Tales Of The Great Shift: Picking Up The Pieces free porn video

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Tales of the Great Shift: Picking up the Pieces By Caleb Jones My doctor suggested I write down what happened to me. Putting my troubles into perspective, he called it. Some shrink technique to put you in touch with yourself, I think. I don't mind, though. He's very good at his job. So I do as he suggests. Where do I begin? I guess I should start with an introduction. My name is Bob Jacobson. Or at least it was until the Great Switch. People call me Barbara now. Or Barb. I don't care. If it sounds enough like 'Bob' to my ears, I'll answer to it. We all know what happened. If you were very lucky and it didn't happen to you, then it happened to many of the people you know and love. Over 90% of the population of the planet suddenly and permanently wound up occupying the bodies of other people, usually strangers, and often including gender and racial exchanges. They eventually called it the Great Switch, but for most people, it was hardly something 'Great'. I'm one of those people. I just call it the Switch. Some victims of the Switch think the poor souls who died when the shift put them in suddenly deadly circumstances were the lucky ones. Usually, they are people whose fortunes made a turn for the worse, like the child star who wound up in the body of quadriplegic Christopher Reeves. Or a priest turned drunken whore. Then there were all the many doctors and nurses who changed bodies with their sick, sometimes dying patients. Then there were the many who suffered more than just a change in body. Like children who became their parents. Or people in their youthful prime who were suddenly ready to collect old age pensions. And even if you didn't lose your youth, there were the many people who suddenly had to deal with possessing bodies of a different gender. Many had trouble handling that life-altering change. I was one of those uprooted souls who changed genders thanks to the Switch. I was quite comfortable living the life of a thirty seven year old white male, five foot eleven inches tall, with blond hair and green eyes. I was reasonably good looking, women found me attractive enough to date, if not to marry, and I enjoyed my life on the road as a successful and popular trucker. I remember the details of the day of the Switch as if it happened today. Out of the blue, as I was driving my big rig through a small California town, I improbably found myself in the "Twilight Zone"! One moment I was falling asleep at the wheel and the next, I was waking up on a harsh sidewalk, inhabiting the body of a petite Asian woman a foot shorter than I was used to being, and a decade younger. At the time though, I had no idea of what had happened to me or to most of the others around me. I was lying on a rough sidewalk when my mind began to function once more. I struggled to halt a sudden, strangely powerful urge to cry. It was a foreign feeling for a burly male trucker to experience. But the tears started anyway when I saw the wreckage of the truck I had been driving smashed into a tree. I could still make out my company logo and hand-painted name on the crushed side door of the truck. I wasn't aware of possessing a new body at that moment. I was far too grateful to be alive! I felt uninjured, but rather strange at the same time. I assumed the clothing I felt constricted about my legs must have been the result of damage from the car accident. I did have trouble standing up, but I slowly, cautiously, made my way slowly over to the badly crushed driver's side door. There were no signs of fire so I looked inside to see if any of my personal effects survived the crash. I assumed I had somehow been miraculously thrown clear during the crash until I looked through what was left of the driver's side window. I screamed, and the high-pitched sound of a horrified woman came out of my throat! What I saw made me ignore even the strange sound that had come forth from my throat. You probably cannot even begin to imagine my horror as I looked in through that window and saw my own bloodied and lifeless body crumpled inside of the totaled driver's compartment! I stopped vomiting after a few minutes and the crying came to the forefront of my emotions once again. I was unable to stop the tears for several minutes. I was nearly unable to think! I was dead. DEAD! But somehow, I was still alive! I couldn't cope with two impossible, yet concurrent realities. Finally, I began to run out of tears and began to function again. From the emotional turmoil I still felt, I hadn't died. Despite the evidence from my eyes, I was no ghost! My body was clearly dead, but I was still alive! I wiped away the last, salty tears from my eyes. My hand was smeared with makeup. Women's make-up! I also realized it wasn't my hand I was waving in front of my eyes. Unless I had taken to painting my fingernails with red polish without realizing it. And the fingers were thinner than mine. My hand was clearly the hand of a woman. Finally aware I had changed, I surveyed my body to see what the hell I now was if my body was dead and I wasn't inside of it! I'll spare you the details of how I discovered the intimate intricacies of my new body and gender. Similar reports appeared throughout the media, and much of the world went through much the same experience that I did. They even made movies about it with actors and actresses that actually had exchanged bodies with each other! If you want the prurient details, rent a DVD of one of those films or go read one of the many books published on the great Switch. There are literally hundreds, which present the stories of what happened to people in the hours after the Switch occurred. The first and best of the bunch was written by an author named Morpheus. It was on top of the New York Times Bestseller's list for ten weeks and is now the standard by which other authors hope to aspire to. Suffice it to say that, between the horror of seeing my own dead and bloody body, and the further shock of realizing I was no longer the man I had been, or even a man at all any more, my mind shut down and I became little more than a human robot, walking randomly with no destination in mind. The details of the next few days are rather hazy, but I'll fill in what I can... I must have wandered the streets for days. I vaguely recall eventually being led by two strangers off the unsafe streets. More strangers cared for me as I slept on the floor of a makeshift shelter with other victims of the Switch. I only began to come to terms with my new body after being placed in the women's sleeping quarters at the shelter. At first, being surrounded by women reminded my shattered mind far too much of what had happened to me after my 'death'. Seeing other women who like myself had been men until the Switch, listening to those men turned female begin to cope, and being helped by volunteer women who were born female to take care of my unfamiliar new body finally helped me shake off my shock. I slowly began to rejoin the human race. As I became more aware of my surroundings once more, I knew I needed help to adjust. You don't turn into a member of the opposite sex overnight without some major trauma. Especially when you can't forget the horrible sight of your dead and bloody body on top of the pile of problems the switch had given me! It took several sessions with a volunteer psychologist to enable me to fight off the depression and confusion I felt from losing my identity, but I started to begin the process of acceptance of my fate. I was fortunate that the psychiatrist helping me come to my senses was a woman born. On top of everything that had happened to me, my body decided during a session that it was a good time to begin menstruation. Dr. Meadows helped me to identify the foreign symptoms as something natural to my new body, and taught me how to take care of the biological process I would have to undergo every month for several more decades. I think he gloated just a little, knowing I was going through something he would not have to suffer anymore. He was a bit too pleased when he offered to give me the feminine hygiene products he kept in his office bathroom. I wished for a second great switch that might free me from my feminine prison of flesh, but to no avail. I am grateful for Doctor Meadow's help though. Despite what happened to me after the Switch, I wanted to continue living, and he helped me to get past the depression I felt after regaining my mind and sanity. Dr. Meadows is a good woman turned man, and a caring doctor. I have been a regular patient of his ever since. Even while educating me on necessary feminine hygiene techniques, Dr. Meadows kept trying to get me to see the positives of becoming a woman. I never said he was perfect! I was not very receptive to that line of therapeutic treatment since my body was bleeding by that time, and I had felt strong cramping in my new gut for too long before admitting it to him. The medication he gave me helped, but I was still in a bad frame of mind. I hardly found his arguments reasonable. "Your new age of twenty five years might be adequate compensation for the loss of your manhood and lifestyle." the doctor suggested. Gaining twelve more potential years of life, as a woman wasn't as thrilling to me as the concept seemed to him. "Women have been having periods since the first woman stood upright at the dawn of time. It's a simple fact of life, so learn to live with it like the rest of us did when we matured from girls into women." Easy for him to say. He had no more periods to deal with. I did! I was a man and it's just not natural for a man to bleed like that! I was angry when he said, "I almost wish I'd been one of the ones who swapped bodies with someone more than a decade younger instead of exchanging bodies with my husband who's about the same age as me." I could barely keep from thrashing him! Not that I could have really have hurt him anyway. He towered over me by almost a half foot and probably could have squeezed the life out of my thin female body if he had wanted to... He said, "Being a woman is a privilege. You've been blessed with the opportunity to learn new perspectives. Try and enjoy it!" I said, "Easy for you to say now that you are a tall, strong man." Which was just one of the other problems I had with my new body. Besides the more obvious gender change, of course, there was the racial change from Caucasian to Asian, which actually seemed negligible to me in comparison to the sex change. I only really perceived a racial change when I looked in the mirror. What I noticed more than the color of my skin was my new height, or rather my lack of height! I felt like a child whenever I was around any other grown up person. No body should stop growing at under five feet tall. It just isn't natural. At least it wasn't natural for me! But it was indeed natural for my new body. I quickly learned to look up at almost every adult I talked to. I didn't like doing so but you do what you have to if you want to be "normal". As if I could ever really be normal while I looked like a woman, I thought to myself more than once during those early sessions with Doctor Meadows. I had to make many adjustments other after losing my former body, some big, some small. I had to give up my former job as a truck driver. My small, female frame just didn't have what it takes to do the job. My feet didn't even reach the brakes or the accelerator any more. I also found it next to impossible to shift gears with the weak arms I was forced to use after the Switch. I reluctantly traded in the replacement truck I got from the insurance company for a down payment on a two bedroom condominium. If I wasn't going to be on the road anymore, I had nowhere to go, and I couldn't stay in the shelter forever, even if it felt more like a home to me in the lonely weeks after the Switch. I had also lost a lot of friends as I found out while trying to get back into the trucking business before giving it up as an impossibility due to my height challenged physique. By simply possessing a reasonably attractive woman's body, I had to deal with the annoyance of my fellow truckers who remained unswitched, many of whom kept hitting on me even after learning who I used to be. It didn't matter to them that I had been a man as long as I now had the body parts they preferred to get close to. The problem was that I was unable to accept those body parts as my own despite their permanent nature. And I certainly did not prefer to come in contact with their ugly male body parts! I might appear to be a woman to them but inside my head I was still a man! The only male body I wanted was my own, and that body was dead. Even after nearly a year of weekly sessions with Doctor Meadows, I refuse to wear dresses or skirts. The woman whose body I occupied never came forth to claim it or her belongings, and it was finally assumed she had swapped into my former body and died in the car crash in my place. A judge eventually granted me custody of my own belongings as well as hers since she had no heirs. I gave all her clothing away to charity except for a few winter jackets and a dozen shirts and jeans that would fit my shrunken appearance. I replaced even those few garments as soon as possible since the belonged to the dead woman I had become and it felt weird wearing her clothes. The only concession to femininity that I found myself willing to make is to wear panties and sports bras. I wore the former since none of my own male underwear fit anymore, and there wasn't too much to adjust to in the old fashioned underwear I bought to cover up as much down there as possible. Hanes Her Way panties actually resemble their male counterparts slightly. Which was fine with me. The less strange my new anatomy seemed to me, the better, as far as I was concerned. I was reminded of what I had lost every single time I had to sit down to go to the bathroom as it was. I had inherited no feminine desires to wear any of the g- string type underwear younger women seemed so fond of before the Great Switch. Of course, I could hardly ignore my feminine chest when it came to the matter of underwear. It wasn't really huge, though it often seemed so to me. Everything seemed a lot bigger once I became a foot shorter after the Switch. I found C cup bras among the possessions of the former occupant of my body which fit me, but I felt too uncomfortable to wear them. Not only did they belong to a dead woman, but the constriction around my upper body was a reminder of what I had become. I found sports bras performed the same job of containing the movement of my chest and they were far more comfortable to wear than a regular bra. Although finding one to fit my otherwise small chest usually meant shopping in the young women's or teen girls department in the mall. For my new size and height of just under five feet tall, my inherited breasts were rather noticeable, although I had never considered C cup breasts as too big until I got a pair of my own. At least they were real and not artificially enlarged with silicone. A fellow trucker of mine who had been at a strip joint when the switch happened found himself inside the body of one of the strippers he had been watching. Dr. Meadows thought I might benefit from talking to old friends with the same gender adjustment problems I had, but Robert, my trucker friend, enjoyed his new feminine physique a bit too much. He kept comparing his chest to mine and boasting about his superior boobs and great legs. One night after dinner, he tried to get me to compare ourselves in the nude. I had to ask him to leave after he tried to take off my bra! He might have been a woman I would have been attracted to in my old life, but I had no desire to see another woman naked when I could barely stand to see myself that way. That was when I realized that women no longer interested me as a man. But then, I was no longer a man. That was my problem! I had been turned into a woman who had no interest in either gender anymore. Dr. Meadows says I am repressing my sexuality when I broach the subject of sex. I suppose he is right, but the problem is more complicated. Sexually, I am still a man, but my body doesn't fit that definition anymore. I no longer like looking at women since they remind me of what I have become, and needless to say, I have developed no interest in dating men. My body may occasionally express feminine signs of interest in either a handsome young man or a beautiful girl, but my mind refuses to have any interest in following through with either gender. After I lost my truck driving job, I found work with a temp agency as a temporary assistant to businesses that needed an extra pair of hands after the Switch. I primarily worked with medical offices flooded with patients needing exams to learn about their new bodies. There was a need for people to assist nurses with filling out and filing forms for the rush of new patients. I even helped Doctor Meadows for a while as an assistant in his office as his patient base tripled soon after he returned to her office as a man. He ended his emergency volunteer work to help victims like myself after things settled down a few weeks after that horrible day. I don't know what I would have done if he hadn't found me in that shelter and talked some sense into me. When he had to hire more experienced office help, he referred me back to the temp offices with a good recommendation. I got work consistently afterwards. I was quite lucky to have been treated by Dr. Meadows. He really cares about his patients. They aren't just a way to make money. He introduced me to his visiting sister a week ago. She also swapped bodies with a man just as her sister Doctor Meadows had done. His sister Francesca now goes by the name Frank. She's a stockbroker, and well off financially. Frank asked me out, and for some reason I don't understand, I accepted. I guess she reminded me of her brother. She liked to talk, and I was rather lonely. Of course the two sisters turned brothers look nothing alike now that they are no longer genetically related. Frank is rather handsome and as young as I am physically. He towers over me at six feet tall, but for the first time, I don't seem to mind the height difference. I surprised myself by stopping off at a shop in the mall and buying a skirt to go with a shirt I planned to wear. I could hardly wear a pair of jeans to a fancy restaurant. I even bought a real bra for the occasion. But I bought nothing else. I haven't tried that new bra yet though. I still wear the usual sports bra and flat heeled shoes I've worn to work each day since I lost my job as a trucker. One small step at a time, I guess, and I wasn't ready for a high-heeled step just yet. I doubt I ever will be. Dr. Meadows believes I am finally ready to move into the next phase of my life as a woman, though. He could be right. After my fourth date with Frank, he leaned down and kissed me. I hate to say it but I enjoyed it. I hadn't been kissed for a long time and somehow it felt right to be kissed by Frank. He told me he could kiss me better if I would wear higher heels on my shoes. I know height won't really make that kind of difference, but I nonetheless picked up a pair of two inch heels on my way to work the next day. I got used to them over the next two days until we went out again. The kisses were indeed better that night! Doctor Meadows has ended our sessions. He says I have had a breakthrough, and am capable of getting on with my new life now. After well over a year, I actually miss our weekly sessions. But I realize it means I am getting better. I know now that I am going to be a woman for the rest of my life and I have come to accept that fate as something other than a burden or a cruel twist of fate. I can finally look forward to a new day again. Except when it is 'that time of the month', of course. But the doctor said that feeling was not uncommon among women. It helps that Frank understands me so well, having been a woman for so many years, himself! Thanks to Doctor Meadows, I am capable once more of accepting who I am, and who I have become. I don't know how far I can take this male-female relationship thing I have going with Frank, but I intend to see it through! I am beginning to suspect that the next phase of my life might not be too bad after all with Frankie around! The end, and the beginning... Copyrighted to the Caleb Jones 2003AD all rights reserved. (The Shift concept is borrowed with permission courtesy of Morpheus' kind heart and brilliant mind.)

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The Great Shift Space Cadets

The Great Shift: Space Cadets By Jerrie526 Beta Quadrant, Space Station Terra 19, June 14, 12012 AD 10,000 Light years from Earth Commanders Log: It has been more than 10,000 years since the phenomenon that came to be known as The Great Shift occurred back in the late 20th Century. The event that changed Humanity for what some people felt was for the worst. But the human race had proved to be highly adaptable. The shift happened and within months, it was business as usual...

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Great Shift The Origin

* Warning, this story uses the events that happened on Sept. 11, 2001 as a loose model in trying to give a feel of the carnage that'd happens during a massive calamity. If you feel this depiction is too traumatizing in bringing up memories, or if you have PTSD issues, you may not want to read ths story.* The Great Shift (Origins) I like many have enjoyed many a story of the fun and mayhem of that fateful day that the world was turned on it's ear, and many a men had to learn...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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The Great Shift Summers End

The Great Shift - Summer's End By Limbo's Mistress "Dad, I'm home," a voice from the front of the house called right before I heard the slam of the front door. I looked up from the papers spread out on the kitchen counter to see my daughter, Carrie, walk into the room. She stopped at the table and slipped the backpack off her shoulders, hanging it on the back of one of the chairs. Then she walked over to the opposite side of the counter and leaned against it, grabbing an apple from...

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The Great Shift Healing Hands

The Great Shift: Healing Hands By Johnny Girl ([email protected]) I stared down at my hands. My hands. I still had trouble believing they were really mine. They were long and slender and delicate and feminine, wearing rings and bracelets, the fingers tipped with sparkly purple fingernail polish. These weren't the hands I was familiar with. They weren't the rough and strong and calloused hands I'd been so dependent on; they were weak and soft and smooth and small and useless...

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Tales of Ancient Rome 3 Lions in the Valley

Synopsis: Salidia's Little Lion, Lydia, sparks a fight with neighbors, and she picks up a bow to become Hell on Horseback to protect those she loves.  Out of the fires of this conflict, they forge the place that became known as the Valley of the Amazons.  Action story with Femdom leads. `165 pgs.        Tales of Ancient Rome 3: Lions in the Valley                                          By                                          TG                                    Chapter 1                ...

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The Great Shift The Empty Place Inside Part 1 of 2 revised

The Great Shift: The Empty Place Inside by BlueshifTG Part 1 The straps were loosened on the black 1" heel shoes tumbled under the desk. One stockinged foot was on the floor, the other unsteadily balanced on the plastic trash can; the position pulled the leather skirt tight above the green-nailed fingers that absent-mindedly rubbed a spot on the outside of the right knee. The woman was leaning back in her chair, head...

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TV Guide after the Great Shift updated Nov 2010

This issue dedicated to my writing buddy, Eric. May you live long and Prosper! Caleb Jones presents... Excerpts from the upcoming Post-Great Shift issue of... "The TV Guide" You Are Not The Only One To Get Shifted! When the Great Switch happened, and almost all people all over the world were suddenly thrust into the bodies of random other people, everyone - including those of us here at TV Guide - were too busy adjusting to new bodies and the great mess that followed to do...

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The Great Shift Summers End Part 2

Once upon a time, I used to be the type of guy who firmly believed women could never get ready on time because they could never decide what to wear. I mean, what guy hasn't watched any number of sitcoms or romcoms where the husband/boyfriend continually looks at his watch, becoming more and more exasperated and impatient, while his darling dear tries on an entire wardrobe's worth of clothing? No matter how relaxed the dress code of the event they are attending, the woman has to make...

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The Great Shift Summer Vacation

The Great Shift: Summer Vacation By Limbo's Mistress "We're here." I pulled the big SUV into the empty spot between the beach house's legs. The other two parking spaces were taken by a black Mercedes convertible and a bright yellow Prius. Apparently my parents and sister had beat us here. The three-story structure that would be our home for the week sat overlooking the shoreline of Myrtle Beach. Identical houses, though painted a different color, stood on either side of...

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The Great Shift The Empty Place Inside part 2 of 2

The Great Shift: The Empty Place Inside by BlueshifTG Part 2 The young woman opened her eyes. What she saw was all white, slowly resolving into different shades of white, and two corners. That was the extent of it: three walls. Part of it was different, yellow, that's it, with some sort of pattern--a curtain. On the other side, a door. In the corner, high, a box. A mouth, a speaker, no, a camera; a...

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The Great Shift This Too Shall Pass

Permission is given to archive this story any and everywhere. I don't even care if you steal it as it shows that I have something worth stealing and the primary purpose of this was to see how good a writer I am. The Great Shift: This Too Shall Pass By The Last Boy Scout Chapter One Well, it was a dark and stormy night. Scratch that, too cliqued. IT was a normal day, one that had occurred a thousand days before and would for a thousand days more. Too boring. Mr....

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Picking up the Pieces

This isn't one of my best stories, and the TG element is a little thin, but the story has been bouncing around in my head for some months, so I finally decided to put it down. Picking up the Pieces. By Morpheus It was a gorgeous day to be flying out over the Nevada desert, and all 5 of us had climbed into the small plane for the trip. My name is Allen Corey, and I'm 5 foot 11, and 27 years old. I'm a machinist at a company that makes parts for planes and things, which is...

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Excerpts from the upcoming PostGreat Shift issue of The TV Guide

[This issue is dedicated to my writing buddy, Eric. May you live long and prosper!] Caleb Jones presents... Excerpts from the upcoming Post-Great Shift issue of The TV Guide (All copyrights are reserved to the proper owners.) TV Guide Picks of the week: Xena, Warrior Prince As a result of all the body-swapping of last week's show, Xena, now inside the body of Hercules, the son of Zeus; and Gabrielle, now occupying the body of her former best friend and new husband Xena,...

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Tales From A Far Country

INTRODUCTIONIn the world around us there are those that will prey on the weaker, the unprepared, the vulnerable. In pursuit of their own desires or seeking to profit from the desires of others there are always those whose acts are hard for us to understand. Once more, it is October 2009. Angela is trying to balance her teaching responsibilities and research projects, spurred on by the Dean’s ambitions for the academic standing of the University; Joe McEwan is planning his trip to Cambodia in a...

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Sub Lindy at the Swing Shift Theater

A true story from a few years ago that happened at a interesting place in north TorontoPart One – The Theater Well here I am writing once again about another erotic adventure that my lovely blonde female partner and I happened to find ourselves. This particular time was probably the must public outing we’ve ever attempted and again this time it was another man that helped to decide the direction that the evening took. We had talked to a male dom from Toronto for a couple weeks and after telling...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 1 Practice Makes Perfect

Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time basis. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist 4 Balancing Act

Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...

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Tales Of An Ancient Vampire

We stand outside the house, altogether there’s six of us, me and five of my nest. I look around at my people, “you all remember the plan?” I ask not bothering to keep my voice too quiet as I can hear the rapid thump of drum n bass from within the house. All of my followers either nod their head or make a noise in confirmation. I try the handle on the door and finding it unlocked I slowly pull the door open. The house must have some form of sound proofing because as I step inside the house I’m...

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The Great Shift Summers End Part 5

The Great Shift - Summer's End (Part 5) by Limbo's Mistress It took me a few moments to get over my initial surprise. Then I turned around and went back to the bed while Kara stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. I sat down on the edge, pulling the comforter over my lower body. The urge to retreat back under the blankets was still present, thought I knew I wouldn't, couldn't, do that to Kara. Not when it was so obvious that she intended to talk to me. Even though we...

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The Great Shift Summers End Part 4

The Great Shift - Summer's End (Part 4) by Limbo's Mistress Tyrone began to stir about three minutes before the police arrived. I noticed it first, the twitch of the fingers of his left hand. Instantly, the memory of that massive hand being slammed against my face, and the harsh way they had groped and fondled me, rushed forward, drowning out everything else. As if I were reliving it all over again. Huddled beneath the blanket, I curled tighter in on myself, and a...

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Great Shift The Best Day

Great Shift: The Best Day By Morpheus It was the best day of my life and I was almost ready to burst from pure happiness. Never before had I even imagined that I could be so happy, that anything could be so perfect. Or that I would have the perfect someone to spend the rest of my life with. Just a short while earlier, I had married my beloved Keith, in the most beautiful ceremony that I could have imagined. It was fairly small as neither of us had any family, though there...

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Tales of the Naughty Vixen

Introduction: It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She...

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Tales of the Naughty Vixen

It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She walked over to the porch door and opened it all the way to let the warm spring breeze in. Her hair waved back with each gust of wind as she...

Group Sex
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Tales of the Naughty Vixen

As she walked down the hallway once again and into her bedroom, she could hear her boyfriend Jake walking up the stairs, talking with someone. The door opened, “He’s just a moron. I wouldn’t let it get to you.” “Yeah, I know you’re right. It’s just that he’s been on my ass all week, and now he wants me to come in tomorrow to clean this whole mess up,” the stranger said. “I have it right over here.” Jake walked over to his entertainment console and picked up a DVD case. “Here ya go....

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The Great Shift One Mans Opinion

GS: One Man's Opinion By Tanto Two fifty-five. Five more minutes to go, I thought, as I glanced once again at the clock on the wall. It was Friday. I was in my last period of the day, World Geography, taught by the closest thing to a witch I'd ever met, a fat, ugly old hag who loves to torment us by giving us bad grades on the most spurious of grounds. To my left was Courtney Bitz, a blonde sophomore, who's a good friend of mine. To my right was the other Courtney, Courtney...

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Nurse SmytheJones Loses Her Undies On The Night Shift

Ever since she had been a little girl, Hyacinth Smythe-Jones had wanted to be a nurse. She had originally wanted to be strictly a hospital nurse, but she realized her talents were better suited to private duty because she was a perfectionist at heart and wanted her charges to receive the best of care.Her most recent assignment was a good example of her unusual lifestyle.She was the nightshift nurse for a billionaire retiree that owned more golf courses that he could ever hope to visit in a...

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Tales of Corruption

In every story, in every setting, in every realm there is good. Heroes, mighty warriors of justice, arbiters of justice, or just those that make sure the papers are filed on time. And standing against them are the forces of evil, darkness, shadow, or just a difference in opinion. Rarely do these two forces cross the line from one to the other. And yet, there are always forces beyond just them, forces of a more... alluring nature. Some of these turn heroes into ditzy bimbos, others warp...

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The Great Shift In the PBR

My Stories may be added to Any Archive with similar content as long as the content is not modified and this notice and the copyright are maintained. Direct comments and email to: [email protected] Forward I had to look back at the original Genesis story by Morpheus to make sure I could get away with this one. I suppose most people will write these stories using the great shift having people pass out at the moment of the shift. In the original story when the shift...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Great Shift Genesis

Some of you may have noticed that I have a tendancy to do a lot of body switching stories. I tend to enjoy the idea, as well as messing with families a lot, due to the multiple relationships suddenly changed. Because of my fondness for body swapping stories, I decided to create the ultimate body swapping situation. And as a result, I came up with a story challange/open universe. This is one that I'm calling the Great Shift. The premise is that somewhere in New Mexico,...

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Great Shift Life at the Zou

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I think the Great Shift was meant to happen in 1999. I, however, am not all that great at remembering things I didn't much care about 12 years ago, so I wrote this story as if it happened in the present day. Hope you can all still enjoy it! It started off like any other day on the Mizzou campus. Well, the morning might have been a bit colder, but otherwise, fairly normal. That's why I figure it must've been science or aliens or something. It definitely wasn't an...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Tales From the Faux Fillies Dressing Room 1 Caught By Mum

Tales From the 'Faux Fillies' Dressing Room. Cross-Dressing and Transgendered Tales by Maria Ski The dressing room was a hive of activity as the girls of 'Faux Fillies' got ready to go home after a busy night. Alexia smiled sweetly as she opened a bottle of 'Chateau Picard' white wine and poured a glass for each of the assembled girls. "So," Alexia said, "who has a tale to tell?" "I do," answered Jessica an auburn haired beauty said, "I call my little tale..." Caught by...

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The Great Shift The Cursed

The Great Shift: The Cursed? By Jennifer Adams The strangest thing happened to me that I just had to write it down. This is what happened to me during The Great Shift, as I'm sure you are all well aware of. I'll give you a little history first. I am a thirty-two year old man. Twice divorced. I have two children, a boy and a girl by my first wife. She also saw to it that I had no visitation with them through the courts. Plenty of people told me that I should get a lawyer and...

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The Great Shift Feeling The Power

This is my first attempt at this type of story universe. Great Shift: Feeling The Power By Paul G. Jutras As John came walking into the house he kicked off his mud covered boots and socks. Brushing off flakes of hard lava ash from the ancient lava flows near his house, his mother scolding him once again for tracking mud and hard lava into the house. "But mom, it's so much fun scrambling over the rocks." John pleaded. "I wish I can find a way to stop you from playing...

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Tales From A Hard Drive

Tales From A Hard Drive By Angela "So 'ow did yer get 'ere then?" "It might help if I knew where 'here' was!" "Alrigh' keep yer 'air on! "Look sorry... what did you say your name was? - I know you're trying to be helpful but I'm damned if I can work it out." "Look mate, what if yer tells me where yer was doin' ... y'know, kinda before, like. Most of thems that comes 'ere, y'know sudden like, finds its best" "What do you mean 'those that come here suddenly'? Does it...

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The Great Shift Jeremy

Some of you will notice an inconsistency in the Great Shift world's timeline. Most of the stories I've written of the Great Shift, I tended to use summer as the time when the Shift occurred. The inconsistency is in when I wrote the story School Daze, and had it occur during the school year, showing the effects in schools. I am aware of these inconsistencies, and have created them only in an effort to assist the plot of the particular story I was working on at the time. So far,...

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Thevidiya Aunty Vimalavai Oothen

Naan oru niruvanathi velai paarthu varugiren, en peyar vignesh vayathu 26, ippozhuthu kumbakonathil vasithu velai paarthu varugiren. En udan neraiya pengal velai paarthu varuvargal, aanal athil oru pen matum sexyaaga irupaal aval peyar meena vayathu 36 irukum. Ival oru kaama very pen eppozhuthum mulaiyai perthaaga kanbithu kondu irupaal. Ivalin mulaiyai paarthu mayangaatha aangale illai, avalavu sexyaaga irukum ivalin idupu sirithaaga irupathaal suuthu mulai sexyaga irukum. Ivalin udal vadivam...

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