Tales From Mist WorldChapter 10 Dinner and Deals with the Clan
- 4 years ago
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As the flew back Catherine and Rebecka had their heads together whispering. Whatever Catherin was saying Rebecka kept shaking her head no. He watched as the maid finally gave in with a sigh. Jake wondered what it was about. He landed in the same place as before, and he and the marines assist the women out of the launch. As he was escorting the two up the front steps, Rebecka asked, “So Jake, do you plan on sleeping on the lady or are you going back to your ship?” Jake missed the next step. Catherine burst out laughing and rand up the steps and into the house. Jake righted himself and finished climbing the steps. Her turned and Rebecka said, “Sorry. She has always had a wicked sense of humor.”
Jake smiled. “I find it wonderful, and I growing to love the sound of her laugh. Think nothing of it.” The maid nodded and proceeded him inside. She said something to butler as she passed. After assisting Jake with his overcoat and hat the man led him into the front parlor. Then he brought him a nice honeyed ale. Jake didn’t have long to wait. Within ten minutes the butler showed lady Janis and a young lieutenant into the room.
Janis handled the introductions even remembering Grace’s name. Grace let lady Janis rub her snout a few times then retreated back to Jake’s shoulder. Lady Janis carried the conversation for several minutes until the second and third couples arrived. The couples were Admirals Teller and Bromfield with their wives. The men gathered in the parlor and the women disappeared upstairs, theoretically to assist Catherine. Jake learned that Admiral Jones had begged off tonight. He was still experiencing infrequent headaches. Admiral Bromfield the base commander came in his stead.
They had just finished discussing Jones health when another Lieutenant came in escorting Lady Ann. She took one look around the room and exited quickly. Jake saw her taking the stairs two at a time. Bromfield said, “according to intelligence sources when a lady is the last to arrive at a dinner party, she misses out on the best gossip. Lieutenant you may want to keep that in mind for future engagements.” The men chuckled, but Jake filed that away.
Teller said, “He’s right. My wife hates gossip. Just asked and she’ll tell you. If I make her late to a dinner party though I get to sleep in my office. Gossip is like currency to woman. They don’t have to spend it. They just to seem to have to collect it.” Bromfield nodded his agreement.
“Sir, why is none of this taught at the academy. I would think it would definitely be of benefit to the officer core.” Jake asked
“And rob us old men of our favorite form of amusement. Blasphemy I say. Watching young officer after they get married stubble with their wives is almost as good as watching new airmen slip the hull the first time.” Said Bromfield.
All the men laughed at the comment. They had all seen it happen. Slipping the hull was a rite of passage more than anything else. Fresh airmen were tossed over the side of the ship on a safety line. They had to swing across the bottom of the ship and grab the line on that side. then attach the line to their harness and release the original line. Then climb back on board. Jake could still remember laying on the deck of shaking with fear and adrenaline having just come over the rail.
The men didn’t even get to finish their drinks before the women came downstairs. They all seemed to have been infected by Catherine’s case of the giggles. Even the admirals wives giggled when they glanced at him. both admirals gave him a questioning look. Jake sighed and said, “We might as well get this out now. Maybe then Lady Bedford will be able to compose herself for dinner.” Catherine laughed and nodded for him to continue. “The name of my airship is the Lady’s Dream. Most the crew and I just call her they lady, or My Lady. Earlier I asked one of my crewmen if he would need a ride to mother’s home. He said bold as can be he was going to accompany a young woman home and planned to sleep on the lady.” Bromfield roared with laughter. Teller held his side as he tried to hold back his mirth. When everyone settled down Jake said, “I his defense when he heard what he had said he quickly amended his state to his was planning on sleeping on the ship.” Catherine had that wicked grin again, and Jake could see mischief twinkling in her eye.
Lady Janis said, “Captain Harrow so we were wondering are you planning on sleeping on My Lady or returning to your ship.” That did it everyone lost it again.
Jake winked at Catherine and said, “Why lady Janis I plan to both. I’ll return to my ship and sleep on My Lady.” the group laughed their way into the dining room and were seated around the table. Jake understood Catherine had set the seating order. She sat her and Jake at the head of the table closest to the door. With the two admirals and their wives across from them. Next to Jake was Lady Janis and her escort with lady Ann and her escort making the table uneven. Jake wondered if anyone would comment on the unorthodox seating arrangements. The usual custom was to seat couple across from each other.
Dinner was an excellent roast beef and eels loved every bite. Catherine had two plates one for herself and one for the eels. She would cut a large chunk of their plate and call one of them quietly. Then feed to her side. when the two had finished nearly half of a roast, she gave them three dinner rolls each. The conversation ended when the two eels started humming and floating behind her. The second and third rolls, she tossed over her shoulder and the eels caught from the air. When they were finished, she excused herself and took the eels into a room and put them down on a blanket. Other than during Catherine and the eels show the conversation was light and carried easily. On few occasions, Jake was startled to find Catherine’s hand on his thigh. It happened in frequently but he did figure out her pattern. She would bring her napkin to mouth then instead of returning it to her lad she would place it and her hand on Jake’s leg. The woman had that glint in her eye through out dinner.
After dinner, the group moved to the solarium for dessert and drinks. Catherine encouraged the couples to stroll in the garden, but held Jake back. He was wondering what she had planned. He didn’t have to wait long. She turned to Admiral Teller and said, “Admiral I will be going with Jake in a few days. He plans to head to the Teeth and salvage an airship. My maid and two ladies and I will be going with him. I know you will want to send guards and an escort ship or some other nonsense. You will not do so. The reason is this, we will be working in the mist. While in the mist we will be undetectable, unless there is one of your ships floating above us. I cannot tell you can’t increase the number of patrols in the area of the teeth. That is your prerogative. The one concession I will grant is this. Before we leave the mist, we will use the wireless to inform you we are about to do so. I have no wish to fired on by the air corps or anyone. If you wish to know more you are welcome to stay after the other guests leave and I will tell you what I am able. Know that this salvage will mean a good deal of money to Captain Harrow, and I won’t let anyone compromise his operation.”
When she finished, Jake wanted to crawl under the table. He figured the admiral was about to set Catherine to rights. Instead the admiral said, “I thought that might be how the wind was blowing. Can we expect an invitation?” Jake’s eyes bugged out. Teller just smiled at him with a look that said you are a lost cause.
“I will ensure you do Admiral. I hope to be back before my uncle arrives. I plan to make a deal with him. One I think is in everyone’s best interest. If you give me your word to tell no one. I’ll tell you about the deal.” She offered Teller smiled. Then said, “Let me guess. You abdicate to him. he adopts you as his youngest child and you get to marry Jake. Might throw in you keep your personal holdings and so on.” When Teller saw her shock, he smiled. “Young lady I’ve been in this game for a long time. I’ve learned to read people well over the years. I knew what you would do before you did I wager. You have my word I won’t speak of this to anyone. Just remember I was the one who commented about wishing you were secure on one of the reserve force. I might have told my Xo to let slip that Commander Harrow would be on of those reserve forces ships. I can’t remember I’m getting forgetful in my old age.” He smiled a warm and fatherly smile. “I have three daughters. I watched my middle one do the same thing when she met her husband as you did when you asked to meet Jake. I thought about warning him and make it a fair fight. Then I decided he had run wild long enough.”
“When has it ever been a fair fight when a woman chases a man?” his wife asked.
“Good point. Anyway, we wish you two the best of luck. If you’re not back when your uncle gets here I may plant a few seeds for the two of you. I figure I owe Jake that much for getting rid of Durand for me.”
Catherine stepped forward and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you.”
She stepped back and pulled Jake’s arms around her leaning back into his chest. Teller asked, “Want to tell me what you’re really going after? I know it isn’t the Raven. the engine you bought are almost bigger than she is. I had someone do some checking. I can find a single ship large enough to require those four engines on one that can power them.”
Catherine shook her head against Jake’s chest and said, “Sorry sir. You’ll have to wait and see like everyone else. Do you know anyone else that has put the pieces together?”
“I don’t and I doubt anyone will. If I hadn’t helped him with the permit. I wouldn’t have been able to put it together. I figure whatever you two are going after it is big and worth a small fortune. I want a favor for my silence. I want a message three days before two days before and the day you come out. I think I might be taking the Ruth out for maneuvers in the teeth about that time.”
Catherine said, “Deal. We should join the others.” She stepped out of Jake’s arms and pulled his hand leading him out in to the garden.
The two of them walked hand in hand and enjoyed the cool night air. She pulled him into a hedge opening twice to sneak kisses. He felt like could float back to the ship by the time he left her. She had said she had things she needed to do the next day and asked if he would come for dinner the following evening. He had agreed. She had given him another soul stealing kiss before he left. It was late when he and Grace secured the launch and made it to bed. Gail was firmly wrapped around Catherine’s arm as they flew off. He had circled until she waved up at him from the front porch.
He slipped off to sleep thinking of that mischievous glint in her eye, and the wicked grin on her face.
The next day was more than hectic. At eight Pat woke him to remind him of the meeting with the Chancellor. Jake only had time for a quick stretch and shower before he had to leave. Grace was even more clingy the usual today. She made every task a little more difficult. He figured she was missing Gail. He was surprised and happy to see Catherine waiting for him next to an air corps launch when he got there. She fussed over his shirt for a minute and then took his arm and walk with him to the workshop.
To say the chancellor was thrilled was an understatement of global portions. He offered the use of college’s airship if Erma needed it. Jake never had to even hint that college might get the original blueprints. The man was tickled just to get a certified copy. It would be a recreation that was displayed not a copy. It seemed the same to Jake. When he mentioned that to Catherine she explained the recreation would like the original. It would be on similar paper as the original. It would even be artificially aged to add to the effect. She said it was about selling the felling to those who came to see it. Jake still felt it meant the same. To him a copy was a copy. The Chancellor had begged the two of them to come to the unveiling of the full set. He planned to make an event to remember for years to come. Catherine had reassured the man if at all possible they would be there. She gave him a quick peck before they parted in their different launches.
The next morning Jake woke to an odd sound in cabin. Something large and meaty taping on his window. Once his eyes adjusted he saw it was Grace wanting out. “At least you seem house broken.” He said to her. He got up and opened the window. She used her tail to push off and glided out the window effortlessly. Once out she spread her wings and took three beats away from the ship then looped back. Jake was worried she was coming back through the window. At the last second, she banked one wing...
The next day Jake did his normal work out with his sword. Then had breakfast with Catherine and Cali. Cali was a bundle of energy this morning. She asked Jake if he would teach how to use a sword, when the two came on deck while he was doing his forms. He told maybe when she was older. She seemed to accept that well. He had thought she might pout. He would have at her age. He thought he could remember doing so actually. At breakfast, he watched as Cali fed Grace from her fork and then used...
Patrick woke Jake before the sun had risen. A runner had come with orders from the admiral. Patrick told him his breakfast was waiting in the sitting room with the orders. Jake through on his uniform from the day before and walked barefoot to the table to retrieve the orders. He broke the seal and read them thru. Jake was to turn over the Bulldog to LCMDR Perry at his earliest convenience and report to the admiral’s office. No later than nine o’clock this morning. He mused at that. He had...
Jake was woken on their second night out from the capital. He dressed quickly and hurried to the bridge. “Report?” “Communications picked a call for help. An eeler is being attacked by the Reaver and a second ship. With our speed, we’re the closest help. They tried to run but the Reaver caught them and shot off their mast. They just reported they were surrendering. We can be there in an hour at full thrust.” Jolly reported Jake thought over his choices. Then realized there were no choices....
The next day began as Jake expected. He got up before sunrise. Then dressed in loose clothes to work out. He found a small pot of caff waiting for him in his sitting room. He stopped and enjoyed a cup. Then he made his way to his office for his sword belt. Then he went on to the main deck and began stretching and exercises. During that time, Nathan came on deck and directed the setting of sails. Then returned to the bridge. Jake was half way done with his exercises, he had his body warmed up...
Captain Harrow had a problem. The Lady was traveling very fast. He had used his dive planes to help him dive into the mist. He needed to change her lift ratio, slow her down and steer her all at the same time. To make it a little more interesting he was in the mist and couldn’t see the bow of his ship one hundred and forty feet in front of him. Since that wasn’t daunting enough let’s throw in the fact he had to do all of this without letting the pirates know where he was. He saw the eel on...
Jake’s day got off to a good start. He exercised on deck and shower and shaved. Grace was not content to shower alone, and as he was scrubbing she joined him. He found it very disconcerting to have her rubbing against his lower legs while he was washing. She did like it, when he turned the soap and washcloth on her, though. After he was dressed. Jake fetched a dozen sweet rolls, and took the launch out. Grace hunted and the two ate their fill of the rolls. He had forgotten to bring a way to...
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It is, as we all know, normal for a pupil to have a crush on a teacher but far less normal for a teacher to have a crush on a pupil. I think I fell in love with Catherine the first day I saw her. I was taken on as a teacher for two terms at an all girls’ Catholic school, one of those schools that prepare pupils for A levels to get them into University. It was the sort of school where the pupils have to cram lots of facts and reproduce them in the exam and hope for the best. Catherine had failed...
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The newlyweds slept in the next morning. In truth, they woke at their usual time and la talk to each other until Rebecka and May brought their breakfast. Catherine asked that they serve it in the sitting room. Then sighed and kissed Jake before she rose and a night gown and robe. She chided Jake about being lazy, until he told her he was just enjoying watching her dress. Put on a pair of small clothes and his robe and the two were given a peace while they ate. As May was clearing their dishes...
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The next morning Catherine and Rebecka joined him on deck while he was still stretching. When Jake started his forms, they asked if he would teach them. He agreed and started instructing the two women. They caught on quickly. By the third repetition, the women were matching his pace and doing the moves correctly. When Catherine asked him how the forms were used in hand to hand fighting, he smelled a rat. When he tried to explain, she asked for a demonstration. He offered to send for one of...
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You have just woken up and turn the TV in your room on for the morning news. As you head into the bathroom off your bedroom where you can still hear the TV an odd sounding news story catches your attention. This story is about how during the night patches of a strange pink mist have been forming and dissipating all over the world. According to the news these patches of mist have never lasted for more than a minute but have changed anyone caught in the mist. It seems that all women who get...
Pink Mist A By Bluedust Hi guys, So, here we are; my attempt at starting up a new category. The reason behind the bizarre spelling of the title will make itself apparent, don't worry. Likewise, the story and its theme should become pretty obvious as you read on. Please leave feedback on what you think and let me know what else you'd like to see in this new series. I really want to help revitalise the site and your thoughts can only help! Note: this plot is far too ridiculous to...
I stood and cursed myself: How damn stupid I was not to fill the tank? I thought I had enough to pick her up, go out to the movies, drive her back home, and make it back to my apartment. I made it only a few miles from her parents’ home before the engine sputtered then quit. It was a nice, rather cool summer night and being an athlete — letters for soccer and track — I decided to head out and walk to one of the farmhouses I saw a few miles back. I put the hazard lights on and locked the car. ...
The soft crunch of crisp snow was the only sound that accompanied Dan on his walk along the frozen lakefront. The silence was comforting, he longed for it when he wasn’t here. Back in the city things were too stifling, the buildings, the traffic, the noise, his job all bore down on top of him. It’s amazing how you can be surrounded front, back, side to side, top and bottom with people and still feel so alone. He had no one, sure he had a few people he called friends and occasional all too...
As we drove to our hotel room, my hand was rubbing Sam’s cock. I asked him how far he and Ashley had gone. Sam said that they found a nice empty bedroom and he had fingered her, getting her to cum. She had told him she wanted to suck his cock so he could cum too. Ashley had just got his cock out and kissed it when a couple walked into the room interrupting them. Sam said that he realized that it was getting close to midnight and figured that they better get back into the main room for the...
Wife LoversAs we drove to our hotel room, my hand was rubbing Sam’s cock. I asked him how far he and Ashley had gone. Sam said that they found a nice empty bedroom and he had fingered her, getting her to cum. She had told him she wanted to suck his cock so he could cum too. Ashley had just got his cock out and kissed it when a couple walked into the room interrupting them. Sam said that he realized that it was getting close to midnight and figured that they better get back into the main room for the...
It is difficult to try to recall how I felt about Catherine, sometimes I would feel ashamed of my feelings, after all she was more than twice my age, yet I guess I looked forward to seeing her for some reason. I had begun to enjoy her company and our times together, as well as liking her for her generous tips when I waited on her. Now we had this date for the pictures, and I admit I was beginning to believe she was queer. As I said I’d had a bad experience that caused me to move from one part...
This story was originally posted on another site. As ‘A Glimpse Through the Mist of Time’ under my other pen name of Texrep. The story is fiction so please do not comment that my characters act illogically, this is fiction. You want reality? Go read a newspaper. This story is my intellectual property and copyright to Kezza67 and Texrep. THE MIST OF TIME The Past is but shadows seen through a Mist CHAPTER ONE I had never believed in the theory that something mystical called Fate would guide...
Pink Mist II (A Sisterz-in-Arms Story) By Bluedust Hi gals! So, here's the continuation of the story of Andrea, Kylie and Roxy in our new fictitious TG universe! If you haven't read the first part of this story, please do so first and comment as per usual. There will be one more part to this story before we start to explore the rest of the Sisterz-in-Arms universe. Well then, please enjoy and be sure to comment....
I have often wondered if my eyes flash red when I have my moments of madness. Suddenly the world goes quiet and a red mist descends over my mind and I do things, terrible things that I'd rather not remember. Her neck was white, elegant and slim enough to get my left hand around. "Please, Mister," she could just about choke out. She had a young pretty face with a few freckles over her nose and cheeks. The red mist had settled over everything and I was almost deaf to her pleas. "Please,...
A bright white light seared in my eyes. I squinted shy away the burning. The sound of a heart monitor beeped steadily. A figure in a white coat was turned around, preparing something. I heard the tinkering of metal on metal, and as he turned around, I closed my eyes. A high toned beep and then I heard in a fake female voice “Now recording” followed by another beep. “We have finished the operation. The subject has responded well to the operation and we will be releasing him shortly.” I had just...
GayMy name is Catherine but everyone calls me Cat for short. I grew up in a rich small suburb my entire life. I am a 5'2 brunette with C sized breasts and a great ass. I've never has been regarded as the hottest girl growing up, yet almost everyone wants to fuck me because I have the best looking ass in town. From the moment I leave my house it's constant attention as everyone knows how I am. I often wear lulus so show off my great body and to keep all the boys very horny. It's the start of my...
Teen*DISCLAIMER: I posted this originally under the username “MadAnthonyWayne,” but lost access to that account somehow almost as soon as I posted this story. This just a second attempt with a new account. PLUS I took the liberty to correct spelling and make the story easier to read.”chapter 1-Meeting the MonkI was a normal sophomore college student. well ok not really. But first let me introduce myself. I’m Catherine, but most people used my middle name, Mary. I was 20 and a virgin. I was (and...
Chapter 1-Meeting the MonkI was a normal sophomore college student. well ok not really. But first let me introduce myself. I’m Catherine, but most people used my middle name, Mary. I was 20 and a virgin. I was (and still am) a rather devout Catholic. And by devout I mean “traditional”i wore a chapel veil and long skirts or pants to church and I went to church daily at the chapel at my small South Carolina Catholic college. I was one of those Catholic girls who was trying to fish for the “cute...