With Her Husband s Encouragement
- 4 years ago
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St. Celia's hospital is located about a ten minute drive from the park where the assault had just taken place. That is driving normally; Jeff made it in under six minutes that Friday night.
The sight of Jeff carrying his mate through the emergency room doors caused a stir. They were suddenly besieged by nurses and a doctor. The ER staff guided Jeff, still with his precious burden, to a treatment room. They thought that was the best course of action, rather than attempt to remove the woman from his grip. Jeff was directed to place Mary on the examination table.
When he did, Mary attempted to reach out with her left hand/arm. Sister Monica, the head nurse, tries to pull Jeff aside. As he moved at the nurses pulling, Mary cried out, "Don't leave me!"
Jeff responded, "I'm here, dear"
Jeff was moved aside, a nurse with a clipboard accosted Jeff. "I need some information, sir."
"Sure, what do you need, are they going to help her soon? Those bastards, I stopped them as soon as I could get up."
"Sir, what is the ladies name?"
"Mary, Mary Baker."
Her next space on her form is titled 'information obtained from'. She asked, "Your name?"
"Jeff Baker, are you going to help her soon?"
Jeff stood beside his love with her left hand clutching at his sleeve. As the nurse looked over at the patient she saw the ruby engagement ring and the gold wedding band. The next block on her form is 'relationship to the patient', without asking she checked the block marked spouse. Then she simply copied Jeff's name and the 'spouse' checkmark to the area titled "next of kin."
She next asked "Age of patient?"
"Mary is 17", answers Jeff.
Still following the printed form she came to 'nature of complaint'. Following the tradition of all medical personnel at the time of calling people seeking help by their first name, she said, "Jeff, how was Mary injured?"
"We were attacked in the park. Three S.O.B.s attacked us. They were tearing at her before I could do anything."
The next block to be filled in says for 'females only followed' by two preprinted questions. "Jeff, is your wife pregnant?"
"No, not yet at least."
The nurse then skipped the question of nursing.
The next block is a statement followed by a question.
"Jeff, we are a religious institution. What religion does Mary profess?"
"Oh, we are both Catholics."
The nurse who was a nun smiled and said "I knew, you are such a nice couple. Do you think your wife would like the chaplain to come down?"
Jeff looked over at his love to seek her wishes. Mary mouthed the words "Father Tim."
Jeff turned back to the nun-nurse and said "Sister, I think she would like you to notify Father Timothy Strickland. He is over at St. Luke's. I have his number if you don't have it handy."
The request surprised the nun. This couple was asking for the big shot Priest/Lawyer that she recently had heard so much about. The Priest they were asking for seemed to be the fixer for the Archbishop. They even had his private number, if the young man was to be believed. She passed on the request to a student nurse who was standing by to take care of such details.
During this exchange the doctor had begun to examine Mary. He indicated to one of the nurses to cut off what remained of Mary's dress. When he looked up and pointed to Jeff the nun-nurse said to him, "Husband." One quick look at the person laying on the table told the doctor the source of pain she was experiencing. Her shoulder was severely dislocated, a minor but very painful injury. He decided to get an x-ray to make certain no bones were broken before popping it back into its socket. The doctor then gestured to the nurse with the scissors to hurry up. Meanwhile he was cleaning up some of the blood on Mary's face. He was pleasantly surprised that none of the wounds were deep or long enough to require sutures. He checked them for any residual debris and instructed a nurse to apply some antiseptic. On the largest of them, he applied a butterfly to secure its edges. He thought she's a lucky young woman; the wounds should heal without scaring. Next, he set about examining the rest of her body. What he found was bruising where her dress had pulled at her soft tissue when the assailants were attempting to rip it from her body. There were also marks on her arms where she had been restrained by one of the assailants. Then with a look of gentle concern he addressed this supine patient, "Mary, I must remove your underwear to complete my examination, please forgive the intrusion."
The doctor had examined enough victims of this type of assault to know how violated and powerless they felt.
"Doctor, my Luv stopped them before they could get that far with me."
Mary motioned Jeff to move closer. He bent down so that Mary could whisper in his ear. "Luv, you do it. I don't want anybody's hands there but yours."
"Doctor, she asked me to remove them", said Jeff.
"Ok, I'll tell you what we can do. Mary if you will spread your legs a little and let me look at the inside of your thighs. After I do that I'll ask your husband to lift your underwear just enough so I can confirm that there aren't any injuries that need my attention. Is that ok with you?" asked the doctor.
Mary eyes shifted back to Jeff seeking his approval. Jeff put his mouth to her ear and murmured to her "Mary, I have been dying to get into your pants for so long but I never wanted to do it this way."
The doctor checked and found nothing remarkable.
The doctor spoke to Mary "I'm going to have one of the sisters take you up for some X-rays of your shoulder. I don't think anything is broken. I am only asking for them in an abundance of caution."
"Doctor, can't Jeff take me? Please?" complained Mary.
"Well, my dear, I would really like to have a chance to check your husband over and I can be doing it when you are upstairs. You won't be gone all that long. I promise to keep him right here until you get back."
Jeff nodded his approval to Mary.
There was a large commotion in the receiving area, as several 'officers of the peace' arrive with their hands on their weapons, demanding attention.
"Where is he?!, We have a reported kidnaping and assault with a deadly weapon."
The intake clerk told the officers, "We have two victims of an assault being treated now but no kidnapers."
One of the policemen pulled out his handcuffs saying, "Must be them. Where is he?"
The intake clerk, Sister Aloysius not having had this experience before sought out the nurse supervisor. This nurse is the one who took the receiving information from Jeff. She had seen similar situations before, someone thinks that they see something; reports it to the police. The police react without verification then later when all the facts are gathered, reason prevails. In the meantime, her ER becomes a circus. Tonight she thought if we wait for the Priest that the nice couple asked for to arrive; he can help me get this straightened out with minimum fuss.
Back in the treatment area the doctor has been talking to Jeff. The doctor convinced Jeff that he allow himself to be checked over. Jeff had a clearly visible bruise on his face and the shoe prints on his clothes indicated that he has received numerous blows to his torso. After examining Jeff, the doctor told Jeff he could find nothing to be concerned about. Just take it easy on your ribs for a couple of days.
A transport orderly returned Mary to the ER. She brought with her the X-rays and radiologist's report, confirming the doctor's original diagnoses; Mary had a uncompounded dislocated shoulder. The doctor made profuse apologies to Mary explaining that this next part was going to cause her further discomfort. He then set about to wrench her shoulder into its proper position. He started the process by stating "Mary, seeing the way you reacted earlier to having someone touch you, I am going to have your husband hold you while I do this, rather than one of the nurses. Is that ok with you?"
Mary bit the lip, then nodded her head. "Is it going to hurt that much?"
The edges of the doctor's mouth drooped as he shrugged, "It's the only way I know how to fix it."
The doctor then showed Jeff what he wanted him to do. He positioned Jeff so that his chest was pressing Mary to the table. Jeff's left arm was under Mary's neck with his hand griping her body between her neck and injured shoulder. His right hand was placed below her left shoulder almost on her breast. This arrangement put Jeff's and Mary's faces close together. Jeff can clearly see the look of fear in Mary's eyes. When he sensed the doctor moving, he placed his lips over Mary's. He opened his mouth and with all the emotion he could summon tried to suck the pain from his love. Mary responded by opening hers in return and let herself flow into her mate. The young lovers lost themselves so deeply that Mary never felt the yank and twist that restored the position of her joint. The doctor gave them a few more moments of tenderness before interrupting them. "Mary, its all over. Its going to be sore for a couple of days, I am going to prescribe a mild muscle relaxant to help with the healing process."
As the doctor walked away, he shook his head at what he had just witnessed. He had seen some powerful exchanges of love. This one he was going to have put near the top of his list.
The level of communion that the mates had just achieved was so tantalizingly close to what they had been seeking earlier that it made that need even more urgent.
Out in the waiting area, the circus that Sister Monica had feared had developed and now was assuming epic proportions. Several other police officers and a brace of detectives had joined the law enforcement contingent. Outside, three more cops were digging into every nook and cranny of Jeff's car. Every police car that had arrived was 'parked' in the emergency access lane at a different angle. Each one was still running its front doors open and its light flashing. Fortunately, the officers had turned off the sirens, though they had left the police radios on at maximum volume.
Father Tim arrived in the ER about this time. Sister Monica saw him and quickly shepherded him into the treatment area. Father's first concern was Mary's condition. "Is she asking to be anointed? I brought the Holy Oils just in case."
Sister Monica replied, "You won't need them for Mary, her condition is painful but not life threatening. You he might need them for her husband, with the way that pack of hyenas in the waiting room are snapping at him."
Sister explained to Father Tim what she knew of the assault. During this recital she continually refers to Mary as Mrs. Baker. (Katharine, what have they been up to?)
(Timothy, I think, maybe they have been trying to play house.) Father Tim then requested to talk to the couple privately. He was led to a holding area where he found Mary lying on a gurney dressed in hospital gown. Jeff was sitting at her side. They were holding hands, talking quietly. They looked up and saw Father Tim and got a very sheepish look.
Jeff announced,"Father, we didn't mean to inconvenience you."
Before he could continue Mary interrupted, "Its all my fault."
"No, Father she's wrong, I am the one to blame."
"Shsss! Luv" responded Mary as she reached with her good hand to try to cover Jeff's mouth. "It is mine and you know it."
"Both of you, stop it right now! You were assaulted by criminals. You can't blame yourselves for the acts of the likes of which attacked you." (Katharine, I thought they were more mature than that.) (Timothy, Me thinks that they are talking about something else.) (Huhm?, Katharine)
The pair sought each other's attention and with matching arched eyebrows communicated, we know that! Then each flicked their eyes in Father Tim's direction and back to the other's gaze. Next, they both lifted their shoulders with Mary winching at the movement. {Translation: He doesn't understand. Are you going to tell him or am I?}
(Katharine, they are at it again!)
(Timothy, of course they are. They have it down petty pat, don't you think?)
"Ok, you two, what are you not telling me? Mary, let Jeff answer for the both of you."
Jeff began, "Father I... er we went up there because it was the only place we could... er... you know... ? Ok?"
(Timothy, I told you so!)
"Remember, I told you; you two are not married, not at least in the eye's of The Church."
To which Mary replied, "I don't want to argue with you Father but I sincerely believe that Jeff and I have made THAT commitment in the eyes of God. Are not he and I, the ordinary ministers of the Sacrament of Matrimony?"
(Timothy, you better help them fix it and soon.)
(Katharine, We have to fix another problem first.)
"Have you talked to the police yet?" Jeff and Mary shook their heads. "Good! Then I'll assume when you asked for me you were seeking the advice of your attorney as well as for my spiritual guidance?" Father Tim said as he was nodding his head vigorously.
Jeff replied, "Yes, I guess so."
Father Tim said, "Very well, then we have them in a double whammy: 'Seal of the Confessional' and 'Lawyer Client Privilege'."
(Timothy, you can be so devious at times.)
"Now, tell me everything that occurred tonight, everything!"
Jeff and Mary recited the evenings events when they came to the motel part, Father Tim stopped them with the comment, "Stop right there, I don't want to hear any more about that until I put my stole on. You were indicating that you stopped to inquire about lodging in the future."
(Timothy, your lawyer tongue is returning)
(Yes Katherine, later tonight is in the future)
Then when they got to the park he again interrupted with "You were just passing through and stopped to have a short marital discussion."
(Timothy? Did I hear correctly?)
"By the way that was your lawyer making the last comment not your Father Confessor."
(Katherine, this two hat thing is going to be a little hairy.)
"But, Father, we didn't intend to do much talking." retorted Jeff.
Mary hid her eyes and added, "He's right Father."
(Katherine, this one is going to be difficult.)
"My children, (Timothy?)(Katharine, that's priest talk, a term of endearment) if my guess is right, you were going to attempt to have the ultimate communication a married couple can have. (Oops, Katharine, I hope that they don't catch my slip. Oh, Katharine wipe that silly grin off your face, I am trying to be serious here!) In the nature of keeping the subject of the discussion private, we will leave it alone. What I was indicating is that discussions between husband and wife are subject to "marital privilege", in other words; you cannot be compelled to testify against your spouse. Understood? Ok, Continue with your story."
Jeff took up the narrative. He described the shock of the glass being broken on Mary's side of the car. Then his being bodily ripped from his side and suffering through numerous kicks. His assailant leaving him, Jeff assumed the attacker thought that he was no longer a threat. His hearing Mary's pleas for help. Finding the rock under his hand. "Father, do you know how many of the events in 'Track and Field' are based on ancient warrior skills?" Jeff tells of disabling two of the attackers with rocks, then his aborted chase of the third. Coming back to Mary, and finding her in great distress. Picking her up and making for their car. The cop arriving. The officer who had no inkling as to what just happened. The officer's demand to place Mary on the ground. Jeff's wordless refusal. The police officer's opening the car door at his request. Jeff thanking him and telling the cop where he was taking Mary. Driving directly to the hospital. Probably running some red-lights in the process. We arrived here and the nuns have been taking care of us since.
Father Tim took all this in. After a few moments thought, he said, "Jeff, you did the right thing at every turn. Now I will go out there and attempt to straighten this out."
On his way to the receiving area, Father Tim stopped to talk with the doctor who had been treating Mary and Jeff. He asked if it was possible for the doctor to order something like an aspirin for Jeff. In way of explanation he offered, "I want to be able to tell those 'hyenas' truthfully that Jeff has been given a 'pain killer' and is unable to converse with them at this time."
The doctor thought for a moment, then said that he would order the medication. He started to walk away. Then he turned back and added, "The way that Mary trusted her husband there was no way possible that he is responsible for her injuries. If you want me to testify to that in a court of law, as a trained medical observer, I will gladly do it."
Father Tim went to the waiting area and sought out the person in charge of the police contingent. What he discovered was it was Detective Del'Grosso, an extremely unpleasant individual. Father Tim presented his card:
Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Rev. Timothy Strickland, B.A., M. Div., JD
Of Council to the Archdiocese
Turner 5-5555
The Detective looked at the card and replied, "Oh and a lawyer too, who are you representing?"
Father Tim answered, "The Baker's although since they are members of the diocese that interest is there also, but in this instance the Baker's are my primary clients. Just what seems to be the problem?"
"Baker's, you say? Are they my doers? I have a report of a crazed perp, who savagely attacked two young boys who were assisting a young girl in the park. He then kidnaped the female after threatening a police officer, while he was attempting to maintain the peace. We can throw in resisting arrest and fleeing the scene of a crime and that's just for starters. Two of the youths that were attacked are currently hospitalized in serious condition."
Father Tim features hardened in to a look of total incredibility. "Mr. and Mrs. Baker were transversing that excuse of a park, when they were set upon by assailants of unknown age, who caused grievous injury to Mrs. and Mr. Baker: then, even though Mr. Baker was personally in need of medical attention, he used the means at hand to subdue the aforesaid persons before they could violate his wife, Mrs. Baker. When a police officer arrived on the scene, he assisted my clients by opening the door to their conveyance, which had been damaged by the assailants Mr. Baker thanked him for his help, Mr. Baker then informed the officer where he was taking his wife to seek medical assistance. Mr. and Mrs. Baker arrived at this hospital directly from the incident. They have been undergoing treatment since their arrival. And now you are suggesting that they are somehow guilty of an infraction of the law?"
Del'Grosso gave Father Tim a hard look. The detective's partner motioned him aside. They talked privately for a few seconds "I have run into this lawyer before, we better check our facts before we make fools of ourselves."
Del'Grosso refused to heed the other cop's advice. He said, "I'm not afraid of his collar I'm going to treat him like any other lawyer. I really want to get one of those preppie kids that are constantly coming into the city and lording it over the locals. I'm sure that this 'kid' did some really bad things." Then related how he thought that anybody who lawyered up before he had a chance to question him hard had to be guilty. He then demanded that the culprit be produced for some 'in-depth' interrogation.
The hackles on Father Tim's neck arose at the last statement. Speaking directly to Del'Grosso, " Are you placing my clients under arrest?"
Del'Grosso started to answer when his partner butted in, "No we are not. We don't have a warrant at the moment."
To which Father Tim replied, "In that case, as their attorney, I can not allow it. They have both been given some medications for their injuries. Therefore, it is not possible at this time to have a responsive conversation with them."
"So I'll get a warrant," sneered Del'Grosso.
Del'Grosso hustled off to find a phone. He called the on-call Assistant District Attorney {ADA}. Fearing the worst, Father Tim got out his black book and called the President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, a long time friendly adversary and now a parishioner at St. Luke's. He requested a hearing on the soon to be requested arrest warrant. The judge grilled Father Tim on the night's happenings as he knew them.
When he was finished the judge told Father Tim, "Father, I will get involved this one time. All of this is ex parte so I will set it up but I will not give any suggestion to Judge Goldstein on how to handle it. Make your case to him in open court. Now, unless there is something else, I will call the administrative clerk and so order it."
"Judge, there is another small matter, Mary Baker is 17 and therefore under the curfew age. Jeff Baker is over 18. Just to make things clear, could you order Mary to be released to Jeff, in loco parentis?"
"Tim, if you can make that one go down you're a better lawyer than I am. A wife 'released in custody of her husband, as a parent, good luck selling that to the wife. But I will include that in my order. Now, give me ten minutes, then call the clerk for the details."
As Father Tim hung up the phone, he could still hear the Judge's mirth.
(Timothy, you are a little too self satisfied. What did you just do?)
(Later, Katharine, I have some more thinking to do Please?)
Father Tim waited the allotted ten minutes and called the clerk. The hearing had been set for tomorrow at the central booking unit where a judge is stationed for such contingencies. He went over to the two detectives and suggested that they call their ADA back. They reluctantly did as bidden. Finding that they had been maneuvered around, they told the priest that tomorrow was a different day. Judge Goldstein didn't cater to papists like the President Judge did.
Father Tim left the two officers to get the hoard out of the Hospital. He went looking for Sister Monica. Once he found her, he asked to get the pair ready to leave. The Sister then told him what the police officers had done. They had subpoenaed all of Mary's clothes as evidence.
"I am compelled to collect even her unmentionables, all of them! She is going to feel so exposed!" bemoaned the Nun. "We can give her a gown but they are so immodest, that she would be embarrassed even to seen even by her husband."
"Embarrassed, in front of her husband?" enquired Father Tim.
(Katharine, I did it again, sorry)
(Timothy, don't be sorry.You are simply acknowledging the reality.)
Sister Monica, somewhat flustered, replied, "I don't know much about those things. The gown is the best I can do."
(Psss, dear you brought along your cassock, didn't you)
(It is in the car, Katharine.)
(Timothy, a cassock is almost a dress.)
(Let her wear it, Little One?)
(My husband, you haven't called me that in ages. Of course, let her wear it!)
"Sister Monica, I have a cassock in the car. It would certainly be more concealing than that 'gown'."
Sister Monica considered it for a moment. "I never thought about it but the cassock would be perfect. There is nothing more protective than to wrap oneself in the cloth."
Father Tim retrieved the vestment from his car. The sister took it from there; helping Jeff remove the requested 'evidence' from Mary, and helping him put the pseudo dress on his love. With Mary modest, they left the ER. Father Tim in the meantime had brought his car to the entrance. Jeff looked around, seeking a glimpse of his car but not seeing it, he returned his attention to his mate. Father Tim noticed the momentary concern and the quick dismissal. (Katharine, we are dealing with the real thing here.) (Timothy, of course we are. You males are so dense at times.)
On the way to Mary's house Father Tim realized that Mary was trying to remove her rings.
"Mary, I don't think that is fair to Jeff."
"Father, I don't want to hurt my parents."
"Mary, who is more important to you, Jeff or your parents?" questioned Father.
"Jeff!" sobbed Mary.
"Then?" was Father's one word question.
Mary turned to her mate, "I'm sorry Dear, I love you and we will be together. But I feel my parents still control me."
"Mary leave them on and I will tell them about our vows."
Father Tim pulled into Mary's driveway. Jeff helped Mary out of the passenger's seat. The trio walked to the front door. Father Tim opened the door and motioned Jeff to take Mary inside.
Just inside the door, they were greeted by Smokey. He wanted to jump up and welcome his mistress and his new pack leader but his keen sense of danger prevented him. He smelled injury and pain in the air. He became more troubled as he identified the source of the scents, his mistress. The more he sniffed there were other signals in the air. He sensed fear on his new leader but the fear was not of him. The third one had no fear at all on him. He was the one in command of this little party. Smokey turned and held his ground between the trio and Mary's advancing parents.
"Just who the hell do you think you are barging in here? And you two children, you are way past your curfew," blustered Mary's dad.
Father Tim had his back to the parents. He said, "Jeff, take Mary to her room and see if you can make her comfortable. I will talk to these two until you get back."
Jeff looked at his love and arched his brow. Mary pointed up the stairs and said "First door on the right."
At this point, Mary's mother chimed in with, "He can't do that, it would be sinful. And where is her new dress?"
"Jeff, go on, she is hurting just standing there. There is no sin involved." was Father Tim's response.
While Jeff half carried, half walked Mary up the stairs to her bedroom, Father Tim turned his attention to her parents.
"Mr. and Mrs. Baker, I am Father Timothy Strickland, the Chaplin at Mary's School and your daughter and Jeff's attorney. There was an unfortunate incident in town tonight. Mary and Jeff were savagely attacked. Very fortunately, Jeff was able to subdue two of the three attackers and chased off the third one. The first two are in the hospital, and they are seeking the third. During the melee, Mary was injured. So Jeff took her to St. Celia's for treatment. At the hospital, when they asked your daughter if she would like to have a priest visit her, she asked for me. So I came over. When Jeff gets back down, he will fill in the rest. I believe that he has some important news for you."
Shortly, Jeff came down the stairs carrying Father Tim's cassock. Father Tim took the offered garment and put it over his arm.
Smokey, watching from the top of the stairs, stared at his pack leader trying to communicate 'you better learn to take better care of your mate and my mistress. While I'm on duty, no one dare approach her except you and maybe that new super-top-dog next to you.'
Father Tim prompted Jeff, "I believe that you have something to tell these good folks here."
With the thought of 'In to the valley of death rode the six hundred' bouncing around in his head; Jeff opened his mouth, "Mr. and Mrs. Baker, I have asked Mary to marry me, and she has said yes."
The first to react was Mary's mother, "It can't be for real she only has one of those play friendship rings."
Not to be upstaged, Mary's dad added, "What do you mean you asked her? You have to ask ME!"
"No, sir. I asked her, it is her decision and hers only!"
Not one to allow his authority to be questioned, Mary's dad retorted, "Well I won't allow it! I won't sign the papers. She's not old enough"
Seeing that this conversation was not going anywhere, Father Tim broke in with, "Mr. Baker, in the eyes of Holy Mother the Church she is, and she can. It is HER assent, not yours, that is required."
Mary's mother was feeling left out. She piped up with, "You can't buy her with that piece of costume jewelry that she has been trying to hide all week!"
The anger at the way he and his love were being treated finally boiled over in Jeff. He all but spat, "That 'piece of costume jewelry' is her wedding ring and has been in my family longer than you have been alive. And as if it matters, the stone in our engagement ring is twice the size of the one you are wearing."
Drawing a deep breath, Jeff continued, "Your daughter, the person who I love more than life itself, is upstairs hurting and you two are concerned with the value of jewelry and defending your turf. That disgusts me! Don't you even want to know what happened tonight? Or how serious her condition is? I'll be back in the morning to check on Mary. Father Tim, can we leave now?"
The priest looked at Mary's parents, then at Jeff. "Jeff, you are legally responsible for Mary, are you willing to leave her in these people's care?"
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The last day of the week dawned rainy and far chillier than June weather should be. Phil took one look at the gloomy weather and burrowed deeper under the covers. Hailey wished she could do the same but she had a report due for Beth that afternoon. Phil was still awake and reached out to caress her bottom as she pulled on her underwear. “This is one of those days when you should be allowed to stay in bed,” Phil told her. “Every day should be that way,” Hailey replied. “I love just lolling...
Author’s note:Just to remind readers that the events referred to in this series are set in the period of the mid 1960’s onwards, when few of the everyday appliances that we now take for granted were available.Thank you, hope you enjoy, your comments are always welcome.The next day at work was another day with Dan asking question after question, time and again he wanted David to describe his mother naked, to tell him how she reacted when she was being fucked. David enjoyed talking about his...
Lara had been working and living at Sunny farms for a month now, and she couldn’t have been happier. She had left her old, miserable life behind for good and she was fully enjoying life in the countryside. She was also enjoying David and Peter’s company almost daily. A quick blowjob here, a quick fuck behind the barn there, the guys were keeping her busy and satisfied. Some days she fucked Peter during the day, and then spent the night with David, fucking for hours per day. On days when neither...
Straight Sex10 Saal baad ex wife ko meri yaad aayi. Mauke ka fayeda kaun nahi uthana chahta…milne bulaya aur pure din uski chut mari aur apna lund chuswaya Hi All, Thank u for posting your stories, real or not I don’t bother but enjoy reading your stories…Those who think that Extra Marital affairs are bad can ignore reading. Cutting the story short, I am lover 52655, 39 years old working in Pune in a reputed MNC, Normal size ka lund lekin kisi bhi ladki ya aurat ko santusht karne ke liye kafi hai. I have...
Melissa sat with her father, her hand gently caressing his soft cock and large balls as she told him in detail everything that happened at Kay's home. As she talked about her mother eating her aunt's cunt, her own pussy began its sweet aching feeling again. She noticed her fathers cock was beginning to harden as well. "So your mother really enjoyed sucking Aunt Kay's cunt?" he asked her. He was enjoying listening to his daughter describe what she saw, and was wishing he had been there...
The next morning, Connie woke up and found Tommy was awake before her, laying there watching her sleep."Mmm… morning baby," she said, smiling and stretching. "How long have you been awake?""I dunno… about twenty minutes I guess," he said, brushing a lock of hair from her face."Oh, you should have woke me up hon," she said."That's okay… I like to watch you sleep. Besides I was kinda hard on you last night!" he grinned."Oh sugar, that's the kind of ‘hard' I like! You can be hard on...
NovelsSelena was walking up to her apartment when she encountered the manager of the complex. In an attempt to be friendly, she asked, “How are you doing?” “I’m fine. I finally got rid of that damned cat,” the manager said. “What did you do with it?” Selena asked. “I dropped it off at the SPCA. They don’t take strays down at the pound anymore,” the manager said. “I think a lot of people liked that cat,” Selena said. She wasn’t the only one feeding it. She knew several residents put out bowls...
When i was about 9 years old my brother (who is one year older than I am) had one of his friends over for a sleep over. We were sharing a room at the time and a computer as well. After his friend had left out house i went to the computer, when i turned the screen on i noticed the minimized internet browser. So i maximized it and saw that 'dick.com' was the website that was up. This site had pictures of naked men in sexual activities. I found this website interesting and i wanted to...
1The Society - Party Crashersby The TechnicianBDSM, Slavery, Public Nudity, Public Bondage, Public Flogging, Public Spanking = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Twin sisters in rural England crash the wrong party with very interesting, life-changing effects."The Society" stories are not a sequential series of stories but rather a collection of separate stories that are all set in the world inhabited by members of The Society. Each story or series stands on its own although they do rely...
Pan stared at his new leg in the full-length mirror of the hospital rehabilitation training room. Except for a scar that ran the circumference of his leg, and was still a little red as it finished healing, the leg was almost a perfect match for his real one. He twisted back and forth, viewing it from different angles and felt like a little kid on his birthday. The interface was still a little buggy though, as evidenced by the slight tremor in the artificial calf muscle and the delay between...
His name was Lucas; he was twenty-three years old, single, six feet tall, weighed 160 lbs, had blond hair and blue eyes, and lived in an apartment complex in Florida. Staying in the same complex were two girls who were on their summer break. One was called Lauran, and the other Judy.Lauran was visiting her sister for the summer. She was seventeen years old, with light brown hair, a beautifully clear complexion, and small breasts. Her friend Judy had long red hair, a pale complexion,...
First TimeI opened my eyes and looked over at the clock beside the bed. 11 AM. I looked up at the ceiling, over the hotel rooms bed, trying to figure out where I was. Suddenly, an arm reached across my chest and long strands of hear flipped over my face and shoulder. Something was wrong. The hair was almost black, not dark blond. Not Vicky’s. Oh Fuck! I hadn’t done something stupid had I? My mind raced back to the wild night we’d had at the ‘Exotic, Erotic Ball’. I know I hadn’t had too much to drink....
Jake’s life was settling into a pleasant routine. He worked, worked out, acted as a willing experimental subject for his sisters’ emerging sexuality, kept Sara’s slave girl fantasy going, and spent time with Cindy. He also spent a lot of time thinking. TV held little interest for him now, so each evening after some quality time with the parents, he sequestered himself in his room. He started buying the Wall Street Journal each day and spent some time each evening reading it. He also sat at...
Veronique and Kurt were at the dining table as well, all of them enjoying dinner together as was the informal custom when a mission was completed. The others were absent, working in the field and on assignments, which suited Wolfgang and Eva perfectly. They were few in any case, the field operatives Mozart used, and numbered less than a dozen men and women specialized in various activities such as surveillance, blackmail and extortion, physical coercion, and more. Kurt was an expert at...
When Julie arrived at the house, a lot of weird vibes came over her. This was her house, but she totally felt like a visitor. She didn’t pull around to the back and park in the garage. She parked in the driveway at the front of the house and walked up to the front door, something she and Gary never did. She hesitated at the door. Should she just open the door and walk in? She didn’t feel like it was her place to do that. Such a strange notion, considering she had lived here with Gary for five...
A couple of days ago Kat and me go to a local dinner for supper setting at are normal table a new waitress comes to take our order. She's tall long dark hair big tits and great smile and of course a wedding ring Kat's favor kind of woman. Kat says Well hi there and who are you? Hi I'm Jenny can I take your order? Wait a second there how long have you been here? Only a week me and Rick my husband just moved to town. Kat and me ordered are food and both watched as Jenny walked away her ass...
I was having the time of my life. I was in love with a beautiful older woman who loved to have sex. For the next two weeks we had sex all over Grace's house and several times in the boat. We couldn't keep our hands off one another. Sarah continued to work with me in getting me to stay flaccid when I was naked with her. I was actually starting to get good at it but whenever she teased me it would instantly go up. She figured I was probably ready for the nudist beaches as long as she didn't...
All you can hear is the banging in the fighting going on in the room. Lil Rob is trying to convince his girlfriend jalisa that he's not cheating. As she pushes him away she tells him that this is her last time. Jalisa stands at 5-2 165 lb curvy in all the right places with a little push stomach due to a baby 19 with brown skin and long permed hair. Lil Rob is 5-6 110 pounds soaking wet with medium dreads chocolate tone skin 26.They're arguing over typical things she saying he's cheating he's...
A few Comments from MooseBreath: Why would a horse prefer a stall in a bigger barn than a smaller barn? Because it’s more stable. A person walks into a computer store and yells, “I need the biggest monitor you’ve got!” So the sales clerk brings out a Komodo Dragon. How is going over Niagara Falls in a barrel like an old fashioned light bulb? They are both “in can descent.” ✧ ✧ ✧ A Few Canadians Are Doing This... I took down My Rebel Flag (which you can’t buy on E-Bay anymore) I...
Hey readers, Firstly this is my first post over here and I am new to this, so please pardon my mistakes. Also please help me out with your comments and feedbacks. . It will be appreciated. Drop me an email at This happened a few weeks back when I was on my way from Dehradun to Delhi. It so happened that I booked a late night ticket on the bus and was praying that I don’t end up with a snoring uncle as my companion. As the bus was about to leave a girl entered the bus and started walking in...
Dies ist keine richtige Geschichte, nur der Anfang dazu. Wie es weitergeht, kann sich jeder selbst ausmalen. Viel Spa? dabei :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ich stritt mich schon ?fters einmal mit meiner Freundin. Aber nie ernsthaft. Und gar nicht selten endete es in einer Wette, wenn keiner von uns seine Position beweisen oder durchsetzen konnte. Wir hatten im Fernsehen den Bericht ?ber die ?berwachung mit Kameras gesehen. Ich war der M...
Me (Sophie) and my partner (Hillary) had been together for almost 2 years, after meeting at collage we went out on a few dates, got to know each other and around six months we were both early 20s had blonde hair and were slim, she had cute medium size boobs and a tight ass, I had slightly smaller boobs then her but only roughly a cup size and according to Hillary I had a peachy ass. I had moved in with her at her apartment, we enjoyed each other’s company and had met and got on well with each...
Allie hugged her brother even tighter. They were no strangers to physically showing their affection towards each other with hugs and an arm around the shoulder or the occasional kiss on the cheek or forehead. However, hormones were starting to work their magic on the twins and a hug from the other became somewhat erotic for both of them. After they broke their hug, Allie said, “Well, I can’t go to bed in these panties cause they are soaked.” Allie took off her pajama bottoms, pulled down...
Candee Licious wants you to experience what life would be like if she was your girlfriend. A matching bra and thong highlight her curves and juicy ass, although she’s quick to drop her clothes the moment Kristof Cale lets her wrap her hands and lips around his cock. After a brief blowjob and pussy feast, the couple comes together with limitless lust. Spreading her legs, Candee takes a pussy pounding deep in her creamy bald fuck hole. Then she flips Kristof over onto his back, making it...
xmoviesforyouFictional story. I'm from germany, please take that into account while reading my english story ;-)So this would be the place where I would have sex with a man for the first time I thought, while entering the weekend house of Frank, the old man, who I met on the internet…But let’s start from the beginning. I am a 25 year old student who loves girls, especially when I see a hot girl on the street I instantly think about what I would do with her. But for a while, I think about having sexual...
Ok I am a 34yo bisexual female and I am dating a gorgous 32yo lesbian who is a great lover and good friend. We do everything together we go clubing, movies, dancing all the dating stuff. The sex is absolutly fantastic, but I need a cock in my mouth from time to time. Well I was on line the other night and came across a guy who started flirting with me, it was fun getting him turned on and seeing the messages he was sending me about how he was going to fuck me and make me his bitch. As we were...
"Jerry, Winter Harbour, Thursday night. Be there! Brandy" I must have read that note thirty times before the message sank into my head. Brandy had left without so much as a "Good-bye". Even just a hint of why she'd sailed out of the cove so early in the morning would have made me feel better. Winter Harbour. Shit, how I hated that place. With the draft of my 32-foot sloop, the only way that I could safely enter or leave that harbour was at high tide, just as it turned. At any other...
My story started during my middle school years. I was always shy, so instead of socializing with classmates, I concentrated on my classwork. By being antisocial, it made the others think I was too good for them. It caused a lot of teasing for me. My classmates would call me names, tease me, and even hit me. I knew I couldn't complain or tell our administration because it would only make things worse. In my mind, I had no choice but to put up with it all.As I got older, it got even worse. The...
Gay MaleCharity flipped on the windshield wipers and turned the heater up while she negotiated the Chicago traffic. It had been freezing all week, and the rain was coming down in sheets, looking more like a solid stream rather than individual drops. She’d worn her favorite skirt today, and the knit pullover sweater she had on clung to her body showing off her best assets. Her beige canvas raincoat was in the seat next to her umbrella; her purse tucked safely under it. The tall buildings of the city...
MasturbationI just read a hot story online in one of the Flickr groups. It inspired me to write one. Although I have written one before and some that I have written have been integrated with a massage, I will attempt to make this story all about being rubbed the right way. So here we go! As a reminder, the place, business and all characters are totally fictional so don't go looking for this place. On the other hand, is you DO find a place like this please let me know!Massage Masters is the name of a...
During my second year at university I shared a house with three other girls. First there was Virginia, known by all as Ginny, a slim tall girl, brunette and very outward going. There was Anne, she was the sensible one of the group, very homely, she was quite short but well proportioned and with jet black hair. Lucy was the shy one, but she was the one all the boys fancied, at just under 6 feet tall, with long blonde hair and ample breasts, she could easily have been a model. And then there was...
it gets me everytime..everytime i see a photo of a creampie my mouth starts watering,and my mind go back to the first time i've eaten another man's cum from my gf pussy.it seems like yesterday.. we are in my room and we haven't seen each other the night before. she climbs on top of me to sit on my face,pulls down my pants and start jerking me with two fingers as usual.she arrived to my home just minutes before with her bike and having my face buried in her sweaty lycra pants was already driving...
Nagwa was a good Muslim wife. She always kept herself covered as she went into public. She respected her husband and cared for her c***dren.Nagwa enjoyed things the way they were but her husband Ahmed seemed to be restless lately. It has started when he was assigned to work with the American who was doing some kind if study here in Egypt. In some ways his changed personality was a pleasant change for Nagwa as he seemed much more passionate in his love making.That was one aspect of her life that...
Glennie Patterson The next afternoon at practice, I could see it on Amy's face. She had that fresh-fucked look and finally admitted that she had seduced Aaron into screwing her the prior evening. During our chatting as we watched the practice, she told us all about it and Phyllis added comments about her session with Tommy so that by the end of the practice, we all had a pretty good picture of what had happened both times... and I was as horny as I could ever remember being. We agreed...
Hi, ISS readers…. I am Lima ,once again to submit a hot experience ;) I have submitted a story in ISS before “a wonderful train journey” and i got lot of feedback from so many people and some of those made me really wet and among them there was a mail from Mr.Rohan…. He wanted to be friendly with me so i was also attracted to him….Through mails,we chatted a lot asking about general things like job, studies and so on… And he said he was from andra and settles in chennai…. And i am also in...
Erik exhaled noisily as he exited the room, placed his hand to his lips and stared blankly into space. "I cannot believe what just happened in there! We kissed! We touched! Oh mon Dieu! We just did those things in front of Meg and her mother! Merde!" The look on his face half smirk, half grimace. "She touched my face and still, she smiled at me and kissed me." The smirk and the grimace replaced by a look of stunned realization. His eyes slipped closed. He relived and reveled in the...
Hello to everyone, this story is about how i got my angel to bed,rather i would be say she got me to bed. Well to start with who m i….my name is ashish(name changed) And the girl involved here is lets call her cutie pie. I work as private tutor in Dehradun and as I have prepared for competitive exams i started giving coaching for competitive exams also. One day i got a call from a number Me-hello A sweet voice from there said good evening sir, is this correct time to talk to u sir. Me-say how...
I was sitting opposite to her and our eyes met multiple times as we laughed on the arguments of the old man. Her name was Nakshatra. She was a research assistant at a Pharmaceutical company in Mumbai. She had black curly hair, brown eyes, asian complexion and pink lips. She was not too tall but had a good persona. I gathered some courage and strike a conversation with her about Generic medicines. She explained to me many things and though am an engineer by qualification, I was grasping all of...
It seemed like the perfect day to Sharon, her day at the beach with her boyfriend Roger was wonderful. The weather was great and the two had a fun time swimming, walking around the boardwalk and even getting frisky in the ocean. While they were in shoulder deep water, Roger swam up to Sharon and kissed her deeply while his hands felt her up & down all over her most sensitive erogenous zones. Even Roger had no ideal how much this aroused Sharon, getting that physical while other swimmers...
Chapter 1 A dark, stormy night. Thunder, Lightning, and heavy rain fills the night, You are at the mall, I've been watching you for weeks, the way you wiggle that sexy ass, the way you smile, the way you flirt, the way you walk, the way you tease, Now its time for you to realize your lesson. I waited patiently, and as you left the mall, no one else was near, So I jumped out and grabbed you as you unlocked your car door. I covered your mouth and nose with a drugged rag, and you quickly passed...
Hi everyone, my name is Arun. This is my first story. This story is of me and my sister. My sister’s name is Disha. Now i will continue in hindi. Okay. Jab se mujhe sex ki smjh ayi tab se hee mujhe Disha ke sath sex karne ka shauq hogaya tha. Disha mujh se 2 years choti he. Oska figure itna khaas shaid nahi hai. Body petite hai oski but wo buhat gori hai. Aik din mein apne shirt ki jaib se pese nikalna bhul gaya tha to jab laundry main pese lene gaya meri nazar Disha ki used panty pr pari aur...
Dan Richards' turn: The avalanche continues. Dan 2.0 went to Louisiana for a progress meeting on the project we're doing there in a facility near his home. He came back with Ed Allen and Ed's new wife and addition to the Sisterhood, Dana. And we're moving from the original apartments, home for the last couple of years, to the new community at the airfield. Airfield. Conspicuously absent is Wally. So we're moving from the apartments to the houses -- it's Saturday morning, so we have...
It was a regular Sunday afternoon at Ashok Patel’s house. He was off on one of his regular business trips leaving his beautiful wife, Savita, at home alone as usual. Savita had taken this opportunity and invited her friend Shobha and the neighbor boy Varun for a special study session that afternoon. “Fuck me like that…Ahh…Ummm…” moaned Savita as she lay on her back on the bed while Varun fucked her pussy like a jackhammer. Beside her Shobha was fingering herself and eagerly waiting for her turn...
The door opened as her master walked in. "What do you have for me today" "This" she said showing off her old nun uniform "and this" as she removed her hood showing her beautiful face covered in slutty make-up just the way her master liked it with bright red lipstick and deep blue mascara. "aaandd" she turned around and began to Jiggle her ass in-front of him like the girl in the video. "That’s great" he said as he pulled a big dildo out of his bag "I got you this" She...
The dimly-lit chamber where the Deep Pool gathered was damp and chill, and would have been considered a gloomy and deeply unpleasant place to any Terran. However Deep Lord Athgiloi was a Brimorian and his scaly hide barely felt the cold, capable as he was of swimming down to the freezing depths of Brimor’s deepest oceans. The darkness held no secrets from his black eyes, which were sensitive and highly-developed, able to pick out all the exquisite details of this sacred room in the low light....
What seemed like a second later I felt the blankets being brusquely yanked away from me. I opened a sleepy eye and saw Alex, completely disheveled and mad as hell. ‘Get up you stupid bitch. NOW.’ I sat up, ‘Alex, I didn’t tell…’ ‘I don’t care what you did or didn’t do.’ She inched closer to my face and started to grab an arm, then stopped. ‘Oh no, we mustn’t do that. Our little Yank bruises easily. Smart move to cover the truth of that one up last night.’ She took my hand and pulled me from...
"Turn around Bitch, so we can see them titties, Oh Ya, Hey Guy's Look at these tits on the Cunt, Man, Bitch you got some Long ass Hard Nipples, Guy's I think It' time to Play 'Kiss the Brides Nipples', The line forms behind me, MMm, Taste's good I think I'm gonna Nibble on one!" "Oweee, PLease, That hurts!" "Too bad Bitch, Your ours Now, I've got her arms, Who's next in line?" "Oweee, OH, Ouh, OOuh, YOUR Hurting Me, Please Don't Bite SO Hard!" "Come on over to the Pool...
Introduction: He opened his eyes carefully scrutinizing his surroundings. His wrists and ankles were leather cuffed to the walls of the mysterious dungeon and his tattered black feathered wings spread out behind him along the walls… He opened his eyes carefully scrutinizing his surroundings. His wrists and ankles were leather cuffed to the walls of the mysterious dungeon and his tattered black feathered wings spread out behind him along the walls. His clothes laid strewn across the floor torn...
She was so sated that, when she got home, she went to bed and didn't even go see her brother. But the NEXT day, Crystal sidled into her brother's room as soon as she saw their parents close their bedroom door. He was waiting for her, naked and stiff. "You want me to lick you?" he whispered. She shook her head, and sat down beside him, fisting his cock and sliding her hand up and down on it. "I want to know what it feels like to feel it against me." she said. "Not in me. We can't...