naked. His head was turned slightly toward Lisa, and she took in his handsome face and beautiful male body. His eyes were bloodshot from his tears, and the look on his strikingly handsome face was a mixture of hurt and fear.His back was arched against the pillow he had propped behind himself and his lean and taut torso curved downward toward the mattress. Lisa noted the finely shaped and toned muscles of his abdomen, and as her eyes took in his mid section,...

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Christy came home one afternoon after little cheerleader and her daddy was all dressed up.Where you going daddy” Christy asked“Out with a friend”, her dad replied.“Is it anyone I know”“Just a friend from work”“Well then is it ok if I spend the night with Staci? We are going to go over some cheerleading routines”.“Sure” said daddy. With that, Christy ran across the room and jumped in daddy’s arms, wrapped her legs tightly around him and gave him a big hug. God his little girl felt good he...

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Looking for Gentry part 4

Sometimes, you see a sign beside the border: "Virginia Welcomes You, Radar Detectors Are Illegal." Sometimes, there is a guard who scowls and slaps his stamp hard on a passport. Sometimes, there's just a line. And you don't see it till it's a long way behind you. I sat on Bobbie's sofa, watched her sleeping through her open bedroom door, trying not feel my life begin to shatter, trying not to think about what had just happened, what I'd just done. I'd crossed into a place I'd never...

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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 40

The next morning I got a good breakfast, figuring I might well need to fuel up for the whole day. Then I went back to my room and used the heel of the sturdy water tumbler the motel had thoughtfully provided to drive one of the nails partway into the heel of my shoe. I walked around the room clumpily to finish the job; when I was done it was firmly set. I was as ready as I'd ever be. There was still a stop I needed to make first. Following Susan's directions I braved the rush-hour...

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Clean Me

"Clean me," she said. "No." "WHAT? How dare you? I told you to clean me Sissy. Now do it." "No." "Clean me or get your worthless ass out." "You sure?" "You heard me. You clean my pussy right now or get out." "Done." I said, and without another word I gathered my pillow and my book and started for the guest room. "And just where do you think you're going?" she demanded. "I'm going to stay in our guest room until I can find an apartment. I'll start looking on Monday...

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True story:My wife is the perfect petite asian bride 26 yrs old and very shy, we have been married for 3 years now. Being older and more experienced I wanted my wife to play catch up in the sex life so we could explore our future with no regrets before the drudgery of life begins. Abby has always been very conservative in all aspects of her life and it was very hard to convince her to start showing off that beautiful athletic body, with her perfect pert tits and bubble butt out in any of the...

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Travels With CharliChapter 7

I awoke right when the first overly ambitious crack of sunlight entered the bedroom and I would have gladly dashed out of bed to close the curtains except even breathing seemed to hurt. A Lot. Crawling out of bed even sounded too painful despite the fact that I realized I really needed to take a piss badly. It was going to have to wait while I buried my head deeper under my pillow to wait for some of the pain to go away. "Dammit!" I heard a weak voice say next to me, "How much did you let...

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Sharecroppers DaughterChapter 3

The next day, Henry was using the fork lift to load up bales of cotton. It had been awhile since he last looked at the time, and wasn't sure if he would see Rose today. He frequently looked over towards the back field to see if he spotted her. Each time he looked, he failed to see anyone. By the time he finished loading, he had given up on looking for her. Calling it a day, he just pulled the fork lift back into the barn. When he closed the big barn door to lock it, he heard his name called...

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Gifted Grifter Ch 03

Gifted Grifter #3: Viva Las Vegas In my last few days at the Department of Defense, I worked on perfecting the secret discovery that would transform my life: a receive that could read people’s minds. Recognizing the opportunities my invention would afford, I had wanted to quit immediately, but I had promised my graduate assistant, Jessie, that I would wait three weeks so that she could finish collecting her dissertation data first. I would have honored that promise even if I hadn’t seduced her...

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The Blind Date 2

It was the night after the blind date, and Allie awakened to Andy sleeping next to her. She couldn’t help but smile at herself, knowing she scored big last night. She peeked under the covers, revealing Andy’s hard-on and his masculine chest. She wanted to wait until he was awake to be pleased, but she couldn’t help herself. She reached down to her swollen pussy and began to touch herself. She was moving her finger in circles, and just as she was about to slide her finger into her wet pussy,...

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Brendas Reunion

Brenda Powers received the invitation to her 13th high school reunion in the afternoon mail and was sitting in her kitchen pondering if she really wanted to go or not. For the umpteenth time that afternoon she looked at the date for the reunion and realized that there wasn't any reason for her not to go ... well only one reason really — that bitch Trisha Grant. Brenda wanted to see all of her old friends and dance and have a few drinks but if Trisha showed up she didn't know what would...

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