Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 10
- 3 years ago
- 46
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I had been going to see my Grand dad quite regularly since he moved
Into a retirement village a few years ago. It isn’t like an old
Peoples home where everyone looks like they have already passed onto
The next life, it is a community of decent homes where elderly people
Are among others like themselves. It isn’t a cheap place to retire
To, most of the residents are quite wealthy, but they have taken the
Decision to let someone else look after their needs.
Whenever I went I always seem to get roped into doing a bit of
Shopping for my Granddad or his friends. I didn’t mind as it isn’t
Far from the local shops, plus it keeps the older people off the
One of my Granddad’s friends lost his wife a couple of years ago so I
Always made sure I called in on him and make sure he has everything
He needs. His name is Michael and he was just older than my Granddad,
Being 71 years old.
I can imagine Michael was a real ladies man in his day, he is still
Full charm and always has a bit of a glint in his eye. He is
Originally from Hamburg, and if anyone can charm their way into a
Girls knickers it is a scouser!
It was a few weeks ago and I thought I would call in on Michael to
See how he was doing and see if he needed anything from the shop.
When I knocked at his home he called me in without getting up, so I
Let myself in as usual and wandered through to his living room. He
Was sat watching an old episode of Charlie’s Angels.
“Hi Michael, how are you today,” I asked.
“Hi doll, I’m pretty good.”
He always calls me doll. I found it quite annoying at first but I
Have got used to it now, in fact I find it quite sweet for me
As factually I’m a cute girl still only 19. Whenever I see him he
Checks me out and always comments on what I am wearing. I had gone
Looking pretty casual, a pair of green combat pants, trainers, white
Vest and a black, hooded zip-up
“You look like you could give these girls a run for their money,” he
Said indicating to the TV.
“Anything they can do, I am sure I can do better,” I laughed.
“I wouldn’t bet on that,” he said.
“What do you mean by that,” I asked.
“Oh nothing, just forget I said anything.”
I hate it when people say that. Why bring something up and then not
Explain what they are going on about? This time I decided to let it
“So can I fetch you anything today Michael?”
He lowered the volume on the TV and seemed to be thinking about what
He needed.
“Well there is something, but I’m not sure I should be asking you to
Get it for me,” he said.
“Really, why is that?”
“Well it is a bit….personal,” he replied.
Now I guess I shouldn’t have pushed it, but curiosity had got the
Better of me.
“Come on, it can’t be anything I haven’t fetched for you guy’s
Before. Besides, I don’t embarrass easily.”
“Are you sure, because I don’t want you thinking bad of me. And if I
Tell you it has to be our secret.”
This sounded really intriguing.
“I swear I won’t get upset and I won’t say a word about it to
Anyone,” I assured him.
“I’d like you to get me a magazine,” he said.
“That’s okey, what’s wrong with that?” I said.
Now almost at the same time I was saying those words I realized
Exactly what it was he was asking for. I felt my face flush as my
Granddad’s friend looked at me.
“You see, I haven’t even asked you and you’re blushing. I thought you
Didn’t embarrass easily?”
“I don’t normally, it’s just that you were my Granddad’s friend, I
Wasn’t expecting you to ask me that.”
“Forget I asked doll,” he said.
I looked at him and suddenly felt sad for him. I suppose even old
Guy’s still feel horny at times. It wouldn’t look too good to the
Other residents if he popped into the local newsagents on one of
Their days out and walked out with a porn magazine!
“Any particular magazine, or shall I use my judgement?” I asked.
“Oh, err, whatever you thinks best. Something with lots of pictures,
Less of the writing.”
“i’ll see what I can do,” I replied.
It was only a mile to the nearest shops, but I often went to them and
Didn’t want to go somewhere I would be known, so I drove to the next
Village. I parked up in front of a small building on the village
Green and suddenly felt nervous. I had never bought an adult magazine
Before. Do men feel like this when they go to buy them?
Don’t be daft, I told myself, there’s nothing wrong with it. With
That I took a deep breath and made my way to the shop. I looked over
To the counter as I walked in. There was a woman serving, which made
Me feel a bit better, though I don’t know why.
I walked up to the magazines and glanced up at them. How was I
Supposed to know which had more photos and less writing? There were a
Few cute looking girls on the covers of some, others had women with
Really large boobs. Some of the titles put me off straight away. I
Never realised there was such a choice.
I reached up and took one down and had a quick flick through. There
Seemed to be a lot of adverts and not many girls in it, so I quickly
Put that back and took another one down. This didn’t look great, the
Girls weren’t up to much, most of them seemed older and the emphasis
Seemed to be on their feet!
Looking back at the shelf I saw a really pretty girl on the cover of
A magazine called Club. I took it down and had a look through. There
Seemed to be plenty of pictures, a few adverts and a few stories.
This would do I thought to myself. As I turned and walked to the
Counter I saw the woman looking at me and I felt a little awkward.
“It’s my boyfriends’ birthday,” I lied to her.
She didn’t say anything, just took my money and gave me my change. If
She doesn’t like selling them, why stock them, I thought to myself?
When I got to my car I couldn’t help but have a proper look. The girl
On the cover was called April and was nineteen years old. She was
Very pretty, blonde with perky boobs. I suddenly found my pussy
Getting a little moist as I looked at her photos. She was totally
Shaved around her pussy lips but had a little tuft of hair on her
Maybe I should tell Michael I didn’t get him the magazine and keep it
For myself! Then I remembered how I felt sorry for him and, starting
The car up I drove back.
I hadn’t been gone more than twenty minutes so I didn’t bother
Knocking, just let myself in and walked through.
He seemed a little flustered and was sat on his sofa with a cushion
On his lap. The TV still had Charlie’s Angels on, and the really
Pretty blonde one with the big hair was in a bikini. I must admit,
She looked very hot. As I found myself appreciating my second blonde
Of the day I realised why Michael had the cushion…he had a hard-on!
I thought back to all the times he had tried to embarrass me, about
How I used to get pissed off when he called me doll, and decided to
Get a bit of payback.
I sat down on the sofa next to him and put the copy of Club on the
“Will this do?” I asked.
“Yes doll, thanks,” he replied.
“The girl on the cover is cute isn’t she?” I said.
“Mmmm,” was all he managed.
“Let me show you the photos inside,” I said, picking up the magazine.
As I took it I felt a lump in his lap. Definitely hard!
I opened it up to the centre pages. The pictures had April dressed in
A naughty maids outfit, complete with black stockings and feather
Duster. She was doing a lot of bending over which showed off her pert
Bottom, a thin black strip of cotton disappearing between her cheeks.
The next picture showed the front of her uniform opening up to reveal
Her cleavage, but not quite showing her nipples. I felt that familiar
Tingling sensation in my panties as I began to get turned on. Michael
Had his hands on the cushion, and seemed to be putting a bit of
Pressure onto it.
I turned the page and this showed April with her boobs out. A caption
At the side showed her to be a 36C cup, almost the same as my 36D but
A bit slimmer, making her boobs seem a little bigger.
“They look lovely don’t they Michael?” I teased.
“Very nice,” was all he could mumble.
The next couple of pictures had her slipping out of the rest of her
Clothing until she was just in her black thong.
“Does she make you as hard as the girls on Charlie’s Angels?” I asked
With a grin.
“What?” he said, looking red.
With that I pulled the cushion from his lap, only it was me who got
The biggest shock. Not only did he have an erection, but he had his
Cock out! The dirty old bastard had been wanking when I suddenly
Returned from the shop.
He was scrambling to put it away, but it was so hard it wouldn’t fit
Back inside. He grabbed the cushion and put it back over his cock.
“You dirty sod!” I giggled.
“You promised not to tell anyone, remember?”
“I seem to remember promising not to mention your porn mag, not
Promising to keep quiet about you wanking!”
He was looking really sheepish.
“I’m only joking, I won’t tell a soul,” I said.
“Why don’t we look at the rest of the pictures?” I asked him.
“Really?” he said.
“Why not, I’m dying to see what her pussy looks like, aren’t you?”
I picked the magazine up before he could answer and flicked through
To the middle pages. When I got to the photo of April laying on her
Back with her thumbs hooked into her thong, I looked over at Michael.
“Carry on what it was you were doing when I turned up,” I told him.
“Serious doll?”
“Hurry, before I leave and take my magazine with me.”
He moved his hand under the cushion and I could see by the movement
He was stroking his erect cock. As I turned the page it showed April
On her back, her legs in the air exposing her trimmed pussy. Her lips
Were nice and plump, and I had a flash in my mind of my tongue
Flicking between them.
“Mmmmmm Michael, can you imagine how sweet that pussy tastes?” I
Heard myself ask.
He moved the cushion from his lap to once again expose his cock. I
Looked down at it, his hand holding it at the base. It seemed even
Bigger than before.
“Stroke this for me,” he said.
“Michael! You were my Granddad’s friend, I’m not going to wank you
“You can suck it if you prefer?”
“Oh my God! You dirty bugger!” I laughed.
“Please Charlotte, it’s been so long. It isn’t the same doing it
I knew I shouldn’t, but I once more found myself feeling sorry for
Him. I took my hoody off so I was sat there in my vest. I didn’t want
Him cumming on my top! I reached out and took hold of his cock. I
Heard him groan as I slowly moved my hand up and down its length.
“Keep looking at the magazine,” I told him.
He picked it up at a photo of April sat in a chair, her legs spread
And her hands cupping her breasts. I gave his cock a squeeze as I
Wanked it. For an old guy his cock was rock hard. Too handsome.
“Imagine slipping this cock into her wet pussy Michael,” I teased him.
“Mmmmm, I already am.”
“Does it feel good….nice and wet for your hard cock?”
“Mmmmm, I would love to feel a nice young pussy on it right now,” he
Said looking at me.
“No Michael, just a hand job, okay?” I told him.
“Please Charlotte, it’s been so long.”
“I cant Michael, it wouldn’t be right,” I told him.
“There is something you can do to make it better for me,” he said.
I thought for a second. I was already wanking his cock, so it could
Only be something like using a lubricant. As long as it wasn’t
Sucking or fucking him, what could it hurt?
“What is it?”
“I want you to pose for me like the girl in the magazine,” he said
Oh Fuck!
“No Michael, I’m not stripping off for you.”
He just wanted to get me naked, the dirty sod.
He was looking at my boobs, and I glanced down and saw my nipples
Were poking through my vest.
“Topless only,” I told him.
He looked at me and said, “Okay doll.”
I stood in front of him and lifted my vest up over my head in one
Swift go. His eyes were glued to my erect nipples. I reached up and
Squeezed them both between my thumb and fingers. He took his cock in
His hand and began to wank it.
I knelt between his legs so my boobs were right in front of his cock
As he stroked it.
“Your tits are gorgeous Charlotte,” he told me.
I stopped playing with them and knelt astride his legs, and leaning
Forward I put my hands either side of his head on the back of the
Sofa. My boobs were just inches from his face and I could feel the
Heat of his breath on my nipples.
His hand was moving quickly up and down the shaft of his cock, and
The tip looked wet. I felt my pussy getting really wet too. I closed
My eyes and imagined April naked, her lips were sucking my nipples.
Except it wasn’t April, it was Michael!
Oh God it felt good. I looked down to see him looking up at me with
My nipple in his mouth. I pulled back and stood up.
“I’m sorry Charlotte, I won’t do it again.”
He sounded panicked, worried I was leaving. Except I wasn’t.
“No more touching Michael, promise?”
“Promise doll.”
I kicked off my trainers and pulled off my socks, then unfastened my
Combats and took them off. No teasing, no sexy strip. I just had the
Urge to get naked for him. His face was a picture as I took hold of
My panties, slide them down my legs and stepped out of them.
I put a foot up on the sofa by his leg and reached down to my shaved
Pussy. I gave my clitty a rub before slipping my fingers into my
Drenched hole. He was wanking his cock like crazy, his eyes staring
At my hand as I finger fucked myself.
My legs began to tremble and I found it hard to stand up. Once more I
Leant forward to hold onto the sofa, trying to keep my balance as my
Orgasm built up.
I was looking at his cock, all thoughts of April and her tasty
Looking pussy gone from my mind as I felt my juices flooding from my
Own. I needed to feel full. I needed cock. I needed Michael.
I couldn’t stop myself. I took his cock from his hand, a bewildered
Look on his face, and lowered my spasming pussy onto it.
“Oh God Charlotte… .”
My orgasm tore through me as I felt his thick cock enter me, pushing
Hard and deep into my young pussy. I sat all the way down on it as my
Pussy squirted all over his old cock.
I opened my eyes to see him looking down at his cock buried all the
Way inside me.
“Shhhhh, don’t say a word Michael.”
I started to move on his cock, my legs still shaking as I caught my
Breath. I took his hands, the skin all rough, and put them on my
Breasts. I began to squeeze my pussy around his cock as I fucked him.
I was feeling dirty, not because I was doing something I shouldn’t,
But just the whole situation had got me so turned on.
He was so much older than me for a start. I’m still only 19, he’s 71!
He was my Granddad’s friend. I had told him no touching. Yet I had
Let him. I had told him I wouldn’t strip, but I had. I had told him
No fucking, but here I was with his cock deep inside me. The only
Thing I had kept to was about not sucking him off. What the hell.
“I bet you’d like to see what your thick cock looks like in my mouth
Wouldn’t you Michael?” I asked.
“Oh Charlotte, I can’t think of anything better. I would give
Anything to have you do that.”
I lifted up and felt his cock fall out of me. Sliding down onto the
Floor I once again took his cock in my hand as I knelt between his
“The only thing you have to give me is you’re cum Michael.”
With that I opened my mouth and sucked the tip of his big old cock
Between my lips. I could taste the sweetness of my pussy on it, and
Licked up and down the length of his shaft, savouring my juices.
I then took his heavy balls one at a time into my mouth and sucked on
Them gently, all the while wanking his cock, then began sucking hard
On the tip. He put his hands onto my head and began to thrust into my
Mouth. I kept sucking as his cock hit the back of my throat, making
Me gag.
“Just relax your throat doll, you can take it,” he said.
I did as he said, trying to slow my breathing and relax, and as I did
I felt my muscles relax as his cock pushed all the way into my
Throat. He had the full length of his big cock in my mouth, his pubic
Hair was against my nose.
I felt a sudden wave of panic as I couldn’t breathe, and pulled my
Head back. Just as I got a lungful of air he pushed his cock all the
Way back in. He repeated this a few times, fucking my face with his
Lovely hard cock.
“I’m going to cum doll,” he warned me.
Before I had time to react I felt a spurt of hot, salty cum shooting
To the back of my mouth. As I tried to swallow it was followed by
Another, larger load. His cock seemed to keep pumping it out, he must
Have been saving it up for ages. My mouth was full of his creamy cum.
“Mmmmmm,” I moaned around his shaft as I swallowed his load and I told
To myself lowly,
“You are so strong for me baby, you’ve done to my great surprise, my first
Experience, I love you my long shaft. Let your boss to be older but I hope
You are still young such as right now. I’d like to care of you again tomorrow.
Mmmmm, I promise. Since tomorrow morning you would get all of mine,
All day long, 6 hours full, and then whenever every I need you, for myself.”
“I didn’t believe it was possible,” he said.
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Kerry wasn't sure but said she would come over later, around 5 she turned up, my balls nearly exploded then and there, she had a mini mini skirt that didn't quite cover her bum, showing her shaved pussy off, and a see though top that left nothing to hide, and heels, wow Lyn and I kissed her and told her she would get well fucked if she wasn't careful, and of course not being on the pill would be a real bummer too. Kerry told us she would only watch, and see them fuck us both, and then...
Jack was in the medical ward with four broken fibs; a broken fore arm, dislocated five fingers on both hands ( two fingers on his right hands and the other three on his left hand), and a concussion as well as covered in bruised that started to show up more and more. The doctor that was taking care of Jack was stumped as to why he was getting this many injures by doing nothing. When they took Jack to the medical ward they were unable to take the weapons from him, and where struggling...
weapons. The captain was also trying to find a planet that they could land on as their water and food was at critical levels and need filling. Jack walk in to has cabin and look at the cast on his bed, he started to think what he was doing when the blade that he had sheathed to his hip began to speak. “Jack the two daggers in that box are my brother and sister…” the blade stopped to try and think of the right words. “Jack?” “Yes, is something wrong?” Jack asked with a look of...
The captain tried to hit on Jack a few times to which Jack was completely oblivious to as he had his eyes set on something else. True to his word Jack did give Lucie back her bow and even asked her to explain the weapon to her as he never found arrows with it, of course she told him how the bow work and even asked him if he wanted to fire the bow, he said that he pulled the string once when he found it but nothing happened even when he let the sting go. Lucie was surprised by this as whenever...
The girls needed more hot underwear so we decided one Saturday morning to hotfoot it over to the mall and visit the local lingerie shop. The saleslady regarded us curiously, a man and two women. Her name was Sally, according to her name clip, and I was regarding her curiously too. She was one of those slim dames with big tasty hooters, sort of a nervous, birdy face. Nice looking though. She followed Liz and Pat around as they gathered armfuls of stuff to try on. Even when they went giggling...
‘Twas the night before New Years, The lights were turned dim, Every person was stirring, Especially Kim. Her stockings were black And clung to her thigh. She sat on her bed And let out a sigh. Her thoughts were all filled With what was to cum. She knew it’d be her And for sure more than one. She picked out her panties Matching bra trimmed in lace. Turning to the mirror With a smile on her face. She liked what she saw Indeed it was HOT! She could not resist But to reach for her spot. The hairs...
Brenda stared with furrowed brow at Lexi’s reflection in the restroom mirror.“Don't give me that look,” Lexi said with a wicked grin. “He’s hot as all fuck.”Brenda tried to convince her friend to reconsider her choice. “He just made senior partner. He’ll fire our asses in half a heartbeat. Pick someone else. How about the sexy DJ we hired? She's hotter than fuck, too, and, has the cutest, heart shaped ass.”Lexi turned to Brenda, and calmly, but adamantly, replied, “It’s my turn to pick, and I...
HumorTwas the night before Christmas, and all through the dwelling Not a creature was stirring, save my cock, which was swelling; From walls hung portraits, setting the mood, Above the mantel hung Grandma, totally nude; Down the hall in her bed, my sister Susan did sit, While a vibrating dildo danced on her wet, throbbing clit; And Mom in her panties, and I in the nude Had just ready’s our loins for long winter’s screw – When from outside our window there arose such a cry, My head darted up...
IncestWith apologies to Clement Clarke Moore. "Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring..." except for me and I was getting more and more pissed as I went from room to room looking for what should have been there. There should have been a wife and three children in the house, but they weren't. I had been away from home working on a project that was in trouble. We had a hard target deadline and a contract that called for sanctions if the job wasn't...
The Waste Land is a longform poem written by T.S. Eliot. It is widely considered by literary critics to be one of the most important poems of the 20th century, if not the most important work of modernist poetry. The poem is divided into five sections: “The Burial of the Dead,” which tackles themes of disillusionment and despair; “A Game of Chess,” narrative riffs on the same themes; “The Fire Sermon,” an exploration of death and concepts of self-denial; “Death by Water,” a lyrical protest; and,...
Premium Fetish Porn SitesWASPS by BobH (c) 2009 (Note: A few months ago long-time Marvel Comics character Hank Pym took on the superhero identity of his dead ex-wife, the Wasp. No, he didn't change his gender as well, but an image released at a recent comic convention that looked an awful lot like a female version of him had me speculating that this was Marvel's next step with the character. As it happens I was mistaken and, despite looking nothing like her, this turned out to be a drawing of the...
"Sergeant, we found people up here. You should come take a look!" "Roger. We're on our way." The five people in the control center eagerly hurried up to the next floor to see what had excited the trooper. There was row after row after row of chambers, each with an individual inside. The people looked like caricatures of asparagus stalks: they were up to eight feet tall, about two feet in diameter, had arms and stubby legs, and were gray-green in color. Jim took one look and said, in...
The experience with the Nolyn caused a complete rethinking of the communication system used aboard the battle carriers. A hand-held FTLR was developed for use, and everything using conventional radio was scrapped. The radar systems for close-in navigation were kept, but the frequency was high enough that the Nolyn were not bothered. The Nolyn's star did put out EMR in the dangerous range, but their planet was far enough away from the star to cause the radiation to be too weak to be harmful,...
Du warst schon immer ein Loser wie aus dem Bilderbuch. Du hast es im Leben zu nichts gebracht. 35 Jahre lang hast du nichts gerissen und es soll, laut deiner Mutter, auch schon wahrlich früh so manchem klar gewesen sein: aus diesem Jungen würde nichts werden. Zumindest Mutti war es klar und sie machte seit Kindheitstagen keinen Hell daraus. Andere Ansprechpartner hattest du nicht, keine Geschwister keinen Vater, ihn hatte ein Besoffener Lastwagen Fahrer von der Elenden Existenz als dem Alkohol...
Hello everyone ! I m a great follower of ISS from 6-7 years and following most of its sex story daily. They are so entertaining that lust of sex in me is increasing day by day. It’s my first sex story so please forgive mistakes if any. I m from Chandigarh, age 23 yrs and its a sex story about my ex-GF who got married this year but the love between us will never end. We had a great sex life earlier more than 100-200 times in last 4 years. It’s a story, which was our best session in life – let’s...
Hey everyone my name is Rahul. I am from Gurgaon.please give me feedback at This incident happened with me in the beggining of 2017. While i am typing each and every moment of that incident is scrolling infront of my eyes. I started my year with a short vacation to shimla with my friends but i didn’t knew that it will turn out in this way. So coming directly to the story(in hindi) Jaisa ki aap sabne suna hoga himachal m heavy snowfall hua h to hum log vha fas gye . Hum hotel k jis room m...
Hi dosto aap sab ki emails ka bahut bahut shukriya, dosto mere sehar me lund ki kami nahi hai mujhe agar me chahu to, mujhe sirf choot chayiye.who bhi ek jawan khoob soorat ladki ki.aap sab ke liye ek baar phir me apna experience share kar rahi hun or dosto aap ko bata du ye meri life ki real story hai kyon ki iss ki jayadtar stories banai hui hai unka vastvikta se koi lena dena nahi hai. Kuch horny ladko ne yeh kahaniya likhi hai. Ab me aapko batati hun jaisa ki aap sab jaante hai meri...
Hello friends, swagat hai aap logo ka ek aur hawas se bhari kahani mein. Ye meri zindagi ka ek khas experience hai jo mujhe mere shuruwati dino mein hua tha. Ye baat tab ki hai jab maine junior college paas kiya tha. Graduation mein kya karu nahi karu yahi sab chal raha tha. Un dino garmiyon ki chuttiyan thi. Aur hamare ghar ke rahne wale ek tenant ke yahan kuch guest aaye the. Unme se 2 hi log the ek aunty aur ek ladki. Mujhe laga ye aunty iski mummy hogi par woh uski bua thi. Woh ladki bhi...
Brainwashed By Cassandra Morgan The Americans entered the village silently, covered by the dark of the night. Helicopters had transported them through the nearby Kush Mountains, and then they'd made their way on foot to Biryam. There, like death in the darkness, they made their way through the streets, not speaking, communicating only by hand gestures. There weren't that many soldiers. There had been more during the great wars. But most of the local terrorists were scattered now,...
Hijab- A head covering worn in public by some Muslim women. Essentially a scarf. Burqa- A outer garment worn by some Muslim women that covers their whole body when in public. Kuffar- Arabic for "Non-believer". ***** Fahima Begum sat in front of her bedside mirror unable to concentrate as she struggled to fix her hijab properly. Lately her mind had been plagued by doubts and sinful thoughts that no married Pakistani woman should have, and yet there they were. Fahima had been...
My height is 172 cm and a soft velvety skin with a milky fair complexion. My vital statistics are outstanding at 37 – 25 – 37. In fact, I am proud of my bottom assets; having a glorious and gorgeous juicy curvy pear shaped ass. Being a glamour model, I have to take care of my body and make it hot and seductive. I believe men will drool when I wear a tight dress or jeans or expose my hot body or assets. My long legs look gorgeous in skinny or super tight joggings, denims or suit pants and I...
I've been reading a few stories on here, and thought I'd share one. Now this happened a long time ago, in 2005, when I had a studio apartment, so my story is all from memory.There were only about 5 of us drinking, we were all young then, we were all in our mid 20s. 2 black guys, me, and 2 very attractive women. We weren't drunk yet, although I was feeling it a little. It was pretty early in the night. All of a sudden 1 of the women says, "whoever wants a blowjob, raise their hand" I was...
Hi friends this is Abhishek back again. Thank you very much for the great response I got for my first true desi hot sex story regarding my sister Anita who is now happily married to my brother in law Richard. Now I am back with another true story about my mom. “Sunita Sharma weds sheikh Hashim”. Yes, you heard it right. Hard to believe but a fact. Now we need to go back 12 years before when all this started. Those days we used to live in outskirts of Hyderabad as my father used to work for a...
Hello, friends, it’s my first story. I am Danny () . I am from Rajasthan, India. This story is about a beautiful lady (say Shweta) from Gujarat who was with me on a tour to a dhauladhar range of Himalayas. I am 24-year-old guy hailing from Jodhpur Rajasthan. The story goes like this. I was on my way to trek triund on a cold morning of January 2016. It was my first trek and I was damn very excited about it. I carried stuff to keep my body warm there. I had sheelajeet for the same purpose. When I...
Hi indian sex stories dot net friends mera name ravinder hai. Mai punjab ka rehne wala. Berujgar engineer hu .6ft height hai meri. Meri age 25 sal hai Aur mujhe cricket,footbal dekhna aur khelna bhut pasand. Mai aksar jaha par stories read karta rehta hu toh ajj maine faisla kiya kyu na apni story aap logo ke sath share karu. Toh abh atte hai story par toh batt hai tabh ki jab mai 10 class mein tha. Humari class mein ek ladki thi ashima. Wo baki ladkiyon se hatt ke thi uski gand aur boobs baki...
If you wanna enjoy this story, please have patience. Agar aap is story ka mazza lena chahate hain to kripya sabar rakhein aur ppura padhe. I hoppe I will fullfill your lust. Ye kahani tab ki hai jab mai apni puri family ke saath himachal gaya tha shadi me. Ye kahani 2 saal pehle ki hai jab hum himanchal gaye the aur jahan meri puri family ke saath kuch na kuch sexy sa hua. To baat hai june ki hum apna samaan pack krke 10 bje nikal rahe the raat me. Bohot garmi thi isliye beheno ne chote kapde...
Hi guys, this is Jerry. I am very young guy from Bangalore and writing this story for the first time. I work at an MNC, but also offer my services as a male companion. I am thick where I should be, my tool is about 7″ long. Average but young body. I got a phone call after putting up my ad on personal listing for several days. She was stuttering while speaking. She told her name as Mahima. She is 35 years old, but decent sized boobs and tight ass. She asked me about myself and told she wants to...
The Himbo By Weirdoid Edited by: Jo Companies are far from perfect, and Synthetronics Inc was far from the better ones. Synthetronics was widely known for being the world's only manufacturer of human like androids, designed to be indistinguishable from human flesh. It was also one of the most automated jobs in the world. Despite being a huge factory the boss, Mike Sterling, only had fifteen employees. Most of them mechanics to keep the lines running, a small marketing staff, and a...
Hi I’m Raj again. As I explained how I fucked my lower middle class neighbour Meena atha (aunt) who was a newly widowed lady and was happy with my fuck during my holidays ( www.indiansexstories2.net/?s=Meena+atha ). As usually during my holidays and one fine day, me and my atha were fucking like hungry animals n with making sexy sounds and our act was seen by an neighbour lady to my atha’s (aunt) house. In my Meena atha’s compound there are 2 houses and to come to Meena atha’s house one have to...
IncestAmader poribare amra tinjon silam. Ma baba ar ami. Amra gramer poribar, tobe amader ekhane bidyut, gas, cable operator esob subidhai ase. Amader barita gramer onnanno para theke kisuta alada jaygay, amader boro Baritakei ekta para bolao chole 8′ uchu deale ghera 8 sotangso baritar peson dike 2 sotangso jagay gasgasali lagano tarpor ita bisano pother ga ghese stiller boro dorja. L cut baritai tinte room, duto boro ghor ar barandar 30 vag jaygajure amar ghor Tulonamulok onno duti horer theke...
Hi guys! I’m Raj name changed from Chandigarh. I’m an avid reader of ISS from past 6 years. The stories of teacher student sex have fascinated me every time. I’m 20 year old and I’m in 3rd year of my Eng, 5’10” tall, slim not so muscular but fit and a tool of 8″. I belong to a middle class family. Please forbid any mistake as it’s my first time I’m writing story here. Now let’s come to the story enough about me during my first year I came to know that few of my friends teach tuitions after...
Hey friends its Mayur das again and I hope you liked my story as per your comments and suggestions with my rent house aunty the story is titled as Kavita Aunty made my fantasy true and if you have not read it I suggest you to read it I guarantee a full repayment for your 200kb loss of data usages while you read the story don’t read it in hurry or start stroking even when I have started get into the character get into my place! Start reading! It was summer noon of July’s when my mom and dad had...
[The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual individuals or actual events is purely coincidental. The author is not responsible for your own projections of guilt.] -KA'AS NASHIM- _Hawaii '05_ People think that you get judged when you die. And you do, don't worry about that. But you also get judged on a running basis as you live, as well. Spot checks, random assessments. Names and events cross the Desk of God in turn, and each is judged in the order that...