- 3 years ago
- 29
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When Julie arrived at the house, a lot of weird vibes came over her. This was her house, but she totally felt like a visitor. She didn’t pull around to the back and park in the garage. She parked in the driveway at the front of the house and walked up to the front door, something she and Gary never did.
She hesitated at the door. Should she just open the door and walk in? She didn’t feel like it was her place to do that. Such a strange notion, considering she had lived here with Gary for five years. It would feel equally wrong to ring the doorbell too though.
As she stood on the top step considering, the door opened. Gary greeted her with a very unenthusiastic ‘hi’ and held the door to let her in.
One look at him brought tons of guilt down on Julie instantly. He looked terrible. His eyes were red and there were bags under them. He hadn’t shaved in the last couple days at least. And he was dressed in old, wrinkled clothes that clearly said he was paying absolutely no attention to what he looked like.
He said nothing as he led her to the kitchen table.
‘Want anything to drink?’ he offered in a monotone. Julie shook her head and sat down. He sat opposite her and for a long, almost painful minute or two, he looked at her, saying nothing.
‘I… uh… I’ve been doing a lot of thinking,’ he began, then sat in silence for another long moment. Julie was almost about to say something, just to relieve the tension of the silence, when he continued. ‘Naturally, I’m a bit… hurt. Confused. And pretty fucking pissed off.’ He shot her a serious look. Then his eyes shifted down to the table and he lapsed into silence again.
‘But I’m trying to see the bigger picture,’ he continued at last. ‘What happened… the other night…’ he looked at her, then away, his eyes focusing off in the distance. ‘I guess there was something… I mean, obviously I wasn’t, um, meeting all your needs.’ He shrugged, still looking away.
What the hell was he saying, Julie wondered?
‘If we’re going to make this work,’ he continued, turning his eyes on Julies, ‘you have to tell me. Talk to me. Let me know that there are things you want that you aren’t getting.’
Make this work? Oh, God! Julie realized. Gary was talking about staying together. Working things out. Jesus! How could he even be thinking about that? So soon after he had discovered?
Julie felt a crushing guilt descend on her. She had already written off her marriage and assumed that Gary had done the same. In fact, hadn’t she used Gary’s almost certain rejection of her as her excuse to return to Greg’s bed?
Gary looked at Julie, expecting some reaction or response, some sign that she agreed. Julie didn’t know what to say. She nodded mutely. Gary seemed to accept that as her concurrence.
‘So…’ he continued, ‘I was thinking about, you know, something to help us. Some sort of… counseling or…’ He shrugged, not looking at her. Julie blinked. She still couldn’t believe her ears.
It was bad enough Gary had caught her in the act… but oh what an act it had been! He had witnessed her doing things with another man that she had never done with him. And even after that, he wanted to go to couples’ counseling?
The pit of Julie’s stomach churned with self-loathing. God, if Gary could forgive her… If he loved her enough to try to stay together… If he considered himself partly to blame for neglecting her needs…
And Julie? How had she responded? By assuming that Gary would divorce her. Why had she been so dismissive of this man when he clearly was not so fast to give up on her?
Because it suited her desires to assume he would never take her back. Julie wanted to return to Greg’s bed. She wanted to be with Greg. So she had decided that Gary could never forgive her.
Really, was she completely surprised at Gary’s response?
No, she couldn’t honestly say that she was. Gary had always been understanding. Perhaps too understanding. And not demanding enough.
How the hell could he sit there and talk to her about couples’ counseling? He should be screaming at her. Telling her what a fucking lying, cheating, piece-of-shit slut she was. How he was going to take her to the cleaners in the divorce. How he was going to tell all their friends and family what a dirty cocksucking whore she was.
He should tell her to get on her knees and beg to be forgiven. Then tell her to suck his cock like she had sucked Greg’s. Not that she would. But at least she would have some respect for him if he tried. But it simply wasn’t in Gary.
Julie was beginning to see Gary through Ashlee’s eyes. Beginning to understand why Ashlee didn’t think much of him. He was, well… wimpy.
He might be a wonderful, caring man. He might try to understand and love her no matter what she did, even when she hurt him so terribly. But he could never bring out the woman in Julie the way Greg did.
‘I, uh… found a few places on the internet,’ Gary continued, apparently taking Julie’s silence as agreement. He produced a piece of paper and placed it in front of her.
Julie looked down at it, hardly able to focus on it or anything around her. This still seemed so surreal. And the weight of her own feelings, her own guilt, threatened to crush her where she sat.
She forced her eyes to digest the words on the page. They were marriage counselor listings. Julie felt her body start to shake slightly. Just a tremble here and there, really, but each felt as noticeable as an earthquake.
Julie wanted to cry, wanted to run away. She wanted to never have to face the horrible things she had done and the consequences of those actions. And if she had to face them, she wanted them to be presented in as adversarial way as possible. She wanted him to scream at her, degrade her, threaten her.
That’s what she expected. It was what she honestly felt she deserved. She could deal with it. It would make her cry, but at the same time it would release her to go to Greg.
This… this didn’t accomplish any of that.
How could Julie sit in front of a marriage counselor with Gary and try to ‘work things out’ when she would be thinking about Greg the whole time? Less than two hours ago, Julie had been kneeling with Greg’s cock in her mouth, eager to suck him to orgasm.
What did she think she was going to do when she left here? Retreat to Ashlee’s in a fit of shame and remorse? No, she was going to head straight back to Greg’s. Hadn’t she already packed a bag? Didn’t she already have the skirt Greg had wanted to see her in out in her car?
So why was she sitting here with Gary maintaining this charade?
She looked into Gary’s eyes. There was soul in them. And deep wells of compassion and love. She averted her eyes.
How could she do this to him? He deserved so much better than this!
‘I, uh… I’ll take a look at these,’ Julie said, indicating the list, knowing she was lying even as she said it. Why was she going through this? Why was she maintaining this façade?
They sat across the table from each other, barely able to look into each others’ eyes, making sporadic conversation about things like ‘getting past’ this and ‘moving on with their lives.’ Julie didn’t really know what any of it really meant. She nodded agreeably and even added words of concurrence. But she didn’t know why. Was she really going to choose to stay with Gary?
Greg, after all, was likely a flash in the pan. When the excitement waned, would he stick around for the mundane, day-to-day life that was the reality of a long term relationship? Or would he latch on to a new skirt and see where that took him?
Gary, on the other hand… it seemed there was nothing Julie could do to lose his love. Wasn’t that worth something? Shouldn’t Julie seriously consider counseling or whatever it took to heal this wound?
As much as her head and heart agreed that that was the ‘right’ thing
to do, there was no doubt in either that Julie would not make that choice. As completely self-destructive as a relationship with Greg might be, that was where Julie was headed. She just couldn’t stop herself now if she wanted to. It didn’t really matter what Gary said or did now. She was too far gone.
After almost an hour of difficult, stop-and-start discussion, Julie left. By the time she got to her car, she felt physically sick. Her hands were shaking so much that she had trouble putting the key in the ignition. Was she throwing her whole life away?
She had the perfect life before Greg. A loving husband, a promising career, a beautiful house… Was she going to let that all go? To be with Greg? It wasn’t like Greg was going to give anything up to be with her. And when he was done being with her, he could move on without it costing him anything.
After it had cost her everything.
Was that really the situation Julie wanted to be in?
Of course not. At yet… she was powerless, it seemed, to turn away from Greg. His influence over her was disconcerting. She had never been like that with any man before. It was plain scary that, confronted with all these obvious facts, Julie was still going to drive right over there to be with him tonight. After this horrible confrontation and the shame and guilt that it had evoked in her.
On the way, she pulled out her cell and called Ashlee.
‘You, uh, you aren’t going to believe this,’ Julie told her friend. ‘He wants us to go to counseling. To work things out.’
‘What?’ Ashlee’s voice was incredulous. Or maybe contemptuous. Or both.
‘Yeah, he actually said it was partly his fault for not, uh… meeting my needs.’
‘What?’ Ashlee’s incredulity went up a notch or two. ‘Are you kidding me?’
‘I’m telling you what he told me,’ Julie said. Ashlee’s reaction only served to confirm how surprising it was that Gary wanted to work things out.
‘He’s up to something,’ Ashlee asserted. ‘No man just blames himself for his wife cheating. Especially right after it happens.’ Julie nodded absently, only distantly aware that it was a pointless gesture over the phone. She didn’t really know what Ashlee meant. What could Gary possibly be up to?
‘You don’t think he got, you know, turned on seeing you with another guy, do you?’ Ashlee asked after a moment or so of silence.
‘You know,’ Ashlee said. ‘Maybe he got turned on seeing you with another man.’ Another silence ensued. Julie didn’t really think that could be the case. Or could it? ‘I’m sure you’ve heard of guys that get off on watching their women with other men, right?’
‘I guess,’ Julie answered, not really sure if she had or not.
‘Come on, Jule,’ Ashlee pressed, apparently sensing Julie’s skepticism. ‘It wouldn’t be the strangest thing you ever heard of, would it?’
‘No, but maybe this isn’t about sex,’ Julie replied, a new theory beginning to take shape in her head. ‘Maybe he knows it’s over and he’s doing this to… I don’t know… guilt me into conceding whatever he wants in the divorce.’ That would be a rather manipulative tactic, very un-Gary-like. But then, after what she had done to him, should she really be surprised that he would resort to something like that?
‘Nah,’ Ashlee answered dismissively. ‘Why would he bother when he’s already got the upper hand?’ True, Julie thought. He already held the all the cards. He would easily come out far better than Julie in any divorce proceedings. Why would he bother with anything elaborate like Julie was envisioning?
‘It’s got something to do with sex,’ Ashlee asserted again. ‘And don’t be surprised if there isn’t something weird or kinky about it.’
Ashlee could be right, Julie conceded. At least that it was about sex. Ashlee didn’t know the whole story though. Sure, she knew Gary had caught her in the act. But Julie had never divulged the details as to what Gary had actually seen.
Maybe what Gary wanted was a chance to do those things with Julie himself. Fuck her savagely from behind, then shove his sticky cock in her mouth and cum. And, of course, watch Julie swallow his sperm.
If sex was at the root of Gary’s motivation for saving their marriage, that was probably why. Not because he wanted to see her fucking and sucking someone else.
Julie wasn’t about to explain all that to Ashlee, of course. Ashlee already thought Gary was a bit of a wimp, so it was convenient to let her believe that Gary wanted to watch.
But something still nagged at Julie’s thoughts. Was it really about sex? Or did Gary have some other angle? Julie was confused and exhausted.
‘You coming home tonight, kiddo?’ Ashlee asked. Ashlee already knew that Julie had packed a bag to spend the night at Greg’s. Was Ashlee asking if Julie had changed her mind? Or was she making a point?
‘No, I’m going to Greg’s,’ Julie said, trying to sound matter-of-fact. ‘He’ll have roommates after tonight, so…’
‘Well, have fun,’ Ashlee said, sounding sincere. ‘Call me if you need anything. Okay, kiddo?’
‘Okay. Thanks, Ash.’
Julie hung up the phone as she pulled into Greg’s complex. She pulled up in front of his unit and sat in the car for a moment, collecting her thoughts.
Yes, this was where she wanted to be tonight. Not at Ashlee’s. Not in her own house with her own husband either. Here with Greg. With a deep breath to calm herself, Julie got out of the car, retrieved her clothes bag and went up to the front door.
When Greg opened it for her, when she saw his face, his eyes and the way he looked at her… That was all the reassurance she needed. She was in the right place.
Greg let her in and gave her a kiss. It warmed Julie’s insides and dispelled all the turmoil and guilt. Maybe she was doing something terrible to Gary, but Greg’s kiss told her that she had no choice. She had to.
‘How’s your husband doing?’ Greg asked with a smirk as Julie put her things down. His question startled her and she turned to face him, confused. Then she saw the predatory curl of his lips, the arrogance and began to understand.
‘Did you tell him you had to leave because you had to get back here to suck my cock?’ he asked. Julie gasped, partly in surprise, but more in arousal. She flashed back to the way Greg had made her kneel and put his cock in her mouth before she left to see Gary.
She had never considered not coming back here. In spite of Gary’s unexpected willingness to work on saving their marriage, Julie had not even thought about going anywhere but to Greg when she had left.
And part of that might have been for the kiss Greg gave her when she walked in the door. God knew it was a powerful kiss, capable of allaying all her doubts. But it wasn’t just for the kiss, was it?
‘Did you tell him I made you put it in your mouth before you went to see him?’ His words were eliciting butterflies in her belly and warm wetness in her pussy. She gasped again, this time completely due to the fire he was sparking in her. God, it made her feel like such a slut! She had sat across the table from Gary just an hour or so after having Greg’s cock in her mouth. And now, not an hour after that, she was just waiting for Greg to order her to her knees once again.
‘Did you tell him you swallowed my cum this morning?’ he asked as he reached out and pinched Julie’s now-erect nipple through her clothes. Her whole body shuddered. ‘And that you were coming back here to swallow more of it tonight?’ A little squeal escaped from her as her body shook again.
He was making her feel so dirty. That after all she had just been through tonight, she was still more interested in sucking Greg’s cock than anything else. Gary was sitting around in an empty house, looking up marriage counselors on the internet. While Julie, his wife, was dripping wet, waiting expectantly for her lover to tell her to suck his cock.
‘Did he call you a slut? A whore?’ Greg asked.
‘If only he knew, right? If he knew what a cocksucker you’ve turned into. But you didn’t tell him, did you?’
God, Julie wanted so desperately just to drop before him and tug his cock from his pants. But she knew this was Greg’s game. He wasn’t done toying with her yet. And God help her, she was sooo enjoying being his toy. Somehow, he was using her guilt and shame to heighten the sexual intensity of the moment. It was dark and scary that she could respond to that. And scarier still how much she was loving it.
‘You can’t wait for me to tell you, can you?’ Greg asked, his voice low and husky. ‘Look how hard your nipples are,’ he squeezed her again, ‘just thinking about it.’ The pinch wasn’t hard, but it was enough to send a bolt of lightning through her, force a short, sharp cry from her lips. ‘How wet is your pussy right now?’ Greg continued, his eyes boring into hers with an intensity that made her knees shake.
‘And you aren’t wet ’cause you’re thinking about getting laid, are you?’ Greg looked at her and she gave a brief shake of her head. ‘No, that’s right. You’re getting all wet ’cause you know I’m going to have you suck my cock, right?’ She let out another gasp as she nodded. Oh, God! Greg just knew how to push all her buttons, didn’t he? He reached out and brushed each of her nipples where they were pushing through the fabric of her shirt and bra. It was electrifying, the wetness between her legs surging immediately in response.
‘Take of your shirt,’ he told her. Her heart beating faster, her breathing getting more rapid too, Julie pulled her shirt off and stood before him in her bra. His eyes roamed up and down her, pausing to relish the way her nipples stood out so prominently. He pushed one cup aside far enough for the nipple to spring free, then he gave it a firm pinch. Julie moaned and quivered as her pussy poured more wetness into her panties.
Greg let her stand there, shirtless and partly exposed for what seemed like a very long time, just running his eyes over her and occasionally pinching her nipple. She felt like she was on display for him. Every passing second, every heartbeat only heightened her anticipation, her longing. It was such an incredibly exquisite torture to stand her and wait this way, feeling dirty and shameful… and being so damn turned on by it.
‘He walked in on us before we finished, didn’t he?’ Julie knew automatically what Greg was talking about. Gary had seen her do things with Greg that she had never done with him. ‘He saw it all, didn’t he?’ Julie quivered and gasped again. ‘He saw what a nasty little slut you’ve turned into.’
Yes, she truly was a nasty little slut. She should be cringing, mortified that her husband had seen her doing what she had done. But she didn’t care. All she wanted was Greg. To get on her knees and please him. Be his slut.
‘He watched you,’ Greg went on, sending more and stronger thrills through her body. ‘Your husband watched you put my cock in your mouth. Your husband watched you swallow my load.’ Greg’s words buffeted her, making her feel like the floor she was standing on was shifting under her feet.
Julie had had the exact same thoughts, hadn’t she? Except when she had thought them, she had been guilt-riddled. It was quite another thing to hear Greg recount her crimes. Sure, the shame and guilt were still there, but resulting in such a different effect!
‘And you want to do it again right now, don’t you?’ It wasn’t really a question. ‘What would he say if he could see how bad you want my cock in your mouth right now? If he knew you were about to swallow more of my cum?’ Greg ran a finger lightly across Julie’s quivering lips.
‘Julie,’ Greg breathed. Julie sucked in a deep breath. She knew what came next. ‘Get on your knees.’ A little whimper of delight slipped out of her as she got down on her knees before him, obediently looking up and waiting for his instructions.
The thoughts Greg had started whirling in Julie’s head, that she was a slut, an adulteress, a dirty cocksucker, were all affirmed when her knees touched the floor. She was all of those things. And judging by the racing of her heart and the dripping of her pussy, she was grateful for the opportunity to be any and all of them.
I never knew my natural Parents my adopted Parents names are on my Birth Certificate along with my adoption Certificate. I only found out when my Father a Solicitor and my Mother told me on my s*******nth Birthday what a gift along, with the news of my birth came a gold locket no inscription but it was hallmarked which the adaption society told them my natural Mother asked them to give me the locket when I was s*******n . To say the least it was shock I love my Parents and I wouldn’t do...
I am an ardent fan of Kerala Erotica. I came into this site by chance and was thrilled after going through its contents. I see to it that daily at least twice I enter the site and go through its various topics. Regarding the stories I am not sure whether how many are true but nevertheless it does certainly titillate you. After much thinking I thought of putting my story and experience in this site. By doing so I am sure I will get lot of relief since I can’t say about my experience to anyone.My...
As I entered the bar, the clientele seemed a bit unusual. The women were extraordinarily beautiful, many dressed in expensive, revealing gowns. There seemed to be a preponderance of "middle aged" men, not a few showing a bit of paunchiness. The affection being showered on these gentlemen by the women at the bar and around the tables drew me into the place. I spotted a vacant bar stool and installed myself, ordering a rum and coke from the handsome young bartender. As I began sipping my...
"Come on, it'll be fun!" My best friend Julie was throwing a Halloween party, and like every year, she wanted us to dress up in the same costume. Except that this year, she wanted to go as a sexy, girly black cat. "Julie, that's great for you, but what am I supposed to do?" "Don't worry Chris, you'll make a great girly kitty cat!" I have had a huge crush on Julie for five years, as long as we've been friends, but I've never had the courage to tell her. We're both 18 now, in our...
JULIE Julie Believed We Should All Share Our Assets. I don’t really remember exactly when I met Julie; but I do recall that I knew, almost at once, that I was dealing with a very different type of girl to the others I had known up to that date.I think that we first met when a mutual friend took me to Julie’s house. Julie was sprawled on the floor playing her guitar; she was actually quite good at this. She had long dark hair, which I remember was always spotlessly clean. She was scantily...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Julie was going to her purse to retrieve her wallet so she could pay her brothers for helping her move into the aprtment that she had rented. The two 18 year old twin brothers watched their buxom redheaded sister walk across the room as they moved one of the last boxes into the kitchen. Her Double-D tits jiggled with every step and her round, firm ass looked as if it was made for fucking. Hank and Kyle had always had a thing for their sister who was...
IncestPeople thought I was crazy. Moving in with your ex-girlfriend? Renting a room in her house? Clealy I was off my rocker, or at least that was the popular opinion of the day. I nreality Julie and I were good friends who decided to go their own ways. Although we didn’t talk for several months afterward, when she called and asked if I would rent a room from her when she bought her new house, I asid yes immediately. We got along great and had similar interests, so there was no reason not to. A...
I spent the night at her house. And we had fun...watching movies with her parents, eating popcorn. We slept together in her bed and after kissing and making out for awhile, we both slipped off to sleep.The foggy edges of the dream crept into my conciuos mind, soft and wet, sliding over me. I fought to hold onto the wamr feelings inside me even as mmy body was waking up. The sun was already shining in the room, and my eyes blinked open. It still took a few moments to realize Julie was the...
People thought I was crazy. Moving in with your ex-girlfriend? Renting a room in her house? Clealy I was off my rocker, or at least that was the popular opinion of the day. I nreality Julie and I were good friends who decided to go their own ways. Although we didn't talk for several months afterward, when she called and asked if I would rent a room from her when she bought her new house, I asid yes immediately. We got along great and had similar interests, so there was no reason not to. A...
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Julie’s perfectly round, luscious ass was sticking up high in the air, while her head, turned to the side, rested on the mattress. Her beautiful, curly, dirty-blonde hair covered her face slightly. Her ankles were held spread wide apart by a sturdy, metal spreader bar, while her wrists were clasped close together between them. She was completely naked, and exposed, and more turned on than she ever thought possible. I gently brushed her golden locks away from her pretty face, back behind her...
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Chapter 1 When I first saw her, she was going through the interview. Her boss to be asked my help - to interview July on some special skills she will need in her job. Actually she was not so very good in the skills, but while listening to her I could not keep my concentration. Just imagine - big blue eyes, nice small nose, a little puffy lips... her teeth were not perfect and she was aware of that, trying not to smile too much, but for me it didn't matter. I enjoyed myself a lot looking at...
A drop of sweat dripped over my temple and landed on my pillow while I swatted hopelessly at the darkness in front on my face. It felt like I was being robbed of my sanity by the persistent high-pitched hum of the mosquitos floating around my head. In my fitful state, I fantasised what Emily’s shapely legs would feel like wrapped around me with my cock deep inside her.‘This is hopeless; I can’t sleep.’ I thought.I was on holiday at the family lake house in the middle of July. My older cousin...
MasturbationMy wife Vanessa and I got married 2 years ago. She is such a cutie 25 years old about old 5'2" brunette nice perky C cup boobs, and a real nice big booty. When she wears a tight pair of jeans she really turns heads. What is what first attracted me, I saw her walking to her car after work, and I knew I had to have a piece of that. As for me I am now 28 years old, 6 foot tall, skinny, blonde hair blue eyes. Some people say I am attractive, well at least I looked good enough to attract Vanessa and...
Hello every one of indian sex stories dot net , mera nam alok hai…Mai ek sacchi khatna apko batane jaa raha hun..Meri age 25 hai…Mere ghar ke baju mai aashi nam ki aunty rehti jinki age 35 hogi..Unka figure bahut hi sundar hai..Ek din terrace par padh raha tha..Unka terrace humare terrace se laga hua hai..Terrace par unke kapde sookh rahe the…Unka salwar unka laal dupatta unki black colour ki padded bra ar unki black penty ….Unke kapdr dekh kar mere underwear m pani aa gaya…Mene chupke se unki...
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April 2002, Spring Break There really are few simple pleasures in life better than just laying out on a beach, feeling the ocean breeze ruffling through your hair while you look around and ogle all the female flesh you can find. Yeah, I would probably choose naked over bikini any day; but nakedness stimulates me the point of boiling over. Bikinis, on the other hand, let my arousal simmer well above normal but below the threshold of instability. I could perpetually be aroused and kept at...
Customizer was a site I had found on the net by pure chance... The site allegedly had the power to customize the user, blah blah etc. It was a trap! I knew that, I knew that as soon as I was done filling the forms or whatever the computer I was using would break down and die... But I didn't care because it is my dear house mates'(James and Jessie) computer... You see my sister, who is barely legal, is seeing the douchebag and no matter what I say they wouldn't separate. The reason why I don't...
In Her Service By X X They had written back and forth as well as met in person and discussed their views on power exchange. He expressed his yearning for helplessness as best he could, how he wanted a true exchange of power. That he wanted to be useful and didn't expect it to be all play. While her concerns were that she didn't want to invest time only to have one or two meetings. Not necessarily long term, but at least ongoing. He said that he would be willing to commit,...
Thanksgiving day; a day for giving thanks and for eating turkey with family. A good day if you ask me. Ashlee and I, for the first time, rolled out of bed together. I brushed my teeth while she was used the toilet and then we switched. We grabbed a shower together then get dressed and went to the kitchen. The turkey was started to smell up the kitchen. Personally, I love the smell of cooking turkey and today was my day for smells. About 9am, family started to arrive. First to arrive was...
The Family Resource CentreSunday 17 November 2019 “OK, so it’s definitely the weekend of the 13th?” Maeby Lewis asked her sister Jessica.Checking her phone, Jessica said, “Yes, we’ll fly in on... Friday morning, the 13th, and come back home late Tuesday the 17th. It has to be that as that’s the only dates that work for me,” Jessica held her phone close, whispering.She went on, “I’ll have to make sure Dennis knows well in advance, his last trip of the year is that week. I’ll put it on his...
IncestLate March— It had taken months to get past it. Ashley had had a hard time understanding Brad's point of view, and he hers. In the end, they'd cautiously tested the waters at the Green Door twice more with their rules and agreements firmly in place. The second time had only been two weeks ago. Ashley had pledged to honor the agreement not to have any physical contact. Brad had tested her, appearing to be tempted by a young, longhaired blonde there with her tall, apparently well-endowed...
Melody, the blonde woman with curly hair, once again sat in the familiar office. Today she wore a fitted blue long-sleeved shirt with some glittery graffiti that read, “Baby Grrl” across the chest. On the left sleeve was a butterfly decal. And once again, across from her, sat Miss Lang, her therapist. Christina Lang wore a casual outfit on this day, the second meeting with her client, Melody Campbell. Behind the women, the skies were cloudy with a light drizzle splashing against the...
Angel Allwood is a hot busty MILF wth it all: A mansion and a younger boyfriend on the side. It all comes crashing down when her cute little piece of ass step-daughter comes to visit. Angel’s Dominant boyfriend grows tired of playing butler and takes both step-mother and step-daughter on a squirt filled bondage and sex training. From Angel’s brutal take down with rough anal, pussy clamps, a serious belting, and orgasm denial to Zoey’s seduction with the zapper and cattle prod,...
xmoviesforyouMy sweet Ana told me this Saturday night she would go out dancing with some of her girlfriends. As she left, I just sat down on the couch to watch a movie and sip a glass of my favorite Irish whisky. I knew that, my sexy wife going out with dangerous ladies as Helena and Martha, only could end in a real disaster…A couple hours after midnight, the front doorbell rang. There was a taxi driver standing there, saying that the woman in the back seat had passed out and he was not able to wake her up....
Wearing a half-hearted smile, Mara looked out over the lake, trying to enjoy the beauty of the Minnesota morning. The laughter of a loon in the distance accompanied an earthy smelling breeze that rustled her golden blonde hair. Mara’s arm whipped, and the flat stone she held skipped out across the water, surpassing her earlier toss by several hops. Just around the bend of the shore, she heard her younger brother whoop, heralding the launch of the canoes on the morning fishing expedition. The...
My wife, Krista, recently got a secretarial job with her girlfriend. She was gone most of the week during the day till about 4 pm. I can’t say I wasn’t happy about it. I was ecstatic. I knew my wife had lost interest in our marriage years ago. Krista stayed because she had gotten used to the money. That was when I started surfing the internet and found my cyber neighbor, Lana. I got lucky in a business opportunity and once it hit big, I got out with enough money that I didn’t need to...
MILF"BONG!" went the clock. The two elegantly dressed ladies glanced upwards in response to the sound from the tower. One of the ladies, although white-haired and bent over her crooked wooden staff for support, stared up at the clock with clear-eyed expression suggesting a girl barely out of her teens. Some otherworldly energy seemed to emanate from her, similar to yet essentially different from the frenetic madness many mages of great power radiated. She shrugged at the clock and grimaced as...
I was still working for the government, and would be for the next four years. Well, they had paid for my majoring in Magic at the university. Three years at the university translated to six years of governmental service. I had already 'served' two of those six years. If my magical abilities had been discovered earlier, while I was in high school, then I could have gotten a grant, and side stepped mandatory governmental service. However, I was a late bloomer, magic wise, and no one realized...
We were all delighted to get Victoria home from the hospital. She was sore, so the girls had a wonderful time catering to her. It was a treat for them to have Mommy around for more than a day or two, whatever the reason. Victoria took it with grace, although I know she got sick of doing nothing. However, she was glad to be with the girls and me too, so she did not complain. I was delighted to have her around too - we spent too little time together. Over the years we had learned to spend...
Special thanks to: Spread1, Shotgun82, Clitpleaser12, rdwyier, Feazko, kakatz, JetiJah, workingman, stillagood1, guilz87, thickhead, TT, Ghostrider939, BadInAGoodWay, Ed W, and doug1953 For all their advice, support, encouragement and humour. I am grateful to each of you for the time you have taken in reading my stories and giving me feedback. And to all the writers of all the Unknown comments... thank you as well. It does mean something to get feedback and it is motivational to me....
Years ago, after my divorce, I did what most new divorcees do: I blamed myself the whole thing. It must have been something I did or didn't do that pushed him away. It couldn't have been the fact that he was just a lying, cheating bastard. So as a result, I went out of my way with the next man in my life do everything I could to make him happy, figuring that was the way to keep him close. This is a story about one of those attempts. Sex with my ex had been good, at least I had thought so,...
My name is John Stevens. I'm nineteen years old, six feet tall with a slender build, blond hair, and pale blue eyes. Overall, I'm a pretty normal guy except that I'm diabetic. It's nothing serious yet, I don't have to take shots, just a couple of pills every day. I like to read, making me a bit of an outcast with most of the kids my age who prefer more active pastimes. As a result I don't have many friends. Peter and I had been in the same class since kindergarten and by a quirk of...
I said, “Sure. Barry’s out of town again this week for work, so any day works for me.” Chrissy said, “Don’s going hunting this weekend at the deer lease, so let’s do it Saturday night.” “Sounds good to me,” I said….then added, “Actually, I’ve never been to one of these places….I’m kinda excited about checking it out.” Chrissy exclaimed, “Oh, Paula, you’ll love it. The guys are all well- built with huge cocks that are barely covered….until they’re uncovered….it’ll blow your mind. I go...
Wednesday 8th November 2017I stood in the bedroom doorway looking at Jill’s long brown hair, splayed majestically down her back and crowning the pillow on which her sleeping head lay. Breathing in one of life’s best aromas, I placed my steaming coffee on my bedside table. Easing back into bed, I instantly felt Jill’s sleeping form react to my presence and snuggle next to me.How does she do that? Not even conscious, how does she respond to my presence and mold herself to me without waking? Is it...
Wife LoversMy moans begin to heightened as my and David's bodies started grinding against one another's...his hot breath impaling my neck and ear lobes as his body began to hump mine. I grabbed his ass as he humped me...smashing his cock against mine who by now was hard and ready to dance. We kissed again deeply tasting each other's saliva every time we could. David moved south kissing his way down my neck with his lips and tongue. He stopped to say hello to my nipples and then went down to do some navel...
Meeting at Jonathan’s was a good idea. We decide that meeting in a place that neither of our respective others would ever go was a good plan. I decide to grab a table n the corner in one of the booths. You call my cell when you arrive in the parking lot. You meet me and to your surprise I have someone else there. “hey sweetie,” I say as I grab you and kiss you before you sit down. “This is my friend Jennifer from work,” As I sit back down and pull you onto my side of the booth. “Nice...
The Joy of Momdom Part TwoThis is part two of the story some of you have been waiting for. Again, the usual disclaimers apply. If you're under 18, you shouldn't be reading this. If you're offended by stories involving i****t, then you don't want to read this story. In this story I inject an element which some who are offended by blasphemy/religious heterodoxy may not care to read. None of the characters in the story are under 18.My son lifted his glass.“Wait,” I said.I raised my glass and...
Viking FuckingIt's a mild Spring morning in the golden fields of Scandinavia. New life bursting at the seems all around.The sky is clear blue, with white fluffy clouds painted on the bright canvas of the day.A king is striding along through the tall grass, with wooden carved bow in hand, hunting for wild boars or rabbits or reindeer, or any kind of tasty game he can find and claim for his own.He is a powerful man.Literally.Tall, and strong, and big. Like a man-mountain made out of unflinching...
I re-read the email for the fifth time. Again my heart sank, no matter how many times I read it, no matter how I tried to make it sound better than it was, the truth was I didn't get picked for the management position. Instead, Jennifer Hacobstein got the job, I was supposed to be her second, which was a massive jump for me in the company, but I wanted the management position.Jennifer was old school. She was going to go in there like she had done many times over her career and do the same thing...
AnalHey readers and this is my first ever story on this site, I am pretty much excited about it and hoping to finish writing in one goes and please forgive my bad punctuation. This story is just there in my mind never really wrote it down so once I am done writing I myself will read it once, first things first I came to know a little secret about women. The women who are shyer are like pandora’s box once they are open, sky is the limit. You need to be patient with them after so many...
I had talked to Eve the night before. I was heading to Birmingham tomorrow for the weekend. She and Joan would fly down. It was the late in the afternoon when Eve called Thursday. She said, "We have been back at the table negotiating. The production company is starting to come around. I think they finally realize that I haven't been bluffing. I think the 'for sale' sign on my house here surprised and convinced them. We don't have an agreement but they will fly to Birmingham for a couple...
The sitting room was probably big enough to fit Joanne’s entire apartment into it without touching the sides, but it still felt like a cage to her. She paced its length, one step for each tick of the obnoxiously loud grandfather clock on the east wall, reminding herself again and again that the only thing she could do right now was wait. Because all the other plans were crazy. She couldn’t go to the police, she didn’t have anything even approaching the kind of proof that could get them through...
This is the story of my first-time wearing women’s panties. I was raised by my grandma. She was a real conservative woman who believed the bible word for word. As a result, I was extremely sheltered from the shows I watched and music I listened too to clothes and even the kinds of friends I could have. One day I was sitting in my room playing video games when my grandma had come in. “Matt, she said, I have some bad news. Your great uncle John passed away this morning”. My great uncle...
However, I have not watched him blow another man during our stay here. Though I want to, it will be a huge turn on for me. Perhaps we can share the same man? We both have strong sex drives and are gender fluid: he has no qualms about another man blowing him - as long as I watch. We have been invited to a cocktail party at five on the Saturday, an early start so people can pair off if they wish. “I want us to find a man for you tonight,” I tell him after lunch as we relax on the bed teasing...
Louis waited. The longer he sat alone, the more he began to worry. It was the same thing she did at school; letting the parties stew until they confessed. Louis wondered what he had done. That made him even more nervous. "Hobson, what is Leslie doing?" Louis heard the crack in his voice, betraying his nervousness. There was no reply. Hobson ignored his inquiries. Sitting in the chair, Louis leaned his forehead on the desk. Pounding lightly against the surface, he tried to jar his memory....
On New Year Eve my dad went out to a party, and so did Rosie (and no, not together). We all got permission from the parental units to have a small party at my house. Just us. Holly and Keith, and Linda and I.Oh, and Mandy too. Yea, we were also on babysitting duty. Not that at being 14 next month she really needed a “babysitter”. But it was one of the conditions for the girls getting to stay over.So we hung out, listened to music, and danced between joking around. And everybody danced with...
This is the story of my erotic encounter with a girl in a library who’s name is still unknown to me.It happened when I was in Bombay. I used to stay at my uncle’s place which is on marine lines near the liberty theatre. I am an ardent reader so I asked my relatives if there was a reading library nearby and they pointed me towards Oxford library which was about 15 mins walk ahead. I had arrived on Thursday and that very afternoon I decided to go there. I took the long walk which exhausted me and...
Amanda knew it was coming. She had been awake for over 10 minutes perfecting her plan. *Cough cough* "OK dad" She said with the huskiest voice she could muster. "Wait a second, are you feeling OK kiddo?" "yeah, I'm fine. *Cough* just .. Clearing my throat" "You don't sound fine." He placed his hand on her forehead "You're warm, you might have a fever" She had used an extra blanket to cover her head, hoping for exactly this outcome. "Not uh, I'm cold, not warm." she...