One Dark NightChapter 7
- 3 years ago
- 28
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The next several weeks went by pretty uneventful. Smiley and a small crew flew down to South Africa to get Land Rover parts and came back to tell Webb that the government of SA respectfully requests that we do not return after they found out where the parts were being shipped to. Webb just sort of chuckled at that and pulled out his little 'black book' and went through the pages before giving Smiley a couple of phone numbers to call. Ed and I sat around wasting time and drinking a lot of coffee.
This was the week that the cadre was to start airmobile training. They had come along pretty good; most of them had some training from the former governments, France and Belgium so they had the basics down. Webb had given me the assignment to start working with Captain Mubassa and form a quick reaction force (QRF) to handle border incursions. DRC had suffered through several such incursions in the past and the big man himself had passed word down that he wanted it stopped, immediately. Mubassa had handpicked a few junior officers to accompany me to the NW corner of the country, a little town called Goma where most of the problems were.
Goma was just a little dirt/mud hut town that straddled the road that went to Uganda. It was mostly make-work and I knew it. Ed was going along to keep an eye on things. Captain Ryan had chopped us a Puma and a Hughes 500 for air support and observation.
We didn't see much of Dickerson or his boys but they were there. You would get that itchy feeling and sure enough, they would appear at the next corner or be parked alongside the road. I made an effort to not flip them the bird when I saw them.
The primary goal of the operation was to strengthen the border security in and around Goma, which was a total joke. The border was nothing but a line of square, concrete blocks set in a line that stretched off into the distance. No fence, no gate, no customs or entry building. Goma was probably half sitting inside Uganda for all we knew. The 1800 treaty that set the borders for the continent was not even enforced and Uganda coveted the mineral rich land of its western neighbor. We flew in that afternoon and set up just outside of town. Captain Hopper and two other pilots were our aircrew. Hopper was an excellent pilot and had cut his teeth on the Hughes. I went up with him in the Hughes to get a lay of the land and get the orientation of the map. We ended up zipping down the canyons and rubbing the hilltops as he flew NOE for the entire flight. I'm sure he tried to get me sick because everytime I would look down at the map he would do a pop up that made my stomach sink to my boots.
I kept a straight face and just acted like nothing happened. After an hour of these antics, we headed back. I had the map set up with the landmarks and we had scouted several LZs that we could use to bring in supplies or reinforcements.
I called Webb and gave him a sitrep and he assured me that the supplies and troops were on their way at first light. He also told me that Mubassa had informed him that his brother in law, Major Mayala, was in the area with a heavy armor company and had artillery attached to them. They would give us support if we needed it as DRC kept them in the area as a deterrent to Uganda mounting a full invasion.
Ed and I wandered into town and walked around checking things out. The people mostly stared and some women actually took their kids inside. There might have been two working cars in the entire town, which had a population of around 600. They had running water and some telephone service, unreliable at best. Ed was making notes about what would be needed to base a unit here. He mentioned that something had to be done about the water and the medical. I just nodded and watched as the people here lived a simple life yet just a few miles away was an European mining operation that mined industrial diamonds. Most of the males in town worked there and were paid very little for the long hours. Just before sundown, a truck came roaring along the dirt track from Uganda and sped into town. I was bringing up my rifle when Ed stopped me. It was a civilian truck not military. I watched as it slid to a stop in the center of town and the people ran to it. The back was open and several people began trading with the townspeople. Amazing. What they didn't have, which was quite a bit, they traded a couple nights a week with a supplier from Uganda.
The next morning, the troops were flown in and the establishment of a forward support base began in earnest. The buildings were prefab and flown in by Chinook later that same day. The area had been selected for its elevation and clear fields of fire around the perimeter. We spent the next day and a half assembling the buildings and starting on the fence. It was like putting together a huge erector set. The company that sold us the buildings was based in Germany and had done several contracts around the world and I was mildly surprised that they had provided housing units to Costa Rica.
The buildings were up and finished by the end of the second day and all that was left was hooking up the generators and making sure everyone was aware of the POL site and the strict no smoking around it. We took the third day off and wandered around the camp meeting and greeting the troops. Most spoke French or broken English so communication was not difficult. I was walking around the motor pool area looking at the Hummers that we had and thinking about the weapons configurations when Ed walked up.
He was quiet for a time then finally said something. He asked me how I was doing. I replied as to how did he think I was doing. He told me that he had never lost anyone in combat and went on to tell me that he had been in the Air Force assigned to CCT/FO before transferring to the Air Police and then getting out and joining Seattle PD SWAT. I knew he was a local guy but had no idea he had worked in the same city as I had when I was with FedEx.
We called it a night after informing the platoon leaders of a meeting after breakfast. It was quiet out here but I'm sure that would change.
Just after first light, we stood to, did PT then broke up for breakfast. Ed and I would be acting officers for the duration of the training. We were to be simulated majors so that the chain of command would flow smoothly. After chow, we assembled the troops and told them to get their gear and fall in within 20minutes at the motor pool.
Ed moved off that way and I took the platoon leaders into the hooch that was designated the head shed. I had maps of the area and led them through the movements and what was to occur at each point that we would stop at. I went slow and made sure that everyone understand exactly what was to happen and how it was to be done. Captain Hopper would provide us with overhead cover and scout; the other two pilots were to be close to the Puma in the event that we needed a medical evac for any injuries. (Plan ahead just in case.) Two platoons would remain behind, one to continue work on the perimeter defenses and the other would work with Ed on patrolling techniques.
We fell out and I led the two platoon leaders over to the motor pool. I held a brief inspection to make sure that the troops were equipped properly and showed the platoon leaders what I was looking for. I let them do the inspection on the second platoon before we loaded up and moved out the main gate. The dust from the ten hummers was quite impressive. I lost sight of Goma shortly after we moved out because of it. I was in the second hummer in our little group; it was configured as a commo/command vehicle so I had three radios and a sat phone inside as well as a driver and three guards.
The point vehicle and the third vehicle of each group were configured as a fire support element mounted with ring mount .50 and two Belgian FN MAG 7.62 lightweight machine guns. The other vehicles were troops carriers and support. The drive out was rough as I directed the vehicles over terrain that paralleled the border and still be inside DRC by at least a few yards. The idea was to make a great big loop with the last half of the operation being right next to the border. I'm sure that after we made this trip a few times, a road would start to materialize. Cpt. Hopper flew along our path, leap frogging ahead and then darting back and then forward again, like a giant dragonfly. At noon, I called a break and we stopped for lunch.
The troops broke out the supplied MREs, still a novelty for them but they were soon getting used to it, set security and started lunch. I walked down the column to stretch my legs and work out some of the kinks I had got from the bumpy ride. We had stopped in a small arroyo that would provide some shade and I was glad to see the platoon leaders put scouts out on the ridgeline. I squatted in the shade and talked to the platoon leaders while we ate and discussed the upcoming ambush drill. I would move ahead with the point vehicle and set simulators and pop smoke then see how the platoons reacted.
Lunch finished and I got into the point vehicle to head out and wait. The platoon leaders instructed the troops that we would conduct a live fire ambush drill and I was going to be observing. I found the perfect spot, stopped the hummer and took my little bag of goodies out. The vehicle crew helped me set up the course and then I radioed back that we were ready. We moved the vehicle over to the other side of the road and waited. The column halted beside us a few minutes later and I briefed the platoons on how we would move into the 'ambush' area, taking the time to point out the landmarks and how terrain could be used and identified as beneficial and detrimental to both the ambushee and the ambusher. They asked questions which were, hopefully, explained to their satisfaction. I stressed that the safety for this evolution was paramount and that all weapons were to be safed before leaving the area.
They mounted up, turned around and moved back up the road to start the exercise. I watched them as they moved into the 'kill zone'. Once they hit the sweet spot, I triggered the artillery simulator and they bailed out of their hummers and began to move into the ambush denying the kill zone to the ambushers and forcing the 'enemy' to take cover. I threw smoke grenades over them to land in front and make them lose visibility. I then triggered the simulators along their right flank. The combined thunderous noise and wadding flying added to the realism, I touched off the ones on the left flank and finally the big ones to the front.
There was dust; dirt clods and assorted debris flying all around, that and the smoke from the grenades really made this appear like the real thing. I watched as the platoon leaders moved their men to plug holes and suppress the imaginary enemy. It was all over in less than 10minutes. I blew my whistle long and loud to let them know it was over. I watched, making sure that the platoon leaders and platoon sergeants verified that the troops had safe weapons before I came out from behind the vehicles. The troops looked good and had handled the exercise pretty well considering no one was shooting back. I sat them down in the limited shade and we critiqued every thing they did as well as take questions and suggestions from the troops.
Most thought it was pretty realistic, others who had seen action, said it was easier because there was no return fire. I was impressed that they had handled it as well as they did. Bobby Rodriguez had told me that they were good and they looked it.
The troops were in good spirits for the rest of the trip. The return leg would put us right along the border. There was already a dirt path along part of it and after ten hummers went over it, it was almost a road. We only stopped a few times to use the PTO winch to move rocks out of the way and clear a path. It was getting dark when we saw the lights of the camp ahead. Our trail would put us in Goma before we turned west again and moved to the camp. The people of Goma stood in the doorways and watched as we went by. Most just stared, some of the kids waved. Ed had been busy while we were out playing.
The perimeter had been pushed back a few more yards and there were now sandbag towers at the corners, mortar pits and heavy weapon positions around the perimeter. There was also an outer gate and an inner gate with bunkers and trench work in place and coils of concertina wire, stacked three coils high around the outer perimeter.
It looked more like a Vietnam era firebase then a forward deployment installation. I was tired when the hummer stopped and Ed met me at the door to the head shed. He quickly briefed me on the LZ situation, including the one he had established within the inner and outer fences, and that we would be getting a supply run the next morning with some engineer equipment, more ammo, two more trucks and more concrete and wire.
The next few weeks went by in a blur. The engineers had come in and graded the area around the base and widened the road to Goma. They had worked for several days and finally established a patrol road along the border and had marked it with survey stakes. Before they pulled out, they had dug several deep wells for the citizens and two for our use. After they left, we held classes through interpreters, about how to use the seeds that had been delivered. The people of Goma were very grateful when equipment for their farming needs was delivered. Within a month, they walked with their heads up and had some of their pride back.
Soon livestock arrived and several truck farms sprung up. The weekly truck from Uganda came less frequently to deliver and now was loaded with vegetables and fruit shipping out. Another month came and went and I noticed that the Ugandan driver now had a newer truck and was able to purchase another to keep up with the flow of consumables he was transporting.
The unit was now very cohesive and operated very efficiently with the environment. They had begun cross training and the weapons range had been finished. This was one kick ass unit that would take some names if they ever got into the shit. Ed continued his patrol training methods; I kept up with the weapons training and with the platoon leaders, developed a quick reaction plan in the event that Ugandan forces crossed over.
We had worked closely with the DRC arty unit and had the entire area gridded out and referenced for artillery support. Our air wing had been augmented with two of the four Hughes 500 D Defender gunships and one Puma for troop transport and medical extraction.
Four of our ten hummers had been equipped with Milan anti-tank systems and the rest all sported a mounted mg or grenade launcher including the command vehicles. A shipment of six land rovers, which we quickly converted to the 'R-SOV' configuration, complemented our motor pool. These six rovers could be used for troop transports, fire support or field ambulances. All were mounted with the Belgian FN Minimi and one, my favorite, had the M214 minigun mounted on it. The M214 had started life as a long barrel, helicopter or vehicle mounted suppressive weapon. Over the years the barrel had been shortened and several versions had been created for individual soldier use, most notable the M134 minigun. It worked best when mounted and ours was an early model that still had the longer barrel. It fired from six barrels and was in 5.56 same as the M16, and it wouldn't shake up the vehicle too much. The power source was a battery system that connected to the slave port already in the back of the military version of our rovers. It would give the boys some serious firepower if needed.
At the natural chokepoint that the road leading to Uganda had, we posted signs facing Uganda telling of the new border crossing that had been completed. We had the engineers build us some molds of the old style 'dragon's teeth' that the Germans have favored so much on the Maginot Line during WWII. Those teeth combined with the jersey barriers we set in place, funneled all vehicle traffic to the border crossing and would hopefully slow down any mounted advance. On the high ground on our side of the border, we set up some OP/LP sites and made sure that they had hard line communication to the base.
The view was incredible from those sites. They could easily see two miles into Uganda and the entire border to the horizon in both directions. The base looked like an ant farm from there. We ran a simple two-strand fence along the border and hung signs in several languages along with the skull and crossbones symbol to warn the walking stragglers. On the inside of our patrol road, the residents of Goma had used the straight edge of the road to align their fields with. As the unit would make its patrol, it wasn't uncommon to have them come back with a load of fruit and vegetables that they had been given. The people didn't view us as aggressors but closer to saviors, as they had suffered from dry wells, bad crops and dead livestock until we arrived.
During those months, it was enjoyable to not worry about Dickerson and his goons. Webb called weekly and never questioned anything we requested. When our relief showed four months after we got there, it was almost a homesick feeling when we boarded the supply helo and waved to the platoon leaders. I trusted our relief so there was no doubt that they would be able to work well with the DRC unit. Several villagers turned out and waved from the fence line.
I didn't know that this was the last time I would see that unit or village again.
(Author's Note: In 2002, a major earthquake leveled the entire town of Goma and severely damaged the base. Uganda sent troops in to 'assist' with rescue operations and provide aid; the beleaguered DRC unit was quickly overwhelmed and killed to the last man. Ugandan forces moved in and set up operations in the base we had built.)
The flight back was quiet and I dozed off several times. I did wake up to notice that we weren't heading for the airfield but the hotel. The Puma flared over the roof and lightly set down long enough for us to step off before it pulled pitch and flew off. Ed and I looked at each other and just shrugged, as it saved us a road trip. We walked down the stairs and inside without another word. I got to my room and it was like a breath of fresh air. I dumped all my field gear in a pile on the floor and headed in to take a real shower before ordering room service and beginning the task of cleaning all my gear.
I spent a few days lounging around and relaxing. Webb stopped by and we talked about the unit, their training, and how far they had come. On his last visit that week; he mentioned that they had had a small ceremony for Clint and Doc Johnson. The plane taking the remains back was leaving the next morning and he wanted to know if I was going on it. With all the paperwork involved and that fact that it was two foreign nationals that had been killed, that explained the delay. That, and Webb was a stickler for investigations and thoroughness. I told him I would and he stood, shook my hand, told me to tell Karen hi and left. I sat there and thought about it for a while. I called Karen on my sat phone and told her I'd be heading back tomorrow and gave her a tentative time frame. We spoke for several hours just catching up. I didn't tell her about Clint even though there were numerous times I could have. I told her I loved her and would see her soon before I hung up and headed down to dinner.
As I was walking to the banquet room, I noticed that one of Dickerson's goons was in the lobby. I stopped and fixed him with a stare. I could tell that he was attempting to ignore me and continued to focus on his newspaper. I walked over to one of the pillars and leaned against it, still staring at him. Ed came over and asked me what I was doing. I told him and he looked over. He then said in a loud voice that everyone in the lobby heard, that it was a waste of time to stare at a pile of shit, as all it would do is dry up and blow away, or get stepped on. The guy looked like he was getting a bit miffed at our observation, as his face got a little darker. I agreed with Ed and then we both went into the banquet room and forgot about it. After dinner, he wasn't there, no big deal.
The next morning, I met Joe in front of the hotel and he drove me to the airfield. I was early so I killed some time shooting the breeze with Smiley until the Puma landed that was to ferry me back over to ROC and the flight home. Smiley had an honor guard formed and two silver caskets were hand loaded on the Puma. I got onboard and took the seat normally used by the flight engineer. The flight over was quiet and the only conversation was between the pilots and the tower. We set down at Quist's warehouse where he met us with a forklift and we transferred the caskets to a truck. He arranged for a lead and trail vehicle.
Before we left the warehouse complex, I borrowed another CAR15 and a few magazines in the event that something happened between here and the airport. I was beginning to feel naked without a weapon. It was still early as we rolled through town, traffic was light but I still kept checking the side streets and buildings out of habit. We rolled up to the service entrance at the airport where the paramilitary guards reviewed our paperwork before waving us through. We drove out onto the tarmac and right up to the British Airways plane.
When we stopped, I got out and walked over to the freight handlers and watched as they unloaded the cargo and put it into the plane. I walked back over to the lead vehicle and handed the driver my weapon after removing the mag and working the action several times to ensure it was safe. I then got my bag and went up the air stairs, handing the attendant my ticket. The flight was long and I spent most of it reading the in flight magazines, watching the movies provided and staring out the window.
We flew to Saudi Arabia where we switched planes and flew into Heathrow. There was a two-hour layover and when I did the math, I realized that it was after 2am west coast time and decided not to call Karen until I got to New York. Heathrow was pretty busy for that time of day, which was a little surprising. I wandered around and found a McDonalds and had a quick meal before heading over to the ticket counter for check in. When I got to the counter, the agent looked at my ticket and then at the manifest and then back at me. I was thinking, WTF, when he asked me if I had any other luggage besides the carry-on. I told him no as I was escorting some cargo back to the states. He asked me what it was and I told him. He got this look on his face that I can only describe as one a baby would get when it first crapped its diaper and then asked me to accompany the security officer that walked up. I didn't say anything as he handed my ticket back to me and I fell in step with the officer, taking note of the other officers that kept their distance but paced us as we headed for the customs/freight area. Once we got off the main concourse, the flanking officers had to close in and we all got bunched up inside the hallway and the stairwell that led to the cargo area. I didn't ask any questions and they weren't real chatterboxes, so it was a quiet walk with nothing but their footsteps echoing off the concrete. We got to a small fenced area and inside were the two caskets.
The lead officer opened the gate and motioned me inside while two of the others flanked the opening. He asked me some questions about the caskets, the customs seals, the country of origin and the contents. I asked him what he thought the contents were and he got a little argumentative. I told him flat out that they contained the remains of two of my best friends. His entire demeanor changed and he apologized and then led me back out of the area, expressing his apology several more times and then attempting to justify his actions by explaining how contraband has come into the UK in caskets in the past. At the door that led to the concourse, he apologized again and told me he was going to call ahead to the ticket counter and get me priority boarding for my inconvenience. I thanked him and moved off to my plane. I dozed off on the flight and woke only for the meals.
We landed at New York about 30minutes early due to some tailwind and I took the time to call Karen and let her know when I'd hit SEATAC. She told me that Tiffany had called her just that morning to ask about Clint and to have her ask me the next time I called. I told her to not call Tiffany until I got in. There was silence on the phone when I told her that. Finally she asked me if something had happened. I told her I would discuss it with her when I got in. She didn't say anything so I told her I loved her and then hung up as they called my flight.
I got into SEATAC a little after 1900hrs and made my way down to the freight area. As I entered the section, I noticed two guys in suits talking to the customs person. I stood behind them and couldn't help but overhear the conversation. They were asking him about the two caskets I was picking up. I glanced over and saw the hearse already waiting for my release signature.
The two guys were getting into it pretty heavy when another one showed up, looked at me, back at the customs clerk, then back at me before pulling out his ID, shoving it into my face and identifying himself as a federal agent. Suddenly, several hands grabbed me, pulled my carry-on off my shoulder, pushed me into the counter, cuffed me and started to mirandize me. Great. A long flight now this.
I was escorted out and into a waiting FOUO government sedan, which peeled out before the doors were even closed. One agent continued to ask me if I understood my rights and if I wanted to waive my right to an attorney while another, the one sitting next to me kept repeating how I was in really deep shit. I looked out the window and ignored them until they shut up and we pulled into the Federal Building just a few blocks away from the Alaskan Way Viaduct. We breezed into the underground garage, squealed to a stop and I was manhandled out of the car. Once we were buzzed inside, I was taken to an area where the cuffs were removed and I was told to place my hands on the painted hand outline on the wall and assume a front leaning rest position while I was once again patted down for any weapons and read my Miranda rights yet again. The cuffs went back on and I was led down a hallway and put in an interrogation room. I looked around the room, it was pretty much like you see on TV, plain, drab, metal table, chairs and mirror on the wall. I knew the drill, sit there, be bored while a group watches you from the mirror, then after you're good and irritated, someone comes in with the coffee and your file. Surprisingly, it wasn't a long wait. An agent came in, in shirtsleeves, top button unbuttoned, tie askew, coffee in one hand and a file in the other.
Both hands full so someone outside the door opened it for him. He walked around me, took a seat in the other chair across the table from me and started to go through my file. Yet another time wasting exercise, as he already knew what was in it before they picked me up. This tactic is designed to get the other person nervous and scared. It didn't work. I was awake from the naps I had taken on the flights, and had played this game before so it was no big deal to sit there and watch as he started round one.
The agent made the usual noises as if he had found something new within my file. I just sat there and stared at him, my hands were getting a little prickly from the cuffs but then again, that's part of the game as well, get the other person uncomfortable and off balance. He finally looked up and saw me staring at him, took a sip from his cup and then stared back. Finally, he said something. It was the old you know you're in a lot of trouble speech, followed by the aiding and abetting a known gun smuggler, and then there are no immigration stamps for your entry or exit from DRC. Then the whole quiet contemplation look and the would you like to waive your right to a lawyer question, followed by more silence.
I told him to charge me or release me. He then flipped to the page in the file and began to read off the charges. Willingly and knowingly entering a country without a valid entry or exit stamp, aiding and abetting a suspected terrorist organization and international gun smuggler, (Quist's operation), inciting civil disorder (?), violation of several State department statutes, rules and regulations, failure to make my presence known to the American Mission in DRC, attempted murder of a federal agent (? Shooting Dickerson's vehicle?), destruction of government property (the land rover), threatening a federal agent while in the course of his duty, failure to cease and desist all actions when aforementioned agent identified himself as such, how Interpol now had me listed as a person of interest, and some other bullshit items like national security issues, violation of the non-disclosure agreements, the secrecy acts, selling military secrets to a foreign country, training foreign military troops in classified US military doctrine. I listened as he rattled on and on before he added that I was in so deep that I'd need a periscope to see daylight when it was all over, and then the trump card of how I could lose my citizenship and become persona non grata after spending a couple of centuries to life in a federal prison. I just sat there and smirked at him. He blustered a little more then stood and told me that it could be easier if I talked and handed over the leaders of this little operation. Which of course, in my mind, would be Laurent Kabila, the president of DRC and his sons Joseph and Steven. He wanted the financial people, the suppliers, the gunrunners, everything. He shut up and I just smirked some more and told him to give me my phone call. He left the room then and let me sit for a few more hours. By the time he came back in, I had lost feeling in my fingers.
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My pretty blond wife Amie I have been married for 9 years and I am writing this story to tell you about an adventure we had a few years ago. Let me start by describing my wife, she is 30 years old, 5' 2", 112 lbs, and her measurements are 34c-24-34, Her blond hair has natural curls that cascade over her smooth shoulders. She has stunningly pretty blue eyes and she turns many a man's head.Our adventure started with her telling me about how she had some black lovers before she met me. For some...
[Disclaimer: This story reads best in LANDSCAPE MODE on a smart phone or any other mobile device.] Meanwhile, back at Jackson Heights, I got to orchestra class just as the bell rang. I didn’t have the ANNIE score with me, but I figured I knew it well enough to wing it. I visualized the score in my head and announced, “We are only doing the musical numbers I have heard regular mistakes in. Go to music #2 and start playing. I will stop you as necessary.” We started the underscoring, and I...
....thank fuck,I hear all you guys who've endured this rambling retelling of my very first bisexual/gay experience.I have to say I've so love reliving it as I've wrote about it and that's why it's taken me so long.It maybe because it was only 9 years ago or perhaps because having any sexual interest or feeling for other/another men was so totally opposed to what i've felt for the vast majority of my life and how i saw myself that makes losing my virginity to a man far more significant than when...
Few days ago at work, I was talking to a server named Mary, Mary is a year older than me and she is a BBW. She’s not that big, I would say close to 200 lbs. Her tits might be D or DD, I didn’t asked.She is a single mother with 2 k**s, her ex-husband left her about 3 years ago for a younger woman. So, at the end of our shift I was talking to her and joking saying she should take me home, and she said ok come with me. We clocked out and she told me to get in her car, she didn’t live far from...
MY MIGHTY MIRROR´S MEMORY HAS A SECRET -- A SWITCHABLE SEE-THROUGH SPECIALITYMY MIRROR is a new series with probably several sub-series of horny heroines of sexy scenarios it sawMY MIRROR starts with its first sub-series of my yummy younger sister: sweet sexy ´sexteen´ StephanieMY MIRROR IS WRITTEN ´WOMEN´S WOMB´S SEXY SECRETS, STRICTLY FOR FEMALES ONLYMY MIRROR IS WRITTEN WITH ALL MY MIGHT -- WHICH I WILL WATCH TO SPOT ANY...
I have always loved girls, women, females and I still do. But, in 2011, I had an experience that showed me that along with girls, women, females, I just plain love sex. On the road for a few days, crisscrossing South Florida, I was staying in motels. In one, where I had planned to stay from Friday afternoon until a Monday morning meeting, I met someone new. I had gone to a grocery on Saturday morning to get some cold drinks, and snacks and was unloading and stocking the little refrigerator in...
Well, one weekend our parents went out of town and let me watch the house. That was a big mistake. I decided to throw the party of the century. Friday night came around and my parents handed me some money and gave me a lecture about not having anyone over. I waited about an hour then I started calling all my friends telling them to bring the drinks. Around 7:00pm a couple of my friends showed up with three kegs. By 10:00 there was proudly about 50 people at the party. Lisa had been bitching...
CHAPTER FOUR SPRING, FRESHMAN YEAR It felt so good to be back out on the water again. Grace reveled in the feeling of the cold air passing over her cheeks as the rowers pulled the boat through the water. The women’s team felt sluggish compared to the men, they didn’t have the same power, but it wasn’t just that, the crew she’d been given sucked. They had no discipline on the water and their technique was terrible. Since Grace was a freshman and she had been the last to join the team she...
I promised in the comments of my last story, ‘Peeing Tom’, that I’d write the follow up real soon.That was two years ago. Sorry I lied. Also: I can’t write the follow up, because the ending is the only part of the story that wasn’t true. And I kind of like to stick to true stories. Like that one time at the empty dormitories.This is ages ago. We were young (but let's say we were legal), drunk and horny. My friend who’s dad owns a private school took three girls (let’s call them Trish, Kate and...
The story is a work of fiction. Read it for fun. Similarities to real life characters are merely coincidental. All comments to be written in the box below. Sunil: Rehaan’s dad Shanti: Sunil’s wife Prakash: Sunil’s boss Aarti: Prakash’s wife He slurped his noodles as he listened to them talk. Grown-ups are boring. While they dined, the men spoke about their jobs while the women spoke about their day. Classic small talk. What a waste of time, he thought. Well not exactly. The women in the green...
Adventures of a Novice Janet L. Stickney [email protected] That first time I tried on my sisters clothes I was just 8 years old. She was 12, so the fit was bad, but I was in heaven! I tried using my Mothers makeup while dressed in Julie's clothes, unaware that I looked a lot more like a clown and a lot less like a real girl. Yet what I saw in the mirror excited something deep inside of me that I had no name for, I just knew that I had to dress up so I could look like a girl. My...
The room wasn't really dark, only dim. People who have lived their whole lives in the LA Metro, or any major metro area, don't know what darkness really looks like. Driving into the area across the desert you can see the glow from fifty miles away. Light pollution they call it, the dense reflection of a million street lights, stop lights, signs, headlights — even the relatively small amount bleeding through the drawn shades of all the homes — all contributing to a haze of light that...
I was startled when the phone rang. I went over and picked it up, “Hello?” It was my youngest step daughter. We had always been very fond of each other. Her mother and I, having been married for 13 years, were separated for the last two and a half. You know where that was going. At the young age of 17, she had moved out of our house in Phoenix and had gone to LA to seek fame and fortune. Well, not exactly. She was cute, but certainly not star material. She knew that. She was petite,...
IncestOne friday me and two of my friends were heading to the school parking lot talking. we decided that we were going to hang out that night. so later that night I decided to take a shower before leaving. when I got in I felt my penis begin to grow hard and thoughts of Dale on my friends was going through my head. Dale was 5'9 has hair kind of shy and very athletic. he is pretty built with a nice six pack. I have never had any gay thoughts because I was straight. but I went with the thoughts and...
First TimeA few years ago, I got into an extra curricular relationship with a Polish girl at work. We were both seeing other people at the time, so everything that was wrong about it was very wrong, but we couldn’t leave each other alone and the lack of opportunities was making us both hornier by the day. We would steal kisses in the lift, or spend 10 minutes in a bathroom, but in a fairly small building, it wasn’t easy to be alone or find time when either of us wouldn’t be missed. We’d nip out for...
Eight days after leaving the forest, a low circle of hills appeared on the horizon off to the right of their path. As they drew closer, Tristan noticed a faint mist hanging over them in the morning chill. They were setting up camp for the night when he pointed them out to Aesia. "I think we should make for those hills. We may find water and game. If there is we could rest for a few days and regain our strength." She stood and looked where he pointed "But that's out of our way." "Yes,...
IntroI read some stories here and they were very interesting only if they were real. That gives me the idea coz i have plenty of real ones from my own experiences which can help readers to feel good. So wanna hear one ? Stop wanking at the picture & continue readingWell it's not a big secret that i am Xhamster verified if you didn't realize, that i have a high sex drive with much will to express it. I have had plenty of partners before even though i am a happily married mom now although i...
Innocent Guilt To Hurt is to Become Chapter 2 Day 2 Bill was alone. The room was void of everything and everyone. Suddenly a spotlight from above shined directly in Bill's eyes. "Who's there?" Bill asked. "You've been a very bad boy Mister Edwards. You've hurt, lied, and cheated." A voice said. "I'm a American citizen! If you don't let release me there will be trouble. I know my rights!" Bill screamed back. "You had your rights, but you abused them. You were very bad...
From a girl's perspective:I thought I was looking for a boyfriend when I set up my online dating profile.I’d never had much luck with dating. It wasn’t that I wasn’t interested — I’d always loved men. Dating them was fun, the balance between a mans personality and my own feminine one was electric, it kept things interesting. But for whatever reason it never lasted very long. I’d do things like leave town for days without telling him or bringing my phone, or stay in bed with a book all day and...
I was just a normal girl while growing up. I was not your usual studious type with spectacles nor was I the naughty one. I loved playing with my Barbie, ran around the house all day, shared meaningless secrets with my friends, giggled at every little thing and made plans in my head about the little pranks I enjoyed carrying out. I grew up in a council estate with my parents and my relationship with them was good - I loved hanging around with them and they enjoyed having me around. As I got...
Hi to all my readers. Sorry about the long delay between chapters but life got in the way in the form of the premature arrival of my new Granddaughter, who is now doing great. * Janey sat on the edge of the bench sipping her orange juice while Ren stood between her knees watching her as he drank his coffee. When she had finished her juice he took the glass from her hand and placed it on the bench beside his cup before lowering his head to kiss her deeply. ‘Knock it off you pair. Didn’t you...
Introduction: I took advice from the advice I got and also decided to add some plot. Then I decided to say fuck it and disregard the plot of the books. Please, give me more criticism. It was a windy day at Hogwarts. Harry and Ron could hear the harsh wind howling outside the Gryffindor tower as they sat down for a game of wizards chess. They enjoyed the warmth of the common room, and the solitude of it so far. The roar of the fire their only companion as they battled for supremacy on the board....
Donald came and stood beside her, and again, raised his hand and spanked her for her indiscretion. He did this time seven times on each cheek. It took a while, as between each spank he would rub and knead her cheeks for a minute or so. This attention was so nice, but it made each slap sting a little more, which Emma found pleasured her in a way also. Oh, she had yearned for attention for so long, that any she got was a joy. Finished with her discipline, Donald saw that Emma had been dripping...
Love Stories119 Squadron undertook fleet evolutions as they escorted the convoy out into Paracelsus often using the merchantmen as simulated enemy. As the convoy broke up, ships of the squadron deployed as escorts. This was the most dangerous time; it was rare at this time for a merchantman to travel by itself but it did happen and there were losses. The escorts would be on their own with several merchantmen in company and this was a juicy target; take out the escort and here were three or so fat...
It was a hot July day. Right after my wife left for work, I took a shower, wrapped myself in a bathrobe and sat in one of our lounge chairs in the backyard. No fences but low shrubs define our orders with our hard-working neighbors who leave early in the morning and return late afternoon. All day, I am the only person in the neighborhood. Working from home is great! It was around 9am when Greg came to join me. He was completely naked as always in my wife’s absence. “Hey!” he mumbled and sat...
In 2 months we had hardly uttered a sentence to each other. We weren't havi ng sex. We didn't even kiss anymore. Our relationship was at the worst it's ever been. Some fight awhile back had us acting like this. After a period of time I forgot what the fight was even about, I didn't know if it was my own fault or perhaps hers. Now we weren't at each others necks, we were cordial but we just stopped showing affection for one another. Touching seemed like it was against the rules, and we both...
LesbianIntroduction: A college guy gets his spring break reward for saving a life. Brad was rather unsure of whether he should cancel his plans for the night, or even how to go about doing that. He was invited as a special guest to one of the spring break parties being thrown by MTV. However, the way the redhead was sucking on his cock as if his cum was the nectar of the gods, he didnt know if hed be able to get away, or if hed even want to. He tried to recall the details of his day that led to this...
>>>>>> We woke up early—really early, almost an hour before the alarm so I suggested breakfast at The Bear’s Den before she had to go to work. We showered together then I lay on the towels for what turned out to be her final application of the ointment. We dressed--me in a tee and shorts, Scarlett in scrubs--and I drove to The Den in my SUV. We had been seated for several minutes when I saw a friend from school approach the table. “Got a minute, Sean?” “Sure, Rod; this is Scarlett, my...
I was in my late teens when I first realised I had a much bigger cock than other boys my age.I copped lots of good-natured ribbing about it when changing while playing various sports. By the time I was twenty I had lost my virginity and very much enjoyed both males and females being impressed by my cock as well has having them pleasure it. At twenty-five years of age I was far more sexually experienced than other men of my age. By then I had learnt much to my satisfaction that some men and...
Wo shemale mare gand chat rahe thi or min mazy min tha or sath sath mare gand min unglin under dal rahe thi mug ko bht maza aa raha tha ku k wo in sab cheezo min bht expert thi lakin mary lia ya ak new cheez thi pata ni ku min apne gand khod khol kr aghy pichy hony laga na chaty hua b ya dhak kr wo khate k gand marvany ka gand marny say zida maza ata hai min bas pagl mazy min doba bas gand chatva raha tha or wo jo dil krta tha kr rahe thi achanak wo uthe or khare hui min ny pichy dhaka us ka...
I was enjoying a quiet night at my home, reading a romance novel, and listening to the rain outside. I love to relax after a crazy, hectic day at work this week. Then, my cell phone was ringing. I got it and answered. "Hello?" I said. I was talking to my boyfriend Kevin, who lives a few blocks from me. "Hi, baby. How are you doing?" Kevin asked. "I'm fine, just relaxing by the rain, reading a book. And you?" I responded. I heard another voice saying "Hi" to me. It was Nick,...
I have this fantasy of you sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper and having coffee, wearing only a robe and black dress socks. I wake and come in to get some juice, wearing only my tighty-whiteys. I notice you've dropped a piece of the paper on the floor. I bend over to pick it up, giving you a fantastic view of the globes of my ass in the briefs, and when I straighten up and turn around. I notice a tent forming in your robe as you look me in the eye, and mom has just pulled out of the...
I don’t know who or what or where I am. I live in a bush filled valley with a rocky ocean cove to the West, mountains to the East and high spurs running down to the sea on the North and South. The spurs extend right out into the ocean and end in great rocks and cliffs with no easy way round or over them. A little stream falls from the mountains and runs down through the valley into the cove. The bush extends right over the spurs and up the mountain. My faint but terrifying earliest memory is...
It was hard to sleep that night after I had been with Jon for the first time. It was, by the way, my first "Gay" experience. I lied awake thinking of the orgasm Jon had given me and thoughts of his cock raced through my thoughts. I was nervous to see him again that next morning. I had taken a summer job painting houses and I was supposed to be at his house first thing. In the morning. I purposely was late, I was too nervous and embarrassed to face him. I was so beave and brash when I was...
91 AVIS AND HER LADYFRIENDS My friend Carol called me up one morning and asked if I would like to meet for some shopping and lunch. Since Jon and I would have the day to ourselves, I agreed and we met at the local mall. Carol approached me and unexpectedly kissed me there in the entrance way to the mall. "Good morning" she said as I looked back in mild shock. "Did I shock you?" she asked. I said I was a bit surprised, but then let it go and off we went shopping. Around noon we stopped at...
A New Secretary A Change In Robbie's Status. By Trish Edited by Robyn Hoode When I met Alan through my mum I was just getting over splitting up with Alex. He was offered a post-graduate course at University College London and we split on good terms. I had known from the moment we started seeing each other that he wanted to pursue an academic career, and would be moving away once he graduated. It was...
It was a beautiful late summer Sunday in the mountains, and as usual, I was fully dressed en-femme, sitting and relaxing on the deck. Suddenly I was startled by the sound of a car coming into the driveway! I was not expecting any deliveries, and cars do not usually drive back in here. Was it someone I knew? I made sure to be out of sight and peeked around the corner. (The deck is an L-shaped structure around two sides of the house) Two well dressed women emerged from the car and...
They were deeply in love with each other. Becky was Catholic and a virgin on her wedding night. She also would not use birth control, fortunately she had a tilted uterus which they did not learn for a year, but it prevented her from becoming pregnet. Becky was hot 5’4” tall about 105 lbs natural redhead, pure ivory Becky and Gill were newlyweds, just out of high school, they were just 18 a young innocent couple, that white skin unless she spent time out in the sun and her freckles came out. She...
Richard Secourt watched his television screen raptly, half in awe and half in amusement. Bouncing across the screen was an amazingly awesome blonde beauty with the biggest set of tits he had ever seen. She was wearing a one-piece red swimsuit and running down the beach, and those immense jugs bounced up, down, and sideways. How she avoided putting an eye out was beyond him. It was then that the back door slammed, and a feminine roar bellowed out, “You bastard! Where were you?” Richard came...
My wife and I were married for four years when we discussed swinging. Actually, she was the first to bring it up. Initially I was a shocked, but also aroused at seeing a different side to her sexuality. We placed a few ads for couples, but nothing ever really came of it. We were young– she in her mid 20s and I in my early 30s. Most couples seem to graduate to swinging a little later in life, or so it seemed. Through this exploration, we decided that we would look for another man to join us in...
Bobby found Tilly and Jake in the hallway. Tilly hugged him. “I don’t think this is a good idea,” she whispered in his ear. “I know,” he whispered back. He pulled away from her and looked at Jake, who looked a little worried. Bobby didn’t think it had anything to do with Tilly hugging him. “So ... this was your idea?” Bobby asked Jake. Jake seemed to give himself a mental shake and looked at Bobby. “Yeah,” he said, his voice a little husky. “I just think it’s time I got out more.” “You...
Nicole & Nina decide after a disappointing night at the club to head on over to the one place they can always get the dick they need. That of course is the Glory Hole downtown. It’s a girls night for sure when they walk into the back and get right to work on their knees sucking the nights offerings which are substantial in size. They tag in and out of sucking dicks and always the need to fuck overcomes them and those asses are banging against the wall to reach every inch. Finally the...
xmoviesforyouVictor had not fucked me properly during the last days; so that morning, I was horny as hell when I reached my office.At mid-morning, my Boss asked if I could go upstairs to his office. Once there, he introduced me to a new client.He was a tall black gentleman, a very handsome man.We shook hands and I got wet as I looked at him into his eyes.My Boss told him that I would be his partner during his stay here. He added that I was his best option and the new guy would not be disappointed at all. My...
I woke up, just a thin blanket on us. The warm sun on our bodies, now 8:30am. I turned my head to the side and kissed him on the forehead, I looked back up... Just to remember yesterday. "Fits perfect, thank you!" I said I was admiring my new tuxedo for my final school dance, it was black and had a black bow tie. This was the last dance of my school life, we were all eighteen and about to depart to college. Our school had rented this rather fancy place which was especially made for weddings and...
Gay MaleFor many a man out there, their first sexual experience was a hand job. That's why I like to call getting a hand job getting an "old-fashioned." Because it occupies such a quant area of human sexuality, it doesn't often get the respect it deserves. Nevertheless, I still love to get the occasional hand job, especially if it's a hidden hand job delivered in public.Hand Jobs for DummiesThere are a million ways to deliver a hand hob. The one you are probably most familiar with is the okay sign hand...
Premium Handjob Porn SitesRen pushed himself up, his hands sinking into the lush lawn. Wiping a couple of stray blades of grass off his face, he brought himself up to a kneeling position. Lethe had stepped out of the car to check on him while Katherine was walking around the front of the vehicle rubbing her stomach where it ached from laughing. Taking in his surroundings, his face fell. The mansion wasn’t really a mansion, in his mind at least. Instead of a towering Victorian-style building with a grand courtyard and...
Beep… sucked it hard her soft body… Beep… over his so wonderful skin to skin. Beep!!! Jonathan woke with a start sitting straight up. He wasn’t the only one. His member stood at full attention ten inches. Standing like a flagpole he slowly started to jerk it away. After his pleasant morning his thought more about his dream that night god Sarah incredible. His girl friend of 5 months and he was already having dreams about her. Almost every night for a week now. 5.7 130 lbs. toned as an...
Lori and Ed had called and asked for my help moving their daughter, my wife's niece Rosie. Rosie had just graduated high school at 18 and was moving into an apartment close to the university. She and her best friend Bev had found full-time jobs and wanted to try being on their own before starting evening classes at the university.We had everything loaded on Ed's pickup except for the bed and headboard from Rosie's room. Her clothes and small items filled the cab while the dresser, desk and...
TabooIn the mid 1970s, when I was young, I despised getting my haircut as my parents forced me to get a crew-cut. If you recall this was definitely an unpopular style back then. To make matters worse my dad took me to the cheapest place he could find, a nasty hole-in-the-wall barber shop that was run by old unpleasant men. The only thing that made the experience bearable was the chance that I could look at one of the Playboy or Penthouse magazines that were usually available at barbershops in...