Chastity free porn video

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Hi. My name is Chastity. Yeah, it made it a little harder to get dates in high school, but fortunately most of the guys didn't know what it means lol.

I'm 32 years old, 5'1" tall, and weigh about 110. I have brown eyes, plain brown hair, and average features. I never attracted much attention in high school. I've been married for 13 years. My husband is only the second guy I ever let in, and I've been faithful to him ever since. We have 2 k**s -- a daughter 12 and a son 9. I work as a waitress at the local truck stop. The truck stop provides a "uniform" of sorts -- a t-shirt with their logo on the front and advertising on the back. We have to provide our own jeans, and I like to wear a pushup bra to make my little 32B's look as big as possible.

We're a small rural community and there aren't a lot of good restaurants, so a lot of the locals eat at the truck stop. I try hard to learn the likes and dislikes of the regular customers. On Tuesday nights we run a special to try to attract a few more customers. The manager picks 3 entrées which sell for 6 bucks each. Sometimes one of them will be something that isn't on the regular menu. It's a pretty good deal, especially for the seniors, 'cause a couple can get a good meal with beverage for about 14 bucks and usually have enough left over to take home for the next day. I usually draw the Tuesday dinner shift. The senior waitress on that shift, Kathy, is an older woman, probably in her mid to late 50s, tall, dark haired, and with a pretty good figure for her age. I've learned a lot about waitressing from talking to her and watching how she works. The other server on the shift is a new guy, Jeff. He looks to be about my age, short and skinny, a little weird-acting at times but seems to have a good work ethic. The hostess is usually Amber, another 30ish girl, blond, a little chunkier but still not too bad looking. We all get along and work well together.

I started to notice a party of four who came in just about every week. The one couple looked to be in their late 60s. She is a tall blonde (probably from a bottle at her age) with a pretty good figure. She was most likely a knockout when she was younger. He is a little overweight and seems to have some memory problems. It takes almost forever to pry an order out of him. The other couple is in their mid 60s. She is short and kind of frail looking, with pure white hair. He is about 6 feet with a white beard and greying hair. He looks like he's in the best shape of the whole group. The first time I noticed them was when Amber put them in my section. As I took their drink order I concentrated on memorizing what each one ordered, since they looked like they were locals and I figured I'd probably see them again. I noticed that Silver Beard looked pretty intently at me whenever I was in range. I also noticed that they were back each of the next two weeks, but they were seated in Jeff's section. I made sure to smile and say hi as I went by their table. The following week they were placed in my section again. I think I made a pretty good impression when I named the beverage each one had ordered 3 weeks earlier and asked if they wanted the same thing. The next week I noticed that Silver Beard always ordered soup instead of salad. The next week they were in Kathy's section, the following week in Jeff's. Both times I made sure to smile and say hi. I got smiles and greetings in return.

The following week I saw them coming in the door and watched carefully as Amber led them towards my section. I quickly drew a raspberry iced tea, a regular iced tea with a wedge of lemon, and 2 waters. I delivered the drinks to their table almost before they got seated. This earned me some big smiles and thank yous. I got an especially big smile from Silver Beard. We have an informal agreement among the staff that if the hostess is not available and a customer wants to pay their bill then one of the servers can ring the customer out. It happened that day that I was near the register when Silver Beard's party was ready to check out. When he handed me his American Express card I checked the name. I saw that his first name was Richard. I thought that I had heard someone say the name Dick as I was going by their table at one point, so the card confirmed it. Nice to be able to put a name with the face. I rang up a couple more customers while Dick was signing the slip and when I looked up he was gone . When I picked up the charge slip I was almost gone too. He had left a seven dollar tip! On a 15 buck check!!! Almost a 50 percent tip!!!!! My superior waitressing skills were beginning to pay off!!!!.

The following week I was able to maneuver things so that Dick's group was in my section again. I was about to thank him for the big tip the previous week when he briefly put his finger to his lips and almost imperceptibly shook his head no. Maybe he read my mind. Then he barely tipped his head towards his wife and again signalled no. Didn't want her to know? What's going on? Well, the meal went well, the service was impeccable if I do say so myself, and there was a good bit of friendly banter between us throughout the hour. I noticed that Dick had finished eating before the others and had put his credit card on the table with the check. I swung by and asked if I could run the card for him. He agreed so I picked it up and went over to the register. By the time I returned to the table with the charge slip and tray the rest of the party had finished and was ready to go. I saw Dick sign the charge slip and pick up his card before he left. I went back to the table to pick up the pay slip and was kind of shocked to see that there was no tip entered. Stunned, I picked up the tray and then discovered the ten spot that was on the table under the tray. My knees buckled for a second before I recovered and took the payslip back to the register. Wow! This guy really likes me! For the next 3 weeks I managed to get my now favorite customers into my section. I worked my tail off for them and joked around, mostly with Dick. He had taken to calling me sweetheart, darling, and other such endearments. And every week there was another tenner on the table. My husband said that I am worth it and to keep up the good work.

I knew that Dick had breakfast with a group of guys who met in the "banquet room" on Wednesday mornings. The week that he left the fifth ten spot I had drawn the Wednesday breakfast shift. I made sure that I was in plain sight of the banquet room door when the meeting broke up at 9:30. As the guys filed out Dick spotted me and a great big smile illuminated his face. He came straight over to me and put his arm around me. "Good to see you darlin'. How are you today?". "Good. I'd like to ask you something, Dick.". "Sure sweetie. What is it?" I moved over towards the hallway to the restrooms. Dick moved along with me, his arm still around my shoulders. "Dick, I really really want to thank you for what you've been doing. I don't want you to think that I don't appreciate it because I really do. But what I don't understand is why? I'm just doing my job.". "Darlin', I believe in rewarding those who deserve it. You are probably the best waitress I've ever seen. You always have a big smile, you are always hustling, I don't think I have ever seen you walking through the dining room, you always get the orders right, you have a great personality, you've learned my preferences and in record time, you have a great attitude, and besides you're waaay cuter than Jeff.". That one really made me grin, because I think I'm way cuter than Jeff too. But Dick wasn't done yet. "And who knows, maybe if I keep on giving you good tips, I might be able to get into your panties.". Whoa, wait, what? Is he serious or is this another one of his jokes? I stared at him but I couldn't tell. A tiny hint of a smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. But his eyes were steely, boring holes in my mind. I figured that I'd better play it as if he was joking. "Well, that would take a really great tip.". He stared at me for a few more seconds. "I guess it comes down to the definition of a really great tip. Would a hundred do it?". That tiny smile still played at the corners of his mouth. I didn't know what to do. "Dick, you know that I'm married. I've been married for 13 years.". "And it's getting a little boring, isn't it, sweetie? The spark, the flame that was there 13 years ago isn't there any more. There's no more love making, just fucking on Saturday night out of habit.". That really stung. Because it was so close to right on. But it's Friday night. He continued "How about 200?". "Dick, I can't cheat on him, not after all these years.". "Let's look at it this way. The President wouldn't lie to you, would he? Remember Clinton said if it's oral it's not sex. So it wouldn't be cheating. How about this: I solemnly promise that I won't get inside you. You just wrap your legs around my neck and I'll French kiss whatever I find there. Two fifty.". Someone said "I get off work at 8:30 tomorrow night.". It sounded like my voice. I realized that the words came out of my mouth. But I swear my brain never said the words. "Great. See you then.". He gave me a squeeze and headed for the door. I leaned against the wall to keep from collapsing. Ohgawd what have I done?

I was a nervous wreck for the rest of my shift. Which turned out to be not very long. I dropped a whole armload of dishes on the concrete floor. Fortunately they were empty, but it was still a disaster. A few minutes later I was told that the manager wanted to see me in his office. "What's wrong Chas? You look like you got some bad news or something. I've never seen you like this.". "Well, I guess I did get some bad news, but I'll be okay." "You'd better take the rest of the day off.". "No, I'll be alright.". "Chas, I can't afford any more dishes. Go home. That's an order.". I managed to drive the 5 miles home without running off the road or crossing into oncoming traffic, but I was shaking all the way. I went into the house and straight to the bathroom, where I threw up what seemed like everything I'd eaten for the last six weeks. I rinsed my mouth out for about 15 minutes and then went to the kitchen. I don't drink beer myself but I took 2 out of the fridge, popped them open, and chugged them down. I staggered to the bedroom and collapsed on the bed. Somehow I managed to fall asleep. Must have been the beer. The next thing I knew my husband was standing next to the bed. "Honey, what's going on?". I had to think fast, an activity that hasn't been working too well for me lately. "Uhh, I got sick. At work. They sent me home. I fell asleep.". " Is there anything I can do for you?". "Uhh, no, I'll... I'll... I'll be okay. I feel better now.". I damn well better be okay. I can't tell him the truth.

I managed to get through the evening without shaking too much. I was still shook up in the morning, but not quite as bad. I showed up for my shift at noon, not knowing how I could get through the next few hours. Somehow I did it. Fortunately the traffic was light that evening and I was able to go to the restroom and sob my heart out several times during the shift. Ohgawd, ohgawd, ohgawd I can't wait for this shift to be over -- I can't take this tension any more. Ohgawd if the shift is over I'll have to go out with him. I can't do that. Ohgawd, ohgawd, ohgawd. In spite of all my efforts to keep it from happening, 8:30 arrived. I went out the kitchen door into the parking lot. I stood there looking around, not sure what I was looking for. Maybe it was a joke. Maybe he won't be there. Ohgawd let it be a joke . Then I saw the headlights of a car flash on and off. I walked slowly towards the car. It was a small SUV of some kind -- a Jeep of some sort I think. I couldn't quite make out who was inside. As I got near the car the driver reached over and pulled the door handle. As the door opened and the light came on I could see that it was Dick. Ohgawd let it be a joke. I opened the door and got in. "Hi honey, it's good to see you. I was afraid you might not show up.". Ohgawd let this be a joke. "Hi Dick."

"I thought we'd go down to the ATV park. There shouldn't be anyone riding there at this time. We should be safe." Ohgawd please please please let it be a joke. He started the car and turned right out of the parking lot. There was silence during the 3 mile drive to the park. It seems like he was right. There was no engine noises, no vehicles in the parking lot. Ohgawd let this be a joke. He pulled up under the trees at the edge of the lot and killed the engine. "Let's get in the back. There's plenty of room there." I looked around and saw that the back seats had been folded down and what looked like a bedspread was laid out in the cargo area. Ohgawd let this be a joke. Dick got out of the car, came around to the passenger side, opened the front and back doors, took my hand, and helped me out. "Come on, let's get in.". He assisted me up, lifting me up by the butt, crawled in after me, and pulled the door closed. "Sweetie, according to our agreement you don't have to take your top off, but I'd really really really appreciate it if you would. And I'd really appreciate it if you'd allow me to help you take things off.". Ohgawd ohgawd it's not a joke. I opened my mouth but it wasn't connected to my brain. I just lifted my hands over my head in resignation. Dick took hold of the hem of my t-shirt and slipped it up over my breasts, my head, my hands. The shirt disappeared somewhere and Dick's hands moved to the clasp of my bra. Ohgawd it's not a joke. The bra disappeared along with the shirt and Dick's hands briefly caressed my breasts before moving to the waistband of my jeans. He unbuttoned and unzipped, and hooked his thumbs into the waistband of my panties. My brain was trying to tell me that I should have at least demanded the money up front but since it still wasn't connected to my mouth nothing happened. Somehow my butt lifted itself up off of the floor and he slipped the jeans and panties off together in one fluid motion. Ohgawd ohgawd it's not a joke. "You're so beautiful" he breathed. I don't ever remember anyone calling me beautiful before. Strange to be thinking that at a time like this.

"Lie down on your back, bend your knees up, and spread them slightly.". My brain was screaming but my body complied. He was on his knees at my feet. He kissed my left knee and then my right knee. He kissed the inner surface of my left knee, and then the right. He started kissing his way up the insides of my thighs, first the left and then the right. Someone was moaning softly . Ohgawd it's me. What am I doing? Ohgawd ohgawd ohgawd. I could feel his warm breath on my pussy lips. Ohgawd yes! Ohgawd NO NO NO. Ohgawd ohgawd. He kissed his way around the edges of my bush, ending up back between my thighs. He kissed his way up the final inch, to where there was no more thigh gap. I could feel my juices flowing. The cloth surface under me was becoming soaked. The moaning was getting louder, more rapid. Oh, that's right, it's me. He licked my slit from bottom to top. He nibbled on my outer lips. His tongue slipped between my outer lips and licked my inner lips. His tongue found my JOYBUTTON OH MY GAWD!!!! I pulled his head tighter against me. He sucked my clit. Someone was screaming. It sounded pretty close. After listening to about 30 seconds of the most blood-curdling screaming I had ever heard I realized, yes, once again, it was me. I discovered that my legs had gotten themselves wrapped around his neck. My hips were bucking like a rodeo bull. Electric charges were flowing from the tips of my toes up through my entire body and shooting out the ends of every strand of hair on my head. Convulsions wracked my body. My brain melted and started running out of my ears. I sure hope that one was a hallucination. I came and I came and I cameandIcameandIcameandICAMEANDICAME!!!!!!! Dick released my clit and I went limp as a dishrag. He moved up and laid next to me. The odor of pussy on his beard was almost overwhelming. He caressed my breasts, then licked and sucked each nipple. I caressed his head. His beard and mustache were soaking wet. I looked down and saw that his cock was out of his pants and he was gently stroking it. It looked like it was carved out of marble it was so hard. A bead of precum glistened on the tip. He wiped the cum off with his index finger. I looked at his face. He was staring into my eyes. Then he shocked the snot out of me -- he brought his finger to his lips and licked the cum off!! He must have seen that my eyes got as big as saucers. "Did you want some? There's plenty more.". "Uhh, no, no... not now.". Where did that 'not now' come from? It's NOT EVER. NEVER. Then he kissed me. Hard. And deep. I've never played with another woman, but if they all taste like I do....

We laid there in each other's arms for a couple of years or maybe five minutes. Then Dick had my jeans and panties in his hand. He offered to help me get dressed. He slipped his hand into one of the pockets and then pulled the waistbands over my feet. My bra appeared. He nuzzled each breast and then helped me to fasten the clasp. I managed to get my shirt on by myself. "Thank you, thank you, thank you darlin'.". "Oh, Dick, I should be thanking you. I never came like that in my entire life.". We made the short trip back to the restaurant in silence, my hand snugly held in his. I put my other hand into my pocket and found a small object that hadn't been there before. It was a small roll of paper. I managed to unroll enough to make out that there were 3 $100 bills. Ohgawd he even tips well for this. Back at the lot I pointed out where my car was parked and he pulled into the empty space next to it. He looked at me. I could tell he didn't want to let go of my hand but I gently disengaged. I opened the door and started to get out of the car. I turned to look at him again. My mouth opened itself and I heard it say "Dick, I almost forgot to mention. I'm having a buy one get one free sale this month. Would you like to cash in your coupon next Thursday ?"

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Judy found her mother in the bedroom. She stopped at thedoor, her heart pounding. "Hi, Mommy," Judy said. Dolores smiled at her daughter. "I think we have a fewthings to talk about, honey." Judy giggled and joined her mother on the bed. "I'll betit's about what you just did with Tommy." Dolores' face lit up with surprise. "You know?" "I was watching," Judy said, licking her lips. "I saw thewhole thing." "Well, I've seen a few things too," Dolores said, "likewatching...

2 years ago
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I know Ana is cheating on me

I was suspecting my sexy wife was having an affair with one of our young neighbors; but I was not sure who could be the lucky one.I had confronted Ana; but she denied everything, asking me if I had gone mad. But one day I finally confirmed my fears…My wife and me had talked many times about her fantasies with this young neighbor; but she had never told me who was him. She had never got the courage enough to try to make anything happen, or so I thought…One early evening my Boss called me in...

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California Dreaming

California dreaming Brad was just your regular 26-year-old guy. Average built hazelnut brown, short hair. You could say he was one of many others. Or so it seems on the outside. But on the inside, Brad was far away from being like many others. And he knew it. He also knew what it was. The only thing that he didn't know was how to resolve this dilemma. You see, Brad is transgender. He knew since childhood that he wasn't meant to be male. He always felt like a girl and also felt left...

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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 12

Mark welcomed the sanctity of his patrol car, the breakfast and hot coffee doing much to restore his energy. Damn, if he could just find it in his heart to forgive his young wife, Jean... but Christ, he couldn't... couldn't! He'd never forget the goddamned wanton expression on her beautiful face when that wild sonofabitch accomplished what he'd yet been unable to do! The vicious brute had stolen her away from him right then and there, though Mark knew she'd probably deny it to her dying...

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SRU Magic Potion

SRU ? Magic Potion By Byron Here's the story...pretty short I was walking around in the mall one day when I found a strange shop that I had never seen before. I was curious as to what it was so I headed on over. As I got to the door it opened up and two beautiful women walked out. I quickly sucked in my gut. I was a good-looking guy, but at 250 pounds I wasn't the skinniest man in the world. I was 6 foot 1, and I carried my weight well, but I always felt very self-conscious ...

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Sex Tale With Innocent Sister

Hi all, do you want to have sex with your mom or sis mail me at . I will help you in fucking them as much I can. Girls too mail me without any fear I will be a good friend and advisor for u to help you in your sex life. Hi all, the story happened during my 12th holiday last year. I was 18 at the time. We are four in my family. Mom, dad, me and my sis(nivetha-nive as we call her). Nive was studying 8th at that time. To describe her. She was a fair, short girl who attained puberty just before a...

3 years ago
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The Big Reward

I just got my lunch from a deli not to far my office. It was casual Friday. I was wearing a nice big white button down long sleeve shirt. I had it tucked into a pair of blue jeans. I had on some white low cut tennis shoes. I was not wearing socks. I had on a pair of white boxer briefs under my jeans. I took a bite of my sandwich and had a sip of Coke. It was kinda of hot out being one of the first days of Spring. I wanted to eat outside and enjoy the sun.I was minding my own business. I love to...

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68 Pams holiday 3

68. Pam`s holiday (3) They took their places at the table Fred newly showered, at the head Jim to his left and then Pam and finally Molly at the tail end nearest the stove. Jim placed the key beside his plate, no one said a thing as Molly related to Fred the afternoon`s adventure, he was visibly excited, but said nothing till Molly told him of the significance of the symbolic key when he nodded and grunted. They ate in silence after that, all eyes straying to the key at some point. Mollies...

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Husband turns me onto BBC Cuckold

I'm Suzy, and I've been married to my husband David for 15 years. I'm currently 35, 5'10, 140lbs, have shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, and measures 38-28-38". David is 38, 5'11", 175lbs, has blonde hair, blue eyes and has a 7" cock. Five years ago we started spicing up our sex life by visiting sex sites online, visiting adult video stores and renting their movies. We also agreed to try what each other wanted at least once.The first time that we involved someone else, was at a adult...

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Kneel Suck Swallow Part One

On a cold Saturday night a couple of Decembers ago, I was feeling very antsy and restless. I had just shaved my body, applied lotion on my arms, legs, and smooth white ass, and was trying on some sexy fishnets when I got a call from my Filipina ladyboy friend whom I had not seen in a while. She wanted to get together and have some fun. Not ever knowing what to expect, but knowing it would be something exciting and kinky to warm my body on a chilly night, I agreed to go to her house. ‘Give me an...

3 years ago
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A Perfect 10 Part 1Epilogue

Saturday 12:15 AM P-Day plus 1 Aboard Ship ARABY Fred arrived at the ship location where his family’s pods were located, or so his new PDA had told him. What he found was his personal family group, or more precisely, his harem, congregated in the hallway by the three pod doors. “Ok, why is everyone in the corridor? Go inside.” “Fred, or Imperious Master, whichever you prefer, the doors won’t open. Your wife’s bunch had the same problem. Only she can authorize entry to her pod and the AI...

4 years ago
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stranger at a hotel

this is very true,few years back my mother passed away,left me a bunch of money,afterward,i now had money,but no family,so i was wild,parting,having alot of,hot man sex,by the way,im a chubby,very fem. tan, smooth,i look, act,an love to be treated,like a girl,an love it when a well hung horny man is turned on by me..i was at a riverboat casino,staying at a very nice hotel..i always,had plenty of very sexy,outfits an loved to dress up an leave the curtains,half open (pretending i didnt realize...

2 years ago
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Weekend GetawayChapter 4

"Should we even bother getting dressed for dinner?" I squeezed Melinda's breast gently. Her nipple hardened in my hand. My face was covered in her juices. Katie and Leah had made similar messes on my cock. "I think we could all use a shower," my wife replied. "And then we need to change the sheets." The three of us snickered. "You need to change the sheets, honey," Leah giggled. "It's your mess." "I think I had help," Melinda rolled her eyes then reached for the younger...

2 years ago
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It was the other Christmas. My alternate Birth day. That one time every human being between the ages of 5-14 could become richer than the dreams of avarice, sitting atop a bounty of booty cackling with glee while he horded his golden slice & savored the wealth while their parents went without -absolutely nil, nada, zilch. An outstretched middle finger to every passing middle-ager in the western hemisphere. ‘ TRICK or TREAT Smell my FEET give me something good to EAT!’ A Butter finger that...

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Not Got A Name Update

Yes I did just sort of accept the fact that I no longer had a life, There was one little niggle that did bother me then and to this very day (even though it's only been a few of them) still does, The same question I keep asking myself over and over again *Why haven't I moved on*, Yeah so that is still something I would like to know but we will leave it for now I guess you are probably wondering what I did for the next few days that would bring us to this present day, Well I know you will...

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The Naming of a Rat

==========[ PROLOG ]========== This is my first LitE submission. It is a true story which I wrote almost ten years ago, about a conversation I’d had with a woman I was dating at the time. We were in our late 40s/Early 50s, and had met on after I had just been divorced by my ex-wife. There is no sex in this story, but I wanted to share it here on LitE, so I am placing it in the ‘Non-Erotic’ section (although whether or not it is erotic is subjective, but if you are looking for...

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Two Forms of ID Part 4

Two Forms of I.D. Part 4 By Joe Six-Pack "Hello?" David called into the colossal, opulent and tacky living room. He hadn't been back for nearly three months. Most of his business he handled over the phone now and liked it that way. Harvey had insulted him enough. With time and distance, things would heal, so he had given himself plenty of both. A pounding beat came from another room, and David followed. Harvey had asked him to be here for a meeting, so he had expected him...

1 year ago
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Pinwheel RemasteredChapter 8 Second Chances

Once the station was secured, and they were certain that no more Bugs were hiding out in service tunnels or air ducts, the state of emergency was lifted. The crimson glow was finally replaced with the warmth of the sunlamps, the barriers returning to their recesses in the deck, and the cool breeze once again rustling the leaves of what trees remained. The damage to the station was extensive but mostly superficial. Besides for the breaches that the boarding craft had punctured in the hull,...

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Melody8217s Life With Daddy

The morning sun broke through a crack in the curtains, flooding her naked body that lay on the bed. The sunlight hit her back and ass; warming it from the early morning chill. Melody stirred, still half asleep reaching over hoping to find a warm body next to her in bed. She found that there was no one there. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the clock, it was already a little past nine thirty, she must have not heard the alarm go off. She rolled over on her back, and opened her eyes...

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Jill stepm slave remote control part 2

Jill step**m slave, remote control part 2 See part 1 of my story remote control for past details Jill hung up, not sure what to make of Franks last remark, he was joking..surely he would not have left his email account open for his k*ds and certainly never told them how to access the remote cams in the was a wind up, a tease she didn't like. Her phone was going again it was Frank and an email was in her in box, she wan't impressed with him she would go to bed and let him stew, they...

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Sex With Sweet Niece After Mom

Hi readers, I need no introduction. All my family members had been to our native on vaction. I stayed back as I wanted to enjoy with Jaya (my aunty), though she is an aunt to me, becasue of the vast age difference between my mom and Jaya, she was almost of my age. That made things easy for us. I had a nice morning session with Jaya. Jaya had to go out for some bank and passport work. She lef the house saying she will be back in the evening. I was preparing my self to go to the office, planning...

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The Devils DiscipleChapter 7 Tuesday February 1 Anne Returns

The following day I turned up to the bowl at around twenty past eight and moved straight to the back of lanes and waited for the early league to finish. I didn't know if she would be there and I resisted the temptation to look, preferring to appear as if I wasn't in the least interested. 'Oh she's here Fred, there was never any doubt that she was going to be. Though she is starting to get a little concerned, starting to think that if you are curious about her then you're doing an...

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12th GradeChapter 11

I didn't return to work for the rest of the week, moping around the house most of the time, feeling sorry for myself. I did drive over to the country club to hit some practice balls, but being there just reminded me of Shirley. I was functioning though, just barely, but functioning. It was sometime over the weekend when I decided that I'd had enough of acting like a lovesick puppy with a broken heart. Shirley had made her choice. My Dad was right about her having the right to change her...

3 years ago
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Pittsburgh bucket list

The hotel phone was heavy in my hand as my mind raced back to my youth and the role that Jennie Rickard had played in it. Although the feeling was never mutual, Jennie was my first MAJOR crush. I hadn’t been in the Pittsburg area in over ten years and hadn’t spoken to Jenny for at least that long. A business trip had placed me on the outskirts of the inner-city and despite being married with a three month old c***d, I was having a hard time getting my mind off the thought that contacting Jenny...

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Maintenance Workout Candi Run

Zane took two steps at a time as he exited the underground station. Not that he was in a hurry. Today, he just had a spring in his step. Maybe it was his whistling that led to two police patrols stopping him and checking his credentials. Not that Zane minded. Nothing could ruin his good mood. The Bexter Commercial Tower was only four blocks away and Zane made it in record time. Slipping into the service entrance, Zane went straight to the service elevators. Today, he was lucky. It...

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The Business Trip Part 1

I work for a small web design company in northern Connecticut. We acquired a rather large account with a lawn care company in Virginia, and my boss asked me to go with him to present the design we had created, since I was the only other male at the company. My boss told me he didn’t want any of the women to think he was hitting on them. Never having been asked to go on a business trip for this company before, I jumped at the chance to travel a bit even if it was for work! Dan, my boss, told me...

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How I got into swinging part 2

This was originally published under my old xham profile, pornmanGB. I can't access that profile any more, so I've copied it to my current profile to keep the collection together.Hope you like it.....Roger, the phoenixman.This is part 2 of a set of 3 stories about a girlfriend I went out with for about three months back in the Autumn of 1986 or 87 (not sure now - long time ago!!)Things had been going well in the week since I first met – and fucked – Nikki. She wanted to do a photo shoot in some...

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Stealing tights pantyhose panties etc from manager

This is a new fictional/fantasy story to add to the tights pantyhose nylons foot fetish etc stories that i wrote last year (receptionist, neighbour, dept store, bus, housemate etc). When i worked in a large office for a number on years in a large building based on a few floors we were in teams and every now and again we had to change teams and change managers/supervisors to keep things freshened up. One of the managers Julie was a bit of a nasty bitch and didn't like me much. She was never very...

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A Naughty Neighbourly AgreementChapter 5

I crossed the road to Alison's house with a mixture of excitement and sadness. It was day four of our little pact and it was to be the last. I knew I would be left wanting more after it was all over. She didn't keep me waiting long at the door this time, which was good because by now I was feeling distinctly self-conscious about being seen calling at her house for the last 4 consecutive days. It was 9.45 am, as arranged, therefore, I safely presumed it was mutually understood we were going...

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Expected those moments

I am Prakash from Thailand. First of all I must thank to this site, which provided me the chances to share; my sex experiences with u all readers. About me I am working for MNC which required lot of travels, this happened when I was in Pakistan, Lahore…Let me go to the story…on 3rd June it was over few months since I had sex and I was very disturbed a lot and was not finding any of my sex partners in the city who could give me the time when I got a telephone call from dr Asia .it was an immense...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 73

Ken was tired and Sally was exhausted. The fight had been long and hard, but they'd won. Sally had been correct: Antonia's body had been filled with darkness. It was slowly and agonizingly shutting down all of her bodily functions. There had also been some brain damage, but nothing they couldn't fix after their experience with Jane's attack. The darkness had been pernicious though. At times it had almost seemed to be intelligent. In spite of the drugs in her system, they all knew...

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Happy New Year

I received a phone call from one of my clients to come over New Year’s Eve for a little get together with the employees around 5pm. I told her I would come over but had to get home before 7pm. She told me that was fine because the employees would leave around 5:30. When I walked into the office only a couple of the employees were there and they seemed to be leaving. I asked where they all went and was told they had to get home. I got a drink and was getting ready to leave when the boss told me...

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