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I won't bore you with much of a 'back story'. That isn't what you're here for anyway, is it? No, you're here for the juicy parts; the 'meat' of things. So that's what you'll get. However, I do just have to set the stage a bit first.

My wife is a cutie, though she is carrying around about thirty extra pounds. If she was 5'10", it might not be a big deal. But at 5'2" it shows clearly. Still, I've come to enjoy the sight of her curves and the feeling of running my hands (and tongue) over all her special hills and valleys. We've been married for three years and it has truly been an awakening for me. I'd previously been typical, in that I'd been programmed to believe that slender was supposed to be attractive while 'overweight' was ugly and should be shunned.

Meeting Kate was an epiphany. Her pretty face and her sense of humor were what first got my attention. Those traits caused me to look past her weight. Then she started letting her sexuality bubble to the surface. That was what really hooked me. I met her at a wedding reception and we exchanged numbers after spending two hours talking together and dancing exclusively with each other. She can really move on the dance floor. Those heavy breasts crushed against my chest during the slow numbers caught my attention, too. I called her first and we went out. Then we went in — in to my apartment, that is. After that things moved fast. Within six months we were married and living in a house we had purchased.

A few months after we were married, her daughter had a split with her husband. So there we were, just one happy family: Kate, me, her daughter, Fanny (her actual given name), and Fanny's little baby girl Brenda. I can understand naming your kid 'Brenda', but who names girls 'Fanny' these days? Oh well...

Kate had gone off to work one morning about two months after Fanny and Brenda moved in. They were still in bed. I had been laid off for several months, but Kate's salary kept us afloat, even with the additional expense of having Fanny and Brenda with us. I was working at the computer, trying to write. Everything I started seemed to come out pornographic. So I kept trying to come up with a story that could be published in some mainstream forum. It was the only way I could think of to add to the family coffers while I waited to be recalled to work.

I had just deleted several pages of the previous day's efforts when I heard a noise from the hallway. My den is down the hall from the kitchen and I knew it had to be Fanny out there. I picked up my empty cup and took it to the kitchen for a refill. I stopped just inside the door when I saw Fanny leaning back against the counter, a cup of coffee in her hand and Brenda attached to one tit and the other one just hanging there in front of God and everybody! Normally, Fanny kept herself pretty well covered up when she nursed. But either she was still half asleep or else she thought I'd be out of the house for some reason.

In any case, she didn't seem too disturbed when she noticed my sudden presence. She was yawning when I came in. She recovered from the yawn and gave me a sort of sheepish grin. "Sorry, Bud, but I had to pee and she was starving." She really wasn't taken aback by the fact that she was standing there in front of her stepfather in a pair of panties and nothing else.

Now I admit that I'd been ogling her tits since she'd arrived. I knew they were swollen because she was breast-feeding, but it didn't matter. Their appearance still drew my attention. They were big and looked juicy. Fanny wasn't as round and curvy as her mom but she was on the way, especially with her 'baby fat' still hanging on her hips and belly. She caught my attention the first time I met her, and she was seven months pregnant at the time.

So my first view of her bare tits — with their large, 'lactacious' nipples — made my dick swell in my sweat pants. Since I wasn't wearing underwear the reaction didn't go unnoticed. Fanny's glance dropped to my groin before snapping back up to my eyes. I felt my cheeks heat up as I watched her lips curve into a grin.

She stepped across the kitchen to where I stood. Her free hand went down to cradle the bulge in my sweat pants. My eyes went back to her bare breasts. The right one had little Brenda attached to it, but the left one was free and leaking a little colostrum. I hadn't tasted it since I was too young to remember it, but the opportunity made my mouth water as much as the simple appearance of her breast and enlarged nipple.

Her hand went to my neck. She must have been reading my mind because she pulled me down until her nipple was near my lips. When I held back, she groaned, "Please, Bud, it hurts. Brenda will only take the one anyway." My lips opened wide then to suck in that offered treat. All thoughts of Kate and everything my actions implied flew out of my head. I was just a man and this was a freely offered breast. What more can be said? I sucked and the sweet warm fluid began to flow into my mouth. Some long buried feeling arose in the depths of my mind. I suddenly felt safe and content.

After a few seconds of heaven Fanny pushed me away with a laugh. "As good as that feels, Bud, I have to put Brenda down. Unlike you, she went to sleep sucking my tit." She twitched her butt as she left the room. I fell to my knees there on the floor with my empty mouth open. I cursed myself for my weakness. My cock throbbed painfully.

I got up and started to get coffee. But Fanny was soon back, sans both baby and panties. She wordlessly took my hand and led me down the hall to the bedroom I share with her mom. She pulled my hand so I spun around and ended up on the bed on my back. Fanny grinned at me as she pounced on top of me.

She straddled my hips and her heavy tits swung back and forth above my face. Her crotch was shaved hairless and I saw her fluids glistening on her swollen labia. "Nursing always makes me horny, Bud," she said in a husky voice as she ground her cunt against my hard cock through my pants. My sweats soaked up her oozing juices. Then she leaned forward and we kissed. After that I was gone. There were no thoughts; no alarms or cautions in my head. It was all pleasure and sensation. My sweats disappeared and we slid together.

As sexy, horny and insatiable as Fanny proved to be, it was no wonder to me that she ended up divorced and pregnant. Kate had told me that part of the reason for her divorce was that the husband wasn't sure he was Brenda's father. She screwed me from front to back and back again. She particularly enjoyed using her hand to open her pussy over my face and leak my semen into my mouth. I gulped it down with relish. Then she used some of the scum to lube up before sliding my re-hardened cock into her ass. After I let loose into her bowels I finally had to call a time out. I was covered with fuck juice and sweat (and totally sated). I wasn't sure my cock would ever rise again.

Fanny rolled over and got to her feet. She swiped a hand through her crotch and stretched. "We'll have to do this again, Bud. Right now I have to shower and get down to the welfare bureau. Take care of Brenda, okay?"

Suddenly I saw the way she saw things. She had just used me! "Hey, I'm not a babysitter. Besides, what happens when she gets hungry?"

"Oh, there's some expressed milk in the fridge. Don't worry. She sleeps most of the time." Fanny left the room and I heard the shower start. What the fuck had I done? Well, I wasn't about to stand for it! I marched, bare-ass and flopping from side to side, down the hall and burst into the bathroom. Fanny was leaning her head back under the spray, her huge tits standing out in front of her.

I muzzled my initial carnal reactions and strode to the glass door. I shoved it open and said, "Fanny, I don't want to come across as ungrateful, but I don't work for you. I have things of my own to do and I can't spend the day taking care of a nursing baby."

Fanny wrung her hair out (making her tits shake attractively) and wiped the water from her eyes. She gave me a sad look and said, "Well, Bud, you really gave up your right to object about an hour ago. When you took my tit into your mouth you put your balls in my hands. From now on you will do whatever I want you to do, regardless of your desires. Otherwise I'll tell Mom you came on to me. I might even say you forced me to fuck you."

I just stood there, her wet, sexy body the least of my concerns right then. Then she reached out, grabbed my dick, and pulled me into the shower with her! She went to her knees and took my soft cock between her lips. The last place it had been was balls deep in her ass, but she didn't seem to care. I stiffened once more and I was as surprised by that as by her impromptu blow job. I was lost again. The heat of her mouth engulfed my entire being. I lifted one foot to the edge of the tub, spreading my legs. Fanny's finger slipped back between my cheeks and she prodded my hole.

I gave it up right then and there. I spurted what little semen was left in me into her mouth and she gulped until I stopped. She gave me one last lick and then handed me the soap. She turned away and said, "Wash my back, hun, okay?"

I numbly took the soap and scrubbed her back. I didn't stop there either. I worked down into her ass crack and scrubbed her there too. She wriggled and gave me encouragement and I worked my way under, into her cunt, and back up the front to her tits. I rinsed her tits and gave suck. I got a good mouthful from each before she pushed me away. "Brenda will want that later. Leave off!"

We got out of the shower and I pondered my new status. I had willingly enslaved myself to my wife's kinky daughter. I supposed things could have been worse, but I was apprehensive about the open-ended statement about doing 'whatever she wanted me to do'. Belatedly, thoughts of Kate came to mind. I felt like a shit. I got out a fresh pair of shorts and slipped them on. I really was feeling bad.

I'd violated the trust of my wife and made it worse by doing it with her daughter. Oh, Christ! My mind went on a spiral of worry. I couldn't stop pacing the bedroom. I couldn't live this way. I was used to being the one in control. Now Fanny had 'the hammer' and she was driving. I had to figure out a way to regain control. The only thing was... she was sweet. Her breast milk and her pussy tasted great, she was a great fuck, and she gave good head. I'd like to keep my access open to all that, despite the guilt feelings about Kate; despite the price I was being forced to pay.

I was twenty five years older than Fanny. I should have been able to figure out a way to turn the tables on her. But, try as I might, I couldn't see it. We had several more 'interludes' after that first day. Kate was surprised at my heightened interest in her own delectable body. I couldn't tell her that her daughter's relative slenderness made me hungrier for her plush flesh, but it was true. Fanny was like an antipasto to the feast that was Kate.

Then one night things went my way. Kate was home and into her 'home office' mode. She was typing away at her computer. Fanny was finishing up Brenda's feeding and flashed me a tit and a grin as she tucked the baby into her little blanket. She was covered up when Kate came in from her office. "So you're going to be gone all night?" she asked her daughter. My ears perked up.

"Yeah, or I might come home tonight. It depends on how things go."

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Oh, Fanny has an appointment. We're watching Brenda."

"An appointment? What kind of 'appointment' lasts all night?"

"It's a spiritual awakening retreat, Bud," said Fanny with an arching of her eyebrow. I was pretty sure I knew what kind of appointment she was going to, and it didn't have anything to do with spiritual awakening.

"Oh. Well as long as you're doing it for your betterment," I said. I walked over behind Kate and rubbed my hands obviously over her generous behind. I could tell she wasn't wearing panties. She gave me a little moan as she pushed back into my caress. "How soon do you leave?" I asked Fanny. She had watched the caress and I knew that it would make her jealous, in spite of the fact that I'd been her mother's husband before I ever met her. I was just trying to drive a little spike into her game.

"Oh... I'm supposed to be picked up in about ten minutes," Fanny said.

"Well then," I said as I held my hand out to her mother. "You'll excuse us for now, then. We have our own 'spiritual awakening appointment' upstairs. Have a great time!" Kate beamed and even giggled a little as I led her out. She tossed another 'have a good time, honey' back over her shoulder, but I thought that Fanny was too busy steaming to care. I took Kate upstairs and reminded myself about one of the reasons I had married her. We licked, sucked and fucked. Then we did it all again. I love the taste of her when she's full of my semen.

Fanny, as it turned out, didn't stay out all night. I guessed her 'spirit' hadn't 'awakened', and I said as much to Kate that next morning. She laughed and held the bottle to Brenda's lips. The baby wasn't too interested in the bottle, however. She kept spitting the nipple out. About then Fanny came into the room in her robe. She took Brenda from Kate, slipped the loose knot of the robe's sash and presented her tit to the baby. Kate sort of gasped in surprise that Fanny was so casual about being nude in front of me.

My dick started to rise at the sight of my stepdaughter with her robe hanging open and that luscious bare body out in the open. "Fanny! You're showing off again!" Kate said. She didn't seem too bothered, just a bit perturbed.

"What do you mean 'again'?" I asked.

"Oh, she's done this all her life. She loves to be seen naked. She's an exhibitionist. I'm surprised she hasn't flashed you before now." Meanwhile, Fanny seemed to take no notice of our conversation. As Brenda contentedly sucked at one of Fanny's bared breasts, she was pouring coffee.

"Oh, Mom, cut it out. Bud knows what I have." My hard on deflated in an instant. My mind screamed to Fanny, 'Don't tell her!' I tried not to show relief as she added, "I'm just like every other woman, after all. It's just like the fact that I know he has a dick and a pair of balls. Except for measurements, there isn't a lot of difference from one man to the next, or from one woman to the next. So what if he sees me naked?"

Her attitude was remarkably close to my own, but I still had to put a lot of energy into feigning indifference. I'm not sure I carried it off. Kate looked at me. I shrugged and her eyes went to Fanny, leaning brazenly against the counter, her robe still hanging open and her shaven mound on display. Kate looked back at me. Then she shook her head. "Well, I guess you're right. Oh, and Bud?" She turned back to me. "Put your tongue back in your mouth. She's living here and I guess she'll be 'hanging out' more from now on. Just be careful." With that, my wife took her coffee back into her office and shut the door.

All of which left me alone in the kitchen with Fanny standing there naked. I looked at her self-satisfied smirk. I shook my head and crossed to where she was standing. I dipped my head for a quick taste of breast milk and then brushed my lips across hers. "You're playing a dangerous game, Fanny," I told her.

"It's no danger for me... maybe for you, if things leak out."

"Believe me, if she finds out about you and me... well, let's just say that I won't be the only one out on my ass. She might let you leave Brenda here but she won't harbor you any more."

"Oh I don't think she'd do that. Besides, I don't plan on telling her that you seduced me. What would be the point?" I knew there was no counter to what she said. Anyone would believe that I had been the seducer. Except, from what Kate had said, she might see the truth. Still, I was guilty of adultery and nothing could change that.

I just gave her tit a squeeze and went down the hall to our bedroom. I had my computer set up in there. I couldn't think about it any more right then. I was in way over my head.

After about an hour I went back into the kitchen to see if they'd left any coffee. When I got there I realized I was hungry. I was rummaging in the fridge when Kate's voice came from the doorway. "Whatever you make, make me some too." I let my hand move from the bologna to the container of the leftover stew from the previous night. I stood back and shut the fridge. It's a good thing I'd set the container on the counter before I looked Kate's way. She was sitting at the table completely nude! She had a gleam in her eye, her legs were crossed and her dangling foot was swinging back and forth.

"Uh..." I said intelligently. My arms went out to sort of indicate her and the rest of the room.

"Well, I figure if you're gonna be lookin' at naked women, I'd better be one of them." She got up and came to me. She hugged me and fondled my dick through my sweats. "You like lookin' at..." She grinned when she went on. "... Fanny's fanny, don't you?" Kate asked.

Of course I couldn't lie. "Hell, yes, I like it. I always like seeing a woman naked."

"Well, look all you want, cowboy. Just remember where your horse is parked." She gave my cock a harsher squeeze and went back to her chair. I reheated the stew, my mind in a whirl.

Kate went back to her office after we ate. I went to take a shower. After my shower I decided that if everybody else was going nude, I might as well, too. I dried and brushed my hair, smeared on some deodorant and walked into the hall. I wasn't sure where Kate or Fanny were, but I'd heard Brenda crying as I was drying off.

I passed the bedroom Brenda was using. Fanny had her back to me, probably changing diapers. Her robe still hung loosely from her shoulders. She didn't see me. I continued into the living room and there was no sign of Kate, either in there or the kitchen. Her office door was closed so I just turned the knob and walked in. I closed the door behind me as I watched Kate's face. She gave me a lopsided grin as I went around the desk. She swiveled around to face me and took my cock in her hand when I was close enough. She pulled me to her and took me into her mouth.

I waited until my legs started shaking before stopping her. "Honey, we have to get more comfortable. I'll fall down if I don't sit down." She pulled her mouth off me with a wet pop and grinned at me again.

"Well, I've worked long enough anyway. I think we have time for a good roll in the hay before thinking about dinner."

"Uh, honey, we just had lunch an hour ago."

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In the morning we had coffee and then showered. That was not our normal routine. But since Jenny had to stay naked in the house she put off her shower until after breakfast. Then she put on another of her sexy little dresses and we went to work. All day long I had only one thing on my mind. I was anxious to get home and find out what would happen to Jenny at work today. I could just imagine her in the hands of a troubled teenaged boy with permission to do just about anything that he wanted...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Skylar Vox 19 Year Old Teen Skylar Vox Shows Off Her 34 DD Big Naturals

Big Breasted Beauty Skylar Vox takes her talents to JJV as she gets pounded by Markus. With her platinum blonde hair and statuesque body Skylar looks like a modern day pinup girl in her short plaid skirt and tiny pink top. She plays with her perfect tits then bends over to reveal that she’s not wearing any underwear. Skylar grabs ahold of a pole and instinctively starts dancing around it before taking off her top and getting more comfortable on the couch. As she shows off her perfect body...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Celestina Blooms Who Can Go The Longest Stepbro

Celestina Blooms and her stepbrother Codey Steele are super competitive. Codey is getting sick of the way Celestina keeps changing the rules so she wins every time. They get into it over a card game and Codey storms out. Left to her own devices, Celestina goes ahead and grabs the vibrator she keeps hidden beneath her pillow and goes for it. With one hand on her tit and the other buried beneath her panties, she’s really getting into the swing of it when Codey returns. They both reveal that...

2 years ago
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Our Time Together Chapter 2

Chapter Two Sunday started like every other, I woke to an empty bed and a nice morning wood. I normally go straight to the shower when I wake but the dry feeling in my mouth from the well anticipated sex the night before needed quenched. I slid my underwear from the day before over my throbbing cock and headed to the kitchen and poured me some soda, with soda in hand I was on my way back to my bedroom when it occurred to me that Anna wasnt up yet and hopes of catching her sleeping with out her...

1 year ago
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HotCrazyMess Natalie Porkman Naked At The Beach

Natalie Porkman knows how to get her man once she sets eyes on him. She comes out of the ocean naked and runs towards a stranger, who offers her a towel. She claims that she lost her bathing suit in the ocean and that she has no clothes or towel. Natalie is also tired from the water and has no way to get back to her place. The stranger offers to grab her some clothes and give her a ride home since she’s wearing nothing but his towel. Natalie waits until they’re alone and then...

3 years ago
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My Calendar for KettieChapter 10

October 14th, 2014 Wednesday night, I went to Happy Hour at The Pool Bar. It was the only night during the week when they had Happy Hour. Wednesday was payday for the State, and the following Wednesday was ChipTech payday, so either Wednesday, there were folks with new money in their pocket and a little stress to burn off. I liked it because they had hors deuvres and that was dinner for me. A couple chicken wings, mini egg rolls and pizza made a nice combo with a couple beers before I...

3 years ago
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Best on Board

Seven and a half thousand meters! And yes, the seatbelt light is still on. Ah Bob, you've still got it! Bob had set himself a challenge: to calculate the maximum altitude of the plane he was on before it reached that altitude. And it was hard, too; not just a case of looking up the cruising altitude of the plane. This was a short hop flight from Sydney to Coffs Harbour, the airline wouldn't waste fuel getting all the way up to an efficient cruising altitude; it would only spend a few minutes...

1 year ago
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Sophie and her mother Part 2

Thirty eight year old Sophie Dupree pulled aside the net curtain and watched Miles walk stiffly down the path, he paused briefly and grimaced as he touched the seat of his trousers. “Do you think I will see him again?” Sophie asked her mother. “Of course you will darling,” replied Celia who had now joined her daughter at the window. Sophie and her mother flopped on the sofa, physical and mentally exhausted. Celia complemented her daughter. “The first time is always a bit daunting, but...

2 years ago
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Angela zur Lust verdammt

Hallo ich bin Angela ich bin 31 Jahre alt habe lange naturblonde Haare. Ich bin 174Groß und recht normal gebaut. Nun aber meine Geschichte. Es war bald soweit. Endlich wollte mich Ingo heiraten. Wir sind zwar erst ein Jahr zusammen passen aber genau zueinander. Die Ringe wahren ausgesucht die Sparrenburg bei Bielefeld gebucht. Mein Kleid hatte ich ohne Ihn gekauft um Ihn zu überraschen. Nun ging es nur noch darum ein Lokal zu finden. Zwar wollten wir nur im kleinen Kreis feiern ca. 20 Leute...

3 years ago
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My Friends Wife

Chapter 1: My friend and I My friend Esau and I have been friends since high school. We played sports together. Neither of us won any scholarships so we didn't go to college. We both got jobs at a local factory. Esau left and put some time in the military. He ended up spending four years in the service and, when he came back, he brought a bride and one kid back home with him. He has since had a second child. We both seemed happy and stayed good friends, not necessarily best friends. We hung...

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Twin Farmgirl CousinsChapter 4

Nick was up the ladder, working the paintbrush, when a hand groped up between his thighs and copped a quick feel of his cock. "Hiya," Betsy said, halfway up the ladder. Nick was wearing cutoff jeans and she was playing with the hair on his legs, but her eyes were staring at the bulge of his crotch. "You got something for me, Nick?" Nick flushed. He motioned with his head toward the upstairs window. He already knew--he'd made it his business to find out-- that it was his uncle's...

3 years ago
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BEA Der Beginn 2

Klaus brachte die Videokamera ins Erdgeschoss und positionierte sie so dassder Eingangsbereich im Sucher zu sehen war. Gleichzeitig achtete er daraufdass sie nicht gleich beim Eintreten in den Flur zu sehen war. Er nahm diebespielte Kassette heraus und ersetzte sie durch eine Neue.Dann lief er wieder in unser Schlafzimmer und schaute auf meine Frau herab.Sie lag immer noch eingerollt auf der Seite. Ihre Hände immer noch auf demRücken gefesselt. Ihre Reizwäsche war etwas nass, was natürlich von...

2 years ago
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Mutual Benefits Chapter Six

It definitely wasn’t just wishful thinking, nor a coincidence – Taylor and I were seeing each other more and more. We went from seeing each other once a week and maybe doing something sexually at the end of the study session, to seeing each other once every two days or so, with at least half of our time spent with our tongues busy working on one another.“Mmmh,” Taylor moaned as she engulfed my cock with her mouth for the second time that day. We hadn’t moved on from oral, and I was probably...

3 years ago
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An Unwanted AliasChapter 14

"If someone had told me, following my rescue," I declared, "that one day, I'd be going back to China of my own free will ... I'd have said they were batshit crazy." I was wolfing down an Italian sub, complete with ham, capicola, pepperoni, Genoa salami, and a generous helping of provolone cheese, all doused with vinegar and olive oil. So much for eating right, but I was hungry, and I knew it would likely be quite a while before I had access to this brand of cuisine. Odalys, picking her...

2 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 23

Present – Jack – At the cabin We are under attack from what has to be a truck bomb. We begin to shoot the shit out of the truck when Jennifer's crazy assed dog runs toward the truck. In a panic I order, "Make sure you don't shoot Jennifer's dog!" The furry fucker jumps up on the hood of the truck and begins to bite the hell out of the windshield wipers (which the driver turned on to distract the dog). Then the damn dog continues the attack and somehow works his way into the cab of the...

2 years ago
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Pleasures at Dressing Manor 5

Pleasures at Dressing Manor - part 5 of 7 by PRIM The story so far: Young teacher Miles Johnson receives a letter from his pupil, Lyndon Blonding, 18, telling how his spiteful stepmother is keeping him prisoner and dressing him childishly. He takes the letter to his Headmistress, Alison Forceman, who secretly feeds Miles the feminizing drug Fem-Agra, so that he becomes addicted to girls' clothing and suffers embarrassing changes to his body, before accompanying him in his bid to...

3 years ago
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Suddenly Sarah Part II The Proposal

Lisa, Kim, and Cynthia stood back and looked at me thoughtfully. "Hmmmm, he certainly makes a beautiful woman ..." Lisa said drumming her fingers to her lips. "But there is something decidedly unlady-like sticking out from under his dress. Help me hold up his dress Kim!" My eyes got big like a deer caught in headlights as Kim and Lisa approached. They stood on either side of me and lifted up my dress hem. Cynthia was watching intently. "Look at that!" Cynthia exclaimed. "He is...

2 years ago
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Becoming Dirty Diana Chapter Two

As Diana rounded the corner she saw Robert already waiting. When he turned and saw her, he beamed.“Wow, you look great,” he said cheerfully.Diana smiled and replied, “Thanks, and to think I didn’t even put on makeup.”“I think women, in general, wear too much makeup. I like your freckles.”At that, they started walking to their destination in a comfortable cadence and talking about their favorite springtime activities like hiking, the weather, and skinny dipping.“Wait, you’ve never been?” Robert...

Love Stories
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Lil One 4

Chapter OneWe are driving down the secluded four wheel drive only beach. I’m taking a new submissive that I’m training to be a pain slut for her Master. She’s 24yo and her name is Candy, but I call her lil one, because she’s only 4’11”. She has been mainly a pleasure slave but her Master wants her to be able to enjoy more pain play. I have been training her about 4 days now. Today is more of a reward for her hard work.We should have the beach to ourselves, except for the stray fisherman or two....

2 years ago
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PandoraChapter 6

The center of the Sargasso Sea lies at 28°N 66°W. It is a region in the North Atlantic Ocean bounded by four currents forming a large pool of calm deep blue ultra clear ocean water and the characteristic brown Sargassum seaweed that floats on top of it. Unlike all other regions on Earth called seas, it has no land boundaries. Instead the Sargasso Sea is bounded on the north by the North Atlantic Current, on the south by the North Atlantic Equatorial Current, on the east by the Canary Island...

1 year ago
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AssParade Rose Monroe Julianna Vega Latina Booty Power

Julianna Vega and Rose Monroe have some of the biggest booties in the business. So we decided to pair them together for some AssParade fun. They paraded their perfect asses up and down the road. While we were outside, the BangBus drove by with Alexis Fawx. They were on the way to shoot a new scene. After the girls all said hi to each other, we rushed inside for these two beauties to get some dick. Inside awaited Jmac, he dicked them down and stretched their pussies in several different...

4 years ago
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Autopilot My name is Jesse I'm not the biggest boy there is and certainly not the manliest. I'm what you call an Average Joe, maybe a little on the small side. I started growing my hair out so I can get that punk rock look. I hoped then maybe people won't pick on me so much. However it doesn't seem to be working. People keep calling me a girl. Anyways I'm at school. It's the last period of the day, science class for me. My teacher Mrs. Green is about to assign everyone partners for...

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The Conquest of Alison the Cruise Director

The Captain addressed the passengers yesterday to explain the risk transiting the Gulf of Aden. The Seabourn Pride was on a five-day cruise sailing from Muscat, Oman to Safaga, Egypt. The large map projection in the ship’s main theater displayed Yemen to the north and to the south, Somalia. He used a laser pointer to show a high-risk area, but he reassured all aboard that the high-risk area did not constitute a major risk. Not to make light of the situation, he concluded that cargo ships had...

3 years ago
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There and BackChapter 105 Waiting Game

After a bit more discussion, Theron put his helmet back on and disappeared back into the Barracks. Nathaniel followed him because, despite his status as an Arl, he wasn't willing to evict any of the current occupants from their rooms, especially the women. I suspected he was trying to avoid Kallian entirely, and while I couldn't blame him, it was going to be awkward eventually. Might as well get it over with now. After that, waiting several days for the Landsmeet was ... really, epically,...

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  Sat in the darkness, the warm weather temporarily cooled from the blistering heat outdoors and the smell of sweet popcorn wafts up from the bulging paper bag sat in my lap. My arm barely touches the arm of the shadow next to me. A smile creeps across my face, as I take a peek at him at my side. He catches me looking and grins, pinching a few clusters of the honey flavoured popcorn I’m holding. The adverts end and the room becomes silent in the suspense of what the next few hours hold. It...

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CuckoldSessions Sidra Sage 08022020

Sidra Sage is a Domina with a mind of what she needs in Life. Her long term sugar daddy slave has been well trained to put her needs ahead of his own, but the real test is tonight. Sidra is set to have her first multiple Man Scene and her First DP as well. At her insistence he will be gagged and blindfolded, only allowed to hear her moans of pleasure as she takes real Men’s cocks for Her pleasure. These Men know they are there for her pleasure and even take fun in reminding her slave of...

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Taweret and the Tales of Heroes Erotic VersionChapter 3 September 9th 1978

That night Gary slept in his bed. The bed that had been ordered and moved in was not exactly the most comfortable, but it was all that could be afforded with his mother’s current budget. He felt himself slip in and out of a dream. Perhaps it was a nightmare? Only the voices he heard while he slept provided any sort of explanation. “Ha ha...” he heard a voice in his sleep. Gary could not tell where the sound was coming from as he felt like he was in a dark room. “You just move to this place...

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A Hot Night In Midsummer

When I walk into the room, I notice you immediately, sitting alone by the bar, looking deliciously sexy and provocative as you perch on your stool, daintily sipping your drink. I take in the gentle swell of your pert little breasts under your blouse, your nipples pushing against the silky fabric, and I think how nice it would be to suck and nibble them, making you wriggle with pleasure in anticipation of the delights to come. I notice that your complexion is pale olive, suggesting a...

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XVideos Teen

Ah, my favorite category of porn. Teen porn. Who doesn’t like seeing a tight teenage pussy get demolished in a porn video? I know I do. I love it when the tiniest of teens get bent over and destroyed like they’re someone’s property. Anyway, if you want to talk about an excellent place to find teen porn on, you can’t just gloss over the fact that has one of the biggest selections of porn in general, and it’s only one of those places that you go to no matter which genre of porn you’re...

Teen Porn Sites
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Business of Pleasure Part 1

Aurora gazed at her reflection in the mirror. She was tall and slender, blessed with the genes of a long-limbed family. Her golden skin radiated and her deep, mahogany hair was styled up in a loose bun- a few strands of her hair escaping to fall close to her neck. She didn’t wear much make up, but she didn’t need to either, her features were flawless. A little mascara to extend her eyelashes, and a little eyeliner to frame her eyes. Aurora cocked her head and narrowed her eyes at her image in...

2 years ago
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The Blackmail

Hi I am huma, with a new story. It is one of its kind and hope you will love it too. I am Nikhil, 16 years old starving son of yesteryears millionaire. My father and mother both were killed in an accident and I was on the streets, courtsey of my father’s friend and partner Munir Ahmed. He had everything written in his favour. The bastard now owns the entire business. “Nikhil, dont be afraid, I am here to help you. I wont let you starve. You wil work at my house, keep it clean and obey orders...

3 years ago
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Becoming Zoe

My soon to be wife Annie had taken a job out of town and I only saw her every two weeks or so. She was scheduled for a flight home on Friday night. I was going to pick up her son Zakk from his dorm and the two of us were going to pick her up at the airport and enjoy the weekend together. Zakk is in his first year of college he is studying to be a make up artist for stage and screen. He and I have not really gotten to know each other and this was to be the weekend where we did that. Annie...

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New beginings How it started 2

It started off with a simple pact for a gloryhole blowjob between boy and girlfriend but it had gone wrong with interesting results. Part 2It had been three days since my glory hole initiation, and I had managed to avoid rushing back, like a bitch on heat, for more, but here I was stoood in the queue waiting for a booth, in the local clothing store, and I had some tacky strapless dress and blouse over my arm as I waited in line . I really didn't have control of myself and I hadn't slept...

3 years ago
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Make Love To Me Part 2

A loving couple's journeys into fantasies become all too real...Beth scoured the balcony, looking for Allan’s face as she danced, unable to see him but quietly confident he was nearby. She was feeling really horny now. Where the fuck was he, that husband of hers? Maybe he’d gone to the gents, she pondered to herself, hoping that the only relief he was getting was from his bladder. She wanted to relieve him of the tension in his boxer shorts. She wanted cock and she wanted it now. Juan noticed...

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