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[The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual individuals or actual events is purely coincidental. The author is not responsible for your own projections of guilt.] -KA'AS NASHIM- _Hawaii '05_ People think that you get judged when you die. And you do, don't worry about that. But you also get judged on a running basis as you live, as well. Spot checks, random assessments. Names and events cross the Desk of God in turn, and each is judged in the order that entropy dictates. One day in the Office of God, an angel named Ka'as Nashim took the standard pile of judgements from the judgement inbox and placed one upon the Desk of God, as usual. "Who's this?" God asked as He scanned the page before Him. "It's Stan Dullivan," Ka'as Nashim replied. "And what is this incident report regarding?" "There were protesters outside of his office." Ka'as Nashim kept an even tone. "The police came. Some of them were arrested." "That seems pretty straightforward," God yawned as He put the paper back down. "Who's next?" "Upon conclusion of the protest," Ka'as Nashim continued, ignoring God's request, "Mr. Dullivan accused the protesters of intentionally getting themselves arrested." "That seems normal." "Mr. Dullivan is their senator, sir." God's eyes widened. "Oh! He is their representative in the federal legislature?" "One of their representatives, yes." "And he made disparaging remarks on their characters? How can they possibly have any faith in their government if their elected representatives won't treat them with civility? Was their country not founded upon the idea that representation within the government is paramount, and trust in said representation is essential?" "Yes, sir." Ka'as Nashim nodded unsmilingly. "Give him boobs." "Sir?" "You heard me," God stood up from the Desk of God. "Give him big, floppy, unwieldy boobs. The kind that make it impossible to sleep comfortably. The kind that everyone stares at. The kind that require a custom-fit bra. Give him the boobiest boobs that ever boobed a boob!" Ka'as Nashim's expression twitched microscopically. "Very well." *** Stan Dullivan awoke in his Washington, DC residence with a groan. Why had he had such trouble sleeping the previous night? It was as though there was some weight on his chest that he couldn't get rid of. He swung his legs over and planted his feet on the floor. Oh right, the senator thought as he righted himself, my boobs. How could he have forgotten about them? They were bigger than his wife's. Stan stumbled towards the shower and pulled his night bra off. It never did anything, why did he even wear it? The hot water cascaded down Stan's naked body, conforming to curves that he had no idea were new as well as it conformed to the square, stout features of the rest of his body, which he had indeed had his whole life. Lathering himself up, Stan recalled all the teasing he had received because of them. He recalled being a student and attending a political rally, how his congressman had picked him out of the crowd, pointed, and laughed at him. He'd vowed that day that if he ever represented anybody, he would treat them with the respect that he'd been denied. The water in the shower ran cold. Stan would have to get the boiler looked at. *** Ka'as Nashim took back the Stan Dullivan file, and placed the next one upon the Desk of God. "Mario Rubico, eh?" God said with a waggle of His eyebrows, "Isn't he also a senator? I think I know this guy. He sure is a little shit. I don't need to read his file, he probably deserves something." "Yes, sir?" Ka'as Nashim waited as God paced small circles behind the Desk of God. "Nail polish," God stuck a finger into the air. "Make him obsessed with nail polish." "Yes, sir." *** As Stan Dullivan was drying himself off, elsewhere in DC, Mario Rubico was pacing his living room, looking at his own hands. "It's chipped," he said to himself. "I can't believe it's chipped." He'd just applied this polish the day before, and it had taken him two hours to do both hands. It was only one finger, but it was his right index finger. He'd be looking at that chipped nail polish all day, and he knew it would distract him. The intricate nail art that he'd given himself appeared on all ten fingers. He'd painted a little acrylic palm tree on each nail, and they all matched. With the current exception of his right index finger. Mario didn't have time to completely re-do the palm tree on that nail, and he couldn't have one finger different from all the others. "I'll just use it as an accent," he decided, pulling a glittery mocha polish, along with a jar of acetone, from off of his nail polish shelf. Only half an hour later, Mario Rubico was ready to face the Senate, having removed the palm trees on both index fingers, and replacing them with a basic, but complementary, coat of solid, shimmering brown. He paused before exiting the door, however, and turned around. If he was to be late, he'd have to be late, but this idea was too cute to pass up. Mario pulled out a tube of black acrylic paint and the finest paint brush he had, and added three black dots in a tight triangle to each index finger. There. Now they looked like coconuts. Mario Rubico left his residence with a satisfied smile on his face. *** "Okay," God said, "Is there anyone else for today?" "We've still got a few left, sir," Ka'as Nashim "Well, let's get cracking!" Ka'as Nashim allowed just a hint of a smile to form. When God got excited, He could be quite fun to be around. "This next individual is named Grimsby Lamb." "Yes?" "Grimsby has recently shown vociferous public support for a man he knows to be incompetent and unqualified." "And I suppose Mr. Lamb is also a senator?" Ka'as Nashim nodded. "He is." "Is everyone for today a United States Senator?" Ka'as Nashim flipped through the remaining folders. "They are." God rolled His eyes, "Well, who was the man that Mr. Lamb supported." "A nominee for the Supreme Court." "A what!?" God turned almost accusingly towards Ka'as Nashim. "It is one thing to undercut the citizenry's faith in your own position, but to do so in regards to another branch of government entirely? What is Mr. Lamb trying to do, erode the foundations of his own country?" "One can only assume." "Well, a short temper deserves a short stature." "Sir?" "Make him short." "Yes, sir." *** Grimsby Lamb turned in his bed, but did not awaken. His body wasn't particularly active, but his mind was. In his dream, he was shopping. It was an odd store, one where the aesthetics, and even the inventory, shifted wildly from aisle to aisle. Here there was sleepwear, and there an aisle of cacti. Here there were computers, there a falconry demonstration. "Excuse me, sir," a young woman came up to him, "can I help you find anything?" Grimsby looked at the woman critically. She wasn't conventionally attractive, he noted. Late-30's, early-40's. Less a MILF and more just a mom. Pear-shaped and shabby in her red work polo and tan slacks, the only thing that distinguished her was her height: while Grimsby himself was no giant, this woman was easily a foot shorter than he. "I was just looking around," he answered. "Nonsense!" the woman replied, "I know exactly what you're looking for. Come, let me look into your eyes." Grimsby did so without thinking. The slight smirk on the woman's face did little to improve the plainness of it to his eyes. "No, no, I need to look *into* your eyes, not up at them," her expression changed. Grimsby faltered. "Well, I can't go up there to meet you," the woman huffed, "so you'll have to come down here." She grabbed his arm and pulled, and Grimsby felt himself moving at the impetus. "There, that's better." Grimsby blinked. The woman's face was maybe an inch from his own. It filled his field of vision. The straight, brown hair that framed her face, also served to curtain his peripheral vision. For the moment, she was his whole world. An entire universe consisting of this one woman's face. Somehow, it felt right that he should be looking at this face. It felt comfortable to be here. Her eyes seemed to draw him in even closer, even as he knew they remained the same distance away. No. They weren't the same distance away. They were, ever so slightly, drifting farther. Higher. Almost imperceptibly, but Grimsby slowly noticed that he was looking up into the woman's eyes, instead of straight-on. And then she stepped away. "A falcon," she stated with finality. "A falcon?" Grimsby questioned. "Yes. I told you that I know what you need, and you need a falcon." She was decisive. "You know, to help you get things from off of the high shelves." It made sense. Grimsby had noted when he first saw her that the woman before him was particularly short in stature, and even she was an inch or two taller than he was. How would he be able to reach anything without help? As he followed the woman to the falconry demonstration, looking up towards the bobbing of the hair on the back of her head, the world of this store began to fade out. And the world of the real began to fade in. Grimsby Lamb blinked as he rolled out of bed. Something felt off. But as he stood up, the feeling disappeared quickly. He made his way to the bathroom and opened up his medicine cabinet, feeling more confident with every step, but he couldn't manage to reach the mouthwash. Why was it on such a high shelf? Oh, Grimsby lamented, if only he had some kind of trained falcon to help him. It was tough being the shortest senator in DC. *** "Okay, I'm warmed up now," God rubbed His hands together, "who's next?" "Chak Grussley, sir." Ka'as Nashim read from the file. "And what did Chak do? Let me guess, abuse of his position, disingenuous statements, and outright lies?" "Yes, sir." "But, like, more than your average senator, correct?" "Statistics show that Mr. Grussley is hardly capable of saying anything that is true at all. Even his least-honest colleagues--" "You mean like Mr. Lamb?" God interrupted. Ka'as Nashim continued, unfazed, "Yes, even dishonest colleagues like Grimsby Lamb are known to use facts and logic, at the very least, in order to disguise their ulterior motives. Mr. Grussley is an open- faced liar." Ka'as Nashim looked down at the file, then back up. "And he doesn't listen to women." "I see." God steepled His fingers and brought them to His chin. He paused. "Well, from now on, he has to listen to any woman who speaks with him, you got that?" "Yes, sir." *** Chak Grussley was making his way towards the Senate building when a constituent approached him from behind. "Mr. Grussley?" Normally Chak would keep walking, pretend he hadn't heard: he couldn't just be stopped on the street by anyone who thought they recognized him. But today was different, somehow. He found himself stopping and turning around. "Mr. Grussley," as he turned, he could see a young woman, likely a college student, rushing to catch up with him. I wanted to talk to you about some of the judicial candidates that are coming before you." "Young lady," the senator took on an aloof, condescending tone, "I don't really have the time to discuss policy with the public at the moment. I need to get to chambers." He tried to turn around again and continue on his way, but he couldn't manage to do it. Which gave the woman an opening. "The candidates proposed by the president serve the purpose of undermining judicial precedence," she said. "They're openly partisan, and often have histories of working against their own communities' best interests." Chak struggled to extricate himself from the conversation, but found the woman's words echoing in his head until he acknowledged them. "The president has the authority," he said, "to nominate any federal judge that he sees fit." "Okay, yeah," she replied, unaware of the senator's internal struggle, "but first of all you blocked the last president's nominations, and secondly you're breaking with long-established precedent in pushing through this one's." Chak didn't want to listen to these accurate statements, and normally he wouldn't have, but he found that he could do nothing but acknowledge them. "The senate," he fumbled, "is complicated." "Yeah," the woman countered, "well it's your job to figure it out, and it's your job to protect democracy, and it's your job to actually represent the will of the people, despite the whims of a man likely elected only with the help of foreign interference. So do your damn job." The woman spun on her heel in a huff and began walking in the direction she'd come. Suddenly the senator was able to move again and continued in the direction he had been going before. "Oh, Mr. Grussley," came another voice. This one he recognized: it was Leanne Weinstein, a senate colleague from the *other* party. Normally he'd ignore her, too. But today he couldn't. As his body froze, Chak Grussley's mind froze with it. What was going on today? *** "So," God leaned back in His chair, "is there anyone left?" "One more for today, sir." Ka'as Nashim placed the final file onto the Desk of God. "Rich McDonald," God mused. "Yes, I know this one. This is the man that Satan himself created? The one meant to sow chaos and serve as High General in the war against humanity? This is the man born with neither heart nor soul nor capacity for love?" "One and the same, sir." "Well, normally I don't interfere with the machinations of the Devil as a rule," God rocked back and forth, "but I'm feeling adventurous today for some reason." "Sir?" God stopped rocking, stood up, and gave Ka'as Nashim the steeliest stare in the universe. "Give him the works. Use your judgement." "Yes, sir." *** Rich McDonald entered the senate chambers as though it was any other day. But, of course, it was not any other day. Rich greeted his colleagues one by one, shaking their hands as he went, until he came to the desk of one Stan Dullivan. Something seemed off about the man today. Boobs. The man had boobs. Had he always had boobs? Inertia pulled Rich forward even as his small mind tried to process what he was seeing, and he shook Mr. Dullivan's hand with a somewhat strained smile. A smile which faltered, as an electric jolt seemed to jump from Mr. Dullivan's hand into Rich's, up his arm, and across his chest. He released his hand and took a step back, his surprise unnoticed by his colleagues. A look downwards only made things worse: Boobs. Rich had boobs. Had he always had boobs? No. He hadn't. That was Senator Dullivan. No! Dullivan hadn't had boobs before today either! What was going on? How had Rich's shirt re-tailored itself to fit these new proportions? Was he wearing a bra? Rich had little time to process these thoughts as Mario Rubico approached him, hand outstretched. What was that on Mario's fingernails? Were those palm trees? Again, Rich could not stop his hand from meeting his colleague's, and again he felt an electric shock. When he pulled his hand back, he saw that his own nails were painted green with yellow flowers on each one. Goldenrod flowers. What was going on? Mario stepped away, replaced by a man of rather shorter stature. "Grimsby?" Rich breathed, "Is that you?" Grimsby Lamb looked at the taller man, confused. "Of course it's me." "But you're so--" Rich's assessment of this most recent colleague's height was interrupted, as said senator reached forward and clasped his nail polish-adorned hand. And the next thing Rich knew, he was eye level with Mr. Lamb. Rich looked around in horrified wonder at the now-larger world around him. Everyone else was so tall. The desks so large. He felt suddenly intimidated, his shorter arms having trouble navigating around his larger bust, his bright fingernails a constant distractioin. Rich tried to make his way to his own seat, but it was taking him longer than he was used to. And on the way he was approached by another colleague. Chak Grussley. At least this was a man who looked the way Rich expected him to. Although Chak did seem to be looking around a lot, as though he was paranoid. In any case, he was a more welcome sight than the last few people had been. So it was with a naive sense of security that Dick shook this colleague's hand as well, only to experience a now-familiar feeling of shock in his hand. He braced himself. But nothing seemed to happen. He was still short. He still wore nail polish. He still had breasts that would make a Playmate blush. But nothing new since he'd shaken Chak's hand. The two men looked at each other for a moment, each wearing their own face of paranoia, before wordlessly going their separate ways. "Mr. McDonald." The voice stopped him in his tracks. Why couldn't he move? "Mr. McDonald," the voice continued as it approached him, "you have neglected to shake *my* hand this morning." Rich turned. It was Leanne Weinstein who approached him, flanked by her colleagues Matti Curie, Saidie Saitcamp, and Malalah Paris. Dick was frozen to the spot. These four women, women he'd gotten used to opposing with apathy and force, were now commanding his undivided attention and towering over him. They surrounded him on all four sides. To Rich's eternal shame, he wanted to cry out for help, but even worse was when he realized he couldn't. Some force within him was urging him to stay silent and devote all his attention to the women before him. "You know," Matti began, "everyone has sort of a tiny voice inside of them. Most people don't really acknowledge it, but it's there." "It's like the metaphorical angel and devil on your shoulder," Saidie continued, "a part of you that you're free to either heed or ignore." "At least, that's true of most people," Malalah carried on from her colleagues. "You, however, have to listen to your voice from now on." "And to get you acquainted," Leanne finished the circuit, "I should tell you your voice's name: It's Richelle." Rich looked helplessly upwards at the smiling faces of the four female senators. He didn't think he could feel less at ease, until he heard the voice. "Hello." The voice seemed to speak directly to his brain, bypassing his ears. "I'm Richelle." It seemed familiar, but new all at once. "I'm your feminine instincts, your female tendencies." Rich didn't think it was possible for the lump in his throat to sink any lower. "And just as you've found yourself listening to the women around you, from now on you will be listening to me." Rich swallowed hard, and stood still as the women around him dispersed. It was as if they knew their job was done. "I love how our nails came out, Rich," Richelle cooed. "Don't you?" Rich McDonald looked down at his hands, at the yellow flowers that tipped each finger, and couldn't help himself. A surge of pride welled up within him. He tried to fight it down, but with a mental prod from Richelle, his resistance collapsed. He did love how his nails had come out. This was going to be a long session. *** In the Office of God, beside the Desk of God, Ka'as Nashim smiled. She picked up the stack of files that were now dealt with and began to leave the room. "Ka'as Nashim," God interrupted before the angel could take more than a few steps, His voice taking on a more serious tone. "These files are supposed to be randomized. Arbitrary. Is that correct?" The angel's smile deepened imperceptibly. "Yes, sir." "But today's sampling," He narrowed His eyes, "not only were they all of the same nationality, they were located within the same city, and working in the same building." "Yes, sir." "What would you say is the likelihood that we would be evaluating such a seemingly non-random sample of individuals today?" Ka'as Nashim's smile deepened again, but perceptibly this time. "We've been doing this for five thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine years, sir." The angel flipped through the files quickly. "That's over two million days. A coincidence was bound to arise at some point or another." "I see," said God, not quite convinced. "Well, it's been a productive day. And certainly the world will become a better place for our having worked it." He leaned forward, elbows on the Desk of God, hands clasped together. "Have a good night, Ka'as Nashim." "Have a good night, sir." *** Ka'as Nashim ze lo davar pashut Tizaher me'menah The anger of women is not a simple thing Be careful of it

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Maurice was very pleased with himself. He recently received a promotion to regional sales manager along with a very nice raise at the Thompson Insurance Company, the company where he worked. He could hardly wait to tell Miriam, his lovely blonde wife of ten years. One of the VP's knocked on the door to his office. William Tyndall, the VP over the department came into Maurice' new office and closed the door. Mr. Tyndall casually sat on the edge of the new executive's desk. "Hello,...

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The Wall1

He is looking over the work that has been done today when I get there. He has brought a blanket and it is on the floor near a chair. He sits and I kneel. He wants His dick sucked, and I do it. As I am working His dick and He is getting hard, breathing a little deeply He suddenly gets up. I turn to watch Him, He motions for me to stay where I am and I do. He comes back with a blindfold. He takes my glasses and blindfolds me. He helps me up, pulls me by the arm for a few steps and grabs a...

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Teresa ScaliaThe Final Confrontation

Sitting at her desk with telephone in hand, Roxanne Starr put the finishing touches on a negotiation. "Okay then we're in agreement. Guaranteed controlled access for the night of the 23rd, one person in-house who can operate stage lighting, curtains, and the automated video equipment, and I pay $5000 to rent the hall with a $200 kick back to you." Roxanne paused for a moment as the party on the other end responded. "Very well, I'll be in touch." Thinking to herself, "The venue is...

2 years ago
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Master PC Creampie EditionChapter 2 New But Still Same Wife

Chris commanded Sandy to go to sleep once the cleanup had finished. He then made sure she accepted and liked his new ability to cum a huge amount, and allowed his own control on the volume of his cum. After all it could get a bit messy! Remembering her wife's upturned tits framed by the blouse, Chris made the change so that Sandy's tits would no longer require the support of a bra and doubled her nipple length. The last change of the night was to make Sandy unable to get pregnant and lower...

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first timerchat

got this from a internet forum, OP posted his omegle chat:Stranger: is this justin bieber??You: don't get any p*o on my weinerStranger: xDYou: pleaseStranger: umYou: This is Biebs. What's up girl?Stranger: um...You: I can prove itYou: Baby baby babyYou: OhhhhStranger: wow very niceYou: So what's up?You: Is your clit tingling?Stranger: no o.OYou: How old r u?You: 12?Stranger: 15 -.-You: Your clit hasn't dropped yet.Stranger: what does that meanYou: You have no sex driveStranger: well if you're...

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Half Asleep HandJob

I woke up because of the movement in my bed. I took me a minute to remember that Ross had spent the night. We had stayed up late, drinking beer. As a senior in high school, I couldn't handle too many. We split a six pack and pretty much crashed in my bed. I was in a deep sleep when his movement in my bed brought me to near wakefulness. What happened next got my full attention: his hand slid over to my crotch. I was all ready hard. I began to realize that he hadn't just been restless. When we...

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Immature Sex With Cousin Priya 8211 Part 1

My name is Arjun. I am 24 right now doing my MBA. This happened 2 years ago when I was in the first year of college. I used to go to my uncle`s place (mama`s house) to enjoy my summer vacation every year. My uncle has 1 daughter and 1 son. This story is about his daughter, my cousin. Her name is Priya. She is 2 years younger to me. And I am her favourite cousin brother, because I always help her with everything and I was good to her. She is very grown up physically. Her boobs are big in size...

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My Bosss widow friend

Shortly after lunch Helen , (my boss) came up to me and told me she had an errand for me to run. She gave me the address and told me to do whatever her friend wanted me to do. When she described Cora,(her friend ) to me she said that she has known her and her husband forever. “You will like her, she is my age and pretty”she said then smiled “but of course not as pretty as me. She does have a great personality but it has been several years since her husband has passed away. I talked to...

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Adventures In Rubber Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Jason was getting frustrated. The embroidered jacket was chafing, the bar scotch he'd ordered was watery, and he was sweating in the rubber pants. What the hell he thought, I may as well enjoy my drinking, if I can't enjoy the bloody party. He poured his drink into an abandoned margarita, and caught the bartender's eye. "Double shot of Macallan, neat," he ordered. The bartender, a bored-looking gorilla in a nun's habit, said, "Top shelf is four bucks a shot," waited for his reaction,...

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DelawareChapter 4

As you remember from Chapter 3, my wife Emma left me on a Saturday evening to go to what she thought was an innocent dinner with Rolf Ericsson and his friends at the Old Colonel's Mansion. After the dinner she would be introduced as a member at Rolf's private historic 1648 club and stay there overnight. She didn't believe me when I told her that I had gotten secret inside information about what she was expected to do at the Colonel's Mansion and what she thought only was an innocent...

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Sarahs Submission Ch 24 The Orgy

As the prom started to wind down and people started to filter out, Sarah rounded up her group and they went out to find their limo waiting for them. Getting plenty of comments from others while they got in, they acted like the rock stars they felt like. Once back in the limo, Sarah handed out more drinks. For the boys, with each drink she handed them, she popped a small blue pill into their mouths and kissed them after they swallowed. Mr. Michaels had given her Viagra for the boys to make...

2 years ago
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Getting fucked at adult theater without husband kn

This happened several years ago when my husband and I first started going to adult theaters. I'm very out going never met a stranger type and my husband is complete opposite, he doesn't say much of anything to strangers just likes to get in do our thing for a little while and then back out. He is also very nervous when we first go in to a theater, has a hard time getting a hard on for the first 10-15 minutes but once he does it stays hard as a rock for as long as I want him to! On this day I...

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GameplayerChapter 36

The drive to Jacksonville and the search for a honky-tonk hadn't taken much time, and when Sam and Madeleine made their selection and ordered their cheeseburgers in the dark, noisy juke joint not far from Camp Lejeune's main gate, they were a little disappointed to observe that the joint wasn't really jumpin'. Two beers later, however, things were definitely looking up. The juke box, formerly merely loud, seemed to have become deafening. The contingent of Marines on the premises had...

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The Trap 8211 Part 3 Revenge is Sweet

The Trap Pt. 3 promo story The first of the three board members Padma needed to bribe to get her project green- lighted was Dharma, a sexy gym rat who spent all his free time exercising. It fell to her assistant Aalia to court Sharma’s vote, which she accomplished one evening in the company gym. Aalia “persuaded” Dharma by pumping his muscles and showing him her skills at riding stallions bareback, Padma conveniently video-recording the entire “workout” lest Dharma’s wife not realize how lucky...

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Gwen 2

I helped her unbuckle my belt and unzip my pants.   I tried to push them down, but they hung up on my cock.  She giggled and reached in my boxers to help.  When I felt her hand on my cock I nearly came right then.  A shock went through my body, and something as close to an orgasm as I could have without ejaculation caused me to arch my back and nearly fall... "Don't do anything for a minute baby, I have never felt anything like this before, it is just so good.."  Her face lit up and her eyes...

1 year ago
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My Pet Lucy Chapter 2 Taking Charge

It had been a week since Sam had accidentally learned about Lucy's BDSM fantasies. She had been devastated, at first, fearing that it would scare him off, but was delighted to discover that he had similar desires. Anxiety turned to excitement as she daydreamed about what they might get up to next time they were together.However, she would have to wait. They both had a busy week and wouldn't get to spend any real time together until the weekend. And there was a lot to do before they could have...

2 years ago
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Mary Ellen Jakowski sat in her kitchen with her good friend Dana Carter having their usual morning coffee. The two women had been friends since the Carters moved into the neighborhood five years ago. Their husbands, Richard and Drew, had become buddies as well. They were "backyard" friends, as their privacy fences were connected. In fact, they rarely went to one another's house through the front door. It was a one-block walk around the neighborhood to get to the front door. The two women...

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Surviving 3Chapter 8 return to Dalriada II

The Fife shipwrights had still not managed to complete any ships by the time the snows were beginning to melt. Scott had been frustrated at having to leave the two Viking longships behind after the small battle during the winter, but the weather conditions had ruled against him being able to sail these along the Firth of Tay. Now that the weather was improving he led a force of men back to the shores to see whether the ships were still there. He was surprised, but delighted, to find the two...

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Theres More than One Way to Skin an Angel

TRUST ME It’s written in big, black letters on a piece of card stock. It’s the second one I’ve received this week. The first one had three little words on it: I WANT YOU I called a friend of mine and told her what was going on. I asked her if any of our friends were pulling a practical joke, cause I wasn’t finding it funny. I was a single, young, professional that lived alone and things like this gave me the creeps. The second note kind of confirmed my thoughts about a friend pulling a joke on...

1 year ago
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Simply Irresistable

SIMPLY IRRESISTABLE Creamy satin and silk Smooth nylon and lace To girls wearing these Men so often give chase So quick to remove them They sometimes don?t see Another sensation That is theirs, just for free Eye shadow and perfume Lipstick deep, shiny pink So much more exciting Than a young man might think Cotton, Lycra and leather Soft Angora wool Girls wardrobes with these things Are often quite full Bras, panties and stockings High heels and low There isn?t a...

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Fun with my office coworker

Here is a fantasy that I wrote based half on actual events that happened to me. It has been almost a year since we have been acquainted with each other. We both work in the same company but in a different departments and only see each other briefly in the hallway passing by or in the large inter-departmental meetings that seems to last way too long. We haven’t spoken to each other yet but I could tell that you want to get to know me. Your beautiful eyes speaks loud and clearly whenever you...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 26

Wednesday 19th to Tuesday 25th April 1972 The thing about being suspended on a Wednesday late morning is that everyone else is at work. I was alone. Like Connie, I wanted to get out of the flat, but where to go? Not to a pub. Drink was not the answer. In any case being alone in a pub would merely be emphasising how alone I was. I did what came naturally. I packed a bag and a couple of novels, and drove into the hills towards Bakewell, finding a hotel near Monsall Head, and finding they had...

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A New Taste Part 38 Lockdown Heaven

Tom had taken a pounding on his ‘gardening day’. He felt the ache of his multiple ejaculations and the ghost of my girth in his behind. He claimed to have lower back ache when his parent inquired. The were proud of his hard work. An honest days toil was a good thing. Tom was a little sore and when he touched his sensitive anus in the shower he became aroused. He thought of how slutty he had been, how magical it felt to ask to be fucked by a man. To give up his ‘pussy’. He held his erection as...

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Taking SarahPart Three

The plan. Now that Cindy was onboard, we needed to look at the situation and pick the best course for success and also to avoid any problems as we were venturing into taboo territory. I guess a bit about Sarah's personality gave us a blueprint for the seduction as we called it. She is a very insecure little girl, though by no means unattractive she has always felt that her sister got much more attention and was the cuter of the two. When over hearing one of the older neighborhood...

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Second ChancesChapter 6 Tools

"Horatio, you have given us a couple of very powerful tools and we thank you." "You are very welcome. I know you will not abuse the powers." Then Horatio disappeared. Jean told me, "Greg I will never doubt you again." Jean and I headed off to bed. It had been a hard day so we both agreed to just go to sleep that night. We would have enjoyed some marital relations but we both were exhausted. I'm not too sure about Jean but as we cuddled I fell immediately to sleep. As I slept I...

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Follow Your Heart

She walked into the hotel and stopped looking for the front desk. She walked over to it and took off her coat while she waited for the concierge to acknowledge her presence. ‘May I help you…’ he looked down at her left hand that she had placed on the counter, ‘Ma’am’, he said seeing her wedding ring. She looked down at her hand in shock before pulling it guiltily back down to her side, she had forgotten she still had her wedding ring on. ‘Do you have a message for Emily’, she said softly her...

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More than I paid for

I'm an older man in my early 50's and it just seems the older I get the hornier and kinkier I become. Married with a couple kids I've played safe off and on through the years around my sexual but unadventurous wife. This has include some play with professionals and amatuers alike, including some couples and a few single guys. That's where this story begins. I've been with a few guys, mostly give oral and just a couple willing to fuck me. Yes, I'm one of the thousands of mostly...

1 year ago
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IM Hentai! Alright, you cucks, time to listen the fuck up. All of your sex-starved weebs out there are always begging me for new sites. Y'all are like pigs to the trough when it comes to hentai chicks with big tits. And, you know what, I’ll keep them coming. This time I want to talk about doujinshi. Those kinky Japanese books with bitches getting creampied and begging for more. Usually, I’m more of a video kind of guy when it comes to porn, but doujinshi is some good shit. The Japanese have a...

Hentai Manga Sites
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Dressed To Kill Ch 09

Noella awoke feeling a little flat after the high emotion of Sunday. She gave thanks that it was the school holidays and so she didn’t have to take Emily to school, but she had promised the girls lunch and some shopping. She was hoping she might hear a bit more about her date with Lachie. She gave the coffee machine a pounding, consuming three double strength lattes to drink with her chunky sour dough toast smothered in cumquat marmalade. She was almost buzzing by the time she took the final...

2 years ago
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Distractions part 2

The train continued to move at speed, the motion creating a welcome friction in my panties. My pussy was hot and slippery, and my nipples were rock hard. My neighbour across the aisle was getting bolder. His fingers traced the outline of his cock, showing clearly as a huge bulge against the denim of his jeans. I looked up, and our eyes locked. He had a playful smile, I was biting my lip in anticipation of what may happen next.He was the first to speak. "Hi" he said "are you enjoying the...

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Valentines Dinner with Sir

Valentine’s Day happened to pop up shortly after Sir and I began corresponding, and He suggested we take a break from our “First Night” adventures and instead focus on the holiday. He asked me to begin by describing a perfect Valentine’s dinner, and we took it from there. Needless to say, it got very hot very quickly.me:A busy high-end restaurant where we have a booth, one of the round ones so we can sit next to each other. i'm dressed as You like; after some long and hard sex You have selected...

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Ahh Lochy Part 2

His arms were around me, and my back was right up against his hot, cum-covered chest. His torso was also pressed right up against my naked ass, and his mostly limp cock pressed inbetween my ass-cheeks and rested inbetween my legs. Ahh Lochy... What a nice feeling this was. Reaching for my phone I checked the time, it was only 7:00am but the sun was already heating up the air, making it thick and humerous. Lochy stirred in his sleep behind me, pulling me in tighter I could feel his...

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my mom is a doctor part2

Hi to all ISS Readers. I am Rakesh writing the continuation of my experience “My Doctor Mom”. I and my mom use to make love regularly. We use to try all the positions by watching the cd of Kamasutra. When I was alone I use to think whether all the things I am doing with my mom is a dream or what. Because she was the lady of my dreams, she was my heroine. One night after we made love and relaxing in each other’s hug she said that she wants to marry me. I said why so mom. She said I want to live...

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My First Threesome 1

Greetings everyone. This is the first time I’m sharing my sexual experiences as a story to the outside world and I am very excited about it. Here I’m going to share with you the story of my first ever threesome.During this recent holidays, I again went to my grand parents’ village. I was eagerly waiting to go there, as the last time I went there a few months back, two people lost their virginity – My uncle’s daughter(Chandhu) and I. Those awkward/sweet/wonderful moments were still afresh in my...

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