The Great Shift: Be Thy Neighbor free porn video

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The Great Shift: Be Thy Neighbor By Island Riter What had begun as a dull ache in my lower abdomen coming upon me slowly at first, had quickly escalated to full-blown distress. Running across the backyard dodging land mines (love nuggets Julie liked to call them) that Tiny, our 105 lb Lab mix, had deposited with the care and precision of an Army munitions expert, I began to wonder if I would make my final destination without an intestinal version of a land mine exploding in my pants. Running at full gait, I lost focus for a moment as I spied the quickly approaching French doors indicating the rear entrance of our house and planted my sandal clad foot directly in a fresh pile of Tiny's finest (and I think largest) piece of work to date. "Damn it Tiny!" I yelled not missing a beat between flinging the soiled foot covering and my next step closer to the house. Tiny merely raised his large square head to see what caused the commotion before yawning unconcernedly and resting his massive jowls once again on his front paws. As I glared at him in passing, I would swear he had a smirk on his face. Flinging open the doors without attempting to secure them behind me, I continued on at a pace that can only be driven by knowledge of immanent danger or the fear of fowling one's pants. Fortunately my goal was within easy reach. Rounding the corner while pulling my shorts down and sliding onto the toilet in a single motion, I quickly secured my penis between my testicles and left leg just as my battle with my rectum was lost. BRRRRAAAAAAAP! The large burst of gas caught me by surprise, I felt certain that my excess from the previous night's festivities would hold a much higher price! What a bunch of animals... what a party! Julie and I faced spending the rest of our Sunday cleaning up. We were the newest neighbors in our subdivision of new homes and high incomes. Having spent the last four years saving our money to put down on a mortgage that ended in more zeroes than I cared to think about, we had finally found our dream home. A single builder had developed the area we had chosen, so many of the homes came from very similar blueprints. Our house, for instance, could be seen replicated six or seven times within the community of 150 with only minor distinguishing features to the siding, landscaping, etc. But it had everything we had been looking for: a den for me, a huge kitchen for Julie and extra bedrooms for guests... and someday, children. We both wanted kids, but we were still young and our careers still on the rise, the time had never been right, but maybe now it was time to rethink our plans. Our marriage was good, our love strong, I hadn't brought it up recently, but planned to soon. Children would be the final piece in our union of life. Snapped out of my reverie by an exceptionally strong cramp, I groaned softly aloud and began to think back to the party the night before. We had invited most of the young couples that we knew: James and Randi, Paul and Carol, John and Donna just to name a few. But we had told everyone we knew to bring anyone else they knew - so before long, there were a dozen people we didn't even know tapping the keg. But what's a party without lots of people? James and I had hit it off from the first time we met - I knew right away he had great taste from the Cubs banner proudly displayed on the flagpole on the front of his house. The flag had been a conversation starter and before long, one of us was showing up at the other's house with a six pack of Miller Lite whether the Cubbies were playing that day or not. What really made it nice was that Julie and Randi got along great too. Julie is pretty picky about who she hangs out with. She's a strong willed woman and knows what she wants from life. For her to associate with woman that she considered to be a "Miss Muffet" or weak -- just didn't cut with her. But Randi was a spirited little mare herself, not to mention the fact that she wasn't too hard on the eyes. Like me, she was a runner, but she could run circles around me. I would typically go 4-5 miles a day and not feel bad, but that was just a warm-up for Randi. Her minimum run was 10 miles. "Only pussies do less than ten." She would tell me laughingly. Well color me pussy, 'cause 10 was well out of my range. And Donna - oh, mercy me. Donna was one hot babe! I had fuzzy memories of staring down her too small shirt at what must have been at least 38 D breasts (the exact opposite of Randi's) being held captive behind the too small cotton shirt. I also had one distinct memory of knocking her drink off the edge of the table just to see that oh-so-fine ass strain against her Capri pants outlining every thread of the thong she wore beneath. "Hey babe!" "Yeah?" I answered my thoughts brought quickly back to the present by Julie's searching voice. "I need to run down to Shop 'n Go to get some more trash bags. Do you need anything?" she asked with what I was sure was a touch of amusement in her voice. "Maybe some Malox." "Okay." She laughed in amusement "I'll be back pretty soon." I only grunted in response. My head throbbing and stomach crying in distress, I decided to end this ordeal. Pushing until I was red in the face, I finally managed to expel the object of my distress with a huge splash that covered my exposed ass with the mixture of toilet water and its contents. "Fuck!" I exclaimed grossed out by the very thought of the Molotov cocktail that dripped off my bare back side. Then everything caught up with me at once; my throbbing head, aching gut and a sudden bought of dizziness overwhelmed me and I passed out. A blast that shook the very foundation of the house brought me back to full consciousness. My mind still reeling from my brief blackout, I realized that there had been an explosion; before my mind became fully clear, my body took over. I couldn't have been out long; my privates were still dripping wet. Knowing there were more important things to be considered at the moment, I simply reached for my shorts with one hand while opening the bathroom door with the other in my race to find the source of the blast. Standing outside, the scene before me was one of mass confusion and hysteria. People wandering in the street, adults and children crying, a car engulfed in flames. That had been the cause of the explosion - a car going too fast had hit a huge tree and... wait! I began running toward the burning vehicle as fast as my legs would carry me as I recognized the outline of the vehicle. "NO!" I screamed as I realized that it was Julie's new Trans Am that lay burning before me. My mind was a rush of emotion and adrenaline as I ran forward, determined to pull her out of the fiery mass. The heat was unbearable as I continued my approach; I felt as if I would burst into flames myself at any second. Vision blurred by tears I was only a few feet away when suddenly my approach was halted. Someone had grabbed me from behind and was holding me securely, actually lifting my feet off the ground! The arms that encircled me were incredibly strong! I writhed and twisted in an attempt to escape, but my captor was not budging an inch. He must be a giant! I was 6'2" and over 200 lbs myself and he was holding me like a child holds a tiny doll! It wasn't until I heard the masculine voice talking that I realized I had never stopped screaming. My throat raw, I finally began to stop although the tears refused. At first I couldn't make out what he was saying then slowly I heard his words for the first time. "Randi, you have to stop. There's nothing you can do to save him." Randi? Save him? What the hell was he talking about? I looked around the crowd searching for Randi's familiar face, but did not see it. Finally I managed to twist myself around enough to come face to face with... my face! That was it! I must be caught up in some bizarre nightmare or I had suddenly gone stark raving mad or, or maybe I had suffered some sort of stroke and my mind was just creating all these delusions and none of it was real! That had to be it! I had suffered some sort of head trauma and this was my brains reaction to it. I was probably really lying in a hospital bed with Julie sitting by my side. "Yeah, that's all it is." I told myself again as the velvety blackness comforted me like a soft pillow as I fell once more into its lulling embrace. *** My first realization was that my head was throbbing with such intense pain that it would require at least 3 Advil or 2 beers to ease the pain. Next, the sun beating through the windows directly in my eyes was making the headache all the worse. And third, I had to piss like racehorse in heat. As I brought my hand up to cover my eyes, realization slowly crept back into my conscious mind that something terrible had indeed happened. I felt so weak; it took some effort to raise my arm in an attempt to block the glaring sun and as I caught a glimpse of it - my heart sank. The arms I had worked so hard on to sculpt and maintain had shriveled away to nothingness - my arm looked like it belonged on a child. "Hey... hey guys! I think she's coming around!" I heard a disturbingly familiar voice say from across the room. "Hi sweetie. How are you feeling?" I heard as Donna's face came into view - not to mention a spectacular view of her very fine cleavage. "You had us quite worried." My head still throbbing in perfect rhythm with my heart I croaked out the question most pressing on my mind. "How long?" "How long what honey?" she asked gently stroking a stray hair from my face. "How long... how long out?" "How long were you passed out?" Donna asked with a very confused expression on her face. Trying not to place further strain on my vocal chords which were obviously long disused by the sound of my voice I only nodded my head. Which only confirmed my theories on the length of time passed as I could feel the considerable length of my hair as it pulled underneath my head as I nodded. "Well, I don't know. Maybe an hour?" I only nodded again absently as my gaze wandered around my bedroom. Well, that would explain a lot. I had gone completely and utterly mad. How else could the entire d?cor including paint and furnishings have changed in only an hour? On top of all the other things I had noticed. My hair, atrophied arms, the length of my fingernails, my screechy voice. Madness was the only explanation that fit. Because of my acceptance of my total madness, it made it all the easier to accept the tall handsome man that wore my face coming into my line of view and sitting at the edge of my bed. It was really quite interesting to see the unfamiliar expressions on the face that I had seen every morning in the mirror for the last 28 years. Watching the eyebrows knit over the clear gray eyes with an obvious look of concern, a look that was at once familiar and oddly unfamiliar, the deep voice spoke. "This may sound like a really odd question, but one that we have to know... You are Randi Williams." He said more than asked. "Do you have any idea how weird it is that I'm talking to me asking me if I'm Randi?" I giggled in response to the bizarreness of the entire situation made all the more correct in this Superman Bizzaro inspired world I found myself in. Donna stood and gasped abruptly releasing my hand that she had been holding. My twin's mouth dropped open in a hilarious parody of surprise, as he demanded, "Who the hell are you?" "Why can't you see, you're me and I'm you silly. We're Kurt Hamon." I sputtered out laughing harder at the senselessness of the question. Why wouldn't my own twin know who I am? "Kurt? Is it really you?" my doppelganger's voice cracked as tears streamed down his face. "Of course it's me. Who else would I be?" I asked becoming more confused. For being mad, I sure felt sane - other than looking at this man who wore my face. My face and the outfit I had put on this morning. "Kurt, I need you to really listen to me. I know you're confused; hell, we're all confused. We've just had a few more minutes to get used to this than you. There's been an accident -- we don't know much yet, the news reports are still pretty sketchy." The other Kurt nodded toward the small television set across the room as he spoke. "What we do know is that somehow about 90% of the world-wide population have switched bodies." He continued. Kurt II, as I was coming to think of him, must have seen the complete look of confusion on my face as he stood and walked over toward the dressing table. If what he said were somehow true, then that meant that a stranger somehow now inhabited my body and if someone else were in my body then that meant... Kurt returned with a hand mirror, which he held before me. I blinked twice, rubbed my eyes, closed them, rubbed them again but Randi's penetrating blue eyes kept reflecting back at me. *** After flushing the toilet I pulled up the tiny pink panties and running shorts all the while trying desperately not to look at the area that had always revealed my manhood. I walked over to the mirror and just stared. "It could have been a lot worse." Kurt II said from the side of the bathtub where he sat keeping me company. "Yeah, I know." I sighed deeply looking over at my former wife. "So, let me understand this. After this "Great Shift" happened and you became aware that you were really me, you just assumed that I had become you?" "It stood to reason at the time that somehow we had switched bodies - not the fact that we had switched, but that we were in each others body." "So that's why when you grabbed me outside you kept saying there was nothing I could do to save 'him'. You thought I was really Randi and that Kurt had died in the car crash." "Yeah." Julie sighed then looked up at me. "What I really don't understand is how you didn't know you had swapped." "Well think about it. When you landed in my body, you changed locations from your car to sitting on the toilet. When I bounced, Randi was sitting on the toilet as well. When I snapped out of my daze, it was because of the explosion. My body was running the show, I barely noticed my surroundings." "Yeah, but you ended up in James and Randi's house, I don't..." She trailed off then I saw the look of understanding cross her face. "You didn't realize you had ever left because they have the same floor plan as we do in our house." "I thought I was going insane." "We all did." Julie said quietly, and then corrected herself. "We all do." *** Still not knowing what the future held for us, we decided to just go with what was still familiar and began the short walk home. Everything looked so different to me now... so much bigger. I definitely didn't like it. Our house was only a few doors down, so the walk was short - and very quiet. The air was still filled with the repulsive smell of burnt rubber, plastic... and human remains. We still had no idea who wound up the victim inside Julie's body in the terrible accident and it was likely we never would. As we entered the house, Tiny came bounding up jumping up on me nearly knocking my diminutive new frame to the floor. "Damn it Tiny!" Julie yelled in her new baritone. Tiny immediately dropped and cowered as I caught my balance. Julie began laughing. "What's so funny?" "It's just so weird to see him react as if I were you. He used to ignore me when I was in my old body. I could get used to this." "Yeah, wish I could say the same." I replied watching as Tiny raised his head a bit and tentatively wagged his tail as Julie laughed. Seeing there would be no newspaper swatting in the near future, Tiny slowly stood and walked over to me again. I began slowly scratching him around his ears; that is until he stuck his nose directly into my new crotch and began sniffing. "Knock it off!" I yelled trying to push him away, which of course he completely ignored. "Tiny!" I yelled in my firmest voice "Go lay down!" Now, keep in mind just a matter of hours ago, he would have slunk off head hanging in shame, but now, he merely pushed his nose harder into my crotch - further reminding me of the differences in my new anatomy. Sighing in exasperation, I finally pushed passed and went to sit in my recliner. As I entered the living room, I saw that Julie already had the television on watching a pimply-faced teenage boy captioned as "Professor Rudolph Freeman" giving his best theories on the cause of all the havoc. As I sat in the familiar recliner, it made all the changes sink home. My familiar friend that I had spent many the afternoon drinking beer and watching ball games and napped many the Sunday away in, simply did not fit my tiny frame. I began to cry. *** Stepping out of the shower, I stood nude in front of the full-length mirror trying to adjust to seeing the image before me. I was actually quite lucky. Not only was Randi about my same age (a year or two older if memory served) but also was in excellent shape. My thin blonde hair fell about shoulder length (I had always wondered why she kept in a ponytail - now I understood) and nicely framed her slightly oval face. Nose was just a tad long, but not anything that grabbed your attention on first meeting. It felt incredibly odd to run my tongue along the inside of my teeth. My parents hadn't bothered with the expense of braces, so to feel the smooth contour of Randi's was endlessly amazing to me. Nice toned arms, at least I wouldn't have to deal with that flabby arm skin - yet. She also tanned in the nude (a fact I had no idea of until today). Then there were her breasts, if you could call two nipples on a flat chest breasts. They were definitely feminine looking, small areola surrounded the light tan nipples, but there was no denying that she was flat as a board -- a fact that bothered me very little. Her nice smooth tummy was very sexy with a little outie button. She was also definitely a natural blonde. I think this was the first golden bush I had ever seen in person - unfortunately, it was from the wrong point of view. Boy was she ever limber too! With no effort I could stand flat-footed and touch the floor with my palms. This gave me an up close look at the amazing legs this girl had. Toned, shapely female flesh that rippled with muscle just under the skin. It was obvious the years of running had paid off! As I finished my rotation in front of the mirror I observed what I already knew - cute little butt - a little small for my tastes, but all in all, not a bad pooper. After checking myself out, I realized I was quite ready for bed. It had been a long, long day. After brushing my perfect little teeth, I found one of my old t- shirts and wore it as a nightgown. I hadn't thought to bring clean underwear from Randi's house, so I decided to try a pair of Julie's. The fit was so poor - Julie had much more shapely hips than I now had, that I ultimately decided to go commando until I could get back down to Randi's house and pick up her clothes - James surely wouldn't care. After all, his new shape (Donna's old) would certainly never fit into any of Randi's clothes! As I entered the bedroom, Julie was lying on top of the covers nude thoroughly engrossed in the examination of her new, fully engorged, penis. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked annoyed not having the slightest idea why it would annoy me that she was fondling herself. Smiling she looked up "Just checking out the package! It sure feels funny -- a hard-on, that is. It's so... so..." "Insistent?" I finished for her. "Yeah, kind of demanding isn't it?" "Uh-huh, but don't get any funny ideas." "I was just looking." Julie responded sounding a little hurt. "Okay, well, I'm exhausted. Let's just get some sleep." I sighed climbing into bed. *** The next three days passed in a blur. As one would imagine, mass confusion reigned over the world, but eventually everyone began to calm down and accept what had happened. And in an attempt to find some sense of normalcy in all the madness, people began to migrate back to the routines that had once known - myself included. With Julie and James' help I had taken the time to gather all of Randi's clothes and sort through them. Fortunately for me, outside of work, Randi was a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl. But being a sales account manager for a local marketing firm, she also had quite a stock of "business appropriate" clothes that would work well for me for my job. Eventually I returned to work and tried to get down to the business of doing business. It took quite a while to find out who was who, but it actually didn't turn out to be such a big deal. We all were required to carry a photo id badge, so we simply took to wearing them on a lanyard around our necks. It seemed the most challenging part of work was not being embarrassed by absentmindedly walking into the wrong bathroom or not being offended when someone else made the same mistake. All in all, work was still work and was a therapeutic means to temporarily forget about what had happened. And so that was the way it was, everyone tried to adjust and go back to their old familiar lives as much as possible. Julie and I included. *** Watching Julie lying there made me feel a little warm deep in the pit of my stomach, kind of... of tingly almost. The longer I looked at her, the tinglier (is that a word?) I got. I was nearly positive if I looked I would be able to see the distorted waves of heat rising in the air from my groin. Trying desperately to think of other things and concentrate on Leno, it seemed I could only feel the wetness in my panties spreading. Unable to focus on television - he just didn't seem as funny since he swapped with Smitty from the Tonight Show Band - I rolled back over to face Julie. I had to admit; my old body was a pretty fine looking specimen. As I laid admiring my old body, the ache in my new loins seemed as persistent as the need I had always felt with my old equipment, just a different location with a different spin. Slipping out of my panties and pulling off my nightshirt, I scooted closer to Julie feeling the warmth of her body. Slowly I began running my fingers across her well defined pecs enjoying their hardness. Although still breathing deeply, I could see her body responding. My urges growing in strength, I tentatively slipped my now tiny hand into her boxers touching her engorged penis, exploring its hardness. The heat from the organ made me groan softly with anticipation. Julie was moving a bit, but still slept. Gingerly, I worked the organ out from the unbuttoned fly and admired it for a moment. It was really quite large. Not excessively long, I knew the exact dimensions by heart, perhaps a little longer than average, but the girth... ah the girth. I had been born blessed with a penis that was nearly six inches in girth. Every woman that I have ever been with commented on how much they enjoyed the way it felt, and now, it looked as though I was going to enjoy that experience as well. Head to head, so to speak, with my former penis was quite interesting. It was a view that I never anticipated in having, and I was amazed how much bigger it looked than from my former perspective. No longer able to control the rush of hormones that were overwhelming me, I did what seemed to be natural. Tentatively at first, I licked the head of the monster cock tasting the salty precum that had gathered at its head. Then slowly, I wrapped my mouth around the beautiful organ and began sucking it like a lollipop. It didn't take long for Julie to come full awake with my present ministrations. Groaning softly, she wrapped her fingers in my hair holding my head in place. As I began moving my head up and down along the shaft, my brain seemed to take control once more and I tried to pull my overfull mouth away. Julie held my head in place for just a moment - until I applied gentle pressure with my teeth as a warning. She quickly responded by releasing my hair. "Sorry." She mumbled, "Just got caught up in the moment." "Yeah, me too." "So now what?" "So now I'm so horny that if I don't do something I'm going to explode!" "I... I don't understand. I thought..." Agitated, I interrupted her. "I can't explain it Julie. It's like sometimes my body controls my brain and I just let it go. I still have the wants and needs of a woman, but the dreams and desires of a man." "You think I don't understand that?" Julie nearly screamed startling me out of my self-pity. "You have been nothing but a royal bitch since you lost your dick and now... and now you've become a prick tease! "You wake me up sucking my dick then tell me you don't like it and to leave you alone!" Julie continued on her tirade. "You of all people should know how that feels! If you don't want to have sex... fine, I understand! But don't light the fuse if you're not going to fire the rocket!" Feeling quite abashed I could feel the tears gathering at the corners of my eyes. "I'm sorry." I whispered. "You're right. I've been so self-righteous about my feelings that I haven't been thinking of anyone else's." "It's okay honey." Julie said much calmer now. "I'm sorry I yelled at you, it's just that, well, God, that just felt sooo good! I didn't want you to stop!" she said her penis slowly stiffening again at the memory. "And you have to remember something Kurt, it's not all about sex. You and I have history. If and when you're ready, it will be about love, about sharing, about giving ourselves to each other... not to mention the best fucking orgasm you can possibly imagine." She chuckled. My mind was whirling at all the thoughts running through it. She was right, this was the woman I had met, fell in love with and committed to spend the rest of my life with for better or for worse. And while I couldn't consider the circumstances as better, I certainly couldn't consider them worse as I pictured Julie's burning car in my mind. Making up my mind, I turned to face Julie, who was now sitting upright, and climbed onto her lap facing her. Apparently she liked this because I immediately felt her harden beneath me. "Kurt, you don't have to..." I silenced her with a passionate kiss as I pushed her to a prone position. *** Trembling slightly, I perched above the enormous cock then slowly began to impale myself upon it. Trying to think about baseball and not how insanely odd it felt to have such a large intrusion entering my body, I began my slow descent. "Oh my God!" I gasped as I continued my slow descent feeling the massive head make contact with my clitoris. "Oh my dear God!" Julie laughed softly knowing exactly how I felt. A little faster now, I further lowered myself onto Julie millimeter by millimeter then inch by inch until I could feel my clit hit her pelvic bone. I had no words to translate the feelings I was experiencing, but I can say that baseball was the last thing on my mind! It was as much about giving yourself to the alien flesh that penetrated you as it was the feelings the act generated. As a guy, it had been all about the feelings - as a woman it was as much about the act as it was the feelings. It was so... so fulfilling, so filling, so... oh hell, who cares? It felt better that anything I had ever experienced in my life and I was going to stop trying to analyze, relate and associate feelings and simply start enjoying them. Moving up and down at a faster and faster pace on Julie's fat dick, I quickly found it took some practice not to come up too far and slide completely off, yet I still desperately needed to make contact on the beautiful shaft with my clit. It didn't take long to get the hang of it, but I was only getting started when I tuned into Julie's loud groaning. "No! Not yet!" I gasped Too late Julie grabbed my hips pulling me tightly to hers as I felt her dick expand and contract deep within me. Exasperated that she had already blew her load I angrily pulled myself off her already softening organ. "Wait... I'm sorry." She whispered. "I... I didn't know. It won't happen again." "Fat lot of good that does me now." I said rolling away from her, tears blurring my vision as her seed dripped from my crotch. Damn these tears that came forth unbidden so easily. After a few moments, I felt her strong hands on my shoulders slowly and gently rubbing them. Eventually one hand moved to my neck as the other crept around to my chest and began alternately caressing my nipples. I was beginning to think I would have to forgive her... I sighed softly realizing how good her hand felt on my nipples as they began to harden under her attention. Pulling me towards her, Julie firmly planted her lips on mine exploring my mouth, running her tongue over my smooth teeth. I was so turned on that I didn't even mind the rough stubble that covered her face. Moving from my mouth to my ears then to my breasts, Julie continued her attentions to my needs. As she covered my right nipple in a moist embrace and wrapped it with her tongue I thought I would go mad with passion. As I began clawing at the sheets, Julie slid her tongue down my taught stomach and stopped just before the slim stripe of pubic hair Randi had shaved above my new pussy. Carefully climbing between my legs, Julie lowered herself into position and began to do something I never had been able to do bring myself to do for her. Slowly, Julie began licking my pussy clean of our mixed juices. I had always been happy to bring her to screaming orgasms with my tongue, but never after I had spent my seed. Her selfless act made the passion all the more intense while bringing me up to and over my first female orgasm. And I knew immediately, there would be many, many more. *** Time passed as time has a tendency to do. The world moved on and those who could adjust - did, those that could not, well they moved on in different ways. James started coming around more and more and we still watched the Cubbies play - although it just wasn't the same. I don't know if it was because the new inter-gender leagues didn't hold the same appeal or if it just was just too weird to look over at my best friend dressed in a halter-top and getting turned on by his giant tits. Regardless, we carried on the tradition and sometimes Julie would even join us. Randi never came back and we each had our own theories as why - although I never shared mine. James thought perhaps she was trapped in the body of an infant and would have to grow several years before being able to communicate the fact that she had been a grown woman. In private, Julie shared with me that she thought Randi simply had an opportunity to make a clean break from James and Donna's not-so-secret secret love affair. Saving her the grief and heartache that such affairs always carry. Me, I think it was Randi that was trapped in Julie's burning car that day. I don't know why, but I just seem to know that with some certainty. Ever since I ended up in my new body, I seem to have these... flashes I guess is the best term to describe them... of intuition that have yet to be wrong. At first I shared them with Julie, until about a month ago when I awoke from a dream. In the dream I was standing over a grave in nearby Miller's Grove Cemetery holding the hand of a little blonde girl with clear gray eyes as she placed flowers on the marker. And while I couldn't see the inscription, I had no doubt who lay beneath. *** I stood silently as the endless procession of faces passed by me, their words of consolation going mostly unheard. I had decided to wear black that day. A black dress with low-heeled shoes and all that I could think about as the procession continued was how damn uncomfortable these fucking shoes were. Then finally the end - and at the end, one bright face. James'. "How you doin' sweetheart?" he said hugging me tightly smashing his huge breasts into my tiny ones. "I'll live." I responded hands gently moving to protect the soft swell of my stomach as I eased away from his embrace. "It's not your fault you know." "I know. But I still blame myself thinking that somehow it should have been me." "She was just destined to go." "I realize that, but it just doesn't make it any easier." I said looking into James' deep brown eyes while tears streamed from my own. "You know I'm here for you." He said gently entwining the fingers of his hand between mine. "I know. And I'm really glad. Really. Junior here will definitely benefit from having her Auntie James around." "Her? I thought you weren't going to find out?" "Women's intuition." "Oh, by the way, it's not going to be 'Auntie James', it's going to be 'Momma James'." "Is that a fact?" "It is. Now that it's just the two of us girls there's no sense in having two big empty houses - I'm moving in." he stated in a tone as casual as if were inviting me over to watch Monday Night Football. "Pretty assuming aren't you?" "Give it up Kurt. You know that I loved you like a brother before all this. And now... and now that love has grown to be something far greater. I love you... and I'm in love with you." He admitted his voice trailing off as he dropped his eyes. "I know." I said quietly as I squeezed his hand tightly. "I've known all along." Meeting my eyes once again, James asked incredulously, "You did? But... but how? I was so careful! I..." "Women's intuition." I repeated thinking back to a different dream. Except this was a happier one, a female version of the wet dreams I had experienced in my youth. In this dream, James and I were tangled in each other's arms in the throws of passion. Still holding James' hand I began pulling him toward the car silently waiting to drive me to Miller's Grove Cemetery. "C'mon, I gotta pee." "Again?" "Get used to it." I said leaning over to gently kiss his cheek. "Women!" he said in mock exasperation as we climbed into the waiting limo. Fini

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What Happened After The Great Shift True Stories of BodyShifted Survivors

The following is a work of fiction. It is Copyrighted to the author Caleb Jones and all rights are reserved. It may be archives at Robo's site and the new Fictionmania II. Others please ask before archiving my work. I like to know where my stories take root. Since I write this for no pay, no one may profit by charging prior to this story being accessed and/or read on the Internet or at a pay site. And now..... What Happened After The Great Shift... (True Stories of...

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It was early summer and the temp's were already near 90's. Luckily my neighbors had a pool and invited me to come over for a swim anytime. Julie and her two young daughters were enjoying themselves in the water when I got home. I got into my trunks and went over to join them. I dove in and swam around, it was refreshing to cool off and escape the heat. Julie asked me to keep an eye on the girls while she went inside to get us some cold drinks. Tina, the oldest one was almost 17 and Lisa was 15....

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Love Thy Neighbor

I was in my last month of High School, so I didn’t really mind missing one day.I worked the night shift and got home at eight a. m. I told my mom that I would go to school after lunch. Yeah right! Also I had just turned 18, so I am not forced to go.I went to sleep and woke up at 11:30 a. m. I heard someone out by our pool. I looked out the back door and noticed my neighbor getting out of the pool.Mary was the same age as my mom, but built like someone half her age. She wore a bikini that showed...

3 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor

This is my sex story with my Maya, our neighbor, in Chennai. It so happened that coincidently Sunil, Maya’s husband who was into Marketing, was always traveling and my wife too had gone to visit her parents. Since I was self-employed and worked from home, I was at home most of the time. This happened just a day after my wife had left, it was late in the afternoon I had just finished doing my online work and the bell rang. I went to answer the door and there was Maya smiling at me. About Maya,...

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Fuck Thy Neighbor

By: AWC It was close to sunset time but it was not dark yet. Seth could easily see Bertha talking to his mother as he stood by the Bay window of the living room behind almost closed curtains. Soon he heard his dad honk the car horn, the conversation between the ladies broke and his mom walked to the car and they left. He stood there, still watching Bertha in her backyard. With her dress, it looked obvious that the neighbor lady with the lovely blond hair had just arrived from the work. Seth...

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Alex and Vicki Love Thy Neighbor

This morning, well let’s say from midnight on, has been anything but a typical Saturday morning. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, but now I can’t wait to see what happens for the rest of day. It was just before eleven a.m. when Vicki and Tara left for the mall. I had some client work to prepare, plus I intended to finish my preliminary designs for the expansion of our sunroom. My goal was to send them to a few local architects early next week to get the ball rolling. Once that...

4 years ago
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Love thy neighbor

Hi! To all friends, I am a great fan of this section of the website since several years. Many times I tried to write my experience but was not able to do so. However finally I gather all my support system and put forth my experience and sincerely hope that not only you all will like but equally enjoy it as well. There was a lot of nice response from nice females from Chennai. Thanks a lot ladies for your encouragement. Let me begin by briefing about my self, I am a tall guy having 5’11” height,...

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Love thy Neighbor

I got home from a long day at work and was greeted by my neighbor Liz.Let me describe Liz, she is probably 5'4”, of medium build, 51 years old, long blonde hair, and quite possibly the most amazing pair of (what I later found out to be) 36DD tits.I have had a thing for her ever since I can remember. The first time I saw her I got an accidental glimpse of her very large tits when she was putting a garbage bag in her trash can one morning. Her robe wasn't tied well and that gave me an unimpeded...

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Love Thy Neighbor

Hello, this is Rahul, as I had mentioned earlier I have always craved for and have had a special attraction for older women. I always look forward to coming close to older women. Now about this story, my neighbor is Aunt Sandhya who is in early 40’s. She is married to a senior Army guy and usually away for long periods. Aunt Sandhya is at least about 15 years older to me; I have always been attracted by her. She is a very beautiful, good looking lady, she is tall, slim and has nice features,...

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I'd just turned 18 when he caught me in their bedroom dressed in his wife's lingerie , knowing I'd been caught sent a rush of sexual nervousness and arousal through me so intense . I was glad he found me like this Don was what Kathy has wanted for so long , a straight mature husband she could seduce . I'd discovered my attraction to other boys at an early age , i was just shy of my teens when I met a friend ,Tim. That's when I realized that my life would be full of things I could only share...

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Love Thy Neighbor

Valini and Devyan have been married for many years. They originally came from India and have been living in this foreign country for more than 30 years. They had nothing much to complain about in life as they had everything – good jobs, good health, comfortable house, children and grand children. What else you need? For them, sex life was not an issue, as over the years they have become quite comfortable without it; occasionally making love whenever they felt like. No one ever complained and...

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The Great Shift Support Group

The Great Shift- Support Group By Danielle J This story is the sole property of Danielle J. Anyone who wishes to post it to any Internet site must obtain the author's permission first. My email is [email protected]. All comments are welcome. This story is dedicated to FM author Elaine who so kindly helped me edit my first attempt at TG fiction and gave me many pointers. Thank You Elaine. ********** Today was to be Anne Davidson's first day seeing patients. Anne had just...

2 years ago
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The Great Shift Space Cadets

The Great Shift: Space Cadets By Jerrie526 Beta Quadrant, Space Station Terra 19, June 14, 12012 AD 10,000 Light years from Earth Commanders Log: It has been more than 10,000 years since the phenomenon that came to be known as The Great Shift occurred back in the late 20th Century. The event that changed Humanity for what some people felt was for the worst. But the human race had proved to be highly adaptable. The shift happened and within months, it was business as usual...

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The Great Shift Summers End

The Great Shift - Summer's End By Limbo's Mistress "Dad, I'm home," a voice from the front of the house called right before I heard the slam of the front door. I looked up from the papers spread out on the kitchen counter to see my daughter, Carrie, walk into the room. She stopped at the table and slipped the backpack off her shoulders, hanging it on the back of one of the chairs. Then she walked over to the opposite side of the counter and leaned against it, grabbing an apple from...

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The Great Shift Healing Hands

The Great Shift: Healing Hands By Johnny Girl ([email protected]) I stared down at my hands. My hands. I still had trouble believing they were really mine. They were long and slender and delicate and feminine, wearing rings and bracelets, the fingers tipped with sparkly purple fingernail polish. These weren't the hands I was familiar with. They weren't the rough and strong and calloused hands I'd been so dependent on; they were weak and soft and smooth and small and useless...

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Great Shift The Origin

* Warning, this story uses the events that happened on Sept. 11, 2001 as a loose model in trying to give a feel of the carnage that'd happens during a massive calamity. If you feel this depiction is too traumatizing in bringing up memories, or if you have PTSD issues, you may not want to read ths story.* The Great Shift (Origins) I like many have enjoyed many a story of the fun and mayhem of that fateful day that the world was turned on it's ear, and many a men had to learn...

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Spank Thy Neighbor

It was an idyllic Monday night. All I had to look forward to was another night of EverQuest, but even this was going bust because none of my friends were online and I had really no one to play with. So, when my buddy Rich for next door knocks on my door holding a couple bottles of Bud and asks me if I wanna watch the game... naturally I was up for it (. Don't ask me who was playing, all thoughts of watching the game went bye-bye as soon as I entered their apartment. There she was, my...

1 year ago
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Love thy neighbor

Hi I am Jaus, 23 yr old self employed man. This story happened on my 18th birthday. My neighbor’s son had come from Italy to stay at his father’s place. When he rang my bell my mom said I would be glad to show him around our small town. Since he was new I was his only friend and we hung out a lot. He was 19 yrs old, well built and very crude. He wouldn’t waste a opportunity to check out a girl on the street. I caught him a couple of times and reprimanded him to show some class. He shrugged me...

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Love Thy Neighbor

“Hi Mrs. Jones, can Tommy come over to play trains for a little while?” A neighborhood boy would always come over to the house and ask my mom if I could come over and play. It was always play with his train set or when Pong was released it was to come play Pong and later on Atari. Mom would always say it was okay and to be back “by dinner time.” When I’d go over there they had several layers of sheer window coverings so you could get sunlight in, but no one could really see out or in unless you...

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The Great Shift The Empty Place Inside Part 1 of 2 revised

The Great Shift: The Empty Place Inside by BlueshifTG Part 1 The straps were loosened on the black 1" heel shoes tumbled under the desk. One stockinged foot was on the floor, the other unsteadily balanced on the plastic trash can; the position pulled the leather skirt tight above the green-nailed fingers that absent-mindedly rubbed a spot on the outside of the right knee. The woman was leaning back in her chair, head...

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Loving Thy Neighbor

Rita ask me to pass her an egg. Trying to look at her breast and pass her the egg at the same time it slipped out my hand and smashed on the floor. She bent down to clean it up giving me a good look down he shirt. When she looked up she caught me staring and ask if I had a good look. Being ashamed I look away and said yes then safely passing her another egg. We baked all day, we baked pies, cakes,brownies, and muffins. When we were done our clothes had flour all over them. Rita said she was...

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Love Thy Neighbor

My name is Tina, I just turned eighteen. I live with my mother Allie in our log cabin home which sits on three acres overlooking the lake. My mother came home one day a year ago and caught my father in their bed with his cock up his buddy’s ass. Mother then found out about his other indiscretions and filed for divorce. After months of proceedings it was final. My father left and we have not seen or heard from him since. We have grown much closer since the divorce became final five months...

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The Great Shift Summers End Part 2

Once upon a time, I used to be the type of guy who firmly believed women could never get ready on time because they could never decide what to wear. I mean, what guy hasn't watched any number of sitcoms or romcoms where the husband/boyfriend continually looks at his watch, becoming more and more exasperated and impatient, while his darling dear tries on an entire wardrobe's worth of clothing? No matter how relaxed the dress code of the event they are attending, the woman has to make...

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The Great Shift This Too Shall Pass

Permission is given to archive this story any and everywhere. I don't even care if you steal it as it shows that I have something worth stealing and the primary purpose of this was to see how good a writer I am. The Great Shift: This Too Shall Pass By The Last Boy Scout Chapter One Well, it was a dark and stormy night. Scratch that, too cliqued. IT was a normal day, one that had occurred a thousand days before and would for a thousand days more. Too boring. Mr....

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The Great Shift Summer Vacation

The Great Shift: Summer Vacation By Limbo's Mistress "We're here." I pulled the big SUV into the empty spot between the beach house's legs. The other two parking spaces were taken by a black Mercedes convertible and a bright yellow Prius. Apparently my parents and sister had beat us here. The three-story structure that would be our home for the week sat overlooking the shoreline of Myrtle Beach. Identical houses, though painted a different color, stood on either side of...

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TV Guide after the Great Shift updated Nov 2010

This issue dedicated to my writing buddy, Eric. May you live long and Prosper! Caleb Jones presents... Excerpts from the upcoming Post-Great Shift issue of... "The TV Guide" You Are Not The Only One To Get Shifted! When the Great Switch happened, and almost all people all over the world were suddenly thrust into the bodies of random other people, everyone - including those of us here at TV Guide - were too busy adjusting to new bodies and the great mess that followed to do...

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The Great Shift The Empty Place Inside part 2 of 2

The Great Shift: The Empty Place Inside by BlueshifTG Part 2 The young woman opened her eyes. What she saw was all white, slowly resolving into different shades of white, and two corners. That was the extent of it: three walls. Part of it was different, yellow, that's it, with some sort of pattern--a curtain. On the other side, a door. In the corner, high, a box. A mouth, a speaker, no, a camera; a...

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Worthy Neighbor

Worthy NeighborBy: Londebaaz ChohanI know, it was not fair but what choices I had. Only couple of months ago I was a high school boy and then within months, I was an adult, college student, living in a dorm, making my own decisions. Fuck! It was scary. It seemed like yesterday but the college was closed for 2 weeks of winter break. I called home and both of my parents consented that I could come home. It is only after getting home, I learnt that my dad and mom were leaving for a cruise and they...

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Excerpts from the upcoming PostGreat Shift issue of The TV Guide

[This issue is dedicated to my writing buddy, Eric. May you live long and prosper!] Caleb Jones presents... Excerpts from the upcoming Post-Great Shift issue of The TV Guide (All copyrights are reserved to the proper owners.) TV Guide Picks of the week: Xena, Warrior Prince As a result of all the body-swapping of last week's show, Xena, now inside the body of Hercules, the son of Zeus; and Gabrielle, now occupying the body of her former best friend and new husband Xena,...

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Sameer Adventures Virgin Northy Neighbor

Hey ISS readers. I’ve been a big fan of ISS for years. This is Sameer (You can call me Sam) from Chennai, here to pen down my first story (not fake). I’ve have had my fair share of sexual adventures, though this was not my first time I wanted make this as my first story and I’m sure you guys will get to know the reason as the story unfolds. I will most definitely share the other encounters based on the response. The names are changed for obvious reasons. Pls do ignore grammatical errors if any...

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The Great Shift Summers End Part 5

The Great Shift - Summer's End (Part 5) by Limbo's Mistress It took me a few moments to get over my initial surprise. Then I turned around and went back to the bed while Kara stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. I sat down on the edge, pulling the comforter over my lower body. The urge to retreat back under the blankets was still present, thought I knew I wouldn't, couldn't, do that to Kara. Not when it was so obvious that she intended to talk to me. Even though we...

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The Great Shift Summers End Part 4

The Great Shift - Summer's End (Part 4) by Limbo's Mistress Tyrone began to stir about three minutes before the police arrived. I noticed it first, the twitch of the fingers of his left hand. Instantly, the memory of that massive hand being slammed against my face, and the harsh way they had groped and fondled me, rushed forward, drowning out everything else. As if I were reliving it all over again. Huddled beneath the blanket, I curled tighter in on myself, and a...

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The Great Shift One Mans Opinion

GS: One Man's Opinion By Tanto Two fifty-five. Five more minutes to go, I thought, as I glanced once again at the clock on the wall. It was Friday. I was in my last period of the day, World Geography, taught by the closest thing to a witch I'd ever met, a fat, ugly old hag who loves to torment us by giving us bad grades on the most spurious of grounds. To my left was Courtney Bitz, a blonde sophomore, who's a good friend of mine. To my right was the other Courtney, Courtney...

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Great Shift The Best Day

Great Shift: The Best Day By Morpheus It was the best day of my life and I was almost ready to burst from pure happiness. Never before had I even imagined that I could be so happy, that anything could be so perfect. Or that I would have the perfect someone to spend the rest of my life with. Just a short while earlier, I had married my beloved Keith, in the most beautiful ceremony that I could have imagined. It was fairly small as neither of us had any family, though there...

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Totally Submissive The Neighbor

I spent the next couple of days with Dor being embarrassed beyond belief and having the absolute best time of my life. I had to check on my apartment, pick up the mail and get a few things and I told Dor she was going to have to come with me. She said, “I’ll come baby but why do I have to” and I said, “In case I run into my neighbor”. Dor said, “That’s really a true story, I thought you told it to me to justify cheating on your ex”. I told her it was really true. We got to my apartment building...

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The Great Shift In the PBR

My Stories may be added to Any Archive with similar content as long as the content is not modified and this notice and the copyright are maintained. Direct comments and email to: [email protected] Forward I had to look back at the original Genesis story by Morpheus to make sure I could get away with this one. I suppose most people will write these stories using the great shift having people pass out at the moment of the shift. In the original story when the shift...

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The Great Shift Genesis

Some of you may have noticed that I have a tendancy to do a lot of body switching stories. I tend to enjoy the idea, as well as messing with families a lot, due to the multiple relationships suddenly changed. Because of my fondness for body swapping stories, I decided to create the ultimate body swapping situation. And as a result, I came up with a story challange/open universe. This is one that I'm calling the Great Shift. The premise is that somewhere in New Mexico,...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 26 Katie the Good Neighbor

Mrs. Jackson stood in her kitchen and stared out the window towards Phil Dorman’s house. It had been a few weeks since his release from the hospital and while the neighborhood rejoiced at his return; the hot married wife felt nauseated. Every day after her family had left for work and school Phil had called or rolled up to her door. She never answered as she knew what he would say or try to do to her. She regretted that moment in his hospital room as well as every moment of what happened...

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Great Shift Life at the Zou

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I think the Great Shift was meant to happen in 1999. I, however, am not all that great at remembering things I didn't much care about 12 years ago, so I wrote this story as if it happened in the present day. Hope you can all still enjoy it! It started off like any other day on the Mizzou campus. Well, the morning might have been a bit colder, but otherwise, fairly normal. That's why I figure it must've been science or aliens or something. It definitely wasn't an...

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The Great Shift The Cursed

The Great Shift: The Cursed? By Jennifer Adams The strangest thing happened to me that I just had to write it down. This is what happened to me during The Great Shift, as I'm sure you are all well aware of. I'll give you a little history first. I am a thirty-two year old man. Twice divorced. I have two children, a boy and a girl by my first wife. She also saw to it that I had no visitation with them through the courts. Plenty of people told me that I should get a lawyer and...

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The Great Shift Feeling The Power

This is my first attempt at this type of story universe. Great Shift: Feeling The Power By Paul G. Jutras As John came walking into the house he kicked off his mud covered boots and socks. Brushing off flakes of hard lava ash from the ancient lava flows near his house, his mother scolding him once again for tracking mud and hard lava into the house. "But mom, it's so much fun scrambling over the rocks." John pleaded. "I wish I can find a way to stop you from playing...

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The Great Shift Jeremy

Some of you will notice an inconsistency in the Great Shift world's timeline. Most of the stories I've written of the Great Shift, I tended to use summer as the time when the Shift occurred. The inconsistency is in when I wrote the story School Daze, and had it occur during the school year, showing the effects in schools. I am aware of these inconsistencies, and have created them only in an effort to assist the plot of the particular story I was working on at the time. So far,...

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Nithya My Wifes Friend

Nithya is my friend’s wife and I will say she is the perfect shaped lady in the world. First I saw her in their wedding day and from that day itself I was horny on her and I was waiting for the luck to fuck her. She looked better than a cinema heroine that day. She is 36 30 40 sized lady with big jugs and huge mountain ass. Anyone who sees her will get attracted by her thin moon hip and her bouncing boobs and her D shaped big asses.She always prefers to wear sarees especially designer sarees. I...

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Nithya 8211 My Wife8217s Friend

Nithya is my friend’s wife and I will say she is the perfect shaped lady in the world. First I saw her in their wedding day and from that day itself I was horny on her and I was waiting for the luck to fuck her. She looked better than a cinema heroine that day. She is 36 30 40 sized lady with big jugs and huge mountain ass. Anyone who sees her will get attracted by her thin moon hip and her bouncing boobs and her D shaped big asses. She always prefers to wear sarees especially designer sarees....

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The Great Shift Kiyomis Tale

The Great Shift: Kiyomi's Tale Mariko Everyone remembers where they were when the Great Shift happened. How can you not? Unless you were one of the lucky 7%, you wound up in the body of a stranger. You were younger, or older, or shorter, or fatter, or a different race or sex. Even those not directly affected had to deal with a world suddenly turned on its head. Most were horrified, but to me, it was a gift from heaven. One second, I'm lying in my bed at the Shorecrest Retirement...

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The Perv Neighbor

My name's Alyssa.My friend Aubrey called me up and asked me to cat-sit one weekend for her, while she went to see her mother in Miami. Aubrey lived in Atlanta and I had sit for her a few times before. I was happy to help her out because that's what friends do. Plus I love hanging out in Atlanta, I have several friends in the area. She has been trying to get me to officially move there for years. When I arrived at her apartment she had left a note telling me where everything was and to make...

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Porn Author Becomes a Cock Sucker for His Brazilian Neighbor

I have been posting stories on the Lush Stories website since February 2010. I was trying to help relieve the stress of a sexless marriage, and I have found it to be very arousing to write about my sexual fantasies, and to explore the psychological and physiological motivations that we have as humans. Some of my stories are based at least in part on real events, but most are figments of my imagination.My name is Ed, and my interest in porn was awakened in my early-fifties, a few years after my...

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The Neighbor

The NeighborMy wife Dawn is about 5’6”, and has 44DD breasts, with big brown nipples, and her ass is not tiny, but it also is not big. She has long brown hair, and the most beautiful brown bedroom eyes you have ever seen. Her pussy is shaved except for a tuft of hair above her pussy. Dawn does not use the pill, because she is allergic to it, so she uses a diaphragm. The problem with the diaphragm is that if she doesn’t put it in, then it doesn’t work. If she forgets the diaphragm, then I will...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The Librarians Neighbor

Marsha was always a . cute, brunette, and a tight little body, but her shyness had caused her to never have a real boyfriend. There were a couple of boys when she was in high school that talked to her here and there, and she had even been on a date or two, but she had never had a steady screw. Here she was, twenty years old, working in a library and living with a cat, and she had never had a good fuck. Every day she would come home from work around five o’clock, and she would settle down for...

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My wife and the neighbor

My wife and the neighborBy Chris Christopher All rights reservedHalloween always reminds me of the one and only time my wife let one of our neighbors into bed with her.It happened when we were living in Texas, on the northeast side of Austin. In our neighborhood the adults would get together and have a barbeque just about every holiday. For Halloween my wife had decided we would dress up as old west characters. I would be dressed as the bartender and she would be a saloon girl. For herself she...

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My wife and the neighbor

My wife and the neighborBy Chris Christopher All rights reservedHalloween always reminds me of the one and only time my wife let one of our neighbors into bed with her.It happened when we were living in Texas, on the northeast side of Austin. In our neighborhood the adults would get together and have a barbeque just about every holiday. For Halloween my wife had decided we would dress up as old west characters. I would be dressed as the bartender and she would be a saloon girl. For herself she...

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Tales of the Great Shift Picking up the Pieces

Tales of the Great Shift: Picking up the Pieces By Caleb Jones My doctor suggested I write down what happened to me. Putting my troubles into perspective, he called it. Some shrink technique to put you in touch with yourself, I think. I don't mind, though. He's very good at his job. So I do as he suggests. Where do I begin? I guess I should start with an introduction. My name is Bob Jacobson. Or at least it was until the Great Switch. People call me Barbara now. Or...

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Nithya Vera Level Figure

Vanakam thozhargale, indru tamil kama kathiayil en pakathu veetil vasikum nithyavai eppadi sex seithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar muthu naan coimbatoreil vasithu varugiren. Naan ippozhuthu thaan palli mudithu kalluri selvatharku kathu irunthen, vayathu 19 aagugirathu. En pakathu veetil oru pen irukiraal aval peyar nithya vayathu 23 irukum, thirumana vayathil irunthaal. Naan thinamum kama kathaigal padipen, athanale nithya meethu moga aasai athigamaaga irunthathu. Aval mulai miga...

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Know Thy Own Self

Where do I begin? Does it begin the day I was introduced to Beth? No it would have to be before that because it is important for the reader to understand, as best I can present it, what I brought to the table in that first meeting and into our relationship. It will also be important for me to convey to you the baggage that Beth brought to the marriage. I will begin with me. At the age of 17, very unsophisticated and uneducated, I dropped out of school and joined the Navy. I was very...

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The Great Shift From Girl To Man

The Great Shift: From Girl to Man by Chrissy Do you remember the day the Great Shift happened? Well of course you do. No one shall ever forget that day. It must be fifteen years ago now when it happened. I remember it all too well. I was just five when it happened. A little girl playing in the park innocent to the world. I notice you did not look surprised when I told you this man before you in his thirties was once a little girl. Nor should you be surprised. After all many...

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