Stealing Catherine free porn video

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Stealing Catherine By Melissa Blake [email protected] Part 1 The room is dimly lit as I stare out the windows into the sunrise. The rays of light cascade through the panes as the morning comes into view. I sit staring; smoking a cigarette in the early dawn of Saturday. My cup of coffee stares at me. I find it harder to get started without it these days. Abby, our dog, lies at my feet, her cold nose nudging against my foot, beckoning me for attention. I slowly get up and make my way to the door leading to the porch. The cold fall air brushes against my cheeks as I step out into the morning. Standing at the edge of the deck, I think to myself, about my family, and how this is only the beginning of a wonderful life. I remember that today is special. A day that I would not forget for eternity. That this would be the first day of the rest of my life. I ponder on the days leading up to this. How special they were and where they would take me. How they will forever change my life. I do not think that I am evil or cruel or hurtful in any way. I attained what I have always wanted. I possess what I cherished. I did what I thought was necessary to get here. Selfish, maybe. But I am able to make a better life for my family now. It's a beautiful Saturday morning in October. The birds sing in the sky as I look east into the sun. I smile and know that this is the life that I was meant to live. The Discovery I guess I'm what you could call an average all American guy. I'm 24; I grew up in the heart of the south and went to school at a liberal arts college. I played ball most of my life and found that this enabled me to choose the institution of my choice. I studied, I played, I drank, I partied. Just about pretty normal for a guy like me. I moved out to the west coast after graduation and found my niche in life as a graphic artist. For three years I worked harder than ever. Long days at the office and weekends took its toll on me for awhile. I met my girlfriend about two years ago and have been together ever since. Talk about moving in together has pretty much been the topic of conversation between us for the last week. We've both been pretty excited and the planning has been in the works for several months now. She tends to work much on the weekends so that leaves me alone to my football games on Saturdays in the fall. So I'm sitting on the couch on a weekend afternoon watching Florida pummel UGA. "Oh man, here we go again..." I think to myself. "This one's already over in the 2nd quarter." Feeling hungry I pull my butt off the couch and decide that a sub sandwich is probably what my stomach's going to like. Grabbing the keys off the desk, I open the door and make my way to the car in the driveway. Driving into town has always been an adventure in people watching. The town is very liberal, very hippie-ish, very cool. I find the store and park my car in the spot and walk across the street to grab the sucker and go. After 5 minutes of standing in line and finally getting my sandwich, I walk out to see something that stops me in my tracks at first. Sitting next to my car, dressed in tattered clothes, was a gentleman who looked like he didn't have a home. Cautiously, I approached the car seeing how he was sitting right next to front bumper. "Excuse me sir..." I said. "I gotta get out of the spot, so it you would kindly move please." He didn't budge. "Sir..." He rose to his feet and approached me. Feeling intimidated, I stepped back. "Brian, don't be alarmed." I was dumbfounded at first. Stopping in my tracks again. "How... how did you know my name?" "I know a lot young man." "B... but how? "That's not important right now is it?" "What the hell do you mean?" "I'm here because of something you want. Something that I may be able to give you. Something that you will have." "I don't understand?" I stuttered. "Here... Let me show you." he said, reaching into a torn pocket. As he drew his hand out, I could see him holding two objects. "Take these." Reluctantly, I reached out my hand. He placed two small and very smooth stones in my hand. "What the hell are these?" "The key to your desires. Let me show you." "See that car over there? The green Toyota?" "Yeah, what about it? "Watch..." He spun the stones around in his hand and made a comment under his breath. His hand suddenly glowed a brilliant red. I was transfixed on his hand when he looked up at me. "Look!" "At what," I questioned. He drew his arm out and pointed to the car. Within the span of a second the Toyota seemed to change before my eyes into a different car. Morphing and changing in the span of a couple of seconds, into a VW. I was floored. "How the hell..." "Something very special," he said. "take these and wish for something." "You've got to be kidding me?" "Do it!" Placing the stones in my hand, I looked at the house across the street from the store. "Okay... I wish that house was green." The stones in my hand heated up and glowed a bright crimson. What I saw before me I couldn't explain. The house in front of my eyes, turned from a light blue to a deep green. "I... I... don't understand." "These are yours Brian" "Mine?" "You have the ability to have what you want, just say the words. You only have these two opportunities. Choose them well. When you want them to happen, spin the stones. You will see your desires happen. Be careful, you have two. Choose them wisely." "Are you serious?" "They are yours, make the wish now, for I am about to part your presence." I sat and stared at him for several moments. I looked at the stones and then at him. "I hope you're right old man." With that, I looked down into my hands and pondered for several seconds. "I know what I want." My heart raced. Could this possibly happen? "Say the words young man." I paused, closed my eyes and clenched the stones tightly. "I want..." The Visit "You're coming, when?" "In a couple of days, as soon as I can get this deal finished up." "Well, how long are you going to stay?" I said. "We figured about two days, we're pretty excited to see you." "Oh I know, I can't wait. Do you know what time your flight gets in?" "Don't worry about it. We got a rental for the time we're here; so don't worry about picking us up from the airport. We should be there around 6 or so." "Well, anything y'all need?" "Naw, we got you covered. Okay kiddo?" "Thanks Dad." "We'll see you on Thursday." I hung up the receiver and slowly turned around to face the kitchen stove. Placing my hands on the countertop, I took a deep breath. This can't be real, I thought. My heart pounded for what seemed like an eternity. This is it. The Change I saw them pull up into the carport as I was sipping on a beer and smoking a cigarette. Both doors of their black Lincoln rental car swung open and I saw my parents for the first time in over a year and a half. They stepped out of the car and proceeded to unload their baggage as I got up and walked over to greet them. They still looked young. They had me when they were just out of college. My father's hair had a little more gray in it but my mother looked great as always. They both worked out often and stayed in shape. The fact that they were both in their late forties didn't even affect their looks. My father in his golf shirt and slacks as always and my mom in shorts, tights and a nice blazer. They dressed well. They didn't hide the fact they had money. I gave them both a huge hug and helped carry their luggage into my bedroom since I was staying with my girlfriend that evening. "Wow, ya'll both look great," I said. "Oh, stop it!" My mother said slapping my arm playfully. "No, I'm serious. I wish I could get out more and workout." "Well, your father and I try our best." I laughed and grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge. "Oh..." my mom said. "You don't have any gin do you?" "Crap. I knew I forgot something." I mumbled My dad walked over and inspected my liquor cabinet. Eyeing it over scanning for the goods. "No scotch or gin, huh?" "Afraid not." "Well, where's the nearest liquor store?" "About two miles up the road." "You want me to go?" "Oh no. Don't worry about it. Just give me directions." I explained to my father in detail how to get to the store and attempted to give him money, which he absolutely refused to take from me. "Whew! Where's the bathroom? That ride's a long way." asked my mom. "Be back in a bit." shouted my dad. My father stepped out the door and clamored into the car as I watched her walk down the hall and turn the corner. I walked into my bedroom and inspected the luggage and moved it around to make more room. It was then I heard the toilet flush. I could feel a lump in my throat as I slowly made my way to my dresser. Opening the top drawer, I pulled out a sock and emptied the contents into my hand. The stones. The bathroom door opened up and I saw her out of the corner of my eye, stop and look into the bedroom. I met her gaze and stood up straight. My heart raced, my breath quickening. I swallowed hard and spoke. "Mom... Could you come here for a sec?" "Sure, what is it?" "Here," Pointing to the bed. "could you sit down for a sec?" "Okay honey. What's wrong?" Looking down at the stones in my hand, I looked at her sitting on the edge of the bed and smiled. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Everything." "What do you mean?" she said, confused. I spun the stones once in my hand. The shade of the rock slowing starting to glow. "Take off your clothes please." "Wha... what?" "Take them off. I wouldn't want you to ruin them." "Are you nuts! What the hell has gotten into you?!" I spun them once again. "Mom, please!" I said sternly. With a confused look coming over her face, she stood up and stared at me. "You find it hard to fight it, don't you?" "Y... yes." "I don't want you to fight. It'll only make it worse." She began to take off her blazer and shoes as I stood back a watched her. She unbuttoned her shorts and pulled off her tights and sat at the edge of the bed again. "Your underwear too, please." She looked at me, scared and then preceded to remove her panties and bra. It was the first time I had seen her fully naked. I began to undress and watched her every glance as I stood in front of her naked. Mother and child together. Picking up the relics, I spun them again, faster and faster. I bright deep glow began to appear from the center, glowing brighter with each pass. It was then that I began to feel it, a warm feeling passing over the surface of my body and penetrating deep into my bones. I felt queasy and hot at the same time. I stole a look at her and could tell that something was happening. From deep within my body, things were beginning to change. Standing in front of her, I could tell that I was becoming shorter. Inch by inch, I was losing height. Reaching over to my arms my heart leapt as I looked down in amazement. Each hair began to retract into it's pore all over my torso and legs. My legs began to lose their hairs at a rapid pace becoming smooth to the touch. The rough texture of the skin seemed to change at the same time, changing, becoming softer. My feet ached as each bone shortened, toes and heels losing mass. Within seconds, they were almost half their size. The legs of my body were reshaping themselves. My bones cracked as each limb became thinner and more slender. Suddenly I could feel pressure in my hips as my pelvis began to react to the changes. My boyish hips began to widen as each side began to push outward. My buttocks began to firm and fill out my backside as I could feel its mass increasing on me. My broad shoulders began to shrink inwards. Neck, chest and back muscles began to decrease in size, compensating for the change in my frame. My stomach stretched tighter over my mid section as each love handle pulled inwards giving me a small waistline and fuller hips. My body continued to change slowly as she sat in amazement at the spectacle before her. My hands became slender and soft. Each tapered finger tipped with an inch long manicured nail. Arms become thin and delicate. She looked down and stared directly at my groin and somehow knew what was next. My body shuddered as my manhood slowly began to pull inward toward my abdomen. With each passing second, my shaft grew smaller. My penis withdrew into my body as the testicles soon followed upwards and inwards. The hole left by my lost manhood began to become pink in color. What was left of my penis began to blossom into a flower within me filling the void within my pelvis. Organs rearranged themselves to accommodate the new equipment. Small folds appeared on either side of my new vagina, a clitoris budding from the remnants of old sex. My new plumbing moved further south towards my anus. Each testicle and its lifeline became the pathway and origin of my new sex. I grunted a bit and could feel my voice changing, increasing in pitch, unfamiliar and alien. My scalped started to tingle and could feel the locks of hair falling onto my ears and neck. My fingers felt the new hair and found it to have changed from light brown to platinum blonde. My eyes widened and I laughed in a voice that makes me shudder. It was her voice only coming from within me. My eyes burned as each iris changed to a sky blue. Each bone in my face, cracking and reforming into something new. My lips, thinner. My nose, smaller and slim. Small lines and wrinkles appear from underneath. My hair falls to my shoulders. My organs within me changing and reforming. My DNA changes, hormones change, my heart changes. My voice cracks again, higher and higher. My chest begins to pound, swelling with each heartbeat. From underneath each nipple, more tissue develops as fat fills my chest. Each small bud heaves outward, pushing further and further. My nipples widen and become fuller, harder. My new breasts sit perched upon my new body. Each one ripe, mature with age. Scars and moles appear on different areas. A linear scar appears above my thinning pubic hair, ears become pierced. I am taking her life. She sits, mouth gaping at me. The changes stop and I know that I am almost complete as a woman. She sat trembling on the bed in disbelief, her eyes wide and filled with fear. "You... you look like... like me..." "Yes, I know. I don't just look like you... I am you. In every way, I'm you with one exception, and we'll get to that soon enough." "But... why?" "It's pretty simple dear. I wanted to be you. I stumbled into this accidentally I guess. You know I was always in your clothes. I always tried to look like you, act like you when I was dressed like you. I wanted your life. To be a wife and mother. I wanted your precious sex. Now I have the opportunity to take it. "What the hell is going to happen when your father gets back!" she screamed. "Shhh... it won't matter. Look at the clock." Pointing to the corner she glared at a time that was not moving. Time was standing still. "You can't do this!!" "I think I just did, and besides we can't have two of us running around, can we?" "What are you talking about!" "See, dear mother, since I get to be you from now on, I'm going to need someone to fill my spot that's empty at the moment. Since you're the lucky winner, you get to change sex and become someone else too. Oh and by the way, I need you to take off that precious wedding set of yours. I'll be the one who's married now. Dad, I mean my husband, won't know that it's his son that'll be fucking him." "Fuck you!" "Now now, don't get upset. You will never remember being you. Since I'm going to be you from now on, I'm going to need your memories and feelings and you get what I don't want anymore." "Oh God, please no..." "Sorry honey, it's too late" I took the stones for a last time and spun them quickly around. Again, they glowed a deep red. "I don't think you'll be needing this anymore." grabbing her between her legs. Within a second, her vagina began to fuse shut, the small bud of her clit beginning to enlarge and fill. I could hear her bones crackling as her body began to enlarge and lengthen. Her breasts began to deflate and melt into her chest. Body hair began to sprout on every limb, spreading widely over her chest. Platinum hair began to fall out of the scalp, her baldhead shining brightly. Small patches of brown hair sprung from the pores and filled her head. Her clit lengthened and increased in diameter. Ovaries moved downward filling a new sac and changing function. A once seasoned womb, collapsed in upon itself and disappeared as her pelvis pulled inward. A serious of deep groans replaced a once feminine voice. Muscles enlarged, facial bones morphed into angular patterns. Looking down at her rough hands and hairy torso, she began to breath quickly. "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God..." she exclaimed in quick procession I started to put on my new clothes as she could only stare at her new form. The feeling of satin in the void between my legs is something I can't describe. My new breasts were lifted and supported. My center of gravity shifted as I stood in heels. "Don't worry honey, you'll come to love it." Spinning the stones for a last time, I knew that this would be complete in a moment. Memories of her life began to fill my head. Her talents, dreams, emotions overwhelming me. I would keep my own memories also. "Brad... Brad, please." "I don't think so, Brad sounds so wrong." "Br... B..." A confused look on her face and then a moment of silence as her mind is suddenly changed. "Mo... mm... m." "That's better." "Mom?" "Yes honey?" "What am I doing here naked?" An ashamed look on his face as I stand looking down at his naked form. He no longer remembers the events from moments before. "You had better get dressed sweetheart, your father will be home soon." I run my hands over my nylon encased legs and smooth out my tights. He watches intently and I know that he desperately wants to be me. I look for the stones and cannot find them, only a small patch of dust where they once sat only a second ago. It is done. At 48 years old, as Catherine Davis, wife and mother, I have a lot of catching up to do. To be continued.

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Stealing Jeff

STEALING JEFF by Long Tall MaryFor Laura the evening held great promise. At 6:00 she would have the date of her dreams with Jeff, a prototype alpha, who was quite selective as to whom he dated. But something had gone terribly awry, it was now 5:00, and Laura was naked, tied spread eagled to a bed, in the home of a thirty five year old woman, to whom she had been first introduced less than two hours ago, by her best girlfriend Kathy.Laura and Kathy were both nineteen years old and had been close...

2 years ago
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Stealing Bras And Fucking Mallu MILF Annamma

This all started when Annamma aunty was going bra shopping. I knew Annamma aunty for a long time and we were very close. I used to hug her sometimes and touch her back every time. I touched her back to feel her bra hook and later masturbate thinking of her. Sometimes, I used to steal her used bras from her washing machine or bathroom, masturbate over them, and used to keep them with me. I don’t know whether she realized it or not that I used to steal her bras as she would obviously notice that...

4 years ago
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Stealing Away

He meets me in the parking lot and pulls me tight against him. Lowering his head, he crushes my lips with his. That kiss tells me he wants me, the hardness in his pants tells me how bad. We pull away and he leads me into the hotel opening the door and escorting me in first. He’s always a gentleman except when we’re behind closed doors.As soon as I’m inside the room I put my things down and feel his hands slide up my ass under my sundress. Knowing what he’s not going to find, I smile to myself....

2 years ago
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Stealing the Thunder

‘I now pronounce you man and wife.’ Zachary Crane applauded with the others as Meredith Trinette Levine—well, Meredith Trinette Chambers now—threw her arms around her husband and kissed him soundly. Across the dais, Christa Sternbacher grinned, clapping as best she could around her bridesmaid’s bouquet, behind her, Arie had simply tucked hers under one arm. He couldn’t see Derek because he was behind him, and Sajel and Jane and everyone’s parents were tucked into the congregation somewhere,...

4 years ago
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Stealing Away With Radhika Chapter 8211 1

Hey there readers, this is the first story I’ve published to iss. It’s about a girl I dated early on in college, towards the end of the first year, I’ll call her Radhika (I’ve changed her name out of respect). We broke up a long time back but we had some pretty interesting experiences together, and I’ll try and put each one out to you guys as a series of episodes. Maybe if I get a good response I can write a few stories about the other girls I’ve been with or other nice experiences I’ve...

3 years ago
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Stealing the Thunder

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." Zachary Crane applauded with the others as Meredith Trinette Levine—well, Meredith Trinette Chambers now—threw her arms around her husband and kissed him soundly. Across the dais, Christa Sternbacher grinned, clapping as best she could around her bridesmaid's bouquet; behind her, Arie had simply tucked hers under one arm. He couldn't see Derek because he was behind him, and Sajel and Jane and everyone's parents were tucked into the congregation...

3 years ago
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Stealing Black Men From Black Women

My name is Melissa Joan Rhodes. Friends call me M.J. I’m originally from Plymouth. I’m currently a student at Norris College in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. At first glance, most people dismiss me as another Valley Girl type. I don’t know why. It’s what I come off as. Simply because I stand five feet ten inches tall, lean and athletic, with long, straight blonde hair and pale blue eyes. I’ve got face, I’ve got body, I’ve got chest and I’ve got ass. Just in case you people were wondering....

4 years ago
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Stealing Me Away Part 3

Amelia and Drake walk into their hotel room at Circus Circus. This will be their home next seven days. Her parents have a room down the hall, and several other relatives are also here with them. Drake's dad will join the group tonight, he lives close by and decided to come later on. His dad met Amelia a month before, and told Drake Amelia was just like his mom, and his mom would've loved Amelia.Everyone gathers at THE Steakhouse for dinner, along with Drake's dad. At dessert, Amelia has the...

Love Stories
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Stealing her virginity

She looked amazing. Her small yellow bikini just covered her up as she dried her hair out with a towel. Her brown locks fell to her shoulders once more and she turned toward me. I quickly looked away, praying that she hadn’t caught me staring. ‘Ready?’ I asked. ‘Yes. Sorry I took so long…’ ‘It’s alright.’ ‘Thanks for the ride home, Josh. I’m exhausted from the day at the beach.’ ‘Anytime, Sammi! But, I was actually planning on taking you to my place. We can chill in the hot tub, or watch a...

4 years ago
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Stealing Zoe

With a slight groan the lock in the window parted,and swung open silently. I lifted myself through and dropped down low letting the silence wash over me. I looked around the room letting my eyes adjust to the darkness before moving into the house. I was after anything small and concealable, I didn’t want to be stopped by the cops walking down the road with a television in my arms. Kind of awkward to explain that away at two am in the morning. I made for the stairs and went up, the best stuff...

4 years ago
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Stealing Me Away

At nineteen, Amelia was ready to leave her parents home, and rule, but was scared. She had watched too many news reports, and read so many stories of young women being violated, assaulted, and much much worse. Luckily, she shared her concerns openly with her family and it turned out her dad had a solution. He had a friend, Drake, who had his own home, close to her school and close to the base that he was stationed at with the military, and where Amelia herself worked in the mess hall. He was...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Stealing Someones

Hi, I am Rick, I live in the side of a big town that only consist of 40 houses, well it's 41 houses because nearby, there is a really big house and a beautiful one too. I would never imagine to have a house like that, with the struggle i am in. there's no room for dreaming but to survive. Today, i have a job interview. I hope i would get the job, working in a fast food chain is not enough to pay my rents. but first, i have to prepare myself. Rick told himself, "my clothes aren't presentable. i...

Mind Control
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Stealing Panties

It’s another Saturday afternoon and I find myself at the Laundromat. Most people look at this as a burden however I view it as a shopping trip. It is so busy on Saturday and lonely horny moms bringing their laundry while their kids run around aimlessly. Single mothers wear the sexiest panties. Single mothers also tend to get laid on Fridays. Panties, worn beautiful sexy panties are all around. I need to find my next pair to take me to my secret place. I have a thong on now that I was able to...

3 years ago
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Stealing Pussy

The three men in the back of the bar had had too much to drink. The cocktail waitress brought them another round anyway; in spite of their crude language and wandering hands, they were really good tippers. Besides, they were regulars and she had balled each of them in the past and she knew that, even drunk, they each could fuck up a storm. But the three men really weren't thinking bout fucking, at least not now. They were celebrating Andy's divorce, which had been settled today. Just now, they...

2 years ago
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Stealing tights pantyhose panties etc from manager

This is a new fictional/fantasy story to add to the tights pantyhose nylons foot fetish etc stories that i wrote last year (receptionist, neighbour, dept store, bus, housemate etc). When i worked in a large office for a number on years in a large building based on a few floors we were in teams and every now and again we had to change teams and change managers/supervisors to keep things freshened up. One of the managers Julie was a bit of a nasty bitch and didn't like me much. She was never very...

4 years ago
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Stealing Momrsquos Skirt

I listened nervously for sounds from downstairs, although I knew I was alone. Mom was working late. I had hours. I turned the doorknob and shuffled into her room.Her closet door was open, and it looked like a bomb went off inside. For as hard as she was on me to keep my room tidy she didn’t take her own advice. Skirts and pants pooled on the floor. Used panties hung over the side of the hamper. Shoes lay were they landed when she kicked them off after a long day.I saw what I was after. The...

3 years ago
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Stealing Zoe

With a slight groan the lock in the window parted,and swung open silently. I lifted myself through and dropped down low letting the silence wash over me. I looked around the room letting my eyes adjust to the darkness before moving into the house. I was after anything small and concealable, I didn't want to be stopped by the cops walking down the road with a television in my arms. Kind of awkward to explain that away at two am in the morning.I made for the stairs and went up, the best stuff...

2 years ago
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Stealing virginities pt 1

It was a blazingly hot june day it was also college graduation day for my sister Sasha who just turned 24, I at the time was 25. Everyone was excited about this day, the parents, the siblings, ect... except for me. I justed wanted to go back to my apartment, but I was stuck sitting in the stands of the Umass football stadium, where the graduation was being held was being held. After about 45 minutes later my sister was called to the podium. I noticed that the guys all around me were getting...

2 years ago
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Stealing Virginity Of Neighbour Girl

This your Lucifer back with another story . Let me describe me first am 5’5 tall with average built body and I ain’t going to boast about my brother like others he is 6 inch which I hope can satisfy any women. For better understanding my story read my earlier story “How I Fucked My Neighbour Aunt” Now to the story This story is about how I fucked tabu(name changed) elder daughter of Sumi(name changed). I started noticing tabu when she was in her 8th grade and that’s the time I started fucking...

4 years ago
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Stealing my best friends girl

My best friend that I grew up in elementry school with and I met this girl in our late high school years. She was so good looking. Brunette hair, blue eyes, the face of a model, 5'9", c cup and 130 lbs. She always turned heads when she walked into a room. We both had a crush on her and he was what the girls called a pertty boy. She ended up being his girlfriend and I was her good friend. That sucked for me because I was head over heals for her and I had to watch him be with her. We all hanged...

3 years ago
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Stealing her virginity

She looked amazing. Her small yellow bikini just covered her up as she dried her hair out with a towel. Her brown locks fell to her shoulders once more and she turned toward me. I quickly looked away, praying that she hadn't caught me staring. "Ready?" I asked. "Yes. Sorry I took so long..." "It's alright." "Thanks for the ride home, Josh. I'm exhausted from the day at the beach." "Anytime, Sammi! But, I was actually planning on taking you to my place. We can chill in the hot tub, or watch a...

First Time
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Stealing from the Rich

As I've said previous, one of my businesses customizes things, from cars & homes to yachts & night clubs focusing on cool & security - this brings me in contact with what i call the ultra rich, the kinda rich that my rich or your rich dont compare to. These people are just as you would expect them to be if you met them - pushy, snide, demanding, dominating and as CHEAP as they can possibly get when asking for the moon and paying for an astroid. I love their money and despise their...

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stealing slave

One of the slaves at Mistress Carolines castle was found eating waste food from her food stores trash dispenser . He tried to escape but her riding guard Alexandra whipped him down and trapped him with her horce by pressing the slave to the ground with the hooves. Mistress Caroline passed and the slave screamed some bad words which Caroline took as an insult. He was brought to her royal room to where mistress caroline sitting on large elegent thorn to decide slaves punishment as slaves cant eat...

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Stealing Valentines Day

Prologue This began as a 200-word writing exercise based on a random magazine cartoon and influenced by an old joke. Too short to publish, I allowed it to expand itself and broach several categories - humor, exhibitionism, reluctance, bi-sex, First times and brush against loving wives. Not all VD stories are happy and romantic. As lonely Lisa’s story unfolds, we sense this is one of those. Isn’t it? And so it begins... “But, I didn’t call for help. I’m OK,” insisted grocery bag laden Lisa....

4 years ago
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Stealing LoveChapter 2

The two huddled close together in the dark hallway, listening intently for the sounds of footsteps or the creaking of a lantern. But all that reached the pair's ears were the distant sounds of the wind through the trees and the far off hoot of an owl. Moving quickly thought the shadows; they tread barefoot across the stone floor of the castle's Second Years corridor, past the handful of sealed wooden doors. When at last the two reached the door they sought they paused for a moment, panting...

2 years ago
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NIS PP 3 St Catherines

NIS Punishment Programme: 3 St. Catherine’s ? Synopsis ? The ruling military Junta changed the laws to give males back their superiority and introduced corporal punishment to curb crime. The changes have their effect on school life. A second sequel to Naked in School Punishment Programme 1: New Laws (NIS PP 1: New Laws). ? Naked In School Punishment Programme: ? 3 St. Catherine’s ? by obohobo ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly...

2 years ago
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Steal from Me Never

Steal from Me, Never                I thought it was going to be a good day. I sat down at my desk in my home which I work from, you knelling by my legs waiting to hear any command I issue. I opened the letter and started to read it. You can tell the change in my demeanor as you see the fury in my eyes, I drop the letter on the floor and say.?Read that and tell me if they deserve to be punished.?You take the letter in your hand and see it is from a law office, I see the expression change on...

3 years ago
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Steal away time with you

They went to a late night dinner and had far too many drinks. The pair had been friends, then lovers, and then friends again. He was her constant as he never judged her and was always there for advice. She sat watching him toy with his drink and slowly raise it to his lips. He caught her watching and gave her a shy sly smile. Dinner ended and the pair of life long friends headed to his place for a nightcap.  Cold beer in hand and wandering his kitchen she wondered what she was doing there. The...

4 years ago
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Steal women from your family

It has been 4 years since you have taken your mother from your father. It all started when your father ask you to clean up the attic. (Flashback) It was a Saturday afternoon when you found a key to your solutions. It was in the after noon when your father say, "Alex can you go clean up the attic for me and you can keep anything that you find in there". He said while in the kitchen making dinner. "Yes, dad" you said while getting up from watching TV in the living room. As you were going up the...

2 years ago
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My Wicked WaysChapter 4

By the time that the pizza arrived, we were all pretty comfortable, but we certainly didn't mind getting up to eat our pizzas. Granted, we could have been picky and wanted a great variety, but Cherry was ordering and paying, so none of us felt like hassling her about such things. We trusted her to pick something that would have a broad appeal, but she surprised us by the degree of detail and thought that she put into the order, especially given that the last few seconds of ordering was spent...

4 years ago
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The Doomsday Strain

Chapter 1: Doomsday in Metropolis It was just a normal Tuesday in downtown Metropolis. Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, and Diana Prince were in the middle of ordering coffee at the local superhero themed diner to enjoy civilian life for once. “I’ll take mine black” Bruce said to the waitress that was dressed as Wonderwoman. “Typical, let me guess you’ll have the toast extra dark too.” The real Wonderwoman said in jest at the brooding billionaire. Clark smirked, though they had faced down gods together...

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