Mr Black No 2 Mr Black s Theater
- 3 years ago
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The room wasn't really dark, only dim.
People who have lived their whole lives in the LA Metro, or any major metro area, don't know what darkness really looks like. Driving into the area across the desert you can see the glow from fifty miles away. Light pollution they call it, the dense reflection of a million street lights, stop lights, signs, headlights — even the relatively small amount bleeding through the drawn shades of all the homes — all contributing to a haze of light that suffused the entire area. Thanks to modern power technology, a complete power blackout is almost impossible in most cities. In the instant an overload occurs, automatic switches flip themselves, isolating the problem and routing around it. Of course, at the same time, major problems had a tendency to black out entire regions. I think they call it a cascade failure, and the last time one happened it was dark over most of the Eastern Seaboard. Sorry, I tend to ramble when I'm nervous.
The light coming in the window, combined with the small glow of active technology, was more than enough to see by. It's amazing how much difference the light from a single LED on a computer, monitor, or printer in standby can make in a dark room. Add in the light from Allison's alarm clock, and visibility wouldn't have been a problem unless you were walking in from the well-lit hallway, and even then your eyes would adjust quickly.
I had left from the darkness of my bathroom; the only light in the room came from an electric toothbrush charging in its stand. To me this was daylight.
As soon as we arrived Jamie had dropped to a crouch, eyes prowling the room even as I felt myself pushed out. Once more I found myself looking down as my sister took over complete control of my/our body. Behind us the door was open, and that alone said something was wrong; Allison always kept her door closed, whether she was in the room or not. There was no sign of a struggle, but the bed was unmade, showing signs of having been slept in recently.
"The blanket is gone," I pointed out.
As silently as possible, Jamie prowled closer and inspected the bed, carefully moving to keep the door and window in view at all times and crouching behind the bed to prevent our shadow from crossing either opening.
"There is a spot of blood on the sheet," she said. "Small, but it really stands out. Let's check the rest of the house."
We moved to the hallway, and I was reminded of finding your way through a video game, with that gray-black fog that covers the unexplored territory, receding as you move.
We didn't have far to go to get to the master bedroom, and again the door was open. My parents' bedroom door being closed had been enough of a barrier to keep me from invading their dreams all my life. Bob had explained that it was more of a psychological barrier than anything else; I wasn't allowed in my parents' room when the door was closed — not without knocking anyway — so I stayed away. Like Allison's, and mine now that I thought about it, they always kept it closed when they went to bed. If that wasn't enough of an indicator, the French doors leading out to the patio were open as well. From outside you could hear the faint tinkle of the wind chimes in the light breeze. On the nightstand that would be my mother's, a tissue fluttered. The light was stronger here due to the larger windows and open doors leading to the patio area.
"This is probably where they came in," I said.
As with Allison's room the blanket was missing, so was the top sheet.
"They carried them out in the bedclothes," Jamie said. "At least they're all alive."
She moved out through the French doors and onto the patio. There was a body face down in the pool. The cloud of red around the body told us how he got there. The size of the cloud, along with the fact that it was dissipating and no more was being pumped out of the body, pretty much eliminated any hope. A dark patch next to the pool caught her attention. It was more blood.
"Bitch picked a fine time to give up tranquilizers," Jamie said. "Do you know how many there are supposed to be?"
"No," I said. "Jamie, we need to call Rod, but we need to find the other guards first. Let's do the house first, just to be sure."
"Yes, we need to find the other guards, but no, we can't call Rod. We can't explain any of this without him knowing we were here. Burbank was bad enough. He suspects it was us, even though it's impossible; Rebecca knows but is choosing to ignore it. If we start doing the impossible too often, they are no longer going to be able to ignore it. What they already know we can do is dangerous enough. Let's face it; there aren't too many people we can't get information out of. Having the ability to move a thousand miles unnoticed would scare the piss out of people who deal very harshly with anything they perceive as a threat, especially things they can't control. We're about two categories above that on the list. We're going to need to talk about this, but now isn't the time."
There was a dead body watching cartoons in the living room and another one on the front porch, neatly tucked out of sight behind the hedge. It was hidden from view, but the blood trail showed he had been moved there.
"Shit," Jamie swore. "Cameras; now we need to find the control room. There will be at least one more body there, maybe two."
"We need to hurry," I said. "They'll be here soon. The only place left is the garage; it has to be in there. They pushed that guy into the pool after he was dead — after they made sure the splash wouldn't alert anyone. Someone went out of their way to do it."
"Yeah," Jamie said. Just the one word, but it was all she needed to convey that she was just as pissed as I was. Someone was going to pay for this.
The control room was behind a false wall in the garage. Looking in from the driveway it would have looked perfectly normal, but if you looked closely you would realize the inside and outside dimensions didn't match up. It wasn't a large discrepancy, only about four feet, but it ran across the whole back of the garage; you could do a lot in eighty square feet if you didn't mind working in close spaces.
The refrigerator was a fake; instead of opening into cold storage, the door opened into the control room. I probably wouldn't have found it if it hadn't already been open. We needn't have worried about the video feeds; the control room was trashed; the machines they fed into had been reduced to so much piled scrap. The last body was sprawled in a pool of blood on the floor of the garage. His hands were secured with a wire tie, and he had been shot at close range in the back of the head. I could tell it was from close range because the hair around the entry wound was singed. I learned that on CSI, too.
"We need to go, Jamie; they'll be here soon."
She was careful not to touch anything as we made our way back to Allison's room. We didn't need to go back, but I was glad we had — otherwise I wouldn't have noticed the broken chain with the two gold hearts lying on the floor next to her bed. The hearts originally came from a pair of lockets I had gotten her and Shannon for Valentines Day earlier in the year. When Shannon died, we each took half of her locket to go with our own. Mine was in a small box in the safe back at my apartment. Jamie picked Allison's up, and as she stood I spotted her photo book on the dresser. Inside were pictures of her and Shannon. An idea was forming in my mind, so I had her pick it up as well, and then we left the way we had come in.
"What now?" Jamie asked once we arrived safely back in the glade.
"The first thing we need to do is to let Lizzy know we're back safe. She and Amber will be worried. Then everybody dies."
"You mean I get to kill whoever is responsible for this?" Normally the idea of carnage and mayhem got an excited response. I realized then that while violence excited her, and she liked — loved actually — a good fight, killing was something else. There was no excitement here; her mood matched my own. It was just something that needed to be done. It was good to know. I wasn't looking forward to killing anyone either; I was just looking forward to them being dead. I promised myself I wouldn't enjoy it.
"Yes," I answered, "but Allison and my parents have to die too; it might be best if I did as well."
"Oh, god!" she exclaimed, sounding relieved. "Don't do that! For a second there I had this wild thought you were talking about us actually killing them. I know I should have known better, but just for a heartbeat ... You mean we need to fake their deaths, so no one ever tries this shit again?"
"Sorry. Yeah, that's what I meant. I'll talk to Rod and Rebecca about it as soon as they call and tell us what we already know."
"What are you thinking?" she asked.
"It depends on how Rod and his crew go in. I'd rather not think too much about that right now though. One thing at a time is about all I can handle, so let's go reassure the women, and then we'll see where we go from there."
I could tell Amber was distraught; it showed in her face, the set of her head, and the way her hands lay in her lap as she knelt next to Lizzy, who was stroking her hair unconsciously while they waited. I was so used to seeing perfection that the little differences I was seeing now stood out like stop signs. Lizzy, able to see enough just by looking, waited as I knelt before Amber and took her chin in my hand, delicately turning her head to meet my eyes.
"She is alive, Amber, and I will not rest until she is back, and those responsible are punished — this I swear to you."
A tear crept over the rim of her left eye to trickle down her cheek. I brushed it away with my thumb, and she leaned into my palm, closing her eyes and trembling slightly. She stayed there for a moment then pulled her head back and said, "Thank you, Master."
As soon as I stood up, Lizzy flowed into my arms and hugged me tightly. "I'm glad you're okay," she whispered softly. "How bad is it?"
"She took them all," I said, my head resting on her shoulder. "Allison and my parents; murdered the guards for no fucking reason!" I felt Jamie take the anger away before I even realized how mad I was. "She could have just as easily used tranquilizers on them, she obviously had them — they had to have used them on Allison and my parents while they were sleeping. I'm sure I would have noticed if anything had happened to them when they were awake. Allison at least would have tried to call me. Mom and Dad I can't be as sure of, but I think if they had woken in a panic ... I don't know ... and it doesn't really matter. What matters is that she's got them and that I'm going to get them back, and anyone that gets in my way is going to wish they had never been born."
I pulled back and continued, "This can't happen again, Elizabeth. I have to stop it here. I'm not going to let them keep hurting innocents just to get to me." I shook my head. "Four more people dead ... it ends here."
She closed her eyes and nodded slightly. "I know," she said. "It will be all right. I'm not worried about you on this one. Do what you have to do."
By 'this one', she meant as opposed to the first time I had been forced to kill to protect an innocent. She had wept for what it cost me to kill the two dirty Las Vegas cops that were hunting for Phoebe, the thirteen-year-old runaway who was the key that finally unlocked the pedophile slave ring I was in Vegas to stop. I had tried everything I could think of to find a way out of killing them; Jamie calling Sandra Atkins had been my last resort, but no one was willing to step in. Rod and Rebecca had no proof of what was happening and therefore no legal grounds. Atkins knew the truth — enough of it anyway — but wouldn't risk exposing her people by interfering in what was, on the surface, a legitimate police investigation. In the end I was the only one who could stop them. I knew why Lizzy had cried, knew what it would cost me, and what it had cost her to see me go through it, but the thought of what I knew they would do to Phoebe ... I would have paid more.
"I'm going to talk to Rod about faking my parents' deaths — Allison's too — so that no matter what happens, no one will ever be able to use them as bait or leverage again."
"That's probably for the best," she agreed. "You realize it will mean you can't see them again, right? Not right away at least; maybe not for a long time."
"I can see them anytime I want here, that's good enough. I just want them safe, or at least as safe as I can make them, but I have to get them back first."
"You will," she said. "I know you will. What are you going to tell Rod and Rebecca?"
"Just that I want them to disappear," I answered. "If it's possible, if they didn't attract too much attention responding to the safe house, I'm going to ask Rod to torch it; make it look like just another tragic house fire. They don't have to burn it down, just do enough damage to make it look real. I'll pay for the repairs. I just want them safe, and safe means dead. I can't take the chance that anyone else knows."
"Do you think they'll still be able to come to the wedding?"
I had to smile at that, and I could feel her respond to the change she had caused. She giggled and hugged me again then pulled back a little and got serious.
"Jimmy, we don't have to wait. I..."
"Yes we do," I said. "We made the commitment, and we're sticking to it. Now, if you want to move the wedding up, that's fine with me, and we can get married right here in Vegas as soon as you're here. We don't even have to tell anyone if you don't want to; I'm sure your parents would be disappointed if they found out. We can just keep it small and private, then let our parents plan a big wedding later if they want, but we're waiting either way."
"Okay. I want you, Jimmy, right now more than ever. It's probably a reaction to the situation, so I'm trying really hard to ignore it; but it's not easy, and I'm thinking really hard about taking you up on the Vegas offer, but you're right about my folks. They would be crushed if I don't do the whole big-wedding thing. And I would like my daddy to be able to give me away, but I don't know how much longer I can wait. I know I can't wait until after school, no way! Maybe until summer, but no way am I waiting four years! And if I try to talk to my mom about it that's what she'll tell me. And they'll never understand how I could be marrying someone I've known such a short time. I don't even know what to tell them about how we met."
"Well, I guess technically we met through your roommate," I said.
She smiled and gave me a little squeeze. "Yeah, that would certainly be true. Speaking of my roommate; Amber, get your cute ass up here and hug us; we need a little extra love."
"Thank you Mistress, I thought you'd never ask," she said, bouncing to her feet and snuggling into my arms facing Lizzy. "Forgive me for asking, but — am I in the wedding?"
Lizzy leaned across my chest, and Amber leaned to meet her. The kiss was intimate, soft, hot! Thankfully, they broke it off after a few seconds.
"Of course you are, silly," Lizzy said. "I couldn't possibly marry your master without you there. Maybe I should make you my maid of honor."
"I fear my honor may be somewhat sullied, Mistress."
"Why? Just become some asshole beat the hell out of you and raped you for a month? Girl, don't even go there! What happened to you was purely involuntary and doesn't count. Besides, even with that you've slept with what, four or five guys?"
"Seven," Amber replied.
"Seven?" Lizzy scoffed. "Girl, I've been with more than that in one week. Did Jimmy tell you about the time I blew the starting five on the boys' basketball team because I lost a bet?"
"Oh my God!" Amber said, shocked but giggling. "You're kidding! You didn't really, did you?"
"Yep, I did!" Lizzy said proudly. "Not only that, but I lost the bet on purpose. So don't talk to me about your honor being tarnished princess; I've done way more than you, and mine were all intentional — except the first one of course, and my rape was nothing like yours."
"You were raped?" Amber said, pulling away and staring at her in shock. "I didn't know."
"Of course you didn't know, silly. I never told you, and certainly no one else who knew would say anything. It's how I knew what you were going through, how cut off you felt, because I'd felt it myself."
My phone chose that moment to ring, and since I had been expecting the call, I reached for the nightstand and answered it without thinking, dividing my attention between the two realities.
"It's me, call me back."
I switched phones and hit the speed dial for Rod's phone. As usual he didn't bother saying hello, but jumped straight in.
"Your parents and your sister are gone." Expecting a panicked response, he rushed right into the explanation before I had a chance. "Now that's not as bad as it sounds because it means they're alive, and as long as they're alive there's hope. It could have been worse..."
Yeah, I knew that already. "What about your agents that were watching them?" There was silence while he debated telling me. I didn't wait.
"They're dead aren't they? She killed them."
He let out a sigh, "Yeah, they're all dead."
"Rod, how much attention did you attract going in?"
"None, it was a tactical situation not an assault; we came in hoping that if things had gone bad, they wouldn't be expecting us, why?"
"Because I think you're wrong. I think..." the pause was just for effect. "I think we all died tonight."
He caught on right away. "You're worried that even if we get them back this could happen again."
"This can't ever happen again Rod, and if we're all dead, it won't."
"I hear what you're saying. How did you die? Do I just use what we found and say the people who you were hiding from found you?"
"No, I was thinking of something that wouldn't make the Bureau look incompetent, like a routine house fire in the middle of the night. You could probably do it with minimal damage if you were careful, and I'd pay for any repairs. Rod, I don't want any more innocent people to die because someone is after me. She killed your agents for spite. They had tranquilizers; they would have had to because if Allison had awakened scared I would have known it."
"You would?" He asked.
I realized I was treading on dangerous ground here, giving away information that I really didn't want getting out.
"I think I would have, for Allison. That's how I knew something was wrong — when she didn't show up in the dream I looked for her, and she wasn't there."
"Okay, we're getting into areas I don't understand, and frankly don't want to understand, so let's get back to the subject at hand. You want to fake your parent's, and Allison's, deaths."
"And mine," I corrected him.
"That's not going to get them back."
"I'm not worried about that; I'm only concerned with the future. I won't allow this to happen again."
There was a long silence, and I knew he was thinking of five dead bank robbers, a bloody warehouse, and maybe even two dead Las Vegas cops; he wasn't a hundred percent sure I'd done that particular job, but he had to suspect. Eight is a pretty impressive body count for a sixteen year old. Decades of historical research put Billy the Kid at no more than nine, and he took six more years to do it. So far, every one of mine was to protect the lives of innocent people, but I could understand why Rod was worried.
Finally he continued, "The fire is one possibility. Another is to publicize that they were kidnapped, and blame their deaths on the kidnappers."
"I thought of that," I said, "but again, I'm trying for a solution that doesn't make the Bureau look bad. A family that disappeared into protective custody being kidnapped from an FBI safe house is not going to instill confidence in future witnesses as to your ability to protect them."
"In this case it just happens to be true," he quipped.
"Rod, this only happened because it was Henslith. She's probably been raiding your database ever since she got there looking for information she might need someday. She's a professional killer, and knowing the locations of FBI safe houses would be money in the bank down the road."
"That's certainly true," he said thoughtfully. "I think I'll have Freeman take a hard look at the computers and see if she left anything behind that might still be allowing her access."
"Probably a good idea," I agreed. "Rod, I know what's worrying you. It worries me too, but can you honestly say there was any other choice for any of them? You couldn't even find Kurtz, and if you had and you had arrested him instead of killing him ... Even he was afraid of what might have happened. That's why he killed himself."
"Don't say any more, Jimmy. I know they were necessary; those men at the bank were planning on killing all of you, and the evidence all says they killed each other. Andrews and Charles were hunting an innocent thirteen year old girl to kill her."
"They were going to do more than just kill her, Rod. Andrews..."
"I know, Bex told me everything you've found out; she said even Atkins' people weren't willing to take action against them because it might expose them. And again, there is nothing to point to you. That's the part that really worries me Jimmy. If you went bad they could all be like that, just mysterious deaths with no clue to what really happened. Jimmy, I've been around this game for a long time. Killing takes a toll."
This time I was silent before finally saying, "Yes ... it does, but Rod, you've been around the game long enough to know that sometimes it's the only choice you have. I think the key is to not be the one making that decision. Not letting yourself be the one who decides. I'm asking you now Rod, is there another way? One on one, right now, you have a gun in your hand and one shot at Henslith. Do you take the chance? Knowing what it means down the road, do you give her a chance to escape? If you found her tomorrow, is there any evidence that you can use against her for anything? Or could she really just walk back into her life like we think?"
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The BlacksmithThe divorce had been final for almost a year.? Maria and the business were long gone, it was her concept and hard work anyway.? I kept the 2 acres in Connecticut and the beach house in Laguna, both already paid for, and more than enough money to enjoy them both.? I wanted out and she wanted more.? We were both very different people now, I had taught Maria business, and she taught me the intimacy of sex.? She showed me ways to enjoy sex my rigid Connecticut upbringing never dreamed...
Dreamscape III By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 3: Kirk, Janet and Betty I pulled into the parking lot a full 45 minutes early and sat in my car. I needed to get my mind around the idea that I was actually going to work. Never had I been this nervous reporting to a job, but never have I done so in a body, which was not mine. Craig Morton, my former self, was an advertising executive at the tender age of twenty-five - a well established wunderkind with a reputation throughout...
My husband Brian is at work and I am home alone, I have just stepped out of the shower and I'm feeling horny. I lie on the bed and start to tease myself with my finger, mmm my pussy juices are flowing and I am already so moist. I lean across the bed and reach for the drawer that holds all my big black dildos. I reach in and take several out and stand them at the side of the bed, then my hand grasps the biggest big black dildo I own, yes this will do nicely!! My husband Brian loves to watch me...
My husband Neil is at work and I am home alone, I have just stepped out of the shower and I'm feeling horny. I lie on the bed and start to tease myself with my finger, mmm my pussy juices are flowing and I am already so moist. I lean across the bed and reach for the drawer that holds all my big black dildos. I reach in and take several out and stand them at the side of the bed, then my hand grasps the biggest big black dildo I own, yes this will do nicely!! My husband Neil loves to watch me...
It had been almost two years since my ex-husband announced he wanted a divorce. His announcement was a shock to say the least and his admission that he was moving in with his secretary was a punch in the gut. Before that day I thought I was living a happy, almost perfect life. I was married to a successful businessman, we had two wonderful, healthy c***dren and I was content with being a stay-at-home mother & his trophy wife. Although I am in my early 40's, I am still considered very...
It has been almost four months since Amber has slept with anyone other than her husband, the pale blonde slutwife moved three months ago for her husband's career leaving all her old playmates. When they first moved in she considered starting a family but Kyle, her husband, didn't feel ready to stop their exploring, he suggested they wait until they were well settled in the new place and then they'd discuss it. In those three months Amber started to follow her fertility chart just in case but...
Normally, I enjoyed the Friday night dances at the works when I was the duty manager. All I had to do was to ensure there was no trouble and to make sure the bar shut at 10.30 and the room was clear by 11.00pm so that security could release the guard dogs. I loved to dance, but tonight all the best girls seemed to have partners. But then my attention was drawn to a young lady dancing with one of the single men, she looked utterly bored, and the glance she threw me as she passed close by me...
EroticTell me about Diana.” Diana is a beautiful and well-built woman, and even at the age of forty-eight she looks much younger. So I told Jefferson, “Well, I think she’s a beauty, even though I haven’t been able to fuck her much lately. She’s five feet and six inches tall, weighs one hundred and twenty-five pounds, and has naturally-blonde hair and green eyes. Her breasts are large and shapely, I think 36Ds, and her ass is full and shapely. I heard you telling Sammy what you want to do with her,...
I would like to start out that as a 40 year old male, I have always had a fairly perverse mind while my wife is more on the prudish side. Over the years I have slowly gotten my wife to go from only making love in the dark and missionary style to introducing toys and talking about fantasies. Our sex life has gotten better and my mind has gotten more perverted the further we have come. A few years back, I was walking into the locker room at the gym I belong to and a black guy was changing. He was...
The weather was perfect for a late summer day in San Diego. The sky was cobalt blue with billowy white puffy clouds, it was calm and the warm sun was shining down on Tony as he set up his beach chair near the back of the beach, next to the high cliffs that kept Black's so private. He didn’t get to San Diego often but whenever he did, he always tried to get to Black’s Beach if the weather was nice.Tony looked around and surveyed the smattering of other nude beachgoers. He liked to be near the...
College SexThe weather was perfect for a late summer day in San Diego. The sky was cobalt blue with billowy white puffy clouds, it was calm and the warm sun was shining down on Tony as he set up his beach chair near the back of the beach, next to the high cliffs that kept Black's so private. He didn’t get to San Diego often but whenever he did, he always tried to get to Black’s Beach if the weather was nice.Tony looked around and surveyed the smattering of other nude beachgoers. He liked to be near the...
College SexI met Alan my last year in college. He was getting his MBA and we were introduced by a girlfriend of mine who I'd gone to high school with. What got me interested in him, even before we met, was that Alice had told me he was the best guy in bed she'd ever had. And Alice was a very popular young woman. So, when she introduced us at a party, I just knew I had to see if she was right. Now, that sounds pretty bold, maybe even a bit slutty. Well, that's not quite right, actually, I'm pretty shy when...
Exhibitionism?? ? ? ? Everyone knows that Summertime is when the big movie blockbusters come out. Well, it is no different for Mr. Black and his underground film operation. It's just that whereas the major films take a year to make, Mr. Black's often take only a day.? ?? ? ? ?Dressed in tan slacks of a light breathable material, a black short sleeve pullover of cashmere, Italian loafers with no socks, and a simple platinum watch, Mr. Black walked down the hall of his studio toward the first sound stage....
Mr. Black at His Private School by dale10 Southeast Asia is the perfect place to start a private boys' school.Its easy to get government permission to start a school because these countries want their people educated. Familes want their sons to succeed in the world. Boys are often shipped off to schools for years at a time. Many of the schools control every aspect of a boy's life, the perfect situation for a pervert like Mr. Black Whenever Mr. Black needed a break from his porno industry;...
Until a couple of years ago my wife, Amy, and I both worked for the police. More specifically, she was with the vice squad and I worked in fraud. So each day we would go in together, team up with our respective partners and do our days work until it was time to go home - same as most jobs, just not your usual employer.From time to time, if a big bust was going down, we both understood that the other would have to go incognito and may be away for sometimes days and other times weeks until the...
Dreams of a Black Horse Last night, I dreamed of a blackhorse. Upon waking, I looked in the dictionary of dreams I keep in mybedside table, to see if there is any significance to this particularnight time vision. It seems a dream of a black horse is a dream of passion.Considering all that has happened in the past weeks, I am not surprised. The dreams began just after I started working for Nick. The first was oftravel and next was adventure and now passion. If that was not enough as Igot to...
Lightning flashed across the dark sky as Steve lifted his travel bag from the open trunk of Crystal's Taurus. He opened the door for her and said, "I see my new roomie is home. It will be raining cats and dogs by the time you get back to the Campus. You might as well come in for a drink or two, meet Jack, and we can watch TV or whatever until the storm passes. Thunder rolled ominously. Steve took Crystal's hand and led her to up to the door of his apartment. He set the bag down and began...
It was a day like any other. I was sitting in my office, masturbating to porn on my computer when I hear "What are you watching?" I turned around and saw my beautiful wife staring at me. I couldn't tell if she was mad, upset, or anything in between. She walked up to me and looked over my shoulder at the computer monitor at what I was watching. "What's cuckold?" I was so afraid of what my wife would think of me. I knew she could Google it, so I just told her. "It's like when a wife fucks other...
Kimberly waited over a week for him to visit again. Every day she anticipated it, she even made sure to be dressed for it, but to no avail. Jordan kept her dangling on a string. She finally had to do something. One night when Taylor was showering, she grabbed her phone and got Jordan's number. The next day she called and left a message. Nothing.She called again the next day.Nothing.She called again the next day, this time she left a very dirty message, desperate to get what she wanted, not even...
The young black man hammered Kimberly's pink white pussy with the powerful punishing strokes of his monster sized dick.Kimberly thrashed violently as her BBW body blasted from one orgasm to the next. Her naked body was covered in sweat as the black man pounded her harder and harder. "FUCKKKKK MEEEEEEEE," she screamed, "FUCK MEEEEEEEE." Her watermelon size titties with their large stiff nipples bounced painfully as she dwelled on the edge of ecstasy. The fact that this 21 year old black man...
I have been married to a great woman for 25 years now. Katie is my high school sweetheart and we spent 7 years together before we got married. She teaches 12th grade at the local high school and I am a self employed contractor.Katie looks very good for a 48 year old woman. Dark hair and eyes, 5'-1" tall, 130 pounds, full 34B cup boobs with the right amount of sag, voluptuous curves and just the right amount of age lines. She tries to stay fit and does regular cardio workouts. That also helps...
I have been out if contract on my Samsung phone for over a year. I wasn't happy with it was looking forward to upgrading. Problem was I needed something free cause college was consuming all of my funds. As luck would have it, Walmart had a Black Friday deal on iPhone 5C. $45 for a two year contract and you receive a $75 Walmart gift card. Seemed like a no-brainer to me.My friends and I had been out shopping since about 8PM Thanksgiving day and it was now 6AM when we arrived at Walmart. I went...
Hello readers, I’m Manny in my 30’s from New Jersey, married and have 1 child. I am not going to tell you a story but going to tell about chance meeting on Black Friday shopping trip on November 22, 2012 that led to a true incident which I never dreamed would happen in my life. I was just looking around for dress shirts and ties at the Van Heusen store when I heard a female voice saying nice colors. I turned around and see a female and gave her a smile and thanked her for liking my choice. I...
I pulled up to Aaron's apartment complex after dark but stayed in my car for several minutes. 'I can't believe I'm doing this.' I thought. My phone buzzed, Aaron was texting me, "Did you find the Apartment ok?"I snatched up the phone and punched the keys like they owed me money, "Yea I just don't know what number.""13." His response was immediate.I sighed and checked my hair in the rear view mirror one more time. I occupied myself with weather my hair looked better in front of or behind my...
Hi my name is Brandi, I was married just 9 months ago to a man who I thought was perfect. I grew up in New York and had friends of many races but had never dated outside my own. My husband was a small town southern boy with all the charm in the world. We went to college together and dated for the last two years. Just a month after graduation we were married. We moved to his hometown where he went into the family business.We had our own apartment but every Sunday it was dinner at his family's...
Amber's head spun as she woke the next day, she was slightly hung over but had a clear recollection of the night before. She was disappointed and disgusted with herself noticing a large pool of Henry's dried cum on the couch beneath her, as she stood up more seeped from her aching pussy. After cleaning herself up she messaged her husband telling him she had been with someone, they were always honest with each other which is why she was hoping he wouldn't ask about who it was."Did you have a...
It all started one day at the mall after leaving my friends. I was running late so I used the parking garage, which was not done by the cool k**s. After leaving my friends to go home I was m*****ed in the garage.My friends and I didn't bother to change from our cheerleading uniforms before going either. Besides, we enjoyed teasing all the boys when we walked around in those tiny red skirts and tight tops. The male population all ogled our very feminine frames. Being only eighteen, at 5'8" with...
As I drove my k**s to school in the morning, I was so horny as my husband now watch's porn and jerks his tiny cock off and leaves it up to me to take care of myself thank god for vibrators. I noticed how ugly my yard was compared to my neighbors. As I drove home, I noticed two black males (wearing jeans, t-shirts, and work boots) doing some gardening around a local gas station. I pulled into the station and parked over by their truck. I made sure I looked as well as I could and stepped out of...
After my mother divorced she took up with a black man. I was shocked to be honest. My Mom was always so conservative and all of a sudden there is this black man at our house. His name was Jess and right from the first, I could see him looking me over. I thought I would tell my mother about my concerns, but she would never listen to me. She was getting black cock and she loved it.Jess stayed over one night and then the next morning my Mom said she needed to go out and do a little shopping. I...
It was barely dawn when Amber awoke, she didn't feel quite as sore this time. In her morning clarity she reasoned her situation, the only safe way would be not to see him anymore. Her pussy ached at the thought, she had to call her husband. It was early and he was still getting ready, putting her on speaker phone Kyle patiently waited for her to bring up Henry while they exchanged pleasantries and she asked about his trip."I was with Henry again." She spoke nervously."Is everything ok?" He...
(Adults Only. Copyright@Rama. 2013) Somewhere. The smell was sharp, cutting through to her brain and waking her up quickly. Carol jerked up and felt the soft blindfold around her eyes leaving her in the dark. Feeling the metal around her wrists, she realised she was handcuffed in a chair, and bare-foot, too. Still clothed but bare-foot. Her belt was gone. “What the hell--” she started to say then heard the voice. A deep and masculine male voice. “Bitch is awake.” the voice...
(Adults Only. Copyright@Rama. 2013) Eglin City Police Department. Holding Cells. Night. “I don’t know what happened to you,” Mike Pernell said, gripping Patty Heinrich’s hair as he thrust his hips towards her face and enjoyed the gagging sounds. “But I fucking like it.” The black police officer closed his eyes and moaned as he pushed his thick cock further past the white woman’s lips. His cock was in her throat. He felt her hands grip his ass cheeks and pull as his balls were...
The Princess and the BlacksmithOnce upon a time, in a castle on a mountain surrounded by forests there lived a beautiful young girl called Princess Lilla who everyone fell in love with until they met her and realised what a spoiled, vicious tongued, vindictive, vile little madam she really was.Her father loved her and would do anything for her because she was completely impossible if he didn't, and her mother left years ago because she couldn't stand the constant tantrums.Meanwhile at the edge...
(Adults Only. Copyright@Rama. 2013) Eglin City. Lade and Ninth Street. Night Except for the dark blue tunic that flapped open, she was naked and her skin pale in the moonlight. Her nipples were perky in the cold night air and her recently shaved crotch still buzzed with the feeling of nakedness that her pussy lips now enjoyed. The white woman held herself up as she made her way along the wall. The cold didn’t bother her. The concrete under her naked feet didn’t bother her. Only...
Taylor had class most of the day on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Jordan knew that her mom didn't have a job. He decided he would go to Taylor's house and to "see Taylor" and act dumb like he had forgotten that she had class all day. He would see how her mom reacted and that might help him decipher all things he was wondering about the chubby little middle age woman with the huge tits who just happened to be his girlfriend's mom.The doorbell rang and Kimberly panicked a bit. She wasn't expecting...
A few weeks ago, my mother's black lover Jess, had sex with me. Let's just say he took what he wanted and that was my young, white pussy. Since that first time, Jess has been pouring his hot spunk into my pussy. I am worried because Jess refuses to wear a rubber and I am not on the pill. I know it is just a matter of time until Jess fertilizes me. One afternoon my Mom was out of the house. As usual, Jess came into my room and he stripped down. I was now staring at his huge, black dick. Jess has...