Love Thy Neighbor, Chapter 10 free porn video

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The next morning, Connie woke up and found Tommy was awake before her, laying there watching her sleep.

"Mmm… morning baby," she said, smiling and stretching. "How long have you been awake?"

"I dunno… about twenty minutes I guess," he said, brushing a lock of hair from her face.

"Oh, you should have woke me up hon," she said.

"That's okay… I like to watch you sleep. Besides I was kinda hard on you last night!" he grinned.

"Oh sugar, that's the kind of ‘hard' I like! You can be hard on me like that anytime!" she giggled. "Are you hungry, sweetheart?"

"Sure! Need some help with breakfast?" he asked.

"You just come in and keep me company while I fix us something to eat, okay?" she said.

"I can probably handle that!" he said. He got up and got dressed while Connie went into the bathroom to get herself ready. Tommy was in the dining room waiting for her when she came in. Connie was wearing her thick fluffy house robe while Tommy had his jeans on but no shirt. She came in eyeing his bare chest.

"Oh, you are going to get me started this early in the day are you?" she laughed.

He stepped up to her and opened her robe. "Just as I thought!" Tommy said. Connie wasn't wearing anything under her robe!

His hands slid under the thick fleece and wrapped around her naked form, pulling her to him and into a deep passionate kiss.

Connie melted into his arms and moaned softly as his lips met hers. She parted her sweet lips and Tommy took the invitation to push his tongue into her welcoming mouth.

"Okay, okay!" Connie gasped as she finally pulled away. "We'll never eat if we get back into that stuff!" She began getting things ready for breakfast. "Are bacon and eggs good for you?" she asked.

"Anything you fix is good for me… I'm pretty easy to please!" he said.

Connie grinned and began fixing breakfast. When she had everything ready, she brought it to the table and they began eating. "I can't tell you how nice it is to wake up next to someone again and be able to fix them breakfast. I have really missed that. Thank you, Tommy, for spending the night with me," she said.

"Well, you are welcome. After what happened last night and what happened when I gave you your present, I thought spending the night was the best idea," he said.

"I was a little crybaby wasn't I?" she said, blushing a bit about it now.

"I'm just glad you liked it. Crying like that is okay," he said.

"I do love it, baby. It is very beautiful and very special," she said looking at it again.

After breakfast, they went into the living room to sit for a bit. Tommy knew his mother was probably still asleep at home, so there was no rush to get home right away.

Sitting on the sofa, Connie was leaning back in Tommy's arms. "Tommy can I tell you something?" she said.

"Sure. What is it?" he said. Connie sat up and turned to him so she could see his eyes. "I have a little confession to make, Tommy. You see, a few days after that first day we had sex - when you caught me masturbating and took me - I saw a couple of my old boyfriends.

"I bumped into one of them at the grocery store and one of them came over to see me. Anyway, I had sex with each of them, but the funny thing is I didn't really enjoy it. Not like I used to. It just didn't thrill me like it once did.

"Since you and I started having sex, I haven't really wanted anyone else. Now I'm not saying we should move in together and get married and all that stuff - I don't want to get married right now and you are too young yet to settle down - but I don't know… I'm just happy with the way things are right now.

"Honey, I don't know if it's the fact that you are so young and so energetic and you make me feel young too, or if it's the fact that I am ‘Aunt Connie' and that makes it somehow sort of taboo and incestuous, even though I am not really your aunt.

"But there is something about having sex with you that makes me not want anyone else. I know it sounds silly but when I tell you that I am yours I mean it - I am yours, darling until you don't want me anymore. I am not interested in seeing other men and you have kept my sex drive running at full speed! You are an amazing lover and whenever we are together, I am truly happy.

"Now I haven't as of yet actually broke it off with these other guys - I wanted to tell you all this and see how you felt. But now that you have given me this necklace and made your wanting to possess me clear, I am going call them up and tell them I am taken. I want to belong only to you, love, I am happy just being your fuckslut, your sexy little whore," she said.

Then it was Tommy's turn. He pushed her back down on her back on the sofa, then moved over top of her. He lightly brushed a lock of hair from her face. She looked up into his face, her eyes darting back and forth searching for his answer, and hoping he would accept what she had told him.

"Connie, honey, I have already told you that I find you very sexy. I have for several years now. Ever since I was old enough to know that this cock of mine had another use besides being a pee hose, I have been attracted to you.

"I loved it when you used to hug me, and now I love it, even more, when I get to fuck you. I love the looks the men give you when we go out someplace, and I know that they can only wish they were me. I love knowing that they want what I have.

"Now you are telling me you want to be mine alone and that you are willing to let all your other lovers go just to be with me and belong to me. I don't know what to say… I am floored. I love being with you too. And while I don't have a lot of experience with sex, I can't, in my wildest imagination, picture it being any hotter, any sexier than it is with you," he said.

"So does that mean that I am yours alone? I don't want anyone but you, but what about you? Am I enough for you? Tell me how you feel, Tommy, please…" she said. Connie needed to hear the words. She needed confirmation.

"Yes, my sexy little slut. You belong to me and to me alone. And I am yours as well," he said. "You are all I want and all I need. I am not interested in anyone else but you." Then he leaned down and sealed the pact with a kiss. As he kissed her he moved over on top of her and held himself up slightly with his elbows, letting her feel him on top of her but not pressing down so hard she couldn't breathe.

She loved feeling him on top of her and she moaned into his mouth as their kiss deepened. She wrapped her arms around his neck as her tongue sought his to play with. They kissed like this for a few minutes, each getting more and more excited and their passions rising until Connie pushed him back gasping.

"Hold on there tiger! Don't you think you should go see how your mother is doing? Me, you can always have. But you should at least go home and say hi before she heads off to work!" she panted.

He looked down and smiled at her. "Okay but don't think this lets you out of anything, my little slut! I am still going to have you!"

Connie giggled "Promise?" Tommy leaned down and kissed her sweetly on the forehead, then pushed himself up and off her. He helped her up off the couch and she walked him to the door. Before she opened it, though she wanted one more kiss and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Tommy honey, you make me so happy." Then she kissed him once more. As he left he gave her a playful swat on the ass and Connie gave him a little happy squeal in return. Then she watched as he walked down the sidewalk and over to his house next door before shutting her door.

"Hi honey, how was last night?" Barbara said when he walked in the door.

"It was fine, Mom. How was your night?" he said.

"Just fine?" she asked.

"Well, it was better than just fine. It was wonderful. But I thought you didn't want to hear how things with me and Aunt Connie are?" he said.

"I just want to know that my boy is happy. After that I don't need details," she said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Well, no worries there Mom," he said. "So when do you go to work today?"

"I got the swing shift this week - I go into work at 3:00 and get off at 11:00 tonight," she said.

"You work too hard, Mom. I wish you didn't have to put so many hours down there," he said.

"Well honey, we gotta eat and keep a roof over our heads. Besides, I like the work I do. It's not as crazy as the E.R. staff and I meet some really nice people. Plus the crew I work with are pretty great," she said.

"Yeah, but you are on your feet all shift long. That's got to be hard on your feet and legs," he said.

"Well, I do come home tired if it has been a long, hard shift. But the pay is good and it's about all I know how to do well. I'm a nurse, honey, that's what I do," she said, shrugging her shoulders.

"I suppose. But I still don't like that you work so hard!" he said.

"Duly noted. Now what are your plans for today?" she asked.

"I don't know… I was thinking about going to see a few more places and see if I can get a job someplace. Maybe if I am working too, you won't have to put in so many hours. I have to find something since summer will be over before we know it and college isn't an option anymore. It's time I stepped up and pulled my weight. I'm not a kid anymore," he said.

"No, you certainly are not a kid anymore Tommy," she said, coming up and putting her arms around him. "Have I told you lately how very, very proud I am of you?" she asked him.

"Yeah, but I could stand to hear it again!" he said, with a mischievous grin.

"Oh, you are horrible!" she laughed.

Later that afternoon, when it got close to time for her to go to work, Tommy drove his mother to the hospital so he could use the car to look around for a job. He hadn't had much luck at it so far, although he wasn't looking all that hard just yet. He was enjoying his last summer before making his entrance into the work-a-day world of adulthood.

In high school, he was working towards continuing his education in college, but the accident took those plans from him. So now he would have to find something he could do until something better came along… hopefully.

Tommy went to one business after another, but no one seemed to be hiring for jobs he thought he might like. Getting frustrated that he might not find work for some time, he decided to try one last place. It was a computer sales and repair company called Advanced Technologies Inc. They didn't have a sign on the door, but he figured he would ask if they needed any help all the same.

"Hello, is the store manager available?" he asked the girl at the front counter. She went in the back and after a couple of moments came back with a skinny, balding, middle-aged man who looked like he hadn't seen the sun since childhood.

"I'm Mr. Hamilton, the manager, can I help you?" he said.

"Hello, Mr. Hamilton. I am Tommy Andrews and I was wondering if there were any openings for computer service techs here," he said.

"Well, I don't know… What are your qualifications? Where did you go to school?" he asked.

"Well, to be honest, Sir, I just graduated from Sweetwater High School this past May. I was supposed to go to MIT this fall, but I was in a car accident and my scholarship was pulled. So I was unable to attend. Now I am looking for something in the computer field, hopefully, as that was going to be my field of study in college," he explained.

"I see. So you like computers do you?" Mr. Hamilton asked.

"Well, I like problem-solving. I wanted to get into the area of virus protection and computer security," he said, "But I'll take anything to do with computers - building them, repairing them, upgrades, or whatever."

"I'll tell you what. We are shorthanded right now and I was thinking of advertising for a tech position. But that could take a while for a decent applicant to come along. If you were good enough to get accepted at MIT, then you must have something going for you. How would you feel about getting some OJT - some on the job training?" Mr. Hamilton asked.

"Sure, what's involved?" Tommy asked.

"Well, I will start you off with some simple things until I know your aptitude and abilities. See how you do and then I'll have a better idea of where I can use you," he said.

"That sounds fine to me," Tommy said.

"Okay, now the minimum wage here is $7.25 per hour, but this is a tech business so I will start you out at $8.00 an hour. How does that sound? I would be paying a full tech $20.00 an hour so it seems fair to me," he said.

"$8.00 an hour works for me!" Tommy said.

"Okay then. We will start you on Monday - it will be the start of a new pay period so it will be a good time to get you on board. The store opens at 8:00 am so try to be here a few minutes early so I can get you situated," he said.

"I will be here. Thank you for this opportunity, Mr. Hamilton. I will work hard to make it worth your time," he said, shaking his hand.

Tommy left the store with a big happy grin. He couldn't wait to tell his mother the good news!

After the computer shop, Tommy went back home. Connie hadn't gotten home from her job at the bank yet so he hung out at his house doing some laundry and washing some dishes - trying to pitch in around the house so his mother wouldn't have so much to do when she came home.

Around 6:00 pm, he heated up some leftovers that his mother had set aside for his dinner. Tommy had learned to cook pretty well by watching and helping his mom through the years. He could do just about everything when it came to running a household - his mother had made sure he could live on his own if he needed to.

A little while after he finished his dinner, he was sitting at the computer writing some emails when there was a knock on the door. He saved his email and went to answer the door.

"Oh hi Connie!" he said when he opened the door. "Come on in." Connie stepped inside and Tommy took her over to the sofa. Once he seated her he asked, "Want a soda or something?"

"Yeah that would be nice," she said. He went and brought back two sodas, one for each of them.

"So how was work today?" Tommy asked.

"It was pretty good. We weren't really busy today," she said.

"That's good. I hope Mom has a slow day too," he said.

"I came over to talk to you about something. I know that you were looking forward to going to college next month and I'm sorry that you aren't able to. But I have to be honest and tell you that part of me is glad that you aren't going. I would miss you terribly baby and especially with things the way they are now between us. You know how I get when I don't get this naughty little cunt filled every few days at least!" she grinned.

"Still I know you are interested in computer stuff so I talked to a couple of people I work with at the bank… people who know security because they deal with the online banking side. I told them I have a "nephew" that wanted to go to college for computers but wasn't able to. They suggested a few online college schools that you could check out and see if they offer anything. These are very reputable schools and recommended by the people at the bank,"

She gave him the names of five or six good colleges that were recommended to her. "You should see what these schools have to offer you. Maybe you can still get that degree you want, even though you won't get 'the college experience'." Connie said.

"That's funny you should mention this because I have some news of my own… I got a job today working with computers!" he said proudly.

"You DID!!" Connie said excitedly. "Where? Doing what? Tell me more!" she said quickly.

"Well, after I dropped Mom off at work I went around seeing if I could find some kind of work. I was just about out of possibilities and patience when I tried one more place - Advanced Technologies Inc. It's a computer sales and repair place downtown. I talked with the manager and they just so happened to be shorthanded. I told him about my almost going to MIT and he was impressed.

"He said he will start me off with some small things to see what I can do and then move up. But if he knows I am taking online college classes that may speed things up some! I can work AND go to college. And stay home and take care of my horny little slut to boot!" he said, smiling broadly.

"Well, I like THAT!" Connie giggled. "This horny little slut needs to be kept well-fed and well-fucked!"

"That shouldn't be a problem. I think I can handle your overactive sex drive! I actually like your slutty, dirty side!" he said.

"You do? I'm not too much to handle? Because I have had a few men who couldn't keep up with my insatiable sexual appetite," Connie said.

"Well, my sexy slut. that's because you were dealing with old men - they don't have the energy or stamina that I do! But now you have someone who can keep up with even your wildest dreams and fantasies!" Tommy said.

"Mmmm… I'm really looking forward to testing that claim, baby!" Connie said.

"On the floor," Tommy said, pointing to the floor in front of him. With a coy smile, she slipped down onto her knees in front of him. Connie reached out to start unbuckling his pants to get at that delicious cock, but he slapped her hand away quickly.

"You are such a greedy, slut!" he barked. Grabbing her by the hair, he pulled her face up so he could see her eyes. "Don't you have any fucking manners? You ask permission before just reaching out and taking something!"

"I'm sorry! I thought…" she started to explain.

"Your job is not to think! You are a fucktoy - your only purpose is to serve as a handy hole for my cock. You are a cumdump - got it, slut?" he said with a wicked smile. Connie saw his smile and she knew he was playing with her. 

"I'm sorry Sir! Please let this fuckslut make amends. Please take me and use this cumdump for your own pleasure!" she said.

"Get in the bedroom and take off those ridiculous clothes! A proper slut is a naked slut!" he growled.

Connie rose and scampered into the bedroom, undressing on the way. He smiled as he watched her rush off to obey him - he liked the feeling of power and dominance as much as she loved obeying it! He gave her a minute or two to get prepared for him and then he sauntered into the bedroom.

Connie was kneeling naked on the floor next to the bed, waiting for him. He walked up to her slowly, watching her, surveying her perfect form. Connie could feel his eyes on her even though her head was lowered and she wasn't looking at him. It made her breath quicken just being like this in front of him.

"Now you look like a proper fuckslut! Naked and kneeling, waiting to be of service… waiting to be stuffed with a hard thick cock. That is what you want isn't it, slut? You are waiting to have your holes crammed full of this hard, thick meatstick aren't you?" he said in a low deep voice.

"Yesss… please, Sir, use me for your pleasure…" she moaned her reply.

"What hole do you want filled, slut? Your mouth? Your ass? Or maybe that slutty cunt? Which one do you want me to fuck first?" he asked.

"Please, Sir… I don't care… just please, I need your cock in me, please…" she whimpered.

"You are such a fucking cockwhore aren't you? Okay then, from here on out, there's no talking from you, understand?" Tommy ordered.

Connie looked up at him and nodded, making sure he knew that she was saying "Yes, Sir" with her eyes.

With a nod from him as permission, Connie crawled slowly up to him and he allowed her hands wander to his waist, and slowly undo his belt, prying open the button of his jeans as he began to unbutton his shirt. Pulling his pants off, she found herself at eye-level with his cock, hidden away beneath a thin layer of cotton boxers, but calling attention to itself as it began to harden in anticipation.

Tommy crooked a finger under her chin and pulled her face upward.

"Now my horny little slut, you're going to put on a little show for me. You're allowed to play with your cunt, but I won't allow you to cum.

Connie smiled and nodded her head in understanding. She rose and climbed onto the bed laying back and keeping her eyes on him the whole time. She laid back, spreading her legs wide and watching as he surveyed what he now owned. 

"Begin," he commanded. He moved to the foot of the bed and stood there, arms crossed, looking very commanding as he took in the sight of his slut sprawled out on the bed, naked and exposed.

She lowered her hands and began tracing the outline of her cunt, pulling her lips apart and showing him her pink interior, teasing him and teasing herself at the same time. She slid a long, red-nailed finger in between the lips of her hungry pussy, already feeling the tantalizing wetness dripping from her molten core. Connie moaned out, careful not to speak any words.

"That's it. Slide your fingers in. In and out, my little slut," Tommy instructed her. She hadn't taken her eyes off of him this whole time, and now she could see his cock fully hard and the enormous bulge it was making in his boxers. She licked her lips, aching to get that hardness in her mouth and suck on it. Aching to make him cum deep inside her.

Connie thrust two fingers deep into her cunt, immediately, all the way in. She couldn't resist. She needed to be filled by something - anything - right then. Despite his command for silence, she cried out from how good it felt, from how wet and needy she was for the pleasure.

"Now I want to hear how wet your dirty cunt is slut," Tommy ordered. Moving her fingers in and out of her dripping pussy, the slippery wetness began to spread down her thighs and run down towards her ass. Connie had no doubt that he could hear how ready she was for him.

She watched with excitement as he fished his cock out from under his boxers and began to stroke it up and down, his eyes feasting on the sight of her. It made her even more eager to play with herself for him. She rolled over, face down on the bed and ass in the air, still thrusting fingers in and out and playing with her clit, knowing that this was his favorite position to see her in.

Without warning, Tommy walked over to the side of the bed and gave her upturned ass a sharp, stinging smack. He kneaded his fingers into it, pinching at her skin and showing her just how much pain goes with pleasure. Connie wanted to cry out, begging for him to fuck her.

But he wouldn't allow it; she had to remain silent, she reminded herself. He dipped his thumb in the wetness of her cunt and rubbed it upwards, between her ass cheeks, before pressing his thumb inside of her tight asshole. She heard him moan and it made her as eager as ever to make him cum.

Looking over her shoulder at him, Connie sent him a pleading look with her eyes, begging for him to take her. Tommy knew that look well and knew just what it meant. Connie was ready. She needed to be fucked and she wanted him to be the one who did it.

Tommy dropped his boxers and Connie gasped as she saw what was about to skewer her. He climbed up onto the bed with her, knelt behind her, with one hand on her ass and one holding his massive tool at the ready.

"Now I am going to fuck your filthy cunt, slut. When I am through you won't be able to walk straight," he growled.

His words instilled a hot yearning in Connie's dripping pussy… knowing he wanted her, wanted him to make him cum. Her breathing was deep and rapid as she craved his cum. His words inflamed her while she felt his hard fat cock rubbing its swollen head in her drooling slit.

Tommy reached forward and grabbed a handful of her hair hauling her head back and lifting her upright. "You want me to fuck you, don't you? You can answer me now. You want to feel my hard cock deep in that dirty cunt… opening it up and piledriving into you. I know you do slut. I know you want my cock - so BEG for it!"

Connie's voice quivered with need as she pleaded, "God baby I need you in me so bad! Fuck me, baby, put that beautiful cock in me! Ohhh God, Tommy! Give me your cock… fuck your dirty slut's pussy baby," she cried. She raised her hips, humping back at him. She tried to position herself in a way that would make him push his cock head to her leaking entrance.

Then Connie felt what she had been needing. She felt his raw hot flesh pressing against her vaginal entrance while her hips pressed backward at him. He began pushing forward against her resisting muscles, slowly opening her to his powerful entry.

"Oh god yes! Do it baby, fuck me hard, make it go deep into me! I need you in my pussy. Ohhhhhhh yes, yes, fuck you're so damn hard! I love your cock baby! Fuck me, fuck me and make me cum! Hurt my pussy, fuck me and hurt me with that fat cock! Ohhh god yesss…" Connie cried.

His hands gripped her ass cheeks, pulling them apart until her shaved pussy was presented in its entirety to his gaze. His breathing got faster as he saw the thin line of her labia. Her pussy looked like it belonged on a much younger girl. Its skin appeared soft, smooth, like a baby's. He could hardly wait to sink into that warm, velvety, wetness.

His cock gently pressured her inner lips, wetting it with the molten fluids there before inserting it into that soft sensitive tunnel. Connie's moans became more desperate when he fingered her anus gently while his cock pressed further into the wet folds of her vagina. She bit her pillow to keep from begging him to fuck her. Her body writhed, hips hunching into his probing finger and his gentle fucking of her pussy.

The last vestiges of her inhibitions to their lascivious act left her as she watched him fuck her pussy while they gazed into each other's eyes. She could no longer restrain her cries.

"Oh God, Tommy, I feel it, I feel your cock inside me. Fuck me, fuck my dirty cunt, damn! Oh fuck, oh God yes - fuck me harder! You're making me cum… oh God, Tommy, fuck me! Please fuck me like you own me… oh my god yes!! Yes! Oh god, I can't stop cumminggg… ohhh, FUCK!"

Connie completely lost her mind and began humping forcefully back against his cock, spearing herself on him. Her mind cried out for relief from the agony of pleasure he inflicted upon her dripping pussy and nerve-rich asshole. Looking back and seeing his face, smiling, and knowing he wanted her pussy, wanted her to feel the pleasure he was instilling, drove the intensity of her orgasms. She now knew a pleasure so great she was unable to prevent her total submission to the thrills and excitement associated with it.

Connie's moans and sharp cries echoed throughout the house as Tommy relentlessly pounded into her. His cock worked steadily deeper into her pussy, stretching her hurtfully with each inch he drove into her. Her head lay motionless on the pillow, teeth clenched on the corner of the pillow she held in them.

But her hips rolled sensually as she couldn't help grinding on his stiffness even as she felt her pussy was being ripped. Her body tensed in orgasm repeatedly as she moaned senselessly.

"Oh fuck baby, God your fucking cock is so huge! Shit, you're killing me! Oh God, I love it so fucking much! I love the way you're fucking my pussy! Unghhh… unghhh… so nasty! I can't stop… oh God, I feel my pussy! Ohhh, shit! Yesss!" she cried as she neared another orgasm.

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Love thy neighbor

Hi! To all friends, I am a great fan of this section of the website since several years. Many times I tried to write my experience but was not able to do so. However finally I gather all my support system and put forth my experience and sincerely hope that not only you all will like but equally enjoy it as well. There was a lot of nice response from nice females from Chennai. Thanks a lot ladies for your encouragement. Let me begin by briefing about my self, I am a tall guy having 5’11” height,...

3 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor

This is my sex story with my Maya, our neighbor, in Chennai. It so happened that coincidently Sunil, Maya’s husband who was into Marketing, was always traveling and my wife too had gone to visit her parents. Since I was self-employed and worked from home, I was at home most of the time. This happened just a day after my wife had left, it was late in the afternoon I had just finished doing my online work and the bell rang. I went to answer the door and there was Maya smiling at me. About Maya,...

1 year ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 1

I’m Ayush (name changed). I hail from Bangalore and I’m currently pursuing my Engg degree in a reputed college. This is my true sex story. I’ll take full responsibility for the actions I committed. What we did was wrong but it felt so right.I’m here to tell you incidents which took place between me and my neighbors. I recently moved to a new locality with my parents and for the house warming ceremony, we had invited a few of our neighbors and this is how I met Aparna and Kalpana. Kalpana is...

3 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 2

Connie looked down sheepishly as she said quietly, "Well, to be completely honest, honey, I have had many a dream about this very thing. When you were little it was different, but as I said earlier, you have grown into quite a good looking man. And now I know that you know how to please a woman too!""Well, thank you, Connie, you did pretty damn good yourself. So you have had sexy dreams about me?" he asked, wanting to know more."Yes, I have. And in some of them, I was a real slut, too. I...

2 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 4

Now that Tommy had finally graduated and was out of high school, his next step would be heading off to college that fall. He had mixed emotions about this next life step. On one hand, he could hardly wait to get to college and find out what college life was all about. He had heard from his mother and from others how much fun college life could be, and he was slated to go to a good school, which would definitely give him an advantage in finding a good paying job once he got out. He was planning...

3 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor

I was in my last month of High School, so I didn’t really mind missing one day.I worked the night shift and got home at eight a. m. I told my mom that I would go to school after lunch. Yeah right! Also I had just turned 18, so I am not forced to go.I went to sleep and woke up at 11:30 a. m. I heard someone out by our pool. I looked out the back door and noticed my neighbor getting out of the pool.Mary was the same age as my mom, but built like someone half her age. She wore a bikini that showed...

4 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor And Have Fun

Hi, I am Chris I have been on this site for quite a while and have read some exciting stories time I share mine. I stay in Mumbai 21 yr old and pursuing graduation I am whitish tall and strongly built, we just shifted to a new society and everything was fine until I my new neighbor happened to be a family having a 27 yr old stunning tall slender beauty, her name was Deepa long hair upon her honey colored faced adorned with cute button eyes, slender but strong shoulders upon a curvy waist and...

3 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor

Hello, this is Rahul, as I had mentioned earlier I have always craved for and have had a special attraction for older women. I always look forward to coming close to older women. Now about this story, my neighbor is Aunt Sandhya who is in early 40’s. She is married to a senior Army guy and usually away for long periods. Aunt Sandhya is at least about 15 years older to me; I have always been attracted by her. She is a very beautiful, good looking lady, she is tall, slim and has nice features,...

2 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor

It was 1970. I had just turned 17 when we moved to a new town. We had spent the weekend moving furniture and unpacking boxes. Mom and dad had gone to work, leaving me home to finish up, when the doorbell rang. I opened the door see who was there. Before me was an absolute babe! She looked to be around thirty five. Tall, jet black, shoulder length hair, tight blouse, tight slacks, amazing looking rack, killer ass, carrying a plate full of cookies. “Hi! My name is Karen Burleson. I’m your next...

First Time
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Love thy Neighbor

I got home from a long day at work and was greeted by my neighbor Liz.Let me describe Liz, she is probably 5'4”, of medium build, 51 years old, long blonde hair, and quite possibly the most amazing pair of (what I later found out to be) 36DD tits.I have had a thing for her ever since I can remember. The first time I saw her I got an accidental glimpse of her very large tits when she was putting a garbage bag in her trash can one morning. Her robe wasn't tied well and that gave me an unimpeded...

2 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Part 1

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Pls send your feedback by email or message on hangouts – Before beginning to start speaking, Dr. Zubeida looks at both Rahim and Azra. She starts off by saying “Aunty told me that you both didn’t conceive even after 5 years of marriage. Not to worry. We will perform some tests on you both to ensure that you both are normal. Upon confirmation, I will guide you with certain do’s and don’ts to help you conceive.” Before she...

2 years ago
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Thy Neighbors Wife

Thy Neighbors Wife Zack remembered how it started over morning coffee with his beautiful neighbor. "Marybeth you have it made, beauty, money, a loving husband and a chance to do anything you want. I would trade places with you in a 'New York Minute.'" Marybeth, Zack's neighbor looked daggers at him before she spat out, "Are you nuts? Zack you are so full of shit. I am tired of being just a woman, the place where Ted empties his dick when he's horny. When I got through college I...

4 years ago
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Love Thy NeighborChapter 7

“So, what gives ... I know that we had a spat, Nina, one where I accused you of being unfaithful to me with your boss, Vito, and then you accused me of the same with Emily, my ex-girlfriend. Now, you show up here at the house of Vito’s nephew, with Vito’s nephew, Vito’s niece, the neighbors, and your ex-boyfriend, Steve. So, let’s have it out. Have you been unfaithful to me? It sure looks that way,” Matt confronted Nina now rather directly. “Yes, I have ... and so have you, with Emily, who...

3 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor

Valini and Devyan have been married for many years. They originally came from India and have been living in this foreign country for more than 30 years. They had nothing much to complain about in life as they had everything – good jobs, good health, comfortable house, children and grand children. What else you need? For them, sex life was not an issue, as over the years they have become quite comfortable without it; occasionally making love whenever they felt like. No one ever complained and...

3 years ago
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Fuck Thy Neighbor

By: AWC It was close to sunset time but it was not dark yet. Seth could easily see Bertha talking to his mother as he stood by the Bay window of the living room behind almost closed curtains. Soon he heard his dad honk the car horn, the conversation between the ladies broke and his mom walked to the car and they left. He stood there, still watching Bertha in her backyard. With her dress, it looked obvious that the neighbor lady with the lovely blond hair had just arrived from the work. Seth...

3 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Aunt

Hi mera nam Aryan hai. Main Surat Gujarat mein rehta hun. I am here to share my sex experience with you guys. Hope you like it. Do encourage me with your valuable replies. My e-mail id is: I am 22 years old and I am as horny as a normal unmarried guy of my age would be. I always was in search of some one to fuck since my adolescence. But this urge grew more & more with time. Being bored of hand job by fascinating abt actresses I started looking for some fuckable body. After shifting to Surat...

3 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Part 1

My name is Tina, I just turned eighteen. I live with my mother Allie in our log cabin home which sits on three acres overlooking the lake.My mother came home one day a year ago and caught my father in their bed with his cock up his buddy’s ass. Mother then found out about his other indiscretions and filed for divorce. After months of proceedings it was final. My father left and we have not seen or heard from him since.We have grown much closer since the divorce became final five months ago. I...

3 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 14

Tommy and Connie enjoyed their new-found relationship very much over the next couple of months. Tommy began working at his new job with Advanced Technologies Inc. and Mr. Hamilton was very pleased with Tommy's work ethic and enthusiasm. He could see almost immediately that Tommy was going to be an asset to the company. Connie, too, got a promotion at the bank, becoming that branch's permanent New Accounts director. No more standing at the teller line for hours a day - she had a desk and was...

1 year ago
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Alex and Vicki Love Thy Neighbor

This morning, well let’s say from midnight on, has been anything but a typical Saturday morning. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, but now I can’t wait to see what happens for the rest of day. It was just before eleven a.m. when Vicki and Tara left for the mall. I had some client work to prepare, plus I intended to finish my preliminary designs for the expansion of our sunroom. My goal was to send them to a few local architects early next week to get the ball rolling. Once that...

3 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 13

"OHMYGOD!!" Connie screamed out as she felt Tommy's tongue push its way into her sex. Tommy's tongue began wriggling around inside her juice-coated pussy, scooping up every drop of the deliciousness that it could find. It sought out every nook and cranny where a precious drop could hide and lapped it up greedily. Tommy held her lips apart with the fingers of one hand as his mouth worked her pussy over like a fine meal. His other hand wasn't idle; he decided that her asshole should enjoy a...

4 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 8

It had been several years since Connie had been woken from a sound sleep by the feel of a hard cock pushing its way into her pussy. Her last two men friends didn't stay overnight; one was married and wouldn't risk getting caught having an affair with her, and so he had to be home at night, and the other had serious commitment issues and somehow thought that spending the night would be taking things more serious than he cared to. So even though Connie was sexually active, she had been spending...

2 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 5

With Connie standing in front of him and between his legs, Tommy was in the perfect position for her show. At her lusty request, he reached out to pluck the waistband of her tiny lace panties and eased them down over her swaying hips as she danced for him. He moved slowly revealing an inch or two at a time, savoring his treat.Her pussy was soaked and the sopping wet panties clung to her sex for a moment before pulling free and sliding down her long, lean legs. She stepped out of them, hooking...

1 year ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Part 3

It has been six months since I discovered that mother is having and still is having a sexual relationship with our neighbors. Mother sees Ted and Alice separately, I do not think they are aware of one another’s intimacy with my mother.My blackmail attempt with Alice was unnecessary, she told me she wanted to be intimate with me for a while. About a month later, I seduced her husband Ted. I do not think they are aware of one another’s intimacy with me. As for my mother, she has no idea about my...

2 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 11

The thirty-eight-year-old divorced mother had heard noises coming from the back bedroom and slowly walked down the hallway toward her son's bedroom. As Barbara got closer to Tommy's room, she heard the unmistakable sound of moaning. It was faint and muffled, but it was still moaning.She slowly approached the door and peeked through the narrow opening and saw Connie, naked on the bed with her ass high in the air, moaning with pleasure. Tommy was directly behind her, also naked, and plowing...

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Love Thy Neighbor 8211 Surbhi 8211 Part 1 Introduction

I live in a colony in Gurgaon for the better part of my life with my entire family. (Parents, wife, siblings & 2 kids). I’m 31 yrs of age. 6 feet tall & a little on the non-trim side these days (blame it on being a food lover & weekend drinking :) ) I am a decent looking fellow with a sense of humour & LOVE sucking boobs, pussy & assholes. After sex, i love just sucking womens breasts endlessly. I’ve had my share of relationships before marriage with girls/women & now experiment with consenting...

2 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbors Pussy Ass

We just moved into a new neighborhood and I was standing in the bedroom looking out the window when I saw the women next door fucking her pussy with a dildo out back by her pool. It looked like she had a huge dildo in her pussy and she didn't know anybody was watching. She fucked herself for a good five minutes I had to stop watching because my wife came in to the bedroom, she looked down at my tent I had in my pants and said; take that big, hard cock out and...

2 years ago
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Love Thy NeighborChapter 6

“You like switching back and forth like this, babe?” Nina asked me as I slid back into her straight from Lauren, knowing that after this I would go back inside Jessica. “Fuck yeah, and remember, if anything goes south with Matt, you can always marry me,” I told her, “though that’s a backup plan. You clearly want to stay married to Matt. You’ve said so yourself.” “That I do, though it’s not looking good ... right now! I hope that he changes ... his ... mind! FUCK! I love him ... but I also...

2 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Part 2

When we finish, I take Alice's hand and lead her up to my bedroom. We make sweet love all afternoon, then shower and dress as mother will be home soon. One last kiss before she leaves, we agree that this was just the beginning.Mother is home twenty minutes later. She asks how my day was, I tell her it was very relaxing. We go to the kitchen to make dinner. Mother asks if I would like to go boating tomorrow, of course I tell her yes. I am thinking of my day, when mother asks if I'm okay. I tell...

3 years ago
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Love Thy NeighborChapter 5

After the shower, Rick, Jessica, and I were all a bit drained and we drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms. We must have slept for an eternity, or so it felt, because I awoke to a good season or so ahead of what we had watched. We would have to circle back and not just for Jessica’s benefit. I really got back into the Walking Dead and so did Rick from the way I could tell, even if we all joked that the love triangle should have just become a throuple. “Oh, damn, what time is it? We’ve...

4 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 7

It was probably a week or so after the barbeque when Tommy was sitting at home feeling a bit dejected. He had been busy trying to find out what his options were now that he knew he wouldn't be attending MIT that fall. He had half-heartedly looked around for some kind of job that he would like to do, but he wasn't having a lot of luck.He had been looking forward to going to college that fall. He had found he liked working with computers and he discovered a real talent for it, too. He knew that...

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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 6

Connie lay on the bed before him, legs spread and pussy dripping with need and desire. Her body trembled in anticipation and her breathing was ragged and unsteady. She was primed and set to go.Tommy took one long lap at her drooling pussy and she nearly fainted. "Ohhh my god, Tommy!" Her hands immediately clutched the sheets and her head fell back on the pillow.Then he started lapping her up, slow easy licks the full length of her slit from bottom to top. She writhed around in sweet agony....

2 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 12

When the girls returned from the mall, Connie had Barbara drop her off at her place. She wanted to get the things she bought put away, and relax for a bit before she had to make dinner. When Barbara came into the house, Tommy was watching television. "Hi Mom!" he said, "Can I help you carry those things?""No, that's okay, hon, they aren't that heavy," she said. Barbara took her things into her bedroom and shut the door behind her.Tommy thought her behavior a bit odd, but he shrugged his...

2 years ago
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Love Thy NeighborChapter 4

Being more exhausted than we thought, all three of us fell asleep in each other’s arms while watching the Walking Dead. I had some truly strange dreams as a result, but at least in my dreams I got a chance to fuck Lori, and then Andrea. That was nice enough. I even ended up screwing Maggie, surprising as that was to me. I woke up just as I was about to have to kill Shane, though ... but why did I have to do that again? I never got the answer in that dream, as I awoke to a phone call from my...

3 years ago
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Love Thy NeighborPart 2

Something made me lift my head, and I turned to look behind me. There, in the door, staring at the two of us in his bed, his large hands gripping the wheels of his chair, was Karen‘s husband , Jim. My already shrinking manhood all but disappeared as I scrambled to get off of Karen. I searched the room frantically for my clothes, trying to avoid eye contact with Jim. “Where the hell do you think your going, sport?” He asked. “I…..I…can explain!” I blurted out, as I almost tripped trying to pull...

4 years ago
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Love Thy NeighborPart 2

Something made me lift my head, and I turned to look behind me. There, in the door, staring at the two of us in his bed, his large hands gripping the wheels of his chair, was Karen‘s husband , Jim. My already shrinking manhood all but disappeared as I scrambled to get off of Karen. I searched the room frantically for my clothes, trying to avoid eye contact with Jim. “Where the hell do you think your going, sport?” He asked. “I…..I…can explain!” I blurted out, as I almost tripped trying to pull...

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Love Thy NeighborChapter 2

“Fantastic watermelon, I must say!” Rick told me with obvious appreciation of my choice of dessert. “Yes, well, few foods combine deliciousness with health benefits quite like this,” I grinned while Jessica put her hands on both mine and his. “Honey, babe ... both of you, I meant what I said. I want to have an affair with Bruno. I want it to be with Rick’s blessing, because I really don’t want to go behind his back. I want to fuck both of you guys on a regular basis. I adore both of you. I...

1 year ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Part 2

When we finish, I take Alice’s hand and lead her up to my bedroom. We make sweet love all afternoon, then shower and dress as mother will be home soon. One last kiss before she leaves, we agree that this was just the beginning. Mother is home twenty minutes later. She asks how my day was, I tell her it was very relaxing. We go to the kitchen to make dinner. Mother asks if I would like to go boating tomorrow, of course I tell her yes. I am thinking of my day, when mother asks if I’m okay. I tell...

2 years ago
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Love Thy NeighborChapter 3

Sam had hired a full time housekeeper and she saw to the children as well as the house chores. Tracy was splitting the cost of the house and the housekeeper, paying one third. Sam had been trying to get Tracy to get out, to begin a social life, to perhaps try to find a father for her children. She was only twenty three, she and his son had met and married while they were in college. Tracy had said she would date if he would not mind keeping the children at night. Tracy had been a pretty...

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I'd just turned 18 when he caught me in their bedroom dressed in his wife's lingerie , knowing I'd been caught sent a rush of sexual nervousness and arousal through me so intense . I was glad he found me like this Don was what Kathy has wanted for so long , a straight mature husband she could seduce . I'd discovered my attraction to other boys at an early age , i was just shy of my teens when I met a friend ,Tim. That's when I realized that my life would be full of things I could only share...

4 years ago
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Love Thy NeighborChapter 8

“So ... we stay in our respective homes, but meet regularly ... for orgies, swaps, foursomes, etc. We meet individually as well as collectively. Lauren is my cousin and my ... companion, if you will. We live together and she shares my bed regularly. We all reserve the right to fuck each other whenever we wish,” I stipulated now as we drank more Merlot. “Except that you and I don’t, of course. Since I’m straight,” Steve clarified, feeling a bit uneasy about the whole bi guy angle. “Don’t...

3 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor

“Hi Mrs. Jones, can Tommy come over to play trains for a little while?” A neighborhood boy would always come over to the house and ask my mom if I could come over and play. It was always play with his train set or when Pong was released it was to come play Pong and later on Atari. Mom would always say it was okay and to be back “by dinner time.” When I’d go over there they had several layers of sheer window coverings so you could get sunlight in, but no one could really see out or in unless you...

1 year ago
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Love thy neighbor

Hi I am Jaus, 23 yr old self employed man. This story happened on my 18th birthday. My neighbor’s son had come from Italy to stay at his father’s place. When he rang my bell my mom said I would be glad to show him around our small town. Since he was new I was his only friend and we hung out a lot. He was 19 yrs old, well built and very crude. He wouldn’t waste a opportunity to check out a girl on the street. I caught him a couple of times and reprimanded him to show some class. He shrugged me...

2 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor

My name is Tina, I just turned eighteen. I live with my mother Allie in our log cabin home which sits on three acres overlooking the lake. My mother came home one day a year ago and caught my father in their bed with his cock up his buddy’s ass. Mother then found out about his other indiscretions and filed for divorce. After months of proceedings it was final. My father left and we have not seen or heard from him since. We have grown much closer since the divorce became final five months...

1 year ago
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New Neighbors perfect neighbor hood when the wive

The gated community I lived in only had thirteen homes and there was only one way in and one way out. You literally had to drive the cul-de-sac in order to turn around unless you pulled into someone's yard. Everyone in the quaint neighborhood was either married or divorced.I made sure I interacted with my neighbors every chance I got so that we all would look out for each other. And boy, there were a couple of hot married forty and fifty-something year-old men to look at. Needless to say there...

2 years ago
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Loving Thy Neighbor

Rita ask me to pass her an egg. Trying to look at her breast and pass her the egg at the same time it slipped out my hand and smashed on the floor. She bent down to clean it up giving me a good look down he shirt. When she looked up she caught me staring and ask if I had a good look. Being ashamed I look away and said yes then safely passing her another egg. We baked all day, we baked pies, cakes,brownies, and muffins. When we were done our clothes had flour all over them. Rita said she was...

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Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbors Wife I

True story...It’s a warm summer morning. I’m performing my usual ritual of driving into the office before 8am. I pull into my company’s parking lot, turn off the engine, and I just sit and think. It’s the same thing I thought about on my drive in, the same thing I thought about before I walked out my apartment door. It’s the same thing I thought about while I was eating my breakfast; while I was putting on my clothes, and while I was taking my shower. It’s the first thing I thought about...

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Spank Thy Neighbor

It was an idyllic Monday night. All I had to look forward to was another night of EverQuest, but even this was going bust because none of my friends were online and I had really no one to play with. So, when my buddy Rich for next door knocks on my door holding a couple bottles of Bud and asks me if I wanna watch the game... naturally I was up for it (. Don't ask me who was playing, all thoughts of watching the game went bye-bye as soon as I entered their apartment. There she was, my...

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Worthy Neighbor

Worthy NeighborBy: Londebaaz ChohanI know, it was not fair but what choices I had. Only couple of months ago I was a high school boy and then within months, I was an adult, college student, living in a dorm, making my own decisions. Fuck! It was scary. It seemed like yesterday but the college was closed for 2 weeks of winter break. I called home and both of my parents consented that I could come home. It is only after getting home, I learnt that my dad and mom were leaving for a cruise and they...

2 years ago
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Sameer Adventures Virgin Northy Neighbor

Hey ISS readers. I’ve been a big fan of ISS for years. This is Sameer (You can call me Sam) from Chennai, here to pen down my first story (not fake). I’ve have had my fair share of sexual adventures, though this was not my first time I wanted make this as my first story and I’m sure you guys will get to know the reason as the story unfolds. I will most definitely share the other encounters based on the response. The names are changed for obvious reasons. Pls do ignore grammatical errors if any...

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